
The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

Wall Street is in a Panic Over This Story (Ep 1444)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:08:25

In this episode, I discuss the unbelievable story of Gamestop, a story that has Wall Street elites in meltdown mode. I also address the need for conservatives to emulate leftist tactics to win the ideological battle.  News Picks: The fascinating story about Gamestop. Boycott Katie Couric is trending after her offensive comments about Republicans.  Blockchain technology has the potential to stop tech censorship. Experts agree, big tech could be in for a tough legal fight.  Victory. Federal judge blocks the Biden scheme to stop deportations. Newsweek gets busted trying to rewrite history. Respected economist completely destroys the Washington Post claim about the Trump economy.  “Journalists” against free speech.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

A Warning About The Most Destructive Legislation I’ve Seen in Decades (Ep 1443)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:07:20

In this episode, I discuss the most destructive piece of legislation I’ve seen in decades. If it passes, it’ll change the United States forever.  News Picks: HR 1 would be a catastrophe for the United States. The Patriot Party math doesn’t work out. Start voting your shares and send a message to the big tech tyrants. Joe Biden is the worst five-day President ever. Another significant information dump in the Spygate case. Big news. Kyrsten Sinema pledges to vote against eliminating the filibuster. More on Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and his involvement in the 2020 election. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Bongino Brief - Jan 23, 2021

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 07:50

Why the left suppresses free speech.

A Real Plan to Fight Back Against the Tech Tyrants (Ep 1440)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:03:50

In this episode, I discuss a step by step plan to fight back against the big tech tyrants and their cancel culture allies.  News Picks: Here’s the charity website addressed by my daughter on the show today. Unsurprisingly, trust in the media is at an all time low. Biden brings back the Obama-era slush fund for liberal groups. This is a pessimistic view of what it takes to build a parallel economy, but it’s worth reading. Supporters take to the streets to welcome President Trump back to Florida. Justice is dead, here’s the evidence.  Amazon offers to help the Biden administration distribute the vaccine. Did they make the same offer to President Trump? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Dark Days Ahead (Ep 1439)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:09:35

In this episode, I warn America about the dark days ahead. We need to have open eyes to the pending threats to liberty and freedom. I finish the show on an optimistic note about the possibilities for fixing this disaster.  News Picks: Is it time for a national divorce? This author has some ideas. Why the left has to suppress free speech.  President Trump says “we will be back.”  President Trump declassified a binder of Spygate documents. Fox News parts ways with Chris Stirewalt.  YouTube continues their march towards totalitarian tech tyranny. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Bongino Brief - Jan 16, 2021

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 05:05

Twitter's Jack Dorsey is the biggest fraud on Planet Earth.

The Purge Continues. The Inside Story. (Ep 1434)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:08:13

In this episode, I give you the inside story about what’s going on with Parler. I also address the real consequences of the ridiculous impeachment of President Trump.  News Picks: Save the Constitution from big tech. Here’s how.  Reporter lays out the case that Facebook played more of a role than Parler in the events at the Capitol.  Glenn Greenwald’s incredible piece about the hit job on Parler. Sixty percent of Americans call impeachment a “waste of time.”  Pelosi silent after tweet declaring the 2016 election “hijacked,” resurfaces.  Here’s what the Twitter hate machine allows. YouTube piles on and suspends Trump's channel. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

A Plan To Preserve Liberty (Ep 1433)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 58:16

In this episode, I discuss the ongoing war on conservative free speech by the tech tyrants, media totalitarians, and liberals. News Picks: Parler fights back and sues Amazon. This is stage 2 of the left’s destruction of the conservative movement.  These accounts are still on Twitter, despite openly inciting violence. Biden proposes national racial discrimination? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Road Ahead (Ep 1432)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:01:30

In this episode, I discuss the open war on free speech declared this past weekend.  News Picks: Twitter monopolist Jack Dorsey mocks Parler after Parler beats Twitter to the top spot in the App Store, and is subsequently removed. Parler’s CEO is pursuing legal action against the tech tyrants. Mozilla issues a creepy statement. The conservative personalities leading the charge against tech tyranny. The “you can’t yell fire in a movie theater” defense of restricted speech is nonsense. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

We Gotta Fix This (Ep 1431)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:01:59

In this episode, I discuss the extremely dangerous path we are headed down in the coming weeks, and what we can do to turn it around.  News Picks: I’m leaving Twitter, permanently. Twitter is run by communists.  Biden makes an outlandish claim about the incident at the Capitol. Senator Josh Hawley here cancelled.  May God’s rest this Patriot’s soul.  The five crisis facing America right now.  Michelle Obama urged tech tyrants to permanently ban Trump.  Top Democrats are urging the TSA and FBI to do something unprecedented in modern history. Facial recognition company demands the Washington Times retract story linking ANTIFA to Capitol siege. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

About Yesterday (Ep 1430)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 58:46

In this episode, I discuss the dramatic events that unfolded on Capitol Hill yesterday.  News Picks: Firm claims ANTIFA infiltrated the protestors on Capitol Hill.  The media hypocrisy regarding political violence is astonishing to watch. Joint session of Congress certifies electoral college count.  Twitter ruthlessly locks President Trump’s account after he calls for peace. Is the digital media revolution coming?  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

If You’re Looking For Good News Then Don’t Listen To This Show (Ep 1429)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:02:32

In this episode, I discuss the disgraceful, disastrous collapse of the country at the hands of the liberal forest fire, and what we can do about it after last night’s election.  News Picks: The joint session to count the electoral votes could take days. The media is still lying to you about Florida. Here’s the real Raphael Warnock.  More on the real Raphael Warnock. Chaos erupts in the Pennsylvania State Senate.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in Georgia (Ep 1428)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:03:29

In this episode, I discuss the disturbing new developments out of Georgia as questions continue to multiply about the election. I also address the troubling new investigation into the origins of the coronavirus.  News Picks: Did the coronavirus come from a lab in China? Stunning new evidence emerges Brad Raffensperger dodged a simple question about who leaked the tape. A simple explanation of the 12th Amendment, for media hacks who can’t read.  Have we been visited by aliens? More police state nonsense from this NY Democrat. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Big Lie In Georgia (1427)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:02:01

In this episode, I discuss the explosive new revelations about the Georgia election, and the ridiculous media spin behind it.  News Picks:  Watch the hypocritical Democrats object to the counting of the electoral college votes in 2001 and 2005. A stunning article alleging “vote switching” in Georgia.  Where are the chain of custody documents for these absentee ballots in Georgia? Why won’t the Georgia Secretary of State answer simple questions about the election? Tuesday and Wednesday are going to be busy.  Pelosi bans gender terms like “mother” and “father” in new House rules.  Have we been visited by aliens? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Bongino Brief - Jan 02, 2021

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 05:10

Is Nancy Pelosi in trouble in her bid for House Speaker?

News Out of Georgia (Ep 1426)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 45:36

In this episode, I discuss the breaking news out of Georgia about the 2020 election and a troubling story out of Illinois about a school official.  News Picks:  Georgia court sets a hearing date for a serious election challenge. Apparently, cancel culture only applies if you’re a conservative. Small businesses are getting crushed while business giants prosper.  Chicago school board member gets busted on vacation while pushing for schools to remain closed.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Expert Witness Says He Hacked Into Georgia Election System (Ep 1425)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:06:01

In this episode, I discuss the troubling discrepancies in the vote count in Pennsylvania, a disturbing video out of Georgia, the troubling story behind the Nashville attack, and the Air Force’s newest game-changing weapon.  News Picks: Pennsylvania still cannot explain the discrepancies in their ballot counts.  Could Nancy Pelosi be in trouble in her quest to remain Speaker of the House?  BLM, the Marxist terror-group, is now pressuring DC hotels to close to keep Trump supporters out. This new Air Force weapon could be a game changer. You’re about to witness an explosion in private police forces as dopey liberals push to defund the police.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

What’s Really Going Down on Jan 6 at 1P? (Ep 1424)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:09:02

In this episode, I discuss the controversy brewing over the powers of both Congress, and the Vice President, in a disputed election, and the continued efforts by Facebook to interfere in the election.  News Picks: A terrific article explaining what happens during the electoral vote count when a dispute arises. The Air Force has a new weapon that could be a major game changer. The Nashville attack has major implications for our national security that must be addressed. Llama blood may pack a blow against the coronavirus, according to military researchers. More on the ridiculous Hilaria Baldwin absurdity.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

Deeply Troubling Allegations Emerge in Pennsylvania (1423)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:01:54

In this episode, I discuss the disturbing allegations emerging out of Pennsylvania about their vote counts, the “Hilaria” Baldwin fiasco, the left’s increasing weaponization of language, and Poland’s interesting fight against tech tyranny. News Picks: What the heck is going on with the vote count in Pennsylvania?  California has been a coronavirus disaster, yet liberals still use it as a model. The Delaware computer shop owner in the Hunter Biden case sues Twitter for defamation.  Poland has had enough of big tech censorship and takes action. Victor Davis Hanson’s guide to liberal “wokespeak.”  The strange case of “Hilaria” Baldwin, Alec Baldwin’s wife. Poland takes a stand against the tech tyrants. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.

The Hard Truth About the “Stimulus” Bill (Ep 1422)

The Dan Bongino Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:03:36

In this episode, I discuss the death of the latest outrage from cancel culture, and the fall out from the signing of the “stimulus” bill.  News Picks:  President Trump signs the government spending and “stimulus” bills.  The Axios article about economic productivity, discussed in the show today. What is GPT-3? President Trump’s tweet about the China virus drives the liberal media mad. Nancy Pelosi has some obstacles in front of her as she tries to retain the Speaker post. More on the Jimmy Galligan story from the show today. New Yorkers continue to flee for Florida. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved.