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Paul George. Yeah, why didn't he play? I text him. I text him like, Yeah, man, a hell of a game. Like, Ben-Asshole. Group chat. Me, him, Cat, Big Zoom, Pat Patterson. The Vacation Bros. The Vacation Bros. Yeah, PG. Beltas. You all got one? We'll see about Sunday. We'll see about Sunday. They even tweeted that from one of their socials. They were like, Keep that energy on Sunday. Okay, cool. I got to be prepared. P. Z. Going to try to cook my ass. Straight up. I look on the board, I'm P. J. Tucker. I'm here for coffee. Wait a minute. Hang on. Hang on. Have I been food? Were you bamboozled? Finesse. So I see him on bench. What's up, man? You ducking me? What? Are you ducking me? We talked. You said you was going to be here Sunday. I'm in the alley waiting with my pistol in my hand. Where your ass at? But no, it was good vibe. What was his answer? I don't know. At the end of the game, so I won this year. Did I win this year? You won this year. Love game.