Dating A Porn Star
VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash- 1,382 views
- 19 Jan 2021
Jason forced David to call a plumber, Natalie sees something frisky in a car next to them on the road, and David sends $10,000 to a random person on the internet in hopes for a new Iron Man suit. Plus, Taylor gets in a car accident, and Joe's Teeny Weeny Podcast returns for the first time in almost a year!
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Wonder Woman 1984 available to stream on HBO Max for thirty one days from theatrical premiere. What's up guys? We're back to Views, the podcast.
How do you think that this is just burning inside me? What's what's your question? How do you think people imagine us recording the podcast? Because it's just an audio podcast. So what are they thinking as they see us?
Why don't you maybe some people have never even seen us before, right?
They may they may think that this voice probably they're probably like this guy's like a male model or something like that is the world.
They think you're you're you're the younger guy, maybe. Yeah. Because when you listen to the podcasts and I offer all the smart advice, I do that probably assuming that I am.
Yeah. Like all those great theories about. Yeah, I would if there wasn't night. Was it dark.
I don't know. I just feel like I'd come off smarter or some people probably that I like that's intelligent. And your movie picks the best are sitting on 31st day. I didn't say that I was rather than just music.
I have to confess something. Remember when we were like running out of your house because we we thought someone was breaking into Natalie's car and then you left.
How long ago was this, say, a couple of weeks ago. Oh, yeah. Well, and then everyone was like, going to see the car. I ran into the bathroom to pee and I peed everywhere. Are you fucking kidding me? That was you. It was me. You peed all over the floor. I peed all of the floor.
I was I was in a rush.
I was panicked because everyone was going we had the plumber cause we thought our pipes were broken. It was me. Well, you're great. You know that.
We had the plumber come. Oh, you did? Yeah. How much did it cost? Well, it's not that we had the plumber come and we were like, there's pee everywhere. And like Taylor, I thought it was me or some shit.
I was scared to ask him. I didn't want to offend him. I was like, sorry, I know how to pee like that.
That as pee all over the toilet bowl. And that was you. It was on the floor.
No, on the floor. I mean, I tried to clean it up. Are you fucking kidding me? I peed everywhere.
And then another time I went in there and I was like, I don't want that to happen again. That's awful. Yeah. I peed everywhere. And then I so I sat down to pee like a lady. And I don't know if this this has ever happened to you ever sat down to be like a lady and then it goes between the seat in the bowl anyway.
Now you're done that. No. Yeah. It was all over the floor while you were sitting down was where are you fucking with me, Jay.
You pissed all over my floor. Yeah.
Oh, wait, wait. I've even the second time when I peed all over the floor, we weren't in a rush because you weren't running to see us so broken. And Natalie's car, so that I, like, really cleaned up good.
And like me, because it was all like I mean, it was like you could see because the floors are white there, which is a problem. And you can just see yellow all over the toilet bowl. And we told the plumber we're like we think there's a leak in the pipes because there's water coming out because as you can see this pee everywhere and do it, at least my house isn't broken. I thought that's good news that what happened.
So the other day, a couple of us rented a boat. Yeah. We went in like two separate cars. We were all like carpooling down to rent the boat.
And I think it was Zane and he and I were in their own car and they're driving on their way or whatever, and they pull up next to this.
And they were like, he'd struck up high. Right. And they pull up next to this other car, a little Corvette at the stoplight.
And it's this guy and he's getting a blowjob from the girl next door. And they pull up on like this, this guy getting like road head.
He's getting a blowjob in his Corvette. He's getting a blowjob at the red light in his Corvette by this girl. I got Joe a Corvette.
Could this be a story about Joe? It is not about Joe. OK, so it was really funny.
And like everyone was like laughing and screaming, whatever. They're like, holy shit. Like, whoop.
You know, it's a rare occurrence to roll up on somebody like that. And then we get on turbo whatever. We're pulling out into the ocean away and we're waiting for like the bridge to after traverse. We're all just like waiting on our boat.
And this other little boat comes out on a boat. By the way, you're rich, you know.
And while we were on the boat waiting on the boat and trying to really paint the fucking picture loads of money in our pockets, you know, that wasn't like it was really like the smallest, cheapest little Roger boat. Any other little boat pulls up next to us. And Zangas, Holon.
Is that the girl? Oh, no way. And it's literally like we didn't even go the same direction as this other as this couple. But somehow they ended up at the same boat intersection. And then she looks Zeins pointing to the and she looks over and she's like, she just lost a dying. And she taps the guy and she's like, it's them.
It's because there's this whole, like, moment that we had, like, car to car. And then now we're having it again, boat to boat.
It was so funny when you guys were in the car, they knew that you guys saw them. Oh, yeah.
You know, he looked up and he was like, yeah, brother. Like, it was funny. There was a whole day on the boat. Were they having sex or just standing there?
No, they were just like hanging out, drinking, whatever. Damn.
Do you guys return the favor? Did you intend to give them a show?
No, no, no.
I was rude to the other day.
We were driving the car cars, me and Taylor, and she's looking through Tic Tacs. And one of the Tic Tacs has a song playing by the Fleetwood Mac song. You know that one old James. Yeah. Sing it.
Yeah. Here you go again. You say free. Yeah. About now. Now and and it's a puppy and it's a tick tock of just like a puppy, like looking out the window. There's my friend's dog or whatever. Who cares. It's Steelers fans dog and I go and I go and I go, oh that's dog face. Because if you know dogface he's the guy who who is that? He has the cranberry juice and he's on the long board and he's singing to that music and he's vibing that music and fucking not a peep from Taylor.
Not a lot, not a single laugh. And I say it and like and like she looks up at me, she goes and and then we drive for like another like I don't know, fifteen seconds. And I go, you really thought that wasn't funny? Like you really thought. No. First he goes, did you get. And I was like, I was ourselves, you get it. Be honest. Yes, I'm the guy because I feel like it's a pretty good joke.
There was a puppy and it was the music. And I'm like, that's dog face. Ha ha. And then and then whatever whatever that happened.
And then like two hours go by and I'm showing her a tick tock of this guy's fucking this dude putting on colourblind glasses for the first time and he can see and like he can finally see, you know, how emotional those videos are.
Right. And and he takes the glasses out of the box and he puts them on his face. And the second he puts them on his face, Taylor starts cracking up.
And I go. I go, what do I got so mad? I was like, first of all, this is supposed to be funny. Why the fuck are you laughing? It's like, oh, this is supposed to be emotional.
So I think she's just ready to laugh at that because the glass is, I thought like or the color. And he was blind. So I thought they were like doing a joke, like color blind.
She thought that he was like a blind guy. And they're like, do you see the color? I don't know. I think skywriter with the dogface. So they got to remember to laugh at the tick tock. Tick tock. Oh, you know what? That's what it was. That's what it was. Now I'm going to fucking show soldiers coming home not seeing their relatives in two years. She's going to be cracking up.
It's not your humor to be like, oh, look at the dog face.
Yeah, it's not my you know, that he does, like, punch. It caught me off guard, though.
So that's podcast. I talked about this thing where I thought it would be cool because there are so many tickets and seats left on airplanes. I was like, it'd be cool if an airline could offer you a ticket, but it's a lot cheaper and you don't know where it's going. So that's why it's a lot cheaper because like a random location every time. Yeah. And I said this on the podcast. Sure. But I also saw this on the podcast, like, I think like a year ago, a year and a half ago, I talked about it and someone just tweeted me this link from CNN International like it's a legit source.
And this is posted two months ago. Air New Zealand is bringing back its mystery breaks program where travelers pay a flat fee to book an entire vacation package with the airline and agree not to find out their destination until two days before they leave.
Wow, how fucking insane is their lips to. They're literally the fucking safety.
I was saying why you literally were just saying the same thing.
I know and I said this before. I don't think they stole my idea.
I think people were just thinking the same thing that the airlines are probably had this idea. Dave, you don't think Air New Zealand's a big issues? You're the Air New Zealand's a huge fan of the fox.
And they're like, oh, yeah, we're not I don't know the New Zealand accent, but yeah. So that fucked me that good. I buy me out.
It's tough when you have an idea that is not going to air and we're going to be put into play. Well, the honesty that makes me happier.
When is when is David new. When does Dave. Yeah. And I. Yeah. Oh. When's the last time he had no idea. When's the last time David.
You about eleven minutes ago. I've been trying to get this Iron Man suit for, like fucking ever, and the guy just stopped responding to me there in China and they're the, you know, where we're up at different times. Our communication is horrible. I've been doing back and forth here. And yesterday after two weeks, he finally got back to me. He goes, check your email invoice. And I checked it. And there was an invoice for the Iron Man suit.
It was a statue and it was nine thousand five hundred dollars. It was to send to buy this Iron Man suit to a Chinese company somewhere. And I was like, OK, you don't have my address or my name or like, which one I want specifically. Like, are you sure? Like, you know, which one I want. And he didn't respond for another 20 minutes. And then I sent another one and be like, hey, text me if you just want a quicker response, that'll be easier.
And he did respond for another 20 minutes. I was getting really impatient because I was like I couldn't I didn't get a hold of this guy for two weeks. I'm like, I'm sure if I can go for it. I just sent him the money. And then after I sent him money, I was like, this is my I just sent you the money. Here's my address, by the way, because I'm just so desperate for this fucking Iron Man.
How do you know the guys are going to walk away with it? I don't know, bro. There's something about it. Guys, you're a reputable dealer.
I don't know. I don't know. I mean, it's the Chinese. The Chinese play. I saw Tic-Tac Saturday night as a fucking coulis Iron Man outfit and I don't know.
So like a Chinese Tic-Tac. Yeah. How did you understand it? It took Mandarin High School. Well, this is the shit that you do. And then fucking David's business manager will cause I'm like, yo, what the fuck is this? Nine thousand nine m? We're like, yo, honestly, I don't know. And then we just said I Iron Man two, I just bought. It's like, bro, you literally spend money like a five year old.
No, I don't. How do you send money to someone that you don't even know who's receiving?
Because I don't want to wait anymore and I just want to get it done. And who's OK? If you're a scam artist, why are you scamming people on Iron Man statues? You're a dumb ass. It's like you don't really want to. Yeah, but like, come on, if I'm a scam artist, I'm going to like, pick something that I like more people a lot. So we'll see.
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I always thinking about this the other day. You know, when I feel most respected, when I'm walking by a guy leaf blowing and he turns it off as I pass by. Do you know what I'm talking about? Like your and it's been since I was fucking little. Like there's something about like an older gentleman turning off the leaf blower or the lawnmower or whatever when you walk by so Iraq doesn't come and hit you in the face. There's something so cool about it.
And like so like human about it. Like we're all taking care of each other here at the end of the day, like I may have a job, but I see you, I recognize you. Another person walking by and we make sure you don't get hurt. I think that's sick. I don't know. Well, that's just the thought I've had.
I mean, listen, man, is this the TED talk that you're building? Yeah, this is part of part of how I open it.
OK, explain to the audience what just happened.
I went to put my gum in a napkin. I picked up a napkin. There was already a big piece of gum in there and I dropped the big piece of gum on the ground. Yeah. And then I picked up the gum on the ground and I put my gum in there. Now that me and your mom is sharing a napkin. Yeah. And then you freaked out.
Yeah, I freaked out. But I want to show you what's in my gum and I wanted it to be a surprise happened. I look at this. Look at my gum. Let me take a look, see what's in that black stuff on that gum. No, no, no. Look at that. Look at the look at the white thing that's attached to my gum. A tooth that's my tooth.
Like crazy. What happened? What happened to your tooth?
I was chewing in the top of my tooth. Just came right off. I mean, we got to get a different dentist. Oh, no. Yeah, your tooth came on. That's so funny because Neck is getting her wisdom teeth removed by daddy. And she came here, like, freaking out, just getting it done tomorrow. And she came here freaking out. She's like, is this guy good guy? Good. I like he's great. And then and then my tooth is missing.
It might be in her face too little even sweating since I said I just want to be doing that. Is that a tooth that Danny worked on? Yeah, that's a tooth. Danny worked on, but it's it's a temporary it's a temporary part of my tooth that was like put on there. I'm canceling. Yeah, guys, we're trying to get Jason to come here on the podcast, and it was taking him a long time.
Oh, my God. I'm here on the dot for 30.
No, I know. But everyone else came earlier. So I was like Jason and we texted him like, Jason, hurry up. I texted him that I meant five minutes later we got a call. It's a group FaceTime and it's a dial from Jason and it's him getting in his car. And all you hear is, well, you could tell everybody I was it's like they're like this.
Yeah, damn it. Yeah, bro, he was so pissed. All you're like, I'm not even kidding. It sounds like I'm making this up. But he literally his phone picked up and it was like in his hand and he was like, fuck. And then and then right when he came in, he goes, he goes, I'm sorry guys. And we go for a while and he goes, I just I don't know what you guys heard.
So did you say more stuff? I think I threw a few more. Fuck this.
But I hit my head. You see, I was at the house. I ordered the kids food. First of all, I asked the kids to come here.
They didn't want to come because Charlie had on mascara and she didn't want you guys to see her in mascara.
And then and then I ordered them food and then it got canceled. Then they went to Starbucks. Then I came in. I was putting them in my house to go get Starbucks and they just take so long. They don't understand that, like, I have a fucking job and I have somewhere to be right.
And then I turn and I hit my head.
Oh, and that's why you were screaming. And that's when the bottle went off. And then and I was just like, just get in the house.
Just take the fucking cake. Yeah. You battal like a fucking mad man, bro.
I know. It's so embarrassing. I do. Forty seven.
But you have a lot of problems. Well that's not dude I told Meghan to come over, I told Meghan to come over. This is fucking I could not believe this shit.
I don't really understand why you were so shocked by it.
She goes, she goes I can't. And I go what's wrong. And she's like my check engine light is on. They told me, I'm not allowed to drive.
This is what I don't understand why that's so crazy.
Oh my cars. Oh my cars have check engine lights on. Seriously. Yes.
Meghan, I've never had that. Just needed a little change. Maybe I had an oil change. Meghan, that's so normal I cannot explain to you. Well I have an appointment tomorrow to choose like I'm like just come. She's like I can't drive. I have the appointment tomorrow at eight thirty. They told me not to use the car like it's fucking like it's dynamite. You just didn't want to come. No, no, no. Jay, she was being honest and like it sounded like if she got in the car blow up like Meghan, do you realize how that might happen?
Do you realize how many people check engine lights on? Everyone would just be.
Oh, I usually write about what kind of gal when it comes to like car stuff just because it's like so not in my wheelhouse. Like, I don't understand technology very well, but it's it wasn't the oil change light. It was like the engine light. Yes.
Megan, that's so normal at my Tesla and my my Aston Martin both have these.
You're like a unique breed when it comes to that type of stuff.
What do you talk you just like let it go and it works out for you. I'm telling you, every car has the check engine light on.
I promise you, it's it's like the most like, for example, the other day I was driving and the tire pressure thing came on and I was like, oh, that's weird, I'll just keep driving. And I was like, actually, let me just check it out. And I'd go into a gas station and I had a nail in my tire.
Speaking of cars and problems, another employee of ours, Taylor Hudson Taylor, say hello. Hello, that is me.
Taylor yesterday totaled her car. Oh, no. What happened? Yeah, I did.
The one you bought her. Yeah, yeah.
I still got Taylor. Got a little car accident. OK, I just said I still got mine.
Are you first of all, mine.
No one got hurt thankfully. But her car is fucking destroyed. It's gone to pieces and your airbags go off.
Yeah. Oh yeah. Her and her front's gone.
And you weren't hurt at all. Oh she's got some cuts and stuff like on your head. You make her keep working. David after the accident. Yeah.
This is her by her car. Oh my God.
You call first David. Yeah, she called me and she's like, she's crying. She's like, you need to get over here right now. This is so bad. I'm like, OK, I know she's in a car accident, but due to how she was freaking out, I would have two thousand percent.
I know, but like, the amount she was freaking out was like she killed three people, like she took three people with her.
This is fucked.
Like and I was like I just wasn't even like sobbing. It was much though. It was so scary because no, you were crying and I heard the OnStar in the background. So she was talking to both me and her, like the Mercedes contact is everything OK? And she's like answering both questions. So she's like really panicky. And I was like, hey, how many people are hurt? Like, I was trying to get all the information out of speeding.
All right, hey, I was fucking freaking out so scared.
And I got there and and it was fine and it's crazy. There's like one guy that pulled over and he was just like helping direct traffic. You just got random civilian and he like, put his jacket on and a flashlight and he was helping people. And he's like, really nice to like both the people involved. And I was like, what do you think, the capital cop, the cops aren't coming. Yeah. And like, the cars were like fucking shatter like glass everywhere.
The the front bumper was like across the street, like it was the cars were everywhere. And he was like, the cops don't come for this stuff. And then luckily I.
Luckily, a cop came by and it was really funny, he he recognized me and at the end at the end goes, he bought me this car, but not Taylor.
Yeah, everything everything's fine, which is awesome because it could have been so much worse. But what was so crazy is an hour and a half after, like after I dropped her off at my car to to drive home, I got a call from from King, this guy who works at Mercedes, who showed me Taylor's car.
Right. He sold me a car and he calls me. He's like, Hey, brother, I haven't talked him in months. He's like, Hey, brother, you came upon my mind this morning. Something just told me to call you. I wanted to see if you're OK.
Oh, the universe and everything. Yeah.
I was like, what the fuck? And I was like and I was like, Dude, you must be the best salesman on planet Earth, Larry, because my.
Yeah, because my assistant actually just got in a car accident with the car you sold us. And he goes, oh my God, I'm so sorry. Like, I knew this morning that I had to call you and I put it off till tonight because I had something crazy.
That is why it's insane, really crazy. I got a text from like like three hours. I was like, but if you need anything, come on.
So you're like, oh, and the cop got there and he told me this weird thing. He he was like when when the tow came, he was like, make sure that that's your toe, because I didn't know people do this. But there scammers, they're scammers, tow trucks that just drive around and they look for accidents and then they pick you up and they hold you in their impound lot for like like they won't let you get your car back.
And then every day they charge you two hundred dollars for your car being there. And it's like a scam that they all do. And the tow truck I got there and like the cop went to go talk to him and the cop was like, who are you with?
He was like he was like interrogating this family. Yeah. Because it's like a normal thing where, like, tow truck drivers, like scam scam people. And I was like, I I'm with the client and the cops like, who's the client?
And they're like dealership and what dealership. Like Mercedes is like, OK, you're you're.
Oh that's nice. Yeah. But like he was like making sure that like like this person wasn't like China.
That's crazy. I mean it would probably be really easy to do. I just never so easy and it's so crazy that like they do that to people that are in fucking accidents shitting on somebody that's like in the worst the worst point of the day.
The guy you mentioned, the guy that was like a civilian helping out and he put the vest on. Yeah. Did you hear him go? Yeah, I work for Dr. Phil. Oh, yeah.
The Dr. Phil really so funny. I was like my friends. Dr. Phil. Yeah.
Once a week I had to my tailor told me this morning, and this is like he called me on FaceTime. It's like, hey, what are you doing? I'm like, oh, nothing. What do you know? Just like my clientèle accident last night. I was like, what?
And I was like, You didn't call me or tell me. And but when her fucking rock flew into her windshield like two months ago, she called me immediately, oh, my God. Rock just blew into my windshield and then basically totaled her car, got so scared or something frustrating about a rock and a windshield.
Right. Because that's like it's like you you live with it forever. Like, it's just like always just staring at it. And it's like you also call me when a bird flew into your car. Right.
I feel like that happens to you a lot, too. Yeah. That was one time in my Mini Cooper. I went into a little shopping area and then like my friends and I got ice cream, like whatever, and then I'm pulling out. Right. And this girl goes, roll down your window. And I was looking around like me. And I rolled down my window and she goes, There's a bird stuck in your grill of your car.
And it literally had its wings still up like it was flying.
Gee, what are some ways you want to improve your mental health in twenty, twenty one?
I just want to get out there more and just be more me.
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It's his birthday gift. Joe, Mike, give Joe MC guys his Jovel pissers birthday. Joe Volpe is our editor of the podcast. We used to know him from The Teeny-Weeny and since his birthday, Joe, we have something very special for you today. We're going to give you a full minute.
Are you kidding me? Minute we're back. Well, just a minute. Just a teeny weeny sixty seconds for you. It's so funny because I was talking to Jason and today earlier talks, and I was like, we should give Joe two minutes both. Got here, I was like, let's just do four point thirty seven seconds. Let's show you your 60 seconds starts now. Justin. What's up with you? Welcome back to the podcast. My name is Joe, and today we're going to be interviewing someone very special who hasn't been on the podcast yet, Jason Nash.
Hi, Joe.
Great to be on the Teeny-Weeny. It's been a while.
Imagine you actually had a guest prepared like he had this whole thing, had him in the car, because every every time we do a podcast, he brings someone by just in case we give him a chance. Is the clock running? Yeah, it's at thirty eight seconds. Am I allowed to talk about.
Yeah. Yeah I can. Yeah. Holy crap guys. I have my own podcast now. It's called Layaways. Podcast is with my God at the time. Some reason the time's moving a lot faster. It's you plug another podcast. The time job is called Lightweights is with Ilya Fedorovich, no friend. And that's all the time we have. Good job. Thank you.
But would you rather fly or have said baby talk? Said baby talk in a heartbeat. Oh well wait that ass.
Yes, that baby's my dog. Well, you'd rather have your dog talk than you being able to fly one hundred percent.
Jo, Jo, stop. I'm being dead. Don't be funny.
I'm not being funny. Who died? Let's go outside. I'm first of all, you don't know if you call your dad. Well, if if that dog can speak its mind, he'd probably hate you. That's not true at all. No, I'm kidding. But boy, your dog. What's his life expectancy?
Five years. Fourteen. Fourteen. What the way. The way Joe Pampers him. Probably like sixteen. He's never seen concrete. He always gets carried. OK, so. So six years of your dog talking and then it's over but you can fly for the rest of your life. Yeah.
What conversations would you have with your fucking little puppy if he's hungry. If you want to go for a walk back, he likes me again.
You know, you gave up flying for your dog to go, hey man, I got a shit. That's what you do. That's what you're giving up.
You're opening up a whole bunch of problems. What if he doesn't like Megan? How could that be having the only talking dog he can get movies, brand deals, TV shows? No dumb ass.
You'd be the only flying human. And you get movies and TV shows. Yeah, but a talking dog show, man. Dude, I'd be really funny if Joe was the guy who had a super power, like out of everybody on Earth, like news stations came to interview him. I just couldn't imagine people watching.
Like this is the guy chosen to explain and read mind. Yeah. One day I just I walked outside and I could fly the really funny.
Oh, Meghan, this is interesting.
Can we please talk about this? Why you're bringing this up? You're going to the gynecologist.
OK, let's talk about female health. No, this is crazy. I've never been to a gynecologist myself. Don't say you haven't. No. So, OK, what is it? Is it like it is it like I would imagine it being like me to actually.
How do you imagine it when you first see what you think would happen? Well, OK, I actually don't I don't know why I said that because I don't really imagine it.
They use their hands. Yes. Yeah. Well, what if there are no gloves? Gloves.
What do they put in there? They use a a plastic plastic tongue.
OK, so time out. You're sitting on a chair and your legs are spread open like in the air. Yeah. Yeah. It's just really you get looked at but they test like pap smear and they like touch your boobs to make sure you don't have breast cancer. This guy sounds like a pervert. They touch your boobs and they kiss you and make sure your lips are nice. Had a really nice experience. I had my regular annual physical.
If you had a nice experience, well, I'd love to read the Yelp reviews. I'm gynecologist's.
Well, no. So I went to my regular doctor like a month ago and I've had a few lumps and stuff and my boobs, everything's fine. But I was like, can you just check this? Like, just I kind of want you to feel it. And he's like, You want me to feel your boobs? I was like, Yeah, go for it.
And he was like, OK, let me get a female nurse in here. I'm not a female nurse. So and he was like, I just want her to chaperone.
I was like, what a gentleman you are.
That is really she has to do that for guys. You have you you have to. They put their balls. Yeah.
They put your they put their balls for guys who put their balls in your mouth and you cough on them, they they hold your balls and then you have to cough.
I don't know. Do we do those anymore. I don't do those because I'm not in school. But I feel like that's when you do. I've done that. You still do them.
Every year is like a thing. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. But I having a physical tillable. Yeah. I haven't done in a while but but yeah. So that's, that's different and that's weird when it's like I hate when it's young people like I hate when it's a younger notice.
I guess I just go in like really trusting that they're like medical professionals.
I just needed to be like an old person, like I don't want it to be anybody that I can maybe catch at the same place I would go to. Like I don't want to see the doctor just grab my balls. That's also like. Right.
Someone may recognize you if they're like within your age range. Right. Like an old guy may not remember that. I wouldn't want to go to someone like David.
Tovarich, how are you? Are you two views about your balls?
So this is this is a little random, but this weird thing with magic, I don't know why, but like I like when someone's doing a magic trick or like someone's performing, like, I, I want people to be respected and I want people to be respectful when they're watching a trick. And there's one thing I hate. I hate when, like, people, like, predict the magic trick, I don't know. And then, like, try to trick the person that's doing the trick like that bums me out for some reason.
And there was one. I was this is like I think like a year and a half ago or like two years ago, I was talking to this girl and we hung out like like for like three, four weeks consecutively, which is like pretty pretty big for me. Like, I know there's a lot of commitment for me. I was like, surprised that I met somebody. And there's one day she was over, I was having, like a party and I showed her a magic trick and I was like, pick a card, any card.
She picked a card. And then I shuffled the deck and I noticed her card was no longer in it.
And she put the card in her own pocket to fuck with me. Oh, God. And she got the wrath of David.
And I was like and I just like obviously I kept my composure on the outside, but inside, like a volcano erupted. And you wanted to do your trick.
Yeah. And I was like, I can't do this anymore. You broke up with her. No, I didn't. I wasn't dating. But I was just like and I wasn't even dramatic. I was just like still nice to her.
Right. But I was just like like I could never talk to her again.
She probably has no idea. No, I don't think it was like that big of a deal for her. I really don't. But like to me, like at the moment.
Yeah, he said no, he isn't more like I was like, no, I don't know, I, I was I can't believe that happened.
And I was like so bummed out for the rest of the night. I was just completely off. I was like, I'm not talking to anybody.
I don't know why I was such a big deal to me. What's going on? You OK? You seem weird. You seem like you're upset about something. Yeah. Check Meghan's pocket.
She has the ace of spades, you know, but yeah, I don't know everything.
All right. What do you mean? Was it is this somebody with a magic trick or are you mad about that or why it was oh you're still in character.
If you had to be trapped on a desert island with two you tubers for one desert island, who would you choose? What to you tubers. Yeah, and she's three. She's three. Three you tubers. One month, Mr. Beast. OK, Casey Neistat. Yeah, yeah. And, um, Joe, it's a good group.
It's actually really good. That's a really good group. Yeah. It would be good on the island. Casey would be good.
Casey, you'd figure it out, Casey would get the funding and Joe would be a perfect sacrifice if something came up, looked like something showed up on the island and was like, yo, look, we need one of you, Joe, I think Joe, Joe, Joe.
And that when you guys were younger, you guys ever masturbated in school now? Never know when you were younger. I never masturbated in school, no. Now, have you ever masturbated in school?
Be very bold. I don't think so. I mean, either these guys mean 10000 hijack a plane.
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I have a question. I was just curious. Was born. I went on, I went on a date.
He didn't get hard. Oh, I'm confused. Why one of the top porn categories is all about. It's all. It's always like family. It's like Stepsister's step brother in. It's like why is that something that people are so attracted to?
I'm so confused. I think I get more the teacher thing or, you know, it's like teacher fuck student or like boss fucks employee on the desk or whatever.
The I mean that with the not doesn't have a desk. It's already in David's bed.
What category you're looking for. I wasn't looking for any category.
You can't get hard to get it right. Yeah. That turns out I don't know, this doesn't usually happen to me sometimes. Weird. Oh God I'm so sorry. Oh yes. Tell me more how you can't get heart. I don't know.
It's just like my friend did a porn star once and he loved it because he was like, you know, you're always scared that your girlfriend's fucking somebody. Well, now you know that she's fucking somebody. I mean, like, takes the fear away from you. That's what he said. I'm being completely serious. And this is like this is like when we first moved here and I remember a lot of money and he's like and he's like and we get to travel a lot of different places so you can go fuck other guy.
So I mean, he loved it. I mean it's each his own right. Like if you like, if you're into that shit, whatever the thing hurting anybody, you know who else dated a porn star.
Oh. So you know, you did not. So we were on all right. We were on our way to Six Flags and she was picking out her first gang bang scene on the phone with her manager. Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh, what you we have the title of the podcast, everybody. We have the title Bingde. See his girlfriend, Gang Bang. Six people. She a porn star when you went into it?
Yeah. And is that why you liked her? Yeah, it was cool. Did you watch her before? I mean, we didn't like like we like being like date.
Jojo's looking at his and his current girlfriend. Now it's a tough spot for Joe to be in and wanting the story from Joe. But analysts right next to one that really dig himself out of this one, especially on his birthday. He definitely should have left. David definitely should have left an hour ago. Well, OK. So, Joe, so explain that to me.
We only hung out like a handful of times, but she just like telling me stuff about the industry. And eventually I was just like, oh, OK, you guys are dating. You're so weird about this, bro.
Fucking talk about it because we didn't like we were like boyfriend, girlfriend, everything, but like, she would just give me like like we like so, so nervous to talk to talk about this, about his girlfriend, like we weren't like really dating and we barely kissed. So you guys were having sex. No, no, no we didn't. We didn't.
You didn't have sex with the porn star. No, because that was a Six Flags with her.
We went to like we like did stuff, but like, no, no, we didn't do stuff to Joe is so nervous because it we do miss her.
No, she lives by Jason's apartment.
Oh, bring me into this.
So, Annalise, how do you feel about this? How did you learn how. Did you learn that he was in insurance on it? Oh, he did. He dated one girl for a while and then after they broke up, she also became a porn star.
Daniel, are you reports now? Oh, no. She was going to tell you so. Yeah, that's tough.
That's tough in a relationship. And you choose to share something you like. I probably should if I can not say that. Yeah. And then they break up four years later podcast every day to a million and a half people I guys with all the time we have for this podcast. Thank you guys for listening.
Jason, thank you for coming and being a part of it. You know, you're a big you're a big fan of the show.
We love having you having me as well. Yeah. Jason is also a book coming out. So you guys want to go check that out soon. It's not out for a little bit.
It'll be out this year. What is it called? I fucked up so you don't have to. Beautiful name.
Yeah, beautiful man. I will see you guys later. My name is Josh.