Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/15/21
Mark Levin Podcast- 2,059 views
- 16 Mar 2021
On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the general will and the common good were the basis for the French Revolution which destroyed its society, unlike the American Revolution which stood to defend our society against monarchic tyranny. Marxist autocrats have spent a generation trying to undo our Constitution and they attack the first, second, and tenth amendments savagely and it continues today. The US Constitutional system is the only legitimate form of government in our nation. The farmers relied on the separation of powers to avoid mob rule and rule by the monarchy, this is why they gave power to the people through the legislature and it's exactly why legislatures are being usurped when it comes to voting laws. Then, the US federal government is the largest employer and debtor in America and President Biden and the Democrats want to raise your taxes just to make it bigger. The failures of Democrat-run cities and states have just been financed by all taxpayers. Later, 40% of small business owners can't find workers because of stimulus payments and add-ons. Biden and Democrats have used the virus as a pretext to create these permanent entitlements. This is the Cloward-Piven strategy of overloading the system and crashing the system, so they can blame the system as they grab power. Afterward, the Washington Post has been forced to be honest and publish a retraction. It turns out that the story that Trump pressured State officials to "find the fraud" was false. The conversation was recorded by a state investigator and the investigator deleted the recording of the call. The audio file was retrieved from the state investigator's trash bin.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.
Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. America, Mark Levin, our numbers, eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. This is Radio Free America. Two arrests. Attacks on a Capitol Hill police officer who later died and the reasons that the FBI won't tell us. Who's been arrested for the murders and attacks all last summer?
Police officers on private citizens, and so do we know their names? We don't know anything about them. Just thought I'd point that out. But that's not the subject of my top of the program here. We live in a republic. This nation was founded as a republic, it was not founded as a pure democracy. It was not founded as a parliament. It was not founded as a monarchy. It was not founded as an autocracy. There's a big difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
The American Revolution was a revolution against. Governmental tyranny. The French Revolution was a revolution against French society. That is the French resolution revolution. Took up pretty much the ideology of Rousso. Where the society must be focused all the time, not on the needs of the individual, not on protecting the individual, not on individual sovereignty, but on the general will in the common good. The problem is that General well, and the common would have different definitions for different people.
And yet they all think they're righteous. In putting down the individual and putting down the individual's freedom and free will for the general, well, on the common good, that was the French Revolution, they destroyed their own society.
That was not the American Revolution again, the American Revolution wasn't about destroying the American society was about defending it. Hugely different revolutions. But what you see going on today is a form of the French Revolution against the American Revolution. What you see happening today, and I'll continue to say this until the backbenchers on cable TV and radio begin to regurgitate it. Is a form of a Marxist autocracy. Now, our Constitution was set up a certain way for a reason, which is exactly why it's under attack.
By the hard core left and by their voices in the media, such as the New York Times of the 16 19 project, the same New York Times that sat on information during the course of the Holocaust, the same New York Times that provided propaganda in defense of Stalin as he was wiping out millions of Ukrainians that New York Times. Utterly unreliable and contemptible. We have under our constitutional system, and it is the only legitimate form of government in America, our Constitution, anything else is not legitimate.
That means whatever it comes to be or whatever is coming to be is illegitimate if it doesn't comply with the constitutional system. We have separation of powers. The framers of the Constitution didn't invent separation of powers, although we're really the only government and the biggest government that put such a model in place and thank God for that. It had been mentioned by John Locke, who had an enormous influence on the colonists during the revolutionary period. But it was explicitly provided by Montesquieu, had an enormous influence on the framers during the constitutional period.
Separation of powers, the purpose of which is to have a functioning government, but to protect the individual, to avoid two things ruled by the mob as they saw in the French Revolution and rule by the monarchy which they revolted against. So against autocracy. And against the mob of pure democracy. And they developed a republic. Separation of powers, it's right in your Constitution, Article one, Article two, Article three. Checks and balances all through the Constitution.
Later on, they would out a bill of rights, the specific purpose of which is to defend the individual against this federal government that they created. And in addition. They were very concerned. That the states retain the vast majority of power and that the individual. Retain their unalienable rights. The Ninth Amendment is effectively. Referencing the Declaration of Independence and the 10th Amendment is upholding the notion of federalism. The 10th Amendment, the 9th Amendment had been under savage attack by the left for a century.
Because their ideology, which is an offshoot of Marxism progressivism, demands conformity and uniformity and centralization.
And so they have literally spent a century trying to destroy the construct of the Constitution. And they're out of the closet now. Totally out of the closet. You have the First Amendment that's intended to protect religious liberty we saw in the last one passed year. That religion wasn't protected. That totalitarian rogue governor targeted religious institutions, and we saw, shockingly, that there were even members of the United States Supreme Court that supported.
Freedom of speech under the First Amendment. Is under absolute attack. The Second Amendment. The attack is constant. Constant, they lie about the amendment, they lie about what it says. They lie about the history of it. Endless efforts. To degrade your Second Amendment rights and to diminish. That part of the Bill of Rights always proclaiming in a self-righteous way that they're doing it for the people, they're doing it for the safety of the people, they're doing it in the name of the people.
But they never propose amendments, have you noticed? They insist on doing it by executive fiat or statute or judicial fiat. If you're going to change the Constitution, you must amend the Constitution, and there's two processes for that, one of which is ignored convention of states and the other which requires two thirds of both houses of Congress to send it to the states and three fourths to ratify. But they can't get two thirds in both houses and they certainly can't get three fourths of the states.
So what do they do? They change the constitution anyway. That is a legitimate. What's under attack right now? The entire Republican system is under attack. When Joe Biden sits in the Oval Office and signs one executive order after another, which fundamentally alters one part of our culture, our society after another, his conduct is unconstitutional and don't have any Supreme Court decisions. I don't give a damn. I can read the Constitution far better than most of them.
And I know the history, that constitution far better than most of them. Half of them are activists, at least six of them are activists, which means damn the Constitution. So what do they do, our framers, our brilliant framers? They set up this electoral college system, which they eventually agreed to near the end of the process. And they set it up to make sure that people would participate. That the state legislatures would have the biggest say and that ultimately Congress would count the electors, so the people were involved, the state legislatures were involved, and ultimately Congress was involved.
But they had their roles, it wasn't Congress is involved and tells everybody else what to do. No. And yet that's exactly what's going on today is the tyrannical left seeks to impose its will and to ensure that forevermore the tyrannical left. Which has a death grip on the Democrat Party, has the first say and the final say on all matters. What do they do? They created a bicameral legislature, not a one cameral legislature, a House of Representatives, the only federal body that's directly elected.
Every two years, and those districts are determined by the state legislatures in the states. And the Democrats want to do away with that, they want technocrats who they will control, of course, to decide how congressional political districts are determined. They want to take the power away from the state legislatures, they want to take the power away from the state legislatures in every aspect of voting. Then they created a Senate, what was the purpose of the Senate?
The purpose of the Senate was to give the state legislatures representation in the Congress. The state legislature's representation in the Congress. Well, at the beginning of the last century, with a big push by the progressive movement with the 17th Amendment. Fundamentally altered the nature of the United States and in my view, made it irrelevant, so the direct election of senators. Rather than the legislatures determining how senators would be appointed. So now the states have no say in the federal government whatsoever.
They are the playthings of the bureaucrats, they're the playthings of a guy like Biden who is signing executive orders, they have no say whatsoever in the federal system. Now, let me ask you a question. Do you think there's a single state that would have ratified the Constitution under those circumstances? Absolutely not.
Not one of them. Not one of them. Gun rights are under attack, immigration is specifically addressed in the constitution, the state excuse me that Congress is supposed to set the rules for immigration. But the Congress do not does not set the rules for immigration when you have Joe Biden issuing executive orders and creating anarchy and chaos on our border, and he won't even hold a press conference to discuss it. He won't even take a single question to discuss it.
This is worse than a king or a queen, because there is the petina or the facade or the fig leaf of a representative republic when the president of the United States. Will not. Will not. Address the American people through questions and answers other than created speeches that he reads and barely coherently. Private property rights under the Fifth Amendment. You know, there's a takings clause that if the federal government takes your property, you have a right to a fair market value for.
But the courts change that, so we have these massive regulatory takings with all kinds of impositions by the federal government, Congress and the president on small businesses, medium businesses and large businesses that affect their property rights. And they're not compensated a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment. Freedom of the press. We don't have a free press, I wrote the book. It's a non free press. There's a press that represents a single party and it's a press that is ideological, it's a press that hates our country, hates the Constitution, it has a press that walks lockstep in line with the radical left and the Democrat Party.
And it's a Praetorian Guard. That has absolutely no interest. No interest in getting to the truth and getting facts or defending our founding principles. None. With a massive bureaucracy unaccountable to everyone. And yet the Democrats on the left keep giving them more and more power. Critical race theory, critical gender theory, critical, whatever theory you can fill in the blank with, which is a racist theory. A racist theory. It's what it is. Is now to be not only digested by Democrats throughout.
The bureaucracy, excuse me, by bureaucrats throughout the government, but it is to be promoted in everything they do. We know that because Biden just signed an executive order directing that at Bidone. They're talking about a wealth tax, a wealth tax, of course, is unconstitutional, you've already been taxed on your wealth. You put it aside, you purchase a home, you purchase a painting, you purchase a car, whatever. That's the net. After you've paid all these taxes, look at your payroll.
Stop. After you've paid all these taxes, now they want a wealth tax, but only on the richest, don't worry. You better worry, because if this becomes a fact, it will affect you. They're not really interested in the rich, they're interested in you controlling the masses. We have a death tax. They want a wealth tax. We have all kinds of taxes. They want to massively increase taxes, massively increase the debt, massively increase the power of the central government, defy the Constitution's limits.
And that's where we are now. I want to address this further when I return. I'll be right back. Much love in. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide towards free online courses, its support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844.
Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence. It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lavant for Hillsdale. Dotcom.
Levien for Hillsdale Dotcom. Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. Let's continue. The federal government today is the largest employer, insurer, pension provider, landowner, landlord, consumer, creditor.
And Ed. There are articles today all over the place for Joe Biden. And his people. And I've told you about this, even without these articles, I've told you this weeks ago. Wants to be a bigger so-called progressive than LBJ and FDR. That massive spending bill that came through, ladies and gentlemen, was a disgusting disgrace. They lied through their teeth, they rushed it through so you wouldn't know what's in it. There's more in there now than we even thought.
You and I are paying off heavy debt on union pensions for paying off heavy debt and public sector union pensions. We're paying off the debt of Democrat cities and states. Joe Biden is changing our labor rules. He's changing all the rules to protect his base. Have you got more? I'll be right back. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it.
Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide towards free online courses, its support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844. Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence.
It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lavant for Hillsdale. Dotcom. Levien for Hillsdale Dotcom. Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. Plasty conservative fire Mark Levin show call now at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
Welcome back. Capitalism is under attack on every front. Border security and America's sovereignty is under direct assault. Private property rights, a wealth tax really under direct assault. You're right to bear arms. That's what it says. Under direct attack. If you're not a minority in this country, shockingly enough, you're under attack. There's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with your children. There's something wrong with your grandchildren. They're all bigots. They're all racists, and they're all privileged.
Where did that come from? Where did that come from? Colorblind society. Martin Luther King, are you kidding me today, that's a joke. That's laughed off every day. Your children have been abused horribly. By Democrats and their unions for the last year. Horribly. For the last year. And they're subsidized by Joe Biden and the Democrats. 50/50 in the Senate, that's what they have, that's why they want to get rid of the filibuster rule.
Now, I touched on this on life, liberty, and lived in my opening monologue. A republic. In a republic. With all the. Checks and balances, the separation of powers. The respect under our Bill of Rights. For the individual and so forth. You're supposed to be deliberative, take your time participatory and representative. Is that how you feel in the first 60 days of the Biden administration? Do you feel like you were lied to by Joe Biden, who said so?
Are you kidding? I'm a moderate. Everybody knows me. I'm lunch bucket Joe from Scranton, Pennsylvania. He never goes to Scranton, Pennsylvania, unless he's making a campaign stop there to try and win Pennsylvania. He never goes to Pennsylvania, period, unless it's Philadelphia. All these protections in the Constitution, all these firewalls in the Constitution are intended to slow things down. To prevent mobocracy to present, to prevent the centralized ironfist. So the body politic can participate in the process.
That's the whole point of the filibuster to slow things down. So we the people have some say so they want to eliminate the filibuster. They're not having committee hearings. There are fences with barbed wire and 2600 now to 5000 National Guardsmen. They're not protecting the Capitol building. They're preventing you and me, the taxpayers, the citizenry. You have no intention of doing anything violently from peacefully protesting for a meeting with our members of Congress, from observing them in the gallery, in the galleries and so forth, in the galleries, rather.
We have no representative of participatory government going on, ladies and gentlemen, you have a president signing Fiat's. You have a House of Representatives hatching laws and Nancy Pelosi's office. You have Democrats voting for other Democrats under a proxy rule that was put in place due to the coronavirus, they claim still in place. You do not have hearings in which legislation is worked out between and among the parties and where we can participate and call our members of Congress.
What's going on today is not. Republicanism, it's not even democracy, and it sure as hell isn't constitutionalism. So what is it? What is it? It's tyranny. Now, what happens because I speak the truth, because I'm somebody who understands American history and, quite frankly, world history.
What happens is we have people who are very superficial and surface level who are paid to attack me or who are paid in newspapers to defend Biden and the Democrats and what exists. On the left. And so if somebody does something stupid, it'll be Marksville, I don't want anybody to do anything stupid. We have to talk about what's going on here. This is not a joke. This is our country. And your input is almost nonexistent, which is why they want to destroy the franchise, the electoral process.
That's what they want to do. And they're doing in the name of black Americans and Latino Americans who have nothing to do with this. Nothing to do with this. You have demagogues galore. Not just in the Democrat Party, but in the media. In academia. And several in the Republican Party like Adam Kinzinger or Lynne Cheney. Or Mitt Romney or Lisa Murkowski. And Ben Sasse, these are demagogues. They spent more time attacking Donald Trump than they do confronting Joe Biden.
Adam Kinzinger the other day actually voted for one or both of these gun control bills. He's lied to his constituents from the day he set foot in the House of Representatives as a Tea Party candidate. So these are grave threats to our liberty. And you know it, and they have consequences, so many. That they can be catalogued. I have a piece here that before I get into this. I have dear friends who have a very. Wonderful restaurant in Florida.
They don't make a lot of money. They struggle every week. And they worked their butts off, they work so hard, morning, noon and night. And these are patriots, they love this country. They couldn't open Friday. Not because they wouldn't have a lot of customers, they weren't. Because they couldn't find any help. They couldn't get a wait staff put together. You see, ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow, the first 4500 dollar so-called stimulus checks go out.
And so what people are doing is they're not working. 300 dollars on top of unemployment benefits. Never before is the federal government paid unemployment benefits, but now they do. They're waiting for the 15 dollar minimum wage, which in Florida is going to happen because the people here brilliantly voted for. And because of this massive spending, you're going to see interest rates go up now, my gasoline prices have gone up 50 percent since Joe Biden was president of the United States, 50 percent.
For no reason whatsoever other than Joe Biden is going to start choking off supply. What kind of president is that? But here's a piece. Forty percent of small business owners are having trouble filling job openings, 40 percent. I want to give attribution to the right people here. It's from Phee, FT.com. Dog, rather, have ITG, a great site, by the way, ironically, the government's response to unemployment is actually prolonged and created it.
Handcock, whopping 40 percent of small business owners were unable to fill job openings last month, a seven point increase from January. Can you imagine what's going to happen now? This comes from the NFIB, a small business advocacy group, the inability to fill jobs comes in spite of the fact that 25 percent of small businesses increased compensation during the same period, but they can't compete with the federal government. Ladies and gentlemen. These small businesses have been on their backs.
They're now starting to stand up in some states, in a lot of states, the governor still has their foot on their throat.
But as they're starting to come back, they're getting whacked and whacked over again. Employers are feeling the crunch with 24 percent claiming labor quality is their top business problem. Another 51 percent reported few or no qualified applicants for positions they sought to fill. A statistic made all the more troubling as economists predict millions of new jobs by the end of the year. These findings are shocking given the current unemployment numbers in the country, which hovers somewhere between 10 million and 18 million out of work, the government doesn't know exactly, of course, or over six percent.
So where are the workers? Several factors could influence. The long delayed reopening of schools has placed a tremendous burden on families, the lack of child care has been especially harmful for working women globally. Women have lost their jobs during the pandemic at a rate one point eight times greater than men and are unlikely to work to return to work any time soon.
Others, particularly those with pre-existing health conditions, may be fearful about resuming daily activities. But all things considered, the federal government's increase an extension of jobless benefits is likely playing an outsized role in the decision many Americans are making to stay home. And now this was written before the stimulus checks are going up.
Prior to the pandemic, the average person on unemployment received three hundred and seventy eight dollars a week. And most states offer benefits for a period of 26 weeks or less. But then Congress stepped in, began passing relief bills and expanded the numbers vastly. At the height of the pandemic, individuals were paid six hundred dollars a week by the federal government. Giving the average collector a weekly rate with state and federal monies of nine hundred and seventy eight dollars for an extended period of 39 weeks.
That's about 50000 over a year. The country's clearly on the other side of the crisis, millions are being vaccinated, case numbers and hospitalizations are both down. But then they passed the biggest spending bill in American history and they wrap it up behind what? The coronavirus, and even before they passed it, I said, this is so bogus, it's unbelievable. It's so bogus, it's unbelievable. And that's why they're doing it as fast as they can, and now we have reports, maybe I'll get to them, maybe I won't, that they want to institutionalize these changes.
So it's not just for the virus, but it's for all time. That was always the game plan. So here we have a republic where these politicians are lying to us about what they're doing openly, openly lying to the American people whom they are bankrupting. And the media openly protecting them and covering for them. While our our children and our grandchildren are going to be affected by this long after we're dead. I'll be right back. Much love in.
Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide to its free online courses, its support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844.
Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence. It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come what may learn more. Lavant for Hillsdale. Dotcom.
Oblivion for Hillsdale Dotcom. Livin for Hillsdale Dotcom.
Under the rubric of the coronavirus, Biden tomorrow, the next day, is going to be issuing new labor workplace rules.
And the big union bosses, I'm not saying the union members, the big union bosses are thrilled because it's basically. All their demands. We changed our voting system, ladies and gentlemen, because the coronavirus mail in voting, remember, but not really was the coronavirus, because now we've H1 H1N1. I hope you'll watch it live on TV. Excuse me, Life, Liberty and Lövin or in TV where we've explained this. So we're going to fundamentally destroy the franchise.
They used the cover of the virus. We're going to fundamentally destroy workers rights in the name of workers, of course, because the big private sector unions that are bleeding membership want to force people to be members. These. Spending. Projects that were in the latest two trillion dollar bill last week are now going to be permanent entitlements. But of course, it was because of the virus, but they're going to be permanent entitlements. As they continue to burn down our Republican, I want to thank the Supreme Court for sitting on the sidelines and their little cloistered world.
As they eat their tuna fish sandwiches during their. Their lunch conferences. And I can just hear John Roberts now, you know, Clarence, we really shouldn't get involved in politics here in Clarence, my view as we we just wait this out and hope that it passes.
And besides, you know, Clarence, they really want to they really want to fundamentally alter what the Supreme Court in the judiciary is like.
We'd better not jump in in the middle of this, you know. And I can hear we have a constitutional responsibility to uphold the Constitution, it says what it says, that's our job, come what may.
Well, Clarence, you know, you're very, very interesting and quaint in your views and. We know you're kind of an outlier there, Clarence, but, you know, I'm John Roberts from Hollywood, John. I know how to pull together a majority here. I use the three stiffs on the left here, plus Cavitt. All now has been scared out of his wits and apparently. County to. She's the biggest disappointment, she's the she's the biggest disappointment.
In my view. Let's quickly go to Sergio, Miami, Florida, on the Mark Levin. Sergio, how are you, sir? Thank you, ma'am, for taking my call. You bet. I've got to tell you, this, man, just how are you about the couple that they couldn't have people to open their restaurant?
They had a shut down Friday because they couldn't get any waiters and waitresses. OK, let me tell you, I went to work yesterday at 11:00 AM, still a week, and I cannot find anybody to work. It is it I don't know how to explain this to the people of America, and I'm from Nicaragua and I came and I make my dream come true. I have my franchise in the 7-Eleven. Remember what Joe Biden said about the people that work with 7-Eleven that offended me?
You know, you don't speak Indian.
No, sir, I don't. I'm kidding. No, you're Nicaraguan, you speak Spanish and English. Yes, I do. Yeah, I do. I do. And but my point is I want to send a message to the people of America that what the Democrat Party has become radical. I saw this happen in my country.
They they destroy the people that they they gave an opportunity. The government will never give you an opportunity for you to move on. Never. If I have a 7-Eleven. Let me tell you, Marc, if I may. Good. If I make good, I can have enough money. And I said to my manager, hey, look, let's open another store and he can move on to the ladder. The government will never give you a ladder to move up.
So what is the government give you a lot to ask yourself? This is the government to give you an order to move up for you and your family to move up and for you to have a good family. I came poor here. I mean, they county they county have become blue completely, completely OK. When I moved here in 82, but the county was a Republican, they voted Republican. But now it is completely blue Democrat, you know.
You know, I've got to go just because we're about to break at the top of the hour. But I'm going to tell you something, Sergio. If you look at every aspect of what the Democrats are doing.
There systematically looking at every part of our culture, every part of our society and trying to buy it.
By it trying to own it and then trying to impose their will, the Democrat parties will on the rest of the country. That's what they're trying to do. They don't believe in federalism, they don't believe an individual will or freedom. They don't believe in any of that stuff. So they are raining money on Americans, raining money down on Americans. They are strengthening the different constituent groups in their base and they're using government power to do that and expand their authority because that's what tyrannies do.
The Democrat Party has learned something. We've got Warren. We've got Sanders with EOC. We've got all of them. These are neo Marxists, if not Marxists. They know exactly what they're doing. And in a free society and a Republican form of government, the problem is and I've said it over and over again, we haven't figured out how to protect freedom from tyranny since tyranny uses freedom to destroy it.
And that's exactly what they're doing, in my opinion. Thank you for your call, Sergio.
I'll be right back. From the Westwood One podcast network. He's here. Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's quite obvious that Biden would never be able to defund.
Or eliminate eyes, which, of course, has been a neo Marxist dream. So instead of that, they've overwhelmed ice. And in so many respects, they've destroyed us, telling them to stand down in the face of overwhelming number of people coming here illegally. At Joe Biden's suggestion. Same with the Border Patrol overwhelmed. So there are ways to do these things, and I've talked about it over and over and over again during my almost 20 years on radio and before on Cloward and Piven, the two Marxist professors.
Overwhelm the system, collapse the system, then blame the system as you grab power, said Ssempa. And I'm waiting for the. Backbencher's broadcasting to start repeating that, and they should. And they should. But Biden, in a way, gave it away the other day, Friday, actually. At the White House. And here in part is what he said, cut, forego, and the theory was, we've all heard it, and especially the last 15 years, the theory was cut taxes and those are the top and the benefits.
All right, let's stop. Stop with the Marxist bull crap. My income, your income, whomever's income, whether you're a multibillionaire or you're just getting by. Is your money? You earned it. Through your labor. And your labor can be physical labor, they can be brain power. Angry, a mixture of the two. But that represents. Your physical and intellectual labor, which further represents. The time you spend on this planet. Doing whatever you do, presumably honestly pay your taxes.
And contribute to society. You see, we have it upside down now that people on the dole who make demands, they're apparently contributing to the society, the people who are working hard and paying taxes, they're ripping us off. You see, that's how it works. That's how the propaganda works. The purpose of taxation isn't to make rich people poorer and poor people richer. The purpose of taxation is to fund the legitimate and only legitimate activities of the federal government.
Their purpose isn't to settle Marxist scores, we don't have classes in this country. We never have, except if you listen to the Democrats in the media, the rich versus the poor, the middle class versus its constant. This race versus that race, the elderly versus the millennials and on and on and on. But capitalism for the individual. Is the best system imaginable because poor can become rich and rich can become poor. You're free and in a free society, capitalism.
Is the only model. The only model that makes your freedom. And your freedom to do as you wish possible, none of the other models make it possible. That's not to say you can have a capitalistic, quasi capitalist system under a regime. You can have that, but you cannot have freedom, individual freedom. Without capitalism, you can't have it. That's why capitalism wasn't created by somebody capitalism. It just is it's the voluntary exchange of currency for goods or goods, for goods or currency for currency.
So we're not talking about trickle down economics or anything of the sort you have a moral right to most of what you've earned and some hack politician who has been on the public payroll his entire life, who collects a pension this day as a result of your tax dollars, whose medical care is covered by you. For him to sit back and make decisions about who should have what, what do you think the framers of the Constitution or before them, what do you think the revolutionaries would have thought of that?
Go ahead and tell everyone what you saw with trickle down does we've known for a long time.
I'll tell you what trickle down does. Nitwit. The greatest economic growth we've had twice in my lifetime, first under Reagan, who had the most massive tax cut in American history.
70 percent top rate down to 27 percent. Massive cuts in the corporate income tax, massive cuts in capital gains taxes, accelerated write offs across the board, it only created 25 million jobs. The greatest explosion of economic growth even leached into the Clinton era, where he took credit for it, the world had never seen anything like it. And he won by two massive landslide, so it clearly wasn't just for the rich 25 million jobs, was that just for billionaires?
Good jobs. And then we saw under Donald Trump, same thing, massive tax cuts, an explosion of economic growth before the China virus. And yes. All boats, rose minorities'. Hourly workers. The economy exploded. So we have to deal with a very stupid man who's been on the public payroll his entire life right out of law school. Who knows nothing about economics or anything else, for that matter. Go ahead. We've been able to since the Johnson administration and maybe even before that to begin to change the paradigm.
What paradigm are you talking about, idiot? We're talking about truths and lies. It's not a paradigm. That money belongs to you, ladies and gentlemen, and now they're taking it from you and giving it to strangers, they're taking it from you and giving it to illegal aliens. They're taking it from you and giving it to teachers unions and and others. They're taking it from you and giving it to bureaucrats. That's what they're doing. They're taking your money.
And solidifying their base and their power. Because of massive spending work. If massive spending work. Well, if it worked. Then our society. Under these left wing Democrats. Will be exploding in growth, there wouldn't be any more poor, there wouldn't be any more need for redistribution of wealth, but there always is.
If massive spending and redistribution of wealth worked, Venezuela would be the old Hong Kong. Cuber. Will be a fantastically wealthy country and down the list of failed societies. Go ahead, we've seen time and time again that that trickle down does not work. Oh, he's got a word.
He likes the two words trickle down. Trickle down. Oh, we got to keep using trickle down, I remember they used to call it Reaganomics. The greatest economic growth affected every corner of our country, it's trickled down. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this, this trickle up work. We steal money from the people and feed the government, the governmental monster does trickle up work. Where does it work? Go ahead. By the way, we don't have any wealthy people.
You got a great idea going to help make millions of dollars, that's fine.
And it doesn't work. Listen to how dismissive. You have a great idea. You're going to make millions. And, by the way, can barely keep his false teeth in his mouth.
You noticed that said, and you make a lot of money. That's why you don't have a grip. We don't have great ideas from which we don't make a plug nickel.
It's not a great idea, become a millionaire, it's great idea, and you break your ass to try and figure out how to bring it to market. And you have competitors and you have a thousand obstacles. Some of it as a brilliant service or brilliant product, had said, oh, we have a great idea. And look at that, we're not against the wealthy. She's talking about it's the wealthy that financed his damn campaign. Go ahead. Well, guess what, you've got to pay your fair share.
Got to pay your fair share. Guess what? You know, Joe Biden didn't paint Obamacare in some of these other taxes for two years now, he set up a special tax loophole for himself and Dr. Jill so they wouldn't he didn't pay his fair share. How about how he paid his fair share? How about that whole damn family if they paid their fair share? Pay your fair share, folks. He's got a government pension that's 50 years worth government pension.
Government medical coverage pay your fair share. People who don't take a damn thing from the federal government, you got to pay your fair share. I pay over 50 cents on the dollar in taxes, property taxes, state income taxes, federal income taxes, capital gains taxes. So what's the fair share? Where is it? And I get so much back for it, what's the fairshare? Go ahead. You got to pace up because guess what, folks are making a living on the edge, they're paying folks living on the edge or not paying.
You just gave folks the bottom one percent of income earners in this country pay no taxes. It's even more than that. Now, I know some of this blunt talk is upsetting to people, but Joe Biden wants to create. Tens of millions of victims in order to push forward with his socialist populist agenda. And I'm not putting up with it. We've spent trillions, trillions, trillions and trillions of dollars to try and make poor people rich or to try and make poor people less poor.
Apparently, it's not working. So we need to destroy our economic system, destroy our voting system, destroy our First Amendment and free speech, destroy the Second Amendment. We need to destroy the capitalist system because, folks, you got to pay your fair share. Go ahead. Again, all it's done is make those are the top, Richard. You know, I've heard this speech from my entire life from every left wing dingbat out there. Every one of them.
When I was old enough to actually understand, it follows. George McGovern. Walter Mondale. Jimmy Carter on and on and on, Ted Kennedy. The same damn speech and usually coming from millionaires, you know, Joe Biden is a multimillionaire, there's no lunch bucket. Now, lunch bucket at all here, the same damn speech over and over and over again. This is a guy that ran the stimulus excuse me, the shovel ready project right into the ground.
I'll be right back.
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That's pure talk. USA Dotcom Promo Code Lhevinne podcast Pure Talk USA Simply Smarter Wireless. As you know, folks, we've set this vaccine issue straight for the last several weeks and I told you I would on live TV, on Life, Liberty and Levine on radio especially, we've set this vaccine matter straight.
And people are beginning to understand this the last several days. That Biden, the lion plagiarist since he was a young man, is Biden the lion plagiarists as an old man. It's exactly what he is. And by the way, he hasn't given a State of the Union address and he won't all he has to do is read a teleprompter and he won't do it. He's not had a one man press conference. Joe Concha points out in The Hill newspaper that.
So much time has gone by, this is the first time in 100 years. That this has happened. In terms of a press conference, has 15 predecessors, all had a press conference by now. He's turning this country inside out and upside down, we have no input in Congress, which is surrounded by a fence with razor wire and our National Guard to prevent us.
From addressing them directly on Capitol Hill. And that's supposed to come up in May, you say, after the first 100 days of imagine the timing, the head of the National Guard in Washington wanted to pull the National Guard, but Biden wouldn't let them. The secretary defense wouldn't let them. I want you to think about this. We have a military encampment around the Capitol building with absolutely no intelligence that it's necessary, none. Where the civil libertarians, they're dead and gone.
The old timers, the Nat Hentoff song, guys, they're gone there aren't anymore. We have a president. Is fundamentally altering our country. Through a dictatorship like tactics, he's not available for questioning. And the vast majority of the media don't give a damn this Chuck Todd, wait until you hear him later in the show. This guy is a real stiff. He's a real he's a mannequin for the left, that's what he is, he's a disgrace.
He truly is disgusting. And we're going to get to all this, and so you heard Biden. You heard what he had to say. Then I want you to hear from Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders is excited beyond description, so is Representative Pramila Japa. She's thrilled to death. What's happening to your country? I'll be right back. This is the show The New York Times is afraid of my club in calling now at seven seven three eight one three eight one one, we're dealing with incompetent radical ideologues.
The Democrat Party now. Is Bernie Sanders party. Effectively, Bernie Sanders is running the country. Remember that? That manifesto I used to talk about and I went through with you. Probably one of the only people that actually read it from beginning to end, I talked about it on radio, on live TV, on life, liberty and living anywhere I could.
That's the Bernie Sanders document, that's what they're implementing. Got almost no press attention. At the time, it was issue. And here's Bernie Sanders on Melasti yesterday, cut to go. What is it you want to say to people like Jeff? This is what I want to say. Unionization you now have. Yeah, it's the same message that I say to the owners of Wal-Mart, the Walton family, the wealthiest family in America. We're living in an economy with a very, very rich, are doing phenomenally well.
Working families are struggling.
So let's that. The very, very rich are doing well and working families are struggling. You can say that at any point in history. Because working families doesn't have a definition. As opposed to on working family. Working families. These are the same people who are putting people out of work at the Keystone XL pipeline. These are the same people who are going to put God knows how many people out of work. With their war on energy, not just the energy industry, but all industries attached to it, which is every industry.
They're driving up the cost of gasoline, if they took every single penny from that reprobate pesos, they're still driving up the cost of your gasoline. If they took every single penny from the Walton family, you wouldn't see any of it. They're still putting. Talk about unions, union men and women out of work who are working on pipelines, who were working on oil fields, who are driving trucks with oil, who are engineering trains, whether they're putting them out of work.
They're doing that. And they're also going to drive small businesses out of business. So the billionaires don't matter. They're not taking anything from you, ladies and gentlemen. Bezos, as much as I detest it, he's not taking anything from you. The Walton family is not taking anything from you when you go into the store and you want to buy toilet paper cheap, you know, eight equals forty eight rolls are forty eight equals six or whatever. That's your decision.
That's fine. That's cheaper than you can get it somewhere else. Right. That's why you go there. They're not taking anything from you. Nothing. If the guy next door to organic story earns 10 times what you earn, why does it matter? It matters, not in the least. What matters is what they're doing to you. That is the federal government, the guy next door is not doing anything to you, the Walton family. They don't have the power to do anything to you.
You make them rich because you go to Wal-Mart. You make Bezos rich because you go on Amazon. But they're not getting rich at your expense, and in some cases they're getting rich because they're able to figure out how to make your life easier. How to make your purchases cheaper. So one is nothing to do with the other. Absolutely nothing to do with the other. Basso's isn't hoarding all the cash in America, the Walton family is not hoarding all the cash in America.
They have no power over you whatsoever. So don't go to Wal-Mart anymore.
There, you punish them. Don't go online on Amazon anymore. They have punish them. But you want to go to Wal-Mart and you want to use Amazon, that's how they get rich. Great, who cares? But it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Your biggest expense is taxes. Whether they're taxes on gasoline, taxes on your purchase, where your state puts a sales tax in, whether it's your property taxes, vast majority of us have to pay state income taxes, whether it's federal income taxes for the vast majority of the middle class, not workers, whatever that means.
That's another communist's line for the vast majority of Americans. Your biggest expenses, your tax bill. Multiple tax bills. Why do you think people are leaving New York for Florida because of Jeffrey Bezos, because of the Walton family now, because they can't afford New York anymore? Why do you think people are leaving California for other states? Is it because of Amazon? Is it because of Wal-Mart? Of course not. It's because of what government's doing to you, and I'll tell you something else, Sanders, we get a hell of a lot more for our dollar, like it or not, on Amazon and Wal-Mart than we do when our property taxes go up to increase teacher salaries who are working.
Go ahead. Jeff, you're worth a hundred and eighty two billion dollars. Who cares? And by the way, you know what that means, it's not he doesn't have it in his mattress, that's all the infrastructure, all the trucks, all the buildings, all of this side in the other.
It's not like he can cash out, but why does it matter? He's providing more services and benefits to you and all of us. Then the federal government is. What about police that's not federal? What about fire, that's not federal? What about your streets? Most of it's not federal. What about your schools? That's not federal. The number one job today of the federal government is to redistribute wealth from you to somebody else, that's their number one activity and it's unconstitutional, but that's their one number one activity.
Go ahead. A lot of money. What is your problem with allowing workers in Alabama to organize for better wages and for what is your problem with letting people decide on their own?
Sanders. Why don't you side with individual human beings rather than Unions'? Or parties or anything else, let the people decide. Let the people decide. And by the way, here's the the irony, Jeff Bezos can afford anything. But you can't. You can't afford anything, you can't afford everything, so when they drive up the price of gasoline in the name of the environment, when they drive up the cost of packages in the name of units, when they drive up the cost of energy, the name of the all these other things.
Look at the hypocrisy. They don't even make the same arguments, they're perplexing why are they doing this? Because it's about government power.
Government power. Go ahead. If you can afford to pay them more and to the Walton family that owns Wal-Mart, you're the richest family in America. Why are you having a starting wage of eleven dollars an hour?
Let me ask you a question. When I go into Wal-Mart, Mr. Bidis, I see all these signs about health care and training and getting an education and stuff like that, do you see that? I see the McDonald's, I see it everywhere.
These are entry level jobs, ladies and gentlemen, that's what they are, their entry level jobs or for seniors, I notice it's additional income on top of whatever their pension is and whatever Social Security is.
Unless you're in management in the store at a Wal-Mart. It's not really a career or profession. This is not in any way a put this is an explanation of reality. And so it's not a matter of a living wage. We don't know every person who works at Wal-Mart, we don't know every person who works at midnight. We don't know who all these people are. But we do know that Sanders isn't right. When he paints with a broad brush.
He's not right. This man will never come on this program to debate me. He will never come on my show. He won't debate me. He will not do it. And we have tried repeatedly. Go ahead. Because I have to go on public assistance, supplemented by public assistance, you're subsidizing this last bill that passed. Ladies and gentlemen, those of you who are two income family, you're in one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, not more, but one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
You're getting a stimulus check. You're getting it. Your spouse is getting. You're both getting stimulus checks here in 150000, this guy wrote that bill. He wrote that bill. So don't listen to him, he's a liar, like most commies, he's a liar. All right, I'll be right back. Much love in. Over 2000 of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carriers to pure talk over the past few months, we want the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about.
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Pramila Julia, Paula, I believe whatever congresswoman on MSW yesterday, again, they reveal themselves and they reveal Joe Biden cut one go.
Well, I think for many of us as progressives, Joe Biden, to be totally frank, was not our first choice during the election last year. We were afraid that perhaps he wouldn't be as bold as he needed to be given all the crises that are facing us. But I have to tell you that I think that President Biden has come out with a transformational agenda, with a bold, progressive agenda, and he came out with this package for one point nine trillion dollars, loudly, proudly made the case to the American people, made the case to Congress.
He's so cool that Joe Biden, the fact that he's. Basically, borderline idiot, that's OK. That's all right. What's the big deal? He's he's really turned out great. All right, I want to swerve into another matter. Chuck Todd. This Chuck Todd, a newsman, ladies and gentlemen, am I allowed to use the word man? I don't think I am.
I mean, Mr. Peterson, is he a news? It. Is he knew that maybe that's a code word for idiot news idiot anyway, is he a news it, ladies and gentlemen? Well, let's see. I want you to see now he's a Democrat. His wife's a big Democrat operative.
They make a lot of money. They're in and about Washington, D.C. So they have a pulse of, you know, Georgetown.
And he brings in Stacey Abrams, who's a left wing hack. Trying to destroy our electoral system in the name, of course, of civil rights. That's how we do it now. But let's listen to Chuck Todd, and so the question is, is Chuck Todd. A fool, a fraud or a phony or a fake. Just listen to how he poses his cut six. If that doesn't happen. What what is your what is your next hope of trying to prevent some of these radical changes that are being proposed around the country?
So we have radical changes being proposed by Republican state legislatures, you know, like. Limiting or eliminating mail and voting other security requirements, like signature matching witnesses for absentee ballots, promoting in-person voting, you know, what we used to do as a nation was never considered all that radical. Now he's opposes it.
Radical changes, says Chuck Todd. This guy is so stupid, he's such a clown. But I'm not done, meet the depressed. You know, whatever happened to our friend Tim? He's destroyed, meet the depressed, but here he is again with Dr. Fauci, let's just listen. I'm not even giving you the answers. Listen to the way he poses the question. Cut, go.
You know, when you think about, sadly, having to prepare for this again. Right. And I know there's a lot of folks who who think that, you know, due to climate change and due to the globalization in general, it's inevitable we're going to deal with more and more viruses. So here you go.
So, ladies and climate change, we're going to deal with more viruses. That's exactly what happened in communist China. It was climate change that did this.
Climate change. This is a top guy at NBC News. A top guy at NBC News, you know, in the old days, these old guys, they were quite liberal, but they were relatively intelligent. Here we have radical leftists who are dummies, doorknobs. The Truckster, Chuck Todd. See, he incorporates the leftist agenda in the in the form of a question. You know. In fact, let's take it at the top and let's listen to falsies answer Cut Tengo, you know, when you think about, sadly, having to prepare for this again.
Right. And I know there's a lot of folks who who think that, you know, do they like iron fisted tyranny.
They like the fact that the Capitol building is surrounded and they keep talking about an insurrection while ignoring what goes on night after night to the federal courthouse in Portland. Go ahead. If the globalization in general, it's inevitable, we're going to deal with more and more viruses like this. The biggest lesson you're going to take away to prepare for the next one. You know, there are a couple of lessons struck, there were there are lessons domestically, there are lessons public health wise, scientifically, let's take global to begin with.
We have to have a better global health security network of interconnectivity, of communication. Where the hell have you been for 50 years, genius?
We have to have no I that would be you remember what I said about that word, we means you don't take any response. No, you pal, you're getting four hundred seventeen thousand dollars a year. Four hundred and seventeen thousand dollars a year. Great job, by the way, what number we are now. They blame Trump, it's sickening, the whole thing is sickening. They blame Trump. Falchi, no, she didn't have the Fouche no way.
So Chuck Todd is a is a he's a mannequin. We're not allowed to talk about genitalia, and I think in his case, that's probably right. He's a mannequin. They put clothes on them, they move his mouth and he's basically a a Democrat.
Pretty much it. And we have the Bernie Sanders agenda ripping through our country. When we come back, and this is important. The Washington Post has been caught again. I wonder what Philip Bump and the other morons over there at the Post think, or even the chairman of the board over there, such a Trump hater. I wonder, I wonder. You see, ladies and gentlemen, they've been lying through their teeth about a phone call that President Trump had.
What Georgia officials lying through their teeth. Fact, the way the liberal Hill puts it, and its liberal. Trump did not tell the investigator to find the fraud or say she would be a national hero if she did so remember all that talk before the the election in Georgia? Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, asserting she would find dishonesty there. He also told her that she had the most important job in the country right now.
He never said what The Washington Post said. He said. He never pressured her to do anything untoward or illegal. And now, now Jan Gosta, February, February to March, over two months later, over two months later, they find the audio. And once again, Donald Trump did not do what the media said he did. And I'm going to discuss this further when I return. From the Westwood One podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by American Association of Mature American Citizens.
Now over two million conservative members, Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amen. And you can become a member at Armacost U.S. Join me here.
Now we're broadcasting from the underground command post deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number 877 three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. So The Washington Post accused Donald Trump and the rest of the media followed a pressuring Georgia officials to find.
Fraud. To find it. Find the fraud. January 5th, big story splashed all the headlines. Then there was the big election in in Georgia the next day. In which the two Republicans lost. It's been over two months, ladies and gentlemen, over two months since then. Which is really quite shocking what took place here. And so something very interesting happened. Somebody found the recording. Of what took place and got it to the Wall Street Journal news people.
So the new audio of the phone call is our friend, right, Scoop Bryant points out, vindicates Trump was deleted by the Georgia investigator and found in her trash section of her own computer.
Earlier today points out a right scope, we told you about The Washington Post issuing a major correction to a story they ran in early January where they accused President Trump of demanding that a judge, a quote, find the fraud, unquote.
And they had one unnamed source. The correction last week admitting that according to the newly unearthed recording, Trump never said that. Now we're learning more about the audio of this phone call that was on Earth last week, as it turns out. It was deleted by the Georgia investigator herself and found in the trash can of her device. Even CNN had to take note, officials in Georgia, secretary of state's office, located a recently released recording of former President Trump's call to a state investigator in a trash folder on her device.
A state official familiar with the situation confirmed the discovery. The call comes after state officials originally told CNN that they did not think audio of the call existed. The audio file of the December 23 I'm sorry, was December 23 call, not the 5th, December 23 call between former president investigator Francis Watson was discovered as the Georgia secretary of state's office, responded to a public records request. The personal. The person familiar spoke with CNN on the condition of anonymity to describe the internal process.
And by the way, as a result of that, the Republican secretary of state asked for criminal investigations of Donald Trump. Frances Watkins, the investigator, declined comment to CNN through the Georgia secretary of state's press office. Watson told CNN affiliate WSB TV investigative reporter Mark Winn that she had recorded the December call from Trump for posterity. She's an investigator who don't record things for posterity. They're trying to set Trump up. It's not every day that probably will never happen again in my lifetime, she told WSB.
It's still not clear why Watson moved the audio of the call to her trash folder. But Watson told Wein that even though she was surprised Trump called her, she did not perceive any pressure from his phone call. She has said that before that she did not perceive any pressure from his phone call, yet she recorded it. You record the president of the United States in a phone call. And then it winds up in your trash folder on your device, Mr.
Matthews, does that make any sense to you? Then you read in the paper. The Washington Post taking the lead of flat out lies about the call. Flat out lies about the call. And you still don't check your device, you still don't remember. Putting it into the trash can of the device, ladies and gentlemen. You know, I feel so bad for Trump, I really do. There was tons of fraud, but most of all, the constitutional fraud that took place in the last election and you are not allowed to talk about it because they have it boxed in, then you incite an insurrection.
And on top of that, you upset people. You upset the broadcast company. They do this. You do that. It's such crap.
Article two, Section one, clause two, and now that state legislatures are trying to put what the Democrats did back in the constitutional box, they were attacked by Chuck Todd as radical's.
Because Chuck Todd is a Democrat fraud, he's a he's a buffoon. Why people watch Meet the Press with this clown, I'll never know. Can anybody tell me what this clown has added to a single program on Meet the Press? He's even dumber than George Stephanopoulos then. Look, that's that's a bridge not too far, it's a far bridge, but nonetheless, he walks it. Well, President Trump issued a statement actually, what, about an hour ago, Mr.
Bederson? He said The Washington Post, it was a long correction that The Washington Post had to put out there, was it signed by the chairman of the board there? I don't think so. Washington Post just issued a correction as to the contents of the incorrectly reported phone call I had with respect to voter fraud in the great state of Georgia. Well, I appreciate the post correction, which immediately makes the Georgia witch hunt. And on story, the original story was a hoax right from the very beginning.
I would further appreciate a strong investigation into Fulton County, Georgia, and the Stacey Abrams political machine, which I believe would totally change the course of the presidential election in Georgia. Hey, Chuck Todd, you had this information on Sunday.
Wouldn't have had this information on Sunday, Mr. Blitzer, I think he would have. Why didn't you pursue it? Todd?
My God, you are a disgrace, so that damn network you work for, President one on Fulton County, is not being properly audited for vote or signature verification.
That's true. They only looked at areas of the state where they were most likely would be few problems rather, and even there they found large numbers of mistake, the president said. We're seeking to find and reveal the large scale election fraud which took place in Georgia. Many residents agree and so forth. The consent decree signed by Raffensperger and Stacey, this has been my point from day one with respect to Georgia, was not approved by the Georgia state legislature and therefore should be deemed invalid and they wreck the election result changed.
Remember, it was a 12000 vote difference. Why the Governor Raffensperger ever approved this consent decree is one of the great questions we look forward to an answer. I'll tell you why. They don't like you. They're rhinos. And they're and they're cowards. That's why president went on, you will notice the establishment media errors, omissions, mistakes and outright lies always slant one way against me and against Republicans. Meanwhile, stories that hurt Democrats or undermine their narratives are buried, ignored or delayed so they can do the least harm, for example, after an election is over.
Trump said, look no further than the negative coverage of the vaccine that preceded the election and the overdue celebration of the vaccine once the election had concluded, a strong democracy requires a fair and honest press. This latest media travesty underscores that legacy. Media outlets should be regarded as political entities, not journalistic enterprises, in any event. I thank The Washington Post for the correction. Ladies and gentlemen, all of you, half a million of you.
Who purchased a read on freedom of the press, perhaps more read it as books are handed down and so forth, you know all this. You know that the media has constructed today. As propagandists today is promoting pseudo events, today is. Excuse me, are the enemy, the people. The dividing this country in a thousand ways. And they won't help by the count, they won't hold the Democrats to account, they don't inform the American people of what's taking place.
It is a shocking propaganda machine. That's exactly what it is, and I want you to listen to this montage put together by our friends like Arabian Media hypes the Washington Post story, which was a lie from beginning to end. And The Washington Post went with it even though they had no way to substantiate it. The Washington Post pushed this story out.
Go ahead. Another week, another call, NBC News confirming that President Trump called in Georgia's chief elections investigator to, quote, find the fraud, saying that official would be, quote, a national hero. As President Trump personally called Georgia's lead in elections investigator and demanded that person produce evidence which didn't exist and, quote, find the fraud, adding that if they did so, they would be a, quote, national hero. The Washington Post reported yesterday that President Trump called a Georgia election investigator and pressured him to, quote, find the fraud.
And that person was her, you idiot point at the very least. And as it turns out, I just want to reiterate, he didn't pressure anybody to do anything. It's amazing, these phone calls that they tape. President is perfectly fine in these phone calls, he raises questions, he's not pressuring anybody to do anything. And there they go again, go ahead, pressured an election investigator to find the fraud again, not the phone call out of Georgia, another one we now know of a second.
There's so much a second call from President Trump to Georgia officials about trying to overturn the election. He reportedly told an elections investigator in Cobb County to, quote, find the fraud and then that person would be a national hero. Trump making that call was essentially interfering in an active investigation when he asked the top investigator to, quote, find the fraud, saying that that official would be a, quote, national hero if that person did so. Now, there was a second call to another elections official in your state to, quote, find the fraud.
Well, I was pleased to see that. Other words, our secretary of state was added to the articles of impeachment. NBC News confirming a Washington Post report revealing that President Trump please just stop right there.
NBC confirmed a Washington Post story. That was a lie. Has anybody asked NBC how they did that? NBC confirmed a Washington Post story that was a lie. This is Chuck Todd's network. This is Andrea Mitchell's network. This is Joe Scarborough's network, NBC. Confirmed a lie. How did they do that, Mr. Producer? How do they do that, America? Look how this works. Really a bunch of scum. I don't know what other word to use.
Go ahead. Georgia election officials pressuring them to, and I quote, find the fraud while trying to overturn the and I quote, he never did that, unquote, because now we have the audio.
And he didn't say that. Now, these people aren't the enemy of the people, they're trying to do their very best, they really are. They're working very hard. They're not partisan Trump haters and partisan Biden lovers.
They're not pushing a radical socialist agenda. No, no, no, no.
These aren't Democrats and journalists clothing. Oh, you must be a right wing white supremacist.
Not. Go ahead. Late last month, the president called Georgia's lead elections investigator, urging them to, quote, find the fraud. This was first reported by The Washington Post. Now we are also learning of another call, first reported by The Washington Post and confirmed by our colleague Jason Morris, that the president called one of these investigators in the state of Georgia who was investigating election fraud and urged him to, quote, find the Flaminia.
They confirmed it to whoever they are. Another network confirmed. The Washington Post was right when, in fact, The Washington Post admitted today in a long correction. That they weren't in matter of fact, The Washington Post lied. But they confirmed it, this other media outlet confirmed. How can you believe these people? Go ahead and also encouraging him that he would become a national hero if indeed he did find evidence of voter fraud in that state or bold face lies, they confirmed nothing.
Washington Post story was a lie. They went with it anyway because it hurt Trump. And this is the nature of the beast we're dealing with the beast being the media. Which largely speaks for one, you know, there's a few exceptions, Bear. Bill Hemmer, two or three others, that's it, that's it. Just lie after lie after lie, it's like the president was trying to explain before the election, including my interview in September, our vaccines are on the way.
They're going to be on the way end of October, early November, sometime like that. And those two companies, Pfizer, Moderna, sat on them. And I suspect there's going to be an inside story one day, I don't know this first hand. That Trump had a fight with the FDA to get this stuff done. I guarantee you, I don't know, but I guarantee it. These things don't just happen. I'll be right back. Mark Globin.
AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. EMAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more.
And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.
Ladies and gentlemen, did you know the filibuster rule is racist? The filibuster rule has raised. How is the filibuster rule racist? You see the hardcore neo Marxist left, he quotes their agenda with racism, gender ism, whatever ism they want. That's that's that's how they play this game.
So the filibuster rule is racist. How so? And requiring voter I.D. is racist. So let's put this to the test. Let's put it to the test. Joe Biden is in charge of the TSA, is he not? He's in charge of the TSA. So the next time you're going to take a flight, tell them, no, you don't get to see my I.D. because it's racist. And since Joe Biden is the new president of the United States and he opposes racism, now, I'm not showing you my I.D. to get on that plane because it's racist.
Joe Biden is in charge of all the federal buildings, he requires you to wear a mask. Now, of course, that's not racist. That's not racist, wearing a mask, how much does it cost you to get a driver's license I.D.? Well, in almost every state, if you can't afford it, which of course is ridiculous, they will give you one for free if you can demonstrate you can't afford it. What is it? Two bucks.
So that's a lie to begin with. But a driver's license is cheaper than a box of masks. I can tell you that. But in any event. Next time you're to go into a federal building. Tell them, no, I'm not showing you an I.D. because it's racist next time you go into the Supreme Court. I'm not showing you an idea. It's racist. It's racist. Anywhere in any time you're required to use an I.D. involving the federal government or a blue state or a blue city, you tell them, no, it's racist.
You don't get to see my ID. It's incredible. So somebody by the name of Leticia Brown. Black Voters Matter co-founder. Leticia Brown on CNN, yes, see, here's part of the problem. Our news media bring these radical crackpots, these nut jobs. On these networks. White, black, Latino. Prof's street act doesn't matter. They bring these nut jobs on to promote this agenda. If they're not stupid themselves, you know, like Chuck Todd.
So here's Latasha Brown, I'm afraid to say she what is it? I only have 30 seconds, so I can't play this till we come back. Right.
When we come back, Latisha Brown, who runs Black Voters Matter co-founder on CNN yesterday, saying you have to end the filibuster to stop the racist GOP voter ID laws. I didn't know they were GOP voter ID laws. We'll be right back. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them, a man who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk.
AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us.
We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.
Mark Levin, tough as hell. That's why I like Mark Levin and I'm not sure a lot of people like him. He's tough as hell, but I like him. I love Akala. No.
Eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Good man there.
Good man there for sure. Natasha Brown. Natasha Brown, a Black Voters Matter co-founder. She's so important, she's on CNN yesterday, CNN and MSNBC, they get platforms.
To these truly radical nut jobs. Cut seven go. You know, I think at the next one, I think when we're looking at what's happening in the Senate right now, we're going to have to end the filibuster. You know, I just.
Why? Why? Why do we have to end the filibuster? Why, to push through a radical Marxist agenda. That's not going to help black people, brown people, yellow people, white people, any people, so we should end the filibuster. Because it's 50/50 in the Senate and maybe there's a Democrat or two that might vote with the Republicans, which means Kamala Harris vote is irrelevant. She can only vote to break a tie. So we have to end the filibuster, right?
We have to end the Electoral College. Right. Because all of them are racist. Go ahead, pray that the Republicans have enough integrity or courage that they will literally stand for voting rights. Matter of fact, they've been quite open about what voting rights do I oppose.
What voting right do I oppose? Do I oppose American citizens from voting? You just have to follow the rules, everybody has to follow the rules regardless of your race. Go ahead. But they've been very vocal about their intention to really be able to shut the process, to close the process so that all Americans are not protesting.
That's a lie. Tell me which American who wanted to part folks. It's about time these people be pressed against the wall. I mean, obviously not literally politically and demand questions be answered.
Which American or Americans? We're not allowed to vote. They have a federal civil right under the Civil Rights Act of 65 called the Voting Rights Act. They still have the power to bring a federal claim. So which people are bringing federal claims? It's not like they're we don't have enough left wing Democrat litigators out there. So who is it that's not allowed to participate? Exactly, I want to know their name or names and exactly where is this happening?
Who are they? Stop talking about groups, start talking about people, individuals. Enough with the platitudes. Go ahead. I think what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to see the Senate, they're going to have to end the filibuster so we can get some sweeping changes made in this country that is going to expand it.
There you go. There you go. And the filibuster for sweeping change, remember that word sweeping, I was mocking it the other day. The purpose of the Senate, even without the filibuster, used to be to stop sweeping change. Deliberative. Thoughtful. The full body politic gets to participate. None of that's going on, get rid of the filibuster if you're going to have sweeping change.
Ladies and gentlemen, you need more than a temporary majority or a temporary faction. The entire body politic that is society needs to buy into it. They're trying to impose their radical agenda and their will on each and every one of us.
That's why they want to get rid of the filibuster. That's why they don't want a debate. They want to call names and degrade. If you don't support it, you're obviously a racist who opposes voting.
It's that simple. You're racist, who opposes voting? That's all. And we have this out of Don Lemon Lemon, this is why you hate the media regardless of your background or race, and this is why the media are the enemies of the people. Don Lemon, CuDeco, I'm glad that Donald Trump is behind us, because I don't. So what is not? Donald Trump's been out of office now. Going on two months. Going on two months.
This clown, and he is a clown. This clown doesn't really want to pursue the issues when it comes to Biden or two trillion dollars of questions about the debt, what's going on to little Brown kids trying to get across the country, migrants who are being sexually abused? He doesn't want to talk about those kids and he doesn't talk about those kids. He's not going to criticize Joe Biden. For what's going on to those kids on the border, they want you to believe they're the humanitarians, they're the ones with open arms.
Don Lemon has no no play in this game. He's not doing a damn thing on the border. Except cheering what's going on, I don't know, the last time he's been to the border. Go ahead, I'm glad that Donald Trump is behind us, because I don't listen, I don't if you believe in policy and politics, I'm not a political person. There wasn't much about policy that Donald Trump said or did or believed in or accomplished. Mostly what he did do is serve to divide the country.
But he also exposed the racism and the original sin of this country, which is slavery and racism and Jim Crow.
And I think we were basically Jim Crow was not original, you idiot, in the 1950s and 60s. But we didn't need anybody to expose slavery to us. We're all quite familiar with what took place. People actually laid down their lives to end it, including a president by the name of Abraham Lincoln. You have done zippo except be a propagandist for the Democrat Party, a propagandist for radicals within the Democrat Party and anti Trump. Now you wrap yourself in race.
It's got to be look how they expose themselves racist. And what exactly did Donald Trump do that was racist, secure the border so little kids wouldn't be crossing, wouldn't be molested to prevent drug cartels from getting into our country? Wow, that's racist. What else did he do that was racist? Criminal justice reform, massive economic growth that affected all communities, including the black community. Push for school choice. Boy, those are the acts of a racist.
How about what we used to call enterpriser, they call now opportunity zones in these communities? Tell me, Don Lemon, what did Obama do for these communities? But there is no way you can call Donald Trump a racist based on what he did. Just appalling. So in other words, here's the deal, just so all of you know, if you don't embrace the Democrat Party. If you don't embrace this neo Marxists, it's not radical, which is a very radical agenda if you don't embrace the demise of your own constitution, of your own form of government.
Then obviously, you're a racist, and yet if we did all those things. Everybody in this country, regardless of complexion, background, faith or genitalia, would suffer except the upper elites, of course, but virtually everybody else would suffer. Yes, and yet they just keep abusing minorities in this country by pretending that they would support this sort of thing. It's really grotesque. And to show you how unserious. And inhumane Nancy Pelosi is I want you to listen to this.
She was on ABC's This Week, you notice how they've spread out all over the place Pelosi's out there for she's out there. Pouchy. It's on all these shows every day, every night, the guy the guy has a job to do, doesn't he? Apparently not cut 11 go the actually the facts of these, there are more children, about six, seven hundred more children, unaccompanied children coming over the border.
Actually, it's more that he he he he makes more than six or seven hundred. He he he he really is. It's thousands. He he he. Go ahead.
This is a humanitarian challenge to all of us, what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border and they are working to correct that in the children's interest.
So they are working to correct it by gathering up more of these children who come across illegally and have been abused. He he and we're gathering up more. And we're not putting them in cages. Right. Know we're putting them in. What do you call those things, Mr. Producer? We're putting them in boxes, freight boxes, and then we're cutting little windows open for them so they can see the sun and breathe. He where humane, where Democrat.
He he he go ahead as a temporary measure has sent him up to the border in order to help facilitate the children going from one 72 hour issue into where they are cared for.
Yeah, rambling. But, you know, between her and bein. It's like a padded room where they're bouncing off who is the the who's the dumbest of them all? I mean, just think about it. Her, she knows that she lies and lies. And the media are scared, they even the media that show up to talk to her, they're scared of her not saying anything. She might dismiss you, she might walk out, and that's the thing, here's Biden.
It doesn't like he just walks away, she doesn't she just walks away. The compound called the Capitol Building is surrounded by the military, so you can't get access to these people to actually confront them and I mean peacefully like we used to, Civili can't get access.
The press can't get access to Biden in 90 percent of the press doesn't care. They're rooting him on under their massive behind their breath.
Go, go, go, go, go, go. It's sickening. I'll be right back. Mark in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. EMAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond.
Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a.m. AC dot U.S. stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for.
Join AMOC instead a MEAC U.S..
So as we told you a couple of weeks ago, Officer Cesnik was not murdered with a fire extinguisher, so the media lied about that. We now know today that, no, Donald Trump never threatened the investigator. In Georgia, if the media lied about that. For years, they lied about Russia collusion, that if we bring up the election and even bring up the constitutional aspects that were violated over the election, we're inciting people.
Then we further learned that the so-called insurrection occurred without a single weapon. No weapon was found. Nobody was arrested. For using a weapon or having a weapon. And the only gunfire was from the Capitol police officer. So that's another line. But we could be on to, you know, on radio all night going through that, couldn't we? I think we could.
Lisa Prescott, Arizona XM Satellite. How are you, Lisa?
I'm doing great, Mark. Thank you. Go right ahead. OK, OK. I basically have to say you're right about the crowds because I was a newspaper editor in Houston. Of course, that was back in the 80s when we actually practiced journalism, not what passes for it now. And I'm told by my former profession and almost embarrassed to tell people what I used to do because it bears no resemblance. But in addition to that, since 95, when I left Houston, I have lived on a border adjacent or in a border county, except for the last couple of years off and on.
Prescott, Arizona, is not border adjacent, but it's people don't understand when they haven't experienced it, they don't know what it's like to have to have you know, you have Nancy Pelosi from San Francisco, you have Chuck Schumer from New York City.
You have Biden who's from Wilmington. You don't have a single one of them that has lived in experienced in have close family anywhere along that border.
It's appalling, they don't they don't understand what it's like to live. We had a safe room constructed in our house that had magnetic. It looked like a air conditioning vent and at the opposite end, because we live six miles out from town and we had to tell our daughter, if somebody comes through while we're not there and these are not the these are not the migrants that used to come. And I don't like that word, but. To come, we're looking for a job.
They were walking to San Antonio, a lot of these people are, in fact. Drug traffickers and other kinds of criminals. Yes, I have rancher friends and they have signs up in Otero County, New Mexico, where we lived after West Texas, and it says if you, you know, see a backpack, do not go try to pick it up.
There's no and I'm not saying all of them, obviously, but, you know, when you're living there, how are you supposed to sort through the good from the not so good.
We've had friends near Brockville that had to leave their sixth generation ranch. That was a cattle ranch, because every night there were incursions, vehicle incursions from Mexico where the cartels are coming through. They shot at their house and their daughter went within our Girl Scout troop. The people had to leave and live in a mobile home that was rented and run their cattle on rented land. And Val Verde County, because. All right.
All right. We get the drift, Lisa. And you're exactly right, my friend. I just want to slip in another. But you're exactly right. I appreciate your call.
Patrick Huntington Beach, California, Keala 870.
The answer where we're live and national.
No, that's very good. Yes. I live in a red dot, a red city, and the communist state of California congratulated. I used to I used to live in New York. So I'm very familiar with both coasts. And it is amazing the vocabulary that I've heard from all over for many, many years. But you nailed it last night. Thank you very much. Propaganda is is what we're experiencing. They've been doing it for years, but they're really doubled down, quadrupled.
It's sick. These people, they just they don't care what the truth is anymore. You know, there's a law, I think, or Senate rules, something to the Capitol. You're in the Capitol. You don't you could you could lie. You can lie like a rug.
And then Chuck Todd just turns around and repeats it as if it's truth and they just do it over and over. Left yesterday. I don't watch Sunday morning shows anymore, but with the clock set, that was a great show. McGlocklin I watch parts of Rome. I think she's terrific. And and of course, this Sunday, Fox and Friends show. Thank you, my friend. We salute all you heroes out there. I'll be back tomorrow and we'll have more to discuss.
Take care. From the Westwood One podcast network.