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These truths to be self-evident, that all men are created over the years, a member of Congress, I get to have a lot of really interesting people and the experts on what they're talking about. This is the podcast for insights into the issues. China, bioterrorism, Medicare for all in depth discussions, breaking it down into simple terms. We we hope we hold these truths. We hold these truths with Dan Crenshaw, reporter.


Hey, welcome back, everybody. Very exciting and interesting episode in store for you. We're going to hit a taboo subject.


I don't think it should be taboo. And I think my my guest here would agree it is something we have to talk about. It is something we can't be afraid of. It is transgenderism. Whether you're a conservative Republican like me or a liberal liberal Democrat, we have to be talking about the truth and how we all live together. And I think that's the most important thing. I think that's the biggest goal that we should have.


How do we all live together? How do we all respect each other?


How do we live without infringing on each other's rights? And, you know, I just want to go out and say right from the beginning, as a conservative Christian Republican, when I see a transgender person, here's what I see. A person, a person.


And I think you have to start with that basic fact.


We are all people trying to live together, and governance is about creating the structure that allows us to do so without infringing on each other's rights. Scott, thank you so much for being on the show and helping me talk about this. Thanks. Thanks for having me. So, Scott, you're a transgender man, you transitioned at age 48, right, 40 to 42.


Sorry, you're 48 now.


OK, well, you'll look forward to more of a thanks for coming on.


You know, you've been very outspoken about transitioning from a from a from woman to man. What that really means, biologically speaking, what it doesn't mean and and especially you've been outspoken about the about the the medical issues associated with that. I want to get into that. I want to get into your personal story, the complications, the ethical considerations, the politics of all this, the transgender movement. You know, how do we navigate that? I want to talk military service for a little bit because that's that's close to home for me and one of your big your big, big passions, which is protecting children and how America is actually behind on this.


And it sounds like our our left wing European across across the Atlantic are are making it further than we are. But let's talk about you first and your experience. I mean, it's I've read through your interviews and your op ed, and it's it's really impressive, just your ability to speak out. You don't hold back. And I appreciate that. So I think this will be a great conversation. But, you know, take it away. How did this out of this begin for you?


Well, I don't hold back because you can't hold back on the subject when you hold back on the subject, what you're doing is, is you're making the subject political and the subject is not political. It's not the reason why we're in this mess right now is because people think it's about LGBT rights. They think it's about human rights. And we've gotten to a point where 30 years ago, you know, the right wing Christians were kind of doubting the LGBT and then they have all this power now and it's gone too far, the other side.


And so when society hears about transgenders and what they the first thing that they see is LGBT and nobody wants to take that on. Everybody wants to be loving and inclusive. And because of that, we're in a place in the world where we are mutilating our children. We don't know what happens to a body when you start to medically transition as children. We're not talking about the complications. And so because of that, people are stepping back. We need to forget that this is about this is not about politics.


This is about this is about the medical industry using our children, our awkward children, our children that don't fit in our LGBT children. They're using them, convincing them that they're trans and nobody is born trans. You make trans with synthetic hormones and surgery. What these kids have is what is called a mental illness. It's gender dysphoria. You have gender dysphoria, you make transgenderism. So first of all, the first thing is, is that, yes, it is political and it doesn't need to be.


It's not it's not a political issue.


It needs to be the scientific issue. So, I mean, walk me through your through your journey. You know, at a young age, you know, you you came out as a lesbian, right. And and then you had a really successful career and and then so so how did by age 40 to, you know, how did you decide to to undertake the surgery? It's you know, it's I always say this, I always quote barbecues, who's a writer and candidate who's a good friend of mine, and I'm writing a memoir and I sent her the chapter on this is why I transitioned.


And she came back and basically said, bullshit, there has to be more to this. And then I thought I got really offended. I'm like, no, this is it. And she goes, No, it's not. And so I sat on it for a while and I realized that that my personality is kind of an in-your-face personality. In kindergarten, the kindergarten teacher was reading a book. I put my hand up and said, Your reflections are wrong.


And I grabbed the book and started reading. So from that perspective, I always had kind of a very strong presence and it was never something that was accepted. As I got older, I was never a butch lesbian. I worked in business. I put myself together. It was something you probably figured out in a short time talking to me. But I was growing to the point where I was OK with who I was. I was I was different and that was OK.


And it did good for me in my career. But I fell in love with a Catholic woman, very, very religious Catholic woman, who almost to the point where I thought of it, kind of a mental illness, so, so religious. And she couldn't accept the fact that she was a lesbian. And so for me, in that relationship, she always used to say, you do things like a man with this, you know, you have a very masculine or you have this, you have that.


And it started to get me thinking that maybe there's something wrong with this kind of thing. Maybe she's right. And and we we separated and she went through conversion therapy. Your family went through convergence. Of course, it doesn't work. And and she came back to me and it was right when when everything was coming out with transgenderism, with with the athlete, for I forget his name anyways and Caitlyn Jenner and.


Yeah. And I thought, you know what, maybe there is something wrong with me. And then it started to get into the point where my wife was worried that she would be able to be around her grandkids. I mean, her should lose her family and this and that. So it was all a combination of this. And then what happened was, is I went to therapy and there's there's two very significant things that happened to me. I went to therapy.


I talked to the therapist about this, and she looked at me and said, how long have you been wearing men's clothes? Well, if you've seen me before the transition, I mean, I had a very female pants on.


I had high heels on. I had earrings on my neck. It was towards the end of the day. But I by no means looked like a man. And it was like at that moment, I was like in my in my thinking that's not wearing any clothes.


And everybody knew something about me that I didn't know about. And I looked down and I looked up and I went, I guess all my life, then all my life. And then when I went to a doctor and the doctor said something to me, Of course you're going to make money off me. But they said, Have you ever been tested for intersex? And I was like, no, why? Well, you have kind of this jaw line, and here I am even at forty two, I'm I'm falling into this negativity, right.


And the medical industry told me something was wrong with me, and I believe that. And that's what's happening with that, so so that's why I transition. So there's this affirmative medical industry that that's, you know, this affirmation process where if you have an issue, it must be this and this must be the the only outcome, which is which is, I think, the crux of the problem.


I want to talk about actually, I want to pause real quick, because I'm hearing this like background noise. Can you can you hear it on your end? I can't leave my headphones. You can do OK.


OK, we're back to that. So the issue you just pointed out was the medical industry tells you to affirm this. Right. And. And is this everybody in the medical industry, how did this even start? I mean, it's hard to imagine a deal with doctors often. I've got a lot of health issues like I'm missing.


And I you know, I mean, I've you know, they're always so skeptical. They're always.


So why don't you take some Advil first before we prescribe you this? Why don't why don't you go exercise first before we just go doing this?


I don't care that you want all these things. Look, I wanted a new lens put in my left eye. Doctors were like, no, we're just not going to do it at a certain point. It's a long story.


So I don't understand why for this specific issue, the the common refrain and the activism and the medical community is in the effort.


And this is in the process of affirmation. I mean, what happened there?


Well, I mean, let's take a look at the opioid crisis, right? Pharmaceuticals. This is not addictive. Take this prescribe this to people. So what was the reason for it? It was a monetary reason. So so walk with me on this a little bit. In the UK, they did a study on children in twenty. How many children were on hormone blockers? Now we have we have to look at the history of hormone blockers. Hormone blockers were developed by a company named Lupron that was deemed a criminal enterprise by the US government in 2001.


They were fined eight hundred and seventy four million dollars for bribery and false advertising. So that's the company that's telling us that hormone blockers, aren't they? They're reversible. They're this. They're that. But it's not FDA approved to work on gender dysphoria. Kids, we do not have any long term studies, although we're starting to see kids that are now 19 and 20 with the size of 12 year old parts that are having a hard time exercising. But they have the money to do the studies.


They don't want to because as soon as those studies start, all of this would stop.


But so what's happening in is in UK we get a small portion of kids that were on hormone blockers in 2008. If we fast forward to 2010, it increased by four thousand percent. So 2008, 2010 of four thousand percent increase in kids that were on hormone blockers. So why is that? Well, in 2008. What people don't realize is that when somebody is prescribed a hormone blocker, that as a child, it yields eight times more gross profit for that company.


So you can write a prescription to a child for four Lupron, you can write a prescription to an adult. The child is going to be a result of eight times more monetary compensation for the pharmaceutical company. So in 2008, if we take the average amount that cost for kids to be on Lupron, that generated eight hundred thousand dollars a year and two thousand eight. If we fast forward to twenty eighteen, we take those same numbers. It went from eight hundred thousand to thirty six million and that's in a small part of Europe in the UK that fits in the size of Texas 15 times.


So if we take that same model, take eight hundred thousand thirty six million in the size of Texas eight times and we just take North America if we change nothing, if everything stays the same with how many kids are claiming to be transgender. Twenty two percent of the entire population will be transgender. We're talking about a trillion dollar industry that is protected by the LGBT. It's protected by a society that has no clue what's going on, is protected by all these people that think that it's about politics.


And the only people that are talking up are evangelical Christians, which are fine. But unfortunately, whether it be right or wrong, they've lost their influence. When as soon as the LGBT comes up and it's the evangelical doesn't matter. It's the right one hundred million percent. Nobody's going to listen. It goes backwards. Yeah, no, that's absolutely right.


I mean, I don't. I tell my fellow conservatives all the time is right as you are, you can't make arguments based on the authority of the Bible because especially young people, they just don't see that as an authority. They're questioning what is normal when you're young, I guess.


But you're absolutely right. It's got to be a big tent conversation.


And so this is so you're indicating that it's partly financial. There's financial incentives. Of course, it's got to be more than just that, though.


It almost seems like this sort of, you know, like a different kind of religion, obviously, but it's sort of a religious adherence to this kind of to this idea of immediate affirmation, you know, because that average I mean, that doctors certainly makes money by by putting you on hormone blockers, but they're making money anyway. So it's a little hard for me to believe that it's purely financially driven. It just seems ideological, ideological as well.


It's not purely financial. Financial has it has a huge part to play. Keep in mind, though, I had a phalloplasty that build my insurance two hundred fifty seven thousand dollars for one surgery.


What is a YouTube thing?


What? It's a failure. Oh, I think I know what that is.


Yeah. So financial has something to do with it. Some has to do with a lot of people wanting to do the right thing. I think there's a combination of what's happening in our society, which people that are my age and that have kids. We were raised in the time when the LGBT was trying to get rights, when all those stories about conversion therapy, all that stuff. So we were the kids at 13, 14 years old that said we're not going to do that to our kids.


If our kids are gay, we're going to love them. We're going to do this. We're going to do that. So those are the parents, right? So the parents say, I've got a transgender kid and it kind of goes back. Well, I'm not going to do what I cyberbully do to gay people. So I'm going to go to the medical field. The medical field is getting all the propaganda about how this helps mental illness and every single study.


Are you there? Sorry, I got a phone call. Oh, yeah, we're good people. So. Then the mental health industry came out with two studies that said that, hey, you know, medically transitioning your kids, it helps mental illness, it helps this. And so parents are like, God, it helps. Well, I'm going to do this. Well, what the the news doesn't cover is the fact that those studies have been retracted.


Every single study that said that mental illness is helped by medical transition has been revoked. But we're not telling society that. Right. In Spain, I just gave a presentation. It's banned in the country.


They do have a hearing. Were you testifying in front of the government there? And then they banned it? Yeah.


For the Green Party. Yeah, they banned it. They they don't want to hear from me because I tell the truth. And the truth is, this is medical transition is cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is not covered by governments. It's not covered by insurance because it's aesthetics. Right. There are some people that feel more comfortable presenting as the opposite sex. It does not change your sex. I will always be biological male, but there are some people who find comfort in that, not very many transgender people.


And I know a lot of them, 18 of them, regret and regret with great regret. One percent's kind of like me. It's kind of like fifty fifty. And then you have one person like Buck Angel who it saved his life. Well, it needs to be available for that one person that saves its life, but who are all the other nineteen people. And if adults are doing this and we have a tragedy like this and everybody, nobody wants to cover it, it's, it needs to be told.


It absolutely needs to be told. These kids are on Reddit. They're on Tumblr. I've been kicked off of Reddit for just saying no medical transitioning doesn't really help mental illness. I'm banned for life.


And so they're not hearing another side to it at all, even from people who've are there. And I'm getting banned in in Spain. I can't get on mainstream news. It took me two years, thousands of emails, phone calls to finally get an article in Newsweek. You cannot listen to me for fifteen minutes and come away and go, yeah, medically transition. That's a good idea.


You just now, what could go wrong? Well, I want to get back into your personal story so, you know, what's the first surgery? I mean, how do people go through this? And then, you know, at a certain point I want to list there's there's a long list of complications that you've had and they're like, it's difficult to even fathom, you know, how much how much you went through because of these surgeries.


And then I want to ask you if you could just go ahead and answer. I mean, how prevalent is your experience? You know, is is that unique? Is that an outlier? Or do a lot of other trans people experience the same kind of medical problems that you did? A lot of trans have the problems that I have. Here's a problem with surgery. Get into surgery. Here's the problem with surgery. The surgeon that did my phalloplasty, that caused all the complications we could talk about, it had nine medical malpractice cases in the state of California.


The attorney told me that he was banned from conducting surgery in San Francisco to Texas, which has a tort reform act. Right. Which means, you know, the big conglomerates, you can't do those cases. It's an experimental procedure. As much as people don't want to hear it. Tranz Medicine is experimental. So it kind of covers the surgeons, the LGBT covers the surgeons, society covers the surgeons. And we're talking about complications like colostomy bags for life of losing all genitals, PTSD, leech therapy.


I mean, some horrible, horrible stuff. And he's fine. He's in California, goes to Texas, starts doing it over here. I have eight attorneys that basically tell me I'm sorry, medicine is experimental. What happens to you said, but there's nothing that we can do for us to do a case. We have to create a baseline for care, and that's millions of dollars. And your case is just not good enough. We can't do a big, big case because the Texas Tort Reform Act.


So we have surgeons that are at the bottom of the bottom. We're talking about sifting surgeons that make two hundred thousand dollars a year, taking out appendixes all of a sudden trans on their door. They have people lining around. They don't have to be held accountable. They have insurance companies cut them a check for two hundred fifty seven thousand. They've got the LGBT picketing them. And the only people that are covered or have the balls to say anything in the media, which I love, by the way, are the rules.


And they're right, you know, for the first time with LGBT stuff. No, no offense, but now nobody listens to him. Yeah, so and yeah, I mean, here's the list, too.


I mean, people should understand and read some quotes from some of your last some of your other interviews, you know, seven surgeries, pulmonary embolism and do stress, heart attack, sepsis, 17th month recurring infections, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, complete hair loss, loss of arm function, arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, bladder damage, insomnia, hallucinations, hair growth on the inside of your urethra, PTSD, million dollars in medical expenses, lost your home, your car, your job, your career, marriage temporarily.


You were unable to look after your kids. And, you know, you still can't even sue some of these people. I mean I mean, how are things now? When when did that nightmare start to end? I mean, what was how many years were you going through this? Has it ended? I'm just I'm just coming out of it. Actually, there was there was so much I had I had PTSD. I didn't leave my house for a year during some things.


I'm just now starting to get to get up and get going. I had I had kind of an awakening not long ago, a little bit over a year ago. And I was in so much pain constantly. I mean, I couldn't sleep. I had hallucinations. I mean, it it was horrible and it was horrible because I was bouncing from ear to ear. And I didn't want to go back to the surgeon, Dr. Crane, who hurt me.


I mean, he's the one that I went into and I had a ligament sticking through my arm. And he goes, yeah, that's great. Four days later, I was having reconstruction surgery. I mean, I had sepsis. I was developing sepsis. And he goes, no, you're great. Three days later, I was in an ambulance for sepsis. I mean, I didn't want to go back to him and I would go I lost all my insurance.


I couldn't think I couldn't problem solve all the the doctors in the E.R. would either laugh or they would just say sincerely, we have no clue what to do. Transgender medicine is experimental. Can you go back to the person? Well, sure. Yeah, I'm in a relationship like this person beats the shit out of me and I'm going to go back. And so I came to I came to a place where it was just so hard that I just kind of threw up my hands and I said, you know, God, the universe, whatever.


If you help me problem solve out of this, if you help me, I swear to you, I will do everything that I can to reveal this surgery. And as I started to do that, I started to get on Twitter and I started to realize that, hey, kids are medically transitioning and people think transgender people know that. I had no clue. I knew about the bathroom issue. That was it. Other than that, I just live my life right.


And I started to see what was happening to kids. And I started obsessively reading about cases, about, wow, this study has been revoked. There's not a study here. This is not FDA approved. What's going on? And it was a strong point for me when I started to get that with kids. I mean, I have three kids that are the age that they're medically transitioning kids. And once I figured that out and I kind of came together and I started to be able to problem solve and feel better, I kind of shook my head to go, OK, I get it, I'll do this.


And this will stop. This will stop medically transition kids.


And you have three would do any of them. What do any of them want to transition. No. OK, and you know, these are your kids. I think you met earlier. You said I'm a biological male. You meant to say biological female. You actually do that. Sorry, kids. You know, it's we have to have it to clarify these things.


When you talk about data, though, you do talk about some data that that is backed up.


I mean, one of the one of the real one of the real issues is the tendency for suicide about seven to 10 years after transition.


Can you talk about that? I can.


This is another reason why we're we're medically transitioning kids because it's a great, great PR move, which is what you rather have an alive daughter than a dead son kind of thing.


So basically saying, yeah, which is there are no studies that tell us that anybody kills themselves if they can't medically transition. I gave testimony in South Dakota where a gentleman got up and he was I mean, he was so convincing, he was pounding the table. If you guys stop medically transitioning kids, then I'm going to demand you carry the casket. And I remember going, oh, man, I'm doing the wrong thing. And I investigated not one in South Dakota for five years that ever happened.


And I found the only long term study which was done by a company in Sweden. It followed three hundred twenty four medically transition adults for thirty years, nineteen seventy three. And then three years later. And here's what they found, which is exactly what's happening when you first start medical transition. It's like a Christmas. It's awesome. This is going to fix you, just like I said. Now think of young kids. This is going to fix their awkwardness.


This is going to fix the lesbians not having to deal with homosexuals. It's going to fix the gay people. It's going to fix the autistic people that don't. So we get all the people, all the kids that we're supposed to be protecting that think that this is going to fix them. So they start on testosterone, really excited for them to hear all this. And about six or seven months later, they're like that. Didn't that didn't really help.


My top surgery, so that's going to fix it, and so then they have their top surgery and then they go, well, they couldn't fix it. And then when I got the bottom surgery coming up and then after that, when you hit seven, eight, 10 years, you can sit back and go running six of pain. And now the dating pool was slashed by 90 percent. I have early onset osteoporosis. I'm on blood thinners. I have heart issues, the dating pool gone.


I can't have kids. And so it's at this time when these kids are going to start killing themselves, we are going to have a suicide epidemic and it's already starting. But again, the news is not covering it. So the better alive daughter than a dead son is. If it doesn't work and when you say that to a child or to a parent, it halts all conversation. If you have a child, you know that if somebody looks at you that knows what they're doing, saying you don't do this, your kid's going to commit suicide.


Well, it's pretty much what do I need to do then?


But you've got to inform parents on what the truth is and what the data really shows for you. Would you do it again if if, you know, it's a hypothetical guarantee that you wouldn't have these kind of medical complications, which would you do it again? And. Probably not. No, still, still no, even if it was a smooth surgery. Probably not. No, you know, it's taken me a while to say that and and, you know, you get pushed when you're talking about this stuff to get trans.


Right. And it's another fallacy. I mean, I'm hormones are permanent. I mean, I could be trans, but then I'd be like a trans woman. And I really don't want to go through the B.S. My family's been through enough. So I've finally gotten to a point in my life where I accept who I am. Should I have accepted who I was before? Absolutely. Absolutely. It it is the new homophobia, honestly. And people are thinking that they're stepping behind it and and promoting transgenders and to promote the LGBT.


Well, you promote and push medical transitioning. You are homophobic because the majority of those kids are going to be gay.


Yeah, you said that in another interview. It seems like a really good point. It's like, yeah, it's when you're telling a gay boy or or a lesbian girl that they're actually transgender. It's sort of the new age form of conversion therapy.


It's absolutely what it is. But. Right. This is a perfect storm. If you've ever been in marketing or done any kind of advertising, whether it was meant to be or not, this is a perfect PR storm. Right. And making sure my voice doesn't get hurt like in Spain is it's happening all over the place. And you have to say, hey, wait a second, this is a huge financial industry. These people have tons of money to set everybody up.




One of the statistics I find interesting is who identifies as transgender as a baby boomer, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z. And there's just a massive uptick as you get to Gen Z. You know, obviously still small with respect to the with the population. But and Gen Xers and baby boomers, you're looking at point two percent of the population. Millennials spikes up to one point two. So tenfold increase, but then GenZE is at a one point eight.


So I find that interesting.


And, you know, if it were it was purely genetic or biological, something internally happening physiologically speaking, that should be that should be more consistent. And so what I guess my question is, what role does the social influence play on when somebody decides to identify as transgender?


Good question. Let me let me talk about gay kids a little bit, because gay kids are I feel like they're all mine. I was one. I mean, I'm so protective of them. I just I love them. I just want to circle them and go all you little butch lesbians. I mean, you guys are like slobs in the gay community. You're awesome. And, you know, the fanboys might just wait, wait. You're going to be so popular when you grow up, you know, you're going to have such a good life.


But what's going on in society? I mean, I have three teenagers, is that. The experimental phase in finding who we are now includes our sexuality, it's homosexual is not completely accepted and there's still taboos. But with kids, they have the opportunity to sit down and go, or my gay. Am I not my bisexual? Am I not? And kids go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. So we have these kids in the world that are going OK, and I think I'm gay.


And then now I think I'm straight. And then I'm this. And then and then they grow up and figure out who they are. Right. So the numbers that we're seeing are some acceptance, but some of it is they have the opportunity to figure out who they are in a more open environment. But a girl saying that she's a lesbian at 14 and then marrying a man at twenty five doesn't yield any permanent damage. Right. It's kind of like, yeah, I went through a phase I didn't really know, but I'm really into dudes.


And so that time period kind of resolves itself, right. With gender. What we're finding is all the people that don't belong, the Johnny quarterbacks, all that kind of stuff. These are not the people that are claiming to be transgender. It's all the kids that are probably going to grow up to be gay autism, the awkward kids. And all of a sudden they have this group, they have this clip from the reason why something's wrong with them.


And then they go on Reddit, where people like me are banned for saying I have medical transitioning. Is there some complications? They're banned for life. So these kids are all getting this society news won't cover it. And so these kids are grabbing on to this, the medical industry, the mental health industry. There's like I think there's like thirty three states now that have banned talk therapy for transgender kids. So think of think of a kid in therapy.


I, I was born. The app is I'm supposed to be the opposite sex. And the only thing that therapists can say is it's called the gender clinic. I mean, there's no why do you feel that way? What's going on? And that needs to be if somebody thinks that they're gay, whatever, we need to have the opportunity to go. What makes you feel that way? You know, you're 14. You're not having sex with anybody right now.


So you know what? You're a kid. Let's let's worry about being a kid. So there's all this affirmation of that 14 year old. We have the fourteen year old lesbian. Right. That's married to a man. Now, let's take that fourteen year old that thought that she was transgender and she hits twenty five. Well, she can't have kids. She's cut her life down, and these are all statistics that can go on my website. She's cut her life down by 10 or 15 percent for 10 or 15 years.


All these complications that are coming up, it induces psychosis. So if a girl transitions to a boy testosterone, that's a 12 percent chance of making it crazy as hell. We don't talk about that. We don't talk about the bone deterioration. We don't talk about the fact that when you are on synthetic hormones for a long period of time, like 30 years. Why don't you find me, all those people that have been all those hormones for 30 years that are over the age of 55 five, you won't find very many.


You know why they're dead or they're in wheelchairs? Why? It eats bones away. Do we know why we have no clue, we have no, none, no. So there's all these things. So we take that 14 year old that we take that 14 year old transgender has nothing to do with LGBT. This has to do with that twenty four year old kid that calls their mom and dad and says all those things. Look at what my life is and it shouldn't have been.


Why did you let me transition now? I'm going to kill myself. And I'm telling you, these parents are going to hear gunshots on the phone when these kids fall on the coffee table. This suicide epidemic is coming.


This is a huge, huge deal.


Do you have any Democrats on your side on this?


At least when I say your side, I mean, on this very specific issue of of removing parental consent for for transitioning a child or help. I mean, the case we had in Texas where the father didn't want the kid to transition and the mother was affirming that that was you know, that was that really made a lot of headlines.


I mean, I know that that guy got kicked out of the military for for organizing a pro LGBT to get rid of the don't ask, don't tell. Do you know that which guy they called him and they called him the father.


Wow. Yeah. So he's obviously not like some right wing evangelist.


Yeah. So do I have. Are you aware of any Democrats who would agree with us on this or at least are outspoken?


And I quietly agree, but. I talked to a lot of politicians and. I will not go on board with any politicians that it's an evangelical Christian that's pulling this forward because it's not going to work, it's going to go backwards. They know it's not going to work. They just want their names in the paper. So I've kind of stayed away from that. And we have several we have several bills that I helped with the South Dakota, the original bill.


And and I'll tell you that Fred Deutsch, the guy that wrote that and worked awesome dude, he's the only right wing evangelical Republican that he really has his heart in the right place and that I won't work with anybody because it's not going to work.


It's going backwards. No, I do not have any Democrats. But what I do have. Is I do have an army of transgender people. I do have documentaries coming out of the wrong kind of trans. I do have people that are reading my words and I'm getting trans every day that are saying, hey, I'm forty five years old. I've been transition for 20 years. I have no clue what's going on. Put me in front of the camera.


I've got an army. And so what's going to happen is that the transgender people that have kids that are my age are coming up and going, yeah, we don't agree with you, we don't agree with the trans radical's. We don't. And here's why. So I want to transition then, and that's great news, I can't wait to see the documentary and the kind of work you're you're going to produce here, and I think that's probably more important to have actual trans people speaking out as opposed to politicians that maybe just kind of go with the wind.


I want to ask you, maybe slightly more difficult policy question, something we all struggle with, especially as of late, the Supreme Court decision that protected the right of a it was a, I believe, a biological man who transition to a woman, worked at a funeral home and might be getting that wrong. But this is basically the story and the the owner of the funeral home and wanted to fire the person. Now, this is a difficult situation, right?


It kind of depends on where you work.


But I think we have to admit that it's a difficult situation because it's one thing to protect immutable characteristics.


But when somebody's behavior outwardly changes in appearance, outwardly changes in a sensitive place like a funeral home, you know, how do we protect the rights of, you know, the right of people to associate with whom they want to associate with while also protecting transgender people who want to transition?


You know, how do you you know, maybe there is no perfect answer.


You know, it's a thing we're struggling with. But what are your thoughts on that? Here's my thoughts on that. You choose to transition, you make a choice to medically transition. So you need to deal with the consequences of that. Now, with that, we need transgender people do need to have protection. But when you infringe on other people's rights and lesbians, feminists and feminists in general have been arguing and screaming, rightly so, about this, and nobody's been listening to them.


But when you infringe on other people's rights because of a choice that you have. There's something on there, yeah, so. There needs to be a balance, right? You can't abuse people. But then again, you can't be a dude that's got a six inch beard that has red lipstick on. You haven't taken it out of estrogen and demand that people use female pronouns and call you Sally and put you in the barracks with other women. That's wrong.


I don't care how you feel. I don't you know, we are conditioned as as human beings from a safety standpoint, to use the pronouns. You walk in the room with your eyepatch and stuff and I'm alone. I'm going to react differently than if a woman comes in. Right. It's a good thing.


Right. So asking people to call people opposite pronouns or rearrange their lives and and the structure of what we've been our whole lives because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Call what you are to that. You know, when you start looking like a man or talking like a man or woman or whatever, the pronouns will come. So we have a whole bunch of, shall we say, spoiled, entitled, mentally ill, not right. Transgender radicals that are running that are running policy.


And they need to you know, somebody needs like we did the little kids just go, let me have my you're making an ass out of yourself and take it away. Yeah.


And it's important to recognize, like, you know, as you're saying, you represent probably a majority of trans people. I guess there's a there's a fringe. There's a fringe. It's just that the US know that does want to have a live and let live solution. You know, tolerance is different than forced acceptance.


So, listen, if you asked me to call you by whatever name that you want to be called, by whatever pronoun you want to be called by, I'm not going to do it out of politeness. But if I refuse to, you can't have me arrested. You know, I think and you know, and shame me or cancel me.


And I think I think that's a pretty fair compromise when it comes to living and let live. And this gets into the discussion about the military, you know, and it seems like we'll probably agree on this. It seems to me that Trump had a pretty good policy in place. And so the policy basically looks like this. I'm a I'm the platoon commander and one of my guys comes out to me and says, you know what? I am no longer Joe.


I am Jane today.


You know, the policy was basically OK, fine. Now, Jane, get back to work, get back to work. And nothing can change. Your behavior can't change just like the military says, well, you can't get a tattoo on your face, you know, and you can't grow your hair long because that's already in the rules in the military. You can't go pierce your ears. Those rules still apply. And also you still have to deploy in three months.


So, no, you can't get any surgery and no taxpayer money will not pay for it.


That was the policy. So, frankly, it seems like a pretty good balance.


That is that has been totally changed. Now, we have certain Navy SEALs even transitioning at this at this moment, you know, going on CNN and talking about it active duty.


So you just told me all of the medical complications. You told me that there's really no science.


There's no there's no structure or standards to to these transactions and our tax, your taxpayer dollars are paying for at least one Navy SEAL to transition to a woman.


And we're paying surgeons that are, you know, medical malpractice out out the ying yang, hurting people. We're paying them to our billing insurance companies and stuff. Two hundred fifty thousand dollars for one surgery and complications.


And by the way, you can't even join the military if you have, like, flat feet.


So, you know, given given the you know, we're pretty strict and for good reason. Like, I can't deploy if I haven't gone to see the dentist and gotten signed off. Right. Or gotten a few vaccines.


So it strikes me, as it seems pretty obvious to me, that given the medical complications that you've that you've experienced and told me you're quite normal, there's no way we can deploy anybody who's undergone this transition.


No, no, here's what prompted Trump actually has some balls, unfortunately, Biden doesn't, and it's pretty obvious. Trump looked at the facts, he looked at the studies, at what point does a man taking estrogen, if he gets all the parts taken out that are producing testosterone? How long does it take for that person to take estrogen, for them to be equal physically or emotionally to a woman? And they said, we don't know. So he said, OK, we're not going to do that, and that's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do.


If if we have to call a spade a spade, I'm sorry, we have to call a spade a spade. If a man has a six inch beard, he's wearing lipstick. He wants to go Bisou and he's wearing nylons, you know, skipping through the daisies in the Navy SEAL program. He needs to be taken out of care. Well, you know, I don't care. Take him out. I don't care. There needs to be studies that say this is when a man that transition is equal to a woman.


Physically, we don't know that yet. And it's funny, I actually have a thing on Twitter. I have a little eye patch over my eye, said, yeah, me and dad, we're going to figure out this whole trans in sports. We're going to do an MRI fight. And I you know, I even wore the iPad, so I don't embarrass them.


Well, that's another big deal. It's like letting biological men compete with women. And my and we've seen women careless. It's absolutely insane. Know we're destroying women. You know, the Equality Act. I was just asking about it. Luckily, it does not take away parental consent for these transitions. Yet it's still a problem when some parents want to affirm that. But but it did destroy women's sports. I mean, that was just out of the house.


I hope it doesn't get to that. Me, too.


And that's that's actually if you think about it backwards, I mean, that's taking female rights away. And, you know, before I transitioned, I was never into feminism. I really didn't listen to the literature and stuff. But, my God, they they make a point that is like over the moon, back around again with so much sense. And you have the the trans rattles. You know, they make all this, you know, argument in the trans radical's go.


You're just said to you, USEC, that's that's a response, and these families are going, wait a second. Did you not read everything I just wrote? And then you have society going, oh, we don't want to be bigots, we don't want to be bigots. So you've got feminists, you've got and evangelicals. You have all these people that are saying the right things and nobody's listening to them. But the conversations between transgender people, I'm telling you, they agree with me and they're coming out and figuring out what's what's going on.


This is not going to last medical transition. Kids, trans women in sports. It's not a long lasting plan. It's not it's going to backfire like backfired big time. It's going to you know, doctors are going to be in jail losing everything. Pharmaceutical executives are going to be fired. Politicians are going to be unearthed. This is going to be and I've said this before, the worst medical scandal in history of the world. This is going to be huge.


How many people it takes down.


I think you're right. Probably I think I hope you're right.


I guess the last question, I might miss this vote, so I got to run.


All right. Last question, but. You're obviously fully against children transitioning, but should there still be a space or do you just think there needs to be more studies for adults who want to transition?


There needs to be reality. There needs to be there's a there's a thing called WTS that's supposed to be a baseline for care. So it's it doesn't hold up in court. I had attorneys tell me that it's kind of at the doctor's discretion. Do this, do that. So there's nothing to hold everything accountable for. We need to have that held accountable. First of all, for adults that want to do that, we need to tell people about the risks.


We need to hold medical professionals, you know, to standards and we need to call it what it is. Medical transition is cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance companies. It's not covered by governments. So we have been bamboozled as a as a country. So think of this as one big expensive boob job. Boob jobs don't save lives. You know, you don't see women that are getting boob jobs running down the street without shirts on.


Go look at these. These are real. I was born with these. That's mental illness. Let's call it what it is. This needs to be. Take it out as a financial aspect. If you want to transition, fine, pay for it. If you want to transition and be a Navy SEAL and wear lipstick and have all the stuff.


No, I mean, it needs to be there needs to be some sanity.


And unfortunately, we have politicians like Biden who are total idiots that refuse to make hard decisions. Trump made hard decisions and he was right. One hundred and fifty million percent on trans people in the military.


Yeah. And there's a problem with politicians who do tend to succumb to the loudest voices. And the truth has to come out. The science has to come out. Scott, thank you so much for being on. And that was a really fascinating discussion. I think people loved it.


Really appreciate it. Oh, yes. Thank you. Before we go, it's Trey. Voices t r e voices dot com. I have a template up there for everybody to write senators about the living. Dr. Levine, it's already written. I've got all the emails. All you have to do is copy and paste takes five minutes. You can email one hundred senators and just light these people up. Roger that. Scott, thanks so much for being on, appreciate.


All right, you take our eye.