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This is the Dan Levator show with the Stu guts podcast.


So what you're about to hear is a taste, a morsel of Pablo Tory finds out today. It's Sharon tell. It's Mina Kimes. It's Dan Levitard, and it's Tom Brady in a sense. So that's this for the rest of it, though, which gets into lots of stuff involving the fate of the republic and also whether Mina Kimes has more group chats than anyone else on the planet. That's over in our feed on YouTube or our podcast thing, which I guess also called a feed. It's been a long week. Enjoy. I did not expect to be the guy bringing the football topic today, but I have been really interested in what we're supposed to do with Tom Brady as he is.




Replacing Greg Olson in the booth next year for Fox. And we all know that story by now. Greg Olsen has. It's just impossible to be better at this than he has while also losing your job. And so there is this clip of Tom Brady that went viral recently that I want to play for you guys because it was this glimmer. It was framed and hailed as a glimmer of what he could be, which is to say, like, actually interesting question mark if you can play that.


They're just calling probabilities. Okay? There's a probability on third down. In short, they're going to play man to man coverage. So therefore, on my call sheet, I'm going to call my man to man beaters. Oh, they didn't call man to man. Looks like a simple cover two zone. This play isn't really working for that. Okay. In my mind, it'd be like, okay, let me get to my best cover two play against this. Look, as opposed to now we get the ball. Okay. We've got a bunch of crossing routes in the COVID too. That's not good. Let me hold the ball and go run it. And then people on, oh, you know, great play. Way to run. And in my mind, I'm going, why did you snap the ball? I mean, you clearly knew no one's going to be open.


And so that's just Brady talking to Steve Young on his podcast and having an edge to him and also just this conviction, which made him automatically interesting to me. And, Mina, I just want to know for you, right, like, there's this conversation and you've been in a booth calling NFL games for the Rams.


He's going to have to tighten it up. Those windows are small. Like if he thinks he's going to have the ability to explain all of that, he's better speed that up.


Right? So how do you foresee the Tom Brady experiment going as he is basically handed a job that everyone else has to climb a ladder through mud and many sharp elbows to get to?


What I found interesting about that clip is not so much the substance of what he's saying. Right. Which is he's criticizing a quarterback using his legs for basically not engaging in the sort of pre snap mastery that Tom Brady engaged in, which I have to think. Like, Brady has probably watched a lot of quarterback mobility over the last few years and been silently seething.


He only ran because he needed to run.


I have, Mina, not to interrupt you too much here, but I do think that he will be paid $375,000,000 to bitterly excoriate that Mahomes is not as good as him in every game that he calls of Mahomes. I can't wait for that. As he calls all of football mediocre and just drains down, just rains down upon Mahomes. He's not as good as I was. Sorry to interrupt.


That's what's interesting about the clip. So I do think something that either bothers you or you love is when announcers are critical of quarterbacks. Like whenever you see Chris Collinsworth trending on Twitter, it's usually NFL fans complaining about him being too positive about a quarterback. I would say the reverse has been true of Ackeman in the past. Troy Eichmann tends to be more critical of quarterbacks. I love it. Personally. I think it's really funny, and I think he had a fantastic year, too. So I think what we saw there was a glimpse of the possibility that Dan alluded to, which is Tom Brady might actually be critical. I've never heard, like, the clip of him complaining about the NFL. That was very general. Right. But if he actually does what he did there, let's say we turn on a game and it's Jalen hurts and he's just struggling against the blitz again, Tom Brady going in on him would be the most controversial and interesting thing Tom Brady has ever said. So if he actually were to do that and then given the fact that he has the authority to do so, I would find that fascinating.


I hope that that's the case.


I am most interested in this part of it. And he's an old man by athletic standards, so he is approaching 50. And the way that he's approaching this, when athletes struggle a great deal with what do I do. After I have buried who I used to be, after I have grieved that my identity is I was Tom Brady who played, and now I'm Tom Brady, who talks about this and wants to be successful, and I'm treating it competitively. I'm going to sit out a year until I get good at this. And I ask you, Mina, because I do believe this part is funny and interesting. I believe Tony Romo's enthusiasm, just like John Gruden's. You like football? I like football. That works. Hey, Tony Romo, there has to be an intervention with you and CBS executives because you're not taking this job seriously enough. I really don't know what the balance is on this. I think Tom can take it so seriously that he strangles it, or he could get good at it. But I do wonder if he thinks he's going to get his smart off in 15 seconds at a time. Enthusiasm and likability counts for something.


He's starting from a likable place. But the fact that he cares so much about this, I think, can be as a preparation. It can give him comfort, but it also can be over prepared. And you can think you've got this handled and not have it handled because you're not treating it as relaxed as Romo did from the beginning.


I also think, though, we're talking a lot about the craft of announcing, and we should, because it's a really interesting job. It is a very high paying job. It's a very high profile job. There's a reason, by the way, that the greatest of athletes, I mean, truly, Wayne Gretzky, is calling, or he's like, in the studio doing, like, hockey commentary. Now Tom Brady wants to be in the booth. The greatest of all time. Would LeBron want to do this? He seemed to enjoy being at the desk after winning a championship, being very open and interesting. Right. So I get why people want to do this. I just think it's very funny that inside of any sort of broadcast network, the conversation is very simple. It's like, oh, get. Get Tom Brady.


Yeah, him.


We want Tom Brady, period. Because on some level, you just want to know what he thinks. Everything he says would make news in a way that must be infuriating to other competitors for that job. Like Greg Olson went from a tight end who was mildly well know to most normal people, if at all, to Tom Brady, where it's just like, whatever his take is, is inherently interesting because that's how good he used to be. Now there's going to be a diminishing returns on that where if he's like super boring all of the time, people will stop being interested. But the bar, the floor, because you just want to know what Tom Brady thinks that's going to carry him through a lot of the first year.


But what if what he thinks is that football today is more mediocre than when he played it? That's his starting point. His starting point is not the affection for football. Now, we know he loves football, but Olsen and Romo make you feel like they're enjoying their Sunday as much as you are. Brady's starting point is, I think the product's mediocre. The moment I leave the field, I.


Don'T think he's going to be a crank. That dude loves the mean, the brief glimpses you get of him on the field where he does show. So what we're talking about is that clip is him criticizing quarterback play. But quarterback play isn't the entirety. I just picture Tom Brady calling a Niners game and watching the way Christian McCaffrey is used. He'll go crazy about it, for example, just throwing that out. I'm actually pretty optimistic about the depth of both the tone, which is what we're talking about, and the depth of knowledge he's going to bring. And I think because of who he is, as Pablo said, it adds an additional layer of interest to me. It just sucks that he's replacing Greg Olsen, who know doing such a fantastic job.


Those are big shoes to fill. I thought that he was pretty critically celebrated, almost by consensus. I know it's a ridiculous thing to say. How will Tom Brady ever replace Greg Olsen? But Greg Olsen, I felt like was a huge media darling. Not since Romo had I seen a broadcasting, not since Romo was correctly predicting plays on television, had I seen a broadcaster of any kind, any sport, celebrated the way that Greg Olson was for starting as a rookie and being great at it immediately.


But that's also why I imagine Tom Brady is putting out clips like this. Like he's hearing this. That must be so frustrating for Tom Brady to be like, wait a minute, you guys do know who. So if we as a media organism, can basically dare Tom Brady enough to be interesting, it's kind of like that guy cannot possibly pull off this comeback with two minutes left in the fourth quarter. I feel like we can actually shame him into being interesting.


His one personality trait that we know of is competitive freak.




That dude is hearing all of this. And by the way, when he took a second right, he didn't jump right. Into the booth again, knowing what we know about him, he's probably been doing an insane amount of like the criticism of Romo now is that he's maybe not as prepared as he was initially. These are all the weak stories we're seeing. That's not going to be the case with Tom Brady based on everything we know about him.


But, Mina, I would say to you as someone who has done that, I would say to you as someone who has a lot of information at her disposal, you know how fast all that moves. You can prepare for that. Tom Brady, I'm sure, will have a lot of things to say and not enough time to say them because you are not prepared for how quickly all of that moves. When you've got 700 sheets of paper in front of you and you need to know who the backup nickel package is on the left side, who's in too deep coverage this time. You need to know every. I don't think people understand that Al Michaels every week for 17 times a year or however long it is, that the burden that is Al Michaels at his age, just learning every player on the roster because you need to know who recovered that fumble as opposed to.


The NFL, when he had 3 seconds to identify on the field and get off like a perfect path. What are we talking about here?


I just want to send Tom Brady, specifically that clip of Dan, just watch this and make my Sundays better as a result.


My concern about Tom Brady, the broadcaster, is not anything Dan said, which is, come on. It's that he was going to be bland. And that's why this clip has got me intrigued, because if he's willing to criticize quarterback play, he will not be planned. I was just like, oh, is he going to be afraid? Because this dude is studiously non controversial, right?


Political with his takes.




But you guys laugh at me as if the difference between sculpting 25 years of I need the ball out in 2 seconds and, hey, Tom, be smart, funny, and interesting in 4 seconds. Go. As if that's not an entirely different skill. He can be, okay, not be smart.


You hear that, Brady? Brady, you hear that?


Be smart, interesting, and likable and do it in 7 seconds here. And don't step on your lead guy because he's got to get to the next play because it's hurry up offense now.


I don't know.


I'm not, look, I'm the guy who said seven years before his career was done that he was declining, and he had another hall of Fame career after that. I'm certainly used to questioning Tom Brady. I'm just saying that the degree of difficulty on this no amount of preparation actually prepares you for it. The first time he does it, he will feel like he was less good than he wanted to be because no amount of preparation will prepare you for it.


I just can't wait to analyze every little thing he says about Patrick Mohammed.


It's going to be so good. It's going to be so good.


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Don Lebotard, all of us who were watching college football elevated everything. The weekend was because we missed football in general so very much.


You didn't watch the ending of UtEP Jacksonville state.


It was awesome.


A dizzy boom.


Stugats. It's such a lane for you. Just everything in college football is awesome. Any single thing that happens, she gets deliriously happy about.


Don't you miss viewing sports through that prism, though? Like, I'm envious of Lucy. I wish that I could still be happy. This is the Don Levitar show with the Stu gods. You.


What's up, fight fans? Welcome to another episode of the MMA hangout. It's your boy, Tony Kaladud. And today we're diving deep into the main event of UFC 298. Alexander Volkanovsky versus Eliatopuria undisputed versus undefeated for featherweight gold. And we're here to give you everything you need to know if you plan on watching this weekend. Joining me is the one and only Danny Segura. From mma junkie Danny. What's up, Brother? This is a massive, massive fight, and we are only one month into the UFC calendar, and we've got a legend versus an undefeated just beast monster. He's incredible. I am so excited for this fight.


Yeah, the last few fight nights have been quite terrible, and so was the first pay per view of the year. So this one, on paper, promises to deliver. So I'm super excited to finally starting 2024, getting some quality mixed martial arts. So I'm all in on this fight and on this fight card. It's amazing. If you are kind of on the fence on whether or not you should watch it, this is it. This is it. I mean, we might be witnessing the end of an era, the start of a new one. We're going to get into it in just a few seconds, but super stoked for this fight.


The UFC last year put on banger after banger after banger, and this time last year, we were looking at Volk versus Makashev in the first of their two fights, which was an instant classic. And now we're looking at, a year later, we're looking at Volkanovsky again defending another featherweight title against somebody who has been. I'm running out of words and adjectives to describe Ilya Tupuria to people. He feels like a once in a generation fighter, even though he hasn't fought the cream of the crop of his division. He hasn't fought yair, he hasn't fought t city, he hasn't fought a lot of these guys, but he's getting the fast track to a title. Can you explain to the people, Ilya Tuporia, his rise and what he means right now in this title fight?


Yeah, so this was an interesting one, and I've been caught in a weird situation with this one because I saw this coming a long time ago. I feel like people are now seeing like, oh, snap, it's Ilia Toporia this and that. But because of my coverage in Spanish as well, because I do coverage in both English and Spanish, I've been witnessing the rise in popularity, maybe a little bit fast forwarded than everybody else because it's come through the spanish side first, and then it's kind of had a lag effect on the english one. So just now, people are realizing, like, oh, my God, we might have a very talented fighter, could go on to lead to be a champion. People are saying, win or lose, he's bound to be champion. He might lose this one, but eventually he's going to get to the belt. He's going to be a pound for pound, one of the best in the world. People are already just putting him as a future great, and he's giving everybody reasons to believe that. Again, as you mentioned, not only is the skill there, but he just has sort of a tone about him that's very cool.


That's kind of like a villain type, and he does a very good job at marketing himself. He's good looking, as you mentioned. He's got an entire country of Spain backing him, and Spain right now is so hot. In terms of just hunger for MMA, I've never seen traffic like we've been seeing in the last few months in terms of just a specific country. Just to give some people some insight, over at avlemo sama, where I do my spanish work, 46% of the audience is from Spain.




I mean, nearly half of the audience of eme is Spanish. And that's, know, Hispanic Americans, all of South America, Central America, Mexico, which we know are huge countries for mixed martial arts. So right now, we're just witnessing something very special for Spain and specifically, obviously for Ilia, Topuria.


And just looking at this matchup, right, we like to do things differently here on MMA hangout. Like, yes, this is a monster matchup. Yes, we will technically break down the fight in a little bit, but we want to answer questions for people that are both watching this for the first time, getting into MMA, but also have a foundational knowledge of the sport and of the fight and of the narratives of these fights.


In other words, let me interrupt here. In other words, in parentheses, in small words, when you watch the fight at a bar, you know what you're talking about. You're not an idiot asking around, hey, who is this guy? We got you covered. You're going to sound like the biggest expert. You know everything you need to know from this preview.


Exactly. What I see here, Danny, is we are looking at one of those moments in time, right? And it goes across sports where the baton looks to be passed from one generation to the next generation. And Alexander Volkanovsky is an incredible champion. He's defended his belt a thousand times against some of the best fighters in the world. He's gone up, he's looked good, obviously this past one where he got knocked out with the high head kick and it could happen to anybody, but he's looked as solid as a champion, has looked through his reign in the featherweight division.


He's never lost.


He's never lost in the featherweight division. So for those of you, this will be a nice little nugget when you're at the bar, when you're at your budy's house. There have been four featherweight champions in the last 15 years. Four of them. Jose Aldo, McGregor, Max Holloway, Alexander Volkanovsky.


That's it.


And he's beat three of them.


McGregor no longer, and he's beat three of them. And he's beat other guys that probably will be champions in the next couple of years. Yeri Rodriguez, mainly the most impressive one, but it looks like this is the moment where we saw it in basketball, where magic and bird passed to Jordan, who passed it to Kobe, who passed it to LeBron. We saw it in football, where all the quarterbacks would pass it down. Now Brady to Mahomes. Mahomes just winning another champion, another Super bowl. It feels like if this is the moment, Volkanovsky can pass it down to the next generation. Ilya Topordio. It feels to me a bit like the situation where McGregor came in, had some fights against guys that were okay, but was a star, then took that turn where he knocked out Jose Aldo, and then the sky was the limit for him. Like, if Ilya can knock out Volk or beat him the way that he's talking about beating him, this is the stage setter where the sky is the limit for this.


Yeah, that's a great way of putting it. We're looking almost at two storylines competing against each other, right? Is Volk too old? Right? Is he getting old? Or is this a new start of Ilia Topuria in his era? Or is Volk still at the top? There's all these questions surrounding who's the man at this point in time. And it's crazy because Volkanovsky, as you mentioned, has defended the belt a million times. He, not so long ago, was the number one pound for pound fighter on the planet as far as mixed martial arts is concerned, just the most respected guy you can find in mixed martial arts, right? He has a rough 2023 going one and two, losing twice to Islam Makashev in attempt to become a two division UFC champion by moving up to lightweight. But he does defend his belt at 145 pounds against Jai Rodriguez. So if we just erase what's happening in weight class above, the dude's had a spotless record, right? But he is 35 years old, and I want to throw out a stat out there. You can throw that at the bar, too. You look like a genius. Between 125 pounds and 170, which are considered the lighter weight classes in title fights.


Fighters that are 35 or older are four and 31. And two of those wins came on the women's side, and two of those other wins came on the men's side, but with one fighter, Tyrone Woodley.


T wood.


If you look at the track record, Usman Sahudo, like all these greats that have fought for titles at 35 plus, doesn't end good statistically, you do not do well. So stats are against Volkanovsky here. He's coming off two losses in 2023. He's talked about the mental health issues. He was day drinking and had a bit of a spell, right? If there's a time to pass the torch, if there's a time to fight Volkanovsky, which there will never be a good time to fight him, it's always going to be a tough fight. It's now. And he's facing an undefeated, hungry, super confident, somebody that already changed his Instagram bio to champion, UFC featherweight champion.


I mean, he's got the movie coming out, too. Yeah, that's one of the things I love. Let's really quick give people technical breakdowns for the last, like, two minutes here. Volkanovsky, incredible on his feet, incredible on the ground. Tupuria, the same thing. You were there in person when he flattened Josh Hammett, like 14 times. Yeah, and Josh Emmett's a tough guy to bring down, and he was just destroying him all fight. He's great on the ground, greco roman background, great on his feet. This is a clash of the titans, where both levels on the ground and on the feet, they're excellent.


Yes. This is like Terminator two. Like Arnold was like that older version of Terminator, and then you got the guy that's got the fluid metal. That's how it is. It's like Ilya just seems like the 2.0 version, but, man, that experience, that aura of greatness, the fact that you've been there, defended your belt. Arnold is Arnold, right? I don't know, man. This is a fantastic one, but yes, this is. Ilya Topria is by far the most well rounded fighter that Volkanovsky has faced. At 145 pounds, Ilia Topria is way more rounded than Ortega, than Jay Rodriguez, than Holloway. You meant, like, whoever it is, this is it. This is his toughest test and is coming at his most vulnerable point. They're both very skilled, very similar. I would say that Topuria is a bit more of a bruiser. Likes to move forward, likes to put on the pain. Volkanovsky is a bit more strategic, likes to pick his spots, his attacks. He's a little bit more finesse, but just a beautiful storyline and a beautiful matchup, just technically speaking, really.


What do you think? We got less than a minute. Is the torch being passed down to Elia Tupuria or is Volk going to just dig deep and find some magic? Some volk magic from back in the day? I'm going. I'm pushing all of my chips on the center of the table, and I think Elia Toporia is going to be our featherway champion. I'm pushing them all into the middle right now.


This is going to be. I feel like a war, a five round war where it feels like both fighters won, both fighters are going to have respect for each other, but in the end, I think is going to get his hand raised.


I think. I've listened to him on aerial show, just listening to things. He's talking. He's like, I've manifested this. I've seen this before. I'm going to get my hand raised. And he's been right every single time. He's got the rose waiting for. He's got a rose. For every fighter that he's faced, he's got a rose. This is. This is going to be one of the best fights of the year. We can already say it's February and it's going to be one of the best fights in the year. And that's including 299, 300 that the main event still hasn't been talked about. There's a lot of stuff to go yet in this year, and this is the fight that I'm probably most excited for. Danny Segura, mma junkie. Plug yourself on the way out, brother.


Yeah. Check out my english work over at MMA junkie. And my spanish work at Avlemos MMA.


Love it, bro.


A lot of good stuff on this card, too.


Buy the card.


This is going to be exciting. MMa hangout coming soon. I think we're going to be live somewhere. I'll let you guys know soon.


Peace. Love you.


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Don Lebotard teammate can't choose from three. Now they're going to see a different jimmy. Now he's just playing nickel back in the locker room. And stugats, they'll play d and two threes as they chase the net for the 16. These five words in his head.


Me, my way, winning games yet.


This is the Dan Levitar show with the stugat. Welcome back to the Tomahawk show. We are talking the Super bowl with Juju gotti here. I am your host, Andrew Hawkins, aka Hawk, as always. Look, so we've seen the 49 ers take the l against Patrick Mahomes, and of course, the conversation is going to be around everything that the 49 ers did wrong, specifically in this game. People were up in arms around coach Kyle Shanahan's decision to take the ball first in overtime because they say it gave Patrick Mahomes an advantage because he went into that drive knowing what he needed to get, and it gave him essentially the thought that it was four down territory. So, Juju, you tell me, when you are watching the game and you hear the conversation, where do you fall on the spectrum as it pertains to Kyle Shanahan's in game decision making, bro.


He just got to keep it real, bro. He got to admit I didn't know what was going on, because the more you dig this hole, you just dig him deeper and deeper. We wanted the ball third, bro. Patrick Mahomes over there, you might not even get the ball second. You've messed around with that boy. So I think him. You check everybody. They in the same boat we was, bruh. I didn't know what was going on, why the game was there. I can admit it. I seen the clock ticking down. I'm like, what is happening? Because I wasn't listening to Tony Romo. Tony Romo, for me, bruh, it's hard for me to listen to Tony Romo.


Why why Tony Romo taking shots, man. What are you doing?


Tony Romo need to calm down. Sometimes he be. I don't like his energy. Sometimes I muted his ass. So I'm looking at the game like, what is happening? Lee boy got supreme confidence and the rules. Long story short, Kyle Shanahan, keep it real, bro. You ain't know what was going on. That's my opinion. And the more you try to lie, not like he was trying to have another plan. Nah, bro. Come on, bro. It's all Super bowl. Yeah, bro.


Just messed up. Look, I actually don't mind the decision to take the ball first. Here's why. If in the event. Well, the more concerning thing was that other players didn't know the rules, right? And I didn't know the rules either. So I'm not pointing the figure, but I'm also not playing in the Super bowl. So whatever. But the fact that the players didn't know the rules is more of an issue than his decision to take the ball. Know, you can say, okay, I wanted the ball third, if we score or whatever, but I would also say that players, some players play better without the pressure on. Right? Right. And if Mahomes goes down there and scores, maybe Brock Purdy in this offense isn't as smooth. There are teams. There are players that play better whenever the heat is not on. So in that respect, you got to know your team. I can't wait till players biometric data becomes public. And that's like when you see players heart rate and what's going on inside of them, like the game, within the game, because as fans, that will terminate.


The three, as you're talking about.


Yeah, man. So basically, you wear, like, there's like wearables like watches or things that we will put in our chest that would measure your heart rate in a moment. So it could tell you when somebody is feeling the pressure. And the people who are cold as ice, their heart rate and pressure don't rise in the craziest situation. So in that moment, we would be able to say, like, yo, this dude is super nervous, right? Absolutely. He can't play. He plays better when there's no pressure on him. That's a real thing. And that's like, again, the elements within the game, but we're probably a couple of seasons away from that. But I was okay with the fact that they took the ball first to be aggressive, but like I said, I'm not okay with the fact that the players had no idea about the overtime rules. And in their mind, they were going to go down there, score a touchdown, and the game was going to be over in the playoffs with the new rule change. That is not the case.


I say third and four, though. Their decision that play that they backpedaling and all out blitz almost at third and four, it doesn't seem like they was taking it as serious as I thought they were. Like, you supposed to call the player your life in those situations, even on fourth and four. That's Patrick Mahomes over there, bro. I feel like cows could have skinned them boys a little bit differently, in my opinion, on the couch at home.


I don't know how you do it though, man. I think that's the conundrum around Patrick Mahomes. I remember watching him on the shop years ago after his first Super bowl, and he told Bron and them that he's still learning how to read defenses. And everybody was like, oh, that's cap. But no, it wasn't because you could even see the way he plays now versus then. He knows, even when he's improvising, exactly where the ball goes. And there is just some players, like these elite players, who know a defense that well, and there's not a lot of them that could just have a natural feel. Like, if you've ever seen on the Internet a baby who is two years old and knows how to read, or like a three year old who can do, like, trigonometry, that's not something you can teach a two year old or a three year old. Their brain composition in a perfect way was built for those things, mathematics or reading and comprehension. Like, it's just luck of the draw. Their brain waves and their mental makeup was perfectly composed for that. What I'm perfectly composed for is finding a hole in a defense.


I can get the ball on my hand. I don't need to think about where I cut. I never have. There's some people that do that when you get to the NFL level. Most of those guys are like that. I just feel it. I know where the holes are going to be before they happen. And I so happen to have the quickness and speed to hit him, but it was just a field thing always for me.


Well, what I'm perfectly composed for.


What you perfectly composed for?


Jew picking the shopping cart at target without the squeaky wheel on it. I can find the right one.


Gifted, gifted from an early age. So when it comes to Patrick Mahomes, he kind of has that. Everyone's like, well, why is he so good? He's not super, doesn't seem super athletic. He's built like a gas station attendant. Well, he's perfectly born and composed to be able to throw a football and know just have a feel for where the holes in the defense are. There's not very many quarterbacks like that. I would say Joe Burrow is like that. CJ Stroud has that ability. Roi Stafford sometimes, but there's just very few quarterbacks. Tom Brady obviously had it. Aaron Rodgers has always.


They just know I know who don't have it.


We got a log list of people that don't get it.


Jasmine Ritter is the leader in that category. He ain't got it.


That's messed up. Well, like I said, so Patrick Mahomes, you can't really game plan for him. And even late in the game when it's four from one, he's like, I'm just going to run it. And then he got that sick that, okay, they're not covering me. I'm just going to rush. That man rushed for 66 yards. It's like one of his best rushing games ever in the Super bowl. Simply because he knows well, if you're taking this and this and this away, I know this is the answer. So until you guard this, I'm just going to do this. And once you try to take that away, I know where this hole opens. Back up. Most quarterbacks, even though they're NFL level, even though they might be incredible players, they don't have that in game ability. That, and so I'm reluctant. I feel like with Kyle Shanahan, the conversation, yes, team should have been prepared. Yes, you got to be perfect. But as we've watched him go to these moments, Tom Brady in the 28 to three lead the last time he played, Patrick Mahomes, these double digit leads that he loses against these generational players were like just trying to find the littlest thing to point to of why the loss is there when the actual answer is, and he kind of alluded to it in a post game like, yo, it's Mahomes and Tom Brady.


What the hell you expect me to do? If you know anybody out there that can do any better, please send them over. Because what the hell can you do against these players? And I kind of feel the same way.


I know what you could do in the third quarter. Run the damn ball. I mean, I'm from the three, two consecutive three and.


It'S a damned if you do. I watch NFL live and they talking about you needed to be more aggressive. Where was your big time place when he played Tom Brady against the Falcons? It was, why weren't you still throwing the ball? Why were you running the ball so much? Why were you being too aggressive? You were trying to do too, and you were too conservative. So you really are damned if you don't, damned if you do. Because if he runs the ball and it doesn't work, you're not being aggressive enough. And you have to be aggressive against Mahomes. When he's trying to be aggressive, it's run the ball, man. This is the game. Just kill the clock. What are you doing? And that's the whole point I'm trying to make. I think Kyle Shanahan is an incredible coach. It's illustrated by how often he's in the NFC championship and in the Super bowl. But much like a lot of these quarterbacks in the AFC in the NFC, Josh Allen would have been a hall of Famer. Too soon already. If he was born in another era, I'm sorry, too soon. Joe Burrow, who knows what his career will be?


I will say he's one of the few quarterbacks that stares down the barrel of the Pat Mahomes gun and he don't splint at all, so who knows what will happen. But any of these quarterbacks would have already had Super Bowls if Patrick Mahomes was five years younger or five years older and Kyle Shanahan would be in a conversation with Andy Reed and start to be in a bill belichickian type conversation if Patrick Mahomes didn't exist. But that's the nature of the business.


I say he would have been there. I think they would have won last year if Purge didn't get hurt last year. I feel like they were more equipped to win last year, but neither here nor there. You say he damned if he do it, damn if he don't. I tell you when he's not. Damned if he finds a way to get the job done and win a Super bowl. So do that. Then he won't be damned and we will get off his.


Hopefully. Hopefully he can do that. How did you feel about Brock Purdy's game? You feel like Purdy? You know, a lot of conversation around Brock Purdy. Everybody act like he was a plumber that they signed off the street. But I thought he played damn good in the Super bowl, right?


I think he didn't lose them the game, which is what you want. He didn't throw the ball away. He didn't have any untimely fumbles. He didn't make any bonehead decisions. I feel like he was great in that game, maybe not great, but he did enough to win the game. In that game, I don't blame him at all for anything.


So who do you blame? Who needed to play better in that game, in your opinion? Because it can't all be on Kyle. That's the easy answer. Because he's the head.


Mean. There are some times where I feel like IU didn't get involved enough. A lot of the stuff that was timing routes with Debo was thrown off by McDuffie and them boys. So it was just a lot to compute. Like you said, rob Purdy may not have that computer installed just yet that Patrick Mahomes. And they threw him so many different looks that it was kind of. And then you got big Chris Jones in your face. Anybody shoot him? So at some point, I think that the scheme around it was more valuable than the actual players in this scenario.


We needed them. We needed George Kenner to have a big game. Right. You needed Debo Samuel to have a big game. You needed Ayuk to have a big game. And the reality is, for all the conversation around Brock Purdy and them saying how he has so much talent that's around him and that's the reason for his success, he kind of was one of the only people to bring his a game. And I would say McCaffrey, obviously McCaffrey bought out know probably a heavier dose of him and Jennings.




And, oh, my God, he was on his way. He was definitely on his law. When the green law thing happened, that's when I was like, okay, this just ain't their day. The fact that this happens in this way in the Super bowl, yet this would have happened on any other field. Everyone will be talking about. This is why we got to get rid of the turf. I don't even know if that is grass. Is the Vegas field grass?


Yeah, it was grass.


It has to be. You know how I know it's grass? Because I didn't see a single tweet from anybody saying about how the NFL doesn't care about their players and they need to change their surfaces. Could you imagine if that took place on turf, bro?


Oh, my God. They would have been calling.


Roger Goodell would still be in jail. Would he? They would have gave him life without parole in a five day period in Vegas. We will be fighting. I would be out marching right now for Roger Goodell to get him out of prison. So I don't know I'm the wrong person to talk to because I always feel like that conversation is overstated by a bunch of people who, it don't matter if you play on turf or grass. You was probably going to tell your achilles anyway because you ain't that level of athlete. But anyway, we're going to take a quick break and we come back, we're going to get into one of our favorite segments, facts or cat.


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