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We begin today is meditation with a few sipping exercises to remind us a little treat can go a long way.


So pick up your McCarthyist coffees, close your eyes and deep sip in. And deep satisfaction out, I take a treat retreat at McDonald's right now, get him a coffee, iced coffee and any size and any flavor for just 99 cents until 11:00 a.m., price of participation may vary. Welcome to today's episode of The Mind segment to our podcast, I am your host, Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button that you never miss another podcast episode.


And if you want more motivation and inspiration in your news feed, follow me right now on Instagram. Rob Dial, Jarobi Deeyah, AOL J.R. on your Instagram so I can hit you with some motivation and some inspiration on your iji.


Today we're going to be talking about the six steps that it takes for you to become successful. I know it's like the most stereotypical thing that I could talk about as a speaker, as a motivational speaker, as a mindset coach. But I'm going to give you maybe a little bit different than what you would typically see out there. And the reason why is because after coaching thousands of people, I have an idea of of what it takes to have someone become, quote unquote, successful and will dive into what success actually means and what they normally have that come up along the way that hold them back from that success.


And so that's what we're going to dive into today, is the six different steps that I've identified to actually get you from number one, because this worth trying to figure out, number one, where you are right now in this moment to number to where you want to be.


That's what we're going to go over. So let's do it. Step number one is to define success, because when I say the word success to you, you might think of something completely different than what I would think of and somebody else might think of something completely different than what the two of us would think of. So when we say success, what exactly does success mean to you? First off, if you were to quote unquote become successful, how would you know that you've made it?


That's something important to think about if we're going to try to become whatever successful means successful, how will we know we've made it? If we don't clearly define what it means to be successful, then we will never actually get there because we've never actually decided what that means to be successful.


So, you know, what I think that you should do is you should get out a pen and paper right now. Put me on pause if you need to get out a pen and paper and write down what does success mean to me? How will I know that I have, quote unquote made it that I have become the successful person I've always wanted to become? What is it for you? Is it money? Is it that you made one hundred thousand dollars in a year?


Is it that you have a million dollars in your bank account? Is it that you're running a million dollar business? Is it that your business is profiting five hundred thousand dollars? What does it mean? What does success mean to you? Maybe it doesn't mean money at all. Maybe successes that you have an incredible relationship with your spouse, maybe successes that you have an incredible family, maybe successes that you are filled with happiness most moments of your life, maybe successes that you feel this overwhelming sense of peace throughout most of the day, maybe successes that you just have so much joy about how frickin amazing your life is.


Maybe success is that you are just filled with love and you're surrounded by people who love you and that you love. What does it mean to you? Maybe success is that you can travel the world anytime that you want to. You wake up today and you're like, I want to go to Italy tomorrow, boom. I can go ahead and get on a plane. Maybe that's what success means to you. Maybe success means that you have ultimate freedom, freedom to do what you want, when you want, with who you want at any moment in time, any point of any day.


And you can, you know, pay for everyone else's plane tickets to go to wherever that places.


You know, that's kind of what my success in mine is, is just ultimate freedom to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, with nobody telling me that I can't do it. That's what mine is to me. But maybe it's something different to you. And the problem is that most people have a little bit of an idea in their head, but they never actually write it down with pen and paper. And that's where the secret is, is when something lives inside of your head.


If you've been listening to me for a long time, you've heard me say this. When something is in your head, it's abstract. Our brains are very abstract. They're never concrete, clear on exactly what something is. If I want to get concrete and clear an exactly what as I'm going to get a pen and paper and I get whatever the hell's going on in my crazy head of mine onto a piece of paper, and I'm going to get very clear on it if I want to plan out my business.


If I have a business that I'm starting, I'm going to have a business plan, write of how my business is going to get to a million dollars in sales. You know, if I'm to want to get to a million dollars in sales, I need to do 800 some eighty some odd thousand dollars a month, blah, blah, blah. I got to start figuring all that out. If I make a business plan, why don't I have a life plan?


And if I'm going to have a business plan, I'm not going to just figure out the business plan in my head. I'm going to write it down with pen and paper. So if I'm going to write down a business plan, why would I not write down a life plan? Doesn't that make sense? Shouldn't we think about it that way? I'm going to plan out my life in the first step to planning out my life is for me to define in very clear terms exactly what success is when I have, quote unquote made it, how will I know I've made it?


How will I know when I wake up?


Go. I frickin made it like, look at what I've built. Look at what's around me. Define what success means to you. Because what success means to you is something that different everybody else is it. Money is at the house. Is it traveling. Is it happiness is a peace. Is it. Love is a joy. Is it freedom? Is it all of those things. What is it. Define what it is. Why?


Because you can't hit a target that you can't see superimportant. You've got to know where you're going and you've got to be very clear on where you're going. That brings us into step number two. So step number one is to clearly define what success means to you.


Step number two is to get a clear plan for it.


So I always use this example because it's my favorite. I live in Austin, Texas. I have a good friend that lives in Houston. I could get on the interstate and just drive. His name's Mike. I could just try to drive to Mike's house. I don't know how to get to his house without a GPS. Just being fully transparent here. I don't even know where the hell Houston's huge. It's like five point four million people live there.


I could take the interstate and start finding out exactly how to get to Houston and I could get to Houston. The chances of me getting to his house is slim to none.


Why? Because I don't know how to get there, I don't know exactly where I'm going to get there, but if I get in my truck and I say, OK, I'm going to his house, which is one, two, three, Elm Street, Houston, Texas. And I put it in my GPS in my truck is going to go, OK, Rob's currently at this address in Austin, Texas. He's trying to go to this place.


Here's the exact route to get there. I want to think of my life and my plan for success to be the exact same thing. The more clear that I am on exactly what it is, the more clear of a plan I can get because I could get in my truck and say, take me to Houston, Texas, and they'll take me to Houston, Texas. But I'm not at Mike's house. I am in the general vicinity of Mike's house.


But I want to get to Mike's house. How do I do that? I've got to be very clear on what it is that I'm actually shooting for Mike's house. Same thing that I mean, I've got to be very clear on what it is that I want in my life, because the more clear that I am of what it is that I want my life, the more clear plan I can create, which is what I'm talking about in step number two, can I come up with a very clear plan and set my house every single day to get there?


I'm going to set my finger, OK? Where am I going in my life? I'm waking up at six a.m., I'm done my meditation. I've done everything I need to have done my you know, my affirmations. I've done my meditating. Now I'm going to, quote unquote set my GPS for the day. OK, I know I'm going to Houston. I need to come up with a plan to get there. I know the exact route to get there.


I know where it is that I want to go in my life, because step number one is to clearly define what success means. And so if I wake up every single day and I create a plan to get to success, to get to whatever it is that I'm trying to shoot for, well, what do I need to do? All I need to do is set my GPS and work towards that every single day. So I need to create a clear plan of exactly how to get to success.


This place that I've made it a clear plan of how to get to a million dollars in my bank account, a clear plan of how to get to one hundred thousand dollars a month, a clear plan to get to a hundred thousand a year, whatever it is that you're working towards. If you know exactly what it is and you've clearly defined it, now we've got to clearly define the actual plan to get there so that we can execute on that plan every single week and every single day.


OK, so that's step number two, the third step, which very rarely do I find people that even think about this. And this is one of my this my secret sauce ready plan your pitfalls. You know how you mess up. You know how you typically hold yourself back with negative self talk, with procrastination, with laziness, with the imposter syndrome, with negative, you know, negative people that are around you, whatever it is, I want you to plan out your pitfalls.


How do you typically mess up when you're trying to hit your goal? We've all got it, and so if I know that I typically hold myself back in X, Y, Z, I'm going to actually make a plan to avoid X, Y, Z. If I typically in a really big procrastinator, for instance, I'm going to make a plan to not procrastinate. I'm going to identify my pitfalls and I'm going to fix them.


I'm going to make sure that I plan ahead so that when my pitfalls do start to come up, when I feel myself wanting to procrastinate, I take action right the same way that if I'm driving to Houston and, you know, I happen to have a there's a car accident happens in front of me, it's not going to stop me.


I'm just going to have to take a detour. OK, here it is. I had my plan for this today. You know, I feel procrastination coming up. You know what I need to do? I need to take a detour. I need to plan something. I need to make sure that I do something different today than I was originally planning because I feel my procrastination coming up. I feel my negative self taught. Coming up, I want to plan out a plan that when my pitfalls that typically come up come up, because they will throughout your plan of life that already have a plan to get past them.


Most people don't think about this. We all hold ourselves back in some sort of way. I want to plan ahead right now so that when I do start to hold myself back, I go here we go. Now, I've got to execute on that plan because I knew this was going to come up. You know how you hold yourself back. You're not going to crush every single day. It's not going to happen in your old habits die hard.


You're going to feel them come up. But the goal is, how can you have a plan? Here's a secret. How can you have a plan to have more positive days, more steps forward, then steps back? Are you going to crush every single day know are there going to be some days where it doesn't feel like you made a whole lot of progress? Yeah, but as long as you have more days that are in the positive, that are a step forward and not a step back, you're going to eventually get to where you want to go.


If I'm walking to Houston and I take one step every single day forward and then every once in a while, I don't take a step forward, but I still try to keep myself positive. In the next day, I take a step forward. I will eventually make it to Houston. I will eventually make it to quote unquote success. You're not going to crush every day. But the only thing you have to make sure of is that you don't take too many steps backwards.


That's the only thing you have to make sure of. So plan your pitfalls. That's number three, plan out your typical pitfalls that you have. Step number four, accountability. Here's where you're going to put your money, where your mouth is once you figure out exactly what you want, exactly what you need to do to do it and your pitfalls, you are going to tell everybody that you possibly can. You're going to put it up on Facebook, because you know what?


I'm really serious about this. I'm going to do X, Y, Z this year. I'm gonna lose 10 pounds this year, I'm going to and I'm going to work out seven days a week, whatever it is that you have to do, I don't know what it is you have to put up on Facebook. You have to put on Instagram. You have put on your stories. And what I want you to do is this. I want you to call the one, two or three people that you know are going to fully hold you accountable to it.


The people that aren't afraid to call you out on your B.S., the people that are aren't afraid to be like, hey, you said you were going to do this. Why the hell aren't you doing it? Who's your best friend that has no trouble blatantly telling you all of the ways that you've messed up? That's the person that you want to call, who's your brutally honest friend, where sometimes that brutal honesty gets them in trouble, call that person up and say, hey, John, listen, man, here's my goal for the year.


I need you to hold me accountable to it. Can you do that, John? You'll be like, Oh, hell, yeah. Why? Because John loves to call people on their B.S.. He's definitely going to be calling you out in jobs. So that's what I want you to do. I want you to find the one, two or three people that are fully going to hold you accountable. And I want you to either create a weekly or a daily check in system.


Why? Because these people will get excited about holding you accountable and then we'll go, hey, you know, I've got some goals to do. You mind holding me accountable for? Sure. 100 percent. You know, this is a thing that I've been doing the past 14 years now with my best friend. We talk probably, you know, he's my business partner.


We talk probably four or five times a day.


Then we have talked every single day, basically almost every single day for the last 14 years, even though it's only him and I talking, we've been holding each other accountable to doing what we say we're going to do. If he says, listen, I want to lose 20 pounds and I know he didn't work out today, I have no problem calling his ass out and being like, dude, you're going to you're going to be still overweight if you don't get your fat ass to the gym.


Right. Like we're OK talking to each other that way. He's OK with me, talking to him. That way I'm OK with him, talking to me that way. And so if we talk to each other, we can be brutally honest. It actually holds us accountable to do what we say we're going to do, because ultimately, sometimes we let ourselves slip and that's the truth where we let ourselves slip and we're not as accountable to ourselves as we need to be.


How can we bring an outside source in to actually hold us accountable? So once we know what our goals are, we make a plan of it, all of that stuff. I want to find somebody who's going to fully hold me accountable in. I'm going to give them full permission to say whatever needs to be said. Do not be shy. I will not be offended. Tell me when I need to be called out. Call me out. Wanting to be called out.


I give you for permission. Call boom. OK, that's tip number four. Accountability. Step number five is to just frickin take action.


Take action. Despite how you feel. Despite how you feel. I don't care how you feel, if you don't feel good, do it anyways, here's the beautiful thing. If you don't believe in yourself, if you don't think that you can succeed as long as you just take the necessary steps to succeed, you'll still succeed because belief doesn't matter. The beautiful thing about belief is that you don't have to believe in yourself in order to take action. So just take the frickin action that you need to to get from where you are to where you want to be.


Do you have to push yourself and have hard core willpower? Sometimes, yes, sometimes you do. Sometimes you have to go. You know what, Rob? I don't care how you're feeling. We're going to do this today. It doesn't matter to me if you don't feel 100 percent because you know what was going on this path. We're on this journey. I'm not going to let you hold back. Hold yourself back. These are the types of calls.


I mean, these are types of literary conversations I have with myself and my own head. Right. Might get me sent into, you know, a loony bin because people heard me talking to myself out loud. But I'm like, listen, Rob, I'm not going to let you hold yourself back. Get your ass up. Get off the couch. Get off Instagram. We got something to work towards. That's how you need to hold yourself accountable to taking action.


Take the action, take the necessary action every single day despite how you feel. I don't care if you believe in yourself. I don't care if you don't feel good. Take the action. Doesn't matter. Get your ass up. Get moving in the direction that you need to. That's step number five. Step number six, which is also one of my secret sources that a lot of people miss is you have to have to have to have a weekly meeting with yourself.


You have to have a date every single Sunday for about fifteen minutes.


Thirty minutes maybe you need to have a date with yourself and you need to sit down and you need to do what I call, look back, look forward, need to look back and see how last week went, what you did well, what you didn't do well, what you can improve it.


That's looking back. You look back on the last week went and then you're going to look forward and you're going to make a plan of what you're going to do this week. What did I do? Well, last week, write it down. How did I hold myself back? Well, Tuesday, you know what? I hit the alarm. I need to make sure I don't hit the alarm again. OK, let me make a plan to not hit the alarm.


I'm going to, you know, put the alarm clock across the room. I'm going to immediately make myself brush my teeth, immediately jump into a shower. As soon as I'm going to put my I'm going to put my phone inside of my shower because it's waterproof and I'm going to make myself turn it off, turn off my alarm, and then I'm gonna turn my shower on whatever it is you need to do. And you look back on how last week went and you look at how you did well so you can continue to executing and get better.


And then you look at how you didn't do well and you make a plan so that you can do better this next week, have a weekly review with yourself where you look back and look forward. There are going to be times where you need to adjust your plans the same way that I said that if you're going from here to Houston, going from Austin to Houston, there's going to be some detours. It's not going to I've I've driven to his house many times.


Sometimes I can get there and there's highway perfect. No problems. Sometimes more often than not, I have to take a detour because there's so much freaking construction happening in that city that I take all these different detours and I've taken his house seven different routes to get to his house. Right. Sometimes you have to adjust what's going on. You have to adjust your schedule. You have to adjust how you are, you know, what time you're waking up, what food you're eating, how you're acting, who you're hanging out with, who's holding you accountable, you're accountability structure.


You're going to have to adjust those things sometimes. And that's OK. But that's what the weekly review is worth. Don't just set your New Year's resolution and then just see how you do next year. No, you need to have a plan to check in with yourself 52 times throughout the year. That is part of your weekly review. So one more time, six different steps.


And one, you have to define success and figure out exactly what success is for you. Number two, you got to come up with a very, very clear plan with what you need to do to get there. Number three, you need to plan out your pitfalls. And if you happen to have your pitfalls come up, you know exactly what you need to do when those pitfalls come up. Number four, you need to develop an accountability system with at least one other person.


Number five, take the frickin action despite how you feel. And number six, have a date with yourself every single Sunday.


If you follow the step by step by step by step by step and you just execute, you will not get to you will not not get to that success that you clearly defined in step one. So that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this episode, please share with someone that you know and someone that you love. Go ahead and shared on Instagram stories. If love it his walks. I guarantee there's some people who follow you on Instagram that need to hear this.


And if you do share it on Instagram stories, please tag minute Rabinow Junor, RBD ALJ. Ah, and I'm going to leave you the same way I leave you every single episode. Make it your mission to make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing time.


Hi, I'm Nick Slavophiles, and I want to invite you guys to give our show a listen if you're looking to fall in love with a new podcast, I'm someone who's been around the block and in my relationships in life, and I've certainly learned a lot about myself and in relationships. And we spent a lot of time on our show talking about social dynamics and interpersonal relationships. We have two great shows for you to check out our Asked Nick episodes on Monday.


Our callers call in, they share their problems, their questions, and I decide to share my insight, my opinions. And some people seem to find it helpful.


I sometimes I surprise myself and on Wednesdays, check us out where we have a more traditional show with all sorts of types of guests, experts, personalities, actors, athletes, interesting people, and just have some insightful conversations where we learn about life, love and all things that you can possibly imagine.


We look forward to seeing you there.