Donald Trump Speech Transcript: Turning Point USA Teen Student Summit Speech
Happy Scribe's Favorites- 834 views
- 26 Feb 2020
Could build enough to build houses. Good build. I learned so much from it, it was a great guy. Lovely. I love my father. He described his mother, Mary, a Scottish immigrant, as the perfect housewife. His father, Fred, was a millionaire real estate developer. The Trump patriarch has been described as a human machine driven. His father was you know, he was a demanding guy. He could very much push Donald. Donald.
In some ways was chosen, saw that ambition was unmistakably prevalent in young Donald's DNA. He apparently loved military school. He liked the kind of OUTFRONT. I think competitiveness of it. There were so many different ways that you could excel and get medals and ribbons. Donald Trump thrived, rising in rank, and he was socially popular with men and women. He also gravitated towards sports or rather winning in sports and soccer, wrestling, football and baseball. He excelled at baseball to the point where I think his coaches felt that he could become a professional baseball player.
The children were always to be high achievers. But Donald in particular patterned himself after his father. I started off making little deals in Brooklyn and Queens with my father, and they seemed to work out. And then with the loan from dad, Donald Trump struck out on his own. I think the rules that Trump taught his son Donald began with you must be a winner. You have said that one of the most important aspects of your personality is winning.
Why winning? What about the judge? Not whether you win or lose. It's how you play the game.
I like winning better, but we have to win. Ladies and gentlemen. I am officially running. For president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again. I was called by a major, major reporter whose name I won't use. And he said to me, what you've done has never been done in the history of the United States. And more and more people are resonating to what I'm saying, and that's why I'm leading in every home.
We will have so much winning if I get elected that you may get bored with winning. I think I have to win. I'm about winning. You've called women. You don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. Your Twitter account only Rosie O'Donnell. The big problem this country has is being politically correct. I've been. I've been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. This is a tough business.
You're a tough guy. And we need to have a leader that is real tough. You're never gonna be president. All right. So on your way to let's see, I'm a 42 and you're at three, so I don't matter. I'm doing better. You know, he started off on the job. You're moving over further and further. Pretty soon you're gonna be off the air. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border.
I will have Mexico pay for that war. The former president of Mexico sent a fox, he said today and I'm quoting him, he said, I'm not going to pay for that, quote, effing wall. How are you going to make them pay for the war? I will. And the wall just got 10 feet taller, believe me. Tolerance for criminal aliens is zero. Zero to. Has been selected as the Republican Party nominee for president of the United States.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican nominee for president, Donald J. Trump and the Democratic nominee for president. Hillary Clinton. I have a plan to fight ISIS. No, no. You're telling the enemy everything you want to do. Now, we're not saying you're telling the enemy everything you want to do. No wonder you've been fighting. No wonder you've been fighting ISIS your entire adult life. We're going to secure the border. And once the border is secured at a later date, we'll make a determination as to the rest.
But we have some bad Umbridge here and we're going to get them out. We'll release my tax returns against my lawyer's wishes when she releases her 33000 e mails that have been deleted. Make sure I did not support the war in Iraq. Three thousand. That is a mainstream media nonsense put out by her because she frankly, I think the best person in her campaign is mainstream media. My wife, my Social Security payroll contribution will go up as well.
Donald's assuming he can't figure out how to get out of it. But what we want to do is to replenish that, such in marriage trust fund. After getting the subpoena, you delete thirty three thousand e-mails and then you signal collegium, as you would say, very expensive process. So we're going to get a special prosecutor and we're going to look into it because you know what? He ought to be ashamed. Second, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country because you'd be in jail.
Second to. I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election. If I win. So, Jenny, could he actually win? No freaking way, there's not going to be a president Donald Trump. That's not going to. He's not going to be president. He is not. Donald Trump is not going to be president of the United States. Take it to the bank guarantee.
All right. Thank you for coming out. One last rally before Election Day tomorrow. Into this night. Where do we stand? This is where we stood coming into the night. 268 to 2 0 4. So clearly an advantage for Secretary Clinton. Florida had gone back and forth, back and forth. US changed again. It's only 11000 vote lead just now. Changed math on your feet like this, Anderson. This night is turning out to be a real nail biter all along the trunk of it has been saying that Florida is a must win for them.
And I mean, it can win without it. Donald Trump, we project, will win in Kentucky with its eight electoral votes, in Indiana with its eleven electoral votes. West Virginia, Oklahoma. Tennessee, Mississippi. South Carolina, Alabama, Kansas. The scene here is so different than it was a few hours ago when people were happy and relaxed. There are people who are just in shock and they are just stunned at the idea that they were completely sure they were coming to this event to celebrate Hillary Clinton becoming the first female president.
And now they're confronting the reality that they could be walking out of here, perhaps expecting that Donald Trump is going to become president. The state has call. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. We didn't have a lot of fun fighting. Hillary didn't win. We pledge allegiance to one flag. It's going to be America first. OK. I'm married. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear.
I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States. So help me God. Congratulations. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land from this day forward. It's going to be only America first. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Every decision on. On taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, we'll be made to benefit American workers and American families.
I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never, ever let you down. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams. Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the hide and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail. January 1, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation.
Again. I'm excited to be here today with thousands of proud young American patriots, your great people.
You're the future. On behalf of my entire administration, thank you to everyone at TURNING POINT u.s.a.'s Teen Student Action Summit. What a group. They don't realize there's more of you than there is of them. They just haven't figured that out yet. They'll understand. They'll figure it out someday. They're still trying to figure out what the hell happened, what happened? How did this happen? You've come to our nation's capital from cities and towns across America. You've given up a big part of your summer, which many young people are not willing to do.
And we understand that, too. But what you're doing is fun. And it's important. So important. You've paid and paved your own way to get here. And in some cases, it wasn't easy. And you've done it for all of us. You've done it for one simple reason. You are loyal to our nation. You are devoted to your fellow citizens. And you will always put America first.
I want to thank my great friend and his young friend. He's a pretty young guy. Charlie Cook, I said hello. He's a young one. He gave me a no, I won't say, but he's a he's younger than even looks. But I want to thank Charlie's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job. He's done something that is just incredible for somebody really of his age. You need tremendous talent to do what he's done, building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created.
Turning Point USA. And I want to thank you, really, Charlie. Incredible. The young leaders here today are part of a movement unlike anything in the history of our nation, there's never been anything like this. And the fake news doesn't even talk about it because.
But when I say it, they don't correct me. They don't say, oh, he gets a Pinocchio. They can't because it's true. It's true. You know, they could find fault with anything, but they never they never talk about that because we won. You know, there've been some pretty good movements and they won New Hampshire or they won a state someplace, but they didn't win the whole ballgame. And you saw what we won and you could see it.
We could feel it. We knew it was going to happen because it's a movement about reclaiming your future, rebuilding your country and restoring your destiny and renewing the values that are the true source of American greatness. We lost those values and we're getting them back rapidly. We're getting them back rapidly. Just backstage, a gentleman, very rich gentleman in this case came up sitting on one of these rows, I assume. Yeah, there is. He said, sir, thank you for saving our country.
And I said, thank you very much. And, you know, I said thank you very much. And I looked at Charlie as a judge of any idea how many people say that. I gave the commencement address at the Air Force Academy recently and at Annapolis the year before. They said, sir, would you like to shake the hands of all the cadets? I said, how many are there? 1100. I said, Yeah, that sounds okay.
I say, do other presidents do it? Yes, they do. Do all of them? Yeah, they do. What they didn't say is they start and then they peter out and they go back because it's it's tough. It was really hot that sun was beaming down. And I'm just one hand in. Some of these guys are great athletes. And some of the women they had some women in the class that were their hands were very strong and they were all shaken.
And, you know, they're a little nervous. Maybe they're meeting the president, shaking strongly and no, sir. But, you know, with chicken, 1100 hands and saluting with saluting, shaking, turning, spinning the government at all different directions. Felt like a great fighter pilot. But I stood up there for the whole thing. I said there's no way that other presidents have done that. He said, no, no, they do it, but they leave after about 50 or 60 people.
I said, why didn't you tell me that? But I'm glad I did it. But I did the same thing. I did the same thing at Annapolis. The every four great place. Just great. And I shook their. Of I think a thousand and eleven at Annapolis and at is really something great. But so many of these young, incredible people, they like you, so many of these young, incredible people that come. Sir, thank you for saving America, sir.
Thank you for saving emerg. Sir, thank you for saving our country. So many of them. It's not rehearsed. It's just that's what they feel. And you know what? Somebody had to do what I did. It's not pleasant. We have a deep state. We have bad people. We have sick people. I watched just this morning this to leap. To leap. From Michigan. Right. It's a great state win. We won Michigan.
There is no way she stands for the values of the people of Michigan. But I watched her this morning. She's vicious. She's like a crazed lunatic. She's screaming this before she got into Congress. Who elected her? She's screaming like a total lunatic at one of our rallies. It's like I'm giving a little rally and she's just screaming. And this was this is not a sane person, folks. When you look at that and this is what we're up against.
You have some of that now. The Democrats, I guess, are forced to embrace her. And I call it AOC plus three. OK. I see. The. Not that AOC is a bargain because she's not a man. She's no bargain. Look, I mean, I. Well, we'll go into it at some point. I'll tell you all about AOC. I got more and AOC. AOC, but it's it's, you know, what's going on with that party having to embrace them and your other friend from an incredible state, right?
A state that I'm going to win. Minnesota, you know that.
And you know why I'm going to win the state because of her. I almost won it last time we came with just about a point. That's a very because Minnesota is a very hard one for a Republican to win. We almost won it one more night. I wanted to go there one more time. I said, I'm telling you, we're going to win Minnesota. You know, I thought I was going to win Minnesota. You know, I thought I was going to win Michigan and Wisconsin and North Carolina.
Bill Clinton. He was telling everybody, you better be careful. He told people, from what I hear, he said the ones you don't want to run against is Trump. And that was it. Why? Oh, no, that's good. We want to run against. No, no, you don't. You know, I actually knew him pretty well. We get along very well until I decide to run for office. We actually got a.
But they don't want to listen to him. But he was the only one with the instinct the rest didn't have. So he came back and he said, you know, he's doing very well in Michigan. You could have a problem. They said, no, don't worry about Michigan. We haven't lost Michigan in decades. And he came back, he said, you know, he was in Wisconsin or something, but he said he hears that I'm doing well in Wisconsin.
They say, forget it. A Republican can't win Wisconsin. And then we won Wisconsin. Then he came back. He came back. And I say this with a certain all time affection because I had a very good relationship with him before doing this. You know, that's a little harder for him to have a good relationship. But he's a you don't want to run against Trump. Don't run against Trump. And there was a. No, no, that's okay.
We like that. Remember President Obama? He will not win. He will not win. OK. This is he goes liar. Yeah. Hey, did Obama get a Pinocchio? That's right. Obama said he will not win. He will not be your president. The anger was unbelievable. You know what? He's right. He was a liar. Did you give Obama a Pinocchio? Washington Post? He said he will not. These papers, these papers are so bad.
So yesterday we had a story in one of the papers that I thought was good, but they're really not. You know, when you analyze this, almost not too many of them that are. The wall. We're building a lot of wall, but we. Interesting. But there are areas where they have walls that are falling down, walls are in such bad shape, we're trying to renovate as much as we can and we have a provision we can renovate, but we can't build new.
So we've taken all these years and generally speaking, when you have an old wall that's falling down, it's in a better location for a wall. That's why they had it there in the first place, as opposed to an area that's empty. You know, typically that would be true. So these walls are old. They're crumbling of no use. They're falling down. So we rip it up. Bill, brand new foundations, poor, brand new, beautiful footings and take a wall that's two or three feet high, mostly laying on the ground, some of it only for cars, you know, to stop cars from coming, of course, just a metal spike.
So we'd rip it out. It would take about a minute. And we put in deep foundation seven feet deep and we put in 30 foot bollards and they're loaded up with concrete because inside, you know, I like doing the one of the reasons I said, but you said you're going to build a concrete wall. So actually inside this steel we have so we have both we have steel and we have concrete and.
I was saving that for later because the only thing they could do is he's building a steel wall. It's not concrete. Sorry about that, folks. You know, and you do have to have vision. It's very important, you know. You can't just have a blank what you have to have vision. Much better for the security that the vision, anyway. So we're we're building the walls. So they come out. We think Donald Trump has built almost no wall.
What a lie that is. And we're building we're building 50 miles here, 50 miles there, 50 0 in the right locations because they used to be Wolfert that we had to take them down in some cases if they're good enough or renovate, because we can do for a lot less money. But generally, some of these walls are worthless. I mean, literally, you just drive right over there laying down on their side. They gave me no credit.
But if you read the story, then say, well, he has renovated a lot of what? Well, that's not even a renovation. Let's face it, that's a brand new wall. It's all brand new wall. It just shows you how dishonest this fake news is. And this is what we have to deal with. This is really what we have to deal with, but get used to it. Many of you going to be in politics, just get used to it.
OK. Get used to it together. Is this true? We believe in the American constitution and we believe judges should interpret our constitution as written. You'll be seeing this. We believe in religious liberty, the right to free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. What a group. Look, they are in the process of trying to take your arms away. You have the Second Amendment.
They will they will do damage to the Second Amendment, the likes of which nobody even thought of. That's where they're coming from. Just remember I said it. Hopefully they never get the chance. And that's why the election coming up. I always said there's the most important election 2016, most important election that we've ever had. And it was certainly the coolest. That's for sure. But it was it was, I believe, the most important election because our country was going wrong, it was going wrong.
And when you see all the incredible numbers coming up and all the success that we're having and all the fact that we're respected all over the world, we have a really good man is going to be the prime minister of the UK now. Boris Johnson. Good man. He's tough, but he's smart. They're saying Britain Trump. They call him Brand Trump. And people are saying that's a good thing that they like me over there. That's what they wanted.
That's what they need. What they need. He'll get it done. Boris is good. He's going to do a good job. I think, Nigel, someplace in this audience worst. Nigel mercy., Nigel Farage. She's here someplace. I saw him. I said, what is he doing here? Is a little older than most of you, whereas he. Nigel, Nigel. I'll tell you what. He got 32 percent of the vote from nowhere.
Over in UK, Nigel. Thank you, Nigel. I said, what's Nigel doing here is a little older than you folks. But he did a great job and I know he's going to work well with Boris. I got some tremendous things, but we believe in the American dream and not a socialist nightmare that these people are trying to put on our shoulders.
And we know that strong nations must have strong borders and we're building a strong border against so much. You have no idea. Every time I announce as an example a section of wall, I get a good lawsuits. Assuming, you know, this is me, congressman, congressman, I get sued by Nancy Pelosi. We won that suit.
Can you believe it? I won. We want a couple of but we have suits on the border. We had one judge always suing the Ninth Circuit. You know what that means, right? They suing the Ninth Circuit, which is sort of like an automatic victory, although we did win one last week in the Ninth Circuit. Nobody can even believe it. Can you? You know what's happening, right? You know what's happening. So as of today, this is so important.
There are those that say it's the most of what I was a war and peace and security. That's the most simple. But they say the most important thing a president can do is the selection of Supreme Court justices. You have to. 4/6 and Cavenagh, we have two already, we have two. Some have gone a long time and they haven't had they haven't had many and they haven't had any in some cases. So we have two already and they're great and they're good.
But you know what people don't talk about? I've just signed the one hundred and twenty fourth federal district judge, federal judges underneath and. Within a couple of months, I'll be up to one hundred and forty seven. Think of that one hundred and forty seven, because normally when you become president, you go in and you say, Do I have any judges to appoint? No. You know, they're all because it's such an important thing because, you know, these district judges, they're the ones who do the trials.
I mean this is big stuff. And then you have a court of appeals judges. Then you have the Supreme Court judges. So we have two in the Supreme Court. We have many appeals court judges, many that we've appointed. The courts are a whole different thing. But I was up to I will be up to one hundred and forty seven, not including the two Supreme Court justices. Now, percentage wise, I blow everybody away except one person, one person.
I'll never be. You know, the one person is, oh, George Washington. He's got 100 percent George like. But we're going to have a tremendous percentage and after six more years, it will go to a level that nobody. But George, why she goes hard to beat? Because he put in 100 Precy was the first, so he had an. But I have many more of the George Washington remember that George Washington didn't put in too many, but he had certainly the highest percentage.
You'll never that will be a record will never be broken. We believe that every young American should love our country, honor our history, and always respect what great American flag. How about the Betsy Ross? It's not terrible where they try and take your heritage away from you like that. Isn't that terrible? Isn't that terrible? And then you see the picture of President Obama with the same exact leg up, I should have taken it down. Why didn't he take it down?
It's really very unfair what they do. They try and demean and belittle and they're very good at it. They're better at that than they are at politics. They're better than that than they are at palace to look at their policy. They want open borders, which means crime, which means drug drugs and human trafficking, which is a phenomena that you would think is thousands of years old.
And that would have been their prime. No. The prime is now because of the Internet. Women, mostly women, are being trafficked and they go not only in this country, all over the world. It's never been like this before, human trafficking. They snatch women and they traffic women and they sell women. And we can't get the Democrats to even give us a modicum of the money we need at the border, especially for the wall. I'm taking money from here and there and there and there.
Let's take it from here. We have all these different sources coming from all over the place because they want to prove it. And five years ago, they all wanted it. Six years ago, seven years ago, they all voted for. They never got it built, but they all voted for it. And today they make it so tough. You have to see I'm doing everything I can and we're doing well with it. But this should just be one nice fad somewhere I can get the best four or five contractors not worry about.
I gave it out, but I have a lawsuit. And if the lawsuit happens, I have to undo it. How do you give a contract out where you have a contractor and he's going to build 67 miles of wall? We have one case, but we're being sued. Our funding source because we're taking it from a certain area. And so we're being sued. So we have to wait for the suit. I mean, how would you like to be building like this?
Not good. It's not good, but we're getting it done anyway. But they should say it's not working without the war. You got to have the war. You got to have when they bomb Russia. They did that last week. They were they rushed in. A tremendous large number of people, by the way. You know why they're coming up, right? Because we have created the strongest economy in the history of our country.
So they're coming because. They're not coming up for safety. That. You ever see these people, they fly their flag, they come up from Guatemala who, by the way, went back on their word to us, they were all set to sign a safe third agreement. And then today or yesterday, they announced they can't do it because they've got a Supreme Court ruling. Their Supreme Court. Right. They got us. In other words, they didn't want to sign it.
So they're supposed to sign what's called the safe there. That's a good thing for us. OK, that's all I have to tell you. And they went back. So we're going to do with the tariffs or we're going to do a form of tax or we're going to use our band. You know, we people don't realize we won the band. You know, I saw one of the one of the journalists will call him who happens to be back there.
I believe one of the let's look at all those cameras. Isn't that terrible or good or whatever?
Know almost. Wouldn't it be great if they told the truth? They have such a low credibility. They started off very high and then I ran. Their credibility is so low, you wouldn't believe it. But that's OK. But wouldn't it be nice if they think of it? Think of it. What what would be what would be if we had an honest man? I don't want a media that's for me or. And I just want an honest media.
So we have our best poll numbers today that we've ever had. Can you imagine how good our opponent, with all the things that we've done, how good our numbers would be if we had just a fair media because they can take.
And he goes a hundred percent. Who said that stand up. He goes one hundred percent, and you know what, I like your long hair, it's very nice. Good. Thank you. Thank you. That's funny. So above all else, we know this, that in America we don't worship government. We worship God. No, I'm not disavowing that they'd like me, would you just about that? No, thank you. Now, it's very good.
Very true. These are the values that unite everyone in this room. These are the values that inspire hundreds of thousands of turning point USA members at more than 1400 college and high school campuses in all 50 states. It's incredible what's been done with turning point in the job, Charlie and everybody. I've met all of the people backstage just a little while ago. These are people that love our country. It's amazing what they've done, the job they've done, and in a pretty short period of time.
And I was telling Charlie, too, and I said it before, remember, you are not in the minority. Most people are with you. There's a young woman to this or on a beauty pageant. And she has conservative values. And the pageant which used to compete against my pageant, I did much better. But that's OK. I had the Miss Universe, this is a different company, but I sold it. I figured when you run for office.
I sold it to AMG, great company. You know, when you want it worked out, very nice deal, too. But when you run for office, owning a beauty pageant is not the greatest idea. Do we agree? Only the Miss Universe and Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, by the way, was not was not exactly good with maybe running for president. So we sold it to AMG. But what they what they did to this young lady was terrible.
And because she was on Fox and Friends, this one wearing a Make America great again hat, which is. Each of you is coming of age at a time of unlimited possibility, it's true better than I think ever before. We have the hottest economy on the planet Earth.
And I was elected. We've created more than 6 million new jobs. More than 7 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps. Think of that. Unemployment for young Americans aged 16 to 19 has reached the lowest rate in over a half a century.
The unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans have all reached their lowest levels ever recorded. Wages are rising and they're growing fast. As for blue collar workers, isn't that great that people don't talk about that? Young people have seen their wages rise by more than 10 percent. That's a lot. Quickly to our economic revival is incredible and it's incredible news for everyone graduating from college or joining the workforce. This is the best time in the history of our country for young people like yourself to join the workforce because America's thriving, America is booming and America is winning again and winning like never before has never been winning like this.
And we did it through a lot of hard work. It's not luck. I will tell you, if our opponent if my opponent won instead of having record stock markets and record employment numbers, you would have been, in my opinion, a major recession if not a depression. You would have gone down like a rock. Look what happened right after the election. The stock market was like a rocket ship because of enthusiasm. People wanted to have us win.
It sent me. It's us. It's all of us. It's a movement. It's us and the market. We cut a record number of job killing regulations. We passed historic tax cuts so that our industries can compete and win against anyone in the world. We are revising decades of ruinous trade deals that ravage our communities and pillaged our factories. We were sending companies out of our country, great companies. They were leaving us. Going to Mexico. Going to China.
Going to so many other places. The deals we made were the dumbest deals in the history of this world. It was unbelievable. Sixty thousand factories and plants and businesses closed. Think of it, 60000. You would say, how is that possible? You get a map. Sixty thousand. You would say it's impossible. 60000 factories, plants, companies destroyed. That's destroyed. They went a different way. They were given no incentives to stay here.
Some of the dumbest legislation ever passed, NAFTA. The world the World Trade Organization has been a horrible thing for us. That's what built China. That and the fact that our former presidents did nothing about the fact that China was making hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And I guess they didn't see it. I mean, twenty five years they didn't see it, but we see it. And right now, they're paying us billions and billions of dollars, folks.
And they want to. They want to make a deal badly and we'll see whether or not we make a deal. We'll see. We'll see. But our farmers are being helped. I said to our secretary of agriculture, Sonny Perdue. You know, because the China very smart. I don't blame them. Look, I'm not blaming them. I blame our past leaders for allowing it to happen. I'm not blaming China. We should have done that to them.
I'd blame our past leaders. I said that the President Xi of China. I said it, but I said to Sonny Perdue, so, Sonny, they're targeting us. They said they actually took ads in The Des Moines Register. edit:i Trump, I love Iowa, too. He says Iowa loves you. I love i--well ethanol's doing pretty well in Iowa, too. But but they took ads in the Iowa papers and it was anti-Trump ads, right?
And then they stopped buying a lot of the product. Almost everything they stopped buying from our farmers because they knew that was my strength. The whole middle of the country is red. You saw that in that clip.
That clip was false, by the way, Charlie. That clip was so good. I would have rather seen in the second time and I could have come on a little bit later. I like it. But that clip was great. But you see what the whole is all bright red, meaning Republican, all red. And this has little edges or are blue. And so they targeted the red. Nobody said China is stupid. And they said, we're not going to buy product.
And essentially, they really closed it up. So we take it in billions of dollars in tariffs from China. They never gave us 10 cents. And I said to my secretary of agriculture, Sonny Perdue is great. I said, Sonny, what's the biggest year that we've ever had with China? How much money did they spend in the United States? Sir, I'll get back to you. He gets back to me. Nixon, sir. A sixteen billion dollars.
I said I we'll take sixteen billion dollars out of our tariffs, which are many times that amount that they're paying us in tariffs they never paid us ten cents will take sixteen billion dollars out. That's the highest they've ever paid. And we'll use that toward the farmers and distribute it this way. Nobody gets hurt. And no other presidents doing that for the farmers or no other presidents going to save the miners and save energy, you know, we're the number one producer of energy now in the world.
And when I came, it was heading in the wrong direction. It was heading in a very bad direction. Right now, we're bigger than Russia and bigger than Saudi Arabia and bigger than anybody. And we know that our first duty and our one true allegiance is to the American nation and to the American citizen. The USA loyalty to our people is our guiding light. It's our North Star and our unwavering conviction. We have secure record funding to build up awesome might for the United States military because we know the best way.
To prevent conflict is to be prepared for it. So, you know, when you see strong, strong, strong, OK. Gonna leave you alone. In this pass. We had a depleted military. We built up our military. We had jets. It was a world that didn't fly. We had a large percentage of jets, fighter jets that were out. We had at Old Navy were building brand new submarines, brand new ships. We're building tremendous F-35's F-18.
We're building our military, the likes of which even we have never had because we have two new missiles. We make the greatest equipment in the world where I hate to mention this word, but we're renewing and renovating our nuclear arsenal like never before. And hopefully hope and we hope to God, we hope to God that we never have to use it. That's what I say. We hope to God we get. But we have to have it ready.
We have to have it as a horrible to me, the most horrible alternative that can happen is that. But we have nuclear, the likes of which has nobody's ever had like we have and all pray that we never have to use it. Our agenda is pro-worker and pro-family. We're making child care more affordable, expanding access to vocational education so important.
And our pledge to America's workers had secured commitments to provide more than 9 million apprenticeships and job opportunities for industries all over the country. We're helping people get jobs. We're helping Wal-Mart and so many companies. They went out all out. They went all out. And they're working and are working with a person you may have heard of, perhaps not Ivanka Trump. She loves you. I'll tell you, she didn't need it. She loves it more than anything.
That's what she loves because she says we're providing so many jobs and they're training people. And, you know, the government can't really try. And when you go into these big companies, the caterpillars and all of these, you got to sort of be trained by the people that do it. The complexity, the aerospace. Lockheed Martin has been great. Boeing has been great. There's so many. And they could train much better than the government. The government really would know where to begin.
So they're training. We're gonna have close to 10 million very shortly.
And Evocca really has done an incredible job on that, like. I might as well give her credit because the media will never give her credit, so she's my daughter. I'll give her credit. But it's true. And you know what? If she didn't do a good job, I don't know that I'd say that, but I wouldn't be talking about her that I can tell you. I would. I just I'd probably just laugh over it. She's done an incredible job.
There is truly never been a better time to be young and American.
There's never been a better. Because our future is the brightest that it's ever been. A new poll only after he got to hear this, how about this whole witch hunt that's going on? I talk about it for a second. The Russian witch-hunt. OK, first of all, it's very bad for our country. Makes it very hard to deal with Russia. And we should be able. They're a nuclear power. They have a big country and we should be able to deal with them without having this artificial stuff.
But think of it, only 11 percent in a new poll favor the starting of this ridiculous impeachment hearings that are going on. You hear about it. So I said this morning, I said I wrote it out. I said, let's see, because I'm watching. It goes on for years and years. No collusion, no obstruction. Oh, that's not good enough. Let's go more 40 million dollars. Interview. Five hundred people. They had nothing.
I could find something. I could take anybody in this audience. Give me. Forty million. Give me unlimited FBI, unlimited interviews, unlimited. They interviewed five hundred people. Listen to this. Two thousand five hundred subpoenas. They did everything. There. Collusion, no collusion. They have no collusion. Then I have an article, too, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president, but I don't even talk about that because they did a report and there was no obstruction.
After looking at it, our great attorney general read it. He's a total pro.. He said there's nothing here. There's no obstruction. So they referenced no obstruction. So you have no collusion? No obstruction. And yet it goes on and they think this is helping them. I personally think it's hurting them. A lot of people think it's very bad for them, but it just goes on. But I wrote something out this morning on a thing called Twitter.
Whether we like it or not, it is a good way. It is a good way of getting the word out, because I saw a Muellers testify, came out again. How many times? Two. Two and a half years. And actually, it started practically from the time I came down on the escalator. They said, you know, he's got good numbers. We better start looking at him right away. Maybe he's dealing with a foreign country or say, what are you talking about?
Listen to this. I wrote this out. This one I said on Twitter. Well, let's see. We have the best economy in history. And it used to be. It's the economy, stupid, right? It's a.. Nothing. It's the economy, stupid. So we have the best economy in history, the best employment numbers in history. The most people work in almost 160 million in the history of our country. Most people work. That's a big number.
So we have the best economy, best unemployment numbers. Most people working. On Thursday. We have the highest stock market in the history of our country and a lot of you with for one case. And that's not a rich people thing. The people that own that sucker, people with four or one case, everything get. We have the best stock market in the history of our country. We just got the biggest tax and regulation cuts in the history of our country.
We got rid of the individual mandate from Obamacare, which was the worst part of Obama's. We got perhaps the biggest site energy site in the world approved in Alaska called NYR. Nobody could do it from Ronald Reagan to president. They said we can't do it. We got NYR approved. We have the best and newest military. That we've ever had almost totally rebuilt from the depleted military that I inherited. Two and a half years ago, our military was totally depleted from these ridiculous, endless wars.
So we have the best, newest military in history. And the V.A., you don't hear any problems anymore, do you remember? You'd hear so many problems. We have the best V.A. in history. And I got choice. So that that's one of the big things that's working, so that if a person has to wait for three weeks, four weeks, five weeks. Can you imagine you go to a doctor. They say come back in six weeks.
People were coming back. They were sick and they were coming back and they were terminal. It could have been said they were waiting so long. So I got choice. You go out. If you have to wait, you go out. You see a doctor, we pay the bill. OK. We actually the least important thing is we save money. That's the least important thing in that case. But we do save money. But we also have a very happy V.A.
They love it. Those are just a few others. So we have all of this best economy, best walk, at best military, best V.A., best everything. And much, much more. And then I say in this statement this morning, gee, let's impeach the president. I mean, you figure these people have gone totally crazy. They've gone totally. It is sort of nuts. That's true. I guess that was Atlantan statement. Right.
It's the economy, stupid. Was Ettlin. It's about, you know, what's not everything about the economy. It's not everything. A lot of other things. But, you know, we have we'll look at the top of every single thing that we do. When you think our military and you you look at and let me tell you something. I didn't put. We are respected as a country again. They respect us. Because other countries have been ripping us off so badly and some of the worst offenders are our so-called allies.
They rip us off on trade. European Union is worse to us on trade than China. OK. Nobody would think that. You know, a lot of us come from European Union. We come from Europe, our grandparents, our great grandparents. So you think all is that nice except. They kill us. The European Union, it was formed in order to beat us economically and yet we protect them with NATO. So they rip us off on trade and we protect them with military.
But here's the problem with the protection. They're not paying their bills. So the United States I got $100 billion more in the last two years. One hundred billion. I got them to pay. I said, you got to pay. Nobody else has ever done that. It's like this is like this with every other president. President Obama would go meet them. We talk nice, you know. I mean, that's so nice. Somebody would say, oh, isn't it a wonderful speech?
I said, no, I fell asleep. They just be asleep. I don't get it. I don't get it. He never got crowds like we get that, I can tell you. But think of it. So they weren't paying their bills. So we're paying for close to 100 percent of NATO. So here's the story. They rip us off on trade. They have trade barriers that make it impossible for certain groups like farmers and others to go in.
They rip us on trade and then we protect them and they rip us on that, too. And they don't pay their bills. Other than that, it's a wonderful deal. So we're getting it straightened out, folks. We're getting it straightened out. Somebody said President Obama is much more popular in Germany. But Donald Trump, well, he should be. He should be because Germany is the biggest offender. They don't pay. They're paying 1 percent.
We're paying 4.3 percent of a much bigger GDP. Germany is the one to pay. They're supposed to pay 2 percent. They're paying 1 percent. And I say, get a pay on galah. He's got to pay Angela. Please pay off, galah. And then they say, who do you like better? Obama or President Trump? Oh, I like President Obama, who's a nut. Look, if I start getting good poll numbers over there, I'm not doing my job.
Okay. But they still like them. And I have a good relationship and a great relationship with sir. But somehow, even in this era of unprecedented prosperity and peace, the timeless traditions and values that make the American dream possible are under attack like no one has ever seen before. These people have lost all control and even the Democrats, they left, but now they're getting dragged into a radical left. Position. I can't imagine who's doing that, but they're being dragged, they're being dragged radical left with these.
People that I believe, honestly, I believe they hate our country. OK? I believe they hate our country. And it's true when I watch this maniac to leap screaming and shouting. This was before she was a congressperson, can you believe it? But screaming and shouting out of control. And then you see they have now another clip where she's even worse. This is representing us. This is not what we want representing us. I don't think.
And I think that's why we're going to have a tremendous victory in 2020. He's. And you know what, I have one of the others, I guess this is Cortez. You know, I said I'm not going through them, sir. Her name is Alexander. And the guy couldn't figure out her second name was so funny, I'm being interviewed by one of her. Her name is ALEXANDRA Waterman. Huh? Wait a minute. OK. He never got it out, he never found his notes.
I said, that's OK. I told him, just call a Cortez because I don't have time to call her by the whole limits. Too long stroke. You know, you're doing an interview. But she called our country and our people garbage. She said garbage that's worse than deplorable, remember? Deplorable. Yes, you do. Remember Hillary? The deplorable is she actually said a word. That was where she said deplorable. And what was the second one?
Go ahead. Irredeemable. That's right. She said irredeemable. She said. She said, deplorable and irredeemable. And when she said it, I said, boy, that irredeemable is really a bad. Well, that was not the one. You never know in politics, right? It's a tough business. You say a word in your gut. One wrong word. You can make 20 great speeches. Brilliant. This is great. The greatest. All right.
The greatest orator of our times. He's declared one word and you got. Except for Trump. Because we represent you, because we represent you. No, but it's sure it's a tough business, one word. And you got it. It's an incredible kind of a profession to have. It's a very. That's why they're scared. You know, they go around, they're petrified. They're petrified that they go to insult fifteen people and lose an election by calling out these four people, the squad.
By calling them out because we don't like when they talk about evil Jews, we don't like when they say horrible things about Israel. They say they say, you know, people are opposed to Israel and they can express what their opposition. But when they say it with venom, hatred and language that nobody would use. Nobody would use. It's incredible. And then you don't have the Democrats fighting for Israel and they end up passing things that have nothing to do with what the original problem was.
You saw that. So I don't know what they're going to do. I don't know. They have a big problem because they have others than these four. I could name another twenty right now without looking at a note. I could name another 20 that I think are in many ways worse. They're worse. They're not in this group, but they're worse than this group. And they're Democrats. And at some point we will be naming them, if you don't mind, because we want to get the word out.
We have to get the word out. As conservatives, we're grateful for the great heritage that we have, the heritage of being an American so important to all of us. We know that America is the most just and virtuous republic ever conceived. I mean, we fight for other countries. I was with other countries two weeks ago and we had the G-20 and I'm talking to different people. Who do you fight for? Just our country. Who do you fight for?
Just like I do? Do you fight? And we fight for all these countries. And it costs us a fortune. At some of the countries are really wealthy. By the way, I've gone to all of them say they have to now pay for their military, OK. If you don't mind that having. I mean, we're fighting for countries that are so wealthy, some have nothing but cash. Nobody ever asks. Why are you paying us for this?
Why aren't you reimbursing us for the cause? But we now ask those questions on the streets. So we get very little oil from the straits anymore. In fact, yesterday was very inter-. They said it's very interesting. There are no USA tankers here. They're all from China, from Japan. China gets 65 percent of their oil from the straits, right. Japan gets 25 percent. Other countries get a lot. And it's it's a let me ask you, just as a really stupid question.
We hardly use it. We're getting 10 percent only because we sort of feel an obligation to do we don't need it. We have we become an exporter. Can you believe it? We're an exporter now. We don't need a. I guess we're the ones that for many, many decades, we're the ones that policed it. We never got reimbursed. We police it for all these other countries. And I said awhile ago, I said, why are we policing for China?
Very rich for Japan, very rich for all these other. And we're policing also for countries, some of whom were very friendly with like Saudi Arabia and others, UAE, others, too. But why are we doing it without it? Why do we have our ships there and we're putting our ships in the site? And we did shoot down the drone the other day. You know, it's funny for religious people.
They lie a lot. They lie a lot. You can see it laying right down on the bottom of that beautiful bed of water. Now, they say they never shot down a drone. And then they say about we have captured 17 Americans question. That's first thing I did. I call up the CIA. True, sir. Totally false. OK. By the way, totally false. But they make up stories. I just say for religious people, they lie a lot.
We know the story of America is the story of good defeating evil, we protect so many people and in some cases we shouldn't have been doing it. It's right, overcoming wrong. And it's freedom, smashing tyranny. Americans are the patriots who threw off an empire. Want an independence? Settle the Wild West, ended slavery, secured civil rights, pushed the boundaries of science, vanquish the Nazis, brought communism to its knees and put a man on the moon many, many years ago.
And we will become the first nation to land astronauts on Mars, where they will proudly plant a very beautiful American flag. Yet despite all that we have achieved, despite the glory and grandeur of our nation, the radical left has nothing but contempt for America's heritage. And I'm talking about the radical left among us. I'm not talking about the radical left that are looking over failed countries like Venezuela and others. I'm talking about the radical left among us. They see our history as a source of shame, our traditions and our victories as relics to be replaced.
Our values as obstacles to be removed are citizens as subjects to be controlled. And America is a menace to be constrained. That's what they see. That's what they see. The agenda of the radical left is one of division, discord and demolition. You know, when I see her running and ranting and screaming like a total lunatic. This is what we're dealing with. OK. You can never have a country with values like that. Just look at it.
There's no reasoning. The language she uses. I mean, she was throwing a certain F bomb, right? Do we know the F? She was throwing that out about the presidency and about the president. It's just such a sad thing to see. How how low have we gone? The far left has one fundamental objective, and that's the objective of power, the power to control you. The power to control your family and the power to destroy the foundations of our great republic.
But we will not let them. It will never happen. It will never happen. And they're right now destroying themselves and they're going after everything they're doing things that nobody can believe. The people that I'm looking in there said, who's your toughest opponent? I said, so far a dream about. I dream about these people that I'm looking at. There is no Winston Churchill in the midst. There is nobody that we look at, but you have to be very careful.
Socialism is not as easy to beat as you think when you're wealthy and you're doing record stocks and you have four or one case and you have all of the things that you have and everybody is doing well and somebody comes along say, we're going to give you free everything. Everything's gonna be free. By the way, we're going to raise your taxes to seventy five percent. But they don't mean that because it can't nearly pay. Ninety five percent and that won't pay for it either.
Won't even come close. We're going to do the Green New Deal, which is craziest thing I've ever heard.
OK. It's crazy. But don't kid yourself. Not as easy when I'm up there on the debate all alone with some maniac that they chose. And that maniac is saying, we're going to do this for you. We're going to do that for you. We're going to give you everything. We're going to give you. Everybody gets a free Rolls Royce, every family, and we're going to take better care of illegal immigrants. So we take care of our own citizens, they tell you.
And when they're saying all of this stuff and then those illegals get out and vote because they vote anyway. Don't kid yourself. Those numbers in California and numerous other states, they are rigged. You got people voting that shouldn't be voted. They vote many times, not just twice, not just three times. They vote. It's like a circle. They come back. They put a new hat on. They come back. They put a new shirt on.
And in many cases, they don't even do that. You know what's going on? It's a rigged deal. For example, the radical left is waging an unprecedented assault on the rule of law in America. They are. They want to eliminate our borders and totally abolish ice. And now they want to abolish a thing called homeland security. That means going on airplanes without any security, that means doing all of the things that you do and you appreciate it, but you don't even see what's going on.
But they now want to abolish Homeland. They started off with ice. Let me tell you, these ICE people are great patriots. That's a tough job. They go into these MS 13 gangs and, you know, even your local law enforcement. And we love our law enforcement. We love. But these gangs are mean, they're tough. They deal in a medieval style. They cut people up. Medieval style. Because it's more painful. These are sick people.
We don't want and we're taking them out by the thousands out of our country, by. So with raging anger, ignorance and malice, the far left has slandered, libeled and smeared our law enforcement heroes. They just go after our law enforcement. It's so sad to see their so respected. And yet they don't know it because all they do is they see the negativity put on by the media. But the American people forcefully reject these hate filled attacks.
And that's what they do. They're hateful and they are indeed attacks on our very brave public servants. Americans will always stand with courageous men and women of ice and border patrol and law enforcement. The hard left is also waging war against freedom of speech. The greatest threat to this radical left agenda is the truth. And the problem is we're not getting the truth from the media for the most part. Some, yes. But for the most part, we don't get the truth.
I can tell you stories where I will do something. And let's say it's good. They'll make it look bad. Let's say it's great things that you can't look bad. You can. They'll make it look OK. And if it's bad. That is correct. That is what they're doing, what they're doing is unthinkable and they've hurt themselves so badly. They'll say seven sources have said that this took place in the White House or something. There are no seven sources.
They make them up. You know what? They make them up. There were notes. They have gone. They used to call up and say, we'd like to just verify the statement or verify a quarter. They don't even call up. And we don't hear from The New York Times, which is totally crooked. We don't hear from The New York Times, The Washington Post, which is the Amazon. I always say it's the Amazon lobbyist. We don't hear from these people.
They don't call up and say, we'd like to check a quote I don't see anymore where they say Jimmy Smith of the White House made the following statement. It's always a source who decided to remain anonymous from the White House. Sometimes I'll say seven people from the. They don't exist. It's a lie. They do it. They don't check. They don't do anything. They're really, really dishonest people. And I'll tell you, when I say the enemy of the people, when I say the fake news, when I say these things, I'm not kidding.
It's really dishonest. They have become you know, they like the word unhinged. They have become the media has become totally unhinged. They used to call when I was a I used to get the greatest publicity when I was doing buildings. I was happy. The problems was doing buildings. I didn't have to worry about North Korea, Iran. I didn't have to worry about China and trade. You think it's easy beaten China on trade? Guess what?
We're beating them and trade. We'll beat them all. We're beating everybody. But it's not easy. But I used to get the best lesson. Now, I haven't had a good story in two and a half years. I'm dying for my first good story. They're going to give me one someday. I think when I get one, it'll be time. I'll say I've just achieved something. I got I'll say first lady. They love. First lady is the first lady.
A first lady, I just got a good story. It's time to hang it up. Someday we're going again. We're going to get him because nobody's done what we've done into and a half years. Nobody even close. We've done in the first two and a half years more than any president in the history about. So anyone who speaks the truth is shouted down sensor deep, platform, fired, expelled, arrest, intimidated, abused and even in many cases assaulted.
But they don't go after certain people. Bikers for Trump. You ever see these guys, the bikers? They leave them alone while construction workers. They leave them alone. Our law enforcement. They leave them alone. Anybody that looks real tough and real nasty. They leave them alone. They only go after somebody that stands there. And it's not a fighter. Nothing wrong with it. And they beat the hell out of them and they pummel him like what happened two weeks ago.
They pummel him. That's the only one they go after. They'll go after that. They say, is he a fighter? No. Let's hit let's hit him over the head with sticks and bats. What they do. It's a it's a horrible thing. But they. They don't do it to many of our people, but they look for the people that aren't the fighters, these dangerous behaviors are the hallmarks of socialism. But socialism cannot survive when people are free to think for themselves.
That's why America will never be a socialist countries. Never. Because as patriots, we cherish our First Amendment. We believe that every American has the God given right to speak his or her mind. And no one can ever take away that right. For centuries, Americans freely exchange their ideas in the public square. Now the public square exists online and massive multinational tech companies have gained enormous power to censor opinions, shape public perception and really to decide what information citizens are going to be given.
And I see it all the time. I see it on social media for me. And I have people coming up all the time. We want to follow you, sir. They make it so hard to follow you and I have millions and millions of people. But it should be much more. I know exactly what's happening. I know when it started. But the only thing I do say is this. It's happened probably be on Facebook. Twitter, Google, all of them.
Right. And they come to me when they want help. They want help because the Democrats want to shut them down. Can you believe it? How stupid is that for them? But maybe they don't have the power that we think because they were totally against me in the election and I'm standing now before you as the president of the United States. Maybe they. Everyone tells me when you read, they talk about this tremendous power and I'm say, that's right.
They're making it impossible. And then somebody will look at me. But, sir, you won. But they're gaining more and more and more. And we're looking at a lot of things because they have not treated us as Republicans and conservatives, even when you get into religion, they have not treated us fairly. They haven't treated us fairly. A free society cannot allow social media giants to silence the voices of the people. That is why I've asked my administration to explore every possible regulatory and legislative solution, because you have to have free speech.
You have to have free speech. I've also instructed federal agencies to hold our public colleges and universities accountable when they do numbers. You go up to speak and what they do to our people is just and by the way, I'm president of all the people. Everybody, everybody. I love everybody. People maybe I should love. I love this nation. This nation is made up. Not only of us is made up of everybody. But what they do is so unfair.
Any college that refuses now to respect your First Amendment rights will be asking for. Billions and billions of dollars and they won't be getting it. They won't be getting. Well, signed up. Anyone can become a target of the left's brutal campaign to punish dissent. I'm the number one target in the world. And here we are. But I'm the number one target who's more of a target than me. No matter what you do, I'm the great target for these people.
These people are crazy. Earlier this year in Park City, Utah, a leftist released pepper spray into a high school auditorium to shut down a turning point. USA meeting. 20 students. And teachers had to immediately seek major medical attention. Think of that one of the students from that school joins us today, Ryan Zinke. Ryan, where are you trying? Get over here. Come on. Come on. Come up with. I do believe the free speech in our schools is currently at stake as conservative students.
There are many cases myself. Some other people that I've met here and across the country are being silenced, are being shut down by whether their schools, teachers, friends, that we're not being listened to properly and our voices need to be proudly expressed. And we cannot be silenced. You know, he had no idea there was going to happen. But he started to like it. I said, you know, this can be a long time. You'll be in office someday.
You're doing something fantastic. Thank you, Ryan. Great job. In May, faculty at West Haven High School in Connecticut tried to ban the local chapter of Turning Point USA because students hung up a sign that read America is the best country in the world, can you believe it is the best country in the world?
One Board of Education member viciously smeared the students as racists, sexist bullies who are brainwashed by their Republican parents. But the attacks have only strengthened the group's resolve and membership has skyrocketed since then. We are winning the war. With us today is that turning point USA chapter president Dan Gallup polling. And Dan, I want to just thank you for that fight. Where's Dan.. Dan, you want to come up, Dan.. Come on up, Dan. He wants.
Come on up here, Dad. Hi, everyone. Let's get. It's so great to be here, it's such an honor. Thank you all so much. Thank you. Turning Point USA. For all of your support and your. For helping us with the fight for free speech on campus. No matter what. No matter what they say. No matter the teacher, no matter the student, no matter the faculty, we will stand up for what we believe in.
Whoa. That's fantastic. And now I see why he's president of his chapter, who wants who wants to fight. Thank you, Dan.. Great job. Last year, Hunter Richard `where's Hunter. Roger, you want to come up, Hunter? Do you want to come on a. Hunter is a high school sophomore in San Antonio, Texas. Great place. He just wanted to get a hamburger with a couple of his friends. And Hunter happened to be wearing a beautiful red cap that said Make America Great Again.
And a 30 year old man flew into a rage, stole Hunter's hat. Oh, I knew that. That was a pretty famous deal. It was all over the place, right. Threw a drink at him and called him a racial slur. Thankfully, it was all captured on video and the assailant was arrested and proceeded. And we all watch that event many times, that scene many times. And Hunter, thank you for your courage is fantastic the way you handled the.
Thank you. Every day I go to school, I always wear a red mago hoodie. You follow my Instagram, you'll definitely see all the time I proudly wear my make merit gregan and hat every time I go out of my house. Although I will say this, Mr. President, I do have one problem with you, and that's that I only get to have my president for six more years. Wow. Thank you. Great future. Thank you, boy.
Thank you very much. That's what they're afraid of. Did you see the other side? Did you see they have some comedian, third rate comedian. He's going. And he really means it. You know, he's going to win, don't you? They go, well, maybe. You know, he's going to win. And you know that in six years, you know, it's going to happen. He's not leaving. You know that. He's never going to leave, you know?
He's not like. These people are insane. And he believes in. Thank you, hunters. Great job. You know that our movement stands for patriotism, confidence, excellence, liberty, justice, support for our military, love for America and loyalty to our nation and all of its people went together.
We all stand together for American greatness. And even at such a young age, the members of your generation are proving that our hearts and souls are all wound together. We are unbridled in our love for our country. We are truly American patriots. Remember that.
Keep America great. The forces of political correctness want to silence conservative students to make you feel alone, marginalized and isolated, and you are not. But just look around you at this incredible record setting crowd, many, many people outside do, I hate to tell you. I hate to tell them. They didn't do as well, but they have a screen. It's not as good. Not quite the same. Right. But we do the best we can.
But you're not alone. The silent majority is silent no more. Your moment in the sun is just beginning. The story of America has always been written by everyday citizens who love their country so much they could not help but speak out. That's what happens. That's why these three young, incredible people came up here. Would you like to speak country? Yes, sir. You know, most people go, Oh, I don't know, sir. Maybe not.
But these peoples like all three of them.
Ryan, you want to speak again, Ryan? Yes, sir, I do. Right now, this is we these are great people. These are people with courage. Many of them were young, barely older than all of you. George Washington was just 21 years old when he received his first military command. Decades later, he chose a 20 year old, Alexander Hamilton, to be his top aide. Betsy Ross was 24 when she began showing the first American flag.
You think about it. She's probably more important now than she was two or three weeks ago when this stupid thing by Nike was done.
And they attendant to my day pay me a lot of rent. I probably won't see those checks anymore, but I don't care because I'm president. I don't care about. Amelia Earhart was only 23 when she took her first flying lesson on her way to becoming an aviation pioneer. Martin Luther King was 26 when he marched for justice through the streets of Montgomery, Alabama.
Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and General Douglas MacArthur were both in their early 20s when they graduated from West Point. Never imagining they would someday save the world from tyranny. From the very beginning, America has been lifted even higher by the daring dreams of young Americans like each and every one of you.
Now it's your turn to inspire our country, your chance to choose greatness for America. Because your time has come, your time is now. The choices you make over the next few years will shape much more than your own future. They will forever shape America's destiny, your choices, your leaders, your great leaders. You will be some of you in this room will be the great leaders of our country. A couple of you may be standing essentially here some day.
In a position where you can do so much. In mere months, some of you may take your first steps down a path that someday lead to discovering new breakthroughs in science. Saving lives in medicine. Leading a revolution in technology. Upholding our values in public service. Protecting our communities and law enforcement. Defending our freedom in the military or leading humanity into the stars. As long as you are confident in your values, as long as you are loyal to our citizens, as long as you keep faith in God above, there is no limit to what you want to.
You are the ones who are lifting our nation in the very near future. And I have no doubt you will do it, too. Soaring new heights. I have no doubt. I see the people in this room. This greatness in this room, there's greatness in this room. Remember I said it someday you're going to think back to this day. And you're going to say, you know, I remember President Trump. Saying there's greatness in this room and you're going to be not only speaking about yourself.
You're going to be speaking about others in the room who you know, who are going to rise to great heights with you. You are the ones who are bringing about the incredible rebirth of the American spirit. You are the ones who will make this moment a turning point. A true. Historical moment. This generation, your generation will make the light and the glory of America shine brighter and longer and prouder than ever before. I want to congratulate you.
You've had a long journey, but your journey is just begun. Want to thank you for being here. May God bless you and may God bless America. Thank you.