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I love that chain. What is that chain?


It's my tattoo. It's my logo. American badass.


It's pretty badass.


Sounds like stoner talk.


It is. It is. Most of my conversations are stoner talk. Like, high level.


It used to be Tom Petty's weed dealer in a sense. Like, he would come to town. He married a girl from Saginaw, Michigan. I forget her name. Great girl. And they would come know outside Detroit where I lived, and I'd get this call, like, hey, can you get Tom some weed? And I'd be like, fuck, I'll take him some weed. So I'd call some of my brother's friends and get some weed. I'd be like, this is fucking awesome. Because I love Tom Petty. I didn't really know him, so I'd go up there and drop the weed off, and I'd be in his dressing room, and he'd be like, so what's up, man? I'd be like, nothing. And I'm like, we have nothing in common. This guy's so fucking high, I might have been tuned up on a couple beers or something. I'm like, well, that sucked. I guess I'll just enjoy the music.


Was this before or after you were doing music?


Oh, when I was a big star.


Oh, really?


No shit. Yeah, I was all excited.


You're hanging with Tom Petty?


Not really. I was just taking him weed, trying to hang out with him, you know?


That's how Tom Betty died. Somebody got him some pills.


Oh, is it? Fuck, fuck, fuck. Yeah.


I don't remember what his injury was, but he was hurting, and a roadie got him some fentanyl.




Yeah, that's how Prince died, too.


Yeah, I've heard that. In the elevator.


Same thing. Pain.


We all know people that. It's a travesty.


It's a horrible thing.


Well, let's just go right at the border.


Yeah, well, it's the border, but it's also the opioid crisis that was created by the Sackler family. I mean, those motherfuckers just got a giant percentage of the population hooked on heroin. Some evil shit, man. Those fucking people are still running around, too.


Yeah, in case you were ever thinking about quitting drugs, fentanyl should seal the deal. Yeah, that should seal the deal. Yeah, I know a lot of people. It has. They were like, you know, I was still an experimental cocaine user. This, that, and the other. They were like, when that shit came up, that was it. I had some friends tell me they were going to buy a testing kit. This, that, and the other. I was like, yeah, that's probably time to move on.


If you're buying a testing kit to make sure you don't die, you probably should reconsider your options.


Might want to revisit whiskey.


Yeah, weed's not bad. Weed and whiskey, it's a good combination. You don't want to go down that road. Although I've heard it's awesome. Not fentanyl, but cocaine. I have not tried it. I've never done it. But everyone I know who does it tells you not to do it because it's awesome.


I had a good run. Having too many problems in the older days. It's kind of just following the handbook of rock and roll. Chapter 14 gets them blow. Blah, blah, blah. We had fun. Nobody. I've seen people get all fucked up and lose their minds on it, but I know quite a few people in my position, like, okay, we had some fun. We were younger, and at some point, kind of a weekend warrior type thing. Don't let it interfere with business and engagements and things you have to do. Can't say I was batting 1000, but pretty good. Average. You did pretty good. Yeah.


Considering it all worked out pretty well.


I'm not advocating for it at any level.


I don't think anybody is.


That's my honest experience. Like, hey, it came out okay.


That's the thing. There's people that will tell you they're weed advocates. There's no coke advocates. There's no people like, coke fixed my life. I never got anything done. All of a sudden, I was doing coke and starting businesses.


Is weed fixing lives?


We can fix people. Depends on who you are.


I know if you're sick.


Yeah. For a guy like me, weed's a good drug. Guy like me, weed just, like, chills.


Brother's a huge weed smoker. Yeah. He'll always be like, for golfing or some shit. And I'm drinking my beers, having my fun. I'm always like, you drive. And I'm always like, maybe you fucking shouldn't be driving. He's just fucking stoned out of his mind sometimes. And I'm like, yeah, I don't like this. I'm a little nervous, and I'm tuned up already.


Yeah, for some people, weed makes you nicer, calms you down, makes you a little more sensitive, a little more compassionate.


Yeah, everything affects people differently.




I've drank tequila three times, only I've been to jail three times. Do the math. Kid rock. No, drink tequila.


So what do you think tequila does to you differently?


It just makes me want to punch you right in the mouth.




Oh, fuck. That's it.


The mexican influence.


Hey, kid rock, nice to see you. Like wham. What the fuck's the matter with him?


What? Tequila.


I have no idea.


What does it do? Just makes you hyper.


Makes me fucking hyper. Violent fucking. It could have been a combination of maybe those few times I drank it, I was just in a headspace where you could be in different headspaces when you're doing different things.


And you could blame it on the tequila, but I kind of have a.


Rule that I really try not to like, I've really mellowed out in last ten years or so, but I really try not to get tuned up unless I'm in a good spot.




Good mood with good people.




They don't want to be know. All worked, know after. Watch Fox News for 6 hours, ready to know. Slay the beast and start pounding whiskey and go to the club.


If you watch Fox News for too long, you will think it's the end of the world.


Oh, I do. And it is.


It might be. It really might be. Did you see the fucking Tim Dillon thing that I posted yesterday? It's legit. Yeah. No.


Is that the gay comedian? Yeah. He's fucking great.


He's hilarious. But he had a picture with a girl. He said, I'm getting married. The homosexuality thing was just a phase. And RFK Jr. Writes to him. She's a beautiful lady. I could see how she ungade you. Tim. The guy's running for president.


Fucking great. Amazing. It's awesome.


And that's sense. It's an amazing time.


He don't scare me.


No, he shouldn't scare you.


He doesn't scare me.


He should do the opposite to scare you. Yeah, it should scare you. The opposition to him. Because if people listen to what he says and you pay attention to what he says and you actually research what he says, he's telling the truth. We've been fucked over and lied to for so long that he seems like a crazy person. Look at that. She's a beautiful angel, Tim. Easy to see how she ungade you.


Ungade fuck. I learned something. I haven't been here five minutes. My new favorite word. Usually I'm just using gay inappropriately all the know. Like, that's fucking know. Someone's like, oh, you're so insensitive. I'm like, that's so ungay.


Yeah. It used to be a thing that we would say something's gay or it used to be. Imagine, like, from the time of the Flintstones. The Flintstones was. We had a gay old time.


Do you remember playing smear the queer when you were a kid?


I never played that. What is it?


You give somebody the football and everyone tries to tackle them. Like in grade school, you just ran around. We didn't even know what queer meant. That's the name of the game was smear the queer.


I never played that. Did you play that, Jamie? Yeah.


You're from the midwest?


Yeah, he's from Ohio.


There you go.


They didn't have that where I grew up.


Where'd you grow up?


Boston. I mean, I'm sure they had it.


Fuck, I would think it was invented in Boston.


I lived a fucked up life. Not fucked up, but my high school years was all martial arts. It was all from the time I was like 15 till I was 21. All I did is train and compete.


It's a lot of discipline.


Yeah, a lot of obsession. A lot of discipline and obsession. But it's very weird socially. So I went from that to being a stand up comedian, which is like the complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Hanging out with maniacs who are doing drugs and staying up all night. Just complete polar opposite. So I missed a lot of stuff.


You got a lot of money now. You can make up for it fast track it. Probably get it all done in like two years with the loot you've made.




I found that to be a problem at times for people.




No, that didn't experience a certain coming of age things, whether it's crazy, chasing girls, that whole thing. Doing drugs, just being kind of wild, stealing people's statues out of the yard, whatever crazy shit like that you do when you're young. And then they reach this point, a lot of it with athletes, because they were so focused in their training at such a young age, and then they get to that point where they get money and they're like, I want to taste it all. That's true. And then they kind of get fucked up.


Yeah, you can lose your bearings. That's true. That is the case with a lot of athletes. A lot of athletes get fat, too. They just fuck it. It's over. A lot of fighters. A lot of fighters are always dieting.


Well, you get that big muscle and it's so hard to fucking maintain as you get older.




Start to lose your lean muscle. You know about all that stuff. Yeah, all of a sudden, two to ten beers a night doesn't seem like a bad idea.


Yeah, well, it's also like, I think with athletes, especially with fighters, the rush of competition is so extreme that the regular world just seems so dull. And then going back to the regular world, you don't feel like you have a real purpose anymore. You're not training for this big event that takes place every few months.


Coming back from the military.


Yeah, like a lighter version of that. That's a big problem with guys coming back from the military. Big problem. Suicide and no coaching at all. Nobody tells you what to do. They just let you back in the world, and you're like, fuck, yeah.


Seen it too many times.


Too many times. Too many times. So what's it like being the dude who took out bud light?


Let's get right to it. Let's get right to it.


We were going to bring a few cases in here for you.


Switch sunglasses. Fuck, I'll drink it. I don't give a shit. Two kinds of beer in this world, cold and free. I like them both, man. I was just having fun. To be honest with you, I was pissed, but it wasn't like it was going to wreck my day yet alone my life. I was just kind of like, what the fuck are they doing?


You were the straw that broke the camel's back.


I became the face of it.




I'm not the Pied Piper to sit around and think like, people follow what kid rock does. I just became the face of it.


Yeah, but they kind of do. They kind of do. Listen, man, when you got so upset that you were fucking machine gun.


Throw the tantrum with a machine gun.


Are you machine gun case?


They want to let guys play girls sports. Wham.


That was the end. That was really it. If there's one moment that they look back on and fucking go, shut. I've talked to him about it. I know you have.


Yeah. You were there at the UFC fight.


Yeah. And I met that dude, the CEO. He's a good guy, man.


We've become friends.


He's a good guy.


He's a great guy. After five minutes of talking to him, I'm with Trump there in Dana's green room. I go, Trump? I go, see that dude behind me? I go, that's the CEO of Bud light or Anheuser Bush. And Trump's like, you want to go talk to him? Which in my mind, Trump said, you want to go fuck with him? And I'm like, yes, absolutely. So we go over there, we're talking to him. We actually had a great conversation, and at some point, he was telling me how he got the video, and he was actually down in Texas doing some hunting. And I'm like, we talk and talk, and I'm not going to share all our conversation. That'd probably be inappropriate. But I'm like, dude, you seem like somebody I'd fucking be friends with that I'd hang out with. He's like, you would? That's what I'm saying. And I'm like, I'll come to Nashville. Come visit me. He fucking did.


That's awesome.


Came with his top team. Fucking. We broke bread, got fucked up on Bud light, fucking bold. Did all this fun shit. And we had a good meeting beforehand, trying to think if there's something I could do with Aneyejer Bush. And I just didn't feel comfortable with it. I threw out some ideas that scared the living fuck out of them. At the end of the day, I was like, guys, I don't feel right taking your money. I was like, we can continue the conversation, see where it ends up. But honestly, I don't want any corporate deals. I don't feel right. There's not a penny on earth that could make me change who I am or have people look at me in a different way. Even though it's probably half the country at this point that likes me, another half wants to put a bullet in me. I understand that. There's no, like, he's okay, right? I've destroyed that. There's no, get rock's okay. It's either I fucking hate that kid.


Or I love that dude.


Yeah, I'll take a bullet for him.




But we still talk.


That's a better place to be, honestly.


And like I said, you know what I mean? They fucked up. And when you get to the grassroots of it, that's what they did. And there's so many people that work for that company, and, you know, all the stuff they've done. We don't have to be a broken record here.


It's a great company.




And they've done amazing things. Anheuser Bush is an amazing charitable company that they do a lot of great things. Yeah.


And I dug into that, and I was educated on it even before Dana called me about his deal and things like, know, people discussed with. Know. I did a little digging and talked to people, and I'm like, at the end of the day, I'm like, all right. They got the message. I'm not someone who holds a fucking grudge his whole life, you know, what I mean, and honest to God, I was having a lot of fucking fun. I don't get to pull my machine gun out and film myself doing cool shit too often. I'm just not that type of person. I was like, this warrants it right here. Get all the bud light on property. That was actually all the beer I had on property. I kept a lot of that shit around, more than I thought.


We stopped selling at the mothership because nobody's buying it.


It got that know what's going on nuts.


It's stupid. I think it's stupid. And Shane Gillis brought it back.


I love Shane. Shane's a Budy.


He's the best. Yeah, he brought it back a know, because he never stopped drinking. It's. It's slowly making its way back. And I think the UFC helps a lot, too. But they took a big hit.


One of the things I told them was, I was like, I go from the outside looking in, guys, as a know somebody who doesn't want to see this brand hurt and destroyed. Like, you got smacked on the know in a pretty hard spanking. I was like, but I don't want to hold your head underwater and drown this fucking company. Put people out of work and that shit. It's like, you got the message, and it's clear. I wish people knew these guys running the company, because they're great fucking guys. But I said, just a percentage of these fucking trolls on the left and on the right, they're like, I'm so empowered by the Internet, I'm going to piss and bitch and moan, and I have a voice. It's like, go fuck yourself. All right, cut it out. If anyone's still spending time with us, you clearly are fucking bored. Find something better to do.


Yeah, it's definitely the pursuit of losers. But the problem is, those losers can actually affect businesses, and that's what they know. They know now that it's possible both on the right and on the left.


But they need to know there's so many more businesses in this country deserving of that treatment.




Fucking Ben and Jerry's, Starbucks target. The list goes on and on. And I don't care if they're left wing or right wing. It's just their fucking ideology. When they cross that line and signal to people like myself and many others that they were okay with this transgender thing and more so at, like, is this going to get directed at my kids? So you think fucking men should be in women's sports? Like, nah, nah, nah. That's where I'm drawing the fucking line. Get the fuck out of here.


That's the most amazing one that they're supporting. And the fact that. Was it. The Olympic boxing committee, what was it that just allowed transgender.


Oh, they're allowing the reverse. What do you mean they're allowing. I always get confused here. They're lying.


They're lying.


Chicks that sew on dicks to fight dudes, which I'd tune in for that.


Is that real?


I think so.


I thought it was biological. Men who identify as females going to be allowed to box?


Might be. I thought it was the other way, too, but I don't know.


Jamie will find out. Yeah, the other one's easy. Sure. You think, go ahead, do it. Go for it. But at the end of the day, you're going to have to take steroids, and it's supposed to be illegal to take steroids. Like, if you are taking synthetic testosterone, you're taking steroids. So if you're doing that and you're becoming a man through that, who's to say that the men can't do it, too?


Do we even have to think that deep about it? You can't just look at it and go like, no, that's fucking wrong. Cut it out.


Well, it should 100% be wrong for biological males to compete against biological females. That's just period. Period. And any bullshit that you say, like, trans women are women, well, guess what? They're not. They're not. Biologically, they're not. They can identify as a woman. You want to call yourself Sally? I'll call you Sally. I'm a nice guy. Policy states that minors under the 18 must compete in their birth gender in the weight class outlined in the rulebook. Transgender women over 18 can only compete in the female category if they undergo genital reassignment surgery and submit to quarterly hormone tests for at least four years following surgery. The guidelines which define normal range of testosterone. See, but this is just still not good enough. The people don't understand all the.


I didn't understand any of that.


I went into it deeply. Unfortunately, transgender men over 18 have to meet similar requirements. They must undergo genital reassignment surgery. Transgender men genital reassignment surgery. So you have to get a fake dick? You have to in order to box, submit quarterly. That sounds insane.


Are there donor dicks?


They should be, right? Do you know they can't donate kidney.


Or, like, a heart or something? Are donor dick.


They definitely do. For guys who get their dicks blown off, they get them new dick.


Are they switching like, hey, I want to be a man. I want to be a woman.


I haven't heard of that yet, but I'm sure that's coming. But what they do not do is they don't give you the balls, because if someone switches your balls, like, say, if you donate your balls, you die in a car accident, you donate your balls to science or whatever, and someone takes your balls and sews them on, that'll be your kids. Your genes will come out of those balls. So that won't be, like, a new person. Yeah.


What the fuck?


I mean, it won't be, like, this person's genes carrying on. It'll be your genes carrying on through your balls that are attached to this guy. So that's not ethical.


Why has this always come up in conversation? Is it the media? Because I don't remember the last time I seen it. And by the way, if you're transgender and you're really fucking good at it, no one knows, right? It's usually not the case. Although only time I've been around transgender people is, like some crazy club, like, in Miami or New York back in the day, and got to say, fun.


It was rare.


But, I mean, you used to have those clubs where they weren't. Be a fucking blast. No big deal. If this America, freedom. If you want to fucking be that, go ahead. Like, I'll exist with you in society. You're probably not getting the dinner invite, but. But if you're out and about, like, we can both shop in Walmart. I'm not going to freak out. If you're not fucking with me. I'm not fucking with you, no matter who you are.


And that's how it should be. Yeah, that's how it should be. Yeah. You should be able to do whatever you want. But when you want to compete as a woman or you want to start, if you're a 50 year old man, you want to compete against young girls, which is what's going on in Canada. There's a guy who's 50 who identifies as a teenage girl, and they let him compete and swim meets with girls and change in the locker room with them. Now you're insane. Now you're taking it too far. And that's the problem. No one's ever happy with us moving the goalposts a little bit. They want to move them, reestablish, move them further. Move them further. Move them further.


I had a thought about that. So I'm thinking, like, it's black History Month, right? I can get down with that. That makes sense. I think November is like native american month. I can get down with that. That makes sense. Thing I'm struggling with is pride month and Veterans Day.




See the fucking balance there?




I'm like, it's a good point. Should we flip that?


That's a good point. That's a real good point. Yeah, it's a weird time, man. It's a weird time because there's like so many fucking weird people that are involved in promoting these things and pushing them and changing what's normal and what's not normal to regular people.


It's just fucking weirdos and all. Fucking mentally ill, fucking nutcases. That's honestly why I carry a gun everywhere where I'm legal tour. I have somebody with me. It used to be like, okay, if I'm going somewhere where I thought that would make sense to do, I've always had a concealed weapons permit everywhere and whatnot. I'm gun enthusiast. But in the last. I don't know how many years. Five. So many years. It's like, carry a fucking gun everywhere just because of that. Like, just fucking people that are unstable. You never know. One of these motherfuckers is going to lose it and you're just sitting there defenseless.


Yeah, it's a strange time, man. In so many ways. People are just.


I got to imagine they were saying the same shit in like sixty s and seventy s. They were.


Well, the were fucked too. We just forgot because the 80s were so easy. The where everyone was kind of coasting and then everyone was on blow. There was a little bit of that. But it's also the Cold War ended this collapse of the Soviet Union. We weren't worried. There wasn't like this existential threat hanging over our heads.


Well, now it's back.


Now it's back. Yeah.


Fun times. We've done a 360.


Fun times. Real fun. Chinese people are entering over the border.


Unbelievable. Yeah, I had no thought on that. I think I saw it at a t shirt. I don't take credit for everything I say because most likely I'm just repeating something I saw somewhere.




But it's know they want to do away with gas stoves, make them electric. Electric cars. Why don't we start with that wall? Fucking make that fucker electric. Put up some solar panels. Yeah. China built one. How many thousands of years ago? Fuck it. Make it a tourist attraction. Charge people, go fucking hang out in the wall. Put some fucking Louis Vuitton stores on it or some shit.


Well, it's a real weird thing. Like what they're doing. And there's so many different people that have opinions about why they're leaving it open and why they're allowing people to come in and setting them up. And Dr. Phil was on here yesterday and he was talking about it.


I like Dr. Phil.


He's a great guy. He's starting his own.


I played his show years ago.


Did you?


It was like so many anniversary show. It turned out it was one of his favorite acts. I fucking played a banjo on there.


Oh, that's awesome. He's a good dude. Yeah, I know him through, I'm friends with his son. Son's a good friend of mine.


All right.


But he's starting to network. Like, he's just so fed up with the dues and the way things are portrayed and these biased ways, and he wants to have objective news, so he.


Created the HR department.


Yeah, it's a fucking very bizarre time, and I'm sure it's going to get more bizarre. We're going to look back on these days one day, like, oh, remember the good old days? All you're complaining about was transgender women competing at sports.


Kid only wanted to be a cat, took a litter box to school. Fuck the good old days. Yeah.


People don't get better. Society doesn't get better unless something happens, unless they figure out some sort of mind reading.


Well, unfortunately, usually that turns out to be tragedy. Something really fucked up happens, like what happened in Israel or worse. That tends to bring nations and people together on different levels, unfortunately.


911, remember 911?


Yeah, absolutely.


When 911 happened, I tell everybody, like, even in Los Angeles, which is probably the most unpatriotic place on earth, everybody had an american flag on their car. People were letting people in, lanes they were waving to people, they were friendly, they felt united. It was interesting. I remember it didn't last long, a few months.


Everybody, half the country didn't hate George W. Bush for almost 48 hours.


They didn't hate him at all when he gave that one great speech.


No, I mean, it was a couple of weeks or a couple of months, whatever it was. But then things kind of went back to normal.


There was a lot of liberals that liked him after that. They were like, that's what you want when you're in times of war. You want a strong leader.


That's too bad we can't get to that know, having something terrible happen. If we could just have a little more civil discourse in this country. You can go tell me to go fuck myself. You hate Trump and my politics, I'll be like, fuck you. But I'll still sit down and have a beer with you. We don't have to have this fucking goddamn going for your throat. And I'm part of the problem. I've been polarizing, no question. My last album, that's what it was all about, or a good portion of it. And I understand that. But I even said that album, I was like, I'm gonna get this out of my system, and hopefully we can go back to having some civil discourse in this country. That was actually one of my suggestions to Bud light. I was like, what if you could use this to not only make fun? My thing was like, you guys need to poke fun at this. People are angry because you didn't apologize. I'm like, I don't necessarily agree with apologizing over everything. In this day and age, everything's become a fucking big I'm sorry. Fuck that. Like, what you should do is make fun of the situation.


Have something that shows light of the situation, but do it in that fun fucking Anheuser Bush old school, funny fucking way. We're like, we get it. We fucked. Know, while we don't. I told Brendan, I was like, whoever coached you on that CBS morning show? I was like, you were coached, right? He was like, I was. I was like, fucking gail King set it up. She goes, would you send that can back to that influencer? And he goes into this, well, Aneuser Bush has been supporting the LGBT ABCD. I'm like, what the fuck, man? All you had to do was say, like, look, no, we would not. While we want everyone to enjoy our beer, we understand that we shouldn't be sticking our noses into polarizing conversations. And we understand who our market is. And at the end of the day, we're in business to sell beer, keep people employed for shock. Shareholders back a return. Fucking end of it. You didn't have to throw trans people under the bus or any of that's actually good advice. Yeah, it's pretty solid advice. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the head of marketing for Bud Light, kid rock.


That would be their ultimate move.


Be funny shit. We should do a skit like the Kenny Powers K Swiss, 100%. But it's like, I walk in as vp, start fucking with people.


That would work, but they need to get back to remember they used to have those real men of genius ads. It was fun.


It was.


Bud light was fun. I did a tour with those guys, the real men of comedy.


I can't believe looking through all my old pictures, how many pictures I found with, like, fucking Bud light in my hand. Like, fishing, doing something, or, like, playing Sturgis with a big, you know, next to the know. I've done so much cool, good shit.


Well, that's why when a guy like you shoots the cans, everybody goes, oh, that's it. It's over. It's over.


And trust me, I don't have one of these teams of people. It's me, like, maybe Corey, who's here with me. I'm like, let's have some fun. Go get all the fucking tell farm guys to get all the fucking Bud light shit together and grab my fucking mp5.


Yeah, I didn't think you ran that by a marketing department.


No, there's not much that goes through one.


Well, a marketing department for a guy like you would just fuck things up. What kind of advice could they possibly give you? They'd have to be maniacs too, and then they would never be in marketing.


I've had more people, managers and stuff through the years tell me, which I took as a compliment. They told me, like, just everything you've done to get where you're at, I would have told you, no, I think that's honest because I get done some, I guess you could call it crazy, polarizing, whatever type of shit. I speak my mind. I haven't changed one bit. I came out fucking like this with middle fingers on the cds, and I haven't changed. But holy shit, the times have.


Yeah, but it's obvious, though, that it's all you. That's what people like in this day and age where everything is sort of planned ahead and it's bullshit and scripted.


You've seen behind the curtain. Sure, these pop stars, 100% big levels and their teams and everything's fucking.


They're trapped.


It's like a politician like Biden that can't say anything off the teleprompter.


Well, of course he can't, but you got a whole team of people behind you. They got a bunch of people that want to keep their jobs and they want to play it safe. They want to play it safe and they want to figure out which way is the wind blowing. This is what we're going to do. And you see it in celebrities and people turn on them now because it's, like, so disingenuous and they realize what you're doing.


You can see right through it.


You're going to lose a giant percentage of your people that knowing that a marketing team is behind everything you say. So when a guy like you, it's obvious that that was your idea. Like, who the fuck is going to say?


Wasn't even an idea.


Whatever. It was a thought that popped into your head that you acted.


That's pretty much what it is.


Yeah, that's obvious.


That's what they all are.


That's what people like. That's what people like. They like real people.


And sometimes you don't always turn a ten. You're like, yeah, maybe I should have thought that one through a little bit more.


Most of the things I say think about. I've done so many podcasts hammered, and then after we're all listening or thinking about what we said, what did we say?


Oh, boy. Story of my fucking life.


Yeah, but people like that. They like real humans. They don't want some fucking pre programmed bullshit shoved down their throat just to make a little bit more money.


That's incredible. That kind of seems like a big chunk of the country wants that. They want to go back to this normal, fucked up DC. All the bullshit that's been going on there, I would dare say for our lifetimes, it's just become a lot more out in the open for several reasons. Social media and the sharing of media worldwide and fucking Trump pulling everyone's fucking pants down there, showing them, look, everyone has a small penis in this fucking town. See, I just showed it to act like they have the biggest dicks on earth.


One thing no one can deny is that he exposed the media. He exposed the media for being essentially a propaganda agent. It's not just the news and to pretend it's the news. They never covered anything that he did that was positive, anything, had some negative spin on it. They spent years talking about some fake collusion story with Russia and never apologized for it, never took it back. And they'll allow people on the show to support that, to try to justify that, or to try to even say that it's not true that he did collaborate with Russia.


How many times have been watching the evening news? I'm a sucker for news, and I've flipped between them. I'll flip between CNN and MSNBC and Fox, mainly Fox. But then I watch the evening news. I watch ABC one night, NBC. This is just one example. There's a million of them, as you know. But, like, they're talking about January 6, and they completely edit his speech. They take out the part where he says, march down there peacefully, or whatever. He actually says that, and they cut it out. He says, we're going to march down the Capitol, Cut. And then they go, if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country. How the fuck do they get away with that?


They get away with it because they are the news and no one's checking them. There's not another new. If the news was real, the other news organizations would go, this is horrible propaganda. And what you've done is you've edited out a former president. You've changed his words. This should be illegal. You're taking it completely out of context. The whole thing is so fucking screwball. Every single presidential race we've ever had that I can remember. People contested the results. Hillary Clinton.


Hillary Clinton did it. And Stacey Abrams. They all fucking big deal.


He didn't really win the election. They all said there was russian collusion. They all said that he was essentially an agent of Russia. They all said that he's an illegitimate president. They all said that he didn't win the election. They all said that. There were so many people that said it. It was nuts.


Pencil neck fucking dick. Fuck Adam Schiff.


It's crazy how people still listen to those folks.


Election. I'm not a conspiracy guy or whatever, but I'm like, fucking. That just seems like shenanigans.


I love when anybody says, I'm not a conspiracy guy.


I'm a total fucking conspiracy guy. Fuck it. I don't give a shit either way. But I was like, there's so many fucking shenanigans that it's coming so fast with the COVID shit and ballots all over the place. Secretary of States are taking liberties.


But here's my position.


Wait, let me finish this one. Secretary of States, it was that. Okay, so the biggest corporations on the face of the earth are getting hacked, right? But there's absolutely no way you can get in this election thing. I'm like, then why aren't these corporations using that technology? Why are they still getting fucking hacked? That doesn't just make up. I just can't figure that out. My fucking mind.


The statement is there's no evidence that they've been hacked.


Doesn't mean. Yeah, it ain't a crime. Which is true.


It is true. But there is evidence that you can hack those machines. Right? And wasn't that Jamie the subject of. They were going to update the machines in 2024 or something like that, but they're going to update them. But they weren't at a certain point in time when they were recording this, where they were reporting on this. Rather they hadn't updated them. Here's my take on this. Election fraud is never zero. It's not 0%, right? We can all agree to that, right? I think we can all agree that there's people that are complete maniacs, that are maniacs for the Democrats or maniacs for the Republicans, and they will do whatever the fuck it takes to get their person to win. There are certain human beings like that that exist, especially in these very polarized groups, and especially when you've got a guy that you've been comparing to Hitler forever, so you can kind of treat him as if Hitler's coming. Let's stop Hitler. Literally, you can think like that. People think like that. And the moral question would be, if you knew you could stop Hitler from being president, would you do it, and how would you do it?


And then they act that way. But what they don't recognize is that is deeply un american. And the only way you're going to beat this person or any person who runs for president is to be better than them. That's what this country is supposed to be about. Supposed to be about a meritocracy. Supposed to be, who is the best leader? Is it her? Is it him? Who is it? Who's the best leader? And that's the person we should gravitate towards, who has the ideas that make the most sense, who's the one who understands what the fuck is going on internationally on a deep sense, really can tell you what the people, the puppeteers behind the strings, like, how this is all happening.


Well, I think a lot of that would be taken away if we cap the money. Let's call it $10 million.




You can each raise $10 million. Now let's see who spends it the wisest.


Well, it seems insane that you could just donate fucking untold millions of dollars, these super paCs, and they can support these presidents. They're essentially running the country because you can't beat them. And they play dirty. They play so dirty. I mean, it's kind of impressive, but it's also. They're exposing the wiring under the machine in a way that it's never been exposed before. We never were totally aware of how wild it is that there's a group of people that no one ever thinks about called the deep state that is real.


They're going to run Biden right out of there, make no mistake.


Oh, they're running him out right now.


They're fucking running him out.


That's why all these crimes or all these things he's being charged for. And then that judge's decision. How about that judge's decision that he was too mentally compromised to be tried?


That was the prosecutor's decision. Investigators her, whatever his name was. H-U-R. So who was that? Was in his report?


Yeah, but do you need that quote?


Was anybody out there need that fucking report to just watch this guy and go like, hey, I feel bad for him. He's fucking old, right? We're all going to get there someday.




It's like, can you not fucking look at this guy and go, like, I can look in his fucking eyes and go, like, something's not fucking there. Something's wrong.


It's the people that work under him. Because if he goes, they go. Then everybody gets appointed by the new person. The report described special counsel. Yeah, okay. The report described the 81 year old Democrats memory as. I wonder why they write that. The 81 year old Democrat. How about the president? How about the president's memory as hazy, fuzzy, faulty, poor, and having significant limitations? It noted that Biden could not recall defining milestones in his own life, such as when his son Bo died or when he served as vice president.


God bless his son.


But think about just that. The way they wrote that, the 81 year old Democrats memory. Why would they write that? That seems so nuts.




The president, he's not just a random Democrat. Like, what defines him. If you've got one word, you go with Democrats.


Is that the Washington AP writing that or is that in the special prosecutor's report? I was unclear.


I was unclear as well, because that's different. Right.


Of course the AP is going to.


Say that, of course, but I can't.


See the special prosecutor saying that.


But it's just. No, I don't think.


Because then it sounds very political.


Yeah, but it's such a crazy thing to say to call him a Democrat. He's the president.


He's our leader. I will put past the media.


It's wild. But this is what I'm saying about, like, the wiring under the board has been exposed in a way that it's never been exposed before, where you're looking at and you go, what? What are you guys doing? He can't stand trial because he's mentally unfit, but he can run the country. Don't worry about it. He can't speak, and he's going to run again.


Hardly fucking walk.


But it seems like when they release information like that, they know what they're doing. They're slowly chipping away at it. And by the time probably, I would say, like, may rolls around, it'll probably be Gavin Newsom. That would be my guess, if I'm not, like, playing this sport. So I'm watching it from the sideline I'm like, what would I. What moves would.


I can't. How the fuck can they run, Gavin? I keep hearing that Gavin Newsom, Michelle Obama, like, Gavin news. How the fuck? When you just look at California, one of the most beautiful states, arguably the most beautiful in America. Resources for days fucking everything. Him, fucking pelosi, fucking Maxine waters, fucking Adam Schiff. They just fucked the whole state up. Like, fucked it up. Everybody's running for the fucking hills.


You got to wonder how much of it is by design. You got to wonder of it. How much is designed to make the population more unstable, more violent, more scared, more crime, less ability to prosper. Everyone's much more vulnerable.


It seems like a lot of work of the Democrats, though.


It seems like something is probably behind it that's bigger than that. And if I would guess, you're not conspiracy. I'm 100% a conspiracy theorist. I love a good conspiracy. I believed in Bigfoot until about eight years ago.


Fucking the yeti is another story. I didn't say I didn't believe in the yeti.


I don't anymore, but I was all in for a while. But I've been down so many rabbit holes, so many 911 rabbit holes, so many bohemian grove rabbit holes.


I went there once, Bones. I got kicked out.


Did you?


You went to the grove? Yeah.


Oh, shit.


Why'd you get kicked out? Fucking weird. Fucking weird. I punched a kid in the head.


You punched a kid in the head in Bohemian Grove?


Yeah. It turns out this fucking kid was an infiltrator. So then after that, I was kind of this hero. Like a year or two later, he come back. I was like, I'm not coming to your little fucking weird party out in the fucking woods. I was like, I went once. It ain't that cool.


So the infiltrator. What happened with you and the infiltrator?


We're sitting on this fire. You have these little. They're kind of like treehouses or campsites, but they're really nice. Everyone has a private, you know. Really? Yeah. You do share a room? Me and Jimmy John shared a room. That was fun. And I came here, kids talking around this fire, and he just started popping that shit. And I just fucking went at him, gave him a couple, helped him up. It's like, hey, we were. I think, you know, we weren't on great terms, but I think we had an understanding. It wasn't. It was know one of those things. And then I couldn't go to the concert that night. I think Zach Brown or somebody's playing like, you can't. I had to sit home like I was in fucking time out or something. I'm like, fuck this place.


Meanwhile you're a kid rock and you're getting left alone by these people with some fucking crazy person. And you defend yourself.


Fucking weird.


There's going to be a certain percentage of people that are just out of their fucking minds. And if you haven't vetted them, that's on you.


Hey, remember it could have been drunk, shit or whatever. It wasn't the end of the world. It was a little tussle and a little hit the ground, maybe a punch here and there. It was know, then it was done. It wasn't know, but it was a fight, I guess.


You're just a nice guy. You didn't beat him to the.


It was a tussle.


You're a nice guy. But how many people infiltrate that place? Because a bunch of people have filmed videos there now?


I have no idea.


Alex Jones was the first. Him and John Ronson. This is back before Alex Jones's Persona non grata. And people would do, legitimate journalists like John Ronson would do these things with him. You're familiar, you never seen that video of them in Bohemia. John Ronson's a brilliant guy. What is his? He's an author. He wrote that book. So you're getting publicly shamed about social media. Like, he's an interesting guy. He's a very funny he. So he went with Alex to Bohemian Grove and they filmed these rituals, these people dressed like druids and they're burning this effigy in front of a giant owl statue.


Oh, I was at the owl statue. This is fucking hilarious. So I'm there on day one, right? And we're drinking beers like it's pretty laid back. There's some really cool talks. I remember this dude talking about shooting asteroids out that might hit the earth in so many years, shit like that. I'm like, fuck, this is cool. But the first day, it was the first evening, and you gather around whatever the owl by this lake, if I remember correctly, which could be a little hazy, it was a long time ago and I've heard about this place. I'm like, this is some real secret ass shit, man. I can't believe I'm fucking here, right? And it's just a trove of celebrities fucking everywhere you turn. It's just fucking a. Fucking a. So you go there and I'm like thinking we're going to hear some shit, right? They're about to introduce the first speaker. And I'm like, fuck, this is going to be some shit. And they're like, and no offense against this guy. We consider him friendly. We have very good mutual friends. But they're like, ladies and gentlemen, Tony Danza. And I'm like, what?


I'm like, come on, man.


Who's a fucking boss? Tell them, bitches. Which you would have just gone up there and been like, who's the boss, bitch?


That's hilarious.


I was like, no fucking way, man. I was like, we came all the way, this secret ass shit, and I love Tony. Fucking love him. But I'm like, come on, man. I was like, they brought Reagan back from the dead, and he's going to speak her hologram or some shit.


Like you were hoping for some devil.


Shit, just some crazy shit one way or the other. He's a very good speaker, I got to say.


But maybe they toned it down. Maybe they toned it down 20 years ago. Infiltrated. Oh, really?


I'm terrible with dates, but it's long time ago, okay?


Because when Alex snuck in was like, the 90s. Jamie, what was it like when Alex Jones and John Ronson snuck into Bohemian Grove? That's when they first got that video. I want to say it was in the. Want to say it was, like, 99 or something like that.


I did have some fun there. I got to say. It was fucking weird. I met, like, paul Pelosi and his son.


Oh, boy.


And, like, Chris Matthews.


But I was hanging out with them.


We were having cool conversations. Kind of weird. And then they asked me, like, I had to come play my guitar and sing at one of these camp things. I was like, I feel so used, so dirty. Like, I don't do this shit, man. What the fuck?


Yeah, that's got to be weird. Hey, man, play us a song.


Well, it's kind of like an unspoken requirement, like a wink wink. Like, you need to take your guitar over there if you want to be in good graces or be a team player type deal. And I'm like, yeah, I really don't.


A friend of mine went to a party, and in the middle of the party, Michael Bolton just starts singing, and everybody gathers around. While Michael Bolton was standing there singing.


Was it set up?


Yeah, it was set up.


Oh, that's fine.


But no one knew. Then all of sudden, a. I think no one knew.


How do you know?


But it was just like, what's going on?


Then how do you know?


All of a sudden, Michael Bolton singing, and everyone should just be quiet.


It's not a bad strategy. If you don't want to look like a putts to, like. Otherwise, just like, hey, these motherfuckers paid me a shit ton of money, and I'm going to sing some songs.


Right? That's what it is. It's like the ultimate flex.


Yeah. That's how I used to fund my foundation doing corporate gigs.


Dude, Dana White had a birthday party.


I've played it a few times.


I know you have. And Dana White's birthday parties are wild. And he had a birthday party, I think it was for his 40th. And Stone Temple pilots played. Dude, they put on a show like it was a fucking packed arena. That's what I did.


Ask Dana. That's exactly what he said to me. He goes, there's 150 people here. He goes, where'd you think you were? I was, like, fucking at and t stadium.


That's exactly what he told you.


Kind of got to put yourself in that mindset.


Fuck, yeah.


Because those things can be fucking grueling, right?


They can be weird if people aren't paying attention. And the Stone Temple palace thing, there wasn't a lot of people there. There was only a few hundred people there. It was crazy.


That's usually what they are. A couple hundred people. Dude was killing it.


Killing it. He had the bullhorn out and everything.


Scott was the best.


Oh, my God. What an animal. That guy was like. It was so inspiring, like, how good he was at performing.


Yeah, he was fucking loved. Got.


God bless him, they killed that show. It was really good, man. It was really good. And you felt, like, super lucky to be great. There's something about seeing something where there's not a lot of people around to see know. That's why I like watching those UFC fights in the apex center. There's something about, even though I know the world, seeing it on video, to be there live while that's happening, that was one of the positive things about.


COVID Can we talk about that punch? At the last fucking one we were at, sitting there, that fucking. I think it was the second Josh Emmett. Yeah, that crack.


Oh, my God. Dude, that guy punches.


I've only been to a handful of the fights. I know you fucking.


Obviously, that's your Josh Emmett might be the hardest puncher in that division.


I never heard anything like that.


Yeah, he hit so hard, I thought.


The guy was dead.


Yeah. Well, that was a crazy combination of Bryce Mitchell moving forward quick and then him catching him right at the end of one of the most powerful punchers ever in the 145 pound division. Yeah, show that again. Watch this. Look how that dude's built.


You can't appreciate it without the smack. Smack.


Look at the fucking physique on this animal. I mean, Josh Emmon is just a ball of muscle, bro.


That guy hit, sounded like somebody smacked a two by four, like against a garbage can, bro.


If that guy hits anybody, they go night night. I mean, anybody. Damn, anybody. He had this fight with Michael Johnson, and Michael Johnson's a really good fighter. He knocked out Dustin Poirier at one point. Michael Johnson's very, very legit. And Michael Johnson's winning the fight. And Josh Emmet catches him with one punch and just shuts him off. Watch this. So Michael Johnson's winning this fight.




One shot, dude. One shot. I mean, crazy power, man. I mean, his power is preposterous. He's got the total touch, what Sahabi calls the touch of death. That's the touch of death. He's got it better than anybody in the sport, the touch of death. But that Ilya toporia guy that just knocked down Volkanovsky, he's got the touch of death too.


There's guys are getting bigger. They're just getting stronger, but their technique's getting better. It's like any sport. It just keeps, there's a lot of factors.


There's a lot of factors to having that kind of power. And some of it is just pure genetics. Some of it is just, you just got lucky. You got that frame, whatever it is. Like, Josh, he's built. Like, if you look at his body, it's just like a fucking tank. Just his ball of muscle, and he gets so much force into it. And that's just a gigantic advantage if you use it correctly, like toporia does. Did you see that fight with Toporia and Volkanovsky?


I still don't know all the names. I know a handful of names.


It was the featherweight title. This past weekend, Alexander Volkanovsky was trying to defend his title against Ilya Toporia. And Volkanovsky had been dominant in this division forever. And Toporia put him to sleep, man. This is not the fight, by the way. This is just like. Yeah, the lead up to the fight. Yeah, Toporia, he put him to sleep. It was wild to see, man, this kid is a fucking monster. And he's only 27 years old. And he said he was going to do it. He said, I'm going to knock him out in the second round.


Well, do any of those guys go and go? Like, my chances are about 50 50 on this one. No.


Some guys have respect for their opponents. They say things like great champion.


That's no fun though. Yeah, that's no fun. This is a talk shit sport.


It is.


And it hypes up the match, gets everybody going.


Yeah, fucking. And it's also part of the psychological warfare because that shit works, especially on some people. Some people, like Nate Diaz, doesn't work on it all. You can talk shit to him all day long. That does not change anything about the kind of ass whooping you're going to get. But for some guys, it fucks with their head hardcore. They just have a really hard time with someone talking shit about them and they get real emotional.


It's a lot of sports, a lot of fucking, even in my business.


And music. Yeah.


See people, when that red light comes on, when you're doing something like live or tape to television or whatever, see people, that red light comes on, you have band members out of like ten of them. It's usually one. Somebody just fucking can't keep it together and fucks up. It's just one of those things. It's just something about having that fucking cool, calm, collective fucking mindset when you're going into anything that's stressful or high energy, whatever it might be.


How difficult was it for you when you first started getting famous? Because you go from being a regular dude to being kid rock in not.


A lot of time, what was it like getting pussy?


No, like, being the man and just.


Pretty much what it was.


But was it stressful? Was it like, hard to deal with?


Fuck no. Wasn't it all fucking awesome? I love it. It's the greatest fucking shit on earth. I'm like, I have to worry about fucking buying food. Like, I'm going to be able to put my kid through college at this point. We're getting a new fucking house and a new car, fucking getting a nice seat at the restaurant. Fucking no problem with that. I'm not one of those people that bitch about it. What do you think it is?


What do you think about people that can't handle it? What do you think it is?


Fucking get away from it. Britney Spears. Move back to wherever the fuck you're from. Where's she from? Arkansas or Louisiana or something. I don't know. Somewhere down there. Get the fuck out of LA. That place is eating you fucking alive.


I think Brittany's in Vegas now, right?


Oh, so much better.


Yeah, it's better for health.


I'm not going to do heroin anymore.


I've stepped it down to crack and gambling.


There's ways to get away from it. Yeah, there's ways. Trust me. You know this, too. So many of these people, because I've been here and seen this first fucking hand. The front row seat. Half these people are telling these people they're feeding the machine through a source to get their story told. They're telling them where they're going to be at. So the paparazzi is there. It's a fucking game.


It's a publicity game. It's weird, and it works. You can make a lot of money that way.


I don't hate the games.


That's what the Kardashians did. Worked out. Worked out well.


God bless them.


Solid business model for them. Really worked. Like, if you just want to make money, that's the way to do it.


I will never get the big ass thing. I don't get it. That's just right over my head.


You don't like big asses at all?




Really? You like them little.


Just fucking small, white pancake ass with huge tits.


Every man has his type.


I don't know. Yeah, that's all I'm saying. Everybody has his type. But there's, like, this fucking ass movement in the last ten some years. It's awesome to watch. Watching rap videos and shit. It's fucking great. I'm like, really? All right.


You just don't know what the appeal is.








I don't think I could be further from you in that department. I love a good ass girl.


Looks like she could squeeze slidestone. Different strokes from different folks.


Girls look like they can pick up heavy kettlebells.


Oh, God. I don't have a heavy kettlebell. I'm working with the old two pound hand weight out here.


Different strokes for different folks. And isn't that the message, anyway? The world, totally, really what it should be.


I'd say everything against it. I'm just saying. I don't get it.


Yeah, I get that you don't get.


It, and that's okay.


You got, like, a 1970s sensibility. The Catherine Bach days.


Oh, yeah.


Dukes of hazard.


Oh, fuck.


Remember how hot she was?


See, if a girl with a huge ass drove up in the general e, I'd definitely be excited.


That lady was so pretty. Oh, my God. I remember watching that show thinking, that's not even possible to be that pretty. How the fuck is she that pretty?


All those shows. Love boat, Fantasy island, Dukes of Hazard.


How about Charlie's angels? Three hot chicks out there solving crimes.


Yeah. With guns. Sold fantasy island like they got a fucking midget.


You're like, yes, welcome to Fantasy island.


He's in a suit. They got a little guy in a suit. Like, fucking. He's got an accent. Oh, fuck. Turn it up.


Was there always a lesson in Fantasy island? Like, they didn't really need what they were asking for and they should have just stayed where they were? Wasn't there like those kind of messages? I don't remember.


Wasn't it be kind of like, careful what you wish for.


Those are always that way. There's always like a trick. The genie's got a trick. Careful what you wish for.




It's never like, oh, yeah. And then I'm going to be the king of the world and everything worked out great.


You have one wish.


I'm going to wish for a million wishes that would kill you.




If you do that, they get real mad. Like, no, you abused the wish totally. Imagine if that was real. Imagine if genies were real. We're just all looking.


I was always jealous of Ricky Schroeder on silver spoons. I'm like, fuck, look, all these kids got a fucking train in his living room, man. How cool is that? Pinball machines everywhere. Shit. I'm like, fuck, that looks awesome. It's not like I grew up without. It's from a very middle, upper class family. We had everything we needed. We had a swimming pool and tennis court and shit, all that. But I was like, fuck, silver spoons. You're like, we don't have money like that. That's some other shit.


That's what social media is doing times ten, right?




Imagine being a kid today and just dealing with all this social media shit.


Trying to keep up with the Joneses.


Impossible. Yeah.


I think it's even worse. Well, my granddaughter's nine, but I have nieces who are teenagers and going through all that stuff. And it's. Man, the influence it has over them. And then what the other kids say and then what they're all saying on social media and what the new trend is and what the new this. I think it's always been that way, but now it's just exaggerated times 1000.


Because everything's difficult thing for adults to handle. And the emotional aspect of going back and forth with people and comments and stuff and the whole world is commenting on things when they're doing that to each other. The kind of pressure that they're putting under him. No kids have ever experienced that before. No kids have ever grown up with that before. This is a totally new pressure. And if you look at the data, like, suicide went up, self harm went up, depression went up. It's not healthy. It's not normal.


I think it's the devil. I said that the year Twitter came out. You might be able to look this up. I care. I think it wasn't rolling stone or somewhere or whatever. They're like, what do you think about Twitter? And I said, twitter's fucking gay. This is Freightwood came, and so as time went on, because all I saw is people, like, having a subway sandwich for lunch or whatever, I'm like, no.


One gives a fuck, right? The early, like, you know, I get.


Promoting stuff and this, that and the other fucking getting a rise out of somebody stirring the pot. But then the funny part was, years later, Twitter blew up to be this huge fucking thing. And they're like, this fucking reporter's getting kind of snooty with me. He's like, you said, and I quote, twitter's gay. I'm like, no fucking way. I go. I didn't say that shit. I go, and I'm so sick of you fuckers in the media misquoting me every time, every opportunity you get. I said, to be clear, I said, twitter is fucking gay. All right? Get it right.


The I got you questions like that.


You said, that's why I stopped doing interviews like ten so many years ago. Because you used to have to promote something called every radio station in every market. It's like, that would be part of your day. Get up early, which I was not good at back then. These days I'm up at 330, but it's not good at the back in these days. It's like, get up early, call all these different places, all these things, like weekly. And it turned into, as the Internet and social media started becoming prevalent, it turned into, I got you because that was the headline. And as my publicist used to say, dude, you speak in fucking headlines because you have no fucking filter. And I'm like, I don't. It's going to be very tough to change that. So it was always this, be your buddy, say some nice things, your new record is great, blah, blah, blah. Then fucking get you on the line with something. Of course I go off the fucking rails, right? And then fucking, that's all you hear about.


And it know, well, that's what they want to do.


They still do.


They only have a couple of minutes with you. They want to say something outrageous or question you in a way that's going to go viral.


I just got tired of dealing with it, and I feel bad for so many reporters that were so good to me, especially in Detroit. I think a lot of them took it personal. I've been meaning to contact them for all these years and say, like, hey, I'm going to do stuff with you again. I'm starting to come out of it. I'm doing your show. I'm like, I get it. I got some stuff to promote. I'm like, but if I never saw another fucking tv camera interview again, I'd be fine. I'd be totally fucking fine. Like, I don't need to be on fucking Good Morning America every week. I don't give a fuck.


But you don't have to. You have a beautiful setup.


Well, I'm very blessed to not.


The way you're living your life is amazing.


I don't want to overshadow that. I'm extremely blessed.


Oh, I know you appreciate it, but the way you're living, like, I've talked on this podcast many times about you giving me the tour of your house.


It wasn't even done. Oh, by the way, you got that wrong.


What did I get wrong?


You said my girl listens to you religiously, my fiance. And she'll always play me the hot clips.




That one was on me. And you're like, he's got a golden shower. I'm like, a golden shower? That's like pissing on somebody. It's a gold bathroom.


The whole bathroom is gold.


Yeah, there's no shower.


The shower is not golden. Well, it wasn't in place yet. No, I just seen the tile, and it was golden. And someone told me it was a golden shower. I was like, that's the most amazing.


Thing I've ever seen in my life, the golden urinal.


But the walls were.


It's all.


Everything was gold, dude. It was before. When I went into. It was before. Everything was three, four years ago. Yeah, I think it was three years ago.


You have no idea how hard it was to find gold toilets. Not joking. Now you can go on Google and you pump them up. Well, I had to get the seat gold plated because I couldn't find it. I found a gold toilet and couldn't find a seat in the lid and fucking got. Had to cheaply gold plate it.


Well, gold is a weird. You ever see what they can do with gold? They could take a little tiny piece of gold and cover this whole table.


Absolutely. I get so much shit. Gold plated, 18 karat, 24 karat gold plated.


Look at that. The Internet knows.


Hey, that's on the Internet, bro.


Look at that. That's amazing. A gold urinal.


Why not?


Your house is incredible. I describe it to everybody. I'm like, there's two bedrooms.


The fucking house is gigantic.


It's bigger than the actual White House. It's got two bedrooms. I think your house is bigger than the actual White House. I think so, yes. Somebody was telling me that.


No fucking way. White House is like 100,000.


Sure, yeah. That thing looks little.


I've looked it up.


But the White House has more than one house, right?


Well, there's more than one levels. There's underground basement, main floor. Then you go up and up to the main residence. And they have tunnels that go out to the other side to the vp's place where the bowling alley is and shit.


Bro, is that the dumbest idea of all time? To tell everybody where your president's going to be all the time?


What a fucking dumb idea.


Oh, he's in this super visible house. It's just a house.


I think they're pretty protective. He's over there.


How protective can you be if you've watched those instagram drones?


Airspace is shut down, okay?


55,000 sqft. All right, I'm wrong. I thought your house is bigger.


Mine's 27 or something.


But what your house is, is.


But it's on 200 acres, not 18.


Well, your house is exactly. If an 18 year old kid won the lottery, oh, 100%. And said, you can have any house you want. I want a fucking giant room for jacuzzis with, like, exposed beams, like a collapsed mine.


I'm like, this is amazing. I joke with my friends when we're touring. I love to give people tours. I'm proud of it, what I've done and hard work and shit. And it's one of my favorite things to do. And I joke with them all the time, and it's pretty serious. I'm like, if I had this fucking house 15 years ago, something like, I'd be dead. I'd be fucking dead. There's no question.


It's an amazing setup. Dude, you've made a party house. It's perfect. Beautiful view, great place to be.


I believe if they were an advertiser, it'd be a great place to entertain. Yeah, an entertainer's dream.


An entertainer's dream. Yeah. If you were trying to sell that. Oh, boy.


What is it?


About 27,000 sqft. How big is it?


Yeah, but the only reason I put the elevator in, because I'm going to die there, I was like, I'm going to need to get up and down these floors one day.


That elevator is amazing, too.


Funny. When the architect that's probably my second favorite thing outside passion, outside of be a close second with hunting and the outdoors is music, is interior design and architecture. And so I'm designing a house with. Edgy's an architect, obviously, for many reasons, but he's like, are you sure you want to put the elevator right in the foyer of the main entrance? He goes, most people hide it off to the back by a laundry room or something. I'm like, yeah, one right in the fucking middle. I want it gold. So people walk in, they're like, kid rock's got a fucking elevator.


Yeah, put it right out front, bro. This is a house for ballers.


This is a house of learning doctors and ballers.


That's an amazing story. That's how I would do it.


You built something, right?


No, I bought a house. I bought a house idea. But if I was going to build a house, I'd build a house like that. I think what I want to do is I want to build a podcast ranch. I've been thinking a lot about that lately.


You got a lot of cool shit here, but you can take all this. And I've already figured out your lighting here for you. I was telling the guys out front, yeah. So there's several spaces here, and there's a lot of light switches. I noticed already just from doing a small tour. Fuck Lutron. Fuck Crestron, fuck that automated shit. What you do, you might be able to do the whole building. If not, you can do it in sections that make sense, like this whole front thing. Everything's on dimmers, and there's one switch strategically placed when you walk out of the door and maybe somewhere by your office or something, all hooked up to the same breaker. Click. Like when I walk into my studio, where you've been down there or whatever, things like 10,000 sqft. There's two light switches. Shut everything off in there. Three, because one in the studio, it never breaks. Works perfectly. When you turn it on, you're ready to rock. If the cleaning people need to do something, they can adjust the dimmer up or down, and it's the cheapest, smartest, most efficient fucking thing you can do.


Good advice from Kid rock.


I love that shit.


Yeah, that's good advice. Yeah. This place is a little chaotic, but this used to be. Well, I can't say that I can't talk too much about it, what it used to be, but I've been thinking about doing something in a place where we could do a lot of other shit, too.


Just put in a fucking place with a lake Runway.


You can definitely get somewhere with a Runway out here.


You're doing so well and you're so successful, get a chopper so you could bring the people. Like, what a cool experience. They fly to your ranch because you're going to get more value the farther you go out.


Yeah, but I limit my time in those fucking things.


Oh, I do, too. Rock and rolling choppers don't mix.


They freaked me out a little bit.


Me too.


Yeah, they took out Stevie Ray Vaughn, didn't it?


Jim Crow.


Was it a plane crash that took out Ray Vaughn?


Helicopter coming out of Alpine Valley up in Wisconsin. Jim Crochet.


Scary one to die.


Budy T. Roy from what's called fuck. Montgomery juntry.


Bill Burr has his own helicopter license and he took me up.


I took lessons.


Did you?


I took lessons for a while. I had this grand idea when I was younger, when I first started getting fucking money, and I'm like, I'm going.


To get a fucking helicopter. I'm going to paint it gold.


10,000 fucking. Yeah, exactly. I would 100% gold flake. I was like, if it looked like a low rider, I was going to get like 10,000 acres in the middle of nowhere, build my fucking little fucking redneck empire. So I started taking these lessons in a single engine Robinson, and I let my hand off the collective a couple Times, and the teacher's like, what the fuck? You do that? I'm like, you didn't tell me not to fucking do that. Blah, blah, blah. And then what really was a deal breaker? I'm like, I know myself. I'm like, we'll be sitting around getting tuned up and I'll be like, you guys want to get the chopper out? Go for a spin? Oh, my God.


Dread flying.


Oh, yeah.


I was like, could you imagine?


No, let's make enough money to ride in the back. Yeah.


The only times that I've been in one, I'm like, keep it together, keep it together. It feels like you're trying to stay in a flying football helmet. It seems so fragile. They seem so fragile when you're in them.


They're like, I'll never get in a single engine and anything again that flies. Never. Everything that flies is based on a system of two. Two fuel pumps, two engines, two everything you can go with without one of them. So your odds are pretty good when those things fuck up. Mainly speaking about planes, it's pilot error. Probably 90 some percent of the time.


There was a recent private jet that crashed.


Yeah. On NLA.


Yeah. Challenger three.


A couple of people got out of the back and the pilots died.


Yeah, the people survived, which is crazy. If you look at the footage.


Passengers landed on the highway.


Oh, Jesus Christ, dude. That's insane. I thought that was. Oh, my God, it is in Florida, right? Dude, that is so wild to see. Watch this land. Watch this happen again. Yeah, do it from the beginning because the beginning.


Watch this.


Watch this land. This is so crazy. Look at this.


That's the kind of plane I got.


Look at that, bro.




I mean, how insane is that?


And I think it was three people came out of the back. Yeah, the pilots.






They just had to just land it on the fucking highway. Holy shit, man. Imagine trying to land a plane and knowing you're going to take out those cars and you're probably not going to land anyway. You're probably not going to be able to pull it off anyway. You don't have any engines anymore.




Oh, my God.


It's scary. Just not being in control of anything. At least for me. I'm a bit of a control freak. Just not being in control of any situation, especially when it's something like that. That always makes you think a little bit more.


That's why when things aren't a meritocracy and you're hiring because you want things to be inclusive, you're not getting the best people working on your fucking airplanes.




Flying your airplanes. You're not getting the best people. What are you doing? But especially like airlines, that is one of the scariest fucking methods of transportation. Whether it's the safest, that's arguable. It is very safe, relatively, but it's one of the scariest for people. It gives them the most anxiety because you give up all control. You're hoping that the pilots can keep it together. You're hoping that the equipment's been tested correctly. You're hoping that everybody who tightens every bolt and checks every fucking weld, you're hoping they do a really good job. They're really good at it.


They do do a pretty good job overall. I'll even say this is a place that makes sense for regulations.




You know what I mean? As somebody very right of center, less regulations on most things, that's something that makes sense. And they have a lot of good ones in place. You just can't fucking jump in a plane. Like when something like that happens, it's something fucked up.




Be interesting to see when they do their investigation, what happened, exactly.


Yeah, it would be interesting. How do you get a double engine failure? That sounds insane.


Or maybe it's like when know landed that on the Hudson river, it was geese or whatever or something like, you know, I've flown out of many airports where they go out there with shotguns before just a boom, get with blanks just to get the geese out of there. And they actually let you hunt them at some certain times of years. Like I know at Metro airport in Detroit, there was a congressman that asked, they had a special permit to go over there and hunt them at certain times of year. And I love the bird hunt.


Yeah, they try to keep populations down. They have snipers. They do a lot of different things. They try a bunch of different methods to keep ducks and pigeons and shit. Because how many planes have been taken out by birds? Probably quite a few.


It's becoming more common, really. You never know if something's more common. Or is the media just that much more accessible with everything? I always wonder with that, as the population grows, things make sense. That gets more of whatever, right? But you just don't know in this day and age when there's fucking how many 24/7 news channels all trying to report and get an exclusive story.


And some of them just straight up gaslighting you. Oh, yeah, gaslighting you on the news.


If I shit my pants right now, like just legit shit my fucking pants, it would be the biggest story of this week.


Maybe next week it'd be a big one. That loser, he shit his pants as if it's never happened to you.


Well, it's not like the left wing media is reporting any good stuff I do. No, well, I'm just in their sights.


We need is a non wing media. That's what we need. There should be value in just the news, and that's what Dr. Phil wants to be.


That's supposed to be the AP.


Yeah, it's supposed to be, but it's not anymore. Because I think journalists, at some point in time, at least corporate journalists, a big percentage of them decided that they're working towards a better future. They're activists, and I think some of those people are not very charismatic, and people don't like them that much. They just happen to be on television.


Why do many of these people refuse to retire?


Because now they have a career.


It's their identity.


It's their identity.


It's like they're 75 years old, plus they refuse to go away.


Yeah, they won't go away. And they also want to give their opinions all the time. A lot of these people want to give their opinions on things.


Yeah, I want someone who's actually, if they're in the media, who has consequences on their opinions. When you're fucking 77 and you're what's her name from ABC or whatever, who's crying at fucking Hillary Clinton's when she lost the election, who reports fucking world news.




You're like, she has nothing to fucking lose.


That's not a journalist.


I want somebody who's young, has a family. Like, you have shit to actually lose. If you're going to sway things, this, that and the other, and get called out on it. If you're in the media, if you want to talk shit, join a band.


I just feel like we need objective news with no spin at all.




And not coming at a place where you don't want to report on a certain thing because it makes Trump look good. What are the facts? What are we dealing with? What are we dealing with in terms of the economy? What are we dealing with in terms of international conflict? What are the facts? What's actually happening? Don't twist it in some weird conservative way.


If they went by facts and things like that, there's no one been better than Trump, the shit he got done. And if you just look at the numbers in his record, forget about all the noise.


You see, that guy was one of the founders of Facebook who talked about it, and he said it was the right message, but the wrong messenger. He talked about all the different things that Trump did that it turns out, it.


I. Even though we're friends, even before we became good friends, I understood, as I think a lot of people did, not a ton. A good amount of people understood that there's a method to that, to what people call madness. When he says, like, fucking Russia, go after fucking Poland if you don't want to pay your fair share of NATO. My sense tells me, no, he's never going to let that happen, but he's going to fucking go in there and fucking let them know you're going to pay your fucking money. He's not going to let that happen. I would say in my heart, and the way I feel, there's no fucking way to let that happen. It's like when he's telling certain countries, like, if you're going to go into Ukraine, I'll fucking blow up Moscow, even if they only believe him, 5% fucking keeps him out. You know what I mean? The guy knows how to fucking go in and get shit done and talk business wise and make these statements and this then, and they don't know what the fuck he's going to do. But I have to say, when he was in office, by me, he did the right thing pretty much every fucking time.


Everything he did for this country, whether it was keeping the border in check, fucking everybody working, including minorities, energy, fucking independent, spilled the fucking military up. Keep us out of fucking wars. I mean, the list goes on and on.


I think if people could look at it without his personality attached to it, they'd be able to see that. But that's one of the most amazing things the media has done, is they've turned a guy who was a celebrity, who was beloved. He was the host of the celebrity apprentice on NBC.


Zelensky was a celebrity. Everyone puts him on the highest fucking pedestal. Like, oh, he's the greatest. Fucking.


Well, that's confusing too, right?


Super confusing.


That whole thing. When the left is calling for war and the left wants war, that's like, what has happened to the world?


Trump just said the smartest thing. Everything he says to me is fucking great. But smartest thing. He's like, we should not. I've kind of spoke about this with family and friends for the years. Like, why do we keep getting to these wars, giving countries this fucking money, and we get nothing in return? This should be a fucking loan, or we should take land or natural resources that they can buy back one day with a small interest or something. Why are we just giving fucking money away? Giving our resources all, you know, the fucking trillions we spent in Afghanistan and Iraq.


So what's the answer to that? Why did they do that?


I have no fucking idea. I wish I had the answer. I'm not smart enough to know that.


Yeah, there's probably someone who could probably illuminate it for us.


But does the debt matter? I don't understand how the debt fucking matters. I don't get it.


National debt.


Yeah, everyone's always bitching about the debt, but we just fucking keep spending money like, no business survives like that. That's just common sense. But they keep doing it. I'm like, it must not matter because we have the biggest bomb. It's like trying to collect from the biggest bully in school. Like, hey, where's my $20? Like, I'll beat your ass. Like, okay, I'll get it next year.


Who do we owe all that money to?


They say China. They say this country that.


I'm like, imagine if China just bought America for, like, one day.


Imagine if they tried to collect.


Look at all the people. oh, my God. Look at how much money.


34 trillion.


Yo, look at how crazy this is when you watch this. It's so insane.


Yet they're like, hey, we need to send another 60 billion here. We need to fucking 100 billion for this.


The thousands. Just look how quick the thousands go by the thousand other national debt, there's another hundred. It's insane to watch.


It's bananas. They got so weaker in New York City.


Debt per citizen, $101,960 debt per taxpayer. $265,178 per taxpayer.


I don't understand how that works.


That's so insane.


But I've never heard. I've never heard it explained. I've heard politicians bitch about it and our debt and this, that and the other. I'm like, I don't get it. Why does it keep going up if we can't afford it? My conclusion is we can clearly fucking afford it. We just print some more fucking money or whatever. I don't get it. Have you ever heard that explained?


No. I never realized it was that bad until watching that clock. There's something about knowing the number, but seeing the number move in real time, that's just terrifying. I don't understand how this makes sense. Okay. Many people believe that much of us national debt is owed to foreign countries like China and Japan. But the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and pension funds right here in the US. This means that us citizens own most of the national debt.


It's a fucking scam. It's a giant Ponzi scheme. It's a Ponzi scheme. I just went around. Yeah, we need that hundred thousand dollars. We're going to pay off the debt.


What the fuck?




What the fuck? We owe it to ourselves.


We sound like Debbie Downer and negative Nancy over here. Yeah.


What are we doing? We're punching ourselves. Keep going to the.


Let's talk about fun shit.


Yeah, well, it's. It's just something that just comes up. If you're having a conversation about why the world is crazy, remember, find a single example.


Politics never came up years ago. Do you ever remember that?




I remember. If it came up as, like, who are you voting for? Be like, none of your fucking business.


Yeah, like in the who fuck talked about politics.


Meanwhile, I'm looking in the mirror with a fucking MAGA hat on and a trump flag. I'm the biggest fucking provocateeer and offender of this.


Yeah, but you're also a guy who's, like, fed up. You're fed up with. There's a narrative that the world got fed.


Yeah, I just love my country too much.


But it's a stupid narrative.


Which one?


Well, first of all, the narrative that right and left are really that separate from each other. Most people care about the same things.


Holy. All my left wing friends, I got plenty of them. Look at my fucking band. You want to talk about Dei? We got fucking gay, black lesbians, fucking, fucking rednecks, fucking females, fucking men, black, white, fucking. That wasn't fucking done by, like, oh, we need to mix this up, right? It was like, we want the best people. And not only that are best for whatever they play or whatever their instrument, musical talent is, but also people that we knew could get along and could spend time as a family. Like, you hear these horror stories about. So many bands hate each other, this, that, and the other, and we've never had that fucking problem. Sure, we've had disagreements and fuck you and this, that, and the other, but fucking for 25 some years, everyone loves each other and gets along and fucking politics all different across the fucking board. I just came to a point where I'm like, look, you got to vote. I don't give a fuck who it's for. I say, you got to vote or you're out of the fucking band. Which is a fucking threat I probably never follow through with. But I'm like, just let them know you just got to fucking vote.


Well, that's the difference between social media and real life. In real life, you can be friends with people with all sorts of different opinions, because if they're good people, you can talk. You can talk even if you disagree.


And you'll find more in common.


You don't have in common much more. Everybody wants basic things. They want friendship, love, family. They want to be successful in whatever they're trying to pursue in life, and they want to be safe. Everybody wants that. Those are the primary things we all agree on. That's the most important things that all of us want in our life. And then the other stuff when it starts getting on the fringes, like trans women competing with biological females. Now you're out there in crazy land, and that's getting the majority of the attention, but that's not the majority of our fucking problems. The majority of our problems. We all kind of agree on keeping things safe.


We disagree on the paths to get there to those things. And that's great. That's what makes America great, is thinking differently.


But instead of thinking so much about the things that we disagree on, which I think are insane, and how many people have been incited by bullshit stories in the media, and it's changed your narrative on all the people running for president, whether it's gaslighting you about Biden or gaslighting you about Trump, they're just bullshitting, trying to get whatever narrative they want out there. And they don't really give a fuck if it's the truth.


Well, and not only that, the truth can be spun so many different ways. Facts and numbers can be spun so many different ways where it's like you teeter that line, well, it's not really a lie, but it's not the whole truth.


What's really wild is that the people behind Biden are willing, like, if he wasn't fucking up as much as he is, if they could just kind of keep him out of the limelight for a while, they're willing to run him again.


Could they keep him out of the limelight any more than they do?


But basically what they're saying is they're running the country without the president. Right? That's essentially what they're saying.




And that's what that report says. That report says he's not there. Okay. So if he's not there, then, you know, he's not really running things. And if he's not really running things, that means the people that are running things are now not the president. And they'd like to keep it that way. And they'd like to keep it that way. Well, that seems fucking nuts. That is not what we signed up for. We didn't sign up for these unelected people that are working under the administration, taking care of everything. We did not sign up for that.


It's hilarious to me that a lot of the extreme leftist people, they have this thing where older white men are the fucking devil. They just are. And so what do they do? Elect an older white man who's fucking power. Yeah, this is the most diverse.


That was the thing that the White House press secretary lady was going on about, how diverse the cabinet is. Sean, Claude Pierre, and that one dude gets caught butt fucking in one of the senate rooms.


Oh, God. Yeah.


You see that?


What the fuck?


And then there's another person who's like a trans influencer, pulled her tits out on the lawn, took photos, their tits out of the White House lawn.


It's almost like we got to compete on the right. It's like, hey, hey, we got George Santos.


That's hilarious.


Fucking weirdo.


That dude's a hoot.


Fucking cuckoo.


He's fun to listen to. He's fun in those interviews, man. He goes off. He's sassy.


As long as he doesn't have access to your finances.


Yeah, it seems like he might be an H-U-S-T-L-E-R. Hustler.


I thought that one the other day because I'm always trying to do comparisons to Trump and Biden for people that they know. My friendship, my love for Trump is politics, everything. And I don't like the way he talks and he speaks and like, okay, look, you need an emergency medical procedure. You're in Los Angeles and you have to get to Santa Barbara. The only people that can drive you there that are available are Trump and Biden. Fucking pick one.


Right? That's good. Yeah, but he shouldn't be driving anywhere. There's no way Biden should be driving. That's not fair.


He's having trouble walking.


He can't do anything. They don't really want him as president. They just want him to get them into power again. That's what it is. It's people running the show behind the scenes. I mean, Kareem Jean Pierre, how do you say her name? She got busted using his account tweet.


Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Did you see that? What happened?


She got busted using his account to tweet.


I didn't see that.


She fucked up, forgot to change accounts, so she tweets. As the president, you got to see.


Know people fuck up, make mistakes.


I know, but it's just fun to see the wiring under the. Yeah, it's fun to see how the sausage is. Isn't this is not really the president.


The wizard's just a weekend at Bernie's.


It's literally weekend at Bernie's. This should be impersonation. Look at this. Investing in America means investing in all, all caps of America. When I ran for president, I made a promise that I would leave no part of the country behind.


She put it out under her account.


Bro, when they say things like that and they tweet, when presidents like Biden tweet, it's like trying to get wisdom from a fortune cookie. It's like they're the dumbest little quotes, like, who read that? And it's like, yeah, he did, and he's doing a great job.


I bet fucking Reagan would have been good at it.


I think most of the people that are supporting Biden online are bots. I think there's a lot of people that are genuine democrats and are supporting Biden. Don't get me wrong, those bots. But some of the nuttiest pro Biden stuff, despite, like, no matter what happens, no matter what kind of gaffe he makes where it's so embarrassing. And if it was your dad, you would want him, like, get dad, get dad. We got to get him off the stage. It'd be like, dad, you can't do this. Dad, dad, dad, it's over. We got to get you to a home. We got to get you some care.


So I heard from a very good source. I can't confirm, but it was a very good source that when Biden met the pope, he shit his pants. Did you hear that one? I hope he did.


That's amazing. I mean, I don't hope he did, but if he did, it's a funny.


It was a very good source.


Damn. That's not fair. It's not fair to do that to an old guy. But that just shows you the mechanism behind the scenes that keeps the country running. It's a bunch of people working for the president, and now they're essentially pulling all the strings. It's kind of wild. And those people definitely don't want to see Trump get into, because then they lose everything.


What's, like, the last election? A lot of this stuff seems like it was done semi behind the curtain, and now it seemed they've come to a point. They're like, we don't give a fuck. Yeah, we're coming right after this guy. Everything. We're going to find him. 355 fucking million dollars for where there was no one that got hurt and a fucking.


Yeah, there's no victim.


Fucking insanity.


Yeah, that's what the insane part about that is. Elon actually posted about that. Like, where's the money going? Where's the money going if there's no victims? If he didn't know anybody, any money, where's that money going? Because there's no one person that's a claimant. Right?


I hope he drops it off in fucking pennies, right? I just letitia James's front door and that fucking stupid judge.


I'm just fascinated by watching it all play out.


It's like they're doing it right in front of your face.


Right in front of your face. Like a banana republic style prosecuting of your political opponents, framing them in the worst way possible, getting judges. We tried to figure this out, and we tried to be as reasonable as possible. Let's figure out how anybody could ever value Mar a Lago at $18 million.


Unbelievable. Well, you go to Google right now. Look at blank property and Palm Beach. A couple of acres will come up for $100 million on the water. He's got property, 18 acres on the water, and the intercoastal.


Just the land alone is insanely, insanely valuable. And then there's a palace on it. For you to tell me that's only worth $18 million, I'd buy three of those.


There's vacant land on zillow. Go to zillow. Type in Palm beach. Highest to lowest price, bro. Something will come up for $100 million. It's two acres.


I'm not even a real estate investor, but if I found that for sale for 18 million, I'd snatch that shit up and turn it right around.


Right? You're crazy.


That's so biased to say that's $18 million, no matter what metric you're using.


Think about. It's been pretty much every day, every week since this guy came down the escalator and announced he was running for president. It's been nonstop. And I can confirm that because I got on board pretty early before he got the nomination publicly. And I've had shit thrown at me at my level. Just constantly, nonstop. This guy's took it every fucking day. That's why we call him Teflon Don.


He is, in an OD way, the only president that didn't age. They all rapidly age, dude.


I golf with that fucker all the time, man. Fucking unbelievable. This guy doesn't miss a fairway. Hits at 250 yards right down the freaking middle.


That's amazing.


It's incredible.


And that's his only form of exercise, too, right?


He's so smart. When he's talking numbers and different things in his memory, like everything, you're just like, man, it's mind boggling.




He's that smart. Really is. It's unbelievable.


Has there ever been a turnaround like that before where so many people love the guy for his bombastic personality, and then he becomes president, and then they all hate him. You know, when it all started, the.


Media would have you think that everyone hates.


No, no. Most people love him. The reality is, when you go to the UFC, I said, when you and Tucker Carlson, him and Dana White walked in, it was like Republican Avengers. It was the most insane reaction. It was like, they have a super team. There's a super.


Where was that one at?


Well, I've seen you guys walk in together multiple times. New York for sure. Miami was a big one, but they were all nuts. Yes. New York was bananas.




Banana City. New York City.


And that is a very diverse crowd, the UFC.


Yeah, man. Oh, yeah. The UFC is the most diverse crowd.


Look at Tucker smiling.


The UFC is filled with people from all walks of life. There's a giant lesbian fan population of the UFC.


I got a huge lesbian.


Do you really?


Yeah, because I had a couple lesbians in my band. We always joke, like, back in the day, like the early, like, always be these fucking hot chicks in the front row showing her titties and shit. Just cool rock and roll shit. I got a great friend at Toledo, Ohio, Dan McGurk. And he's got some issues and what do you call down syndrome or whatever. He's posted a lot of things publicly. I kind of stopped doing make a wish, and I kind of took him for life. He's my friend, and I'm going to be with this kid forever, whether we go to a Pistons game or he comes to all the shows, anything like that. But as a result of that, and then having two lesbians in the band, like me and my guitar player, a couple of years, we were sitting there jamming on stage, and we're like, boy, man, shit's changed. And it's like three, four kids with down syndrome in the front and, like, four lesbians, like, hanging out. I'm like, wow, the times, they are changing.


Yeah, they are, right. You know, one of my favorite songs of yours that I play in on my green room playlist is run off to LA.


Oh, shit. Love that deep cut.


That's a great song, dude. That is a deep cut, but that's a great song.


One of those breakup songs.


Yeah, but it's also like, there's so many guys that get know to have a get the fuck out of here song.


Don't be fucking with them Hollywood hoes.


Yeah, bro. There's some predators.


Oh, man. Learned my lesson.


I used to watch them move in on dudes at the sky bar. Remember the sky bar?




We would call them the coyotes because you can see these really aggressive, hot, Hollywood crazy ladies who would move in on these rich guys. And I remember I was watching this bald, chubby guy getting seduced by this girl, and then she goes, do you like coke? And he's like, yeah, I like coke. Yeah, okay. And then I'm like, oh, she's got you. She's got you.


Budy climb and sinker.


She's going to be moving in soon.


She's going to be moving out your shit.


She's going to move in soon. You're going to marry her. She got you done. Yeah. Gold digging is a real business model, just like those nigerian princes. Gold digging is interpersonal way of where crazy people can latch onto people's lives. It's fascinating to watch.


No better place to do it than Hollywood, California.


It's crazy because so many of these guys are like executives back in the day at least, and they were killing it back then. Tv executives are out partying at the Montreal and the coyotes just move in. I knew a bunch of dudes who.


Lost a bunch of my theory on Los Angeles or Hollywood is you get all these beautiful girls that migrate there, they want to make it at some level, want to do something. So wherever, it doesn't matter where it is on earth, doesn't have to be Hollywood. Wherever there's a bunch of hot chicks, whether it's the local disco club in your town, wherever there's a bunch of fucking grease balls, bunch of fucking kooks. If there's a conglomerate of hot chicks hanging out in a concentrated area, it's a bunch of fucking weirdo dudes, just a bunch of fucking creeps. That's five fucking like dive bars.


Yeah. So it's just being a proximity to hot chicks.


Yeah, it attracts every dbag on earth.


That's probably true. Yeah. If they know the, remember going to.


Popular clubs, different places and just, wow, there's a ton of hot chicks in there. And they look around like, wow, there's a bunch of d bags in here too.


I remember thinking of going like when I was a kid and I first started going to clubs like with my friends, go to dance club or whatever, just being an idiot, like wearing cavalici's and looking stupid. Fuck, just parachute. And all I could think of is like, this is like the least productive way ever to meet somebody. I've never met anybody at one of these places. It's always just me and my friends standing around looking stupid, trying to figure out how to meet girls.


I didn't either until I fucking had a hit record. Yeah, I look like the same dirtball I look like now my whole life. And like fucking couple hit records while I was fucking Brad Pitt. You look hot. Fucking God, that's sexy, motherfucker.


Talent is the great equalizer. It really is. Talent is the great equalizer. If you have talent, you could bat way above your head.




It's everywhere. You see it all throughout Hollywood. It's interesting. It's interesting. It's interesting how that stuff works.


And it's never going to change.


No, it's never going to have. The whole thing about Hollywood too, is that you have to be chosen. Like most of the people that are out there are out there to be chosen for something. They're out to be chosen to get a record deal or chosen to be on a sitcom or chosen to be in a movie or chosen to be on a show, you have to be picked. So you're always trying to figure out how to be more, fit in more.


But the more true talent, like raw dog talent you have or whatever it is, it starts to negate some of that stuff.


It definitely.


You still have to kiss the ring a little bit. Right. I always said when it came to radio, it's a whole fucking game to play to that shit. And I only had a couple of radio hits. I always say I was willing to tickle some balls, but I would not insert penis and mouth. That's kind of my.


Do you think that's why? Because you had so many hit songs, but they weren't necessarily radio hits, is.


That what you're saying? Yeah. Well, MTV was huge for me, so that was even a better outlet than radio. But I've never had number one song in America. I was never willing to do the fucking shit to get it there. All over the world where I didn't have to do anything. Yeah, went number one in seven countries or something. But, yeah, my feeling was always like, okay, we have to. At some level when we're getting this big chance. After I'd been knocked down this, that, and the other, and finally got my big record deal in, like, 1997, I was like, okay, this is do or die. Have to play a little bit of this game. It was one of the best, my most successful record because that's kind of what I did and it worked. And then after that, my philosophy was like, I came out with picture and they're like, this is going to kill your career. Fucking country song.


That's also on my Spotify.


They literally told me it was going to kill my fucking career. And I was like, great song. Yeah, thank you. My mindset at that point was I want to try to make classic records, not hits something. They'll stick around and it's hard to nail it. I probably made 1000 songs, and there's arguably a handful of fucking great ones in there. It's like being a photographer. You take a thousand pictures, you hope you get five good ones.


Dude, you got a lot of bangers, but I love picture. Cheryl Crowe, that voice.


She can sing. God damn, she can sing.


There's emotion in that voice.


Very talented. Our politics don't line up so well these days.


I would imagine not. Are you still friends?


We're still friendly. We don't talk as suck. Yeah, we sat down recently. We're talking about gun control.


Oh, no.


Yeah. And I'm like, cheryl, I hear she's like, no one in this town know. Country artists will talk to me about it this. And I'm like, yeah, it's. If you want gun control, you should move back to LA or New York City. It's very prevalent there. That's just not kind of Tennessee way of like. And the scary thing about it is, I could say, like, okay, common sense gun law, if we actually had one, to keep guns out of mentally disturbed people, I could take a serious look at that. And I know the NRA is going to be all over for that. I don't fucking care. I can honestly take a serious look at that. But the problem that I see in it is as soon as this common sense gun laws pass, written up by attorneys and people in politics that none of us can really understand, they throw in some mumbo jumbo, first thing's going to happen is, see that crazy shit kid rock was saying, and blackout drunk at his honky tonk, he's not mentally stable. We need to take his guns away. You know what I mean? It's like, where does that line get crossed and back and forth?


100%. That's the problem with the common sense law. It's like, everybody doesn't have fucking common sense.


That's a very good point. It's also a very good point that you can get experts to lie. We saw that during COVID Yes, you can get experts to lie. And if you have mental health, or you could get a conglomerate that you're unstable for a political reason, for any reason.


I could go out and find ten people. A conglomerate of ten people that hate Joe Rogan. Yeah. And get them dolled.


You could say, I'm mentally unstable for sure.


Get the same.


Probably admitted to being mentally unstable in some way. But you can't let people define that because you're going to get people that are just using it to take away your rights. And then once they have that now they push past a certain line, they're going to push even further. It might get to a point where you're not allowed to have knives anymore. It might get to a point where you can't have a sword in your house.


What was their argument for years? Why would you need an AR 15 with a 30 round clip? Right?


Yeah. 30 people breaking into your house.


One word answer. Israel.


Right. It's a great answer. That was one of the craziest things. I saw somebody tweet about Ukraine. All you people with AR fifteen s, you should be donating them to Ukraine. Do you not see what the fuck you're saying? We know that this is a real possibility with human beings, that they can invade places and shoot people up. That's a real thing. Do you want us to be unprepared?


How do we protect our politicians so well in our courthouse.




And everything else? We can't do this for our schools.


These antigun politicians are being protected by people with guns. Brave people with guns.


And they live behind gates and walls.


Exactly. They're protected and they're getting away with pushing this nutty agenda. And what you need is better law enforcement, better trained, more law enforcement. But the problem is, who wants to.


Be fucking cop these days? Yeah, they've made that a popular sport.


Yeah, they fucked that up hard. It'll be a long time before that recovery.


I'm saying every cop's good. There's good and bad in everything, as we all know, that have a smidge of common sense. You're going to get bad actors in anything, anything in life. But overall, when your kid can't breathe and you call 911 and that cop shows up.


Yes. Or someone's holding someone hostage, or you need someone rescued, or there's a real problem. Someone's shooting up a store, this school.


And you see these cops, national running in there that were trained in the military.




Not knowing what they're going to face. God bless.


Exactly. And those are the kind of people that you should fucking praise. That's most cops.


And it's not the private schools. My granddaughter goes to private school. They have security there. They're taking precautions. What about the people that can't afford private school, which is the majority of this country.




What are we doing for them? Politicians all talk about it.


Well, there's also certain ideological aspects of shooters that they don't talk about. Like, they didn't want to release that trans shooters manifesto because it's like this really crazy anti white, anti. It was a weird manifesto.


Same way just in Kansas City, they didn't want to say who the shooters were.




What's her name was on Bill Maher the other night? Anne Coulter. She's like, well, I can guarantee it.


Wasn'T two white guys because they would have known.


They would have had them all over the news. And unfortunately, that's fucking true.


It's 100% true. And anybody that denies it, it doesn't matter if you're right or left. You know that's a fact. This is not.


And it's fucked up. We need to catch these shooters. We need to catch these bad actors. You need to give me the ultimate description of them. Shaved head, forty s to fifty s, wearing a gray sweatshirt. You know what I mean? Looked like he was high.


Yeah. You can't just say two men.


No. Trying to keep a pc politically.


Show the fucking pictures. How quickly did they have the pictures? How quickly did they know?


Probably within an hour.


Yeah. It's a weird time, man. It's like people are scared of reporting the truth because they're going to be called racist. It's so strange. And you're transphobic. If you're talking about the fact that these shooters are trans, like, how many of them in a row? How many of them in a row?


I'm checking all the boxes for the left extreme left wing, right.


It's nuts.


I'm a racist fucking Nazi. Just fucking laugh when you hear half this shit.


I know it's nuts, man. Anybody that opposes them in any way, shape or form is far right.


But you think about it, it's actually is nazi shit. What is name Goebles or Goebles, whatever. Tell lie a thousand times, it becomes the truth.


It's also you should be vehemently opposed to this. No matter what your political ideology is. You should be vehemently opposed to gaslighting from anybody. Your side should win because they have the best argument. They shouldn't win because they're full of shit. That's dangerous. It's dangerous to everybody. The fact that we're all just trying to sort this out in real time as a country, and so many people are skeptical of the news now. So you don't know where the fuck to turn for the truth.


Well, they're skeptical of the news. A lot of people skeptical know the CIA and FBI, like institutions that have been there to protect us and serve us for years and our judges and prosecutors, and we're like, everyone's being exposed. At least say what you know. That's don't. I don't know that people know who I am and where I stand because I know where other people stand around me. And it's the oldest cliche, you know who your friends are. I know who my friends and my family are in the world that I have. I'm so blessed to have. And I don't need to try to play both sides of the fence, know be in Hollywood's good graces. Yeah, as David Spade said, he's like, dude, you're like Hollywood's fucking kryptonite.


But good for you, man. Good for you for being yourself. The world needs more people just being themselves. You're a good dude, man.


I don't nail it every time I've said things out of line that in a different day and age, I would probably have apologized for, but in this day and age, no fucking way.


You're a good dude, man. You really are. You really are. You've always been a good dude. You're always cool to be around and you're cool to everybody. You're always friendly to everybody. When I went to your house, I brought some friends. You're just cool to everybody, man. And that's what really matters in life. This idea that you're supposed to be hated because you have a different political opinion than someone else is so dumb. It's so dumb. Can we just look at who the people are? Can we look at who the people are? And let's debate which is the right idea in terms of what to do with the economy or what to do with the environment or what to do with all these things. That should be what we're all concerned about. Absolutely everything. Be so fucking. These people are evil and these people are the future, and this is the death of democracy. If you go that way and it's like, shut the fuck up. You people are freaking everybody out.




You people are freaking everybody out. And I don't think you're right. And you weren't right when he was in office. What happened? Where was the end of the world? The guy was in office for four years. Where was the wars? Oh, we didn't start any new know.




The whole thing is nuts, man. And during the Biden administration, the disastrous Pull out of Afghanistan, you realize that all this shit that he wouldn't have done, he wouldn't have done it that way. He would have asked those guys, he would ask the generals, like, how to do this.




And do it. The right should get, yeah, they should get out of there, but they're probably going to have to maintain some force there, otherwise the Taliban is going to take over like they did take him a month. Fucking duh. And then you left all the tanks because it's too expensive to get him out of. Was, I saw Trump talking about that, like, how insane that was that you left behind all the military equipment.


It's billions of dollars. Why are we sending money to countries that hate us?


How could you ever imagine a scenario where it makes sense to leave a hostile military group like the Taliban? Tanks. What? And it's almost like, you know, we're going to have to go back. And you'd like them to be a little more well armed this time. So then we could have a real war war, like a bigger war war, like a war war with two armies. So then if we lose some people, then you can really justify spending much more money to buy, like, better shit, to fuck those people up with their old shit, our old shit.


Well, unfortunately, some of that might come back to haunt us here. And I hate to put that out in the universe, but with this border being open, we know there's bad actors here. We know it's not. If they would, you would have to.


Do that if you could. If ISIS is real, we know it is. If they're doing their job, they would sneak in.


They already have.


Why wouldn't you sneak in?


They're already here. They're already here, unfortunately.


Let's put on the tinfoil hats. Why are they allowing the border to be open like this?


It's insanity. I don't know. To get votes for the Democratic Party. I have no idea. I can't answer that question. It seems insane to me. We want great migrants to come here. Yes. It's the foundation of our country. I know so many good ones that fucking work hard that we're working on my house to build it, to do different things here and there, friends, you know what I mean? We need workers like this. We just want them to come through legally. I know I sound like a broken record.


It should be a better vetting process that allows people to come in legally. But also you have to vet people. You can't just let terrorists through if you really care about security. So this is my question, and this is where I get. When I get really conspiratorial, when the weed kicks in, when you get real conspiratorial. I start thinking about all these things that are happening. The decline of California, the fucking tents in the street, the fact that they know they can clean it up, but they choose not to. They cleaned it up when Gigi Ping came to San Francisco. You saw that, right? So who would be. Why would anybody want it to continue in the same direction? It's continuing because it seems to be deteriorating. It doesn't seem to be improving. Who other than someone who would want America to fail?


Well, the other question is like, okay, Trump handled it to the best of his ability with the tools he had in his toolbox. Biden now has that same toolbox. And he keeps saying, well, Congress won't give me the money. They won't pass. And why the fuck is that going on, too. Then they put three things in one bill.


They put Ukraine, border wall, border wall.


And Israel aid to Israel. They put those three. Why the fuck are these not separate bills to vote on? Because they're all trying to throw their fucking bullshit in there. And that's both sides do that.


Yeah, they both do.


They both should cut that crap out. It's like we're going to vote on the fucking border wall, have it be the fucking border wall, and that's it. Don't fucking try to piggyback Ukraine and Israel into there. Those should be separate bills on their own.


Well, not only that, how much are they required to know about the bills they're signing? Because some of those bills are enormous.


Attorneys have fucked this country up beyond belief.


Some of those bills, unless you spent a long time going through them, and.


If you're even educated enough to decipher the lingo, the wording, the definitions, yeah. You don't think a lawyer can spin something around 100%?


That's why I was saying, I was going to say and consult with people that are experts in whatever the fuck they're talking about.


They should be written two page bills, two to five to ten page bills in layman's terms, that anybody with a high school degree can fucking decipher, period. Why don't they make that a law so we can all read them and understand them?


The fact that they sandwich all kinds of shit inside bills is just nuts. That should be illegal completely. You're sneaking stuff in there that allows.


For mass surveillance, and Trump pulled their pants down on that. Trump did that. And make no mistake, there's plenty of fucking the republican establishment that hate him, too. He's fighting them as well, because he's like, you guys are full of shit over here, too. He's telling so many people up there in DC, you're full of fucking shit. He goes, I'm going to run this like a fucking business and I'm going to win. He likes to win. He loves to win so much that he fucking, that I want him fighting for this country because he wants to fucking win. I want him on my team, period.


I like it. I like your passion for this kid rock. This Mitch McConnell guy is the most amazing one. Once again, he keeps freezing up. He froze up again. Yeah, this guy's locked up like three times.


I don't get it.


Or he just locks up. Like if he was doing any other job, they would stop. They would stop him. They say, you're going to have to retire. You just lock up.


If I lost my voice or some ability to do it.


If you just locked up, we couldn't talk to you, right? Forget about losing.


What if you did it? Would you still come on here and.


Just do a podcast like this?


I'm Joe Rogan.


I'm still trying to like, no, you'd.


Be like, you know what? I had a good run.


Yeah, you'd have to stop. Just stop doing that. Whenever they get him in front of the podium, the dude just locks up.


I just feel like sometimes we're having the dumbest conversation because it's like we're repeating a lot of things, and it's all, to me, boils down to common sense.


You know what? I wonder about Mitch McConnell, too, though. He's probably guilty of some serious shit. I wonder if he's doing the Vincent the Chin Gigaganti thing.


What's that?


Vincent the chin was this mob leader that would pretend he was crazy. So he'd walk around with, like, a bathrobe and slippers, and he'd shuffle around the street like a crazy person. And his dons would meet him, or his.


The old dope.


Exactly. So all of his bosses, all the guys under him would meet him, and they would go walking. And so what the FBI did was they put these recording devices in all the hubcaps of all the cars on the street. They parked their own cars there, and so they recorded them as he was walking. And then they knew he wasn't actually crazy because he's really running the mob. But he did it by pretending.


Master of deceit.


If they're coming after Vince or what's his name? What the fuck's his name?




Yeah, McConnell. If he's pretending to be locking up, that'd be a good move. Like, if you think the shit's coming down, you think he's that good of an actor, all you have to do is this. I could do that. I could fake lock up.


You could do it straight face, all good in front of a bunch of cameras.


I'd lock up if I knew I was going to go to jail.


If I locked up like that and sat there like that for a minute, I would make sure I had, like, a huge fart on deck, right? Stand there like, everyone's like, oh, no. Oh, no. You're like.


And then go, woo.


You're never beating fart jokes.


No. Imagine someone doing that as president. Hold up. Like, Joey Diaz style, grabbing the mic, putting it. Joey Diaz has done that on stage. He grabs a mic and puts it in his ass, and farts cramp. You've cramped up. Oh, no, on your leg.


How much water have I drank? Yeah.


Do you take electrolytes?


I do. I drink the fucking hydrogen water.




I do all that shit. Somebody told me red light saunas, cold tubs, fucking intermittent fast fucking cardio, fucking kaiser gym equipment, circuit train. Let's go.


Somebody told me once that if you get a cramp in your leg, you should actually pinch down on your tongue and then it's a pressure point.


Shit. It comes back.


Yeah, I've tried it. I think it might work. I'm not sure, though. It might just be in my head. The worst is foot cramps. When your foot locks up, they say.


To eat potassium, too.


Eat it.


They say potassium. I grab a banana or something like that.


I very rarely get cramps because I.


Drink a lot of electrolytes. I do too. I mean, I've drank four or five cups of water.


I didn't used to do it at all. I never drank them. For years and years and years I just worked out and drank water. And then when I started drinking electrolytes, I was like, oh, my God, this is such a game changer.


Let me ask you a health question. How do you get. I've been meaning to hit Dane on this. How do you get protein, the best protein without the calories.


Why are you scared of calories?


Just because I don't want to bulk up. I just want to stay thin.


And high protein diet is probably one of the best ways to stay thin.


Because I eat a lot of protein. I just don't eat it after I work out right away. I haven't been. You don't have to because I don't eat till one. Then I stop at six or 07:00.


The idea that, I mean, you're not a fucking professional athlete. You don't have to eat right after you work out. It's the best way to get optimal performance is to get some glucose into your muscles. Most people think carbohydrates after workouts are really good, but if you're on a high protein diet, one of the things that happens, like if you're on a carnivore diet specifically, you don't crave as much food. You don't eat as much.


I don't eat as much just from doing the intermittent fasting. I kind of do it on one of the weekends or when I go out to dinner periodically. I do it so I can do that. I eat a lot of raw vegetables, the right fruit, and then a lot of Salmon, chicken, should be careful with some raw vegetables. Really? Yeah, you get a ton of raw vegetables.


You get oxalates. The thing about raw vegetables, especially when you blend them up in, like, smoothies and shit.


No, I eat them raw. I use taziki, a little taziki if I want some flavor.


I mean, you're probably not eating enough that it's going to be a real problem. But for people that get, like, blended smoothies of raw vegetables, especially, like, raw leafy greens, they say that when you cook them, it actually is more bioavailable and it gets rid of the oxalates. You could get it out of the vegetable, but I know people that have drank a lot of smoothies, like green smoothies, and develop, like, kidney stones and shit. It becomes a bit of an issue for some folks. I don't know why. It might be a genetic thing.


I do smoothies. It's protein.


Oh, really?


Yeah. Amino acids, protein.


I'm addicted to Jocko's proteins. Jocko's got this stuff called mulk. It's fucking delicious. It's so good. I'm addicted to it. I just keep drinking them. When I don't need it, I drink it. But you don't need to worry about what's high calories. The real high calorie things are the things you shouldn't be eating anyway. If you're trying to lose weight, like.


Pizza, well, you got to factor in. I like to drink my beer.


Oh, that's a lot of calories.


When that's usually only one or two nights a week, depending if I'm working or not. But, like, weekends, that's usually one good night. But I can drink some fucking beer.


I bet you could drink some fucking. I can drink some beer.


And I enjoy that. And I'm not fucking stopping.


Well, then maintain.


I do. I'm maintaining.


Good. Yeah, but don't worry about calories for food. The food calories you need.


I was just talking about after working out, I thought you're supposed to have protein. You should pretty quick.


You should have carbohydrates and protein after you work out. I like to eat some fruit after I work out. I like to eat fruit before I work out, too. That's, like, kind of the only time I ever eat fruit.


I've been trying to eat the right fruit. Blueberries, melons.


Blueberries are great. Wash them, though.




Yeah, wash the shit out of them. That's the thing. You got to worry about foods like, what the fuck is being sprayed on your food. How good of a job they do at cleaning it up before it got to the grocery store.


I'm sure, like, we got two freezers full of fucking elk and venison. We got chickens for our fresh eggs. We're pretty good about that stuff and very fortunate to able to afford it. Yes, because we joke, even if we shop at Whole Foods, we nicknamed it whole paycheck.


Yeah, it's brutal. And it's also like, I've had people on, like the guy from white oaks pastures who explained that whole grass fed thing. And then also that it's a us product, even if the cows are grown in another country. Did you know that? No. They can grow cattle in another country, kill it in another country, ship it to America, and then if they cut it up and put it on the shelf, then it's a product of the USA. Makes no sense, but it's wild. So they're labeling it like a product of the USA, rather, when it's a cow from another country.


That's a whole nother conundrum of trying to just fucking see through the bullshit on food labels, how much research you have to do. And then you fucking start googling this shit. You don't know what the fuck to believe there. The worst thing you do is like, I have a headache. You start googling, like, webmd headache, and it's like you're dying. You're fucked. It freaks you all out.


Yeah. Fuck.


Let me tell you about these fucking shows we're doing.


Tell me about these shows. Kid rock.


So fucking next. Excited about this shit. Doing huge schedule this year. Nine shows, which is kind of like my number. I like to do nine or ten, but this year the big one is called Rock the country. And it's a two day festival with me one night and Jason Al Dean one night, and cast of characters from Miranda Lambert to Hank Jr. Skinner, Bradley Gilbert, Travis Tritt on down. And so we're doing these in very small towns like Ocala, Florida, and Mobile, Alabama, and Gonzalez, Louisiana, just in these fucking fields. And this is like. So I own part of this festival, and it's this place for fucking people who love music, love freedom, and love fucking America, which I'm not sure that they have one of these anywhere.


It's like two day festival for the people. Rock the country.


It's like everyone's welcome, but you're probably not going to see a whole lot of blue hair and nose rings there, right? So I'm super excited about that.


You're essentially doing like, dude, Ocala, Florida.


There'S 26,000 tickets sold already. Ocala, fucking Florida.


That's incredible.


And we're going to these towns, we got rv stuff and you can camp out of your car and stuff like that and vip experiences and all that shit. But when they approached me about this and having a piece of it in perpetuity, it's made me do shit like this. Go out. And it excites me to go out and do things now rather than just go tour and make money. Okay? I've been blessed to be able to do that. That doesn't excite me. It always excites me to play, but to do something like this, a little outside of the box and create this space. Because make no mistake, all the shenanigans and experiences we're going to have here, the people are going to fucking make it. The people. Because, you know, they're coming red, white and blue. They're coming with their bag of shit and this, that, and the other, like, it's going to be a fucking shit show. The greatest shit show on earth. So I'm looking forward to that. And then we're doing kid rock's rock and rodeo at. At t stadium in Dallas. Yeah. The night before the PBR world finals. Bull riding, I've really, in the last several years, gotten into.


Started with rodeos and bull riding. We've played a lot of those through the years. Calgary Stampede and Cheyenne frontier days and of course, the Houston rodeo. And I wanted to take rodeo to the next level. So we've created six teams. So it's team competition rodeo. So, like, you know, the ropers are going to be going head to head rather than just timing them. And then I'm going to open the show rather than have. Usually it's the rodeo and then you play music. Right now, the way I'm trying to format it is I open with a big number, like kind of an award show type thing. I'm really going to put some fucking time and effort into it. And then we'll do the rodeo. Some music for entertainment in between. I've been gunning for this one, and I think we found it. We want to do some entertainment in between trick riders and six shooters and stuff like that. But I think we found two midgets that are going to ride mini bulls.




Fucking mic drop.


He could still do that today.


Fucking mic drop. And then, of course, we're doing Kid rock's comedy jam. I think it's third year. Third or fourth year.


Who's on that?


I don't know yet. Brian from know usually handles put I know Chris Porter will be there. My old Gillis did know the first year. Donnell Rawlings. We've had some great people. Eleanor Kerrigan. I'm a fucking comedy groupie. If I didn't have shit to do tomorrow, I'd be up at your show, hanging out in the green room and giving comedians hand jobs. I pretty much live at Zany's in Nashville.


That's awesome.


So we do that for charity. Everything's 100% for charity.


Is that where you met Theo?


No, I met Theo a little bit before that, but he popped up the first year and he came as the big star and did 1520 minutes. Yeah, we have a little musical guest play. I did it one year and other people, and it's something really fun just because I fucking love comedy. It's called american badass comedy jam. It's during comedy week in Nashville.


How many of those have you done?


I think this is the third or fourth.




We've been able to raise some real money for people. I got buddies of throw in ten grand here just because they got it and shit like that. So we've raised, usually, on average, just at the rhyme of theater, it's a few thousand people. So we've raised 80 to 100 grand every year.




Last year, we donated the money to the victims of the Covenant school shooting in Nashville and then the guys that lost their lives on those choppers that went down outside of Fort Campbell. So we try to pick a couple specific things each year and help people out.


That's awesome.


It's fucking great.


That's beautiful, man. That's a really cool thing to do with your time. I'm glad that that excites you now.




Doing something interesting. Yeah.


Something where you got a stake in the game, where you go out and you fucking work it, you promote it, and you tell people what it's about and you're excited about. Know, like these rock the. And it's a fucking gamble, man. When you're fucking with Mother Nature, you're doing an outdoor fucking festival, especially in Florida. In the middle of fucking trying to. One of the smart things I've pat myself on the back. One of the things you came up with was, before we announced these and did them, we invited everyone from these small towns or states, whether it was their mayors, head of city council, sheriffs, state senators, and we had some of each show up from each state and had them all up to my house in Nashville, and we broke bread and we just talked about, how can we put our heads together and make this a great experience for fans because that's the biggest thing when you're doing these festivals that you have to make sure of. We have enough bathrooms, enough water, enough things for people to do, like create photo ops. This, that, and the other. The music is going to be what it is.


We're going to give our all there like we always do. But to be involved in that level, to be able to throw my creative ideas in and this, that and the other. One year we tried to do the General Lee Hood slide. Worst fucking idea I ever had. Fucking John. This is when we used to do this thing called the fish fry. John Schneider got him to host it. I got a new. I have a very nice. Generally with 440 in it. I got a new hood for it, like an old hood that we painted because I know the hood is going to get fucked up.


Right, right.


So I've got this all planned out because I'm so fucking smart. Well, the first fucking lady goes to fucking. It was, like, some money and judges. The first fucking lady, she's got a big old girl. She got a beer in her hand. She goes. She fucking trips. Bam. Head her right in the front quarter panel. Oh, my God, they fucked that car up. I think I had four grand worth of damage to it.


Oh, my God. How is that lady? Is she okay?


She fucking bounced off. She still had her beer in her hand.


Oh, my God.


But that's fun, trying different shit like that. Great fun shit. So I get to have my input on these festivals and really give my two cent and try to do cool shit and things just up and make it this fucking patriotic fucking freedom, love and music festival, which I just saw a need for it.


Well, there's a lot of people that didn't feel like anybody was talking to them.


Half the country.




Why do you think Yellowstone's so big? Duck dynasty.




All that shit.


Yeah. There's a lot of people that just don't feel like they're being represented in the media because they're not.


Or this. It's like, fucking de experience system. Like, I get into a fucking program, a series on something, and like I said, I don't give a fuck. If you're gay, speak gay. If you're jewish, speak jewish. If you're black, just be fucking black. We don't gotta, like, clap louder for you. All right, just fucking. But it's like, become this fucking Hollywood bullshit where I'm into some fucking program. All right, second episode, here comes two guys kissing, or the trans person enters in just for no fucking reason. Not for the narrative. If it fits the story. I fucking get it. They just got to factor it in. I'm like, fuck. Go fuck off. Fuck off. Do you notice this on Saturday Night Live? This is a perfect example. And I tivo every week, and I just love Saturday night live. But I'm like, all right, fuck. Now it's become unfunny. There's bands in there never fucking heard of that suck. And it has its moments where it's great and this, that, and the other. And you probably know the ones I'm talking about. But nonetheless, I watch it, and I've noticed this. It's like, so when they're doing the opening monolog, one of the cast members will be in the crowd or whatever, and everyone will give them some applause.


Watch this. Every fucking time when the asian gay dude comes on, people are like, yeah. I'm like, what the fuck is like, why? Why are we screaming louder? He's not the best person on the. You know, Mikey Day's fucking great. You know, there's other people on there that are fucking equally. I'm like, why? Why are people doing, you know, just clapping louder? It's like, we're all just fucking humans, man. Be who you want.


They want to show they're inclusive.


That's what I mean. It just shows me, this fucking millennial generation that, like, a good chunk of them are just complete fucking pussies.


It's very performative. Virtue signaling is, like, something that everybody does now. It's like something that you feel obliged to do.


It's like, you're so brave. Yeah, you're so brave. God bless you, soldier. This guy likes dick. It's not that big of a deal.


It shouldn't be that big of a deal.


No one cares.




Should clap on who's the funniest and the best one on the show. Yeah, now you got me going on rants. I haven't even had a. I like a good rant.


You want a drink?


No. Okay, I'll take a beer.


Let's get some beers in here. Let's get some bud lights in here. Speaking of that, Shane's hosting SNL this weekend.


Yeah, I know. I had that confused. I thought it was not the last week and the weekend before, and I'm like, nothing, Tivo. And I want to see Shane.


Are they showing him? Workshopping his promo they put out for it just a bit ago. Yeah, I don't know. We can watch it, but I'd like.


To take a look at his wardrobe case. Man.


Sweatpants. Lots of sweatpants.


I fucking love Shane, man.


He's the best.


He's funnier than shit. People out there haven't watched his. It's on Netflix. Yeah.


Beautiful dogs, dude.


Your best joke. I meant to compliment you on it. Not only that, but all your success. I've known you. I don't think people know that. We've been in the same circle for 20 years. Plus easy, like when you were hosting the shows that I would perform at and shit like that, we've always been friendly. And just to see you fucking work your ass off all those years through all the tv stuff and have this going and make fucking hundreds of millions of dollars. Fucking God bless.


Thanks, brother. I appreciate it, man.


But the best show is when your own shows, when you're like, can you imagine if all of our founding fathers came back to earth and looked around in the present day and you're like. And they're like, well, you guys haven't written any new shit. Fucking great.


Thank you. They've wrote some new shit, some bills, right? It's kind of funny. Yeah. But the way that our government is structured, they were fucking genius to figure out that there's got to be some checks and balances in place to keep tyranny at bay. They just didn't know that it was going to be subverted the way it's been. How could they possibly know that smarter.


Back then because they had to be forced to be.


They knew the nature of man too. The nature of man is almost always too. Here we go. Let's.


Were we really drinking Bud lights? Let's go watch how much shit I get for this. Who cares? Why do you got Bud lights here, by the way?




Oh, Shane Gills.


She's on the podcast.


Oh, did I tell you? These fucking smart asses. You know, my budy's now at Anheuser Bush for my birth. Cheers, brother. For my birthday, they sent me a fucking hundred cases of Bud light. That's beautiful. It's fucking hilarious. Truck rolled up to the fucking house, I'm like, who the fuck? Because my friends have been bringing it over, shoving it in my golf bags. Since I did the machine gun, fucking McCall, machine gun gate. They've been fucking with me and everything. I go to, like, someone's fucking bud like this, Bud like that. And finally I came to a point where I'm like, where I did my research. And like I told you, I don't give a fuck. A lot of people work. You know what the worst part about it was? People were like, people losing their jobs. I was like, no, people's fucking livelihoods. I knew people who drove truck with big bud light trucks, this, that, and the other, and their fucking livelihoods were crushed because now people are fucking with them. One of the heads of fucking Ab said, he went to my bar. Kid rocks. Big ass honky tonk in Nashville. He's like, dude, I walked through there with a bud light shirt.


He's like, three people told me to go fuck myself. I was like, yeah.


I was reading about this 1 bar owner who had to stop carrying Bud light because when people would buy it, other people would get aggressive with them. Yeah, that's dumb as fuck. It is dumb as fuck.


And by the way, I'm not into fucking boycotts and cancel culture. Like sending someone a message, okay? Or when they're targeting our children, shit like that. There's a fine line there, but ultimately, I'm not fucking into cancel culture and fucking that shit. I mean, I've fucking railed against it since day fucking one. And I'm like, we send them a message. We don't need to fucking cancel them. All right? If they go down this path again and they start this, like, I think they figured out who. If you're in business and you have a clear market, you might want to focus on that market.


Yeah. And don't disparage them openly, publicly, like they did.


I don't think if there's a. What's a target audience for gay people? A product?




Lube. That's universal. It's something like that. This is for gay people primarily. And you probably don't want to advertise on the outdoor channel.




It's nothing to say. It's bad or wrong or fucking right. It's just fucking common sense.


That's an actual good comparison. I feel like advertising musicals on the outdoor.


Hey, Bud light, send me a fucking check.


They sent you how much beer?


Two pallets, 100 cases.


How much is that worth?


I have no fuck.


Probably a lot of money.


Well, it depends how much they spend on Broadway, in Nashville, including our bar. We're guilty of it. Everyone does it. I'm not a fan of it. Beers are fucking, like, seven to $10.




Nobody bats an eye.




But when we went into the agreement with my partner with the bar, I was like, I don't want shit to do with operations at any level with dealing with bands booking. I'll throw in my $0.02. I'll keep up on things, but I hang fucking pictures. That's what I do, I come down and I'll get on stage drunk once in a while, sing a number or two, but fuck a lot of money. It depends where you're selling them. So I've been giving them to my friends. But if you want to see fucking confused people, we get done playing pickleball or something. Weekend. I'm like, hey, you guys take a couple of cases of Bud light if you want. And they take them in this room, and they're fucking stacked, and they're like, what the fuck, dude? And I'm like, it's a long fucking story, man.


But if you got to think the retail on those, let's just say retail.


The retail case of beer is $15.


Okay, and how many, 15 grand. How many cases was 100 times 30, 30 grand? 15 to 2030 grand? Depends. Yeah, they spent a lot of money. Fuck. To send you a bunch of beer.


What's funny? When I met with them and we were talking, they were like, if you're messaging, we'd like to work out a deal. And I'm like, what? I'm like, guys, I'm not here to fucking do a deal. I'm like, if you're messaging, it's kind of know. They were kind of like. I was telling them how I felt about everything, right? First was telling like, hey, here's how you fucked up, and here's how people like minded like me think. And I kind of gave it to him, and I gave it to him at the UFC that night, and that was just speaking openly. I go, but now, after I've done some research, and especially after I talked to them, but not only know they're the heads of this company, they got vested interest talking to a lot of people, including Dana, including Trump, including people that own distributorships, people that drive for them, this, that, and the other bars, whatnot, I was like, that's fucking go. But I'm not here to do a fucking deal. I go, no more. It's going to look fucking terrible if I come out and I'm like, oh, I got a bunch of money from Bud life for sheeting up cases.


I don't feel right. Fucking.


No, you shouldn't. I'm glad you don't.


And like I said, there's no amount of money in the faceless fucking earth. I threw out a couple ideas, and they're fucking terrified. I can't wait to tell you one day. I don't want to let them out of the box because they're fucking genius.


Tell me afterwards.


I will tell you. After. And I was just not. I go, I've made my friends a bunch of money. Gillis, Dana, Peyton.


Yeah, that's true.


I still haven't gotten thank you cards from those fuckers yet.


Well, we made Shane the Bud light spokesman on protect our parks. We just kept talking it up the entire time, like, dude, you can bring them back. You could bring them back because he'll down 16 of them in a podcast. You'd never seen anything like, dude, if.


I didn't have shit to do tomorrow, I was getting after it. We'd be around there now.


But Shane, he doesn't even slur. It's weird. He just absorbs it.


Me too.




That's why I try to stick to beer. I like a little whiskey, but I try not to drink it in public.


Whiskey will take you there quick. Beer is like a nice.


You want to see all those fucked up videos of me on stage at fucking the honky tonk whiskey?


Oh, yeah.


Blackout fucking drunk.


I think what happened was probably it sucks that they lost so much money, and it sucks that people lost their livelihoods. What it did do that's positive, though, is it sent a message, like every.


Other company to a lot of companies that sent a message, stay the fuck.


Out of that shit, because most people don't agree with it.


And by the way, stay on fucking brand if you're a company.




For your employees. And I would go in that order for your fucking employees first, your shareholders. And I know you guys at the top got stock options and shit, but for your fucking employees, you're in fucking business to sell a fucking product. You know who your market is. Fucking stick to them. You don't got to be fucking out here, like, fucking going after everybody. I don't know who their board members are, but people have told me that it looks like a few woke people on there, but I'm like, so fucking what? I'm like, just stick to your fucking market.


Yeah, stick to your market.


Go where you're celebrated is the best thing I ever heard in life. Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated.


Yeah, that's good advice. I think it's just one of these things where these people get out of universities and they're indoctrinated into this way of thinking, and they start working for a corporation. They want to change.


I told that to Brendan, the CEO. I said, what did you think was going to happen when you move half the corporate offices from St. Louis, Missouri, to New York City, and then you start hiring these Ivy League liberals to do your marketing, what do you think's going to, like, you know, lining up a powder keg and lighting a wick and being like, I wonder if it explodes.


Exactly. Yeah.


I still think they should go back to fucking St. Louis, too.


They probably should. Well, they're probably reevaluating everything. Obviously, they are reevaluating everything after that. How do you not? It's like they lost $27 billion.


They are. And that was one of my things, too. I'm like, you know what? It appears to people like me because although we're friends and I love you guys, and we'll see what the future holds. I have no fucking idea. But I'm not looking for a corporate deal on any fucking level because that's how you set yourself up to get canceled, and nobody can fucking cancel me at any level. And I like that very much. But I was like, you need to fucking go back to fucking. You look like you're just. It's like this. You cheat on your girl or vice versa or something like that by throwing money at it and buying her some shit. And this and the other doesn't. Sweeping under the rug. It don't fucking go away until you go, yeah, I fucked up. And they just refused to go, like. And I said, you don't have to go out and say, I'm fucking sorry we fucked up. I go, I'll say it. Here's some fucking ideas for that. I go, here's one idea. I was like, for the commercial cuts, and it's like me out, fucking working my ass off.


I'm just sweating. Fucking no shirt on this, that and the other one. And someone's like, hey, man, cool off. And they hand me a bud light. And people are like, what the fuck? And I drink the bud light, and then they pan out, and I'm shoveling fucking piles of money into the back of my truck like, kid rock sold out. He's doing some shit.


That's funny.


But at least it would poke fun of themselves. They would kind of get it, and.


People would go like, all right, that's the way they should go. They should go with a poke fun of themselves. I had some ideas, too. I'll tell you later. I had one that I pitched to Shane. I think there's a way to do it, but it's also for other companies. Just realize a lot of people think all this stuff is nonsense, and a lot of people think that a lot of these influencers that you're latching yourself to because you think they're popular, they're popular because a lot of people, they think that they're attention whores and they're mentally ill, and so they pay attention to them. Doesn't mean they respect them as human beings. And you want to have them as your spokespeople, and you want to disparage all the other people that have been your loyal supporters. Supporters forever. You're making a decision. It's a bad tactical decision. It doesn't make any sense logically. You're not speaking to your giant portion of your market. You're actually in opposition to them. It's fucking dumb.


Yes, but I want them to give me a reason to drink it again. I wanted to double down on stupid humor. So funny. I wanted just like, a specialized can. You know what I mean? Like, fucking. They made these kick ass Budweiser cans back, all red, white, and fucking blue. Shit like that. Just do something fun that would work. You know what they should do?


Imagine if they turned Budweiser into a red, white, and blue can.


God, I want to tell you this one idea.


So fucking tell me later. Tell me later.


So fucking funny.


Hang on.


They shit themselves when I told them. They literally cracked up laughing. They were on the floor laughing, and then they were like, we didn't sleep for two fucking weeks, because.


Wondering whether they should go for it.


Oh, there's no way they're going for it.




Fuck no.


That's hilarious.


It's not my favorite things. I've had a lot of great fucking corporate deals, like, fucking. It's incredible with Chevy and Harley Davidson and Jim Beam, so many other, but. And they've all been pretty good for the most know, like, dealing with, like, the people I dealt with were great, but trying to get stuff done in those situations, like, even when I was talking to him at the design center about the shape of the suburban in the back, I'm like, you get fucking groceries. Like, they slide out. It's just a bad design. Or. A lot of people use these cars as chauffeur cars. They're an Escalade. Why can't the seats move back? So if you don't have your luggage, you get more legroom for those being transported around. We're in the design center, and they're like, to change the mirrors on that car will take three years. Which is why I fucking love Elon Musk, not only for everything he stands for and the shit he says. And I know he's probably not a trump fan, and I fucking love trump. In case we're not clear here today, Joe, I fucking love trump, but I.


Already got that part.


Elon's fucking awesome, man.


I wonder who Elon is supporting.


What did he fucking tweet last week? It was something so. Oh, he tweeted. Do you see the Disney tweet?




Pull that up. Elon Musk. Oh, this is fucking great. He took the Disney logo, flipped Mickey Mouse upside down so it looks like two balls and a dick. And he wrote Dee's nuts in the Disney lettering. No. Fucking winner.


Really? That's wild.


What do you think? That's Cybertruck.


I love it.


See, I kind of like it, too. And I'm not electric, dude. I was going to tweet this out to Elon. Like, I don't know. We have mutual friends, but I was going to say, like, hey, I'll make you a deal. Send me a fucking cybertruck. I'll fucking drive it for a few weeks, and I'll give my honest fucking opinion on it. Like, no fucking money, no nothing. If I like it, you just let me buy it. I don't even want it for fucking free. I go. But you're going to take the chance? It's a 50 50. You're that fucking confident in it. Like, people know me, that I don't fucking bullshit. And I don't need a free fucking truck.




Probably give it to me if I do that, but I don't fucking need it. So I'm happy to be like, you. Send me a fucking truck. So I basically jump the line, right? That should be.


You'll do a review.


I'll drive the kid rock review. Fuck, yeah.


I like it. You'll love it.


I guess we're calling them out now, right?


Yeah, we are. Have you driven these nuts? Dude, that is hilarious.


I've been right there. I want to hang out with that dude.


He's a maniac. He's a fucking maniac.


Fucking great.


Have you driven electric car before?


I drove a Rivian for the first time. I only drove it, like, down the street. A budy of mine showed up with one, and a friend of a friend drove it down the street. It was the suv. And then drove out my driving shit. And it was fucking wild.


It was good.


And I've been interested in those, too, because that's a Detroit company.


Yeah, the Rivians are supposed to be great. The plaid. I have the s plaid.


What's that?


It's the four door car that goes zero to 60 in 1.9 seconds.


Do they make it in a men's color?


Yes. White or black. I think you get red too. But the fucking thing is it's something from the future. You can't imagine a car that's that fast and completely silent.


That blew my mind. But you're like me. You're not driving up to fucking Alabama in your car.


If you have to drive long distances and those things it's pain the dick, right? Because you got to pull over and stop and wait for 20 minutes and charge it up.


The only place I drive myself these days is to the airport or to the dentist. That's it.


Well if you just want to drive around town electric cars are the shit. And that thing, I think it does zero to 60 under 3 seconds. And it's 7000 pounds and bulletproof.


And it's stainless steel.


Stainless steel.


I could wrap that motherfucker in gold.


Wrap that motherfucker in gold.


Or camo.


It looks like something from the future. It looks like some blade runner shit.


I'm not into monitor been in front.


Of it in real life. Oh it's so sick.


It's all those things about it getting fucked up in snow and shit. Have you seen that shit?


Tires. That's all that is. Have you ever driven an AMG G wagon in snow? They're fucking terrible because they have street tires. They have wide street tires on that handle.


One foreign car.


What do you got?


Rolls Royce.


Well we both had only because velociraptors, right?


That's right. That's my daily driver still.


Yeah, I drive his TRX.


I know, I've been back and forth.


Hennessy's the man.


I want to preface because people think I'm a fucking. I'm really into Rolls Royces. I bought this car because I've had this Waffle house license plate like Holder forever. And I got this car guy. It's like I got 100th anniversary Rolls with gold flake and I'm like we're going to get that fucker and put that waffle house plate on it. And then I got, let's go Brandon. Badges on the side of it.


Oh that's hilarious.


And we have more fun in that fucking thing. Going to Waffle house or like whatever shit we're doing.


That's hilarious. That's the only Rolls Royce in the country with a Waffle house license plate on it. Let's go Brandon. There it is.


How'd you find that? Fuck is all this shit on the Internet?


You didn't know that was on the news?


I'm sure it was.


Of course it's on the news.


I can stop nerding out.


I'm glad you don't pay attention to all the shit that people write about you. You'd go crazy, right?


You know, the only time I read comments is when it's like a news article and I'll go, I'll see some fucked up article and I'll think, like, family feud. I'll think, like, this is what everyone's saying down below and I'll scroll through them, and I'm usually pretty fucking close. Like, I could read something up there and probably start scrolling. I could tell you what they're saying. Some fucked up article, like the majority, I fucking pat myself on the back. I'm being pretty in tune with common folk, even though I couldn't tell you what a gallon of milk costs. But just my friends places I have, houses where I spend my time, what I do. People think I'm some fucking nutball, right wing fucking weirdo. I'm pretty fucking level headed overall. And I know you know this more than most people, but when people get.


Real suspicious, when things get real weird is when you got people that put up things and you can't comment. That's weird.


I did one like, bill Gates puts.


Up a lot of stuff on Instagram and you can't comment.


Well, my father passed away last week, God bless him. And so I put up a nice post, and then Trump actually posted about him, which was fucking mind blowing and unbelievable. What a great friend right there. If I could speak to him about a human being and I could tell you what a great father grandfather is all day long. But it was actually my fiance's suggestion. I say fiance too. We've been together 17 years. So was there a suggestion like, hey, if you're going to do this nice post for your dad, turn off the comments. Make it about him, not about you and everyone saying, I feel bad for you, and this, that and the other, and I thought that was the right thing to do. That's the only time I've turned the comments off. Yeah, I thought that made sense. Yeah, I thought she was. Hit that one.


Yeah, that's not a bad piece of advice, especially in that particular post. It makes a lot of sense, but that's one of the things that people are having to navigate through now. Someone posts something, people get to comment on it. Everybody gets to comment on it. It's interesting.


See, I get all that from my fiance, Audrey. My life's turned into a fucking meme as yours. Like, me and my friends, we don't fucking talk. They just send me fucked up memes and I send them back like fucked up shit on the Internet.




And half the time it's some comment that some Weisenheimer made that's fucking hysterical. It just fucking makes your day. But I'm not going to spend my time sifting through them. No.


Well, there's so many out there and so many people find them. So many people aggregate them. There's like thousands of meme pages. I follow a shit ton of find. They say funny shit. I follow them. It is one of the things that's really interesting politically today is that the left are terrible at meming. They're fucking terrible at it. Who would have ever thought that the funniest shit would be essentially right wing? It's not really right wing.


Conservatives have changed immensely. They're the rebels now, right? I'm the fucking rebel.




Everybody in fucking Hollywood, my business is fucking.


They're the conformists, right?


I'm the one like, fuck that.


That's the punk rockers. And the rebels are republican. Now. You know who said that? Johnny Rotten. Johnny Rotten from the fucking Sex Pistols had a very famous quote about that.


Well, he's fucking, see if you can find he's right wing. He's a trump, dude.


It's wild. Well, it's like, even Mike Tyson said this. He goes, when I was younger, I was very, very liberal, but as I get older, I just have more common sense. And I see how my kids are going into this world. I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa. He goes, I become more conservative.


That seems to be pretty common.


It's the oldest expression ever. But show me a young man who's not liberal. I'll show you a man with no heart. Show me an old man who's not conservative. I'll show you an old man with no brain.


Very true. And it used to be more so back in the day, like, big conservative was your fucking dork when you're a kid. Yeah, that's changed. I mean, you got fuckers like me on here, fuck this, fuck that, blah, blah, blah.


We also realize there's a certain aspects that being conservative promotes that are very beneficial. One of them, accountability and discipline. Those things alone. Those things alone. Like, you're thought of as a conservative and I'm not conservative, but you're thought of as a conservative exercise, which is just hilarious. If you're telling me that you're not on my side because I'm fit and because I work out all the time, then good. I want to know that. I want to know that. You don't like strong people. I want to know that you don't like people with willpower. I want to know that you don't like people who have discipline, who get things done because you're not on my side then. Because I know the way to navigate this life in a positive, happy way. And it's not by being lazy, and it's not by not promoting beneficial things to your health that are difficult to do, like getting in shape. If you're not saying that it's good to be fit and strong and be able to protect yourself. If you're not saying that, I would.


Like to double down on that for people who like what I do, and there's plenty of them that they know I love them and they love me. I've done, at the last several years, really got my shit together. I'd say since I'm 40, I'm in the best shape and feel the best that I've ever felt since then.


That's awesome.


So it's pretty wild since then, but I would like to put it out. I've always wanted to figure out a way, and this might be the right platform, because I know you're into that lifestyle, is to employ them like, hey, man, listen to fucking what Dana White says. Listen to what you know. Listen, if you want advice from me, I'll give it to you. There's ways to do this now, and the information is all there at the fingertips to start taking small steps, whether it's the intermittent fasting or whether it's cutting out processed foods, whether it's just everything in moderation, including moderation. There's so many little things of getting in the gym. Self discipline like that. A lot of my fans are in and around my age. It's fucking time. It's time to start doing that.


It is. It's never too late, and you will improve. Just do it carefully and slowly in the beginning. That's the most important thing. Don't become a hero first day in the gym and hurt yourself, because most.


Of the time I'm doing this, should I come off like, all I do is fucking drink and smoke and say, oh, fuck that? That's not how you get to where I'm at.




There's a whole lot more discipline involved. Work wise, health wise, family wise, friends, fan wise, 100%, everything.


100%. I'm glad you said that, people.


The most positive shit I've said in fucking 20 years, I'm bringing it out of you. Kid rock, let's go.


It's important to talk about, because it's important for people to hear that. It doesn't mean you're not a good person. Doesn't mean you're not a kind person. I like being strong, and if you want to tell me there's something wrong with being strong, then you're weak. There's no way you're making any sense. It's not important to be fit and healthy. Shut the fuck up. It's not important to know how to protect yourself. That's so dumb. It doesn't mean that you hurt people. It doesn't mean you want to hurt people. I don't want to hurt anybody, but if I'm in a situation, I would rather be the person who gets to decide who goes to the hospital. I don't want to be at the mercy of some crazy person.


It's peace of mind, too. I have much more way overdone electronic locks here on my bedroom, and this gun here, safe room, all this shit. And it's not like I necessarily need it, because you've been to my place to get to my place. If you come up there, you're fucking already on strike too, right? It's sleep easier.


Sleep easier. Also, you got to know what's real in the world. The idea that there's no threats out there is so stupid. No. It doesn't mean you're looking for one all day long and seeing ones that aren't there, but recognize the reality of the world that we live in. The threats are real.


That's fucked up. We went to the movies probably five years ago, me and Audrey, we're just afternoon, like, 04:00 let's go see some movie. Wanted to see. Sitting there fucking one time. I don't bring my gun, right? Just grab a seat. There's ten people in there. Theater is empty. This fucking kid walks in, some fucking white kid, his fucking backpack and his fucking hoodie up. He goes and sits all the way in the back. And I'm sitting there with her, and I'm like, I don't have my gun. We both agreed. Let's go. We fucking left.




It's fucked up to have to even think that way. But that's where my mind was. And dare no metal detectors at the.


Fucking movie theater, all right?


This fucking $20 we spent on moving popcorn. I'm like, for peace of mind. I'm like, let's leave.




Probably was a nice kid. I don't know. And if you don't think people judge you on your fucking appearance, you're fucking crazy.


Yeah. Especially if you have a hood over your head and a backpack.


Well, anything. I would look like a fucking nut. When I was young, I had fucking flat top up to here and pants sagging, smoking doobies. Fuckers. I got judged by it, and rightfully fucking so. Of course, until you get to know somebody, what else do you have than to judge them on how they appear?


But also, that's a new factor in the world. The mass shooter. It's a new factor. And here's the thing that's always fucking white people, too.


Black people kill each other, and white people, like, fucking shoot up fucking schools and fucking bullshit and this and the other. Yeah, mostly stereotypes are fucking crazy.


It is mostly white people and lately mostly lBGt people.


It's not even gay people. It's the fucking weirdos are like, yeah, and how many people do you think are doing that? Like, I wanted to rebel against my dad, God rest his soul, when I was fucking young. You know what I mean? Even though I was totally into hip hop and everything, I still knew that he got his fucking goat and we had our fucking differences when I was young. Very understandable now that I'm a grandfather myself. But how many of these kids, like, got that dad? They think he's a racist. This, that, and the other maybe is on some level at certain things because he tells inappropriate jokes or whatever. This, that, and the other people are from different times, blah, blah, blah. That I know. I'm going to piss my dad off, that motherfucker. I'm going to wear a dress.


Oh, yeah.


Remember guys when we were young? They get earrings, shit, totally straight dudes, they just get earring. I remember dudes getting pissed their dads off. My brother got. My dad ripped it out of his fucking ear. That's no shit. Woke him up out of bed fucking.


That's hilarious.


Yeah, for sure.


There's definitely people that rebel against their parents. There's also people that always look at the people that are older and look at how fucked up the world is and think they've got better ideas. That's how communism starts. Starts from the universities. That's where it comes from.


Unbelievable. What's going on, those universities.


Did you go to college wild? Yeah, I went to UMass Boston, but I really only went just so people didn't think I was a loser.


Where's your fucking accent?


I got rid of it as soon as I started hearing my voice.


I was like, ooh, terrible Boston accent. That's one of the reasons I love Bill Burr. He's funny. As shit. But I love that fucking. Hey, fucking guy.


He's the most Boston. Boston guy. I was actually born in New Jersey and then I lived in San Francisco until I was eleven. I lived in Florida from I was eleven to 13, then Boston from 13 to like 20.


No wonder you fucked up San Francisco, Florida and Boston.


Yeah, I lived all over.


You don't know if you're a gay redneck or just a fucking irish fighting son of a bitch.


Yeah, I lived everywhere then. I lived in New York till I was like 27, then lived in LA. Yeah, so I was all over the place. So I did have a Boston accent, though. I did for a while. I definitely blended in.


I love that fucking accent.


It's great accent for dudes. Rough on the ladies, rough to hear. Like a hardcore Boston. Are you going to fuck me or what?


I'd take it over a New York accent. Although some of my buddies from New York, they got the hardcore Long island shit. They're funny, too, I guess. Who's saying it?


A friend of mine. We were kids, hooked up with this girl.


Did we finish all that beer?


Now we can get more.


There's not a ton left.


So a friend, he hooked up.


Maybe I could call my boys, have him drop you off of.


We've got some beers. Yeah, you got to drop off a pallet. But anyway, he said that. She said, like, when they started making out, she's like, you're going to tell your friends. That became a thing that we always repeated. You're going to tell your friends who made that neon.


I collect a lot of old roadside.


Relics, a company here in Austin, Texas.


Roadside relics. I bought shit from them. So what they did right there, because you can't get porcelain anymore. It's very tough to get. But what they did right, can't get porcelain anymore. It's very tough. So what they did right there, because I'm a collector of these, is they painted behind the neon. It makes that Joe Rogan pop. A lot of people can't see the top thing either. That's cool. But what I'm saying is they did a fucking great job on that.


Well, they do all their stuff like.


It'S old, but that's half the thing of old is painting behind the neon. A lot of these new ones don't do that. A lot of the honky tonks you see in Nashville down there, they don't have that.


This is a gift from my friend Brigham. And so when he gave it to me, when I got it, I was like, oh, that should be like, right behind me.


Look at that.


That's perfect.


Trust me. That shit. You have no idea what that shit is worth. Go online, start looking up fucking real fucking porcelain, old school neons and go to auction houses. I go to all these auction houses and buy them and shit.


Oh, yeah.




You know, this guy does a wild. He does a bunch of wild shit online. He does amazing stuff.


I know their stuff.


Cool artist. It's an interesting art form, right? Like old neon signs. There's a soul to those, that they're exciting.


There's a great place in Nashville. Sometimes I'll find old ones and they're so ridiculously priced. I have one in my house. It was redneck paradise. It was a thing up in the. I can't remember what, upstate New York, some vacation spot. And I wanted to buy it and it was fucking ridiculous. It must have been like fucking 35, $40,000 for something around that size. Different dimensions.




So I go to Bobby, Jocelyn, Jocelyn sign company. I'm like, hey, can you replicate this with what I wanted to say? Yes. Six grand.


You saved yourself some money. There's a thing about having the old ones though, right?


Yeah, I got some cool ones.


If you have something that's really old.


I have Willie Nelson's Nashville nightlife. It was on his thing. It's probably 26ft long and probably five to 6ft high.


What is it made out of?


Steel because it was outdoors but painted on the whole thing.


Fucking wow.


I got some cool ones, old Dixie gas ones that you're not supposed to have because they have a confederate flag on them from the old gas company back in the day.


Oh, wow.


There's some eerie racist shit out there. Yeah, I antique and flea market a lot. Especially I rarely stay the night in a city. No, racist.


Oh, racist.


Like not neons, but just shit out racy. Like, I'll collect some of this stuff just because they're never making it again. Whether it's native american black shit. Like, I have these fucking signs that I found in Reno, Nevada at some antique shop and they are solid steel, real deal. They'll say like, swimming whites only.




And these were actual signs that were up somewhere. And I don't know what to do with them because I want to put them up somewhere. And I asked my black friends, they're like, dude, don't put that.


Don't put that.


But it's a reminder of how fucked up shit was.


Yeah, people don't want that reminder. You should put it in a drawer somewhere. Yeah, you could show people, like, look, I'm going to show you something. This is how fucked up things used to be. And then you preface it every time you introduce it to them.


So you don't think it has a little bit of a reminder of how no things were.


It does if you have it in a drawer. So if you have it in a drawer, you want to see how fucked up things used to be. You know, they used to have those signs.


You don't think I should put it right next to my swimming pool up there?


I would advise no, but I think having it is not a bad thing. You should have it in a drawer. So if you have it in a drawer, every time you show someone, you get to represent what it is instead of it just being a sign. They're like, kid Rock is a sign.


My black friends are all fucking cool. I'm sure they fuck with each other on that level all the time.


I'm sure they are. It's not them that I would ever worry about.


I'm not putting it up for other people. I'm putting.


Your fucking. The.


I'm putting on my Rolls Royce.


But they have it.


Great idea photos. Where'd you get that idea? Joe Rogan. I told me my Rolls Royce.


Oh, my. It's. But having it as a relic. Know the Jim Crow days?


I want to show my son. I want to show my granddaughter.


Show anybody. It's historic. It's creepy, but it's like at the old studio we used to have. Where is that fucking helmet? That nazi helmet. We had a nazi helmet that had a sword like a bayonet.


You only use it on Halloween.


No, it had a light.


It was a light.


It was made by this same guy, Shane against the machine. This guy who made this chimpanzee skull. He made this, like, a lamp. That was a nazi helmet with a bayonet through it. Where the fuck is that, Jamie? In a box?


I don't know.


We got to find it. It needs to be brought back. That's our thing. How dope is that?


I love it.


That's dope, right? Just because it's a real bayonet.


No, it's artwork. It's provocative. It's fucked up. It looks cool. Shit.


And it's a lamp. And the one I have has a bunch of holes in it, like that one. It's pretty dope. This might even be redone. I think that part's new. Oh, he ramped it up. Let's get a new one from him. We'll reach out yeah, I'm into that shit, dude. I love it. But it's like, that is because you get it, obviously. I get it, but, I mean, there's apparently there's an area in Europe where so many people died. I'm not exactly sure what country is. I know France has this enormous area, Paris, but France has enormous area the size of Paris that no one can go into. Do you know that they have so many unexploded ordinance and so much chemical bombs and all this shit that they dropped on them? Find that one spot. What is it called? There's an area that's literally the size of Paris that you can't go into. And it's all from the war. So apparently they found so many helmets that you could go there and find them in the ground in these places during World War II. So they're not uncommon, and they could turn them into artwork.


I wonder why they haven't debaumed it, demind it, like all that stuff.


I know, right? Like, go in there and gather up all the swords and shit. How many people died there? They just left them there.


I would like to do that trip to Normandy. I had some friends in, like, it's getting know years ago, I was like, I never wanted to be one of those people big around the world. It's not that I don't appreciate the fans. It's like, I don't give a fuck about being big in Croatia or fucking know, right?


You want to be able to go.


Hang out, played Europe and all this. And I was raising a kid, too, as a single father, so I split my time, you know what I mean? I was always home. Like, Thursday, maybe to Sunday, it was always home. But it's getting so bad. It was like years ago. I was like, I fucking love Canada. Love the fucking people there. But I'm like, eh, I'm not going to go. I'm like, I'm not going to Europe. I said that years ago. I'm like, I'm fucking done. We have talked about doing a festival in Budapest, like, for all the european fans. Some shit gets kicked around, but I really. I love the fans, and I don't care. I'm like, I'm not going to fucking Canada. Love fucking Canada, but I'm not going. And now I'm to the point I'm like, is there really a reason to go west of the Mississippi? Like, fucking huge in Kentucky, man. Like, big.


You don't have to. You do whatever the fuck you want. Your kid rock. You can make those people come to you.


I try not to let that get to my head.


Actually, you don't have to, but you just decide, I don't like going there. Like, I don't hate anybody in Canada. I just don't go there anymore.


Dude, I went there with.


Here it is.


I went there with Wayne Gretzky and got detained.


I believe you. Why'd you get detained?


It's like you had to do that rehabilitation thing because you got caught with weed when you were, like, 18 or whatever. Everyone in my band did. This is one of the reasons we stopped going there. They kept fucking me every time I go and fly in privately, fucking the king of Canada fucking detained me for 45 fucking minutes. I'm like, fuck this place, man. And I know it's not the people's fault. I look at Trudeau. He's a fucking classic piece of shit.


He's a piece of shit. When did this happen? How long ago?


This was with Cellios's hall of fame induction. So whatever year that was.


How many years ago?


Seven, eight. I'm terrible with the year game.


Yeah, they're rough on letting people in, so listen to this.


Maybe we ought to take a nod from them.


Yeah, they've got. Well, they don't want people integrating into their culture, though. They're happy for people to.


The whole culture is integrated.


Yeah, Vancouver it is. But what I'm saying is they're having a problem with muslim people wanting to impart sharia law in certain schools.


Don't tell me about it. I was born in Dearborn, Michigan, which is crazy, right? Fuck.


One of the things that was hilarious is they elected this woman to be a Muslim who's a mayor of the city in Michigan, and everyone's like, yay. So inclusive. First thing she did is ban the pride flag.


Exactly. They're throwing gay people off buildings. People are like, free. Gay people are like, free Palestine.


Have you ever seen that meme? Like, gays for Palestine, then Palestine for gays.


Yeah. Throw people off buildings.


Jamie, can you pull that up so I could read it? Yeah. About the size of Paris. So in the years following the Great War, today around 100, 400, roughly the size of Paris, is still strictly prohibited by law from public entry and agriculture use because of an impossible amount of human remains and unexploded chemical munitions yet to be recovered from the battlefields of both wars. So there's an impossible amount of human remains out there.


Dude, I'm looking at the top, and the website says


It's a solid website. It's totally trustworthy and reliable.

[02:53:10] says, well, this is a lady that just.


Whatever. Maybe it's a dude. I don't know who wrote it, but whoever, this person, they're just reporting on something that is true. They pulled so much shit out of.


That area, I kind of want to go there. Like a metal detector.


I bet you'd find some shit. 100%. We do some metal detecting, but just imagine that expression. An impossible amount of human remains.


460 sq. Mi.




Paris. That fucking.


What is the total amount of square miles say, jamie? It said it originally covered that much space, and then it now was down.


To the size of Paris.


So they slowly encroached in on the toxic area. 1200? Down to the size of Paris. Wow. Originally big.


460 square fucking miles is.


That's a lot.


It's fucking huge.


That's a giant piece of land.






Bigger than some states.


So there's a state you can't go into.


I want to go.


It's probably super scary. I mean, there's places in Vietnam where people would walk through the jungle and then, boom, no leg. Because you just stepped on a landmine that had been left there for 50 years.


I have my uncles in Vietnam. Not good. Not good.


That's one of the sketchiest wars. You want to be a conspiracy theorist? Look into Vietnam. The Vietnam war is one of the most perplexing of all wars. Because today no one thinks we should have gone, and yet they do the exact same thing today that they did back then. The way they just decide that people from this country need to be flying overseas to go shoot at people they don't know, and it's all based on a lie. And no one ever goes to jail for that lie.


That's insane.


And everything evolves, man. Everything evolves. Computers back then were terrible. Now they're really good. If they were really terrible at the way they were corruptly running the world back then and made it real obvious they're better at it now.


Yeah. What's the end game?


I don't know, man.


I'm fine. I could ride it out. Blessed. I'm like, about my grand grandchildren, like, fuck.


I know. I go back and forth from being optimistic to really pessimistic. I go back and forth. Like, I'll start thinking, you know what? I'm pretty sure we're going to pull ahead and figure this out. And then I go, yeah, stupid. That's because you live in Texas and you don't live in Gaza. If you lived in Gaza, you would be convinced that it's the end of the world. Right? Because it is the end of the world. In one place, in that spot, it's the end of the world. But where you are, it's not. And you got to look at it that way. And when I look at it that.


Way, I'm like, the only wars we won were fucking ones. We were the most brutal motherfuckers on the planet, which I don't disagree with what Israel is doing. It's like, they should just go in there and be like, you know what? We want our hostages back. If we don't have them back, clock starts now. In fucking 24 hours, we're going to start bombing motherfuckers and killing fucking civilians. 30, 40,000 a fucking time. So you civilians better fucking pack up and fucking get these fucking motherfuckers. And you go against Hamas, you fucking go against them. We're not playing fucking games with you. That's the only thing people understand. This is what happened to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.




Swiped out. They're like, oh, yes, we don't have supreme leader anymore. We did not know you had such big bombs.


Yeah, but everybody has big bombs now. The problem is you use a big bomb, you set a precedent that they can use a big bomb.


They don't have one.


Well, they don't, but they're allies, too.


That's the real problem out of them. Someone's going to learn.




You got to get your ass beat hard enough.


You can't just nuclear bomb people. I didn't say nuclear bomb you back. No, I didn't say, okay, you said Hiroshima, Nagasaki. I thought you meant it, like.


No, no, I was saying just the brute force of strength used in those.


Yeah, but even a conventional bombing campaign, if you want to do that somewhere, they can do that to your place. And this is what we have to.


Fuck around and find out.


Yeah, until someone launches nukes, and then our civilization is over. The world as you know it ceases to exist. There is no more electricity. Whatever tools you have are things you find, and a small percentage of us are going to make it to breed and then make new kids. I like how you said, go out into the world. There's very few people that are going to live, man.


It's like me and you could probably.


Maybe, yeah, I have chickens, too. I have elk in the freezer, too.


But you can gut an elk.


I can gut an elk, but that freezer is not going to stay on. So I'm going to lose most of my meat unless I turn it into jerky. You're going to have to do something to figure out how to fucking get by because the world is going to be different. You're not going to have any electricity forever. For the rest of your life. There'll be no electricity, just throwing paint at the wall.


But what if we empower the people of Palestine? Who could be good people? I don't know. Last I checked, most of these motherfuckers hate us. But I'm not saying all the people do. There's probably a lot that don't. Just like in Iran, the population is because of the Iraq war. There's so many under 50 there. That's like the majority.


The thing is, these guys don't have access to other information outside of where they live. And then on top of fucking Elon.


Send a starlink. We'll send them some fucking guns. Fucking let's go.


The problem is, most of them would be so opposed to Israel that they would want to use those guns to go attack Israel.


Well, then we've now we have due reason to fuck them all up.


Yeah, but if you think about, you're a kid and you don't know why there's a conflict between Palestine and Israel and you're living in Palestine, and then they start bombing and then they kill your mom. Yeah, but you didn't do right, but you didn't do anything.


It sounds like bud.


And then you get guns, you're going to go want to attack people. You're going to want to avenge them. You're going to want to join whatever group. Whatever.


So why did World War II end?


Well, why did World War II start?




You got a dude who's fucking methed up. You got a Adolf Hitler, messed up, charismatic dude that wants to take over the world. That's how it started. How did it end? Nuclear bombs. But it also ended through attrition. At the end of it, the devastation on both sides was so horrible.


Terrible. But where was the end?


Hiroshima. Nakasaki.


No, but what was the alternative?


Well, that's that case. The thing about whenever you're bombing cities.


What if that was your house? Let's call your house Israel. And your neighbors are Palestine.




Those motherfuckers. She got a family of four. They come over and fucking take out two of them in the fucking worst way. Are you really going to worry about what type of force you're using at your neighbors?


No. You definitely.


Well, the wife didn't have anything to do with it. We got to make sure she's okay. And get some aid. This. And it's like, no, I'm sorry, man. This is fucking war. It's terrible. It's the worst thing on earth. I'm a peaceful man.


Right. But you're not supposed to pick civilian targets. That's actually a war like that.


You're not supposed to hiding in civilian targets.


They are. So that's where, like the massage hospitals.


They got trenches fucking underneath. They got operation centers.


They killed those.


And all we can do is go by the reporting like, I get it. But at some point you got to believe something, right?


No, I definitely do. They definitely seem to be doing that. But also, if you're a person who's born in Palestine, you're fucked. You're under their control. It's not your fault.


My birth, you're fucked.


Yeah, but those aren't our enemy. And the thing is, like what you were saying, get them cell phones, get them the Internet, get them armed. If you get them armed, they're not going to really know how to use it. They're going to also joining those military groups and then they're also going to be indoctrinated at a young age by those groups, I would imagine. Especially now with all the bombing that's been happening.


Just came full circle to my point.


I'm not opposed.


There's no alternative.


I'm not saying that I'm opposed to what you're saying. What I'm saying is that what you're saying could be taken as a callous thing, that it's just going to have to be how it is that we have to kill women and children.


I wish there was an alternative. Well, and I don't know everything on this, by the way.


I don't know everything on this either.


Sitting up in Congress going like, hey, we better listen real close to kid rock. He's got this figured out.


I'm just not willing to accept that the only way human beings can resolve things in 2024 is to bomb each other out of existence.


Oh, I wish. Fuck.


Believe me, it's just the whole thing is so fucked.


The whole reality sets in.


Israel thing is so fucked.


If everybody in the world was willing to give up their fucking guns and weapons, okay, never going to fucking happen.


Well, no one fucking.


Why would.


No one would agree to that. Just because you're always going to need. You're going to assume you're going to need to hunt things. You're saying that you're going to let the animals just go wild. Bears and deer overpopulate everywhere. You're never going to kill any of them anymore.


Did you see that one fucking fucker by the antlers.


Dude? Yeah. If you live near moose, you better have a gun.


Oh, my God. They're fucking mean.


They will stomp you to death. Wow.
