Encouraging Words from crackheads
The Breakfast Club- 1,811 views
- 25 Aug 2020
Today on the show we had for the first time ever, rapper and entrepuerneral Nas call into the show where he spoke about his new album, growing up in Queens, starting his career and more. Also we opened up the phone lines to see if any of our listeners received good advice from people that use drugs such as crack or cocaine and Charlamagne gave "Donkey of the Day" to Nikki Haley for her comments at the Republic National Convention.
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Welcome to the Criminally, a podcast, I'm Holly Frim, and I'm Maria Trimark, and together we're exploring the intersection of history, a true crime. Our first season of the show is all about lady poisoners. Sometimes women take power for themselves and sometimes they do it through murder. But how many were just misunderstood? Join us on criminality as we untangle their stories on the radio app Apple podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
This is your wake up call, the Breakfast Club, the show you love to hate. From East to West Coast. MP Angela Charlamagne got a show on the planet. This is where I respect this show because this is a voice of societal change in the gay guys are the coveted morning show which are on impact in the culture that go up in the morning and age. They want to hear that the world's most dangerous morning show.
Good morning, USA. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
Good morning, Angeliki de Mining. Andy Charlamagne.
The God Peace to the planet is Tuesday. How did the world's greatest entrepreneurs find their way to such prominent positions of success? I'm Jeff Rosenthal and in The Art of the Hustle, my podcast from my Heart Radio, I sit down and chat with cultural innovators and magnates. My friends I've met through my work as the co-founder of Summit Guests, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, Patrice Cullors, former CEO of Twitter. Dick Costolo, leading global conservation scientists in some Jayan and thought leaders like Tim Ferriss and Simon Sinek.
Join us each week as we discuss successes, failures, milestone events and, of course, the insights and critical advice that shaped all of their lives out of the hustle. A podcast created to inspire the entrepreneurs shaping our future.
Listen to the art of the Hustle on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcasts, wherever you get your podcasts.
Toronto, good morning, guys, what's happening? Is that how you are feeling this morning? I am blessed, black and highly favored and somewhere between Onek, but that's always the case. OK. What about you? Easy. I'm good.
I'm good. No complaints here. I was catching up on some television yesterday. I watch TV the. Have you been watching the show. No, I have.
No, I'm not going to lie to Sky. I kind of lost me this season just a little bit. I started watching early on, but it's just too confusing because it's just they didn't tie up a lot of loose ends from last season. They didn't explain a lot of things that didn't happen last season. And it's just a lot going on. I'm I'm I'm I'm I'll finish the season.
But yeah, I do like it because I've been dedicated to it. But it's not my favorite season of The Shot at all is a lot of weird things happen. Yeah.
It's just all over the place. It's all over with. I'll tell you, it was good though even it's only two episodes deep Lovecraft Country on HBO. That's my kind of show because I'm into science fiction and I love science fiction starring black people. So I really, really, really like Lovecraft country. You know, it's only been two episodes and I wish that we could binge watch it. I do not like having to wait week after week to watch TV shows.
I thought I did and sometimes I do. But in a situation like this, I don't. I'd rather just get it all over because it's a good show I enjoy. Someone was telling me that book is really good.
I do. I'm, I, I assumed it was based off a book but I ah but I haven't ever read the book but TV show is good.
I haven't had time to watch the damn TV. I'm moving so I'm packing boxes. But you know what I'm doing today. I'm actually nervous about I have to get the covid test coronavirus ok.
At least I think I pulled a few times. Yes.
And all the plastic surgery you've had, that's nothing compared to the cold, but this is nothing compared to that. You've had cheek implants. OK, you'll be fine. Come on.
Like I said, they are they're actually coming to do it during the show this morning.
So I guess around eight o'clock, eight thirty, they dial up, they're doing it.
So what it is, is, of course, medicine is going to college. So before she goes to college, she has to take the test to make sure she's clear before she can go. She has to check in this week. So she's scared to do it.
So I am going to do it with her because I'm her dad. I didn't know that they do. The nurse called me yesterday, so they do both nostrils. I know where I got my dad. Nope, just one. Well, you won't like this, but they don't go as deep as they used to either. You don't have to go as deep and it's actually not that bad. The first time I got it, it was it was way worse.
And then when I just got it on Thursday, it was a lot better. OK, and they don't go as deep, so we won't like that. But yes, they still do the swab because I had an antibody antibody test last week, only because I had got a physical that I hadn't gotten a physical yet this year because, you know, the year got away from us. Right. So I wouldn't got a physical and it didn't antibody test on me.
I didn't have no antibodies. So that means I've never had kids 19. I've heard recently that the antibody test is a waste of time. I don't know how to that is.
No, I had a couple of friends that had that actually had it. I took the antibody test and actually had it. But yeah, she's going to she's going to be doing that this morning.
So you guys will get to see that because we'll still be on there when she does that test. So I'm nervous. I'm probably going to cry and scream and squeal.
But no, you're not. One second. You definitely should. It's not that bad now. But they do say new guidelines say coronavirus antibody tests are pointless. Holon, you go ahead.
Gary, I got to hear this guy say how you've seen the screen squeal.
Just before I go, I would say that I was just going to say you had things put into you before for much longer period of time, waves deeper. You'll be fine in V. Come on, guy. Let's start the show. Matter of fact, we have a we have a legend, an icon in the building.
They were on the zoom. Right.
Well, Nas will be joining us this morning. That's right. Yes. God, son. Nasty Nas.
Now, I probably know this story. Some of you don't. But do you know Nas actually pulled a gun on me?
Oh, my God. We're going to show you or not. I was actually pulled a gun on me.
Yeah, no, you didn't think about it. And I could have shot me and killed me and died. I thought he deserved all of that.
You definitely didn't deserve to get shot, killed and whatever you say.
But yes, I can see why he might be there. Maybe a slap. Maybe a slap. Yes or not. You know, maybe just a freeze. Maybe a freeze. He doesn't just freeze frame goes there. Yes.
And that's the reason I don't run up on artists or rappers anymore.
I will not stop movie. I wasn't a groupie. I was I was giving him my mixtape. I was like, Nas, here you go. Here's my mixtape. Something for you not only pulled out a gun, but you got for me, I said a.
I'm glad he killed the group in you when you've got a great new album out called King's Disease, that is an incredible, incredible body of work. And I can't wait to discuss with Nasya Jones this morning.
OK. All right. Well, we got front page news coming up. What are we talking about?
Well, I didn't hear any of you say that you were watching the Republican National Convention last night, but weekend I did. I did watch a little bit of it.
I watched that and it was very entertaining.
All right. Well, we'll get into that next. Don't Move is The Breakfast Club. Morning.
Morning, everybody. Is T.J. and Angela? Yes. I mean, the guy we are at the Breakfast Club. Let's get in some front page news where we start you.
Well, let's start with the Republican National Convention for last night's Donald Trump did make an appearance. And could you imagine if Donald Trump gets re elected? But is that going to be like, well, listen to this.
If you want to really drive him crazy, you say 24 years since we caught them doing some really bad things in 2016. Let's see what happens. We have to be very careful because they're trying it again with this whole 80 million mail in ballots that they're working on.
You're going to stop treating Charlamagne like he's the monkey in The Lion King. Rafiki. OK, I've been telling you, Donald Trump is going to try his hardest to to repeal that law in the Constitution in state passed two terms. If he if he didn't not Donald Trump Junior spoke and cocaine was trending after that.
Just a few short months ago, we were seeing the American dream become a reality, the greatest prolonged economic expansion in American history, the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years. And then courtesy of the Chinese Communist Party, the virus struck. The president quickly took action and shut down travel from China. Joe Biden and his Democrat allies called my father a racist and a xenophobe for doing it. They put political correctness ahead of the safety and security of the American people.
First of all, I was highly entertained by the RNC convention, I was in and out, but I was also on the phone, so I was in and out. But I did watch Donald Trump junior speech. Y'all could say he was on cocaine all y'all want. But one thing Republicans do better than Dems is be very clear about their messaging. And it's amazing how people started talking about him being on cocaine as opposed to speaking about him saying that we need to put an end to racism and police who kill people should be held accountable.
I don't give a damn who you on cocaine and not you get on a big platform like that. And you say that at a time like this, I like the messaging. All right. And that's that's what we should have been playing and letting people hear over and over and over again instead of talking about him being on some damn cocaine now very clear.
Other speakers included the couple from St. Louis who pointed guns at peaceful Black Lives Matter, protesters marching past their mansion. And here are the McCluskey's.
Not a single person in the out of control mob you saw at our house was charged with a crime. But you know who was. We were on top of that. The Marxist liberal activist leading the mob to our neighborhood stood outside our home with a bullhorn screaming, You can't stop the revolution. Just weeks later, that same Marxist activist won the Democratic nomination to hold a seat and the U.S. House of Representatives and the bullhorn does not mean that you're not peaceful, OK?
People have a right to peacefully protest and peacefully march and you have to pull guns and then you can actually use a weapon if you feel like you're in danger. But they were not in any type of danger, in any type of threat.
So you had a person with the bullhorn is not a troublemaker here. The person with the gun is. So that I would have been shot, too. But I must say, again, a broken clock can be right twice a day and so can a Coalgate, allegedly Donald Trump Junior said we need to put an end to racism and police who kill unarmed people should be held accountable. I'm stamping that message. God damn it. OK, who said?
All right, well, I'm Angela Yee, and that is your front page news. All right, thank you, Miss Yee. Now get it off your chest. Eight hundred five eight five one two five one. If you need to vent, you can hit us up at any time. Call us. Right now is the Breakfast Club. Good morning.
The Breakfast Club. I'm Holly Frying, and I'm Maria FreeMarkets, and together we're exploring the margins of history and specifically at the intersection of history and true crime.
Welcome to the Criminally, a podcast. Our first season of the show is all about lady poisoners, and the history has not been kind to ladies.
Women have been marginalized. They've been vilified. They're falsely accused and often just plain misunderstood time and time again. But sometimes women take power for themselves and sometimes they do it through murder.
Some of these women absolutely were guilty, but some of them were probably labeled as criminals. But that was not the case in all of them were viewed through society's lens, sitting at this intersection of being both killers and the fairer sex. But how many were just misunderstood?
Listen to criminality on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts, because Exaro me to play around with my old son and this is your time to get it off your chest.
So the email. I hear from you on the Breakfast Club that you've got something on your mind. Hello this morning with some of your choice. Yes, sir. I want to get it off my chest. The fact that no one is speaking about a test, wearing a mask, a fit test test. Yes, I'm a safety director. As a matter of fact, when a person wears a mask in construction, though, is it a finisher or whoever, they have to go to a clinic and get a test on their lungs.
You know that the lung is actually a must. Therefore, you have to get tested. You put a mask on, you have to put a little drop of oil to ask as people want to tan and you smell it. And then they put Sherry, for example, and is a test to see if your lungs have the capacity either type of mask. And I can't believe that the government is asking us to wear a mask. We're not even allowed or we haven't even been speaking about.
We're not having a fit test as your lungs first got you through. OK, I think that makes sense.
Hello, this is John from Florida. Hello, John. Just to my Florida this morning, I don't like I. I'm originally from Boston, Massachusetts. Good morning, you guys. Good morning and good morning. Hey, I'm not sure if you guys know what's going on. Fort Hood, Texas. No, what's going on is there's a young man, a young Cape Verdean man from Brockton, Massachusetts, who's gone missing. I sent you guys the link yesterday.
I'm not sure if you guys received it or not. I know it's the group. No, I didn't see my brother. What happened to be actively involved in this? No, this is my third or fourth person being murdered. So tell us more. What do you what would what was the call to action? What's the man's name?
His name is Elder Fernandez. You know, just 23 years old. He was sexually abused and went to the hospital after the hospital. He's been missing now for about a week and they're not really given any information to the family. The families in Texas now trying to get information. They're giving them the runaround. Wow. So what do you think? I think the FBI needs to be involved. You know, something needs to happen out there. This is crazy.
I'm reading about it right now. Give us the brother name again so we can go look up the case and other people listen. I can go look up the case.
Can his name is Elbo Spell E l tr Fernandez E.R. and A and D.
All right my man. Thank you brother speaking. They said he's been missing for a week and an ongoing abusive sexual contact investigation. He was last seen by his staff sergeant Monday afternoon when he dropped him off at his residence. All right. Well, get it off your chest.
Eight hundred five eight five one two five one. If you need to finish this up now is the Breakfast Club.
Good morning. The Breakfast Club. Wake up, wake up, wake up. This is your time to get it off your chest, whether you're mad or blessed, we want to hear from you on the Breakfast Club. Hello, this is guys in Chicago.
Shotty, what's happening here? I'm a little surprised to hear you here with us. My brother was having a brother.
Now I want to get off my chest, man. Never quit a job and tell them no. Tell them beforehand because I didn't do my check my and my last check. I told them beforehand I was going quit, go to another company and get my last check when they owe you that.
So yeah, they got to give you your money. That's crazy. I got bills man. I was crazy. Can I give another shout out? Go ahead. OK, Charlamagne, always. This is all the rappers on here baby girl rappers like to do from last week from like he was a good rapper. Major beats me and beat me up at a titles on Scooby Mongered on IGY.
All right. How much today. How much do they owe you, Titus. Naomi. Forty five on it. Oh yeah. They got to pay. Oh yeah. You got to get to you. They got to pay that.
Yeah. They got to you know, hopefully that I don't I don't think you're telling us the whole story now.
I'll tell you the whole story about the truth and nothing but the truth. Thank you, brother Alex. Hello.
This is Army management. What's up Ben? Get us up in the sun. I just want to I just want to say I'm blessed. Man Today makes two years in business and two years to the day. My dues. Florentin So, you know, I'm glad you came. Yeah. Congrats on my back. I was going to buy myself, so. Yeah. So just making it worse and you know, now is going better, so I'm happy about that.
Well, congrats, bro. Congratulations, King. Thank you. Thank you. I meant to say hello. This was and like this. Oh yeah it was someone. What's up. None of them was out so I want to do two things right quick. One, I want you out to dry. When I closed my eyes from my wife, you know, I'm saying it's our anniversary.
It was. But I realized that it was late. You were late. You know, that's my quarmby anniversary. I have to prove to me I really want show. So I called like a couple of months ago. You're not you about my phone is like Megan and I had got a good response or whatever like that, and I didn't want to go check it out. Yeah, I like it. I sent a jail because I took the call.
I did the last one OK, up there on the bench or whatever like that. No, it was not. I hook that sound. Which is it. That sounds interesting. Tell me without a hook go.
Oh man. Look, you got to hear it. You got to hear.
He's like me. I'm a producer. ME's like Megan.
Yeah, yeah. My my my. Instagram is FSLIC. SB no. Is SLAC the ATV. Yeah. Oh come on now.
I know it's great. You're from New Orleans. We understand. Slow it down. Yeah. Yeah it's HSDPA TV. Yeah. It's always gonna be like this. Thank you to me. Like I was dancing to my debut last. Yeah.
Oh so you're showing off you showing off the fact that you got news like Megan.
Oh yeah. Oh my goodness. It's like New Orleans Bauscher.
I love the place like New Orleans bounce. I love New Orleans in zero.
Yeah. Yeah. It's like yeah I like when I'm a producer really.
You don't, you know, check it out. All right.
But one thing I like, one thing I like about New Orleans, New Orleans people, even the guys are not afraid to just dance like they dance very freely. You know what I mean. You love I know it's very gender fluid. Mm hmm. All right.
Get it off your chest. Eight hundred five, eight, five, one and five. Well, we got room on the way. Yes.
And let's talk about food. That's a good topic. Travis Scott would tell you who he's collaborating with. And also Wiz Khalifa, he has a new venture and it all has to do with food.
All right. We'll get into that.
Next is The Breakfast Club. Good morning. The Breakfast Club. Morning, everybody, is D.J. Envy, Angela Charlamagne, the guy we are the Breakfast Club, let's get to the rumors.
Let's talk Kobe by building the team. This is the room rapport with Angela on the Breakfast Club.
Well, yesterday was Kobe Bryant day, Monday, August 24th. And they've also motion for three miles of Figueroa Street to be renamed to Kobe Bryant Boulevard. So the street name a go from Olympic Boulevard, which is near the Staples Center to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
You know, yesterday, that's dope. Yesterday during the first quarter, the Lakers Trailblazers game. At one point the score was twenty four to eight with the Lakers up. I thought that was that was some good energy. Yes. So I think that's amazing way to celebrate Kobe Bryant. Now, Wiz Khalifa has announced hotbox byways. It's a delivery only restaurant chain. So he has partnered with a virtual restaurant brand curator next bite. And he's doing this delivery only restaurant and it's going to be open for business on October 1st.
So he personally curated the menu and has some of his favorite food on there, which is blazed ends, crispy savory brisket and smothered in a smoky, sweet barbecue sauce. Talegaon turkey burgers. So he'll have a side of chip crispy housemaid's chips and parmesan and lemon mac and yellow, which is, of course, mac and cheese and the mile high dark chocolate brownie, which is dessert.
That sounds amazing. I thought that he was going to come to your house and smoke with you. I was like, why would that be something cool? Because, you know, we live in a time right now. If you feeling lonely, you need somebody to talk to you.
Nobody in the house like that now, especially somebody you haven't seen, is in a car accident in a car that they pull up. You come smoke in the car. Would you still be smoking?
It is your day is over. There's no more things happening. It's no productivity after that. For everybody who has smoked ways to ever know. Remember, he bought us and we before him, Khalifa Kush, quite a few times. Yeah. You even ran and ran and ran into him in the street and he always got some free rolls on there.
Well, you can order from over each door. Dash Postmus and grab have again. That'll be available October 1st and it'll be in Pittsburgh, L.A., San Diego, Chicago, Denver, DC, Indianapolis, Houston. In New York City, Travis Scott is going to be working with McDonald's. So they haven't leaked out all the details.
But there is a memo that leaked out from McDonald's from their chief marketing officer, and they said from his impossible to get Nike sneaker line to a serial killer app with General Mills that sold out in thirty seconds to a record setting virtual concert series inside. Forty nine, Travis Scott is the definition of big in culture. Beyond this, he is a true fan of McDonald's and our Krabappel iconic food. He will resonate and spark excitement with our youthful multicultural customers.
What what's the what is he selling? You got to own you got the milkshake.
But they're going to announce the partnership officially in early September, but they haven't said what it is yet.
OK, let's try our internal strife. His last name is Scott. Who the hell is Travis McCoy? Travis McCoy? I don't know.
Isn't he from gym class before? All I wanted was a rapper too. So freakin bad. That's not him, right? I think that is him from gym class here. I'm just saying I was thinking about the whole McCoy McDonald's. That would be a good partnership as well. But never mind.
All right. And Big Sean, he announced that his new album, Detroit Two, which is the sequel to 2012 Detroit has a release date September 4th. So the first thing he did was share a new single from the album and it features Nipsey Hussle. Now, the song is called Deep Reverence. We are going to play it in its entirety before front page news. But we do want to give you some highlights of what he talks about on this song.
Now, amongst the things that he discusses is a sense type of friction with Kendrick Lamar. I listen to this.
After what happened in Nipsy, I reached out to Kendrick. It wasn't even the real issues that it began with. Lack of communication and wrong information from people about ego is like mixing plays with diesel energy. Crazy. I realize that is a two way street. What's coming is going. If they don't give you more drains, you have to be a billionaire based on this. I'm off. I'm not taking probably what is with me get crazy.
And we lost the baby. I remember watching him in a cage that was alleged to have some issues is throwing bombs at each other here.
And there is some subliminal I actually heard this song and to ask Big Sean what happened with him and Kendrick and he gave the whole breakdown of what went down. And I know we're going to have him on the show soon, so we'll let him tell it. Now, he also references a time when he had suicidal thoughts. Listen to this high school.
I learn chemistry, biology, but not how to cope with anxiety. I could feel like I'm by myself on an island with depression on all sides of me, with a Glock seventeen right on the side of me. Look, I think I had a daughter suicide. Amy, it's a nice. Show me all these different sides to me so many times I thought the river was a for me. I love big shine on this. Speaking on his mental health and especially how in school they don't teach us how to deal with our anxiety.
That's why we need social and emotional learning in all grade schools to help us just cope absolutely with all the stress these kids are going through.
They don't know how to deal with this.
You absolutely need FCL in schools. Mm hmm.
Well, Big Sean was locked in and he was working with a hit boy for this album. Also is an executive produced by Kanye as well. So Head Boy said I was pro Big Sean, like in four hours to every bar hit how he wanted it to. His vision was clear from the jump. This is some of his most elevated work on every level. Proud is an understatement.
Very tough record to listen to, though, because you can tell. And if he didn't get to finish his verse and you know, I hear it and I said, I just can't believe you Negroes took Nipsy away from us. You just took Nipsy from the planet like that. But the damn rest in peace to universal and deep reverence is a is a great name for that record because people definitely have a deep reverence when Nipsy Hustle.
Well, make sure you keep listening. We are about to play that song in full and it is called the album is called Detroit too. So I'm sure there's going to be some Detroit artists on there as well. We'll look forward to that. All right. I'm Angela Yee, and that is your rooma report.
All right. Thank you, Miss Ye. Now, we got front page news coming up.
All right. Not to scare anybody, but they are saying they had the first documented case of someone getting coronavirus for the second time. Oh, boy. All right. Well, we'll get into that next.
Keep it like this. The Breakfast Club. Good morning. Morning, everybody. Is D.J. Envy, Angela Yee, Charlemagne, the guy we are the Breakfast Club, is getting some front page news where we start you.
Well, let's start with night one of the Republican National Convention that happened yesterday. Another person who spoke at Donald Trump, Junior's girlfriend, by the way, former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle. Here's what she had to say.
President Trump is the leader who will rebuild the promise of America and ensure that every citizen can realize their American dream. Ladies and gentlemen, leaders and fighters for freedom and liberty and the American dream. The best is yet to come.
I definitely can't her all because she was yelling at me. I didn't want everybody yelling. I thought it was just me. I was trying to type and watch that and I put her on mute. Otherwise she yelling at me.
The late night host last night. We're having a field day with her speech and she also talks about California.
She said the state used to be pristine, but the Democrats turned it into a land of discarded heroin, needles and tax riots in the streets and blackouts at home, as you, by the way, did used to be married to the governor of California. So that's a reason to scream heroin needles all over the place.
I can understand why she describes it that way. Neither do I. But I haven't been off to California either. All right.
Now, Donald Trump Junior had this to say about police brutality.
All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That's why we must put an end to racism and we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their powers is held accountable. What happened to George Floyd is a disgrace. And if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that.
To listen, a broken clock can be right twice a day and so can a man allegedly high on cocaine. All right. I was so happy to see the Qader post last night. Do not let them deflect from what he said. I don't care who Sunny is. I don't care if he really feels that way. He said we must end racism and any police officer who abuses their power should be held accountable. That should be chopped up and running in a Joe Biden campaign ad today, whenever a Republican or a Trump supporter starts talking to you about there is no racism and systemic racism isn't the reason cops kill unarmed black people.
Play that clip from Donald Trump. Donald Trump, Jr.. OK, meanwhile, you got Joe Biden talking about adding more police. Now we need police reform and the way police officers are trained to respond to certain situations needs to be changed completely. And like Donald Trump, Junior said, we must put an end to racism and police abuse or abuse. Their power should be held accountable.
Period. All right.
The first documented coronavirus v infection has been reported in Hong Kong. And what they are saying is it's a thirty three year old man. He was infected a second time, more than four months after the first time. And so now they are saying the finding was that unexpected because of the millions of people who have been infected worldwide. The man had no symptoms the second time, which suggests that even though the prior exposure did not prevent the infection, his immune system actually kept the virus somewhat in check.
So it was asymptomatic the second time around. His immune response prevented the disease from getting worse. And they said it's kind of a textbook example of how immunity should work. So people who do not have symptoms may still spread the virus to others to. However, and that's why the importance of vaccine still comes into play. I have so many I would like to know. Yeah, I would like.
How do you know the asymptomatic the first time was he was asymptomatic the first time because he had mild symptoms and a second time.
How did he have symptoms? What made him go check himself? Because if you guys are ready, I wouldn't go check myself unless I had symptoms. Right.
And how do we know he had coronavirus the first time?
How do we know you just had a cold or if he went to the hospital and got tested? Well, so what? The symptoms are the same. So what you say you have mild symptoms, what we call mild symptoms.
The first case, the first case was diagnosed March twenty six. He only had mild symptoms. He was hospitalized on March twenty nine, even though his symptoms had subsided. And he was released April 14th after he had tested negative for the virus twice. He had no detectable antibodies after his first bout. Then he tested positive again after he went on a trip to Spain via the U.K. The test was administered at the airport.
I'm not saying it's not true, OK? All I'm saying is the NFL is currently investigating seventy seven false positive coronavirus tests. So this man we don't know this man has ever had Corona. We don't know. I don't trust any of these tests. I just don't. You telling me the antibody tests don't matter. That's just told me this morning. Now, this guy was EPEAT was passed it the first time in morning and now you got another one that he got.
He passed it passed the first time, had two negative tests next time and he passed it. He passed again like OUTMAN.
We don't know, they don't know what's going on really. All right. Well that is your front page news.
I'm about to take my test in about an hour or so. I don't have a week. Yeah, I'm nervous. I was you might cheer up a little. I definitely will tell him I'm not going to sit him up. I probably will cry. It looks pained. They've got the anal swab, too. That might be more up your alley.
No, I'm more up your alley. But when we come back, anal swab.
You get it back in sixty nine seconds to get your results back in exactly six.
I don't know who likes you Charlamagne, but it sounds like someone took advantage of you. Yeah. You tried it out. It sounds like you tried it before and you enjoyed it. Did it a couple of times then you got the anal swab test. Anal swabs test.
See. See what's wrong with you, man.
Come on, man. We've got to let you walk it in here, man. Come on. We do. He's not walking in lying. You've been doing radio so long that you lied to people about somebody walking in and we all at home.
All right. You know what I mean? He'll be on the line in the second NAS. Nas will be joining us when we come back. So Don't Move is The Breakfast Club. Good morning. The Breakfast Club. Morning, everybody, is D.J. Envy, Angela Ye shall I mean the guy we are, the Breakfast Club, we got a special guest in the building.
It only took us 10 years to get this individual. And he doesn't do what he does in the mornings, ladies and gentlemen. But he's here with us this morning.
Ladies and gentlemen, not that an honor to be here, but I got to give you a round of applause on putting on an amazing body of work. And kidney disease is done very, very, very refreshing. I call it adult contemporary hip hop. You know, when you when you over 40, you need something to be under the pergola sipping your cognac, too.
So I appreciate and appreciate that.
What is key to disease is the thing that that comes when you on top of your game. You know, you can you can overindulge in things that can be a dormice. You can it comes with not being on point. I mean, it comes from gout. And, you know, these these terms over from eating too much food, drinking too much. But I've slipped it into a lot more like it and can watch out for, hey, watch out for disease in yourself with being drunk on power and ego.
You know, this is multilayered.
I see you looked at you on this one. How did you hit where? You know, we hit we we met years ago. We was I was trying to work with him a long time ago. I just I just admired his work. So I just came by to see him to get a B. I just felt at work and I came by. I've got to be and I leave. We just we we got to a zone and then they say, no, we're working on album.
And you got a firm reunion on the album. So who that was you that said, yeah, we got to do this is somebody come to you and say, let's put out a song, a hit boy.
It was hit. He said, yo, you need to get a Z on the track. And I was just like, wow. Like I knew he was really invested and I knew he really was serious about what we was working on when he mentioned it. And I knew he was working on his new stuff, too. So it's perfect time. And then Cole was like what you call Cormega foxy player. And I just it just light bulbs is going off.
And it was just like, let's get at it.
So. So who is in the firm? Is it because I was like, we're with nature aju. Why do you think the is mega fox is in nature is like who the bird is. Yeah.
Yeah, it started with me AISI, Cormega, Foxy Brown and that's, that's the one we did affirmative action on the album in. Yeah. After that it was like a split had happened to me and make fell out crazy and it never, it never panned out the way it was supposed to with that for and you know we went on and did the album, Nature's on the album and Nori's on the album. You want to get back to me.
And once we talked, it was just like spring that this bring that formula back for this record. This a great time. I was I was just checking on see, I was I was doing this because we didn't know what tomorrow was going to bring and, you know, saying it's just like this is a great time just to catch up anyway. So we just caught up and put and continue from affirmative action full circle.
Right. And that today even pops up on it. So, yeah, that's the secret.
The secret sauce in the song right there, Dr. Dre, he came into it and it really made it full circle.
Dre is he really doesn't ride on elevators without always a thing even back then, like he won't get in an elevator.
Look, I know that it's elevators. He takes elevator. But I mean, what are you going. Not packed elevators.
No, listen, cause I had a birthday party at the bowling alley and he came, but he wouldn't come upstairs because he doesn't buy elevators. And I and I got stuck in elevators.
I don't know. I don't know. I didn't know that. I didn't know. He's still around elevators at this elevator. No, he's still elevated.
And you did some collaborations, but I guess you've never worked with before. So I thought that was pretty fast. But this, too, is a nice balance. Like, we get the Nastassia with the firm, but then we see you with and its impact. You know, we see you with other artists that you haven't worked with previously. So how do you decide what collaborations you want to do?
Well, with working with him, it was like I like he really was in the front seat, the driver's seat. We both were driving. But, you know, he has his ideas. He has his ideas and directions and stuff. So, you know, we're Big Sean, too.
It was like we felt what needed to happen, who we needed to work with. We just wanted to work with the perfect people for each song before we get. The king king is so phenomenal, what do you think went wrong with the Kanye West? I don't know what went wrong. I would say I did want to I did want to work more with him. I did. We spent some time there. But I mean, I was working on ideas.
He would give me like a few loops and I would write to them, but it wasn't finished. And I was sure. And he was working on a lot of that cutting Janet Taylor until he had his album. And I was the only one coming in and starting fresh. So I got the last time with him. You know, we really did that album like that week that was supposed to come out. You seem a little rushed, like even with cops after the got like that idea insane slick Rick sample.
But it just seemed like the way to loose was on top of each other, was hard to hear. It just seemed like it was rough.
And I'm like, yeah, I kind of felt that too. It just it just went crazy. It just went crazy. Once we announced he's doing an album, it just went crazy after that. You know, I definitely want to work with him a lot more than we did. Do you regret that? No, I like I like kind of shot the kid. I like Adam and Eve. I like I like the music and simple things of life.
I like you know, this is short is a short album. It just we just didn't get enough time to really I wish we worked on it more. But certain things happen for reasons.
When you first came on the scene and you signed your first deal back then, everybody was raving on is getting orders.
You sign orders, not getting the necessary publishing. How is your first deal as a young artist, as a teen? I thought it was amazing because back then we thought only RB artists were getting like real deals, like my big budgets because they could go for their records, could go a lot further than hip hop records at the time. So to get I got like a two hundred fifty thousand dollar budget overall, you know, like for my pocket, I think it was thirty thousand, something like that.
But, you know, back then was everything. I was good.
It was decent, you know, but it was a learning process and I knew it was going to be signing a contract. You know, what leverage do you have a bit on you? You know, sanity, putting up everything. And I was just one to opportunity. I was all I needed was opportunity.
And I take it I we got more winners when we come back. Don't Move is the Breakfast Club. Good morning. Good morning, everybody.
Is D.J. Envy, Angela Ye shall I mean, the guy we are, the Breakfast Club is still kicking a witness.
Yea. You feel like you celebrate life a lot more now than you did when you were younger. I feel like you weren't that big on wanting to do interviews or talk about your personal life, but now it feels like you're in a good space, like it's been like you said. Twenty seven summers since Illmatic even came out. And now you've got venture capitalism going on. You have restaurants.
We celebrate. He was partying back in the day. You could catch Nas in any club in New York City.
Back in the day, it felt a little different. Now it felt like a more, I know, grown, mature type of celebration because it feels real stable for you just with everything going on.
So I woke up and I said I made it. Oh, I got to be proud of this. You know, I got to you wake up, you run for so long that you don't have time to stop and look around and, you know, you just run in and then get to a point in your life where you like, OK, I can I can settle down the kind of chill and like. All right, let's talk about it.
Let's talk about this. Yeah. I take it I'm happy to take considering all the times that win, you know, to come, I'm at a strong place.
I mean, you could tell even on the definition you're talking about gout and getting you uric acid levels up high and drinking. Let me get cherry alkali water. You give people the blueprint how to live.
Got to you know, it's all about balance, moderation, taking into work the right things into your body. That's important. That's important. I'm not speaking of that song. Shout out to Brucey. Yes. I'm so happy to have him on on the record and a record. I talk about a lot of things, including somebody who I say is cool with me, Gayle King, and I think she's a bright light. But, you know, it was things that had that had happened that made me a little upset and it made me just open up and say things that, you know, that I think we could bring that could push us all into a better place and, you know, just talk about it.
But it's all love.
That was a very barbershop moment, though.
What the fuck is up with Gayle King out of bed? But you asked me. It was natural I didn't plan it. I didn't plan that I didn't know what was going to happen. It just came out. But, you know, I know she means well. I know she means well. But me, maybe I know what that's like to be a bull. So, you know, that's it. But, you know, on another note, on the health side of it, of that same song, I had a friend who had these two.
I knew about two to three people that that had this thing. And it is about your diet and taking care of yourself. So on the definition, I wanted to end it with that. Like, take your self.
You had a good line on that song, too, even after the Gayle King thing. You talk about journalism, our internal like, what was the difference to you?
I mean, it's sort of like what you guys do. It is what you guys do. You guys do great journalism. I'm not just saying that because we hear everybody knows that about you guys. You guys are the ones. So it's like there's a side of it where it isn't is an integrity part, but there's also a side of it where you have to do great journalism. And it's like which part of it is you guys got a hard job is like we're part of it, too.
You throw everything out the window and we're part of it to you challenge yourself. And there was some integrity and do like the great did.
I mean, now Andy has told this and I'm glad that we have you here to clear this up. Oh, boy. You had an issue with him telling a story about an interaction that he had where you allegedly had to approach him. He allegedly pulled out a gun on me. I went legit because if it was me, I was like, no, no, no, no, no. It was going back to Avenue one up to now is my book back?
I said, I've got something on my back is said, what you got for me when I went in bag pull out a mistake. Now I had a gun and I was like, it's just a mistake because I don't do that. You're not a straight up and got this guy and he took all that was real. It was no, allegedly he did it. That was before bodyguards, because you said people recognized me, that happened a couple of times and I definitely happened with T.J. and I didn't know you at the time, is Jamaica, Queens.
You know how volatile Jamaica, Queens is? You know, so love, man.
Now, I want you to know that the first deejay interview was a story that has ever been confirmed on the back of the street war story. Don't be up. He's the only person there.
You're the first person to confirm one and every word you have to say.
Listen, I feel like all these black women were a real muse for this album.
Am I right to say as they are the backbone, they are everything. And when I put out those tapes all the time, I was thinking about it. I'm like, I'm really I'm a rap, any rap kind of guy I'd like to rap. And in that case, that's like there's no songs about the women in my life. So I had to change that to open it up. I needed that conversation. I needed to be more transparent with women and dating and life and, you know.
And it was so on point, like when I heard it, the war is what I'm like. Yo, did he write this yesterday? Literally on Friday. It would protect black women, protect black men, protect black women.
I'm like, wow, how have black women showing up for you in your life?
It starts with my moms. You know, she was a great example. And I listen to her as you try to warn me about, you know, like the song says, take your time, young man. And I listen, I was just running around, you know, but, you know, in hindsight, retrospect, how words are they with me now? You know, so I started with her. She's an example. And then even more now than it used to be.
And, you know, it's all love, so I love. What does winning the war look like to you when you say you say it's not over to the war? Is what is winning the war look like?
It means all people of all ethnicities wising up, getting over yourselves, get out of ignorance, educated on all of our differences so we can coexist in this world and in this country. The war, good versus evil that we're in right now. What's the old like?
I see on the whole, as we say, looking at them, what what's the what is the old dog like people? Don't you want to own up to this? It's all connected. And what are people saying? They want the owners. Like, what is the owner? It leaned a little bit more to what the young guys would talk about even today. This stuff, you know, street stuff is always going to be number one. I'm always dog.
That's going to be me. But like going over the top, you know, the stuff we like, the stuff, the hard stuff, the hard is hard is harder stuff. You you might not hit it for me the way it was because I'm different, but you always got those cool tapes and all of that.
You wouldn't stuff Jesus at the age, you know.
We got more with us when we come back. Let's get into his newest joint. Ultra Black is The Breakfast Club. Good morning, everybody. Is D.J. Envy, Angela Ye shall I mean the guy we are the Breakfast Club. We're still kicking a witness. Yea.
Now like you have songs like Replace Me and we don't ever hear you too much in interviews talking about relationships. So I got to ask you, have you ever had your heart broken.
You're sixteen years old. Is burning in tears. I'm sorry I put your name out there where you are but I also also mentioned her could I be five. But then after that it was all of a man, all the men, my baby mamas, all of them, you know, I mean, it's like you go to it.
How many young girls jumped in your did when they heard you say you a sugar daddy?
I mean, you said you put it out there now you say you said Daddy, you know, I could speak like that because I'm really not.
But let's clear that up because it's past tense is Pat.
You know, I've been a lot slow, a slow down a lot. I slowed down.
You know, I was dating the same girls and young rapper dudes drink out. Yeah.
Yeah, that's just wrong. And this is because I just threw their name out there.
Mean somebody is going to get you into trouble because then you would be like, who is he talking about? Like, you know, you say those are name. But that was just because you said it rhymes with when I at the time she told me about this dude.
And I know who he was, but he's some new rapper that, you know, it was really crazy about her because she seemed so much so mature as she's deal with this young rapper and was like, this is I was just like I wanted to say women that too young to say, hey, you know what, I want to as the rock singer Ashanti really threatened you at the end of the movie, you know, she comes up to you and you would rap that she really threatened you say get your stuff together in your face.
You're faced with that rude with that.
You know, she said, next time I see you don't have it together. So I was hiding from her. I was hiding from her because, you know, she was single. She was tough. You know, she was tough as she was. She was serious. And that showed me how serious the game is that show me how serious you've got to be about this. And she was a girl.
And back in those days, she was speaking to you, tearful in a way that in a society and a society we lived in, we wasn't used to women talking to somebody like that. Like, I would hear the older guys saying, you know, upset about some of her lyrics in the song, because I'm learning from this world I'm in. I'm like, oh, they're not used to women, you know, bucking back Roxanna's revenge.
I'm like, so in her own right, Roxanne Shanté is like a freedom fighter to hip hop, you know, I'm saying so I'm not I'm not as that. And I'm always looked up to.
Yeah. You also had said you had another secret project that's supposed to be happening. Is that still happening?
Yes, it is. A lot of is it music? Is it is music did when I was talking about was music OK?
How have you felt now about the criticism that your production has always been lackluster? That's what people always say about the United Beats.
I don't know. I think that people may I know I choose the rap on things that I like. You know, I'm rapping. I'm like the rap type of guy.
So I just like to rap or beats that allow me to open up. I don't I think that, you know, things just snowballed and it just one of the things people talk about. But I don't I don't get it. I work with some of the greatest producers. I work with some new producers. I mean, make no sense to me.
That is, would Illmatic and then, you know, it was written. I am I never I didn't I never understood what a lack of a white piece like would would have times went like New York State of mind.
The yes. I appreciate that certain people will see me and they don't like that I'm doing good. They don't like that I'm able to have, by the grace of the most high to sustain and do what I do. They think that it should be harder for me by getting harder.
Now they think that I have to do. A lot of people think so many ways about me. I hear things all the time and it bothers them. If you bothered by me, man, like that's on you. But I wish you the best.
Do you think Jay-Z releases projects on your album? Release dates on purpose as what everybody says. Every time I thought you say that the wound.
Could I see a little meme going around? No, no.
I think I think maybe there's the energy that we both have where we maybe we shouldn't like to work around the same time. And then they say stigmatic came out December 18th. They said AJ released unplug. There is a street disciple, November 30th, then collision course now has its greatest hits. American Gangster Nazia Everything Is Love, The Lost Tapes, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Lion King. But that's where it got to. The Lion King soundtrack is When to gets you the entrepreneur.
Well I was Collision Course. That's an album. Linkin Park. Yeah. Oh where were you bro.
That's a hell of a comment. That's some coincidence, you know. I mean, I don't know about that. I think things just happen. This synergy man, you know. You know, Jay would know Jay would know better than me that this album was going to write.
His album was on your own best. Are you all Def Jam and you own your masterpiece?
Yeah, I'm only on Marsupial Man. It's about a couple of years old and I'm so happy to be at a thriving company and that we built from the ground up the record company we built from the ground up. And we got this man. We got we got some some some dope dope artists that we partner with. Dave shout out to Dave's commentary's in stores. Well, in those stores. But that's that's a crazy album. Pick that up. Yeah, so mass appeal we just brought in every day, and this is this is a beautiful thing to have this record after being on so many contests, you know, worked with his inner circle, Dr.
Dre, for the firm. I'm working with all these different labels. And now to have them all, that's what we're supposed to be now. All right.
Now, let's get into NAS. Mini mix is The Breakfast Club. Good morning. That was a last minute mix. Morning.
Everybody is the envy, Angela. Yes. I mean, the God we are the Breakfast Club. We're still kicking the witness.
Sulmi, have you ever gotten to a point now when you thought your legacy was in jeopardy?
I'm sure somewhere. Somewhere I did. But then I didn't spend too much time on just think about rap. You know, you've got a life, had a life to live. So I'm like, so be it. Whichever way is going to go. I did my best, so I can't drop myself crazy, you know? And I mean, you get to these Pampers and drop this kid to school and live life, you know.
Oh, so this was later on. This was like, after all, still magic and all that. Yeah.
Hell, you know, I never would have been before, so that the first time I thought about that was after my first album.
I'm like, OK, now where do what am I going to continue going and am I going to mess up the sophomore jinx if your second album is going to be garbanzos to say that back then, a lot of people don't make it past the second albums back then. So I was concerned more then in the beginning and then later on it was like, OK, I'm getting older, how am I going to bow out gracefully? I'm going to leave this thing alone.
Kids are now doing these great things. Let me. But then that thing and you that just that fan and you that just keeps burning, you know what I mean? You're like, oh, I got to do a record. I got to do a record.
So listen, what about what about your acting job? And Billy, did you have a look at that and be like, you know what, man?
You just give me a girl because. Because you bought a blue because you got Louis rank it on blue bill. You don't say you included the same from Billy. Classic movie, by the way. Yo, Louis in recipe's, Louis Ranka recipe's. Louis Rincón. He's he's. Wow, wow.
Do that to how do you feel about your acting job and belly is the question. That was good. You didn't like it. So I'm asking are they talking to you.
Would you do it like it. I liked it. But you didn't do much more acting though.
But you know what Williams would get me between scenes. You like your dog. You got to pick it up, man. Your dog, man, not feeling you, dog. You got to pick it up. And I'm like, I'm trying. That's the way I smile. That's the way I'm sure. He's like, yo, man, I don't know, man, you know, like if you don't pick it up, he was on he was on me and I was mad.
I was like, he didn't bother nobody else, you know, saying he's just on me. And I was just like, so I was thinking about that while I was doing it. But I could I just had that, you know, I just had to do it my way on that very nonchalant moments.
Like when you want to play bad, I shot me. I got shot.
I never thought this was easy.
And I go to go to Africa to get a small man with a D man. I was trying to get my Billy swag going. Hey, you know, the other day where was it? Was you Quenneville with Travis got a puff in Malibu and Malibu. Is that is that a video you're working on something hanging out, chilling with your brother together? It seems like that's some big money to go. Oh, no, I'm like inviting me over, man.
Some come come celebrate the album. Come have come down to Malibu gone. No, no. This is a great meeting of cool people. I was really happy to be around Travis Cueball Pops was Pete's his great energy. Busta Rhymes pulled up later. It was just a great time. It felt like it was a tasting, it was a weed tasting. We had a smell. We tasted, we had had menus. So it was a beautiful thing, man.
You know, it makes me want to smoke again right now. And I got nice before I talk to you guys. And you know that that really got my weekend going.
I'm going to see those guys come and join the conversation.
You back in the day like like like back early, early, early, early.
If you tried to warm up, it had to deal. So you went to management. So I brought them to me, Tommy Mottola, for the first time. We talked about it, Popoff was scary due to the industry people at the time, you no really losing the wow factor and was perfect for me, but for them, they didn't want to work with them. So I had to had to choose a different manager.
You know, it was like that, you know, a lot of people were scared. That meant, you know, I was with them when you went to try to shop is due for Bad Boy with Andre recipe's. He was ahead of his time.
That's all there was to have to go about doing it versus battle. You know, he did. Who did he who did he say you should do it with?
No, he said OK. So it Swiss albedo I love versus though I love it. Oh you got Bande Armonica for the next one.
I love them both. That's going to be that's going to be the biggest battle of the year, the biggest versus of the year, because it's a celebration of like two incredible artists. You know, they got the boy is mine and I did like it is it's the recipes and habits that's going to be big.
I got to both speaking of big, because they were big words, you would be able to do a record together, but something happened like Diversa didn't get recorded.
I got to have us in the studio and big rolling up some of that chocolate for Brooklyn. And he didn't want me. I was zonked out. Yo is pitches. It has something out there. I think we supposed to do a couple of songs, but I was going to remix some stuff for Ready to Die, you know, a record. They were one of them. I did.
Was give it a loop while and you got to hide, you know, give me the clue. Why not come back the next day. Not still high.
I'm big and small and there's smoke.
We were smokers, man. Still still are still in. And I know things happen.
I live far out on Long Island at the time. You know, I'm since coming to the city was like it was hard to get me to move, man. I was when I was there.
Have you seen what they do to Queens? I was out in Queens a week ago and the whole new bridge look nothing like mixtape days. It's like gentrified. I'm surprised they're not going to knock it down and try to build condos right on the water like the whole Queensbridge registering everything it alone. Oh, hell yeah. It's a beautiful neighborhood. It's changing. Things are changing, you know. But more importantly than anything, I would love to see the violence come to an end.
I would love to see a serious cease fire in Queensbridge. All we got is us.
Get a little emotional. I was sad that I get that way sometimes. It's sad to see brothers shoot each other, especially in the hood that you grew up. You ever thought about going back and trying to do that cease fire that maybe you have go there? Because I blew from the roof of a bridge and to. Yes, yes, yes.
To make that happen. You got the power. You got the power to make that happen. They listen to you for sure. For sure. We see what we could do, much less. The whole neighborhood was misbranded wistaria was everybody love we want to see you and recognize now is love. Love.
He's coming back, brother.
The Breakfast Club, Your Mornings will never be the same. Charlamagne got. Green and J.J. Abrams comes HBO series, and I think my new favorite show, even though I've only seen one episode, I loved it. Lovecraft Country airing Sundays at 9:00 p.m. on HBO and screaming on HBO Max. I'm affected all around you. I want this man to get out and blow his man up with Charlamagne, the top of his head, to make a judgment of what was going to be on the docket of the day.
They chose you for the Breakfast Club, whose donkey the day to day donkey every day for Tuesday, August 25th, goes to former U.N. ambassador and governor of my home, the great state of South Carolina.
Her name is Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley spoke at the Republican National Convention last night and had this to say.
America is not a racist country. This is personal for me. I'm the proud daughter of Indian immigrants. They came to America and settled in a small southern town. My father wore a turban. My mother wore sorry. I was a brown girl and a black and white world. We face discrimination and hardship, but my parents never gave in to grievance and hate.
What happened to when you hear things like that, you feel like you at the Jamaican restaurant ordering a goat oxtail combo and they tell you they have no more. Go to oxtail. You're like, excuse me, there's no what? Well, can I get a beef patty? We have no more patties either. There's no way. There's no goat, no oxtail, no beef patty. Well, what am I here for? Some things are expected. Some things are staples and what oxtail and goat are to a Jamaican restaurant.
Racism is to America. And just like I'm disappointed when the Jamaican restaurant tells me they have none of those things, I'm disappointed to hear Nikki Haley try to tell me America don't have no racism, OK? America was built on racism. The very foundation of this country is racist. OK, stop. I'm not even gonna get into that. Why are we even entertaining this conversation at least? When did you make in spot tells us they don't got goat.
They really don't have no goat. Nikki Haley is acting like America, you know, doesn't have a white supremacist ideology. There's not racism in policing discrimination everywhere and segregation still in everyday American life. We just watched a black man, Jacob Blake, get shot several times in the back in front of his kids in Wisconsin for just attempting to get in his car. So stop it, Nikki Haley.
OK, Nikki Haley said that our own mouth that her and our family experienced discrimination for being Indian. OK, what do you think that discrimination was, Nikki? OK, where do you think that discrimination stemmed from? You said you a brown girl who grew up in a black and white world. You said your family face discrimination and a hardship, but you got the nerve to start off that statement saying racism doesn't exist. Nikki Haley, do you remember when you remove the Confederate flag off the state house lawn in South Carolina back in 2015 after years and years of black people in Columbia protesting to take that flag down?
My whole life, brothers and sisters are protesting to take that flag down in Columbia, South Carolina. Looked at eight, all three. Do you remember one of the reasons you said you took that flag down? Because I do. You said, and I quote, I even read it this morning on CNN just to make sure I got to quote directly from CNN. You said, the national conversation about being viewed differently because of your ethnicity forced you, Nikki, to reflect on your days growing up as a minority in a small town in South Carolina.
You said one day your father drove to Columbia to buy produce at a fruit stand when two police officers were called to the stand to keep their eyes on your father. Those were your words. Nikki Haley, you said to officers, just stood at the register until your father made his purchase. You said Nikki Haley. And I quote I quote because I'm quoting you, I remember how bad that felt.
And my dad went to the register, shook their hands, said thank you, paid for his things, and not a word was said going home.
I knew what had just happened. Nikki Haley said that produce stand is still there. And every time I drive by it, I still feel that pain. I realize that Confederate flag was the same pain that so many people were feeling in, quote, Nikki Haley. That's racism. That's discrimination, that's bigotry.
OK, now, see, this is the equivalent of being at the Jamaican restaurant. And I'm telling you, there's no go on no oxtail. And I can literally see the slabs of oxtail and gold in the back. All right. You handing out plates, oxtail and go to everybody but me but telling me that is not Nikki. Knock it off. OK, not to mention you contradicted yourself last night quite a few times because you even know why the flag came down, because a white supremacist named Dylann Roof shot nine beautiful black souls in Imee.
You spoke about Emanuel AME in downtown Charleston. You spoke about it last night.
Listen, it doesn't have to be like this. It wasn't like this in South Carolina. Five years ago, our state came face to face with evil. A white supremacist walked into Mother Emanuel Church during Bible study. Twelve African-Americans pulled up a chair and prayed with him for an hour. Then he began to shoot. After that horrific tragedy, we didn't turn against each other, we came together black and white, Democrat and Republican together we made the hard choices needed to heal and removed a divisive symbol peacefully and respectfully out of your own mouth.
You referred to Dylann Roof as a white supremacist. Now, Nikki Haley, I'm not the highest grade of weed in the dispensary, OK? I graduated from night school in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, two years past schedule. I was supposed to graduate in nineteen ninety six, graduated in nineteen ninety eight from night school. Nikki, you know that South Carolina is ranked 44 out of 50 states when it comes to education. So, you know, I'm not the brightest, but I can Google.
And just to make sure I was accurate on my definition of white supremacy, I Googled it this morning.
And the definition of white supremacy is the racist belief that white people are superior to those of other races. I repeat, the definition of white supremacy is the racist belief that white people are superior to those of other races. You referred to Dylann Roof as a white supremacist. So you know what white supremacy is, you know, is a racist belief. So why the hell are you saying that, that the racism doesn't exist in America? Nikki, I don't I don't know what you are trying to say last night.
I am not the white whisperer. Maybe she meant to say all Americans aren't racist, which is true. OK, but the system of America, the systems that exist in America are all inherently racist, period, too. OK, what I'm trying to tell you, Nikki Haley is there is oxtail and go in that kitchen and you are lying to me telling me that there is no oxtail and goat in that. It was a man who spoke at the RNC last night after you, Nikki.
His name was Donald Trump Jr.. I don't care who Sunny is. I don't care what side of the aisle he's on because I'm on no side. I don't care if Twitter says he was allegedly coked out of his mind. I don't care if he was talking out of both sides of his mouth. I don't care if he even believed what he said because of a broken clock can be right twice a day. So could a person high off cocaine.
All right. Allegedly, some of my greatest life lessons came to me from the mouth of crackheads right there in South Carolina, Nikki. So I would never dismiss someone's words because they were allegedly high of cocaine. Listen to what Donald Trump Junior said last night in regards to racism and policing.
All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That's why we must put an end to racism. And we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their powers is held accountable. What happened to George Floyd is a disgrace. And if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that to that right there should be chopped up and running in an ad for Biden, for a Biden harassed commercial today.
Play it again. Damn it.
All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That's why we must put an end to racism and we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their powers is held accountable. What happened to George Floyd is a disgrace. And if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that too.
We must put an end to racism and police who abuse their power should be held accountable. God damn it, Donald Trump Jr didn't even agree with you. Nikki Haley. OK, I have Donald Trump Jr allegedly high off cocaine. Correct. On something and you're not. Give me my damn oxtail and goat. Could I see it back there? I know you got it. Please let me give Nikki Haley the biggest.
Hee hee hee hee haw, you stupid mother, you dumb.
All right. Well, thank you for that donkey today. Yes, ma'am.
When we come back, eight five eight five one, two, three five one.
Now, Charlamagne, now let the record show. Nobody in this room agrees on this topic but me. But I think it's a very valid topic because a lot of us who grew up in this environment have received wisdom from these individuals. OK, actually, my my my good friend, who I call my brother, that is my brother WACs. He actually went to college because of the advice he got from a crackhead. So what's the best advice you ever got from a Coke to crack it?
Because you all allegedly said Donald Trump Jr was on Coke last night and that was a great word he said about ending racism and police who abuse their power should be held accountable. So just like a broken clock can be right twice a day, so can a Coke. I'll crack it. All right. All right. So I guess the question I got from a cocaine crack it.
Now, Charlamagne has told you several times that he's even got fellatio from a crackhead. So he's that has nothing to do with nothing.
Converse's he's just teasing me all the time. You just show me that headline has nothing to do with this story.
Sir, you might have gotten advice during that time. That is true.
When when they crack when he looked up at you and was doing what he was doing, he might have said something that wasn't. No he OK, whatever. And by the way, you should never he might have said you need to lift up the hood and get that smegma out. I'm not circumcised.
You should never judge people based off what they did while they were in survival mode. That goes to me and that crackhead.
Yeah, well, you said he did. Amazing job. But anyway, they have a five one two five one, what is the best advice, I guess you got from my graphic you ever got from a cool kid, a crackhead?
You show these cocaine and crack kids some respect.
OK, all right. Well, just deal with wisdom. Call us up now to breakfast local morning.
Let's pull out your phone call. And right now, call me. And jumping into the Breakfast Club top, but break it down, eight hundred five eight five one oh five one, The Breakfast Club. I don't go home, I'm affected all around you. I want this man to get out and man Charlamagne, the top of his, got to make a judgment of who was going to be on the of the day.
They chose you for the Breakfast Club, whose dog you the day to day don't care today for Tuesday, August 25th, because the former U.N. ambassador and governor of my home, the great state of South Carolina, her name is Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley spoke at the Republican National Convention last night and had this to say.
America is not a racist country. This is personal for me. I am the proud daughter of Indian immigrants. They came to America and settled in a small southern town. My father wore a turban. My mother wore sorry. I was a brown girl and a black and white world. We face discrimination and hardship, but my parents never gave in to grievance and hate.
What happened? When you hear things like that, you feel like you were at the Jamaican restaurant ordering a goat oxtail combo and they tell you they have no more. Go to oxtail. You're like, excuse me, I don't know what. Well, can I get a beef patty? We have no more patties either. There's no what is no goat. No action will be Patty. Well, what am I here for? Some things are expected. Some things are staples and what oxtail and goat are to a Jamaican restaurant.
Racism is to America. And just like I'm disappointed when the Jamaican restaurant tells me they have none of those things, I'm disappointed to hear Nikki Haley try to tell me America don't have no racism, OK? America was built on racism. The very foundation of this country is racist. OK, stop. I'm not even gonna get into that. Why are we even entertaining this conversation, at least when the Jamaican spot tells us they don't got goat, they really don't have no goat.
Nikki Haley is acting like America, you know, doesn't have a white supremacist ideology. There's not racism in policing discrimination everywhere and segregation still in everyday American life. We just watched a black man, Jacob Blake, get shot several times in the back in front of his kids in Wisconsin for just attempting to get in his car.
So stop it, Nikki Haley. OK, Nikki Haley set out her own mouth that her and her family experienced discrimination for being Indian. OK, what do you think that discrimination was, Nikki?
OK, where do you think that discrimination stemmed from? You said you a brown girl who grew up in a black and white world. You said your family face discrimination and a hardship, but you got the nerve to start off that statement saying racism doesn't exist. Nikki Haley, do you remember when you remove the Confederate flag off the statehouse lawn in South Carolina back in 2015 after years and years of black people in Columbia protesting to take that flag down? My whole life, brothers and sisters are protesting to take that flag down in Columbia, South Carolina.
Salute to all three. Do you remember one of the reasons you said you took that flag down? Because I do. You said, and I quote, I even read it this morning on CNN just to make sure I got to quote directly from CNN. You said, the national conversation about being viewed differently because of your ethnicity forced you, Nikki, to reflect on your days growing up as a minority in a small town in South Carolina. You said one day your father drove to Columbia to buy produce at a fruit stand when two police officers were called to the stand to keep their eyes on your father.
Those were your words. Nikki Haley, you said the officers just stood at the register until your father made his purchase. You said Nikki Haley. And I quote. I quote because I'm quoting you, I remember how bad that felt. And my dad went to the register, shook their hands, said thank you, paid for his things, and not a word was said going home. I knew what had just happened. Nikki Haley said that produced and is still there.
And every time I drive by it, I still feel that pain. I realize that Confederate flag was the same pain that so many people were feeling in, quote, Nikki Haley. That's racism. That's discrimination, that's bigotry.
OK, now, see, this is the equivalent of being at the Jamaican restaurant. And I'm telling you, there's no go on no oxtail. And I can literally see the slabs of oxtail and gold in the back. All right. You handing out plates, oxtail and go to everybody but me but telling me that is not Nikki.
Knock it off.
OK, not to mention you contradicted yourself last night quite a few times because you even know why the flag came down, because a white supremacist named Dylann Roof shot nine beautiful black souls in Imee. You spoke about Emanuel AME in downtown Charleston. You spoke about it last night.
Listen, it doesn't have to be like this. It wasn't like this in South Carolina. Five years ago, our state came face to face with evil. A white supremacist walked into Mother Emanuel Church during Bible study. Twelve African-Americans pulled up a chair and prayed with him for an hour. Then he began to shoot. After that horrific tragedy, we didn't turn against each other, we came together black and white, Democrat and Republican together we made the hard choices needed to heal and removed a divisive symbol peacefully and respectfully out of your own mouth.
You referred to Dylann Roof as a white supremacist. Now, Nikki Haley, I'm not the highest grade of weed in the dispensary, OK? I graduated from night school in Monks Corner, South Carolina, two years past schedule. I was supposed to graduate in nineteen ninety six, graduated in 1998 from night school. Nikki, you know that South Carolina is ranked 44 out of 50 states when it comes to education. So, you know, I'm not the brightest, but I can Google.
And just to make sure I was accurate on my definition of white supremacy, I Googled it this morning.
And the definition of white supremacy is the racist belief that white people are superior to those of other races. I repeat, the definition of white supremacy is the racist belief that white people are superior to those of other races. You referred to Dylann Roof as a white supremacist. So you know what white supremacy is, you know, is a racist belief. So why the hell are you saying that, that the racism doesn't exist in America? Nikki, I don't I don't know what you were trying to say last night.
I am not the white whisperer. Maybe she meant to say all Americans aren't racist, which is true. OK, but the system of America, the systems that exist in America are all inherently racist, period. OK, what I'm trying to tell you, Nikki Haley is there is oxtail and go in that kitchen and you are lying to me telling me that there's no oxtail and goat indicates that it was a man who spoke at the RNC last night after you, Nikki.
His name was Donald Trump Jr.. I don't care who Sunny is. I don't care what side of the aisle he's on because I'm on no side. I don't care what it says. He was allegedly coked out of his mind. I don't care if he was talking out of both sides of his mouth. I don't care if he even believed what he said, because if a broken clock can be right twice a day, so can a person high on cocaine.
All right. Allegedly, some of my greatest life lessons came to me from the mouth of crackheads right there in South Carolina, Nikki. So I would never dismiss someone's words because they were allegedly high of cocaine. Listen to what Donald Trump Junior said last night in regards to racism and policing.
All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That's why we must put an end to racism. And we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their powers is held accountable for what happened to George. Floyd is a disgrace. And if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that to that right there should be chopped up and running in an ad for Biden, for Biden. Harry's commercial today. Play it again, damn it.
All men and women are created equal and must be treated equally under the law. That's why we must put an end to racism and we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their powers is held accountable. What happened to George Floyd is a disgrace. And if you know a police officer, you know they agree with that too.
We must put an end to racism and police who abuse their power should be held accountable. God damn it, Donald Trump Jr didn't even agree with you. Nikki Haley. OK, I have Donald Trump Jr allegedly high off cocaine. Correct. On something and you're not. Give me my damn oxtail and goat. Could I see it back there? I know you got it. Please let me give Nikki Haley the biggest.
Hee hee hee hee haw, you stupid motherfucker, you dumb. All right.
Well, thank you for that donkey today. Yes, ma'am.
When we come back, hundred five eight five one two five one.
Now, Charlamagne, now let the record show. Nobody in this room agrees on this topic with me. But I think it's a very valid topic because a lot of us who grew up in this environment have received wisdom from these individuals. OK, actually, my my my good friend, who I call my brother, that is my brother WACs. He actually went to college because of the advice he got from a crackhead. So what's the best advice you ever got from a Coke and a crack?
Because you all allegedly said Donald Trump Jr was on Coke last night and that was a great word he said about ending racism and police who abuse their power should be held accountable. So just like a broken clock can be right twice a day, so can a Coke head crack it? All right.
All right. Well, that's a question I got from a Coke to crack it.
Now, Charlamagne has told you several times that he's even got fellatio from a crackhead. So he's that has nothing to do with nothing.
Converse's just him all the time. You just show me that headline has nothing to do with this story, sir.
You realize you might have gotten advice during that time. That is true.
When that crack when he looked up at you and was doing what he was doing he might have said something that wasn't.
No he OK, whatever.
And by the way, should never he might have said you need to lift up the hood and get that smegma out.
I'm not circumcised. You should never judge people based off what they did while they were in survival mode. That goes to me and crack it.
Yeah, well, you said he did. Amazing. But anyway, don't you have a five one two five one, what is the best advice I guess you get from a crack you ever got from a kid crackhead?
You show these cocaine and crack kids some respect. OK, all right. Well, let's deal with them. Call us up. Now is the breakfast local morning.
Let's pull out your phone call. And right now you call me and you're your it to the Breakfast Club to break it down. Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one The Breakfast Club. Morning, everybody.
Is D.J. Envy, Angelilli Charlemagne, the guy we are The Breakfast Club. Good morning. Now, Charlamagne came up with this topping eight hundred five eight five one zero five one. You know, he has I don't and I call him crackheads, but I guess.
Well, I guess as call them. Right.
Let's give him the context. Last night at the RNC, Donald Trump Junior spoke and Twitter said he was allegedly high off cocaine. I don't know if he was or not, but I know he said one thing I agree with, and that's we must put an end to racism. And police who abuse their power should be held accountable if Democrats are running that of the commercial today. For Biden, there is something is wrong, but it just proves my point that you can get good words from a crack in our pocket.
I've gotten so much good advice from crackheads throughout my life, but I think the best advice I've gotten from a crackhead is life is best to live simple, easy for somebody with a crack addiction to see, but great advice nonetheless.
OK, let me let me just ask you a question. What what put you into a vicinity with, as I say, and crack it with an individual like you selling or are you selling crack crack?
No, I used to I used to sell crack. I've been arrested for the distribution of cocaine, crack cocaine. But yes, I used to sell crack.
So you were a caring drug dealer, so when you sold the crack, you had conversations. Hey, how you doing?
I grew up in Moncks Corner, South Carolina. I grew up in a rural area on a dirt road, OK, house around crack a large part of my life.
And they're humans just like anybody else.
Like, you know, I'm just curious if you had conversations when you saw crack. I mean, I'm so it was crackheads everywhere but human to have a conversation. First of all, you're cheap.
It's cheap. As low as it is, you ain't never had a crackhead do nothing for you. Fix a car, change a tire, cut some grass, change the oil for. Come on, carry some boxes.
Yeah, yeah. Kind of cleaning out the house. Yeah, yeah.
I guess I never had a conversation with it, but I didn't have to have a sit down and said, hey, give me some advice, can you give me some fellatio.
That wasn't my conversation with the crackhead. Why would you just be asking a crackhead for fellatio. You are getting you you are so you are a menace to society one too many times. And it's those roles, there's those stereotypical roles that make you feel like that's what all crackheads are out here doing.
Let me ask you a question. Right. They do crack it. Yes or no.
Give you fellatio. You're off course. And yes, the question at what point in my life I don't judge people for what they did in survival mode. Don't judge me for what was so far about a twenty a rock for some fellatio and don't judge that crackhead for what they did, OK?
And I'm sure it's somebody upset that we're using the term crack that has to be an offensive term in twenty twenty.
But what I don't know what to say, but anyway, let's blow this whole lot. But here. OK, what's the best advice. I you a crack at me. We use drug abuse you know.
Yeah. The best advice I got from a crackhead was to join the military to the point in that he actually gave me that advice. I was actually on the street selling things didn't have much in the future. But because of him, I've actually seen twenty six countries around the world and I'm retired now and love life. You sound like my brother.
Where's my brother? Wax's in the street doing the same thing. I see. What people don't understand is people who have already made the wrong choices in life can tell you where they went wrong. So he's a crackhead actually told WACs he needs to go to college and stop wasting his time in the street to exactly crack it.
Crack has got knowledge. They got to know it's not much. But they got it.
Yeah, he using it to crack it. And that's going be a better term. Thank you, man. Well, somebody tell us the politically correct term, I'm sure. Hello.
Who's this? What have we got at PS Queen? What's the best advice you ever got from a crack at.
Well, the cocaine. My mom, she's been doing it all our lives, but one day we came home from the hotel. We want her to cook as you. But I know your day. Come on now. Angry.
Oh yeah. I've heard that saying before. I've never understood what the first part means. What does the certain part mean?
Well, you've been having sex with a man and sex. Oh, there you go. I'm letting the man beat up on it and he ain't even feed you not to do.
I love you Charlamagne. Love you more, dropping a close bond for your mama, your mom, as she gotten clean, yet she still well, you know, she's doing really good. She's working ultimately decided to do drugs. Don't mean you can't do both. You can get yourself together and do what you do. That's the problem. Sometimes a lot of people, they think they just because they do drugs, they're there from their family. But I know we love you to you.
Do you do what you do but you take care of.
Oh, that's right. You could be a functioning cocaine. We saw the RNC last night like a lot of functioning kids up on that stage. All right. Well, thank you, Mama.
Eight hundred five eight five one two five one.
I guess the question is, what advice was the best advice? No, not what. What is the best advice you've ever gotten from a crackhead Arko kid?
You have you got any advice? Um, I can't say that I have heard about it, but no, I don't I don't believe I have.
And you're giving them you was raised in the music industry for twenty plus years. You never got no good advice from a cokehead. You cut it out. No, I don't think I have. And if somebody was addicted to cocaine, maybe I didn't know. Maybe they were just functioning.
All right. Well, hit us up is the Breakfast Club. Good morning. Morning, everybody. Is D.J. Envy, Angela Yee, Charlemagne, the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Now, if you just join us, Charlamagne had an interesting topic this morning.
Well, it was based off the Republican National Convention last night because Donald Trump just spoke and, you know, people say it was saying that he was allegedly high off cocaine. I mean, some people thought that Nikki Haley was allegedly high off cocaine based off her comments because she said America is not a racist country. But Donald Trump Jr said we must put an end to racism and police who abuse their power should be held accountable. That, to me, proved my point, that you can get good words from somebody who's allegedly high off cocaine or crack it.
All right. Well, let's go to the phone lines. Hello. Who's this?
It was Julie Rodriguez. What's happening, King? What's the craziest as to say the best advice you got? The best advice, not crazy. Crack cocaine or crack? The best advice.
My cousin, he's going to be on a scroll, but know we play poker. And before we even play, he said I'd to play a little bit, but because I'm so some of the water, everybody on the table, if they start making faces and looking out, we're going to go ahead. But it was the market is looking straight at you or looking the other here or looking at Mario's watch them. They didn't want you got to worry about everybody else.
Don't worry about do whatever. You know, that's why they tell you keep a poker face.
How's your cousin now? Is he clean? He's still getting high.
No, he will tend to look right.
I my brother. Thank you for calling me.
Hello. Yes, hello. Page. What's your name? Tatiana, please. Queen Tatiana.
How are you now. What's the best advice you ever got from a Coke to crack it.
Oh yes ma'am. No. Good morning. How are you.
I am blessed, black and highly favored. Good morning. How are you. Good morning. I'm well thank you. But myself I've got some crackhead would be never Neverland. What you can not purchase. Oh I like that.
You got a little Suzy Orman crackhead around you huh. That ok. Never learn what you cannot purchase. Would you mean for the other person. Never lend to a person what they can't purchase.
You mean no meaning they do not lend a pair of shoes that you cannot be able to go out and purchase again.
Oh God I do not like any bag. You're really just giving it away. God, you talk to honor. Exactly.
Thank you very much. Thank you for calling Mama. Hello.
Who's this. No, don't tell them how you're doing. John from Harlem, man.
What's what's the best advice you got from a radical crackhead?
Well, you actually think this one I got to back me up real quick, get all this money. Secondly, you told me, man, get out now. You know, you can't stay here forever. Got to switch of your like everybody in this in this game here. I'm working on it. I said, so you need to quit. Your yo came up some other things and that's what I'm doing now. I'm still music and in some of the books and activities in the community.
So, you know, to in our community. Thank you.
That's beautiful, King. And you know what that is like. That's the moral of the story.
The moral of the story to me is like people who have done the wrong thing can always tell you the right thing to do. And sometimes they may not even tell you. You can just observe them and know what the right thing is to do, because you can you can learn from other people's choices. That's what they say. Smart people learn from your mistakes. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others. I don't know what the hell envy went.
Angelie So he ran out.
He just got up and walked out. Oh maybe he's going to his coronaviruses test. All of this all. All of this talk about crack is getting him excited. No, I actually understand because she's about to take some cocaine.
You couldn't say you couldn't say excuse us. Excuse me.
She was in the middle of talking about the cocaine, and I wanted to make sure I let her in before the dog. Seina, you make sure you bring her in here so I can see her stick something in you.
That's all you worried about? She just sticks with me. That's all you want. That's all you want. Your nasty. You've got rumors on the way.
Yes. And we'll talk about the real. They have announced their new co-host. All right. All right. Into that next. Keep it locked. It's The Breakfast Club. Good morning.
This is the rumor report with Angela. You have it right this close. Listen up. Yes.
So the widow has named Garcelle as a new co-host, and I think that's going to be an amazing one. She is also the first black cast member on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She posted on Beyond Beyond, excited to share this news that I am the new co-host of The Real. Anyone who knows me knows that I love pop culture. I love the news. I love talking about it.
I love sharing my opinion and to be sitting at the table with these amazing women. Loni, love as you and my I will be an honor and a blast salute to her.
That's a great that's a great position. I wonder, you know, how long did it take them?
Because when the demand to leave has been Tamara also just left as well? Oh, yes, probably right. Remember what March, April, March, a pandemic.
I did wonder what made them come to this conclusion, because it's not like I haven't seen her filling in. Or has she been? I don't know.
I know I haven't seen her is going to be in the upcoming Coming to America sequel as well. And she was on in Spider-Man Homecoming in the CBS All Access series. Tell me a story we know from the Jamie Foxx Show, NYPD Blue, and she has a great personality on The Housewives of Beverly Hills. So seems like they'll be good.
She's forever fantasy salute. A salute to her.
Now, the new season does start on September twenty. First, that's going to be the seventh season. So congratulations to them. All right. Gabrielle Union. And she was talking about, again, her exit from America's Got Talent. Now, she was on a panel for the Twenty Twenty American Black Film Festival called Minding Her Business. And she was talking about the difficult business dealing was being let go from America's Got Talent. She said that probably it was also surprising and so heartbreaking and so frustrating and so unnecessary.
That would be probably the hardest part of my time in the industry. She also said that she felt like she got a public flogging. She said, just standing in my truth and standing on the side of employee rights and knowing there's a better way of doing business. But that whole process was really brutal. And knowing that I bought my team into that, it just sat. Hmm. Yeah, that was a difficult time for her, I'm sure.
All right. Now, Rotimi is on fatwahs on Fox. He was on Kingsburg Co-sign and he was talking about a foursome that he had to, this time with season three.
For around that time I had a fourth with me and three women literally. I was talking to somebody kind of serious, said her best friend was there and a lesbian friend ended up joining a foursome.
No. Well, Rombo, yeah. He was her best friend and a lesbian mutual friend of them for one, two, three.
Yeah. I guess it's good for you because really you're really only having sex with three other people. You're the fourth person.
So technically, technically is you because you know, a menage a trois as a threesome, I don't make any sense to them. No, there's three people involved. Three people involved. Yeah. Yeah. But it wasn't like you throwing yourself out of. Is that it.
I mean I would think four people is sleeping with you. I don't know, I guess whatever. You had fun. Yeah. That's what it sounds.
All right. All right. Boosey is taking his mother's advice and learning when to just, you know, zip it. He was on Instagram live and he was asked his opinion on Trillanes and Meghan, the Sallyanne in that incident. And here's what he said.
I don't want to get in there because I don't want to say the wrong thing, because I want to talk and I'm cool with me. I need me a me version.
I'm not going to say I don't want to talk about it because I'm a being a wage.
Yeah, you're going to take this and going to flip it on me and it go make it look like I took a sack. So like my mom say, I need to shit up on this.
Well I mean that was his prerogative. More people need to tell themselves that in regards to whatever the hot topic is at the moment. But social media makes you feel like you have to comment on any and every damn thing. But if he doesn't want to talk about it, he doesn't have to talk about it. He said he got relationships with both of them. So I understand. But I doubt that Megan Stallion feature is coming any time soon. I highly doubt it.
I highly doubt you're going to get it.
And I say if you get it at all, you know, she's still working, but she may not want to give it to him because he didn't take us out, you know what I mean? At a time. Like, maybe. Especially when you see all these other brothers coming to her defense in Boosey decide, you don't want to take a side, maybe she feels like, hey, this Boosey think I'm lying is Boosey when other people are thinking I'm making this up.
So she may not think that.
I don't know. I know he also might not know all the details to even be able to do now, but maybe he's not following everything that's been coming out like, you know, how you get bits and pieces because you don't know everything that's come out. Say, like like I comment because I'm not sure. I don't want to say the wrong thing. I feel that I agree with you.
But Boosey comments on any and everything else, you know what I'm saying? So I know that. I know the whole story. Exactly. And that is true, too. I don't know. People probably got on his ass for not commenting on this, and that's probably why they shared a room, even did the interview with him to see if he would have something to say.
But I agree he might have said that because sometimes people just aren't following a story that closely and then they might say something and have all their facts off.
He knows about this. I mean, Megan, if Megan is dying and gets on Instagram and says, yo, Tori shot me, you should have an opinion on that if you have an opinion on everything else, that's all. And I agree. But you can keep it to himself. But I can see how also social media would be like, oh, now you're disabled. Mm hmm.
Well, I do appreciate everybody that is come to Megan Stallion's defense in this whole incident, because I know it's not easy for her. So, again, I keep on saying it, man. We are with you. Megan is Stallion. All right. An NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell. Here's part two of his interview on uncomfortable conversations with the black man with Emmanuel Adso. Here's what he had to say about supporting players kneeling after that whole Black Lives Matter NFL video came out.
He responded, Will you support players if they were to peacefully protest during the national anthem this season? Yes. We have never disciplined a single player for anything if a national anthem and a violation. And I don't intend to talk about that video or a couple of months ago, I did speak to an owner about that. Now, why do you do it? Why do you mean you didn't have to? You didn't? Because it's because what I believe in number one and two is what I believe the National Football League stands for.
You know, the players obviously made the video the night before. I looked at that and I said, I want to respond to that.
I don't even care. Don't care what you have to say about any of this. A little too late. I just don't care. Don't I don't give a damn. I just keep funding, keep keep cutting them checks to four to inspire change and, you know, keep letting Roc Nation delegate the money where they need to. Other than that, you can shut them off. Don't care. Roger Goodell got to say.
All right, well I. Manjula yea. And that is you. I read my report. All right.
Thank you Miss. Yea. Now shout out to revolt. We'll see you guys tomorrow.
And you know what, ever since I took that test I can breathe like super duper clear now like that because I didn't have to do both nostrils ever. And we got our results back in fifteen minutes.
No I had to do both nostrils and he said that I was. So it takes a day or so.
Do you do do better after you get stuck in the other hole.
Yeah you do. OK, but what about me.
I was asking you maybe that's why people do that.
Like you never had to stick your finger up one of your kids butts to loosen up their bowels. No. Mm mm. I thought that's what parents do.
Ever do that with your dad or mom. Did you know. But I've heard people say that. No, I've heard that one morning.
Everybody is D.J. Envy. Angela ye shall I mean the guy we are the Breakfast Club now shout out to Nas to stop to earlier today, not the first time ever on the Breakfast Club.
So that was amazing for us. Mm hmm. Yeah.
That, that conversation is up on YouTube right now and everybody needs to go check out King's dream. But listen, I love adult contemporary hip hop, you know, saying I love in the forty plus year old rappers speak to what they're dealing with in their lives now.
And it is interesting because it feels like they're being more realer at forty plus years old than they were when they were kids.
You know, when they were younger, they were in character like Nas was Escobar and nasty. But now it feels like it's just Nasya Jones, the man talking and that's OK. All right.
Well shout tonight. Make sure you definitely stream his album. Definitely. Take a listen to it. His don't dope doped up, doped up. When we come back, we got the positive note is the Breakfast Club. Good morning. Morning, everybody.
Is D.J. Envy, Angela Ye shall I mean the guy we are the Breakfast Club.
You guys have a great day. You got a positive note for the people? Shalabi I do.
The positive note on this fine Tuesday is simply this. You'll never be happy if you constantly worry what others think about you.
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