Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/23/21
Mark Levin Podcast- 2,119 views
- 24 Mar 2021
On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, President Biden said that America is systemically racist and xenophobic and that Americans are hateful people when speaking of the shooting in Georgia. Biden, the Democrats, and the media have become so pernicious, notice how they ignore the background of the Colorado shooter and the backgrounds of the victims because they don't drive their narrative. Biden shifts gears from race to gun control; if they can't racialize and exploit and tribalize people, they're not interested. All one has to do is look at the mass shootings of African Americans that occur each weekend in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles to name a few. Biden has obscured these gun control bills and is in a rush to pass them before anyone can read them because he's taking advantage of inflamed emotions over these horrific recent events. Corporatists have embraced socialism, they sided with the left on free speech and now they're on their own. Later, the media has not explored the fact that the Colorado gunman traveled 20 miles from his home to get to the King Sooper grocery store where he murdered 10 people in the Table Mesa section of Boulder, Co. Given Andy Ngo's reporting, the Colorado shooter, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa supported radical Islamist elements. Was there any significance in the fact that King Sooper's sells Kosher foods and has a Kosher Bakery?
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.
Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. American Mark Levin, our number is eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. When we did our show on Friday. I played for you audio of the FBI director, Christopher Wray, on NPR.
Pointing out that the slaughter that occurred. Around Atlanta. In which eight people were murdered. Including six Asian Americans, he pointed out that as best as they could tell, it was not racially motivated. That the killer who did this. Was motivated by some perverse. Sex ideas and other issues, as best as they could tell so far. But Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the Democrat Party in the media, insisted otherwise. And while Joe Biden was in Atlanta, for another matter, he canceled that matter and he had a rather remarkable.
Statement to make after Kamala Harris did where they talked about how America is systemically racist. Systemically xenophobic. And they went on and on about what a hateful people we are and what they mean is the majority in this country. Let's be blunt. By hateful people, they mean the majority. And yet, as best as we can tell, even today. This had nothing to do with race. Then we have another horrific murder spree in a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado.
The mass murder, his name is Ahmad Al. Alyssa. And his family's from Syria. And we have no idea. What the identity of most of the people are. In the slaughter that occurred in Boulder, Colorado, we do know. This wonderful police officer. Eric Talley had a wife and seven children. Was killed as he rushed into the grocery store, not knowing what would meet him and was basically. Shot dead. Of the ten people, three of the people were employees of the grocery store.
I have no idea what the race of these people is are. I suspect most of them are white. Why would I say such a thing at a time like this? Because otherwise, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris in the media would be telling us, wouldn't they? This is how pernicious. How pernicious the Democrat Party and their agenda has become. We don't look at each other. As they wish us to look at each other, they demand that we look each other based on physical characteristics and then they condemn you if you do.
And the media have played a role in this as well, because they hype it. They hype. Joe Biden immediately is talking about banning weapons. He's not talking about race tonight. He's not talking about. The background of the shooter. And the background of the victims. Why not? This is what's become of our country, this is what's become of broadcasting, this is what's become of newspapers. Some topics are OK, some topics are. And the topics that are OK or the topics that drive the left's narrative, topics that aren't OK are the topics that don't drive the left's narrative.
Meanwhile, 18 people are dead. From the two killings. We know the race. Of some of them and not the others. Why do we care? It's very, very important for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party. To exploit us as a people when they talk about unity, they mean the opposite of unity, they mean trivialisation, they mean balkinization. They went down there to Atlanta and they decided to. To racialize a mass murder.
They lied. To stoke the flames. One wonders if they were a talk radio host, what the executives and the and the board of directors would say about it.
They'd probably go along with it. Meanwhile. In addition to Officer Talli. Others have been identified, Denniston, Levinstein, Essiac, Ricky, Olds, Trelawney, Bart, quiet, Suzanne Fountain, Terri Leiker, Kevin Mahoney, Lynn Marie and Jody Waters. Ages 20 to 65. And so ask yourself, CNN and MSNBC. Ask yourself, CBS, ABC and NBC asked yourselves, New York Times, Washington Post. Ask yourselves Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Are you not ashamed of yourselves? The inhumanity that you spew. Don't you despise politicians and reporters, ladies and gentlemen, don't you despise them these days? Don't they make you sick to your stomach? They fix nothing and they exploit everything.
And so now the great debate, gun control and banning guns. When in a single weekend. Ten black young men are slaughtered in any one of our major cities, you hear almost nothing about it because it doesn't it doesn't promote the Democrat Party and the left's narrative. It just doesn't black on black crime, which is the worst crime in this country in terms of statistics, it doesn't promote the media's narrative. It doesn't promote the Democrat Party's narrative. And what have they done about it?
You have gun bans all over the place in Chicago and Philadelphia, in New York and L.A., in Detroit. What does it do? It doesn't do anything. It doesn't do a thing. So the politicians will have an answer. They always do. They have their narrative, they have their propaganda. Do that in most instances, that will have no impact whatsoever except on you. Except on you maybe would help a little bit and here's one they're not going to like maybe would help a little bit if they not only tone down the race baiting, which they won't.
Because they're fully into the critical race theory and Balkinization. And the white supremacy narrative. But maybe if they would show a little bit more respect for human life. And talk about those people who were murdered in Atlanta as individual human beings. Maybe if they would take their foot off the gas pedal when it comes to gun control and gave a second thought to the people who died in Boulder, Colorado, it would have an impact. Maybe if they weren't so obsessed.
Almost a sick lost. For abortion. In which human beings? Little babies. Are treated as if they're not human beings, they're just images of a fetus. Whatever that means. And the right to choose whether or not to snuff out that life. And with your tax dollars. Maybe if they would show a little bit more humanity. That would help. But don't count on it. I'll be right back. Much love in. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it.
Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1400 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide towards its free online courses, its support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844. Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence.
It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lavant for Hillsdale. Dotcom. Leavin for Hillsdale Dotcom. Livin for Hillsdale Dotcom.
This killer, apparently. The early reports are from witnesses would walk up to one person at a time, he wasn't spraying any weapon and execute them.
One or two shots at a time. Except for some older gentleman who's apparently sitting in his car outside. And he shot him over and over and over again. Over at. The post-millennial dotcom. Andrew, no. Very brave young man, liberal journalists spread misinformation about bolder mass shooter in the wake of a horrific Boulder, Colorado. You know the shootings, liberal journalists spread the false narrative that the suspect was a hate filled white man. For instance, some of the tweets people will continue to digest so that white men can own guns and reinforce the power they already have.
Another one, the Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago, violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.
That's Mena Harris, John Pavla efforts in America. If you're white, no matter how many people you kill, you'll be taken into custody alive. In the wake of a horrific shooting in Boulder, liberal journalists spread the false narrative that the man who carried out the shooting, now known to be Ahmad Olisa of a nearby town, was a hate filled white man. Details are now emerging that Al Issa was a disturbed man with sympathies for ISIS. Eighty no rights breaking the suspect in Boulder, Colorado, mass shooting where 10 were murdered has been identified as Akhmad Allyssa.
He was first described as a white male on social media, which is now deleted show he was a religious Muslim who posted frequently about Islamophobia.
Author John Pavlovich assumed the man was white. Then he received preferential treatment based on his race race. Author and BLM activist Mina Harris, one of the founders, deleted her tweet, which espoused hate based on man's perceived race. Raheem Kassam, our friend at the National Pulse, noted that Twitter had not taken any action despite her peddling of misinformation. Paris then wrote that she had deleted her tweet based on false assumptions, journalists GIY Jalani also called out Harris's assumptions, saying that most shootings in the U.S. are not committed by white men, that in fact, a remarkably low number of people commit acts like this at all.
Jalani states that this fact is more important than the race of the shooters.
Singer songwriter Tanisha Carter suggested that there might be a word for the act of making an assumption about another based solely on their race. Jack post-Soviet, who was one of the first to report ISIS, ISIS sympathies for a White House source, notes that Twitter itself was spreading disinformation since they, too, assumed that the shooter was white and compared his treatment by law enforcement to other white male suspects at the center of recent shootings. Activist Dr Tony Blackstock use this incident to speak against white men owning guns to reinforce the power they already have, quote unquote.
Author Francis Maxwell made similar assumptions and compared the officer's response to Aissa to the death of Elijah McCain. Here we have this hero officer.
Amy Siskind went from disparaging the shooter for being white, just saying not to pay attention to him at all since it was revealed that he is Muslim. I'm just reading what's here. One journalist who prides himself on debunking misinformation used there, Hassan Rizvi, spread misinformation on his own. The instant reaction of leftists on Twitter who simply made this assumption are nearly infinite. The suspect, Ahmad Alessa, was taken into custody on Monday afternoon, has been charged with 10 counts of first degree murder.
An officer shot him during the process of his apprehension taken to the hospital, pronounced to be in stable condition. That's too damn bad. And of course, last year, Colorado being so progressive and humane eliminated the death penalty. So the mass murder of 10 will not face the death penalty. It's like the clowns who've taken over Richmond, Virginia, we call them Democrats. Are eliminating the death penalty to. As they move through these formerly Republican states and destroy them one after another.
I hear politicians and journalists, so-called all frauds, all to be despised, go on TV and say, how are we ever going to end this?
We're never going to end this. Let me be clear, let me be the most honest person with a microphone. We are never going to end this. You can pass all the laws you want. There are evil people, there are insane people. God knows what drives them. And just because you had people fill out paperwork and sign it in in order to get a weapon, we try and limit the looks of the weapon or how many weapons or what kind of weapon.
Doesn't mean they're not going to get it. Laws are broken in this country, in every other country all the time. The Democrats should know this. Look what's going on, on the southern border. The president of the United States, they call him Joe Biden. I call him an idiot. He doesn't care what the laws are, and neither do the people who are crossing the border. They're breaking the law. The people who ride it all summer long, they didn't care what the law was and as a matter of fact, the Democrat Party, the media, which of course are one in the same thing, defended what they were doing, attacked law enforcement, the same law enforcement that brought this mass murder to heel.
He attacked them and they attacked the president who tried to put an end to it. Donald Trump, let's not play games here. This is the truth that I'm speaking for when I return. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide towards free online courses, its support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844.
Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence. It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lavant for Hillsdale. Dotcom.
Levien for Hillsdale Dotcom. Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. Mark Levin, the research arm of conservative media call in now eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one. Marist Herald is the police chief in Boulder, Colorado.
And let's hear what the chief had to say, cut one go regarding the suspect at approximately 240 p.m. on Monday, March 22nd. Officers were dispatched to King Soopers on tablemates to drive. Officers arrived on the scene within minutes and immediately entered the store and engaged the suspect. There was an exchange of gunfire which such was shot. No other officers were injured. The suspect was taken into custody at three twenty eight p.m. He was transported to the hospital for treatment now in stable condition.
This suspect has been identified as Ahmad Elyssa, 21, of Arvada. He has been charged with 10 counts of murder in the first degree and will be shortly transported to Boulder County jail. Press release with his identifying information, the victim's information will be forthcoming.
You know, ladies and gentlemen, as I say, they eliminated the death penalty in Colorado. So once you murder the first person, if you have an evil mind, if you're unstable and unhinged. You might as well just keep going. The kids are going to serve life. What's the difference? Lifetime's 10. People say the death penalty is not a deterrent. Well, surely it's a deterrent to some. But I believe the death penalty ready for this.
Is society's moral reaction. To an evil individual like this. Who has taken steps to kill as many people as he could until the brave. Men and women of law enforcement charged into that grocery store, the first one being Officer Talley, who was killed. It's times like this where we don't hear from the cop haters. They're absolutely silent all over television. They're absolutely silent within the Democrat Party. This is why I have come to really despise politicians and despise the press because they're liars and they're exploiters and they're undermining this society.
Now, Joe Biden, as I said, last Friday. And Kamala Harris, they jumped in front of the klieg cameras and the microphones to talk about. How racist America and xenophobic America was targeting Asian-Americans. When, of course, it was the left at Harvard and their admissions policy that was targeting Asian-Americans, but that aside. And so they want you to believe that this is such a hate filled nation. That the white majority let's just you know, I really hate to even have to get into this, but the white majority.
Is basically a white supremacist majority. This is all new, this is really quite sick. But this is what the Democrat Party has become, whatever it takes to gain power and hold power and change the the nature of this republic from a competition between parties and ideas to crushing anybody with whom they disagree. And so Joe Biden today couldn't wait. He didn't have any of the facts, let alone all the facts surrounding this and immediately. Says this cut to go.
I want to be very clear, this is the one thing I do know not to say on in terms of what's happened there, while we're still waiting for more information regarding the shooter, his motive, the weapons he used, the guns, the magazines, the weapons, the modifications that apparently have taken place to those weapons that are involved here, I don't need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take common sense steps that will save the lives.
So he's got his narrative. He had the narrative in Atlanta. Has a different narrative here. Nothing about race, nothing about who killed whom. Nothing about any of that. Out of here. I don't have to wait for the fact. I don't really care. Then he goes right into this. And this is how he intends to unite the Navy, this man is not a statesman. We have in the office of the presidency. A man who is one of the least qualified men to ever be in the office of the presidency, you know, Obama was, too.
But you look at him, he was a failed senator for half a century. He used his position on these various committees.
To try and destroy the character of individuals with whom he disagreed and he's still doing. He did nothing profound, and so the. And so the exploiters, they get up and say, we have to do something, we have to act, we have to do something. And that's something involves you by the time we're done, if they have their way. Your guns would be confiscated. If they had their way. If they had your way, your passports would indicate whether or not you've been vaccinated or not and all this medical information will be available to all the cyber criminals out there, foreign and domestic.
If they had their way. Many of you will be replaced by. Illegal aliens. If they had their way. Go ahead. Urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act. We can ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines in this country, once again, these are not assault weapons.
These are rifles, you pull the trigger and one bullet comes out. I want folks that don't understand weapons and don't have weapons to understand this. We're not talking about machine guns. We're not talking about automatic weapons. They're not assault weapons. They're used for target practice, they're used for hunting, they're used for protection. They're not built to use as assault weapons. This is the pejorative that's been given to them because the left tries to steal the language, so.
Many people, little triggers go off in their brain cells and it's, oh, it's an assault weapon, well, you shouldn't be able to assault people. No, no, I agree. No assault weapon. It has nothing to do with that.
It functions exactly as a pistol. You pull the trigger and one bullet comes out. You pull the trigger again, another bullet comes out. It's not an assault weapon and of course, the vast majority of people who are killed in this country by weapons are killed by pistols.
At Rifle's. Go ahead. I was a senator, they passed it was a law for the longest time and it brought down these mass killings. We should do it again. We can close the loopholes in our background check system.
I don't know which loopholes that that would happen in this instance. No, there was no loophole that I'm aware of. I don't have all the facts. He doesn't have all the facts either. My understanding from what I'm reading here is he bought the gun legally, Mr. Producer, so there was no loophole. Something happened along the way, there needs to be an investigation. We need to find out what happened. Family members are saying that he had psychological issues, and yet we have laws in this country, the Hepple laws, that don't allow the sharing of that information.
So there's all kinds of complexities here. It's not so simple. It's not so simple and you think think to yourself, what kind of law can you pass that would prevent this? Remember Timothy McVeigh, he never used a pistol, he never used a rifle. Now, assault weapons and so forth, he blew up the building with fertilizer and other chemicals, he blew up the courthouse. He blew it up. It's just. The answers they have, they're just so quick, go ahead, loophole.
That's one of the best tools we have right now to prevent gun violence. The Senate should immediately pass. Let me say it again. The United States. All right.
That's enough. And if the Senate immediately passes it and it doesn't work because it won't, then what? Should immediately pass something as part of the problem is Biden's credibility has none. What they did with the two trillion dollar. Bill, ten days ago was appalling, the things they snuck in there, people just don't trust him, many of us I don't. Remember, we talked a little bit about and we're going to talk more actually a lot about the three trillion dollar next spending bill they have in my guess what, in 24 hours, it's now reached almost 24 trillion.
It's now almost four trillion. I want you to think about this is in addition to a budget. So during the pandemic, four point one trillion was spent. They just passed one point nine trillion, by my calculation, that's six trillion if we go to four trillion. That's 10 trillion, and what people forget is the Federal Reserve has put out and was authorized to put out six trillion in loans.
That's 16 trillion. In one year. On top of a four and a half trillion dollar budget. And what they want to make sure is it isn't just in one year that it happens year after year after year after year.
I heard somebody repeat something I said the other day, not a surprise, Mr. Producer.
And I said, what's the point of all these taxes anyway? We couldn't raise taxes. And I remember I said, get take every penny from every American. You still won't have enough money to pay down this debt, remember? So what's with all the tax increases and the wealth tax and all? If you understand marks and neo Marxism, then you understand what's going on. I'll be right back. Much love in. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it.
Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide to its free online courses, its support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844. Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence.
It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lavant for Hillsdale. Dotcom Oblivion for Hillsdale Dotcom. Livin for Hillsdale Dotcom.
So we have a new senator on elected but appointed Alex Padilla of California says we have our priorities entirely backwards when it's easy to buy a gun than to cast a ballot.
I'm so sick of these demagogues. You have no idea. It's not easier to buy a gun than cast a ballot. But what does one have to do with the other? I'm telling you, we are surrounded by tyrants and that the Democrat Party. Has resorted. Or reverted. Back to form. Just embracing a different kind of tyranny. But never embracing Americanism. Isn't it amazing how they went after Donald Trump trying to concoct arguments, create fictions, manufacturing cases against him under the Constitution?
They despise the Constitution, ladies and gentlemen.
They despise it. Dick Durbin at a hearing today we can reduce gun deaths just like covid, science based solutions, science based solutions. So now scientific fascism, which has served the left's purpose in city after city, state after state, and certainly the Democrat Party, it brought them to power. So we should leave it to Falchi to decide whether or not we should have weapons. Is that what the Constitution says? Do any of them ever talk about the Constitution in that context?
Richard Blumenthal, it's one freak show after another here, Congress is complicit, you see, because it won't gut the Second Amendment. Gretchen Whitmer responsible for the death of many in her state. The governor of Michigan, mass destruction weapons don't have a place in the common cell in this country, these aren't mass destruction weapons. It's a light rifle. That's what that rifle is, is it's a light rifle. With deadly bullets. And if you pull the trigger, one bullet comes out, but each time you have to pull the trigger and one of the things, of course, we cannot say in the media have not told us.
But I will say it and I will ask, was that another gun free zone? Was that another gun free zone? When somebody is walking around executing people. The Democrats want to defund the cops there, enough cops to respond. They want to disarm you, they want to get rid of the death penalty, they want to send social workers to homes. They're creating this environment. But it doesn't stop their narrative and it certainly doesn't stop their self aggrandizement.
That's for sure. You notice, folks. And I think you do. Every day here, we're fighting to retain our liberty. Every evil act, every tragic act. Every medical issue, scientific issue. Is interpreted in such a way or presented or projected in such a way. As to attack our individual liberty. Notice politicians in Washington. Most of whom are reprobates always have the answers. How is it that they always have the answers? How is it that Joe Biden, who's never spent a day in the private sector.
It has been a senator, vice president, now president for virtually his entire life. How was it that they have all these answers and where does all this brilliance and knowledge come from? How is it that Chuck Schumer. If the graduating law school is elected immediately to the New York State Assembly and then he's elected to the house when a vacancy opens up, then he's elected to the Senate. How is it that they have all these brilliant answers? How is it that Nancy Pelosi, who, to my knowledge, hasn't had a private sector job for most of her life, if not all of her life, where do they get all these answers from?
How do they know? I just mentioned three of the leading politicians in this country, each one controlling one of our elected branches. Who combined have no private sector experience. None. Who combined always have the answers, always. It's a remarkable thing. They're all Albert Einstein. Whether it's health care, whether it's immigration, whether it's the military. Whatever it is. They have the answers, they know the answers. These are this what we're talking about, and Biden and Schumer and Pelosi right now is an iron triangle of Stalinism, that's exactly what we're talking about.
They hate the founders. They condemned the framers. And their ideology is tyrannical, if not totalitarian. The way they think, the way they want to conquer one branch after the other, they really want they want to destroy their opponents. The Second Amendments in the Bill of Rights, it's in the Bill of Rights, you don't just issue executive orders, arrest Foushee about it or pass statutes. It's in the Constitution, for God sakes. Just like our election systems in the Constitution and they're targeting all of.
We have thousands and thousands of red blooded Americans killed in this country every year. The vast majority are killed in our inner cities, and I never, ever talk about it. I'll be right back. He's here. Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader. I love that. Hello, America. Mark Levin here, we'll be taking some calls a little later in the program, eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
You notice how Biden keeps demanding that everything happen right away and how he keeps threatening and then using executive orders. Let me ask you a question.
Is that how this country. Is supposed to function. Hurry up and pass the two gun control laws that the House passed. How many of you have read that? How many of you have any idea what's in it? How many of you know that they voted on it? How many of you had an opportunity to even contact your representatives about it? This was written. They both were basically. And Nancy Pelosi, spacious speaker's office, rammed through the House of Representatives and fired over to the Senate.
That is not how we're supposed to do things in this country. That is not how we are supposed to do things in this country. Biden wants everything to happen immediately. Yesterday. Who the hell does he think he is, who gives a damn what he wants? This is your country. This is our country. Those borders are our borders. People come into this country, it's the citizen who decides who comes into this country and why people come into this country, not foreign governments.
Not aliens, they don't get to decide, and yet that's happening why? Because it benefits the Democrat Party. That's exactly why when you see what's going on, on the border, does that benefit the United States of America? Does it even benefit those children? We're being abused. Oh, we hear the press is starting to get anxious, they want photos of the reception centers. How about they get off their ass, go to the southern part of the border, the Mexican side, and find out exactly what's going on?
How about they use their numerous contacts in the federal government to find out what's going on? How about these media corporations bring some lawsuits and demand transparency? It really is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Really and this race baiting. Is a poison to an open society like this, and Obama's added today to. Obama's had it today again to. So everybody take sides, team your team, be they put on their uniforms and this is what they do. The Democrat Party thinks their formula for permanent power is obviously.
To turn the Constitution into a joke. But endless Balkanization and trivialisation in this country, it is horrific. You do not hear Republicans talking like this, you do not hear conservative radio hosts talking like this, you hear athletes talking like this and sportscasters talking like this and executives in their boardrooms talking like this. And this isn't how most people think. It's not how most people think. You know, in the lead up to the election, I would often read from the what I called the Biden Sanders manifesto.
And I called it a manifesto president picked up on this, too, I called it a manifesto because there was so much in there that could have been in the Communist Manifesto, all about concentration and centralization of power, all about controlling the economy, controlling our energy systems, everything.
Who are all these geniuses who are going to be doing this AOC? Schumer, what are they on the federal government, all these geniuses are in the federal government house, Al. How so? And why is it more noble, more efficient, more humane for the government to run our lives than for us to run our own lives? You see, it has nothing to do with any of that. It's all about power. And the more power that is centralized, the less power you have over your own lives.
Since January 20, noon, plus one second look at what's happened in this country, it's been turned on its head. Look at what's going on. Massive debt. Massive illegal immigration with an open border. Massive race baiting. The undermining of our military. And they're just getting started. They're just getting started, the war on our Constitution. It's sickening. And then look overseas, what's happened? They're aiding and abetting the Islama Nazi regime in Tehran, for God's sakes.
You know what happened today, communist China and fascist Russia just signed. And a court at defense, a court, every president prior to this president and certainly prior to Obama as well, have tried to make sure that would never happen. And they would use strategies and tactics. They would use diplomacy in the military. We never wanted them to be in in a court. That's a powerful alliance. Well, today they're aligned. Why? Because the idiot Biden calls Putin a killer.
Wow. What a brave guy, Biden. And the idiot secretary of state is stepped all over by the communist Chinese. These are supposed to be the experts, these are the experienced diplomat, you know, Donald Trump had a bunch of boobs around them. Yeah. They didn't know what they were doing. Donald Trump kept the peace. He kept Russia on its heels. He kept China on its heels. He had choked off Iran. Iran's economy was crumbling.
North Korea was so perplexed they weren't sure what to do with Trump, meanwhile, look. The bread that runs North Korea has this sister talk about Biden. The Islama Nazi regime in Tehran says, hey, thanks for all the giveaways, but we're not ready to talk. And China and Russia are now acting in a coordinated fashion against the United States. And what is Biden's idea? To promote racism in America, to disarm the American people. To destroy girl sports in high school, to blow up such a big hole in our budget that your children and grandchildren will never recover ever.
And I know when I say that for many people goes right over their heads because it's just too abstract. Well, it's not abstract. When the currency begins to unravel, then everything unravels. Everything unravels. And you think this pandemic was an excuse for the iron fist? Well, wait, wait, I'll put my marker down now, it's too bad I have to wait until the currency starts to weaken. That'll make it look like a snow day, nothing.
And bonds not done. Biden is not done. Yesterday, it was a three trillion dollar spending bill. Now it's a four trillion dollar spending bill. He will have spent six trillion dollars. In less than 60 days. And it includes billions and billions on climate change. You know what that means, an attack on capitalism, your job, your business, your wealth. More massive spending on education, free free K through kindergarten, I guess. Free full day.
Free community college. And they want to address income inequality like the good little Marxist that they are. And then they split it into two bills. And they want massive tax increases on people that the Libs hate, of course, corporations. Let me tell these corporate bastards something. I'm done defending them. Let them defend themselves. The U.S. Chamber of Socialism is no longer the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, it's the U.S. Chamber of Socialism. It's now run by Lipps.
The corporatists you're on your own. When you abandoned the free market, when you abandoned capitalism, when you embraced Top-Down autocracy. As corporate is have in so many countries over the over the history. The modern era. Well, then I abandoned you. You're on your own, you dumb bastards. And that they are. Free speech is under attack. They side with anti free speech crowd, don't use the words China virus. Why don't use them?
Oh, OK. Don't say don't say the election. Don't don't don't comment that the election wasn't actually won by Biden, why they spent four years. Just don't do it. These are the orders from on high. Oh, OK. Dam falls. Some of them, even in the free speech business, you wouldn't know it. The tyranny of the left. I'll be right back. Much love in. Over 2000 of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carriers to pure talk over the past few months.
We want the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about. If you're with AT&T and Verizon or T-Mobile, your family could save over 800 dollars a year just by switching to pure talk. You get great coverage. You can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure Talk is the top rated wireless company by Consumer Affairs with the absolute best consumer service team based right here in America. Does that sound good?
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Well, we've done a little research here, and this is the King Soopers grocery store in tablemates Colorado, right, Mr. Producer?
It's called tablemates, it's in Boulder, Colorado, and one of the things they list here on their online services is that they have kosher food and further.
Examination, they have a kosher bakery. Now, you would think, Mr. Producer, with our media out there going on about how. Why did he pick this particular place? First, they said he was a white man, which he's not. His family comes from Syria. So's ancestry is Arab and I'm not making any conclusions.
But if you're the media, wouldn't you want to know why would he attacked the specific grocery store?
Well, why would he? Why would he go some 20 miles or more from where he lives, from his own community to go to this store? Now, if you're a serious journalist, you don't conclude and go on the air and say he did it because of his ancestry, because of his affinity for ISIS, according to. andI know. It was reported what what was on his Twitter site and good job, Jack. Isn't that the guy's name?
Dorothy Gharty, whatever good job pays for policing your site. But it would be something you'd want to dig into, wouldn't it, Mr. Producer, be something I want to dig into. Why did he hit the supermarket? Why did he hit it? They saw kosher food and have a kosher bakery. Again, I'm not drawing definitive conclusions, but if you're supposed to be some kind of investigative reporter, don't you want to look into this rather than blaming white people?
Rather than automatically talking about gun control. Well, actually, if you reporter, you don't want to do that, you want to blame white people and talk about gun control, that's what you do. That's the narrative. But I'm just pointing this out. Will be the first on radio, certainly to point this out. I draw no conclusions, but I would like to know. Is. Jeremy Peters still does he still work at The Washington Post? We know that, Mr.
Producer, was it?
No, he's the New York Times and wears full of pump these days. How about Jim Acosta? The lemon. Fredo Cuomo. Humiliating what a family. Then let's move over to Melasti. Andrea Mitchell, nowhere. Brian Williams, you know, is actually in that store when that occurred, you know, that idiot.
Maybe will go to Al Sharpton, he he knows all things when it comes to kosher bakeries and so forth. But I think it's a fair question, why did he hit that store? Well, he's a white guy. What's what's the latest from Twitter? I don't know. Well, he's anti-social, was a little mental. Oh. OK, why did he hit that store? You can be anti-social and a little mental and not drive 20, 25 miles away to hit that store.
Why did he hit that store? You know, inquiring minds want to know my mind wants to know. Not making any allegation of making an inquiry, are there any investigative journalists left anywhere? Well, Andrew now is one of them, and he found out that, as did a few others, that in fact this guy. Did post. His support for radical elements. In the Muslim world, and I am not allowed to talk about this, do you understand what I'm saying?
I have to talk in. Only in ways that are only approved now. By the body politic, in the body politic and the culture hard left. I can only. Trash white people. And Christians and Orthodox Jews. And American citizens generally. That's the box you're in, you can't. Well, I'm not trashing anybody, I have some inquiries. No, no, no, you can't question. You can't question this is America with a K now, not a C.
America A. That's what's going on. So it would be logical to look into these things if you're a serious journalist, but we don't have serious journalists, we have propaganda papers, that's what we have, propaganda rags. That are dressed up as newspapers. Now they know where they're. Their money comes from two. The Boston Globe is now partnering with Ibram ex Kendy to create a newspaper. Who is he? He's one of the leading. So-called intellectuals now that's pretty funny when it comes to critical race theory.
So they're going to start a publication called the Emancipator. Because we all know minorities in this country are not emancipated. Says here. At The Blaze, it's the brainchild of Candy and Boston Globe editorial page editor. Beina Venkataraman. The two reportedly met last summer as nationwide protests raged on following the death of George Floyd to discuss how to take advantage of ongoing conversations about race. Then last week, they announced the plans, the publication is to be styled after a historic abolitionist newspaper started in Boston in the 19th century and aims to, quote, amplify critical voices, ideas, debates and evidence based opinion in an effort to hasten racial and so forth.
Now, there won't be debates.
This will be propaganda, the left doesn't allow debates. The outlet will be a one part scholastic oh, great. For the schools, you know what part journalistic work that will feature op ed contributions from world leading experts and community voices captured by student journalists, and so the propagandising goes on.
Kennedy, who is the founding director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, said he hopes the new publication will be as influential as its namesake was an advance in the country toward the end of slavery. Perhaps his publication, he suggested, would lead to the end of all racism and inequality.
But this guy has written extensively. Ending all racism and inequality. No, no, it's. Equity. And it is critical race theory. Which means the only way this can be ended is by ending the United States as we know it. You see, ladies and gentlemen, he is a best selling book. I've looked at it. I know what he wants and he knows what he wants.
I'll be right back. Bush grew up in says today what backbenchers will repeat tomorrow, coal market eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
Some of you, when you hear me read, it's very frustrating for me. You'll hear me have to correct myself, mess up a word.
There's a reason for this I've told you before. And a hemorrhage behind my left retina. It's about once a month I go in to have medicine inserted into my eye. Now, how do you insert medicine in your eye, Mr. Producer? Use a needle.
So that was this morning. So when that happens, I'm a little.
You know, it's a little fuzzy, so sometimes I can't pick up on the words as clearly as I would like to. So I just want you to know that I'm not having a Biden. I'm having something else. I'm not quite sure what that is. But there you have it. Now, further to this publication that The Boston Globe is involved. And so The Boston Globe and The New York Times are of the same ilk and they're pushing the same agenda.
We actually have newspapers. We have massive media corporations in this country pushing.
The Hate America agenda, and so they embrace the most radical elements in academia, the most radical authors they possibly can, and that's where this boatload of crap is coming from. These universities and colleges who are embracing this Marxist ideology. Now. The this paper that they're going to create, the emancipator. It will be guided by an advisory board featuring a host of prominent progressive writers and pundits.
I wish we would learn to use the word Marxist or neo Marxist, including get a load of this 16 19 project creator they call Hannah Jones, who has been widely discredited by real historians and MSNBC political analyst Joy Reid.
How could Joy Reid survive in an environment where she was busy posting homophobic and other type of outrageous posts? And then she pretended that somebody put them there, remember Mr. Producer, and she wanted an investigation while turns out she put them there. So MSNBC, though, they saw the talent, they say they see a talent when they know one and they promoted her. She's in primetime on MSNBC now.
Isn't that great? And so Joy Reid, who hates white people. And homosexuals are at least dead. And I would think that most radio companies would find that offensive. Now she is. Primetime MSNBC, of course, is going to be an adviser. On the advisory board. Of this new project, the emancipator emancipated from what? Every one of these people have it so tough, don't they? Candy or candy, and it's not intentional for mispronouncing it, Candy has a big job.
In Boston. At a university. That he needs to be emancipated, Nicole, Hannah Jones has a big job at The New York Times, Joy Reid is a big job at MSNBC and notice the media promotes these radical kooks.
Would their hate America agenda? If we had a real media in this country, rather than a corrupt, ideologically driven neo Marxist media and they know I'm right. This would be a very healthy society with a very healthy culture. It be diverse to be a lot of differences, a lot of debate, but that's exactly what you want in a country like this. That's not what they want in Congress. The Democrat Party, they want to ram things through.
That's not what they want in the media. That's not what they want. In big tech. It's not about engaging, it's not about ideas, it's not about debate, it's about conformity and enforcement. Conformity and enforcement. See, nobody on this advisory committee for this so-called publication has a contrary viewpoint. There are many people who would do a swell job doing that, Tommaso. Bob Woodson. Glenn Lowry. So many. But they're not going to be permitted, you see, because this isn't about ideas, it's about propaganda.
Our Mr. Producer, I've talked enough and I've got a lot here, more than I want to talk about. But first, let's get a caller here. Do we have an excellent call or do we have a clip?
First of all, Lib's never call the show, do they? We get antisemite, we get neo-Nazis, we get clansman, we get Mark, we never get a live. What are they afraid of? Let's keep open a line, we'll keep our liberal line. Look, here's the main number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one nine.
We have the lib line. Eight, seven, seven three eight one thirty eight 11, that's just for you. Give me a call or please. Ben in New York on the great WIBC Ben Go. Hey, Mark, pleasure again. I think this is my third or fourth time. Well, congratulations. Yeah, it is, I consider it an honor. Thank you. I'm a retired cop from New York every couple of years ago. Yeah, thank you.
And it was my pleasure that you retired just in the nick of time.
But go ahead. Yeah. I don't know if I could be a cop these days, but anyway, my my theory on this gun control is I want to know why the conservative wing is not proposing a plan of attack against this gun control with with some different ideas, such as I want them to start to expound on where there is one paragraph or one sentence in any of these gun control bills that has a consequence for the criminal, the gun carrier, the illegal gun carrier, or the person that actually commits a crime with a gun.
It's not in there. How about we have and that sounds good, it's a little too passive for me. How about something like this, Ben? They want to federalize everything on the left, OK? We don't necessarily want to federalize this, but how about we cut law enforcement funds to states that outlaw the death penalty? How about we start going on the offensive, how about we start making national issues that are issues that the public support us on?
I was never into this criminal justice reform.
The president could tell you that. Jared Kushner could tell you that. Everybody said, look at this criminal justice reform. No, no, no. I'm for victim justice reform. Yes, and now crime is totally out of control. And so we must have law and order and to have a law and order agenda, you need long sentences for violent criminals. That's it. How about another one? Any state that passes a law that gives felons let's talk about felons who are currently felons, the right to vote will lose significant amounts of law enforcement funds.
I'm not even talking about people who've served their time, any state that. Why aren't we making proposals when? I'll tell you why. Because our people are cowards, they're not they're not forward thinkers, they really don't know what they're dealing with as this this Marxist neo Marxist stuff is swirling around. They're making nice with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that stabs them in the back. And they talk about one of the things that Biden wants to do and the Democrats want to push through.
Is that you can sue these gun manufacturers. So effectively, they think they're clever, put them out of business and there won't be any guns. That's what they want to do. I have a better idea, how about we open up the trial, bar the slip and fall lawyers to some federal penalties? How about we have some federal rules of of of civil and criminal evidence? So the very people who are attacking us, we fight back. All right, my friend, Ben, thank you for your service, thank you for your call, Matt.
I don't know where Matt's from, mystery call screener, but go ahead, Matt. I'm from Montana and I'm over the road truck driver, I'm on the road right now. Nice to talk to you, sir. Reason why I'm calling is because it's nice to talk to you, sir. You you're a great man and I really appreciate what you're doing. But the problem we have in this in this country right now started a long, long time ago.
It didn't start with these mass shootings. It started before that. I grew up in Montana. That's where I'm from. I took Hunter safety at the age of 12. I took a rifle to school every day on a bus. Now, that being said, I was also expelled three times for fighting. Never once in all those times that I ever want to go to my wall locker, get my gun and tell anybody this is a bunch of beer.
It's a bunch of non educated people trying to run the show. They don't know anything about guns. They don't know how they operate. They don't know what they're used for. They don't even know the terms that are used now.
They lie, they change the terms. Look, they know nothing about guns. They know nothing about health care. They know nothing about everything, and yet they have power, so they think they can force look at the minimum wage, the minimum wage in Montana is a little different than the minimum wage in Manhattan, don't you think?
But they don't care. They have an agenda. And it's the Bernie Sanders Marxist agenda. And they all look at this democratic socialist with emphasis on Democratic. Do you see anything democratic or even more to the point, smaller Republican taking place in Washington, D.C., sir?
Absolutely not.
They're all tyrants. Absolutely not there. And all I have to say to Joe Biden is you guys want my, my, your bring yours and wear gloves because it's all right. All right, all right.
Don't get carried away. They'll be tracking you down out of Washington that the Department of Justice drag into a Washington jail, say let real criminals out the back. All right. Let's continue. Philip Carmel, California.
And I must confess, Philip, that it wasn't that long ago when I said, you know, I want to live Carmel by the sea. There's not a more beautiful place on the face of the earth.
And then the Democrats are going nuttier and nuttier. And I said, you know what? On second thought, I don't think so. How are you, sir? Oh, yeah, it's like I said, you go up the hill, it's freezing, you go down to the beach, it's sunny. I mean, it's weird, but Pebble Beach, you know about.
But you live there now. OK, go right ahead.
And I apologize. I am from the state of California, copious California kids. My apologies. Except and that's close to me. No, it's California.
I'm like communism, California. And what kind of word? Go right ahead. Oh, yeah, well, you know, I have an old saying that, you know, the fire in the belly is for men, it's called an ulcer. My my comment has to do with I remember specifically in retrospect when Obama stepped in front of the press after that mass shooting in Arizona. Congresswoman, a young girl, several Republican.
Yeah, the judge. Judge was killed, so all the mentally ill, it's Bush's fault for not putting enough money in mental health. Well, why aren't they saying that now? Interesting.
This guy is an admitted psychosexual, very disturbed.
That's the guy. That's the guy in Atlanta. You know how many people walked out of the Democrats creating by teaching kids in school that pornography is OK? All right.
I don't know if we can connect it directly to that, but you are concerned about the the the destruction of morals, which I think is a very important point.
You're exactly correct when you said that the moral response is what people are moral, they have a moral response on when they are reprobate, then they have a reprobate. I mean, I remember an earlier in the show that you had mentioned that. And that is exactly right on point.
What really disturbs me is if I said something that is counterintuitive to the left and which will get them all worked up, which is and not intentionally is something I believe the death penalty is a moral penalty for a mass murder.
That is a moral penalty. Life in prison is not a moral penalty. You just destroyed. Ten lives you took. Not just the liberty, but the ability to breathe away from 10 people. What were they thinking the last seconds of their lives? The horror, the fear? That's what they had in their mind when they were taken away from their families. They will never walk this earth again. And with the death penalty is immoral, say the lips.
Oh, the death penalty is immoral. So the guy gets to go through trial after trial. We go through this ridiculous system when there's four billion witnesses to the same damn thing. OK, give him his due process. But my God, that take the penalty, the death penalty and then to be self righteously claiming that it's immoral. No, it's not immoral. It's exactly the right penalty. Thank you for your call. I'll be right back.
My love in. Over 2000 of you, my listeners, made the switch from overpriced wireless carriers to pure talk over the past few months. We want the rest of you to join us and to see what we're talking about. If you're with AT&T and Verizon or T-Mobile, your family could save over 800 dollars a year just by switching to pure talk. You get great coverage. You can keep your phone and your number and you'll save a fortune. Pure Talk is the top rated wireless company by Consumer Affairs with the absolute best consumer service team based right here in America.
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All right, finally, Adam, let's see here, Stamford, Connecticut, XM Satellite. Go right ahead, sir.
Yes, Mark, my question to you is, how many of these mass shootings with assault rifles did we have when there was an assault rifle ban in this country?
I don't know how many zero how many buildings were blown up when we had a ban.
That's that's called a strike. I can think of at least one they killed a whole lot of people. Just think logically. I know this is very knee jerk. Just think logically.
We have an assault rifle ban. You call them assault rifles, they're rifles. You pull the trigger. It's one bullet at a time. Can you at least understand that? And let's say we have a ban. Let me ask you a question. Is murder banned in this country? Answer my question, is murder banned in this country? Are you there? No. Don't get clever, the answer is yes, yes, the answer is yes. Do we murder going on in our cities all the time in our country?
Did you ever take it? Are they using.
I knew this would happen. Are they using assault weapons, are they using pistols? There, who is using pistols, the gangs are using pistols, they're not using AR 15s. See, this is the problem. You don't want to have a discussion. You want to come on here and yell, I'm asking you simple questions and you get to sit there and think, if murder is outlawed, most murders in this country don't pay attention. Yogic. Maybe you learn something in your pathetic life once in your pathetic life.
I said most people are killed in this country with pistols, not where they are fifteens not with rifles. And it's is happening in every city, in every state in this country, every damn weekend. And your answer is to focus on AR 15s. That won't solve it. Pay attention. I said I'm educating you. That won't solve a damn thing. Nothing. But you're not letting me talk because you make a moron out of yourself. Go ahead, Tom.
No, you can you can use you can use all you got one last chance before the clock hits go.
All right. How many mass murders occurred? Stop asking me questions and make your point. Second, I'll give you five seconds. All right. What an idiot. How many mass murders have occurred? Ladies and gentlemen, he doesn't want to hear about how many murders have occurred because for him, it's winning the debate, which he can't, because the facts are this. We have slaughter going on. Over 100 people have been murdered in Chicago so far this year.
We're only in Denmark and that's one city. And I doubt any of them have been killed with a, well, a long rifle. But it doesn't matter to the man from the Nutmeg State.
All right. There we are. What can I say? We'll be right back. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by Aimé, the Association of Mature American Citizens, now over two million conservative members, Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening and please support Amen. And you can become a member at Amax U.S. Join.
He's here now broadcasting live from the underground command post here. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader. Hello, America. Mark Levin here doing a little research during the break. Our number eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
I never heard that there were no mass shootings during the institution of the so-called assault weapons ban. That's because there were mass shootings. One of the biggest would be the Columbine slaughter. During the assault weapons ban. And then I looked at this PolitiFact post by the Poynter Institute, which is quite liberal. And they say on the key policy question, whether the ban drove a decline, they talked to a number of experts. And they said, you better use caution, quote, It's pretty much impossible to prove cause and effect.
That's the consensus among a number of researchers. Phillip Cook at Duke University said the death toll is real. The complicated violence rates, violence rates were quite volatile during the period, generally for reasons that had nothing to do with the gun regulation.
That doesn't mean that the ban was ineffective, only that we don't know and probably cannot determine the answer, given that the outcome of the interest that is mass shootings is so rare.
So they're very rare, period. And they can't draw the conclusion. And one of the individuals who was doing an analysis by the name of DiMaggio economist was smart. It said, among other things, I don't think DiMaggio's methods are well suited for determining the causal impact of the assault weapons ban.
So here we have a caller who lives on two points and four seconds that there were no mass shootings when the so-called assault weapons ban was in place.
That's a lie. It's provably false. All you have to do is go on the Internet.
This is going number two to the extent that they can determine what a mass shooting is and what an assault weapon is, and these variables are quite complicated even for these experts. They said if it didn't decline, it pretty much held its own. But you can't connect one to the other. They just don't have the ability to make that determination. And so here we have a liberal who calls from Connecticut. Do you know how many how many mass murders we had when the assault meant I said I don't because I don't know none.
So he lies and he wouldn't engage. And so there you have it. Well, welcome, we welcome liberals to call here, more than happy to talk to them, but if you're a jackass like that guy, of course, I'm going to berate you. But over the history of this show, we've had liberals call here, we've had good discussions, but what I cannot tolerate. Is a liar. That's what I can't tolerate and what they want to do is destroy.
Companies that make weapons in order to prevent you from getting weapons legally. You say it's always about controlling you, the individual, that guy in Connecticut, he speaks for tens of millions of leftists, which is. You do what I want you to do. You do what my ideology commands, no exceptions. And I assert the right righteously, I assert the right. To force your compliance with my ideology, my belief system. And that's that, and if you don't agree with me, there's obviously something wrong with you, you must favor mass murder.
You must be cold blooded. You must be a racist white supremacist. That's how the game goes. That's how it works. And here, just with 30 seconds of time, we look it up and we find this guy is a liar. And it's not hard to find this. It's right there on the Internet. Al Gore's Internet. All right, let's take another call to whom shall we speak, who do we have here, Cynthia in Nevada, XM Satellite.
Cynthia, go. Yes, Mark, I think you would agree we all need to be reminded of the incident and I believe it was a church in Texas where an armed citizen that just happened to be at the service was able to take out a potential mass murderer. No, you're quite right, and that's something that we need to be aware of. What if someone in the supermarket and in Boulder had said that earlier?
Wouldn't it have been nice if they had a weapon? This guy was literally executing people. And nobody could defend themselves. Literally executing people in is a very liberal city, I bet they have a ban on. Carry weapons in these stores. These stores have a ban, they think they're protecting people, they're not protecting people. If you're going to kill somebody, whether you're unhinged or not, you're not reading signs on the door before you walk into the place.
What is wrong with people? All right, Nevada, thank you for your call. There's a wonderful site, and I use this site throughout the pandemic because it actually has smart people.
It's called statistically, it is a. Second of four, you know, intellectuals are sort of scholars. And we happened upon it, Stapper, a dotcom weapon types used in mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and March 2021 by a number of weapons and incidents.
And here's their conclusion. Handguns are the most common weapon type used in mass shootings in the United States, with a total of 143 different handguns being used in 95 incidents between 1982 and March 20 21. These figures are calculated from a total of 121 reported cases over this period, meaning handguns are involved in about 78 percent of the mass shootings.
Not rifles and not an AR 15. That's a fact. Those are the statistics. And. Let's see here. That's the best I can do to whom shall we speak? Is there another caller?
But don't worry, Schumer is out there as he's davening again, a deboning liberal liberal, destroy, control, centralized anyway.
Who else do we have? And they're bringing up one politician after another, I don't know about you, but we have a mass shooting. I want to hear from politicians exploiting it and pushing their agenda, don't you? Who is it again, Mr. Producer? Doug on the Levin up in Atlanta, Georgia, how are you, Doug? I'm doing well, thank you, Mark, and thanks for all you do. And I just want to say that the Democrats and the Biden regime have spent the last three months vilifying American citizens and basically calling us domestic terrorists for questioning the legitimacy of the election.
And what they're doing is gaslighting us making think that we're crazy. There's something wrong with why did they spend four years questioning the legitimacy of the prior election?
Yes, they did. I don't remember. Corporations and boards of directors and others being nervous about that, do you? No, I don't remember at all. Go ahead. I, I think I think this distance has the Democrats and these people don't care about laws. If they did, they would shut down the border because 70000 people, 22000 people died last year of overdoses of on heroin. So if they cared about people, they would they would shut oh, they do have a funny way of showing it.
They care about programs. If they care about people, they wouldn't be so obsessed with abortion and having people their taxes tapped to pay for it. But it is a bizarre party with bizarre ideas.
And they will do anything for power, that's for sure.
And that's exactly what we're going through right now. I mean, look at how they're abusing the constitutional process, the representative process, but if they're doing it for the cause that these leftists believe in, that's OK. Apparently. But for them, it's OK, yeah, for them it's OK. I mean, who's ever seen anything like this?
You're going to have the most radical left wing administration in American history and they're going to accomplish virtually everything they want to accomplish in the first 90 days.
What the hell is that? That's not how this is supposed to work. Why do we elect people office, so why do we have different branches of government? Why do we have checks and balances? Anyway, sir, I want to thank you, got to be on our toes here, we got to be resolute. And then look at the media, this stupid show, The View. All these yentas and then just. The culture, the culture has been conquered.
Now, the way you stand up to this is to turn it off. To shut off these programs, to shut off the sports events, to shut them off. Do something else. I'll be right back. Much love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk.
AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. EMAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us.
We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at us. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.
I just looked up another detail. This is live radio for those of you fortunate enough to hear this program live, and if you can't, you can always listen to the podcast to. If you'd like to listen to the podcast, you go to Mark Levin Show Dotcom, that's the mother page. That's the big Web site. You click on audio rewin at the middle of the top of the homepage there, I'll take you to the podcast page and you'll pick whatever podcast and platform you like.
It's that simple, and I strongly encourage you to do that. Some digging around Law Enforcement Today.com. This is an article from a little over a year ago, 2019. It's the data that the mainstream media tends to bury when it doesn't fit their agenda. According to the FBI, more than five times as many people were killed by in twenty, eighteen by knives, clubs and other cutting instruments than with rifles. The metrics show that there were a total of 1000, 515 deaths by knives.
Or other cutting instruments last year, that would be 2017, compare that against 297 people killed by rifle's. It's the gap that widened significantly over 2017. And that year, the FBI said nearly four times as many people were stabbed to death as killed with rifles. During that year, the number of murders with rifles was around 400. More than 100 more people were killed with hammers and clubs in twenty eighteen than were killed by rifles. There were 443 people killed with hammers, clubs or other blunt instruments.
Now, this isn't just about semiautomatic rifles, that is paw, paw, paw, paw, paw, paw paw, it's all rifles, including bold action, pump lever action rifles as well.
Now, if you were to contrast the numbers between just semiautomatic, not automatic, those you don't get semiautomatic rifles again, which means the faster you pull the trigger, the faster the bullets come out. But you don't just press the trigger and the bullets come out automatically in large numbers. That would be automatic. Just contrast the numbers between only semi-automatic rifles and knife homicides, the gap would be even greater. Here's another number. The data also shows that in twenty eighteen, there were 672 deaths from Fist's feet and other personal weapons body parts once again more than with rifles.
In 2017, there were 600. This is all FBI data, in 2017, there were 692 people killed in the same way, a number larger than the total number of homicides by rifles and shotguns combined. You've got. You've got Biden out there saying he wants to confiscate or ban so-called assault weapons. It's really quite unbelievable. And even a few years back, 60 million people privately owned a AR 15s. Rifles are only used in a small fraction of murders committed using firearms API data.
They're looking at the most complete data they have, 2016 showed that more than 70, 100 people were killed using handguns, that the vast majority of non-fatal crimes, including guns, also committed using handguns, as you would imagine, because he can conceal them. They're not wildly and so forth. According to the CDC, in 2017, six in 10 gun related deaths in the U.S. were suicides. Thirty seven percent were murders. So most deaths committed with any form of gun were suicides.
And. 37 percent were murders, the rest were either unintentional, 486 involved law enforcement, 553 hurt, undermine or undetermined circumstances, 338. But again, more people killed with knives, hammers, clubs, even feet than rifles in twenty eighteen. So this is important to know. Yet they keep focusing on. So-called assault weapons. Why are we now trashing? Governor, no, I think she was wrong on this issue. Relating to girls and Title nine, she's now pulled back, she's reversed course, she wanted them to change some language.
I understand that. So what are we supposed to do, destroyer now, Mr. Producer? She's going to sign a very strong law, and she should if she didn't, I would oppose her as well. No question about that, but she's been one of the great governors, I don't get this. I don't get this why white people try to make their KRED and. You know, I get Romney, I understand McConnell, Adam Kinzinger, and so I got all that.
But I was saying, Christina. OK. She was a little weak on this issue and then the legislature stepped up and then there was public pressure and this is over the past several days.
So what are we supposed to destroy her now? No, I don't think so. I won't do that. I think she's been a very, very effective governor.
As a matter of fact, there's other Republicans out there that don't get the attention they deserve, like Larry Hogan, this guy Baker in Massachusetts. We've got very weak Republicans in Congress, other weak Republican governors out there. So I don't believe that's how you you earned your spurs, at least I of it is. I'll be right back. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk.
AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us.
We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's A.M. Dot U.S. stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.
This is the nation's town hall meeting, and you can join in at eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
I love that site. Right Scoop and my man, Brian. Good man. Let me give you an example of what's going on here. And it's so horrific, our buddy William Jacobson, another great site, legal insurrection, remember this fellow, the master piece cake shop?
Because he wouldn't make a cake for a gay wedding, he had no problem with gays, but his faith said, no, I don't believe in that sort of. And remember how he was purposely set up, a couple went in there, they demanded a cake, and that litigation went on and goes to the Supreme Court and then the state takes over and starts attacking him to. Now, the masterpiece cake shop is on trial for refusing to bake a transition cake.
So they go right back into that place.
Because they want submission. The left wants submission, the left wants control, they want to crush any opposition. It's really quite outrageous. The Masterpiece Cake Shop has regular customers who are transgender, they say the issue has to do with the message. This lawsuit isn't about discrimination, it's about freedom to disagree, and of course, that's true. That's true. So here's a little bakery that they are trying their damnedest to destroy. They want to ruin this man and ruin his business.
He won that U.S. Supreme Court case. Then the Colorado state government comes after him and now they're doing this, which they'll lose again, presumably unless the Supreme Court totally reverses course.
So it's not enough to disagree, like the caller from Connecticut, you have to lie through your teeth. But even worse, you have to destroy somebody's. And their business. The Masterpiece Cake Shop, Mr. Producer, I'd like you to contact the gentleman that owns that shop. And I'd like you to ask him if he would like me to mention his shop. And he can't take no for his shop. In case people want to order a cake anywhere around the country.
It's up to him. But I'm not going to stand by and watch somebody be put out of business like this. He's not against any of this stuff. He's not a bigot. He's not discriminating. He's just saying, I can't do that on my cake. I don't promote that kind of message while you damn well better.
We're going to sue you in a bankruptcy. Says, I'm not against gay people, I'm not against gay people getting married. It's just not something I believe in. So I don't want to put it on my cake while you damn well better.
And the Supreme Court said, no, actually doesn't have to. Why do they keep going into this picture? Why do they keep going into this bakery? Why do you think? They want to crush. Any divergent viewpoints based on faith or anything else, whatever it is, I don't sit behind this microphone trying to crush divergent viewpoints. I challenge them, I debate them. I'll even put them down. But I'm not out to destroy them. Or the people who voiced them.
It's like two different worlds colliding, one that actually believes in freedom of speech, freedom of ideas, freedom to debate, freedom to associate, and another one that believes in compulsion. Group think. The common good. As opposed to. Individual liberty. It's just two completely different mindsets. It's really quite appalling. And here we are, Signa, and of you have Cigna Insurance employees, this is The Washington Examiner. Joseph Simpson assignments in rather political reporter employees, one of the nation's largest health insurance providers, Cigna, are routinely subjected to far left critical race theory lessons and asked not to consider white men in hiring decisions, not to consider white men in hiring decisions.
That is a. Violation of federal law. By the way. According to leaked documents and chat logs obtained by The Washington Examiner, those who work at CIGNA told The Washington Examiner that they are expected to undergo sensitivity training they consider racist and discriminatory. Lessons include reviews of concepts such as white privilege, gender privilege and something called religious privilege, which is described as a set of advantages that benefits believers of a certain religion, but not people who practice other religions or no religions at all.
You know, I read this, how the hell can we survive? This is why as far as the corporations go, they can tax the crap out of them. I know it's a bad idea for us overall, but I just don't care about them anymore.
We're supposed to defend them while they destroy us. As a people, as a nation, employees say they are pressured to comply with inclusive language outlines, that suggests replacing terms like brown bag lunch with lunch and learn or grab and go brown bag lunch. That is nothing to with brown people, you idiots. It's a brown bag. Employees are told to avoid gendered descriptions of romantic partners, her family members, and not to use hip hop hooray at birthday parties so others feel included.
I don't even know what that means. Microaggression listed include questions such as, do you even know what Facebook is? And Are you a nurse? Wath. Employees are also asked to go through a societal norms, checklists and tick off boxes if they are white, Christian or heterosexual. Oh, Mr. Producer, isn't that you? Mr. Calls screener, it's almost me. I mean, I'm white and heterosexual, but I'm Jewish, oh, they'll get around to us, our inclusive culture at Signa means that we're working hard to ensure everyone feels respected, welcome and like they belong, wrote Susan Stiff, the Cigna Foundation's vice president for diversity, equity, inclusion and corporate responsibility.
That's a that's a very hefty business card.
She wrote that in an internal memo, this extends to the words we use, including understanding when certain terms might be perceived as negative or hurtful and being intentional about choosing a positive alternative point. The is having like a nervous breakdown, don't you think, Richard? This is like. Some kind of psycho movie singer valued in the tens of billions boasts over 73000 employees and offices worldwide.
The company recommends employees learn more about racism by reading controversial books, No Race, Disgusting, Divisive Race Books, White Fragility by Robin D'Angelo and how to be an anti-racist man and our prisons obsolete. The lessons learned from the sensitivity training seminars some employees allege have been extended to the hiring process, thousands of companies openly consider diversity when given promotions or hiring new talent. But signees practices go a step further. One employee alleges chat logs between an employee and a hiring manager viewed by the Washington Examiner detailed an incident where minority candidate with strong credentials performed exceptionally well.
In an interview when that employee suggested to the hiring manager that the company waived the candidate through to the next step in the process, the hiring manager dismissed the candidate under the assumption he was white. After learning the candidate belonged to a minority group, the manager said she was excited to hire him, despite learning virtually nothing else about his background.
Given the hiring practices they have in place where white male candidates are blocked regardless of qualifications.
Well. Another time, an employee suggested a candidate with years of industry experience, that employee was informed by the hiring manager that the candidate, a white man, could not be interviewed because he didn't meet the diversity criteria.
Cigna did not respond to multiple requests for comment. So now what do we do about this? Well, if signees, your insurance company, get rid of them. Some employees at Cigna say the internal policy of explicit quotas, the internal policy of explicit quotas is illegal. Creates a demoralising effect in departments focused on tech or data meeting diversity requirements often means positions are left open for periods of time.
I can't fill these positions, said one individual who described himself as a largely happy employee. One company that's in the Sigma, my university portal, the company offers several lessons. On alleged systemic racism in American society, much of the curriculum directly cites the contentious 16 19 project, including the now deleted assertion in The New York Times that America was not yet Americans 16 19. But this was the moment it began, which is so ridiculously stupid. Can't read the whole thing as part of our culture of inclusion, we believe employers should bring their whole selves to work and we embrace causes that align with our values, the announcement reads.
That's why we've recently updated our dress for your Your Day policy to reflect the Black Lives Matter.
Apparel is permitted at work. How many of you have seen insurance? Well, tomorrow morning, I suggest you do something about that. That's just me. No campaign, no boycott. I don't have Signa and I never will. I'll be right back.
My love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more.
And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amax US. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c U.S..
Let's go to David Woodland Park, Colorado, the great KVOA. David, how are you, sir? I'm doing good. Dr. Levine, it is incredible and wonderful to talk to you, to hear your voice. I used to be a dyed in the wool Democrat. Stupid. I believed in the oppression. I believed in the victimology. I believe all of that junk. And even when I listened to your voice in Russia's voice. I heard it through the filter of of ignorance, I heard it through the filter of just being bamboozled by the Democratic Party, by their policies, and, you know, one day a light, a switch went off and I started listening to you.
I started hearing you. I started. And it's because you're telling the truth. And the truth resonates through the fog of ignorance, through the fog of lies, through the fog of disinformation. It resonate. Dr. Levine. And we need your voice. We need that voice to continue because the liberal policies want to put up not just black people. And I'm black. They want to put us on the plantation of dependent's. They want to make this whole country a country of dependence.
And look how they're trying to turn one of us against another. You know, the people I know, David, they want to get along. They're fine. They're not fixated on race. They do their thing. We all do our thing.
But look how they're trying to devour us, divide us and devour us. It is pernicious.
And they're using emotion to do this. They're using half truths to do this and your voice, your true, Russia's truth, Hanadi truth. Dr. Levine, if you if you think you're not reaching people, you're wrong. You are very kind, sir.
And you need and the thing that we love about you is you're a fighter. I mean, you're like Iron Mike. You're like Muhammad Ali. You get in a ring and you're thrown those hooks, you're throwing those jabs, you're knocking the enemy out. Or we need you to keep to where you're really kind, David.
And you know what? You made my day and I appreciate. Will you call us again? Call us again.
I know it's tough, but. But do. All right, David. God bless you, my friend. What a nice guy. Douglas eatin' Colorado XM Satellite, quickly, my friend, go right ahead. Mark, I'm honored to talk to you today about eight or nine months ago, talking super how to campaign on the radio and the television, asking people with legal that do not legally carry their guns in their start. I think that might have had something to do with the shooting.
And then just the fact that it was Boulder, the guy probably figured there'd be less people who would be inclined to carry their guns there, since it is the source of everything bad in Colorado.
Yeah, Boulder's quite a liberal area and there are a number of things that need to be looked at, including that. And I can assure you the media will not. And including the fact that the guy travels 20 or 25 miles to come there.
And given his ancestry, why would he pick that place? And now we find out that it had kosher food and a kosher bakery.
Again, I'm not drawing any conclusions, but I'm sure that Jeremy Peters and Philip Bump are going to want to try and figure all this stuff out. You know, they're implying that racism was at work when those poor souls were murdered in Atlanta, even though the FBI director says, at least at this point, they're not. That's not correct. But when it comes to Boulder, it comes to this murder in Boulder, mass murder. They take a very different view of things.
Of course, the first people to be we just lost.
These poor souls, they're never coming back. Their families are never going to see them again. I mean, that is a horrific thought when you think about it. Douglas, thank you for your call, my friend.
We got to move quickly, Joe. Staten Island, New York, the great WIBC. I've got 30 seconds.
Go. Hey, how you doing? I'm a police officer in New York City, and God bless you, buddy. Just amazing. Thank you. I appreciate that. What I see is that, you know, yesterday's mass shooting obviously deserves the attention it gets, you know, but it's obviously part of the rhetoric. But in New York City, we had a people shop in during the summer in Brooklyn. Then just two weeks ago, we have five people shot in Chicago.
You have 15 people shot. In one incident, two people died and one AK 47 was using it.
And the media doesn't talk about it, all those mass shootings. You're exactly right. And the stats pointed out, prove your point. But, you know, they don't care about stats. They care about the narrative in the agenda. Thank you, Jane. By the way, great calls, my magnificent listeners. I salute all you heroes out there.
And how about we do this again tomorrow right here on the nation's national town hall meeting?