Darin Olien is Down to Earth
The Rich Roll Podcast- 2,889 views
- 31 Aug 2020
Hot on the heels of Down To Earth -- the #1 hit Netflix series in which he co-stars alongside Zac Efron -- today my superfood hunting, brother-from-another-mother Darin Olien returns for his 4th appearance on the podcast to blow minds and drop wisdom on all things nutrition, hydration, ecological preservation, longevity, and living a high-vibration life.One of my most popular guests to date, Darin’s biography reads like a Hemingway adventure novel. Devoted to advancing human health, ecological preservation and sustainability, he's spent the better part of the last 20 years embedded in remote farming communities across the Himalayas, South Pacific, Latin America and Asia, scavenging for the most nutritionally potent plants, nuts, and seeds on the planet.His most recent obsession is Barùkas (aka the baru nut) -- an incredibly nutrient-rich superfood known to the indigenous tribes of the Brazilian Cerrado for millennia, yet virtually unheard of anywhere else. This discovery led to Darin to an epiphany: he could help preserve the Cerrado (which is a tropical savanna ecoregion three times the size of Texas) by employing its indigenous communities to harvest the native baru and importing them to North America. A win-win to preserve precious environmental resources, support indigenous communities, and simultaneously introduce North America to the healthiest nut on the planet.Everything Darin has learned over the decades is laid bare on the pages of Superlife, his New York Times bestselling primer on all things health and well-being. His 121Tribe.com app will put you on a 21-day lifestyle-changing diet and exercise program. And his recently launched podcast, The Darin Olien Show, is already killing the game.Down To Earth introduced to a broad, mainstream audience what I've always known about this incredible human:A man who truly walks his talk, Darin is the real deal.Picking up where we left off two years ago in RRP 382, Darin and I discuss all things Down To Earth. The show's origins. What it was like collaborating with a global superstar. The show's overnight impact on Darin's life. And the show's impact on countless people across the world.We discuss his commitment to forging a more sustainable food system. The impact of Barùkas on the indigenous farming communities of the Brazilian Cerrado. And his plans for leveraging new found fame to cultivate community around well-being and drive global ecological preservation.Finally, we explore Darin's daily habits. The overlooked importance of hydration. And Darin's personal water routine (it's intense).May this conversation leave you understanding why Darin is the first person I turn to for advice not just on nutrition and fitness -- but on all manner of subjects related to living my best authentic life.For those new to me and Big D, we’ve logged about 6 hours of extraordinary back catalog conversation over the years. I highly suggest you visit those archived episodes, which you can find here: RRP 382, RRP 268, and RRP 153.The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.Note: In the interest of total transparency and because I believe wholeheartedly in Darin’s mission, I am a Barùkas ambassador. So if today’s conversation leaves you interested in checking out the baru nut, Darin has a special offer for you guys: Visit barukas.com/richroll or enter coupon code RICHROLL at checkout and receive 15% off your first purchase.It is with pride, love and gratitude that I share the wisdom of my friend and mentor with you today.Peace + Plants,Listen, Watch & SubscribeApple Podcasts | YouTube | Spotify | Stitcher | Google PodcastsThanks to this week’s sponsorsAthletic Greens: 75 whole food sourced ingredients designed to optimize 5 key areas of health, Athletic Greens is the delicious daily habit that sets you up for a healthy future. I take the packets everywhere I go. So invest in your health without compromise! Go to: athleticgreens.com/richroll and claim your special offer today: 20 FREE travel packs valued at $79 with your first purchase.Birch Living: The best, most affordable, organic, and sustainable mattresses on the market with a 100 night risk-free trial. 1% of each purchase is donated to the National Forest Foundation and Birch purchases carbon offsets for each mattress sold. For $200 off ALL mattress orders, visit BirchLiving.com/RichRollWhoop: The world’s most powerful fitness tracker. Get smarter about how you sleep, recover, and train, so you can unlock your best self. Go to WHOOP.com and use the promo code “Richroll” at checkout to save 15% off WHOOP.For a complete list of all RRP sponsors and their respective vanity url's and discount codes, visit my Resources page and click "Sponsors".SHOW NOTESConnect With Darin: Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramBarùkas: Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramBook: SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome*Podcast: The Darin Olien ShowNetflix: Down to Earth With Zac Efron121Tribe: 121Tribe.comYouTube: Down to Earth TrailerBlue Glass Water Bottles | Blue Bottle LoveForbes: Can A New ‘Supernut’ Help Reforest Brazil’s Savanna? The Cofounders Of Barùkas Are Betting On ItBloomberg: The Adventures of Superfood ManTreeHugger: Superfood Hunter Darin Olien Has a Really Fun JobBeachbody: 5 Plants I Eat Every Day and WhyNewsweek: 'Down to Earth': Meet Zac Efron's Co-Host Darin OlienMen's Health: Darin Olien is More Than Zac Efron’s Travel Partner in Netflix’s Down to EarthChicago Tribune: ‘Down to Earth’ teaches tips for finding the best bottled waterBustle: Down To Earth Host Darin Olien Shows Zac Efron How To Save The WorldScreenRant: Down To Earth: 10 Things To Know About Darin OlienRadio Times: Meet Darin Olien, the wellness expert in Netflix’s Down to Earth with Zac EfronFilm: An American Pickle | HBORelated Podcasts:RRP #382: Superfood Superman Darin Olien On Barukás, Breath, and Brain StatesRRP #268: Darin Olien: A Superfood Hunter On Peak Nutrition & Next Level Hydration RRP #153: Superfoods For Superlife: Traipsing The Globe In Search Of Optimal Nutrition & Longevity With Darin OlienThanks to Jason Camiolo for production, audio engineering and show notes; Margo Lubin and Blake Curtis for video, editing and graphics; portraits by Davy Greenberg; and theme music by Ana Leimma.*Disclosure: Books and products denoted with an asterisk are hyperlinked to an affiliate program. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.For 1000s of delicious, customized plant-based recipes & so much more, check out our Plantpower Meal PlannerHOW CAN I SUPPORT THE PODCAST?Tell Your Friends & Share Online!Subscribe & Review: iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Soundcloud | Google PodcastsDonate: Check out our Patreon accountSupport The Sponsors: One of the best ways to support the podcast is to support our sponsors. For a complete list of all RRP sponsors and their respective vanity url's and discount codes, visit my Resources page and click "Sponsors". See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
I think more clear than ever, people need to be healthy, they need to stop distracting themselves and eat more plants and figure out a program that's going to work and get healthy because we need strong, healthy, happy people, nonjudgmental, kicking ass in their life. And I really believe that's the purpose of health so that you can kick ass in your life and have the feeling life you want. So you're not miserable with a chemistry set that isn't working on it really comes down to two very simple things.
I care about the health of people. I believe a healthy person has more choices and can really kick ass in their life and not have to drag around this body and then be a kind of this victim of a body that's failing. So I believe in health of the individual mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and I believe in the intimate connection and the health of the planet that's superfood. Hunter Darren Olean. And this is Episode five 42 of the Patrol podcast.
The Rich Roll podcast, greetings, wanderers, seekers, learners, listeners, this is a podcast, the Rich Rawle podcast. I'm your host. It's time to strap in because today, today, my friends, my superfood hunting brother from another mother, Darren Olean, hot on the heels of his number one hit Netflix show Down to Earth, in which he co-stars alongside Zac Efron returns for his fourth appearance on the show.
He's going to blow minds.
He's going to drop wisdom on all things nutrition, hydration, ecological preservation and longevity and many other topics, including, of course, super foods.
Oji listeners will well remember Darren, but for those of you who are new Big D fans, maybe you came here because of seeing Darren on the show. You're here for the first time together. Darren and I have logged about six hours of extraordinary back catalogue conversation over the years.
And you can find those conversations in episodes three, eighty two to sixty eight and one fifty three in my archive at Rich Roll Dotcom.
He is by far one of my most popular guests to date and Darren's biography.
Kind of reads more like an adventure novel than a resume. This is a guy who spent the better part of the last couple of decades scavenging the Earth for the most nutritionally potent plants, nuts and seeds on the planet. He's communed with thousands of rural farmers, growers and manufacturers in remote communities across the Himalayas, the South Pacific, Latin America, Asia, shepherding exotic, high quality Fairtrade super foods and indigenous herbal commodities to market. His latest infatuation is verrucas or the BERU not, which is this incredibly nutrient rich, delicious, but kind of essentially virtually unheard of superfood harvested sustainably in partnership with the indigenous tribes of the Brazilian Cerrado.
If you watch down to earth, then you know that Big D is jacked.
What you might not know is that he is 100 percent plant based. He's been so for many years. And today you're going to hear a lot about the benefits of eating plant forward, how to make this switch and more importantly, how to sustain it is a question that I get a lot. So we created a digital platform to get you there and keep you there. It's called the Plant Power Meal Planner. It's super dope, providing you with unlimited access to thousands of constantly updated, nutritious, delicious and easy to prepare recipes all tailored to your preference.
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It's called athletic grains. People mistakenly assume that if you're going to be active and plant based, that you're going to have to stock your cabinets with all kinds of jars and various powders. And I can tell you that that is really not the case. I do think supplementation is important. It's important for everybody, irrespective of dietary proclivity, no matter who you are, nobody eats 100 percent perfect every single day.
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In addition to being one of my closest, best friends, Darren is legit.
The real deal. He's somebody that I turn to basically every single week we talk and he gives me unbelievable guidance, not on simply things like nutrition, fitness, hydration and sustainability, but also for just good, solid life advice.
This guy is wise. He's grounded. He's incredibly personable and giving. He's spiritually aware. And just bottom line, one of my favorite people and I think that's just about all I want to say in preface to today's conversation to learn more about Darren.
And you're going to want to learn more about him after listening to this. Check out his book, Super Life, which just hit the New York Times bestseller list for the very first time. Despite coming out over three and a half, almost four years ago, due in no small part to the smash success of his show Down to Earth, which you can dial up on Netflix, Daryn also recently launched a podcast himself, Darren Olean Show. He's already killing the game and he's got a new app called One to One Tribe.
One to one tribe, Dotcom, where he liberally shares all his copious wisdom. OK, enough, this is me and the force of nature known as Darran only.
So a lot's happened since the last time that we did this to your life has exploded. It's incredible.
Yeah, amongst the other craziness, it's it's it is incredible. Yeah.
First of all, congrats. It's all very well earned. I'm super proud of you. And it's been such a delight to see America or the world kind of embrace what I've already known for so long and things that you've been talking about and living like your entire life. It's gone massively broad. You know, I would imagine there's a little bit of vertigo with all of that. I mean, the number one show on Netflix is crazy. Yeah. It's it's hard to have a relationship with that.
Hmm. I think that it's almost if I can describe the experience, it's almost like, oh, cool, that's cool. Like and yet you're seeing the numbers rise, you're seeing the followers rise and then you're like and then the book, New York Times bestseller and the podcast and then and then the show. And I think that it feels like a responsibility in a good way rather than look at me like it really feels like now you have the platform to speak more broadly and potently about the things that you care about and have always cared about.
And just to recap for people that are perhaps new to you, last time we talked, it was on the eve of verrucas launching to the world. And since that moment, which was I don't even know when it was a couple of years ago, I think at this point, maybe a year and a half ago, you have cohosted this show Down to Earth with Zac Efron. It went to number one on Netflix. Your book, Super Life, just hit the New York Times bestseller list.
You launched a podcast. It went to number one in the health and fitness category on iTunes and your Instagram, I think. What did you have, like 70000 or something like that before all of this? Like mid 30s, mid 30s. And now you're at like 400 or so.
And that is the power of Netflix. It's unbelievable. Yeah. You know, the funny thing is our friend Neil Strauss said there was another show that came out similarly and different show completely, but they were doing really well. But the guy didn't receive a lot of followers. And the only thing that I can attest to this is and we can unpack a lot of the stuff as to the culmination of the show and how my idea of the intensity of the information made its way through the production and through the understanding of the audience that I don't have.
But what I see is that through the levity, through the lightness of how we delivered the show with some information, clearly it's somehow reached across the aisle of other people that don't necessarily live this way, don't necessarily have the same amount of awareness about how they are sitting in the world as it relates to their own health and the health of the planet. So so it's it's such a beautiful thing to see regular people that that I am that you are we're no different, but that they are tagline, message, thousands of them this way saying my life is different.
I am never the same. I'm going to do something better with my life over and over and over and over again from a nine year old to a 70 year old.
Yeah, that rich. Is it worth everything? Yeah, it's a beautiful exercise in humility as well, right? Like we talk every week. So I've been with you from the outset of this whole experience, and I know very well that had you had your druthers, this would have been a much more serious, intense, deep dive and issue based and policy based. And you had sort of grumbled along the way, like, I don't know if this is going to work, like I want it to be like this.
It looks like it's going in this direction. And yet to see it so well received on the broadest level is a lesson, right, in that a like I don't know everything. B, these producers understood something that I didn't because if I had had my way, maybe it wouldn't have connected in this way. Right. 100 percent like you're spot on with the struggle because I did, you know. You know, the beautiful thing is we can get into the origin story of how this even came about.
Oh, I love the origin story to tell the origin story.
Well, people people talking to you like like this. Come on. This is the origin story right here right now. You know, the the podcast we did I don't think it was the first or probably the second was the second. Probably it came by way of the show. So we did that show something about how I what I said, who I was. I don't know. But Zack heard it and he was like, what is this guy doing?
I want to know about this person. What is what is he up to? And so he reached out to your buddy, who's now my buddy as well, Connor Dwyer, the Olympian badass swimmer that. You guys are mutual friends with so Zach is friends with Connor, you're friends with Connor, so Zach reached out to Connor to get my number to see if it was OK that you give Zach my number. Right, because Zach was interested. I still haven't met, by the way.
But that's funny and kind of how it crystallized one of the aspects of it. And I told this on the podcast recently, so forgive me if you've already heard it, but I went out riding with Connor and Zach's brother Dylan, along with Simon Garance, who's like this incredible Tour de France rider who was visiting from overseas at the time. And after our ride, I'm like, come on, let's go over to Darren's house. And I took those guys over to your house pre burning down.
And we're going to get into all of that. And you showed them your whole set up and they were like, Zach would just kill to be here and all of that. So I think that trickled back to him as well. Yeah. And set in motion what would become this incredible TV show that you guys have done together. Yes.
So when Zach finally is a months later, I've forgotten. Right. So you said. Yeah, yeah. It didn't happen quickly. No. So you said apparently Zac Efron wants to reach out to you. Is it OK that I give Conor the number to give to Zach? And I was like, sure, you know, whatever, that's fine. And so I forgot about it. And then I remember the moment where I got this call when I mean cold, like I didn't know the number text.
And it was like, hey, Darren, this is Zac Efron. I really enjoyed. I heard the podcast. I really connect with what you're doing, like a very sweet. And I ran it by my, you know, Eliza, my then wife. And she was like, wow, that sounds really genuine. Cool. So I was like, dude, let's have lunch then. And so we were at at this great vegan restaurant, Golden Mean, and we sat upstairs away from everybody and sat there for a minimum of two hours.
And he was largely just asking about what I was up to. Right. And then it was kind of at the very end where we walked out. So what else are you doing? I said, well, you know, for ten years people have been asking me to do the superfood hunting show, but I really wanted to broaden it because superfood hunting has woken me up to environmental issues because I've seen a lot and I've connected to a lot of people.
So I want to do the show. Longevity principles, health, food systems, agriculture, water, like I want to get. And he was like, wait a minute. So you travel, you go to all these. But I think. Yeah, of course. So he got so fired up and then we kind of said, bye, we'll stay in touch. And then he called me two hours later and he basically said, you know, I have this existing deal with Netflix in a topic that I just am not that excited about.
It was travel. It was with other celebrities eating in countries of origin that the celebrities are connected to, like feeding fill or that Phil Rosenthal show. Yeah. So it was like going to those countries, eating that authentic food and a couple of celebrities hanging out and they shot the pilot. No one was really, from what I hear, no one was really that jazzed about it, nor was Zach. So he asked his team and his and the production could we kind of bring these concepts together and basically do what Darren was suggesting?
And I'll be damned like you walked that in everyone kind of I'm putting words on it reluctantly, but. Right. But I think they trusted something. And then over time, I got into preproduction and we spent a lot of time ironing out, you know, the show and the production team was jazzed because they're like, oh, wow, meaningful, powerful content.
Well, typically in a situation like this, the producers would be shouldering the burden of trying to find the locations. And who are the people we're going to meet with and what are the themes we're going to explore. But you brought this lifetime of experience and relationships to this, I suspect, and I want to hear more about this, that most of the places you went to, you've been to before, these are people you already know who are in your life as as a result of you being this superfood hunter for all these years, you've traveled the world and you already knew, like, oh, here are the places where we can explore these themes.
And I already have these relationships intact. Yeah, there was a lot of things. And then some course corrections on the fly to like Iceland was like almost a last minute thing. And I actually off camera, I did some foraging with some herbalists and stuff and so really enjoyed the opportunity. But but yeah, it was, it was again like I had lists of colleagues. In every episode, like heavy right to your point before, like if it was up to me, it would have been you would have gone down that academic rabbit hole a little heavier indeed.
And the thing about me when I travel, obviously. I'm having fun, and so, you know, a little bit of the candor from the show, they grabbed a little more than I probably am very comfortable with, but that's me like so when I'm out and I'm on a mission, I also have the levity and the and the lightness about it. But I'm absolutely committed. So I had all of these experts on every episode and we're going to interview these people and that people and Dr.
Polychaete and these water scientists and Blumenthal from American Botanical Council. And we had Andrius, who is head of bio piracy that got cut out like so there was there was a lot more rigor of of intensity, of information. And it was hard to be honest with you. The first the first actual episode we shot was Puerto Rico. And that was kind of flying to Puerto Rico and realizing I have nobody on my side, I'm in it. That's what it felt like because I didn't really.
Yes. I got to know a lot of the producers beforehand. But then I'm like, this is Zach. And he is a famous person. And there's intensity around that. And then realizing that, like, oh, this may not be getting all of the information I want right now. And that was hard. It was right. It was back in the in the hotel after a couple of days of shooting. And I was like, I don't know if I made the right decision because.
Well, it looks like it it feels like you went into this thinking, I'm going to be the straight man and Zach's the entertainment and I'm the educator here. But the way that it feels when I watch it is almost like Zach's the straight man. And you're the one who's spinning a crazy yarn. And he's kind of look, you know, breaking the fourth wall and looking at the camera like, is this for real? This guy, you know, like he's the skeptic.
He's he's traveling in the boots of the typical audience member who's never been exposed to these ideas. And I think what makes it work is there is a bit of a vlogger kind of YouTube sensibility, like there's a comedians in cars aspect to this, where a lot of it is just you guys in the car driving around. Right. And then it's laced with these beautiful drone shots and, you know, incredible cinematography and these montages. And it picks its moments where it gets serious.
But it's always interspersed with these moments of levity to, you know, make it, you know, quote unquote, like entertaining.
Yeah. And here's the thing. I will also say over the years, people said, well, if you want to do a show, you've got to get a celebrity. And I was like, no, I don't want to do it bad enough. I don't want to have to do that to make my topics what I believe relevant, relevant. So when I met Zach and he said this is very important because this hit me and this changed everything.
This was when he said, I have all these people that follow me. I'm an actor, but I want to do something with my platform. I want to make a difference. I really want to. You don't see me hawking things on my platform. You don't see me selling stuff. That's for a reason. And so I want to do something that's going to move the needle on health on the planet, on moving towards a better, sustainable regenerative outcome for our existence here.
And when he said it, I believed it. Right. And that that changed it all for me. Yeah. Meaning that No. One, it came this way. He reached out to me. So it wasn't me trying to find some celebrity to sell my show to. It was this innocent and powerful way that he wanted to contribute based on where he is in his life. And he does care. He's a very sweet. Empathetic person that does care and maybe just didn't know how to do it until he saw a feather or a line or a string in this connection for us to be able to start turning that corner to actually make a difference.
And I think it's a great start because, you know, for me, it's never even known what I'm about. It's never been about a show. It's about a movement. It's about a mission. It's about collaboration. It's about really doing something that will make a lasting impact. And I don't necessarily know how to do that. But I'm learning and I'm learning from people what they're asking for. So, yeah, I'm connected to a lot of things.
The show is is starting the conversation and a lot of ways. And I am excited to see what and how this unfolds because I do not take it lightly that something has sparked this audience, has entertained them, has dropped their defenses of being talked to about another. You know, agenda filled documentary. And listen, we there's been a lot of documentaries that have, you know, it's hard even though the subject matter you and I can agree with, but it's it's sometimes hard to take because, you know, we can listen to it, but it's not going to.
Reach over the aisle and grab the other people, so the show is a very deft, gentle and and I think the coolest part is how it's connecting with really young people, like, are you really going to save, you know, the dude that's our age who's set in his ways and has his worldview at this point. But if you can reach that nine year old or that 12 year old and get them thinking about these things at that age when they're malleable and they're just forming their opinions about stuff, it's incredibly powerful.
So, you know, I just think it's cool. And I think, you know, to speak to Zack a little bit, it's laudable that he would want to use this massive platform and his, you know, fame and celebrity for a good purpose. And you and I can't fathom what it must be like to be a guy like that who's been just insanely famous for as long as he can possibly remember. And when you're in that. Position A like how do you even interface with the world in a healthy way and be like to the extent that like you want to use it for good, like, you know, it's it's a really cool thing.
Like, I just I can't imagine what his day to day life existence is like. Yeah. I mean, you got a glimpse of it traveling all over the world with him. Yeah. You get a glimpse of it and it is intense. I mean, any country, any city. And he doesn't seem to want any part of that. He's brilliantly gifted at what he does, but it's not about that for him. Yeah, yeah. It's it's a interesting relationship.
Yeah. For sure. Because on the one hand, any celebrity will say, of course, there's some great things about being a celebrity, but man, there is something about it on the intensity scale, in terms of population and what people want from you and that kind of energy, that's you and I can walk around and be OK. But when that's always almost anywhere. Yeah. On the globe like that.
And how do you trust anybody? Yeah, because everybody who rolls up on you has some kind of weird agenda.
Yeah. Yeah. And I think, you know, listen, that's you know, we had a few moments in the car where and that's the cool thing about the show eventually. Just, you know, for me, I just didn't care that the cameras were on to try to be something we just there were always on. And then we were always just had these great moments. And there was a couple of times when I was driving from New York to the Angry Orchard Apple situation, it was just this beautiful moment.
We were just almost were having our own moment and our own little podcast in a sense, and talking about his life and talking about that intensity. And and, yeah, it's not easy, but I think through it, Zach's not afraid to dig in and to look at, you know, where he has his issues and where he struggles. And we all need to do that. Yeah. So so, yeah, it's it's, uh, I'm grateful for him to open himself up in a personal way and not being a character, not being a actor.
And largely, you know, he was not that comfortable in the beginning. I just say, well, oh, there's no there's no script. There's no it's just us. And yeah, well, when you're an actor, you're inhabiting somebody else. Yeah. In this he has to be himself. Yeah.
And you know me turn the camera. And I got to say right now, even though they took a lot of the weird moments. But you know. But but I think it's it's. It's great to also see, you know, the different parts of people, because it also makes makes it real, because I can I can get very serious about these subject matters. And I have both sides where I can go in and I have strong opinions and everything else.
But at the same time, in order for me to keep myself balanced, I have those, you know, fun moments. Right, that I learned when I traveled. I've seen a lot of things in the middle of nowhere that are horrible, like when people, you know, and kids are dying. You're looking at these children getting water, for example, in Africa and it's feces ridden water and you're like, that's their life every day. And they're dying of waterborne diseases.
And I'm sitting there talking to this village over here about Baobab and Western Africa, about how we can get that to a bunch of people buying these supplements, for example. And they do. Yeah, it's a struggle. But how I remedy that is I take that very seriously. I I've always taken that seriously. And how I remedy that and wrestle with that is, well, how can I benefit these people? How can I. And then we've talked about this several times in terms of how to look at kind of trying to create some sort of, you know, whatever terminology you use, circular economy, fair trade, all of this stuff.
For me, it's just the moral compass of this. Like, I see something wrong or not correct or not optimal. How can I in my own way, how can I help this situation? And so within that world of seeing this, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of intensity we have with what we're not doing great as humans, what we absolutely can improve and what we absolutely can improve in a great way. That doesn't have to be detrimental on so many of these other directions.
From an environment, from a health perspective, there's no separation between the our inner ecosystems and our outer ecosystems. And, you know, our great friend Zack Bush talks right. Speaks wonderfully about that interaction. And so and I think we need to as global citizens, we just literally have to start thinking that way. And I also challenge companies to start thinking that way. Like, what is the end product of your container? Like, ah, shouldn't you be responsible for what that's doing?
That Single-Use Plastic that's here for a thousand years? Maybe you should be responsible for, for that. And maybe there's a currency that we need to tack on to or adjust or you know, so anyway I'm going down those rabbit holes. But that's the view of even the impetus of this show was like, listen, there is a massive amount of stuff that we can bring light to. How do you even start? And the only way is like, well, let's start here and my life's not over.
And I have a lot more to give. And maybe we get a second season, maybe we get a third, maybe we just keep going and maybe at perforates into bringing attention to a lot of other things that aren't having the right attention. You know, just one little thing on that, too, like global warming, even having that word or words that becomes now political, that becomes, you know, black and white. I don't even like to use those words.
I just want to, like, go back to, OK, well, if you can provide clean power to a group of Aboriginal people in the middle of Australia, and I'm using that example because we're working on some projects there and it doesn't cost the government six point two billion dollars to provide unsustainable fuel for their generators that are always breaking down. This is year by year by year by year by year. But if we can provide water, food, power cleanly, why wouldn't we do it?
Shouldn't we be doing that? I mean, I think that, again, the show is successful because it doesn't take some kind of partisan perspective. But there is a subtle challenge to American exceptionalism throughout the show, because you go to these other places that we as Americans might think are underdeveloped in comparison to kind of the technology that we produce for the world. And yet there are so much more advanced than we are in terms of how they're approaching these very important subjects.
A perfect example is going to Paris and seeing what they're doing with their water and with the water fountains and how water is available to everybody in that episode ends with. The statistics on single use plastics for water bottles, and it's staggering, right, and it makes you think like that's something very basic that we could and should be doing here and we're not. And I think the more of those experiences that you shine a light on, it makes us reflect on our own, you know, flawed perception of exceptionalism as Americans, right?
Yeah. And I think that's a very powerful thing that some people who may not have gotten to travel and don't get to see part of the world, they're seeing these amazing people doing some incredible things that we have gotten this delusion of us as some sort of superior superpower when, yeah, there might be things that we do have, without a doubt. But there's also fatal flaws that we are still doing in the face of profit centered economy, and that will always bite you in the ass.
And so, you know, as simple as. Just pulling the rug out from under these this single use bottle, I mean, of the three hundred metric tons of plastic being created every year, half of it. Is literally single use plastic. Yeah, it's mostly water bottles and saying so we can absolutely start we need to turn off that faucet of that insane idea because, you know, not one bit of the plastic that's ever been created on Earth is gone.
Mm hmm. You know, it's still here and that's up to nine point two billion metric tons of all the places that you went for the what was your favorite episode or location? I've only watched the first three, so. Oh, man, you're going to be buried that last episode. You're going to cry. Is that the one where your house burns down? Yeah, I cried. Both on the show and love when I watch again, but it's hard to know because they each had this own special place, I think I mean, Iceland, just from a personal perspective, I wanted to just explore infinitely more.
That certainly was.
And, you know, then you go to Sardinia and you see the true village life, centuries old, this simple way of living, which is flying right in the face of everything that we've grown up with. And yet we're trying to reach back to it to give us the gems so that we can live long. Yeah, everybody in the village dating back 500 years can be traced to just five families, I think, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we both got one got cut out. But I interviewed this 100 year old lady, too, and I literally could sit there all day. The wisdom, the justice pouring out of these people. Not that they are eloquently giving you the meaning of life, but there's these simple it's this it's almost like powerful contentment that you just don't feel from anybody. It's just this. I haven't left my village. I have this one lady that I interviewed that wasn't on the show.
She's never been married. And I said, really? It just so I didn't think about it. What do you mean you didn't think about it? She was like, I just was living my life and I didn't think about it. I didn't feel like I needed a man. And so it just never happened. I was like. Wow, like she didn't buy into anything because her village was also not impressed upon these made up ideologies. It was this is the simple way of living.
I'm content in such a degree. I'm blowing apart things that we think we need to accomplish. Yeah, and what is that? The half life on those experiences. Right. Like you've had many of these over the course of your life, but then you come home. How much of that sits with you and changes how you live on a daily basis versus, you know, fading away? Like that's the trick, right? You go in, you're like, we got it all wrong.
Look at what these people are doing. And then we go back and then we just do what we always do. Yeah, yeah. I think that's a great point. I mean, largely, I, I mean, you know, I'm pretty I'm pretty content in my in my now year that I had to construct after the fire and on the land and under the trees. So in one respect, all in every trip that I've taken has influenced me and into the kind of life that I want.
Now, at the same time, I am pulled and drawn to contribute and leave something behind, whether it's education, inspiration, connecting things and making certain things possible to contribute to things that I think we need to do on a bigger scale, whether that's health, whether that's the environment, that's the Russell. So I have a huge desire to contribute in that way. I wouldn't say I'm content with that right. Because it's driving me, but I'm content in saying yes to it.
It fuels me through, you know, going back to like the population of people loving the show. I look at as like, yes, keep coming, keep coming to what I'm doing, keep coming. There are things that I'm creating that I can't reveal yet, but I am not stopping. And I'm not OK with sitting in Swale or in Sardinia becoming one hundred years. Right. That's not going to work for you know, that's not your that's not your blueprint, Noynoy.
It's not my blueprint of the of the blue zones. But but I think that's also the contentment of finding you. Finding me, finding what what drives me, not from a legal perspective, but from the heart of, you know. The heart of everything I want to do really comes down to two very simple things. I care about the health of people. I believe a healthy person has more choices and can really kick ass in their life and not have to drag around this body and then be a kind of this victim of a body that's failing.
So I believe in health of the individual mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and I believe in the intimate connection and the health of the planet. So if we can contribute in those ways. Anything else? You know me. Anything else, I just don't care.
And those two things are interconnected, of course. And I think the show does a good job of of establishing that and helping people to understand that connection. And I think the only other thing that I've gotten from that's such a great question, which is the only way that not the only other thing. And another thing that I've gotten from the travels is. Not only learning more about myself from the reflection of countless different people around the world, and that is a boundary to what works for me and being completely cool with saying no.
And this flies in the face of being kid from Minnesota. I don't want to let anyone down. I know you well enough to know that you like to say yes. And you got a lot of stuff over the years. You've got a lot of stuff flung in your direction. And perhaps he said yes, a little too often to certain things. And now the volume is 11, I would suspect what's coming at you. So you got to definitely hone in your no engine.
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And stay focused. I'd rather that rather than getting distracted, chasing things that seem cool because everything is going to look like an awesome thing to do. Right. And you can't do it all. So it just makes it more important that you really keep going back to what your core mission is, what your mission statement is, what your intention is. Exactly. I mean, putting it through those two cylinders helps, meaning the health of people, health of the planet.
But then there's also what I'm just really grateful for, of I've learned a lot of from people reaching out, a lot of people doing incredible things to make the world not only on the show itself to see, you know, CO2 sequestering in Iceland where they're injecting the CO2 back in the ground and it's creating rock and stone. And and that's a great way to sequester some of it. Yeah, I like to also support CO2 sequestering from regenerative agriculture.
That makes the most sense and something that we can do right now. And, you know, Zack Bush is doing great stuff with farmers footprint and all of those things. Those are the kinds of things that I want to continue to support. And I've learned that there's a great company called Footprint that is about a billion dollar business that no one knows about that is supplying non plastic for single use, plastic alternatives to the big boys, ConAgra, Pepsi, McDonald's, like they're scheduled to put out billions of single use items replacing single use plastic.
That to me, those kind of relationships from the show that fits with my mission to align support the ambassador for. And there's another twenty five of them that I'm trying to do diligence on and all of that stuff. So it takes a lot and it's hard to say no with things like that for sure.
We'll be back with more awesome from Daryn in a minute. But first, let's talk about sleep.
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We've got to talk about Lautz. That was a trip. Yeah, you go to Lourdes and you're going to figure out what's going on with the water there and the healing, and that episode opens up with a very tricky exchange with the chief medical doctor. I don't know what his title is. Right. That got off to a rocky start and it looked like he thought you were going to make fun of him or something like like what was happening there.
And like, walk me through that, because then ultimately it gets back on track. And that was kind of a mind blowing thing that he communicated. Yeah.
So, yeah, that was an interesting there was so many different directions to go down with water, huh. From my scientist guys to which would have been a little dry. And so I said, well, let's go to Lourdes because I want to actually study the water. And there was a whole part where I was looking at the water and we didn't cut it out. And then I sent the water to Dr. Gerald Pawlak for him to do. And he wrote the book, The Fifth Phase of Water.
He was an incredible is an incredible researcher on water. He's got a foundation there doing extensive research. He puts a program out every year and the top scientists in the world. So No. One, I wanted to learn about what the hell's going on with this water. And so we ended up at Lourdes and I. I knew the medical doctor existed, but I didn't want to meet him ahead of time. And so the people that I didn't know, I didn't want to meet before the cameras are on because I wanted to be completely authentic.
So and I don't want to throw anyone under the bus. But so the producers that set the meeting up, obviously we had to have an official meeting. And so this is what we're going to do. We're going to film this. And, you know, one person's an actor or the other person is kind of the facilitator here of water expert himself, which they said. And so we met him on camera. And instantly when I met him, I'm like, oh, I know that kind of guy.
Like, he's a brilliant, wonderful, very articulate and very proud person and very, like I said, underscore, very intelligent. So we met. Cameras are rolling, we shook hands and he started it, you know, he sat back in his chair super excited to tell us a story. You know, he had the platform and so he started on the story. And he is a great orator. And it was going to be a story.
And one of the producers. As he started kind of stepped in and said, hey, could you get to the part where blah, blah, blah and oh my God. He. Was insulted. Yeah, and I can understand both sides. I can understand he just started and we set this up and so so he was he was he went from I love the guy, by the way, and I don't hold any of that against him because of a variety of things.
And he just went from zero to. But a nine and a half being upset and so I'm like, this is we're done, meaning he thought that you were taking him seriously and this might be some kind of weird hit piece or. Yeah, he he was starting in to really tell us a story and he was interrupted. Huh. And then it just all triggered, like, what am I what am I doing? I am legit. I have a position that's real.
I am a medically trained doctor. And he hadn't got to the point of how this actually works, right, and how this actually works. Was he with all of his medical training and a whole research? Their job is to figure out if a miracle comes to them or someone thinking that they're spontaneous. The miracle happened. His job was to figure out, did it have the criteria that they could debunk, that they could figure out, well, you know, it wasn't spontaneous and it didn't completely go into remission.
It didn't change. And there's all of our medical reasons that didn't add up to this miracle. So he had to. So the science is heavy and it's long. And so as he was describing started, he was trying to get there and he got interrupted. And sure enough, he was pissed. And then I realized in a nanosecond that this guy's out, he's out. And Zack was like a deer in headlights. And so he was like, holy shit.
And everybody was and the producers were in the other room. It was just us and the camera guys. And so I just go, whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn't care about the camera. I was like, and it was a little longer than what we actually cut it to be. And I was like, let me back up. This is who I am. I care about everything that you're saying and I want to learn. Screw the cameras, please tell me your story.
And so I just I just reel that back. And I said, this is Zach. This is me. I've spent my lifetime in this space of learning and exploring and and I want to know what's going on here at Lord's. And I want to know what your position is on all of this stuff. And then he sat back. Calm down, bam, right? And that changed everything, and the producers were like, we don't know how you did that, but thank you.
Yeah, and and it became and then, of course, in that episode, they showed the x rays the mirror.
It's right. And just to recap, for people that are watching or listening, Lourdes, is this place in France where people have been going for, you know, hundreds of years to bathe themselves and imbibe this water that's lauded for its healing properties, dating back to Bernadotte, having this vision of the mother, Mary, and being compelled to dig up this essentially like underground spring. And for one, was that in what year was that when she did that?
You remember? Eighteen hundreds. There was an older than that.
I think it was 18, 25 or so.
Yeah. And so over the years, there are all these documented cases of people going there and being healed. So you go there and say, explain to me what's going on here. You meet with this doctor and he's showing you x rays and MRI of cases that he has visited over the years where there's no legitimate scientific explanation for how these people have healed themselves other than the fact that they have come to Lourdes and participated in this ritual of bathing in this water.
Yeah, yeah. And yeah, this spring has been flowing ever since. And people drink it, they bathe in it. They come clearly there's an energy there. It feels like a sacred place.
I mean, it's just and that guy had like had a massive cancer growth in his hip. Right. That just ate away his entire hip bone. Yeah. So that was the one that he showed us. That was one of the latest miracles. They had decades of research, a stack of research papers trying to figure out how this happened. The guy himself apparently didn't believe in the miracle of anything, but he he bathed in it and started tingling all over.
And his hip was it was mush. There was nothing but ligaments holding his hip together because it the cancer just had eaten his right side of the hip completely. And it all regenerated. And there is zero scientific evidence for them to explain it. And so what happens is once they've hit these certain criteria, then they're like, we can't explain it in any way in our modern medicine from every angle, from all the researchers that can't explain it. So then they pass it to the parish, to the church, and they're like, it's now up to you, whether you.
So it's not the doctors. His job is to try to debunk it. He runs it through this calculus of these criteria, one of which is that it has to stand the test of time. Right. So they they look they continue to like study these people for like a decade after they visit Lourdes. And they have to dismiss any other rationale for why this person was healed and can't ever come back.
Right. Yeah. It's so crazy that. Yeah.
Wow. Yeah. So so Lourdes was this place we could go to to start the conversation that many, many have met hundreds of scientists that have dedicated their lives to understanding this mystery, this mystery of water. And it has so many properties. We talked about what we it like a whole podcast on water. Yeah. And it goes deeper into the pun intended. It goes deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. So luchadores was this opportunity for us to go.
There is a. Form a structure, a quantum expression, chemical expression, a biological expression and influence that water has and receives and transmits and transports and everything from conduction of voltage which we live on, which our cells are needed, a certain voltage we need in order to have healthy cells. So and you're thinking about, OK, well, all cells are through an osmotic flow of interstitial water and extrajudicial water. So so there is an osmotic flow.
And then when you talk about I mean, just touching on this again, because it's so fascinating when you talk about which is why I love Dr Gerald Pollock's work when that water touches hydrophilic surface like the cell membrane. It creates energy from coming up against that surface by exchanging protons and electrons, by pushing them out, creating that what's called an exclusion zone, a little thin layer in between the membrane and the water itself. And you're like, what?
It's creating voltage. It's creating energy just by the water coming up against the surface. So that exploration is a continuous you know, this about me. It's a continuous exploration of what the hell is water and how it's structured and how it can be influence and how it can hold ridiculous amounts of memory, physical memory, like a hard drive, a computer. It can transmit information. It can receive information. So so the words going back to the show, luchadores was dipping our toe in a little bit of what potentially.
Water can kind of be and you took that water and you had it studied but didn't make it into the shell, but what were the results of that?
Well, there's I mean, it's so hard to. So I tested it from total dissolved solids. So it had I had a great medium mineral content. You don't want too much. So there wasn't anything profound. There wasn't any toxins that I saw. There wasn't heavy metals. There wasn't there wasn't environmental issues and exposure from our modern day world. There wasn't a lot. So it was a spring. It was clean. It wasn't, you know, so there wasn't that negative side of it.
There was a slightly positive to it. So it wasn't acidic. So it was benefiting. So when you look at it, you're also looking at voltage. So when you have a negative voltage, you have electron giving situation. If you have a acidic situation, you have to call it a free radical. You have a scavenger trying to take from the body. And when you have a negative voltage, you have an antioxidant essentially. So that's a very quick version.
So so from the perspective is like, OK, that makes sense. It's it's balanced. It's got electrolytes. And then I sent it off to Dr. Park. And fortunately, through you know, I put it in a stainless steel jug. I sent it through. But it's so hard because because it's now being influenced by all the other frequencies by the airline trip. And so so he looked at it. We did get conclusive evidence whether it had a lot of these hydrophilic properties or so.
You know, there wasn't anything that immediately jumped out to me that said this is different than any other water I've ever seen. And, yeah, there's some kind of alien entity. Yeah, but that being said, this was a very crude way of looking at. Yeah, there was a lot of there's a lot more science you could look into that from. I think Pollock would go right to the source and test it there. He has over the years been in touch with this doctor.
So there's been a lot of the top scientist. And from their perspective, there is something going on with the water. I don't know what that is yet, but there has to be some sort of control of it. It's not going to work by me putting in that thing and and sending it off to Dr. Pollack and having some super molecule that is in there. So but but it begs the question there. There is without a doubt coming from the earth in an aquifer that is still flowing naturally from the source, from the earth itself.
It's obviously a better water period. But the miraculous A.. I would love to find out in my lifetime. Yeah. How they how that actually occurs. Yeah, well, it's crazy times. UFOs being legitimized in all kinds of stuff. So who knows, man. Yeah. Let's talk about your house burning down. I mean, I think if memory serves me when we last did the podcast, you had just recently acquired the property and moved in, I think, on the timeline.
Yeah. So you bought this incredible little hunting lodge that had been there. When was it built in nineteen thirty three. Yeah. On this pristine, beautiful patch of untouched land deep in the hills outside of Malibu.
And this was like, like a dream, right, to come into this place. And while you were shooting the show, the walls fire happens and just I mean, you were right in the thick of it, like right where the the brunt of the fire just just rushed right over your property and everything was scorched. Yeah. Yeah. Finishing the last episode, you know. All right. So I was in the Amazon finishing the show, and I knew that I knew that the fire had started and then.
We were on the Amazon and we had no cell reception, so I was just like, well, my house has been around for a while. I'm betting on longevity.
So you had heard were you completely out of touch or you had heard that a fire had started?
Yes. So far in Malibu. Yeah. So I had heard from my neighbors and from other people in Malibu, hey, there's a fire. And and I was like, OK, I'm sending good vibes, man. My house is up to ultimate, you know, lesson in powerlessness completely. And a little naive because I'm like, I don't know how big it is. I don't really know much about it, but I'm like, you know, fire in Malibu, unfortunately, is kind of common.
Yeah. So I was off.
We're in the Amazon. We had a lot of exploring to do. And largely just when I think about it, I just send good vibes. And and then we were done in the Amazon. The funny thing is, when you do the time line of people are watching the show, the last episode, there's a plate. When we're doing a cleansing ceremony, we're smoking. So with all of these herbs, not ayahuasca, not hallucinogens, just just kind of think of it as like a sage ceremony where it's cleansing your aura and negative energies.
And it's just a very it was a very powerful moment. And when we looked at the timeline, the pretty much exactly the time that that was going on and I was being smoked out is when my house is burning. How crazy. I just didn't know it, so on some level, I'm being smoked out, getting to this incredible, beautiful, meditative place while. Almost exactly, my house is literally scorched and burning, so we leave and.
Jump back on the boat going down the Amazon River and. Next thing I know. We get back to a Chitose, the boat ramp, and I literally. Turn on my phone and I had hundreds of messages. And then within about five minutes, I realize, and there was pictures from my neighbor and I mean, it was an incredibly challenging thing, like we just had been in the middle of the jungle. We just had all of these things going on.
And then. Not five minutes, I wasn't even off the boat and I'm sitting there stunned. Hmm. And then I literally get in the car and I'm like, my house just burned down my house. I'm shocked. And I called my neighbor was the first person I said, and they picked up and I was like and as soon as they answered. They said, I'm so sorry. And I was like. Yeah, but. What was their what?
I'm so sorry. What happened, I'm so sorry, everything. What do you mean, everything? I'm so sorry. All of my my house, my car, my everything, I'm so sorry you need to call your insurance company and I'm and then they sent pictures that they had walked down and taken and I saw and that moment was just you can't. You can't understand it. Yeah, in that moment. So, I mean, only your fireplace remained and your truck just literally melted.
And motorcycles and barn. Right. And so I received pictures and I and then I was in the middle of just. Devastation like I didn't. And then I'm hearing all these messages, my mom left messages, my ex-wife left messages, all of these people leaving me, I'm so sorry. And I'm like, I'm and I'm trying to process, like, what do you mean? I just lost everything.
Like and then and then I told the crew.
And then a few hours later they said, listen, we totally understand if you want to leave and go deal with this stuff.
And I just sat there and I was like, well, what am I going to do? What am I going to do now?
And so I just. Said well. Why do you think I'm here? I'm here on this mission that may look partially like a TV show. But there was a moment in Puerto Rico that didn't make the show, there was a point when the when I said that was the first place we shot, when I was looking around at the devastation that happened in Puerto Rico from the hurricanes. And I looked in there putting up. You know, they're putting up the same infrastructure that's going to get wiped out again, without a doubt, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
And I'm like. You guys might have power after a year and a half, but you're as vulnerable. There's no difference. And and then I was like, I'm looking around going, that's the same infrastructure we have everywhere. We're all vulnerable. It could happen to all of us, any of us. And that was literally conscious thought from Puerto Rico. And then it literally happened to me. I lost everything from a. Disaster like this and so that resolve of why I'm here.
Became very clear, very quick, even though I'm grieving and I'm sad and I'm upset and I'm shocked and I was like, I'm not even finishing this fucking show. I because I know at least a glimpse more of why I'm doing this, why I'm even here, and so I didn't leave and we continued with the show and and then I you know, I came back and then dealt with just waves and waves and waves of grief.
I reached out to Dylan and asked him, I said, Darren's coming on the podcast. Like, what are some things that happened during the filming of the show? Because Dylan was on the production team that, you know, I might not know about. That would be interesting to explore. And he said he gave me a lot of input. But basically one of the things he said was that, you know, definitely when his house burned down, when you guys were in Iquitos, he said that was so tragic.
But somehow Darren kept his head on his shoulders and filmed and stayed positive. He was a rock. The whole shoot, always a morale booster for the exhausted crew. We definitely looked up to his work ethic, his early morning workouts and constant positivity and knowledge bombs. And, you know, the fact that, like, you just lost everything that you like, your relationship to the material world was completely rocked. Well, you're being staged in this place where people have nothing and your ability to maintain your composure, of course, amidst of, you know, the emotional tumult that that would have caused is an incredible thing.
And, you know, I just know, knowing you, how you navigated the kind of emotional landmines of that and the very practical material landmines of that. And very quickly, you went from, you know, anybody would be horribly upset at this happening, but you were able to reset really quickly and reframe the entire thing as an opportunity and you were able to let it go, like not just give it lip service, but to like, really, like, let it all go.
So, like, walk me through that, like, journey, you know, when you come back and you have to see what has happened to the point of, like, this is awesome. Now I get to, like, build the house that I want.
I think that. You know, grief is. Not something that comes easy for anybody and the loss is so intense that I think the. The the practice. Of. Challenges helped prepare me for that. That moment and the only other thing I could relate to that was more intense than that was the loss of my father and when my father passed away, it was so incredibly intense that I just told myself, let it all happen, let the emotions happen, don't try to do anything.
I don't know where that voice came from. So I did I let all of that emotion go and I and and process through me and the same thing with the House, I can't hold this tsunami of emotions back. It physically hurts to try to intellectualize. What just happened, so let it happen, let it all. Express itself. And it was weird, rich, it was tricky because the whole community got hammered. Friends of mine and friends of yours.
And so when I was grieving through it and realizing that I have friends, I have relationships, I have love, that was the first thing that came rushing through. And the support and the love and the their hands reaching out to me was from every direction that was like, well, this is what it's all about. This is life right here. And so receiving that was a gift. And and then through that grief and allowing it to happen, it was just like, well.
It may feel. Like this happened to me. But something shifted and I was like, no, this happened for me. And then once that clicked, I got so elated. It was freaky.
I know it was weird because you were you were legitimately, like, thrilled. I was like, what's going on? I know this is incredible. I thought you guys were looking at me like an alien, but it clicked into is going to be a lot of work ahead.
Yeah, I wasn't. That wasn't you.
I mean, you're in the years now you've been in the air for longer than I thought you would be in the year. Like I thought you're this new house project would be further along than it is. I don't know what the status is, but it's still in permanent hell. But I went this is happening to me. No, this is happening for me. Yes. And. The thing that it did was the glimpse that I got into my resolve when I thought I was passionate about contributing to the world and contributing to people and contributing to helping the planet, I paled in comparison to what this deepened inside of me.
So that gift alone, I could not take that back. I would not want to take that back because. It gave me. I don't know what even call it the sense of. Commitment, love, respect, resolve, passion, all of that deepened in a way that there's no way I would want to give that back, so I wouldn't want that experience not to have happened because of the gift that I was starting to receive in waves and waves and waves.
And you guys and you seeing some of that stuff, I was like, I'm frickin stoked, man, because I see something now. I see through the grief and I see a world that I want to contribute to. And I know that I can. Kick some ass and give it a go and use this as an opportunity to raise attention about a different way of decentralizing power. For example, there's people I know that can create clean power in a powerful way, build differently, that can protect against fire and seismic activity of earthquakes, that we can regenerate through permaculture and understanding food and food systems.
And growing through the connectedness of this earth are the way we're living and the way we're not living and their health and vitality.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. All of that stuff was rushing in in a way that I thought I knew. But was coming in so powerfully that changed my life and I'm grateful for it, so living in the year, no problem.
Yeah, still going for more. It's more of you anyway than a hunting lodge. You know what I mean? You're living in this year. So you have this kind of minimalistic lifestyle. And at the same time, the project of reimagining and reconstructing a domicile for you is like a project and a symbol and a means for you to bring your values into greater alignment with your actions. Right. Like you can create the structure that reflects everything about who you are being off the grid and with the water and with the power and all that kind of stuff.
But you're also putting up against the status quo in a big way, like I know this battle that you're waging right now, just to just to try to create something that is off grid is something no one wants to hear about. Right. Like you're like, I don't want to use the power from the pole. I'm going to do it this way. And they're like, well, you can't write. Like, the systemic nature of how we live is so powerful that it almost doesn't permit you to do things a better way.
Yeah. And quote unquote, the normal person has no other options. Right, because we haven't invested into our world that way. We have been reliant upon these monolithic monopolies that like, OK, if I build a house, I got to use this company, Edison or PG&E or these other big monopolies. And they put up these God awful poles and they string these lines and it through our house. And then we have a smart meter that Blastoise with the EMF and blah, blah, blah, it goes on and on and on.
And I was like, no one is Firkin guys didn't give me temporary power. They had me jumping through all these frickin hoops. So I just said, screw you guys. I'm not taking your power, I'm not I'm not building your I'm going to get it off grid. I'm going to use solar panel, I'm going to use some battery systems and I'm going to have everything I need. I'm not living without air conditioning and beautiful bathroom and kitchen NICEA.
Yeah, I'm going to live and I'm going to I'm going to also explore that we don't have to live. Not that there's anything wrong with it. Like we're living just in a tent without these beautiful parts of our modern day world where it's comfortable and clean and all of that stuff. I want to put attention that we can decentralize this power because. I'm not taking power from any monopoly ever again. I'm not take so when I build the beautiful, sustainable house, the one that's gorgeous and looks like a piece of art and has all of this stuff in it, I'm not living in a tent.
I'm living in a beautiful structure. I'm never taking power again. So there's other ways and it's way beyond solar. And this is a whole nother conversation that you and I will have when I start really getting into these power systems that will blow people's minds again that people are doing that we don't know about a little bit on this show, like you realize there's some great people and countries doing incredible things. If we knew more about that stuff, we could as a populace invest and understand and educate ourselves around that and not have these monopolies largely being the result of this fire.
Right. For example, that change our community forever. So, no, I'm going to spend time, energy and resources into decentralizing, decentralize our food so it can be food sovereignty, decentralize our power so we can have power, sovereignty and start to. Figure out different ways to cultivate water, right, and there's ways. Believe me, there's ways that you can cultivate from two percent humidity and you can create drinkable water. Right now, there's a lot of different things that we can do to create freedoms back again, because I don't know about you, but there's some freedoms for some good reasons for right now and some not good reasons that are going on as we speak that are not promoting our freedom.
So I don't need to be the subtle ones that we're not even consciously aware of that there that are the ones that are more problematic that we need to pay more attention to. And I think the power thing is a great example of that. I mean, I remember I came down to your house to visit you and maybe a year ago or something like that.
And it was an ongoing frustration because they wouldn't give you temporary power. Right. Like, I don't know what was going on there, but I go to your house, you don't have temporary power. But it was either I think it was Edison had brought all its trucks down and they're like trimming the trees around. The poles were the wires were. And you were like I was like, what are these guys doing here? Like, you went out there and you were livid.
You're like, I don't even have power here. I don't want your power. What are you doing here? Cutting my trees. Get off my property.
You remember that? I remember that the timing of you, you were like behind the truck or stuck like this. You have this tiny little winding road. I mean, to get to where you live is like a whole ordeal. Right. And there's no there isn't room for a car to pass another car on your winding long driveway. That was a funny moment that that that because that was the culmination of them not. Giving me power when I desperately needed to be back on my property, so everything that L.A. County and Malibu County attorney basically said they were going to do, they weren't doing so.
I'm fighting with going. They're not wow. They're not going to give me temporary, but I can inhabit my own property. So the very I'm jumping through hoop after hoop after they want this now. They want this now. They want this now. They're making me do all these things. I'm like, give me fuckin temporary power. I want to be back on my property. I want my dog back who's like displaced and can't be with me right now.
Give me my life back. And bureaucratically they don't care. So that moment was a funny moment when you showed up. And I'm like, they just rolled into my property, didn't tell me, and started cutting down sacred oak trees for wires that weren't even turned on. Right. So I raced back. I called them immediately, said, tell me that these wires are not don't have power. OK, hold on. We'll get back to you.
They don't have power. Yes, they don't have power. They're not turned on. OK, great. Take your power lines down. I've never told you it's OK. Get them off my property. And also, these people are cutting my trees down. Get them out of here. So I think we all can relate to that we all have this beautiful, convenient world, but there's you know, I use this term all the time. There's fatal conveniences.
In this respect, if my power goes out, I have no power sovereignty, if I rely on these things, monopolies and these systems that are failing, they failed Puerto Rico, they failed me. They failed our community. We have to do something different. We have to do everything we can pun intended to get our power back in our individual power. We need to invest into these other systems that do not. Have it all intertwined with one or two people making decisions for everybody.
Yeah, power being more than just electricity, but a symbol of personal agency underpins our lives. Yeah, yeah. How has the age of covid and coronavirus affected your daily routine? Like. Walk me through the Darran only day in the life of hydration and nutrition and fitness.
Well, I mean, obviously the intensity of the moment doesn't escape us. Yeah, but my daily life is largely not different.
You're as socially distant from other people as anybody I know. Yeah. I mean, just where geographically where you live. Yeah. And it's also part of understanding how I work powerfully in the world. I do need nature. I do need to repower myself up. I do need to step away in order for me to able to then step in and kick some butt. But yeah, the so I'm grateful. I've cultivated a life where I am not next to people and buildings and Wi-Fi signals and that intensity.
So I my heart goes out to people in this challenging time where you're like stuck. I'm not. And with that I don't look at that lightly. I'm trying to do I'm as busy as I've ever been. I'm as structured and as scheduled as I have ever been. And because I want to contribute, I want to continue to help people live a healthy life. So I wake up, I wake up early, I go on the eight to four program still.
Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. So, you know, I get my, my water action. I start, you know, got my he's got some show and tell. I got my blue bottle. So this is a great company. This is where glass bottles get away from Single-Use plastic. I filter my water like crazy. All the water filters into my house. This is a cool company because of the frequency of the blue.
The light passing through the blue does want to help structures the water in a way that's a similar frequency as a healthy cell. So healthy cell is between negative twenty five and thirty five micro volts. Right. So that light passing through helps to structure that water creates a energetic signature that is similar to that which is the healthy cell. When you get injured, the body uses more energy to ramp up the voltage, literally so that the healing can happen. When you're acidic and not eating well and not enough plants, your voltage literally drops right eighth grade class to two voltage meters in a potato.
You turn a light on, right. That's as simple as it is, right. So boom, drink my water. I've got some hydrogen, hydrogen water. What's the name of that bottle? This is a company called Blue Bottle Love and I happen to have love on the bottle.
So this works with Dr. Emoto Masseria motha. Yeah, exactly. So he did a lot of research around the structure of water and this was just his way of showing that the water is informed. Right. So he wrote The Love and hate and all of the stuff and realize that the water is structured by that influence. So hey, whether you believe it or not, feels good to look down and drink water that's filled, right? Oh, that's that's bathing in love.
And then I also have you know, so I have a lot of technology around water. But then what is your particular water filtration system that you use? Yeah, so I filter all the water coming into the house so every bit of water goes through three phase filters and then it vaught's. So the great work of Sahlberg are back in the early 90s, hundreds of user, observer and researcher of nature and you realize that water vaught's it's healthy when it structures itself.
That doesn't move in a straight line, nor is it good when it's stagnant. So my water is filtered and then it goes through a water. So it structures the water as it's coming into the house. And then it's just a nice little R.O. system. So reverse osmosis. So it's taking out pharmaceuticals, taking out fluorides and chlorine and volatile compounds that interact with those things. And then I have then my final filter system. It goes into a OnDemand hydrogen creating machine.
So hydrogen is one of the great antioxidants. Stabilizers of free radicals in nature. So that's pretty much what this is, and then it's in it's literally like a three stage four stage process where you have multiple filtration systems before the water ends up in that blue bottle. Yeah. Plus I have a well to so well as pretty and you get all the water from the well.
Yeah. Right. And so yeah it's pretty.
So my whole people that are into digging into that majority of links for the particular types of filters that you use that we could put in the show, now we're devising a fake you because that's a big deal after your water episode on the show. I'm sure a lot of people want to get that to you. And if people are overwhelmed with just hearing that. Yeah, I mean, you you basically just a reverse osmosis. Couple hundred bucks. Is that the most important of all of these?
Like, if somebody wants to just start, like, where's the focus?
Yeah, because the Auro is a particular size of filter that won't allow those particulates to go through the dangerous ones, the pharmaceuticals and the the things that are ending up in our water. So it filters out that. Or you can also distill the water. So distillation of through evaporation and then re condensing. Clearly that's a good one.
But your water Somalia in the show said no boyin out of that. Yeah. So that's where him and I conflict a bit and we weren't able to have a discussion enough that would make it in the show. So but he's not wrong. There's just some nuance to it. Not everyone can buy a bottle of water from who knows where, but some of those have I. So let's define TDRS again. Total dissolved solids. In our modern day world, there's a lot of junk as a total dissolve solid.
There's pharmaceuticals, there's chlorine, there's fluorides, there's a volatile nitrates. There's a bunch of stuff. The TDRS number alone is not a valid indicator because it doesn't it doesn't calibrate the quality of the tea. Right? It's exactly. It's just a total if in nature it was just tedious, it would just be mainly minerals. Right. Unless some dirt was in there. So TDRS is important, but it's important not to have the volatile compounds. If you turn on your tap, you're having many of those volatile compounds.
Now, the good thing about the modern day world, you're putting chlorine in there so it can make it all the way to you and not have bacteria that literally is going to kill you. So that's there's nothing wrong with what we've done, but it hasn't got out everything. And by exposing yourself to those chemicals and those interactive volatile compounds, those are what you need to strip out. So that's the distinction difference between TDRS. So superhigh TDRS that he obviously showed on the show.
That is not a sustainable way of getting hydration. Those are just incredible kind of almost medicinals, insides of water that are just there to facilitate something and be exposed to but not on a long term way to be hydrated. Definitely not. So for the most part, none of us have free exposure to clean springwater. No one, if you have clean tested spring water, no one choice, without a doubt, but most of us don't. Which is why I then go, well, you have to deconstruct that water.
You got to get rid of that crap so that you can build it back up, which is why I say distill your water and reverse osmosis and then you can like Remainer, Alysa, so then you can criminalize it. And a pinch of Himalayan crystal salt does what it adds. The minerals, the electrolytes again for what? So voltage can happen because that is how you hydrate and that is how you maintain healthy cells. So again, you go back to voltage, you go back to frequency if you have distilled water.
Has no voltage, right, so that's just where that little pinch, so that's the easy thing for people do auro to still add a pinch of Himalayan crystal salt. And then if you want to start exploring, stay away from Single-Use plastic start to get maybe a little into the structuring side of of the water, help to influence that water a little bit, shake it up, maybe get a little more oxygenation in there. Water doesn't like to be just sitting around so.
Yeah. So that's a little bit on what to do. So anyway that's it always seems to be the long part of my morning routine is water, but hydration is your whole thing. I mean, the point being like we're under hydrated. If people truly understood the power or the potency, the importance of hydration, it could really revolutionize your health. Yeah, I mean, one of the number one cause of fatigue, retention, brain loss, the dementia and Alzheimer's definitely have a dehydrator component to that.
When you look at the stats, I even mentioned this in my book, seven percent of three hundred million people don't even drink an ounce of water a day. Rich, that's like how is that possible?
I know, because what's happened. What I believe is happening when you wake up, your body is used, that water is trying to repair the brain and the central nervous system and get out the toxins. You wake up, you're fatigued, you're tired, you reach for what you think you need energy force. You reach for your coffee, your stimulants and everything else. And then you're in that cycle, but you're not actually reaching for water. And so the brain and the being is so powerful that it will shut off that signal of just intense thirst so that you can actually have enough mental capacity to primally try to find water again.
But we're not. We're grabbing for the other stimulants again. So it's it's a it's a crazy thing. The body's so adaptive that we literally will pass on dehydrated blueprint's epidemiologically to your children, because if you have trained yourself that this is a desert, I'm not drinking any water, then your body has to shut down certain systems. The skin's definitely going to start to fail your eyesight. Your brain activity is going to be less you're going to be fatigued.
And if you've been doing that, you're going to pass that on to your children. Epigenetic where you mean? Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you take one thing away from this podcast, it's start your day with a liter of water. Yeah. Yeah.
So then, you know, from there I just play a lot of elixirs and and adapt surgeons and things like that. And then I have my morning routine and you know, I get very clear on what I want to do and my passions and alignments and meditative places I go to. Breathing routines may seem like a lot, but it is. And it's very efficient. And then and then it's just getting clearer. And what I want to do and then I work out and that's a lot of by the time you finish the morning workout, you've lived an entire day.
Yeah. You get up at 4:00, this process begins and by 10 a.m. you're ready to start your day. But you've already had a whole day.
Yeah. So that's when I'll take like maybe make a ridiculously huge bowl of like fruit and smoothie and throw a ton of verrucas on top.
And that's when I'll have my first meal after I've done that, you know, and you live alone with sugar, your dog. So you have the ability to control your environment in a way that a lot of people don't. How was it when you were doing the show and you had to go to all these crazy places like I gathered from at least in Iceland, trying to try to eat plant based there look like it might have been a little bit of a challenge?
Yeah. I mean, you do realize throughout, you know, all of these traveling around, you realize that certain cultures, it's a lot more difficult. But luckily the word was out. So all these people and chefs and they made sure that it wasn't it wasn't challenging. But, yeah, I mean, it's if I don't make it a big deal when people want to eat whatever they want, that's that's on that. Right. And I thought it was interesting in the show, the point is made like, oh, you're vegan, but it's not belaboured.
It's not about that. And you're not like trying to, you know, make that at the forefront of, you know, what the show is about specifically. Yeah. I mean, listen, you and I have talked I just want to lead by an example and also demystify that you can live a healthy, strong life eating plants. Yeah. You know, it's ridiculous that that is not. Perceived even that, you know, you can get all the nutrients you want from an infinitely more, so I don't like to hammer that in people, but, um.
I still kick ass. Yeah, and love it. Well, you out sprinted back out in the field in France. Yeah, yeah. And this team's this team. How did the plant based diet rub off on him? Listen, he's been in and out of that for a while. I think it's just you got a commitment. You got to commit to anything. And, you know, you know, being in this isn't Zach comit per say.
But I've been around a lot of actors and you go in and out of these micro worlds and it can be draining. If you don't prepare and plan in and out of this intensity, then you can flip and flop all the time. You know, I saw it in my wife to my ex-wife as an actress. So, you know, he believes in plants and disenroll plants and for sure. And he largely has been eating a lot of plants and mostly plants.
But, you know, I think for the show, he felt a little pressure to to like, well, the chefs and they're going to make us all this stuff. So I should, you know. Yeah. Yeah. What else? You got your Shantelle down there. You got some verrucas. Oh, my God. So this is even the right bag. Notice I put Cachao. I'm going to have you wrote it in 10. So this is the last time you were on the podcast.
This company had essentially recently launched verrucas, the the Bharu nut company that are these incredibly delicious, nutritious nuts that you've sourced from the Cerrado and in Brazil. And these things are unbelievably delicious. Yeah. You can't believe how good they taste. And then when you look at their nutritional profile, it's insane.
It's insane. So this dude is that you buy this this is the new butter. So they so we put a wild cashew with brewskis before. And I told them, listen, give me some time, let me make a butter. I want you to try that. Yeah. Slide that over. When you try that, that is the best. So that's coming out. That is a breuker butter with a little coconut oil, not oil, cinnamon.
No, it's got the fruit of the bazookas in there. That's the country store. And then a little bit of low Hengel, which is called Monck Fruit. So it's it adds a little extra sweet to it. So that's coming out very soon. Probably when this law saying, yeah. And then this is my God. So you're going to mass produce this. Yeah. Those are from the factory in Brazil. I made it so much better than peanut butter or almond butter, coconut oil, Brunete and the fruit and the fruit of the Birkerts.
Right. It's like, wow, perfect combo. So this so try some of that. So now this is fair trade. Cachao covered. Oh, my verrucas. So these are this is the superfood equivalent of chocolate covered peanuts. Oh, man. And it tastes infinitely better. Wow. Those are crazy. So for anyone who doesn't know, the Birkerts is one of those companies where I you know, I found this nut. It was basically offered to me and said, do you know about it?
No, I don't. I looked into it. I explored it. I saw the nutritional profile. I actually didn't believe it because it was so superior than any nut that's ever been tested. So we tested it, got our own nutritional data, blew all the nuts away, complete protein, three times more fiber, 400 percent more antioxidants than almonds. It's a wild food. It's very rare to be eating wild food these days. Right. So it's naturally collected throughout the Sahota supporting all these indigenous foragers, not just supporting them, but basically creating a buffer like a preventative zone to compete against the encroaching cattle ranchers who want to clear this land.
Yeah, and also going back to the cattle ranchers that also have it going, hey, we'll give you trees to plant some of these back so that you have shade for your cattle. And so we're starting to starting to those conversations. So it supports the people. It supports people by eating it because it's so nutrient dense and delicious and we're planting trees and also other biodiverse plants in the Sahadeo again, because the Sahota people don't realize that's being destroyed faster than any landmass on the planet.
So for unsustainable, we don't hear a lot about the Sahota, we hear about the Amazon. But the Sahara is like it's more it's a drier kind of plain like environment, right? Yeah. So most of the plant biomass is underground. The biomass is underground. So you have the rosetta tree has got a very deep tap root and that's where the bazooka comes from and it taps the aquifer below. So it doesn't need this auxillary water. So this is all again, it's wild.
There's no pesticides, herbicides, there's no irrigation inputs. It's from the wild. And so we're getting to support that natural biome and then actually help planting the trees. So every so our basic motto is every five pounds we sell, we plant, we plant a tree. And so we're we're super proud of that. And and getting this out. And again, we this is this is again, a no brainer. We had to create our business model this way.
And this is where we all have to go, you know, and supporting the people, supporting the environment and supporting the customers that are getting a nutrient dense food. The trick with these things is they come encased in a massive shell like the fruit. Right. It's unbelievably hard. And you have to like essentially historically they've done this one by one, right by hand. Yeah. And the trick is trying to figure out a way to scale this so that you can, like, devise some kind of machine to do it or what's going on with that.
Yeah. So we're still I mean, we've made progress, but we're still trying to continue to develop better and better mechanisms to crack that shell. You can't use existing nut cracking because different sizes, different kind of shell. We're shaving the fruit from the outside and using the fruit. It's just a but historically they used to thousands of years ago. They take the whole fruit. So when I say the whole fruit, it's got the fruit layer, it's got the shell, it's got one.
Seed, right? One more thing. Yeah, and you can believably labour-intensive for one seed and you can't pick it early. It has to fall because it doesn't actually develop the seed until at the very end. And so they pick it up and typically they put it around a fire and and then on the outside of firewood, it would roast it overnight. And then it was easier to break open than they would eat it. But when we showed up, there were like hitting them with rocks and machetes and and things like that.
So we've started to automate using hydraulics and other things like that. So we're continuing to develop. But, yeah, it's it's it's creating an economy that was largely the doors are being lost. I mean, these people are shutting their doors to this this even within the country. So we're super proud that we have allowed for this indigenous plant to still be around and then to develop it in the country itself, because we're very happy that we're starting to distribute all throughout Brazil to it's not just, you know, bring it here and sell it, you know, or selling it all throughout.
What about the trail mix? Did you bring any of that part in the trail? That was so good. Yeah, sorry. So the trail is also like an amazing breakfast cereal. It's unbelieve hundred percent.
So the trail mix for everyone. This is the nut with the fruit layer that's dried and we add it together and it's just a ridiculous combination.
So is this this is basically like direct to consumer right now. I mean, it's in some retail outlets. Right. But, yeah, we're following on to the website. Yeah. The websites there, Birkerts Dotcom. And then we'll have a we have a you've got a promo code and a discount code. I think. I think so. What is it. I should know that. Yeah. Well I don't know. It's probably verrucas dotcom slash rich role I suspect, but I put it in.
Yeah. Yeah. So you know, and we love your customers because they care, they care about the environment, they care about their nutrition and they care about the way we're sustainably working with this. This is important not only business model but this sacred nut that you got to support. It's cool. Yeah. So how's the podcast journey been for you? Oh man. How many episodes have you done now? I think I think but by us talking here, I think it's 13 or 14 episodes of Welcome to the club.
Thank you. Yeah, it it's great timing.
I mean, I have a need for you to launch it essentially. Just have like how many episodes did you have out when the show launched. I don't know, maybe eight now. I mean, I know that it wasn't that timing wasn't by design, but it's it was brilliant. Yeah. You did things together. Yeah, I was. I was working on the podcast for a while, as you know. And, you know, just figuring it out.
I had this great company amplify out of Australia whose the engineers behind it. So they took off that burden and that labour. And so I just started getting used to just interviewing people and doing that stuff. And so I had a bunch in the can. And again, you know, the the TV show is supposed to come out a year ago. Right. And so it was just by divine plan that this all just lined up together. I launched the one to one tribe approaches some recipes and functional training and information and water tracking and the podcast it all just.
And then then then we got the I didn't know when Netflix was going to launch it. We all didn't know. Right. And then all of a sudden the last minute they give us this date and I'm like, wow, OK. So people think that you have control over those things. No.
You know, which is why I was like, well, OK, so I'm potentially developing another TV show. I'm staying focused on the podcast. I'm going to get that out. I'm going to stay focused on this one to one tribe. I'm just going to keep creating because I am dedicated to what I'm doing and I'm working on the sustainable stuff on the side, not really on the side, but on the forefront. But it takes a long time to develop some of these energy tech solutions with these groups.
And so I just creating and just happened.
Well, it's a great example of of luck. Hard work meets opportunity and luck. Right. Like you just were plowing ahead, not waiting, sitting around waiting for the Netflix show to come out like you created all this other stuff and divine timing kind of, you know, coincided to have these things all percolate right around the same time and. Yeah. Sort of feed each other. Yeah, it's amazing. It's cool. Yeah. But the. Podcast, you seem like you're having fun with it.
I love it. I you know, listen, dude, I mean, you know, being here with you, like just us talking and getting into stuff about things we care about. I love it. And I and there's voices that haven't been heard and there's stories within every person using this microphone as a conscious collaborator.
And, you know, ear to our conversation is fantastic. And I love it. And I'm learning, as you know, so much and exploring in my entrepreneurial brain. And DNA is just like, oh, my God, let's do more stuff with all of these great people. So, yeah, I'm enjoying it a lot. I think what you can bring to this that I haven't seen yet is shining a light on some of these amazing people that, you know, because of all the travels that you've got on it, people that no one's ever heard of who are who are like doing incredible things super obscurely.
And you can be like, tell everyone about this. Right. You know. Yeah.
I mean, if people want to check out, like, a perfect example of that as episode number two with my buddy Chris Patent, you can't even Google search. Nothing will show up in. This guy's been dedicated to the planet and clean energy tech for 20 years. And his life is centered around the civil unrest in Western Africa and the 90s when it blew up and he was stabbed and he was shot and all of these lost all his friends and and he survived it.
Is this the blood diamond guy? Yeah, the blood diamond, yes. So his he sold his rights of part of that journey into the what was now the Blood Diamond movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. And yeah, they took some liberties and they made it into a blood diamond situation. But that wasn't what he was doing. But it was that that he and then he spent the next 20 years dedicating his life to figuring out what energy systems from underground Russian scientists to obscure Tesla technology and his own science team and working directly with NASA and developing technology of lunar habitat power systems.
From what we know now, it's the only power systems that they've signed off on. So this guy, I've known him for 17 years and we resonate in this way of commitment. I think he's utterly committed to not having this planet fall apart in our hands to create better uses of nonsecular, no emissions, no waste power systems. And he's done it. And I can't wait to scream from the highest mountaintops on what he's doing and what we're involved with.
Yeah, more guys like that, right? Yeah. Cool.
Well, I can't let you go without leaving leaving people with a couple of things that they can take with them. The show did such a great job of talking about a lot of the stuff that you care about in a very macro sense, like we go to Iceland and we see how they're generating sustainable power. But it's like, all right, well, what can I you know, what am I how do I translate that into something actionable in my day to day life?
So I think, you know, it would be great through the lens of sustainability and personal health to leave people with a couple simple practices that they could think about and perhaps integrate into their lives that would help them. Well, I think that's more clear. Thank you. And I think more clear than ever. People need to be healthy. They need to stop distracting themselves and eat more plants and figure out a program that's going to work and get healthy because we need strong people to do that.
Give me a little vegan bicep flex right now. There you go. Come on, Dad. So so we need strong, healthy, happy people, nonjudgmental the kicking ass in their life. And I really believe that's the purpose of health so that you can kick ass in your life and have the filling life you want so you're not miserable with a chemistry set that isn't working. So find a different way if it's, you know, your app. If it's my app, the one to one tribe, if it's finding a group of people even online or whatever, that you can move and explore and just, you know, find recipes that work, eat better, hydrate yourself.
Without a doubt. That's the that's the easiest one, I think, environmentally. And it may feel like people have heard this before, but Single-Use plastic. My God, we need to stop. Quit buying, you know, cartons and containers and water bottles that you're literally just using and throwing away, unless you have a technology that you're able to use paralysis and break down the plastic and turning into fuel for your Tesla, which actually exists. So I so I'm mentioning it for a reason.
Unless you have that technology, stop using the single use plastic, do everything you can. And this goes hand in hand to that is start being aware of the unsustainable business practices of companies and big companies and support and maybe pay a little extra money for your food, for your conveniences to support companies that are doing things right, supporting companies that are being transparent with what they're doing and what they're offering. And that is absolutely something you can do right now and demand that support those small, of course, right now, support the small businesses right now.
And if anything, I know so many more from all of them reaching out from the show that there is a great people doing incredible things that people don't know about. So look at your dental floss, that glide dental floss that is creating putting toxins in your liver by this chemicals of pangas and all of this. Others stop using that company because that company doesn't give a shit about you use a bamboo string or whatever. Like that's literally what I'm saying.
Stop the toxic exposure to yourself and your life and support companies that are actually giving a shit about you. I think those are a lot of things that we can do to. Put attention on what needs attention and stop putting your hard earned money and attention on companies that don't care and have never cared. People are busy.
They don't want to or they don't have the bandwidth to devote the energy and time to trying to figure out who's doing things right and who isn't. Are there any resources that you rely on to figure that out? Like where do you go to learn? That's a great question, actually. I'm trying to mobilize and use a subpart of the app as that kind of a wellness warrior ambassador program. I don't know the name yet, but we have started an outline to to create attention towards brands that are doing things right, create current events that are and charities and organizations that are doing things right.
So so I'm just now starting that. I'm starting that with, you know, the generation Z kids so so that they can mobilize themselves in that direction. But but no, I don't I don't know. And this is something that we all need to know a little bit more about not being preached to, but replacing those things that we're doing on a daily basis because we're we're using single use plastic way too much. And we can stop that. And we're also just not aware of, you know, that's why I do a segment on the on the podcast called Fatal Conveniences, where I reveal some of these things that you don't even realize you're doing to then have this chemical that you're being exposed to, but then have a solution for it.
So we do need to move in that direction. And all the listeners, please reach out to me and reach out to Rich and give us suggestions, because I definitely want to support that movement. Yeah, I watched this movie the other night called An American Pikul Seth Rogen. It premiered on HBO and the young Seth Rogen plays two characters, plays his great grandfather and great grandson at the same time. And the great grandson is like this kid living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
He's an app developer and he's working on this app that he came up with. That is that very thing where you hold your phone up the camera on your phone and you hold it up to a product and then it runs it through some calculous and database and comes up with a score and gives you its environmental footprint and impact and ingredients and toxins and all of that. And I was like, we should have that. That should be a thing that exists in the world.
Absolutely. You know, let's do it. Maybe there's some version of that out there. If somebody knows, let me know, because I would like to know. Maybe you should build that. Maybe we should build it. Maybe you should call Seth Rogen to see how he did it. OK, Seth Rogen, I know I can get you.
Yeah. Can I get a good man?
I love you, brother. Thank you so much for doing this. I'm so proud of you. Your success is so overdue and well earned.
I mean, what what year to super life come out? Like four or five years ago.
Yeah, and fifteen. Have there been how many other books came out and then made the New York Times bestseller list like five years later?
I don't know. I mean, you know, that's a fun. It's so cool because and thank you it and you know, I think you remember I chose to to take an organic route with the book, just like just let it out and let it have its own. I don't want to you know, there's a weird happened because it was supposed to happen, not because you forced it.
Yeah. You know, there's a beautiful lesson in that, I think. Yeah. Yeah. But I thank you. And this full circle of the show kind of being birthed by our conversation here because of Zach heard something that you allowed me to share from and the space that you provide. I see the your opening and your ability to constantly have incredible conversations with people. And I'm proud of you because I know also that you've stretched yourself to have the success and had vulnerability in order to expand to this level.
I remember those conversations and I'm equally proud of you. Yeah. Thanks, brother. It's been a journey. Yeah, I'm proud to take it and blaze it with you. So you're welcome here. Any time. Proud to be your friend and keep rockin it man. I plan on it.
So if you want to connect with Darren at Darren Olean on his Instagram, it's blowing up like crazy. The book is Super Life Verrucas, Verrucas, Dotcom, some kind of promo code. Maybe I'll let you guys know. And what else, man? The. One to one tribe app, pretty cool and to one tribe dotcom, yeah, people can go there. There's three free days. You can get some movement plants, some breathing stuff, and you can check it out.
You can buy it if you want, but it's free and down to earth on Netflix, down to work. And I was going to ask you, what do you have coming up? But that's like another three hour podcast.
Yep. So just an excuse to have you come back 100 percent. All right. Peace, brother. Love you. Love it. Lance. Killer human that Darren Olaine, hope you guys enjoy that, I just love that guy. Be sure to give him a follow on the Sociales he's at Underscore Darren Olean on Instagram, where he's exploding. He's also at Darren Olean on Twitter. But Instagram is really his jam. Check out his book, Super Life, his podcast, Adrenaline Show One to one tribe dotcom and visit verrucas dotcom slash rich role to receive 50 percent off one of the tastiest super foods and also the most nutritious I've ever tried in my life.
And as always, visit the show notes on the episode page of patrol dot com to dive deeper into Darren's world and all the amazing subjects we discussed today.
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I want to thank everybody who helped put on today's show, Jason Caramello for audio engineering production show notes and interstitial music. Blake Curtis for videoing today's show and creating all the video clips we share on social media. Jessica Miranda for Graphics. David Greenberg for his amazing Portraits DKA for advertising relationships and theme music by Tyler Trapper and Hari, my boys. Thanks for the love you guys. See you back here. And how long?
A couple of days, I think. Well, we have another roll on scheduled, but Adam Skolnick, ex wife, is about to go into labor at any minute.
So we'll see what happens if he's having a baby. There might not be a podcast and we'll have to figure out what to do. In any event, hopefully we will be on schedule and on time. If not, we'll figure out something else to do.
Until then, treat yourselves right. Get outside, nourish yourselves. Love one another. Expand, be empathetic, share what you've learned along the way and be grateful piece that.