The Epstein Case Blows Up (Ep 1310)
The Dan Bongino Show- 1,460 views
- 31 Jul 2020
In this episode, I address the stunning release of troubling documents in the Jeffrey Epstein case. A lot of powerful people are sweating today. I also discuss the vicious fight coming to your front door that you’ll no longer be able to avoid.
News Picks:
The Jeffrey Epstein case explodes!
The leftist ghoul’s response to the death of Herman Cain is grotesque.
The FBI finally acknowledges the major problems with the Carter Page FISA.
Justice is dead. And the continued witch-hunt against General Mike Flynn is proof.
The ANTIFA terrorists are starting to eat each other alive.
Seasonal Flu poses a greater risk to school children than the coronavirus.
Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.
So do you. Jeffrey Epstein case is becoming more public by the moment as some court documents have leaked out. And oh, my, are there some what are you calling Bombshell's boabs field level nukes? I don't know, but they're really, really bad. I've got that. I've got the leftist ghouls celebrating, celebrating, dancing on the grave of an American hero, Herman Cain, because they're frankly, candidly disgusting human beings. Got some video of that and what's at stake in your election?
I got an email yesterday from a listener who shall remain nameless. I've warned you this fight is coming to your door. The fight came to his door and he wanted me to remind you that this is going to happen to them, too. So I've got a loaded show today. Don't go anywhere. Welcome to Dan Bongino show today show brought to you by Express VPN. Ladies and gentlemen, keep your online activity safe from those prying eyes. You want people watching you go to express VPN, Dotcom, Bongino, go today, get a VPN again.
Welcome to the original show producer. Joe, how are you today? Fine, sir. On this Friday.
It's Friday. Yeah. So because nineteen seventies game show voice always setting us straight on Friday no matter the moment, we always need that. Yeah, it's going to be a loaded show. I've also got a tweet, some video by again left. The school's dancing on the grave of Herman Cain because that's who they are. These are genuinely evil, sick people and they're gross. Thank the Lord you're not them. All right. Today's show brought to you by LifeLock.
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All right, Joe, let's go.
Yes, this is going to be one of those shows. That's absolutely. Let's start with the left is Google's first. So Herman Cain, former presidential candidate, American hero, very good guy, radio host and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. Turn the company around. Brilliant guy. Academic degrees of resume, four or five pages long, just a good man pass to the coronavirus due to the coronavirus and the complications from it. He was 74 years old. And I want to show you the response by some of the leftists, but before I do that, I want to say in a very serious note, one, God rest the man's patriotic, liberty loving soul.
I told you a story yesterday about Herman Cain. As we were on the air. The story broke. It was tough for me to take. Took me a while to get through it. I knew Herman Cain. I knew him well. He was a good and decent man. But I just want you to know that we are different. And on this Friday, I don't like to leave you with terrible, bad news all the time. I want you to hold your head high.
And know that we are different. Our movement is different. That conservatives and liberty loving American patriots, you are the decent people and the leftists out there, not all Democrats, but the leftists and especially the far left, are definitely evil radical ghouls. And I said to Paula, when I'm going to show I'm going to show you the response in a minute, but I can insult them all day. They insult themselves by their very existence, their embarrassments to their families, their generational embarrassment to their grandparents, and any more of anyone they'll spawn in the future will have to deal with the fact that they're related to these ghouls.
But I could go on about that all day. I just want you to. Bow your head and thank the Lord that you are not them. Know that there's a right side of right and the wrong side, right, and you're on the right side of it. Thank God you're not these people, and I'm not using the Lord's name in vain, literally, thank the Lord you are not one of these total epic, complete life failure losers. Here's Cenk.
You know, one of the young turds. You know, he's been around a while. He's the guy who as a viral video for being a loser, melting down in a temper tantrum the night President Trump won. Remember that viral video? That's Kench. So Cenk, who's one of the dumbest human beings on the planet, by the way, if you've ever watched him debate, there's one Bayt with Ben Shapiro that's hilarious, where he just tries to make up economic theories.
So here's his tweet about Herman Cain 1000 times the man cankers. He says, before he died, Herman Cain said his God was stronger than coronavirus. Coronavirus disagreed. Hashtag silence is real. Keep in mind that Chuck is now cankers is a disgusting filth bag, and Cenk will lose no sponsors on whatever show or anything because he's a leftist, which means he's a ghoul, he's an evil ghoul with soulless human being without an ounce of dignity, courage or spine.
Cenk runs every time he runs into a serious person, he runs away. He's a coward. But Cenk won't lose a single sponsor from this if I were to say that about the death of a prominent liberal liberal, which I would never and I hope you understand that that's the kind of thing it's not funny. It's never funny. It's not the subject of jokes, the passing of a human being. If I were to say that, rightfully so, we'd have people fleeing this show left and right.
But because Kanck is a die hard, far left radical, liberal and therefore protected class, he can literally dance on the grave of a dead American patriot, nearly celebrated, make fun of them while his body's still warm and the family's not even close to done grieving, he can do and nothing will happen to be at all. Just remember that if you ever watch this guy's show, remember who he is. I just want to recognize also that when civil rights hero John Lewis died.
That it was conservatives, blue checkmark, social media, Facebook elsewhere that acknowledged the accomplishments of John Lewis. You didn't have to you didn't have to agree with his politics, that wasn't necessary, but what the man did. On the Pettus Bridge was real and should have been acknowledged by people, you can disagree with his politics later, God knows I did. But there were no conservatives, serious people celebrating his death like the ghouls, the left lesar.
You think I'm crazy? You think it was just Kench? Here's another life loser and a total zero fake tough guy, tricep extension guy Chris Cuomo at CNN, who takes this opportunity on his show to not thank Herman Cain for his accomplishments, but to subtly try to pin the death of Herman Cain on the fact that he attended the Tulsa rally. Listen to this. He says this, by the way, which he acknowledges in his own clip. He has no evidence whatsoever that Herman Cain was that Donald Trump's Tulsa rally contracted the virus and none which.
But he decides to bring it up anyway because he's a soulless loser and a total ghoul, a life loser who grew up in a pampered lifestyle. Again, thank the Lord Almighty. You are not Chris Cuomo or here's Chris. Chris Cuomo. Dancing on a dead man's grave.
The virus is rapidly swallowing us all colors, all stripes, all creeds. It just took a former presidential candidate, Herman Cain. Yes, he supported the president. The president says he was a good friend of his.
We wish his family well and we wish that he rest in peace and I wish that this president have no peace until he thinks about what he's exposing people to. He didn't even mention that Mr. Cain was at his rally among the Marsalis masses right before he was diagnosed.
Now, maybe he didn't get it there. Sure as hell didn't help. Yeah, yeah. Now, again, just to roll reverse for a minute to show you what kind of a Goole. This life loser Cuomo is. Why was that necessary? You have no evidence whatsoever, none with you even acknowledging that Chris Kawabata excuse me, Herman Cain contracted this virus at this Trump rally and none. Paula brought up an interesting point this morning, Herman Cain was around a lot of people at that rally.
None of them seem to have it. You have no evidence. The man just died yesterday. And you feel the need to make it a partisan attack. On President Trump. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what leftist ghouls do because they are evil people, I'm not I don't toss that word around lightly. I again, I am not talking about all Democrats and voting Democrats and moderates, and I'm not talking about that. I mean that I don't stereotype people like the left does to us.
I'm talking about this radical wing of the party and a growing number of Democrats, liberals who identify as Democrats. Who do things like this, like Hank and Cuomo? And yet sponsors everyone, nobody cares, you'll boycott a conservative who even hints it. Can you imagine for a moment? If you use the death of a human being to leverage a political cause, and it was a conservative doing it, I mean, imagine for a moment if civil rights icon John Lewis, upon his death, conservatives took to Twitter to say, hey, he was a great guy.
But let me just say his comments about this. Everyone should be embarrassed than the Democrat. But can you imagine the backlash? Of course you can. It would be inappropriate. That's why conservatives don't do it, and that's why I'll reiterate again seriously, thank the Lord today, you are not them. That we fight with dignity and courage, we fight where the warriors, not the left, the left are cowards. Cuomo is a total, complete chump.
A total coward, so skank. Big puff bags, all of them blower's, you know, puffery, chest thumping, well, that's all they are. It's all talk. You're not them where the real warriors. But we still have a code. We still have a code. We live by that that code. They have no code, these are genuinely evil, spineless, soulless people. By the way, where was Cuomo? Doing research to make sure that people who showed up at leftist political protests, many of which turned into riots, where is the CNN report on how many people died from that?
Oh, we didn't get that, so with no evidence whatsoever, a conservative political rally, you want to attribute Herman Cain's death to that in Oklahoma, the Tulsa rally, you have no evidence that actually happened. But where is the CNN investigative report about all the deaths that may have occurred from the left leaning anti police protests, many of them that turned in turned into riots? Where's the investigation about the many dead bodies that likely occurred from that? The answer is it will never happen because CNN doesn't have any principles and neither does Chris Cuomo, tricep extension guy.
If you're wondering what I'm talking about, there's a video of him at his desk doing tricep extensions. Seriously, I did that once I put a video in search of squats up on Facebook within five minutes, I was horrified that I had done that and I deleted because it's stupid, that's why. Now, I'm not kidding because we break down the fourth wall here, you know. Yes. And I am always willing to come to you as my loyal audience, because I don't lionize myself or golden calf myself and say I am a fallible sinner like everyone else.
And I think the reason this show is enjoyable is because we let you know. Which reminds me, I have an interview show with Greg Gutfeld we taped yesterday. Would it be fair, Joe? You've heard it, Paula, to say you probably don't want to miss this. Be fair, right. Let's talk about breaking down the fourth wall. It starts with a bang and ends with a bang or a bang. Your bang bang. You're not going to want to miss that.
I'm not kidding. I'm not out there selling this. It's a half an hour of pure joy. You're not going to want to Miss Joe Andrew are going to put it out on a YouTube channel. It'll be available on Saturday morning. Check it out. One more point on this, on these left, the schools, I needed to kind of break that up, sort of start yelling at them. Here's Reuters, a once respected media outlet once no longer, of course, the Trump era, these people have forfeited all their dignity.
Let me show you a couple of tweets about how they handle the death of prominent not necessarily good or bad, but prominent people. Let's go to tweet number one from the dreadful now Reuters, here's how they talk about Herman Cain. Herman Cain again, a resume. Seventy five pages long. A genius and influential American patriot. Herman Cain, ex presidential candidate who refused to wear mask, dies after covid-19 diagnosis. This is a once respected news outlet.
That's the takeaway from Herman Cain's death. That you claim he refused to wear a mask, that's your takeaway. Now, let's go to Reuters, other tweet about how they treated a known terrorist Iranian bloodlust Vampyre Qasem Soleimani, who Trump thankfully ordered the death of. Let's see how they treated him. Clearly, they they treated him much worse, right? I mean, Herman Cain, American patriot, known terrorist.
No, you'd be wrong. Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani was Iran's celebrity soldier spearhead in the Middle East. Again, ladies and gentlemen, these are sick ghouls. These are troubled, deeply disturbed. Grotesque, spineless jellyfish creatures. Thank God, every single day you are not one of these people, and now you'll understand why I addressed that Axios Harris poll yesterday, while only two entities during this entire coronavirus crisis, only two out of the in this poll, they ask people, has your trust in these various entities, health care, the food industry, transportation grown or decreased during the coronavirus?
Out of the many, only two of these entities lost trust during the coronavirus. One was the airlines and second was the media to the media people listening, the liberal media people. There it is. Thank you, Miss Paula. Look at that. Everyone else gain substantially. Doctors and nurses, hospitals. Yeah, they deserved it. They did some incredible work. The media lost five points. The airlines lost seven points. They are the only ones, even oil companies, which people say that liberals at least say they hate for no good reason.
By the way, even they gained trust, not the media, but again to Reuters. Tricep extension guy Cuomo. And the Kanuk, you know, no self reflection is necessary at all why everybody just hates you guys. No self reflection. Don't you worry. You think people love you? Nobody actually thinks that. But you you understand that, correct? Nobody thinks that but you. Thank God. Again, you were not one of them by moving on, so I got an email yesterday.
Make this quick, but. I'm not going to say his name because he didn't give me permission in the email, but he said, listen, you did a showdown a little while back where you said this fight. What I mean by this fight is, I mean, cancel culture, the war on Christianity, the war in your family, the war on organized religions of all types, the unbelievable growth of anti-Semitism on the left, this attack on common decency and big our God given rights.
I warned you that this fight was going to come to your door. Long story short, I gave you an example of something that happened to my daughters, both of them. It involved some entities they were involved in. And I don't want to give you all the details because I want to put people, you know, it's asymmetric. I have a big audience. I want to put people on the spot, especially if it's just my personal issue.
But I said that this fight that happened to me is happening to others who don't have a show like I do to air grievances to use to fight back. I warned you this was coming to your door. I don't know the specifics of how this fight is going to hit you, but any attempt for you to avoid it. Is futile. I wish I had better news, but I don't, so I get this email and the gist of the email is this.
Dan, you did this story, the fights at my door, and it came to my door yesterday. My wife works for this. I'm not reading the email exactly, of course. But since my wife works for a small business and her supervisor was on some social media platform and was watching the video of a black man saying, hey, listen, I'm fed up with this Black Lives Matter movement. Here's why. The wife's supervisor liked it, didn't comment on it or anything, liked it, some disgruntled snowflake at this small company must have seen the boss liking this Facebook post.
And organize this whole, like, attack on the business, negative reviews, pseudo boycotts, I pseudo because they're never really left this boycotts are always great for business. People show up in droves. I'm serious. People just ask chick fillet. And the guy said to me, my wife can't believe it. It was all they did was like a post. I warned you, I warned you, this is coming to your door. It's not going to leave you alone.
You are involved in a Manichean fight right now, whether you think so or not. And any attempt for you to say, I'm going to sit this one out because they'll come for me last is just I'm sorry, but naive to the highest extent possible. You may say, so what does that mean for me? What does it mean? You know, you can talk about it all you want, but what does it mean? First, it means a recognition that we're dealing again with genuinely evil people, the death of Herman Cain, Cenk Cuomo and Reuters should describe to you in complete and full terms just how evil these people are.
Dancing on a man's grave wasn't even dead. Twenty four hours. We don't do that. The left does that. We don't do that. So No. One, you're dealing with genuinely evil people. But number two, you might as well jump in this fight. Now, you might as well, matter of fact, ironically, unintended. But I interview Greg Gutfeld about his new book. One of the questions I wanted to get to and didn't is he mentions Vice signaling in the book and Eric Weinstein the opposite of virtue signalling, you know what people treat how wonderful they are on Twitter to virtually signal how great the arm above this is, is what we should start by signaling.
Just put out on social media like, hey, you know what, we screwed up where I screwed up in the past, put out all your vices. That way they can't use it against you. That's a bad idea. But more importantly, May some of you may not be comfortable with that, I totally understand recognize now that you telling your friends, oh, I avoid these political fights on Facebook, I don't want to lose any friends. Stop.
It's coming for you no matter what. The longer you hide it, the worse it's going to get. You might as well rip off the Band-Aid and just go out and join the fight today because the fights are going to find you if you don't find it. And when it finds you, it's going to be on their terms, not yours. You own a business, you're afraid to comment on Facebook, you might as well jump in now. I'll give you an example like to say, Sam, but a friend of mine who happens to be a doctor, he doesn't avoid it on Facebook.
I talk to him about it. He doesn't care one bit. He's like patients don't want to show up to my office because they know I'm a conservative and I support liberty and God given rights and equality for all, because that's really what he does support. He's a good man. He's like, don't show up. Don't show up, but you're not going to boycott me later. There's nothing to boycott. I've been out. That's what I'm talking about.
He's been out there and open about it forever. Get in the fight now, folks. The fights coming for you, you might as well find it before it finds you, because when it finds you, it's going to be on their terms and not yours. You cannot avoid it. I took a big fat note here in all caps. Step up now. Let me dump this block before I get to Eppstein with one more video again showing you this fight is coming for you no matter what, you're not going to be able to escape it.
It surrounds you everywhere you bathe in it. You might have thought this week at all. Great. The NBA's back. I used to like basketball years ago, I was a Knicks fan back in the Patrick Ewing, John Starks, Charles Oakley days, Xman, Xavier McDaniel. I saw like the NBA. I don't watch it anymore. I definitely won't be watching it now. My point is, you thought you were going to sit down this week and turn on one of the sports channels or whatever and just watch an NBA game in peace?
No. Here's 10 seconds of the opening NBA game where the national anthems played as you watch it on YouTube. Check this out as you get home. I'll describe afterwards exactly what happens. Play this game. I didn't want to insult you any more by playing the rest of it. You heard the national anthem. No words just decided, I guess the. Play the instrumental, kind of bizarre, all right. What's significant about that video, audio, every single player is on their knees with Black Lives Matter.
Black lives matter. You mean the Marxist group? The founder of the group, you mean the same group with the pigs in a blanket frame like bacon? What do we want? Dead cops? When do we want them? Now. You mean that group? Now there's a way to support. Black lives. You should. But you use the name of a group that's calling for dead cops. I'm just that is anything I'm saying. And actually, I could play you the video.
A group run by a known Marxist Marxist, by the way, who wiped out millions of minority lives, by the way, the same Marxist running China right now where the NBA has a big business footprint and the NBA, NBA refuses to speak out against the Chinese Communist Marxist Party. That's imprisoning thousands of Muslim minority wiggers. So the same NBA which kneels to disrespect our national anthem, that's what you're doing, let's stop pretending it's anything else. Please, I don't have time for nonsense.
Take that garbage elsewhere. You're disrespecting our country and our anthem. And if you pulled that same stunt in China, you'd find yourself in a wig or death camp. Where's the NBA, the principal, the principal, Joe, treaded air quotes, the principal, the NBA, where is their statement about the Chinese wigger death camps? Where is it that we see that? No, no, no. We would be seeing a significant NBA presence in China.
Yeah. Yeah, you missed that, too, right, Joe? You did, right? We didn't see the death camp statement yet, Mr.. You better statement in support of Hong Kong, the freedom fighters in Hong Kong. We we we missed that one, too, right. Matter of fact, I didn't miss when people showed up in the stands with support Hong Kong shirts, they were thrown out and asked to leave me. And I remember that.
But yes, they were all about principle. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well about principle. You miss that too, right? Yeah. Just just checking. Yeah, man. Paula, do you see that Paul and Paul is a little happier with me today, took twenty four hours. Greg and I talked about it yesterday, which was I'm telling you, this Gutfeld interview is just off the totally. Completely. Would you agree, Joe? Totally off the rails like nothing without him laughing, even thinking about it.
I had like 20 questions. I don't think we got past the second one. Oh, man.
I'm like crying at the ballot box. I'm just, again, trying to make the point that this fight. You cannot avoid it. You cannot avoid it. Jump in now. All right. I want to get to my second sponsor. I want to get to this Eppstein stuff because it is just explosive. And I want to reiterate a story I have from a source. It's not my story. It's from another source. I can't say that because I get a thousand emails.
Dan, stop hiding. I'm not hiding anything. It's not my stories or someone else, but it's troubling. Some of you haven't heard it's about the case. All right. Our second sponsor is my Patriots Supply. Every day. We're not just witnessing the spread of coronavirus. We're seeing the spread of fear. The panic merchants are out there making markets volatile and driving demands for basic necessities in a troubling manner through the roof. No one wants to see bare shelves.
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That's a lot of peace of mind to buy. My Patriots supply has been a trusted partner. My show for years. I have I don't even know anymore. Ten to twelve boxes of it inside and I'm happy to do it and happy to advertise for his company because it just makes sense. The demand. I got to be honest, he's been an incredibly high a lot of people are starting to understand and sharing your food supply makes sense. The current weight is now eight to 12 weeks because demand has been 80 times normal.
They're not kidding. But go now. Ted, don't wait anymore. We have no idea how long this crisis is going to last. It's important to be self-reliant. It's not too late. Go to prepare with Dan Dotcom and pick up your emergency food supply today. That's prepare with Dan Dotcom. Don't wait another minute. Prepare with Dan Dotcom, OK? So let me just before we get to the court documents, some of you heard this story because your older listeners and you've been around a while.
Here's my take on why the Eppstein case is so serious, but besides the obvious, I mean, the sexual abuse, the allegations are, you know, just gross. I have a contact, let's say, again, this is his story, not mine, so I want to be clear. I'm not hiding from you the details. I don't have them until he gives them to me. Right. But approached me a while ago and was on an aircraft with Eppstein.
And former President Bill Clinton and made a very serious allegation, by the way, this is an unimpeachable contact. This is not some, you know, tinfoil cap wearing lunatic I ran into in a bagel store somewhere. This is an unimpeachable contact with the utmost integrity. And made a very serious allegation that Clinton was on this plane with Epstein and there was a room in the back of the plane, there were what appeared to be underaged girls on the plane and that the former president happened to disappear into one of those rooms with one of these underage girls.
Why you would be doing that? You can probably fill in the blanks for yourself. I'm just telling you what I've been told. It was serious enough, that person that. He refused to be part of this anymore. And spoke out and I am assuming, you know, hasn't contacted me in a while, that is probably talking about it with hopefully law enforcement and others. It's real that call happened. And again, it is not my information, because inevitably, whenever this show airs and I bring this up again, I'm swearing to you on on every fiber of my soul.
And being that this call happened as I said it. People say, well, why are you holding I'm not holding out, it's not my information, I don't have the rest. That's what I have. That's what I've been permitted to share, because that's all I have to share. It was frightening the way he described it. Came out later. Who knows what went on back there? But it's a growth story. Now, Elaine Maxwell, who was Jeffrey Epstein's confidant, right hand woman, was around him all the time, some of the victims in this ongoing investigation gave depositions, spoke to law enforcement.
This happened over a course of time and the documents have now been released and they are troubling, which indicate exactly what I just told you, that this guy was a really, really deeply disturbed human being. Epstein and the people who found this guy, what's the appropriate way to say enjoyable to be around are probably just as sick as he is. That's the kind of thing when you agree, Joe, if you're like hanging around that it's it's not like we've all had a friend we find out later did something shady and we're like, why?
Right. You know, in the past, you like that guy in college, sold weed or something like really such a nice guy. We've always nobody's confused when you're hanging around a dude who has a group of young women around him doing things like Nobody's Kornfield. We get that right. That's not confusing. You know, they're young because they're young. You can tell no 15 year old looks like a 40 year old. We everybody understands this, right, that I'm talking to the liberals out there who want to defend Eppstein.
Because they know some of their friends may go down. And to the same people out there, that that's not what's happening here, the people who have chosen to hang around this guy, including the former president Bill Clinton, are really disgusting. It's no mystery what's going on. Did anybody think to ask, like, hey, dude, why do you have a bunch of teenagers hanging around you? Did anybody think to ask that? Can you even imagine, like, we hang out with a very limited group of people?
But they're successful, really nice people, you can even imagine showing up at their house and there's like. 15, 13 and 14 and 15 year olds over that, and they have no relief over these, your cousins? No, no, they're just what, like what you call the cops? There's no mystery here. There's no I didn't know. All right, let's get to it, let's get the court document number one. Oh, big hat tip, by the way, hat tips are always appropriate to techno fog at techno underscore.
Phog on Twitter, I believe is on parler two. I don't even know if it's a he could be a Shia, but great account all over the legal stuff of the day. That's where he got some of these screenshots from. So hat tip to funk. Let's get right to that here. So screenshot number one. So this is one of the court documents in the motion. They talk about, quote, Eppstein also sexually trafficked the then minor Jane Doe, obviously, that I can use your name, making her available for sex to politically connected and financially powerful people.
So I'm trying to keep the show family friendly. So, folks, this segment may you know, we're not we're going to try to avoid the really horrible stuff. But you get what I'm saying. So Eppstein sexually trafficked minors to powerful people, some of the names. Unbelievable, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York. Miss Maxwell, you mean Maxwell? Jean Luc Brunelle and Alan Dershowitz, again, this is just in the court documents, I'm just reading the names that have been uncovered in these court documents.
Noah, I am. We will not be providing cover here for anyone for any reason. I have a teenage daughter. This is disgusting, seriously grotesque. Let's go to screenshot number two in case you think those were the only people mentioned here. Here's a victim interview. So they say, hey, when they're talking to one of the victims, when you say you asked him, why is Bill Clinton here, where was here? In other words, they're asking one of the victims, you know, so Bill Clinton was there.
Well, where was here? She says, you know, on the island, they're talking about Epstein's perverted island. When you were president, Jeffrey, you have seen Bill Clinton on the island, who else was there? Victims deskilling, Emmi, and there were two young girls that I could identify. I never really knew them well, anyways, it was just two girls from New York. Folks. Again, I got goosebumps talking about this, like, what kind of a sick pervert is this guy?
If this testimony is real. And again, even the worst people on the planet are entitled to the presumption of innocence in our justice system. But if this testimony is real and Bill Clinton was on Pervert Island. With underage girls. You didn't. Serious question here, Bill. You didn't think to ask who they were or what they were doing on an island. Underage girls, you weren't curious. Who did you think they were? By the way, how is this not the lead story in The New York Times because it's Bill Clinton?
Trust me, ladies and gentlemen, if that name was Donald Trump, this would be a front page story. From now to the end of to the end of time, it would be a permanent front page story. We didn't you didn't hear about this yesterday that a victim in a sworn deposition said she was on an island with underage girls, with Bill Clinton on the Eppstein, you missed you missed that. It's not your fault. You missed it again.
We're dealing with media outlets who will do anything, even protecting people accused, accused of grotesque horrors like this. Because they're liberal activists. If that name was Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton or anything else, it'd be plastered on every front page in every news channel in America. But it's the Democrat. And there a protected class. You may say this can't get worse, oh, you'd be wrong, it can and does. Here's court document number three.
Where Jeffrey Epstein's email and Maxwell, again, his right hand woman who's alleged to be one of the ringleaders of this underage girl sexual abuse scandal. And Jeffrey Epstein, when she says, hey, listen, I've been asked questions about a bunch of this stuff and this is Ghyslain Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein, emails are back and says, hey, hey, don't you worry about this. Here's the email. He says, listen, this is OK with me.
You've done nothing wrong. And I'd urge you to start acting like this is Epstein talking to Maxwell. Go outside, head hide your head. Hi. This is how sick this guy is. This is how I see it. This is insane. He tells her head high, don't act like an escaping convict. Go to parties, deal with it. I had Lisa Sveinsson, the Swedish Ocean ambassador, yesterday. She said no one on a Roshen panel takes this stuff seriously and you'd be welcome to the ocean conference, water conference, etc.
. That's his response. This sick, grotesque human being not even worry about these allergies, no one is taking this seriously. Go to parties, head high, head high, be proud. You may say, gosh, it sounds really bad, bunch of powerful people mentioned in their Bill Clinton specifically named on Pervert Island. Epstein tells her, don't even worry about it, this isn't even serious. Do you think it gets worse? Oh, boy, it gets a lot worse.
The FBI knew about this. Apparently so look at this document that just came out again, had to technophile. The limited information produced from the iCloud accounts shows that responsive information exists, the production includes plaintiffs communications with FBI agent Jason Richardson in wait wait, what does that say, Joe? Am I reading this right in twenty fourteen? Yes. My eyesight's going bad policy in that right. OK, thank you. Suggest that plaintiff was in regular communications with him at various times, particularly in mid 2014.
Despite this, few pieces of correspondence with Agent Richards have been produced. Plaintiff also produced an email to Christina prior the FBI, but not any response to that email. Folks, listen. It's not Monday morning quarterbacking, it's just saying human being stuff to say. The FBI knew about this in 2014. What the hell were you doing? Well, I mean, what more evidence did you need? Did you miss all this stuff? How many more people, young women were abused because you did nothing or didn't do anything of any substance?
They say, gosh, this sounds really bad. Thankfully, we put the the lid on the worst stuff. Oh, no, no, no, no. There's there's there's actually more. Take the lid off. Yeah, it gets worser. Here's screenshot number five, where one of the victims, because nothing's apparently happening on the criminal side with the FBI, one of the victims, reaches out to the FBI and says, hey, you think I can have the videos and photos?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. His videos and photos. I'm not kidding, reaches out to the Christina Prior, this FBI agent at our official email address and says, hey. I'm wondering if you remember me from the Sydney consulate, I'm a victim in the investigation from the Jeffrey Epstein case, and I was wondering if you could tell me if I'd be able to get a hold of the pics and videos that the FBI might have confiscated from any of these residences.
Also, can you ask if you might have any of the flight logs that include my name in them to be sent to me as well? It's all for evidential purposes and it would prove many things to help my case. This is one of the victims. In 2014. Asking the FBI, Hey, you think I could get the videos and pics you guys may have? For a civil case, I'm working. Well, again, where was this?
Where was this story yesterday? Well, again, we're talking about Donald Trump's tweet. That's right, Donald Trump's election to that was the be. That was that was it. Now, you may be like, finally, it's no, no, no, it's not yet there's one more for you. She's yeah, yeah.
Now I know you're like this can't possibly and I strongly encourage you again to read at Technophile Thread on this. There's actually more there in the interest of time. I had to I had to make the the inglorious six like how to pick the worst six things because there's more. This is actually the last one. But this is. This is just the Kouda Grah. How long did the Department of Justice know about this? We have the FBI for a minute.
The Department of Justice and why didn't they do anything about it? Look at this court. Look at this document exposed yesterday. They have emails, Joe, again, check me, am I reading this right that 2008, now five one 2008. So I'm not reading it wrong, Paula. Right. Just checking 2008. So now we're not even at 2014. We're back in two thousand eight. A 12 years ago, 20, so apparently someone has 20, 80 males between all of these people.
And it's about a continued delay in presenting a case to a grand jury due to failure to receive a decision from D.C.. The status of the grand jury presentation, an ongoing investigation and staffing of the case for the purposes of trial and meeting to prepare for grand jury prep. 2008. They're waiting for a decision from D.C. who who exactly can't figure out D.C. what they need to do with grand jury presentation. Who is that? Can we get those names?
They're wondering about the delays in the case in 2008. Ladies and gentlemen, I just, you know. What's at stake in this election? Again, you're dealing with genuinely evil people. Don't dare lecture me, libs, I worked in federal law enforcement, I cannot imagine a scenario I worked with really good, decent people. I cannot imagine a scenario where someone approached us in our office in New York when I worked on Long Island and said, hey, I got a case here about underage girls being sexually trafficked.
By influential man connected to politicians. Influential public figures, and we just walked in the bottom like. We'll get to it later, I got a Treasury check case I got to work here, it's not important. Can you imagine a scenario where that happened, if you're a sane person, you're like, of course I can, and that's probably 99 percent of my audience. On Blanken believable, you fill in the rest. All right, moving on.
They got a lot more to get to. Again, what are we dealing with in this election? That's been the theme of this whole show, genuinely evil people on the other side. You think you can avoid this fight, you can't. So yesterday. Paula can vouch for me here. I want to I I was listening and they had a coverage of John Lewis's funeral yesterday. And I wanted to hear what people had to say about John Lewis, I did.
I wanted to hear about the story. There were some really amazing stories about Lewis and the Pettus Bridge. And Bill Clinton told the story, this backpack yesterday. And, you know, George W. Bush spoke. You know, Clinton, who apparently just a disgusting human being, but I wanted to hear the comments regardless, so I listened and listened on my iPhone app for probably close to two, three hours. And it may surprise you, but having worked with Obama for two years, you know, sometimes it's very hard for me to separate the personal from the political.
You know, I was on his detail for two years, I was one of his lead Secret Service agents. And sometimes you'd see genuine moments and you think, how can this guy be so destructive? And then you see moments like yesterday when you realize the awful human being he really is. And believe me, it. I say this with from the depths of my soul, with all sincerity, it gives me no joy to tell you that at all.
There is a personal attachment there, I'm very sorry if that bothers you, but there is and it's hard to dump it, really. It's hard to just throw it away. But this is a genuinely bad person. The Spygate scandal, the corruption. The the use of a funeral yesterday, I was really hoping he would get up as a historic figure in America, our first black president. That he would get up and say some unifying comments. He did none of that.
He got up yesterday and used a funeral for a civil rights icon. To give a grotesque. Deceptive, in many cases, outright false political speech meant to rally people for an election. It was gross. And it was supremely disappointing. Here's one of the lowlights where the great divider in chief, Barack Obama, strikes again. Check this out.
He knew from his own life that progress is fragile. That we have to be vigilant against the darker currents of this country's history. Of our own history. But there are whirlpools of violence and hatred and despair that can always rise again. Bull Connor may be gone. But today, we witness with our own eyes police officers kneeling on the necks. Of black Americans. George Wallace, maybe go. But we can witness. Our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators.
I'm not kidding, I when I was done with the show, I really wanted to hear him speak. For all Obama's downsides as the most corrupt president in U.S. history and believe me, that is an accurate statement. There are some moments where he can say things that could be perceived as somewhat unifying, yesterday was not one of. Bull Connor, George Wallace. You mean the Democrats, segregationists? Using the example of George Floyd, which was Joanne, correct me if I'm wrong here, universally condemned by every sane human being on the planet, including on this show immediately.
Immediately. Amy, I got emails from people I'm not kidding some who said, Dan, we should wait for the facts. I very clear. I understand we should always, with the facts on that were crystal clear. No one disputed the video. We came out the next day in the foyer. They were saying, listen, this isn't right. There was no. Counterpoint. It was unanimous, why would you use that example at John Lewis's funeral to take a political shot at everybody else?
George Wallace, you mean the segregationists in the South that were Democrats? Later on, it was I mean, there were a number of lowlights from this I could go on all day about Obama. And by the way, tear gas on peaceful protesters, you mean the ones burning the courthouse down in Portland? You mean those were the commercial grade fireworks? You mean the ones that have blinded federal law enforcers and damaged their eyes would let you mean those peaceful protesters?
I'm just checking Barack. I'm just checking again, you could have done some real good legwork to bring in the country together and you do what you always do. Shredded it and divided it, because that's all you know. But he brought up another point yesterday in his political campaign speech at a funeral, at a funeral. Where he said, you know, the filibuster. Where the minority in the Senate. Can block legislation, you know, you need 60 votes in the Senate now, unlike the House, where a simple majority works.
So the filibuster is, quote, a Jim Crow relic. The filibuster, so the filibuster is now racist. Now, ladies and gentlemen, there are you you know what? You know exactly what's going on. Come on, dude. How does a Democrat narrative narrative. Not a fact, a false story. How does it work? The way it works is exactly what Obama's doing, a prominent Democrat with some influence, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Liz Warren, Barack Obama, whoever it may be, starts to throw trial balloons, test balloons.
We want to get why do the Democrats want to get rid of the filibuster? Because they're convinced they're going to take back the Senate with probably 51 or 52 votes. They don't want to be blocked by the minority despite the fact that it's been part of the institution for eons. And they want to enact the most radical far left agenda in American history. Amnesty, D.C. statehood, Puerto Rico statehood, packing, the Supreme Court, they don't want anyone in their way.
Now, they know that's not popular, the Democrats are not dumb. They know suggesting throwing decades of Senate tradition out the window to radicalize America is not popular. So, Joe, in order to get people to believe that the filibuster, which people generally like, it gives the minority party rights that they wouldn't have in the House of Representatives, what do you do? You tag it with a label and what does that label every time is or is this every single time?
So they float that trial balloon and they let the media pick it up. Now, 30, 40 years ago in the Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, David Brinkley, Tom Brokaw era, when they could control the narrative, the narrative from this point on. Now that Obama said yesterday, it's a Jim Crow relic, the filibuster, in other words, it's racist, the filiba. That's what it always is with the Dems. Everything's racist, you know?
Yeah. In that era, Joe, you're familiar with Joe, a little old Cronkite, Cronkite would repeat it and that would be the story around the country from this point on, if you support the filibuster, you're a racist, too. Nobody said this before. It's just now Obama is now filtered. Here's the problem. These old school politicians like Obama living in the digital era now don't realize that we all have everything on tape now. We have everything on video.
We have everything with screenshots. We have links that won't go away so we can look up. If you actually believed because Obama said it's a Jim Crow relic. So if you support the filibuster, you're a racist, right? I mean, I'm not anybody missing this for the liberals. This Obama filibuster, Jim Crow relic of filibusters, racist. That's what he wants you to listen to this headline from the Chicago Tribune, which made its way around social media yesterday, oh, two thousand six.
Jeff Zeleny in the Washington Bureau of the Chicago Tribune. Obama joined the filibuster bid against Alito. I thought that was racist. I did, I yeah. Yep, that's what I mean, listen, I always need Joe's input, and with that I miss it. So is Obama racist, though? You can't say that. I didn't say it. Obama said it. I'm not telling you Obama's race. He said it himself. Filibuster's a Jim Crow relic, in other words, if you want the filibuster, you're a racist, OK?
Obama supported the filibuster. See, this is the difference between when you were subjected to the David Brinkley, ABC, NBC, CBS monopoly and now we have parler, we have Internet search engines, we have Twitter, Facebook, where even despite their mass censorship, you can't beat us all at the same time. I saw that on the Twitter feed of Jim Geraghty from National Review, and I spread it around to my two point one million followers on Twitter who now know Barack Obama is a total, complete fraud, which you knew way before yesterday.
But now, you know, for a fact. He's just making this up about the filibuster because he thinks he can control the narrative and he knows nobody in America because we are not a racist place, nobody wants to identify as a racist, obviously. So if he just makes it up filibusterers, Raices Obama, he supported the filibuster. I did say I was a racist. I just mean you all share. Hard pass on Obama's advice, you can take a seat.
No, he told us to take a seat. Remember, Obama made that speech. You Republicans, you could take a seat in the back seat. We're in charge now. You can take a seat. A funeral. Did this at a funeral keep that in mind. Tell us how wonderful Obama is. All right, good on time. You let me get to this story here, because on a good note, it is Friday, and I don't like to leave any of you miserable.
Folks, your voice matters, it does. I don't want you to feel like any of this is a waste of your time. These are futile measures. Your voice matters. So I had a bunch of listeners, which I'm very responsive to. They have my email and they'll reach out to me on Facebook and elsewhere. And they sent me this story from Ohio, the story about the Ohio Pharmacy Board putting up a bunch of restrictions for doctors so they couldn't prescribe hydroxy chloroquine to patients with coronavirus.
They were outraged. I'm not supporting any I'm not a doctor. I'm just going to be crystal clear. I want to leave medical decisions to doctors. Now, again, will be, of course, suppressed by the tech parents for saying this. And that's OK. I'm on the side of truth. I don't really care about any of that stuff I already got old attorneys working on. I am not a doctor, I'm not recommending you do anything but speak to your doctor about your medical problems.
Why is that controversial? If your doctor, whose area of expertise is medicine, is an M.D., a D.A., whatever may be. Why would your doctor not make your medical decisions? Why would you leave that to a pharmacy board? So people in Ohio and around the country were furious that this Ohio pharmacy board put up a bunch of obstacles to hydroxy chloroquine. The governor stepped in, Mike DeWine, and said, listen, you got to consider this from what I heard in Ohio from my many listeners who emailed me the follow up.
The uproar was. A seven thousand decibels scream in a closed stadium. And this is what happened, the Ohio Pharmacy Board back down immediately. Says as a result of the feedback received by the medical and patient community at the request of Governor DeWine, the state of Ohio Board of Pharmacy has withdrawn the proposed rule, the administrative code. It's Friday. Hold your head high for two important reasons on this show, here are two takeaways. Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them what you tell them and tell them what you told them.
No, tell them. Are you going to tell them? Tell them and tell them what you told me. Learn that when I was learning how to teach some of the students and Secret Service school number one, it's Friday. Thank the Lord. Seriously pray tonight. Thank God you are not one of these ghoulish leftists dancing on the grave of an American patriot who died. Thank him, thank him that you have been granted. The wisdom and the empathy.
To respect the dignity of life, even with your political opponents, people like John Lewis, that you're able to see through a lot of this and respect the dignity of life at critical moments when people are watching. Thank the Lord that you have the guts and the courage to stand up and not fall prey to silly arguments while they're celebrating the life of someone who died, who may not even be might be a total opposite side of your politics, but you have the dignity and grace to understand.
We can talk about that later. Now's not the time. The lefter ghoul's. There are evil, despicable, awful people, they have none of that dignity, none of that grace or none of that integrity, and thank God and pray to him for that and for their continued wisdom to do it. It matters. All of it matters. I say again to. Thank the Lord that you understand that facts matter, that you will not be baited into silly, hyperbolic, outrageous and ridiculous arguments.
And give him ask him for the courage to stand up and speak out, because the story we just addressed. In Ohio, your voice does matter. Your voice does matter. You can speak up and you can change things you just did. It's a small step. I'm not suggesting to you, ladies and gentlemen, any fight is over that we should take some victory lap, that this fight for freedom is done and we should, you know, march down the Champs Elysees.
And I'm just suggesting to you. The bigger fights are won by winning smaller battles and one of them was won yesterday. Good for you for speaking out for sanity. We will let the doctors make those decisions. All right. Thanks again for tuning in today. I really appreciate it. Please watch my interview with Greg Gutfeld. I promise you, it is going to be one of the more entertaining 30 minutes of your life. And I can just be candid.
Greg is doing a ton of interviews for his book. I thought he'd be super tired. This is the most high energy, Greg, you've ever seen, probably even on Fox. It was a really great he's a friend of mine, so the dynamics a little different. It's probably not what you're used to, but it's worth your time. Joe will launch it tomorrow morning, Saturday, about 7:00 a.m. or so. It'll be on video to YouTube.
Dotcom wants you to check out the video because his mannerisms are hilarious. Paula had a tough time keeping him in the frame, right, Paula? Because he was jumping around. Check it out. Thanks again for another great week, folks. Really appreciate it. I will see you all on Monday. Good day, sir.
You just heard Dan Bongino.