Great Speeches: Bruce Springsteen Inducts U2 To Rock n Roll Hall Of Fame
Highlights from The Pat Kenny Show- 2,275 views
- 27 Aug 2020
We continue our series of memorable speeches and we revisit the time when Bruce Springsteen inducted U2 into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.
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That part, Kenny Show on Newstalk. Over the last couple of months, we've featured speeches from politicians, actors, statesmen, which were broadcast from podiums, movie screens and church altars. Well, today we go to the altar of Rock and Roll and the awards ceremony from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame established in 1983.
It's a celebration of the history and cultural significance of rock music, and it honors highly regarded performers in rock and roll. We're going to take you back now to March the 14th, 2005, in New York when the boss, Bruce Springsteen, had the honor of inducting a certain Irish band into the Hall of Fame.
But first, let's revisit where it all began for those inductees. This is Larry Mullen talking to David Letterman about the first time he met his future band mates.
Well, Dave, I think it's important to point out that, you know, when I put that notice on the board, I asked for three other good looking guys who could play.
And this is what I ended up with so well. But were there other personnel in the original gathering? Yes, there were another two gentlemen ages, Brother Dick, who actually built his own guitar, and so he was allowed in the band just because of that, made his he made his own guitar. And there was another gentleman as well. And he had a guitar because, as I say, I the whole idea was that these guys would come along, they'd be really good looking and they would have instruments and they didn't have any.
So I didn't have to find other people who did have instruments, who were good looking. Of course, when Bono came in, they got fired and I was relegated to being the drummer and hitting things.
And of course, the rest is history, as U2 conquered the world from that day in 1976, when Larry Mullen put that notice up in Mount Temple High School, who would have thought that those boys who met up in Larry Mullen's mom's kitchen would go on to Erina World Tour's best selling records and songs that just never age? Everyone has a favorite Utusan, but sometimes you get more than you bargained for, as Bono explains.
So one was one came at a time in our band when things were very difficult for us in the studio and it sort of kept us together. And we hold on to that song quite tightly when we play. You know, if I hold onto it and I mean, I wouldn't have voted the best song of all time myself, but I'm very glad that. Lots of other people have said that they believe it, could you just explain, though, to your viewers that if they do love that song, please don't get married to it?
Because it's a very it's a bitter and twisted lyric. You know, it's a song about, you know, people, you know, tearing each other apart. And it's a song about transcending that. Yes. But it's like a lovers argument more than anything else. I'm always amazed when people say, oh, I got married to that song. I just think, well, you know, I mean, either way, it's a brilliant sign and you've come through a lot.
But I shouldn't really say that because, you know, and I think this is a thing thing that lyricists should know and I should know is that the people finish the songs for you and and their meaning is as important as yours. So I actually don't want to try and force that. We can just rewind all that stuff I just said. Just so, Mariuccia. And you see. Smith it up with from be. But that was not the same.
Speaking to the CBS Morning Show in America, the boys talked about what keeps them going and loving what they do. If you let go of that aspect of the culture of popular music and you choose to be less popular, you're sort of in a different game. We love it. We just love that moment where the song comes together. Really, we think it's connecting. And it's I guess we just love what we do. Your songs are like your children, and they're not, they're not.
No, I like your parents. They tell you how to dress, what to look like and pay. And they don't like being ignored.
They really don't like the old lady. So that's the key to it all, loving what you do. In 2005, the band was honored by induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and it was fitting that the man chosen to do the honors was someone who himself puts poetry to music. Bruce the Boss, Springsteen.
The edges guitar playing creates enormous space and vast landscapes. It is thrilling and in a heartbreaking sound that hangs over you like the unsettled sky in the turf, it stakes out. It is inherently spiritual. It is grace and it is a gift. Now, all of this has to be held down by something. The deep shortness of Adam Clayton's bass and the rhythms of Larry Mullan's elegant drumming hold the band down while propelling it forward. It's in YouTube's great rhythm section at the band finds its sexuality and its dangerousness listen to desire.
She moves in mysterious ways. The pulse of with or without you together, Larry and Adam create the element that suggests the ecstatic possibilities of that other kingdom, the one below the Earth and below the belt that no great rock band can lay claim to the title without. Now, Adam always strikes me as the professorial one, the sophisticated member. He creates not only the musical but the physical stability on his side of the stage. The tone and depth of his bass playing has allowed the band to move from rock to dance music and beyond.
One of the first things I noticed about U2 was that underneath the guitar and the bass, they have these very modern rhythms going on rather than a straight two and four very often plays with a lot of syncopation, and that connects the band to modern dance textures. The drums often sounded high and tight and he was swinging down there and this gave the band a unique profile and allowed their rock textures to soar above on a bit of his rhythm. Now, Larry, of course, besides being an incredible drummer bears the burden of being the band's requisite good looking member, something we somehow overlooked in the E Street Band.
We have to settle for charismatic. The girls love on Larry Mullen, we all have our crosses to bear, Bono. Where do I begin? Jeans designer, soon to be World Bank operator, just plain operator, seller of the Brooklyn Bridge. Oh, no. He played under the Brooklyn Bridge that soon to be mastermind of the Bonnel Burger franchise where more than one billion stories will be told by a crazy Irishman. I realize it's a dirty job and somebody has to do it, but don't quit your day job yet, my friend, you're pretty good at it.
And a sound this big needs somebody to ride herd over it and ride herd over it. He does. He has a voice big hearted and open, thoroughly decent, no matter how hard he tries. And he's a great front man against the odds. He is not your mom's standard skinny ex junkie ArcSight. He has a physique of a rugby player.
Well, an ex rugby player, shaman shyster, one of the greatest and most endearingly naked messianic complexes in rock and roll.
God bless you, man. It takes one to know one, of course, you see every good Irish and Italian Irish front man knows that before James Brown there was Jesus. So hold the McDonald arches on the stage that boys, we are not ironist. We are creations of the heart and of the earth and of the stations of the cross. There's no getting out of it. He's gifted with an operatic voice and a beautiful falsetto, rare among strong rock singers.
But most important, his is a voice shot through with self-doubt. That's what makes that big sound work. It is this element of Bono's talent, along with his beautiful lyric writing that gives the often celestial music a view to its fragility and its real. It is the questioning, the constant questioning and Bono's voice where the band stakes its claim to its humanity and declares its commonality with us. Bono's voice often sounds like it's shouting not over top of the band from deep within it.
Here we are not in this mess. In your image. He delivers all of this with great drama and an occasional smirk that says, Kiss me, I'm Irish.
This band has carried their faith in the great, inspirational and resurrected power of rock and roll with them. They've never faltered only a little bit. They believed in themselves, but more importantly, they believed in you to thank you. Bono Edge, Adam and Larry, please welcome U2 to The Rock On.
That was the voice of Bruce Springsteen on the occasion of the induction of the members of you to enter the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame back in 2005.
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