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You're listening to Comedy Central. It's one hundred and fifty five years. But here's some good news for black people. A historic moment in North Carolina. The city of Asheville apologizing to black residents for racist policies and approving a resolution for reparations. The vote calls for increased investment in the black community, including in housing and business. The resolution also asked the state and federal governments to form policies to create generational wealth.


Wow, wow, wow. This is really special news. And I think the first step of reparations should be changing that city's name from Asheville's to moisturise ville can't claim to be an ally of black people if you're named after their worst enemy.


Unfortunately, though, because this is happening in Asheville, North Carolina, or reparations will be paid in arts and crafts from the thriving gallery community. For more Asheville's specific comedy. Tune in to my spin of show, The Asheville Show, with Trevor, North Carolina. Now, obviously, people have a lot of strong opinions when it comes to reparations. So let's check in with our very own Dorsay Sloane and see what she thinks about Asheville's historic move. Don't say Sloan.


This is some exciting news, don't you think? I mean, African-Americans beginning to get reparations.


Yeah, it sounds good. Rather than having black far too long. Trust government promises. We're still waiting for that mule they promised us back in 1865. If you want me to trust them now, first they got to pay up on that mule.


Wait, you really want the 40 acres and a mule?


No, I don't want the 40 acres because I know these white people, they're gonna give me a landfill and add a hole where Utah is sort of shit and it'll make me pay taxes on it. Jeopardy! You know, you have to pay taxes every year. Not one of these guys went to jail. OK.


So if you don't want the 40 acres, then I don't understand. Why would you want the mule?


Why would I want a mule? If you carry my groceries, I could open a petting zoo. And the best party is why people will be jealous of that. And that they don't have. I dress up in costumes. I can post pictures of it on Instagram. I'd like to bring it a play. Oh. Why people are going to be so thirsty for my mule. That jealousy. Oh, that would be the real reparation. Right.


But do so you live in an apartment. Where's the mule gonna live. That's the mules problem. All I know is I'm going to name a level and I'm going to teach him the fight. Caring. Yeah. That's on me now. Love was tapping on your ass can win this. Anyway, I got to go bring a moving van because I moved to Asheville, you know, home a reparations bill. You got to have my money level. I'm gonna get it.


All right. Good luck with that. Don't say to say Sloan, everybody. The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is a dish once The Daily Show weeknights at 11:00 pm, 10:00 Central on Comedy Central and the Comedy Central, watchable episodes and videos at The Daily Show DOT. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and subscribe to The Daily Show on YouTube for exclusive content and more. This has been a Comedy Central podcast.