Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/12/21
Mark Levin Podcast- 2,447 views
- 13 Mar 2021
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson of WREC fills in for Mark. We’re 50 days into the Biden administration, and we’ve got a border crisis, skyrocketing gas prices, stagnant unemployment rates, rising opioid deaths, and back into wars in the Middle East. Our schools are still shut down but our borders are wide open, with more kids in cages than ever before. The $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill is paid for by us; the government just robbed us so we can get 9 cents for every dollar spent, and we’re supposed to say thank you. In his news conference, Joe Biden said he might give us the right to celebrate the 4th of July with our families in our backyards. It’s insane if you believe government can allow you to celebrate a holiday. If Biden wants us to get vaccines, he can’t give us conditions on what we can and can’t do afterward. Also, Andrew Cuomo is now an outsider to the Democrat insider family, just like in the Godfather movies he’s out of the circle. None of this is about the sexual assault allegations, but politics and figuring out what they’re supposed to say. This isn’t about right and wrong or cleaning things up for the left, but to take his power.
Ladies and gentlemen, the following segment of the podcast is presented exclusively by Hillsdale College now and it's one hundred and seventy fifth year. Hillsdale is a truly independent institution where learning is prized and intellectual enthusiasm is valued. Thank you for listening and my sincere appreciation to Hillsdale for their sponsorship is here.
Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Greetings, Neandertals. Nice to be with you this evening, filling in for the great one, it is Ben Ferguson and we got 50 days. Can you believe it? You survived 50 days. Pat yourself on the back. Congratulations. Where are we at 50 days into the Biden administration?
I'll give you a quick recap. We got a border crisis that he refuses to ask or answer any questions about. We have gasoline prices that are skyrocketing. That's part of his plan, by the way, to force you into getting in one of those little electric cars and putting some solar panels on your house and forcing you into companies like Solyndra. That's all designed to actually hurt you on purpose so that you'll be forced to save the world. We got unemployment rates that are pretty much stagnant.
That's not where you want to be unless you're a Democrat, because, hey, the more people that are dependent on you, the more people that vote for you. I'm telling you, Jesse Jackson knew something when he said Joe Biden or Barack Obama, I should say, was a food stamp president. It was an honor to be one.
He got it. I wish I would have realised what he was saying at that point in life, which is you get a bunch of people dependent on you for their livelihood, for their food, for their housing, for their water. The list goes on and on, paying their bills. They'll never not vote for you.
We got opioid deaths rising in this country because we've decided to legalize drugs in so many states and also because some people are depressed. Because they're sitting at home and they got nothing else to do but to start doing drugs. We also got it back into some Middle Eastern wars with Syria, because that's good for the Democrats, right? Look over there, not what we're doing in America. And then you look at the reality of where we are, just with what is important to us and what's not important to us under the Biden administration, schools and churches, they're the devil.
That's right. Schools and churches cannot be open. They must remain closed. And we're not going to open them up because we know they're all super spreaders. Meanwhile, we're not allowing for checking of the people coming across the border illegally to even see if they have covid-19 no no reason to check them. Oh, we got more kids in cages than ever before. The cages that Joe Biden and Barack Obama built, the evil cages that were Donald Trump's fault that Biden and Obama built.
We're now using them again. And we got more kids in cages now than ever before. And we also just passed the Koven relief bill, which we made sure there's a whole bunch of money that only goes to African-American farmers because the white farmers, they're evil and they deserve to go under. Malcolm, the first 50 days, the Biden administration. But don't worry, there is hope, my friends. There is hope on the horizon because we finally saw.
Joe Biden come down that long hall at the White House on that red carpet with all those flags of all those states they put up to make sure that, you know, that Joe Biden is there to help you. And you're going to get a check in the mail this weekend. Stimulus payments are beginning this weekend, and you should be excited. You know why? Because Joe Biden decided to give you nine cents out of every dollar of government waste in the name of covid.
Think about how work this is for every dollar in the one point nine trillion dollar American rescue plan, as they put it, you little Neanderthal's of America get nine cents of it. Now, how do we get the one point nine trillion dollars is the other question that everyone should be asking. How do we get the money it comes from us, the Neanderthals of America, so they just basically robbed you and then gave you 10 cents back so that you would say thank you.
That's what actually just happened. And you're supposed to be happy about this. Oh, and don't worry, illegal immigrants that have broken into this country, they're going to get just as much money as you got. So you should also be fired up about that because they're going to get fourteen hundred hours. Now, don't worry, they'll tell you. Well, a lot of this money is going for good things. For example, 14 billion for vaccine distribution.
So you should shut up and stop asking where the money is going. Fifty billion for small businesses out of one point nine trillion and one hundred and thirty billion to the scumbag school unions that have been holding our kids hostage and refusing to give them an education. I did not say quality education because. Well, let's be clear. The public schools are not giving our kids a quality education. If you're a teacher out there and you're in the union, you're mad at me for what I just said.
I beg of you.
Call me. I would love to debate you guys destroying kids lives for an entire year while there's no science or data to show that kids or schools are super spreaders, I dare you to call me today.
Please make my weekend by calling me. Because the private schools have proven that it's safe to go back to school and these scumbag unions and these scumbag lazy union teachers have said we get paid and we get to stay home, we get paid the same amount whether we show up for school or not. So let's keep doing it and then we'll keep moving the bar, changing the line of what it takes to go back to school. Every time we get close, we'll say we need something else.
So finally, because we're being held hostage by the scumbag teachers unions of America, we decided to give one hundred and thirty billion dollars to teachers to actually do their damn job. Congratulations, America. You just got owned by a bunch of selfish Neandertal teachers. I love using that word. It's my favorite word that Joe Biden's use so far in the first 50 days in the White House. But I forgot to tell you the good news. I forgot.
I'm sorry. There is good news, folks. You need to get the vaccine and if you do get the vaccine, well, I don't want to put words in the exciting mouth of Joe Biden. I want you to hear it from the president. United States of America. If you just get the vaccine, he's got some exciting to tell you.
We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe and encourage more people to get vaccinated.
Hold on a second. Joe Biden just told me that after I get vaccinated, he will tell me what I can and cannot do when I am fully vaccinated. You heard Joe Biden, right? We've moved the goalposts again, everybody, we've now decided that you still don't get your rights back even after you get vaccinated. I tell you what, that's one way to sell this vaccine to people that are skeptical about getting it. Think about the mentality of the people on the fence to get the vaccine and what Joe Biden just did by saying those words.
If you were on the fence about getting the vaccine, for whatever reason you have, are you going to get it now? Probably not, because the president of the United States of America just told you that even if you do get the vaccine, I'm not telling you you can actually go back to normal. In fact, as a dictator, as a tyrant would do in Russia or Venezuela or Cuba, I'm going to tell you what you and I'm quoting him quote, what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated.
Great job, Joe Biden, you just screwed up the vaccine program in two seconds because there's a lot of people that we're thinking, I'm not sure I want to get it. Maybe I'll wait. Maybe I'll take my time and see what other people. And what happens to them when they get it? Well, now you just gave them a reason to run away from the vaccines because you just said that I'm going to tell you what you can and cannot do when you're fully vaccinated.
You want to know what it looks like when America loses freedom, its want a dictator of a country like now the United States of America walks down the red carpet to the podium. Then as president, I'd say it's America in front of it and then tells you that you better get vaccinated. And when you do, I will then tell you what you can and cannot do. We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated.
What does he think?
I am five years old. The last time someone talked to me this way, it was apparent when they told me what I couldn't could not do after I cleaned up my room. I'll tell you what you can and cannot do or can and cannot watch or can and cannot say when you're five years old. Oh, it gets better. We now also are holding Fourth of July hostage for all Americans. That's right. We've got a payoff for you. Don't worry.
There's good news still coming in this press conference. Joe Biden wants you to understand that if you do a get your vaccine and get fully vaccinated. And after I give you your guidance of what you can and cannot do, I am going to give you some dessert. Maybe I'm going to dangle a carrot in front of you, you, Neanderthal's, of this country, and I'm going to tell you some good news I need you to buy into this.
First, though, I need you to understand that I need you, America. I need you to do what I'm telling you to do now and then. Maybe, just maybe, if you do do what I tell you to do, I'm going to give you a possible party on the Fourth of July. Let's talk about science for just two seconds before I play this for you. How did you come up with the data, the Fourth of July, to let us party?
Joe, was that you and Foushee sitting around a baseball game with or without your masks on or your three masks on, your seven masks on or your two weeks of fighting to curb the curve? I'm just I'm just curious here. I really want to know if we arbitrarily just got a date. Which is what you just gave us, a date where we could get a payoff on listening to the dictator of America, Joe Biden, and his team.
Then my question is for you, Joe, what science backs up the date of July 4th to let me have some of my freedoms back that you give me on a condition of only if I do what you tell me to do? I'm going to play that for you coming up in just a moment on the Mark Levin Show, I'll get your phone calls as well, one 800 our excuse me, one 877 three eight one thirty eight 11 one eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight 11.
You can also send me a message as I've been kicked off of Facebook misprinted. As you know, this is you know, they kicked me off. They did. Yeah. I spoke at CPAC for you guys. I was hanging out down there with a bunch of my my colleagues. I spoke at CPAC, the conservative convention. Right. About big tech censorship. Within 12 hours of being done with my speech are one point two million follower page disappeared.
Still can't do it. So you can follow me on telegram or that's how you can send me a message. Now, telegram or Twitter, it's Ben Ferguson Show and Telegram so you can grab us there. We're just we're just trying to stay alive. Folks are just treading water over here with big tech. That's all we're trying to do. Just treading water can also grab our podcast wherever you get your podcast. Here's more, though, of Joe Biden.
This is amazing of him telling you that he might let you have your Fourth of July. This is the United States of America, folks. And we've got a guy in charge who's telling us that only if we do what we tell them we're going to do that he might give you your 4th of July back to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe and encourage more people to get vaccinated.
And finally, fifth, and maybe most importantly, I promise I will do everything in my power. I will not relent until we beat this virus, but I need you. The American people, I need you, I need every American to do their part. That's not hyperbole. I need you. I need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity. And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well, because here's the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, we do this together.
By July the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day.
That doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together after this long, hard year.
Let me just be totally honest with you. President Joe Biden. I'm barbecuing in my own backyard right now. I'm not asking you for permission. I don't know what world that you rhinos that that have tried to get along with Biden in these in these scumbags are living in I don't know what world you idiots are living in that voted for this guy, but my backyard is none of your business. My backyard, if you tell me again and again, I'm one of the Neanderthals.
Right. I'm coming from the south right now. If you think my governor's going to shut down my Fourth of July backyard with my family and you think you can tell me how many burgers I can cook?
Or how many shoulders I can cook, how many ribs racks of ribs I can cook? How many sausage links I can cook, you've lost your ever loving mind. I'm not asking permission, Joe, from you. Or anybody else to barbecue in my backyard, on my property that I own. And the idea that you're sitting there telling me, oh, well, you know, if you just do what I tell you, I might let you have a barbecue.
I might let you get with your family, of course, in a small group. No, that's not how it works in this country.
Joe, get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day.
That doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean it doesn't mean I mean, again, what does any of this based on science? None of it is, folks.
We'll have more about the best science coming from this administration. Ben Ferguson filling in for the great with Mark, then we'll be right back.
Much love in. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide to its free online courses, its support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844.
Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence. It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come what may learn more at Lavant for Hillsdale Dotcom. Leaving for Hillsdale Dotcom.
Livin for Hillsdale Dotcom. All right, welcome back. It is the Markovitch show, Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. It's always an honor to fill in for the green one. And I want to remind you that we're talking about. So I got kicked off Facebook, right? I was telling that a moment ago. And and then this is when, you know, you're kind of a big deal, Mr. Producer.
When you just you just say I'm out. He's off Twitter, right? He's like, what's this? I'm on Facebook. Watch this. You can't, however, find Mark on parler and Rumball. You can do that. And this producers mocking me during the break. Like Ben. Are you on Rumbold? I'm like I just started. He's like he's laughing at me because I literally we have we just started it. We have ten people that are following our page and he's he's mocking me.
He's literally laughing at me about it. Anyway, if you're on Rumball, make sure you follow us there as well. You can put in Ben Ferguson podcast. You can follow our page there on Rumball as well. All right. I want to get back to this big issue, and that is you are now being told that you might be able to have your Fourth of July party if you get your neighbors and your friends back and if you do what we tell you to do.
But you got to do what we tell you to do. You have to do what we tell you to do and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well, because here's the point. If we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together by July the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day.
That doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean that we'll give you a little crumb of your freedoms back. Just a little taste. Do everything we tell you to do, get fully vaccinated. Then we'll tell you what you can and can't do. And then maybe, just maybe, we might give you a little crumb of your freedom back on July 4th for a small gathering. But we'll tell you if you can't or can't do it.
Ben Ferguson filling in for the Great White. Hillsdale College serves for purposes learning character, faith and freedom, education and faith thrive in freedom and freedom requires an educated people of good character to preserve it. Hillsdale College has been providing the education needed to preserve free government for over 175 years. It continues these efforts today not only its 1500 undergraduate and graduate students, but nationwide towards free online courses in support of classical K through 12 charter schools and its other outreach efforts on behalf of Liberty Hillsdale Articles of Association dating way back to 1844.
Commit the college to preserving civil and religious liberty through the provision of sound learning. This learning includes the Constitution and the laws of nature and nature's God, as described in the Declaration of Independence. It includes America's great heritage of liberty that too often today is falsely derided or denied. Hillsdale motto Pursuing truth and defending liberty. Since 1844, it will continue to fight to live up to that motto. Come What may learn more at Lavant for Hillsdale. Dotcom Oblivion.
For Hillsdale Dotcom. Lhevinne for Hillsdale Dotcom. You're listening to Denali, the great one, the great one, and you can call it now, eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one, I still laugh.
I'm still laughing at this Joe Biden press conference last night where he actually believes that he's going to give me my right to cook in my backyard with my family on the Fourth of July. I mean, it's just it is truly amazing. There's certain points where and I'm a pretty level headed dude. All right. There are certain points where I even I'm like, OK, here's the good ole American, one finger salute. This is that moment for me.
You're insane if you actually believe that, you can tell me what I can and can't do in my backyard with my family on the Fourth of July, like I'll go to I'll go three rounds with you on that one right now. Every man has a breaking point that is mine. Like, no, come knock on my door. This is America. This is not the city of chopper, Chad. This is not I don't live in a city like Portland where it's total anarchy and chaos last night, right.
Where riots erupt as the mayor reconsiders funding the police. Like, I don't live in a stupid city like that and I am calling Portland stupid. Anybody that's willing to pay taxes in Portland, you're an idiot. I live in the south, I'm a Neanderthal, I'm in one of the original Neanderthal states. God bless it. What would you tell me that if I get the vaccine that you're mandating, I get you, that you will then give me a list of things that I can and cannot do?
I don't live in Russia, bro, to quote you. Come on, man. I don't live in Venezuela, to quote you. Come on, man. I may live in a country now where I can get kicked off of Facebook because I'm too articulate about the viewpoints as a conservative, which is what has happened to me, I may live in a country where there are big tech tyrants. And by the way, we're going to figure out how to screw with them state by state.
And I called it on this show months ago when I was when I got to fill in for the Great, when I said, you watch, this is going to turn into a states rights issue. We're going to lose this battle in D.C., but we're going to win it state by state. And you look at these amazing governors like the Santurce, you look at Governor Abbott and other governors, they are going to start taking to big tech and it may take a little bit of time, but we're going to win.
You look at the world we live in right now. I want you to really think about this. During the break, I was talking to this producer and he was like, dude, you made money when you're on Facebook. Yeah. It was like one of the top ways I made a living for my my family. And they know that when they take it away from you, but it's not just about taking away your going to make a living, they want it.
They want you to take away your life's work. I worked at 10, 11 years to build a following. And they just make it disappear because you make one speech at a conservative conference, CPAC, and they say, watch this. And if they think that I'm going to bow down to them now, we're going to figure it out. Look at Mark, look at what he's done, he's on Rumbo and he's on parler, we're going to figure this out.
You know, I'm telling this producer to bring him like, dude, you got to get on telegram's. Like, what is it? I might just try it. You'll like it. We got kicked off Facebook, we will find people will continue to fight. We'll fight against people like Biden who tell me that they think the fact that they even think they can tell me what I can and cannot do on the 4th of July, if I do what they tell me to do on the front end, they'll give me a little bit of my friends back.
Nope. I'll cook as many burgers as I want to for a minute of my friends. I want to you don't get to tell me what to do on the 4th of July. Joe, come on, man, it's your turn.
And when you can find an opportunity. And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well, because here's the point. If we do all this, if we do our part, we do this together. By July the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together after this long, hard year that will make this Independence Day something truly special.
Where we not only mark our independence as a nation, but we begin to mark our independence from this virus. But to get there, we can't let our guard down. This fight is far from water from over, as I told the woman in Pennsylvania. I'll tell you the truth, on July 4th with your loved ones is the goal. What a goals, a lot can happen. Conditions can change, the scientists have made clear that things may get worse again as new variants of the virus spread.
We've got work to do to ensure that everyone has confidence in the safety and effectiveness of all three vaccines. So our message was this listen to Dr. Foushee, one most distinguished and trusted voices in the world. He's assured us the vaccines are safe. They underwent rigorous scientific review. I know they're safe. Vice President Harris Harris and I know they're safe, that's why we got the vaccine publicly in front of cameras, some for the world to see so you could see us do it.
So you could see us do it, folks. You could see us do it, so we're going to tell you it's safe. How many Americans are not going to get the vaccine now because of what Joe Biden just said? How many? You want everybody to get vaccines and don't give us conditions on what we can and cannot do once fully vaccinated. His words, not mine.
And also, don't lie to me. No one can say right now without a shadow of a doubt that these vaccines are totally and completely safe. No one can there's not a doctor in America that can look you in the eye and tell you this vaccine is 100 percent safe. We don't know long term what the effects could be with that being said. OK, with that being said. There's risk with everything, there's risks on Advil, there's risks on Tylenol, there's even risks on taking antacids.
Right. There's less there's risks when you take Benadryl. That's on every label, there's a risk, but don't tell me they're totally safe and lie to me and tell me that I have to take your vaccine that you're telling me I have to take to get my 4th of July back. And then even after I get it, you may or may not. Let me have my friends over and you're going to tell me what I can and I cannot do.
At least be honest with me, for goodness sakes, just just fake it. Don't tell me this is 100 percent safe, because not even those making the vaccine are saying that there could be something that comes up down the road.
Let's all hope not. We have no data for what happens a year or two years or three years or four years or five years after you take the vaccine. It's a risk reward issue people have asked me, but you can take the vaccine, the answer, yes. Why? Because the risk reward for me makes sense as a guy who has asthma. You have to decide for you that risk reward. I've almost lost a family member to covid-19 it is real.
It's not a joke. As the doctor put it on a few hours away from death, luckily they came through hours, not days, hours. You've got to decide what's best for you, but don't don't lie to me and tell me and insult my intelligence and tell me that you guys have got it all figured out. You don't don't tell me to trust Foushee either. This is the same guy that told me that I just wear mine where this man and I'm telling you, you got to wear it.
Just wear it for a couple, just two weeks and we'll flatten the curve, folks. I just need you for two weeks to do what I'm telling you to do. That's all just two weeks. To help me flatten the curve and then we'll get back to normal just two weeks, folks. How'd that work out? Then it was we just shut down your business for two weeks, it'll be fine. OK, now we need to shut down your business for six weeks, OK?
Now we need to shut down your business for eight weeks now and you shut down your business for six months now. We need you to go under, but it's for the good of the community. I know you're going to lose everything, but don't worry, we're going to send you fourteen hundred dollars and the same amount we're sending to illegal immigrants. Don't worry, it'll be fine. I promise. And then I might let you have I might, if you're really good, hang out in your backyard with your family on the Fourth of July.
That's your selling point. One eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight 11 one eight seven seven three eight one thirty and 11 where when we go first, let me go to. How about lying to Steve in Michigan? Welcome. You are on the Mark Levin Show. Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one.
Hey, Ben, thanks for taking my call this late this evening, I appreciate it. Absolutely great. I really appreciate you, OK? I really appreciate you bringing up the copy that you've been talking about for the last 20 minutes or so. Because of all my family and friends I've talked to today. Nobody picked up those comments during Joe's speech yesterday. And I just want to say that to show how out of touch he is with the different states and in fact, the entire United States.
I don't think that there is any story now. They will not let you gather in small amounts of people, Salvador's or endorse in to say that we have to wait until the Fourth of July now before we'll be allowed to let that happen is just an insult to our integrity. It's a I'm a I'm a literally when I say a barbecue guy, a barbecue guy, I literally own a barbecue restaurant called Ferguson's Barbecue I barbecue Fourth of July. That's what I do.
I'm going to do it no matter what the president says. Even if it was Donald Trump, if Donald Trump tried to tell me that I might or might not be able to, depending on what I do, have a barbecue in my backyard, I'd be telling Donald Trump the same thing I'm saying right now to Joe Biden. You don't get to take away my freedom on the 4th of July and you don't get to give me a crumb of freedom if I do everything you tell me to do, which is I have to get a vaccine, then you might let me hang out with my family and you might let me celebrate my little bit of freedom that we have left in this country, because you guys have taken it all from us and we all laid down for far too long.
Look at what you're looking at your governor has done to you guys in Michigan. For goodness sakes, you're going to have a fifty percent failure rate, at least with restaurants. More than likely. Yes. And you know, Ben, I don't think it's ever too soon to declare independence. Everybody should set up the barbecue this weekend. Get your friends and family over there, cook out, enjoy yourself and be free.
I'm serious. I dare somebody to knock on my door. Tell me I got and start counting the burgers on my girl. I dare you. You want to you want to talk about people saying enough. You want to talk about. Look at what's happened. And I'm not talking I want to make this very clear. I'm not talking about violence, OK? I want to make that abundantly clear. I don't believe in violence, OK? Because there's going to be some people that will take me, some nutjob liberal out there listening rights for some crazy, you know, articles or some nutjob organization on the left or right, Ben Ferguson, that calls for violence.
I want to make it clear what I'm calling for. I'm calling for you. Come after me in this way. I'll come after your career in a recall like like the good people of California are doing. They finally had enough and they've recalled Newsom. You look at what's happening and they're talking about recalls, possibly even in Michigan and criminal charges against your governor. You look at what's happening in New York where people are starting to fight back against Cuomo.
Don't don't misunderstand what's happening right now in New York. By the way, what's happening in New York right now is not about the Metoo movement. It's not about feminism. It's not about sexual harassment. It's about Democrats seeing an opportunity to get rid of this guy and they're wanting to push him out so he can grab more power. Don't don't act for a moment like they're setting up for women here. They're not. And if they were, they would have been calling for him to resign weeks ago, not just today, when it's already clear that he's he's done with.
Right. Cuomo is going to be done in New York. And all of a sudden last minute, you start seeing AOC today coming out of Nancy Pelosi and others saying, well, he's got to resign, you know what I mean? You guys were the, quote, WOAK movement. You were the metoo movement. Why did you wait so long? Why did it take seven women or eight women or nine women to finally get you to take a stand?
It's because they were doing it based on politics, not based on what's right and wrong.
It was he was popular, you don't say anything. Oh, well, now we think he's unpopular in the last week. So now we'll say something. Oh, there's I mean, there's blood in the water. Oh, now we'll now we'll really say something. Is it safe enough to say something? Is he going to survive? No, he's not going to survive. OK, so you're sure Cuomo is going to go under? Yes. All right.
Well, now I'll come out and say something against him. These guys don't care about women in New York. They don't care about any of these women that are saying the things are saying the same way. They didn't care about using women to make up lies against Brett Kavanaugh. People, though, are finally in this country, even in liberal states like you are in Michigan, even in California, saying you step too far, bro. To quote Biden, come on, man, Gavin will lose re-election unless they screw it up royally.
And the reason why is because people even in California said enough. Steve, I appreciate the phone call. God bless you, sir. Thank you. One eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight 11. Let me go to Eric on line three in New Jersey. Actually, Eric, hold on for me. I got to take a break, OK? We're going to come back. I promise we'll get your phone calls. Don't forget to follow me on telegram.
I'm up there and on Ramble. Follow Mark on Parler and Rumball as well. We're on parler as well. So follow us there and then maybe Mass-producing stop making fun of my so few followers on Rumball. I'm new to this one. I just got I just got banned from Facebook. You need to cut me a break. One eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight eleven. We'll be right back.
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All right, welcome back. It is the Markovitch show, Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. I want to get straight to your phone calls of yours. Join us. Joe Biden telling you you might get to have keyword might 4th of July if you get vaccinated and once you are fully vaccinated, because we live in a ridiculously apparently apparently with like a socialist communist country. Now, depending on how you look at it after you get fully vaccinated, he will then tell you what you can and cannot do.
Yeah, there's a list now of and you'll get that guidance, don't worry, you'll get the guidance, it'll be fine. You'll be you'll be fired up.
We'll tell you what you can and can't do. We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated.
Yeah, there you go. That's the United States of America. We're talking about folks get excited. Let me go to Eric in New Jersey. You are on the Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson filling in. Hi. Hello, Miss Ferguson. How are you, sir? Thank you for filling in for the great one, dear.
It's always nice to be fine. How are you? I'm good, man. Just sitting here, you know, figuring out how many burgers and racks of ribs I'm going to do on Fourth of July.
I think that's great. I really like what you said about taking action and, you know, no one can come on your property and tell you what to do. I think, you know, more of us need to adopt that mindset as Americans that it really is. It's up to us. I also heard what you said about the teachers unions and holding the kids hostage. I really think, like you said, they're abdicating their responsibilities. I'll tell you what my wife and I did after Robert.
Do me a favor. I want to put you on hold, Eric, I should say put Erik on hold. We're going to come back to you because I want to talk about these teachers unions have been getting a lot of beef from you guys on telegram saying that, how dare you attack teachers? I didn't attack teachers. The teachers went to war with education, this country taking away from kids and all of a sudden the kids every time.
From the Westwood One podcast network. He's here he's here now broadcasting from the underground command post here, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark. Well, we got a quote that you're going to love. As Cuomo digs in in New York, welcome to. Ben Ferguson is filling in for the great one, Mark Levin. Hi, Cuomo is now saying he's not a part of the political insiders club and he's not backing down because of that.
Yeah, he's an outsider. Now, if there's any family that is the insider family, it is Cuomo like any if they're I'm sorry. They are the definition of the swamp and they're not even they're worse than the swamp in D.C. They're the swamp of New York. It's like The Godfather movies. And now the whole house around them is coming down, which is hilarious because of the hypocrisy of the left, that there was the media movement disappeared. Right, Pelosi and Schumer and AOC and the vice president, none of them said Jack for weeks until finally they did.
Hey, what does the Politico poll say about this right now? What is what is the political force say, what were the weather, the winds telling us about where we are? Oh, wait, people don't like him now? Oh, they want us to get rid of him. OK, now we'll jump on the bandwagon. Now, now we'll do it. OK, I didn't realize where we were, but now I get where we are.
OK, so we'll do it now. Now it makes sense for us to do it. So now, Cuomo, they're going to get rid of him. Yeah, he refuses to resign amid pressure from New York Democrats and the Democrats that are coming after him right now, be very clear. This is nothing but political opportunists.
They were not saying this even 24 hours ago, and the reason why is because it wasn't about any of the accusations. It's all about the politics to them, every bit of this is about the politics, folks. Madam Vice President, do you have any comments on Governor Cuomo? What did she do? They ran off stage White House press secretary. We're not commenting. Like, we're not going to we're not going to make comments about this again, it's all it's all politics.
We got to figure out what we're supposed to say and then we'll say it. We just don't know what it is yet that we're going to say, so we got to wait a little bit until we figure out what it is we're going to say and then we'll tell you what we think. But we need more data first. Rewind to Brett Kavanaugh. They burn him at the stake. This guy organizes rape parties in seventh grade. Got any witnesses?
Nope, got me. I got the information to back it up. Nope. Got anything that tells you any of this is accurate? Nope. Does it matter? Nope. We're going to accuse him and we're going to derail him and we're going to ruin his family, his life. And we'll do it with anybody else that gets in our way, because that's how the mob and the media and the media and these liberal politicians work together.
They don't care this whole fake movement, and it's proof now that's fake because of the lack of action from the left on, Cuomo tells you this was all about politics. This wasn't about cleaning anything up, this wasn't about right and wrong. This is just about politics. And it took a hemorrhaging. Body in the political water. I mean, pouring out blood. For for any of these Democrats to have the guts to say, OK, maybe now we shouldn't be backing the Cuomo cartel.
Maybe, maybe now is the time that we say, all right, we're going to move on. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I'm going to laugh about this one because it just shows you that this is not about, you know, any of the crap they said it was about. And the only reason one of these Democrats are turning on them now is because they want this power and they want his jobs. That's it. It is that simple, it is that transparent, it is that obvious.
And while all of this is going on, we've got a president, United States of America, that's acting like a complete and total dictator 50 days into his administration, he's telling us, I'm going to address the nation. He won't answer any questions. Nope. You're going to have a press conference? No. Can you imagine what they would have done? If Donald Trump would have not had a AA answered questions in the media for 50 plus days, the longest and, what, 100 years?
Can you imagine what would have happened? They would have gone insane. They would have lost their ever loving minds, they would have totally and completely freaked out. But I guess it's fine now. Because our guys in charge. Not a single reporter by the day asked the White House press secretary about the terrorists attacking the federal courthouse last night in Portland, waiting for somebody to call it an insurrection, waiting for somebody to indict all Democrats who do not denounces.
I'm waiting for someone to say they were trying to kill me. Where is the AOC stories? Right. I thought I was going to die. You have a total attack on a federal building, a federal courthouse being torched in Portland. You've got new countries, autonomous zones like the city of Chopan Jazz popping up in Minneapolis. Not a single reporter had one question to ask the White House press corps today about these terrorists, all left wingers attacking a federal courthouse, no one comparing it to what happened in the insurrection.
I mean, if what happened on the camp on the 6th is insurrection, then what happened last night has to be an insurrection as well. In Portland, you'd think somebody would have had the guts to ask, hey, tell us about the insurrection. Right. Tell us about what is it, what does the president have to say about the insurrection happening in Portland, the federal buildings that taxpayers are paying for being torched? Anybody want to answer that question?
Anyone, anyone? Anybody? But don't worry, folks, at least you might get to have. The Fourth of July, because, quote, If we if we and they actually tweeted this out. President Biden's official opponent's account tweeted this out last night during his address to the nation, quote, If we all do our part, then by July 4th, there's a good chance folks will be able to gather with family and close friends to celebrate Independence Day.
So the government's going to give me permission to celebrate Independence Day if your behavior is acceptable. I think Joe Biden forgot what it means to be an American. Because the government doesn't give me permission to celebrate Independence Day, we have Independence Day because of governments that acted this way. And because there's all these liberal nutjob, you know. Fact checkers out there listening to the show right now. Who will write these little hit piece articles on conservatives? Let me clarify for those morons listening.
I'm not calling for violence. I am calling. For Americans to stand up and to actually start getting the signatures to recall these elected officials that are overstepping their boundaries, just like they're doing in California, they should be doing it in Michigan, they should be doing it in New York. They should be doing it in New Jersey. I'm not I'm not advocating for violence, don't understand what I am saying here, I want to be very, very, very, very, very clear about that.
But it's time to start. It's time for us to stop just sitting there and take it. And it's time for us to say, OK, watch this. Haoma, Diet Coke. And I'm going to come after your seat in politics. That's what I am going to do. One 877. Three eight one 38 11. I want to get back to some of your phone calls, Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one, Mark Levin. Let me go to Gil in Los Angeles.
You're on the Mark Levin Show. Hi. Hey, Ben, thanks for taking my call. Great show. You know, I was posted on Facebook the other day saying teachers will not going through the same 40 students every single day in a controlled environment. But our border patrols have to go in front of 4000 illegal immigrants every single day. And this is coming from a Columbian I'm very proud of. You know, I feel my heart breaks for these people coming to the border.
If I was them, I'd probably come to you because it's free give away time in America. And, you know, but but the fact that the hypocrisy and the other thing I want to say about his speech the other day, let's let's deal with it.
Let's show the teacher part real quick, because I think what you're bringing up is a very important point. OK, so with these teachers and I'm going to I'm going to just state the facts here and and I'm over my my two thousand and 21 New Year's resolution was to not take, you know, what from anyone. So the teachers unions come after me, teachers come after me, prove me wrong based on the facts. And I'm going to say what I want to say right now.
And I think it's important that you that every teacher hear what I'm saying. Teachers and the unions claim they care about the kids, if they do, then go get your butts back in the classroom. They say, well, we can't do it safely. That's a lie. We know that you can do it safely. And the proof of it is all the private sector teachers who have not gotten hazard pay and how many people have died in the private schools.
It's not happening. In fact, let's deal with it. Let's deal with science. OK, you've had in this country as many people, children die from covid is normally die in the same period of time from the flu every year. And we've never canceled school for the flu. Never we don't do that in this country, we don't we don't do a whole year of sitting at home. Second of all, we already know that public schools suck when it comes to quality of education compared to the private schools.
So now there are going to be books and studies that are going to show that I'm right one day, that this is going to do set kids back decades in earning potential because of one year where the public schools screwed these kids out of an education because the private school kids kept going.
The public school kids who were already behind fell even more behind. And so now they're going to lose out on, you guessed it, scholarships. They're also going to lose out on these ability, these these opportunities, these chances to get scholarships for athletics because the games weren't played. Look at some of these kids this last week and they're heroes. I did. I talked about this. And if you guys are podcasters, go back and grab my podcast.
I did a whole podcast this week on these these kids who had more guts and more companies than their parents. And they figured it out in a school district. And I think it was I want to say it was Michigan. I may be wrong. I apologize. It was it was one of those, you know, non Neandertal states where the kids figured it out, their false sports had been cancelled. They desperately wanted to play their false sports.
In the spring, the schools said no. And so what the kids did, they said, OK, we're just going to show up for class for a few days online. And they figured out that if they were absent and all of them were absent, they lose all their money. Right. Their funding comes by attendance. Right. Attendance records. And what happened? The school district immediately folded within about three days of this walkout by the students.
And those three days when they did this walkout with the students, they said, OK, all the all the sports are going to come back this spring. Now, it's amazing that these kids figured out how to beat this. Teachers unions and the and the adults still hadn't figured it out yet. But this is all about the money. It's not about safety. It's not about super spreader school events, because that doesn't exist. It's not about people dying.
We've got and all these teachers in these teachers unions out there, you're not special. And I do think you need to hear that, OK, if you feel like you're special as a teacher, it's time for you to quit. You're not entitled to special treatment as a teacher. And you guys get it all the time. You get summers off, you get to go home early and then immediately throw back in your face. Well, you don't understand what I do.
You don't understand how many hours I work at home. You don't understand how many how many boxes of crayons. I buy it with my own money and how much paper I buy out of my own money. And you don't understand one of the pens and pencils that I have to buy an eraser erasers out of my own money. That's when you know you're entitled. You've gone to the bad place. If you don't like what you're doing in the career you chose as a grown adult, stop teaching.
Stop it, because in the private sector, if we act the way you guys do, we get fired. If we act the way you guys act in the private sector, we don't have a job and the proof of it is the private sector and the teachers, all of these private schools that have these kids go back to school. Why do they go back to school? Because they knew that if they didn't show up, they weren't going to get a paycheck.
I'll have more on this, Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one, Mark Levin, if you want to yell at me, you can follow me on Telegram right now. Also, you can follow Mark on Rumbo in Parliament. Parlor's will follow me there. Ben Ferguson filling in for the great. We'll be right back.
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Hi, welcome back. It has been Ferguson filling in for the great one, Mark Levin. Let me just get back to what I was thinking about teachers a moment ago and all these teachers that are refusing to go back to work.
It's not based on science. It's holding Americans hostage. It's one in hundreds of billions of dollars in this covid relief bill, which is exactly what they got. Right. I mean, that's what it is, and they knew they could go back and safely educate your kids, they knew that it wasn't super spreader and they knew that the data shows as I mean, the data is very clear now. We have about as many kids have died from covid-19, 18 under that have died and a normal year from the flu the same time period.
This is not a super spreader in our schools. There's no reason why we can't go back to school. The only reason why the public schools are not back in at total learning inside the classroom is because these teachers and these unions that represent them have always pushed for my lifetime. And I stand by that comment themselves ahead of the kids. And they also think they're special. They think they're different. They think they're better than this. They think they're owed something because they teach, you know, and you can hear it.
It's exhausting. These disgruntled, angry public school teachers, not all of them, but there's a lot of them and certainly those in the leadership of certainly those in the leadership.
Of the unions, they truly believe that we owe them something. They believe that we owe them. Something extra. You chose your career, if you don't like it, leave, please leave. Where do you how do you think we got to the point now where we have a president that says and again, there was there's a friend of mine that wrote this over at the Blaze that says, anyone else see the gross irony of the American government telling us if we act right, they might allow us freedom on our own Independence Day?
Couldn't agree with that one more. Same thing with these teachers, these teams are like, no, no, you owe me something, I'm different. I'm special. You need to give me what I tell you, you got to give me more money, I need hazard pay. I need this. I need that. I need this Plexiglas. I need this hand sanitizer. I need this over here. I need HEPA filters. I need new ventilation systems.
How dare you?
Treat us this way, you don't see anybody making those demands that go to work to get, by the way, to put the food on the shelves for you to buy, do you? The fast food restaurants you go to, the restaurants you go to the stores, you go to the Amazon, drivers are dropping your crap off at your house right now. You see them saying they're not going to go to work because of HEPA filters. I'm tired of these public school teachers.
Ben Ferguson. The liberals and the Republicans don't like him, but America does. You can call My Love ended eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
All right, welcome back. It is The Markovits Show, Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. It is nice to have you with us. And Governor Cuomo is now blaming cancer culture for the sexual harassment scandal. OK, I need to explain to him what cancer culture actually means because clearly he's too stupid to figure this out.
Cancer culture is when you have a set of values or beliefs and society decides that you should be silence for those beliefs. If I say that I believe that a dude is a dude and chicks a chick, and I believe that women should go into a women's bathroom and should go in a men's bathroom. And I refuse to give in to the indoctrination of the insanity that transgendered is normal, and then I lose my job because of it, or my Facebook page gets taken down because I say that that's Kinsel culture.
This moron didn't even know what Kinsel culture actually is. Winces When you are are forced to agree with certain things or people scream at you that you're racist or bigot or homophobe or whatever, it is, all because they can't have an actual debate with you. That is cancel culture. What you're dealing with is not Kinsel culture, bro. Not even close. So as someone who's been cancelled by Facebook. Please spare me. This this oh, it's cancer culture, no, it's not, you're an idiot.
You're a scumbag, and clearly people have decided they've had enough of you. That's what Kinsel is. So there you go, I fixed it for you. You're welcome. Governor Cuomo, one eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight eleven is the number. Some teachers are angry at me. I read some of your messages coming in to me on. You can send me a message on parler, follow some parler. Ben Ferguson podcast, also on Telegram, Ben Ferguson podcast.
What he just wrote in to teachers has been I have turned you off tonight. You are a disgusting human being. You don't understand how hard it is to be a teacher. We are doing the best that we can. That's a lie. The private school teachers are actually doing the best they can. You guys are not. You're refusing to go back to work until you get money, you're holding American children and their futures hostage until you get more money.
To get more stuff. Because you know that your paycheck is going to come whether you show up or not. So you guys have all decided not to show off. You're not show up. You're not doing the best you can. I'm not indicting all teachers, I've been in the unions and those that are fighting to not go back to school, there is no science to support your stupidity, your democracy. There's no no science. To quote Dr. Fouchier, Joe Biden that says that you guys are unsafe going back to school.
And this is all about arrogance and public school teachers, for far too long we have tried to they they have used this disgruntled. You don't know what it's like, you know, verbiage, rhetoric. You don't know how hard it is. You don't know how many hours we put it at home. You don't know what you know. You say we get off in the summers. You don't understand. I work 80 hour weeks during the school year where you're eight right now.
You don't understand how hard it is and then get another job, if it's hard to get another job, if you can't hack it, get another job, if you're disgruntled, get another job. If you don't want to go teach kids while everybody else goes to work, get another job. You guys are not special. You have no look at the Los Angeles. Teachers Union Misrati, you saw this this week, right, where the teachers union got busted, send out a message on their message board.
Hey, guys, while you're on spring break next week, make sure especially if you're traveling and out of the country, don't post it on social media because they'll use it against us to go back to school. That's the Los Angeles Teachers Union. They don't give a crap about your kids. The last year's proof of that, they're already giving your kids about education. And there will be studies and they will show that I'm right, you know, for all the liberals out there that talk about the haves and the have nots and the rich versus the poor and all the other stuff, they say over and over and over and over again.
Right. You guys have failed these kids more than anybody. The private school kids are going to kick the crap out of the public school kids for years to come because remember, it's not just one grade. They got screwed this year. It's every grade. They got screwed this year. I think it's pretty fair to say that by the time you get to high school, a private school kid in a high school is probably at least a grade ahead of the public school kids nationwide.
It's now to. That's going to continue from kindergarten to first, the second or third, and I don't see the public schools somehow fixing the way that they do things right. It's like they're going to reinvent education. Can we can we all agree on that? They're not going to reinvent education. They're just they're just not. So there's no indication that they're going to figure out a way to get kids back up to where they need to be. Zero indication that that's going to happen.
Zero. And why do you think that is? Because it's not about the kids. If it was about the kids, they would already be back in the classroom. It's not about the kids. It never has been. One eight seven seven three eight one three eight 11 one eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight 11. Let me go to to Leo in Colorado Springs, Colorado. You are on the Mark Levin Show. Ben Ferguson filling in I.
Ben Ferguson, thank you, sir. First off, I want to give you a shout out, because you are doing a phenomenal job tonight and I thank you for addressing these issues. I moved out here with my grandkids over Thanksgiving. My one of the things I want to want to share with the listening audience, I want to share. I'm a veteran, retired, still serving 45 years later. Thank you, veterans, for what you do, what you've done to serve our country.
I know you're pissed. We're all pissed. We need to remain pissed. I want to address this to the teachers and the Congress and Senate. You're on notice, OK? If you're a teacher and you don't want to go and teach, I want to see your resignation come Monday morning. And I want to see you in the military reception station signing up for a branch of the military. You want to talk about sacrifice? I don't want to hear it.
OK, if you don't want to go to school and teach our kids, I've got a special needs child that's been out of school for a year, he can't he learned.
And like the rest of well, look, I'm not I was one of the kids that was probably 80 before they they figured out 80 and they didn't give us extra time to take tests. They didn't put me on Ritalin or Adderall or drug us up, OK? They just told us to shut up and sit down and it worked. And and I can tell you as being one of those kids, if you think that any child can a good education in front of a computer right now, you're stupid.
You're a special kind of stupid. That's exactly right. There's not a single kid in America that's going to get education in front of a computer screen. It's just not it's impossible. It's not going to happen. Your stupid. And these public school teachers know it, and there's a reason why these private school teachers. Have decided to go back to school because, A, they knew they had to keep their job, and B, if they didn't show up, they weren't going to keep their job right.
Like there was two things real quick that were about to happen. You don't show up, will replace you. You don't show up. You're not like we're done with you. It was very simple. There was not a lot there was none of our negotiating going on. You get you get what I'm saying. It was and it was safe. And we have the data to show that it's safe. It is safe. Absolutely, absolutely. And the word to the teachers is, if you're out in public, if you're at a restaurant, if you're in the grocery store, you're wrong, because if you can go out there with what you said to your point earlier about people in public service, like at the grocery store who are being exposed to.
Hundreds of people every day that they don't know, but yet a teacher can't sit down with the same students every day, really? We have a problem with that. Sure. We have a real problem with that, Ben. Great point.
I appreciate the phone call. Thank you, sir. It's good to talk to you. One eight seven seven three eight one 38. Eleven, let me go now to Ed, lying to you are on the Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. Hi Goodsir.
The reason I called it, just to let you know that I, too, was thrown off Facebook because I wrote a post that they didn't like.
Congratulations. You're just like me. We got something in common.
I love it. It's. I wrote, If the real president was in charge, the Iranian parasites wouldn't have dared distorted incident. That's going to get you banned. I mean, come on. What's funny is I didn't get kicked off. We didn't get kicked off or anything, but I spoke at CPAC. I spoke at a conservative political action conference. And they didn't like the fact that I was talking about big tech censorship. They said, OK, we'll prove your point that big tech is censoring conservatives and we'll do it within 12 hours.
Well, they weren't happy with the fact that I said the election was stolen. I don't believe the election was stolen. I want to make that clear, though, and let me explain why real quick. I just want to I don't want someone to think that I said that I ever believe the election was stolen. I don't think the election was stolen. I think we got beat. I think we got beat because they understood they had an opportunity in the name of covid, just like they've done, taken away all part of the rights to to change and alter the way that we did an election.
And it worked. They were brilliant. They saw an opportunity and they took it. They saw that opportunity and they seized it and they said, watch this. And they changed the way that we do elections in places where they knew that could swing a state, whether it was in Georgia and Fulton County, whether it was in Philadelphia, whether it was in Detroit, the list goes on and on. They were very smart. They didn't steal it.
They didn't change ballots in the middle of the night, OK? They they beat us doing something in the name of covid and we didn't fight back. And I blame the Republican leadership for that. And some of them are real conservatives. I blame a lot of Republicans for allowing the Democrats to get away with what they got away with. And we were flat footed and we were reactionary instead of we instead of fighting for the integrity of our vote. But they didn't they didn't steal it.
They beat us. They altered and changed how American elections were done, just like they're trying to do with this H.R. one bill to say, oh, we're going to have integrity, the elections. No, it's not integrity. What they're trying to do in this country is say everything that we just did that we figured out works to our advantage. We want to now mandate it nationwide. That's why we have to fight it the same way that when the president takes America, walks out in front of a podium last night and tells us that you have to get a vaccine.
And once you get that vaccine and once you are fully vaccinated, we will tell you what you can and cannot do. We should say, no, you don't get to tell me what I can and cannot do, Mr. President. And then when he says, oh, I'm going to give you a taste of freedom, if you do what I tell you to do, you might get to see your family for the Fourth of July and you might get to cook out in your backyard.
But it will be a small group. You look at them and you say, no, that's you don't get to give me my freedoms on the Fourth of July. That's not how this works. Ferguson, let me tell you something real quick, Election Day, I was up to quarter to 5:00 in the morning because I'm a dialysis patient and I made sure I had to go vote. And I and I got there. I waited 45 minutes. I did vote.
And then and then 14 hours later, I found out my vote didn't count because they stole the election, because they manipulated every vote.
The day I agree with you, they manipulated our election was done. And and what bothered me the most about the election and this goes back to the corruption, there was corruption involved. And there's no doubt is the fact that in one county, your vote would be valid based on one set of rules and the very next county that's the same vote would be counted invalid. Right. That's where they manipulate the system in the name of covid. But it wasn't actually stolen, if you wanted to use the word stolen, it was stolen months before it ever happened.
And we knew what they were doing and we didn't stop it. Because unfortunately, conservatives, we don't fight like as hard as the Democrats do. And now we're up against the wall and they're and they're pummeling us and they're taking away our rights left and right. Last night was proof of how much we've already given up in the name of covid, when a president feels comfortable walking out on stage in pre prepared remarks, remember, this was not off the cuff.
I want you to understand this was premeditated. Comments by Joe Biden rehearse practice written by speechwriters and then gone over and over by his team. Right. This is this is not this is not off the cuff. And he said, quote, We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated. That is what people say in Venezuela and in Russia and other communist countries. Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one, Mark Levin, we'll be right back.
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You know, I feel like we need to give like a moment of silence tonight for all the kids that are in cages right now under the evil Biden administration there at max capacity, we've been told.
So I just want you to think about how evil and mean and ruthless these Democrats are. I'm waiting for the video of AOC to show up crying in a cage down. There wasn't I mean, surely she's going to go to the cages and see the kids, right? Shirley Aoki's going to get on a plane and. Contribute to the global warming that she says is going to kill us all by going down there and standing next to some chain link fence crying.
Waiting for that to happen. Don't forget this weekend, best show on TV.
Life, Liberty and Levin will be I always get the time zones, Mr. Producer mixed up. It's because I'm Central Time Zone, 8:00 Eastern, Sunday Night Life, Liberty and Levine. The guests this week are going to be several that you're going to not want to miss, including Daniel Horowitz. So make sure that you set your DVR on DVR, DVR, and I don't know where that came from.
DVR and watch Life, Liberty and Levin on Fox News Channel coming up this Sunday evening, 8:00 Eastern, 7:00 Central on the Fox News Channel. All right, let me get back to your phone calls. One eight or one eight eight one eight seven seven three eight one thirty eight 11. Let me go to Wayne in California. You are on the Mark Levin Show. Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. Hi. I. How are you Merck has said that he.
The capital moved to McAllen, Texas, so that the lovely public servants could sample the rewards of their policies. And if you can't bring the under Mohammed, you can bring them Mohammed to the mountain. It would cost Governor Abbott less to buy one way tickets and put every single one of them on a bus to Washington, D.C. They could dump them in front of Sidwell Friends, where I'm sure all the privileged white children would offer them a place at their desks.
They could drop them off in the Rock Creek Park in Colorado, three blocks three blocks away from Obama's house, where they could spend about 50000 campers.
I'm laughing right now. Wait, hold on. It's come back to the Mark Levin Show. More after this. From the Westwood One podcast network. Ladies and gentlemen, this final hour of the podcast is sponsored exclusively by an association of mature American citizens. Now, over two million conservative members Strong EMAC believes in and stands up for the values that we care about faith, family and freedom. Thank you for listening. And please support AMA and you can become a member at Amax U.S. Join me here.
Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a nondescript building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mike. The great one, Mark Levin, is off tonight, you're stuck with me. Ben Ferguson. It's really nice to be with you tonight. Mark will be back with you on Monday.
I do want to spend a moment real quick getting into this. Governor Cuomo, crap. And when I say crap, the reason why I say it that way, and I think you guys will probably understand why I say it this way. After I explain it, the way I'm looking at this whole fiasco in New York is completely different.
Then how the media is covering it and how many people are looking at it, so you finally have like you have another woman that's come out, you finally have Democrats, only after taking the political pulse of people in New York have decided to start dumping on Cuomo. And Cuomo said, oh, this is part of the cancer culture, which is crap. It's not he doesn't even understand the Kinsel culture. He doesn't he doesn't get it. He doesn't understand it.
If he thinks this is, quote, part of the cancer culture, it's not. But he's going to hold on as long as he can, because what else is he going to do? Right? He's he's a narcissist. He thinks he can he can beat this and. To be honest, there is a chance he can beat this. Mainly because he's an extremely liberal state, if not the most liberal state in America, the second most liberal state in America.
And I think he does believe that he can beat it. Because he also knows the people that he's dealing with in the Democratic Party. He knows that they're. Well, full of crap. But I want you to think about what where we are tonight with this issue with him. And I'm going to I'm going to look at it from a different perspective. All right. I'm not trying to minimize any of the things that he's been accused of. I just want to give you a a perspective.
On how spineless the left is, even with dealing with Cuomo, we know for a fact that Governor Cuomo and his decisions killed thousands of nurses, nursing home patients.
We then know that after he found out that his policies killed. Thousands of elderly people. And after he started to profit from covid-19 while killing thousands of elderly people. And while ruining people's lives. Again, at the same time, right at the same time. As he's profiting off a book while he's using covid to push his name and his platform and even the possibility of a presidential run or a VP pick. And certainly his future political, you know, he wanted to he wanted to become America's governor and the media was happy to do it.
Every Late Show was having a mini TV orgasm over the amazing leadership. Of Governor Cuomo. Every liberal Hollywood nutjob was fawning all over having dreams about Governor Cuomo and to quote Chris Matthews, they were talking, going up their legs every time he went on TV, how they gave the guy what was an Emmy, a producer in that. Right. And Emmy. For press conferences. I mean, this is a political wet dream, folks. And all this was happening while thousands of seniors were dying thousands.
And then when they found out that the numbers looked really bad, like they were the worst in the country, the highest death rate per million in the country, the highest death rate per thousand in the country, death rate per hundred thousand in the country, they still continue to lie. And then on top of that, they started to cook the books. They then started falsifying official government numbers. So he could still sell books, so he could still be America's governor, right?
He saw what he saw what happened to Giuliani after 9/11. And it was organic. It wasn't it wasn't political and manipulation. There weren't people around Giuliani after 9/11 that were trying to get the late night talk shows to talk about and everything else. It was authentic. It was genuine overnight because of the reaction and the response from Rudy Giuliani to what happened on 9/11, he became America's mayor. He did. He became America's mayor because of what he did and what Giuliani tried to do is he tried to become a mayor, America's mayor, because of politics, based on trying to repeat what he saw, what he witnessed that was authentic, genuine.
That was organic praise. For a guy that did an amazing job after 9/11 and Giuliani and he said, I want that to. So he changed the numbers, he lied to authorities, he lied to the government, he lied to the American people, he lied to everybody.
And then his team covered it up. And then after it came out, what was happening? And everybody knew the cat was out of the bag. Think about this, you killed thousands of nursing home patients, you make money off of it, you then lie about the numbers, you misreport the numbers. And what did the left do? Nothing. Did anyone call for him to resign on the left? When we found out that the guy actually killed thousands of actual human beings in his state through his actions while making money off of them dying and then lying and covering up the numbers.
How many Democrats in New York called for him to resign when all this came out? I'm not sure there was one. My producer, can you remember a single prominent Democrat, I know there wasn't a prominent Democrat, but any Democrat in the legislature that came out and said, hey, you need to resign. I don't think there was one, folks. So you fast forward to today. It's not the nursing home deaths and the profiting off of a book and the grandstanding and the lying and the manipulation, the numbers and altering and changing the numbers and the lying and falsifying government documents to deal with covid-19 in the number of people that died in New York.
That is getting people to say you must resign. No, no, no, no. Instead, it is about three women who say they didn't like how they were approached by him. I am not just I'm not discounting any of their stories.
What I am saying is this is how sick and perverted the left is, I believe he should resign for both reasons, but the fact that they didn't ask him to resign and didn't demand that he resign the left I'm talking about the Democrats excuse right now when he killed thousands of people, change and altered documents, government documents, lied to the people, made money off these deaths and tried to make himself famous while he was killing seniors in his state. And no one asked him to resign.
And then all of a sudden today, you have these Democrats coming out and saying, OK, yes, now you've got to resign. Are you kidding? They're not asking resigned today because the Aoki's and the others have now jumped on this bandwagon asking him to resign, they're not asking to resign because they think he did anything wrong. The only reason why they're asking to resign is because they think that now you combine the two issues and people are mad and done with him.
So now they're saying it's politically expedient for me to come out and join and jump on the bandwagon. They don't care about the women that are his alleged victims and they care as little about them as they do about the thousands of actual human beings that died. And they none of them said he should resign then. Spare me the fake outrage from on both these issues from you guys. On the left now coming out. Well, now we've got a we really have to you know, he's got to resign.
At what? Your people died and you covered it up. And you guys didn't say anything and you hadn't been saying anything about any of these women until today when finally the data was showing, the polling was showing. OK, now it's safe to come out against Cuomo. You didn't have the guts to stand up to human beings died and you didn't have the guts to stand up to him in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth woman came out.
To quote Joe Biden, come on, man. To quote Joe Biden, these are unprecedented times, aren't they? Had some comments that popped up on my. Parlor feed a moment ago and it said been I found a note for myself from one year ago, it says, I don't know what to do. Schools will be closed for two weeks. These are unprecedented times. I'm thankful for this step, but I feel it's dramatic now. But when it feels appropriate, it's too late.
You could apply those comments to everything going on at this moment in time. You've got a president, United States of America telling me that I may get to be rewarded with a little bit of my a crumb of freedom if I do what he tells me to do and get the vaccine and then after I get the vaccine is going to tell me what I can and cannot do in America. And then if I really am good and I get all my friends vaccinated, he'll let me hang out with my family in my own backyard on on on Independence Day.
And I live in a world where you can be a governor of a state. Where your own party didn't give a care, that you killed thousands of nursing home patients and profited while doing it like Cuomo and then didn't care about any of the women accusing you of all the things they're accusing of today. But then when the poll says it's changing, you all jump on the bandwagon. None of these Democrats were calling for him to resign when he was making up rules that destroyed people's lives, those that not only die, but also those who lived.
All the restaurants that will never reopen, all the hotels that will never reopen, all the people that lost, all of them lost their homes, their belongings, because you shut down everything. All the kids whose lives have been destroyed because you shut down the schools and you and the unions that sit at home instead of actually educating our children. Yes, these are unprecedented times. But you will start seeing over the weekend the media who has spent no time, CNN has spent no time, MSNBC has been in no time, ABC, NBC, CBS spent no time.
And Cuomo, they will mark my words, start covering it this weekend because the polling shows that people now don't like Cuomo. They didn't do it yesterday or the day before the day before that, and now they're taking their marching orders right from the politicians. And now that AOC has come out and now that Schumer has come out, now that others are coming out and calling for him to resign, the same people that did not call for him to resign when he actually covered up the killing of thousands of nursing home patients.
Are now acting like they're outraged, even the policy now is getting in on the ground on on this show. These are the same people that didn't even question the president when he referred to Texas and Mississippi as Neanderthal's for saying we're going to get back to freedoms in this country. These are the same people that refer to us as Neanderthals because we were tired of living with these arbitrary, ridiculous lockdowns and rules that they have forced us to live under. One 877.
Three eight one 38 11 one eight seven seven three one thirty eight 11. Ben Ferguson, you can follow me on Telegram on parler, filling in for the great one. We'll be right back.
Much love in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong and I'm one of them a who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk. AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. AMOC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more.
And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us. We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.
By the way, I hope you guys really enjoy your nine cents for every dollar that was wasted in the cover, really believes you got nine cents back.
Yeah. Welcome back. It is the Ben Ferrari, Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. Mark Levin, you can follow me on that telegram and on Parler. Ben Ferguson podcast there just through. I'm Ben Ferguson. You can find me 91 percent of the coveted relief bill has nothing to do with covid. 91 percent of the covert relief bill not directed dealing with the virus, did you know that you could have had it checked this weekend for like almost seven grand everybody in this country?
Sixty eight hundred dollars, every man, woman and child, so think about sixty eight hundred bucks. Got a family of four, do the math on that if your kids, because they should have gotten a check as well, right? Your money. If every American got a check, not a illegal immigrant, which they do, they are giving money to in this Kodaly bill. Got all the dollars that they're spending. Every man, woman and child could have gotten 60, around 60, a hundred bucks.
Yet you only got nine cents out of every dollar. Jim Jordan's great guy had this reporter about what was in this bill. Take a listen. One point nine trillion what ninety one percent of is not even directed towards directed towards dealing with the virus. Why don't we just why don't we just go back to work, go back to school, go back to normal, that be the best and let people go back to work? I mean, I think it's funny.
They're trying to get the Democrats put the minimum wage increase in and in the House side. So they're trying to increase the minimum wage increase, going to help people if you don't let people go back to work. So I think we're at the point where Americans know, like, look, it's time to get back to normal, not spend another two trillion dollars on a bunch of ridiculous things that aren't directly related to dealing with the virus itself.
So you're all by the way, you I we passed this bill so quickly and all of a sudden it just came about. And why they didn't pass it last year, they didn't want Donald Trump to take credit for it, so they said, screw you guys until we're in charge. And then if we get in charge, then we'll give you some money and we'll lie to you about how much money we're going to give you. Remember, they shortchange you.
Six hundred dollars. Over what they told you they were going to give it to you for, don't forget that. Remember when they were running for election and they lied to you, don't forget they lied to you and they said to you, if you give us what we asked for, right. If we if you give us. What we tell you need to give us if you if you if you if you just vote for us, we're going to buy your vote.
You're going to buy my vote, yes, we're going to buy your wallet. You're going to buy it? Yeah, I'm going to buy your vote. How are you going to buy your vote? We're going give you two thousand dollars. OK, I'll vote for you.
Joe Biden. He's are a scourge that remember, they said, if you vote for us, we'll get 15 hour minimum wage. Guess what? When in the bill that screwed you out of that. They also said they were going to give you free health care. Guess what? That didn't happen either. They're going to screw you out of that. You got nine cents back of your own tax dollars for every dollar, they just got it from you.
And I'm laughing at you, if you voted for Joe Biden, I am I want to I want to make that clear. I'm laughing in your face. You deserve to be laughed at in your face, you got bamboozled, I didn't. You did. I want to make that very clear, I did not OK, I'm laughing at you. You got bamboozled. You're the one that got duped, not me. I knew he was full of crap.
You guys got bamboozled. I knew we weren't going to give 15 hours now. Minimum wage. I knew he wouldn't get even 20 hours either. I knew he was lying to you. Oh, no, but I'm going to vote for him. The a great Babylon big headline today is that founding fathers strapped down in graves to prevent further spinning after all the all that we've gone through. So what was so quickly? Yeah, it's a great headline.
And these school teachers, I've had enough of the public schools, I have had enough of these unions, I've had enough of these school teachers not doing their jobs. We just gave them like over one hundred billion more on that. Coming up on the Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson filling in. AMEC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, is one of the fastest growing organizations in America now, over two million conservative members strong, and I'm one of them, a man who believes in and stands up for the values that we constitutional conservatives care about more than talk.
AMOC fights a full time presence in Washington. EMAC pushes back against reckless spending disasters like Medicare for all and the expanding reach of the federal government and beyond. Advocacy. Joining a map gives you access to a wealth of benefits and discounts, including special member only, rates on car insurance, travel discounts, cell phone plans and a hell of a lot more. And if that's not enough, you'll get Amax bi monthly magazine full of insightful articles on issues that matter to most of us.
We conservatives, as I said, I'm an EMAC member and you should be to join today at Amoco's. That's a m a c dot us stop supporting the liberal agenda that the other 50 plus organization has been pushing for. Join amoc instead. A m a c us.
Mark Levin, America's tyranny hunter, call it now eight seven seven three eight one three eight one one.
Welcome back. It is the Mark Levin Show. Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. And if you're just joining us, we were chatting about curlee our freedoms that are totally under attack by the left, not only our freedoms under attack, but our poor kids.
Are being left behind because of the public school system, the teachers unions, and now we just waste one point nine trillion dollars and we gave you nine cents on the dollar of your money back. And I'm forced to cheer that on. All right, I'm supposed to be excited about this. Supposed to be fired up. That you gave me nine cents of my dollar. And again, you lied Democrats covid stimulus bill erases San Francisco's debt for Speaker Pelosi, that's in the bill.
Just say, you know, it also made New York state's fiscal year budget deficit for Senate Leader Chuck Schumer. Let's let's just talk about that for two seconds as well. How is that covid relief, because you morons can't actually balance your budget. We bailed you out and think about how unfair this is, depending on where you live. If you're a Neanderthal, for example, you should be really angry right now. How is it that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer states get a bailout with my tax dollars when my state didn't go into the red and we actually made the tough cuts needed?
We made the tough decisions. We had a balanced budget, we saw that there were going to be shortfalls with our budget and we change and adapt to deal with it. You guys didn't. And so now you get more dollars to bail you out our tax dollars. Come on, man. I really do. I love using Biden's own words. I do. Sorry if I use it too often, you should understand and get it. I'm quoting him.
That's what he would say right then. Come on, man. If you don't understand how bad you got screwed, you are not paying attention to what was just passed. We just bailed out all these cities and states that refused to change and adapt with their budget in the last year and the other states that did change and did adapt, you just took our money and gave it to the other states that were stupid. Which has nothing, by the way, to do it.
A of these states were already in trouble. Look at what governor has called it insane. He also said it's insane that Biden suggested that we might reinstate covid restrictions. I'll tell you exactly why they're all in favor of these restrictions, because it's how they control you. It's how they control you. We're given covid relief checks, showed it to legal immigrants. Democrats like to call them undocumented immigrants. Yes, they are going to get covered relief checks and then Democrats defend it by saying this, well, CNN doing the, you know, carrying the water for the liberals.
They said, well, hold on a second, it's not true that they're all there fact checking, right? They say, well, it's not all undocumented immigrants are not going to get relief checks.
But yes, even said yes, some of them probably will. A lot of them will. But hey, while we're screwing you and send them to San Francisco and New York and New Jersey and all these other place in the covid bill, taking away money from states that actually balance their budgets, don't worry, at least if you get the vaccine, will then give you an update on what you can and cannot do. Because that's what the president said last night, we're going to tell you what you can and cannot do.
That's the part you need to understand, we've got a list for you. We'll give you guidance on what you can and cannot do once you fully submit to us and get your vaccine. We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated to lessen the confusion, to keep people safe and encourage more people to get vaccinated. And finally, fifth, and maybe most importantly, I promise I will do everything in my power. I will not relent until we beat this virus, but I need you.
The American people, I need you, I need every American to do their part, and that's not hyperbole. I need you I need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well. Because here's the point. If we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together by July the 4th, or there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day.
That doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together.
Just submit to your government, submit to what we tell you to do. And we might let you have your Fourth of July independence, not how it works, it's not how any of this works. You're not going to come count people in my backyard and I'm going to cook whatever I want to cook and I'm going to serve whatever I want to serve, and you're not you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do on Independence Day. You don't get to do that.
You know, people say there's a moment where you say, we're going to silence our excuse me, we're going to fight back, we're going to stop being silence, I want you to understand what silencing. When I say we're not going to be silent anymore, when I say we're going to fight back, when I say I've hit my limit, that means I start getting involved at grassroots level in a new way. Recalling these scumbag's. Not talking about getting what I'm talking about, literally kicking them out of office, I'm talking about literally recalling them for what they're saying and what they're doing.
We should be doing what the people, the good people in California are doing right now, and we should be recalling a lot of these scumbags, we should be forcing them to be on the ballot by themselves. You want to get people out of office? Put in a special election, folks get a ballot initiative together, get get the signatures needed to recall these people, and then you've got a real vote on an actual person, not down ballot because they win because they're on the list with some other people higher up the ballot.
You want to start holding some of these people accountable for what they're doing, for the rights are taken away from you, then do what they're doing. To Gavin Newsom in California. Watch how many of these people lose if they're on the ballot by themselves. Watch how little the people have been voting for them, actually care about them if they're on a ballot by themselves.
With no one above them to protect them. See how it works out for him. Go to Tony and Bloomfield, New Jersey, you're on the Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson filling in tonight. Hi.
Yes, hello. Hi, sir. How are you? Hey, Ben, how are you doing? Well, sir, how are you? I'm doing very well. Go ahead with your point. Then I'm a teacher and I come from a different frame of mind. I want to go back to teaching. I am not like the mainstream teachers in my district who don't want to go back and listen to them. In fact, I have been in the school nearly every single day this year.
I'm a shop teacher. I cannot teach from my home behind a laptop computer, from a laptop. But I have to have my left to work in. And that principal has been gracious enough to let of us. Two of us teach in the building. And you're right, the teachers do not want to come back. Many of them do have health issues, but many of them don't.
But but even if you have health issues and again, if you guys if any of you listening right now are podcasters, I did it. I did it earlier this week. I met with doctors and I did a deep dive into how safe it is for teachers to teach in schools. It's safer than going to the grocery store. It's safer than going into Walgreens. It's safer than going outside in a large group of, quote, people. It's safer than going anywhere.
You can go shopping because the kids are not super spreaders and and we are on par for having as many children die from covid 18 and under as what we have in a normal the same period time from the normal flu. And we've never shut down schooling nationwide because of the flu. And I would encourage you go listen to it, because it's all data, right? Remember how Democrats say over and over again, trust the science. Trust the science.
OK, well, then trust the science. The schools is one of the safest places you can be. But you know what? Because you're one of these school teachers and maybe other people need to hear it from you directly. A lot of these public school teachers, they're just lazy and they just want to get a paycheck doing nothing. We're happy being home. It makes it easy for them so they can sit in house housework, they can oversee their own child's virtual learning, and it works for them and they don't have to travel.
Many of them live an hour away and they like to stay at home, but they're depriving their kids of in my case, I teach at high school. Many of the kids are senior experience, the activities they all get involved with clubs, extracurricular activities, depression amongst the kids is growing. Not so much in our district with teen suicide throughout the country has gone up drastically.
More kids. That was part of what I talked about in the podcast was there are so many health officials that are warning that there are more kids that are going to die this year. School-Age Kids are going to die from suicide, them from covid. Right. And it's just it's a shame and we could have even schoettler you.
Let me ask this one of you. What is the plan now in your district where you are? I mean, they keep moving the goalposts, you know, and they in the end, by the way, that we got billions and billions of dollars now that are going to these these public schools that have been holding our kids hostage. And there's still no guarantee that they're going to open back up. And I don't think they're going to open up this year.
I think they're going to wait until I want to say this school year, maybe in August. Right. Maybe we'll get some of these public schools open in August. But for you guys where you are, is there any real indication that you guys might get back to the classroom, Mike, any time soon?
Yes, there is a game plan right now. We're completely virtual. And we have been since March 13th of last year, April 19th of this year, which is a couple of weeks into the fourth marching period at the high school level. We are going to still have Monday and Friday, virtual Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Students will be in the building. But each of those days you will only have a third of your class. So I will only see students one day a week in person in my shop, and that's it.
And they'll be and the others that aren't on that particular like a third of my class Tuesday, a third Wednesday or Thursday. Wow.
And the other these people and these kids are just being left behind. And you know this based on data, OK? Based on the science, based on the data, most public school kids are at full grade behind private school kids by the time they reach high school. Now, you're probably two years behind because all the private school kids have kept going and they've kept being they've kept getting the same exact quality education they got last year and the year before and the year before that.
The the amount of damage is going to be done to the earning potential, to the learning, to the scholarships, to to the achievement. The achievement gap is going to be astronomical and it will have repercussions for decades because every kid got double behind, I would argue, from kindergarten through 12th grade. Yes, and you at this point of the year could see we go to school from September till the end of June, we're not like in August and get out late May.
We go to the end of June. And the kids at this point of the year, some of them start to check out already. But I can tell you right now, a whole lot of students have checked out already. Yeah, a lot earlier than in years past. God bless you, sir.
Thanks for at least trying to do something good with these kids. And then we appreciate you taking taking the time to teach them some Benschop. It's important. One eight seven seven three eight 138 11. Ben Ferguson filling in for the great one. Mark Levin, we'll be right. Much love in.
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All right, welcome back, Ben Ferguson filling in the great one, Mark Levin tonight, he'll be back with you on Monday. All right. Get your pen and paper ready. I'm going to give you some really quick facts.
I got to get into this because I think it's important and we're talking about the schools.
Real quick, here are the facts. OK, this is coming from for the top infectious disease doctors in America that have actually done the research on how safe it is to go to schools right now. They say in a USA Today article that they penned this week, quote, Keeping schools closed or even partially closed based on what we know now is unwarranted, is harming children and has become a human rights issue. Here are the facts. Their words, not mine first children, quote, are not at significant risk of poor outcomes from covid-19.
As of Tuesday, two hundred and eighty eight children have died from the disease the United States, compared with more than a half a million adults. While the death of any child is devastating, these numbers are very similar to the number of children who die from the flu each year.
And covid-19 deaths in children and adolescents are magnitudes smaller than deaths from suicide. Did you hear them magnitude smaller than deaths from suicides this year? Many of them driven by school closure. Coronavirus in children can cause potentially dangerous complications. Multiple inflammatory syndrome for children, MEAC, but this is very rare and is nearly all in nearly all cases, it's treatable. The doctors say. Second, they say viral spread is minimal in schools with appropriate safety precautions, even in communities with a high disease prevalence significantly higher than the CDC red zone that the CDC suggests middle and high school students be virtual learning.
If you're in a red zone. One of the authors of this article, Dr. Hoague, led a study of four thousand eight hundred and seventy six grade K through 12 students. Six hundred and fifty four staff members in Wisconsin school districts last fall, guess what they found out covid-19 test positive rates only in the area around the school reached forty one point six percent in the community during this study, which was a massive number like the worst ever in this area.
Despite the majority of ventilation systems not being replaced in the schools with ninety two percent of students wearing masks, no mask wearing was happening during recess. And with variable distancing of students, meaning they weren't all six feet apart. There were only seven students. Five children grades K through six out of four thousand eight hundred seventy six kids and two in grades seven through 12 out of the four hundred and eighty fourth excuse me, four thousand eight hundred seventy six kids and zero staff contracted the virus in school.
These doctors say similar experiences are published from North Carolina, South Carolina, Chicago and other cities around the country. They're saying we are it is time for politicians to get the message.
And put these kids back in the classroom, so why are the teachers not doing it? Because they don't care about your kids. These teachers unions just want to sit at home. I'm out of time. It's an honor to fill in for the great one. Thank you for listening tonight. If you want more of this information, I got it in one of our podcasts this week. You can download my podcast, Ben Ferguson podcast. Mark Levin, be back with you on Monday.
From the Westwood One podcast network.