Chapter 29: The Heart of a King
Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans
- 12 months ago
- 46:48
Chapter 29 of Heroes in the Bible: David with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by 2 Samuel 21-24. The Heart of a King - David marches into battle once more as a weary and old king. His hands tremble when he holds his sword, but the God of all creation goes before him to secure his legacy. Today's opening prayer is inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! Listen to some of the greatest Bible stories ever told and make prayer a priority in your life by downloading the app. Sign up for Heroes in the Bible devotionals at Learn more about Dr. Tony Evans at Heroes in the Bible is sponsored by ACCU. Earn $500 when you switch your bank to ACCU, learn more at for privacy information.
Chapter 28: The Rebellion of Sheba
Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans
- 12 months ago
- 46:20
Chapter 28 of Heroes in the Bible: David with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by 2 Samuel 20. The Rebellion of Sheba - An ambitious and evil man rises through the ranks and threatens to tear apart everything God has built through David. Will he be able to strike when the king is at his most vulnerable? Today's opening prayer is inspired by Hebrews 11:6, Without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to him, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. Listen to some of the greatest Bible stories ever told and make prayer a priority in your life by downloading the app. Sign up for Heroes in the Bible devotionals at Learn more about Dr. Tony Evans at Heroes in the Bible is sponsored by ACCU. Earn $500 when you switch your bank to ACCU, learn more at for privacy information.
Chapter 27: Hanging on a Tree
Heroes in the Bible with Dr. Tony Evans
- about 1 year ago
- 41:49
Chapter 27 of Heroes in the Bible: David with Dr. Tony Evans is inspired by 2 Samuel 17-19. Hanging on a Tree - Absalom rages against his father. However, he underestimates the faithfulness of his father’s men, and the strength of their loyalty. Today's opening prayer is inspired by Psalm 71:21, Increase my honor and comfort me again. Listen to some of the greatest Bible stories ever told and make prayer a priority in your life by downloading the app. Sign up for Heroes in the Bible devotionals at Learn more about Dr. Tony Evans at Heroes in the Bible is sponsored by ACCU. Earn $500 when you switch your bank to ACCU, learn more at for privacy information.