Hour 2: Fernando Tatis Sr. & Ron Magill
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,451 views
- 25 Aug 2020
Dan Le Batard, Stugotz and Greg Cote talk to Fernando Tatis Sr. and Ron Magill. Plus, where did the washing dishes for a meal construct begin, find out why Ron Magill believes in ghosts and much more.
This is the down labor part, sure, with this still got Sparkasse. Before we get to Fernando Tatis, I'm sorry, Christine, we interrupted you. And finally, a reboot of Eddie Murphy's reboot of The Nutty Professor has been greenlit.
OK, a reboot that of a reboot of a reboot that well, kind of right now we've got a reboot of a reboot coming on because the tatties family has handed down baseball over the generations. And one of the great young stars in the game right now is not on the line with us. But his dad is his father is comes from our favorite time in baseball, 90's baseball. I don't even think I'm insulting him by saying the sequel is better than the original.
Knows that his son's amazing. And that's no offense to Fernando Tatis, who himself was better than his own father at baseball because his own father came. I think Fernando, thank you for joining us. Your own father. Did he ever make it to the major leagues?
No. Thank you for having me, guys. But my father never make it to the minor leagues.
And so you write very carefully. And so he plays only triple-A, but you get to the big leagues and you play with the Rangers in the Cardinals, the Orioles, the Mets and the Expos. When did you know how good your son was at baseball? They start playing when he slammed the door literally down in the Dominican Republic. I see him. You know, there is something very, very special in this kid because when he played with the other kids by his age.
It was way back then, so, you know, I think this is something that I got that I got to keep my eyes on it. So from that day, I believe the you know, it was something very special and unique.
How does Fernando Tatis feel when his son is traded to the Padres for, you know, with an old James Sheild? Well. This is the. Bigger story, the you know, for me, A.J.. May, because you're not even for one professional ball. Yeah, and he got traded for the guy to be in the big league and big success. So to realize that to make that trade. You need to have some very good eyes, you know, because through that guy, I'd never throw the ball and the professional and who knows?
What you know can be. And I give a lot of credit to A.J. because look at what happened to Joe right now. Fernando duties with us here on ESPN Radio. What do you make of the recent criticism of your son swinging late in games, hitting a grand slam? I think it's nonsense. The unwritten rules of baseball. Have you experienced the criticism, the recent criticism of some of the stuff your son has done? Well, I look at this way, I don't see anything wrong and and I don't believe and we did anything wrong either, so and this gang is about to scoring some room for a win.
And we play we play this game to win.
They made they made him apologize, Fernando. They made him apologize. They made him your son had to get out there and apologize because all of these people are protecting their precious game. His dad can't be happening them. You don't like that. Let your son swing the bat up 10 three. And well, that's what we're looking for, you know, we're looking for something, something good happen in the game, I don't believe the fans pay for see players walking to the base.
I believe the fans the Great Plains pay for something will happen every day. They want to see so humble and they want to see some people because they want to see, you know, a player make a good player. You don't want to see people walking to the base. So and I look at this way. What was the difference? SUHAYDA The first pitch at the way to hit it do out. It's not this is no different. That's another defense that's coming from a man with two grand slams in an inning.
Thank you, Fernando. I appreciate you protecting your son, a padre protecting a padre megastar. Thank you for being on with us. We appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Hey, thank you, guys. Thank you. All right, so Fernando Tatis, Jr., you saw the rage of a father. Did we did we rub two sticks together to get on SportsCenter with outraged father? Did we miss our window on outraged father commenting on unwritten rules as a sports topic?
I'll email it internally, see if anybody wants do you think anyone on bite?
That was last week's topic. We can't do that this week. We just we just rub two sticks together trying to get Fernando Tatis senior in his second language to rail against unwritten rules in baseball. And he kind of did, right?
Yeah, guys, I kind of dropped the ball. I wish I asked him if he had a Sean Connery.
The well, the thing that just happened there is by accident, we did fake Latino accents for an hour. And then he came on in his second language and tried to talk about his son. And I can imagine what the reaction to that is because, I mean, he's fighting his fighting his way through his second language. My father got I don't know, my father got nearly a decade of that trying to do a show on television. As a guy who's got an engineering degree, people just hammering him without dumbing is because he's trying to fight his way through on his second language.
I asked Mike in the middle of that, and this is why this is difficult to. I asked Mike in the middle of that, should I go to Spanish? And Mike sort of like literally wiped his hands of the whole thing. He's like, your call if you do that. And my Spanish isn't good enough for me to try to interview him in Spanish and then try to translate what it is that he's saying without totally falling apart on the look at that, we weren't willing to be as vulnerable in our second language.
Because you grew up here in the United States is Fernando Tatis was. So that was a cool idea.
And thank you all of you, who I'm sure are being critical of that because it's not the English language interview that you want, but this is something that goes back a ways in this sport where, you know, guys come over here and they don't want to learn English and they have to get a translator sometimes. And people think that they should learn English. But when they tried to learn English and they're learning it in this country and they're learning it when it's harder to learn, because the easiest time to learn a language for the human brain is before six years old, a guy comes over here and tries to do these interviews.
A lot of times the Latin guys both distrust the media and are afraid to do media because they fear what happens when they do that kind of interview where they're trying to convey, you know, something as big as a parental pride, a father's pride of his son. But it's hard to do in your second.
Oh, it's super vulnerable. I understand all the Spanish that's being spoken about. I mean, I can't even tell you the amount of conversations I've had in Miami where someone speaking to me in perfect Spanish, I'm speaking back in perfect English. We both understand each other. We're both cautious because we don't like how we sound in our second language and we just don't even go there. So credit to the people that do ask them that same question about his son in Spanish, the criticism he's getting, and he will think this is what I wanted to do that with him, but I was legitimate.
I'm not making this up. This is how it happened in real time because we bolted on that interview early. And my guess is because Mike was feeling it in the other room, because four minutes of second language, you guys weren't abiding as an entertainment thing. And I get that. But what I'm telling you is that I went to college, I studied languages, plural. I grew up in a household where my grandparents didn't speak English. The primary language my parents speak with each other is still Spanish.
I did not feel comfortable trying to do that interview, rescue it by asking him a question in Spanish that would then get a Spanish response and I would have had to translate it. I did not have the confidence to do that. After twenty years of doing radio, I had to bail on that entire interview because I was too vulnerable to do it. If you missed any of the show, you can listen to all three hours of the day on Libertador plus our Miami only hour and the big silly on demand in the ESPN app and subscribe to Levitating on Your Friends podcast network featuring s Pete Sessions Stupidity and mystery.
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Real quick here, because I know many of you don't care very much about the name Bellucci, but for the people of a certain age, that name in common comedy is a legendary one. And his brother is going to join us here on S Pete Sessions. And there is a story that he tells about throwing a fire extinguisher at Dick Ebersol that people have to hear by certain age.
At old age. That's right. A certain age. Greg Cody is delighted. He's still radiating from that song. But there were two generations of Cody's dancing to that song, and one of them, the younger one, because there was no one in the room dancing except them to they were dancing to the father's incompetence because it's been very good to both of them around here. And Chris was saying and this was a funny things to guys because it's not something that I considered, you know, how in the movies or in television or in cartoons, like if someone can't pay their bill, they have to wash dishes in the kitchen.
And Chris Cody was actually wondering if that's a real thing that someone can do.
Chris Cody was wondering if where where that started and how that started, if it was a thing people could do once upon a time and really is the thing he can do now, if he wants to get out of paying for a meal, can he get out of it by saying, hey, I'll go back and wash dishes for you guys for a half hour?
That's not a thing, right? That's not when was the last time that that was the thing when I was in the 1920s? Was that a thing like during the Great Depression? When did it become a thing that it became known that if you couldn't pay your bill. All right, get to work, anyone? Does anyone have anything to help Chris Cody on that?
I mean, I'll look it up. Greg has the best shot of knowing it off the top of his head.
If he was alive in the 20s, I mean, I yeah, I think it dates back to the barter system, which used to be very popular during the Great Depression and right around that era in the 20th century, where instead of transacting with cash, I would go into a restaurant and say, hey, feed me a breakfast and I'll wash dishes for an hour. I think it made perfect sense. I think it would make perfect sense today. It's an economic goose and the barter system used to be huge in this country.
All right. I'm scared to do this because our success level has not been good here. We're batting about 10 percent. But here it is, fake Darth Vader watching Scarface. You're on ESPN Radio.
I am going to kill you, Frank.
Manolo, shoot that piece of the animal doctor. He didn't say it, but you're welcome, by the way, I don't think he was going to say that.
Cut him off. Debatable idea. Let's stop doing this.
All right. Don't fade it down, turn it up, Mike, so we can get both musics at the same time, if they're going to contaminate everything that we're doing around here with all of the things going on, let's do both musics behind you really got my spin on a lot of plates that he can't take any calls because the lines are filled with a bunch of fake Scarface is the telephone numbers seven, eight, six, four, five, six four eight three seven.
The animal doctors about to be on with us. Go ahead. Turn it down if you want. If you don't want to make the mess of this that I want to make covid. Christine, I'm sorry we interrupted you.
And finally, a person who sleeps too much, sits too much and isn't physically active enough, is more than four times as likely to die early. Oh, some bad news for him. No, no.
Here, I'm not liking how these are all turning into jokes at my expense. I know this is not the way we're doing this around here.
Ron McGill with us if you want to talk to him, seven, eight, six, four, five, six, four eight three seven. You have to rush through a slalom course of limited fake scar faces that Mike Ryan no longer wants to take. Let's go out to Josh. Josh, you're on with Ron McGill of Zo Miami. Go ahead. A doctor go my father's dog every time I go and see him, the dog goes crazy, runs around the house, it goes bananas until it gets something in its mouth, whether it be a towel or a toy.
Is that a learned behavior? Is that anxiety like how do you explain that?
It's kind of an anxiety. It's like system. I know a lot of dogs that do that. My sister has a German shepherd, big ol fat ass dog that you think is just the toughest dog in town. And then he gets his talent, his mouth or a tennis ball just chews on it and it puts right between his legs just like a pacifier. So that's the that's the role that that is playing. If The Pacifier.
Greg Codi, what do you have for Ron Magill of Zoo Miami, the animal doctor?
I'm not a doctor.
You might as well be. Hey, Ron. In nineteen forty eight study, a psychologist named B.F. Skinner somehow determined that pigeons were superstitious. Is it fair to say that a lot of money is wasted studying animal behavior, or is that an important thing?
I think it's an important thing. I think some of the results may be questionable, to say the least. I think there's a lot of speculation and some of the results. But I think it's important because I think we learn things from animals every day. I think animals teach us a lot about ourselves and teach us a lot about the environment. There certainly are, you know, indicators of the environment. So we look at animal behaviors to learn animal behaviors, to learn about them.
I think we learn a lot about ourselves. So I don't think it's really a waste. I think it's important. Chris, what do you have for Ron McGill, the animal doctor?
Oh, please, Ron, I'm curious over this pandemic, the last five or six months, what animal at the zoo has been affected most?
You know, I would say it's probably going to be a lot of our contact animals, you know, in our what we typically call the children's zoo animals, a lot of the the farm animals that are used to having a lot of interaction with kids and such, they have probably been a little negatively affected in the sense that they are bored, that they're not getting as much interaction. Our keepers are in there trying to do all kinds of stimulation for them, but generally speaking, it's not the same.
Same with some of our great apes. You know, the gorillas, chimps, I think they're a little bored that they're not like they'd like to see the people coming through. But on the other hand, the majority of the animals like this is fabulous. This is like Club Med out here. I don't have to deal with anything. I'm just getting everything I need. And I have to deal with people making stupid noises on the other side of the moat.
And for them, it's been kind of a nice vacation.
Bill, what do you have for Ron McGill?
Dr. Ron, you put up a picture yesterday on social media after Hurricane Andrew is the anniversary of Hurricane Andrew. You're holding a small animal that was born during the storm and it had been abandoned by its mother. What do you do after that? Is another mother then take in the young and raise the young?
Actually, no. What I do with that particular animals, a yellow backpack or small antelope born during the storm. Of course, the mother freaked out, abandoned the animal. I actually had a private pilots land his plane in the parking lot of the zoo and fly me with that baby, along with the koalas here at the zoo to Tampa and the folks at Busch Gardens bottle raise that baby who grew up to be a very healthy, long lived Dyken father, several offspring of his own, by the way, his name was Andrew.
Dave, you're on with Ron McGill, the animal doctor.
Stop it. What I come from. Hey, Ron, this is Dave. I live in an apartment in Ohio with two cats. I want to get a dog, but I'm about the size of Dan, so I want to get a big dog. What kind of dog should I get? A lab, a Labrador retriever or golden retriever? Those are great dogs. They socialize well with cats. I do it early in their life. You can't go wrong with those dogs if you want a big dog and a cat.
Gary, you're on with Ron McGill, the animal doctor. Go ahead, Gary.
What are you doing at Dan? Dr. Wiggill, I think I've seen Bigfoot. Do you think there are still large creatures that are yet to be discovered, such as Bigfoot?
Again, you know, I want to believe that there are I I don't know.
There's it's obvious what happened here when I wasn't on the air. This doctor still I don't know what the heck this garbage comes from. I'm not a doctor. All respect to all the great doctors who work so hard to get that doctorate degree. I am not a doctor. Now, having said that, I want to believe that there are some big animals out there. However, it's very hard to believe, especially the Bigfoot thing. You know, we talk about an animal is supposed to have tons of hair and, you know, we never see any hair anywhere.
We've never got any good DNA samples of this animal, you know, unless it's one animal that lives forever and hasn't been able to reproduce. It just doesn't make sense to me. That's something that could be that smart, would avoid humans and not leave any trace for us to find. Because God knows, if a human being found proof of that, it would become a millionaire. They'd become rich by just exposing that. So people very smart to try to find that out.
And now they just kind of exposing a bunch of myths. So I want to believe it's true, but my scientific mind says probably not wrong.
I started watching a special on penguins the other night and like many things, I started, but I did not finish. And they were talking about penguins and the mating.
And how it's difficult for penguins to find their mate because they all look alike. So what do they do wrong to find their main?
It's the sound they make a sound that to us may sound the same, but there is a sound there is a certain pitch and a sound, a certain cadence in the sound that identifies each individual. And and that's that's what does it I mean, again, their senses are so much cooler than ours that, you know, we hear things just work. Our ears are polluted, assuming different things. But if your life depended on a sound just like if your life depended on the smell, you would be so keen in that sense it would help distinguish those things for you.
Marty Smith, you're on with Ron Magill of Zoo Miami. Go ahead, Marty Smith.
Hi, boys. Michel, I love you. And I was going to do some sort of southern Scarface thing, but I'm still trying to live down the story. Ron McGill, my dog and certain, however consistent, times several evenings a week, we'll look at one specific corner of my living room and absolutely lose her ever loving mind barking. So I ask you, can my dog see ghosts?
Wow, you know, I'm not going to say no, I'm not going to say no, because what used to be I never used to believe in ghosts until I had a certain incident that happened to me a while back. And now I firmly believe in ghosts.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Time out. Don't know. Is waiting from everyone to slow down. Hold on a minute. Hold on a minute. Animal doctors. Just things slow it down. Marty Smith's America is a podcast. You should check out Marty Smith unique voice for our show. Check it out. Wherever it is, you get your podcast. What do you mean? You had an experience with a ghost?
We have, Ron. We have. You got to stay there. Stay there for a second round. I'm not going to let you go. I'm going to tease this to the next segment. We have been asking for 15 years, people. Hey, have you ever seen a ghost? And the answer's always no. We never get a good answer to that question. We're going to get this story from Ron McGill, the animal doctor, next.
We'll continue with Dr. MacGill in just a second, ESPN Radio is presented by Progressive at.
I think we should change the open to the McGill Show, the animal doctor, Ron McGill. I think we should freshen up that open in the interim before we get to Ron McGill's confirmation that there are indeed ghosts or that he's not willing to rule out that there aren't ghosts. Let's play another Greg Cody song. The light of a double thumbs up from Greg Cody, who many years ago was the singing sportswriter on a show that Christine Lacy was just starting on.
And if you're wondering what it is that comes from our House of Curios, it's Greg Cody himself. It's the relic that we pull out to show others on Tuesdays. And he could not be delighted. He this is like we're serenading him today, even though every last song is an insult. Look at it.
Look how happy he is not here in the insults. He's just hearing his name. What an honor to have a catalog of songs extolling my virtues.
It's just amazing. Ron McGill, please tell us the story of why it is that there might be ghosts.
Well, several years ago, I was invited to be a guest lecturer at a meeting that they were having between some doctors up in North Carolina. So I get up there. My plane didn't land until like 11, 30 at night. I get picked up the beautiful black limo. This driver comes in dressed in a black suit, picks me up and we start driving. And I mean, we driving for quite a while. And then we get into this up to this mountain area.
There's no lights, nothing. All I see is it's like this wall of like all these stones and stuff. And we get to this long driveway with this wrought iron gate and we drive up to this. It looks like an old manor at the end of the driveway. I don't know. Interesting, though, the guys not saying that the drivers would tell me anything. We just knew this guy comes out dressed like in a formal black suit with a bow tie.
But he's like a really old guy in the suit. Looks like he came out of a closet for 20 years ago. He goes welcome to whatever manner it was. And I go to check in and there's one old lady behind the desk and I check in and it's just not another soul around. And this is a huge, like man of typing.
Hold on, Ron. Ron, it just sounds like you're describing Rocky Horror Picture and you take acid watch Rocky Horror Picture Show.
But then I swear on my kids, I'm not exaggerating one thing here, okay? This is exactly what it was like. So I go and I check in and you get the key because it's upstairs and I go upstairs. I go to the staircase and the hallway looks just like the same. It's that hallway all the way down with nothing but like the mirrors of these old people on the side. And there was not another soul in the place. I go into the room and it's just the is different.
Obviously, these were bedrooms before. There's a fireplace going in the room. I look at my back, I'm putting on the TV. It's money I put. OK, so in the money I put, I'm going to see something.
I'm watching it and all of a sudden I hear he's like a little kid laughing.
And all I know was that I turned on the TV. I don't hear anything about the TV and I hear him. I turn off the TV, I listen, I listen, and I hear it again. I swear, like a little kid. It's kind of like he was that I call my wife, but I can't call her because I get no reception in the room. As soon as I took the phone out the window, I get reception.
So I call it the quickie happened. You know, I don't believe in this garbage, but I so I start walking around the house, I'm looking for somebody and there's nobody around. There's nobody behind the desk. There's nobody there. Everybody's disappeared. And I'm walking on house and I go downstairs and there's just a pool, OK, there's a pool into a pool. And I go down the stairs into a pool and and I'm walking around and all of a sudden I see the water moving like someone is swimming in the water.
But there's nobody here, you know, that's that's going to be the problem. It's got to be the filters. And I'm looking for something around the pool that's doing that. There's nothing there. So I started walking in the pool to get out of the room. I hear drip, drip, drip, drip, and I turn around. I'm sorry, I'm not making this up. All of a sudden, there's like a little trail of water, like somebody got out of the pool, OK?
When we went into the wall, right into the wall, I'm like, oh, no, no, no, no, no. So I get out of here and I'm looking for somebody. There is nobody around. There's nobody you know, I'm the only person checked into this huge mansion. I go walking down the hall and I start to see my mom. I feel like somebody's watching me. I would like to stay. And I'm not I'm not to step back.
I believe in this cause I really feel like someone's lost something because, you know, they got this all furniture from when the scene, I guess, was first built 100 years ago. Whatever I can. Saltaire there. This is, you know, please do not slip. I took a picture of it. I get back to the room. I look at the picture, Dan, and there is a silhouette of a woman sitting in this picture.
No, I swear to you, this is horrifying. No, this is beyond horrifying, OK? Because then I go in and I go into my room, I come away. I'm going to take this picture at this picture and she goes, oh, my God, get out of there. I go, I cannot get out of here. There's nobody here. I can't contact anybody. Nobody answered the phone. Nothing, OK? I'm, like, totally freaking out.
So I sit down, I put the television out and I keep hearing. And then I hear this.
I hear, oh, no, I'm not making this. Oh, my God. No, that's scary. That's scary. It was pretty. I was frightened. So I'm looking around. So the next morning I didn't sleep. I'm just waiting for the sunrise. I'm sitting in the bed with my knees up to my freaking chest like a little baby. I can't get out of here. I can't call anybody. I don't have any number to call anything.
I can't get a hold of anybody. The next morning, I wake up and I start going down outside so I can get connected to my phone to find out a. This place, this place was originally a man of a very famous woman, OK, and an oak and a kid was murdered, a kid was murdered in that room that I was in. OK, and it was then that that state was turned over to Duke University, where it became a psychiatric ward, where they did lobotomies in that building.
Oh, end of story. Oh, yes.
I don't know if that story was The Shining. I don't know if it was Bram Stoker's Dracula. I think he took elements of a lot of different stories, but that sounded horrifying and real. It could have been the shrooms.
It could have been anything. But I was legitimately scared and I saw on Greg Cody's face just the horror. I feel like we can all say that we now believe in ghosts because Ron McGill just told a story with sounds that are totally horrifying. Are you willing to believe, Greg Cody, that these ghosts or something that exists now? I now believe in ghosts.
I have to tell you, I hope you enjoyed the show on ESPN Radio Worldstar.