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Hey, fam, I'm Jada Pinkett Smith and this is the Red Tablecloth podcast. All your favorite episodes from the Facebook Watch show in audio produced by Westbrooke Audio and I Heart Radio. Please don't forget to rate him review on Apple podcasts.


So it's Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day. On June 19th, 1865, the last remaining African-American slaves were set free on this June 19th. Black America is in a crisis. Two women who I love and respect are here for real.


Talk about the urgent time we are living in right now. They are freedom fighters from two different generations. Dr. Angela Davis is a legend, an iconic civil rights activist and one of the most brilliant women that I know.


And we also have Miss Tamika Mallory, who has been fighting passionately for our black brothers and sisters for over twenty five years.


The events of the last four weeks are unlike anything we have seen, and it's all been triggered by this horrific video. How's my face going? Well, you know, what do you want at the very least, the thing about it? I think we it. Get up. Get in the car, man. I will get up. Get in the car. I hope I don't get any car. Get up. Get in car. Right.


I can't look at you now, bro.


Looking through how he got me.


He got me. Check, check, check.


He calls it back and check the many moves yet. Bro.


Bro, he's not moving. Know bro. You know boogie man for you Jack on the street. Are you seriously. Are you saying you know the.


It's still really upsetting. Thank goodness for social media, because we could at least film it, but you just think about all the times it has happened over in all the cases that we don't know about.


Dr. Davis, when you first saw the video, how did you feel that video represents what black people have experienced for generations and generations over and over and over again? Well, I saw that white cop with his hands in his pocket nonchalantly murdering this black man. And we're collectively mourning the fact that we have not brought about change our own failure to stand up and say never again, never again.


I feel like right now, the first time I've ever seen so many people on the same page. On one hand, that's really inspiring and gives me a lot of hope.


And on the other hand, it kind of feels like just now, just right after all this time, I don't watch these videos. So I can't anymore because I find myself being paralyzed by the constant trauma, you know, and I get videos that most folks will never see. People text me videos all the time to kids being beaten, people being abused, women being attacked. And it's a lot it's heavy. But I definitely heard him calling for his mother.




And when he says, Momma, come on, get up, get it right, it strikes a nerve because from my own son, he had to not to have him say momma calling for me. But I think about Eric Garner, you know, saying I can't breathe 11 times. And people stood around and watched it happen. And that's what I see in this video. But not only do I see the man who's in his kneeling in his neck, I also see another person standing there protecting him and trying to block people from stopping it from happening.


Yes, there's just so many people complicit in this moment.


When I watched a George Floyd video, just the amount of restraint. Yeah. Just for me to just remain steady. Yeah. I just don't think that people understand the amount of pain and then the anger that goes along with it in the trunk.


There was a mean on social media, thank God we just want justice and not a day.


Right. I'm going to tell you something else, too. I was telling a friend of mine, I was like, hey, check it. Let's be glad that the guns in the hood are not organized or not. And let's be glad that it didn't have to go to that. Because I'm going to tell you what, if we want to take it back to the late 60s, there was a lot of bloodshed, you know what I'm saying?


And that's one of the reasons why I'm like a we got to get moving right now to make it change.


We've been warning these folks. We've been marching, we've been crying. We've been going to Congress. We on the Hill, we're doing all of this. So at what point do people begin to see that there is the frustration that's building up that we can't we can't control it anymore?


After George Floyd was murdered, Tameka gave what is being called the most powerful speech of a generation.


We are in a state of emergency. Black people are dying in a state of emergency. That and there's an easy way to stop this charge all the time, not just some of them, not just here in Minneapolis, charge them in every city across America where our people are being murdered. Doing what you say, this country is supposed to be about the land of the free for all. It has not been free for black people. And we are tired.


Don't talk to us about looting your other looters. America has looted black people. America noted that Native Americans, when they first came here, the violence was what we learn from you. So if you want us to do better, then, damn it, you do better. Were so true. Yes, yes, yes, yes, that was an absolutely incredible speech you made and it's inspiring.


Just one week ago, this heartbreaking video was public. Another black man. Twenty seven year old Rashad Brooks, is dead at the hands of the police.


If you step out with me, please. Yes, sir. Is it OK if I pat you down to make sure that any weapon. Absolutely. Wake. I go home. I have my daughter there right now. My my daughter's just trying to make sure you're safe to drive. That's all I know, man. I know. I know. You just doing your job. I take a deep breath in your mouth to mouth these postcards. You can't talk.


You stop. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Stop there. You have a few jokes. I said, I think you've had too much to drink to be driving on your back when you. You.


Oh, I got. Well, not good. I think.


One of the most painful things for me is that the idea that black men are the most dangerous creatures on the planet so that if he's drunk in a drive thru at Wendy's, that justifies him being murdered or everyone talking about whatever George Floyds rap sheet might have been, as if any of that has anything to do with his rights to be treated as a human being.


And the fact that we are still dealing with that issue.


Yeah, well, you can't even be 12 years old in a park because Tamir Rice was shot in a park.


Yes. A toy gun that is sold in the store that any other child would be able to play with, especially if they are not a black child. Right in this situation. Within seconds, Tamir Rice is shot 12 years old because they see black boys also as being black men absolutely are criminalized from very young black men are demonized.


The whole history of racism is full of images of the demonization of black men. Right. Let's not forget that black women also suffer as a result.


Yes, ma'am. Absolutely.


It's a matter of fact, black people or let the worst examples of lynching consisted of a pregnant but are being lynched and the fetus being cut out of your stomach. Yes. So let's also remember Brianna Taylor. Yes. All of the women who have suffered as a result of this racist violence, as long as this violence continues to be expected on black people, No. One aside, the older white man who was the protester in Buffalo, New York.


Mm hmm. He also suffered. Yes.


So, yeah, one thing that I heard you say, Dr. Davis, that I thought that was very interesting is diversity and inclusion enough as far as white people going?


Well, I'm doing my part by making sure that I you know, I love black people. I'm I'm black and I'm employing more black people. You know, I'm giving money to more community services for black people, which I think is great.


Right. I think it's good that we're seeing so many white people out in the street. Yes. I want to talk about Roger Goodell taking a knee. When people like that engage in such behavior, it's actually a good thing because it represents their sense that they've got to find their way to the right side of history. And that's all it doesn't represent what they really think, what they really feel, what they're committed to doing. It represents of the fact that they want to be included in those movements that are moving in the direction of progress.


But let me say why inclusion and diversity just don't work, not by themselves. And it has to do with the fact the powers that be are constantly seeking ways to de radicalize our demands. Every single university has office of Diversity and Inclusion. That simply means including black people, which in a racist institutions without ruling the structural racism out of the institution itself. So yes, diversity and inclusion are OK, but only when they are paired with justice, only when they're connected to transformation.


The institution as a whole has to be transformed.


I mean, I've of. Hey, guys, this is Ashlei with the almost famous podcast, we had such a fun episode this week, thanks to Occy Clean with some of your favorites from Bachelor Nation, like Caitlin Burstow, Chris Harrison, Nick BIOL. Here's a little glimpse of our conversation with a man.


Astand, what are you looking forward to for Christmas? Like what kind of gifts are just things that you want to do during the Christmas holiday? And what are the girls looking forward to?


Yeah, well, the girls want it's so funny because this is the first year that, like their Christmas list, is it like a novel? They don't really want anything this year.


And I don't know. I think we're just looking for a different kind of family.


We've been watching Christmas movies since like before Halloween, so we love doing that. Yeah, it's kind of different this year. It's very low key, but we're enjoying it.


We love her so much and big things to organically and for making this happen. Make sure to stock up on your Oxycontin's. Do you have something to help clean up those red wine stains you're bound to get over Christmas, get your oxy clean, work your magic.


Hey, everyone, it's Michelle Williams and I love being able to share my story with you on my podcast.


Checking in with Michelle Williams were my guests and I get real as we share the ups and downs of our mental health journeys.


And I'd love for you to join me.


I'm still on my own journey, but I want to be transparent with you because as I was posting all the highlights of my life on social media, I was breaking down and too many people fall victim to the picture perfect image of the high life.


So I created a space to discuss the good and the best we can.


Laughs Man, we don't learn. And most of all, I hope to inspire you to go on this journey with me to better mental health. This is going to be your church, your turn up and everything in between. So join me on my podcast, checking in with Michelle Williams.


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On a small level and just my own industry, you know, with the whole diversity, inclusion and just seeing how you're right, just as far as the how the infrastructure itself is, the very foundation is not changing.


So I've had to learn the hard way. So that really resonated for me. When you say that infrastructure is the same thing, it is exactly the same thing to diversity. And inclusion means quotas. It means numbers. You know, we are giving X amount of dollars. We hire this number of people. White people have to be responsible for deconstructing white supremacy.


It is a good thing your people started it. It is what you are. You're privileged enough to enjoy the benefits of it, so you have to actually deconstruct it. So Karen, who works in the corporation, who's always looking for a reason to report other black women because she came in this morning, she was nice enough to me when she calls to human resources to complain about something that is silly. There should be a stop right there that this will not be tolerated and it should be called out.


That's deconstructing white supremacy within the industry. You will not terrorize our employees because the person just wasn't nice enough to you today. And now she's making me feel threatened and I'm running around the office with white tears. That has to stop. And most people don't want to do that. They they'll say, well, you know how she is. Meanwhile, a black woman who may come in, she may be frustrated. She's going through a lot. Yes, she got the job, but she feels under pressure at every moment she's sitting there.


She can't in any way get upset in a meeting. You can't you can't even show that you don't like something, you actually have to go along to get along. So deconstructing white supremacy is to deal with the currents that work on your job, the currents that are in your family. Excuse me, your mama who's telling you to she's going to vote for somebody that is harmful to people of color because that's Billy Bob that we love. You know, I know Billy Bob since he was a kid.


Billy Bob is a racist. And that has to. So don't worry about so much coming to our movement. Yes, we welcome you. But that's part two. Part one is how are you getting uninvited from Thanksgiving, from the Christmas party and from the activities where, you know, white supremacy flies around.


Right. In case you don't know to me could tell us, what does it mean to call someone a? It's the mindset.


You know, first of all, black Twitter is a place where you can find love or you could find something else. You don't want to get caught in a black spot on the wrong side for black people because of everything that we've experienced coming up with names and ways to describe the pain and insult. And the injury is all we have. Right. So you at least have to be able to call it out. So Karen is a part of that.


Karen and Becky, these are names that people have used to describe a certain behavior and what happened with Amy Cooper in the park in Central Park in New York. She would be considered a.


Please don't come close to me. Please don't come close to me. Please, please call the cops. Please call the cops. I'm going to tell them there's an African-American man threatening my life. Please tell them whatever you like. There is an African-American man who is recording me, threatening myself in my job, I think threatened by a bad. So the cops immediately. I'm asking you if this is your property, why are you asking? Because it's private property, because it's private property.


So are you happy and you don't know if I live here or if this is my property? You know, that's my boy. Oh, really?


Then call the cops and the people is why Black Lives Matter.


I've been hearing about Karen, but I haven't watched the tape.


It's a real thing and we make the joke. But the truth is, if the police showed us, yeah, it's dangerous because Karen is a direct connection. It goes from her to the knee in the neck. Right. So the I can't breathe to the breonia tale of being shot. And so in order to be a white person who's like, what do we do? You've got to actually deal with that.


Yeah, this is really historical, though. And I want to touch on this for a moment. How white womanhood has been protected by racism and white supremacy. The idea that Karen knows to say that a black man. I'm going to tell the police that you are a black man who is threatening my life. And it goes all the way back to Emmett Till.


Of course, lynching was represented as a response to a black male rapist. And, of course, it was the southern white woman that had to be safeguarded by lynching black men. It wasn't about sexual assault. Lynching was necessary in order to preserve white womanhood. One can look at so many cases. The case of the Scottsboro Nine, these black men ended up spending decades of their lives behind bars, and many of them were sentenced to death because of the false claim on the part of white women in Scottsboro, Alabama, that they had been raped by two of these men.


But what I want to say is that. There's also been white women who resisted this, and I think it's important to point that out as well. In 1933, an organization against lynching was created by southern white women.


There are white women who genuinely want to participate in what is happening right now, but a lot of them aren't educated around the issues. So how can we help with that?


When we started, the women's march was four co-chairs, one white woman. And we're sitting together one day and she said, I don't understand what racism and women's issues have to do. One in that we have a commonality and we can just focus on this and then leave the black thing over there that separate and they'll see less less get to. And I was like, first I was angry.


This is one of the things that I just have a difficult time with my white sisters. OK, it's like you are fighting sexism, OK?


You were fighting for your equal rights.


So if we talk about all the isms that are tools that are used to oppress groups of people, I just have a very difficult time.


Why racism cannot be recognized as a tool, a fierce tool of oppression that sits right there and is the sister to sexism, is the sister to misogyny, is the sister to all of those tools that are used to oppress groups of people.


Right. So if you are a freedom fighter as a white woman, I can't understand for the life of me why it is so difficult to understand how racism is a tool that's used to oppress people. And as long as there's any oppressed person on this planet, your fight will never will never will never end.


Right. Right. And I think that's the thing that we need to get our white sisters to understand. You can't separate your isms from ours.


That's the privilege, though, that that some of them have with some of them recognize and they want it. They want to maintain power and position.


Can we honestly, honestly, Dr. Davis and Timika expect white people to dismantle white supremacy because they've given up their power if they do that, like, how do we expect that?


And I'm just asking a very honest question, right?


When we talk about getting to the core. Yeah. Hmm. OK, deep question.


When we talk about core infrastructure mentally that we know we don't hold the keys to, can we honestly expect?


I think there is some white people that will there are some that have devoted their lives to fighting it, but it's not widespread enough.


But maybe this is the moment when we're beginning to see people from all over the world, not just white folks in America saying, hey, this is too much.


Maybe it's the generations to come. Because when I look at Willow's generation, they have a different mindset. They really do. We're not even sure.


It's like, look at my boy.


My girl is like, we're blurring the colors where we're making, you know what I mean, blurring everything blurred between gender, where it's very blurred. And kids are growing up with this understanding that you can be whatever you want and and you're not defined by your oppression or your gender or your color, you know.


What are your thoughts, Dr. Davis? You know, I think that we can't underestimate the gravity of this moment. Some of the changes that we're seeing, young people have given us the capacity to question that which is considered normal. Yes. The fact that it's such a short period of pop. People begin, it seems to get it. People are waking up. Hmm, I won't say that while winking. Right. And we ran of that. Right.


So let me ask another question.


And just in regards to the idea within our own community of getting the black community to understand and listen, we can't be fighting racism and practice and sexism and misogyny.


Oh, you know, I think that we don't understand that that all goes hand in hand.


I see that as a huge issue that we need to deal with at some point. I don't know if today is it because we have some very pressing issues at hand, but I do know that to press on.


Mm hmm. That is something that we have to do that we have to deal with. Because for this momentum to continue, I do believe that there has to be a deeper sense of unification within our community. And we exist in a patriarchal society where we uphold our men, the man as being the center. And and I don't disagree with that. I think that we should make sure we respect our men. My father is the head of my family's household.


He is the man. But he will say to you in a moment, if I want to get anything done around here, I got to let your mom have her way.


Just like white people have to deconstruct white supremacy. Men have to deal with patriarchy. That's right. And specifically in our community, because we can't do it without them and they cannot do it without this. And I sometimes think that through all of the anger that they experience, they sometimes come back and it's directed towards a forest.


And I think that that's another thing that would need to be addressed because that's so real, you know, and when you look at why racism exists and why sexism is all around power, you know what I mean? And so we have to kind of change our ideas around that as well.


Well, you beat up. Yeah, because you can't beat up a cop. You can't beat your boss up at work. You can't. So now you come home and there's a vulnerable black woman there who's willing to take it all. We're going to take it. We're like, give it to me. I'll hold it so that you could go back out there into the world and be productive. Yeah.


Let me say this, too, that even back in nineteen sixty eight, Stokely Carmichael says we're not strong enough to fight each other and the enemy does not take our eyes off the prize and what the real issues really are.


And that's real talk. Right. Do think the mantra is all black lives matter. That's so important. And I even I have had to work on unlearning some of the things that I have learned from family, from childhood, things you hear when people didn't necessarily understand or respect the LGBTQ community properly. And now I have through, first of all, being humble enough to know that I didn't know a lot and I needed to learn. I've come to a place when I'm like, we have to protect black trans women.


Yes, this is real. This is real. I post posted on my page. And let me tell you, in the beginning, when I first started posting it, I was like, oh, Jesus, look, watch, just watch the comments.


And people were like saying the craziest. Yes.


Oh, now I'm posting it and I'm like, hey, if you don't like it unfollowed, that's all you have to do. Because guess what? Everybody can't go. Why? Everyone is just not going to be with us. Let's talk about cancer culture that is so prevalent right now. I'm seeing people shaming others, like saying really terrible things, shaming people for what they're choosing to say or shaming people for not saying anything at all. If we really want change, shaming doesn't lead to learning.


Council culture is a little dangerous.


I'm in, so I'm expecting more. If you can't if you're not canceled, you ain't really doing it. Like, you know, you want to be late, you got to get canceled. So, yeah, it's a space that is a little difficult to maneuver because you do have to leave people room to make to make mistakes.


I agree. There's some really important aspects to our new social media technologies. We can organize and mobilize, but the tendency to shortcut everything and to assume everybody has to know everything already. What about the conversation? This is the moment in which we can share and learn and see Converse. People should not be afraid of being canceled because they make a mistake. Yeah, I have. You agree, agree, agree, because this is the time for conversation and of course, people are going to say something wrong.


People are going to have different views about a whole lot of stuff, specifically in these times.


And I was talking to some friends of mine. I'm like, don't be in the fight if you don't want to be in the fire because everybody's been able to play a safe middle. They no safe middle here, you know. Right.


And so I'm telling everybody, you just got to know your position and you got to just be steady.


Do you know ten toes down?


Because if you're in this conversation and you're in this movement, fire is coming your way and it's O k and that goes for black people.


That goes for white people who are trying, I would say to white people who are trying, keep trying, you know, but make sure it's genuine and yet you want to get beat up. You are you're going to get beat up. There's no way around it. And it's OK. Keep moving because it's tough and you're going to get burned. You're going to get burned. You are.


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Let's talk about you hear all of this about how Hollywood should be involved. Black Hollywood, white Hollywood. Everybody's just trying to, like, figure it out. For me personally, it's like I want to be connected to somebody whose boots on the ground.


Right. And I feel like that way we can really know and understand what position we play. And so what can people who have platforms do to help the movement that is happening right now? So I don't think people are connected enough. I think influencers, unfortunately, you know, will get me in trouble for telling the truth on this show.


It's a mess. The managers and the PR people and the agents and all those folks get in the way of you as an artist and as an influencer, getting right to the core of what you need to be. It, you know, your freedom is not going to be determined because your agent finds you the best organization that has all the bells and whistles. And I tell folks all the time, I can't work with the assistant. Right on your freedom ride.


I need your phone to talk to you in order to do the Brianna Tell the campaign. I was on the phone with Alicia Keys myself at 2:00 a.m. when Alicia called me and my agent, Kelly Rowland, and she lied and all these false Cardi B and I were on the phone like, what do we do? You know? And she's super brilliant because she is the one to say, hey, we should do it like this. We should say these things.


Here's the script. Right. That's what you need. You got to go out there. You got to hit the ground.


Luckily enough, we were able to help get Brianna's law passed. Yeah, that's great.


What are the next steps? We have an election coming up. Now, we may not all be excited about how things are turning out, but there is an election coming. That means we have to register and ensure that younger people and other folks are at the polls because we're going to have some issues there. You have voter suppression that we're dealing with across the country. We see people standing online line in Georgia. Just in the latest Democratic primary, people were standing online for five and six hours trying to vote in America in twenty twenty and also encouraging people who otherwise wouldn't vote to vote.


I know so many young people who feel like democracy doesn't exist, not just people, though, as so many people that don't believe in the process anymore.


How are you?


Because right now I don't feel like either party is servicing the communities.


Here's what I'm tired of. I'm tired of that party acting as if they are servicing our community. We are not there yet.


They know we have no other place to go. So what can we do? We can ask ourselves what candidate can be most effectively pressured and we know we can't do that with the current occupant of the white right. The only reason to vote for the Democratic hand is because we might be better able to generate our power and to pressure that candidate into moving in a more progressive era.


And what that means is I love the protest signs that say, look, we have to abolish policing as it currently exists, so saturated with racism and violence and there is no way to truly reform police. I think we begin. Yeah, I agree.


One hundred percent that I don't think you can reform a institution that was designed to be slave catchers.


Right. Like history. That's the history. At least when people get really afraid of words, you know, everybody's like, oh, don't say defund. No, you have to say defund.


So explain what defund the police means. So when you think about defunding the police, what you're saying is that it's not working and you're not hearing us because we're still dying. So now we got to stop messing with your budget.


Police officers are being given a terrible job and they're being asked to go to a mentally ill person's home. And now you become the doctor, right? And you're asking them to move into those situations without the proper tools. Right. And they also don't have the sensitivity for our people in our community. That's just something that you can't be taught. So when they approach a drunk man on the street, what's going to happen is what they do use of force.


That's right.


Versus taking some of the funding from that and putting it towards mental health experts and people who know how to approach situations and de-escalate the problem. There is no reason why we are sitting here and Rashad is dead. You're right about that. Handled in a totally different way.


So basically what you're saying is defunding the police does not mean that police will not show up when you dial nine one one. Right. But that we need to use some of that funding for for other services.


I also believe in abolishing the police. So I'm going to say that here I don't want to walk away not being honest. Right before I got here, people were calling me like, do not say that. Like, you just can't because it's not I want to have courage. I want to be politically courageous. At some point, we need to get to a place where we do not need police officers with heavy machinery in our communities. But at this point, what is being discussed right.


So that people can view is that, yes, you will be able to call the police. Right.


Is there anything you want to say before we leave the table?


People need to stay in the street. Jada, don't go home.


Hey, we can't go back because guess what? Since we've been in the street, folks are moving it. So don't go home, because when you go home, then it's quiet and people can go back to business as usual.


I totally agree with Tamika. This is the most exciting moment I have experienced in my entire life, and I want it to continue.


Never seen anything like it in my lifetime.


Ain't gonna be no justice, no peace, no peace.


As I just want to thank you both. This was an awesome conversation.


We are beyond honored that you both blessed us with your wisdom, your power, your strength, and just. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Keep on keeping on. Dr. Davis, maybe you'll come back here with us today. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


I love her so much. Yes, she's just brilliant.


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It's been 30 years since the first episode of Beverly Hills Nido 2.0, 30 years since we walk the halls of West Beverly High and since we all hung out at the Peach Pit. Relive it all with Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling on their new podcast, nine two. OMG, we get to tell the fans all of the behind the scenes stories that actually happened to them as they watch every episode of the beloved 90s TV show from the very beginning, listen to nine OMD on the I Heart radio app or wherever you get your podcasts.