The Field: Energizing the Latino Vote
The Daily- 1,517 views
- 19 Oct 2020
This episode contains strong language. In the last decade, elections have tightened in Arizona, a traditionally Republican stronghold, as Democrats gain ground.According to polls, Joe Biden is leading in the state — partly because of white suburban women moving away from President Trump, but also because of efforts to activate the Latino vote.Will that turn states like Arizona blue? And do enough Hispanic voters actually want Mr. Biden as president?To gauge the atmosphere, Jennifer Medina, a national politics reporter for The New York Times, spoke to Democratic activists and Trump supporters in Arizona.Guests: Jennifer Medina, a national politics reporter for The Times.For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily Background reading: Though a majority of Latino voters favors Democrats, Hispanic men are a small but enduring part of Trump’s base. Those supporters see him as forceful, unapologetic and a symbol of economic success.If Joe Biden wins Arizona, he would be only the second Democratic presidential candidate to have done so since 1952. But the state has been trending more friendly to the party for years.
Hello, hello. What do you think about this heat, dry heat, dry heat? I think. One hundred and three oh, I sort of under appreciate how it is nearly October and it is still 100 degrees every single day.
From The New York Times, this is the field. I'm Jenny Madina in Phoenix, Arizona. So we are in a stone park, predominantly Latino and predominantly Mexican-American neighborhood, pretty working class, so we are seeing canvassers with Lucia.
Lucia is a progressive social justice organization in Arizona that really in the last few years helped get many local Democrats elected to office.
Hey, guys, thank you.
So we walk up to a group of about half a dozen young Latino canvassers standing under the shade of a tree. Could I ask how old you are?
Me, 15, 15. Like really young canvassers. I'm 22. I'm 17. I'm also 17.
Most of them can't even vote, but they're preparing to go door knocking in support of Joe Biden. Three words, Little Joe.
I said, do you mind if we tag along with you? Yeah, we just we shadowed a 17 year old named Nancy. Hold on. Your parents immigrants? Yeah, I'm from Mexico.
OK, she heads up into the neighborhood with a clipboard and a stack of flyers. An app on her phone tells her which houses to go to.
That's where they give us her list and our people. Lutetia has already identified what they call occasional voters.
They try to get the people that haven't voted in a really long time. Those voters are the target.
Hello. Hi, Renee. How does it feel to live here? Hi. Does Daisy live here?
Nancy has her script memorized. Hi, my name's Nancy and I'm part of Lutcher. And we're just going around the community asking what have been you guys the biggest concern of twenty and what you guys are planning to vote on?
We canvass with Nancy for two hours.
And the most common concern right now, probably why you're all wearing the mask, like overall health, like the community.
My concern was the virus.
And as you might expect, people to go out in the water and contaminate, you know, but you're right.
It is the majority of people. Do you know, we were voting for this here? Probably Biden probably voted. So basically, you already know I'm voting for Biden.
Already support Biden. Progressive groups like Lucha know that Latino communities and other communities of color in the Phoenix area lean Democratic. Their goal is not really to convince undecided voters or Trump supporters to go for Biden, for them sending these teenagers out in 100 degree heat for hours every day. It's part of a year long effort to fully energize the Latino vote in Arizona. Over the last decade, national races have been tightening in the traditionally Republican stronghold of Arizona. Obama lost by about nine points there, both in 2008 and 2012, but Clinton lost only by three and a half points in twenty sixteen.
And in the twenty eighteen midterms, Democrats won a Senate seat for the first time in three decades and also flipped a House seat.
Thank you very much, Felix. This year, President Trump has visited the state five times and we are going to win Arizona in a landslide.
We've paid too high a price already for Donald Trump's chaotic, divisive leadership.
Biden has only visited once, and that was just a few weeks ago.
We're going to get this virus under control.
We're going to the polls show Biden with the lead. Part of that is the trend that we're seeing nationally of white suburban women moving away from Trump, and part of it is this activation of the Latino vote.
But will it be enough and do enough? Latino voters actually want Biden as their president?
So where are we right now? So we're in sort of central Phoenix on a kind of main drag and we're about to meet Thomas Roberts, who is the co executive director of Lutcher in late September.
I went with producers Austin Mitchell and Robert Jamison to Lucas headquarters in Phoenix to mark the eight year old co executive director of the group.
Thomas Roberts Jr. pulls in.
Hey, how's it going? Good. How are you?
He's decked out in Lucha Swag Blue, which a t shirt, blue Lucha hat on backwards, even thick rimmed glasses and a matching shade of blue.
Right now we're in the Alhambra neighborhood, densely Latino.
Next populated Tammas often uses the gender neutral term Latin X one, one of the highest concentrations of Anex voters to one of the highest infection rates of covid-19 in the city and yeah, in the state. This is one of those districts where it's a Democratic district. But if people don't participate in this district, we can lose the state or the presidency as a whole. If you want to take us to San Francisco to mass takes us inside the office, which no one is working out of these days because of covid.
We have markers here for social and we sit down in an empty meeting room on socially dist. chairs and talk. And he starts to tell us the story of how he got into activism.
And so I'm the oldest of four kids. I was born in Tucson, Arizona, the second largest city, and then immediately moved back to a small town called Naco, Arizona. It's on the border of Arizona and Mexico. And my family for generations went back and forth. Some were minors, some were construction workers, others were farmers.
And so so Thomas's parents were born in Mexico. But growing up first in rural Arizona, those schools were predominantly white.
So I wore Wrangler jeans and tucked in. I looked like a cowboy. And then you moved to Phoenix and so and then in Phoenix. So I changed my name to to Tommy in high school so I could avoid the Spanish part of it.
Tomas did not see himself as Mexican because I didn't know what to identify as I just knew I did not identify as a Mexican or even a Mexican-American in some people's eyes. And obviously I still had to figure out what I knew I was going to be. Ironically, it was the Marines when I joined the Marines.
It wasn't until 2001 when Tomas joined the Marines, that he started to feel connected to some kind of larger identity.
I was stationed with a ton of land next Marines from different backgrounds, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Venezuelan, Ecuadorian. And they immersed me in Lennix culture, not necessarily Mexican culture, but by next culture. And so I started listening to the music. I started to read about the history. I started to read about U.S. relations with Latin American countries. And I started to learn how how many bad, horrific things the US has done to countries of color.
There has been so much colonialism that you start to see just what exactly it is. And so I started really getting acquainted about the political structures, the systemic racism and understanding, even in the military, how that seeps through.
And then in about 10, 70, happens comes this moment that was huge for Tomas's political awakening.
It was also probably the single most important catalyst for the political shift that we've seen in Arizona, the passage of Senate bill. Ten seventy.
This is one of the toughest immigration reform bills on the books in US history, though it's hard to send a bill.
Ten Seventy is a bill that was passed in 2010, Arizona State Legislature.
The new law allows police to question a person's immigration status if they have.
The original law basically stated that if you see somebody that could be undocumented, any person living in the state had an obligation to question that individual's citizenship and that police officers would be forced to do that any time they came in contact with anybody, whether it be a victim of a crime or a perpetrator of a crime, teachers would be encouraged to ask their kids or their documentation status.
Some of the most fervent backers of the bill or politicians in Maricopa County where Phoenix sits, including the county sheriff, are not going to turn them over to ice.
Joe Arpaio. I'm going to turn them over to me. Arpaio has been the sheriff since 1992 and 1993, I put up three in awards and he is probably most famous for setting up an outdoor tent city, a sort of extension of the county jail where inmates were given pink underwear and forced to work on chain gangs.
We don't have room for twenty five hundred eighty tents up from here to Mexico. Arpaio and other supporters of 10 17 claim that it was simply meant to support existing federal immigration laws, but to Thomas and many others, clearly that was a racial profiling law.
It was nothing more than a legal mandate for racial profiling.
And that that makes that passage of that policy brought me right back to childhood.
And it felt personal for me and resonated so much.
And although I had moved to the back of my memory bank when Thomas says he was reminded about an experience he had had as a kid when his family was in the car together.
It was June and we were driving back from Naco to Phoenix. My parents in the front. There's me, my brother and my sister. My sister is four, my brother's eight, I'm 12, and they got a couple of flat tires.
So as 1994, as you can imagine, there's no cell phones. There's no way for us to contact anybody. And so we're literally stuck waiting for about an hour and a half, all of a sudden a cop pulls up behind us. And to this day, like I remember, he was a redhead, he had those aviator ribbon on the top, the ones with the black as soon as he comes out.
But as I'm glad you're here, we're stuck in the second he starts to try and talk to officer says, I'm gonna need you to back up, put his hand on on his holster and the gun and says, I need to know if you have drugs or weapons in the car. My dad's like, no, we were a family of four.
Like, no, we're stuck. We've been stuck for now half. And then the guy then pulls out his gun. He doesn't point and says, I need you to put your hands on the hood. And my dad doesn't want to use one six degrees out. He finally says, if you don't put the hands on it, I'm going to have to arrest him. So he puts his hands on the hood. It's hot as hell. He searches my dad and then he opens the trunk of our car without permission and starts to search through our whole stuff.
So I'm witnessing this whole thing. Right. And I'm a 12 year old and this guy is looking strong shit on the ground. He's throwing clothes, toys, diapers, everything is moving. Finally, my dad is yelling. It's like, why the hell are you doing this? Would you be doing as if I was white and the cop ignored him? He glances at me once, looked back down. He's like, are you guys are good kids back in his car and drives off.
He didn't ask for help. You didn't ask him your water. He made my dad feel like a criminal, threatened arrest and threatened to shoot them, basically all because we were stuck on the road. And so SB 10, 70 made those racial profiling moments a necessity under the eyes of the law because my Dakar's might be undocumented.
And so the same day the governor signed the bill into law, Tomas went to the Capitol and signed up to do voter registration and finally found the type of service that I wanted to do.
And a couple of years later, Sheriff Arpaio is up for reelection. And so I took a job as organizing director of Lutcher. At the time, the organization had three total employees, including myself, and I was charged to build up an organizing program to vote out Sheriff Joe Arpaio. So I joined the. It didn't work.
Arpaio won re-election, but his margin of victory was the lowest it had ever been and thomasa other encouraging signs.
We won a couple of campaigns that year, some very small local campaigns, but we were expected to lose that we won.
And so in twenty fifteen, Tomas was promoted to help lead charge. And the next year, in the midst of a presidential election, they went after Arpaio again.
The most talked about race back here in the Valley, this time on November eight.
Sheriff, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio loses his seat to Democrat Paul Penso for about 10 minutes on election night. We were on cloud nine.
People here are elated. And Ohio had just been voted out. We had just won more seats in the state legislature and we had an outside chance of winning.
The presidency for states in Arizona are still too close to call. And then I remember when I saw Virginia, those numbers come out large, very large lead for Donald Trump.
I knew we were going to lose the presidency. And it was the weirdest feeling of joy coupled with fear, anxiety. This is weird cocktail of mixed emotions that that you just ended up numb by the Donald Trump wins the presidency this time.
For Tomas and Lucia, the only thing to do was to keep working. The elections aren't the finish line. The elections are simply a marker. And we need to keep going and keep organizing.
And that's why we created in the 2014 midterms. Democrats have big gains in Arizona, including the first senator elected in the state since 1988.
And so you're the best strategy then was voter registration. Get these people out and then we can change the laws.
Yeah, we had to build a foundation of voters.
We had to build a lot of us the frustrating series of losses from 2010 to 2016. It was a time of crucial foundation building that has led to this moment.
In those six years, we added around six thousand people to the early voting list. So people are going to go out and vote in those same six years. We registered about three hundred and fifty thousand people since that year, since twenty sixteen, we've put a total of eight hundred thousand people on the permanent early vote and registered almost 600 thousand people. So without that, you don't have the makeup we have in the state right now.
That's an enormous amount of people I didn't realize is that much.
You know what you can do if you in 16 hours with no sleep? And now it looks like Arizona has the kind of mobilized, registered Latino vote that could make a real difference. Ten years ago, Latinos made up 18 percent of eligible voters in the state, and now that number has grown to twenty five percent.
How do you feel now today in this moment that we're in? I'm nervous. I feel a sense of urgency. I feel a sense of worry.
Tomas is worried about how effective all this work will have been in getting people to turn out in the middle of a pandemic.
Is there excitement about Ivan? I think in the beginning of the year there was not. I definitely think in terms of exciting candidates that would have been Bernie Sanders to endorse. And for us is talking about why Biden is from his ties to the military, to his ties to family health care being a major issue. Him coming from a working class background, we hope resonates well.
But he's also got another concern.
But Biden needs to get better at talking up an economic message. Will Lennox voters, especially longnecks men, and worry that Latino men and women of color in general are starting to be peeled off men of color majority support by a much higher ratio than white males. But any peeling off of any constituencies that could vote for Biden could spell victory for Trump, especially in states like ours.
He's worried about Latino men voting for Trump.
Are you able to kind of articulate how you're seeing that happening? The way that my personal relationships I'm seeing him peeled off is through conspiracy theories, through social media. So you're the Kulen or Cunard's theories, especially about pedophilia has been major. That's most of my friends are parents. All of them come to me concerned that there is literal pedophilia happening around liberal circles.
He's talking about Kuhnen central conspiracy, that a cabal of Satan worshipping pedophiles is running a global child sex trafficking ring and that Trump is trying to stop them. Misinformation and conspiracy theories have been spreading beyond fringe groups and into the Latino community this year.
So that's one major way that's killed them off. Second is Trump.
Almost comes off as the last person to be proud of masculinity to some of these men, he's loud, he's obnoxious, he quote unquote takes what he wants. He doesn't succumb to political correctness. And in a way, it's almost like being in high school and liking the cool kid. Again, if you really unpack the layers, there's still this belief that there is a economic and color caste system, that if you keep moving up in terms of socio economic, you will be able to classify yourself as white.
And they do believe that as an American, as long as you pull yourself up by the bootstraps, that you can be successful in this country.
This is a phenomenon that I started hearing about more than a year ago. And honestly, at first I was skeptical of how meaningful a number of Latino men were feeling this way. Latinos had turned out for Trump in a surprisingly high number in twenty sixteen, about one in four voters. But the thinking had been that after all the rhetoric and policies of the past four years, and with Biden rather than Clinton as the nominee, that the Latino vote would solidify into a solid Democratic voting bloc, more like the black vote.
So but this view of Trump, that he is a symbol of economic success, I've now heard it again and again from Latino men I've spoken to covering the election this year. I've heard it in Texas, Florida, New Mexico, Nevada and in Arizona. Biden has not been able to put out a message that makes.
Lennox, men who are feeling insecure about their economic realities. His message is not resonating with them to the point where they can believe that he can lead them into economic prosperity at a level higher than Trump could and for a lot of male landing's voters who aren't directly impacted by his policies. The economics is what matters most. The latest polling suggests that something like 30 percent of Latino voters plan to support Trump this year, and that same polling suggests that their primary motivation is this economic promise.
Remember just last night I got into a Facebook debate with my friend is Lennox is a real estate guy here. And when it came to Trump's taxes, he laughed and said, man, I need to get his accountant. So, like, he saw it as a. They see themselves as future billionaires who are just stuck in a non billionaire situation right now. Would you be willing to read a couple of those exchanges with your friend, you don't have to say who it is or anything, but I want to preface that this is a Facebook debate.
And so these aren't going to have, like, the diaster stuff. But I can read a couple. Tomas pulls out his phone and starts scrolling as he picks out another exchange with a friend named Jesse.
And I think his dad was an immigrant, but they're business people. And so he posted this wariness tonight during a debate allowed Trump 20 20.
And so you can see it's a shirt that has Biden and Trump's faces Photoshopped onto the bodies of two wrestlers. Trump is basically behind a kneeling Joe Biden in which he has them in a headlock. On top of that image says night night sleep, Joe. And the bottom says four more years. Trump, 20, 20. His cousin then responds, Funny, because then what about all the women who were violated? Then Jesse responds by saying, Cousin Joe likes touching kids.
I'll pass on the paedo Biden. So then I responded. I said, You just stay believing lies. How about you show a reference that this is actually true, a reference of Biden and paedophilia. But you're in a cult, so I can see why you can't. Clearly, he sees you as sheep. So as you can tell, I'm not nice to some of these people. And then Jose responds by Tomas, Keep drinking a communist lies of free stuff and social justice B.S. Be American, be proud, get paid and get rich.
It's the only way. So that was kind of the economic message that you're talking about. It's like get rich, get paid and forget everybody else. Thank you all. Thank you all for taking the time and two hours, along with Thomas's friends in mind, we set off to find these voters.
Can you either text me or messenger me? It's him or anybody else is willing to talk.
I'm going to reach out to him today and see if I can connect you over Facebook and then I'll let you open it up. I'll walk you alone and I can quote. From America's most reliable network comes the five big business has been waiting for Verizon 5G, over 200 million people in more than 1800 cities can now work with the coverage of 5G nationwide. And in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of 5G ultra wideband the fastest 5G in the world.
It's 5G built right from the network businesses rely on. Visit Verizon Dotcom Slash 5G slash business to learn more global claim based on open signal independent analysis during the period of January 30, first to April 30 to 2020.
This is Sue Craig, investigative reporter for The New York Times. People keep secrets. We all do. But it gets tricky when it's a person with significant power. And the secret is big, say, a conflict of interest, government corruption or covering up abuse when it comes to violations of the public trust, unethical or illegal activity. And people's lives are affected. We believe you deserve to know. But people with a lot of power also have the means to make sure their secrets stay hidden.
So you need organizations like The New York Times to say, let's investigate this. Let's put resources behind uncovering the truth. And that's what I do. It's a 24/7 commitment. And it means that sometimes I can't publish until I spent months or even years following every lead and checking every fact, all those resources. They're available to us because of New York Times subscribers. If you'd like to support this kind of work, you can subscribe at NY Times dot com slash subscribe.
So before we left Hamas, he agreed to reach out to two of his Trump supporting Facebook friends and ask if they'd be willing to talk with me for the story. Just a few hours later, he texted me the responses. One friend said, we'd love to talk, but not in this environment. And with the way things are, a simple comment, mistaken or written out of context, would not be good for me or my family. The other simply wrote Elmau Narborough.
But that's OK. Well, I had gone to an event in Phoenix hosted by a campaign group called Latinos for Trump and where's Hunter?
That's the question I ask every single day. Where the hell is Hunter? Featuring an appearance by Eric Trump.
The media don't even ask about it. And there I met a charming guy from a veteran named Paul. I am next, hired by my grandmother here who agreed to meet up with me again.
But when I reached out, reached out many, many times, I might add, you have reached the voice mailbox of your total close to.
So should we go in Austin, Robert and I decided to just go to the Latinos for Trump office and ask them directly if they had anyone in mind who they thought would be great for us to talk with. How are you? I'm sorry if you weren't if you're not invited, you cannot come in. Oh, we're reporters. We're just here to talk to people.
Yes, if you are not invited. You cannot come in. We can't.
Is there anybody here I can speak with? No, there's nobody here. Who are you willing to talk to? A reporter?
No. So it's press in general that there it seems like it was press in general that she was averse to.
Yeah, I've gotten used to this kind of thing this election season. As we were standing outside the Latinos for Trump office, though, we noticed people pulling up and heading inside.
I'm a reporter with The New York Times, so we started talking to them here today. And what you're coming for? About what? About what brought you back here today? I am a Latina and I am for Trump. Why? Because I am for God, for life and for family. That's it, Lewis is a Catholic shelter worker in Phoenix. You want thing, my father was one of the founders of the Democratic Party in Chile. And when he came here, he said to me, unfortunately, the Democrats have dropped God.
And believe me, that was a long time ago. So anyway, how has the pandemic impacted you people? Yeah, we have to be cautious. I think it has been exploited for the leftist reasons. You know, I know churches that are open and we don't have any extra Corbitt. I think it's a pandemic in many ways.
You know, she's referring to misinformation that's circulated on social media a couple of months back, that the pandemic was orchestrated as a power grab by global elites.
Do you know anybody who's gotten sick? No, I don't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I did meet a worker and this man decided to go back home and start using all the natural remedies of his mom. Meaning boiling vapor and breathing and, you know, we'd all just these and all the things that the mom and the grandma used to use at home in Mexico, and they all say, you will feel natural. No vaccines with babies.
I'm old man at 67 years old, been around a long time. And it makes me feel good to see Hispanics and blacks represented Republican Party.
My friend is a Baptist minister who doing security work right now to see things in the real world, the reality of what's really what's going on do between blacks and whites. We rather than harp on it and do nothing about it, Trump said. I'm not going to harp on it, I'm going to do for you. But Democrats said they would do it. Never done. I'll give you an opportunity to do something for yourself. Republicans say, I'm not going I'm not going to give you a fish.
I'm going to teach you how to fish. And you can go catch whatever you want. If you want to minnow, catch the minnow. If you want a shark, take years and catch a shark in your own kitchen. Sea bass. But the limit is yours. The Democrats say we to give you a can of tuna and some crackers and be satisfied with that. They've been in tuna crackers so long, that's all they want.
And then a large pickup truck with several Trump bumper stickers on it pulls up and a man hops out your name when introduced to Peter Cruise, the pair dressed in full Trump supporter gear.
I'm wearing a maggot that I got online. Everything about Trump in America. This was actually Bangladesh catches me.
He's got a bright red hat, a mask that reads Keep America Great and a Trump keychain. He's also wearing a T-shirt repping his local gun store.
Do you mind if I just ask you real quickly, what brought you back here today? Any more bumper stickers? Might you be for another yard sign because they keep getting stolen? How many yard signs that he had stolen? Several them. But there's vital signs in the neighborhood they don't get stolen. What do you consider yourself? What's your ethnicity? Yeah, I'm a Mexican. I don't say Hispanic. I'm no, I'm an American first. I know that's not necessary, but.
Yeah, yeah. Are you from here. From here. Meaning Phoenix. Phoenix. My my family's been there since before was a territory. Oh yeah. My grandmother was born a year before Arizona became a state. Where did you grow up all over. I was a military brat. Airforce brat. My father was born here as my grandfather was born in Mexico. Part of what I'm curious about is like being Mexican, is that important to you?
Does that feel important to you, that identity, the identity? Yes. Yes, it does.
So clearly, I'm fishing to understand how Cruz reconciles his Mexican-American identity with his support for the president.
What do I like about Trump? He gets to get skin stuff that he's getting stuff done. He's pragmatic and results oriented person. He has to be this man who could be sitting here. What does it mean? He doesn't have a job is enough money to influence people, if that's what he wanted to do in politics, if he's not taking a salary that takes one dollar a year right now.
Here again is this idea that Donald Trump is a man who knows how to get rich and wants you to have the chance to get rich, too.
What do you what do I want? Well, I want the American dream. I mean, I want to pursue life, liberty should happiness. I mean, basically, in a nutshell, I don't get complicated with it. Do you feel like you've changed your American dream? It's not fair us, I think I think I think that I've been getting an unfair question have attained it. The question you do have the opportunity to first and foremost, the American dream is the opportunity to pursue the opportunity to go for what you thought you want fiscal and financial security, you know, home to kids, white picket fence, all that jazz, regardless of yours, is the mansion on the hill or yours is just that, you know, that double wide.
It's some point where you're comfortable. Insecure in your government, for instance.
I thought a lot about this now, and I think ultimately it's about two very different views of the American dream within the Latino community. One is about making this country a better, more just version of itself. As Tomas came of age and as many young Latino voters have come of age, they've been activated in part around their identity as Latinos. They are voting on behalf of a community that they see themselves as a part of and that they believe is marginalized and subject to systemic racism in the form of policies like the one Sheriff Arpaio supported in Arizona through that lens.
It's very difficult to understand a vote for Donald Trump. But if you're like Cruz and you see your primary identity as an American, that the American dream is about any individual being able to go after what they want and to get it, then you can see how Trump might be an attractive candidate. But these are such fundamentally different ways of viewing the world that it can be very difficult for the first group to see the actions of the second as anything other than a betrayal you can do to your children.
Yes, my daughter, yes. Yeah. So how old is she? Thirty six. What are the conversations like with you and your daughter? Like, are you able to go back and forth with her the other day? Actually I texted about. Having a conversation about. Several different topics, I snuck one in here on issues, I think today, I don't know that that topics off limits. Love that. Yes, well, that's not fair, and we went back, Cruz says, when he tries to talk with his Democratic daughter about politics, she won't even go there.
She and I remain civil. I'm disappointed that she doesn't have enough. I think that anybody does want to have an open discussion about it, disrespects to the person on the level. That's just disrespectful. You know, you tell me stories that nobody else knows about your personal life or the stuff that I do to share deep stuff. But when it comes to this stuff, I find that that's that's horrible. You can have that kind of relationship. And then all of a sudden, if it becomes politics, should you shut it down?
I mean, at one point in my life, people had pretty much the same goals. There might be different stuff like Roe versus Wade, abortion. There's a couple of division bells ring reliably, but for the most part, we all want the same thing. We just had different ideas on how to get there. And now it doesn't seem like anybody wants the same thing.
I'm guessing that your daughter has said some version of this to you before, but like Dad, the president's racist and he's racist against Latinos. I was shopping for my my my daughter took my grandson to go shopping because this was Mother's Day and we sneak out to comedy. Well, if I me to go shopping and we're taught this to any other than who I was on the radio, I saw stickers over Trump and he's racist, a bigger party. And my grandson is black, and he will have to grow up in that environment being a black community.
I looked at what why he didn't have an answer much more than being indoctrinated somehow. And I. So I said well, before saying that, and I didn't tell him how to think. And listen, let's put it this way. Hold on. Now, do me a favor. Let's think about it. Find out why. First, I want to think for himself. A Republican with a gay daughter, a black grandson. I mean, you could have picked a better guy to talk to, right?
Do you believe that there is such a thing as systemic racism? Overall, no, I believe. There's a certain part of our population that is black, white or whatever, that needs to be a victim, that people do racist things all the time. I mean, I've experienced racism. I grew up in military bases when I was younger. And as soon as I went off base and I'm in a particularly white neighborhood, I got my ass kicked all the way home.
Sometimes I feel it because I'm Mexican.
As he's talking, I'm starting to think of Thomas and how he came to think about events like this and his own childhood.
When was the last time you experienced racism against yourself, personally? Against myself? A lot of times you don't know if you experienced or not. You don't know if you didn't get a job because of it. You don't know you. So a lot of times racism is an experienced is implied. But I inferred it's funny you said that because the first thing that popped in my head was a police officer, but it was that was 30 years ago. I was asking for his help.
To get away from those things. Do I hopscotches not know that guy's a jerk like an idiot showboat for somebody, and I sell stuff and it really it really hurt deeply like like when a parent scold for the first time, I just. Thank you so much. Thank you for what you're doing. I'm picking up your time because they were still. Yeah, stolen texture if your sign gets stolen. Want to know what happens with the signs, OK?
You bet. Every day on my. After I left Phoenix, I got a message from Cruz, his yard signs only lasted four days before they were ripped up and thrown in the street. From America's most reliable network comes the five big business has been waiting for Verizon 5G, over 200 million people in more than 1800 cities can now work with the coverage of 5G nationwide. And in more and more cities, the unprecedented performance of 5G ultra wideband the fastest 5G in the world.
It's 5G built right from the network businesses rely on. Visit Verizon Dotcom Slash five JGI business to learn more global claim based on open signal independent analysis during the period of January 31st to April 30, 2020.