#71 Fatal Conveniences™: Blue Jeans: Microplastics in Your Favorite Pants
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 17:11
Everyone has a favorite pair of blue jeans. Denim jeans are the world’s favorite pants. But did you know that every pair of jeans is full of microplastics? In this segment, I explain the history of denim jeans and why they’re so popular, especially here in America. I also break down some studies on microplastics and what they’re doing to marine life. Look, I know you love your jeans. But there are better options that don’t come with the detriment of our environment. || Full show notes & links - https://darinolien.com/71-fatal-conveniences-blue-jeans-microplastics-in-your-favorite-pants/
#68. Clint Ober on The Science Behind Grounding
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 59:32
Have you ever wondered why walking around barefoot in the grass feels so darn good? Well, there’s a lot more behind that feeling than you may realize. It’s fascinating to learn how the electricity of the earth affects the electricity in the human body. Clint Ober has spent most of his life experimenting with the effects of grounding. This episode is an exploration of the science behind it and how Earthing products can help maintain your body’s electrical balance. || LINKS || earthing.com | earthinginstitute.net | Full Show Notes - darinolien.com/podcasts
#64. Robby Barbaro & Cyrus Khambatta on The Truth About Insulin Resistance
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 01:00:07
What if the collective narrative on diabetes and insulin resistance is wrong? Cyrus Khambatta, Ph.D., and Robby Barbaro, MPH, are the cofounders of Mastering Diabetes. This coaching program teaches people how to reverse insulin resistance with low-fat, plant-based, whole-food nutrition. These guys also wrote a New York Times Bestseller of the same name. They are changing the way we look at glucose, insulin and diabetes, and I can’t wait for you to hear their stories. || LINKS || masteringdiabetes.com | Full Show Notes - darinolien.com/64-robby-barbaro-cyrus-khambatta-on-the-truth-about-insulin-resistance/
#61 Fatal Conveniences™: Pet Food: Our Four-Legged Friends Deserve Better
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 23:40
You wouldn’t eat a bag of dried pellets made of meat by-products. So why would you feed it to your pet? Just like humans, animals need proper nutrition to thrive and live happy, healthy lives. Most store-bought dog and cat foods consist of low-quality meats, fillers and preservatives. Our four-legged friends are our family, and they deserve better. Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™ This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health, and the health of the environment around us. I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you. Pet diseases have increased 80% in the last fifty years. When most of the store-bought pet foods on the market are filled with junk, it’s not very hard to figure out why. Pet food manufacturers are constantly trying to make the food making process cheaper. So that means cheap ingredients and cheap packaging. All of that results in poor nutritional health for your furry friends. This one isn’t tough, guys. We need to make sure our pets are eating whole, nutritional foods. I choose a plant-based diet for myself, but I know a vegan diet isn’t best for my German Shepherd, Chaga. So I give him a fresh, mostly raw diet consisting of 75% meat and 25% veggies and ancient grains. I’ll give you some tips on how to use fresh food for your dog and some fresh pet food companies that I love. Our pets are our babies, so let’s make sure we’re giving them the best life possible. Other info in this segment: The gross history of pet food companies Signs that your pet has a poor diet Why raw food is best for pets Studies that reveal the horrifying ingredients in dry pet food Is grain-free better for your dog? What foods are best for cats and dogs Great fresh pet food companies Links & Resources: A Study on the Nutritional Effects of Grain in the Diet of a Dog: The University of Maine Holistic Guide: https://healthypets.mercola.com/ Expert Opinion Dog Food Reviews Website (Dog Food Advisor What’s Killing Our Pets? By Earth Island Journal The Farmer’s Dog Darwin’s Natural Pet Food Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Download my amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN”
#59 Fatal Conveniences™: Lip Balm & Chapsticks: A Vicious Cycle of Dry Lips
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 23:11
Are you among the nearly 66% of the population that uses lip balm or chapstick every day? If you are, you may actually be drying your lips out more instead of moisturizing them. Although you think you’re doing something good for your skin, you’re contributing to a vicious cycle of dry lips. Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™ This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health, and the health of the environment around us. I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you. Americans spend $200 Million on Lip Balm and Chapstick every year. You probably have some lip balm within arm’s reach right now. You can find tubes of lip balm in every bathroom, nightstand, kitchen junk drawer, purse and jacket pocket of pretty much every American household. We’ve been obsessively buying this stuff for almost a century. We think it helps moisturize the sensitive skin on and around our lips, but does it? The truth is, layering waxy substances on your lips creates a moisture barrier. So although they may feel soft and moisturized, you’re preventing your body’s natural process of shedding dead skin and creating new, healthy cells. Then when your lip balm or chapstick wears off, your lips feel dry, and you apply more. This essentially stops your lips from regenerating new skin. You need to let those lips breathe! But hey, I know certain conditions call for some sort of protection or healing for your lips. But you need to be aware of which ingredients are going to do more damage than good. I’ll give you some healthy, safe alternatives, as well as tips for things you can do to keep your lips moisturized naturally. So, ditch that Cherry ChapStick, guys, and listen up. Other info in this episode: The history of lip balm The history of ChapStick The Lipsmackers campaign to invade pre-teen purses Lazy Lips The dangers of menthols and cooling agents on your lips The danger of parabens What to use on your lips instead How to avoid dry lips in the first place Links & Resources: Axiology Blog: What’s in a Color? Understanding the Dyes and Pigments in Your Cosmetics American Academy of Dermatology Association: 7 Dermatologists’ Tips For Healing Dry, Chapped Lips Healthline: 5 Easy DIY Treatments for Chapped Lips Mayo Clinic: Chapped Lips: What’s the Best Remedy? Masterpiece Skin Restoration: 8 Ingredients in Lip Balm & Cosmetics That Cause Allergies Aloe Force - The aloe vera gel I’ve been using on my lips for years! Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Download my amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN”
58. Marta Zaraska on How Kindness and Connection Keeps You Young
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 52:47
We all tend to stress about finding the perfect diet or exercise plan to keep us as healthy as possible. But there’s so much more to it than that. To keep your body healthy, you have to focus on other aspects of your life as well. What if I told you that kindness, connection, and love have just as much to do with your health as diet and exercise? WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter.” On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Marta Zaraska found the Fountain of Youth. And it’s probably not what you think. Marta is an incredibly knowledgeable science writer and journalist, published in the Washington Post, Scientific American, and The Atlantic among many others. Her new book Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100 quickly became one of my favorites. It’s a research-driven look at the power of human connection and attitude, and how they biologically drive our existence. In this episode, Marta and I chat about all the things that some health gurus seem to forget. It’s not just about what we eat and drink, it’s about how we interact with the people around us. It’s about our attitude towards the world, and how we nurture our emotional health. Marta is full of a massive amount of scientifically backed information and insights, I really had a blast with this conversation. She breaks down the biology behind friendships and relationships, and why they really are key to our quality of life. We chat about hormones, microbiomes, and why everyone should have a dog like my Chaga. We’re not talking about superfoods in this one, guys, but it’s just as important. Other topics in this episode: The backstory of Growing Young Why you need to find your tribe The science behind the human/dog bond How the pandemic has tested us Exchanging microbes How having friends makes you live longer Can an introvert learn to be more extroverted? Random acts of kindness The power of romance Links: Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100 Marta’s Website Marta on Instagram Marta on Twitter Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com For amazing skin using an all-natural serum made with wild-harvested ingredients, get Caldera Lab’s “The Good”, the only skincare product I use. Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order! The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#58 Marta Zaraska on How Kindness and Connection Keeps You Young
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 52:47
We all tend to stress about finding the perfect diet or exercise plan to keep us as healthy as possible. But there’s so much more to it than that. To keep your body healthy, you have to focus on other aspects of your life as well. What if I told you that kindness, connection, and love have just as much to do with your health as diet and exercise? WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter.” On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Marta Zaraska found the Fountain of Youth. And it’s probably not what you think. Marta is an incredibly knowledgeable science writer and journalist, published in the Washington Post, Scientific American, and The Atlantic among many others. Her new book Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100 quickly became one of my favorites. It’s a research-driven look at the power of human connection and attitude, and how they biologically drive our existence. In this episode, Marta and I chat about all the things that some health gurus seem to forget. It’s not just about what we eat and drink, it’s about how we interact with the people around us. It’s about our attitude towards the world, and how we nurture our emotional health. Marta is full of a massive amount of scientifically backed information and insights, I really had a blast with this conversation. She breaks down the biology behind friendships and relationships, and why they really are key to our quality of life. We chat about hormones, microbiomes, and why everyone should have a dog like my Chaga. We’re not talking about superfoods in this one, guys, but it’s just as important. Other topics in this episode: The backstory of Growing Young Why you need to find your tribe The science behind the human/dog bond How the pandemic has tested us Exchanging microbes How having friends makes you live longer Can an introvert learn to be more extroverted? Random acts of kindness The power of romance Links: Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100 - https://www.growingyoungthebook.com/ Marta’s Website - https://www.zaraska.com/ Marta on Instagram - @mzaraska Marta on Twitter - @mzaraska Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com For amazing skin using an all-natural serum made with wild-harvested ingredients, get Caldera Lab’s “The Good”, the only skincare product I use. Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order! The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#56 Naveen Jain on Taking Control of Your Gut Health
The Darin Olien Show
- almost 4 years ago
- 56:18
When it comes to improving your health, focusing on whole, natural foods is, of course, better for everyone. However, there is no such thing as universally healthy food. The truth is food affects different bodies differently. What’s good for me, could be causing problems for you, and visa versa. By understanding your personal gut health, you can be the one in control of whether or not you get sick. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter.” On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Naveen Jain wants to change the world by putting you in control of your gut health. Naveen is an entrepreneur driven by the desire to make the world a better place. Every single one of the seven companies he’s founded was created for that purpose. His latest venture, Viome, is a uniquely designed biology company set on “making illness optional.” By ordering a test kit from Viome, you’re able to learn key information about your gut health that will change your whole approach to preventing disease. Each personalized test measures your overall gut health by measuring your gut microbiome, mitochondria, and immune cell function. Your test results provide you precise nutritional recommendations geared to change the trajectory of your health. In this episode, Naveen breaks down why it’s so incredibly important to individualize nutrition. He, like me, is a huge believer in food as medicine. However, he knows that diet is not a one size fits all kind of thing. We have to understand our own biological make-up to know what kinds of foods work best for our bodies. I really hope you all pay close attention to this episode and consider ordering your own test. No, Naveen isn’t a doctor. He’s what he calls an “outsider” to the medical-industrial complex. But with the help of experts all over the world, he’s developed this amazing company, and this amazing way to help us all take control of our own health. Other topics in this episode: Naveen’s driving force Why it’s better to be an outsider in your industry Understanding human biology at the molecular level DNA and RNA Personalized Nutrition The hypocrisy of the Hippocratic Oath The messed up incentives of the medical industry How the Viome test works The worst kind of diet vs. the best kind of diet for gut health Why you should always take care of your gums Links: Naveen on LinkedIn Naveen on Instagram Viome on Instagram Viome - Be sure to use code OLIEN20 for $10 off your first purchase of tests! Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com For amazing skin using an all-natural serum made with wild-harvested ingredients, get Calera Lab’s “The Good”, the only skincare product I use. Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order! The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#54 Dr. Jerry Tennant on The Voltage in Our Bodies
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 01:00:39
I want you all to envision using a blow dryer to style your hair. If there’s not enough voltage hitting your dryer, it’s not going to work. However, too much voltage and sparks will fly. Believe it or not, our bodies work the same way. Every muscle is essentially a battery. Without the right amount of charge, nothing is going to work properly. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter.” On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Dr. Jerry Tennant wants you to understand the voltage in your body. As a world-renowned physician, international author, and integrative health practitioner, Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PScD knows his way around the human body. He is a Harvard-trained ophthalmologist and has performed complicated eye surgeries on thousands of patients all over the world. He is also the founder of The Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine and was named one of the “Top 20 Alternative Doctors in America”. It was his world-renowned talent in eye surgery that ultimately led to him contracting three different viruses in his brain. His health began to rapidly deteriorate which forced him into early retirement. For the next seven years, he spent most of his days sleeping. When he was awake, he was in a mental fog, unable to do much of anything. Top doctors all over the country gave him no hope, telling him there was no cure for his illnesses. He was left to figure out the answers himself. Then Dr. Jerry discovered the concept of voltage, and everything changed. He learned that chronic disease occurs when the body loses its ability to make new cells that work. Through his research, he began to understand that loss of voltage in cells is directly related to the body’s inability to heal. As he studied this information, he began to heal his own body naturally. His career took a natural turn as well because this information has to be shared. In this episode, Dr. Tennant breaks the very complicated concept of the voltage in human bodies. It’s very likely that this is the first time you’re hearing about this stuff, so it can be a bit overwhelming. I highly recommend heading over to Dr. Jerry’s website after listening to this episode and checking out his videos on the subject. There’s so much information to process, guys. But I promise once you catch on to how this stuff works, so many things will fall into place in your mind about your own body and health. I had like a million lightbulb moments about my own body once I stumbled upon his work. For example, did you know getting your wisdom teeth removed eliminates a key circuit connection to your brain? We talk about this and many other unknown mind-body connections. You’re not going to want to miss this one, that’s a promise. Other topics in this episode: The doctor’s personal health story Root canals and the connection to overall health pH levels in the body Electron donors and electron stealers New cell growth The human body as a portable electronic device The largest batteries in the body The 5 reasons why muscles lose their “charge” The frequency of memories vs. emotions How each emotion affects different “circuits” of the body How food and water affects your voltage Links: The Tennant Institute Senergy Medical Group Buy Dr. Tennant’s Products Tennant Institute on Instagram Senergy Medical Group on Instagram Healing is Voltage: The Handbook Read about Dr. Nakatanyi’s Work Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com For amazing skin using an all-natural serum made with wild-harvested ingredients, get Caldera Lab’s “The Good”, the only skincare product I use. Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order! The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
Fatal Conveniences™: Dental Floss: What to Avoid
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 04:13
#52 Shawn Stevenson on How We’re Made of the Food We Eat
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 01:01:23
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Well, I don’t think we realize just how true that is. Unfortunately, our society has made it nearly impossible to focus on whole, clean foods. Instead, cheap, processed, empty-calorie foods are plentiful. But when you understand that, literally, every bite you take becomes your body, it’s easier to make the necessary changes for optimal health. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter.” On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Shawn Stevenson was told at 20 years old that he had an incurable bone disease. Shawn Stevenson is the author of the international bestselling book Sleep Smarter, and the newly released book Eat Smarter. He’s also the creator and host of The Model Health Show, one of the top Health podcasts in the United States. Shawn graduated from the University of Missouri- St. Louis after studying business, biology and nutritional science. He went on to found Advanced Integrative Health Alliance. This amazing company provides health and wellness services for people and organizations all over the world. Shawn’s work in the wellness sector has led to features in Forbes, The New York Times, Muscle & Fitness, ABC, ESPN and many more. But before all this success, Shawn was just a kid growing up in Missouri with little access to healthy food. Surrounded by every fast food franchise you can imagine, and a hardworking mom that had to work night shifts to keep him fed on whatever they could afford, he just didn’t know any other way. That’s why when he was diagnosed with Degenerative Bone Disease at 20 years old, he believed the doctor when he said there was nothing he could do. He had no idea his poor diet was inhibiting his body’s ability to heal. How would he? This isn’t something they teach in school. After popping pills, losing sleep night after night and just feeling incredibly defeated, he finally asked himself the question that changed everything. “What can I do to get better?” Suddenly, his entire attitude and perspective shifted. His health wasn’t in the doctors’ hands anymore. It was in his. That was the beginning of his journey into discovering the amazing healing power of whole foods. In this conversation, Shawn breaks down how everything we eat shapes how our body functions. In his straightforward, sometimes sarcastic, always genuine way, he gets to the very heart of why every single person should care more about how we think about food in this country. We get into how government subsidies have made cheap processed food affordable, while the good healthy stuff remains out of reach to those that need it most. And Shawn tells us all about his new book and the amazing campaigns he has planned for it. This is a great episode for anyone looking to dig a little deeper into healing their bodies with food. Other topics in this episode: The intelligence of food Shawn’s struggles with bone pain The “nocebo effect” How switching the narrative retrains our brain Shawn’s first experience with Wild Oats Sleep and nutrition How the food we eat becomes our bodies The link between diet and chronic disease Why in the world is a happy meal the same price as an avocado?? The role of NK cells in the body The magic of melatonin What the heck is HEC? Links & Resources: Shawn on Instagram The Model Health Show on Facebook Buy Eat Smarter Buy Sleep Smarter The Model Health Show Podcast Nutrition and Chronic Conditions Study Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com For amazing skin using an all-natural serum made with wild-harvested ingredients, get Calera Lab’s “The Good”, the only skincare product I use. Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order! The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you
#51 Fatal Conveniences™: Petroleum Jelly: Skincare Courtesy of the Oil Industry
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 20:59
Petroleum jelly products have been part of the American skincare market for 100 years. It’s been marketed as a makeup remover, a skin moisturizer and even a salve for cuts and burns. Even if you think of Vaseline as something your grandmother used, you’d be surprised how many products still contain petroleum jelly. But what is this stuff really made of? And is it safe? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™ This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health, and the health of the environment around us. I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you. 1 out of every 14 cosmetic products on the market contain petroleum jelly. When we think of petroleum jelly, we think of Vaseline. And yes, Vaseline is made of petroleum jelly. But there are so many other products in the stores containing this stuff as well. Lipsticks, lip balms, lotions, moisturizers, conditioners and ointments all have been known to contain a form of petroleum jelly in their ingredients. So if it’s been around forever, it should be ok, right? Well, if you’ve listened to these segments before, you probably know what I’m going to say. No, it’s not ok. Petroleum jelly, also known as white petroleum, mineral oil, or soft paraffin, is a toxic, crude oil by-product. Do you really want something produced by the oil industry all up in your face? It’s been marketed for decades as a soothing, healing, moisturizing cure-all, but believe me, it’s anything but. In this segment, I go over what petroleum jelly is made of and what it’s doing to your body. Remember anything that goes on your body, goes in your body. And I promise you, you don’t want crude oil by-products in your body. I’ll go over the studies linking vaseline to cancer and skin infections, and I’ll give you plenty of alternatives to use instead. Stop slathering this stuff on your skin, guys. Or using it “down there”! It’s doing the opposite of hydrating, and it’s leaving dangerous toxins in its wake. Other info in this segment: The history of Vaseline How petroleum jelly is marketed How it ends up in other products Why it’s used for cuts and burns What it actually does to your skin What safe alternatives to use instead Links & Resources: History of Vaseline in the US The Amazing History of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly May Not Be As Harmless as You Think Pub Med Article on the Danger of Petroluem Jelly Getting into Your Lungs Article on the Risk of Vaginitis from Vaseline use The Dirty Dozen - Cosmetic Products to Avoid Use Caldera Lab’s “The Good” serum on your face instead, that’s what I use! Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Download my amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN”
#50 Dr. Uma Naidoo on Understanding How Food Affects Your Brain
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 57:55
Have you ever wondered why you start to feel really crappy after eating a fast-food value meal? Sure, the fats and sugars are affecting your digestive system, but what’s happening in your brain? If we started paying attention to how certain foods affect our moods and emotional health, maybe it would be easier to change our diets. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter.” On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Dr. Uma Naidoo explores the connection between nutrition and our brains. Dr. Naidoo is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, professional chef, and Nutrition specialist. Her niche work is in Nutritional Psychiatry, where she focuses on nutrition and diet to aid and assist her patients’ mental health. She is considered a pioneer in her field, and frankly, I wish there were more like her. Her book, This Is Your Brain On Food, is an enlightening guide to both the negative and positive effects foods have on your brain and psychology. In this conversation, Dr. Uma breaks down her methodology when trying to get people to see the power nutrition has on their bodies. She is, like me, a huge believer in encouraging small tweaks instead of drastic lifestyle changes. Dr. Uma explains what “body intelligence” is and why we all need to focus on how foods make our bodies feel. She explains the connection between nutrition and depression and anxiety and gives us plenty of examples of what foods affect our mood. This is one of my favorite episodes because Dr. Naidoo and I are so in sync with our philosophies on food and well-being. We might even team up to convince the world to focus on their fiber intake instead of being obsessed with protein! If you’re looking for ways to make small changes in your diet that will amount to big changes in how you feel, you definitely want to tune in to this one. Other topics in this episode: Eating the rainbow Dr. Uma’s lightbulb moment about how to approach nutrition with her patients Why it all should start with your sugar intake Simple connections that can shift your perspective on nutrition The main culprit of lousy nutrition in a fast-food diet The importance of fermented foods and probiotics The power of Tumeric What foods trigger depression and anxiety The danger of quitting anything “cold turkey” Body Intelligence Fiber’s role in the body Links & Resources: Dr. Uma Naidoo Website Dr. Uma Naidoo on Instagram Dr. Uma Naidoo on Facebook Dr. Uma Naidoo on LinkedIn Book - This Is Your Brain On Food Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com For amazing skin using an all-natural serum made with wild-harvested ingredients, get Caldera Lab’s “The Good”, the only skincare product I use. Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order! The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#48 Rodrigo Figueiredo on The Journey of Barùkas
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 01:02:39
Starting a business isn’t just about making money and becoming successful. Sure, it can be a little bit about those things. But, ultimately, the biggest reward of entrepreneurship is when you’re able to help others, as well as yourself. And the journey is never easy. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter”. On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Rodrigo Figueiredo is helping me save the world with nuts. If you’ve listened to this show before, or follow me on social media, then you’ve probably heard of Barùkas. Rodrigo is the guy who introduced me to this superfood, and the reason why I am a fellow co-founder of this amazing company. The journey of Barùkas as a business is quite the story. Rodrigo is a Brazilian American who spent many years in the corporate world. He was working as a business manager in the big Oil, Gas, and Mining industries, and making good money doing so. But something was missing. And it was getting harder and harder to justify working in industries that he knew had immensely negative impacts on the environment. Not to mention the lack of personal fulfillment it provided. After randomly adding me on Facebook years prior, a trip to a remote area of the Cerrado in Brazil made him think of me. Maybe this California surfer dude (me) could help him realize his dream of starting a company to bring sustainability to a community, and a superfood to the world. And the rest, as they say, is history. In this conversation, Rodrigo and I talk about the struggles and triumphs we’ve had building up the Barùkas brand. We talk about the beautiful part of the world these delicious nuts are from and the incredible people that facilitate their growth. This isn’t an infomercial for Barùkas, guys. It’s the true story behind a couple of guys who want to make a positive impact on the planet while building a sustainable business. I can’t wait for you to hear more about Rodrigo and the Barùkas nuts story. Other great stuff in this episode: Rodrigo’s backstory Misleading food labels Rodrigo’s lifeline struggle with allergies What really goes into getting food to the grocery store How Rodrigo and I met The beauty of Alto Paraíso The delicate Barùkas growing process The Cerrado Links & Resources: Barùkas - Try these amazing nutritional nuts, which happen to be extremely delicious, for 15% off using code DARIN at checkout! @eatbarukas on Instagram Barùkas on Facebook Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Sign up for my Fatal Conveniences Newsletter The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#46 Dr. David Gazzaniga on The Truth About Pain Management
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 01:03:17
According to the CDC, 128 Americans overdose on opioids every day. And millions more are addicted. When you go to the doctor seeking pain relief, you expect what you get to be safe and effective. But the truth is, in many cases, prescription pain medication is neither. So what are the alternative options for pain management? WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood hunter.” On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same. We want to save the planet. So we’re going to try, one conversation at a time. If you’re interested in expanding your view of the world while learning new angles on health and nutrition, you’re at the right place. Dr. David Gazzaniga has treated some of the most powerful athletes in the world. Dr. David is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine, specifically sports-related injuries of the shoulder, elbow, and knee. He grew up in Orange County, California, and left to play football for Dartmouth College. He continued at Dartmouth for medical school. His career in sports medicine started as serving as a team doctor for the New York Jets. Today, Dr. Gazzaniga is the Head Team Physician for the LA Chargers. In this episode, David and I discuss how treating sports injuries in football players is inherently tricky, due to their sheer power and force. These big NFL guys experience pain differently than we do, believe me. But even giant sports heroes feel pain, and they seek the advice of experts like Dr. Gazzaniga when doing so. This is where things get interesting. David is ever-aware of the dangers of opioids. And in this episode, he gets into the concerns he has about pain management procedures in his industry. Dr.Gazzaniga wants things to change, and he’s at the forefront of studies and research that could do just that soon. Among the pain management solutions we discuss, CBD is a big one. The doc breaks down just how CBD works in the human body, and why it’s not as readily available as it should be. He fills me in on some of the ways the NFL is changing their approach to pain management. And we talk about why we all need to be more aware of what causes pain, and how we can effectively manage it in healthy, safe ways. This is a good one, guys. If you’re curious about CBD, or just want to learn some cool stuff from a cool doctor, tune in. Other interesting info in this episode: Why Dr. David considers orthopedic surgery “carpentry” The massive power of NFL players My own run-in with NFL power “Alternative” pain management options The power of hydration The misleading “studies” on CBD Why managing expectations pre-surgery is so important The scary statistics on opioid addiction The counterproductive effects of pain pills doctors don’t tell you about How CBD could change our approach to pain management in the future Links & Resources: Dr. David Gazzaniga Hoag Orthopedic Institute on Facebook Newport Orthopedic Institute on Facebook Hoag Orthopedic Institute on Instagram - @HoagOrthopedic Newport Orthopedic Institute on Instagram - @NewportOrthopedicInstitute Isolate Pure CBD Website Sign up for my Fatal Conveniences Newsletter Want amazing skin using all-natural wild-harvested ingredients? Get Caldera Lab’s “The Good” - Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order. Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN” The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#43 Fatal Conveniences™: Shallow Breathing: Take a Deep Breath
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 18:08
Pay attention to the way you breathe. Take a deep breath in right now. Are your shoulders raising? If so, you’re probably shallow breathing. Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™ This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health and the health of the environment around us. I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you. Shallow breathing keeps us in a perpetual state of stress. When you’re stressed, your breathing quickens and you inhale shallowly. However, if you breathe this way normally, your body is constantly in a state of stress. Shallow breathing, or thoracic breathing, comes with a laundry list of negative side effects. And you may not even realize you’re doing it. Instead of thoracic breathing, we all should be diaphragmatically breathing. This long fancy word just means you should be using your diaphragm to draw air into your body. Watching a newborn is a perfect example of diaphragmatic breathing. They draw air through their nose into their lungs, and their belly expands. As they exhale, their belly contracts. Try doing that now. See the difference? So besides stressing us out, what other harm is shallow breathing causing? Well, it limits our functional movement and muscular balance for starters. It also messes with our immune system and metabolism and can even cause muscle and joint pain and stiffness. But don’t worry. In this segment, I break down how to tell the difference between shallow and diaphragmatic breathing. And I give you ways to practice how to quit shallow breathing for good. Other info in this segment: I reveal the reasons behind my obsession with fatal conveniences The definitions of thoracic and diaphragmatic breathing How to tell if you’re shallow breathing How many breaths you should be taking per minute PTSD and breathing How you can retrain your body to breathe using your diaphragm Links & Resources: The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Pain, Anxiety and Depression Breathing Pattern Disorders and Functional Movement The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention The Respiration Connection The Physiological Effects of Slow Breathing in the Healthy Human How Shallow Breathing Affects Your Whole Body The Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown Listen to Patrick McKeown’s episode of The Darin Olien Show Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN” Want more great info on how to detoxify your life? Sign up for my Fatal Conveniences™ emails The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand, and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#42 Patrick McKeown on Nasal Breathing for Optimal Health
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 01:05:32
What if major health problems could be solved just by teaching people how to breathe differently? We are a nation of mouth breathers, which is taking a toll on our respiratory health and our entire bodies. So, what’s the answer? Nasal breathing. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. On this podcast, you'll hear me, Darin Olien, "the superfood hunter," have honest conversations with the extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they'll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same- to save the planet one conversation at a time. So, if you're interested in expanding your view of the world by learning new perspectives on health, nutrition, and healing the planet, this podcast is for you. Patrick McKeown doesn’t breathe through his mouth. And neither should you. Patrick is a breathing advisor to Laird Hamilton’s XPT. He’s a Fellow of The Royal Society of Biology and has been published in medical journals worldwide. I’ve recommended his book, The Oxygen Advantage, more than any other book in the last few years. In this book, Patrick explains specially formulated techniques he teaches to reduce breathlessness during exercise, increase oxygen to the brain, and improve sleep and concentration. Patrick’s exploration with nasal breathing began after suffering multiple respiratory issues as a child. He was a mouth breather, like so many of us are. And just like most mouth breathers, he was not aware of it. But his chronic bronchitis, asthma and sleep apnea couldn’t be cured by anything the doctors were offering him. Today, Patrick champions nasal breathing to people all over the world. His work on the relationship between breathing and health has helped countless people. I use his techniques, specifically while working out, and it’s made a world of difference in my stamina. But it’s about more than just having better workouts. Breathing through your nose can completely change your health for the better. In this episode, Patrick and I get into all the benefits of nasal breathing. We talk about how breathing through your mouth leads to things like asthma, sleep apnea and a whole list of other respiratory issues. Patrick is most passionate about getting his message of nasal breathing to children, which is why he offers a free-breathing program on his website specifically for kids. So take a deep breath, from your nose, and take a listen to this one, guys. And if you have asthma, sleep problems, or have kids that do, you should listen especially hard. Other useful info this episode: Patrick’s history with respiratory problems The real definition of a mouth breather The importance of breathing and kids’ cognitive development Dr. Karen Bonuck’s research on the connection of mouth breathing and sleep Why most tonsillectomies are pointless The role of nitric oxide in the body Nasal breathing and COVID-19 The Bohr Effect Nasal breathing and athletes LSD - Light, Slow and Deep The use of Myotape Links & Resources: Patrick on Instagram Patrick on Facebook The Oxygen Advantage Book Myotape Patrick’s Live Virtual Workshop Breathing Techniques for Kids Karen Bonuck’s Sleep Study The Bohr Effect Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN” Sign up for my Fatal Conveniences Newsletter The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#40 Dr. David Sinclair on The Secrets of Longevity Genes
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 53:13
If you had the chance to slow down the aging process, would you take it? This sci-fi concept may sound like something from a Star Trek episode. But with new research coming to light, anti-aging fiction could very soon be a reality. Maybe it’s all in the genes. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. On this podcast, you’ll hear me, Darin Olien, “the superfood hunter,” have honest conversations with the extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they’ll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same- to save the planet one conversation at a time. So, if you’re interested in expanding your view of the world by learning new perspectives on health, nutrition, and healing the planet, this podcast is for you. Dr. David Sinclair is trying to put a stopper in the aging process. In fact, he’s the one leading the charge. David is the Australian-born Harvard Medical School professor of genetics. He’s also co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School. On top of all that, he’s also a Professor and Head of the Aging Labs at UNSW, Sydney, and an honorary Professor at the University of Sydney. Like many pioneering scientists, he hasn’t been immune to controversy. But, if you Google his name, you’ll see a laundry list of accolades. Especially within the area he’s best known for is, which are genes and small molecules that delay aging. He is currently spearheading the research into gene function in the aging process, with a really heavy focus on the Sirtuin genes. Dr. Sinclair and his team are also trying to lift the lid on exactly what roles resveratrol and NAD precursors play in the anti-aging process. Alongside this, David has published over a whopping 170 scientific papers, is a co-inventor on over 50 patents, and co-founded multiple biotech companies in the areas of aging and biodefense. Oh yeah, and he’s the author of Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To, which shot him to number 11 on the New York Times bestseller list in just over a week. One of David’s most recent claims to fame was his selection to be one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People In The World. Now that is impressive. In this conversation, Dr. Sinclair and I get right into the fantastic family of proteins known as Sirtuins and their role in the aging process. We also look at how Intermittent Fasting could turn back the clock. We get into how it all started with yeast cells, and why David is so interested in the NMN molecule. Other great topics we cover: The role Sirtuin genes play and why they’re so bossy Epigenetics and why biological stress isn’t such a bad thing Intermittent fasting and what skipping a meal can do for your body What is Resveratrol and how does it affect the body? Why the NAD molecule is so vital for every living organism The Zombie cells that wreak havoc on your health What David is so excited about for the future of anti-aging science Epigenetic reprogramming and reversing the ticking clock inside us all David’s take on stem cells and how they contribute to the aging process When you should really start taking care of your body Links: David on Facebook David on Twitter David on Instagram – @davidsinclairphd David Sinclair Lab – Harvard Medical School Lifespan Website - Be sure to sign up for Dr. Sinclair’s Newsletter! Paper on Olive Oil and SIRT-1 Activation Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Want amazing skin using all-natural wild-harvested ingredients? Get Caldera Lab’s “The Good” - Use code “DARIN” for 20% off your first order. The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand, and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#39 Fatal Conveniences™: Microwaves: Zapping Away Nutrients
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 21:48
I haven’t used a microwave in over 35 years. So I was shocked to hear that a friend was still using one frequently. You guys, microwaves are bad news. Sure, they heat up your leftovers in seconds, but what else are they doing to your food? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™ This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health and the health of the environment around us. I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you. Before you put those leftovers in the microwave, read this first. Microwaves first hit the scene in the 1940s, when convenient food was starting to become all the rage. Invented by Percy Spencer, these contraptions were marketed as a way to prepare food quickly. By the late 1970s, almost every American household had one. We all grew up with one, maybe you still even use one. But I’m telling you now, throw out your microwave! Don’t even donate it, I don’t want anyone cooking their food this way. Just take a sledgehammer to the damn thing. Why am I so convinced microwaves are bad news? Because they change food at a molecular level. The way they work is by agitating the water molecules in food. The water molecules are ripped and torn apart, completely changing the structure of the food you’re heating. This depletes nutrients and leaves you with a nuked mess of empty calories. If that isn’t enough to convince you to toss your microwave, check out the studies I’ve linked below. Please guys, just heat your food on the stove. It’s not that hard. I’ve been doing it that way my entire adult life. A few extra minutes is worth it to make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients your food has to offer. Information in this Segment: The invention and evolution of the modern microwave How microwaves work The study that shows broccoli losing 97% of its antioxidants after being microwaved Why you should lightly steam veggies instead Why you should NEVER microwave breastmilk The negative health effects of microwaved food Links & Resources: Microwave Cooking and Nutrition Microwave Ovens and Radiation Is There Any Evidence that Microwaving Food Alters its Composition? The Effects of Microwaves on Food Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN” Want more great info on how to detoxify your life? Sign up for my Fatal Conveniences™ emails To register for We Are Podcast, go to WeArePodcast.com/darin. For 20% off your ticket, use code DARIN. The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand, and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
#38 Dr. Zach Bush on Embracing Your Microbiome
The Darin Olien Show
- about 4 years ago
- 58:56
How often do you hear if you eat this way or that way, or do this exercise routine, or eat at a specific time, you’ll reach optimum health? The truth is we have an entire universe of flora and fauna inside of us that operates despite our beliefs. It’s only when we begin to understand the human microbiome that we can understand health. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. On this podcast, you'll hear me, Darin Olien, "the superfood hunter," have honest conversations with the extraordinary people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they'll inspire you, too. Although our ideas and approaches to life may differ, our ultimate goal is the same- to save the planet one conversation at a time. So, if you're interested in expanding your view of the world by learning new perspectives on health, nutrition, and healing the planet, this podcast is for you. Dr. Zach Bush knows a whole lot about the microorganisms in our guts. Living inside every person are trillions of microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other life forms. These microorganisms are collectively known as the microbiome. Listening to Dr. Zach Bush, MD, talk about the human microbiome is almost like a religious experience. This guy knows his stuff. And he is so incredibly passionate about educating us all on understanding our biological make-up. What makes Zach different from other scientists and researchers in his field, and why I wanted you all to hear what he has to say, is his unique perspective. He understands that this information can significantly alter your thinking on your entire life related to health and disease. And he wants to empower us all with this knowledge. Zach is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He is a thought leader on the human microbiome and is recognized internationally for his work on the subject. When Dr. Zach founded the Seraphic Group and the nonprofit Farmer’s Footprint, it was to fill a deep desire to develop human and environmental health solutions. In this episode, Zach gets into some really technical and scientific information about the microbiome and how it relates to our health. But don’t worry, after he melts our brains, he drops some incredibly powerful concepts. What the good doctor wants us to know, to really understand at the core of our beings, is that we are capable of incredible healing. Healing of our bodies, and our minds, if we embrace our own power. Please listen to this one, guys. It might change your whole outlook on your body and what it’s capable of. Other Great Stuff in This Episode: Zach’s journey into the medical field How his experience in the Philippines opened his eyes How the recession of 2008 changed academia The power of Vitamin A Why the microbiome is the center of human health There’s a whole universe inside you. What cancer prevention should really be about Every human body’s capacity for healing Mind-blowing facts about HIV Why we all need a sense of humor Links & Resources: Use code DARIN for 15% off your order of Ion Biome products Zach’s Website Zach on LinkedIn Zach on Instagram Seraphic Farmer’s Footprint Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN” Sign up for my Fatal Conveniences Newsletter The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.