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All right, Alexandria, let's talk about the Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, 24th, 25th of December, Color Revolution that took place in Serbia. Failed attempt at a Color Revolution that took place in Serbia in Belgrade, organized by the umbrella party, Serbs Against Violence, who are pro-EU and yeah, a cobbled together group of five or six individual parties put together under this umbrella name, Serbs Against Violence. They try to pressure the Vuchage government into having a do-over of the election specifically in Belgrade. What are your thoughts on what took place in Belgrade and we'll discuss it further.


First of all, can I just say that I have absolutely no reason to doubt the results of the elections that we've just had in Serbia. I haven't been to Serbia now for many years, but I know lots of people from Serbia. You have been to Serbia several times recently. You've been able to gage the mood there. I've been able to a certain extent to gage the mood there from the various contacts that I have there. There is no reason to doubt these results. Vuchish's party, as I understand it, won a massive, huge margin. It's likely to be in coalition with the Socialist Party, which is the former party of Sir Woddyan, Milošovic, by the way, they will have a convincing majority in the Serb Parliament. Even in Belgrade, yes, this is where, as is normal in most of these countries, you will find the people who are pro-EU, pro-NATO, all of those people, concentrated. But even there, the likelihood is that a clear majority of people support Vuchage and... Not Vuchage, the socialists, and that the elections in Belgrade reflect the real views of people there. Now, we have seen this play out so many times.


I'm going to say, it's almost boring now. The way in which we have the same pattern. I mean, you remember Russia 2011 when there were the parliamentary elections there? United Russia sweeps the board outside Moscow, does slightly less well in Moscow itself. The result is protests by a small group of people in Moscow, never numbering more than about 30, 40, 50,000 in total. But they protest. Vast amount of publicity. We see the same in place, after place, country after country. Serbia is just the latest example. But it also tells us a few things, which is that people, governments have become increasingly familiar with these tactics. The Serbs say were tipped off by the Russians that this was going to happen. I'm sure the Serbs didn't need to be tipped off by the Russians in advance to know that this was going to happen. It's not going to work because as I said, the parliamentary results are almost certainly correct. It's not like Belarus, for example, where you could perhaps argue that the results were inflated, even though there was no doubt in my mind that Lukashenko won. But in Serbia, I've no doubt the results are correct.


Most people in Serbia do not support this. The Serbian government was ready for it. Although this affair exposed, again, is the shallowness and weakness of the pro-Western opposition in Serbia and the way in which it runs its old tactics in exactly the same way. The giveaway that this is all a sign of operation, if I can put it like this, is the name of this umbrella group, Serbs Against Violence. First of all, that is not any political program. It doesn't tell you who they are. But notice how what it tries to imply, we are against violence, that means that the government, which we oppose, is in some way pro-violence. Of course, though we are against violence and the government is pro-violence, that doesn't mean that we can't engage in violence ourselves because we can try and storm local government buildings, which they tried to do. But that isn't violence, that's anti-violence of some kind. I think this is the mind games. There's a man called James Chappaqua in the United States, who wrote up a manual for all of this. This is straight out of that manual. It tells you exactly who's behind it. Now it's laid out.


But as I said, governments around the world, governments in Belarus, governments in Serbia, governments, of course, in Russia, know this game now backwards. If a government is strong, as Vuchishes is. And if it has the support of most people as Vuchis's is, and if it has the support of most people, as Vuchis's government does, they will see it off.


Yeah, I like this new tactic that the EU has put together, the Collective Health has put together in order to get a regime changed during an election where they put together five or six very small parties. They put them together under one umbrella party, and then they run them against the incumbent number one party, in order to get enough of a percentage vote to remove the person that they don't want an office. This worked in the Czech Republic, barely. It barely worked in the Czech Republic, but it did work.




Hungary, Orban saw it off. He crushed this umbrella coalition. But once again, the EU, they did this again with Serbia. And there are many reports from the media in Serbia which is saying that the one country that was behind this, and actually, Vuchish put out a statement and he said they know which country was organizing most of this. And the media, of which Vuchitch is very close to, they're basically saying this was all coordinated by Germany. This is what they're saying. Germany has denied this, Deutsche Welle has denied these claims. But it's the same old story with regime change like Maidan or instances like that. But you have to admit the EU has put a new twist to it with these umbrella groups and the names that they give them. I mean, this is cheating what you think of it. I mean, you're cheating on the election right away by creating this name and then putting together all these parties. You're misinforming the people, misdirecting the people.


Well, absolutely, you are. You're faking the nature of the political movement that you're purporting to support. Now, of course, in the Czech Republic, it's important to say that opinion there is much more finely balanced. There is very strong opposition to the policies that the EU has been running, perhaps ultimately majority support. But opinion in Prague is very strong in support of the EU. There are other people across the Czech Republic who are also very keen in support of the EU. You could pull it off there. In Belarus, it was tried. I think, as I said, President Lukashenko at the beginning made some mistakes, but he very quickly brought the situation under control as we remember. In Serbia, where Vuchic has long experience of dealing with this thing. Remember, Serbia has been through a color revolution before. The one that's brought down Milošovic. Vuchic is very experienced about this. So are the Serb people. There's no possibility that this will work.


What does this do to Vuchic?


Makes him stronger.


What does this do to Vuča? How does this change? Well, how does this change him? Because Vuča has been... He does remind... A lot of people tell me don't compare him to Lukashenko, but I do compare it to someone like Lukashenko or Erdouan in the sense that he does play both sides. That's not a bad thing, by the way. But his strategy has been to keep the West on side, to keep Russia on side, and to just walk that tightrope. He does it very effectively, as does Erdoán, as did Lukashenko once upon a time until—and this brings me to my question to you—until the collective West got greedy and they wanted to remove Lukashenko, even though Lukashenko was not hostile to the collective west or the EU, but it wasn't enough. They wanted him gone. And what did it do for Lukashenko? Lukashenko said, Okay, now I'm 100 % with Russia. How does this affect Vuchitch? Does Vuchitch say, No, you guys have gone too far. I play nice with you all. I would make deals with you guys. Yes, I was friendly to Russia, but I was also friendly to you. But now you guys tried to stab me in the back.


Does does this affect Vuchitch in.


That way? Yeah. Before I answer that question, can I just say that just getting back to your earlier point, of course, the idea of cobbling together various parties to create an opposition, which can then challenge the incumbent, was exactly what they tried to do in the election in Turkey as well. It failed there also. Just to make sure-.


That's right. The recent elections.


The recent elections, exactly, which are the one, of course, convincingly one. In fact, in Turkey at least, it consolidated support behind Erdoán. I suspect it's done exactly the same with Vuchic in Serbia. People saw through it. Now, what will it do to Vuchic? The important thing to understand is that Serbia is in a much more vulnerable position geopolitically and geographically than Belarus is. Belarus does not have a border. Belarus has a border with Russia. Serbia doesn't. But Serbia is surrounded by NATO states. It's isolated. There's always risks to its communications corridors, which have to pass through countries like Bulgaria and Greece. It's been denied access to the sea. You remember there was an uprising in Montenegro, which overthrew the government there, which was a pro-NATO government. Then NATO pulled out all the stops and they brought back that government back into power. So, Serbia is in a much more vulnerable position. It's got a border with Hungary, which is important, but Hungary also, when all is said and done, is still a NATO state. It's also encircled. It's not got borders directly with Russia. That automatically obliges Vukash to play a balancing game. And he's got more reason to do it ultimately than Lukashenko does.


Lukashenko could make a choice. He could say, I'm 100% with the Russians as he is now. But Vukashenko doesn't have that option. He's going to have to continue to play a balancing game. Because if he doesn't, he knows that the pressure points will grow. He knows, for example, that another crisis will be engineered in Kosovo or another will be engineered in Bosnia. He's played this game with incredible skill and he will continue to do it. At the same time, he knows, as do most Serbs, where the pressure is coming from. Though he will be made stronger by these events, he will play for time. He knows the way the drift of events now. He knows that the Russians are winning in Ukraine. He knows that the Bricks are getting stronger. He knows that Eurasia is creeping closer and closer all the time. He will bite and play for time. He will continue to play the balancing game. But gradually, ever so slowly, he will become increasingly more aligned with the Chinese and with the Russians.


Yeah. All right, we will leave it there, theduran. Locals. Com. We are on Rumble, Odyssey, Pitchhoot, Telegram, Rockfin, and TwitterX and go to the Durand shop. 20% off. Use the code Christmas Day. Take care. Christmas 20. Sorry. Take care.