Ep.10 (19.07.20) - Cromwell (1970): Keep Your Powder Dry
Golden Talkies- 1,237 views
- 22 Aug 2020
In this week's extra long episode, we look at 1970's Cromwell, featuring Richard Harris, Alec Guinness and Timothy Dalton and directed by Ken Hughes. Please note this is in fact a minisode rather than a megasode as we were in a rush. Sorry lol
Yo, Bitchiest, what's going on? Hello, everyone. It's Goldenthal, his time. What's he gonna talk? Turkey's Jamie.
It's a podcast where we talk about films that came out exactly 50 years ago, go today or yesterday in this case, what film we're watching today is 1970s Cromwell starring Richard Harris and Alec Guinness.
Like milkiness, like regular. How how are you?
I'm in quite a rush. This there's going to be quite a rush episode, isn't it?
We think this is the first Mini, so I decided he could be. So I'm I'm the reason to rush half an hour. The reason that we're rushing is I'm off. I'm off next week. There's no podcast next week. And we felt that we need to do in this case. But we've ended up being quite busy today. But it's fine, don't worry, because we're still going to be here for a podcast and it's going to be great.
But also and also my notes are almost entirely handwritten and which has been for the last few weeks, my pen broke.
So I have learned you have no notes. OK, so it's really an interesting one. Lamoriello and Baby.
So hopefully probably the plot summary this week.
Hopefully this is not your first episode because it could be the worst yet or it could not be.
On the other hand, only ways off our other episodes are better.
The maybe I mean, we just started this one, Jimmy Whoknows, I think all know this one is going.
So yeah.
As you said this week, we're watching Chromeo. Um, yeah. Jordano sucks. Dick Jundah. An interesting fact. So, as you know, for historical context, I used TV back to you and I sponsor not a sponsor, but they wanted sponsors come ahead and it's a website that you put in a day and it gives you stuff for that day. And so it has it has the magazine covers and stuff, but it also always has films on it.
And I never mention the films because obviously this whole podcast is about watching films and the ones that they have never seem to line up. But this is the first week where the film that we've watched has been on TV Pactio as a film that was popular this week. Wow. A massive financial failure. I don't know, but it was there, it was there, too, and I don't know. Was it a financial failure? Is that true? I think so.
Well, it seemed like something to be very expensive. Certainly looked fucking expensive. Yeah. Uh. Every time I type chromo into Google, it just comes up with the dude rather than the film. So just for context, Cranwell is a historical drama film, very much of the genre of this film that cost 20 billion dollars to make that bankrupt.
Everyone who was involved, eight eight million won it cost. You go over my computer for, uh. Well, are you OK? Yeah, my computer died. It was horrible. Oh, no tasteful funeral for it later. Cool.
Oh, wait, let me get my phone recordings back up here.
Oh, no, I'm completely wrong. Sorry. Was the most popular movies. Yeah. It seemed it didn't seem bad, but it received an unfavorable reception which was OK and recorded and recording my phone as well.
So if for some reason my laptop to my PC crashes, then I guess this is where we'll be staying. And yeah, chromeo so yeah, I think it was a popular one. I mean the fact is on TV because that suggests that it is.
It just, you know, so Crundwell to save time, we new to the synopsis, you all know who Oliver Cromwell is or you should think of civil war. It happens. Charles is the tyrant, Oliver Cromwell. He's here to take him down a peg. Hurray. Sure. That's the film. Yep, thanks for listening to these folks. I feel I got a great time to the very essence of this.
Yeah, so. Yeah, um, I guess we don't have to go for it. Plot point was supposed to be super long. Well, yeah, OK, so Oliver Cromwell, he's dissatisfied with what the king's doing. He's disbanded parliament 12 years. Yes, he's very upset about this fact because he is a parliamentarian. Yes. And rumblings of civil war. And he's like, no, no, no, I can't do his accent. No proper Englishman would never raise arms against the king.
It's very I disagree with what you say about the right to say, you know. Right. He's like a king, but I'd lay down my life for his honour. Yeah, but that here's the charge. And he sees that the dole in it. He's become a fucking Catholic. He has a CHL. I speak from a Catholic sympathiser. This is disgusting. To crumble on the Puritan beliefs.
The big Protestant the Reformation is he is a big Protestant big time as he throws a tantrum and chucks everything in the church everywhere.
Yeah, this film very down on Catholics in the way that I realise is trying to be loyal for the time, but don't come across the A. Well, at least to me. Yeah.
I mean don't you think I guess at this time, at the time it came out that was probably a pretty. Major Femi's. All right, well, not to say I think even at the time, like the main anti Catholic thing, it's true that the king is betraying his morals, which is supposed to be a problem for him with the Catholics. So it's supposed to be like, you know, he has one job and he's not doing it.
Well, the way it comes across in the film is that, like Oliver will say things like, I will not rest until every Catholic is dead and buried themselves. Like, yeah, go all over.
Yeah, well, yeah. I mean, Oliver Cromwell is a pretty extreme, you know, great.
Have a good track record in real life.
We should also say, yeah, he's a pretty extreme like Protestant. There is no other and correct way. Everyone else is a bastard. Yeah. It's like in the film The Law of Irish People. Yes.
And do you know the bit of trivia about that? The the guy that was playing Cromwell was Irish?
I would say Richard Harris was like, I don't wanna say a fan, but he had said IRA some things before.
Yeah, he's a fierce and he's a fierce Irish and Oliver Cromwell of old people.
So I've got a quote here for him. And he says, He surpassed the historical circumstances and became intrigued with Cromwell as a symbol of integrity, anxious to reform society. And he insisted it wasn't necessary for an actor to strictly believe in a character he was playing and said he drew inspiration from criminals, idealistic nature, his goals to the country of aristocratic hands and his rigorous self-discipline, a trait he admired. That's from IMDB.
So to me, sounds suspiciously like damage control. And yeah, I mean, I guess there's a I mean, I agree that, like an actor obviously doesn't have to sympathize with the characters they play.
Well, this is a very positive portrayal in this film, which I think is really weird. He's not remembered.
Well, it is, but I feel like it's also quite sympathetic to the king at points. Um, yeah. I don't think it really takes I don't think it takes a side.
I think it's more just you see who wins. You know, it does kind of take I mean, it's about Cromwell. That's the point. Right.
It's firmly on from one side that is that the film is about but well, it gives the gives the king his time on the podium.
Yeah, that's what I mean.
That's I mean, it's not like it's just purely and. Like, let's just pro Cromwell, the king is absolutely horrible, it does show the sides of them, but yeah, you're right, it is definitely I just maybe maybe you feel differently.
I feel the general narrative angle that most people take in British in British history is that Oliver Cromwell was kind of in the wrong because he sucked. Yeah.
Like sort of like Charles either good but ineffective or like completely innocent. Thought the first time I talk about him is like, you know, Oliver Cromwell had to come along and ruin everything. Yeah.
I mean, you're like I mean, when you think about it, actually, maybe it is a good thing to overthrow King, but I don't think history reminded me.
I disagree with that, as you know. OK, but as we know, as a country.
But I think I think that I think you're right. And I think that the side that they're showing is the lead up to. Although even at the end, it was what it was going to say is and they're not showing the sort of pure Puritan stuff that happened afterwards and they're just showing the lead up to him get rid of the king. But then there's the weird narration at the end where it's like Chromeo led to land and made it a prosperous, prosperous nation until the horrible, nasty people reinstated the king.
It seems like such a weird vibe because it was the people that were St. Charles the second. You know, it's not like it was some like force.
Take me I'll be on an expert for the monarchy restoration. I feel like at the very least, given that we're still living in the monarchy restoration, it's a weird tack to assume that your audience is going to be all in. Exactly.
Well, having having having seen horrible histories, Jamie, and listen to the Charles the second so many times. Yeah, I know. This is very cool. I know that he loved the people and the people loved him so much that the restored the English monarchy. And he was he was the king that brought back partying as well. So you do have to think about that, you know. That's true. It's very fun and horrible histories. What do you think about this as I had a government, perhaps not a great sign?
Well, the king of partying. Yes, I mean, I think that's pretty it. OK, living under some pretty hellish. Well, I mean, that's the thing like that's what we're saying, no one really knows what they want. I'm sure the people will not remember it as a good ruler. No, I can't.
I mean, I guess what this film is is is talking about is the importance of a democratic parliament.
And well, this was the other thing I was going to talk about, because, like, obviously the sympathetic tack for Cromwell is he was getting rid of the cardinals, installing democracy. That's not what he wanted to do. No.
Well, that was what he wanted to do is kind of what ended up happening, though, because that's what they say at the end. As you say, the king came back, but it was never the same again. And Cromwell whole hoping for the film is that he doesn't necessarily want to go to the king. He just wants to get rid of all the power of the king, which is, you know, I mean, a very, very valid opinion, like my.
But the thing is, like democracy, as we know, it wasn't really like conceived of at that time. It just wasn't a thing people were thinking. Oh, yeah. So I'll be honest, I don't quite know the exact governmental system, but my beliefs and I assume it was like benevolent. I mean.
Well, he did he did say democracy and he could send someone the king, I think, in the film. Yes, but not no.
Samuel the King said something about democracy being a Greek. A Greek. Yeah. Idear.
Well, that's the only way anyone would have heard of that, because this is completely unrelated. But I was reading about the French Revolution and Napoleon. Someone was asking, like, if they have this revolution for democracy, like why would they hand over to Napoleon immediately? And it was just like, well, people didn't really think of democracy as an option back then. They assumed that you had to have, like, one person in charge, but you needed to have a good person there.
You know, it was about like having a good king rather than about King rather than.
Yeah, preferring the system itself. So at least from what I've seen, Oliver Cromwell also was not a democracy boy.
No, he was you know, he's kind of like, uh, Palpatine, you know. You know, Duncan, it's usually me he lowers the, uh, this is the fourth Fort Carson heard. He believes in the democracy. He believes in the republic or whether that's not palpating.
That's, uh, that's that's Ben Kenobi, who is also in this film. But no. Is he same actor Alec Guinness is in the film. Oh, Alec Guinness, sorry. Oh, we like you. McGregor is not in this film. And given that. Yeah.
You saw a surprise. Yeah, it seemed like a weird, weird note, but, you know, maybe it was like a baby. We had the new movie stars. The young Ewan McGregor is born in 1971.
So he just he just missed out on a piece. Just missed.
But oh, and this is interesting stuff like Ewan McGregor and it's got all his films and the poster for to sleep is in French. It's interesting how Google, you know, is an interesting doctor sleep. I've not seen it. Neither have I. No.
And what were you saying before that? OK, so I've looked at both type of government was created by after the Civil War. And just as a republic, he helped create a republic, but then he ruled as Lord Protector. I mean, the the way the film presents is that he wanted a full on parliament, but then he realized that all the people that were in the parliament were ourselves that were just using it to get their own advantage. And he yeah, it's it's yeah, it's that thing is that thing of he's very happy for the to be one leader that does everything as long as it's him and that fits perfectly to his ideas, which I feel is kind of not that weird.
I feel as kind of a thing. You see a lot isn't it.
I think yeah. Even watching this film, like not knowing the reality is pretty obvious from like moment one, that this is a very polished up portrayal of Oliver Cromwell. Absolutely. A lot more.
He's very he's big on the whole inspiring speeches.
He's got his ideals and he's going to those I think are a long fucking time.
There's a there's a lot of times when he's saying he'll be sitting looking very moody or very angsty. And I think it happens at least three times in the film where everyone's silent and it's like a close up of him just sitting all like angsty. And then he stands up and then just gives a slight rousing speech.
He gets everyone on his side, you know.
Exactly. I just you know, in The Simpsons, when they do those, like parodies of historical films, it's like that, but yeah.
So, yeah. I think Richard Harris does a decent enough in the role he's very clearly, you know, turning on the thespian. Yes. So that's your taste or not.
So, Richard, Richard Harris was Dumbledore. Yes, for two minutes, and then he passed away a really sad thing. Yeah, Richard Harris will not going to play Dumbledore, but those granddaughter asked him and he said I did it for her. But he said, like, you really worried that you would only ever be known for Dumbledore and everyone would ignore the rest of his work. And I'll be honest, that's the only thing I knew that before, which is pretty.
Yeah, that is very sad. But I mean, I guess. He yeah, he was on the air for two films, maybe that's like the ideal way to do it by choice, where, like, he made his image, his granddaughter had people so he didn't have to sit through nine films.
I like him a lot more than Michael Gambon stumble, although I can't imagine Dumbledore did so many of the action scenes. I thought he had a good screen.
How old would he have been? I think, you know, quite young to die.
He was born in 1913, died in 2002. So he was 72 when he died. That seems like that's like just young is just young. But it feels like if you're making a long film series, that's quite old actor to cast. I guess for how well, I mean, not really, not really. How old is Michael? I mean, he has to play an old person, obviously. Yeah, no, I mean, I'm not.
Although actually, I guess Michael Gambon is 79 now.
He's 10 years older than Richard. Yeah, 10 years younger. Yes, I guess I guess that's kind of what I'm thinking is you would get someone that looks old, but not like sort of like you say.
Then again, when they're making the first half of the film, we wouldn't know how it got into.
You got to know they were probably assuming. Yeah, but then again, I mean, if you Alan Rickman died, it was 60 something.
Right, or really, anyone can die. He was young, he was 70, so I guess, yeah. Anyway, I hope you're all fine, but yeah. So I guess you don't really know and I don't see.
Yeah, OK, right, let's get shall we talk about Alec Guinness before I might go on a controversial tack and say I didn't like Alec Guinness as a king.
I like that. Um, I thought he has weird tax, at least for a lot of the film was as though he was just kind of tired and didn't really care.
Yeah, it was I feel like the the kind of messed up habited ticking because. The. Kind of presented him as being innocent of everything whilst also showing him do the exact things he's accused of, and I feel like you either have to either have to make it that he doesn't actually do the things he sort of tricked into it, or you have to make him look actually bad, whereas it kind of feels like. I guess I guess an element of is is know I've said this before on the podcast.
I don't want to come across as incredibly sick, but I feel is not a case of a character just being a little too nuanced for the film, actually. And that's exactly what other than Alec Guinness is such a car to. Yeah.
And just over there feeling emotions and it doesn't really gel.
That's exactly what I was trying to say. Yeah. You put it a little bit like he's on the one hand, you say it's really good that they showed him different sides of the character and like, you're not quite sure what his intentions are. But on the other hand, in a film like this, it's supposed to be so pro one side and like show him do all these terrible things. It was a bit of a weird thing, especially since they don't show Craughwell doing bad things.
If they showed Krochmal doing bad things and good things and he showed the King doing bad things, good things, you could say, oh, this is a hard war.
It's hard to decide between light and morally grey.
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. You have you have an entirely good character, according to the film on one side, and then you have a character that you don't really know on the other side. And it just feels like if you're going to go that deep into characters and character traits Chromeo had. So Chromeo has so much stuff that you could do that with. You could so many things with his actual real life character that he could pick out and business.
Exactly. Because as you were just saying earlier, it's weird how good Oliver Cromwell is portrayed so clearly, like conscious decision, but it's already weird, like with the right of the rest of the films. The father, like he also has a King Charles being presented as a more nuanced character. When you go to used, nuanced as you're exactly the nuance in the weirdest possible direction. Because if you're going to do nuance problem, well, I think almost everyone would make him an outright villain rather than a hero, possibly.
Or I mean. Yeah, exactly. The way to do, obviously, is to show show the good morals that he has for the film and then show him taking that too far. That's all they had to do because that that we can you can you can believe that that's what happened. That genuinely, deep down is a good man. And they believed in this thing. But then he let he let himself be blinded by his religion and by his strong, strong beliefs.
And that's all this film would have to show in order to have two characters.
I agree. Depending on how like liberal you want to be with historical truth, you can make sure that Craughwell was always Roter, but so was King Charles, or you can show that like this is just the point. The cycle of violence meant so horrible it keeps happening. We can show you Cromwellian slowly corrupted or you can just have King Charles. We are not white, snarling villain and that will be at least more entertaining.
Yeah, there's just a lot of directions. You go, this one's just. Strange, huh? Yeah, but I I still have to say that I like how. Yeah. It's just so weird how they don't acknowledge how bad Kromah was. It's just it's sick. I realize it's just the modern context because like, right now there's a lot of discussion about crime in Ireland.
But, yeah, it's just it's so surreal to see because I've only ever known Cromwell considered either, like neutral or bad. Yeah, I've never seen anyone be propranolol in my life. No, now you're strange, now you know a whole and now I have. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's an interesting film. As I was saying, I did like Alec Guinness, even though the rule wasn't written necessarily like Alec Guinness is an actor to play was.
Yeah, I've seen him in Lawrence of Arabia, of Star Wars.
I have not seen the most movie I like about you.
And I want to see it. You I've seen you cinematographer Clive that and I have not seen all of it. I was watching it on DVD and DVD.
I like and I really you know, what unites Richard Harris. And I'm going to start going to say the horses.
Oh, really? Oh, he didn't talk to Dr. Zhivago. He would have been nothing think he was also in Oliver Twist from 1948. That's not the musical then, is it? That's not musical.
Do you know who do you know what else? The director of Oliver, the musical director. I tell you, because it's going to be tell me, I feel like I do know, but tell me, you know, I'll see you here the rest of the ferdman as well. Oh, yeah.
I did know that because we said we studied we studied the ferdman and I remember that. Yeah, it's pretty good. Carol Reed.
And yeah, we have someone who I thought was a woman.
And so I looked him up and saw a woman, a woman making films in the 60s. Jamie, what would you like?
You know, Agnes Agnes Varda, don't you fool? I know you. I'm joking. Your favorite film was even Cleo from five to seven.
You know, I've had to I've had to watch it twice on four separate courses.
I had to watch that film twice, you know, and then I will I will, regardless of actual what you call it, the greatest thing ever.
I like Alec Guinness was also in Little Lord Fauntleroy, which is your nickname. We cannot reveal that to the viewers listeners.
It's nice that we got this little this little peek into my life, peek into Jamie's life.
I love it. Well, there you go. That's it. Yes. Oh, Alec Guinness was in the Star Wars holiday special, so.
I mean, you would have been have you ever seen the stories? No, for some for some reason it's not in Disney.
Plus Jimmy, I have no idea if you can find even just clips of it is where I've seen it. Yeah.
Yeah. OK, so we talked about two lead actors, Timothy.
So if it is also in this I know it was James Bond, which I'm sure you would also dislike, I know him as a guy from Hot Fuzz. I mean, we'll see and hopefully this Simon Skinner, the slasher prices.
Oh, my fucking God is I genuinely did not notice. Yeah, no, you're right.
That's the that's the thing. That's the thing I know from. Knowing what I was taught was, I think, at least three times, I've never noticed that if you don't really even though, like looking at the picture, it's so obvious that if you don't have a fashion design in. Yeah, yeah.
No, that's him. And I've never I've not seen either of his Bond films and I'm licensed to kill I think is my favorite one.
Oh really. Oh maybe I'll check. I think some of it also is my favorite one actually. Really.
OK. No I see him although I see.
And he was when I was younger and my older age, I have developed a great love for Roger, of course.
But Sean Connery is obviously the best. No. Yes. And so I only stand on Sean Connery.
Young Sean Connery does not something. Sometimes you have to give her a little schlup, George Bush and the Japanese scrumpy.
He was also in Flash Gordon. Apparently. Hmm, let me look let me see who you. Oh, is he is he the bad guy? No, he's just some dude, I've not seen that whole film either. That's another film I've just seen.
Oh, he was going to be he's going to play a main character in a Roman Polanski film. And the two men didn't get along, so. OK, good to see. So that's Timothy Dalton.
He. Plays some Prensky, the portion of the dog. Who? Either way, this was actor Roman Polanski, well, have been a fugitive from the criminal justice system, so Timothy Dalton decided to do a film with him, knowing he was a rapist and then they didn't get along. So he left. Which seems worse somehow than if we'd just gone along with all along. You know, yeah, maybe they would get along and I don't know, I thought I'd go along with the child rapist, but it just didn't click, we just didn't have much in common.
So Timothy Dalton plays the Posh Cunt.
That's what I call this character Prince before Prince Rupert. Yeah. Or whatever. Yeah, I was going to say this where we cast in this film super great. I'd say, yeah, I didn't really recognize any of it from the those.
I mean, just boys, like I say, everyone's kind of cartoon in this. The man with two walking canes in particular was a highlight.
Yeah. Yeah. They really. Yeah.
They go out their way to show that kind of thing than they everyone is either outrageously posh or outrageously moral. Yeah. The two, the two genders in this film.
Yeah. And then they fight the fight. Yeah.
I guess that's what happened to really, really expensive credit where it's due. I don't think you look very nice but uh.
Well it didn't look that nice. The battle scenes, where I call it battle scenes, they were their sons. Yeah, I call I to Mark. Um, the the actors in this film, did you know this, they had a lot of makeup on them so that they looked like the portraits of the people they were playing. That sounds needless because I didn't I had to be honest, I didn't really recognize most people and that well, I didn't.
There were certain shots where I recognized Richard Harris. But on the other hand, on somewhere I didn't. On the other hand, I only know I was being old Alec Guinness. I immediately recognized and I don't think I can be wearing that much makeup on. Just your mustache.
Let me look, Alec Guinness got normally get that in my head and in chromo. You know, he had a lot of makeup on, man. Death, no make upon. We'll ask when we next see him. Yes. And yeah, no, he definitely did, so I find that quite an interesting thing because obviously portraits are not accurate in the first place.
You know, I think it's also well known in popular culture.
Well, no, no, no, impose the culture, but I feel like they're fairly well known. Like there's there's various famous portraits on there of of people.
Well, it's certainly not one at one portrait of Henry VIII, like every. Exactly. So it's like it's like it's like for a film with you. So I suppose I could say I don't know any one particular image of either Cromwell or Charles of a portrait that is so ubiquitous in the popular culture.
But you have to make them look like that other than making sure that Charles looks kind of like a sponge.
No, but I'm looking I'm looking up Oliver Cromwell here and I have to see most of the portraits here do look the same, but they don't look like is the film, particularly the Charles the first actually looking at it is pretty well done looking at portraits and then the thing in the film.
But yeah, the Cromwell, I don't really see what they've done there.
And now it looks like it was quite old in his portraits. I'm sure it's quite accurate what they want to do. Yeah, that's true. Because he's so special. And chose the first, on the other hand, looks quite young in his portraits and of course. It's quite old in the film. Yeah, um, yeah, so many, um, I've talked about everything I go on top about this all the time. I just, you know, it was very expensive.
Um, that's what happened to me. Like my. No, it's quite a long film, apparently it was three hours, that is three hours before they cut it down to two hours, 20. So thank you. That's pretty, pretty serious and the legal stuff in this film is quite interesting. Yes, yes. I was going I was going to say I forgot to mention it is quite a bizarre show, like a legal drama, 12 Angry Men or something like that.
Which I quite like. I quite like when obviously when you have these historical films that also feature an element like that and it kind of takes on parts of other films, you know, I mean, I kind of like that that genre mixing. So I think it's very easy to make a historical film that is just the same as all of the historical films, whereas I think it's quite nice. To if you've got a courtroom scene to shoot it the way people expect to courtroom scene to be shot rather than she did the way that historical films are shown, I think that makes it more interesting.
And I think they did that well, actually, which I will also say that one thing I did realize when watching this film films, I quite like the that, you know, I like the hats. I like the great films. I like the weird fluffy dogs.
Do you like do you like the, um, the Puritan aesthetic or the royalist.
Both the puritan aesthetic was the one that really stood out to me and I was like, we should have more things, but yeah, maybe are more interesting.
More films.
They're like these more films, more books, more TV shows, video games, anything at all, like video games set in this period to be quite interesting.
I don't know what would it be.
So actually, that's a good point, something that I was going for that I was very serious about being a criminal in the recent past, maybe 50 years, the naughties, you could be sort of a secret person, the killer of some sort of gun for hire. And you could maybe have some sort of belief system and you could sort of jump off tall buildings and stuff like that. So the houses of parliament could do a nice little sequence where I was being blown up by Guy Fawkes, you know, just ideas.
So you want an Assassin's Creed set in this period when when when the shame is not serious, it may be skipped over pretty much any interesting part of history to get to the American Revolution.
The French Revolution, when, you know, the Guy Fawkes blew up, I feel like my. Knowledge, my knowledge of British history is here with a fairly good intelligence from individual parcels for.
What was? So that's very good in terms like record and like within each parcel, like an intruder, while I keep forgetting the order that they all come.
Yeah, yeah, that's that's what I was saying. Yeah. So, like I can say, oh yeah, I know who Chromeo was and know he did, but relating that to other stuff because I don't remember a lot of the names, I feel like if you I feel like a useful thing to do actually would be to know all the monarch's names in order. And then you can very easily say, well, they did it to this one hour, except for at this point when most folks because this film, the short period, this film, a 16 year, 16 parties.
Yes, I think this must have been a third guy, folks died in sixty six, and so this is the 16 16 of 17 04 was the straw tower in general.
Oh, so gay folks, was it James James was it James the first that he tried to kill?
Yeah, this would be the fourth. All right. Paradoxically, there are not Catholic enough. Uh uh. OK, wait, let me have a look here. Oh, this is going from toxic. This this doesn't circle six in six folks, this is this this Wikipedia starts with and in sixteen, 65. Which I guess is is that it's like the favorite. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So then. Because James the from first Charles the first civil war through and Charles the second, yeah, the Mary Queen on at the end and then it goes to Yeah.
Yes. Yes, well, I'm I'm working on. I thought that's gone. No, that's too. I'm not saying. OK, and so anyway, as I was saying, I find it quite hard to I feel like I watch a lot of these historical films and I know the.
The timeline of that specific event, but then relating it to other events is something that I don't really have knowledge of, maybe I should I should learn British history more.
And because of its horrible history, it does have a song for the Cuban community I just listened to.
I just I just lost Henry, William, Henry, Richard, John. I just listened to the Charles the second song on loop. My name is. My name is my name. My name is Charles. Second, I love the people and the people loved me so much that they restored the British monarchy, our English, my English monarchs. Yeah.
And, um, OK, you want to write the film then? No, I want to talk more about it. There's so many, so parliament has not changed much since then, has it? I think it's a different building and is it? Well, either way, it's still a bunch people shouting at each other and it really feels not that different.
And and I'm sure you might know this truth because we probably learned the exact same time. But how unusual in that the setup, so that the seats are facing each other, which creates more competitive atmosphere, was a modern parliament. We don't know, semicircle to walk not. Oh, I didn't know that, no. That's pretty cool. Um, the the other thing I thought was interesting was, um, in terms of warfare, this is quite an interesting period.
And because obviously you have swords and you have muskets and you have cavalry and you have cannons and and it feels like the real mix between I'm trying to think exactly when it was it sort of muskets became the norm for everything. And I always think. I think it's quite easy to imagine medieval times when you had to. Two armies with swords and stuff, and it's quite easy to imagine modern times or the world wars when it's guns vs. guns and tanks and stuff, but I always think and I always think time periods like this where there's a sort of mix of different weaponry, I find quite interesting to see because you feel you have to think.
You have to think that be quite. Quite an interesting thing for tactics like how to do, because you I mean, you see some of the tactics in this film where the the cavalry gets, like, tricked to run into the pikes and stuff. And I just think I think it's quite an interesting thing. The battle of cool. Yeah. And well, it's my opinion I feel like the battle could have been bigger, more grand.
I thought I thought it was too big a really, really coherent criticism. But I just do something about the way that these battles are shot in these dramas in particular. It just irritates. It's very uncomfortable, right?
Yeah, I. What you mean the what about the not only about the Battle of Narnia. Well, in the film The Chronicles of Narnia. I haven't seen well over. Now. I've only seen I saw a stage musical version of, you know, the film has an awesome battle in it, and whenever I think of a battle scene, that's when it comes to my mind. And it's probably just because I watch that film a bunch when I was younger.
But it's a pretty good when I maybe I should watch it again and sort of see see it. And it still holds up to my high battle expectations nowadays, but it's a pretty cool, ballsy. Yeah, oh, I'm one of OK, one other thing. So. You know how nowadays people talk about how, um, films and stuff make people violent because it desensitizes them. Yeah, but then in these days, people would go and watch mass executions and like cheer when the heads are held up and cheer when people hands off, surely.
That's a lot more. Violence than seeing it in the film. Mr. Ben Shapiro, what do you know what I mean, like.
Yeah, yeah, I think of the entertainment business as well because. I think I was just a little bit yeah, but nah, not any more than like I feel like people like calling people saying that they're comparing it.
People naturally like to get that fixed and violence and that fix it, whatever. And I think it's better together in an artificial way than to go and watch someone get their head chopped off or I think people actually seek out violence.
I think it can be presented to people like empowering and violence is an easy way to achieve that.
Uh, sir, are you advocating for the removal of violence games and TV and film? No, I like bounce, I'm just noting that this isn't the first time I've been hard on my person, okay? I think I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with you. People can be desensitized.
Well, I think they can. But I think I think that you can argue whether or not it's a good one. Good thing we can all agree with it.
I think it's a lot it's a lot less you're a lot less likely to think it's normal if you if you know it's fake than if you're watching actual people get killed.
My my my long standing policy on this thing is I think the issue is more that violence is portrayed as a way to acquire power as a whip thing that will make you powerful, that will make you feel as it were. And that's not just film or video of everything. That's all of culture.
Yeah, I mean, that's historically tourism. And that is that is a problem with culture that we need to address. But that is one that requires a very but I'm frankly never be achieved in a short time to have a change in hundreds of years to be established I thought would be sweeping.
I thought you were a fan of violent upheavals and violent revolutions and stuff, though I like fun I'm not necessarily fond of by using this.
That shouldn't be a way to get power when you think is. I don't think it should be presented as a way to have personal power, right, but. OK, like, OK, you want to kill Bill, right, and then you're like, hey, that's cool. That person looks like they're having fun all the time.
I wish that was the kill bill. I feel like my entire present. It is pretty awful. I'm going to be honest. Something I haven't seen kill.
I just heard because know is the sort of thing I would recommend that you stop doing this thing where you make films that I have seen and you have and then try and make an argument about it to prove your point. But I've got a counterpoint because I don't think it works very well for you when I see it and you see a man with a gun.
You watch John work. So it's. Don't like. OK, quick, says John, what kind of gun he shoots a lot of people in the form of John Wick. OK, I'll let you see him shooting his gun.
And you're like, hey, that's pretty cool. And there's nothing wrong with John, like in isolationist, very much a film about how violence is inherently self-destructive. Yeah. That would you would look at it and say the presentation of violence in the film is good in a vacuum. But you see, Germany is the casino. You see Goodfellas, you see video games, you see music, you see TV. All these things are telling you this overwhelming way, even if subtle, even if they are objectively decrying violence, you still get presented constantly with this presentation that violence is empowering.
You are a weak person. You're beaten down by society. You're your friends, you're beaten down by whatever forces there are in your hand. You are consistently given these messages that violence is a way that for you to personally feel empowered.
And I think that is an issue.
OK, will you be. But I don't think I don't. Just to clarify, I don't think that is a level that is culpable on the level of the individual. I think it is a problem with our culture as a whole.
Yeah. OK, shall we rate the film? Yes, want to? I am going to say. I'm going to say watch if it's on, because I feel like.
I feel like it wasn't bad enough to to actively say don't watch it, but I certainly wouldn't seek out unless you're a really, really big fan of Cromwell and you just want to sit with a hard on and be like, God, why are you being a Puritan?
I just unless you are either A person or B really hate the Irish, I can't see why you would be a big fan. No, exactly.
Exactly. See, I'm going to say watch if it's on.
And I also just want to watch bits on the Democrats and say yes, offensive, which fits on and watch something else.
But if someone says they're watching it and you're like, I mean, for me, for me, that's what I watch. If it's on means, it doesn't necessarily mean like you come across it and you don't change the channel. It's like someone's someone's watching it and the remote's on the other table.
And you really count me guessing you're ill and you've got cold.
You're stuck in your sofa. If you do pee on the remotes and outside the room and you think, fuck it, I'm going to be in all day, watch just this film for two hours and 20 minutes.
Yes, I think it's I think it's entertaining enough. The battle scenes are not great, but they're not bad. And and and whilst Wallace is presumably incredibly historically inaccurate, you still learn something. Oh, yeah.
And you know, some names, these parts of the Wikipedia article is made up of historical errors.
Yeah, that is true. But you still you know, you learn some names and stuff. And what happened happened and whether it happened this way or not is a completely different thing. And so, OK, so that's a great thing. Just quickly, it was directed by Ken Hughes and generals he made.
I don't, but he said this was the best thing he's ever done, which I know really true, that's not true because he made Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Which is the best film ever made. So have you seen that one? Jamie, what did you watch as a child? Did I watch the child smoking anime? Who's Tigger, who's Heffalump, we don't say Tiger, which truly is, truly is.
Did you did you just did you jump from like kids, kids, kids films to like adult films? Do you skip did you skip the period of, like, slightly older kids film through to young teen film?
Did you just, like, go straight from baby to adult?
I don't know. I mean, I watch baby stuff and then I watch stuff that my parents like. Yeah. See, I didn't know I saw something like someone like Indiana Jones was like, you know, bright for the whole family.
Yeah. Well, to be fair, I watch Indiana Jones a lot.
And so I would say there was nothing I could say from the ages of five about that many times when we were watching films. Okay. Well, I was like, yeah, no.
Well, I yeah. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Nania, all that kind of thing. I watched a lot and I'd love to see Narnia again.
I was really disappointed by the sequel or sequels. I don't seen more.
And the because the first one I had just seen so many times and it was just so like. Great, and I feel like the second probably is good, but I just never I didn't I didn't watch it when I was that age. I was when I was older. And then it kind of lost its yeah, there was a big gap.
There was a big gap between films. And I think even even with the big gap, I still watched it even later than that gap would allow. So like I was seriously and a long way after it, Percy Jackson as well, which I wrote.
Yeah. Yeah, I read it. I swear I had at least a decade before I read it.
And then I watched the first film when I was probably just it like the oldest to watch that film. And then, yeah, the other ones came out so much later.
I think if I remember correctly. The only two to for other free, anyway, they came out pretty far apart, right? Yeah, I think close to decade, yeah, because I definitely remember reading the book then, like watching the film and age for the film and then. Then, yeah, no, no, I don't know if I've even seen this one, because I was just so I, I feel like on the one hand, it makes sense to revitalize a kid's franchise that much later you have a whole new audience.
But at the same time, it kind of feels like and a lot of those films can be based on. Maybe they would be better if it was released in 2013, which I do not remember.
There are probably only a three year gap. All right.
Well, but even then, I think if free, your gap's enough. That kind of age range. Well, I mean, things like books like that is like obviously most young adult fiction, you're in the middle. So I think maybe it's not the same experience for you. I think for most people it's like they find the series, which they were like like 11, and then they got like super duper into series. They read all of them like in a week.
Yeah. I'm like, that's their thing. And you get a feeling maybe just because they're easier to read. Is there a feeling? I feel like I've read books.
I definitely I feel like that was I feel like a lot of those books are pretty well written and they're very easy. They know their audience. That's what I mean. Well-written is and they know their audience. And yeah, I feel like that works. Well, there's there's a there's definitely an odd gap in literature where you're too old for.
Young adult, but adult books are like serious stuff, and I think that's where most people slow down reading death things.
I think easy reading for adults is overwhelmingly mysteries. I'm just not. Yeah. Or true crime. And then.
Yeah, it's not like actual literature requires exactly like I because I'm thinking I used to read all the time young adult stuff. I didn't read at all. And only in the last few years have I got back into reading books and now it's I. I tried to read, and I'm really quiet about it. Oh, I don't I don't do it much. I don't want anyone. I don't want anyone thinking that I'm a fucking nerd. Well, I've read I've read quite a lot in lockdown, I guess, but still nothing compared to nothing compared to people.
Actually, I brought, I think, six books with me where I am right now. I I'm almost done. I'm going to go back and I have I read a book and I have it all in the last week in a bit.
Last two weeks, the books I read, quote unquote, I only had 50 pages, I read 150 pages, right.
I've read, I read, I wrote The War of the Worlds in like the last week and a bit two weeks maybe, which is not a long book. But still that's like a full book compared. Yeah, but things are so different.
Most books are so different in length as well, like I say.
Well the key to getting free books is to develop a habit where you read a chapter to two. Yeah. And I just. Well that's what, that's what I try to do and it kind of depends what I'm up to if I'm able to if I'm in the mindset. That's why I do. I read a chapter to every night and it means that I can shut anyway before I go to bed every night.
I'm sorry about what? My before bedtime. Yeah, well, I tend to watch YouTube videos, but then I find it a lot harder to get to sleep. Whereas if I just say that about blue light. Right. Yeah, exactly. It is true. I think a lot of stuff is made up about looking at screens and watching YouTube videos and stuff. But there is definitely there's definitely truth to just before bed you're reading and just not looking at like what I did.
What I do now is I try not to look at screen and I look at screens up until I brush my teeth and like I read as I brush my teeth and then that's me for the rest of the night. And then that means, like the whole the whole period between brushing my teeth, getting into bed and going to sleep, I'm just reading and I feel like it's better. Whereas what I usually do is I like I have a video on it while I brush my teeth and then I like take my laptop home to bed and watch, watch, keep watching then and then you for one you end up on like the YouTube train and clicking for videos.
And also you're then. Like your brain's so active, I feel like. I feel, you know, I should buy is one of those lucky 90s US telephone lights.
Oh, yeah, I've got one of those. I don't know where it is. I think it's broken.
But if you feel like giving me a very late birthday present. There you go. I've got your I've got your manga still to me. Oh, yeah. Of course I'm going away. I'm going away with just as you're coming back. So we'll have to but but we'll both be here for here.
I am hoping to see you like two weeks from now. Yeah. For sure.
And I'll remind me to bring your manga because it's in Japanese, you won't be able to read it and.
Well, that's why I want to. I know. I know. That's what you wanted. That's why that's the reason I got you it. But and I just. You don't it's like you don't have to be excited to get it.
I'm I am intensely curious about your choice. Now what page? You'll see, I picked a random, really random one because I knew you wouldn't read it.
If we if we end this podcast the next 40 seconds, we will finished at exactly eight minutes less time than the regular exit should be.
We know the said should we not push up to an hour and then not now because that's not going to be a mini episode.
It's not it doesn't have to be a minimum. So we can use austerity's of 1967 Casino Royale. No, King, can you see me for the second time to make notes for this episode?
So there's no title. The only title can be manyfold.
Know the title. The title is the title is I Married You as a King in a Man. Do not beseech beseeches me on either aspect. No, that's not the title I wrote down, a few close calls are worse than mine. I know I had to be his coach, Jimmy. We need to get to know where we can. We can we can we cannot do him any episode the people want to find. Jimmy, we've not doing an episode next week, and all our fans are going to be disappointed.
And they used the word a lot in this film.
I'm going to fucking miss all my deadlines.
They used the word procedure a lot in this film. They did use the word research. What's wrong with me? What have you been up to playing a game called Iconoclasts. We talk about video games sometimes in this video, isn't everyone? Yeah. Iconoclast is I'm not sure what vain is about theocracy. The story is very good, I thought. I think is the sort of story that would really click with someone else. You know, you sometimes feel that way.
This is a really good story. And I bet it would mean a lot to a certain person in person like me. Like it's still kind of appreciate that this is a really important story you get. I'm saying.
Yeah. Yeah, cool, so it was one of those it was very well told as a match what? I found it kind of weird because it was a very linear story. So it has a very linear type of gameplay, which is very weird for Metroid Valiance. That's not the one the one with the match between you didn't really pay off. So the actual gameplay is kind of fun moments where the boss fights are pretty cool, but I can feel the sting of loss potential.
Understood. I also played Donkey Kong Country because it was available for free on the front line thing, really, and it's absolutely came from 1994, which is actually British. So there you go. It's important the home run, um, Chromeo tonight.
But it's why I Liverpudlian, if anyone's curious at Liverpool, had to speak in Liverpool. Is that so? They can't.
Canacol guys said Liverpool maybe kind of cool.
So yeah.
Well, maybe not the where I'm going to look at the voice don't while I share my opinions. Donkey Kong country is quite fun, but it's got a very weird system because you die as soon as you take damage and you're only given two chances, which you think would be like Marijo because it's kind of the same, but it feels much harsher.
I don't know why. So. Is it SkyCity like Kanako? Oh, fuck no. He is Yorkshireman. Sorry, I was serious, I mean oh it does it. I can't listen to this. Oh know but you know, he was born where. Is Baltimore. Oh, awesome. I think so.
I he grew up in your church, so it doesn't talk about the can of Coke, but then I feel like something mildly notable happened to me last week.
And I was like, if I have 30 seconds to go with the president's brother, you got five minutes. How much time are you talking to?
Why are you talking fast? If you're trying to if you're trying to take up time, why are you talking fast? I feel the poxon, even if the talk is me and I'm OK. We recently found something.
So, um, I finished Skyline's, if you can say that I built the city. I bought all nine. I unlocked all nine bits of land like my my population got to 60000, which is like the one thing I could keep playing. But I'm not um. I studied a sandbox game and then remember I do not like Sandbox and say Skyline's because it just kind of boring not having the challenge. And I really wanted to make like a giant city.
And so the more that you can, like, unlock all the. And parts 081 Squares instead of nine, um, and then I started building and then I was like, No. So that's what's going on with me. So currently I'm not playing any games, really, which is good because I'm about to leave for a week. So it's probably good that I'm not not addicted to anything right now. And then I'll have to find something new.
When I get back home over the next week, I think I'm going to start playing the Bredon, which I finally have time. Um, so you can look forward to that on the next podcast about it.
And we're going to do it once a year ago. And I thought it was totally OK.
And you and I are going to try to escape his too, aren't we? Yeah, we're going to try as soon as they fix the motion. One player was broken, it was free on the epic store and then, uh. Yeah, Jimmy and I tried it and it didn't work.
So I said, um hmm. I've been watching quite for what I like to do on YouTube a lot recently. Yeah.
So I'm only on the wealthy. Nope. Channel. Yeah.
Very well run. Even though it's clearly completely it's so well run and like so put together. I wonder if the BBC just lets it stay because. It goes to programs. Well, you know what I mean. Well, I still the thing is that, like, panel shows you're not going to make much money from DVD sales, right?
Yeah, because like Channel four, as soon as big fat quarter of the year is finished, it gets put off on YouTube and they don't do anything about it.
Yeah, but you can watch every full episode of Big Fat was uploaded on finished or use you for free. Yet just when it comes to the final shows, people just they just don't really care. And or maybe the other thing is guilty.
Guilty. Nope. It's not like they're just uploading. And would I lie to you serious? Five Episode one though.
And people thought, Mitchell, that Mitchell and Mac collection the. Exactly. They're actually a famous community heading to and it looks like they put subtitles and all their videos, it's got subtitles.
So this guy, he loves what I like to hear. It's just it's clearly his entire life.
To be fair, it's a pretty good show. And yes, it comes on.
He always has, like, weird puns. Like, I'm looking at my YouTube Wrex right now and it's got a whimsical role. A caster. James Eckerstrom, would I lie to you? Yeah. And the happiness. And that's what Gilbert.
He's yeah, it's good. Yeah, OPIS, no ability for four months, is that because it is not been on? Probably, or maybe he maybe the BBC protect their intellectual property the only way they maybe so this so this week we're saying I built in hope as a channel for.
You know, keep on the good fight, my man band is still kind of youthful, but, you know, we appreciate what you do.
Yeah, he could get band kidney. Well, this has been going on with me not much, I I watched a nice YouTube essay by HBO Amagi on the series. Ruby writes only four films right now, but I thought it was pretty good. Are you happy? I wouldn't say up to his usual style, your patron well. On page one, someone offered me a page from a guy and two other people, so you pay what you pay money to watch the videos?
It's more to support them as two dollars one does not bankrupt and why why is Legal Eagle done on video on HBO Amagi? Oh, because the collaboration was talking about and they are talking about defamation, I like I like he's a good lad is fine.
Well, I know you're a lawyer, so you probably. Yeah, I've watched them, uh. But yeah, I thought, you know, I usually find it's very insightful, I thought the one on review was a bit slow on sleep, two hours and 20 minutes long. And this is this is only up for the last seven months.
I was kind of expecting something more more and which you pay to, but you pay two dollars a month and he's not ready for seven months. Yes, so so you've paid you paid fourteen dollars for one video that he's uploading anyway. Yeah, well, you don't really it's not really what questions about guns and it's not.
Oh, I know, but if he's not making content, then surely it's not that he's being lazy, still making it. He's just taking a time bit.
Seven months, Jamie. I don't it really sounds like you're getting robbed. Well, it's not like your own money is going one video I know, but seven months off, surely that's like not seven months or seven months creating this video. But you said it was you said it was not good enough for seven months.
People believing it was a little disappointing. People make feature films in seven months, Jamie. Well, yeah, well, two hours and 20 minutes is a long as a feature. Oh, it was a two hour, 20 minute video. You didn't. Yeah. I did say that I was so embarrassed when you write those things. Oh, Jamie, I so I don't listen to them anymore.
I just I just I just fixed the volume at random points and check that started in lines up and then disappeared. I mean, I shouldn't admit that, but. Yeah. All right, on that note, on that bombshell here, goodbye, if you notice anything, you notice any editing mistakes in any of our videos, send an email to I don't give a fuck Gmail dot com. High quality like that, I'm sorry. Yeah, this is fun, it's good, and I do edit it, but I don't listen for the whole thing anymore very often.
So yeah, I.