The History Of Curb Your Enthusiasm With Jeff Garlin & Susie Essman- 945 views
- 1 Feb 2024
Jeff and Susie discuss *The Pants Tent* from season 1.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Hey, this is Dana Schwartz. You may know my voice from noble blood, Haleywood, or stealing Superman. I'm hosting a new podcast, and we're calling it very special episodes. A very special episode is stranger than fiction.
It sounds like it should be the next season of true Detective. These canadian cops trying to solve this mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.
Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
What up, guys?
Ola catal.
It's your girl. Cheekies from the cheekies.
And chill and dear Cheekies podcasts. And guess what? We're back for another season. Get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice, discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. I'm sharing my experiences with you guys, and I feel that radio app Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
A small town with secrets hidden for centuries.
You turn up in Danville, just as the town sees its first real crime.
In decades and a curious stranger who may be their only chance for survival.
I'm talking about the murder and disappearance in small town New Hampshire.
What do you think this is? Consumed, an all new supernatural audio thriller inspired by the novel by Aaron Manke.
I did not wake up this morning prepared to deal with forces beyond my understanding.
Please, I call that breakfast.
Listen to consumed on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Hi, it's Jenna Ashkowitz and Kevin McHale, hosts of and that's what you really miss. Podcast.
We're reliving the magic of McKinley High by watching all six seasons of Glee.
We have exclusive interviews with some of your favorite glee cast members like Chris Kofer, Amber Riley, Darren Chris, Heather Morris, Alex Newell, and so many more.
Meet us in the choir room while we reveal our greatest memories and untold stories.
Listen to and that's what you really miss. Podcasts on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
You can watch the original episode we'll be discussing in every other episode of HBO's Curb your enthusiasm, including the new and final season on Max. You can also watch the video version of the history of Curb your enthusiasm podcast on Max and YouTube as well. Links available in the episode description.
Hi, I'm Jeff Garland.
I'm Susie Esman. We are now going to do season one, episode one, which was the first time the theme song was played. Was played?
Yes, it was not played in the hour pilot, and it was missed.
You hear that and you immediately get into the head.
I have to tell you myself, I was in love with it from the second I heard it.
So, you know, maybe we could just quickly tell the story of how Larry found.
A few years prior to this, he heard a. It's called Frolic, written by an italian composer. And he heard it. It was on some bank commercial or something. And he said to Laura, who was his assistant at the time, currently our ep, find me that song. And she did. She tracked it down, and then he chose to use it.
And this is prior to even thinking about doing well, no, the Internet existed at this time, but it was not what it is now. So there's still quite a bit of work in finding something like that. Really. A bank commercial and the song frolic. Now, you put those two things in a search in a Google, and it probably comes up. Might not like if you put in Pirates of the Caribbean and lotion, what would come up?
Copper tone.
By the way, you're close. Yeah.
So this first episode is called the Pants Tent.
What I noticed is there is some interstitial music, but not as much as.
There came only one of them. Do we continue to use. It's the one that you do.
Yeah. Which is my favorite one. And this is 2000 that we shot. This, I believe. I believe it was the winter of 2000.
And it's called the pants tent. And right up front, this is such a typical Larry, the pants tent. That's such a typical thing that he would notice. And it's about his pants that are just too well.
No, everyone notices. Every guy who's ever wore a pair of khakis, especially with pleats. Yeah. It goes up. And I know comedically, I've always thought if I sit down, someone's going to think I have an erection.
That never would have occurred to me.
And I guarantee somebody's done that in their standup and it didn't work. Just my gut feeling could be because it's not that funny unless you're watching it.
Yeah, well, it's a visual.
Yeah. It only works as a visual. And. Yes. So Larry took it to a visual place.
And this is the first episode. I'm in.
We'll get to you when we get to you.
Yeah. Okay.
Don't rush. We're here. We're going to get to you. So I want to talk about the pants tent thing, which this is one of those things that we've done a million times, which is the minutiae. Larry likes noticing the minutiae and then taking it in a place where you don't expect. So when you see him playing with his pants at the beginning, you don't have a clue of what. I bet this, I bet that. No, you can't bet. You don't know. Yeah. Cheryl's friend, you know, is going to rub his arm. And also, by the way, early on we see Larry's first annoying face. And that is when Cheryl hands him the phone. He's bewildered and annoyed. Cheryl won't go to the movies.
Her girlfriend is on the phone. Robin Rosen.
Roseanne Rosenne.
Roseanne, yeah. Yes.
Who was at the time married to Mike Myers. But I don't think anymore.
Well, I've known her. No, she's not. She's actually, I wrote her down other places just to mention her. But we already.
And she's lovely. And she was great.
She was great episode.
Yeah. So when she hands him the phone, I'm watching and feeling the frustration and the embarrassment of which grows later, but he's like upping the ante. So at this point he's pissed. He has to go with her. What does he say to her? And then he's meeting her at the.
Movie, which I find, by the way, a little bizarre.
Why, that she's meeting him there?
Well, no, I would never say to my husband, go with my girlfriend to the movies.
Well, yes. I'm trying to think if my wife of your ever said that to me. And I think my wife of your always felt better when I was attending something with someone. That's part of her story because it's accountability. But that could also be a man or a woman.
And she would be joyful. Like if I was going to Chicago, where I'm from, the more time I spent with her family, the happier she was even though she didn't say anything otherwise. So I think this is not that unusual for a wife to say her best friend with Larry. She knows nothing's going on.
Well, yeah, I know, I know. But to volunteer him that way. But then there's the storyline.
So whatever. Wait a second. Take a step back from that. There is a storyline, but whatever. One of my problems with being involved in other projects is they're never truthful to the truth. They never do things in a realistic form. And I'll talk about it with them or examine that and they'll tell me I'm thinking too much. I've gotten that on many sitcoms. Don't logic me up. I've actually gotten that phrase said to me now you want to nitpick this and that. He wouldn't turn his head in that direction. And by the way, on curb we even say those things about the way someone looks at someone, but people would get angry at me when I would do that. And so on this show you said you wouldn't, but I think someone might do that.
It wasn't completely out know the realm of possibility.
It just, it was closer than the realm. Don't realm me.
It struck me as OD that she would do that.
But I accept that it struck you as OD. But don't go to realms. Let's keep going.
So the other thing that's set up in this episode is Larry's issues with Lewis's girlfriends, which happens a lot.
Well, yeah, this was the first one. The first one, Sophia Milos, who by the way, I had seen her on the Sopranos. Beautiful girl. Beautiful girl. She was perfect for the role.
Because she was angry yet beautiful. We used her a couple times, two or three times because she was a great foil for Larry as well as.
But correct in that there seems to always be issues with Lewis's girlfriend, which is always funny, always hilarious, always funny.
Now I want to say the first scene after that when he's driving in his car to the movies is the first time I'm introduced in the series. I'm on the, you're on the phone, on the speaker phone and we're talking.
Spoka, by the way, to not tell somebody that they're on speaker, by the.
Way, and I'm not talking Jeff Garland because I would never do that. But Jeff Green, clueless, of course he's going to do that. And that's not out of the realm. That is big bowl of, in the realm. That's a target of him being an idiot. And as soon as Larry says, I'll check with Hitler or know Hitler, he's.
Referring to his wife as being.
Yeah, basically what happens is he calls me, we're talking, and then he asks me a question. He says, I'll ask, have to ask permission of Hitler, which is an extreme. And I hate when jews do the extreme. He did it for the joke, but people do it. I don't think Larry David would ever use that said. And then the characters played by Louis Nye and Mina Culb, which I'll get into in a, you know, they're screaming because they're in the car and he's very upset.
Very upset, which ultimately ends up getting him in a lot more.
Well, the entire episode is about him apologizing nonstop to everybody, which many episodes are okay.
So now comes the first funny thing. And this is not some. If we played a clip, this would not be funny because you wouldn't hear it. But the movie theater where he's at says the name of the movie. It is pre digital expertise. In other words, it looks like someone put one of those tape things you use to.
Yeah, the tape guns. The label makers.
Label makers. It looks like someone digitally put a label maker in the thing outside to say what was playing with the flashing lights and everything. It looked so bad.
I see. I didn't even notice it.
Oh, I burst out laughing. It was horrible. Horrible.
What was it?
I don't remember the name of the movie. He saw a specific name of the movie and it looked horrible. All I want to say is, if that happened nowadays, I couldn't watch the rest of the episode. I'd be obsessed.
But because our expectations just completely change as technology. Well, yeah, because it's like when they used to watch old kinescopes, it seemed normal to them.
Right? I love old kinescopes. Did you know the third year of curb? You might not have known this. All kinescopes. Yeah, we went for a time machine. By the way, the pauses are. We got notes. I have ADhD. What do you have? What's your excuse for using notes?
I am old.
She's old. I'm old. And I have a ADHD. Therefore we watch these. We have to make notes.
We have to make notes. Right now it's 111 episodes.
People who have a skill set, they can do that.
By the way, young Jeff, I'm like twenty s. I could have remembered every beat of the episode and every thought I had.
Now at 60? Don't have a fucking clue. All right, let's see here.
So the thing to me that was, and I definitely want to get to.
Your point, and you were right, by the way, in terms of Larry and his uncomfort with all of Richard's girlfriends. And it creates so many problems. But you know what else stood out to me? How handsome was Richard Lewis?
Yeah, I know.
I noticed that luxurious thought. Oh, and that guy was playing Carnegie hall, big comedian. I thought, wow, he had to have lived a life. I know, a little more than he wanted to visa know alcohol and drug abuse.
Well, he actually.
And by the way, I say that with full permission, but by the way, you could say to him when we weren't rolling at any time, and I love to do this. Hey, Richard, how long you been sober? He could tell you to the.
He said the two things Richard likes to say all the time is that he's been sober for x number of years. I don't know what it is. And that he sold out Carnegie hall in 1989.
By the way, those are two of the big ones. And by the way, this is what's beautiful. Also, I can pretend like I didn't know that information, even though he's told it to me one on one, a minimum of a dozen times. I can go in the same conversation. Wait, did you ever play Carnegie hall? And he'll tell you. And he'll tell you the date. He's very proud of that for very much so. I'm never playing Carnegie hall unless this show becomes popular and you and I are sitting on a stage together. And then the other thing, same conversation. I'll go, you're sober, right? How long? And he would do it all the time, and I loved it.
And he's very proud of that because he worked very hard at it.
Well, both of them, yes. I'm not making fun of him, but I'm making.
Is, you know, trying to get through the aisle. And he passes. What was her name? Sophia. What was her name? Sophia. He passes Sophia, who's Richard's girlfriend, who won't move her legs, and she very angrily accuses him of looking at her breasts.
And do you know what he replies? You wear that dress because you want people to look at your shoes. Right? What's always funny is the discovery with Larry, because he has before and since done these things where he's done something bad to Richard's girlfriend and then realized, not knowing girlfriend, he likes her a lot. Anyhow. What was amazing to me, which we would never do now, and this is not even of its time, we allowed the flashing lights of the sign above to be going in every direction. So it's like watching people in a disco at night having a conversation with all the flashing lights, and the disco ball would be right above them. It was so distracting and unsettling.
Well, I think stylistically, the show was just finding itself.
This was, by the way, I agree. But still, I look back and I go, wow, that sucked.
Yeah. And also, the technology's changed.
What technology could we do to stop flashing lights?
Turn them off. Right now we have switches.
But by the way, what did they have back then? You had to crank them off.
We'll be right back. Stay tuned.
Hey, this is Dana Schwartz. You may know my voice from noble blood. Haley Wood, or stealing Superman? I'm hosting a new podcast. And we're calling it very special episodes.
One week, we'll be on the case with special agents from NASA as they crack down on black market moon rocks. H. Ross Pro is on the other side, and he goes, hello, Joe. How can I help you? I said, Mr. Perot, what we need is $5 million to get back a moon rock. Another week, we'll unravel a mystery.
It sounds like it should be the next season of true detective or something. These canadian cops trying to solve this 25 year old mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.
A very special episode is stranger than fiction. It's normal. People plop down in extraordinary circumstances. It's a story where you say, this should be a movie. Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
What up, guys? Ola ketal. It's your girl. Cheekies from the cheekies and chill. And dear cheekies podcasts. You've been with me for season one and two, and now I'm back with season three. I am so excited. You guys get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice and discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. For a long time, I was afraid of falling in love, so I had to. And this is a mantra of mine or an affirmation every morning where I tell myself it is safe for me to love and to be loved. I've heard this a lot. That people think that I'm conceited, that I'm a mamona. And a mamona means that you just think you're better than everyone else. I don't know if it's because of how I act in my video. Sometimes I'm like, I'm a baddie. I don't know what it is, but I'm chill. It's cheekies and chill.
Listen to cheekies and chill and dear cheekies as part of the Tura Podcast network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Hi, it's Jenna Ashkowitz and Kevin McHale, hosts of. And that's what you really miss, podcast.
We're reliving the magic of McKinley High by watching all six seasons of glee.
Whether you were Team Rachel, shipped curtain Blaine, or couldn't get Enough of Sue Sylvester's zingers, we've got you covered.
Join us every week as we dive deep into the world of show choirs and teenage drama. We're breaking down every episode from the highs of nationals to the lows of slushy attacks.
We have exclusive interviews with some of your favorite glee cast members like Chris Kofer, Amber Riley, Darren Chris, Heather Morris, Alex Newell, and so many more.
Plus, we're taking you behind the scenes with the creators, writers, producers, and crew members like Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, and executive music producer Adam Anders.
We're even getting the chance to chat with the music icons whose songs were featured on the show, from the go gos to Jason Moraz to Rick Springfield.
Meet us in the choir room while we reveal our greatest memories and untold stories.
Listen to. And that's what you really miss. Podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
911. What's your emergency? You have to send someone. What's going on?
Well, whatever it is, that's our entire emergency force. On the way somewhere, they're saying there's.
A body in the woods.
Excuse me, I don't seem to recognize you. That's because I'm not from here.
A small town stuck in the past.
There's only one cell tower, and currently.
It'S out of order, with secrets hidden for centuries.
We hear things, you know, when they whisper or when they think they're alone.
And a curious stranger who may be their only chance for survival.
I'm talking about the murder and disappearance in small town New Hampshire. What do you think?
I'm sorry. Have you ever listened to a single true crime podcast?
You turn up in Dansville. Just as the town sees its first.
Real crime in decades, this is consumed, an all new supernatural audio thriller inspired by the novel by Aaron Manke.
I did not wake up this morning prepared to deal with forces beyond my understanding.
Please. I call that breakfast.
Listen to consumed on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
And we're back. So there's that whole interaction at the theater, and then he's upset because he has this fight with this woman who he doesn't know who she is, who we find out later as Lewis's girlfriend and Cheryl's friend Nancy, to calm Larry down, starts just gently rubbing him.
Yeah, but they're not even outside. Then my mistake for jumping, passes her with his popcorn. He sits down next door. He complains about it. She can see he's upset, rubs his arm. And by the way, may I add a little extra rubbing there?
Little extra rubbing? Yeah, you thought so.
I didn't think because a couple of pats. That's pleasant. She went for. I'm trying to give you an erection. Let's make out now before the now.
Do men get erections from rubbing their arms?
Can I be honest with you?
Those who are lucky enough surely do.
Okay. Larry did not get an erection, but he assumed that he did because something.
Insane that we'll talk about shortly.
Go ahead.
No, it'll come.
Okay. When it comes and all of that goes down. But he did not have an erection.
Of course not.
She just assumed so.
Okay, so if you're going out to a movie with a friend of your wives or a female friend of yourself, that is not romantic, and you're involved with somebody else, and someone rubs your arm, even in a sexual way, more than, let's say, a half a dozen times, you'd either say something or force your brain to not get an erection because you can. You can force it down like, no, you don't want to insult.
You have tremendous control.
No, by the way, I'm not saying it's a date and you're single and they're single.
Right? No, it's the situation.
Someone's close to your wife or it's a friend of yours, you'd go, I'm not going to get involved in this. When I said definitely. By the way, of those of you listening to the show, I'm going off on a lot of tangents and I want to apologize. We'll see where that goes. And maybe part of the show, I don't know. But as of now, a lot of tangents so far. We'll see. Keep going.
So that's all done. They go outside. He sees Lewis. He finds out that this woman is Louis's girlfriend. They're supposed to have dinner the following weekend. He's like, I'm not having dinner with them.
No way.
Well, that's when the next scene, he goes home and says to Cheryl, we're supposed to have dinner, but that's not happening.
That's not happening. And he tells Cheryl, the pants tense about. He very smartly tells Cheryl that her friend Nancy thought he had an erection.
Well, by the way, you have to do that.
But he neglected to tell her that she was rubbing his arm.
Which is an important thing. Left out.
I'm jumping ahead. But the next episode, which is about episode two, I have something to say about that. The explaining.
Okay. All right.
I know where you're going. I know the whole episode is about apologies and then comes back, the whole issue with your parents and him saying sorry on the machine.
And Cheryl wanting to know why he said he was sorry. And that's. Again, he's digging a hole. Digging a hole. Digging a hole.
Well, there were three things that pile up, and they're all of his own doing. Now. A lot of times on the show, my character is responsible for him digging a hole because he gives him advice. But also when he tries to help me with you, a stickler, I'm in everything everyone does on this show that is not Larry or I. It has no effect on them, whatever they do. If Larry or I are involved, and obviously together, it's digging bigger holes after bigger holes. Basically, I'm attached to Larry's trouble 90% of the time.
And 90% of the time that you're in trouble with either me or Cheryl.
Yes, obviously more so me with you. Although I think I'm saying you split it up nicely early on, as we talked about in the first episode, Cheryl and I, she didn't like me. I was trying to work through that. My client's know, but she did not like me. The character I'm talking about, cheryl Hines, loved me from the get go. And I say that in a gentle voice.
Now. Was there a discussion when you started doing the series that you're going to change that dynamic?
Yeah. No, Larry made that decision as he was writing the episode.
So he made that. That was a conscious decision.
Conscious decision. And HBO, that was one of the only notes they had. We like the conflict. He says, I don't want to do that.
And by the way, I don't know if this was the last season of it or the second season was this season. He had not finished all the outlines when the season started. So it was a lot of work for him to go back to the office when we weren't shooting and write the outlines. See, now when we go to work, as you know, they're all. Before we even show up. We've read all ten episodes and they change very little.
But you and Cheryl in the show, Jeff Green and Cheryl David, I don't remember that there's any time that you're ever really close. There's just not.
No, but we're very copacetic.
Yeah, you're fine.
I mean, I think that we even get to a point where she just accepts me like Larry's arm.
Right, right.
You know what? Here, I have no problems with it. But even then, I think she got mad at me maybe once during the season or twice. She's kicked me out of the house before. I remember.
Yeah, I remember what I'll discover when we watch. Yeah, I remember?
And let me also add this. I watch these with my girlfriend Sari, and it's fun to see it through her.
Somebody else's eyes. Yeah.
She does talk too much when we watch things, but other than that, fun to watch it through her eyes. It is because I have to pause a lot because of her. So I'm not really just absorbing, but I pause a lot because I want to write something down. But bonus for her.
All right. So it's mistake after mistake, alienation, one after the other. The Hitler thing. Lewis confronts him.
Better call me by sundown. There's a potter going to come get me. That's right.
He comes up with shit. And then Larry has to come to our house to apologize to your parents for the Hitler thing. But in the interim, he has left a message saying he's sorry. And so he has a conflict with Cheryl. So it's all very interwoven.
So let's talk about Louie and Mina.
No, let's talk about what happens before Louie and Mina. That's more important.
What are you talking about?
Larry walks in the house. What's the first thing he sees?
I don't know.
Oh, me? Yes. The first thing he sees is you.
Wanted to skip your introduction into the show. What are you. And the fact you were lost on it is a bonus.
Well, I don't remember.
You know what? You are old.
I am old.
We just watched it.
Okay, so, yes, he does see me. He does see me. And what's interesting is that house we rented, that was a house up in the Hollywood hills, if you recall.
We were there for a number of seasons.
I think only two. I think they had to leave after the second season because the parking was too.
Getting up through the hills was with the trucks. By the way, the fact we chose that initially makes no sense. I like that house a lot.
We had a completely different group that was producing and all of that at that time.
Sandy Chanley.
And I said, like, I'm introducing her on a variety show. Sandy Chandler.
And there was the blonde. You know who I'm talking know.
I know. I know. I call him the blonde guy. I repeated his name last night. I go, I remember to talk. All good eggs, by the way.
Yeah. And I don't know. The machinations of why.
Can I be honest with you? In my entire life, I'm 60 years old, I've never used the word machinations.
Really? Wow. Maybe you will now.
Could be more likely. I'll say that I knew the word but never used it.
What happened was did you guys audition people for that role?
You hadn't auditioned?
I can tell you.
You tell what you know and I'll tell what I know.
Well, what I know is, but we.
Did not audition anyone.
Anyone. Okay. What I recall was I was sitting at home in my apartment on 70 Eigth street. Remember that apartment across stand up New York?
And the phone rang and it was Larry. Susie. Hi, it's ld. I had not heard from him for ten years. He had moved to LA to do Seinfeld.
And I love the way he just says ld as if, hey, Larry, how are you doing?
But I did know who it was.
Of course I know.
I had never moved to LA. I had stayed in New York. I was living in New York and I hadn't seen him in all these years. And he said, I have this part for you I want you to do. It's a new tv show. And I said, well, what's the part? Don't worry about it. You could do it. And I said, well, send me a script. There's no script. And then he said, there's no money. You have to do it for day scale, and you have to fly yourself out and put yourself up. And I was, you know, I would die to work with him. I loved know. I always was such a big fan of his. I said, but I'm not going to have. It cost me money. You want me to do it for day scale? Fine. And I was just a guest star. It was nothing. So whatever. Eventually somebody came up with some money. They put me up in some crappy hotel in Venice, some shithole. And I think they flew me out, coach or whatever.
Of course they flew you out, Coach, I would wager.
But although I think it's against union.
Rules to do that, I think they still.
But I think they flew me out, Coach. And the reason why Larry had called me for the part was he had a later episode, which we'll get to called the wire, which is later on in the season where I have to be a little angry.
It set the tone.
Yes, a little angry.
Two scenes set the tone. Yeah, this one. And then when we get to that, this one.
I wasn't angry at all.
No, I meant the one coming up this season.
And then one from. Is it season two?
That's season two. The doll is season two.
So he had seen me do. I did it in 1999, a roast of Jerry Stiller on Comedy Central.
And roasts, you have to be very blue. It's what they are. And so he just saw that I had a facility with a certain language, which is what he had in mind. And I don't really. We'll ask him when he comes on the show exactly what it was that he was thinking. But I think a light bulb moment just went off. And then he came to you.
Yeah. And he just said, what would you think about Susie Esman for your wife? And I completely lit up. I go, can we do that? How can we do that? He goes, yeah, let's do it.
And the character's name was Marla to begin with.
Because that was your wife.
Wife of yours.
That was how it all started.
I don't remember you being named Marla.
That's funny. And I was at a point in my career, I guess he called me in 1999, by the way, you were.
Primarily known in this point in your.
Career as a stand up.
Yeah. But you were primarily known as one of those gals from women of the night.
But I just want to go back to the thing. So he offered me the job. And at that point, I was in a very frustrated place in my career because I had been doing stand up for about 16 years and was really good, and nothing was happening.
Even if you have the talent, even if you're funny as hell, there's still so much adversity. I remember sitting on the steps of Second City with Bob Odenkirk. Okay. And we're both sitting there having had so much adversity, people ignoring us. And we really were miffed. We said, I think you're funny. He'd say to me, I think you're funny. What the fuck is going on? Why doesn't anyone notice us? I'll never forget that. It's vivid to me now, but that's part of being a young comedian.
I wasn't even that young at this point. I was, like, 45. But I thought you were 62.
Yeah, okay.
But I think that just a point I want to make about that is he saw me on that roast of Jerry Stiller.
And Comedy Central didn't want me on that roast. The Friars club had said they wanted me on that roast. And Comedy Central nyxed me because I was, whatever. Too old, too jewish, too female. For whatever reason, they didn't want me. And the Friars Club fought for me to be on that roast because I had done so much stuff for them gratis, improved myself because that was always my thing about my career. You just keep showing up, showing up. You do good work and you just focus on that. You don't focus on what am I getting and what everybody else is getting and just do your thing and do your thing. And that's what I always guilty of, that. Well, we all were human and that's what I always did. And they fought for me to be on that roasting. Comedy central, I think, thought, okay, we'll let her be on the roast. And they paid what was then a decent amount. I think it was like 5000 and they were going to cut me out. Well, I killed. And those roasts are hard. And those ruins are hard.
The roasts are hard. Unless someone's an idiot. I would be horrible on a roast. Roast. And I was terrible. Oh, my God. Terrible. I know, Bob. Yeah, that kills me too.
Roasters are a specific ability and it's not the way that I do my stand up because I'm not jokey. No, but I worked it and I made it jokey because I knew that's what. And you're in a horrible room with the high ceiling. The high ballroom ceiling.
But God. Anyway, the Friars club. Because without the Friars Club, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
That's right.
And you know what? I was going to pull out of my membership today because have had it with them.
Well, they're a completely different thing.
No, I'm a proud member of the friars, but they're closed right now.
It's a whole different thing.
So they're not going to open?
I don't know. But it's not what it used to be.
Well, everything's not what it used to be.
No, but I mean, I like a.
Good buffet on a Sunday morning.
I don't even know if they do that anymore.
Basically, what she's saying is you, the listener who we have to respect would not be interested in what's going down at the Friars club. Myself, Jeff Garwin, a member of the Friars Club, a comedian looking back on Milton Burl, et cetera.
Wow, that was a tremendous tradition. An amazing tradition. And the roasts, you know, Phyllis Diller dressed up as a man with a beard and a suit and she snuck into a friar's roast because women were not allowed in friar's roasts. We'll be right back. Stay tuned.
Hey, this is Dana Schwartz. You may know my voice from noble Blood, Haley Wood or stealing Superman. I'm hosting a new podcast and we're calling it very special episodes.
One week, we'll be on the case with special agents from NASA as they crack down on black market moon rocks. H. Ross Pro is on the other side and he goes, hello, Joe. How can I help you? I said, Mr. Perot, what we need is $5 million to get back a moon rock. Another week, we'll unravel a mystery.
It sounds like it should be the next season of true Detective or something. These canadian cops trying to solve this 25 year old mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.
A very special episode is stranger than fiction. It's normal. People plop down in extraordinary circumstances. It's a story where you say, this should be a movie. Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
What up, guys?
Ola Ketal.
It's your girl.
Cheekies from the cheekies. And chill. And dear Cheekies podcasts. You've been with me for season one and two, and now I'm back with season three. I am so excited, you guys get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice and discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. For a long time, I was afraid of falling in love, so I had to. And this is a mantra of mine, or an affirmation every morning where I tell myself it is safe for me to love and to be loved. I've heard this a lot. That people think that I'm conceited, that I'm a mamona. And a mamona means that you just think you're better than everyone else. I don't know if it's because of how I act in my video. Sometimes I'm like, I'm a baddie. I don't know what it is, but I'm chill, chickies and chill.
Listen to cheekies and chill. And dear cheekies, as part of the My Coultura podcast network on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.
911. What's your emergency? You have to send someone. What's going on?
Well, whatever it is, that's our entire emergency force. On the way somewhere, they're saying there's.
A body in the woods.
Excuse me. I don't seem to recognize you. That's because I'm not from here.
A small town stuck in the past.
There's only one cell tower, and currently.
It'S out of order, with secrets hidden for centuries.
We hear things, you know, when they whisper or when they think they're alone.
And a curious stranger who may be their only chance for survival.
I'm talking about the murder and disappearance in small town New Hampshire.
What do you think? I'm sorry.
Have you ever listened to a single.
True crime podcast, you turn up in Danville. Just as the town sees its first.
Real crime in decades, this is consumed, an all new supernatural audio thriller inspired by the novel by Aaron Manke.
I did not wake up this morning prepared to deal with forces beyond my understanding.
Please, I call that breakfast.
Listen to consumed on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Hi, it's Jenna Ashkowitz and Kevin McHale, hosts of and that's what you really miss, podcast.
We're reliving the magic of McKinley High by watching all six seasons of Glee.
Whether you were Team Rachel, shipped curtain Blaine, or couldn't get enough of Sue Sylvester's zingers, we've got you covered.
Join us every week as we dive deep into the world of show choirs and teenage drama. We're breaking down every episode from the highs of nationals to the lows of slushy attacks.
We have exclusive interviews with some of your favorite glee cast members like Chris Kofer, Amber Riley, Darren Chris, Heather Morris, Alex Newell, and so many more.
Plus, we're taking you behind the scenes with the creators, writers, producers, and crew members like Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, and executive music producer Adam Anders.
We're even getting the chance to chat with the music icons whose songs were featured on the show, from the go gos to Jason Moraz to Rick Springfield.
Meet us in the choir room while we reveal our greatest memories and untold stories.
Listen to. And that's what you really miss. Podcasts on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
And we're back. The water's blocking the camera on you.
Was it blocking me? Was it below my neck? I want this all included, by the way. I always want this stuff included. Keep the whole fucker in. I want people to feel the whole adventure that I'm feeling. It was very important to get the picture out from because it was blocking part of my chin.
I need that.
I'll give that to you. Anyhow, I thought, why not put the picture in front of me and tell them where they can buy it? It's a great. By the way, I totally dig that picture.
It's a beautiful picture. All right, so Larry gives me the job. He offers me the job. Finally, they come up with the $10 to fly me out and put me up. And this was. I remember thinking, really? Because it was right after he did the Seinfeld syndication deal, right? Yeah, the first one. I know that's not his money. Regardless. You know, what? I mean, a producer or an actor doesn't say, I'll pay for it. That never happens.
No, that would. Yeah, it would. By the way, Larry David. Now if he wanted somebody as bad as you, he would say, I'll pay for it.
At that time, I don't think he would have.
He didn't know better.
Nobody knew. He didn't think it was such a slap dash operation. In the beginning, we had no trailers for on.
Hold on. Forget the. For example. Now normally you have, at worst, when you're primary on the show, a triple banger, which means there's one trailer with three dressing like cubbies. Yeah. No, they're more than cubbies because then you've got four. The ones with four in a row are usually for people who have one.
Line and they don't have their own bathroom.
And then most of them don't have their own bathroom. Then. The triple banger is smaller rooms, but it is a room.
You could take it and you have a bathroom.
And you have a bathroom.
And then there's a double banger. And then there's the star trailer. And then I work with Eddie Murphy on Daddy Daycare. He actually had four trailers connected like to make a diamond.
Oh, he had a fucking house, basically.
One was filled with exercise equipment. One was filled with danish pastries. I'm kidding. That's if I had that trailer. But anyhow, we I. E. The cast of curb your enthusiasm, Susie, myself, Cheryl. Was there anyone else who's a regular? Well, if Richard was on, if Ted was on, we shared.
No, not the first season. There was.
No, no, but wait, you're not hearing.
There wasn't even a makeup or hair trailer.
There was no makeup and hair trailer.
No, there weren't even portisans.
Wait a minute. Hold on a second. So you're taking me back because I'm thinking obviously, of where we were season two.
So season one, we just sat and directed.
We'd find a room somewhere and change and we'd be doing our hair and makeup.
By the way, I'm remembering this, but I forgot all about it.
We had nothing.
You talk about Slapdash.
Yeah, it was really low budget. We had nothing. Yeah, I remember.
There wasn't even poor land, the house that our characters lived, because it was space. But we had a whole separate building.
We had a room.
Yeah. Big room with a big bathroom. No wonder I liked it. That's right. Because even. Okay, go ahead.
I just want to point that it was really low know. Believe me, all those girls on Sex in the City all had their own trailer, and they had a makeup trailer and they had a hair trailer. Yeah, to begin with, we didn't have anything. We were like the ugly child, what.
HBO referred to us as their little experimental show.
Their little experimental show. And that's right. That's what we were. And we had none of that. I even think that was the case for season two. I might be wrong. I think it was season three that we got the trailer we all shared. But maybe it was season two.
I'm pretty sure it was season two.
But I've spoken to Thomas, who was our makeup guy. They had no trailer.
It was just like in a corner.
He's been on the show since episode one.
I think he came in a little later, but I'm not sure. Like, in that season, he came in season one, but we'd go off in.
A corner somewhere is because there's very few of us who've been there since the, you know, in terms of the hour one, myself, Cheryl, Larry, Laura. Cheryl, Larry, Laura. That's it.
Bob Whitey.
Bob Whitey. But Bob Whitey is no longer. He directs an occasional episode. So. Yes, he was there at the beginning. Yes, he was there.
He directed this episode, actually.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Season one number one. Of course he did. But I'm just saying in terms of from then to still being on the show full time.
Right. So I was not a contract player. I was paid day scale. I was told I'm in three episodes at that point. And I was totally happy to do it, but it wasn't anything that I ever thought I'd be sitting here 22 years later and still be doing and still talking about. It was a knockoff. It was a one off.
But here's the thing. I know you felt that way. It's very strange for me to watch these, because what I remember now is every single detail about what I was thinking, what I had for craft service, every single aspect where I sat while we filmed a certain scene, when we shot that angle, where was I? It all came flooding back to me. And that is really strange also, I think the success of our show lies in early on, at least, when shows are usually at their best, finding their way the best. But they're really interesting. There was no hype early on, no hype. Albums of bands are usually so good because they're fighting for their lives, what's going to happen? And we just did what made us laugh.
There was no thought. We were working in a vacuum. We had no idea how people were going to react to this at all.
And just anecdotally, the first two seasons were really under the radar. I just noticed the third season, people noticing me on the street and things like that were really under the radar season.
Did we start following the Sopranos? Three or four.
I don't remember.
Well, that's the season where we took off. That's where season where many new eyes came on us. Off the Sopranos.
There was something that I liked about being under the radar.
Oh, yeah. Being under the radar and being employed and making a good living, that's the dream.
Yeah, well, I wasn't making a good living. I was making day school.
By the way, I was barely making a good living.
So at this point, only you, Larry and Cheryl were series regulars?
All right, we're hitting a lot of time here, so let's get to Louie.
And you said anecdotally.
Could you promise me that you would use that in talking to me at least a half dozen times a week before you?
I promise you.
Okay, thanks.
That and what was machinations?
Oh, if you can, anecdotally, I have some machinations.
So I just had this one little scene and it was really just introducing the character. Sammy was a boy at this point, I think I made up the name Sammy. So I actually chose well because it could have been either.
Right. When the thing with the cuteness that you said, like she's got her armor, was that a dog you were talking?
No, it was another kid, one of the other women there that were in my mommy and me.
So the other kid was one of the other ladies.
I was very.
And Larry wouldn't go up and see the kid, which, by the way, why would he?
No, forget. Why would he? Who the hell wants to if it's my kid? I barely want to go up. And I love my children, but seeing them hug.
But your parents got very upset about that.
Yes. Well, by the way, let me just go back because it's really important. I want to talk about my parents. So my parents are played by Mina Culb, who is the most sweet, wonderful woman, but also in the first company of Second City. The first, very first. She was kind of an angenu back then too. And she played my mother in the movie I did. I want someone to eat cheese with. And what a delight. I'll never forget her saying to me, there was a second city reunion and I'm wearing a red shirt. And she walked to me, you look good in red. Red's your color. And since then you think I wear red and I don't think of that moment.
So was she your idea to play your mother or was she casting?
Yeah, she was casting, but she was my mom because she told me I look good in red.
Because that's what made her.
But she did not have a big career.
Oh. In Hollywood, she worked constantly.
She worked, but I'm just saying, she know. Louis Nye was a much better known name.
For example, Louis Nye, I want to talk about this for a second before I talk.
Is mine is still alive?
I don't know and I don't want to check.
All right, Louie, I know. Died.
No, for fear I'm going to find out on the air. She's quite old, though. I know that. So anyhow, Louis nigh, she was terrific. Oh, big bowl of wonderful. Louis Nigh was a comedy legend and a comedy hero.
He's the one who came with the phrase hi ho, Steve Areno.
Steve Allen show was his big, yes. What he was known the most for.
He was on the Beverly Hillbillies as a regular, but everything he did was drop down funny on all these funny movies. The funniest.
And played a lot, know, like little Lord fontal Roy type of character that.
Was a character in Beverly Hillbillies, but he was just so damn funny. Now, another health thing for me, I had a stroke. People are going to listen and go, what the fuck? But I had a stroke in 99, right? In 99. 2000, you know, 2000 it was.
So you had the stroke after the first hour? Hour.
Between that and the first season, what we call the first season, to me, I remember how difficult it was to talk.
And you were young.
Yeah, I was 37 years old.
So in Cedar Sinai, they have a channel which is a gift of burns and Allen, Jack Benny, all these old time comedies that I love, my heroes, and I'm watching a Jack Benny episode in particular that just killed me. And it took place as an airport. And Louis Nye was all through the episode as this cab driver, and he was killing me and killing me. So when we came out, no, I did not suggest Louis Nye. That was not even in my head. They tell me, Louie Nye is here to audition for your father. And I was like, what the fuck? No, you're kidding me. You're kidding me. And he came in and he just destroyed us. Destroyed.
And he was so funny in the episode.
I think the funniest line, it's not even a line. Something someone said on the show belongs to Louis Nye in an episode down the road.
All right, we'll get to it.
Yes, but this one, it's all normal. Larry David is apologizing to my parents. My parents are being kind of tough. It's all right. It's okay. And then Louie throws in at the end. It was rotten. Rotten what you did, but you're apologizing. And the way Louis Nice is rotten is a gift from the guy.
That's right. And that was improvised. Yeah, he was not given that.
Well, by the way, that show at that point was really improvised.
But I'm just saying that when you hire the right people, when you hire a comedy brain like that, you get that kind of gold.
Yeah. And he's a big bowl of gold. Okay. All right, where are we at?
Well, I mean, the rest is just the stuff at the restaurant.
By the way, I love that he's talking about sources for him getting erections. He explained this because this is the scene I want to talk about. Comes back and she says she's sticking to it. She wants it to be clearly an erection, and she's pissed off. It's not. But Larry says, I can name sources. Sophia Loren was once a source. I know my sources. Sometimes they're mysterious sources. Mysterious sources, which I just thought was the funniest thing for me in the episode. And you know what? We go to the restaurant. This is the last scene. And when we're ordering at the table, did you hear what Louie ordered?
Fricassee. No, what did he order?
Fish frenzy.
Fish frenzy.
Okay. We're all ordering things for the menu. He decides on the seafood menu he's going to order, which is not on the menu. I'm going to have the fish frenzy. And the way he says it is too fucking funny.
Yeah. And I enjoyed working with him also.
So Larry had come to my office and, you know, the Hitler thing. Cheryl heard you on the message, say you were sorry. So what you're going to apologize for? And the whole episode, really, the theme was apology. Letters of apology, nonstop apologizing. So he told me, if she wants to know why you're apologizing. And I was writing a letter to Kathy Griffin apologizing. And that Kathy called you about working with me, with Larry, and you didn't give him the message. So I said it was sorry. Well, of course, Larry's got it all. She walks up to the table, and I see her and she says hello to me. And I do a thing I've done on the show many times. And that was the first time, which is the hey. Hey. Which is hey in other words, oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. And Larry does it. We're both looking at, how do we take this? What do we do? And we even continue lying to her, going, what are you talking about?
And that sets up, in my mind, it sets up a dynamic, which is that with you and Larry and Cheryl and me, that you are constantly digging deeper holes with us. And we always know. We always catch you. And there's no lesson learned. You never learn.
By the way, if there's a lesson.
Learned, there's no show, not comedy.
There are no lessons.
Over and over again, by the way.
I want to end this with again, Louis Nye the waitress walks away, and he goes, look at the way that girl walked.
I know he was a little dirty old man.
My grandfather was that I hated my grandfather, talked to everyone and flirted with every waitress. And I couldn't understand why when I was a kid, it made me uncomfortable. But my instincts were right.
I have that note. Louis Nye, dirty old man.
So on that note, we're going to end this episode and more to come.
And I hope. Look, I hope it's enjoyable for you. If it's not, don't listen to the episode. Is that asking too? It is asking too much.
But we'll see you next time.
All right, bye.
Hey, this is Dana Schwartz. You may know my voice from noble blood, Haley Wood, or stealing Superman. I'm hosting a new podcast, and we're calling it very special episodes. A very special episode is stranger than fiction.
It sounds like it should be the next season of true detective. These canadian cops trying to solve this mystery of who spiked the chowder on the Titanic set.
Listen to very special episodes on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
What up, guys?
Ola Catal, it's your girl. Cheekies from the Cheekies and chill and Dear Cheekies podcasts. And guess what? We're back for another season. Get ready for all new episodes where I'll be dishing out honest advice, discussing important topics like relationships, women's health, and spirituality. I'm sharing my experiences with you guys, and I feel that everything that I've gone through has made me a wiser person. And if I can help anyone else through my experiences, I feel like I'm living my godly purpose. Listen to cheekies and chill and your cheekies on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.
A small town with secrets hidden for centuries.
You turn up in Danville just as the town sees its first real crime.
In decades and a curious stranger who may be their only chance for survival.
I'm talking about the murder and disappearance in small town New Hampshire.
What do you think this is? Consumed, an all new supernatural audio thriller inspired by the novel by Aaron Manke.
I did not wake up this morning prepared to deal with forces beyond my understanding.
Please. I call that breakfast.
Listen to consumed on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Hi, it's Jenna Ashkowitz and Kevin McHale, hosts of and that's what you really miss. Podcasts.
We're reliving the magic of McKinley High by watching all six seasons of Glee.
We have exclusive interviews with some of your favorite glee cast members like Chris Koffer, Amber Riley, Darren Chris, Heather Morris, Alex Newell, and so many more.
Meet us in the choir room while we reveal our greatest memories and untold stories.
Listen to and that's what you really miss. Podcasts on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.