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From ABC, this is the 10 percent happier podcast. I'm Dan Harris. Hey, for today's bonus, we're going to drop a meditation from Sharon Salzberg. She was on the show a couple of days ago talking about her book Real Change, which is all about how to stay engaged in our civic life, political life, public life without losing your mind.


And she has recorded new meditations and talks specifically pegged to this new book, all of which you can find inside the 10 percent happier app. This one, though, which is on Lovingkindness for Social Change, is available right here for free.


Hi, this is Sharon. Lovingkindness meditation for ourselves is a powerful way to deepen our inner strength. If we grow the sense of self-respect to start with, it will allow us to draw boundaries, respond to unfair treatment. And join with others in a sense of common cause. Let's begin. Sit comfortably, relax. You can close your eyes if you feel comfortable. We begin by actively taking delight in our own goodness. Think of a good quality that is alive within you.


It may be a very small thing, but bring it to mind now. We then silently repeat phrases that reflect what we would wish most deeply for ourselves. Using traditional phrases like. I live in safety, may I be safe? I have mental happiness, which is peace and joy. May I have physical happiness? Which means health and freedom from pain. May I live with ease? It shows me the elements of daily life go easily, not be such a struggle.


You can use these phrases or any others that are more personally meaningful to you. May I be safe? I have mental happiness. May I have physical happiness? May I live with ease? Just gather all of your attention behind one phrase at a time and repeat the phrases of love and kindness for yourself. It is said that we can search the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of our love and affection than we are ourselves, and we won't find that person anywhere.


So as you receive this energy coming towards you, be in touch with that truth. We deserve to be happy. We deserve to be safe, just as all beings do. I safe. May I have mental happiness? I have physical happiness. Man, live with these. And when you feel ready, you can open your eyes. You can see how developing a greater self-respect and loving kindness toward ourselves is a doorway into deepening our own strength to care for others and the world.


Thank you for your practice. Big thanks to Sharon. I really hope you enjoy that meditation if you're thinking, you know, I really could have kept that going for another five or ten minutes. I encourage you to check out the 10 percent happier app where you will find this same meditation in different lengths to suit your practice. The price you pay for your subscription supports our wonderful teachers and allows them to dedicate their time to teaching these skills of mindfulness, which can be life changing as an added incentive.


We've got a special discount for anybody who's new to the app to claim that discount, you can visit 10 percent dotcoms extra. That's 10 percent one word all spelled out dotcoms extra. If you're an existing subscriber, we thank you for your support.