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Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.


Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin, our numbers, eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Man, I'm glad you're here. We've got a lot to discuss and I have to decide what comes first.


And so here we go. The election. The virus. I'm going to pick the election first. The media are so corrupt. So vile. So partisan and utterly stupid. You just don't get the news and the facts from the media, all you get every day now is that the president won't concede. The president said he won. For most of you, you know, their case is swirling around, but you don't know exactly what cases are swirling around, exactly what the arguments are and who's saying what.


You're just being told it's all frivolous. And there's no way out. Wouldn't it be helpful for you to draw your own conclusions and get the facts of the various cases, even when you rely on some of these legal analysts?


They have no idea what they're talking about. They've gone Hollywood to even some of my former friends. They have no idea what they're talking about. And I spoke at length behind this microphone over the course of weeks and have spoke at length on Fox, my show last night, let me tell you this case in Pennsylvania. I know the lawyers who are working on this case.


They're great lawyers, one of them is my wife. I know the lawyers who are providing constitutional advice on this case. One of them is behind this microphone. I told you about this several weeks ago. And I told you this was an important case, if the Supreme Court decides to give it 14 seconds, attention and then blow it out. That doesn't mean it's not an important case.


There's a lot of important cases that go to the Supreme Court that deserve better than the Supreme Court gives them. So you can't control the outcomes. And there are people out there who are gleeful when we lose cases, including important cases. This case in Pennsylvania is not being explained by the press. All they say is that the petitioners litigating this case want to disenfranchise two point six million people who voted by mail in ballot. That's not what's going on here.


Not Ted Cruz. Has asked that if the case goes to oral argument. For a hearing before the Supreme Court, I doubt it would given the timelines, but if it does, he'd like to argue the case. The petitioners have said yes. And I think that would be great. Can you think of a better advocate? I can't. But I suspect this will be decided on the filings. But who knows? The other thing that's very frustrating is how people write and surmise, what is Justice Alito up to?


I have no idea what Justice Alito is up to. I hope he's up to. Upholding the United States Constitution. Now, without going through the weeds and the detail of this case again. Let me put it to you this way. The bottom line here is whether or not we are a nation that believes in our constitutional system or not. Not the number of voters, not who the voters are. But if we believe in our constitutional system or not, we're obviously on a glide path.


In a post constitutional republic. That's the glide path. The question is whether the United States Supreme Court is going to participate in this. Or step up. This is one of those cases, this is a seminal case. I can't speak to the other cases, I'm not. This nearly informed about the other cases. But this is one of those cases, and let me tell you why. When our framers met in Philadelphia. They spent five and a half months there trying to figure out how to create a Republican.


And keep a republic. The Democrats are trying to figure out how to create. A utopia, which is really a hell on earth and how to destroy republic. And replace it with a people's regime and you've heard of those before. A people's regime, in other words, an autocratic, iron fisted society where there's uniformity and conformity. This case relates to all of the. You know, many of us support federalism, we say, OK, what the state does, you know, we want to defend it and so forth.


Well, of course we want to defend it. What it deserves defending.


But if a state legislature, regardless of party control. Intentionally violates its only constitution for the purpose of influencing the outcome of elections at the federal level. That's unacceptable.


I don't care what party controls the state legislature. My friend John Eastman is a professor, he's a brilliant man. He says they give him plenary power under Article two, Section one clause to plenary power means. They get to run the table. But they don't get to run off the table. The framers were believers. In their state constitutions, they were creating a federal constitution. Can anybody here imagine that they would create a federal constitution that tells the states you have plenary power and that includes unlawful power?


So you need to use common sense, you need to use some some experience, some understanding of the founding of this nation. Plenary power has broad power within the confines of the law. If the Pennsylvania legislature were controlled by all Democrats. And they passed. Election laws that said only Democrats. Can win elections. I think we'd all agree that that's outrageous and unconstitutional will be not Mr. Producer. So there are limits, and if the Supreme Court doesn't draw a line here, I'm predicting to your right now and I'm not even in the prediction business, there will be no end to this.


It'll get worse and worse and worse and worse. The more powerful. A single party is in a state. The more they will distance themselves. From a lawful election process, we're already moving down that road. And for those who say, well, what's the federal question, the Supreme Court's reaching into the states? The Constitution doesn't prevent the Supreme Court from reaching into the states. Depending on the facts and the circumstances, and it certainly doesn't prevent the the Supreme Court from reaching into the states when the states are reaching into the federal government.


If a state is conducting itself in a certain way, that's unlawful under its own laws to influence the outcome. Of the federal presidential and vice president elections, if that's not a super duper federal question, I don't know what is and I don't even mean influencing Republican or Democrat. I mean poison it. Effect it. So it's easy to say we don't want to disenfranchise two point six million people, so I have come on this program, I've gone on TV, I've posted on my social sites.


If the Supreme Court fears the outcome of upholding both the federal constitution and by upholding the federal constitution, actually doing the people of Pennsylvania favor by upholding their constitution.


If they fear the consequences of that. By selecting a remedy. Then don't select the remedy. Just roll that, it is unconstitutional. For the obvious reasons, I mean, the reasons are punched right in another so obvious. But we are going to leave it to the political branches to fashion a remedy. Whether the state legislature, which is out, has to come in an emergency session or Congress has to sort it out. The state legislature created this problem.


The state created this problem, let the state figure out how to resolve it, but the court must resolve the constitutional question. Resolve the constitutional question. And it must resolve at the right way. None of these games that were put out by the Democrats that have ruined the state Supreme Court. And have eviscerated the state constitution and in turn parts of the federal constitution, we can't have a rogue state supreme court being the tail that wags the dog or I have scores of rogue supreme courts in the states.


That poison the system that destroyed the integrity of the system. Yes, state legislatures, you have plenary power. But there is a bridge too far. The people of Pennsylvania were actually disenfranchised at the front end under their constitution, they get to vote on amendments to their constitution and under their constitution, when you change the election laws, it has to be done by amendment.


And to make matters worse. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which is elected. The justices on that court. Have abused their power like few others. It's as if you're in the Soviet Union. With one party rule. Our California. They take an unconstitutional act and then they conduct themselves in an unconstitutional way under the same article, Article two. They take it and they add to it. Shortly before the general election, they're changing that, they're rewriting it.


How the Supreme Court. Can bypass this or ignore it or rule the wrong way, especially after Bush versus Gore in 2000, would be shocking to me. If this isn't fixed at this stage, it's never going to be fixed. And they will be encouraging lawlessness. As long as his country survives. That court finds a federal issue and in a thousand different ways where no federal issue exists. You have to work hard. You have to work hard not to find a federal issue here.


You have to work hard. To do with the state Supreme Court in Pennsylvania did. Which is violate all norms. And come up with a cockamamie laches argument, a process argument. Well, they crushed the lower appellate court. Well, that judge was prepared. They conduct a hearing, put in place an injunction in which she said the petitioners are more than likely. To succeed on the merits, that's what she said, and she was right. And she was right.


Just so you know, there are members of Congress who are friends of mine. Who don't want to get involved in this. I want you to know Ted Cruz really is a stand up guy. He sees this case for what it is. He's offered his services should there be oral argument? I can't think of a better, more superb Supreme Court advocate if there's oral argument, which likely not to be, but what do I know? But there are individuals in the Senate, in the House who would shock you.


Who claim to be constitutionalists. Vote against all kinds of stuff, claiming to be constitutional, but this one has them nervous. Frightened even. Because they don't want to be accused, because the headlines of the media of disenfranchising. Two point six million people said they'd rather disenfranchised over six million people. But they needn't be afraid I've given them an out. I've told them right here behind this microphone. They don't have to fashion a remedy. But at least stand up for the Constitution, for God's sake.


They won't do it. And I won't forget. And I'll be right back. My love in. As we enter the Christmas season, most of us stop to consider our many blessings. While Hillsdale College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over one hundred and seventy five years of blessings since 1844, Hillsdale has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government. And for decades, the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programs.


Perhaps you receive an Prima's for free every month, or have taken one of Helstone excellent free online courses or attended one of Hillsdale free regional events. Now you know of Hillsdale s refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes, learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference. At no time in our nation's history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that Hillsdale offers on its campus and nationwide.


So during this season of Blessings, Hillsdale thanks you for your partnership. In extending its mission to the country. To learn more about Hillsdale College, visit Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's Levien for Hillsdale Dotcom, live for Hillsdale Dotcom.


It's up to Pennsylvania to fix with Pennsylvania broke. And that's really an easy an easy decision, if you think about it, for the Supreme Court. Pennsylvania legislature broke the system. The state Supreme Court broke the system, the governor and the secretary of state broke the system, both parties broke the system. But it wasn't good enough for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, not only did it agree to breaking the system, it then went about rewriting the law. These are abuses of power.


Abuses of power for the purpose of influencing the Electoral College. Now, why why is that? Because you have local elections there, too. Well, they did it on October twenty nineteen. They did it in October 2019 to affect the election and to protect themselves. A big push for mail in voting. OK, then follow the rules you want to do Masland voting, follow your Constitution, if it's so widely popular, then it won't be a problem.


But they wouldn't do it. Now, I say this to the Supreme Court and all the others, if people are not going to abide by the U.S. Constitution in the state constitution, why should we abide a Supreme Court decision, state or federal, if they won't comply with the constitutions of this country, why should we comply with their opinions which failed to properly interpret them? I'll be right back. As we enter the Christmas season, most of us stop to consider our many blessings, while Hillsdale College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over 175 years of blessings since 1844, Hillsdale has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government.


And for decades, the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programs. Perhaps you receive an Prima's for free every month, or have taken one of Helstone excellent free online courses or have attended one of Hillsdale free regional events. Now you know of Hillsdale s refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes, learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference.


At no time in our nation's history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that Hillsdale offers on its campus and nationwide. So during this season of Blessings, Hillsdale thanks you for your partnership. In extending its mission to the country. To learn more about Hillsdale College, visit Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's Levien for Hillsdale Dotcom. Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. Yes, it's true that Mark Levin is the fastest growing radio show in America, the Mark Levin Show is on at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.


You know, the the Democrats are out of the closet now. They're Marxists and neo Marxist roots are showing. Look at this guy, Thomas Friedman, Thomas Friedman over the years has praised one party autocratic rule in communist China because they get things done.


And he claims to support democracy. The Democrats talk democracy and practice autocracy. They talk democracy and they practice autocracy just like their Marxist forebears. Yes, they're the progeny. Of the Marxist ideology, the progressives are. And I can prove that to anybody who seeks to challenge it. John, doing the others used to praise Mark's fact, John Dewey praised Stalin and. And Russia took a trip there and then in December, I think it was December 5th, give or take 1928, he wrote a piece in The New Republic praising them.


The collectivism and the collectivism of thought, he needed unity. He was very critical of the peasants and their little track of land, and they wouldn't they wouldn't surrender it. And four years later. Stalin sent his military in the Ukraine, cut it off because of the peasants, they wouldn't surrender their little tracts of land.


And he slaughtered them through genocide, starvation. See, these progressives, their ideology has consequences. It's the progressives and the Democrat Party and their teachers union. That have set back your children in public education for at least a year in significant and gross ways, the science didn't support what they did, but they did it anyway. It's the progressives and the Democrats. That are implementing policies that have nothing to do with science, the HHS secretary, a doctor himself who has access to all the science, said there's no evidence to support.


The closing of outside dining, and yet that's exactly what the governor of California and others have done. There was no evidence to support. In fact, contrary. Putting people where the. Chinese virus in the nursing homes that that would be saved. Quite the contrary, killed people. And they tell us to follow the science. OK, let's follow the science, what's abortion? It's a choice, Mark. Oh, all of a sudden we abandon the science.


We abandon the science. These people are full of crap and they're full of an insatiable appetite for power. And when you look at Thomas Friedman. He and his ilk are the tip of the iceberg or the tip of the iceberg? Count every vote, they say, so long as they can fix the system, and I mean that in a negative way. So that certain people are voting that maybe shouldn't vote or certain voting conditions exist that shouldn't exist, and if they don't get the outcome they like, what do they do, what they do to Donald Trump, what they do to Ronald Reagan?


What they do to Richard Nixon. Who didn't do anything compared to Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson? And even John Kennedy. Do you want to know the truth? The coronavirus didn't ruin education. The government ruined education, the mayors, the governors, the teachers unions, the Democrats. You have certain governors like Newsom now. We're exercising powers as if they're running North Korea or Cuba or Venezuela. You have these science fascists all over TV. Who run these massive bureaucracies, who are heralded as experts, experts.


Tonight, you're hearing over and over again the massive increase in coronavirus cases. The massive increases. This country has been following the vast majority of us have been following. The guidelines that have been put out by these so-called experts in our government, they have failed us. They have failed us miserably because they don't know what the hell they're doing. And then they blame us. They blame tonight Rudy Giuliani. This is what they do with a compliant press.


And yet Donald Trump is sort through all this crap. He's the one that pushed the same bureaucracy to work with corporate America. To come up with therapeutics and vaccines, and that's what's going to save us therapeutics and vaccines, not masks, not gloves. But I want you to think about a couple of things. On the radical left, which is represented by websites like Mediaite. Media Matters. Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, Slate, Salon, whatever.


All these sites and. Big media, which has turned hard left. They believe. In the regressive. Policies that make America weaker. That make Americans poorer. They oppose energy independence. How many times did you hear Obama and his ilk say we're five percent of the population and of 25 percent of the world's wealth?


Meanwhile, look how filthy rich he is from doing nothing. From smiling and saying stupid things. They want us poor. They want us less independent. Because they have plans for us. And we can't be too successful. We can't be. We can't be exercising our free will, we can't be self-motivated. Look at the base of the Democrat Party. With exceptions, of course, but the base of the Democrat Party is build on what? Redistribution of wealth.


Welfare for the rich, the poor and the middle class. The base of the Democrat Party is not built on American principles. They reject it. Look in the streets and so forth, that the what took place this summer. And our voting system is collapsing. It's collapsing and the Supreme Court needs to help. They have their eyes on the Supreme Court, they want to destroy the Supreme Court, will the Supreme Court support the Constitution or not? By the way, can I tell you a little secret?


And I'm not supporting this. Hello. I want to tell you a little secret. If God forbid, but it's possible. The two radicals, and they are as radical kook, unhinged as they come, the two Democrats running for the Senate in Georgia and lying through their teeth about who they are, lying through their teeth. My dad was a small businessman. That's fine. But you're a radical Marxist, anti-Semite, whatever your dad was. He was, but that's you anyway.


I want you to listen to this. This is just interesting. It's not going to happen. If there's a dispute over elector's. When Congress meets on January 6th. The Senate. The Senate can determine in the end who the vice president is, and the House, in the end can determine who the president is by the vote of the delegations. Each delegation gets one vote. The problem is. And I think Mo Brooks needs to understand this, I'm not opposed to fighting it out on the floor of the Senate, particularly over the Pennsylvania lectors.


Not opposed at all. We'll get to that in a minute. But you got to get to the point where you can get it to the floor with a vote, and that takes a majority in the House, we don't have a majority.


We came very, very close. And ultimately, that's why I was pushing hard for us to win the house. But let's say listen to this, Mr. Producer. Let's say, God forbid, the Democrats win those two seats in Georgia. That means it's 50/50. In the Senate, correct? Who's the tie breaking vote until January 20th, it's Mike Pence. You see, Kamala Harris isn't sworn in until January 20th. It's Mike Pence. Theoretically, not only would it never happen, but the Republicans would never stand in line for this, the Democrats would do this.


Theoretically, the Republicans could vote 50. Four pence to be vice president and then the tie breaker in the vote is who Mr. Bush is. Mike Pence. It's January 6th, it's a new Congress, but it's not a new administration. I just thought I'd point that out to you just to drive that the crazies crazier than they are on the left.


Does anybody know why we have an electoral college? Hopefully, the Supreme Court knows why. We have an electoral college for exactly the reasons that we need one today, for exactly the reasons of what took place in the state of Pennsylvania and some of these other states. So after all the votes are cast. And all the battles are over. It arrives in Congress. We have an electoral college, so in the end, Congress can sort things out, it's not a rubber stamp.


So when you hear House members and senators running for the Hill, we would never do that. We'd never go that they have a job to do. The United States Supreme Court has a job to do to. Since the days of Chief Justice Marshall. They have a job to do, too, and not just sit on the sidelines and wait for the next cultural case to come up where they can. Attacked people of faith in five to four votes.


They have a job to do, too, and it's such a crucial matter. They need to draw a line now like they did with the Florida Supreme Court and say, now, boys and girls, that's not how we do it here.


Otherwise, this whole thing's going to be out of control. So the Supreme Court has a job to do. And the Electoral College is there for a reason. And no, no, the mob doesn't get the rule. The Democrats want the mob to rule, but when they lose elections, they want the ironfist. Why? Because they're in so many ways totalitarians, that's what they are. When's the last time, other than abortion, they talked about choice?


Health care choice, real choice. School choice. They hate it, all of it. They hate it, all of it. We'll be right back. Much love in. As we enter the Christmas season, most of us stop to consider our many blessings, while Hillsdale College wishes to thank you for standing with them as they celebrate over 175 years of blessings since 1844, Hillsdale has held fast to its mission to provide the kind of education essential to preserving free government.


And for decades, the college has extended its educational mission on behalf of liberty through a variety of outreach programs. Perhaps you receive an Prima's for free every month, or have taken one of Helstone excellent free online courses or have attended one of Hillsdale free regional events. Now you know of Hillsdale refusal to take even one penny of government money. This independence allows the college to focus on promoting its core purposes, learning character, faith and freedom without any government interference.


At no time in our nation's history has there been a greater need for the kind of classical liberal arts education that Hillsdale offers on its campus and nationwide. So during this season of Blessings Hillsdale, thank you for your partnership. In extending its mission to the country to learn more about Hillsdale College, visit Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's Levien for Hillsdale Dotcom. Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom and.


Tell me, do you think any school age child knows what happened 79 years ago, that they think any fifth grader knows?


I think in 11th grade or knows. Richie Torretta, a son, that's right. Wonder how many schools thought that, even virtually. If Jesse Waters went around like he used to and asked a bunch of college students what happened 79 years ago today, I'll bet almost none of them had any idea. The white supremacist march on Washington No. Imperial Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor 79 years ago. December 7th. Has there been much talk about this today, Mr.


Bruce? I've been working, I don't think so. All right. No, of course not. That. Just disgusting, absolutely disgusting to me. You lose your history, you lose your country, you defame your history, you lose your country, that's what's going on here.


God knows we pay almost to the level of bankruptcy at the local level. How much and property taxes and other taxes for these schools that won't even allow our children to attend them in many parts of the country because the unions don't want them there. The science says they can go, but the unions and the Democrats say no. And then they just keep saying wear masks, stay home at Thanksgiving, stay home at Christmas. You're looking at fascism. Look at it, look at it.


Look at it, I don't care if it's the Marxist kind or the Democrat Party kind, look at it. The hell that could take a year ago, this was even possible. I understand there's a virus. I understand it's serious and we Americans have dealt with serious viruses and all kinds of serious things. To have a governor lock down a state as if it's North Korea that's unacceptable to destroy their own energy capacity, so you have brownouts and blackouts.


Massive forest fires totally out of control. A state destroying itself. And yet he's popular as hell. Unbelievable. But these politicians should conduct themselves in this fascistic manner. Now, you know why around the world we would never do that? No, we would never do that. What? We're doing it. Most of you don't own restaurants. Most of you don't know James. Unbelievable. The number of restaurants that have gone out of business, people have lost their shirts off their back and you what are you going to hand them?


Two thousand dollars? Oh, here you go. Well, they drag us into enormous debt. And what do I have to read on these damn conservative websites, most of them? Oh, Trump is a disgrace.


Oh, why are they bringing this case? Oh, woe is me. Woe is me. They're so out of touch. It's unbelievable. You would think every damn conservative commentator in America would get behind this Pennsylvania case, but now one only latches USA latches is the key issue here.


And if that's what the court does, shame on the court. Shame on the court.


We'll be right. From the Westwood One podcast network. He's here now broadcasting from the underground command post here, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. You know, I. I prepare all day for this show and then the producers, sometimes I just take a right turn because there are things.


As I sit behind this microphone or stream of thought. That I want to share with you, as you know, I do a lot of research and studying and scholarship about a ton of issues. As I write books and I'm writing one down, I'm not going to get into it, but. Things come to mind. And then they apply to what's taking place. There's only one graphic the media show you each and every day repeatedly, it's the number of people who have the coronavirus and from time to time, the number of people who've died from the coronavirus.


They don't have any other graphics. How many people have died as a result of the policies of governors and mayors and even Falchi, do we know? How many people have died from heart disease strokes? Diabetes. Maladies that were not uncovered in time because they were scared and fearful and told to lock down and stayed away from emergency rooms or. For following up on doctor's appointments, how many of those do we have, we don't have any idea because they're not telling us.


How come they don't have charts on there about how many suicides there are? How many people have depression as a result of government policies? Why don't they show us that? There a big study in the biggest county in Virginia on education, 85 percent of doing this off the top of my head, give or take. We're doing extremely poorly in the basic coursework, where was that chart? Nowhere. How many school districts in America and fifteen, 15, 17 thousand school districts, tens of thousands of public schools that you've all paid for and still pay for?


How many of those are open and how many of those are closed? How many of those are open part time and how many aren't? Were the charts, you don't get the charts. How many restaurants are closed and are not opening up again? Where's the chart? There is no chart. How about gyms where the charts no chart? How about shoe stores or barbershops? How about Mauls? No charts. This is what we call propaganda. Now, propaganda can be good, it can be bad, but this is propaganda, it's indoctrination.


All you're hearing about is the coronavirus.


You're not hearing about the consequences of the policies that Falchi Cuomo, Newsome and all the rest of them put in place. They want to believe they're looking out for your health. But what about the other health issues, physical and mental? There's absolutely no information that is provided to you. None. There's carnage out there, carnage, economic carnage. Human carnage. And you see none of it. How many stories are done where they follow somebody who owned a barbershop or a salon and that's now close, follow them for a couple of weeks, what's happened to their family?


There are none. And the impact on our economy, the impact on our society, the impact on the health of the American people is enormous. It's enormous. This is why your president. Broke his back to push an intransigent bureaucracy, among others. To get these therapeutics and these vaccines done because they're dug in. Not one of them has lost a salary, not one of them has lost their medical coverage, not one of them has lost their pension.


And I've been saying this enough for another other. People on TV and radio are now saying it. All the people telling you, look, just put up with it longer. They're all getting paid. They're all in studios. They're all in newsrooms or what have you. Almost all the people lecturing you are unaffected by this virus when it comes to their income. They're not small business owners. They're not working class Americans. Well, they pretend to care about you, it's all a game, you're there for Falchi or against vouchers, you're there for Trump or against Trump.


That's not the way it's supposed to work. Then I've been reading some other pieces, I don't go to National Review online. People keep sending me these articles. Please stop sending me the articles because I'm not going to read them anymore.


But our old buddy, Rich Lowry, he's almost gleeful. Gleeful that a couple of cases were thrown out today in this litigation is coming to an end. It's an embarrassment. It's a disgrace. Are all about a Jenny McCarthy. There's a moral equivalency, you see. Between those on the left. And those of us who are constitutional conservatives because we're all destroying the civil society, isn't this bizarre? How many of you have burned down stores, how many of you have been violently rioting, how many of you have pounded police on the head with a skateboard?


How many of you are calling for the destruction of our economic system? How many of you have called our founders nothing but slave owners? And we're getting this from National Review, National Review has no purpose anymore. But they're not alone. They're not alone. I got to thinking. Look at George Washington. Over eight years of war. And he lost almost every battle. Almost every battle. But in the end, he won the war eight years.


What you see going on has been, what, four or five weeks? Four or five. There's no shooting, it's not a war of military kind, it is a war that is just as important, quite frankly, over the survivability of the republic. In many respects. George Washington, what would they be saying? These commentators, these legal analysts, these websites. George Washington, a hapless general, George Washington, can't win, George Washington's losing his troops.


Why don't we throw in the towel and give it up? Why are we doing this? Because we don't want to pay some taxes. Is it really all worth it? Is Britain really that bad? I can hear them now. Oh, they'll deny it, but you can hear them to. Or the Civil War, for God's sake. All the carnage, it was horrific, horrific. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dead. And it went on and on for over four years.


Why didn't he just sue for peace like a. And the union had their back against the wall for a good period of the war. Till about 60 percent in the war and things began to turn around. Grant is the general of the union army, but that said. Lincoln was in big trouble when he came up for re-election. As I've told you before, if it wasn't for Grant and Sherman, it grants direction. Haining Lincoln, a big victory.


In Georgia, another Georgia and Atlanta, and marching to the sea and burning everything in sight, breaking the back of the Confederacy, Lincoln might well have lost. But can't you hear them in the background? All this death and everything, Lincoln's and incompetent Lincoln was attacked, you may not know, but he was viciously attacked over and over again as an incompetent. And worse. And worth. But he stood firm. These are two of our greatest presidents, in fact, two of the greatest presidents.


The debate is who comes first, but, of course, for the left. Either matter, their monuments have to come down. Obama's the greatest president. You get my point. Everything was at stake in both of those wars. The carnage was enormous. Here are fighting constitutionally and legally. Those of us conservatives who are willing to do it. With one hand tied behind our back. Because pseudo conservatives and Trump haters. Are stabbing us in the back every step of the way.


Doesn't mean we ever made mistakes, but does it means some people haven't said stupid things, it happens. It happens in war. It happens in politics. That's not a basis to just give it up and. Generalize and attack everybody. And why are they doing this? Why are they doing that, because I can tell you when they sit down and type these articles. When they go on TV and speak, they're more concerned about how they position themselves and how they're going to be viewed.


By the newsrooms of America. And by the never trump their fellow, never trump his. Then they are about the outcome of any of this. And then when you fight a battle legal battle and you lose. I predicted this, ah, this is just wonderful. You know, this is good, let's put it under this. Trump is a disgrace. Now, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania is a disgrace. Now the secretary of state of Georgia is a disgrace.


No, the legislature and governor of Nevada are a disgrace. All of them and more of them. Changed the rules to advantage Biden and the Democrats. That's exactly why they did it. That's exactly what they did.


And nowhere will you find them explaining. Explain it. What people from all walks of life are coming forward and discussing these anomalies. On my Fox show last night, the gentleman. I never met him before, I never spoke to him before. He lays out these anomalies I had Daniel Horowitz, who by all accounts is brilliant and he is laying out the anomalies in Pennsylvania, what they won't do is address them. What happened? They won't address them.


They don't have their own experts, if they do, we don't get to hear from them. But they won't address them, they just attack the messengers. Attack the cases, they look for the low hanging fruit when people say stupid things. But it's gotten worse now, they finding a moral equivalency between those. We're literally neo Marxists. We're literally preaching the demise of capitalism at us, and you have to write a person like that off because he's a full.


And unfortunately, there's more and more fools out there. Who've lost their way? You'll have to agree with everything this president has done. I've talked about the deficit spending and so forth, he and I have a big disagreement on that. But so what? But so what? Last time I checked, almost no president in my lifetime has ever slash spending. And I'm just telling you the truth. And the one who tried Reagan got beaten all over his head the first two years of his administration.


So this crowd. I believe they would have been down on Washington, down on Lincoln. Fight another day. Why are we doing this? Principals are only important if you can write about them, write or speak about them, but sometimes you have to fight for them. Fight for them. And whatever Sam Alito in the Supreme Court do tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. Those who've had the courage to come forward and fight. That's what we red Yanks do regardless.


And by the way, one of the people I want to thank. Who's been involved in preparing the briefs in this case that I've talked about? Is Greg 242, FEMA, just a lawyer out of Pittsburgh? Not a big firm. In fact, really a very small firm. Man's been threatened. They've tried to humiliate him. But he knows who he is and he knows what he's doing. As does the little band of lawyers who've been supporting him and advising him every step of the way.


And of course, these are uphill battles. It's why we fight them. It's why we fight them, but I I regret all the Benedict Arnold. Who can't wait for this all to come to an end? Because it's just not pleasant for them. Not in polite company, not in the news rooms where they hobnob, not among each other because they're so damn smart.


And the rest of us, you see, are so damn stupid. I'll be right back. My globin. Did you know your family can save over 800 dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile? Think about it. What could your family do with an extra 800 dollars? You don't even have to sacrifice coverage. Pure talk has exactly the same coverage, same bars as one of the big carriers. But they charge you half.


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Decided not show to begin our Christmas. Which has a very unsettling effect, doesn't it? Is there anything more beautiful than Christmas music? I don't think so. Maybe my wife, but that's about it. And while I'm on the subject and after the bottom of the hour, I want to deal with something straight up, but. This has nothing to do with anything, but I like to share things with you, my my radio family. And this will be the first time my wife and my family here, this, I'm afraid, every now and then I watch these auctions online.


Do you ever watch them, Mr.. So there's an auction, you know, sports auction. Every now and then, I'll pick something up. Well, there was this beautiful lithograph. I believe it's the oldest one of a few or one of the oldest ones in existence. From 1863. A baseball game. A baseball can see baseball started slightly before the Civil War. And after the Civil War, it started to really take off. And it's a lithograph, a painting and a little bit of this baseball game.


In North Carolina. In a civil war prison. It's absolutely beautiful. As I said, I'm going to get this thing. So the auction's going on and on and. It ends at six, but then they have what they call 10 minute increments, so if people keep betting, it'll go on for another 10 minutes until people stop. It was kind of getting up there. And I said, dammit, I want this thing because I couldn't stop looking at it for the last month or three weeks or six or whatever it was.


And it's midnight, Mr. Producer, the night's only getting young as far as I'm concerned. So I run down to my computer. There's a minute, 14 seconds left. I wait till there's 12 seconds. And guess who hit the bid, but Mr. Producer. Me, I got the damn thing. What this has to do with anything, I don't know. I'll be right back. What do millions of Americans have, three former U.S. presidents have in common?


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With a big smile on his face and in car oil in his hair, which he looks back. This is a man who's always been a chameleon. Always been a chameleon. I want you to listen to this cut to go well, this hasn't been the focus of his rhetoric, apparently, and I think it's a great human tragedy without question. The extraordinary loss of life is is heartbreaking and in some respects unnecessary that in all respects. But we've relaxed our standards as individuals.


Some states haven't had mask mandates. And from Washington, we have not had a constant, consistent plan and plea for people to wear masks to social distance to take all the measures that would reduce the spread of this disease. It's it's unfortunate that this became a political issue. It's not political. This is public health. And unfortunately, we have not made that message clear enough to the American people and people are dying because of it.


Now, this is sick. And what is the Romney plan? There is no Romney plan. You know what the Romney plan must be? The communist China, you understand, in China, they were dragging people off the street, they were sticking them in asylums. Because they didn't want the virus to spread, they were totally unsuccessful. Did you hear what Romney said? There weren't mask mandates. What is a mask mandate? Washington didn't have a constant, consistent plan and plea for people to wear masks and social distance.


This is really unconscionable, what Romney has done and what he's become. Maybe he should march not just with Black Lives Matter, but antifa. You look all around the world, you've had countries. That have no restraint on government. Using the iron fist with brass knuckles. Utterly unsuccessful in stopping this virus. Mask's. Masks that would save us all. How stupid is this? Not once did Romney get behind Trump's effort to push for therapeutics or vaccines, not once, at least not publicly, did Romney speak out and say, Mr.


President, whatever I can do to help you with therapeutics and vaccines, please let me know. And I will try and effectuate the kind of support you need from Congress. Not once did he say that. Not once. These members of Congress have no responsibility. They have no executive power. And they sit there and they talk like this. He has never criticized Cuomo. Who literally is responsible for the death of thousands? He's never criticized Newsom, same thing, Pritzker, Murphy, Wittmer, all these iron fisted North Korean style Democrat governors, he hasn't criticized them once.


And yet, because of their policies with the elderly, with nursing homes, many thousands of people died who didn't have to die. If they only wore masks, you see, even if only there was a consistent message from Washington. This is a shameless. Man, he's a cancer on the body politic. He actually voted to remove the president of the United States from office.


As a result of his phone call with the president of Ukraine, he actually voted to remove the president of the United States.


He has shown no empathy whatsoever. Toward what Trump has had to deal with. I think the man is obsessively jealous. He cannot believe he was not elected president of the United States. He cannot believe that the current president of the United States didn't choose him to be a secretary of state, thank God. Mitt Romney has been handed. One gold platter after another. From his father. He's lied his way into one office after another. From one end of the country to the other, Tumi.


How do your politics schedule like the governor of Massachusetts and senator of Utah, are the two states any different than that, Mr. Producer? And rather than. And support very, very important efforts to help the American people. He positions himself, he creates a narrative with the media, the media can't wait to hear from him, he speaks on the record. He also leaks. It's appalling. And guys like this with no character, no principles and no spine.


They do very well in modern politics, particularly if the Republicans, they do very, very well. No longer are they kooks, right wingers, conspiracy theorists. This is what they do. What an abomination this man is. Absolute abomination. I want to tell my friends at Fox or Kiran in the news segment is inaccurate debate over Pennsylvania, changes to mail and voting laws. This is a debate over the Constitution.


Whether they're male and voting laws or. Our voting by pidgin. Oh, look, I'm on TV, Mr. Producer. Maybe it is a good segment. I don't know. Can I take a break now or not? I'll be right back. Much love in. Did you know your family can save over 800 dollars a year just by switching to pure talk from Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile? Think about it. What could your family do with an extra 800 dollars?


You don't even have to sacrifice coverage. Pure talk has exactly the same coverage, same bars as one of the big carriers. But they charge you half. You definitely don't have to sacrifice customer service. Their team is based right here in the U.S. and are some of the nicest people you'll ever talk to. So don't wait anymore. Get unlimited talk, text and two gigs of data for just 20 bucks a month. And if you go over on data usage, they don't charge you for it.


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I want to thank Martha MacCallum, she, I think is the first or certainly among the very few who's actually covered.


In a short period of time, the Pennsylvania case accurately. And has even been concerned about what took place in Pennsylvania. I want to thank her. I really do. By the way, she's a very, very nice lady, I've only met her once or twice and I think she really does try to do a good job. And but I want to thank Martha MacCallum because she got it right. So we asked just report the news, so we posted last evening.


That. My show was coming up and we had a 10 second. Post, which didn't even get into the real issues, and Facebook slapped it right, Mr. Producer? Before the show aired. As unproven or fake news or whatever they said, this is why I will be leaving on December 31st and I hope you'll join us over at Parler. And I'm still at Twitter because they haven't done anything to me.


But I want you to be aware of this. They slapped it even before the show aired. And nothing I said on that show was inaccurate, nothing, not a word of it. I didn't talk about fraud. I didn't talk about evidence. I didn't even talk about the outcome of the presidential election. And they selected. We now have something that's very, very dangerous, and you see this in fascistic regimes, these massive companies in bed with the fascists.


Or that totalitarians or the Marxists, if you will. And that's what you're seeing here. You're seeing what I call the corporatists. And the Marxists in the neo Marxist. That's what you're saying. Let us go to I don't know, the person's name, what does t r n t mean, Mr. Producer? Trent is about to E.A. Trent, Boston, Massachusetts, XM satellite go. How you doin, Mark, how are you? So my question.


I'm doing well, thanks, though. Why is it that I'm from Boston? You know, we we all have to be from somewhere, my friend, as governor. Yes. So Romney was your governor and now is Utah senator.


Isn't that weird? It doesn't make any sense. It really doesn't. He's a chameleon. That's what happened. He's one of these.


Let me ask you then, why did he want to be secretary of state that Donald Trump, if he hates them so much? I mean, the guy. The guy's got. He's got no principles. Go ahead. Is this power hungry swamp monsters, I swear, but sorry. So look, this guy's got a quarter of a billion dollars, much of it inherited. I don't hold it against him. I really don't. So he's got nothing better to do.


You know what? I think I run for president when I think I'll be a. Tell me what the hell contribution is this man made since he's been in the United States Senate for more than two years or two years or so.


What has he done? Nothing, nothing, exactly, nothing, and that's all I'd expect from him. All right, my friend, thank you for your call. Let's continue, shall we? Franciosa, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the great Tiko. Hey, Mark, my greatest teacher you are, when you were speaking today, you I'm thinking about history, the Neville Chamberlain of today are Republican congressmen and senators. We have the vampy happens on the Democrat side selling out to the fascists.


And all I want to say is their head is actually in the tiger's mouth and it may be too late. And that's been so scary, Mark, in our head, in that tiger's mouth. That's scary.


Don't you find it weird that pseudo intellectuals and pseudo concerned, they they spent their entire lives writing about fascism and Marxism, communism.


And all the rest of it. And here they are on the wrong side of history, doesn't that shock you? Yes, they are. It really does.


And they hate Trump because Trump surprised them. Look, Trump surprised me. And then I said, wait a minute, let me watch this guy. He's doing a great job. Yes. I don't like to agree with everything. Who cares? So true.


So true. By the way, we're in Philadelphia. Are you.


Did you. Mark, they need to listen to you more.


These Congress. We're in Philadelphia. There are history lessons from you. I'm from I was originally from South Philadelphia. I live near town now. You live where? You know, I live near Center City now. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm originally from South Philadelphia. Yeah, I miss those days.


South Philly getting down there and getting water ice in the soft pretzel. I would have a lemon water ice in one hand I saw pressel what. Gulden's mustard in the other hand. And I was in heaven. I know I still do it, I have John's water ice right over here near me. What do they still sell those soft pretzels, though? I don't think so. Yes, they do more.


They sell. It's not like the old days where they had the little knobs with the man ringing the bell. But they do have the pretzel company here. They still have the soft pretzels, man.


I remember it was five for a dollar. And you sound like an old man, don't I? All right, forget it now I'm old. I'm a little older than you, but those were the good old days, let me assure, were the good old days.


All right, my friend, you take care. In fact. In fact, I'll tell you another little story probably shouldn't tell you. When I was a young teenager, the I think it was the local. Well, veteran, let me put it this way, Veterans Hall, Mr. Producer, I drive from my township, Cheltenham, into the northeast, Philadelphia go across Roosevelt Boulevard.


Anyway, they had a little area over there. You know what they did on Saturday night? They played bingo. You know, they played. Blackjack. So I go in there and you get a free kosher hotdog. So there we are, some Jews, some Italians, Samira, you know, and we are playing and again, I was I went I was too young. They didn't know my age. And we have a grand old time. I don't know if you can even do that today, can you?


No, no, no. You got the virus, get in your basement, shut the hell up and wear a mask while you're at it. Excuse me, you know, I was thinking the other day, ladies and gentlemen. Our kids and grandkids, their childhood is being taken from them. Have you ever thought this, Ritchey, of two little ones? I'm right. Their childhood is being taken from. Gone to the movies. Going to a store with their parents sitting on Santa's lap.


It's being stolen from them socialising. Having recess with your friends. Learning how to cope with bullies and. And to be friends with other people that you, your friends for life after losing all of this and losing it. Because these bastards pretend they're following the science when they're not and they're taking it out on our kids.


I got. I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens. Now over two million conservative members Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amen. And you can become a member at Armacost U.S. Join us here.


Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Lemon here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. You know, Andrew Cuomo, he received a an enema.


I understand, I mean, an Emmy. And you're aware of the Fouche. Hey, how are you doing out there? Yeah, the foushee. Well, come on, Falchi. Well, they were caught on video together, wasn't a very pretty sight.


I want you to keep something in mind as they crack jokes that make each other laugh. Of the charts that they keep showing us on TV. Of how Romney and the other Democrats attacked the president of the United States for his handling of the virus. Which is shocking to me, because nobody handled a virus any better in world history than this president.


They'll all be lining up for a vaccine that he made possible for therapeutics that he made possible, but. You understand? If Andrew Cuomo had been president rather than Donald Trump. They would have been shoving coronavirus positive patients in every nursing home in this country. You'd have more debt than you could shake a stick at. Anyway. Listen to this, Cuomo Falchi like Sacco and Vanzetti cut three go.


I think you have tremendous credibility, not just across the country, but I always feel like I'm listening to what's that movie with that guy. Forget Gary Sinise played. Forrest Gump, why do I always feel like I'm listening to Forest Gump with this guy? Start at the beginning again, please go ahead. I think you have tremendous credibility, not just across the country, but across this state.


Now, let me ask a question. Would you want a guy like this was blood all over his body parts because of what he did being a character witness for you?


America, Science and America scientists now are the damn mask. While you're at it, keep your pants on. Go ahead. And I think your voice on saying that the vaccines are safe would be important.


See this this buffoon who had attacked vaccines. These vaccines and politicize the whole subpoena's now, I think it's a shame now because of Falchi Foushee, you know, because of you, your voice, your voice. It really means a lot to us. It really does. You know, Trump Trump has what it Falchi do to get us vaccines.


Nothing. He did nothing. But then again, you're talking and listening to a guy, the governor, who got an enema. I mean, in an economy. Go ahead. The vaccine is deemed ready and safe. I'll be the first one to take a vaccine now, you should be the last one to get a vaccine. You should be the last one. Like the whole world's waiting for Cuomo to take a you know, you know, Cuomo takes, then we'll all take it.


Go ahead. Maybe we enlist you, I'll do it with you. We'll do an ad telling New Yorkers it's one of those city.


Does he sound like he's upset about all that's going on with the VA, you know, we we'll do an ad together, we'll do it together. You and me will take the vaccine and convince the American and the matter of fact, to really convince all the Americans that we should take the vaccine. I'm going to bring in my friend, Al Sharpton, Al Sharpton and you and me. We take the vaccines together and we take the vaccines together. And then everybody else will take the vaccine to.


Oh, I had been to to, you know, put us together, we're like the modern day DeNiro and Pacino you can be, which were never whichever, you know, Suco Vancity, you idiot.


The dinero as a slimeball, isn't he, Mr. Producer? He's a lowlife that keeps going around threatening to beat everybody, he get his ass kicked in two seconds. He takes his role seriously, you know, hey, hey, hey, shut up, you idiot, sit down, old man. Anyway, go ahead. Nero Kristiina forces laugh and he loves us because he's an egomaniac, he's a media whore. May I say that? With all due respect, yes, I called him media anyway.


Is there a show that the man won't do? They guy's on airport radar and sonograms, you can't get away from this guy. I don't know how he has time to read all the studies and look at all the models and and understand all the stats, he's everywhere. Everywhere. He's in teen magazine. Oh, yeah. Man of the Year, according to Time magazine, well, there is no TIME magazine when we got a website anyway. And by the way, neither of them are wearing masks while this is going on.


I wonder what Romney thinks of this. And not really go ahead, Ormeau, I'll give you a firm. Who do you want to be, De Niro or Pacino? Which one do you want to vote? You want to insult one of the other. So they're laughing, having a great.


Can you mind if imagine if Trump was doing the you know, I want to be Dinero or Pacino. Pecina was in The Godfather, I missed it, but it is, of course. And what did The Godfather do? What did he do? You can be Pacino, I can be Dinero, De Niro, Pacino. Oh, I had the feeling that your uncle, who is the politician. He's up for another animal. I think, Mr. Producer, I think he's up for an enema, too.


And by the way. Jake Tapper looks like he's had an enema, and that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. Build a cameo has destroyed New York City. Now, most of you listening to this show, you've not lived in New York City, but I got my start in New York City on radio, on ABC. And I would walk through the streets of New York City and our magnificent NYPD in the fire department in New York, all these guys would wave to me and talk to me.


Terrific people. It was a safe city. He didn't even worry about you, never looked over your shoulder. Giuliani and to his credit, Bloomberg, they did a hell of a job. Running that city. Venezuela elects Nicaraguan communist. And look what he does. One term, two terms, the city's turned inside out, it doesn't take long to destroy. Ladies and gentlemen, doesn't take long to destroy our country from one state to another. Look at these fools.


Look what they want to do to the whole country. Look what they've done in New York City. Oh, my God, when you really think about it, look what they've done to Los Angeles when you really think about it. Chicago.


These magnificent look what they've done to us. But I want you to listen. To the cameo. Cutforth, go back to circle back to the Staten Island bar owner real fast. There are a lot of people who are looking at what unfolded on Staten Island and wondering what would have happened if the barkeep weren't white.


It's just that. These reporters are disgusting. There's a lot of people wondering what would happen if he wasn't white. If he wasn't white. Is this reporter white, Mr. Producer, do we even know? I believe he is white. Hey, what would happen if de Blasio wasn't white? What about that? Anyway, go ahead. They've been released on his own recognizance and with someone who had who ran over a sheriff and treated in a similar manner so that if they weren't white, he says.


So here you have a reporter who wants this bar owner thrown in prison. For a long time. And so he uses race. Hey, you know what what would happen if this bar owner, if he if he wasn't, why? You know, what would happen to him? What do you think would happen to him? And he knows that he'll get a rise out of the cameo playing the race card would. And so here's what the cameo says.


Go ahead.


Look, we should always ask why this guy's name is Nolan, the reporter, Mr. Producer Nolan.


I guarantee you, he's a white guy, he's a nerd, hey, Nolan, not that everybody. Everyone had you look at Nolan Ryan, he was a tough two, but I'm excluding the tough guy, Nolan. You know, Nolan spelled backwards. Is Nolan anyway. Go ahead.


Or being treated fairly. And if there's equality in the way we enforce our laws, this is such an important topic in this case. I want to hear from the law enforcement leaders, the NYPD.


Now, keep in mind, they have this so-called bail reform, which means in the front door, out the back door, you've had riders of every race going in the front door, out the back door, committing heinous acts, violent acts.


Back on the street, that's called bail reform, that's called mostly peaceful protest. Now, I don't know this this restaurant owner, I don't know this issue with the police and the driving. And so, honestly, I didn't see it. But I'm commenting generally. We got to get him and throw the book at him, proud of our garam. The small business owner, he's white. But have we done with him? But what about the coronavirus in the prisons and jails where letting people are actually letting people out who are violent criminals, some of whom have raped and murdered, hey, hey, hey, he violated an order.


Go ahead. On the decision and why it was made and how it fits with the overall rules of who gets released and who doesn't, but let's be clear, the most important thing is what this guy did, and it was absolutely unacceptable. I'm sure this is a guy who would say he's all in favor of law and order.


He must be a Republican, you know. Law and order guy cars, and here I put out my orders and he doesn't listen. Go ahead. He's making a big deal about what's happened with his bar. Well, guess what? Law and order means when the state of New York says your bar needs to be closed. You bar needs to be closed to protect people's health and safety. No excuses. That's it.


When the state of New York says, close that damn bar. I don't care if you starve to death. I don't care if your children starve to get. I don't care if they're not going to school. I don't care what the hell's going on. You take orders and you comply with them. Now, on the other hand, if you're a leftist. Does it matter if you drive over cops? None of that that doesn't matter if you harm them, doesn't matter if you harm your fellow citizen, you can burn down bars.


You can burn down bars, but if you open a bar, who? Woe to Karmiel, can't have that. As the great Bob Grant would say, and my brothers and sisters in New York City know exactly what I'm talking about, it's sick and getting sicker out there. I'll be right back.


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Stephanie Rule, there's another fraud, she works for MSNBC. Order to get a paycheck, she has to say some of the darnedest things, so she has this reprobate, the governor of New Jersey on.


And I want you to listen to how long she talks in order to create a question. The dimwitted Stephanie rule cut five go. You know, I have to ask you about this party, the New York Young Republicans couldn't hold an event.


Hey, sister. What do you all freaked out about the New York Republican Party having a party? The hell you say about the rioters and the marches on the street is a complete fraud and hypocrite. I don't give a damn about your social circles or who you hang out with, your disgusting. Go ahead, because the rules wouldn't permit it, but they held a gala here in our state to listen to the media supporting the fascism that that's. Come on, Governor, go get them.


Get up, get up. Get up. We don't like them. We don't agree with them. Go get them. You'll never hear me talk like that against riders. Yes. But if Democrats are having parties and God knows they have a lot of marijuana parties, if Democrats are having parties, wife swapping, doing what they do, I don't really care. I'm talking about elected Democrats. I'm not involved, but I don't know, won't hurt me.


They want to sic law enforcement who they hate. On people having a party because it's a spreader to spread or don't catch a super spreader. Go ahead. Congressman Matt Gates, who he attended this party, but here's the thing that Gates doesn't care, he doesn't care whether you call them iPads. He doesn't care. They don't want him in New Jersey. He loves this national news. But now those people who broke the rules could be spreading this virus and killing people across could be killing people.


I'm like antifa and like BLM, unlike the mayor and Schumer who've been in the street without masks, they could be killing people. What an asshole, may I say that, Mr. Peterson, I think I can it's a letter of the alphabet. Go ahead. You are the one who makes the rules, do you need to put more restrictions in place and actually punish these people? Listen, you hear that?


Here, this woman. This is a reporter. The reporter ever see those old Westerns where all these guys are kind of the jailhouse? Here you see those, Mr. Bush, do they want to drag the guy out of there and and inflict capital punishment on this is her, she'd be one of them up. Get them. Get them over here. Any more restrictions punish these people, for God's sakes, punish them. This is sick. Go ahead.


You got the same darn rules that New York yes, these jerks just in all these all these jerks that come into our state of New Jersey, which is just, you know, the most fabulously run state in America, and they come into my state of New Jersey and what they've done is unfathomable, unfathomable.


It's unbelievable. They come in here and they want to have a party. We don't have parties anymore in New Jersey, not here, no gas riots. I don't know. We don't have parties, we don't have school. We don't have commerce. We don't have anything. Who the hell is this guy? Think he is here? But we're going to raise taxes anyway. Go ahead. It's under investigation, including the venue, and it's unfathomable, the pictures, nobody's wearing a mask.


They're inside, they're on top of each other. It's ridiculous.


They're on top of each other. Why do you think Clinton Epstein event on his island, you idiot? Isn't this the same governor? Mr. Producer wasn't wearing a mask and they caught him in a restaurant.


Remember this guy? I don't mean Stephanie rule, if that is her name or role, whatever the hell. I don't remember his cabinet governor. Why don't you throw the book at yourself? Why don't you punish your son? I mean, you could be a super spreader. I got. The tyranny is unbelievable, isn't it? People should be spent standing up for free speech, why don't we send the cops into various CNN studios and headquarters and see who's wearing a mask and who isn't?


What do you think of that stuff? Michael, you. Steph? I think I will. What do you think of that stuff? I think that would be terrible. Don't you?


Just to make sure that all you all you liberals who are so quick to want to lock up other people, except, of course, rioters and people on the left, make sure you're not by the rules to make sure you apply to your. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them, a man who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk.


AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us.


We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.


This is the show The New York Times is afraid of my club in calling now at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one, Jake Tapper had has a permanently constipated look on his face.


I think he got that from a plastic surgeon who was drunk. But nonetheless, there it is.


And he likes the lecturer's check, does he likes to burp up and regurgitate what his boss, Jeff Zucker, whispers in his ear? And so he has surrendered any credibility he has as a professional journalist. Now he's a professional propagandist.


Did you see that interview with Joe Biden and him, Mr. Producer? I didn't, but I saw a few clips online. Checks really into by May I put it that way to you, Mr.. Oh, yes, yes, he's really into buying. So excited to have Joe. Because. Even though Joe used to hang out with segregationists, even though Joe used to make the most blatantly racist and bigoted comments. Not that jungle out there, you know.


An integrated neighborhood, he didn't want his kids to go, that's a jungle. And all the women he molested, I mean, who he sniffed, I mean, whatever he did with them. That Joe. He's Jake Tapper's kind of man. And so here's Jake Tapper yesterday on the Constipated News Network. Run by Jeff Zucker, CuDeco, President Trump has been pushing lies and conspiracy theories, so let's just stop right there. Why is he still talking about President Trump?


Why is he still doing this? Because Jake is a setback that he can't help it. But he's not done. Go ahead. President Trump has been pushing lies and conspiracy. First of all, you know, President Trump was largely out of character yesterday. Really? Go ahead, four years that have made life more dangerous for all kinds of Americans.


What the hell are you talking about, you idiot? And feel free to call in. By the way, I know you listen to this show. What the hell are you talking about? The cities he got murder going on, you got these Democrat, progressive, so-called mayors slashing their police forces, murders up by God knows what, double digits in every major city in America. And look how he talks about Trump. This is a sick bastard, that whole network is filled with people like this.


Go ahead. He stoked hate against blacks and Latinos and Muslims and Jews and Asian Americans, against women, against judges.


Now, why hasn't. A bigger percentage of blacks voted for Trump. Then either Bush. Then even Reagan. A bigger percentage of Hispanics, the same thing. I don't know, I haven't checked lately on Asian-Americans and Muslims. He actually did quite well with women. And yes, there is at this Trump. You keep spreading hate. He can't get it, they hate Trump. Let's listen to them. I don't know how they're going to survive this, Mr.


Producer, God forbid. How are we going to survive a Joe Biden should he become president? I don't know. National Review will tell us how to do it. But anyway, you see my point. This is like a sickness. What will CNN do? They could always bring Avineri back once he gets out of jail, is what's he serving 20 years or, you know, they used to have the porn actress on. I guess they can bring on more porn actresses, right, Jake?


Wink, wink, you know what I mean? Or they can bring on others from their. From their long Rolodex of freak shows and and fools and buffoons. Go ahead. Against Republicans who disagree. Shut up, you idiot. Actually. Yeah, how do people watch this CNN, I don't even know it's it's sick. Did you see this debate between. Kelly Leffler and the reverend trying to remember his name, I don't remember his name. Oh, yeah.


Rafael Warnock, you notice how the radical left neo Marxists run? They do not. They do not. Want to be tagged with their own words so they lie. So people well, that's a nice enough guy, doesn't sound like a radical to me, you know, my father ran a store and my father. Yeah. Hey, Dad. And you know what? When I saw your father up for election. No, you are.


You're a radical left wing nut job. You're an anti-Semite. And you're Atai White. Oh, you got all the credentials to run. It's just so weird. And the Democrats keep nominating leftists like this. So let's listen to cut 11. Go ahead, Mr. Bridges. This is why I think folks have turned off from politics very often because people will turn anything into a kind of cynical political argument. I was preaching that day from a very familiar math, Matthew, mathematics that says you can't serve God and Mammon.


It was a sermon about a moral foundation for everything that we do and that when you have everything in order that actually makes you a better soldier, it also means, no, that's not what you said.


I went back. And you didn't talk about God and Mammon, you talked about God in the military. So he lies through his teeth, so people who don't know better aren't paying attention or want to believe what he says will believe what he says. This guy despises the military, despises law enforcement, honestly despises the country, is a radical. Go ahead. And had Kelly Leffler listened to the sermon, rather than trying to make a cheap political point, she would not have used her advantage as a U.S. senator to make.


So why don't you play some of that sermon so we could all hear it? And then, of course, we would all be immediately assuaged and and supporters of yours. Poor Raphael Warnock, everybody keeps taking his comments out of context, his Jew hating comments, his white hating comments, his military hating comments, his capitalism hating comments, they're just taken out of context, you see.


Because his dad was a small business owner, did you know this? He's taken out of context like the other is running, he inherits tens of millions of dollars, his daddy helps pay for his campaign. Now, the radical neo Marxist commie. No, no, no, you don't understand, you're taking him out of context. And by the way, when this guy Warnock, was asked if he supports packing the Supreme Court, the American people don't care about this, they only care about the virus.


Let me tell you, the American people can walk and chew gum at the same time. It's a simple answer. Yes or no. Wouldn't give it. That's a yes. That's a yes. That's a yes. What did I say? That's a yes. Go ahead. My pandemic, while playing it down to the people she was supposed to be representing, Lisa should respond. Go ahead, please. You know, I'm a Christian. I'm a person of deep faith.


I don't need a lecture from someone who has used the Bible to not only justify attacking our military. That's not in Matthew six. Twenty four. It doesn't say you can't serve the military in God, but he's also used the Bible to justify abortion. I cannot stand by and let Georgians know, not know who my opponent is, how radical his views are, and how he would fundamentally change our country. He's out of step with Georgia's values. Uh huh.


I know you don't understand abortion's a choice, it's not a human being, the choice of choice. And we liberal Democrats support choice, except when it comes to every other aspect of your life. When I come here, it's a choice.


It's a good way to dismiss the whole thing. Right. Here's what I was saying about the Supreme Court judge. I hope you're listening. Here's Warnock go.


And as I move all across the state, Greg, people aren't asking me about the courts and whether we should expand the courts now.


But he asked you about and why can't you answer it? Because you don't want to. Because you support. Creating the pull up your out of the U.S. Supreme Court, I hope the justices are paying attention. Go ahead. Four people inside the Beltway to discuss, but they're wondering when in the world are they going to get some covid-19 relief they haven't gotten any from?


Now, we know Nancy Pelosi basically said it. She blocked it. Which we know at the time she was doing, she blocked it, she denied Americans relief. Because she wanted to affect the outcome of the election, Warnock knows that, Pelosi knows that. Fake Tapper knows that they all know it. And yet they go on like it never happened. Go ahead in months and when she had a chance to stand up for ordinary people, she thought six hundred dollars was too much.


Meanwhile, she didn't think six hundred dollars was too much.


You remember that, ladies and gentlemen, people were getting unemployment, so this bill. Increase the amount of unemployment so people weren't going back to take their jobs because they could make more money on unemployment. That's what took place. Remember, all I remember, all that said is war or not. But he lies. Go ahead. Something millions of dollars of stock profiting from a pay, that stock stuff was all investigated and she was cleared. Now we're letting criminals out the back door or accusing criminals of not being criminals, and here's a woman who was investigated and cleared and he keeps trying to criminalize her.


Isn't that like a misogynist or something to use the left wing lingo, Mr. Producer, is Mr. Warnock a misogynist? Oh, I wonder, is that somewhere in Matthew? I don't know. Go ahead. Who does that like real people on the ground, so I am wondering if you can answer the question, do you support expanding the Supreme Court? I'm really not focused on it.


He's not focused on it, folks. You're going to be a senator, you want to be a senator, and you can't focus on that. Unbelievable, isn't it? Listen, I I'm not focused, I'm really busy trying to save America, save everybody, I'm really, really busy fighting the virus. You know, I'm really busy.


I don't have an answer to that. You know, an answer to whether or not you would keep your hands off the Supreme, I haven't focused on that. Folks, what is the focus on aren't you all busy out there? Yes. Aren't you busy, whether you're a plumber or electrician, a truck driver or Uber driver, a taxi driver? Aren't you all busy out there? Yes, we are. Well, is it hard to answer the question, do you favor packing the Supreme Court?


I'm busy. I don't want to get the red wires mixed up with the blue ones. That's right. I don't want to screw up my plumbing. I don't want to get the breaks. You know, I don't want to drive up a telephone pole. I got a focus. I can't answer that question. He thinks we're stupid. Because the answer is yes. He's going to be a Bernie Sanders vote in his back pocket, so will the other creep.


I'll be right back. Much love, Globin. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. EMAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond.


Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.


Join amoc instead. A m a c U.S..


By the way, one of the things in Georgia that's really outrageous is the secretary of state, this republic, he entered into a consent decree with Stacey Abrams in this consent decree change the signature matching requirements, watered them down, virtually eliminated them in the state of Georgia.


This was something Stacey Abrams was pushing for. Now, why would she push for that?


You figure it out. So the president of the United States has been saying the governor should call the legislature back into session under Article two, the legislature makes these decisions, not some wimpy ass. You know, secretary of state cutting a deal with Stacey Abrams. And he's exactly right, the president. And so the media keeps saying once this session to be called by the governor in order to steal the election, in order to change the election results. And over at National Review, so far, the Republicans are standing firm against Trump.


Itzik. It's perverse. Well, America, we shall see what the Supreme Court does. Will it uphold the Constitution?


Will it draw a line and say states must comply with the Constitution, or will it lift the lid off once and for all the lawlessness where the states play games? They play games where their courts play games where they destroy the Electoral College. We shall see. We salute our armed forces, police officers, firefighters and emergency personnel. Thank you all. And I'll see you tomorrow. God bless. From the Westwood One podcast network.