Prateek Kuhad On Love Life Learnings, Songwriting Process & Success Mantras | The Ranveer Show 66
The Ranveer Show- 1,236 views
- 7 Aug 2020
Our guest on the show is one of my all time favourite songwriters and singers - Prateek Kuhad.
Over the last 5 years or so, he's established himself as the biggest voice in the Indian Indie music scene. Lots of people associate him with love songs. Lots of people believe that his songs are EXACTLY what relationships sound like. So in today's emotionally charged podcast, I asked him all the questions that a fan would want to ask him. About his views on relationships. About his views on his own career. How he broke out of the crowd through his own success mantras and style of music.
Prateek is someone whose voice has even reached former president Barack Obama! That's what his honest music career journey has accomplished for him. His songs like 'Kho Gaye Hum Kaha', 'Kasoor', 'Tune Kaha' and of course 'Cold/Mess' have been playing on loop on my phone since I discovered him.
On today's show... Love, break ups, relationships, inspiration, creative processes, Indian pop music, Indie Music and even some spirituality. Hope you enjoy it :)
Particular is known for the romance he brings out in his songs, but you know what, five years from now, that man is going to be known for his depth of thought.
Today's podcast, we spoke about romance in detail, relationships in detail, but also existentialism, fatherhood, the nature of life, the music industry, his sense of professionalism, his sense of creativity, his sense of spirituality. And that's just the surface level explanation of what this podcast was. So I'm not going to take up too much of your time with this intro, but what I am going to request you to do is subscribe to that and show clips on YouTube.
It's a total YouTube channel that contains only the highlights of what we call in this smartest podcast, Burtonsville visual.
Every single episode is tailored to bring you value, to change you a little bit and to add a layer to your mind.
This episode with pretty good heart is going to change the way you look at life in the same way that his songs made me change the way I look at love.
And I'm sure that's been the case for you as well. That's why you found this podcast on an audio platform.
So without further ado, enjoy yourself with pretty hard on the issue. Mr. Card, thank you for all the memories you've created in my head and also thank you for making my heart break for a little more intense and then a lot more healed up.
How's it going?
Good. How are you? Thanks for having me. It's crazy having you do it, and I feel like every time I speak to you, we kind of have an equation.
I don't know whether that's because you've seen a few Blazer's videos or whatever, but that's why I'm not going to kind of increase the emotion level of this broadcast gradually.
I'm going to dive in. OK, dude. So could you describe, like, the most painful heartbreak of your life in as much detail as possible? Because I know that that kind of played a role, maybe not in creating almost directly, but any kind of song that contains any pain, some of those remnants of that pain, of that heartbreak present in that song.
So what had happened? I mean, you know, honestly, man, it's not I I don't know if I can see that any one particular heartbreak was the worst of that. And I think the more you kind of grow up and see, you know, different aspects of life and have more diverse experience as you kind of realize that it's it's like not that simple. You know, every breakup I've had has been different and they've been harder in different ways and some have taken longer.
So I'm taking a look at it. And you have like, you know, I think everybody has a bad breakup almost. I mean, you know, almost everybody. And even if it's not a breakup in the traditional sense, you know, it could be a fight. It could be, you know, a temporary split between two people, could be between two friends even. You know, it's just it is actually all the same sentiment to some degree.
So, yeah, it's kind of what I feel about it. Dude saw my mom primarily hates my toys and music because there's a lot of rap, a lot of style rock, OK, but in the lockdown, I spent a lot of time with her, you know, whatever, getting the house cleaned up, cooking with her. And we'd always end up listening to some pretty good music. And I remember the first time I made her listen, she's like, yeah, this is the one kind of song that I like from your entire playlist.
And then I made her your more of your stuff.
And that kind of got me wondering that, dude, I feel like you've got this very peculiar element in your music. And I'm not a dude who knows his music very well, but you've got something very different in you. And that's why I also feel that there aren't that many Pratik words out there. So do you kind of perceive your music like that, that there's something different that you're doing?
I don't know whether it's more soul in it or you really, really right from the depths of your heart. I don't know what it is, dude. So you tell me, like, what do you do? That gap captivated so many people.
I don't know, man. I, I think, like I mean, if I was to be completely honest, I think that, you know, it's a combination of things. I mean, you know, you write a good song and you really work that song and you play a bunch of live shows and you slowly build a fanbase. And it's a whole process. Right. I mean, being a professional musician, it's not just about like a lot of people have this idea of artists and creators in general, even like such as yourself, that it's you know, you just make the content because of whatever you're making.
In your case, it's a video. In my case, it's a song. And you just and it just happens. But there's a lot of, you know, stuff that goes behind it, which is everything from like, you know, putting yourself out there and distributing it properly and really, you know, like I don't even making, like, a good music video with a kid or just playing a bunch of shows, whether it's slowly built.
So I think that's definitely a bit of that, which I have been good with and have like put in a lot of work, which, you know, creates that like perception that like, you know, that this is such a great song. And if it really is a great song or I don't know, but I hope it is. But but also it is also a bit of the fact that I do I do write quite honestly, and I don't know about the depths of my heart.
And that's that's really hard to say. But I definitely, like, write very subconsciously in the sense that I don't really have a plan when I'm writing. And a lot of the songs is not something that I decide. OK, today I'm going to write about heartbreak, or today I'm going to write about this aspect of a relationship. But it is going to I'm going to write about friends. I mean, I don't pick a topic and write about it.
I usually just write and then something comes up and sometimes and it could be anything, you know. So I think that the the because of that process, it just kind of lends a bit of like honesty to the writing that I'm doing. Maybe. You know how they go, like all music is what feelings sound like. So the words that you choose to use in your songs and the instruments you choose to use, is that kind of a reflection of how you view relationships?
Because if that is the case, do there's a reason that so many people who are crazy about your music from a love perspective?
Because I feel for a lot of people, your songs kind of are a very good audio version of the feeling called love.
Do you look at it that way at all? And I don't I mean, I've never thought about it. Like, that's what I'm saying. It's it's I mean, a lot of these things, just people who come up with it and that's how they feel. And I'm really grateful people feel that and so strongly about it. I mean, that's really like one of the best compliments you can get being a songwriter is that somebody gets and it still baffles me sometimes because I feel like I barely have artists who do that to me, you know, I mean, I've definitely had artists and songs which have been such an integral part of my life.
But just there's so few out of like, you know, the thousands of, like, songs and people who've listened to. So the fact that I am that person to, you know, a bunch of people out there is really, really cool, but. Yeah, I don't know how that how it happened, really, I mean, it's just again, I think it's just like it's not it's not intentional that I pick up certain word because of, you know, it's just it's very it's very instinctive.
Like, writing is very instinctive for me. And it comes from like listening to a bunch of songs and learning a bunch of songs and like just the ears of like, you know, the stuff you do to get to a point where you can write and construct a song and you instinctively kind of get it. It's a skill. So I put in things which I feel are nice. That's it. I mean, it's like if a word feels nice somewhere, I put it in there.
If, like, when it comes to the music and the production is the same, it's just goes by what feels right for the song, you know, crazy dude, because you have like some spiritual practices in your life. I know that you have some kind of spiritual base to your thought process. So we recently had a meeting party, the writer on the podcast, and he spoke about how his art, he strongly considers himself to just be a channel through which the universe expresses its own art.
And a lot of artists across different like genres will be writing. You do. But even I second his heart are singing also. A lot of people consider their art that they create to not be their own.
And, you know, they kind of look at themselves as some kind of a channel just for, say, spirituality or art or inspiration to express itself. Do you look at your stuff that we, like, do kind of sometimes just consider yourself a channel like your I don't know where this is coming from. It just landed up in my head and I'm just going to throw it out for the world for sure.
I mean, there's definitely so many things that I've written. And sometimes every now and then you just sit back and you like shit. How did I, like, actually write that song? Because it's not it's hard to like it's not a very like I said, and I, I feel really stupid answering these questions a lot of times because, you know, the kind of question you asked me right before this, which was like, you know, how do I get this a lot?
And then I have this idiotic answer, which is like, I just got to do it. Like I don't have a process. I feel like I'm like scamming people almost. But it really like it really is like that. I don't know. And maybe it is that maybe it is just like I mean, I definitely do have a side that believes in spirituality and like energy flows. And, you know, it it it could be I don't know.
I mean, my mom says that actually sometimes, you know, I just feel like you'd expect like an Indian mom to say that, like, just, you know, this is just God's gift and blah, blah. And a lot of times she's like, how do you and I? Because, you know, it's weird. Like, my language skills were actually always pretty bad, both in English and in Hindi. I mean, just in terms of just academically, it's not like I was an avid reader or I've never read that much poetry in my life.
I've never like, you know, as a kid especially, I used to hate reading literally. I would my parents would be like, you know, like stop watching TV, like reading books. And I would never do that. And it just suddenly I was really inspired at the point of my life at some films, some music. And that kind of sparked this like bout of songwriting. And the first time I wrote in Hindi also just kind of happened like like that very spontaneously.
And since then it has become a lot more skill-based because once that happened and I felt like that is when I feel like I actually started working on it consciously. So today I feel like a lot of the stuff I do is is kind of bland, you know, in the sense that I write a song and I constructed with a lot of the skills and the craft that I've developed over the past so many years, voices, I feel like a lot of my songwriting was very spontaneous.
I had no idea what I was doing, but it was just kind of happening and the writing was happening. And yeah. So I think it's a mix of both. I feel like there are moments you get when definitely just kind of like flowed really nicely and there's other days and sometimes weeks or months pass and you just don't feel like anything's coming naturally. But you still push yourself and you write a song and sometimes it's good, you know?
So it's just I don't know, dude, considering the fact that you have such a massive population, why aren't there more bratty cards in India, like, you know, people who came up independently and like kind of had their own identity. So I remember, for example, and this is a very almagor perspective because I don't understand the music industry well. But back in the 90s, you know how there was this whole wave of Indian pop coming up, like individual people are making their own kind of music, luckily out of you like crazy songs back then and then it just kind of died out in the 2000s where they started doing those remixes of old songs.
And then there was no pop for a while.
Most certainly with the rise of YouTube, there's like a lot of independent people coming up releasing their own music. We, our friend Globalisation's and I listen to a lot of stuff.
But, you know, you guys like yourself. And a few other people are the only kind of independent people who I've heard of on social media and all that. So what's what's going wrong in the system? Man, this is again, this is just completely personally my theory, my opinion, to answer your question, and I've thought about this before because we definitely had a wave of independent music in India within the 90s, like you said. And I'm a massive luckily fan as well, by the way.
I mean, just like always. Well, from back then, Silkroad was amazing, you know, euphoria. Some of this stuff is amazing. I mean, they were like some cool like bands back then. But I don't know the audience. The audience. Yeah. Oh yeah. I forgot about that completely. Bunch of people man and.
I don't know, maybe it was not sustainable for some reason, I don't know how the back end of that, the business model they were following walked me. I feel like they were all I might be wrong, but I feel like a lot of them were backed by the same producers and music companies, which are part of like, you know, the commercial music industry even today.
And and there's nothing wrong with that. But I just feel like, you know, it wasn't maybe it wasn't truly independent, whereas I feel like today the shift that has happened and this is not just happening in India, it's happening across the world, is truly is independent for the first time.
You know, I mean, in the sense that, like, I can sit and write a song today and produce it in my studio right here and put it out on Spotify like next month, you know, and that's it. And it's just it's as simple as that. I go to a distribution service online and I put it out and I can do my own marketing. And of course, it's at a much smaller scale. So I might not be able to do a phenomenal job of it, but I can do it.
And that was not a reality. And that's everything that basically Internet has made possible. So so today I feel like a lot of artists are truly independent in the sense that their livelihood is not dependent on, you know, anybody but themselves. You know, they are able to like on that. It comes directly to their fans, you know, do a show and get that, like literally have their direct channel, which truly does make you independent.
So I feel like this time it is a lot more sustainable. And this time and, you know, I mean, hopefully that's what actually happened is truly an independent wave which will continue to be independent.
Mm hmm. So considering the position you've kind of created for yourself in your career right now, when you came back from college, when you came back to India, like did you you studied abroad.
Yeah. Yep, so when you came back to India. Well, did you have these kind of ambitions that OK? That's the guy I want to be. I want to be once in a while creating some Bollywood music as well. But I don't want our really strong independent presence. Plus, I want to do this. I want to be the voice of basically the independent scene in India.
Now, did you plan all this out and was there some game you played, like from the Correo perspective, or did all of it just happen and you kept working at it?
Yeah, it was definitely like I would say it was a kind of organic insteps in the sense that, like, I definitely didn't know seven years ago when I pretty much started from scratch in India that I would be here today. And it's not like today was the day I was planning for. But, you know, you kind of like plan for the next one year or like a year and a half and be like, OK, you know, like by next year, if I can.
I remember, like, my one of my first goals when I started doing this was like and back then, especially the weekend, those were a pretty big deal. Like have you heard of, like, you know, the music festivals that needs to happen. And so that was one of my goals are like, you know, I need to play like a really good weekend slot, you know? And then that happened one year later. So, you know, it was like cool.
And then it was like, OK, now what? So then you, like, plan for something else which is bigger and you gotta challenge yourself more. And I feel like that's how it happened for me. It just like I wasn't even sure that it would be, you know. I mean, when I started doing what I do, I kind of gave myself an ear and I was like, let's see how it goes. Because if things had not worked out, I would have probably, like, stopped doing it and like, moved on to something else because I was fully prepared.
What would you be doing? What would you be doing? I don't know what I've been doing. I mean, I don't know. I probably be like I don't know. I feel like I would have, like, eventually go and do some form of, like, entrepreneurship. I would probably like work somewhere for a bit and then gone done something of my own because I think that's the kind of person I am. I like being like not answerable to anybody.
So I feel like I would have eventually gravitated towards that. But it could have more most likely would have been not music for sure.
You know, I see you applying a lot of your personal branding and entrepreneurship vibes into the brand. Pretty cool as well, dude. Like these little things you do on your social media.
And I think that's something I actively thinking of. And that's also why I want to ask you, dude, like as a 40 year old, how do you see yourself like what would be a good scenario for you?
And I'm not I'm not talking about just career. I'm talking about you as a person.
What do you want? I don't know, man, I feel like it just I mean, I feel like in the past, like 10 years almost, I've done so many shifts in what I want. It has changed so often and that it's really hard to say. I mean, I definitely know that, like. I hope I'm still doing what I'm doing for sure. I mean, I love songwriting and I want to I hope I'm putting out like, you know, really great music, even 10 years down the line and.
Other than that, I really don't know, you know. OK, so speaking about this thing about I hope I'm creating good enough music, I'll ask you another rookie question.
Why do you like certain music directors and not sustain the levels they once created?
I like what happens. Does a musicians run out of creativity or does he run out of inspiration? Does he just get like kind of bored of the process? Like, what do you think happens, man?
I don't know. And, you know, that's one of the questions that actually scares me, because I've seen that happen to a lot of, like, just artists and like. Of all kinds, actually, not just like musicians, but even like filmmakers, and you see both kinds, you see some who actually just get better with age and they just keep like knocking it out. And every time they, you know, and they might have a dip and like make like I mean, talking about musicians, it might be like one bad album and then they bounce back with the next one again.
And it's just, you know, and nothing is ever that bad. Actually, everything is great. It's just that one is like, you know, maybe their fifth album is not as good as that extremely insane third album. But, you know, and then there's other people who definitely feel like, you know, something has happened, you know, that they're not putting enough of themselves in. And maybe maybe they get bored, maybe they get lazy.
Maybe it's complacency. It's hard to say. I if I had to venture a guess, it would be one of these things. I don't think you run out of creativity. At least I don't like to believe so. I really hope that, you know, because that's the one thing you can't control. If I run out of creativity that I'm like. I mean, I you know, because everything else, if it's like laziness or complacency or anything I can control, I can push myself to be a better person.
But if I just run out of creativity for some wacky reason, then that's that's that's a scary thing. So, you know, I feel like it's it's just people having different goals. I feel like, you know, there's an artist who probably reach a certain age and they're like, this is all I have. I want to I don't want to do this anymore. So they move on to doing other things. Maybe maybe they're like, you know, focusing on their personal life more on like something else and other other interests could be anything.
It's hard to say, but I feel like it's more of a conscious decision more often than not. Yet about creativity, I'm going to exchange some you do well with this musician notes. OK, so I feel there's this whole wave of attention kind of taking over most of the YouTube videos and the social media creators in the country where just people are kind of having the same concerns that you're having. But you're talking about that much older age bracket. You're like, OK, give me what?
I'm 35, 40. I hope that I'm all right. A lot of the social media people generally kind of look at that in the context of one month. Gee, I hope next month I'm able to like, sustain like what I'm doing here, because the world of social media helps you rise really fast.
What are you going to do, fall like that fast?
So on social media, the hack to sustain creativity is reinvention. That's what we tell everyone. Like all the talent managed by Monga, all my friends, I'll always tell them that I would consciously think of reinvention in some aspect that could be as simple as using a new camera for your videos or whatever.
But the other the other thing that I feel isn't spoken about enough is that while I think creativity is one of those things that doesn't voluntarily leave you, there are things you can do in your real life that kind of allowed your creativity, like just being surrounded by the wrong people, being surrounded by yes men, you know, just probably even having the wrong habits, not having kind of structured professionalism in your life.
All that also kind of helps your creativity for you to.
So I'm sure that if you've been doing this for seven years, you've spotted, like, positive patterns, a few things that help your creativity and probably things that don't affect your creativity. Well, and knowing you have seen some of the interviews you've done, you stress a lot on your professionalism, like how you kind of do bring that athlete mentality even to what you do in terms of music.
Do if someone's paying you to do this, I'll do a good job. So what are your positive daily habits which affect your creativity versus the negative ones?
So. Let me let me first talk about the whole professional thing, which, you know, I think I'm not sure if it affects the creativity or not, to be completely honest. That's not the reason I do it. The reason I do it is because, you know, I think that's the right thing to do, you know? I mean, if somebody is paying me if I and I'm the kind of person who likes doing things well, so even if I'm like making my coffee or like, you know, cleaning up my room or, you know, cooking something, anything or, you know, writing a song, I want to do it like really, really well.
So if, like, things are not happening, well, I'll go online and research and be like, okay, how do I make a better coffee and I'll do that. So I'm constantly trying to do that. And that's it's a very personal thing. I just like I get a kick out of it if I do something, something really, really nice, neat. And I'm like, nice, I feel good about it. So I just yeah.
I find it like just it really motivates me. So that's that's why I do have a function like that when it comes to creativity. Man, I got to be honest, I think it's it's a question I've been trying to figure it out myself. Like it's really weird because and a lot of the things you said were absolutely on point. I think that, like, surrounding yourself with the right people is really, really important.
And for everything, you know, not just creativity and and, you know, being having healthy habits or like being consistent with things, all of these things have a role to play, but.
I don't know, but, you know, another like and this is this is a bad example and, you know, I'm not saying everybody should do this all the time, but like, for example, like I've had, you know, really, like, bad late drunken night with random people, you know, like six new people. And it's been a very enriching experience. And you could see that that's a really bad thing to do in the sense that, you know, I definitely like binge drinking is bad for you and like maybe like Sting, you know, I mean, it's these are not like it's not something you should do every day because they're definitely, like, damaging not just your physical health, but your mental health and emotional health in the long run.
But I've had some very like, you know, rich experiences through that average experiences traveling. But I've also had, like, really, really rich experiences just being advanced by myself, you know, just being locked up in a room for like two weeks. Sometimes when I'm, you know, in a new city where I'm trying to like, you know, just like do more work and or just even leave. And I've not had to work and I'm just in you learn new things just by kind of like looking within my sometimes or just like reading a really good book or just like watching like binge watching, like renting movies, which I've done.
And I find it like this overload of information that like suddenly a week later, like sports, some like new thing. So I feel I'm but I'm still kind of like I think it's one of the hardest question to answer what you do, you know, that how do you, like, keep yourself creative? I mean, if I knew that, I would do that every single day. But I've realized that there's anything good to get it off sometimes, just like I mean, you know.
I don't know, I mean, like a lot of people have this idea about, like, you know, for me that a lot of my songs came from a break up.
So I need to stay in that all the time. But it's like I'm in a very touchwood. I mean, a really happy relationship right now. But I'm still writing and I'm writing about other stuff. And, you know, we'll find out if it's good or bad or, you know, whatever it comes out. But it's not like it's a different thing. But I wouldn't say I'm a better or a songwriter for that. So these things have a role to play in your life, but at the same time.
It's it's you know, I don't know, I feel like I've given a really confusing answer to this because I'm, like, really confused about it myself. Dude, it's it's honestly one of those questions that I think about a lot and probably I've been thinking about for years, that how do you maximize your creativity? How do you make your own systems the most efficient?
The goal is my vision, is my vision of it.
From speaking to entrepreneurs to singers to actors to directors. I feel that everyone has this all inside them, like think of it like just a puddle of creativity that kind of gets a little bit diminished every time you put out some creative work. Like I said, you're taking some water from that pool and putting it out for the world and rest. Plus absorbing information kind of refuse that. So when you sleep really well or when you binge watch 20 movies and you go, that's what you said about inputting information, it adds in like refilling that pool.
Now, while meditation doesn't directly affect the quantity of water in your creative pool.
What I do feel meditation does is that it allows you like some otherworldly level of focus. So even when your pool is like almost empty with a little water left inside, in normal circumstances, if you were stressed, you would be like, no, no, I don't have that much water in my creative pool anymore. But if you have a meditation habit, you're able to exactly take out the amount of water needed from the pool and still put it out.
So meditation helps you more.
Just stamina, your endurance. It's like exercise maybe for your mind, but your creativity is something that is only replenished with time, sleep and all that. And then obviously, like all, when we talk about spiritual habits like eating Gleno, the speed of water, increasing that pool changes. That's that's my answer to the question. But again, that's just a hypothesis. So I don't know if it's like if it's a valid theory.
But coming coming back to what you said, I mean, Yemen, I was just saying that, you know, I the I've never thought about it the way you're thinking about it, but I think it's just another way of basically saying that, like, if you are and I mean, meditation is like a way for you and even for me to a certain degree to stay really focused and on top of my life, just like centered, so I can function better as a human.
And I think it's just like you're just basically talking about discipline. You know, the harder you work on your craft, the better you will be. So even if you have, like, that really tiny amount of water left inside you, like I said, you can still make something out of it if you really are centered overall. And how you stay centered is how different people in different ways. You know, I used to find a running really centering at that point of time.
You know, I feel like just staying fit makes me helps me keep a little balanced eating right leg so everybody has their own ways of doing that. But for shoreman, like, I think there is no there is no. And this is something that I actually feel like is really important. And it's like it's a it's a perspective that I found very useful for me, that even if I have even if I have this inner reservoir of this this padel inside me full completely, like I said.
And if I don't have the requisite skills to convert that into, you know, something that is like good like in my case, a song, you know, a song, if I if I don't know how to, like, write a song at all, then it doesn't matter how much creativity I have. It's just it's never going to get converted. But even if I have very little of that creativity left, if I have, you know, put in the work and I am a good songwriter, I can still write a pretty decent song with nothing in it at all.
So it's like, you know, and when you have both, that's when, like the magic happens. And that will not always happen to you because that's not something you can control. But what you can control is like the discipline behind it. So, you know, I feel like all we should all you can do is do that. If you just focus on that and not worry about that inner reservoir too much, then like you'll be fine, I think, you know.
Yeah. Also also the key word you put out is centering. So in spiritual practice, it's called grounding.
It's the same concept as centering. So grounding is basically something that prevents you from overthinking.
So how how familiar you with chakras like have you heard of just how chakras were so grounding again without getting into too many details about chakras grounding in something related to your lowest chakra and the course of being an extremely creative person, is that almost always shaken up? So one way to fix it is, again, living a clean life. All those like spiritual practice as we speak. But there are specific meditations which kind of help ground do much more. And when you have the grounding, I'm guessing like, you know, that increases your focus, your discipline levels, and therefore you are able to pull out things from that pool, which is also why.
You will see, like, really talented creative professionals, not really killed in their Macario, even though they have all the skills in the playbook, they can't really convert that into something because they lack that certain amount of grounding. And this is also what I see wrong with a lot of young college kids, especially many of them who are taking up music, fantastic musicians, but just lack that little edge in terms of grounding. They don't overthink. They they draw a lot of negative scenarios.
A lot of them. I mean, while I understand that you can get away with having a Nazzal OnPoint lifestyle, I feel if you're trying to get somewhere in life and things aren't working out for you for a while, you need the kind of question, the patterns you're living out in your daily life. I'm only saying that because that's what happened with me. Like I didn't reach what I wanted to do in my first two years of doing. You do.
But I changed up things in me, which eventually led to Gavalda, like catapulted me into like a whole new dimension. So would you say that there's been some kind of a switch and I'm not talking about just your daily habits, but in terms of was there anything you did differently that just like elevated you like maybe one instance or one thought process change? I I always want to be a better person the next day, you know, I mean, I, I and I think it comes from like I think a very interesting thing that you said right now, which which is very true.
And I have seen a lot of people. Is that. I mean, you kind of fundamentally really break it down to simple terms, I think a lot of people have a very strong and complex, like a lot of people consider themselves victims constantly. And that, I think, is a big barrier to, you know, because then you don't blame yourself for anything and you just blame the surroundings for everything. So if you're not doing well, if things are not going away, instead of trying to, like, introspect within and see that, OK, what are the things that I might have done wrong?
You're constantly putting the blame on either people around you or circumstances around you. And I used to have that, you know, basically the kind of like like and I still do. I think everybody does. We have days when we really feel like the world is against us and, you know, you're just like really negative and you're believing everything around you as the source of all your problems. But what I realized and you know, this is something actually like my sister and my brother in law who are you know, I'm very close to them.
And this is something that like they brought to my notice like some years ago and not particularly towards me, but just as a very, like, overlooked human trait that, like, we all tend to be the protagonists of our own story and, you know. A lot of times we consider that protagonist to be the kind of victim of, you know, all the world's problems and it's not always the case. And of course, there are times when the world will actually be against you.
But the thing is that what I realize, what there's no point thinking about that because I can't change the world. I can't actually be honorable and change the larger circumstances. And, you know, things around me, all I can do is like learn to fight back and become a better person. So that's like you got to focus on that. And it still happens to me. And I still have days when I just feel like shit about myself and I feel like everything is so unfair.
But then you, like, have to like kind of pull yourself out of the hole and be like, OK, what can I do to fix this, you know? So I think that's a very important thing you said for sure. And I think that is that is a big reason why a lot of people, you know, don't end up getting what they want because it becomes a vicious cycle. The more you think that you're the victim, you actually do end up becoming, you know, one hundred percent.
Do you feel that your spiritual practices have kind of helped heal these wounds from the past? Because I certainly feel that, again, you said how you're a perfectionist about making your coffee. Also, I think that to be a good creative professional somewhere, you got to have that perfectionist element in you and the goals of that self-doubt because of that. Yes, a lot of for lack of a better word, self mutilation. They are just like a.. I hate me, too.
Why am I not doing this well or whatever? So do you feel that spirituality is, like fixed that for you? Yeah, I mean, I think, man, to me, like spirituality is also just I mean, it boils down to certain practices, right? And it's it's again, it's very personal. Like for me, at a point of my life, I'm alive. Running really worked really, really well at that point. I didn't really know what any of these like was.
And I've been introduced to concepts of spirituality more in the past couple of years. I started doing yoga a couple of years ago for the first time properly and actually last year for the first time probably. And a lot of the things that I was really kind of completely against, like astrology, for example, or like just things that people, you know, consider as part of like spirituality. I I've become more open minded towards them because, you know, it has helped me to a certain degree.
But but that's only recently, like for a whole year or something else, you know, like I used to, like, run a lot. I used to run like and I was like five times a week for months. And that really helped me, like, you know, just feel sent that one out of running every day. I was kind of like meditative for me and I felt like I used to come back and just like feel less anxious and, you know, less critical of myself.
And I like, you know, tired, but in a good way and more productive the next day. So, you know, that was one way of doing it. I think you have to everybody has to find their own personal ways for doing it. But for sure, like, you know, I mean, it boils down to like doing things that definitely, like make you feel better about yourself. It sounds pretty simple, you know, that you just do something that makes you feel good.
But it's actually not because, you know, I don't know, to discover that thing that works for you that you can put into practice on a consistent basis that you can stick to. And that truly does good things to you, because a lot of times, like what you define as good in the moment, might not be good for you in the long run.
So, you know, like, again, while I have been advising people that they should find happiness first within themselves and stability first within themselves and then go out chasing relationships, I feel like the correct romantic relationships also at a certain level of stability and balance to people's lives.
So, dude, again, considering the fact that you're in a stable relationship right now, how much of a role does that play in your professional life? Like to just balance it out to kind of, you know, tell you that you're you're not you're not actually as bad as you think you are to just tell you don't just calm down your head. Does that play any kind of role?
Yeah, of course, man. And I think, like, not just me for anybody, whether you have professional goals or not. And, you know, it's just a stable relationship just makes you happier, I think. I mean, from what I've seen and I've been in a couple in my lifetime and like, it's definitely a phase which is, you know, has a lot of, like, personal comfort. And there's a lot of like positive reinforcement from the other side, which, like you said, makes you feel better about yourself.
So a lot of the toxic ways you could be looking for validation outside, you know, from the outside world gets replaced by a more healthier form of validation from your partner.
Can you explain this like a very cool thing you said, but I just want you to break it down a little more.
This toxic versus it's it's like, man, I think almost everybody out there is a bit insecure. You know, we're all in that game, actually. We all have certain insecurities and different aspect. And I think that like it all and because of that, we're seeking validation and, you know, and there's so many forms of seeking validation. And it could be like just a night out with your friends and getting really drunk or like, you know, like excessive use of social media or in today's world or just indulging in activities that feel like give you joy in the moment, but actually are not healthy in the long term.
I mean, there's so many examples, right. What's this like? I think and we need that actually to a certain degree. And I think if you have the right partner, it just they will not like you will not need those toxic forms of validation anymore. You'll get a much healthier form because that's the point, right? I mean, of family and friends and loved ones around you. One of the points that there's too like somebody there telling you that, like, look, you are a really good person, like you don't like it.
Don't be hard on yourself. And I do that for my friends and my family sometimes. And like they do that for back for me sometimes when I have my little moment, you know, when I have a little moment and I've been really selfish for like my girlfriend was telling me that, like, you know, like things are not that bad. And she told me the right and showed me, like, you know, why am I I am a good person.
And that gives me perspective. So I think it's really like. It's a very it's another like another way of kind of like really centering and grounding yourself. I feel like it just makes you like. It takes off all those other pressures so you can focus on what really matters, which in my case is like, you know, riding a really good song so I can actually, like, focus on that and do that.
So, yeah, good and bad are subjective words. Like when you say that something's good in your head, you've already compared it to probably a so-called bad moment from your past, all you know from your reference points.
So dude, like, why do you say that your current relationship is good? Like what constitutes a happy positive relationship in the now other than what you just said about, you know, that that person fills up that one insecurity void or whatever you want to call it, what else constitutes a positive, happy relationship?
Yeah, and that definitely that's just one of the things I can find really personal question in the sense that, like, hard to answer, you know, like I think it's a very it's a personal choice that differs from person to person. I think you need to kind of look that there's not a semblance of whether you need to kind of look within yourself to. You know what you want, you know, from your partner, I think for me it's definitely the I mean, there's one aspect which is just kind of like instinctive, where you feel comfortable with the other person.
You kind of trust them instinctively. That's really, really important. If I can't trust the other person, then, you know, I can not, like, be in a serious relationship with somebody I can trust. And that is like, you know, a straight up like because and I feel like that's probably right for everybody. I mean, obviously that's such an important thing. And and I think like somebody who kind of helps you grow who you see yourself, like, growing with and who pushes.
And that's and that, I think is a personal thing. Like I'm the kind of person like who wants to be a better person to model in every way. And I want to be with somebody who pushes that was, as you know, like and that and that has nothing to do with the other person being a good person or a bad person. It's just like I think it's how I like your energy interact and how you like kind of like the dynamic between the two people and some people who are just like symbiotic like this, like they really push each other in a healthy way, in the right direction.
And I would hope to be in, you know, a relationship of that sort. I think that that's the ideal thing. Yeah.
Dude, why do you think divorces happened? Like in general? Like, my theory is that people grow into different versions of themselves as they get older. And also this whole thing about I think I think when you when you live with someone, it kind of changes the dynamic dude.
It's like especially for guys.
That's why the concept of a man gave exists in the first place. Guys just want to be isolated. And I've seen I've seen some of the most successful marriages around me have an element of a man give within the house. And I'm not just saying, man, give like I mean, both partners can kind of spend time in their own little zones away from themselves. I think that's the reason divorces are happening nowadays. What do you think?
I mean, I don't know Bardhan nowadays, man. I think like I think for a long time, divorce is and this is I mean, this is a bit of a this is again, it's like a mystery. I think for a long time there was this didn't happen in India because of just like sexism. I mean, it's just I think like the women of like Armadillo's generations and before I took, like, the brunt of the issues. And it was such a big social taboo for a divorce to happen that it just never happened today.
I think, like it's in a way a good sign because, like, it just means that women are as I mean, they're not as empowered, unfortunately, but they are definitely more empowered than they used to be, which is like a really good sign. You know, it's a good thing that, like society is moving forward. We're like both partners of either sex have like a voice, which is important, which is why there is also like more conflict.
I think that's that's kind of like, you know, one answer. The other thing also, which is just like purely from the perspective of like why a relationship breaks. I mean, divorce is just like, you know, basically two people falling apart. And I think one thing that you said is definitely a and I think sometimes there are couples who don't give each other enough space and not just comes from a place of lack of communication. I feel like I feel like a lot of times people don't actually express themselves.
Like if, you know, the a guy wants to have one hour alone or like another person like I whatever the guy or the girl, like in one person wants to hours alone every day, they might be scared to say it's thinking that like the other person would get offended. And I feel like sometimes that goes on for ages and like, you know, ultimately we just end up having this massive, like, blow out because you have this repressed feeling of just needing some space from day to day.
So and it's there's nothing wrong with it. You know, like I mean, I think we need space. We need to have our own time as well. And I think a successful relationship, a lot like you said, will have that aspect where it's carved out, you know, where it's like we are here for each other and we love each other and we are each other's rocks. But at the same time, like, you know, I need to have two hours that I'm just like alone, like listening to music or watching this movie or whatever, you know, and that's fine.
And it's again, it's a very personal thing. Some people might like it, some people might not. But you should be able to express it and get it out of the way instead of repressing it.
So do you spoke about trust right now? OK, and again, that's also subjective, too. I'm sure that at some point in your past, you had your trust broken or, you know, that's what resulted in you saying that right now, Samuell that that's happened with me as well. You know, I'm going to put it out there like I've been cheated on, like, more than once by, like, people, you know, I invested a lot of time, energy and all in.
Now, in seeing that, I feel every human is born with certain intrinsic goals. So you have, like career goals or whatever that you kind of build as you grew up. And that's why I want to be. But then somewhere in your heart, you have like these kind of goals for your life that have always been there.
And I. I genuinely always had this goal of having a really good, stable relationship, you know, like call it a marriage, call it a long term thing. And that's why I asked the question, why do these divorces happen? Why do breakups happen? Like what goes wrong, which is also why people gravitate towards rom coms and pratico hard songs, because there's a lot of purity in that kind of music. That's that's what love sounds like to a lot of people.
Like, for example, they'll be a paradox about that dude. Like, you know, like the lyrics. The whole feel of the song is the same goldsberry. Or even if I've been mistreated, I've had my trust broken. I'm still going to go for it again. So again, that's coming from that intrinsic goal and that that same intrinsic goal of a stable relationship exists for a lot of Indians. I don't know whether it's a part of a culture and we extremely romantic people or what it is.
But, man, do you do think about this? Do you think about your long term future? Do you think about life and fatherhood and shit like because that's something I like thinking about a lot for some random reason. I'm like, yo, I'm this like weightlifting to do things about protein shakes. Where are these fatherhood thoughts coming from? But they're coming up from some deep place within my soul. So how about you? I don't know, man.
I feel like I feel like I can barely, you know, take care of myself properly. I am definitely not ready for fatherhood. It definitely, like, scares me, like, I'm not I'm not there for Shaun. And I'm going like fluid man in the sense about like the discussion about long term relationships. I think that, like and I struggle with this, like, you know, this thought that there's definitely a lot of comfort. There's so much comfort in a relationship, you know, I mean, just having this steady person who looks out for you and you love and you want them around all the time, it's a beautiful thing like, you know, and I love being in that space.
But at the same time, I feel like it should not be a crutch. You know, it should not like there's a and thankfully, I don't think I'm in that situation. But like I feel like I've seen people who are in relationships because, you know, they'd rather not be alone.
Out of habit.
Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes it's out of habit. Sometimes people have just always like dated people from an early age. So they just are so petrified of being alone that they will just date anybody and then they make a lot of compromises and end up with really bad people sometimes. And I'm like, you know, like I'm a conscious of that. So I'm alert and worried that I'm you know, I hope I'm not doing that like and I think that's an important thing because I think you need to be.
And and it kind of goes back to something that you said a little while ago, that you need to be strong yourself before Chyna and maybe this is the wrong word. But before I kind of like dissolving somebody is you know, you need to be like a really strong, secure OK with yourself to be able to give yourself fully to another person because you also have that responsibility, right?
You're not like if you're in a relationship, it goes both ways. I mean, you're getting something, you're getting the support and emotionally because you are also giving that back. And that's how it is. And that's the, you know, beautiful thing about it. So it's important that you are really, really strong.
And that's the only question I think about, which, as I said, that like it's kind of like fluid for me that like I don't want to be in a place where I want to be scared about not being in a long term relationship, because I want to feel like, you know, confident enough about myself in the sense that I can, like, handle any situation myself. So I'm with somebody because that just propels me even further and it makes my life better and better, but not out of weakness, out of like a choice to like, you know, exceed my own expectations in a way or like, you know, be an even better bosom.
Dude, I'm trying to honestly decode these difficult questions through the podcast, honestly. So if I feel like a guest does give a certain subject a lot of hard time, I'll always ask that guest about that subject. And that's exactly why I wanted to ask you about relationships.
But the other kind of domain in particular, which I feel isn't explored a lot by audiences, is this depth of thought. Like I knew we were deep guy just because of the lyrics and all that.
But I feel it's it doesn't just apply to your sense of love. I you create love songs because somewhere that's also the businessman and you. Well, like, I know that this will do well. Again, there's nothing wrong in a dude like, oh, I know I make good fitness videos. That's why I continue making physical fitness videos. Do I talk a lot more about Ioway?
If I could keep coming back to the point.
I feel there's a key question I want to ask you, Root, cause you're in like a really good high point in your career. Like, you know, like a lot of women listening to your music in the Lockton. I'm sure you've seen a lot of growth actually attended one. A live concert on Instagram and people are just losing their shirt, people like I sing the thing that was like this guy. This guy's in a good kind of curios.
Now, the question is that I feel less for things primarily that reveal the character of a person. So one is like extremely deep questions, which is what we try doing on the run. The second is some kind of trauma. For example, even this coronavirus situation could be considered as a form of trauma for a lot of people, even if they're not affected by it. Just that there's this infectious disease out there.
Oh, my God, I'm really scared or really brave or really positive. Really negative. The thought would be long term relationships. That's something that reveals your character. How do you react when you're stuck with that same person for like 10 years?
And the fourth one, which is what I want to talk to you about, is power, which could be considered money, fame.
But I feel fame reveals it even more than money. So do it like how is like fame changed your life? Like, what do you see? Like changing about your thought process and all that. I still honestly and I'm going to be really honest here, like I don't feel that famous and I you know, I've said this a few times before and I've got like criticism from people that argue like, you know, I'm trying to be like, I don't know, cocky or like.
But it really is like that. And I don't know if it's because maybe this is not enough for me. Maybe I am like kind of immune to it. And I don't think about it as much. I'm not really sure why, but it's a it's a it goes up and down, you know, actually actually the real thing is not like I don't feel famous, but it goes up and down at that point in your life that you do feel like that.
And then it's followed up with, like, really humbling experiences. So that's all I've seen, which is why which is which invariably ends up kind of like, you know, putting me back into how I was anyway. And I get back to focusing on, you know, doing what I do, which is like writing a song.
Um, so that's one thing.
I mean, you know, and an example of that to explain that is like, you know, if I go on tour and I play a show to 6000 people and everybody is going nuts, then like, you feel very famous. Right? When you get off stage, you feel like all over the world you feel like shit. Holy crap. And then, like, you know, maybe two weeks later, you're like just at home and, you know, it's just a quiet day.
And maybe it's Friday night and all your friends are busy and, you know, you're just like bored and alone and you're like shit like, what the heck? You know, that if you like shit. So it's like that has happened to me, you know? So you have days. And on those days I don't feel famous. I just feel like. So it's a very like it's a confusing thing. I mean, it definitely throws you off how it affected my, like, thought process.
It's really hard to say. And again, I don't think I'm like self aware enough to answer that question, I'm sure to have changed. You know, it's everybody changes anyway every year. So it's unlikely that in the past five years from where I was to where I am today, I have not changed. How I have changed is really hard to say.
OK, coming to the third point of the question or the second one, I don't remember which one it was second point, what has the coronavirus lockdown done for you as a creative professionals? What's changed in you as a human being? The creative professional, just as a person?
What to change one? It's been almost like a forced holiday, actually, and I think in a good way, in the sense that it's actually sent me a lot. You know, I've put in a lot of like consistent like practices that I used to follow in the early part of my career, which is just like being healthy and eating healthy and sleeping well. A big factor of that is also because I started, you know, like last year, I started dating who I'm dating right now, my girlfriend.
And like, that has also helped a lot and like all of this. And we've both helped stabilize each other, but also because of the lockdown, because it's kind of forced me to, like, slow down and just stop, you know, traveling like a crazy person and like just being constantly overwhelmed by things that are happening. And and I am like that. I respond to stimuli. So, like, if I need things that are happening around me, what I want to do, all of them, and I want to make sure all of them happen on time and all of them happened really well.
So stuff just stopped happening. You know, for the first two months especially, it was all like, you know, nobody was working and there was no expectations of that kind of like forced me to slow down, which is good. And in a way and I just hope it doesn't continue like this because then I'll just never do it with my life. But, you know, hopefully, like, it's one of those things that's like kind of just gotten me ready for the next phase of my life.
I feel like, you know, when things get busy again, I I'll be physically, mentally and emotionally in a better space to be able to deal with those challenges. So I hope, you know, I feel like I mean, and the optimistic side of me wants to believe that, like, that's what the lockdown has done for me.
Yeah, dude, honestly, I was having this weird kind of feeling for the last two weeks. I discussed it with my co-founders. Well, now, while I was a young entrepreneur, like a young entrepreneur, like I was like between 22 and twenty five, I kind of look at people who had these theories on nihilism and existential crisis moments and and just see that know, I just feel that maybe you don't have a solid goal you're working towards.
And that was like my kind of escape that, OK, I want to build these companies and I want to build these YouTube channels or whatever as I'm growing up. And as that, you know, great money's increasing fames, increasing numbers are increasing. OK, at the same time, I'm giving more and more of myself to my work, more and more of my emotions to the art we're creating as time is passing by.
And recently in the lockdown. While it's been amazing for me, I've discovered a lot of things about myself, picked up new skills, meditated a lot. I do have these questions about why am I doing this job? You know what? What am I working towards? What's the meaning of all this? Like, why do people consciously take up entrepreneurship or being a YouTube or if it's this intense when, you know, if I go to a beach and I meet a guy who sells coconuts there and he seems like the happiest guy in the world, if everything that we work for is centered around the concept of happiness, why as an entrepreneur, you do, what do you have to go so hard in the paint?
And my answer to that has just been the start of this podcast where we spoke about yourself being a channel for art. And even entrepreneurship is art.
And a lot of ways do you have to think of business studies or create things? I just feel okay if God or the universe has selected me as that guy, I have to just solve my purpose as a channel for growth of other people. Growth of like this ought to happen.
Which is my question to you, dude, what's your answer to that question? Why does bradycardia exist in this world?
What he was? I don't know, man. Again, this is like, you know, it's a golden question. I mean, you know, I have and I've had this, like, doubt in my head, like all the time, like every now and then. It's just, you know, it's definitely happened within the lockdown after a while because I feel like the past year and a half was so busy that things just went in a blur.
And then when I slowed down, I was like, you know, and you have so much time to think that your brain goes to all kinds of places and then you're like, Mom, you know, do I want to keep doing this? Like I mean, the other day I was talking to my girlfriend. I was like, man, let's seriously just like go to, you know, and she's a doctor so she can like, you know, you know, look anywhere in the sense she can go and like she'll find a job in a hospital anywhere.
So I'm like, you know, let's just move to the hills and like, get a place and like grow some vegetables and just just let's say let's do that for two years. And I see I seriously considered that one day I was like, let me just like, you know, that's like the I mean, it's a question of that. People have asked for like millions. Feels right, like why two weeks is why do we do what we do?
I don't I don't know if it's the and actually the way I like to think of it is that, you know, to me almost like the goal of my life is not happiness. A lot of people feel like you don't feel like that. And a lot of people the ultimate goal is like to be a happy person. And I don't think it's that simple because from what I've always seen, I feel like happiness is really fleeting feeling. Sometimes it's like really good for a day and, you know, you feel it in moments.
It's not that simple. I don't know what motivates us, but like it's kind of like a God thing, you know? And I go with it because it's kind of like a God thing. It just feels like this is the direction I need to go in. And that's where, like, I don't have an answer. And, you know, one possible answer is what you said that like, they're all just, like, meant to be a vessel and like we're meant to be do certain things because, you know.
We are meant to do that and we are meant to help people or whatever it's all supposed to happen and you know that I'm not quite I don't know. I mean, I that makes me feel a bit odd because I feel like I'm kind of powerless and this just kind of happening. And I don't like that because I also like to feel responsible for my actions. I feel like, you know, everything that has happened for me and around me is because also I really push towards it and like, I worked hard for it.
So there's a part of me that, you know, you know, wants to believe that. But there's also a part of me which feels like, you know, so many of those things would have never happened. I mean, just the by my hard, hard work, that was definitely like I'm definitely a hard, like luck or whatever you want to call it on. There's a lot of things happen by chance. A lot of things happen because they just kind of happened.
And it's like and I have no explanation for it. So it's I don't know. You know, it's I, I don't know how to answer this question. And that said, that makes sense. No, I completely human, and which is also why I've started thinking so much more about both romantic and family relationships, because I feel that that also fill that void a little bit. We are like maybe maybe my purpose is to be there for this particular soul or these particular souls that that could be a part of the purpose.
But when I started this question from a spiritual perspective and take a deep dive into these heavy spiritual books, the answers I get there are slightly different where they talk about having your career and life purpose and then also spiritual purpose. And usually when your job is creative and again, that could even be business where you are creating something for the world, you do achieve your spiritual purpose partly through your job. So do it. For example, just call me again like I'm giving you my own example.
I was going to like a really, really tough situation in my love life. And that song, while it hurt me a lot, it did leave me slightly more healed.
You know, sometimes, like just to kind of make sense with pain, you'll try hurting yourself more just to feel it completely. And then you'll be like, goal has been that for a lot of people. And maybe that was your purpose.
Dude, like art that came out through you kind of is helping a lot of people out there. So what's your last, like, kind of life learning dude from all this?
Because you are super deep guy. So what's what's like your last bit of you know, I don't want to call it advice, but what's your last vibe? You want to leave the world? I don't know that.
I mean, you know, it's just like. I mean, all the questions you've asked me there, like I'm just giving you, like answers of, you know, like personal answers, you know, I'm just being like how I think about those things. And it's just. Yeah, I don't think of myself like a deep concern or anything, it's just too weird. I mean, things just happen and then you just kind of let go with it.
I guess a lot of it is just that I don't know how else to say. It sounds really like silly, but it I feel like I just go with things actually beyond a certain point, like however much planning that is. And, you know, I react to things mostly in the sense like, OK, today this is happening, let's do this. Yeah.
But also I feel you have a strong sense of discipline, planning, you know, professionalism, perfectionism, if you want to call it that. So while I think that your modesty speaking up, do you don't you don't acknowledge yourself for that. Which also brings me to my absolute final question. How can a young kid become the next pratico hard? Like, how do you become the next pratico other than the professionalism and perfectionism factor?
You should do what you want when everybody has a different you. Everybody has a different like way of getting by. They do. And that's the key. Actually, I think. I think it's like. You have to really. You should probe within as much as you can and get to know yourself really well so that you can make the right decisions for yourself. And it's a and, you know, getting other people's advice and following examples is a great thing.
I've done that myself. I've read like people's biographies who have respected and what they've done. But I have never like anything in the sense like I've never just like done something and applied it to my life just because it worked for somebody else. But I've applied it if I feel like it works for me. So it's like, you know, like you read stories of 10 people and you feel like, you know, that's what happened. That's great.
That's another habit. That's great. That's another one. And all of those like and habits you read about, you only apply to to yourself, maybe because that's what's applicable for you in your context, in your life and what your needs and your desires and your strengths and weaknesses. And it's really important to be self-aware, I think, because only when you're self-aware can you make the right decision for yourself. And you need to just be gutsy, because the other problem is that even if you are self aware, a lot of people are too driven by what other people see and what other people push them to do and the kind of world we live in, like we will always have people around us who will push us in directions, whether it's like friends or family or like your teachers or society or what you read or propaganda or whatever the heck you know.
So it's it's like at some level, again, you take all of that as feedback and information, but it's really important to, like, look deep within and be absolutely sure that you're doing what you want to do and not what like somebody else wants you to do. Hundred percent, do you have any last tips on how one can become more self-aware? I think it's like a practice you get to do in the end, it's a it's a process.
You get better at it. The more you do of it, you you know, you become more self-aware. You, first of all, have to, I guess, you know, acknowledge the fact that you might not be self-aware because a lot of times people don't change because they don't think they need to. So, you know, I'm still all that I'm questioning myself even till today that like, you know, what I'm doing and how I'm doing it is that, you know, coming from the right place or not.
And am I getting influenced by the right people in the right surroundings? You you're always questioning and as laborious. A lot of people don't do it because it's hard. I mean, you don't want to, like, get up every day with a doubt in your head because it's like it sucks. You know, you want to just feel good about things and everything is great. But the moment you ask those hard questions, it causes some turmoil within.
But it's important to, like, let that turmoil happen. And only then can you actually, like, reach the, you know, kind of like the crux of the problem or actually. So I think self-awareness is just kind of like comes from self-awareness. I guess it's a bit of a weird, you know, what I'm saying, like has to be built. You build stamina off of self-awareness. I mean, this just popped in my head after you answer the question, I feel that you do become self aware through questioning other people about the shit that's going on in your head.
For example, this podcast was a version of how I became more self-aware by asking you my existentialism questions.
And so did I, actually. Yeah. So I just guess that you're not questioning and asking, like the question, are you embarrassed to ask the questions you think are stupid enough? But other people are thinking about those things as sure.
And and the other harder part is obviously observing your own mind through things like the passion on vision and all that. All that definitely helps do it because you're basically closing your eyes and senses and all the senses are turning inwards and like staring at your own thoughts. And a lot of people don't meditate because they like you all. I see the negativity in my meditation. That's the negativity that you're confronting and that's leaving you so important.
I guess that's my answer. But, Mr Coward. Thank you, brother. This was a lot of fun, but I didn't go down these roads. I was going to ask a lot more of music, but I'm glad we did this. Yeah, for sure.
I was a little. Guys, I'm going to be linking all of these hander's channels, everything down below, make sure you check out a lot of music, heal yourselves and enjoy the love that is expressing itself through this man.
Thank you for being able to.