How Do I Save Money With a Low Income? (Hour 1)
The Dave Ramsey Show- 1,316 views
- 1 Sep 2020
Home Buying, Home Selling, Debt, Savings, Career, Investing As heard on this episode: Christian Healthcare Ministries: http://bit.ly/2XBZfE3 Sign Up for a FREE trial of Ramsey Plus TODAY: https://bit.ly/31ricKt Tools to get you started: Debt Calculator: http://bit.ly/2QIoSPV Insurance Coverage Checkup: http://bit.ly/2BrqEuo Complete Guide to Budgeting: http://bit.ly/2QEyonc Interview Guide: http://bit.ly/2BuGnZE Check out other podcasts in the Ramsey Network: http://bit.ly/2JgzaQR
Fired from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions, broadcasting from the Dallas car radio studio, this is the Dave Ramsey Show where America hangs out with this to have a conversation about your life and your money. My name is Anthony O'Neal, co-host. With me today is the number one hot cars in the world, the one and only Dr. John Deloney. If you want to have a conversation with a author, a guy who's passionate about helping you out with your money, with your life, and with the guy who is sitting in the number one podcast position right now, he's helping America in my segment.
To be fair. Hey, hey, Anderson.
Your number one, I'm number one number one bestselling author, my segment two.
And nobody can ever take that away from your brother. So sit there and calm down. I got this. We want to have a conversation with you.
This guy is helping people with their relationships, with their mental health in America, is loving him right now.
Give us a call. Tripple eight eight to five five two two five eight eight two five five two two five. And Dr. John and myself would love to just, you know, give you our opinion on some things that's happening in the world today, help you out with your life and go from there. But, John, how does it feel earlier today?
Tell America what you told me. And our producer, James, shows that you would rather fail than succeed.
That's not exactly how I phrased it. How did you find it was this.
I was blown away.
I was blown away by the need of I was blown away by everybody support.
And, you know, we work with Dave Ramsey. I thought things would go successful. Yesterday we launched the Dr. John Delaney Show on podcast.
I thought it would it'd be neat and be fun to get to talk to some folks when they sent me the the snapshot last night where it was number one and in I think it was in health and wellness, whatever category and top 100 in the world, that was a humbling moment. And I'm a guy who has worked the last, like I said, decade to get off the grid, get off the Internets. And it freaked me out a little bit.
So I'm used to feeling more of my life than succeeding. And my life's been about dusted myself off and getting back on the horse again and again. And so just a neat moment and I'll fall and fail again. But today was a neat day, so today was a new day.
I mean, I'm loving it. Well, let's let's keep it on the list today, you guys. I'm trying try to go to the end where you can get your podcast. Apple, Spotify. Check it out. Is the Dr. John Deloney show to where he's going to get real and talk about your life, relationships and mental health challenges. You'll get the tools you need to cut through the chaos of anxiety, depression and disconnection. I want you to download the anxiety relief checklist on John Dell.
Only Dotcom, go to John Deloney Dotcom. Check him out on social media. The guy does you know, I'm a I'm a Ramsey. Ya know, I'm a pretty wild guy. I love doing stuff on the edge. Dr. John beats me in that area.
I don't think so. You are sophisticated at the social media. Yeah, but more stumbling and doing somersaults through social media. Yeah. There you go.
That's what I'm saying. So check him out. You got Jubilate 8255 225. Give us a call. And we would definitely love to help you out with your life and with your money. All right. Let's go ahead and help out some right now. Let's go out to Indiana, have a conversation here with Griffin Griffin. Good afternoon. How can Dr. John and I hope.
Hey, guys, how's it going? Don't good about yourself, man. Thanks for calling in.
Oh, good. So I had a question regarding your house. Um, I'm a senior. I'm a senior in college, and I just accepted a job offer, so I'll be there in the springtime. And I was wondering if I was in a good position to buy a house. And I was thinking about buying a house is like renting out rooms to other people and to save money and pay for the mortgage on itself.
So are you in are you are you about to graduate college, to screen college, about to graduate high school? I wanna make sure I have a correct cause.
I'm about to I'm about to graduate. I'm about to graduate college this spring.
OK, ok. OK, ok. That makes sense. It makes sense. Now you're about to graduate college. That means you about 21, 22 years out.
Yeah, I'm 22. OK, cool. And what kind of job are you going to get right now.
I got an offer and it's about seventy five. Seventy five a year. OK, cool.
How much debt are you in right now. Zero zero. How much do you have in your savings account? Thirty five to forty thousand.
35 to 40 out and kill. You're looking at about six months of your income since most of your expenses right there. OK. All right. Yeah.
Just like right now, I don't have much expenses at all being in college. I am on a scholarship, so it's like paying for basically all my stuff. So I love to be able to save lots of money. I love it. I love it. I love it.
You know, with that being said, man, you know, buying a house at your age right now with 60 grand in the account, you know, it's not a bad move. Here's the thing, though. I want you to put down 10 to 20 percent on a conventional loan. If you can do that and not touch your savings account, not touch your emergency funds. I'm all for it. You know, I think the earlier you can start investing because you've already laid down a solid foundation here.
Griffin, let's be real. You went to college debt free. You graduated in about 34000 in your savings account. You're going into a job profession to where are you going to be making about 70000 dollars a year after taxes. You'll see about maybe 1052 of that. And then from there, man, I mean, get your mortgage payment. That's within less than 25 percent of your Take-Home pay that at the age of 22. You know, you're a solid young man.
I mean, I want to see more young people doing what you're doing. Griffin So you got my blessings. You got me, and I salute you. That's amazing, brother. That's amazing.
What did you graduate degree in sales management? OK, yeah.
So you're going to be making some salesman. Well, that's that's awesome, Griffin. I mean, that's that's awesome. Congratulations on really laying down a solid foundation for yourself and John. That's something that. I'm really passionate about what's that helping young people do what this young man just did, hmm? Going to college, graduating debt free. Getting a nice job, graduating college with some money in their account to wear this way, they can be homeowners in a young 20s without struggling, without stressing that sucker off, you know, 20 to 30.
Come on, man. Yeah. If you are a homeowner and if you are already investing in your early 20s, you win.
You're winning.
Now, check this out for those you are. Listen, I'm in my 20s and I got 200000 with the debt. OK, cool, you can still win. But for those for those parents who are listening to me right now and you have a high schooler that's about to graduate here with the next few years, this is exactly why I fight the fight that I fight. This is why I'm always talking to young people, helping them get out of debt, helping them avoid debt, helping them invest earlier on, helping them, connecting them with you so that they can have clear head thoughts and have a clear mental vision of things that outweigh the earlier.
They start with a solid foundation, then the sooner they can really start enjoying their life and have a financial piece. I love it.
Hey, let me ask you a question, a follow up question. I'm trying to put myself into 22 year old Griffin's hit. Yeah. And I want to buy a house.
I'm clear. I've got my money where it needs to be save up for that 10, 20 percent down payment. Yeah, my temptation is, is to think I'm going to buy three or four bedroom house. It's going to have I'm gonna have roommates. And so I might buy a bigger house. No. With their with their income in mind. No, no. To buy a regular house that I can afford their incomes is going to pay my thing off fasters.
Right. And to be honest, I'm buying a house that I can afford, that I can do. And I'm not even thinking about renting it out because I want to live below my means. Get in, get in less than 25 percent for him. I'm getting right around 15 to 20 percent. And then from there, if someone needs a place to stay, I don't have a problem doing it because I don't need them. It's all gravy.
This all gravy. Your income, right? Man, this is a day. So give us a call.
Jubilate eight to five, five and two to five. People all over the country are discovering a faith based and budget friendly way of meeting health care costs through Christian healthcare ministries, Christian health care ministries, or S.A.M., is a non-profit organization that helps members carry one another's burdens with health care expenses, and they have successfully shared each other's medical bills for nearly 40 years. CFC H m is right for you by visiting S.H. Ministries. Doug c h. M is a proud sponsor of Dave Ramsey live events.
Going out to Los Angeles, California, to have a conversation with Jeff. Jeff, good afternoon. How can Dr. and myself help?
Am I doing the baby steps? And I'm at the point where I'm working on my home mortgage. And my question is, should I somewhere rental property in order to pay off my primary home of the rents are about nine hundred members of my mental illness.
OK. All right. How much is your rental property worth? Just over 600. And how much do you own it to? 62.
So you have about 400 some thousand equity in it. And how much would it take to pay off your primary residence? It would take to 15, so by the time I fix up the rental pay commission from taxes, I should have enough to clear out the debt right now.
It is my my home mortgage. OK, so so you have no know the consumer debt, just your home mortgage, and are you already investing into your, like a 401K Roth IRA or any type of retirement funds? Yes, fully great, so the answer for me is, yep, I'm still in a rental house today. Yeah, you'll be mortgage free baby by the end of the week.
Yeah, yeah. That's what I was thinking. I just wasn't sure if, you know, you can roller skate so you can roller skate down Ventura Boulevard debt free brother this weekend. Man, that's great.
So talk to me. What was what's the hesitation that this walk through that process? Why are you telling me this situation is.
I can imagine what I feel about 20 years from retirement when I retire to hold onto that property that would also be paid off and it would just provide an income for the rest of my life in addition to my employment.
What's your income right now? One thirty, one thirty in California. So, OK, that's a little above minimum wage in California, right? So here's what I remember.
I still I'm still going to recommend it, Jeff, because what are you saying? You're 20 years away from retirement. I will go ahead and just pay off your home. You. Do you plan on retiring in that hole?
Jeff. Well, in a couple of years, my wife and I want to move out of California and head to Tennessee or Idaho or Oklahoma, so I come here, come on to Tennessee.
Man, we would love to have you as a neighbor here in Tennessee. It'll be a lot cheaper than Los Angeles, California. Tell you that much.
That's the place. Yeah. So I would definitely pay off your home mortgage right now. Go ahead and make yourself 100 percent debt free and start building your wealth. And then what will be a good idea is you and your wife sit down, have a conversation. OK, but in the next 20 years, here's what I want to retire. Here's what I want you to retire as well. So let's go ahead and take these next three, four months, fix up the rental property, sell it, pay off our home mortgage, pocket this money, and maybe we save that to go build a cash rental property in Tennessee in the next 10 years.
And you definitely can't do that out here in Tennessee. And so now they are pushing that put you back in a position to where you were looking for some type of extra stream of income.
So that's what I recommend, Jeff, and put you in that position, Jeff, without the risk.
Yeah, because you don't risk the Los Angeles real estate market imploding on you again, like it did a few years ago, and you don't risk exactly your return.
Well, good right now. And I also had that in the back of my mind that that rental property was three 300 thousand dollars less than the world today, not too long ago. Yeah.
And and the renter just doesn't pay. And now you're not allowed to evict them until I don't know what the latest update is, April 2027 or whatever the thing is.
But yeah, if you invert it like Anthony was saying, man, you own all the risk.
Yeah. And a a future real estate investment in yourself for retirement is an investment. If you don't have it, if your house is worth nothing and you're still paying debt or that's not paying. So man, get it. Yeah. Be debt free in a couple of days. A couple of weeks. A couple of months. And man busting still your brother. That's awesome, man. Congratulations, Jeff.
Man, I'm excited for you. And these calls today are amazing. You you all give us a call. Jubilate 8255 225. We'll talk to you about your life and your money going out to Detroit, Michigan. We're going to have a conversation with Victoria. Victoria, good afternoon. How can got to deny help.
Hi. It's great talking to you. Yeah, I got a question. I made a stupid money decision.
I mean, we all have to talk to us. Welcome to the family.
Yeah, well, me and my husband, we bought a trailer to go convert the starter home. I'm on step to the baby step. And I'm wondering just because I appreciate in value so much, should I just take the loss and sell it and go to a rental property or should I include this in my debt snowball? How much do you own it? So I owe about forty thousand.
How much is it worth right now? It's worth twenty five to thirty thousand, OK? All right, 25 to 30000 to the if you get top dollar for your 18000 dollars in a hole, what's your income right now in your family? Household income? Forty five thousand.
Yeah. You're going to have a real hard time with a bridge loan, unsecured bridge loan for 45. I mean, for the difference between what you owe and what that thing's worth if you were to sell it. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah.
And we pay rent on the land and we pay a mortgage on the house. And that's not even including our other debt. Wow, yeah, you're in over your head, huh? Yeah. I'm just confused to the bank. How did they even approve you all with that? That's confusing. I'm not sure. Yeah, you're in a problem, we need we need to sell this, we need to sell it. When you were looking at the the value was at a private sale.
Yes. That was a private sale. The owner of the park here, the manufacturer from a trailer park, I believe they have deals with several mortgage companies. And so we just applied through them.
Hmm. OK, so here's what I want you to do. I want you to I want you to try and us try and sell this privately as far as and sell by owner. You might get a little bit more money from it. I don't think you can get 18000 dollars more from it, but you may be lucky to get about 35000 dollars in between you and your husband. You all need to figure out how you can get that other maybe, you know, ten, fifteen thousand dollars just to suck that up.
Right. That's going to be cash. I don't have a problem with you taking out a loan, but it's going to be hard for you to do that with your income. And if you taking out a loan for that, then it's going to hurt you down the road because I want to see your debt ratio go down. So right now, the best bet is how can we come up, baby? How do we work hard over the next six months?
Get it. Get us some cash. Say that put towards selling this property and they ain't going to. Yes. Get you a rental property like an apartment or a home that is less than 25 percent of your income.
Where do you guys live right now? I'm sorry, say that again. Where do you live right now? Well, we live in Oakland County. It was near Rochester Hills. It's in a park. It's in a trailer park. Yeah. And so why are you your child? I do that and. Where are we selling it, right, once I'm serious, whether we should sell it or not, because we depreciated so much right now working on our debt, we just paid off three credit cards.
We still the car payment and a student loan.
So you still live in this trailer?
Yes, we've been living here for two years and we just had our second kid, only a couple of months old. Gotcha.
OK, so if you sell this, where would you move to a rental? We would find an apartment. I wouldn't have a backup plan right now. But I'm just wondering financially, what's the best plan just because we're losing so much money? Yes, the best three best plan is to sell it.
Gotcha. OK, now I get what you're saying. Yeah, the best the best plan is to sell it because this is not an appreciating asset. This is costing you money. And honestly, to the homes and those trailer trucks, it's just it's just an unwise decision unless you have the money that you can't just go without. So I'm saying over the next three to six months, you're trying to figure out to come up with the cash to cover the difference and then you've got to sell it by the owner.
You know, here's a good thing. You don't have to rush.
It's. Go ahead. So just save up that cash rather than putting it towards a car loan or student debt right now. I mean, that's really got to be up to you, you know, right now, really, once you get out of that get out of that situation because you're losing a lot of money there. You can work debt snowball if you want. But if I'm in your shoes, I'm trying to get out of this situation right now A.S.A.P. That's what I'm trying to do.
Thanks for calling.
This is exactly why we teach baby steps, you guys. You know, we've really, really, really want to help people make the right decision. And it was a bad decision on her husband's part. But we've all been there. I've made bad mistakes. You've made bad mistakes. Chris Hogan's in a studio over there talking to our producers. He's made some bad mistakes. But you know what? We're here to walk into the process. What are the things I love about the Dave Ramsey Show when I'm on with Dave, with the personalities or about myself is our YouTube family.
If you ever just at home or at your office or anywhere near a computer and your TV, once you pull up YouTube, you'll be able to see all my facial expressions.
I can't hide them. Our associate producer, Kelly Daniel, was always laughing at me in my face with my facial expressions. And sometimes John looks a little weird, too. And you can see all of it. You can experience all of it. But the greatest part about joining the YouTube family is our amazing people that are on YouTube. And I want to give a shout out today to Rayna. Are I in a today is her birthday? No, I do not feel like singing, but I would definitely give Rayna a birthday shout out live on the Dave Ramsey Show in front of 17 million people.
And so when I'm on here, I love to connect with our YouTube family. They've been amazing to you and I, John. And so check us out. Go to the Dave Ramsey. I go to YouTube, Dotcom Faustus, Dave Ramsey, the day reality show life. And you'll be able to watch us live. About 2000 people on here right now watching this. So let's keep this conversation going and going out to Atlanta, Georgia, and talk to a baby.
Hey, buddy. Abe. Abe. Yeah. Hey, what's up, man? I had to I had to read it right. My brother. How are you, man?
Yeah, I was wondering. I work for Amazon, makes about fifteen dollars an hour. How do I save money doing that when everything I make expands. So.
So this batch right here. So you're making fifteen dollars an hour. What would you say you're you're bringing home. Pay is a you take home pay is a month. Every two weeks of the year 2000, so you make it about 2000 dollars a month. All right, cool. And how much debt are you in right now? I know that you don't have any debt. No, so you don't have any credit cards, no car loans, none of that.
I have a credit card, but I pay off every month and I have no home.
OK, so you have some form of debt. You just pay off your debt every month. This is this call. That call that that great was sure. Where are you living out right now. Home, family apartment. I'm going around, OK, you renting a room, so help me understand this thing, if you don't have a car note, you're saying that you're paying off your credit card every month, which I believe you need to go ahead and just cut it up, especially making 2000.
But you're renting a room. How much is your rent for the room? A month. No problem. So where's the 1500 dollars going towards a I don't know, probably two. I don't know what else, to be honest. Got so, so many bands come and go, oh, you know, so right now I see two issues.
Right. Let me help you out here. Because you remind me of me making a little bit of money, but I couldn't see where it was going. 2001, but I mean, you're making 24000 year, so number one issue is you need more income. OK, that's number one. But before you get more income, let me tell you what the bigger issue is. You don't know what you're doing with the little bit of income that you have right now.
To me with that. Show me Abey's that you're not being a good steward of the small resources that you have.
And so before we can get more financial resources, we need to be good stewards with the little that we do have.
And so what I want to recommend to you, have you ever taken a financial peace university before? No. OK. Have you ever heard of every dollar are budgeting out? Yes. OK. Have you ever used it? No. OK, that's a problem, you see where there is no vision. That's where people perish. And I believe that's the same thing for our money, where there is no vision for our money written down on paper, where there is no budget.
That's where our money perishes. You don't know what you're spending it on. So before you spend your money physically, you need to spend it on paper with a purpose. And so that's going to be my number one thing to you. We'll worry about the money down the road. But right now you need to know where every dollar of your money is going. If you ask me right now, I can tell you where 50 cents went. And trust me, I'm single because ladies don't they don't like the fact that I'm a budgeter.
You know, I know where every dollar goes. You need to know that as well.
What else do you think of John? I was thinking, No one, you're not single just because of that, but that was number one. But number two, I want to circle back to a question that a point that you made a second ago, Anthony, about how could you just make a fifteen dollars an hour? That's what I don't know, that's what they pay. I don't know how much is this an exaggerated offer? Where do you see yourself doing in two to three, five, six, seven years?
Hopefully move up and get a higher paying job with them. And so to circle back on what Anthony was talking about. If you lack this crystal clear intentionality, this like rabid attention, the words they use here, Ramsey, is this Gizelle intensity.
I am running for my life from a lion and the lion is unintentional.
Leakey Just calm whatever may I hope in a couple of years I got a different job and I'm making a little bit more money and I hope they just take care of me.
That's not how that works.
It is a a clear plan, a rigid vision. People in your life that hold you accountable.
And most importantly, Abe, you live in into Abe's vision. You sitting down with a friend, with a pastor, with with some bodies, with the significant other and saying, what do I want to be?
What do I want to contribute? And then you reverse engineer that and make that happen that way, right? Yeah. And so Anthony's so right. The budget is Omoto my money, how to work for me.
Not just I just got some money. It's here. Some of it goes and I get that man. I struggle with that every month. I wish I was a discipline as Anthony. I struggle with that. It's a it's a weekly monthly decision to be a steward. And then that same idea about a budget goes about your professional life, right? Absolutely.
And so here's what to do, Anthony. Let's give him financial piece and let's give him King Coleman's book, Proximity Principle. And these two things, the proximity principle is going to give you a plan on a step by step plan on how to build a good career advancement into your life, how to create a vision for where you want to go professionally and then go get it.
And then this budget thing's going to help you take control of your money. And more importantly, if you do it right and you stick to it, Abe, it's going to give you a roadmap for how to become intentional and disciplined with every part of your life.
Man And it will change your relationships, your financial future, your future, all of it.
Thanks for the question, man. Anthony, how many people that you talk to, you deal with money, are like our friend Dave, who's just kind of role and the check comes in.
I got a job. I'm so happy to get a job right. And I understand being in the world right now, just having a job is a gift and a blessing.
But it just kind of is what it is. It's what you pay. I'm cool with that. And then I hope four or five years things are going to be different. And I don't want my money went.
Yeah, there's a lot of them. But real quick, hold on a I want you to stand by and get Kelly on the phone with you. She's going to give you Ramsey Plus, which is Financial Peace University. Plus our every dollar app and your debt tracking, plus a copy of King Colman's book Proximity Principle. So, Kelly, take care of you there. Thanks for calling in, brother.
You know you know, John, that was me, man, you know, I mean, and it's a lot of people that are getting their paycheck. And when they hear the word budget, they hear a death sentence, they hear jail. So they hear, I can't enjoy life when they hear the word budget. And so a lot of people, they believe when I work hard, I'll get my money and I just do it. But I think a lot of people are sick and tired of getting their paycheck on Friday and then by Tuesday, the following week is going, hmm, you know, and then the key thing here that I heard him say, which took me back, was how do I how do I save money if it's already spent?
Well, he didn't have any debt. He's only paying five hundred dollars for for rent. And so I'm like, well, wait, wait. The problem is not you having no money. The problem is you're not being wise with the money you have. And that's that's the problem with America today. They're getting this money and they're not being good stewards with the little that they do have. They're not budging in it. They're not giving it a vision.
They're not going after something. And that has to change to make that change with me. And it would change with you all if you're listening here on the Dave Ramsey Show. Before we went to break, we were talking to a young man. That was making, you know, not a lot of money, but not horrible money, and we identify that a lot of people I was looking at the YouTube chat and like I know a lot of people who make fifteen dollars or less an hour.
And they had the same question. And and I suggested and John and I gave them Ramsey plus for free a copy. The can't call my book for free because we want to be a blessing. But you know what? We need more people to help us be a blessing, because the crisis this year has left a lot of people feeling scared about their money. And all they know is that they never want to be in this situation again, but they have no idea.
I mean, this guy has no idea where to start to get better with their money.
And that's where you can help and partner with us as a financial peace university coordinator. Coordinators are everyday folks like you listening, like you watching us on YouTube, like you listening to us in the car who walk people through our proven plan to dump debt, save for emergencies and build wealth so they can never have to worry about money again. Like Abe, you don't have to be a money expert to be a coordinator. We take care of all the teaching.
You can lead a virtual class from home. That means you can deliver hope from your house, from your living room, and just for leading will give you a free Ramsey plus membership for a whole year. That means you get all of our best tools and all of our best content so you can stay focused on your own goals while you're helping and serving others. You guys, as a coordinator, you can change someone's life. You can show them the way to take control of their money for good.
No more fear, no more sleepless nights, no more divorces, no more fear. I must say it again and no more sleepless nights to learn more which detects lead fpu lba fpu two three three seven, eight, nine again as lead fpu all one word. Two, three, three seven eight nine. Think about it, you guys, how many people are out there that need your help? Who can you help today?
One of the greatest things you can do if you're feeling anxious, if you're feeling down in the dumps, if you are worried about your job prospects, you are worried about just what to do next.
One of the greatest things you can do, Anthony, and this is this is neuroscience. It's to reach out and serve somebody else. Yes. Reach out and serve somebody else. And the cool thing about being an FBI coordinator, and I know it sounds self-serving, like we're trying to sell something. We are right. That's our business.
But it's bigger than that because when you become an FBI coordinator, you are committing to nine weeks of service.
There's a group of people that are going to be counting on you. You got to show up. And there's something about accountability that gets us to show up even when we don't want to.
We don't want to do this. I'm going to go. Yeah, and you're going to hear the little victories and the little wins and you're going to get the wind in your sales and you're going to respond to those emails a little bit more and you're going to show up again the next week and next week. And then what you're going to find is that these rising tides lift the boats.
Yes. And by pouring into somebody else's life, stop looking in the mirror going, woe is me. It was me. By pouring in other people, you're going to find yourself breathing a little deeper, sleeping a little harder, and you're going to have to to to look in the mirror and challenge your own spending habits in your own behavior habits, your relationship issues.
You're going to go home and say, hey, honey, let's let's I heard this a few tonight. Let's talk about this. Do as a couple. It'll bring your relationship closer together. But there's something about serving other people that does wonders for our body, mind and soul. And so I want to just encourage folks to get out there and give it a shot and definitely give it a shot.
It's something that I want to do when my time frees up. I actually want to lead a financial peace university class. One of our team members here, George, who used to lead the show here, hosted a show. He had a couple as well, virtually impacted so many lives. I've been a part of classes even after I became debt free. I will go like once a year just to be a part of the class and to see people in there crying and seeing I watched a older, wiser woman just get a thousand dollars in a savings account.
And she cried because she was able to have a thousand dollars in a savings account. She said, in a 72 years of me living and seventy two years, that's a long time. She's like a thousand dollars a fifty years ago was almost like ten thousand fifteen thousand dollars as she cried, I think of the tears of joy you can have by helping us serve people and watching their lives change before your eyes. Again, I want you to Texas lead FPU to three three seven eight nine lead FPU three three seven eight nine.
If you do it, I want you to do me. I'm a I'm a show.
All of our financial peace coordinators on Instagram love.
If you have ever led Financial Peace University class, you're about to lead a financial peace university class for the next 24 hours. I'm just going to repost all the people in the world who are helping us change lives. So follow me on Instagram at Anthony O'Niel. Tag me in there and I'm going to post we're going to show the world that we together are providing hope and we're getting rid of fear and we're changing people's lives. Going out to Columbia, Maryland, we could have a conversation here with Samuel.
Samuel, how can Dr. Day and I hope.
Samuel. Hey, man, we got a bad phone connection. Are you going to speakerphone or anything? Can you clear that up for us? Is that any better? Yeah, that's much better, man. All right, all right. How can we help, man? All right. So me and my wife. Twenty two and 21 years old, we're about to graduate college debt free and with savings. Yeah. And we are about ready to start investing.
So I met with the Dave Ramsey LP and then some of my family got my ear about fees and using Vanguard and stuff like that. I know some of them are doing pretty well financially, so I got a little nervous and I just wanted to get a better understanding of why Dave Ramsey recommends using any of the investment professional. Because I just I want to do it right. I'm a perfectionist and I. I don't want to lose a lot of money to pull that up.
Well, if you don't want to lose a lot of money, Samedi, you what? You want to go with the actual human being. You want to sit down with someone that's actually sitting in this place every single day. Vangard, you will deal with a human being, but a lot of their stuff is computerized. So that's why their fees are a little bit lower. Actually, it could be a good a good amount lower. You know what, you being young and I'm birute you to young Samuel, I have a LP that I a smart vestor I would say are the handles all of my investment.
Dave Ramsey is a multimillionaire. He has a couple of smart investors and his investment. And so what I'm going to recommend for you right now, I'm at this age, your wife's age, graduating 100 percent debt free. Do you have a fully funded emergency fund, SAMU? Yes, we do. We have about forty seven thousand dollars and say about whether that is our legacy. So that's what I'm talking about.
Is there a house in the future or do you already own a home?
Yes, houses in the future. We're not sure exactly when, just based on we might be moving in the next two years. So House is definitely in the future, but investing is kind of just on our minds right now.
That's good. That's good. Yeah. I want you to see a smart Vesterbro because you can call them, ask them questions. And here's the thing that I tell people about smart versus the pros and sit down a human being. I don't just give them the money.
OK, one thing I love about my smart vestre, he he actually teaches me like, teach me what you're doing with my money, OK? Why are we doing is OK. Why did you say go here. OK, wait what is this. Well with Vanguard you can ask that question. They're not, they're not going to try and give you the education behind that process. They just want to get your money, go ahead and invest it and then let the computers do everything else.
Know what I love about a smart vest?
The pros are they will invest, they will educate, and then they will also answer questions. And so I actually sit down and have coffee with my guy at least once a quarter because I want to update my portfolio. And he makes suggestions. He educates me on the reason why. If I come to him with the question or I say, hey, I don't like this, I want to look into this. And if his answer is no, it's not like, no, don't do this is hey, let me get an education behind why I'm about to say no, sir.
That way, Anthony, you can make an educated decision. So that's that's what I'm saying.
Stick with a smart Vesterbro brother and you are going to be all right.
Well, Daddy, that's the first out of it. Thanks for thanks for a fun show, man.
And it's always fun with you. One thing, our producer, James, associate producer. Kelly, it's a great day off. Just getting started. This is The Dave Ramsey Show.
Hey, it's Kelly, associate producer and phone screener for The Dave Ramsey Show.
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Hey, it's James, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. This episode is over, but check the episode notes for links to products and services you've heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening.