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From ABC, this is the 10 percent happier podcast. I'm Dan Harris. Hey, hey, it's Friday, so it's bonus time, and today we are dropping a meditation from the inimitable Jeff Warren, a great guy and a great meditation teacher with a timely meditation about stress. That said, here we go over to Jeff. Hi, I'm Jeff. So when I was a little kid, when I get stressed out about something, my mom would sit me down and go, Yeah, but honey, think about all the people having problems in other parts of the world.


It made me feel both less alone and that my problems were more manageable. So this meditation is dedicated to the wisdom of my mom. It's about getting perspective around stress first by changing how we experience stress in our bodies and then by seeing if we can connect it to a larger perspective. So let's go. The eyes can be open or closed. We start by taking a few deep breaths, so you're stretching up on the inhale. And then on the exhale, that's kind of a downward motion, the the relaxing, the softening.


So a nice, long outbreath. As you do this, just imagine you can breathe out any tension. And the belly. Softens the shoulders, relax. OK, good. So this first part of the practice is about exploring how we experience stress in our own bodies minds. So notice where you're experiencing stress right now. How do you know your stress? What are the telltale signs in your body? How is stress coming up for you right now?


Do a little survey. So now we're going to do this move, we're going to try to do this 180 turn here and try to reframe the way we experience this, we call all of this stress. But really, that's just a word. It's an idea before any idea of stress, there's just sensations. The question is, can you begin to experience what was once stress has just different sensations happening and flowing. Sensations connected to other sensations, all of them slowly changing.


You're like a weather pattern. So seeing if we can experience ourselves as this swirling pattern of sensations. Obviously, our problems are real, but we also have the capacity to put them in perspective to see them as part of this larger story. OK, relaxing here, just chilling out here on our cosmic stoop. Nice long exhale, just being in your body. When you're ready, can open your eyes if they were closed and notice how you feel now versus when you began.


Nice to hang out with you. This is your local weather system, Jeff, disappearing back into the cosmic flow. Jeffrey, thank you very much. We hope you enjoyed this meditation, if you're thinking, you know, I I could have kept going there for another five or 10 minutes. I encourage you to check out the 10 percent happier app where you'll find this very same meditation in different lengths. The cost of your subscription directly supports our many amazing teachers and allows them to dedicate their lives to teaching the life changing skill of mindfulness as an added incentive.


We've got a special discount for anyone new to the app to claim your discount visit 10 percent dotcom bonus. That's 10 percent one word all spelled out. Dotcom bonus if you're an existing subscriber. Thank you. That does it for today. We'll see you here on Monday with a fresh episode.