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Hello, everybody, this is the postgame show, Hope you had a good week of listening. We enjoyed doing the show this week for the fans of the show. Juju Guy is going to be taking over our social media this weekend. So make sure to follow us on Instagram and on Twitter at Libertador Show. It's always a hit with our fans. Whenever Drew got through Monday, he's going to be doing it all Tuesday, actually. Yeah, yeah.


I want Juju at the helm during a Greg CODI Tuesday, see what he does with our social media. So an extended run here for Juju Godi. I want to talk to you about feel good TV because I think part of Schitt's Creek, right? Yes. Part of its appeal was that it was like it was feel good TV for the most part. Smart too though it was smart, something that we haven't really seen since Parks and Rec and the office, a light joy to watch.


And given the times, you would think that that would be something that you see more of. Ted LASO did this for me. It's at a highly inconvenient platform of Apple TV. Now, a lot of people have that, but Ted LASO should not be good by any stretch of the imagination because it was based off a character that NBC trotted out for a couple of weeks during a marketing plan to introduce the Premier League to American audiences. This is like five years ago.


That rarely works, right? Well, when you take the cavemen from the Geico commercial and you make them a sitcom, it usually doesn't work. One of these crappy characters that is just a marketing game. I'm not certain it's ever worked.


I don't think this show is made for Shubert's. Let me say that. Well, maybe it might be because the whole concept, if you're unfamiliar with the character of Ted Laza, it's played by Jason Sudeikis from Saturday Night Live. He plays an American football coach that is just hired by a Premier League soccer team.


But also, correct me if I'm wrong, because I only saw portions of the first episode and I want to watch this show. Is he because I got the impression is he seems lovably naive as a character, like kind of pure. I don't know the character. So I'm I'm tuning in and I don't know what I'm getting.


He's super pure, super kind hearted. His whole thing is I don't know the game, but I'm going to get people invested in me and get them to buy into what I'm saying. So it's a show, surprisingly, with a lot of heart, given the premise and how this was born out of a marketing campaign. I absolutely love it. Schitt's Creek didn't really connect with me. I know on the target audience because I like soccer, but this is a great show and certainly worth your time.


And it's just a relief given everything that's going on in society now to be able to put on a half hour TV, not think too much laughs pretty much the entire way and feel good about it, feel invested because, oh, this is a good person I'm rooting for.


Well, help me understand something here, because it seems like your viewing habits are a little bit different than mine, because that's not usually where a television show will take me emotionally. I'm always watching television shows marveling at the structure of how they create what it is they create. So I'm watching Schitt's Creek. I'm like, man, these are great comedic actors, but I'm also watching and it's not joyful. I'm like, man, this writing is so smart and they're doing such a good combination of smart and dumb with their writing.


But when I watch Modern Family and what Mike's talking about in terms of joy to watch, I'm not watching it just to be taken away. I'm marveling at the structure of the creativity.


Right. You think too much when you're watching television? I'm just marveling at the entertainment. Like I've had similar feelings watching TV shows like Buycks, talking about rooting for a good guy, a good character, a good person. I had the same feeling watching twenty four. I did.


Jack Bauer represented everything that was good about American knowing your country. Right. I get it. But even with Schitt's Creek and I've only seen a handful of episodes, I'm sure the characters turn around outside of the first early episodes. But they're no redeemable qualities in those characters off the beginning. They're bad people stuck in a bad situation and you grow to love them right off the bat. You're supposed to love Ted LASO. He is lovable to you and you're rooting for him to win over like all the terrible people.


But when you're when you're sitting here pairing it against Schitt's Creek and Schitt's Creek was the object of all of Hollywood's love in terms of how it made people feel. Is Ted LASO written smart that way?


Lt is brilliantly written and I don't say that just because the writer thanked me for complimenting it. Also, Jason Sudeikis liked my tweet. No tweets on his timeline. He just creeps it out looking for compliments. I like you, Jason Sudeikis. It is very well-written. Does it help to know something about soccer and the things that he's laughing at? Yes, but there is enough there for people that are soccer agnostic and are just like American sports fans, because Ted LASO sort of speaks to who you are.


So I think Seagate's would like it a lot. How about you guys?


Have any of you seen what it is that we're talking about? Because I saw that Steve Kerr was endorsing the show with the highest recommendation and people keep getting surprised by one of the things we told you about during the pandemic is how smart and good the show. Dave was with the rapper Lil Dickie. I have not gotten into this show yet, but there are a number of different people whose judgment I find discerning who are recommending this show. Have you guys heard anything about the show?


I wasn't able to watch it yet because I don't have Apple TV, but I know the creator, Bill Lawrence, a creator, Scrubs and Spin City, and I kind of trust what he does. So that would automatically get me into watching.


Roy, I know you're a big Scrubs guy. Zach Braff actually directs episode two of Ted LASO.


Yeah, he was talking about how you directed the episode on his podcast, The Fake Doctor's Real Friends. And they had to create an apparatus where they had to move the camera on the field and not damage the turf.


And it was pretty ingenious what they had to do. So, yeah, I really would like to watch the show.


I'm going to watch it, too. I haven't watched yet. My dad also has been raving about that show. He's a soccer guy, but I love Sudeikis, so I'm definitely gonna watch it.


Well, your dad raving about it has me thinking now.


Well, no, he doesn't like he actually is pretty like he's critical of TV. He doesn't love a lot of shows. He has a pretty discerning eye and I'm sure he appreciates the throwback nature when every show was sort of built around. Oh, I like all these people.


This is lt isn't is a famous ladies man like he's married to Olivia Wilde, but also after dating prodigiously because of a spiritual soft side that women like to be photographed, is an insanely likable guy from his time on SNL.


He seems really funny, the character he writes every episode, he's a producer of every episode. Obviously him and Bill Lawrence have everything to do with what goes out there. It seems as though this was a passion project that they tried to make for several years since they trotted out the character four years ago. There's a great YouTube, I would say watch it, but not really, because they kind of rehash or reheat some of the jokes in the promo video that they did from five years ago, where you get a great idea of the character.


It sort of feels like they've been championing this character for five years and they finally landed on Apple TV, who's just like, yeah, we'll give you money, do whatever. And I'm happy they found that kind of place for it because I'm not sure it exists anywhere else. And it's already been approved for season two and three. They just went ahead and fast season three greenlight.


So all of my buddies in my group have been saying, hey, you've got to watch, said last, you got to watch Ted LASO. Is anybody experiencing a little bit of burnout when it comes to watching TV? Like, I've got all these great shows that I want to watch them. I just I don't really want to watch it right now, Tony.


This is this is really funny that you mention this because we are in like a weirdly changing times to Gotz, where unfortunately they weren't taping yesterday on highly questionable. But right before we go on air, one of the things we've been doing to start highly questionable is, is basically the private conversations that I then interrupt with the introduction to the show. The people on the show don't know they're on television. Mina was mother bleeping. Who the hell would listen to three hours of this, given the podcast and content river and see that everyone is in?


She was mother bleeping like the idea of how can anyone sit through three hours of the talk show stuff? And that's where I interrupted her and said, Welcome to Highly Questionable because she didn't know I was listening to her. But what Tony is speaking of is a real thing. So many people have now gotten into the podcast game. Michael Irvin saw that Dionne did it like everyone's now. There's so many podcasts out there. Yeah. So many demands on the podcast listener that it is a super interesting time in in creativity.


But I think a lot of people are feeling what Tony's feeling, which is like, man, I can't keep up with all the crap that's being made.


Well, there's too much. You start something, you start a series, you get halfway through the first episode like you did with Schitt's Creek. I mean, there's just stuff. There's so many things that I've started. And I am telling you, Netflix does a tremendous job of making you think every show is the greatest show you ever see in your life. Yeah, I mean, you click on the little thing for a preview, and it's a body of water, trees with no leaves and someone is drowned.


Yesterday we did them in reruns. I mean, so is TV. Turning to what Tony said, though, Tony, I feel you. I'm like the target demo, right? Given what I like and I put this off for months, despite people telling me how good it is, it's also hard to find Apple TV. Certain carriers don't carry Apple by principle, but it's a half hour and it flies. This is a type of show that you'll burn through in a week.


And I promise you, OK, I'm going to check it out, too. And I got everybody that doesn't have Apple TV hit me up. I got a little bit of a site that you can go on.


It's not that little. I got you guys. It's life changing.


Don't. Thank you, Tony.


Can we put that on the podcast God sent you with a hundred bucks from someone? What it did you bet one hundred dollars yesterday that Carlton wouldn't be on today. Oh, yeah.


Then where'd he go get them back. It was Levithan, wasn't it. Yeah. You never called me a hundred bucks. What's the best feel good TV show of all time, Roy? Come on, it is enough. It is enough.


Tony, that's such a good point by you. By the way, dude, it's killing me, man.


There's too much content. Yeah. We have to watch sports now, too. Right. But then I can't watch the show, that song because I'm watching sports. But then I don't really feel like watching anything.


But I'll never listen to a podcast once up in my car. Well, I said, LASO, what happened with me not getting around Atlanta was the NBA playoffs time and time, but now that the playoffs are over.


Yeah, but you got the big game this weekend, one o'clock CBS. You know how many times the Cleveland Browns have won at Heinz Field since they returned in nineteen ninety nine? Keep in mind, they play there every season. Yeah. And I guess. Yeah, five one was one.


Mike, you got to push past the first half of season one of Schitt's Creek. It gets like I was like almost kicked out of it and I stuck with it and it gets really good like the second season on.


All right. So I haven't really heard anybody sort of with my take on it, which is it just wasn't, for me really skeptical or like that's been my take from the jump.


I had this whole argument with Chris and Jeremy Tasha. They're champions for Schitt's Creek. And I was just like my wife just finished watching it probably like two weeks ago. And I would sit in and watch it and I get it. It is smart. The comedy is it just doesn't grab me. I just didn't really.


Did it grab it from the start? No, not from the start. It didn't matter to me. I don't know. It sounds weirdly.


Did it grab you from the start. Because I know you like Schitt's Creek. Yeah, I liked it. I like that. I mean, I'm still have to catch up on the last season because I couldn't, you know, is on TV, so I'm never going to get it. I know I need to watch the last season, but it's one of those things where I need to go back and do like a quick refresher of, like the previous season, maybe the previous couple episodes, because I binged it months ago.


So I need to make sure that I'm caught up so that I enjoy the last season and don't miss any jokes or anything. Yeah. You like Sudeikis. I do like Sidiki.


Yeah, he's good. Well he's just prime is here. So if you if, if you just think Jason Sudeikis is a likeable guy, you'll like Ted LASO because he just amplifies all the good stuff.


Can I get your guy's opinion on something, Dexter, because they're redoing the ending. So I watch that because so many people told me to watch it, that I would love it. And I did and I loved it. And then I got to the last season and though a little before the last season, I kind of jumped the shark for me.


I think it was maybe the last two seasons, so I never watched it.


Well, it's got a it's got a formula to it and you have to be creative to keep people invested. And so this is if it was too popular.


So it's like a do over like they realize from what I've read, I think they're catching up with the character after we last saw him and he became a spoiler alert.


If you haven't watched Dexter, because I know people watch shows differently now he moves to the wilderness and becomes a lumberjack. And keep in mind, like Deb, his sister is dead. So a lot of the character.


Oh. Don't you and watch Dexter? No, man, I bailed after the third season, you told me. Well, I told you. Spoiler alert. Come on. Oh, wait a second. You didn't. You can be mad that you missed. I know you bailed on that dude. This is pop culture. You didn't know that Dexter just moved away and became a lumberjack. How was that? That felt like it was inescapable. I'm surprised.


I think I knew that and I never even watched. I did have to remind myself that Deb is dead. So I think that they're just going to catch up with the character eight years. So I think that's how you spin that story into a win, because I am kind of curious, OK, what happens? A lumberjack Dexter did cure himself of of killing people. Is he in recovery and he needs to kill again. Right. Did you watch did you watch Dexter?


No, I did not know.


I'm not a single episode. Yeah, I could. I could.


But now I feel like I have to finish the bad part of it to enjoy the next part of it. I guess if they're going to just pick up where he's a lumberjack, I'm going to watch it to feel nostalgic. I think because I did like that show a lot was very good the first couple of seasons were, but it was from a time where you didn't really set out to do a miniseries and Dexter probably should have been a miniseries, because if someone goes in with a set idea of the story they want to tell, that's when you get the highest quality TV Sons of Anarchy I love Sons of Anarchy was one of my favorite shows of all time.


And then spoiler alert. Now, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do it. But it felt like they had nowhere to go after they told the story they needed to and it just went on two seasons too long. Do miniseries set out know exactly what your story is? Because then you'll end up being like Dexter, you'll just have to keep getting far fetched. That's the end of my PSA.

