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This is the JoCo Underground podcast, No.6 with Echo, Charles and Me, Jocke Willink, good evening.


Good evening. And also once again, Dave Bach. Good evening. Good evening. Good deal, Dave. This is a good deal, Jack. Just make it so.


So when I did the JoCo live events that we did pre covid, I called the the events decisively engaged, which is a term from military doctrine that I always liked.


I always liked that term.


Now, the definition of that word, if you go into the one on one back five tac one operational terms of graphics, which is a great if you're in the military, you should have that book.


If you're going in, the military should get that book. You can get it online.


It's just a big PDF, but it's how to learn the language of the military one to one, take five to one operational terms of graphic graphics. I use to have a copy there, keep on my bed. And as I was falling asleep, I just read through it.


And when you look in there for the definition of decisive engagement, it is this in land and naval warfare and engagement in which a unit is considered a fully committed and cannot maneuver or extricate itself.


In the absence of outside assistance, the action must be fought to a conclusion and either won or lost with the forces at hand.


In some situations, this is a desired result in order to hold key terrain, defeat a specific enemy force or secure a specific objective in this situation, the unit can receive additional forces or support to be able to disengage. In that last part, they have it defined as like army.


So I think that's also a cool definition. Right. Does that definition cool? I think not only is it decisively engaged cool sounding, but it's also a very cool definition.


I can't get out of this. I've got to win. I can't even move. I've got to just win. So when I name that event, I named it for a few reasons. Number one, because it sounds cool. Number two, because it's a play on words, right, because an engagement, you know, oh, we've got an engagement tonight. It's another word for an event. So there's a nice little play on words. Right.


And the last one. Is because it's something that I actually like to do to myself. I actually like to put myself in situations where I don't really have a choice and I realize this.


I realize this because I was going to ask this question the other day on something, you're talking to a client? I think I was talking to a client and basically was you know, that's the classic question of, you know, how do you get stuff done? And I just, you know, new book coming out. How do you how do you write that book? How do you do all this stuff? You know, how do you getting all this stuff done?


And it's a really common thing that people talk about in this day and age. What's the culture? Ecotrust Hussle culture. Right. Gang culture, crime, culture. Which right.


That culture is a common thing to talk about how, you know, what are your what's your process?


Productivity. What your problem with the productivity.


What's the productivity hack we've got right back. Hack, we're looking for the hack over here.


And as I thought through this question, because as you know, Dave, when somebody asked me a question, even though nine words into it, I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, I will not allow myself to jump to that conclusion.


So as this guy gives me a question, I've heard this question a thousand times, which my approach to productivity thing with my hint, what's my one thing?


All that stuff. And it was some version of that question. And I said, OK, well, let me reassess what this question is. Let me reassess. I mean, let me think about the answer. And I realized that this word, decisively engaged is a tool that I actually utilize.


To force myself to do things, I put myself into situations that I have to win that I can't get out of and you know, part of this is, you know, we've been we've been covering competition or competing the Marine Corps men and women talking to talk about strategic versus tactical.


And. You can get caught up in these tactical wins. I'm winning tactically and winning, but you're losing strategically and I don't really want to equate this.


That's kind of like what triggered my thought about being decisively engaged, because I think to myself, well, that's like a tactical situation that you're in that you can't get out of.


But I use it, and so here's how I use it, I put myself in the scenario of what I wear. I have no choice. What is an example that here's an example talking to my publisher and they say, OK, we won't you know, I know you want to do another book.


Can you get it to us by this date? And I say, yes, that's what I say.


Now, once I say yes, I'm going to hit that due date, I am going to hit that due date. I am going to hit it. I know that once I say yes to that book, I know what I have to do. I know it's going be a thousand words a day. I know I own eighty five, ninety thousand words.


Whatever the case may be, I backtrack and I realize, OK, now I've got to start writing. This is what I have to do. By the way, there's edits and all these other things you've got to do. So there's something here that, that, that I feel. I feel looming, not not looming like Pete from Origin that's up there, loom on a loom, an actual loom.


I feel things that loom over me.


I'm. And what looms over me, if I OK, for instance, if I owe a book, what I don't want to do, what looms over me is, hey, two and a half weeks and you have to write a whole book that looms over me.


I do not want that feeling.


I don't want oh, I've got three weeks to write a whole book. I don't want that feeling. Not only is it not possible because there's no way I could carve out that much time in every single day to write ten thousand words a day, whatever for eight days and get a book done. But what's your product at the end of writing ten thousand words a day for for ten hours. What's your product. Your product is crap. So I have that looming over me so I sign up for it.


I sign up to have this thing loom over me because I know that then what I'm going to do is start to work, get the discipline in place to write the thousand words a day as early as starting tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow, by the way, when I tell you hey, when I tell my publisher. Yep. I'll have a book to you by this date tomorrow. I'm writing a thousand words and I'm a thousand words. And so I'm done and I'll be done three months early, two months early, start to edit all that.


But I think it's important to hate what looms over you, to hate the feeling of things looming over you.


Here's here's what I'm trying to think of as examples, here's another little example let's say I'm reading. So that is a little excerpt of what we are doing on the JOCO Underground podcast. So if you want to continue to listen, go to JoCo underground dot com and subscribe.


And we're doing this or doing this to mitigate our reliance on external platforms. So we are not subject to their control. And we are doing this so that we can support the JOCO podcast, which will remain as is free for all, as long as we can keep it that way. But we but we are doing this so we don't have to be under the control of sponsors and we're doing it so we can give you.


More control, more interaction, more direct connections, better communications with us, and to do that, we are we're building a website right now where we'll be able to utilize to strengthen this legion of troopers that are in the game with us. So thank you. It's JoCo underground dot com. It cost eight dollars and 18 cents a month. And if you can't afford to support us. We can still support you, just email assistance at JOCO Underground dot com, and we'll get you taken care of.


Until then, we will see you mobilized.

