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Hello. Hi, Rob. I hear that you have construction going on at your house right now and you've told them to skedaddle while we talk. No, we're just redoing our roof. Oh, it's just that. But they're going to take lunch. That's lunch, everybody. Five minutes. We've got a podcast. Rob Lowe. Welcome to literally, it's me, Rob Lowe, Lisa Kudrow. Wow, I mean, I don't even know where to begin, friends, I'd sing the song now, but then you turn off the show and that would not be good.


I want you to continue to listen. We've got friends stuff coming up.


We have some scoop and there's some stuff about the friends reunion you're going to want to know.


But Lisa is not only Phoebe.


She's a very, very, very brilliant woman and a great mom and wife and normal person in this crazy world. And just legitimately one of the great people and smart and funny. And this conversation went on and on and on and on. I think we talked for fifty seven hours, but we have happily edited it down to something that's going to be palatable for you.


One of my favorites coming up, the great Lisa Kudrow. There's so much time, by the way.


I'm so psyched to have you on my humble little show. A little show.


I'm having fun doing this. I have to say, it's pretty great. All right. Everyone who's doing this is it's really fun. It is fun. Now, I didn't know it would be it is fulfilling as it is.


And it's part of it is just having people on who, you know, do talk shows for a living, but getting to talk to them about stuff that nobody else would ever ask them.


Right. You know, I yeah. First of all, I'm I'm just can get right to it. I'm obsessed with something that came up. Not that I need to research you because I could talk to you forever without looking at anything, but I found it.


This can't be true. That on the last season of Friends, yeah, they were searching your car, I know my car and I don't think it was the last season it was out OK, like for 10 years they were searching.


They and I want to know who they are because it's is very ominous. We're searching your car to see if you are stealing things from the set.


That was Warner Brothers security. Every week when I would leave, sometimes they search my car and I go back and ask the rest of the cast, like, so do they search your car, too? And they're like, no, like why? I mean, like, do they know among the show or it was funny. Do you think you have the face of a criminal?


I do not have the face of a criminal. I don't know. I mean, I just think maybe they just thought, you know, I don't know who this person is, but I know she's not an actress and she's just she's leaving the lot. And we're but we're meant to search. Do you think they were like this person has been on the lot?


A lot I don't and I can't figure out why they didn't remember me from, like, one time to the next, I mean, I was so forgettable to them that they just like, oh, better.


I would have pulled up and been like, listen, yo, Jennifer Aniston has the face of a criminal, not me.


If anyone stealing anything, it's Aniston.


I don't think I ever walked off with anything until the end. And then I took things. What did you take? I took a couple of top Stephy before I took all the five rings. Matthew Perry. I think he got permission as a gift. Gave me this cookie jar that said time that was in Monica and Rachel's apartment because I one time needed to reference the time and I forgot we all forgot that I should wear a watch. And there was no and I saw that cookie jar.


I just went, oh, look at the time I got to go with you after I was like, did you just point to the cookie jar and say, Oh, look at the time. That's very funny. That's awesome.


I know I'm such an idiot. It's fun. I do stupid things and it's really funny.


I just want take a little bit more of a deep dive on this because I know that it sounds like a one off thing. And but but I think it's emblematic of a larger issue, because you have to look front, you guys were doing friends when we were doing the West Wing, right.


You're your stage is right near the gym. I would go to the gym every lunch break during the work day. And you were never there? None of you. You never worked. None of you people ever. You just didn't work.


Right. What year was that? It was the last. So. Ninety nine. So you're coming. That's towards the end, right?


Well, in the middle. Is that that's in the middle. Yeah. That's that's in the middle. That's when we were allowed to start saying. Listen, although 99, we were still working kind of hard, like we only want to make this show if we can make it for 20 minutes a day, a week.


No, that's not that's what it seemed like.


But that's not true because we you know, that show when we would. You've done a multicamera show, right? Yep. Have you? I have.


They're all terrible. OK, but, you know, you rehearse. Yes. And then you do it in front of an audience, a half hour show, a 26 minute whatever. Here it is right now. And most places it takes like two hours to do 20 minutes in front of an audience. But our writers, you know, in our show runners were so diligent. They they you know, it could be better. So we would take six to eight hours to shoot a show.


And and when we started, we were doing starting the show at like like six o'clock at night, eight o'clock at night, you know, so it it felt like theater at night.


And so then we're not done till like 2:00 in the morning. So then we started to request let's do it earlier so that, you know, our whole we have no weekend. We have Saturday. Yes. And then, you know, it's part of Saturday and then Sunday.


But because it would just take so long. So, yeah, we did we did make that request.


You were able to cut those hours down because, you know, in our dramas of, as you know, are also they take even longer to do on The West Wing on our first year, our first year of the West Wing on Friday.


On Friday, Workday's, we wrapped Saturday mornings at five thirty am. Yeah. Every single Friday. Yeah.


No it's too much. No that's too much. No I wouldn't, that's, I would never have been able to do that.


But it is an easier schedule. A multi camera show is ridiculously easy. You're just rehearsing and after a while we've all got it down. There aren't that many notes from, you know, Martin, David from the writers. You know, there aren't that many notes for us because we got the characters so they know what they need to rewrite. It's mostly story stuff. They're not fretting, the beating, the jokes, you know, if they can find a better joke.


So, yeah, that there just wasn't rehearsal time wasn't we didn't need as much rehearsal time. So the days got shorter.


When did you first know that friends had become the Beatles? When we were on Oprah named after our first season. And she said she they made this packet like this package. Showing people, you know, in what they were like Internet coffee houses with Internet chat rooms and stuff, and then people were having parties to watch together and she was showing us all that.


And we were just like, huh? And she just looked at us and said, you don't know you all don't know any of this. And we just went, Yeah.


Did you know you're like, they're searching my car? Cause I don't know that I'm and I'm a member of the Beatles now.


They security doesn't still doesn't fully trust me. Yeah. But maybe because I didn't have a nice enough car or they really conservative.


You waded right into this. You don't blame me now because you started it. What I say the parade.


Of expensive automobiles. At first, that would roll up to that set. I remember Brad Whitford in his Prius know just shaking his fist. He'd be like David Schwimmer, you and your Maserati's.


It was you guys had a showroom. You had an expensive used car showroom by the end.


Yeah. Not me. No, not you. I will. Well, the most expensive car I had when I was a Mercedes like sedan. Very, very respectable. Very normal.


Then I got which I loved like a Lexus, you know, those little sort of SUVs. Yeah. Yeah, I had a kid. And so it must have been.


The thing is, you were people forget you were married, you had a small baby, you were not you were in a different phase of your life than everybody else in the cast. Really, right?


That's right. Until the very end. Courtney, you know, was pregnant that last season. Yeah.


That's got to have added something really cool and interesting and different to the to the dynamic. When it's a click, it's literally friends. But you're totally ahead of everybody in in leading your life. How did how did that ever manifest itself?


I'm trying to think I mean. When I was there, I was there and, you know, it's not like because my son was so little, I think he was five or six when we finished.


You know, a set really isn't a place for a toddler to be running around and aware of, like, OK, the bell rang. You know, it wasn't a fun place for him.


So he wasn't there that much, actually, it turns out. Yeah, I can see that. Right. Yeah. I mean, it's like for a quick visit or but not like to spend all day with Mommy because and then I also did not like him experiencing me, not as mommy because Phoebe is not his mother. Phoebe doesn't have children, you know, and I didn't. But and then as a consequence so I'd be when I was home and were watching something and there's Jennifer like the show was on and then there's Jennifer and Julie, my son, when mommy was like, no, that's you know, that's a different you can't see that's a different person.


Or is that just wishful thinking because. Oh, my God, that's too far.


I mean, when he did see Jennifer, he'd, like, crawl into her laugh and like, all right, what do you prefer? You prefer her? A lot of people do. That's fine.


She's like, how much? Yeah. How much of it is the hairstyle really? Truthfully, how much how much of Jennifer Aniston's success can we blame on Chris McMillan?


No, no, no, absolutely not.


Not she's testing from the first minute for the crucial minute. I mean, nothing to do with the hairstyle.


Are you trying to get me to like. Yeah, that's ridiculous.


I'm just looking I'm just looking for click bait, really. All I ask anybody who knows me, this is nothing but a click bait trap I show.


Oh, just gotcha questions after gotcha questions.


Do you know, I don't think I ever told you that my very first sort of well, I went to a Christmas party and it was my first time I was at a party where there were celebrities and it was I was like twenty something and friends and I don't know how we became friends. I became friends with Melissa and Sarah's aunt Stephanie. Oh, yes. Yes, she was fantastic. She's great. Stephanie. Yeah, of course.


And she brought me to the Family Christmas party. And so you were there and I was like, oh.


Oh, no. Oh, God, I don't belong here. What? That's Rob. That's Melissa Gilbert. Oh, my God. Oh, they're the most beautiful couple I've ever seen. They're beautiful. Why did I even think I could be in this business? I know where I get it. Yeah.


Yeah. It was a thrilling thing to see in real life. Like people that beautiful. What do they look like in real life? It's like of God. They're that beautiful in real life. Holy cow.


We're so nice to say that die. I mean. Well, it's not true. It's not nice. It's facts is I mean, these are facts. I mean, there's some beauty is subjective, but then there's the kind that's objective. I mean, and that's you, Melissa. I mean, in real life, she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.


Yes, she is beautiful. Still is beautiful. And yeah, I remember those Christmas Christmases at Melissa's house because her she comes from a long line of of stand up comics. And it's the first time I had ever seen old time comedians and experienced how competitive comedians can be. And I remember being struck by. The fact that everybody was sitting around a couch. And one by one, they would get up and stand up to talk. They would look at me.


That reminds me of a story when I was working at the Brown Derby.


Stand up. What is going on?


Yeah, I mean, I'm just like a Midwestern goyim. I don't know from this world.


I listened to one of your books.


I thought you were in Malibu. I was in Malibu when I was 13. But previous to that, the dangerous time to be in it was great to live in Malibu at 13. It was all. It was all. There were no parents.


The parents are all doing asked, you know, letting the kids, you know, raised not only the Coke vile and the cookie drawer was fantastic, but that's what I mean.


Can you imagine I mean, you didn't raise your kids like that.


Who? I went. I went the total opposite way. I'm a total disciplinarian. Big time, like academic police. And tried to beat every living creative instinct out of them, you did? Hmm. All right. I don't know why. Because it didn't work out for you. Well, yeah, because it's been it's been creative, has been so detrimental to my life.


I know her look. But you also know that it's that weird thing of. What we do is listen, Henry Fonda thought he was not going to work again to the day he died, OK?


And that's just like some therapy could help out with that.


Well, I've done that, too, and continue to do so. Right. But I've thought that, too.


We all think that. And I was like, wouldn't it be great to have I don't want my kids to grow up with this insecurity and I'd like to have some stability and not all the kooky, crazy pitfalls.


And and and I remember like going to different schools to put them in or not put them in. And they were very creative here. We put on the school play every year that I don't need that.


They see that all the fucking time in my life. I need to teach them how to multiply.


Right. I got some long division. Yeah, I got that as an opening gambit.


So most schools cover it.


So that's, that's what I did with with my, my, my boys.


And I know what to do. My point is it sounds like I'm trying to say, well, you've made a mistake. Like, I don't know what I am arguing with you, knowing you're not arguing. You're actually right.


We did, too. We had our son in a very traditional school. And, you know, it wasn't a great fit, it turns out, because he was more creative and, well, creative.


And that's but that's a good thing if you really, truly are creative. Right. It's going to come out no matter what you do. Right. And that's when you're good to go. Right.


I had somebody on the show who told me some great old time actor said to a young actor, Quit if you can. Yeah. And that's really what what it's about I didn't want to lead with. Yeah, the creative I wanted to lead with the other because knowing the creative will get through no matter what.


And indeed, my oldest son, sorry, my youngest son, Jonathan, who in this reminded me of of you reading about you.


He was he's a published author in a research paper on stem cell biology, as you are with headaches, as it turns out.


Right. A lot of people know that Miss Kudrow, very smart cookie. And you went into a traditional, you know, route of medicine and research and and the creative.


You can't it's like that opening shot of The Beverly Hillbillies where the oil comes out of the water. You just can't stop it.


Yeah. You know, also, I feel like these younger people have a different kind of self-esteem. Mm. It's a lot. There's something it's stronger than ours.


Why why is that. I agree. Why is that.


Well, I think partly because of a combination of the way they were parented and then at school, the level of respect they were shown, who you know, at school by not their peers. That's never changed. But even amongst their peers, it's a little better. I feel like, you know, the crazy meanness, you know, is that used to just be allowed because that's what kids do to figure it out. You know, that stuff, it's just it's better and they just seem a little more centered.


Well, that's what I'm seeing. I'm sorry. That's what I'm saying. I love that you are actors or in the arts. You know, that's what I'm saying. I'm very optimistic looking at at the kids, me to really super optimistic. It's so different just the way they treat each other. And also just it does seem like there's just like this underlying what is it? It's just like an improved level of respect for each other. It's true.


And they and they also, like you say, the schools are so different. You might get one of those courses. Johnny got an A plus. And the only the only A plus he got at Stanford was in women's studies.


And I was like, well, I did women's studies was it wasn't Stanford, it was the Hard Rock Cafe.


And was it women's studies? Probably not. Not really, no.


I like when my my producer, Devon Devon is on my screen here and I like my producer. Devon gives me the look.


It's the look my mom used to give me this exact same look.


It's like this like laughing and the shaking of the head with like a thought bubble that says, oh, that Rob now.


But Hard Rock Cafe is known for its two full weeks just on Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Oh, yeah. Yeah.


Hard Rock Cafe was is lame as it sounds. And it sounds lame, I'm very aware was the pinnacle of hip fun shows you love at the Hard Rock Cafe.


Hard Rock Lame. How lame were we in the eighties.


But you were, you know. No, absolutely not. I mean, a I wouldn't have been invited or tolerated there, but also tolerated. But yeah, we won't tolerate it. We will. All right. Her here. But also, I mean, nightclubs were death to me, I mean, that is like being in a prison cell, being in a nightclub.


I don't like a lot of times people ended up in actual prison cells.


Well, yeah, but I don't like crowds. I don't like mobs. And any gathering of more than 20 people to me in two small space can become a mob. And then you add like music and dancing. I mean, I'm like someone from nineteen fifties and rock and roll, you know, makes kids crazy, you know, that that was, that was my mindset about it, like concerts at a big arena.


I just would, I would sit the whole time going how do I get out. Where are the exits when everyone is, when everyone's stampeding.


How do I get out alive? It's it's such a weird thing I have.


I think that's actually pretty great, having been in a stampede once. Oh no. Really. Yeah, I was at the end and the whole thing was covered up in the papers.


The next day it was in Las Vegas. Who's after them after Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear off in the ring.


And you people were so irate. It was the MGM people spilled out into the casinos, started overturning tables and stealing the chips.


Oh, and and then there was gunfire. Whoa. And then they as or as they said in the paper, in a minor incident, champagne corks popping. Caused confusion. Oh, in the meanwhile, it was gunfire in the casino, people stampeded.


It was really, really, really scary.


I'm sweating, hearing about it. So where'd you go? What'd you do? How'd you survive?


I took I was with Cheryl and I took her down a hallway. There was nobody in the hallway, but there were people. One hundred people behind us coming down this little narrow hallway. And there was a door and it was open. And as we got close to the door, a security guard saw eyes got wide and went to shut the door and I was worried about being crushed. So I lit. So I lowered my head and like, I was like.


I was like, you know, a linebacker. Yeah, yeah, it was like Michael Strahan putting a hit and we got through the thing and then we went up in in a friend had a room and we hid up in the in the hotel that wasn't in the papers.


That was none of it. And none of it was in the paper. Why do you think.


Why do you think. Why not? I think I think it's still a company town, you know. I mean, listen, the Bellagio got it OK a couple of years ago and not like not really a word. Oh, wow. Yeah.


Yeah. You know, my my grandfather my mother's father died in Las Vegas at a table while he was playing something. And I kept looking. There were no there was no like Las Vegas newspaper in nineteen forty nine. So I was like, wouldn't it be reported somewhere if someone died and then you're just making it all makes sense. Not in Las Vegas. Not Las Vegas. Not in Las Vegas.


Yeah. Hold that thought. We'll be right back. Hey, Rob. Yes, I mean, I guess we should talk about what you want to talk about, but no, we won't. I just want to say thank you for doing. Who do you think you are? Remember when you did who do you think you are?


Of course I remember. It's gotten me on a continuing journey of continuing to look at my ancestry. I thank you for making the show. Yeah, it's a good show.


Here's me. Yeah. Instead of no. You're welcome. And yes, I love it. Thank you. But thank you mostly for doing it. It was such that was one of my favorite episodes. It was so extraordinary. And, you know, it took us like three years to collect all the research because that was before a lot of things were digitized. It's yeah, it is.


It was. I remember it vividly.


First of all, I I've always loved you and been a fan and I loved that idea. And I loved the the the show.


And it was one of those things where you go, oh my God, am I really going to eight days and I'm going to travel somewhere and I don't know where.


And it's daunting. And I was like, one of the things I've learned I tell people is that yes. Is usually the answer. Yeah.


And every time I've said yes to sort of jump ball, like, do I really want to go on this trip or do I really want to have dinner with this person?


And usually it's ended up being something special. And this doing your show and going on that journey was was so moving to learn about my my family's history. It was extraordinary.


It's an incredible history, too, that we don't learn about. We don't learn about it, but at all. Yeah, no, I know. And this is it's a tricky show because it's not like it helps anyone's career that you're taking eight days to go shoot something, you know, but it's such a fantastic moving emotional experience that just connects you to so many things you had no idea and parts of history you're connected to.


But I'm honestly. Did you were you really? Because, you know, it seemed like the. You know, we know what the kind of what the journey might be, you know, because we know what the documents are and, you know, we kept it the way the researchers discovered it, which is, you know, yes, you have an ancestor who someone submitted an application for, you know, Daughters of the American Revolution. You know, that you have an ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War, which was thrilling to you.


Yes. And to go in to see him on a prisoners list, you're like, oh, wow, these are German names. So he was captured by Hessian Hessian mercenaries. And then, oh, take a look at that. He was a and mercenary.


He was there to fight, fighting against. Yeah.


My my seven time great grandfather fought. Literally eye to eye against George Washington. Alexander Hamilton, it's the battle of Trenton where there was literally like the who's who was there. Yeah, that when Washington crossed the Delaware, he crossed the Delaware to fight my grandpa. Yeah. And took him and took him prisoner. My grandpa was probably drunk, right?


That's right. They were they all were drunk. They were drunk.


They were drunk as it was Christmas Eve. That's right.


These Patriots made a sneaky Christmas Eve attack. That's right.


And then to find out that. Then there was because we need to depopulate our country, we would give amnesty to anybody who would renounce their former country and swear an oath of allegiance to the United States. My grandfather did it and actually then was raising money for the local militias, which then by proxy made him a participant on the other side. Now to the American Revolution.


Yeah, no, it's extraordinary. Like the forethought of our founding fathers who treated these Haitian soldiers, who weren't there on principle. They just had there was nothing for them in their own country and they needed to make money. Right.


So they were not only that, my my grandpa was was 17 when he arrived here in 1776. Yeah. As a Haitian soldier, he was the like the third youngest. And so his oldest brother would have gotten the family farm. He would have gotten nothing.


And when the Haitians came to the village and enlisted people, you went like if you didn't go where your family was going to have real problems. That's right.


That's right. Because it's whoever is ruling that part, like has right in the middle of Germany. Pessah Then you go where they tell you to go that Duke is in charge. Right. The Duke of Hesse. Yeah, right. You didn't have a choice. That's right. But they were treated so well here and have the opportunity to own land, which it looks just like their native country.


That's what was really insane as the part of Pennsylvania where my where my family founded looks exactly like the part of Germany. They were where they were from, like you couldn't replicate it. It was unbelievable.


Yeah. That's such a cool thing that you did that.


I love that that was in your story that you had with your family was just unbelievably moving to.


Yeah, yeah. That was tough. I have to say. That was not. Yeah, that was tough. But but the experience of doing it was also a whole other experience, I have to say, just yet, for the people I met there who. You know, I don't know, it's just really it was now did did my friend Rashida Jones end up doing the show? Yeah, that was she did. Because when I was when I was on Parks and Rec, I had more people.


By the way, you should know I have more people coming up to me going, hey, I'm sure I do this.


Did you have fun doing or do you think you are?


I'm like, yes, do it, do it, do it. Yeah. And I don't know. The fun is the word. No, it's not fun every second. It depends on the story because it's usually, you know, emotionally deep, you know, a little tough.


Rasheeda story was unbelievable. And her mother came for the second half because it was her mother's family that Rashida was looking into and her mother joined her. Was it in Peggy Lipton? Yeah. Peggy Lipton. That that might have been, I'm thinking Susan Day on The Partridge Family, Peggy Lipton and Josie and the Pussycats.


Those were the three things that lit my fuse when I was seven years old.


No. Peggy Lipton, was it on the Mod Squad? No, there was. That was it Peggy Lipton. But no, that was great that they could do that together. And yeah. So that turned out to be a Holocaust story. That was that was brutal.


I mean, yeah, we all think it's just someone else's fault in any way. It's like, well, concentration camps. My family was in a concentration camp, so we missed, you know, we avoided that.


And then now there were the death squads. There were all kinds of other things. Yeah.


It was in that, you know, that it makes you appreciate your life. You know, it makes you appreciate their their sacrifice. Yeah.


Well, my grandmother, you know, who to me was sort of a tricky person, but when I saw where she came from and I saw, you know, then she goes to New York and she's in like this tenement and oof! I mean, it was tough. I mean, yeah, it made me just understand not everyone is extraordinary, you know, and you have to allow people their stuff just because they're not extraordinary in overcoming things that people can't really overcome.


You know, it's too much trauma. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I, I, I, I talk sometimes about that kind of stuff on the show because I'm a big believer in therapy and and that we, you know, we have to put like not a stop but like it's up to us in our lifetimes to to make.


Right. The stuff that we've inherited from. Folks who didn't have the wherewithal or the learning or or any of it, it's kind of going back to what you were saying about the schools today is like we've we don't do what we did, you know, two decades ago.


Some of that that just doesn't fly anymore or even a decade ago or even a decade or even five years ago. Yeah, yeah.


No, I mean, I feel like schools have been really scrutinizing kids way too much and, you know, oh, they're not paying attention. Let's give them a pill.


You know, just for when I was in the first grade, they they pulled me out of class and have my mom come for an emergency session because I couldn't color inside the lines. And that when asked they I said my favorite color was black.


And they're like, he is mentally ill. And and my mom is like, I'm sorry. What? Yeah, no, they were like he'll never I mean, he's got I couldn't color inside the lines, could not do it. Favorite color black, never going to amount to anything.


Now, I mean, but see, but that is the influence of certain kinds of therapy. But, you know, there are to me, the issue is we don't know a lot about how our brains work. We know more than we used to. But, you know, these sort of fad therapy things are making their way into schools is not always great. I don't think, you know, it's like they they were like black and he won't color in the lines.


He's like depressed or off or something's wrong with.


No. No, his brains developing, he likes black right now. Check back in five years, it'll be OK.


You know, I it's funny. I remember. The other thing we talk about is whatever shame you have in this life or anything, that's always something that needs to be rectified.


I always think about that.


One of the earliest times I remember feeling so ashamed was in the second grade, they had what had to have been one of the earliest video cameras ever made.


And I remember them. They just propped it in the corner. And turn it on, and I'm doing and we're doing our work, and I thought and I can remember vividly like it was yesterday, thinking this is going to be the most boring thing anybody has ever watched.


So I would get up and make a cross like an actor.


Would you go and sharpen my pencil and then come and sit down and write some more?


And then I would think, God, this is fucking interminable. Who's ever going to?


And then I get up and go to the chalkboard and stick to it.


And at the end of the class, they were like, Rob Lowe, can you start class, please? We need to talk to you. Yeah. And like your hyperactive.


Oh, right. Because you wouldn't say you are hyperactive. You cannot sit in your seat. And I did not. And I remember thinking vividly I was doing it on purpose. I was doing because before you got that thing, the camera is going to go. And what if you said I'm your show? I am the show.


This is the show me getting up, sharpening a pencil. Come on, man, there were no crosses that was just going to pay me good money to do that.


And but that's how crazy I was literally in the seventh grade, seventh grade, second grade in Dayton, Ohio, and I was thinking like a filmmaker, but I didn't know that I was fantastic and got in so much trouble.


That sort of drastic I mean, not fantastic. Sorry.


Did your mom was she worried or did she just go?


Luckily they didn't.


To my knowledge, they didn't like write a letter home or anything because you can think of how that could actually go battle. Joking aside, it's like the next thing you know, I'm on Ritalin or what, you know.


Right. Right, right. But I also was aware enough to know.


That I was misunderstood, which is a whole other podcast, this part is how literally I'm a starting now called misunderstood because I have a lot I think a lot of us who end up in this business have multiple stories like that.


Where am I going? No, no, no, no.


You just understand being misunderstood. Yeah. Oh, completely. Always. I thought that was everybody's experience, though. You know, and I think actors, you know, there's different categories of why they want to go into it, and I think the most common explanation, people like to just like, oh, they just want attention. And, you know, there's a whole other thing, which is now they just like being other people.


Yeah. So they're just really interested in understanding other people. So they want to inhabit other people. So they the other thing people mistakenly say is. Oh, well, they must be really good liars because they're actors. Oh, yeah, no, I can't lie. Me neither. Because you're a good actor, because only bad actors lie on screen. Interesting. Good actors tell the truth on screen. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's good. You are smart.


I mean, I've known that, but yeah, I know if you think about it like people and I get it to the to the regular person is just a fan of movies and TV. They would when why should they ever give the amount of thought to acting the way we do. But I can see what they would think that. But what as you know, what we do is somebody put something on paper that has nothing to do with anything.


It's a lie. It's made up right. And our job is to make it truthful. Yeah.


Although these days a lot of them seem to be transcripts of actual events and things and parts of people's lives, you know. Yeah. What are you watching today? What's your thing? You have a like what's on your queue.


Yeah, I know. I'm always asking people that I've run out of things. I mean, yeah I we sailed through Queen's Gambit because that was just so good. So good crown.


Yeah. Oh I just got a preview of Shonda Rhimes. Bridgton. That's going to be on I loved it. I'm looking forward to I haven't seen it yet. When do we get the friends reunion?


The famous friends reunion?


Yeah, we're going to shoot that in the spring, early, early spring. And is it do we do we you know, obviously. Is it what is it?


Well, it's not is it? It's not a reboot or a it's not like a scripted thing. We're not portraying our characters. It's us getting together, you know, which, you know, just doesn't happen a lot and has never happened in front of other people since 2004 when we when we stopped. So, yeah.


So it's it's it's reminiscing and just in just catching up and talking and it's that's going to be great. Is there a moderator or not.


There's no moderator you guys hang is it. You just have like nachos over. Genzel like if I were directing I would be like here's what it is. It's Aniston is making margaritas. And Nacho's, yeah, and hijinx ensue, that's sort of where I wanted it to be, like just as we're having dinner and then you intercut with other things and you know, but but I yeah, I don't know. There's different facets to it, you know, and some, like, already shot packages of things.


I don't know fully, to be honest. I really don't. I'm but I appreciate something for it already. So we're definitely doing it because I already shot a little something. I'm so interested in it, I mean, because the other thing is when you guys first announced it, it was pre covid and pre reunion's of absolutely everything that you couldn't. I mean, I've seen uncles reunion. I've seen, you know, what's happening now, I think a reunion.


All right. I know I've been in Parks and Rec and West Wing, so. Oh, right. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm just saying there's a really high bar now. I'm just saying I know you've got a I know. I mean.


Well, we'll see what happens. You know what you get what you're getting, you know, you get what you get.


It's the friends, it's the fucking Beatles. Listen, if the Beatles walked into the room, they could literally just walk into the room and I'd be thrilled.


All right.


So that and that's what our show is. We're just walking into rooms. I would. I would. I'm not kidding. I would be like, oh, well, I mean, we're walking into a coffee house room.


We're walking. I think some sets will be at that. We've not been in I mean, the coffee house I've been in now and then, you know, but I have a hot take on the coffee house. What's what's that? It's ugly. OK, um, I don't like it. I well, that's a very popular opinion. Oh, good. It's not a hot take. No, it's not. I mean, it's not a popular opinion I don't think.


Oh I see.


I, I find it to look first of all I think you see and I didn't do it well and you didn't see, you couldn't do well to your point, your truthteller, you are a truth teller.


But then again it's it's, it's the nineties. Everything was like that. There's a lot of fabric.


Yeah. A lot of fabric. Yeah. Yeah.


Well I mean the boys are wearing the frame on the door now that's like a little too cute. But then it was like, oh look at that. Yeah. I still think is it the purple. Is it the walls are purple. The door was purple. Yeah.


Yeah I have a purple. The purple thing is like. I post traumatic stress about the friends. That's not like post-traumatic stress.


OK, well, that in the fact that you got that all the guys had better cars than I did, I'd be like like I say, going to the gym, grinding my ass out and, you know, you'd be Matt LeBlanc going, you think, well, he's a car guy.


Oh, yeah, right. He's a big car guy. Courtney also knows cars.


So. So your story of them searching your car.


Did did did you ever have because you guys made it in a time of television where it was the gold rush.


It was there was money vomiting out of every sewer pipe in the world. Wow.


That's not how it felt, you know, did you ever have them gift you with elaborate gifts, you know, have us?


No, they didn't. I mean, we would hear about people getting outrageous gifts.


And, yeah, one year there was an issue and it was actually like someone wrote about it, you know, and we didn't get anything, I think, because I think the studio got like, oh, like this show got they all got cars. Yes. Car. So should we give them cars now? You should get planes.


If they one of our executive producers, like they have cars, they don't need cars so that there was nothing and and that's a bad producer he went from. You were about to get cars.


Do you. Now. Now got nothing.


What do I mean we didn't we didn't need cars, you know, and and yeah. I don't know. It was just because the truth is, you know. Yeah, we didn't need anything. So make a donation somewhere, you know, and that's what we would do with the executive producers. It's like, look, we've all done well. So for Christmas we'll make a donation right somewhere that you like, you know.


But then it was like, well, you know, I like gifts like, OK, so we'll get you a gift. Yeah. That's the stories of those era of that era, I mean, that I remember so vividly. There was a show called Providence then sounds familiar, the same time it was, she's great actor Molina can occur.


Oh yeah, right. Yeah. And they got her a Range Rover. Yeah, Providence. Melina Kent Accretes, what do you think is going to get Jen Aniston and Lisa Kudrow on Friends? Well, that was one person. There were six of us who. That's true. I know. And I say it like, you know, money was tight. No, it wasn't, because the show is making them.


So it was it was a gusher then.


It still is on on the same lot, same company, E.R.. Yeah. Was crushing. And they they gave every department had a million dollar check. What. Yeah. They did use they who. I think John Wells did. Right.


What I'd heard is he when they made that next big syndication deal that John gave everybody and then so my, my eyes are filled with stars with all of this and it's the West Wing. And and we've just I think at that time, done really well at the Emmys more than anybody ever done. And it was a thing. And you guys were killing it. And John Wells is one of our producers who just give a million dollars to E.R. and Molina can Accretes has got a Range Rover and Will and Grace all got Boxster Portia's.


Right. That's right. Right. They got but they got Portia's and I remember. Yeah. John Spencer, God bless him is my my best friend on the West Wing.


They made an announcement that the studio was coming down to give us gifts.


Based on it was right after the Emmys and John and I were like, is it a car? What kind of cars or is it? Check. This is going to be the great.


And we're all in the Roosevelt Room set waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for the heads of AOL Time Warner because they had just merged and everybody money was flying and the Internet was it was all great. And in comes the president of the studio and he says, we're just so proud of what you guys have accomplished. It's not only a hit TV show, but it's it says something about our country and it says something about this new company, AOL Time Warner.


Right. And we couldn't be more proud to give you just a small.


I've got I've got a list in my head, a coffee truck, so you can eat like you are truly. Or a baseball cap, a sweatshirt seat.


Kudrow like this is why you are not just a pretty face, because you are smart and you know where the bodies are buried, right?


It's not your first rodeo is it. No, but what was it?


It was a single serving espresso maker. Oh my God. It was for each of you to have like.


Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh.


Just for everyone to take it. Just for everybody. And then in ten hours, everyone will have been served an espresso if you like it, if you like espresso.


And it was my favorite part was it was under a sheet with a voila moment. Oh shit. But that was going to be in your craft service for evermore. Forever, forever. That is for West Wing to use one at it's for whatever that show accomplished.


I know that it got us an espresso maker. That's from the.


Yeah, that's really great.


We'll be right back after this. And then before we go, I wanna hear about space for I'm obsessed with the actual space force I grew up with, such a thing I don't know is a real thing. When I shot it, like the idiot actually saw it, like the State of the Union, where President Trump said something about space for us. And I texted Steve and Steve Carell and Greg Daniels, wait there. It's a real thing, like not even responding and then.


Yeah, right. Yes, it is.


Did you see this week that they revealed the motto of the Space Force? No. What? Yeah. This week. Oh, Guardians. Wait, it's not. Yes.


The so I guess in the in the Navy you'd be an aviator if you're in the Air Force, the soldier if you in the army, if you're in the space cause you're a guardian.


Your guardian.


Right. Isn't that from. Well immediately I text string.


I texted Chris Pratt.


I was like your guardian. You're a guardian that's established. You are the guardian of the Galaxy are Guardians of the Galaxy.


But then also I thought, God damn, you know, the Hulu, it's really big. The show that I can watch, My Handmaid's Tale.


Oh, yeah. Like the bad people are the Guardians.


That's not good. Well, they're like the guards at the gate at Warner Brothers. They don't know they were the guardians that make sure I'm not leaving with a with a lamp or anything. But that's statue.


I love the guards at the gate. There's always a Mr Low. Makes me feel like I'm in show business. It's the last vestige, by the way, of what it was like to be Clark Gable.


Yeah, truly. Right, right, right. No, they're nice. They are nice. They were always nice. And I think then after that happened a couple times and then I mentioned it on a talk show, then it kept happening just because I think they got a kick out of it, mentioned that it was really funny. And I did love because, you know, I don't know about you, but the first time, like, people know who you are and you're financially secure, you know, in that moment.


Right. And there's a little bit of like, oh, what's the other shoe that's going to drop? I don't know if you have that, but I guess. And so when they would stop me, I'm like, I'll take it. I'll take it. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. You just put me back on my spot. Thank you. That's great. Yeah, I you talk about it as the other shoe to drop. I always, I'm always like what is that light at the down the train tracks.


Oh that's the oncoming train.


That's. That's sort of why that makes me laugh so hard. It's terrifying. Yes, when I when I'm when I don't have a head full of therapy, I wake up in the morning at. Yeah, that light looks like a lot like a train to me, and then what I'm like, well, my head's on straight. It's like, no, no, that's actually a light on the set that you're working on. You're lucky fucking bastard, right?


It's all OK, it's all going to be OK, wait, and you can cut this or do whatever you want. I loved the Grinder. What happened? What happened? I loved it. You were hilarious, Fred. So everyone, Fred Savage, fantastic. Every human in that show was great. I loved it. I don't know what happened.


I am so glad because you have tremendous and I'm not saying this because you just paid the show a great compliment. I trust your taste implicitly and that I made a a grinder fanned out to you means a lot to me. I love that show.


I loved it. It's my favorite. It in fact, when it was canceled, I was like, I'm done with comedy. I'll never do. I don't blame you. I'm never going to have a better fit. I'm never gonna have a better group of people. I'm never going to have a show that I'm more proud of or funnier.


It was every moment of it was perfect for. Yeah, it was so good.


Folks, if you're out there and you haven't seen The Grinder, I don't even know. I think it's probably on Hulu would be my guess.




Or iTunes. But God damn, I love that show so much.


Funny. It's ridiculous and funny. It was so good. I don't that that's what made me go. Yeah, yeah. I'm done like the networks. I can't, I can't do it because they won't, they won't use their eyes and ears. All they're looking at is a spreadsheet. And I know that this business doesn't have time like they did back, you know, for Seinfeld and cheers when you know, Brandon Tartikoff would just wait for it to find its audience because he knew it was good.


Right. I know they can't they can't do that anymore. Maybe it's why they can't wait. But I'm out.


I had the same I had the same reaction.


And. But I will say this, though, I had to remember that when they sent me the script. And it was so funny and so inside baseball and a great way and so eviscerating of. Network television that I thought I couldn't believe that they were going to make it, so I came here for a place. I can't believe we got to do twenty two of them. On network television, because you talk about biting the hand that feeds, you know, we we nodded off.


If that's the only way they can survive, though, they can't be too precious. I think that that's why I know that's not why.


Well, that is that isn't why they can't cancel. They just didn't. They didn't they didn't believe in it. They they. It wasn't. It truly wasn't their taste, I mean, they and I knew we had a problem. When they were so excited, I got the phone call from the higher ups and they were so excited that The Grinder was going to share the night with John Stamos is grandfathered.


And I was like, oh, yeah, there. Because that show is is it it's just it's just not the same audience.


Our audience is the Parks and Rec audience.


Right. Wasn't there a transition at the network around then?


No, they were the same group.


Well, it was because I thought they were just starting to try something new, like, I don't know, I just feel like, you know. And then they also canceled Last Man on Earth. Yes, that was the same we had that was a really great run.


Does I mean, it was such a great show. You know. You know what they do, though? You know what the thinking is, the thinking and I'm sure you do know this is look, the Grinder did not get great ratings. It did not. And neither did last minute. We did not. But what it was was the new normal and the king of New Normal.


I'm always on these shows the get the new rating. If you're like, oh my God, it's gone down to a point. Oh, it's a disaster. It's down to a point seven. And guess what?


That's the rating now. And that's five point seven. They the next year they're they would dive when they canceled the grinder. Yeah. They never had another show ever that did that number. Right. I know. By the way, do you remember what friends did just to blow my mind. Do you remember know what those ratings were like. No, like twenty three. Twenty three. Twenty three. There are static. With a one I know static, I know, well, I now know, I do know, I know that I do.


And by the way, our twenty three was always like, well, I mean, yeah, it's not cheers. It's not MASH, it's a twenty three. But you know, that's how it is now. So don't worry. Don't worry.


When do you go back to do more space for us. Well they're going to shoot and may. So I'll see if I'm needed because I'm not like a regular. All right, right, right, right. You come in, you have the best job in the world.


You just kind of come in when they want you or when you can do it. It's great. That's right.


That's right. Yeah. Yeah. So that's May. So it'll be right before probably, you know, able to get a vaccine.


Right. Look at everything. And I just went to London to shoot something and I was a wreck before going because I can't help but take like a few steps back and just go. Wait, if five years from now, I just imagine we're saying, wait a minute, I'm sorry, you flew to London weeks before vaccines were available, but that's when you went by the height of the pandemic.


You're like doubling down. You're like, I'm going to do it at its most dangerous. Right. But that's not me.


I'm the one who's like, you're doing what? You're the biggest idiot ever. So I was now the biggest idiot ever. So it just made me a wreck. But I did it. It was OK. I think Danger is your brand, Kudrow.


I think when I think of you, I think but I don't want Lisa Kudrow dangers my brand.


I guess I am kind of very brave, but yeah, I bet it's not that's not what I look for.


Kudrow. One last question for you. Taft High School. Yeah.


What about it. That's why when Cheryl Burkhoff. Yeah. No, yeah. That's my wife. She went to Taft then.


How is that. I we've spent time together but she's younger than me right.


She is.


No I think she's two years older than you. I thought you would have been there. I was same time. I mean, you know, you weren't really allowed to mix with the upperclassmen.


So you got to break out that yearbook and look for Cheryl Burkhoff, my God, at the Taft High School.


Give, give give her our wonderful listeners.


Some of your the alumni of Taft. There's a Robin Wright. She is. Yeah, well, I have it right here.


And if if I have it here, it has to be true. Listen to this. This is the sound of a prepared host.


OK, papers. Papers have been printed out. Yeah. Robin Wright, Ice Cube, huh. Easy. Wow. And Cheryl Burkhoff, oh, my future wife of RuBo. Well, we'll do that, Dave. Cause really? Yeah. This is the Hornsby's the saxophone player. Yeah. Dave Cause was one of the people I. Observed to play the saxophone on an almost fire. You're kidding. Oh, my God, I've known him since elementary school.


Really? Yes. Did you know any of the Toto guys? What? No. Why would I. What do you mean? Because they were all they were all from that sort of Tarzana Taft High School.


But they're older than I am. Did you know the van patent's? Know what the hell what we want to know. I do know. I do know what. Well, I mean, I'm younger, but I van patent's.


We're like the Kennedys of the Valley. Yes.


Well, you know, I know that. And but I grew up with John Lovett. That's my that's my job.


And John was our our first. I heard it. It was hilarious. Did you hear it? I did. I listened to. Oh, he is hilarious.


He's truly hilarious and truly and I mean this with all love. And I would say to him out of his mind.


Yeah, yeah. But always has been always, always hilarious. I mean, he hasn't changed. You know, he's the same. He's fantastic. No, he's like a brother. I mean, he'd call to talk to my brother and I'd be screaming at him because he would do a bit. And I just didn't want to, you know, I'm like six years younger. I was the youngest. So it's like John to be quiet, say hello.


Hello, this is John.


I'm like, God damn it, David. John's on the phone.


Imagine him at, like, how old would he have been then? Thirteen. No, fourteen. Oh, I don't even imagine it. My brother told the funniest story. They all went to a dance and I think it was in junior high school or something. John had been sent to go to Harvard School, you know, like Harvard Westlake. It was just Harvard member all boy. Yep, yep. We went with them to this dance because they were in public school.


He went with them and John was just sort of like sitting on the side and they and they they went over and went, John doesn't look like you're having fun. Are you having fun? And he went and he doesn't look like you're having a good time. And John, nonsense. I'm having a wonderful time.


I feel like dancing and got up dancing is like fourteen.


So knows that guy hilarious. It was a bit hilarious.


Speaking of bits and then I have to ask you this because I'm obsessed with Saturday Night Live. You auditioned for Saturday Night Live. Was that fun? Was a good was it what was it like for you?


It was just a show and I don't know that it was a real audition. They came to the Groundlings and I think they were looking at Julia Sweeney. That's who they were focused on. Right. Laraine Newman said, look at Kudrow. So I love Lauren Newman anyway. Yes, but, you know, forever just because of that. And and so but they were there for Julia Sweeney for real. And my stuff wasn't I don't think it was Saturday Night Live material.


You know, it was barely growling stuff. But I liked what I did.


I remember I went with Lauren once to the Groundlings and we were looking at this guy named Will Ferrell.


This guy named. Yeah, I think I voted him into the Groundlings that I think that is a pretty amazing voting him like. Yeah, yeah. He's really good. Yeah.


That's The Groundlings is an amazing just what an amazing legacy to represent me there when I said I'm going to I'm going to act now done with college, take a break from biology and I'm going to pursue acting is like great, go to the Groundlings. That's where I learned the most.


I got to tell you something, Kudrow. I mean this sincerely. If your journey to where you got if I had to pick it for anybody, this is what I would do. I'd be like biology, be a smarty pants then. Then, you know, the creative comes up and you can't stop it. And then you go and you learn it.


The Groundlings, you don't go to some navel gazing. That's what I was afraid.


Uber serious acting school.


You don't that. You go, you go and you learned a lesson. Yeah. And you learn to react and you learn to be honest and you learn to be funny.




Did you do one of those acting classes like they're like cults, you know.


Oh I'm aware. I did. I did. One of them with he is no longer with us. He was great named Roy London and he was. Yeah. And and Roy London was right when Brad Pitt started happening. You Pitt was working with Roy London and Geena Davis at her height. Right in that sort of I want to say early 1990s.


And he also Roy London had just worked with an actor, I think his name was Kurt Balts, great actor, great character actor. And he was in Reservoir Dogs and he played the guy got shot the very beginning.


Yeah, I never. It's too violent and scary. It's so violent, I mean, I haven't seen most things because he gets shot at the beginning of Reservoir Dogs.


Roy London's a student shot dead and is in. Almost every frame of the movie lying, there's a dead body. Oh, right, OK. And he was like, Roy was like, you need to you're not dead. You are an actor, you're a living person. How can you possibly act a dead body? How could you how could you do that? You've never been dead. You don't know what's like to be dead. You are alive.


So it is is it is incumbent upon you to be alive. In this movie, so he played the dead body alive. In the entire reservoir to help control, does this sound like I'm on pot right now? Does it sound like this is like a like this like a dope? What if you played it as if you were alive? But that's all really true. That was his his ethos.


I know better understand play like you're alive. So scratch an itch, take a deep breath, cough if you need to. If you fart, excuse yourself like I don't understand. I had you with.


That's what just I think it's just as simple as not playing, not quote unquote playing dead. I'm dead now. What does that mean, like if someone pounds a table, you scared the shit out of me, you can't. That won't work in the park.


I mean, no, because you're acting you have to act like.


So he's playing he's he's playing dead. That's what it is, is if you're playing dead, then you play dead.


Uh huh. Right. Well, OK. So the first instinct that you had as an actor. Yeah. You're not learning that at the Groundlings. No.


I love the stories where some great actor someone says, yeah. I mean, I'm just like I've been working myself up. I've been trying to, like, clog up my ears and it's like. Right. You know, it's pretend. Right. That's what acting you're pretending something well, that's that's I mean, it's been attributed to many people, but I think it's probably. Lauren, Dustin Hoffman and Olivia, yeah, my dear boy, why don't you just try acting, it's.


But then on the other side of it, I've been on so many sets where either as a director or a producer, I'll finally go up to somebody, go stop acting, stop acting. Yeah, right. Yeah. You say that to people. Yeah. I mean, fine.


I can't wait to work with you. Stop acting on. Only as a measure of last resort, right? And you and inevitably you see it with young actors, their eyes, they just go, oh my God, think they go like, oh, because, you know, they want to do great, you know?


And they they've been they've been working on the scene.


Yeah. No, my favorite note, my two favorite notes are either a line reading or. Yeah. You could do better. Those are my two favorite notes. I like to have more fun. I like just have more fun with it.


Yeah. That I'm, I then I'm, I don't know what to do. Some more fun with it.


More fun. It's like. What do you mean fun.


I don't know. Do I look like. I don't understand. I'm very literal. I'm very literal. It's like fun.


Well I mean what do you mean. Yeah.


Another one is ok. That was great. So good. Just, just great. OK, let's just do one more. What I.


Yeah. Just to make sure we have it. Like what do you mean it's all digital. Why wouldn't you have it. Like it's not like you know like a hair got in anything. Yeah I know now it's like whenever there's that we hear the phrase that was perfect.


Let's just do one more. You know you're in very bad hands, right.


Well that's when I say great. So I'll just do whatever I want. Since you have that and it's perfect, I'll just do. Well, that's that's the fun thing we did on on Parks and Recreation. We did, which obviously is not, you know, Harold Pinter. But we would do what was scripted multiple, multiple times, and then we would do a what we call it, the fun run. And we literally do whatever we wanted, anything and everything didn't have to even be the scene.


I mean, usually was because we're professionals, we're not total idiots, but we would do anything we wanted and sometimes it made it into the show. That was the last. That's fun. That is. Oh, that is fun. It's great when you go back to Space Force. You say to Greg Daniels, I'm only coming back if you allow me to do what you will about all those other people to do on your other show, Parks and Recreation.


And I want to do a fun run with Carol and everybody.


No, but they did allow that. Or they did. Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was. I loved doing it. It was really fun. Yeah.


Hears people ask me about do awards mean anything. Right. And look, I would be I am the first to got Screen Actors Guild Award right above my head right now.


So I'm like, look, I'm not one of those, you know, I mean, nothing. I look, I'd like they're fun. They're great. They're I mean, come on, who doesn't want to win an award? That said, all you need to know is that Steve Carell never won an Emmy for the office. That's all you need to know about awards. Wow.


Who was winning for seven straight seasons, seven years in a row? There was someone funnier than Steve Carell on television.


Well, I don't know. Maybe there wasn't. We'll know. But I mean, what. But what else was there? Alec Baldwin?


Well, in fairness, or Alec Baldwin, who is a genius, Alec Baldwin. Is that his his character on 30 Rock deserves to win every Emmy that ever was. And he did. But, you know, the other folks want, Steve, what it's like after the Grinder is like I'm done with comedy. If I remember seeing Steve at the office was over and it was the last year and he was nominated, of course, didn't win.


And I hugged him. You will never have to come back here again.


Well, I mean, by the way, the only good thing about winning is that you get to not be in your seat. Oh, yes. And you can do other things there because that's that's hard. But but being nominated is a big deal, especially now there's like thousands of people who could potentially be nominated. So, you know, to me, that's a very big deal. But you're right, it's not that Steve Carell ever won an Emmy because he's so funny.


I mean, he's just inarguably one of the funniest.


Well, that character is, I think Michael Scott. Are you kidding me? It's no, I know.


I know. I'm not sure I understand so who I am. That's why I'm like, well, then who else was there? Well, I know I know. Jim Parsons one one year. I know. I know Jon Cryer one one year. And I think Alec one all the other years.


I think, you know, the Emmys for a long time had this thing that was like a thank you to film actors who are doing television.


Yeah, I think you can also watch any award show.


And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to glean the sort of agenda of the body that's voted it, you're like, oh, so in those years that the agenda was, we think, film actors, I feel like there was how many times did you win an Emmy?


Never been nominated. Never won. Wow. Never did. I know you did. I won once. I think I was there for it. Yeah, pretty sure. Yeah, it's fine. Did you have fun.


Was it like I will. That was the only year we all weren't there. That was you all weren't. I was the only one from friends not I was the only one from friends there. So it was a little lonely. That's lonely but. But I was really happy. Really happy. I mean I just had my baby and I was like, well, I can't ask for, you know, I feel like I already won. Yeah. You know, there's so much there's an abundance of of right now.


I think you should take the Emmy to the set a space force and say, hey, Steve, you know what? This is Miamis broken, by the way. How do you.


Oh, yeah, there's flimsy. Fuck the ball fell off. Yes. And so now the that Wingard bad design kind of holding it, it's it's really bad. It's a really bad design. I could get it fixed, I guess. Where would you do that? I don't know. There's a lot of trophy stores right. Where they would do something like that.


That's a good point. A trophy store.


I mean, we'll do metalwork today is Pugachev literally, in which Lisa Kudrow and Rob Lowe discuss first world problems like getting their Emmys fixed is there's nothing we're nothing if not relatable, you and I.


Well, and I like that.


I mean, I like that we're of the people. Miami is broken. Can I get it fixed?


I did see I did want see Tatum O'Neal's Oscar. Oh well. In the salad days and had mold on it. Oh. And that was depressing that.


Wow. Why. I wonder how on earth it got moldy green.


Whatever the green will be. Mold. Right. Green was fungus. Right.


But on growing on well in the little you know in the legs and the buttocks.


Oh you really examined it.


OK, it was an Oscar. Hell yeah. I was like a twenty year old. What young actors like that in the back of Oscar. Let's see, I mean what's in that crack. Is there a crack. There is a crack. What's growing in that crack. That was your experience.


Oh but you were accepting the Oscar like once. Oh look, there's a butt and it's got a crack. I mean it's like more defined than a Ken doll.


My God, what is the genitalia of this? Is that mold or is it just happened to be Devons got his look on Devons got is raw. Oh that Rob Lowe thought bubble like my mother. This is what dinners were like with me as a kid, Devon, you're my you've become my mother sort of entertained, but also kind of humiliated. And like projecting shame on me, you've become my mother and it's great. Or just going, what do I cut?


And I was going, Yeah, this is going out.


This is not going to be in the all history lesson with the Russians and the Russians. Who cares about the people that I know about Phoebe shit on the show. I just just get to the Phoebe shit.


I know you say fine. Where's the clip now? No, she didn't. Phoebe, click bait. What we got going on here.


This is so fun, Peter. I know. I'm going to we could talk all day. And and when you have a heart out that you miss 20 minutes ago, I now see what I was like when somebody told me.


I said I will not. I was like I went like I went like Tom Cruise, crazy ballistic.


I was like, I will not give a heart out to Lisa Kudrow. Do you know what I live with? And I'm on the phone with podcasters. And advertisers will not be a hard out or whatever that word is, advertisers.


That's pretty good, by the way, advertisers, advertisers upset.


And I'm having a stroke. Stroke. That's right.


Click bait. Rob Lowe has a stroke. All right, Lisa.


God bless. So good to talk to you. You, too. Let's find an excuse to do something again one of these days, OK? In your produce story, I'll be thinking and I will be as well.


Sounds fun. Love you. Bye bye. Bye.


That was so fun Corica to talk to her forever. I hope I didn't talk to her for too long. You guys weren't bored, right? Because I wasn't. I was just talking and yapping because she's just so damn delish. She really is. Lisa Kudrow Delish. Anyway, thanks for, for, for listening. And by the way, y'all, don't forget to give us a review. Throw me a bone widger over on wherever the hell you can review this damn thing because apparently means something.


This what they tell me I'm new to this. I know nothing. Just trying to put on a show. But thanks for listening and I hope you love Miss Kudrow as much as I did. You have been listening to literally with Rob Lowe, produced and engineered by me, Devon Tory, Brian Executive, produced by Rob Lowe for low profile Adam Sachs and Jeff Ross at Team Coco and Colin Anderson and Chris Bannon at Stitcher. The supervising producer is Aaron Blair's talent producer, Jennifer Sampas.


Please write and review the show on Apple podcast and remember to subscribe on Apple podcast, Stitcher or wherever you get your pockets. This has been 18 cocoa production in association with Sketcher.