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Don Lemon tart hell is going on with Miguel Olivo, still got it, just kind of dawned on me today that I'm a loser man.


This is about our show.


Were there still guides on ESPN Radio all gassed on the damn Avatar show up here via the Shell Pennzoil performance line? We will get back to covering Rick Renteria in a couple of minutes. We will. It's a full hour of Rick Renteria coverage interrupted briefly by something I forgot about.


But Tim Livingston is going to join us here on the show Pennzoil Performance Line.


So just telling you now, OK, we are going to ride family stories with Rick Renteria into the sky like a Mission Impossible movie. You don't think we can do it? We're here for Mission Impossible. So before we get back to Rick Renteria talk, though, we're going to talk to this Tim Livingston, who got said he he's got a podcast, the whistle blower. It's got new episodes every Thursday, wherever it is, you get your podcasts.


And it's super interesting because the is among other things, like the Tim Donaghy scandal that we just sort of skipped past late. David Stern basically just said, yeah, that guy was one rogue referee and whatever with just one guy with a gambling problem was a small little thing. This whistle blower podcast has actually done some journalism around this.


And I want to talk to this guy about that story, because Stern was always so protective, a lot of people would criticize his league. It was the rare criticism of David Stern. Hey, some of these some of these match ups feel fixed. It feels rigged, but we're not getting a true champion. And he would protect that.


We don't joke of Donaghy for a long time where he would call into the show and stuff. But he we got we got conned as well. Anyways, we'll get to that in a second. But here is rabid cursing Bills fan Christine Risi.


And finally, Franklin D. Roosevelt was the last US president who could fluently speak a second language. Now back to you, because they can't fluently speak one language, FDR.


I might have been funny if you've got it wrong. Thank you, Christine. Appreciate it. Thank you, guys. Showing off his presidential acronym nicknames.


So Tim Livingston is with us now. Thank you for joining us. Download his podcast, as I said, the whistleblower. New episodes every Thursday, wherever you get your podcast. Thank you for being on with us. Tim, can you sort of explain to the audience how it is that your journalism came to be where you're basically doing more in-depth reporting on this than it feels like even the federal government was doing? I appreciate that. Then eight years ago, I wrote an article about Tom Donohue, which said in so many words, I don't think this guy was the only one.


And after after I wrote the article, Don, he actually reached out to me and we started talking and formed this very bizarre friendship, which led to Donohue kind of trusting me with all the dirty secrets of NBA referees and led down this rabbit hole that, you know, has become this podcast. But essentially, I've been investigating this story for eight years. As you said, you guys just said with David Stern, it was really hard for, I think, people that love basketball and love the sport.


And in journalism, too, to write about this, because I think there was an era of the NBA where if you did, you were going to be your career was going to be in jeopardy. And I think enough time has passed where we've been able to put this whole thing together and put all these storylines into one 10 episode podcast and tell the real story of not just what happened, the Donaghy scandal, but what happens, what happened really over the course of the last 30 years, the NBA and all these controversial games and all these characters, Mark Cuban dictator, better, David Stern, everybody, we kind of just break everything down in a way that I hope is really interesting for those of us who love basketball, because if love basketball, you're not happy with the state of refereeing now and you definitely weren't happy with it 20 years ago.


But I want to get into the journalism of it because it's a new form of journalism you're basically in. I haven't seen what you're doing with whistle blower. I haven't seen this kind of depth, not nearly anything regarding this great scandal for the NBA, modern times that they managed to slink away from to now the great leadership that they have from Adam Silver, who comes and brings us through a pandemic, like correct me if I'm wrong, but there's been nothing close to this done on this subject.


I know first off, I really appreciate those words, complimenting the journalism and the reporting as it means the world, because that's what we're hang our hat on, is the fact that we actually went back and investigated this. And, yeah, the the Adam Silver era, I think, in the NBA is a great place right now under Adam Silver. I don't think it was a great place for much the last 30 years. Just from a refereeing standpoint, from a big word in the NBA, is integrity something good?


Journalism in this story really revolves around that word. Do we have integrity in the game of basketball? Did we have integrity 20 years ago, 18 years ago during the 2002 Western Conference finals at all? So I really appreciate what we tried to do. Basically, when when Donahue first told me a story and told me all the salacious things that were happening behind the scenes, I was twenty 12 to 13. So I was like, oh, just going to a documentary.


And then I'm sure many of your listeners have heard the serial podcast. And I heard that I was convinced right away that the medium for this story, the way that we're really going to be able to get to, you know, really get in depth about all the different things that we need to break down was via a podcast. So we teamed up with Tenderfoot TV who makes probably, you know, in my opinion, the best investigative podcast out there.


And we combine sports and True Crime and told the story again, a 10 episode podcast that we hope gives basketball fans and sports fans alike just everything that they've ever wanted to know. And we really, by the end of this thing, want you to to know, to feel in your gut one way or the other, whether these games were rigged, whether the NBA was a legitimate competition or whether it was choreographed ballet. All right. So, Scott, this is super interesting, right?


Because Tim Livingston download his podcast, The Whistleblower, with new episodes every Thursday. Wherever you get your podcast, you remember us living through that time. We'll get back to Renteria. Talk in a second. I know we lived through this time where basically the scandal was one rogue referee, one rogue bad guy. The league buried him. Stern buried him, but it was nobody else. They were able to isolate him because what he's saying that guys like me were sitting around not doing the journalism of asking the correct question tell we around here, Tim Donaghy was a running joke, a mask.


We gave him credibility by running him through here and treating him like Butterbean and all these other people.


We were having all I think he picked games for us. He picked things for us. And now we're talking to a guy who did the journalism. Hey, funny guy. Fat guy. It's yeah. It's rigged. Like, which games were rigged.


Well, first off, I found a student's guys tweet from 2009, one retreat and one and one like when you guys have done it on the show back in 09 as part of my research for this interview. So, yeah, you guys had them on you guys that I'm honest to God, I think you have a couple more followers, a little more traction on Twitter now. But yeah, you guys had them on nobody. Nobody knew this. And again, a lot of stuff had to have to happen, I think, for us to get here, as I don't think this investigation even five years ago could have taken place and we could have gotten the the people in the NBA and the community to talk about this stuff.


I think a lot of a lot of things have happened. David Stern had to retire. I hate to say, you know, it was really bizarre. David Stern had his brain hemorrhage right before we did our biggest interview for the podcast. So this entire podcast for me has been just a surreal experience because I've always suspected these things to be true. I want to get to the bottom of it. And like I said, by Episode Ten, by the culmination of podcasts, I feel like we do so down for you to compliment the journalism and, you know, throw a little self-deprecating humor.


It wasn't your job to do this. You didn't you know, you have to have bigger things on your plate.


Oh, that. No, it's just food. It's just food. Tim, explain this to me, though. Are you basically saying because I want to I want to understand this. Are you saying that him getting David Stern brain hemorrhage like it because what you're reporting in this podcast would have done that kind of damage to his image, that it would have been the death of him? I mean, that's I mean, come on, this show wanting to you know, it wasn't my plan to tie any of these things together.


David Stern is a fascinating character. He's obviously he's very Machiavellian. I think we can all agree on that. But this there is part of me that feels like he might have had to leave Earth for this to come up. And I know that sounds dramatic and that might sound ridiculous, but when that happened, it was it was surreal, truly bizarre. And like I said, where we release Episode eight tomorrow and we get when we get to episode 10, I think there's I don't I'm not this type of person.


I'm sure you guys are either. I don't you know, I don't know big, you know, reading the Cosmos. I don't you know, the interconnectedness of the world. I don't think we need to get into this on the show right now. But there is a part of me that felt like David Stern probably needed to leave this earth for this all come out, but damn wants to know which games were actually fixed.


I want the games. I want to I like look, I want to get into this team. Do me a favor here, because we've got taste spaces here. I want to continue this conversation in a longer form. I don't know how busy you are, but if we could get you off air right now, we'd like to talk to you a little more about this later, because Stuart's nobody's done this job on this subject. We all sort of skipped merrily past it.


It's like the legitimate scandal of our time, right, in a new journalism form. And I want to get to the meat of what it is that he feels like this ended up proving. I just want to know if the games were rigged. OK, you and that, too.


We'll get to the answer to that, to our please. We'll get you off the air now. We got to get back to Rick talk. So I'm sorry that this was interesting and, you know, the scandal of our lifetime. But you don't understand us around here if you don't understand me having to tell stories about the family friend mustache Rick Rodriguez to get out of here in time to justify our reasonable salaries.


You're going to let me know, by the way, if the games were ranked, there's not enough rooms to got to talk to these people. That's meaningful.


You could have brought them back for a second. But I promise. Which Renteria? I got a mike is yelling at me stacked right, Terry?


So I just I thought we had an interesting journalism conversation going on.


Since the 1980s, hip hop and America's prisons have grown side by side, and we're going to investigate this connection to see how it lifts us up and holds us down.


Hip hop is talking about what we live trying to live the American dream failing at the American Dream. I'm Zinnemann. And I'm Rodney Cormark.


Listen now to the Louder than Ariete podcast from NPR Music, where we trace the collision of crime and punishment in America. Don Lemon today still got as far as I can tell, I was given ears for no good reason, still got unraveling. That's what he does. He unravels. We leave the legal unraveling with his dad. Dad? No, he'd be an orphan. This is a Don Lemon show on ESPN Radio. ESPN Radio is presented by progressive insurance drivers who save with progressive save over seven hundred and fifty dollars on average.


Caller quit today and find out if they could save you hundreds on your car insurance if you missed any of the show. You can listen to all three hours of the day on Libertador plus our Miami only hour and the big zui on demand in the ESPN. That ad subscribe to the Libertador Friends Podcast Network featuring South Session Stupidity and mystery. Great. Please rate and subscribe. New episodes are posted every week. Wherever you get your podcast. Then it's time for Straight Talk.


It is brought to you by Straight Talk Wireless. Well, here is the straight talk. All right. We're under it here in Miami with the network on our neck here trying to survive. And I'm telling you that Tim Livingston just did journalistic work that our company did not do.


His podcast, Whistleblower, is an eight year investigation into where the game's rigged or the game's rigged of our league partner here, like we just got done partnering Walt Disney World, just got done partnering to bring you an NBA season in the most happiest place on Earth. They managed to do that to save everybody's money and they managed to do it with our help.


Levingston spent eight years doing that. We spent eight years arguing, who's better, LeBron or Michael.


Correct. That's what's happening around here. So I've rarely seen this kind of passion around here recently. And it's always 90s baseball that does it to us. I wanted to continue that conversation. I can't there's not you can't accuse the league of fixing games in four minutes between sponsors for Dr Pepper like it's not possible to do Dansville. You understand what I'm saying? Like, you can't you can't have a substitute.


I don't know why.


What do you mean you'll never be able to explain it in there just because you're so good at juggling monkey of sponsorships like that.


Wasn't your nickname strength, that was you just being sold like a prostitute.


So 90s baseball is the place, though, that brings this joy out every time. And what I'm telling you is that a young Billy Gill I haven't even gotten to Chris Coady yet. Rick Renteria, it sounds like you basically had a Rick Renteria poster in your house, Billy, is that right? You probably had cups or something?


Well, first of all, we need to get the bottom of something that's been bothering me because Rick Renteria is also known as Rich Renteria and his baseball cards say both. And he was a family friend of yours. So when was rich rich and when did he become rich? What is going on with his name? Because how can he have two different names? It's a good question, I mean, you know, best there is it he is a family friend, as I mentioned, maybe I took my mom out to see him.


He's such a nice man, impossibly nice. One of these Sean Casey types who got to. Where are Tim Kirshen? Where mayor?


You want to to me. Come on, come on. I know it's a small window, but you could have gotten in there second earlier with the mayor.


I should have probably left the pause. It's my fault. No, your teammate. There was no pause. Exactly. You went very quickly right to the next word. There was no bridge. You were not going to be deterred by that, though. So anyways, my close family friend, the mustache, Rick or Rich Renteria, I couldn't let that window close.


I mean, I'm sorry it had to be kicked open that window. All right. So, Mike Ryan, this is why, though it brings the joy that sweep throughout the studio is contagious. We just mentioned arrest this distraught. Did you figure out yet, Billy, who was at that signing wearing sunglasses or was it chukka? Like, who was it?


No, it wasn't chukka. It was like it was definitely someone that thought they were a lot bigger than they were. I mean, that's probably somewhere someone.


Richie Lewis was that Richie Lewis was that Richie Lewis had the big giant cha. You had all the curly hair. He thought he was a rock star. Look at that. Roy slapping Roy, you remember Richie Lewis passed for swag in nineteen ninety three, spitting these giant streams of tobacco juice on the foul line.


Richard Lewis coming out of the bullpen. Yeah, I remember him.


Big breaking ball. Big breaking ball with it.


Kurt Ababinili. Oh no, no, no. I wasn't Kurt of it.


All right. Well keep thinking of this because anyways, the point is that Rick Renteria has been wronged by my, you know, by the Chicago White Sox here.


It's not even the biggest rond he's been by Chicago. Remember, he was the Cubs manager and they ousted him for Joe Maddon after one season worked out, though.


Yeah. Can we get the exclusive Rick Renteria interview since he's such a family friend for a long time, trying to get him today to surprise you?


But how are we going to make him miss out the session, too? Because there's no room to do the show anymore. You can join him on the Tim Livingston one. They're both going to be on there. I'll just keep going back and forth. All right. Get Rich Renteria for the show as well. All right. Work on that right now. So yes or no, Billy, you had a poster, a cup or something of Rick Renteria?


I had a he was part of my fifty two card Marlins inaugural season deck of cards, but I didn't have a specific Rick Rich Renteria poster that was reserved for Benito Santiago on my wall.


I got it, Billy. It was Brett Barberi, wasn't it? Oh, no, it wasn't. Brett BARBREE Great name. Brett BARBREE.


This was a scandal in nineteen ninety three. I reported in the paper Orestis Estrada got very mad at me because I reported Brett Barberi was going to go the entire season as a virgin.


As ARBs wants to go. I mean, I leave space. No you've got it to me simply to work. I was going down the virginity track journalism reporting while talking about Richard Henry and Richie Lewis instead of Tim Livingston and the fact that games might have been six. Don Lemon, tart texture right in that last segment was a garbage locomotive careening into a lake of molten failure, still got all the beetles are overrated.


Wow, this is the Dalembert, our show with these two guides on ESPN Radio, all gassed on the Dan Labrada Joe appear via the Shell Pennzoil performance line today on ESPN Daily. The NBA bubble is closed. ESPN's Baleka Andrews breaks down her last hours in Orlando from behind the scenes post championship to what it means to re-enter reality. It's got to be weird. And what's next for the league that's on ESPN Daily? Subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Mike, why are you so why are you moving around like this?


It's a great America 70s music here. I don't know why don't we do the and finally and find out. All right.


Let's see. Really, really a show within a show. A little look at Mike being. Oh, yes, this is this is the show. We're going to become rich Renteria and talking about 70s music and Neil Diamond.


But don't worry, we're going to get younger with you. And finally, I could safely say that four years me and Mike have loved Neil Diamond, not just today, not just because getting on that show, we can't always let it be the show that loves Rich Renteria, the Buffalo Bills and Neil Diamond and the Tampa Bay Rays. What kind of radio show is that?


I'm forever grateful because of my association with this show, because it put me in a position that someone with Neil Diamond's camp reach out to me and say, Hey, I know you love Neil. Come sit first row for one of his shows. It's one of his final shows. Oh, thrill of a lifetime.


Oh, when where?


When he played in Broward like it was the concert started like seven p.m. Bank Atlantic. That late?


Well, like last night it felt game. Don't tell me all you young people who are actually old didn't say, oh yeah. Seven p.m. football. Well, I got news for you this Monday night. There's a five o'clock football game.


Liburd Oh, EarlyBird. Christine Lacy, if you didn't know, snowboarded herself some bills football last night and it fell apart on her, you know, but she's still hopeful.


So Christine, here she is with her, Kizu.


And finally, the long awaited sequel to Coming to America will forego a proper theatrical release and will debut on Amazon Prime at Christmas. How about that? About that. Thank you, Christine. Appreciate your time.


Oh, right. Back to it. Get down. 70S style on AM Terrestrial Radio. Look at this. You remember you guys remember when we felt this way about America? Some of us, some of us, a certain segment of the population don't get what he's doing with the music.


Theme white people, Dan. Thank you, Roy, I always appreciate when you're there for me, hopefully, yes, no problem. Land of Liberty.


Yes, my friend, we lived in one kind of America and Roy lived in a totally different kind of America.


My country tis of thee. Yes, wait a minute, who is that? No, no, that's Neil. That's right. Yes, my country tis of thee. There is every day I'm going to give you the greatest sports. There's some Pruden in there, too, though.


I just heard some Chandru.


They're all very close. Very close. I haven't heard from them in so long.


You're so busy producing back. They're pushing so many buttons. I like to call them Slam Newton man.


So let's get back to where it is that we were pleased because there are a couple of things here. First of all, I believe this is going to be a week long celebration of Rick Renfree until we land the interview with Rick Renteria. We are chasing down a wrong Rick Renteria. And what's he doing to tell stories about my family and having dinner with us that one time 30 years ago and me taking my mother to see him because, again, he was the secret weapon, one of my family's favorites.


It's an underdog Hispanic story coming up through the Marlins minor league is a surprise, looking a bit like a plumber. And again, go Google, search him. He's the same age as Tom Cruise. I've been hard on Rick Renteria, but he is a sweet, sweet man, one of the sweetest you will ever meet. But he was not good at I'm told I don't know this, but he was not good at the analytics of the game.


It's why they fired the White Sox were good.


OK, they made it to the playoffs. I mean, I know, but it's all that stuff about the you have to make it to the playoffs with that athletics. The secret weapons. I've got guts, guy. They're a good young team. The White Sox believe that they could have been better than falling apart at the end of the season against Cleveland. And then, you know, they had late in the season when they could have won the division, they fell apart.


And and so, yes, it was a successful season. But he's not being fired because this weird season ended in just a playoff victory. Mike, you're laughing just because of how I'm going to do this all week. I want to talk Rick Renteria the remainder of the week.


I mean, it's a story everyone's talking about, OK, but beyond that, though, Billy was saying we've been dying to know. So, Billy, tell us. Set us up again. You are how old and you are where? At what kind of mall. Just paint the picture for us of what's happening here, because that nineteen ninety three Marlins team of Rick Renteria, he was the last roster picks two guys has been asking me for years, Mike Ryan for years.


Please let us descend into the sewage this way. Doing 90's baseball telling old war stories about Rick Renteria next week.


I have a great story about Bobby Waheeda.


Well, you were telling you were telling a hypnotize. You forgot you were just telling a hypnotising. It was Billy. It was like you were sitting honest to God this morning. You were so interested in Stinky Bobby. You had a story.


Well, because what happened, Dan, was you were saying how your family had this loose connection to Rick Renteria. And I told Seagate's that my family had a loose connection to another Cuban who was just living in a normal neighborhood, Renia Rossia, who lived across the street from my cousins. And then he told me who his neighbor was growing up, Bobby Ojeda, and he told me a ridiculous story about him that I did not know. Right.


So I told Billy a story. And I'm pretty certain that Billy thought I was lying when I told him the story story. Well, Bobby Waheeda lived a few houses down from me and he was doing some gardening work, OK, during a very important run for the New York Mets. And he had a hedger out and he hedged off part of his finger and he was out for the remainder of the season. He could pitch anymore. And so I lived like four or five houses down.


And Billy said that must have been the most valuable finger in the neighborhood, to which I explained to him all the Mets lived there. Dweik Good and lived ten houses down from Oita I made. That's what I also learned, Stewardson, I grew up very differently. OK, so is there any more Bobbio Heda information that you want or the slicing of the fingers where we're stopping and I can get back to Richard A.. I depending on depending on what angle you're taking it from.


I got Bob Waheeda and Sid Fernandez stories at Fin McCool's out on Port Boulevard in Port Washington. After games I got walking into Dwight Gooden at Jack's stationery. Dwight was completely hung over. I was just buying a pack of baseball cards. He was buying a paper and some cigarettes. I mean, I got stories. Well, wait a minute. Hold on a second. Stories of me babysitting for Lenny Dykstra's kid.


Wait a minute. I do. What do you mean? Wait a minute. The scam runs that deep through your childhood. That mean the 86 Mets lived in my town on a second. It was a great phrase, drug addled. That is one of the Sheas teams in the history of sports. And you baby said it like we explained to me, that is that is with those Mets teams. Hold on. Is that what we're going to do?


We're going to segue from Renteria even deeper in the late 80s. Mets, I mean, nails, you know.


All right. OK, Mike Bobbio. This is what I'm telling you, Mike, the rest of the week and maybe the rest of the month I want to spend here, OK, right here is just setting up that we're going to talk about it without actually talking about are we going to get to Rich Renteria?


Are we going to get him on the line? I want to inflame the controversy. There is tension in Chicago. This is an old school managerial argument. They fired the nice guy who goes with his gut. He's the secret weapon. He doesn't believe in the analytics after a hugely successful season, very successful by the White Sox standards. And they're saying, no, we got to get smarter. And he's a family friend and he's got a wonderful mustache.


Well, they're looking into hiring Tony La Russa and Ozzie Guillen, so we'll see what happens. No, no, no. Not Ozzie Guillen. No.


Who is the marlin who was wearing sunglasses at the autograph signing? I need to get to this like Curt Abbott, who would I? Because I've got a guess for who it is. But I was reading lip reading during the break and I think somebody might have said it and been better than mine if I go all in. Yes, Billy, if I go all in with Junior Felix, I think it was Junior Felix who was wearing the sunglasses and was self-important.


But somebody think I think they nuked me by saying head on Animo Bitola, one of the players. Who was it?


Who was? Well, first of all, paint the picture of the autograph signing and who was the marlin who was taking himself too seriously.


OK, so it was nineteen ninety three. Young Billy Gill was there. Now I've gotten reports from my father who was also there, so he's told me who the marlin was and I was there and I had my binder filled with eight by ten photos of the Marlins that I bought at Eckerd Drugs, because that's a thing that they used to sell at the drug store. They used to sell eight by tens of baseball players. And you put them in your binder, in the clear paper, the transparency things to keep them fresh and safe.


And then you'd show your friends, look at all these pictures I have now. Apparently, the way that this autograph signing went at Miami International Mall, boys, there were supposed to be three Marlins there signing autographs.




Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let me just pause right here, OK? Because we're out of time. I just want to do appreciate at Miami International Mall, because how old were you? What were you wearing in all Marlins gear? Right. Like you were crazy. How old were you?


It was six, five or six. How would I know what I was wearing?


I believe because you're a hoarder of these kinds of memories. It's the only place that I can get you this kind of sporting goods. Billy, it's the happiest I've seen you during the pandemic talking about head on the roller.


Don Lemon tart, let's go straight to Godse.


Let's go say this incident, Lilibeth, our show with these two guys on ESPN Radio, ESPN Radio is presented by Progressive Insurance for a chance to win ten thousand dollars, plus a virtual meet and greet with the Dan Leveton show gang Taxila Batard to seven seven three three three. That's it. Libertador Hleb 88 Ardie Oh this is good Mike to seven seven three three three Adventure Rodo at Advanced Auto Parts Limit one entry per day. CE Advance Auto Parts Dotcom for details.


We can't be this show that goes back to 70s America, 90s baseball, we can't be the show. This is not the show for the modern times. Are you guys trying to do a parody of the liberal WOAK show that I'm interested in doing?


Just like Neil Deiter, yearning for a different America, reading way too much into it.


And we just feel that we have.


Well, I don't feel like you guys are being fair to me right now. You're trying to make American music great again. You're trying to make it the 70s. Again, I'm talking Rich Regnery and old timey baseball stew. Gods, not surprisingly at all, delved into a secret Mets underworld that involved a great deal of cocaine and scam and babysitting. Lenny Dykstra, who is probably the foulest of anything birthed by sports in the last half a century, like Bell Sports is not belched out something worse than Lenny Dykstra, 50 bleeping years.


And there's a murderer, OJ Simpson, who got away with something with our friend Carl Douglas's help.


I also, 30 years later, according to a reliable source of an update on the Bobbio hita story, it may have been that his wife cut his finger off.


Wait a minute. Come on. You don't know that Mike's reliable. So what do you mean? He lives two houses away? I was not a journalist. You're not a journalist.


What are you doing? I don't want to Bobbi's or he his private life.


According to your shady sources for a reputable ESPN brand around here.


Maybe Tim Livingston should look into that. Mike, you're not going to make us that radio show, but we deserve it.


As two guys wants to talk about Bobby Ojeda and Pistol Pete, I'm insistent. Give my Latin brethren and family friend Rick Renteria or Rich, depending on how Americanized you've made it. I want to get Rick Roundtree on the line. I also I don't know if you guys are interested in this at all. How about talking to my talking to my mother, talking to my mother about the family's relationship with Rick Renteria. She was heartbroken to hear the White Sox.


I took her to see Rick Renteria when the Cubs manager. I know, but it seems like you didn't think your dad was there. Friction there. What happened? You haven't mentioned your dad this entire troubled time in my family's marriage.


They really hit the rocks. There's two guys, that's why I disappeared for six weeks in October. My parents were infighting, thinking of divorcing after 50 years. Because of RECA, my mother's torrid affair with Rick Renteria, that's the scandalous part I didn't want to tell you Rick Renteria again. Google him, Major Tom Cruise, please stop doing this like, no, no, no, no, no. Billy, who was the who was the marlin who was taking himself too seriously?


And tell me more about six year old Billy at Miami International Mall.


So I was at Miami International Mall waiting outside of a Champs Sports. I don't know if it was Champs Sports in nineteen ninety three, but it was a Champs sports equivalent that was probably bought by Champs Sports because it's still there anyway. So it's supposed to be three Marlins advertised. It was Jeff Conine, Darryl Whitmore and the other one is TBD. I don't know who that was yet. I'm going to look into that and I'll figure out who that was supposed to be.


However, they brought along their friends to go to the autograph signing as well. So there was a long line of people excited to meet the Marlins and get their autographs. And one of the friends brought along Richie Lewis, who was in his giant Oakley. And I believe, if I remember correctly, he had cut off sleeves at the time and he was showing the guns. Now, Richie Lewis was hanging out there.


Richie Lewis refused to sign autographs for anyone asking him for an autograph, even though he was at an autograph signing because he was not one of the people who was scheduled to appear. So it was Richie Lewis who refused to sign autographs. Now, that's only the second most notable autograph signing snub that I have in my past as a childhood. Do you want to know the first? Good question, not really the first autograph snub signing. And by the way, my dad tells me to this day you have to be nice to everybody who goes up to you, who wants to take a picture, wants to say hi to you.


You have to be nice. All those people you don't want to be like Richie Lewis still tells me that day to seven years later.


I want to hear the end of the story. We've got less than a minute left, but I am dying to hear where this story ends up.


Well, it tells me don't be Richie Lewis, who wants to talk to Richie Lewis now. It's a good question. Now, the number one autograph snub signing of my childhood man who I've still not forgiven, who I went to see on his farewell tour, Cal Ripken Jr.. Everybody went to see him, his final season. And what was all Cal doing when everybody wanted to see him get autographs?


That's when America was great.


Right then he was hanging out by the teal monster Dan in left field where no fan could get to him and no autographs had to be signed. I will never forgive you, Cal.


He was a man of the people. He was a compiler always. Billy Yeah. Billy Selfish. Never took a day off. Billy play that meant exactly. Billy Never a better time in America compiler.