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Hi, this is Hillary Clinton, host of the new podcast, You and Me both, there's a lot to be anxious and worried about right now, and it's made so much worse by the fact that we can't be together. So I find myself on the phone a lot, talking with friends, experts, really anyone who can help make some sense of these challenging times. These conversations have been a lifeline for me.


And now I hope they will be for you to please listen to you and me both starting September 29th on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm Kristen Holmes. I've covered campaigns, Capitol Hill, the White House and everything Washington for CNN. But nothing tops the importance of this upcoming election and my job is to help you make sense of it all. Welcome to my new podcast, Election one, two, one.


We'll figure out the electoral process together. I'll talk to experts, historians and some of you. Yes, this election year is different and this is a different kind of podcast. Listen to election one to one every Wednesday on the I Heart Radio Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.


Hey, fam, I'm Jada Pinkett Smith and this is the Red Tablecloth podcast. All your favorite episodes from the Facebook Watch show in audio produced by Westbrooke Audio and I Heart Radio. Please don't forget to write and review on Apple podcasts.


We all know we have a problem with women of color in one corner and white women in another corner. So how do we close the gap? How do we dissolve the divide?


You may wonder why why we should care. The fact is that no woman is free until all women are free. Race is never an easy subject, but that's what the red table is here for, to push ourselves to have conversations that scare us. So in honor, Black History Month, we brought three women with different backgrounds to help us understand their experiences.


Rachel Cargill is a former nanny whose life changed after this photo from the women's march went viral. She's a writer for Harper's Bazaar online with articles such as How to Talk to Your Family about Racism on Thanksgiving. And when I asked the RTT family who should come to the table to talk about race. She was your top choice writer. Amy Newman, a mom of a teen daughter just like me, stirred up controversy with a groundbreaking and brave article admitting her own white privilege.


Award winning actress Justyna Mercado, the beloved and outspoken star of the Netflix hit One Day at a time, was recently named Latina of Influence and says the conversations about race can't just be black and white.


I just first of all, want to say thank you to you guys for being here, for being here and this conversation about how we can flow power to one another.


I definitely believe there's this huge break between women of color and white women. I just want to kind of figure out how we can. Could have conversations, you know, just smooth, emotional, because I do, I do, too, I get really emotional to the point of anger because my husband's always like, we can't even have a conversation.


Let me ask you a question, because, you know, a lot of black women feel like it is not our job to educate white women.


Do you feel that way?


White women treat race issues like rocket science. They say, how am I supposed to talk? Am I supposed to do things?


White women treat race as if it's the hardest thing ever. You've done lots of hard things. You've raised children with no guidebook. You've gotten married with no guidebook. You've traveled the world. You've gone to college. But for some reason, they need a step by step when it comes to anti-racism work. And I'm not sure why. Amy? Yeah, we all.


Yeah, well, look at it. I you know, I will say, you know, I can't speak for all white women, but white women are. We constantly look to women of color to tell us, like, you know, tell me, what is it like to be a black woman? What is it like to be Latina? Women have to take on the labor of doing this work. It is not up to women of color.


I find that interesting that do white women really ask, what's it like to be black?


And I think I've been asked that question because I have locks under this.


But I've been asked many times, how do you wash your hair? Like, is it the same as everyone else? And I'm like, yeah, I always tell white women, senior white children to a summer camp where they're the minority for a summer. Do that. Let them let them experience the world. Exactly right.


Can you explain to me how Latin women are being heard or not heard in regards to what is happening today?


I think you heard if you're famous, God, and that's about it, because I think right now so many of the conversations are black and white. And then we fall like, where do we fall? What happens to us? Where are we in these conversations?


We're not all liberal. There are some that are conservative. You know, that's another thing people don't know about us. How do we bring that all together, even amongst us? I tell you something that's an interesting dynamic. It is. Right. I would imagine it makes it very complex. Yes. To unify. Yeah. Because we're all colonized. So we already feel we're better than the other one.


Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, you Mexican that we're learning about all that going out. And you're like, are you kidding? And having like the light skinned, dark skinned people think Latinos can be racist. Come on. Yeah, come on. This is the deal. We have this we have I don't know, because we were having this conversation about what racism is.


So let me just say, racism is a structure, not an event, when a group's collective prejudice is backed by institutional control. Yes, it is a system of advantage based on race. Those advantages are known as white privilege advantages taken for granted by whites and not enjoyed in the same context.


Yes, as people of color.


Yes. I think that no matter what your skin color, if you're exhibiting behavior that's hateful, you are racist. Here's the thing. Racism is structural. It's all through our institutions. It's in our education. How are indoctrinate? People of color cannot be racist against each other because we don't have a system against each other. But we can be you can have internalized racism.


When you say I don't you know, a darker person of color isn't a way we I guess we just because we decide to be prejudice, discrimination, racism is a system.


And white people. All right. That's based people of color are here in a system where white people are the knowers and everyone else is to be known.


But why is white the default internalized that and show that I just you all into one word and it's not. Yes, for me, I'm not negatively impacted.


If I walk out of a scenario where you're prejudiced against me, I walk back into the white world, what the world really know.


Somebody can be prejudiced against me. But the structures in the system. Right. That that we live in, that's it. Right. Whatever whatever prejudice I have against you is temporary.


Yes. That is one way. That's right. Exactly.


That makes a lot of a light skinned, educated black woman who people listen to. So I challenge my followers. Are you listening to your black neighbor? Are you listening to your black co-worker? Are you listening to the little black girl who plays with your child or the Latino woman who takes care of your child? Oh, OK. Listening to that a moment for that moment.


And then I'm like, oh, no, no, that's real tough. Yeah, yes.


That's I tell you, the truth is until and this is a quote from Andre Lord, until all women are free, no one is free.


No, that's true. That's right. That's why women don't understand.


No one's free to walk all free. That's my belief.


We all need each other and I. I believe that white women are very clear about that, which is why they tend to rally for our support. Your support? I support. If you're like me, you probably start thinking about what to eat for dinner while you're eating lunch. I love food. That's why I love using post meat. But I kind of love them even more right now because I can get food delivered without leaving the house or even opening the door, given what's going on in the world.


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Listen to teach me something new on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast. Rachel, yeah, they rally for the support, but it's not it's not reciprocated. I mean, how many of the women at the women's march showed up at Black Lives Matter marches? And we were all saying that we were there. Yeah, I'd call it a parade. And the women's march was a parade of white women who wanted to feel like they were included in something not much changed and how they were showing up for people of color.


Yeah, that's funny that you thought it was a parade.


I felt like I felt so happy to be there and so empowered. And I thought, wow, this is incredible. But the receipts didn't show up, right? Right.


One of my rules is in our business, I look at the resume when people call me up and they're like, hey, can you come to this event? I'm not going to be taking pictures with you on the red carpet until you shown and proved that you actually have been doing some work. In my opinion, we've got to stop flowing power for the photo. What exactly you know as well as I do, there's a lot of performance going on.


So when I'm talking about holding people accountable in regards to even what we're doing on a personal level of like, OK, so you're saying you've got this thing going on, OK, and you want to be inclusive, but how are you practicing that so-called inclusive? Show me the reality. Show me the.


We have to take it into action. We have to do the work. We've got to read. We've got to support black women and Latina women and support organizations that are run by women of color.


We need to support like artists who are candidates, who are people of color. It is past time for us, just like in day to day life as women of color, we really have to recognize when. White women come in to help that we make room for it, absolutely, because it's been a couple of times like Anne Hathaway.


It is trusted. Yeah, I understand that, Rachel. But that's something and rightfully so.


I get it. But at some point, where are we as black women going to be able to recognize an ally?


This is all power play. So in order to shift that power needs to shift. So white women need to step back and say, why don't you guys have a black woman take my place on? This cover is going to give up the power, whether it's in your home, in your career when went to power.


Yes. And that's also going to mean for white women that we may not get that job, that we really one that we have men. That's what we're going to ask to give up the power button. And that it also applies to yes, it applies to race. It's not a matter of black women saying, hey, we're open to you being an ally to us. That's not the case. It's white women showing up and saying you have a righteous anger.


You're allowed to be livid at the things that we have imposed on you over history and that of acting like they don't know why. You're just saying yes. And white and white women look like they have no responsibility. Yes, yes, yes, yes. They say, why do I have to deal with what my ancestors did? And I say, until I don't have to deal with the consequences of what happened to my ancestors, I will be holding you accountable for what your ancestors did because you're still benefiting from what they built on the backs of people of color, right?


Oh, no, but it's not just me. Why are you getting on me this anger? Is it for me to say this is all you, either the hero or the victim.


They read they rarely take responsibility when black women say, like, I have a lot of anger. Of course you do.


Righteous like it is righteous anger. When I'm in that space of anger, almost every single time I get a vibe of it's really not that serious.


Oh, yeah, that happens on a set all the time.


I was every white woman gets really upset about something and starts going crazy. Then it's understandable I do it. Then they're scared of me. Yeah.


That's a real thing that happens to a lot of people like like control yourself. I'm talking about how many people of color experiences, things like is it just me or am I like no one else that we have to see each other?


Here's the thing for me that I'm hoping you can help me understand as well. White women have dealt with patriarchy. There's so much privilege and whiteness.


And the phrase that I use is that white women often choose their whiteness over their womanhood because there's deep safety in that.


They know that at least in their whiteness, they have the white men protecting them. White women must sit in a room, be like, we'll deal with a little bit of patriarchy as long as we keep our white privilege.


Right. But it shows up that way. But that is what it is. We benefit directly from that white privilege, from white supremacy. We have to, like, undo all of that.


But I will say it has been an evolution for me because I wasn't always there. I entered this work through sort of reproductive health and rights. And the more I sort of learned about women's bodies and the inequity that and the treatment that certain women get and historically, you know, treatment of of black women's bodies, of Puerto Rican women, they tested the pill.


I'm making women in the fifties and made women, a lot of women sterile.


They tested, you know, and so I think that these are points of intersection, no matter what color we have been taught to be silent, to not believe in ourselves.


That's a good point. Yeah, that's a really good point.


Why women do feel the pain of the patriarchy, right? We feel the pain does. This isn't the oppression Olympics.


It doesn't mean that then women of color or Puerto Rican women or trans women or lesbians or don't have another layer of oppression. And it's something that I cannot understand. I don't I can understand it, but I also benefit. This is why we need to use our platforms as a white women and white women. White women's platforms are their dinner tables. It's their children. It's their classrooms. It's when you walk into a conference at work, I ask, why are there any black women on this panel?


Why is my child's school completely staffed by white women and why, you know, to get to that, it's white people using their platforms to say this is important to this household, this is important to this work culture. And then it will all domino into us being like, OK, let's work together on this. But it's so funny. When I post pictures of, like, me and one of my best friends who's white, they're like, why?


Because it's this has my my passion comes out of a deep belief that, like, we are approaching this moment that equality could possibly happen. I think part of what I am trying to do when I talk to other white women is to let all of us know, like we are not the center white women and white men. We like to center ourselves in every. Conversation, so it's like, yeah, but how does this affect me and I you know, and they come and they come in and they say, you don't know how well somebody once said to me, I am white and I don't get white privilege.


Why do you I don't get that I, I didn't know how to answer to a.. Yeah.


And all I could say was, well, could you walk into a store and do they ask you if you need help? Because I've certainly walked into stores before and they never asked me if I needed help.


And also, have you been followed in the store that they do that a lot of Chicago, you know what I mean? How do you feel when a police officer around. Not even just around? That's right. Because as soon as a police officer is around within myself, I'm like, OK.


And it's I'm looking I'm feeling exactly like I got pulled over by a police officer. And I literally was so freaked out that I was like I was taking pictures of where I was. I was telling my mom I was like, if he does anything to me, you're going to know exactly what she did. And I was I was like, this is crazy. I was like, I'm literally terrified. Exactly.


I'm like this crazy from a police officer who we're supposed to believe protects. Right. In my workshops, I have the white woman write down the words of how you would feel if you woke up tomorrow as a black person and everyone's words are scared, overwhelmed, unheard, unseen. And that should show you, if you're not waking up feeling that way every single day, then you hold a privileged white. People are lacking. Exactly.


It always takes two to tango. That's always how I think about it.


And I'm really clear on what white people need to do and just making sure that I'm accountable for what I need to be doing in my life and sisters this life.


I know damn well if I'm sitting in a room with my sisters, I'm I guess I need to listen about what is needed.


And I know I don't know.


Just to answer your own question, how would you feel welcomed? As you're saying, we need to welcome white women. Here is your sister. So just you showing up not. But the fact that I'm here means I just need for you to know that and have the openness and willingness to show me how. I don't know all the time the nuance that we show up, you I listen and you and I. So how can I support you? What do I need to say?


Yes. Yes. Why me? I do not. Because I'm too high. Exactly. Yes. Just show me. I'm going to be here with you. I'm going to learn. That was one of the reasons why I learned Spanish. My Latin sisters are suffering too, and need to be able to communicate this. I don't feel like there's a bunch of spaces where white women were coming in and black women are just like leave. Then I guess I would have either I just know that we can have a certain kind of like, why are you here?


That's what you need to do. I mean, that is something that I've had to kind of get over a little bit because you just you have to earn that relationship.


You know, you can earn your trust. But even if you know, if it's a dude new in your life, you can be like, what the hell you have for, you know, you're going on a date like I am.


I'm so glad you asked me to go out. For what? No, it's like, OK, you're here. That's nice. So let's see where this goes. I think a relationship because that person hasn't hurt you yet.


White women in her generation after generation. So we have we have about that lack of trust and why? Because we seem to say that over and over that we're asking white women to take a leap.


I believe that we have to take leaps as well. We do.


And that's just me. And I imagine you know what? That's just I believe and and if you disappoint me, I that's what you do. You think the majority of black women react to white women like that? Is that why you you feel the need to address it?


Because it's so many it's a lot of us that, you know, because of that. Rightfully so. We're angry. Rightfully so. I'm not saying that we don't have a right to be angry. And I'm not saying that we don't have the right to have that lack of trust because we do.


All I'm saying, though, we need them. They need us. We need need. We all need each other.


Hi, this is Melanne Verveer and this is Kim Mazzarelli and we're co-hosts of Senecas Conversations on Power and Purpose, brought to you by the Seneca Women Podcast Network and I Heart Radio.


We're launching a brand new season of this podcast, which brings you fascinating conversations with leaders like two time gold medalist, author and activist Abby Wambach and actor, producer and entrepreneur Justin Baldoni, among many others. Listen to Senecas conversations on power and purpose on the radio app Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm David Plouffe.


And I'm Steve Schmidt. We're the host of Battleground, a new podcast from the recount.


In 2008, I ran Senator John McCain's campaign for president, David Manege. Senator Obama's in battleground.


We're going state by state and giving you in-depth reporting on the Trump and Biden strategies. So did you understand what they're doing and more importantly, why they're doing it?


Listen, the battleground on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts, we have to be able to.


Sit in a bit of vulnerability to allow for a certain kind of healing to occur. We got to be open to and I might not have the right words for.


It's not going to happen on our own. I identify as a feminist because I truly believe in equality for all women. I'm not here just fighting for black women and for me to show up as a feminist, I too am showing up, for example, women. And so I think there isn't.


And I think that's the thing we have to remember as black women that we have we're showing off for all women because we know white women included and because we know like like that.


Are we going to do the fishbowl bowl? I'm like, oh, who wants to who wants to go first?


Let me see Jenny from Texas. As a white woman, I feel women of color stereotype me also the same way they criticize white people for doing the same. Isn't that hypocritical? Oh, OK.


First, Jenny, I highly suggest you reframe your question in terms of the patriarchy. If a man came in with all of the emotions that you bring to say, well, not all men are like this, you'd be like, I know, but enough to keep me on say that from what I understand, I think it's a story that Muhammad Ali said where he was describing his fear of white people, that if there's a thousand poisonous snakes coming towards you and someone says five of them aren't poisonous, I'm still shutting the door.


There's a huge chance that I'm going to get hurt. So it's not about stereotyping. It's not about being hypocritical. It's about black bodies in danger. And so there has to be a space of us protecting ourselves while still doing that work.


I love that. That's the question that's asked a lot.


OK, this is Karen from San Jose. Are most of your friends the same ethnicity?


There's a differentiation for me between friends and associates. So I have a lot of associates, too, that are white.


But friends is a more intimate definition of a relationship for me.


And though I don't have a lot of friends, we just did this exercise yesterday, actually did at a diversity training I was at and she had a list like who are your neighbors? Like race and gender? Who are your friends? Who were your teachers? And I looked at my list and I was almost all white for me. And that that is so. But I think that is so true.


We have to reach out. All right.


OK, Rita from Florida, I'm a white woman and I'm sick of hearing about my privilege. I've been raped, I've been abused. I've lost out jobs to men both black and white. Why is my past any less traumatic than a woman of color?




There it is. I get it. I totally get it, Rita. And we all have these traumas and we all have these places in our lives where we've been impacted in ways that are awful.


But with your white skin, that is it wasn't it wasn't big. Well, yes.


And you still walk through the world as a white person, and that is privilege. And it doesn't mean your whole life is privileged and it doesn't mean that we don't all have pain. And here's the thing. She's experienced heinous acts upon her body personally.


And now we as women are not safe because of our gender.


And yet it's this complex. A lot of times white women say, I'm not privileged, I have mental health issues, I have this and I go. There's so many black women who also have mental health issues who also have gone through all those things.


And they walk in the world with no one believing them because they're black, because their period.


End of discussion.


We keep talking, but this is not talk about. You see that right there. Just so that's that's what I'm talking about.


Got to work on that part. Yes. Lauren from Los Angeles, Jane Elliott said there is only one race, the human race, and there's one race, the human race, and that's the only race.


And while I think it's rooted in the right sentiment, does this do a disservice to marginalized members of society who have to deal with inequality every day? Yes, Lauren. Yeah, if we were living in a completely different society with completely different roles, completely different power, we could forever and all day skip around and talk about how we're the same race. But in America, we're not the same race in America when my black son walks out right. And you're white son walks out there with two completely different experiences based on their race alone.


Right. So I think it did do a disservice. It has to be acknowledged. You cannot fix what you ignore with everything that we've talked about and with your vision, all three of you, what is your hope?


Well, my hope is, is that we all come together. I mean, even sitting here, it's been so interesting, the difference, you know, it's like where's the common ground? And that's what seems to be so difficult. But that's my hope.


Yeah, I just keep having that conversation to find it. Rachel, we're often told to kind of like, hush it a little bit or calm down a little bit, but this is the time for it. This is the time for us to show up, show up hardcore fashion, ready with our receipts to do the work. So I hope that's my hope that we all show up and we all do the work. Yeah.


My hope is that we're raising all of our children in a way that allows them to express their full selves, because these are the kids who are going to lead us into this next place. And let's not let perfect be the enemy of the good. Let's just be nice and let's just show up.


Right. Ladies. I tell you what this has been. Now, this has been really good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I woke up. To join the red table, talk family and become a part of the conversation, follow us at Facebook dot com slash red tabletop. Thanks for listening to this episode of Red Tablecloth podcast produced by Facebook Watch Westbrooke Audio and I Heart Radio.


Hi, this is Melanne Verveer and this is Kim Mazzarelli.


We are co-authors of the book Fast Forward How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose and where co-hosts of Senecas Conversations on Power and Purpose brought to you by the Seneca Women Podcast Network and I Heart Radio for launching a brand new season of this podcast, which brings you fascinating conversations with leaders who are using their power for purpose to accelerate progress for women while building a better world. We're kicking it off with a special six part series called Getting to Equal. These episodes will feature conversations with leaders like two time gold medalist, author and activist Abby Wambach, spoken word poet, author and podcast Ameena Brown, and actor, producer and entrepreneur Justin Baldoni, among many others.


And we'll tackle topics ranging from women's leadership to equality in the home to the role of men in achieving gender equality and much more so join us every week for a new season of Senecas Conversations on Power and Purpose. Listen to Senecas conversations on power and purpose on the Internet radio app, Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcast.


This is the Secret Syllabus podcast. I am a YouTube and a student at Belmont University. I'm a YouTube year and an international student at Cornell University and probably just like you. I remember the good old times when I was a college student and then 20/20 hit.


How am I supposed to make friends while staying six feet apart? What will happen to the parties and tailgates? What about my college?


Will I just be sent home again and again and again?


So that's where the secret syllabus comes in.


Hi, I'm Hannah Ashton. And I'm Katie Tracy.


We're here to fill in everything they missed in our college curriculum, just like you were confronting the unknown both as college students and content creators. And if we're being honest, we need all the advice we can get.


Listen to the secret syllabus on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.


No prerequisites necessary. See after class.