Postgame Show: Best Limited Fake & Best Revelation
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,334 views
- 11 Sep 2020
After a full week of Suey Categories - the crew has two more for you to finish out strong. Best Limited Fake and the Best Revelation.
Eventful show, eventful week, how do you manage to have a week that feels this long when it's only a four day workweek? I'm not exactly sure of the bizarre show today. We started with a seewhy, by the way, you're listening to the postgame show and the bulk of the Sunni nominees have been played in this postgame show because the show is an hour shorter. So we keep trying to find new ways to get you the same amount of content.
And quite frankly, we're giving you additional hours of content now. We're working really hard. I admitted to clinical depression. It was it was weird. We didn't even have time to talk about it like you immediately glossed. Right. You admitted. This is how fast the show was moving. I wanted to be there for you. The clinical depression in a bite sized ten second moment. And it's all that was discussed there. We didn't elaborate at all.
We just kept it moving. Yeah.
If you can hear me, I'm sorry. It's been a long week. It's been a long week. But we're going to give you two exclusive sui categories in this post game show because we had a lot of stuff going on. Thanks to Kyle Brandt. I've loved his hits, even the ones that he did on first take. So we haven't had enough time to get to everything. So let's play to here, guys. Are you with me? Yeah, this one is I'm really crushed.
I couldn't make time for this on the national show. This one's always one of the best ones. Best limited faqir. Here it is.
And now the Souley nominees for Best Limited FAQ, the shipping container has a Joe tests off.
I'm not sure if Mike Ryan's JOD test is better than Billies Joe Test. It is pretty good there, Bill.
Thanks, Michael. What about mine and what about mine owners? Not yours. Though it is not. We can all agree that, you know, mine's better than your old on.
It's off. You are looking live. Sounded great to me. Michael Wiener. Wow. That's pretty belize's pretty good.
I think it might be better than yours. Roy wants to get in here. I don't know why.
First in 10 to 20 years. Just Roy talk. It's just Roy talking. I like this all the time.
They serve a nice steak at MetLife Stadium with good prime Italian, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia out of Manny Pacquiao versus some Australian tomato can Ron McGill limited fake cheetah purring a cheetah.
Wilpert so loud you'll think it's roaring. It's like a I mean, people actually think it's roaring, but it is a purr and the cheetah can do it very loudly.
Mina Kimes limited fake Dominique Foxworth, Dominique Dominique Foxworth Limited fake Mina Kimes to Mike Ryan Limited fake dog characters.
Doug is awesome. He had Skeeter Kong beat me and you had his neighbor was like, Oh hi dog. And any time you see Patty Mayonaise, it would be like the music that went along with it.
Let's do it. Let's let me do this generation.
And you had the beats of tofu with you killer tofu. Yo, yo, yo.
Mina Kimes limited fake student success on the down Libertador show a peer review of a Shell Pennzoil performance line. It's that time of year the NFL is almost there. An ESPN fantasy football is around the corner. Listen man, I didn't ask for any of this. Draft your team, compete with your friends and take home the crown. Sign up now at ESPN dot com slash fantasy football today. They know now your SportsCenter update.
Jerry O'Connell. Limited fakes do not want to say.
My specialty is I do do a student imitation. And and I would like to do it for all of you right now, of course.
But can you answer my question about whether you know who Amien Alhassan is?
I know exactly who we know has to do this job. Me, it's a question as to guts.
I think that's a pretty good attitude at stake. You know, it's love.
It is a dreadful.
Why does it mean that it isn't it's a it's a terrible impersonation of stook.
I think it's I think it's perfect. Let me tell you this. You got to love this. I know I should definitely portray you.
I don't have any idea who you're doing. It is not God.
Diana Rossini limited fakes to Godse. You come here and he'll just shower you. Then you start to actually think he likes you. You're like, wow. And then you'll get a text later. Hey, you need help on my podcast or hey, can you drive me back to New York? Hey, can you take me to the airport? You always need something. What's that voice you're doing? Right.
It's John Salley, Limited, fake Dave Chappelle.
Chappelle. This is the only time I wish I still had my show. Chris Coady and Mike Ryan do their limited fake Jay and Jon Gruden to Jay Gruden. A fake Jay Gruden. Go ahead.
Yeah, Robert and Kirk, that's pretty good, actually. And Rob and Robert Kraft.
Are we going to forget all about that, Rob? I wonder how he's doing. Fake Jon Gruden.
Say hi to the real Jay Gruden. Hey, bro. I love you when you play poker, man. You got to know when all the motion of the man I know you're looking for work. He could head out to the FCA or you could be a short order cook at Hooters. Man, I know the right people. Or you can replace that Alberto Riverrun. Terrible. Or come to Oakland and coach my eighteen quarterbacks. How about the Nathan Peterman man, friggin Mina Kimes, limited fake Boston sports fan.
How dare you insult Tom Brady? Well, that was a really bad New England accent.
So the Pats fans like How Dare You that was getting closer, I think, Neetzan and taken down. You insulted Tom Brady. Oh, my God. I mean, did you watch any Westworld last night?
Yes, I was driving on the pike that I banged the U.S. to turn around and watch my shows. Look at me because I'm the clicker.
It's so bad.
Greg Codi Limited, fake MLB Veterans Committee member who. It instead, Simmons, you well, it is what it is. Ted Simmons gets well below 75 percent, isn't even close to induction. And then years later, for whatever reason, a group of eight people sitting around a table goes, You know what I played with? Ted Smith is a damn good ballplayer. All right.
Mina Kimes, limited fake Sean Connery is actually impossible to say in a Sean Connery accent.
What are you doing? Wait, what was that? Well, you don't want me to say more in the Sean Connery accent. Yeah. Welcome to the world. Welcome to The Rock.
Mike Ryan, limited fake Pablo Tauri officiating Dans wedding.
Do you dig, Valerie, to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Then do you hear the fear? I now pronounce you husband and wife.
A letter from Paul to the official, Mike Ryan and Jeff Passan Limited fake crying Red Sox fan talking to Elmo, betore birthweight.
Jeff Paschen. We're supposed to keep our best players now. What are we going to do with the other team's bad boy?
The only thing that will make me happy is he went from Elmo mouth.
I'm really sad realism, as you say, about who is the next great young player I can poach from one of the teams that can't afford the stars to replace him.
To give us a sense, what are we going to do, steal with Manny Ramirez time from another franchise? It had him as a homegrown talent. I'm so scared.
Well, maybe we could poach David Ortiz from the twins because they can't afford pointillist Mike Ryan and Chris Cody Limited fake Jerry Seinfeld as the Mets manager, Jerry Seinfeld as the next Mets manager or Alex Rodriguez easily.
Alex Rodriguez really easily wants to deal with the hit and run. No, there's a plus one all the time. Look, why is it a pinch hitter?
No one's getting pinched local.
Our caller Hefe Limited fake Mario from Nintendo. Sixty four burning his butt.
What Chris Cody Limited fake Goran Dragic drugging Dion waiters on that heat Flindt.
Am I the only one that is now picturing Goran Dragic being the prankster like dropping.
Let's leave it here I scurry away.
You made the transformation and he's just like got his hands rubbing him together as he eats them and then he's like Oh boy this did not go as planned.
The worst impersonation I ever heard to rush it.
It's, it's also a cartoon of some sort of Diana Roshini Limited fake her mom. People will be real nice. Okay. You know, Sordi covering, you know, the Giants this weekend. My mom was like, oh, yeah, yeah, she's doing well. She works a lot.
Not married, though. Oh, like that. That's how people like that's how she finishes conversations.
So she's like, you know, one day if she was on Good Morning America, then I'd watch Dan Levitan Ltd Fake Horse and Sarah Spain limited fake horse.
Mina Kimes Limited fake horse.
Chris Cody Ltd fake Marty Smith. I'm angry, man. I'm angry impo.
You want to keep trying. I don't want to do it anymore, man.
That's Billy Gill, limited fake New York Knicks statement about Spike Lee.
The important thing with this, just so you guys are aware before I read, is you need to read it with the right tone. All right. So here we go.
A statement from the New York Knicks, the idea that Spike Lee is a victim because we have repeatedly asked him to not use our employee entrance and instead use a dedicated VIP entrance, which is used by every other celebrity who enters the garden, is laughable. It's disappointing that Spike would create this false controversy to perpetrate drama. He is welcome to come to the garden any time via the VIP or general entrance, just not through our employee entrance, which is what he and Jim agreed on to last night when they shook hands.
Scene. Thank you, Billy.
I mean, Alhassan Limited fake OJ Simpson. Hello to the World is me. Yours truly amazing. Alhassan Limited fake Barack Obama doing O.J. Simpson.
Hello, it's me. Yours truly, Michelle. Amino hesson limited fake DMX doing O.J. Simpson.
Oh, to the world, it's yours truly amino acid, limited fake Alvin Gentry doing O.J. Simpson. I'll tell you right now, it's me. Yours truly.
Wow, what a stack. The Sunnis have been so good this year, so, so strong. Have we ever had a category as stacked as the one we opened the show with today? Best song. Oh, man.
You see, there are certain incentives to listen to the show live, to watch it live on ESPN News because of all sorts of licensing rules. We couldn't play in the podcast the best musical performance. Now, I know it's already been clipped and it's been out there in social media. I can't direct you to it, but go ahead and seek it out because it was absolutely stacked, Chris, out of the vultures bid on Twitter, because you did do a fantastic job on the series this year, maybe the best we've ever had.
How have they been in terms of things you have left out, honestly?
And don't tell me if you guys have seen more. I only saw tweets about the Tony thing during dismissal. I haven't seen it. I don't think any other omissions. I'm sure I forgot other things, but they've been nice to answer your question for musical performance.
It was a really tough edit because it got edited for length, not because of the quality there were so many. The listeners have come back with a vengeance for the songs and we thank them for actually picking up that production element of our show because it's been great. It's been a little competition.
I would say they deserved to be shouted out to at Yati blog and your Streator and Flem them wraps those three. I mean, the two dudes did almost all of them. And then Flemyng raps to banger's. So those three dudes, like, carried us in that category.
Yeah, find them on Twitter. They release songs that don't quite make it to air here because we run out of time and sometimes they're not quite up to snuff. And quite frankly, sometimes I just flatly forget. So they actually do a lot of great stuff. And if you're a fan of the show, seek them out. I'm sure the read it has all their information as well. You guys ready for another Sunni category?
Are we ready for some football? Are you are you.
That was such a good question by Mike. I thought I might wash up and I'm like, well, he made me think about it. It's the greatest moment of self introspection we've had around here. And again today he admitted to clinical depression. So that was amazing to see, like how that happened. And you weren't ready for football. I'm no, I was not. I started and then they booed Unity. And I'm like, am I ready for football?
I'm not ready for there are so many sports going on. I can tell you right now with great certainty that I'm not going to be ready for that second part of the doubleheader. I mean, Titans, Broncos with a five star team not ready for some football guys.
Like how are you doing, by the way? Are you good? Yeah, man, I'm all right.
All right. Daily battle. I'm doing all right. But thank you for checking what is actually the first time someone has said I said I wish I was there for you. Yeah.
What is the SUV category again? Best revelation, Chris.
I mean, what can you tell us about this? What can the listener look forward to here?
Oh, man, I've listened to these so many times. I'm just like my mind is shot. I have no idea what's in this category.
It felt like a long week abnormally. So it doesn't make any sense. I just revealed his clinical depression.
Well, the very next year, Zoey, there's a big revelation. I think it was it was like a revelation in a dismissal of Skip Bayless all in one day. It was weird. It's a weird hybrid. Let's not talk about it anymore. Here's the best revelation.
And now the Sunni nominees for best revelation, Stu Ghazi's odd food revelation grits are underrated.
I'm a late bloomer to grits. Never had them. You've never had grits? No, you haven't had grits in your life?
I've never had grits, man. Stew Gotz admits to theft. So I like to start with a bag of chips and a soda little fountain soda. And by the by the time I'm done shopping because I love a stroll through Publix, especially on a Sunday, OK, by the time I'm done, I'm done with the soda, done with the chips, and I just throw them in the garbage. Don't pay for me about that time.
I'm not surprising at all. I would have just get to steal. Yes, he's technically, technically, technically not. Technically there's no technically that's just a crime. You just admitted to a crime.
I mean, is it stealing if you don't leave the place with the items? I mean, I'm eating them in store.
I mean, Noah Syndergaard didn't finish Game of Thrones even after appearing on the show.
That was a great time. Run over there and film of her for Game of Thrones. It's on my favorite shows. But to be quite honest, I haven't even watched the last episode of the final season has kind of honestly pains me to say it, but disappointed a little bit. Wow.
So you didn't even finish it off after being all excited to be on Game of Thrones? They they neutered your spirit. Your joy was gone and you just gave up on the last season.
I immediately regretted and telling you that right now. But there's no secrets.
Mina Kimes, Tom Cruise revelation.
So this daughter Promesa tells a story about all the crazy stuff Tom Cruise does, but nobody knows, because when he made Vanilla Sky, he had the mask maker make him a bunch of prosthetics so that he can go out in public and do whatever he wants. So at any time, Tom Cruise might be near you and you might have no idea.
Jeff Passan reveals that a gift the show got for Tim Christian has become a daily annoyance in Tim's life.
You guys, in an act of, like, wonderful generosity, sent him a diet Mountain Dew themed mini fridge. It turned out that that mini fridge is the biggest piece of crap in the world and makes it extremely loud noises. And every time he has to go on TV in his office where his diet, Mountain Dew mini fridges, he needs to unplug it because it's that terrible. He's so nice that he never would say it to you guys.
This is a disaster. We are actively getting in the way of Tim Kirkenes ability to do his job correctly with our gifts.
David Sampson reveals he never got a thank you from Barry Bonds.
He was definitely forced upon us as a hitting coach. And you saw that lasted one full year. He never wanted to be a coach. I never got a thank you from Barry for tolerating that year and for letting him back into the game.
Amino hasn't revealed something that changed his life. So how come you're not into hockey? I am hockey also game change my life. What do you talk with one then the one in L.A.. A couple of you changed your life. They do it right. But how did it change your life? It made me look at sports in a different way. Have you watched a hockey game since? Yes, I did. Don't ask me one.
Mina Kimes reveals she wasn't a fan of Cocchi Arcade Kid growing up.
Do you ever did a thing at Chucky Cheese where a kid would be walking around with like a long chain of tickets and you would just step on it and.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I know that. Yeah, we've all done it. No, we have it. I've done it now. I did it last week. Yeah.
Mike Leach reveals whether he's been to a nude beach. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
Yes, I have the I never took my gear off. You know, I've never dressed up, so to speak, of a nude beach. These nude beach is, from my experience anyway, are typically kind of timeless. You are beaches, in other words, it's like it's not legislated and some people choose to take their gear off.
Jeff Van Gundy reveals the last time he tried a new type of food. All right, Jeff, give us the last time, though.
The last time you tried something new, I would say, of the bigger things, sushi. And that was probably ten years ago.
You you haven't tried anything new in terms of eating in ten years and a decade.
Dave, KYAY reveals that he's watching the last dance instead of a show he's appearing in.
Do you realize, Dave, that you're going up against you're coming on a sports radio network, ESPN Radio, and you're going up against the last dance on Sunday?
Well, I know what I'm going to be watching, and it's not me.
OK, so Tim Kurkjian reveals his hands are twice as big as Tony Gwynn's were.
I think he's underrated in baseball history because he could run. He stole over fifty bases in a season, multiple gold gloves. And the tiniest hands I've ever seen on a great player, tiny, my mind are twice as big as Tony wins hands.
What shocking what?
Tony Gwynn was a four year star at San Diego State basketball, and he told me he had zero chance of ever passing a basketball. That's how little his hands were. And because he had those tiny hands, that's why he used the smallest that I've ever seen on a major leaguer like 32 and a half inches. Thirty, thirty and a half ounces was tiny, but he loved the control of the bat, but he needed a tiny bat because his hands were so small.
Reese Davis reveals a student's lie. You texted me yesterday. I was always delighted to get a text from Strugatsky. Wait, hold on a second. Yesterday, you said you've been working on Reece for two weeks.
Yeah, but he didn't know till yesterday. And I was working on ways of thinking about it anyway. So he texts and I'm thinking like we're going to get a cup of coffee. I've no idea. I'm coming on the show. So my wife and I are at dinner with our neighbors last night and we're leaving. Parting. Hey, that was fun. Nice to see. And he said he said, oh, so I hear you're on the Libertador Show tomorrow.
I'm like, what? I've no idea. No idea. And then I got I got another text this morning from our college football producer, Jonathan Wyler, who does a great job while he goes, hey, man, you do a daughter this morning, apparently, you know. So have any idea?
Last Wednesday you were cohosting this Friday for three hours.
Yeah. Yeah. You're going to be a part of it. I realize you had a college game day, but when I say I was working on it, that's when I was working through.
Riza's neighbor, Greg Codi reveals an odd job. He's always wanted caretakers.
Can you imagine working, Demitri, that job? I mean, I would love that job.
Was that next next to a garbage man? Because, you know, you're enveloping yourself in that whole aura every single day, you know, regaling in the fact that you're not dead yet. I mean, it's just fantastic. Greg Cody got yelled at by Don Shula for calling the Hall of Fame coach, the cobbler Greg used to call Don Shula the cobbler because shoeless sounds like a and the cobbler is someone that works on shoes right now.
His nickname, people used to call him shoes. So I called him in print the cobbler thinking it was a great thing to make a nickname. I love nicknames of nicknames like when you call the pitching mound the bump or the heel. So I did that with shoes becoming the cobbler. He didn't have much of a sense of humor to that and I had to explain it to him.
Diana Roshini, Action Park Revelation.
I have told you guys about Action Park and there have now been several movies made about Action Park. Diana Roshini is a Jersey girl. So you've been Action Park, right? I got a motto from Action Park. Did you like I got motto myself sophomore year college from spending the day there. And it turned out in the local newspaper there was some warning that if you were at Action Park on August 20th, you are going to get Matto. And I got it.
Charles Barkley, shocking pool revelation.
Michael, I probably have been in a pool in 25 or 30 years, but when I was young, I'm not a big swimmer, so I have a bit of a pool. And I can't remember last time I've been in the pool, but I got a pool at my house and I like it and I don't think I've ever been in it.
Rece Davis reveals how Kirk Herb Street stays cool on the set of college game day.
Herbie has two air conditioners only when we're on set blowing on him at all times. And he reached down, put his sleeves in there and and try to blow air into his suit. He doesn't like to wear the cool shirt. It's what they call them that I do. But if we go out to the octagon or go to Zimmel Field, then you've got nothing but on the set you can hook up to the cool shirt and you and there's an air conditioner both which he hogs.
What is it?
Is it Coyle's. Is it just a shirt that's air conditioned.
It's a spandex sleeveless shirt that you put on over, over your undershirt or you want to wear it against your skin. I guess you could but I don't want to. And it has little coils in it that you hook to. I look at the cooler, some kind of pump and it kind of it pumps cool water through the coils and tries to keep you from absolutely melting.
Aaron, Donald reveals he prefers pizza without sauce.
I actually don't even like this at all. How does that work? No, no pizza sauce.
You give it to you. There's a pepperoni. I guess it's not good enough, you know. It's just a sandwich. Just making a sandwich. You're breaking news.
It's a pizza is delicious.
Alejandro Narciso, Antonio Brown's videographer, reveals how they got consent from Jon Gruden to use their phone conversation in Antonio's controversial video.
The way that happened was I was shooting him all day and he was talking to you, Rosenhaus. And then suddenly he goes. Is on the line, so I wasn't really thinking at that point of anything, you know, I just and I wasn't going to be like, hey, tell them that you're recording, by the way, you know, so so we recorded it and then I put it in the video.
And then what? We were doing it, a BS marketing manager called him and said, hey, you guys know that that's illegal to post that without telling him first. And I was like, damn, he's right. So I was in the process of taking all the Gruden stuff out. And then I told they'd be like, send the video to Gruden. And then he wouldn't think, like, we can get some that way. So my whole thing, the entire time when we were waiting for Gruden, the response was like, we're going to be like, listen, I love you, man.
But, you know, that's disrespectful. I can't be having you permission to be having you post, like, our own conversation. And then he responds like 15 minutes later, three text yells, Wow, I love it. I love it. I love it.
And I was like, what, what, what? Oh.
Oh, well. And then we were like, all right, there's our common sense.
Bob Ryan, insane Rube Waldo revelation.
The aforementioned Rube Ladell would go, Wandell, excuse me. He made his Major League debut in 1897. Yeah.
All so is a ticket on the group would tell everybody for this, of course, are the days when, of course, they not only had roommates, but they had to sleep in the same large bed. OK, and your guess at a clause in his contract that said that Waddell, his roommate, could not eat animal crackers in bed.
Wow, that is great. I love you. Thank you for being on with us, Bob.
Any time.