Nithin Kamath On Personal Finance, Stock Markets And Entrepreneurship Hacks | The Ranveer Show 70
The Ranveer Show- 1,248 views
- 28 Aug 2020
Nithin Kamath's Podcast Part 1 : https://open.spotify.com/episode/2gCzhsI6FWpqIjIFrmkeeD
Nithin Kamath is back again. Part 1 was all about the story of Zerodha. The real bootstrapped success story.
Part 2 is about the man behind the mission. How does Nithin Kamath look at personal finance, relationships, life, entrepreneurship and everything in between.
Tried decoding his personal success formulas and of course... Also DIVED DEEP into his mind to decode the Indian stock market. If you are beginner in the trading and stock market journey, watch this episode before you begin your game.
Enjoy Nithin Kamath on #TheRanveerShow
Part one of the Z Order special was all about the story of one of India's most iconic fintech organizations, but part two is much more about the man behind it. That's Nitin Baumert. Also, if you're looking to get some quality financial education, if you're looking to get better at your own personal finance game, this is going to be a game changing episode for you. While we spoke in detail about how to manage your own money in the niche of stock markets, towards the end of the episode, we also spoke about a little bit about happiness and the nature of life.
And then government is one of the most well-read, knowledgeable people that I've come across in my life. Lots to learn from this guy and enjoy yourself on part two of the Xeloda special, Often Beashel.
For a 24 year old who's just started earning money, what would you say is a good financial strategy? Like how should they plan their personal finances? Like how would you do it if you were twenty four in 2020? Yeah, so, like, if I had no background in finance and I'm just trying to do this to optimize my earnings from my savings, I would just to I would pick up three mutual funds and do a sip on it. I know.
Which is if, say, saving ten thousand rupees a month, I take three thousand rupees each and put it in three different mutual funds. That would that's what I would do for if I had no financial background. Now, if I if I'm one of those who has a little bit of financial background to enjoy finance or enjoy tracking companies and businesses and what they do and like, you need to have it like I mean, I'm the one who picks up in economic times or am I the one who look at, say, Mumbai or Bangalore in the sense, you know, if I'm the guy who going to pick up economic times, I think the best way to learn finance is by investing in stock markets, because, you know, when you invest in a stock, you're tracking everything that can potentially make a difference to it.
Right. And you learn so much about not just about business, about, you know, finance, about life and business. You know, what promoters are doing to grow the business. You know, it's a it's I mean, you can learn 10 times more than what you learn from doing an MBA or whatever, just by putting your money into some stocks and and tracking what they're doing as a business.
So but then, yeah, it makes sense to do it only if you really like all of that. I mean, if you're if you don't like it, I think mutual friendship is good. Yeah. If you like Fernando said, you know, take the money, invest in the fight in stocks and start tracking them closely and and then see how it goes. But the basic rule in all of this is that you never put yourself in a situation where you can blow out a lot of money, you know, so risk, you know, being conservative and risk is the only real way to make money in life.
This whole I will head out of the book, you know, it works for one out of a million person. But then, you know, it's very tough to be that one out of a million. You know, it's I mean, not everyone can you can't really, you know, said there's stupid amounts of luck required to be that one in a million. You said something interesting.
And this forces me to digress away a little bit from the world of finance. What is your opinion on MBAs in 2020? Because you are an engineering student basically in your career, and I still see the engineers alive leaving. You wouldn't like the way you think and all that for like, again, a 24 year old who's figuring, OK, what should I do an MBA? Should I stay active in the world and just learn by working start by working the stock market.
What's your opinion on MBAs in the modern day?
The thing is, I never really, you know, did my engineering properly. So I mean, I so yes, I don't I don't think I qualified really to be an engineer, you know. So and I personally, I don't think there is really any use of an MBA degree today. I mean, I think MBA makes sense to go build a network. I mean, I look at it more like that. I don't know if really you're going to learn.
I think you're going to learn a lot more working in a startup or investing in stocks than you learn in an MBA. Right. But what an MBA does do is, you know, if you go and do it in a really good school and I have friends who have done from grade schools and they just build this stupid network of people right around you. I mean, they are and I am bungalow's through it. And, you know, you can just go after this entire I am b like a 20 year old guy.
Right. And then and he will have some feeling for you and he will you know, it's it's a good way to network. And I think MBA is more that you I mean, even even if you look at all the, you know, folks of rich kids, of rich folks, you know, who send their kids to Stanford and Harvard, I think it's it's more to build those networks than to to really for the education.
Then really the education is free. I mean, you know, like, you know, you can learn anything and everything for free trade. I don't think there is. I mean, if you're seeing what's happening in the U.S. with this scrutiny, they've gone online. They're teaching whatever is available on YouTube. They're probably teaching, charging you fifty thousand dollars a year. So, I mean, so, yes, I think I think MBA is good for building network, you know, improving your soft skills.
It's, you know, how to present and how to sell stuff like that. You know, I don't really know if. It's a it's something special just to learn. I don't know if they really teach you something that can be learned for free otherwise.
Yeah. Hundred percent coming back to the world of finance. Little tough question in the year 2100. What do you think the world of finance will look like? Will it be similar to what we're doing right now? We're just more advanced. What do you think the future simulation of the world of finance is?
I mean, I've I've just just now finished sapience, you know, the book and some of this. I think I might have a bias because I've just read that book and how Wall has been so drastically changing from 40 years back to today. Right. You know, it's it's a brilliant book and someone wants to read it. I think the way the world is changing. Right. I don't know if anyone can really predict that this whole this whole thing around artificial intelligence.
And, you know, I don't know what 2050 will be. Right. Because, you know, I think there's all humankind, you know, of whatever tens of thousands of years. Right, where nothing happened, really. Right. And then you had this capitalism which took over the world and, you know, in the 19th century, what, 1920? Essentially, it is just, you know, just the world is evolving so fast in the last 50 hundred years.
And what is working for you five years back is redundant today. So I don't even know. I mean, I've no clue. I have no clue. I like a lot of people ask me that. Then what is your five year plan for the road? I said, I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow morning, you know, so because it's evolving so fast, it just it's just changing, you know? And I think I think what this world needs is people who can adapt quickly.
Right. And and I think the way to adapt quickly is is to remain lean if you're a business and also because you have high amounts of debt, higher chance of, you know. Like, you know, all these technical data. So what happens is it becomes tough to maneuver as a business and even as an individual, I think the constant effort for everyone has to be just keep learning about whatever new is happening because that what is whatever is happening can suddenly take over your world without even realizing about it.
Right. And so, yes, it's it's tough to say, you know, I don't know how, you know, two thousand one hundred it look like. And I you know, I don't even know if humans will find a way to keep the planet alive.
And then I completely for all you know, finance might happen on the planet.
Money coming back to the present day. Selfish question, because it's not every day that you get access to Nithin Comet. Now, for someone who's not really interested in the world of finance and for someone you don't say who is working in the startup, who's so busy thinking about the startup that they can't really think of, OK, I want to step into the world of stock markets.
Would you suggest a portfolio management service form as a good option? And what your general opinion on PMS formed? Because I've seen that generally online, venerable influenza's speak about portfolio management services. The stock market will come on and say, hey, don't do this, this is wrong.
You're making a mistake. So what's your opinion on that?
I think I think people who don't have the bandwidth should go seek help either. And I don't think it is it's a dangerous game because, you know, if it's your savings and earnings which is at stake, I don't think it makes sense to be penny wise, pound foolish types. No, I mean, find an adviser who can help you find a mutual fund manager or find a portfolio manager. I mean, if there's no time and I don't think you should you should just say and that's that's a weird thing that I've seen when it comes to money like and I know folks will go bargain kind of like, you know, they want to buy tomatoes, for example.
I say they want to buy a refrigerator. They'll go to research. They will find, you know, they spend hours and hours and then suddenly they want to buy a stock, you know, like some friends said somewhere in order to stop and go buy. He bought it in two seconds. And I'm like, dude, why is that behavior so different? And so which is you buy a refrigerator, you're putting so much research and effort. Why not for a you know, when you're putting your life savings at stake?
It's very weird. And I don't know I don't know what is the reason behind it. But most people behave without it. You know, if I tell you to buy a stock, you might actually buy it. The odds of that happening is quite high without really doing any kind of research. But if I tell you, you know what, you should buy this refrigerator, you'll probably go to research before buying it. Right. So it's a.
So I think I think I'm from that I think what India needs right now, which is missing and one of the reasons for US markets to be so successful is because of the US enabled this whole advisory ecosystem over the last 30, 40 years in the US. What has happened is the businesses have grown because of professional advisers like in India, it has grown because of distributors. The difference here is that, say, an adviser doesn't make any money from the manufacturer.
For example, if I sell your mutual fund, if I'm an adviser, I don't make any money from the money that I was making my mutual funds. I can charge you an advisory fees, a distributor or from the manufacturer, but he doesn't own anything from now. You know, there's a conflict of interest because if I'm distributing to you, I'll distribute what is going to make me more money than what is better for you right now. If I'm an adviser, I will.
I know that you will pay me a fees only if I make you some money. Right. So the US, the way it worked in the last 30, 40 years, is all grown out of professional adviser ecosystem in India. It's always through distributors. You know, your bank manager is selling you insurance, mutual funds, your other guy is distributing. All of these guys are doing it because they have revenue targets. Right. And and to me, that, I mean, is just selling you something.
You know, I don't know if it's in your best interest or not. The reason that it's like that in India is that Indians don't like to be in advisory fees. Right. Because, you know, you're like and if I ask you one hundred people giving this I like, why do you know? Why are you asking? But if I make thousand rupees from another manufacturer, I have no problem because you don't see it going on. Right.
So in the U.S., what has happened is this professional advisors, they have almost created professional investors over the last 30, 40 years. Because, you know, if I'm your adviser and I say we keep talking to each other every once in a month, once in a quarter, I keep telling you what is the right strategy, etc.. So the you will automatically become better as a person, but, you know, you will understand more about the markets, et cetera.
And that's what's happening in the U.S. know you suddenly have people are so much more professional when it comes to money than than Indians, and then they pass it on to their children and the children grow up and like this financially educated world.
So, I mean, thanks for the financial education.
I feel like I'm much more financially educated just after this podcast, Men. But I also strongly feel that and I'm not talking about wealth or being rich, but the obvious target is just having a great financial safety net sets you up for a happy future. And keeping that in mind, that's honestly why the world of personal finances exists in the first place, because why do we exist as human beings? It's to have that little thread of peace throughout your life.
You know that. OK, if my family is going through something, I've got the money to take care of it. If my kid wants to study abroad, I've got, you know, that ability to do that, which is my question to you now. Do OK the way you worked in zero hour, you worked in the stock market. You've got to know about the world of finance. The world of podcasting allows you to deep dive into people's minds, OK?
And even to have conversations this deep, I can tell a lot about the person I'm speaking to. You're someone who's got like a lot of these men, like like there's too much BS just in in like a part process. Do you meditate? Is this something from your childhood or is it because, you know, you found your purpose in life? What what's happening in your own head as a guy?
Yeah, no, no. I think no, I think it's more doing something that you love doing. I think that's that's I like that purpose. I finding the purpose is probably the most important side to this, because for a while I thought if I if I get this much money in my bank, I will, I'll be very happy. But I think it's not about money for sure. And I that's that was me when I was young, you know, I had, like, this little goal in my mind and I thought, you know, this must be good.
I'm going to quit everything, go by the mountain of a shack and all of that. I think I think the what I get I think I'm extremely satisfied about is just just, you know, waking up every day, having a purpose of saying, you know, this is what I want to do and knowing that I'm creating some kind of an impact that, you know, knowing that every day I'm working hard, maybe the world of investing in India is getting better in some form.
And also, I think this is it. It's a learning. I mean, I think if you had asked me 10 years back the same question, I would have probably answered something else. But but the big learnings of my life is from creating, you know, which is which is very weird as such. You know, a lot of people. Trading for a living is is one of the toughest things to do in putting food on the table, you know, trading activity, etc.
, and there's all learning of, like I said earlier and just just being said, I realize that now it's the only way to survive as a trader. If I am impulsive, I I'm excitable. I'm you know, I react to everything. You know, if I do it, there's no way I can survive the volatility of trading. And somehow that having traded for 10, 12 years before starting, I think it just, you know, the learning from trading and also come into building business like, you know, like one thing I think personally is I never care about what is not in my control as in life.
I don't really worry about it. And usually I'm trying to always factor in the maximum I can lose at any point of time and I try to make peace with it. And then once I make peace with it. Right. As in ones who make peace with your worst case outcome in life, everything else seems like a almost like a bonus. But I really don't like some strategies like that. You know, like if you ask folks who work with me in the office and if there's an issue, the first thing is to tell you what the worst case outcome of this.
And I'm trying to just make peace with it, because then, you know, you you know, once you make peace with it, you're also a very you know, in a rational place, you're in a place to make rational decisions. And because there's I think there's also a lot of physiology and stuff like that, as in, you know, if your heart's pumping blood fast, you know, it's your thinking capacity that userspace I mean, your your sharpest when you are the calmest and, you know, so and that, you know, I realize personally that works for me.
I know what works for everyone. But personally, just at any time there's an issue crisis or anything in life. And I just factor in the worst case outcome, make peace with it, then you are calm to just go and fight it out. So, yeah, stuff like that.
And I mean, I think a lot of these learnings are from because I treated for such a long period of time, the way I look at it, I feel like you found your purpose, which is kind of creating things within the stock market, understanding the stock market at the same time. You understand all shit. I've got to be stoic. I've got to be calm. Therefore, you have become calm in order to adapt yourself, in order to become the best version of yourself, in order to achieve your purpose.
And that's rubbed off on the rest of your life. So good.
I got to ask you a little bit about your personal life, because like what what impact does all this knowledge and, you know, this stimulation you get from the financial world?
What does it have on your family life and what your family life like?
I know. So I mean, me, my brother, my wife, my kid, my son, my folks, we all stay together and we're like a big family staying together. And there's never work spoken with the family, actually, you know, so you and me and my brother. So even Nicole today manages a hedge fund and he manages the risk management. And so so we've done completely different things in the sense of we have never had to we never really thought or business at all, because what I'm doing is growing the business, building the business broking business is very different to what he is doing.
And and so. Yeah, so it all makes it. We hardly ever talk of money, business and any of that because I personally think, you know, just another family time should be just family time. You know, I don't, I don't know, mixing business really works well.
What do you do when those little financial numbers and little stock market theories in your head at home, like, how do you block that out and then think of cricket or whatever?
Oh, no. I mean, that that's that's that's a problem. That's a problem. You know, I mean, I know when I when I slept peacefully, you know, until I had that, I mean, and so I have a Google keep thing. Right. Well, I keep taking notes in random times in the middle of the night and getting up and taking notes. And, you know, that's I don't think it's just about finances or business.
It's just business ideas creeping up. You can do this. You can do that. I mean. No, I don't like, but I think my wife, she's kind of adjusted to this way of life, so she she has a problem that I'm always distracted. But but then then, yeah, we win, like, you know, like I said earlier. So we started dating when I was in the call center. So she's been part of this whole journey for the last 17, 18 years.
So she's realized the reason whatever I am today is because of the way I was, you know, passionate about business and build stock markets, et cetera. So, yeah, so she kind of gets it. My folks have always been supportive right from when I started trading. So, yes, it's been it's been quite OK, actually, of this.
They say that the goals of entrepreneurship when it comes to marriage is that you start treating a marriage like a start up. So is that is that is that true?
And my my honest question to you, man, is if your wife stayed with you from calls and to now, what were your ups and downs and how did you navigate through it?
Yeah, no, I mean, so the thing is, my wife has a big problem with me being stoic. She says she's like, you never react, you know, and you probably don't react because you don't love, you know. But that's you know, that's the other flipside. I mean, you react, you have a problem. You don't react to a problem, but none of it. So what happened was in between she joined, became a cabin crew.
She was a hostess for a while in L.A. and then for a while in Singapore Airlines for five years. So, you know, we also had like a five, six year long distance kind of relationship in between. So we've actually gone through everything. And so today she's a fitness freak. So, I mean, we she makes me work out at least 100 hours a day. And so that's really a real bonding time, because one's work, one's business that is just shit doesn't end.
It's just continuous work. Right. And I think this whole post covid world has made it even more worse. Right. As in like, you know, the thing you said in that sapience book, again, which is, you know, every time there is something that has changed in the world, it's supposed to give you more time. It's actually taken away time from you, right. From agriculture revolution to, you know, like you are now.
Right. I mean, you know that. Well, from all means, you know, you're saving time, traveling, you're saving time, you know, doing all the stupid meetings, et cetera. But I don't know. I mean, there's zero times and it's just just you don't have that much time. And it's so. Yeah. So it's a it's a I think I think the way we've gotten over a lot of these ups and downs is, you know, like again, the whole, you know, being still like, you know, like for me, she's like, I don't have to win the fight in the house, you know?
I mean, I have a while to fight outside, right in the house, you know. You know, so I really have to get up and have to go fight a battle as a business or, you know, I'm okay. Losing that fight every day at the house. And so and and that's that's something that I've made peace with. And she knows about it is that, you know, she she wins every argument. So there's there's not a single argument where I've won.
So so. Yeah, as I said and I think I think I don't know if every relationship can be this way, but the way I've gotten through this is by letting her win every single fight and every single argument, you know, dude with entrepeneurs.
Again, one more call. This is your perpetually in this growth deal. You know, like, for example, when you're talking about stocks as a learning platform, like you can learn about the world and life through stocks. So your Gio's has perpetually been learning and I'm sure that that's what you're doing through business also. Now, is it true that your partner kind of needs to match up to Wyndham's of growth? Feels like it's OK if they don't grow in the same domain you're growing in, but they're growing in their own thing.
Like you said, she's big in fitness. So does that define.
Well, I think I think, you know, with us the exact opposite of whatever she likes. And, you know, except for this fitness where there's a there's a crossover in order, like, you know, we have never we can never sit and watch a movie together because I don't like what she watches and she doesn't like what I watch. So so that is there is no you know, we're almost almost opposites in a way. So I don't I don't know.
I mean, I don't I don't think there's one thing that works for everyone. Right. I think every relationship is different. And with us, as I said, and I think she's made a lot of adjustments as well with me know with me being constantly distracted and this whole rush of wanting to, you know, constantly keep doing something, you know, which is which is a problem. And I think about it in a relationship. Right. If your partner is not giving you 100 percent attention and I will be having a dinner, I might be thinking of some.
You know, some business idea doesn't it just doesn't stop the brain doesn't stop working and and that is I think that's a problem. I've seen it on all of my girlfriends as a writer, constantly thinking of growing the business. It's I mean, growing. It's not even about money. Right. I think of all in I know a lot of really successful guys who have a lot of money in the bank accounts. And it's only one money, I think, you know, one X amount of money about it.
It makes no difference to, you know, I mean, unless there's some guy who's got ambitions to buy your heart or a private jet and still does it. And it is never ending. But no one's wants in order to know you made enough to, you know, to have your lifestyle for the rest of your life covered. You know, then, you know, you get to this point where money just makes and it doesn't move the needle at all.
Right. And then it becomes this how to get better as a product. How do you know how do I do something impactful? Yeah. So all of those things start running in your mind.
That dude, outside perspective, you're really blessed by men like you found your vibe really early in life. You kept at it. There's definitely things that you have done right in terms of keeping your learning active. Your heart will be active, you know, staying like a super humble guy. But do you ever consider that aspect of things where, like, you have a sense of God, you have a sense of blessings showered upon you? Like, do you think about that kind of stuff?
No, I don't really believe in a God, I don't really think there's a God, but I am a big believer in this soul. Good karma thing, you know, is that you do good, good things come back to you. And I mean, maybe that is God. It's I don't I don't really think going to a temple Exeter is a thing, you know, but but I'm constantly trying to help every single person I can. And I'm doing it maybe with a little bit of selfish interest.
Also knowing that that's just just doing that is like a super spiritual thing.
Do like that through your actions, your like changing the world.
Yeah. So I mean. Yeah. So that's, you know, is that maybe, you know my thing otherwise I don't really believe that there is one God of whatever sort of.
OK, two last questions, the first question is, what is the best and worst aspect of your life right now? OK, so now the worst is just this this constant, you know, not being able to check my mind because I struggle to sleep, I you know, I'm so I'm a jack of all trades. I love. I play music. I play all kinds of sports. I do everything. And I, I, I, I love all of that, you know, in the sense I in the fact that I can't give time to it even though I can, is very, very depressing.
It's just you know, I thought if I made X amount of money in my life, I would be doing a lot of things which I can do, but I'm not able to do. Which is which doesn't really bode well for the best thing is this whole satisfaction just just being that content in life? It is extreme amount of contentment and others and like, I don't know, nothing moves now. And I, I know there was a while where I went and bought a lot of watches and I bought it and I did all of that shit.
And then it's it just then you realize that none of this shit means anything. Right. And and and but I don't know if you can really get there without doing it, you know, as in like, you know, a lot of it for saying that, you know what, money is not important. I mean, you're seeing it after making money. Right? It's you know, it's a different thing to see you and you and you've done everything and and seeing it without doing anything but but yeah.
But I think I think this whole being that, like I know what I enjoy most in my life is just this whole contentment.
In the end, though, the last question is if if someone, you know, stripped you down basically all your assets and you're left with zero rupees, what would be your, like, strategy over the next you? I bet with all your knowledge, think you've gained all these skills, you've gained all the Know-How, but just to give you all your money, what would you do?
So this is like one intellectually, right? I think one of the reasons I've grown in my life is because I've attempted a lot of things right. So I've learned to three musical instruments. I play two, three kinds of sports. I've done fitness certification courses when I was younger. I've I play poker almost semi professionally. I you know, I've learned magic tricks. So the thing is, I've sold on the phone. I think selling is probably the most important skill to have.
You know, I don't enjoy selling in person, but I really enjoy doing it, you know, behind the scenes, you know, on the phone or on through blogs. And so I think I think these skills, you know, when everything becomes, you know, I think will help and I just restart this whole thing. And the first thing that I probably do is just know in a time like this, if tomorrow morning I didn't have anything and I'll probably teach people stock markets because I think there are and I teach people and stock markets and managing money.
Well, because I don't think there are too many people who are teaching it to be done the right way. Beautiful. I think you should do like the kind of impact you would create with that would just be like something the country hasn't seen. Is there any last, you know, book recommendations, slash movie recommendations you would like to leave the youth of the country with? You'd like to say that you listen. This is what helped me man read this early in life, whether that's finance or just life in general.
What are your final recommendations?
Well, you know, I think. Books, if you're thinking of trading the markets market wizards by Jack Schwab. You know, it's a it's a bunch of interviews. It's almost very similar to how people watch podcasts. And also, Jack Rubberband met 20 of the best traders in the world, and he made a book out of it like Interview. So it's it's brilliant. So if anyone wants to start reading, I think that's a place to get started on life itself.
The last book I mean, I read this a few times, not sapience by and this is just mind blowing. It's just the evolution of humankind. And you just, you know, realize how, you know, like just world has evolved over the last five, ten thousand, fifteen thousand years. So and for people who are thinking of starting up, I mean, like I said right at the start, I think before you started, I mean, you suddenly get these ideas that you think you can go build business.
I'd say first go build core competency. You find a job in an industry which is doing something very similar to what your idea is. Then asked the same question after spending that time, which is are you still passionate about the original idea? And if you are, I think India is probably the next big superpower in the world. And, you know, I think there's any place in the world where people should be starting businesses. I think it's India and the opportunities here.
So if you if you find that idea, you build your core competency. I think you should take the plunge because India needs good entrepreneurs. I mean, I think we need you know, we need so many people, good people who can build good businesses in this country, because that's the only way we will create employment. Right. Completely. And and, yeah, if there was some take away from my life, which I think has helped me significantly, like I said, one don't focus about money.
Money is a is an outcome. And it's not really you know, it can't be the goal or the goal has to be just building, you know. Right processes be around. Good people do good things and money. Hopefully if luck smiles and comes. Beautiful. I have to be selfish with you a little bit, man, because you've got such a wide eyed view of all the industries specifically speaking about India. What do you think is the future of my industry, which is content like and how is it perceived on the outside?
Because honestly, what I hear is see media entrepreneurs tend to be a little bit vain, a little bit kind of oh, again, for lack of a better word, self-possessed, you know, very like all the other shit we are whatever. But what do you see as the future of this industry, like social media content, digital stuff?
Well, I was never on social media for a long time. And I mean, I had a Facebook account and I mean, it was just with family and friends. I mean, I got on Twitter actively a few months back. And and the reason was because I think I think this whole rush of business, I forgot that, you know, such a powerful media has got weird. And I forgot that, you know, like you can influence I mean, there are things to share.
I think I think social media is the right place to go and do it. Right. I don't think people are reading newspapers. And I mean and all of that, you know, what you're doing is actually is is I think where the future is. And what I'm not sure about is if India is intellectually ready for a long form content, it just like, you know, will people actually know the guys who are listening to this to actually stick through thirty, forty five minutes to and, you know, and try to actually learn something out of it.
I don't know if there are enough intellectual, you know, enough people trying to grow intellectually in this country. Right. Because there's always a distraction. Right. I mean, how do you choose between this versus watching an episode on Netflix or something? It doesn't like you know, you're competing with something like that. Right? So that I'm not a I don't know. I don't know what is the size of that market. Maybe you have a better idea of it, but for short form content, your tweets and like 50 to thirty seconds to one minute really autistic videos.
And I mean, that is a market for sure. There is. Yeah, there's people people will watch that stuff. But I don't know. I mean this is all like, you know, what are you doing the YouTube and I love that. Are those tens of millions of Indians who will actually sit through and consume this, at least as of now. But but maybe not like this whole Koed. No, it's also done is I think people are getting more competitive.
They understand it's the law of the jungle, as in the first one is going to have a right hand. Exactly. And so if you want to do well professionally, you need to be educated. You need to know more. I mean, that realization I can see kind of kicking in. Right. Like right now I'm in a resort. And one of these guys was asking me about stock markets and it's never happened. I mean, I'm never coming to a resort and someone not asking me what stocks to buy, you know, was asking me questions about, you know, what you're asking about portfolio management, what is stuff like that.
And and I'm like, do they know this is there is some change happening around us. You know, this whole covid is pushing people to say that, you know, I need to get better in life to survive this. You know, this. Otherwise, the number of jobs already is only the fittest ones will, you know, be able to continue to have those jobs, you know, so so maybe, you know, that can in a way.
But if you know you know people like you as well in. Yeah, so I honestly, the answer to the question about long form is that this is raw material, what you and me are building right now, and then it's sales and design games. For example, I like each of your questions and create a mini video of it. And then everybody is online all the time. So it's a content piece. And the flip side is that even if this conversation, like a two hour long conversation, totally get 100000 views in its lifetime, which it won't, it's going to cost millions and millions of views over like ten years.
But even if it was a hundred 100000, there will be 10000 people out of that hundred thousand who'll apply a lot of the shirt somewhere in their life and make their family's lives better. So this is like high impact content. Absolutely. And I want to see honestly this this realization of creating impactful content and directly impacting people's lives with the seductive aspect of money from my life, like the same thing, like I think I grew up with those inventions of all cars or whatever.
And then once I realized or should have landed a job where I can talk to a teenager and change his mindset, that just change it up for me. So that's that's the world on this side. But I want to thank you, man. This was a gorgeous, rich podcast. I'm sure it's going to impact a lot of people. Of course, I'll be linking all your hands down below, even if you want octagons zero those hands, but.
Forget that you were a broadcast guest. I appreciate this on a human level. Thank you for all the stuff you shared.
Yes, nice. That's for sure. Yeah, thanks. I'm glad.