Learn Fruit and Vegetable Names for Kids with Rainbow Crayons
The Joe Budden Podcast with Rory & Mal- 848 views
- 6 Feb 2024
Best Learning video Fruits and Vegetables for preschool toddlers We create videos for kids and toddlers using toy based learning.
Hello, guys. Today, we will learn about fruits and vegetables. Let's see what's inside these rainbow sourcing crayons. Let's start from the red crayon. Okay, first we got this fruit, and it's an apple. It's very juicy. Let's take a knife and cut it. And here we have two pieces of an apple. Next, we have this strawberry. I really like strawberries. Let's cut it in two. Perfect. We got it. We have two slices of strawberries. And now we have a chili. I think it's very spicy. Let's cut it. Perfect. We have two pieces of a chili. And last, we have a tomato slice. This is perfect for sandwiches. Next crayon is the orange one. There's something inside, of course. And here we have an orange. Very juicy. Let's cut it in two. Perfect. We got this. Here's two pieces of an orange. And here it is, a carrot. Rabbit eat a lot of carrots. Let's cut it. And we have two pieces of a carrot. Last, we got this double orange popsicle. Next, we have the yellow crayon. Let's see what's inside. And here we have a banana. Monkeys eat a lot of bananas. We have to peel it.
Here we have a banana. This is a lemon. Lemons are very sour. Let's cut it with the knife. Perfect. And we have two pieces of lemon now. Next up, we have an egg. Eggs are perfect for omelets. And here we have some kitchen stuffs, a stove, and some things for cooking. Let's use this egg. Wow, we got an omelet. Here we have a pier. I really like pears. Let's cut it. Perfect. We got two pieces of a pier. This is a cob. I really like grilled cubs. First, we have to peel off the leaves. And now we can cut it with the knife. Perfect. We got two pieces of a cup. Next crayon is the green one. Let's see what's inside. We have a green pepper. Let's cut it with the knife. And here we have two pieces of a green pepper. Next up, we have a lettuce. Lettuce are so good for sandwiches. Let's cut it. It's difficult. Very good. And here we got our two pieces of a lettuce. Next up, we have a melon. Melons are good in the summer. Here we have two pieces of a melon. Perfect. Now we have a watermelon, another summer fruit.
Let's cut it with the knife. And here we have two pieces of a watermelon. Last, we got a vegetable, and it's broccoli. Let's cut the broccoli in two pieces now. Use the knife, of course. And here we have two pieces of broccoli. The next sourcing crayon is the blue one. Let's see what's inside. Here we have an ice cream. Then we got a blue egg. And last, we have a police car. Very good. Next crane is purple. Let's see what's inside. Here we have some grapes. They're very good. Perfect. We got two pieces of grapes. Next up, we have neck blonde. Let's cut it out. Here we have two pieces of neck blonde. Next up, we got a double pupsicle. The next crayon is the pink one. Let's see what we will find. And here we have a pink donut. It's so sweet. Next up, we have a pig. Pigs usually live in the farm. Next, we have this pink ice cream. So yummy. Last crayon is the brown one. And here we have a pretzel. They're so salty. And here we got a cookie. Very good. Last, we got the kiwi. Let's cut it with the knife.
Perfect. And here we got two pieces of a kiwi. Perfect, guys. We found all the fruit and vegetables. Thank you very much for the help. Bye-bye.