Español Edición-Episodio 3: La calle Mina
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- over 3 years ago
- 39:39
Este episodio nos lleva al centro de Ciudad Juárez, que fue donde vieron por última vez con vida a muchas de las víctimas y donde los periodistas no son bienvenidos. Visitamos las oficinas de El Diario, periódico local de Juárez, para saber más sobre los riesgos que enfrentan quienes buscan la verdad. Además, Diana recibe amenazas extrañas a medida que se acerca a exponer a los responsables de estos asesinatos. Learn more about your ad-choices at
Episodio 1: ¿Un asesino transfronterizo?
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- over 3 years ago
- 43:37
Desde hace tres décadas, es común que desaparezcan mujeres en Ciudad Juárez, al otro lado de la frontera de la ciudad de El Paso, Texas. Los cuerpos de algunas han sido hallados después con indicios de violencia propia de un asesino serial. En este episodio, comenzamos a indagar quién podría ser responsable de estos crímenes tan brutales. Asimismo, hablamos con un exagente del FBI que estuvo al mando en la frontera y con una de las periodistas que más ha profundizado en estos asesinatos, Diana Washington Valdez. También visitamos a la familia de Sagrario González Flores, cuyo feminicidio sigue impune. Learn more about your ad-choices at
Introducing: Paper Ghosts
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- about 4 years ago
- 02:41
Four girls go missing, all within miles from one another in neighboring New England towns. And not one arrest is made. Fifty years later, the search for answers is reignited when a call reveals new information that sets the investigation in motion. Listen now! Learn more about your ad-choices at
Introducing: Racket: Inside the Gold Club
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- about 4 years ago
- 02:27
Racket: Inside the Gold Club dives into the world of the Gold Club, untangling the web of players, in an immersive, character-driven drama. Subscribe to Racket: Inside the Gold Club on the iHeartRadio App, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Learn more about your ad-choices at
Bonus: A Conversation with Ilia Calderón
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- about 4 years ago
- 11:23
Mónica is joined by Colombian journalist and Univision news anchor Ilia Calderón for a conversation about the drivers of femicide around the world, and Ilia’s new book "My Time to Speak: Reclaiming Ancestry and Confronting Race." Learn more about your ad-choices at
Ni Una Más
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- about 4 years ago
- 01:01:34
Another mass grave is discovered in 2012, suggesting a new wave of femicides. Oz investigates connections between the cartels and the international banking system, and Mónica returns to Juárez for a final conversation with Paula Flores about what happened after Sagrario disappeared. Learn more about your ad-choices at
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- about 4 years ago
- 47:49
Episode 9 - We examine the details that connect many of the murder victims to Juárez's foreign-owned factories, also known as maquiladoras. A Mexican customs investigation takes an unusual turn, leading Diana to a new line of investigation for who else could be involved in the murders. Learn more about your ad-choices at
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- about 4 years ago
- 52:12
Episode 8 - One of the biggest challenges of getting to the bottom of the femicides is knowing who to trust, and who is metido - involved with the dark side. FBI agent Hardrick Crawford begins speaking out, calling the murders "crimes against humanity." But as he becomes involved with the Juárez elite, he makes powerful enemies. Learn more about your ad-choices at
La Linea
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- over 4 years ago
- 49:14
Episode 7 - Uncovering who is behind the murders of women begins to suggest a much larger conspiracy. But how far does it reach? And does it stop at the border? Alfredo keeps digging, and we look for answers in Júarez's past. Learn more about your ad-choices at
Forgotten: Women of Juárez
- over 4 years ago
- 47:59
Episode 6 - Journalist Alfredo Corchado interviews an eyewitness from the Juárez underworld, who claims to know what's happening to the murdered women. A suspect is arrested in Sagrario Gonzalez's case. And the FBI begins a secret cross-border operation. Learn more about your ad-choices at