Ankur Warikoo on Aliens, Souls, Life & Time Travel | The Ranveer Show 67
The Ranveer Show- 1,386 views
- 21 Aug 2020
Today's #TheRanveerShow episode was a joy to create. Hosted Ankur Warikoo, one of the country's best conversationalists in my opinion. Ankur Warikoo is a renowned entrepreneur ( & is also a social media motivational speaker. The conversation we had ranged from Alien abductions to time travel to relationships to the nature of life. Tackled some of the deepest questions I have had. Be it the concept of ageing or existentialism or the future of the human race. I believe this mindbending conversation will stimulate your brain and create both questions and answers within you. Enjoy this detailed episode with Ankur Warikoo!
The nature of life, the nature of spirituality, the meaning of life, the meaning of relationships, they are all deep topics which I've been trying to decode actually since the beginning of my life. Since I can remember, I've been looking at my own hands and asking myself, am I just stuck in a human simulation? What is the meaning of all this? Why is this Mike in front of me? Why is it shaped like this? What is this human experience?
These are questions I've always wanted to decode, and that's exactly what we did with Mr. Ungood article on this episode of the NBC show. Please note this man is going to be back on that NBC show. He's one I count as a friend of the podcast.
So while initially I planned on doing a podcast on his entrepreneurial journey, very quickly, the podcast turned into something much deeper where he spoke about aliens, time travel, the nature of marriage, the nature of existence, astral travel, the concept of rebirth, the concept of karma, the concept of the Enlightenment.
Why this? Of course, he's had a lot of entrepreneurial experience. He studied astrophysics in college. But I chose this man for this conversation honestly, because he was one of the best conversationalists I've ever come across. You meet some people who are just capable of talking about any topic because of the sheer number of books that they've read, because of all the different kinds of humans that they've exposed themselves to a well rounded mind with a lot of opinions and takes on very interesting subjects.
I promise you, if you're looking for mine stimulation and you've clicked on this episode of the NBC show, that's exactly what you're going to get. We promise you in the smartest podcast we deliver in your smartest podcast on article, the founder of nearby Dotcom.
But more importantly, one of the most fun, interesting, intelligent dudes I've met in my life.
He's on the road shortly. You guys are going to love this one. Mr. Uncrackable, how are you, sir? When it comes to the world of start ups, the guys want to be with the girls want to be with you. How does it feel that that that's like the that's like the worst way that you girls started me and brought me in, man.
It's like no pressure at all. What's what's your story? I mean, a lot of people probably know it, but I just want you to run the audiences through it either way. Yeah.
It's been a fascinating, fascinating life. And I am so, so lucky and privileged to have lived this life. I to be to be honest, if you ask me when I was 20, would I be doing this and would I be where I am, the answer would be conclusive. No, I was I was preparing for my life to become a space scientist. I was working towards becoming an academic and went to the US, figured very quickly it wasn't for me, dropped everything, came back to India.
I had to start my life all over again at the age of 24, by which most of my peers from school and college were already going on to do multiple great things in their life and then went for a business school education, did consulting and 11 years back became an entrepreneur. That that completely changed the course of my life. And here I am. What did you not like about America? Why did you choose to come back? You know what?
I actually loved the US. I really liked my time there. I didn't like what I was doing, but I loved where I was. I just couldn't find a middle ground between what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be. I speak often about this, that the U.S. is a fantastic way to uncover your own self, because here's what the U.S. does. It offers you all the possible distractions that the world has to offer.
They literally everything you have your money, you have you have entertainment, you have gaming, you have food, you have fun. You literally have everything that you want at your disposal. And then it asks you, are you able to navigate through all this destruction and still make it for yourself? And I love that about the US and I love that about the meritocracy of how it it organizes itself. But I wasn't happy doing what I was doing, and that was the big reason why I came back.
What I read about your past is that you grew up wanting to join NASA and working as a I don't know I don't know the term for a rocket scientist, a space engineer. I just wanna make it sound cool. But basically, I wanted to work in the realms of space so that you, like, not try that. Did you not enjoy that after trying it like what happened?
Yeah, I didn't I didn't enjoy it after trying. So I pursued it. I pursued it for a really long extent. I, I was actually doing my PhD when I was in the US and two years into it, I just realized it was something that I was good at, but it wasn't something that made me happy. And that's why I came in. What in in. Hold on to your chair in astrophysics. Oh, wow.
Nice. Can you, can you, can you take us through I mean, without taking us into the depths of that subject, what's that subject about.
Like what do you learn, why did you choose to be housed in astrophysics.
So, so there is there is there is a stream called astronomy, which most of us know of. It's basically looking at the stars and figuring out through the light that they emit and the visual mapping that they have. What are they all about? Astrophysics, on the other hand, doesn't look at them necessarily, but looks at that motion. So it's the physics of it. And to that physics, it concludes pretty much the same things that you would perhaps conclude if you were to look at it through a telescope.
So it's it's just another stream of looking into the night sky and figuring out what where do we belong and and whatever you have to. So I did the next obvious question that in the mind of a lot of my young college listeners is, Mr. Barak, would you believe in aliens? Like do you think that there is extraterrestrial life out there? Absolutely, yes.
Hundred percent, I, I, I have grown up on X Files. I it was the it was the only show that mattered to me. I used to look at it diligently and this was back when there was no bingeing happening like so you literally had to wait every week for an episode to come by. And I, I started so much about alien life, about extraterrestrials, about all these conspiracy theories, whether we have landed on the moon or not.
What happened in Roswell in 1947? Have aliens visited the US? Have they visited India? Oh, my God, I have stories and stories about it, but yeah, I do believe in them.
Yeah, same, I think a huge chunk of my childhood. Right from the time I think I discovered reading at around the age of ten, it'll say about seventeen when the world kind of tells, you know, follow science and engineering. And that little chunk was all about the occult and studying aliens and studying about things like the Roosevelt incident. I'm going to ask you a kind of Muffat question. Have you had any, like, alien encounters or have you ever felt like you were abducted yourself?
Nothing like that. I think I saw three UFOs when I was in college. I'm pretty convinced I did. But that's the closest that I've come to me.
I studied a lot of I mean, again, this is just a subject of interest for me. So I think on our Instagram livestream, I told you about these books by this guy called Graham. Yeah.
And he he he's basically an alternative history guy. So he tries to prove that all the history we're taught in school is true. And it's actually a lot more to discover, like how I think one of the early history lessons that I had in school was about the fall civilizations or Chinese, Mesopotamian, Egyptian and ancient Indian.
But Gammer and Gogu strongly believes that there was a whole bunch of civilizations before that, like right from around 50000 BC, 60000 B.C. And they had a lot of contact with so-called aliens.
And that's what he's trying to discover. And what happened is once the Ice Age kicked in about 11000, 12000 years ago, a lot of the landmass that we know today was actually way more inland.
And there was a lot more on the coast all over the world. But the ice is kind of took over all those land masses. That's why you heard stories about Dwarka and Atlantis and all these places which got submerged.
But there's a lot of talks about how aliens and humans would interact in that phase of human history.
And he kind of he, as well as a lot of the yoga I've read, speaks very positively about alien culture, extraterrestrial cultures.
I'd love to know what you think about all this. What's your input on this whole ancient human alien interaction? It's the same thing, Ranvir, that we spoke about the other day, I firmly believe that we're not the the first human civilization to have lived on Earth, where we're possibly the second or the third or maybe even higher than that civilization. And I remember this book that really fascinated me when I was young.
It was called The Chariots of the God. And this book was all about the fact that everything that we've come to believe as a as a remnant of ancient civilization, whether it's the pyramids, whether it's the iron pillar in Delhi, whether it's the Mayan civilization and all that they've accomplished, all of that only happened because we were visited by extraterrestrial intelligence and they were the ones who gave us all the super power and all the know how that we needed to get that done.
And the way that he he spoke about it was quite fascinating, if you think about it, is if you were to go to a really backward tribe today and say you go to any forest tribe deep in my depredation or undermines or wherever, and you carry with you your iPad and you carry with you your phone and you carry with you an Internet connection and you carry with you weapons.
All of them will look like literally God, like just as we think God's word, as we depict them literally everything, the weapons that we have, the artillery's, imagine them looking at what a helicopter is or what a parachute is or what just a simple God is.
And they would be just mind blown. So in their own limited, primitive mind, they would start drawing us out and saying, oh, my God, a loudspeaker was like Shirvani and then an iPad happened. And that was like God's tablet of Ten Commandments. And I'm not being blasphemous here, but now you get the drift.
And that perhaps is what happened. That's exactly what happened.
What's your what's your opinion on the modern world with respect to extraterrestrial life? Do you think that Area 51 is finally going to announce that aliens have been visiting us for a while?
I, I don't know, man. I really don't know. You know, here, here here is what I genuinely think. I think that there is a higher probability ranveer that we are all living in a simulation. Ben, the fact that aliens are visiting us right now, can you explain this photo? I like this. Yes.
So so I know if you've seen The Matrix, the movie, I genuinely believe that we are in a Matrix. I, I genuinely believe that when we think or when we have feelings of deja vu, when we have feelings like. Have I dreamt about this and it's happening to me right now when we have those feelings of have I met this person before, like this person sounds or looks so familiar when we have this feeling like, oh, my God, this is such a small world.
How do you even know, like, how are we even connected?
All of that and so much more is possibly just a computer program driving the entire world.
We are sleeping somewhere, but we are dreaming and the dream is perpetual. And it's so real that we think that the dream is the reality, which is what happens to us right when we when we wake up. There are so many times when we like, am I awake? Am I dreaming? Is this real? Is this not? And it's quite likely that that is that's that's what's happening right now. I mean, look, Becky. Hamady, Destiny, Harewood, Hamara, Karmi, Howard Omari is up here, but it'll be quite it'll be quite a slap on all our faces if if all that we know is it's just a computer program somewhere running and making it happen.
So again, this is a big reason I kind of took a deep dive into spirituality like four or five years ago.
But the spirituality, the spiritual books talk about all these conceptual, very yoga kind of dynamic perspective. And I'm not talking about the demands you read about in like mob horror drama. And they actually explain the nature of life in trippy ways. So there's a chapter in this book called The Autobiography of a Yogi. It's kind of little later in the book. It's just about the astral world and the whole experience of reading that book until that chapter is like it's very kind of spiritual.
It's very kind of a feel good book. It kind of strengthens your faith in God and positivity.
And then they throw in this one chapter, which is like it blasts you out of your chair, where he explains the astral world in detail. Have you read this? Have you read the book?
I've read the book, but I don't recall this so so clearly, I haven't paid attention to it. So basically, he talks about he explains the rest of the world in detail, I think it's like Chapter 41 42, the chapters called my Guru Rotondo or something. Basically his though the protagonist guru has passed away and he comes back to explain, like his soul comes back to explain the meaning and the nature of the astral world.
So he talks about somebody again, for lack of a better word, preconception dorm's of. He explains why the human experience exists in the first place. And it's basically it's to ask the free will of all souls, therefore, what is a soul?
Then he goes into explaining that imagine that there's a massive ball of light which you refer to as God or a higher power, or you don't want to order something that's omnipresent. That's that ball of light that's that encapsulates everything, including hell, including heaven or hell. Now, imagine that ball of light is in a human being's brain, OK?
And you take one tiny cell from the brain and place it on your palm so that cell is the equivalent of one person's soul. So unconsolable soul with that one cell, but which is kind of tied together by being a part of that same ball of light. Now, on the journey from the brain to the palm of that God's hand, there is something called seven planes. And in each plane I do I don't know what the what the explanation of a plane is.
I don't know whether it is an actual physical plane, and I don't know whether it's something beyond human perception. But on each plane, you kind of leave a part of yourself and you reach the lowest plane, which is the plane. There are lower planes then this is well, but we are on one of the military planes. So the lower planes would be what we refer to as hell or hellish planets or hellish realms. But anyway, you leave part of yourself in the higher seven realms, and that's why there are seven chakras, because each of them are your antennas to connect to like your higher seven planes.
And basically, as you spiritually advanced, you get reconnected again with those parts of yourself that you have left in those planes. Therefore, concepts like deja vu or concepts like, you know, these larger than life things where you feel that something something is of when you look at your hands and you ask yourself, why am I within this capsule called the human body? It's actually all your seven versions of yourself which are kind of getting confused and questioning each other, trying to pull you back to that memory of where you came from.
And that's why in the human experience, this is spiritual purpose, like important because you're going back to your natural self, which is not that one cell. It's actually that ball of light. And when you do reach that ball of light, it's called Mukta or Enlightenment or whatever, but people think it ends there.
It's not as simple as that. In the chapter he talks about, once you reach Mukti in this plane, you go to a much higher plane called the astral plane.
And the astral plane is the so-called world of dreams where it's basically, you know, how how do dreams work when you're lucid dreaming? If you think, OK, I want a burger in my hand, there'll be a burger in your hand suddenly, like anything you wish. I want to fly. No, you end up flying. So the whole world works just like that where anything you can think of can physically be felt.
And that's the challenge of the outside world, that it's so seductive that people get stuck there. But even in the actual world, there is a certain evolution that you're supposed to go through, which is again a very spiritual process in that world.
And then you move into something called the causal world, which is a higher version of the astral world where there aren't all these distractions.
It's all BS and the causal world. The only way you can explain it to another human being is, you know, sometimes when you're really tired and you sleep, you just close your eyes and then when you open your eyes, it's like nine hours of just like you don't know where those nine hours have gone.
So that's where you enter a causal state of being, where you can't you lose a sense of identity, you lose a sense of experience, and you just wake up back into the human experience. And even after the of world, there is the final the actual ball of light, which is supposed to connect with once again.
So this is a very rough, raw exploration of this. Yeah. Done on a podcast. But there's like a lot of books about this. So the books are The Autobiography of a Yogi. And this book called Doorways to Light and Carnal Knowledge of the Riches. These are the three books I would recommend. The third one is a series of 14 books which you get out of Amazon. Very heavy stuff, but incredible. If you want to take a deep dive, I'm going back to you.
You've you've inspired me to to read this this book again, man.
I lost so much of that from from all the things that you said.
And just as you were saying it and I just felt this wave of emotions come back, it's time for me to go back. To the book, and I think that would be my biggest takeaway from this from this podcast, so thank you for this explanation. I'm glad. But do you think that somewhere it was that that spiritual question inside you was a kid which made you think that you want to join us on becoming a NASA engineer?
Like, do you think it was these spiritual questions that caused something to change inside you?
I do know that I used to ask and this is my mom speaking, not me, but my my mom does say that you used to ask some very weird questions when you ask questions like Yafai that you're supposed to make a Galaga.
Barry. Okay, Girlfight, I know Kreger, Nigar. And they're like your kid. Like, why are you even asking these questions?
But I do know that.
Joining now is our space was, I feel, just infatuation. It's something that all kids in some way want to feel good about themselves, like an astronaut or a scientist and work in a space agency. And NASA was just so cool, at least back then when I was growing up.
But over the years, I think lately is when I have begun to question a lot about. What do I want to do, what is peace and happiness mean to me? Is it is it really choosing what the world lays out as as their definition of success? Is not doing those things really failure? And I think a reflection on that has made me a lot more contemplative, a lot more aware about what? Drives me what makes me happy, what, um, what just brings me joy and.
The biggest thing that has happened then, whereas I have become what in the world, Assunta, so that is what I have.
I've actually started experiencing, which is which is a balance. You are. You are neither. Overly happy when something nice happens to you, you're neither overly sad when something bad happens to you, you're almost like numb. But that's a poor description because now I'm almost just like, you're not living, you're actually living and you're living meaningfully, but you're not allowing your emotions to get the better of you. Which I like, which I really like, I think one one of the most impactful threads I read on Twitter was I told you this on a livestream as well.
It was something you wrote as my lessons up in the age of 39. And I'd written a similar one about my lessons at 26. And mine was primarily about calming down angst and, you know, working hard. And then at 39, you know, once those hard work principles are established ones, those less angst principles are established. It's very interesting to see how there's a 39 year old human thing. And you had all these, like, concepts about leadership.
I think you had one or two old family life as well.
I just I want to ask you that would like once you go towards the age of 40, what happens within your head? Like, I'm not just talking Waronker. I'm talking about everyone. You know, human beings. What happens, Neal, for me, like do some people feel pressure to do some people feel like or should have not made it? Do some people want to go even harder in the pain? Because now things are established? What happens?
I think the.
The overwhelming feeling Ranveer, is that of where did this time suddenly go, oh, maybe Scotter, maybe college.
I literally just graduated right now. And where the F did these 20 years essentially go? Like, what did I do and add that to a fair degree of people brings in a lot of unhappiness, a lot of dissatisfaction, a lot of this general discontentment about what all they've gotten done in life.
And they're like, shit, I've been working so hard, but for what? And I still haven't gotten anywhere and I still am clueless.
And the number of people, because I, of course, have a circle which is mostly 40 year olds, it is not it is not funny and definitely not something which which makes me feel happy. The number of people who still don't know what they want from life or while. And they still trying to find that out. I they're like, I don't know why I'm doing this job, I'm doing it because it gets me money and it's like this regular affair of a monthly salary and of appraisals and of bonuses and of promotions and all that.
But I really don't know if I were to pause and ask myself, why am I doing this liquidy what is the what is the driver? Does it bring me joy? Does it add any meaning to my life? No.
And then the older than the other overwhelming feeling is if you do have or don't have relationships, then the appreciation of it.
And if you have one, then you appreciate what you have, whether it's a family, whether it's the fact that your parents are still with you.
But there is the fact that you have kids and you're seeing them grow or the fact that you don't, whether you are in broken relationships, in toxic relationships, not in a relationship at all, or have lost your partner or have lost your family, then the shared realisation that at this age and going so forward, that's the only thing perhaps that matters, which will center you back to to what life's purpose or at least joy could be. So I think it just swings between these two extremes, which is have I done anything professionally, personally?
Have I really stood up to what I wanted to do? And then this other extreme, which is I love what I have in terms of relationships or I miss what I don't have in terms of relationships. Dude, when I look at you, I feel like you're someone who's gained a lot of Zen, a lot of peace. So what have you done differently as a 40 year old when compared to other, like 40 year olds around the. I feel the biggest thing that drives me and perhaps my thoughts Ranveer is this.
Deep sense of curiosity. I hear here how I describe myself, I am I'm someone who loves questions. But don't love answers. And that's the best way that I describe myself, I love asking questions. I love asking why, how, what, when, whether, if.
But it's like this dog chasing a car. I am a dog chasing a car and I have no plan what to do if the car stops.
I'm just chasing the car and that is what happens. And you replace the car with a question. And I'm just chasing that question. And I love I love like why why did Rainville asked me this question? Like, what is it that that Drainville has done that makes him stand apart from anyone else his age?
Why did she act or behave in that way? Why did I lose my temper that that day? Why did I feel insecure at that point of time? I constantly keep asking myself that. And I think just the just the reflection of it has made me richer around about what I think how I operate. And then I see most of the patterns at the same. I'm no different than than anyone else. And I think while we are given this drug that we are all different.
But I think we're all different in what can come out of us. But we are very same in terms of how we react and how we feel and.
That is what has been a big learning that whatever it is that I'm going through, it's quite likely that anyone else in the same situation will go to the same thing.
So if I can in some way create that awareness amongst myself, within myself and amongst others, then it just makes for for a much easier.
Much easier stay on earth, if you will, to curiosity, what I gained from was curiosity fills those voids and I feel everybody has certain voids in their life. Early on, it might be able to get Aguillard in my career. Later it becomes relationships, then it becomes existentialism. But curiosity kind of fill that void of existentialism. That's a question I've had a lot in my head. Again, I'm asking out of curiosity, is something I ask pretty hard as well who's 30 years old?
And I don't know why I have been getting thoughts about fatherhood. Like, I don't know whether it's like, you know, how they go like or certain women at in their late 20s will get strong thoughts about motherhood.
And then it's mostly a biological phenomenon.
Does it also apply to guys like you guys also get thoughts like that, like, hey, I need to raise a family? I don't know. So my next obvious question to you is about the nature of life after you've had kids like what in a kid's journey changes you as a man?
Wow. That's a that's a terrific question, man. I will I'll tell you the truth.
And this is something that I've I don't think I've said publicly ever. It's possibly the most gratifying thing. And I'd say the thing that I will be most proud of on my deathbed, which is.
Just the fact that I got to experience fatherhood and here is why it's so happened that around the time when Vidaurre who's who's our elder son, he's nine years old, he was born, which was 2011.
I saw a lot of. Individuals who were shaped up as adults and the experiences and the emotions that they felt as adults because of what happened to them as kids, because of how their relationship with their parents were, because of how their parents were as individuals.
And it dawned on me that I, too, was an outcome of how my parents brought me up in a very meaningful manner.
And I don't think I had reflected upon that as much as I did when when that happened. And it was just by chance.
And then there was this insane sense of responsibility almost to the extent of being acting as pressure, which is shit, I'm bringing this life onto it. And whatever I operate as or like as an individual and how we, along with my or me, along with my wife, operate as parents, is going to define someone's life like Buhriz Negi.
And it was just insane. It got me it got me thinking about so many things. How should we know? Should we shout at him? Should we call him at all? Should we give him all the freedom that he wants? Should we allow him to do whatever it is? Should we unschool him? Should we school him? Should we send him to a CBC board or an international school? What kind of kids will he grow around?
So on and so forth, so on and so forth, so and so forth. And it was it was quite overwhelming.
But then the reason I call fatherhood as a such a blessing and such a privilege is because I realized there are very few principles that you need to take care of beyond which if you as an individual are not stuck up on how your kids are raised, you will actually go on to raise wonderful human beings. And that's what matters. And and and there is like if I were to show you whether through he has a he has a wall which is painted with blackboard paint so it converts into a blackboard or sets up super.
We've written these three values that we want him to always stand by, which is respect for everyone.
Very high sense of responsibility and zero tolerance for mediocrity. Hmm. And. I think that's it, it's just it if he respects everyone, irrespective of how they speak, who they are, where they've come from and so on and so forth, if he always acts responsibly and he has zero or very low tolerance for mediocrity, we're sorry he saw it. And it doesn't need to be anything else. And then the game completely changed in. Twenty seventeen, when our daughter was born, that was like, my God, I, I admittedly I didn't want a second child.
My wife was like, no mother needs a sibling. We don't need the sibling. It means a lot. And she comes from a family of three siblings. I have a sister who's six years younger to me, so I never really had a sibling. Sibling relationship is more like an elderly guardian of sorts, but she's like, no, no, no, we need to have a sibling relationship. And I was like that without such angel and I can't afford two boys in my life.
So the likelihood that we will get a girl who is just as good is like twenty five percent stats.
Camarata and I like I can't play a gamble on those odds. It's, it's, it's not one. But thankfully it was a girl and she's such a blessing because then having a daughter and is when I think you experience true fatherhood because when, when you have a boy then it's like no a friend. But when you get a girl that's completely something else.
That's like you suddenly have to be a provider, a protector. Plus at the same time instill in her the essence of equality, the essence of equal opportunity. And it's such a wonderful balance to find and strive for. And daughters just are wonderful.
They're just wonderful. Yeah, I get what you're saying, I mean, this is something I've always thought about and what would it feel like having a daughter? But when you articulated it like that, I get it, man. Like I mean, I don't exactly get it, but I get where you're going with the whole protection aspect, like you feel a certain sense of, hey, I'm not going to let anything harm you. I get that completely.
I got to ask you a tough question, because this is something I discuss with my friends a while back. Is it true that raising kids in India today is like, really expensive? Like is it like really a big financial burden yet?
It can be if if you're if what you strive for is it's quite high.
So to give you a sense, are kids go to well, at least right now, Uzma, a young mother, goes to an international school and and it is expensive.
It is expensive. It's his his annual feces is more than what 30 percent of people in my startup on. And it's just the truth. So, yes, it is. It is. But again, as I said, we're very privileged. So I shouldn't be I shouldn't be complaining. But it is expensive. Yes.
Does it like after you've had kids forget forget that whole boy is my friend. Girl is my my responsibility. But after you've had kids do you get as a man do you get a certain sense of OK, now I've got to work even harder or do you get more motivation like what happens inside you. Like what does that you know, they say that every age that you have experience in your life or remnant of that age is always alive within you.
So an eight year old uncle would still be alive inside of forty or longer. So that twenty five year old, you know, who is all about terrible and hustle and growth, what is that guy doing inside, you know, after you've had kids?
You know, it's funny you ask this question. It's such a terrific question again. And we I, I have gone on the on the other side. I am someone who is so comfortable with losing everything that we have, including my identity, that I would love our kids to also experience it.
So in twenty sixteen we went to a really bad phase because we, we raised money and a lot of money for four nearby, which is a startup that I founded in twenty fifteen. I made some really bad calls, very bad financial decisions. So we very quickly ran out of money. We were fundraising and it was really hard. So we had to, we had to cut down on our on our salaries. I had to take and my founders as well.
We had to take cuts. We were we were not making as much money. So it was just a really hard time.
And during that time, we were what I would call a classic, quintessential urban poor family, where we had a house to live in and a car to drive.
But we literally had no money in our bank. We literally had no money in our bank. And I distinctly remember it was Vedder's. But the and for the longest time he kept saying, I want to cycle, I want to cycle.
And he was he was ready to cycle and and we wanted to. But believe it or not, we didn't even have money to buy him a cycle. And so we actually had to sell my wife's jewelry to buy him a cycle or.
And I actually reflect upon that and feel really happy about it, because I'm glad that they went through that experience where they saw and we also experienced it ourselves, that this is where we could get to and yet be happy together.
And it really doesn't matter. And I think that you're brought about that that realization. You don't need a lot to be happy in life. We just keep buying shit because of our status and because what we think the world will perceive of us. But with my kids, the approach always is. We came from nothing. And if we have to go back to nothing, that's perfectly fine and you will still get to be great individuals, you'll still get wonderful parenting, you'll still get all the love and the care and the comfort that we can provide in whatever means we have.
And Gowa, if we don't go to an international school, Gaulois, if we don't travel in a fancy car, it's OK.
So we love that.
And I think we're very different in that sense because we we love them playing and we love them just getting themselves drenched in the rain. We love them going on their own to buy bread and undie and sabzi on their own like weather. At nine, he literally goes and does grocery shopping for us. And I love that about him.
I love that about the fact that he can literally cycle his way through and go to the to the submersible and get a regular nimbo because we want it. And so he's connected. And I love that because that's how we grew up. That's how that was our upbringing. And in some serendipitous way, if we can still give him glimpses of that, we find that as a as a good thing.
So quite on the contrary, instead of working hard, I'm like, let's just enjoy let's just enjoy this journey. Our kids our kids are so smart. I don't know when when you left home, I left home when I was 22, I'm convinced that Vider will leave home when he's like, what, 15? And that means we have like literally five or six years more with him. We'll out like it's done. He has his life and he's he's not going to come back in the way that he is today.
So we might as well just have a nice, happy time with him. Whichever, mother. Beautiful.
What do you think of 2034?
You personally like considering the fact that your experience in the startup world, you know, with the world of business is going? You kind of have you I know you're speaking to as someone who reads a lot. So I know you already read about these concepts at the same time you're aware of like what's happening now. You're in touch with people like myself using social media, what your calculations are like the next ineos of your life, I really don't know.
And the best thing is I don't care. OK, I really don't know. I so when I came back from the US and that was in 2004, a long time back, I was I was heartbroken. I almost felt like a breakup because I was in love with physics. And I thought that I will I will go on to date physics and then we'll get married and then we'll be like in love forever and ever. And it didn't turn out that way.
So I left. I think I was like I committed myself like eight years into this. So just like this angst boy out of a broken relationship, I was like, no more goals and no more targets in life.
And that's how I have actually hand on heart, been living life ever since then. I, I commit myself to habits, but not to goals, not to targets. So I know what I want to do every day. And I know that I want to I want to read every day. I want to write every day. I want to create every day. I want to speak to people and spend time with smart people every day. But where does it take me?
I don't know. And I couldn't care less. What I know is that this approach has held me in good faith tremendously where I did for the longest time things clinically and in a disciplined fashion. And they just compound it in such a way that it left me amazed at the opportunities that God created. And I'm fairly certain that that will be the case in twenty, thirty years. But I don't know what that will be. And I've, I set zero expectations from from that either.
I expect a lot from myself in terms of what I need to do, but not what comes out of it. I think that's where your whole peace vibe is coming from, that I said that you kind of you have this vibe of exuding like peace that's coming from a very internal place in saying that I know a lot of 50 year olds and, you know, for that matter, even 60 year olds who don't have that vibe of peace, who probably have a certain amount of regret.
I see a lot of 50 year old actually discouraging a lot of kids. Honestly, all these kids we talk to off of biceps, you know, the kids who watch our videos, who want to become entrepreneurs, it's always the parents or telling them to kind of play at the old school way, you know, like play it safe, not take risks, because that's the time they grew up and they probably had bad experiences. Even I was starting this journey.
So many relatives of mine told me that the worst movie ever with this movie, it was the best thing they were doing for myself.
But what's what's the nature of life at 50 or 60, do you think? It's it's full of regret for a lot of people. I know it makes you can't, like, generalize, but what do you think? I I think it's a regret for a lot of people when it's a regret for a lot of people and and that sucks. It unfortunately sucks because. I think regret is the is the worst way to end your life. It's possibly the worst way to change your life.
And it's unfortunate that so many, so many wonderfully laid lives do end up in regret because they just like what if what if what if so if I were to hazard a guess, I would say most most people in their 50s, 60s are just full of regret.
And that's because they didn't take the risk of probably listening to that conscience somewhere, which was telling them to maybe do this different or it could be circumstantial, you know.
Exactly, exactly. Exactly. And it's a lot of people will rationalize it saying I did the right thing for my family, I did the right thing for the situation that it is. And that would be largely true. That would be largely true. But it doesn't take away from the fact that big they never did anything for themselves. It's like and it said the tragedy of life is not death. The tragedy of life is what dies within while you're alive.
Oh, that's that's hurtful and deep at the same time.
Wow. That's some intense statement. But and, you know, I see this all around me, man, like which is why, honestly, I think I think when Bobby Simpson started working initially, the zone was a lot of. Yeah, that's all me. It was a very WWE wrestler kind of zone, you know, showing my damage. And then very soon I realized, no, no, no, no, no, that's that's not how this game or this world works.
And over the years, that's kind of been blunted down where I feel have reached a state of zero celebration because there are really lofty goals I've set for myself. And I don't want to bog myself down with celebration. Also, I'm trying to practice stoicism, which is what you spoke about, and not being bothered by the highs or the lows.
That's my current answer for how to live our life. But what about what about people in their 70s and 80s?
And I'll tell you my version of what I observe. I have a nine year old granddad who stays with me, and I talk to him sometimes about just his version of spirituality.
And he talks about how in the last five years his health has like plummeted, but his sense of spirituality has increased tremendously. And he was always a God fearing dude, but it it kind of just got way more amplified. So he's reached a zone in his life where he doesn't even talk much like there's not too many words exchanged with people. He can barely hear us. But then once in a while when I have conversations with them, ask him what goes on in your head, like through the day, what do you think of?
And he's like, man, you know, I literally just think of God and I John, like, a little bit. And I was I asked him, did you always do? And he's like, no, I don't know. It just started happening. Like maybe it's some childhood memory that like a week and he's still sharp in the head. His senses aren't, but he's extremely sharp in there. So it just got me thinking about, like the nature of life.
And now around the same day, I had this conversation with him, not because, I mean, do the whole meditation, yoga school of thought. We focus a lot on doing these full-day fasts. OK, like where you don't you basically just do a water fast and there's no food that's going inside your body for thirty six hours.
So what happens is like towards the end of that day, eight p.m., nine p.m. on that day you, you'll definitely feel a drop in your senses, like the power in your center so you can't heal as well.
You don't have the energy to speak. Your eyesight is also not as good as like it is in a normal circumstance, like you do feel this blending of the senses.
So could you call that a simulation of old age?
Maybe, you know, like it mathematically speaking, when you quantify those happenings, that's kind of what all people feel like, where everything becomes more inward.
Also, the other big kind of change that happens on those familiar forces, that your meditations can go way deeper because the the way for meditation to go deeper is that you need focus within your meditation session. We don't tell this to begin meditators because in one word, meditate. But if you've been meditating for a while, it's a game of focus. And your focus is tremendous in those meditations because all of your body's energy is not going into digestion, not going into anything like outward, not going into your senses.
It's all leg inward. So it just got me thinking that I think the way the human body is developed, naturally when you're older, you're meant to kind of naturally transition and do things like this, things like meditation, things like inward focus, reminiscing about your life, reminiscing about the nature of life. So I feel that that feel age bracket to about seventy, maybe filled with regret, mostly, maybe filled with like, oh, I could have done this and then I.
You just got blown out and you kind of turn inwards, but what do you think of this, like new thing? I not that I have any experience, but from what you laid out, I would be very surprised if that's not the case. You're so true. You're absolutely true.
Because, you know, when when there are these bhajans and guilt and it's all always old people add those. And they also were the kind of people who probably make fun of their version of old people saying that I also all agree with my and Cubans, but there must be something that they discover that they like. OK, that's that's why I want to be now. So, I mean, that's their version of good conversations like this, I think.
Anyway, that's my vision of what do you think of hyper old age dude?
Like, why does life force human beings to, like, deteriorate like that other than the spiritual aspect of things?
Yet it's something that I, I wouldn't say I actively think about, but it's something that I've been for a very different reason, speaking to a lot of young people and telling them, especially the ones who are like below twenty, I tell them. It's quite likely that none of you are ever going to die. Yeah, it's quite, quite likely that scientifically there'll be enough progress made that you're not going to die naturally you may get shot or hit by a bus or anything like that and die because of that.
But naturally, you're not going to at least my point when I say that is everything that you have come to know about how to live life is thus wrong.
Every principle that you know how to live life is wrong. We've been taught one career, one goal, one marriage, two kids, one this one that all of that is gone.
It's gone. You have to prepare yourself for multiple careers. You have to prepare yourself for multiple relationships. You have to prepare yourself for multiple times reinventing your own self.
And none of you are prepared for that, for no fault of yours, but just the fact that the system has not set you up for it, though I feel that growing old is going to get out and becoming a lifelong student is going to come in. And. It's just maybe the irrational optimist in me that believes everything that sets us back biologically will somehow be conquered. But what will not be conquered is whatever sets us back emotionally or mentally, because that is not something which which goes back to the exact same description that you gave, like of the seven levels.
And if we not like no, no man is going to get us to that. It has to be something that we do within. We can we can inject ourselves with shit and still get back our our physical attributes. But what goes on here is is a completely different animal.
So it'll be interesting. It will be interesting the next the next 30, 50 years for this world I feel are very, very interesting.
Yeah, that's that's a very stimulating thought of like multiple jobs that gives everybody the potential to be a multi-millionaire or, you know, like if that's how you look at life.
I want to ask you specifically about marriage and relationships again, because you are a happily married person. How long have you been married for now?
17 years. 13 years.
We've known each other for four now, 21 years. We got we got married after seven years and we've been married now 13 years now.
So in a 21 year journey, what happens to a relationship, dude? And why are there so many couples who separate? Yes, I am so here is here is my here's my two cents on it. I think separation is inevitable if the growth rates of the individuals is very different. It is bound to happen, it is bound to happen, so and that only happens over time, right? So if you understand the concept of compounding, let's say I grew at five percent every year and my wife grows at 10 percent every year, and we both start with around about 100.
For the first three years, you wouldn't feel much of a difference, right, because I in the first year become one zero five, then I become slightly more than it becomes. So I am about one hundred and seventeen R by the end of third year. She is at about one hundred and twenty four twenty five by the end of third year. That's fine.
But come five years, come seven years the difference becomes stuck like you suddenly start seeing diverging path.
Yeah I am growing like this but she's growing like this, whether it's professionally, whether it's personally, whether it's anything else. And I just feel that's, that's a recipe for, for just the inevitable.
So I personally feel that a lot of relationships should be about ensuring that you are able to pull up the lower or the slower growth rate person to closer to where the higher growth rate person is. And that almost becomes like the responsibility. It's like the the slowest one will pace the entire crowd. And that's why it's very important for you to if you want to increase the speed of the crowd, you don't increase everyone's speed. You just increase the speed of the slowest one and you automatically see an increase.
I feel that relationships are like that. That's and that's why.
If the if the husband's working and the wife is not. It becomes a very clear thing because the husband is getting exposed to a lot more, is clearly going a lot more while the wife is just unfortunately stuck in whatever and there is not enough growth coming in. Or if the wife and the husband used to work, but after kids, the wife stopped working, but the husband continued to.
So suddenly after that, there is this divergent growth rate that comes in so enough, enough in most situations that lead to that. But I think the the biggest thing for me is a difference in the growth rate of individual's results in relationships getting hampered. So we've covered the children aspect of it, the wife aspect of it. What happens to the relationship after the kids are born? Like, does it drift? Do they come close together? What happens or is it just different for everyone?
Yeah, I think that's the that's the hardest part, because if suddenly the onus. So here is the hit is the absolute fact the kid or the child needs the mother more than the father for at least the first two years. And that means by design and biological design, the mom will be a lot busier than the dad.
And that is a slippery slope, because if the father is not participating during that time, they could very well feel like the.
The wife that they had has now just been reduced to a mother and they don't have a wife anymore, or they could feel like there is no spark anymore. That is no time anymore. There is no appreciation or conversation anymore.
And that's where I feel that father's bad, a far greater responsibility in the first two years of the child towards the relationship than mothers, because mothers full, almost full responsibility is towards just rearing the child and.
Attending to it. What is the beauty of marriage like after being married for so long? Like I hear a lot of guys were never getting married, don't don't get a life, but it has to be some positive aspect. So what is the positive for me?
I can only speak for myself. I think the positive aspect is that my my best friend is my wife got it.
And I we we have the same taste. We have the same worldview. We like doing the same things. We. We would discuss the same things are. I stand on on money, on on religion, on parenting, on how to live life is pretty much the same. So we just we just have a lot of fun together. We just genuinely have a lot of fun together. And it's brilliant company. It is independent because she has her life and I have mine.
But at the same time, it's participative because we are parents to wonderful kids and it's wonderful companionship because it's friendship at the core of it. Which is why I think what really helped us really was the fact that we got married after seven years of dating and those seven years we went through a lot. I was in the U.S. then I went to the business school. So we after seven years, we were long distance four for three years, and we withstood that.
So we knew that there was something in this that that could work and work meaningfully.
Yeah, as they say, long distance is the true test of our relationship. But now, obviously, the next question has to be about time travel, because that's the one thing we haven't got. So, Mr. Largactil, astrophysics studies, do you think that time travel will be possible at any point?
Yeah, I think it made sense. Science. It was a year, but I. The laws of physics state that the day the time machine gets made. You start from there, so you can't go back in time beyond the day the time machine started. That's just the law of physics. That's that's Einstein's theory of relativity.
So our only hope in hell to go back to the dinosaur at or to the previous civilizations is that someone had made the time machine already. That's the only way, though, so I'm just betting on the fact that we are in a simulation and all of this is orchestrated, so at some point in time we will applaud ourselves for saying give me a time machine banali.
While it will just be a quarter turning on production, one third of the time machine will give us the fake illusion that we are we are the owners and conquerors of time as well. Now. So since since this whole episode has turned out to be the nature of life, that's what I think the topic was. That's what I think the title would be.
The question is like, out of all your studies, is there any science fiction style discoveries that mankind is going to make in the next 10, 20 years, which will change the way humans live, other than the fact that, you know, what's it called bio biohacking?
Yeah, like other than biohacking where you can extend your lifespan.
And other than that is other things that will happen in the next day, I think in in the next 20 years that are, in my opinion, the likelihood of these three things happening. We're definitely going to meet. Intelligent life form outside of what? Absolutely, No. Two, interplanetary travel and perhaps even a settlement will become a reality. And number three. We will begin to have machines inside of us. For. Virtually everything that we need, whether it is predicting.
What we are suffering from or telling us when we should get up or telling us that this is the vitamin or mineral or protein that is lacking in our diet today or telling us that the person in front of you is Ranvir, who runs a successful business and is a successful influencer without me even speaking.
All of those machines, rather skills, as I call it, will be implanted in us. It's like Alexa. Alexa today has skills so she can answer questions. Imagine an Alexa. In here, which is is driven by our thoughts and our telepathy. Wow, that's beautiful. And I also feel that, I mean, human beings are going to achieve the heights in terms of their own physical evolution, if you like, will be able to engineer better looking words and, you know, stronger human beings and all that.
But the real question isn't what will be the big human challenge? And as of now, I can only think of like, say, mental health and spiritual health and maybe like for lack of a better word, romantic health. And that's going to be like the real focus in terms of how do we improve these things. But what are you think? What do you think will be the next big challenge? No, I totally agree with you.
It's like if you if you go back to the 1970s and you saw someone running on the streets of New York. You would stop them and ask them, why are you running? And they're like, I'm running for my health and they're like, are you crazy? Like, who does that? So the same thing is happening right now with meditation, where people I know as a society are about Muscala, you don't do it in Tatra, but meditation is going to become mainstream, just as running is today.
Just as playing a sport as today will become a life form. It will be something that we brush our teeth and we go for a run because we know it's important. So we'll brush our teeth and we will meditate because we know it's important and. That I feel at least I hope so, but I genuinely feel that in the next 10, 20 years, mental health is just going to become mainstream. It's just going to become so normalized just the way physical fitness is today, where people will still choose whether to do it or not and they will know it's the right thing to do and to be able to do it.
But it won't be like, oh, my God, this is what you're doing. Are you crazy? Is like, I wish I could do it as well. So it's like that I wish I could have therapy. I wish I could be mentally at peace. I wish I could meditate and and people will then just not look at it in the way that they look at it today. You, as I do, I do every day. So how much of a link do you observe between your meditation and your mental health?
I think a large part of it. It's very hard to to find a direct linkage because there are so many other moving parts.
But I think that the fact that I start my day very early and I start with meditation for at least 30 minutes, it just it just centres me in in very meaningful ways because I just realized that I connect with myself in such a meaningful, strong manner that very little during the day can then perturb me, whether it's whether it's a troll on social media, whether it's a bad news, whether it's whether it's anything that's not gone my way.
You like about me and I, it's just. Pieces and parts of it off of the same journey, and you just move on. Um, I think a large part of my my composure comes from meditation for sure.
Hmm, 100 percent. And my final question of this whole podcast is, why are you on social media? Like, what is the intention? Because it obviously isn't like, you know, all I want to do and this is a startup. That's why a lot of young people take it up to build out the digital brand. But I see you doing it for other reasons. So, like, what is this whole social media game?
So my my social media game Ranveer is with the intention of spreading awareness. And here's what I mean by that. I realized that a lot of people, including myself when I was young, we make choices in life from a point of ignorance and not awareness. We make choices in life not because we know every other choice. And that's we're making this choice. We make choices in life because we don't know any other choice. And this is the only choice we have.
And that just is is unfortunate, especially in today's world.
So everything that I speak about is always from the point of awareness. Did you know? Did you know? Did you know? And it's like you can speak about facts. Did you know or you could speak about how could you go about thinking? And that's what at least I delve in. I my most of my content just forces people to think I don't give out the answers. I'm not prescriptive. I hate giving out prescriptions because who am I to give out prescriptions.
But I love to discuss how I thought about or I think about the same things and that's when I shared it with them. The hope in hell is that they also get some sort of a framework or a guiding force to to think about the same things when they encounter them. That's the intention. No outcome. I don't know where to take. I don't know whether one day I'll just switch off all the social media channels like that. It's over.
It's like I'm always reminded of. Of. Of just what was that what was the Tom Hanks movie Castaway? No, no, no. The one in which he changes his part of the world's greatest events and he doesn't even, for its part, is gone. Thank you so much for this. How could I forget? It's it's like. It's the exact same thing in Forrest Gump when he starts running. He starts running and he keeps running, and then there is a community that goes behind him and they're also running.
No one knows why he's running and everyone's attaching different agendas to it. And one day, one fine day, he just stops. And it's like I'm done, and it could very well be me, it could very well be me, I pictured myself like that quite often. That's that's beautiful. But I do feel that there's a lot to gain from you. And I feel like the main kind of learning of an entire generation is going to happen through the Internet so heavily on those key people and that we don't stop probably start a podcast at some point.
I will give you an inspiration, so I'll pick you up on that and definitely start.
Right. Right back at you. I have been studying a lot about you and there's actually a lot of things I want to ask you offline off of camera. But for now, I'm going to be linking your hander's, your page down below. And I'm going any last signing off notes for the listeners?
No, I. I always say one thing be and this is this is my biggest stand. It just make sure that you don't live life on someone else's definition of success.
And form your own definition of success and thus form your own definition of failure. And if you are to do that, that'll be the best gift you can give yourself. Beautiful.
Thank you, Mr. Laku, for being on the back of a certain way. You were a pleasure. Thank you. Thank you for your thoughtful questions. It's always a joy to listen to you. And it's been an incredible experience being part of your podcast. Thank you. I'm glad you had fun, I'm sure we're going to be doing a lot more episodes than aliens, time travel and other such awful topics, but we will. We'll do this again.