Jocko Underground: How to "Create" Time in Your 24hrs. How to Salvage a Relationship. Jocko's Music. Echo's Workout Program.
Jocko Podcast- 1,353 views
- 23 Mar 2021
Echo's workout program.
Where are the music rebels?
Salvaging a marriage.
Creating more time for yourself.
How to "Create" Time in Your 24hrs. How to Salvage a Relationship. Jocko's Music. Echo's Workout Program.
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This is the JoCo Underground podcast, number 11 with Echo, Charles and me, JoCo Willink. Good evening. Good evening. We have some more Q&A for today from the underground, the underground.
So people that are in the underground know how to ask questions to the underground. More narrow audience, so we get to them quicker. So here we go, here's a question and this question is actually directed. I believe it echoed Charles for the most part. So I'm going to read it.
It says, I've been lifting weights, bodybuilding power lifting since high school. I recently purchased Choco's Field Manual. It was an it was awesome, by the way. So the thing is, I'm not very familiar with the Olympic lifts and I can't afford to do B.J. and Crosthwaite. Obviously, I'm going with B.J. because you can't be out of a chokehold. That's affirmative. I'm curious as to what movements echo. Charles bases his lifting around. I know he played D1 football, so he may be more familiar with Olympic lifts as well.
I'm just trying to see what weight training split will compliment a beginner APJ and someone who isn't very familiar with Olympic lifts.
I'm very experienced with the Big Three squat bench deadlift, but I love cardio.
The cardio aspect that comes with Medicon Olympic lifting echo. Charles, go.
OK, let me preface this with my I'll be back in person personnel.
Keep my personal training certificate. Certification is expired.
Has been. Did you actually get one. I got a certification. It was like one of the bare minimum win one win two thousand three.
Were you thinking maybe that was the road. That was, that was the route that.
Did you actually do that for a walk. I was a personal trainer for a little while. Yes. Oh, wow. Year and a half. One year where I don't know what's perfect in San Diego. If I knew UTC. Twenty four hour fitness, you know.
True. Well, in college I went to school for it. I want to be a strength conditioning coach. So that was what I sort of pursued. That's right.
So you're off your bro. Science has a little some regular science in it. Yes. You could have fooled me over the last year, you know.
Well, in exercise in like sports, pro science is all I ever get on a terrorism exercise.
And sports pro science is the real you know, there's so much updating, you know, because, you know, everybody's body's different and all the stuff responds differently. Different things, fast twitch flow, twitch muscles like medium twitch, which is the thing.
Yes. And even that, you know, it's like put it this way, there's always new updates to it. So things that we thought was the best way. Sometimes later on they found out, hey, that's not the best way.
This is even better way science. Some things they say, hey, this is not even true anymore because we thought it was true because of this, this, this. But this this this is only the case because of this other thing that we didn't know about.
Well, lately, there's been a lot of a lot of this trust, the science stuff going around. And the thing about trust, like you just said, you can trust science, that it could be different tomorrow. Yeah. And then even that that's going to depend because there's like what you call the hard sciences and then there's that not hard sciences or whatever. Yeah.
So then there's that going.
Not even in the hard sciences, like things get proven wrong over time. Yeah. And I think like there. Yeah. I mean at the end of the day. Yeah.
But there's not a lot of stuff but yes there is a but they're not going to prove that one plus one like for some reason doesn't equal to any more. It's like that kind stuff you know. It's math. Yeah. Which is one of the hard science sciences or it's part of the data and I'm not.
No not absolutely true. Either way, back to lifting. Let's focus on. Yeah. Let's get back to the hard science of hard bro science of lifting, hard science of lifting.
Got, um, this is my opinion and it's not like I am not a strength and conditioning coach at all.
OK, but if you ask me what I do and what I found to be beneficial for jujitsu and non jujitsu stuff, here's what I have currently.
So I don't my workouts are not based for jujitsu, not fully. Some of it is because lifting weights has all kinds of different pursuits. You want muscular endurance, you want to look good, you know, big muscles, you want to be strong, you want it to be performance based and then performance based.
How you know, like you want to be strong in the way you want to be fast. You want to, you know, so that's like all all kinds of different pursuits going in different directions fully.
So mine was when I started lifting weights, it was to be quote unquote big and strong and fast, which are three different things, too, by the way. But my workouts would be based kind of with those three interest in mind.
Are they still not the fast? So I think he's asking, what are you doing right now?
Yeah, but I think that that's important to preface because it's like a way to start clapping. They recognize this. They're not. Yes. Have the. The same question, they think that this is beneficial because it is and this is why, because sometimes people believe, hey, they'll like, look at me and I'll get this. They'll be like, hey, what do you do for lifting? But then if you don't say, like, well, my I don't do this thing and then I happen to get this result.
It's like I have these certain things that I do for working out that for these certain results or whatever. And they conflict with each other like a lot of the lists that I do totally conflict with jujitsu. Like as far as I mean, I guess they be considered like bodybuilding lifts, like just the format, you know, like if if I do, five sets of 12 reps will say shoulder press.
If I said to 12 reps a minute, minute and a half or so in between til failure every time. That's a bodybuilding type movement that's not directly beneficial to jujitsu. In fact, if you put on lean muscle mass, that's not effective for jujitsu to a certain point. So if you're a two super skinny little dude and then you put on muscle mass, OK, but once you get sort of into a certain range, depending on your body builder, whatever the muscle works against you in jujitsu.
OK, well, does wait wasn't it you that was saying, oh, yeah, you put it you want to get up to like two fifty on the podcast with Drongo. Yes.
And then and then I went to run I ran for miles and I was like, good lord, I'm too big. This is too much.
And the thing is, you could be to 50 good weight or bad weight. You'd probably have that same thing going on if you don't train for running the mile.
And if I was training, then I wouldn't have been able to get to 50 if I've been if I kept running.
Well. So that is a little excerpt of what we are doing on the JOCO Underground podcast. So if you want to continue to listen.
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Until then, we will see you mobilized.