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You are listening to the Darina lead show. I'm Daryn. I've spent the last 15 years exploring the planet, looking for healthy foods, superfoods, environmental solutions, and I've had my mind blown along the way by the people, the far off places I have been and the life altering events that have changed my life forever. My goal is to help you dive deep into some of the issues of our modern day life, society's fatal conveniences, the things that we do that we're indoctrinated into thinking we have to, even though those things are negatively affecting us and in some cases slowly destroying us and even killing us every week.


I have honest conversations with people that inspire me. My hope is, through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they'll inspire you two together. We'll explore how you can make small tweaks in your life that amount to big changes for you, the people around you and the planet. So let's do this. This is my show, the Derrinallum Show. Welcome to the Darren Only Show. I just find it funny saying my own name, but that's what the name of the show is.


So I'm Darren. Elaine, thanks for being here. I'm stoked for all the love of the podcast, for the super Lifebook, for a down to earth, who would have possibly imagined that a bunch of the stuff that I've been working on for a long time kind of hit the top of the charts and hit a chord with people. And I'm just so excited about that. I'm grateful that this kind of messaging is common sense, messaging of taking care of yourself, eating well, sleeping well, eating great plants, being advocates for the environment.


Whether you are a hard core global warming advocate or you don't believe it at all, it's common sense to move in the directions that's more kind for the environment, more beneficial for the ecology. And if you double down on that, we literally in absolutely can profit from doing good. That's what I'm stoked about. And the people, everyday people I get now thousands of messages of people who want to do good in the world, want to be a better version of themselves and always improve.


And I'm grateful for that. So on that note, if you haven't checked out my one to one, try vape dotcom and you download the app. This isn't even a plug. I'm just plugging it because there's three free days on there that you can learn about your health, take action on it, eat some incredible plant based meals and benefit from that. Hell, if you don't want to buy the app, it doesn't matter to me. Like, I want you to take the information and apply it and be a better version of yourself.


And if I can support you along that way, then I am happy to be a part of that journey. So my next guest is a very good friend of mine and that is the infamous the amazing Kenny Chesney. And the thing is, I never really listened to his music before I knew him, so I knew him as this sweet, kind, beautiful person and just getting to know him and his heart and his care for the fans, his care for his crew as the second family and his loyalty as a friend just speaks so much of who this person is.


And I think one of the most successful country music artists of all time, I think because of his heart that's so big, because he's empathic and sensitive and cares about you, that's felt. And so we talk about sustainability, right? We talk about, you know, doing right by the planet and the products we buy and the advocacy that we take. And also by Kanye honoring who he is and sharing his love to you. That's a sustainable act because it's sustaining that feel good of connecting and listening to the music.


Now, Kenny and I sat down well before the covid. I just didn't want to release him right away. I wanted to podcast to gain some momentum and I wanted to expose Kenny in a different way. And him and I sat down as friends and I don't think he does a lot of these types of interviews. So I'm excited that he trusted me. And having this beautiful interview and this guy is just, you know, it's amazing. Kenny tops the Billboard Top 200 for the ninth time.


Like, he is just an incredible human that's dedicated to just creating amazing music. And so, you know, we talked about him going on tour on this conversation and he wasn't able to obviously with covid and everything. So they're re they rescheduled that. And that is the 2020 Chulak session is now rescheduled to for twenty twenty one. So check that out. And Kenny Chesney Dotcom and you can get all of that new information about the rescheduled shows. I'm excited for you to see.


Well to hear feel who Kenny is in this episode. I'm excited to expose to you a different side of this incredible human Mr. Kenny Chesney. Enjoy the show. I love you. You know, you live this life, you know, you you go on tour damn near every year. Part of me is like there's a couple of things, number one. Is it sustainable and if it isn't? What are the things that you have to do to.


Keep yourself in check and also, you know, perform and kind of you've had such a long career, so there's something that you're doing.


You're healthy, you're alive, you're doing something that keeps this balance. Well, what what would you say it is? I think that I've been able to sustain it to this point.


And the answer to your first question, I mean, it's it's a sustainable as long as you take care of the music and take care of the connection of it all, you know, once you lose sight of of the people out there that really give a lot of their life to come here, you play then then I think that's where a lot of people start to slide downhill a little bit. And for me, it's always been it's always started with the music.


I mean, you can do a lot. We see a lot of people, you hear a lot of people on the radio and see a lot of people on television and they're hyped up and they do a lot with smoke and mirrors. And you can do a lot with smoke and mirrors for a while. But at some point, you have to. Show up and you have to be your your honest, true self, and I think from my audience anyway, they're pretty smart and I think they can smell a rat pretty quick.


And they they they they push me and they know if I'm mailing it in, they know, you know, if I'm which I've never done. I mean, like every day there's. You know, you're a human being, so you're not going to be the same every day, but I think one thing that has been sustainable for us is that we have given them everything we've had every day. We have different we have different energy every day, but one thing that we've given is, is energy.


And I think that for me to do that, I've had to be really conscious about how I go about my life. And I've treated my body and my preparation to go on the road a lot like an athlete does to go, you know, to play out like a football player plays a 16 game season. And that's the way I trained. It's the way I train when I'm on the road. And, you know, I've had a lot of friends fall into the traps that are out there, you know, with a little bit of success, a little bit of money, and then all of a sudden they quit taking care of their body.


And all of a sudden. It's not sustainable and this is a struggle that I have and constantly, you know, at this at this point in my life and career is constantly trying to be my best. And in the last couple of years, and I feel like this is one thing that my workout group here has helped me with is before this I felt like it was a little robotic. They're khutor. Well, the eating and the preparing and the working out like it wasn't just a part of my everyday life, it was a.


It felt almost robotic and it was a part of my job. And I feel like that coming out here has really changed that for me a lot and where it's more of a. Just a part of my life and not a part of my job, you know, but but I would say that, you know, being that being able to sustain what we've been able to do, you know, when I started on the road in 93 there and it's so it's it's you know, but it always wasn't that way.


I mean, I was eating pizza and drinking beer at two o'clock in the morning and and having a blast.


Now, we were we had a big time, but there was a moment where I realized that I wanted to be better and I wanted to do more. And I realized I had to change a lot of things.


So what does that mean for you now? For you right now? What does it mean for you to be better?


Well, I think that I don't know where I got it from. Maybe my mom, my father, maybe a little of both, or maybe someone in my family tree that I never met. But I have this this fire inside of me that wants me to just be better at my craft, I mean, like I think you can get lethargic and lazy, especially when you when your brain has been. Use that when your brain is used, that creative space that it has for so long.


There's a I have felt this a lot, you know, this creative fatigue. And I try to push past that a lot. And once I do, I'm great. But I just feel like the idea of being better is just taking care of my body, taking care of my my God given talent, taking care of my creative spirit and my heart. And if I do all that. Then I'm better on stage, I'm better in my life, I'm better as a friend, I'm better as a son, I'm better in all phases of my life.


But if I let myself go, which I do. You know, I get really tired at the end of a tour. But if I let myself go to long. Trust that I feel out of sorts, I don't feel like this the basic part of basic foundation of my life is OK.


So like when you're finished with a big project or tour, you do kind of take a time out and. Yeah. And what does that look like? Is that.


Well, it usually has it usually if I can paint the picture for you. It's got to do with the Caribbean waters, it's got to do with the boat cooler. Probably more beers than we should drink. And so that's that's been my cycle, and I'll tell you, I feel terrible when I do it, but in my brain, like when I go back to the robotic part of me, like I've been on the road all year, I've given I've I have as lean as I could possibly be because I'm up there all night running around in the summer heat.


And I don't know what it is, it's just a mental switch that just clicks off and I don't work out for a couple of months and I always tell my I've been working out with a guy in Tennessee. His name is Daniel Me. And after a couple of months of being off the road, always tell Daniel that he's got his job back. But that goes back to, you know.


Sometimes I'm guilty of taking extended periods off, and if I do that, honestly. Like, I get depressed. It's crazy, like if I if I don't move. I overthink.


And when I overthink, I think about all this stuff and it gets I don't know, I just I get into a weird space that I don't like this part of the reason probably why you just reached out to me recently about the right food stuff, because I could tell, you know, over the years now seeing you back and forth, you can tell that there's a certain part in you. You're incredibly sensitive and open and warm and heart led person.


Zero ego like you, don't try to prove yourself, you know, you're just a humbly moving through and I see this with you, but it's what I see when you come back. There's a certain part where, you know, you haven't been optimizing your life and it's starting to pull you down.


And I can see it in your eyes like you're a little suppressed, right. You know, you're not clicking. And so then inevitably you want to get back in balance.


So is it something that which affects all people, all areas of your life? Right.


You know, because I can't I can't imagine, nor can many people saying, hey, I give everything for months and months and months and months and months. My sweat, my tears sold my soul to share it and listen, going to a concert, anyone who got the pleasure of going to to one of your concerts. No one. People who haven't. Even if you're not into this kind of music, I'm telling you, it is unbelievable because of the energy you bring to it and the talent on top of it.


So I can't imagine the amount that goes out and then the unplugged that needs to happen. So in an ideal world, say you could do over right now, what would be a better way for you to stay in balance and yet still take time, soul time and replenish yourself without kind of going too far? If I could say it that way.


Well, yeah, I, I struggle with that. You know, I don't honestly, I don't know the answer because I mean, part of that is being out here, but. I think I'm going to place in my life where things that used to make me happy after tour don't. You know, I don't know, at a different place, I think, and. It's hard to it's hard to explain what happens in my mind when I'm off tour.


Like, every year we end our year in Foxboro, Massachusetts, we do two nights at the Patriots Football Stadium and. There's so much energy that goes into that, and it's like a celebration of our life, our tour, what we've all been through. And I want even though even though I'm appreciative and even though I know I'm blessed, I want so far away from it once that's over for a while. And I said to this day, still, I don't know the answer to your question, I, I still to this day struggle with that time of my life because it takes two months for me to.


Just relax, not at all, so that transitory time of like, yeah, you've just done your own Super Bowl, you've gone through a season here and up in the stadium, you give everything you got. But once that's over, you just need to. Almost on a massive level shutdown, yeah, turn off. Yeah, I do. And but that's it's a really tough thing emotionally and mentally because you've been. In this space. For eight months and you've had all this love, this energy, the energy is the big worry.


You've had all this energy that come hit you in the band all year. And I say this, you know, it's the toughest thing. When you're even getting off stage, but especially when you're getting off tour, because your night, your summer has been full of energy and it's just you can't make it up. It's just you got to be in the middle of it to feel it. And when it's over, it's. Silence. And it takes a long time.


I mean, it's a hard transition for me, it takes a long time for me to not want to feel that even though I'm as exhausted as I am.


But it's a really tough transition and and especially on tour. I mean, look, it leads to anybody would feel. When you're in front of that many people and around that many people. And you feel that connection all night and you have your you know, you're not in the in the bus with the band and the crew, you're in your own bus. Sometimes it's a really silent place and it's hard to make that transition, but the answer to your question is I don't really know.


I mean, like that's still one of my struggles. It's one of the reasons I come here. The like working out at the pool has been really good for me. You know, if I could do that earlier, you know, and I might.


But it's it's just it's been that's been a struggle like I give so much like in January. This has been the treadmill I'm on. If I could use that term, like I start training really hard, I, I measure my meals.


I exercise every exercise five days a week, you know, and I run and I'm just constantly working towards being in that moment.


And I'll be in that moment until the end of August. So by the end of August, I'm. I don't know, I'm just kind of. Sick of it and. But you mentioned you said something a few minutes ago about the balance of it all, I really don't have balance. I mean, I truly don't. I mean, I'm working I'm working on, you know, bringing the unbalanced part up a little bit. If I could just bring it up a little bit, it would be great.


Well, this this if you look at this reality, you're doing something and you're getting a lot of you're putting out a ton of energy. You're receiving a lot a ton of energy. You're running around the United States. And there's something very physical about all that. But you always bring up energy. And so I can only imagine this is my projection on the situation. I can only imagine it's it's got to be an inner deal. It's got to it's got to be sorted out inside because all of these things are occurring.


And distractions and temptations and, you know, I use this term called fatal conveniences, right? You're in it. You know, I live with it now. Yeah, well, listen, you're successful.


You have a plane. You can fly anywhere you want. You can you can buy several homes. You can do what you want when you want, especially when you're on tour. So there's a convenience store that. But there's a slippery slope to conveniences.


They slide down pretty quick and you get, you know, like colleagues of yours haven't done well of diet and drug overdoses and addictions and, you know, and you've steered it's not taking care of themselves.


Yeah, I think that the one thing. When you talk about it being an inner thing. And it's one thing that I again struggle with. Is is by the end of the summer, like there's nobody coming to me wanting to feed. Massol, everybody, everybody, I mean, this is the way it is, it's the nature of the business they all want you got to meet this person, you have to meet this person has a really good reason to meet this person or these people or this group of people because it's the business of doing business.


Right. And I get it. But after about eight months of that and then go on doing the show, I know it sounds wiretap for me, but I'm just trying to tell you that none of that feeds your soul. So I need the time. I think that's what happens to me is when I'm done, it just clicks. I want to go feed my soul and and some of it's good for me. So it's not good for me. But over the years, it has fed my soul up a little bit, but I feel that changing in my life, it goes back to me saying what used to make me happy doesn't make me happy anymore.


It makes me really happy to have the mask on and do jumps in the pool now. Makes me really happy, you know, I don't I when I'm out here, I'm really healthy and I'm not drinking like I would on a boat, you know, I don't wake up feeling terrible. And so that has started to feed my soul in different ways than the habits that I've had that were fatal conveniences.


I mean, to you know, that's the part that I you know, that I really am thankful for and I got a lot of gratitude for is that, you know, you and I become friends and all of our our group up there, we just it's there. There is. I know I keep saying it, but there is a certain energy and we all feed off each other. And it's it's just it does a lot for my brain. And that's one thing on tour that I don't get.


Like, I get super fed by the audience. I mean, I get my brain is stimulated, like, you have no idea. But they don't ask anything of me other than to go out there, to go out there and give my best and give them of their summer that, you know, there may be a kid in the audience that's never had music in his life, ever.


And if I do my job, he may have music in his life for the rest of his life. But they don't ask any more of me than that, and that makes my brain happy, but. I guess about the point of my life with the business of doing business. It's kind of soulfully, I don't know, it leaves you soulfully and mentally bankrupt when it's. I don't know. I'm looking for balance in that way, too, so it's it's crazy.


It's it's it's. So it messes going back with what you said, it messes with the inner part of you. To try to find some way to feed your soul and your brain when you said something earlier where you still desire to be better at your craft. Yeah. Oh yeah. And and I would imagine that driving force. At least now is stronger than this other stuff, it's just you have to deal with the ups and downs of, you know, sometimes you get to fire people, sometimes you got to make hard choices and that you're the leader and everyone comes to you.


And there's no kind of break, especially when you're on tour. So it's like if you still have that desire to be better at your craft, not just. Being better at playing your guitar or doing vocals, it's working out, eating well, hanging out with good people, recharging yourself. I mean, these are the things that you're describing. And so, you know, it's like, is there a perfect path? I don't think so, but it's it's you make course corrections as you go.


Well, I think I'm learning at this point in my life that all that's connected, like I can't. I have to take care of myself or I've just something's going to suffer. I feel like that's the that's the core foundation. You know, the most primal thing is taking care of, you know, your mind, body and spirit. Now, I have I will admit that I've spent more time taking care of my body than I have my mind and my soul, my spirit.


And I just you know, I'll admit I have totally 100 percent. Not fed that, fed that myself either, you know, and so but I'm at a point now where I think that I've been able to.


Get rid of some negativity in my life and and things that were in place in my life just because I've always been in place, you know, when you're on the road this long, you know, you have, you know, a group of people that did something really special with you. Yeah. And sometimes that there's a there is a, uh, a sense of. Responsibility. I don't feel a responsibility for them. I feel a responsibility to them because they were such a part of this, but that's really hard.


When you when you have to let go of some of that, and it's really but once you do, it really clears the air and opens up this whole other thing, you know, and I had to learn that the hard way a couple of times.


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Daryn D. a. r.. I and I know you will enjoy. So, you know, shifting gears a second, what would you say, the top three things? For your successor. I feel like that the obvious part of it is, is that you have to keep growing as an individual. I do. I mean, like I feel like that as a creative person.


If you stay in one place that it's I've seen people be guilty of this, they just don't push themselves, they don't they kind of found a spot where they were successful and they stay in that spot.


So what does that look like for you when you find yourself pushing yourself and not to surround myself with you know, I'm fifty one now.


And I try to surround myself with different people, with different energy, especially the creative people. To get me out of that mental rut, because you can sit and write the same song 100 times, if you know, if you don't have those guys and these creative people, I feel like that's the one thing that that has helped me a lot and stay relevant is because I found people that just wrote different melodies and had fresh ideas and and that fed me as a creative person.


I think that's one thing.


And that's huge because as a creative superstar, it's easy to go. I already know.


Oh, yeah. That's well, that leads into my second thing is trusting people. I think once you learn to trust people. With certain areas of your life, I mean, that's I feel like that's really important for me to be successful, if I had the mindset that, OK, I'm going to write all the songs myself. You know, I'm going to design a light show by myself, I'm going to do everything by myself. That's and I've been that person and almost to a fault where the crew guys hated me.


You know, but I had to let go, had a trust in them, right? And if if if you don't, you're going to wear yourself out and you're not going to find the joy in any of this. So that's number two.


And I just think you have to take care of the music. I mean, you have to care.


I mean, you really have to care because I promise you, whether you're selling shoes or music. Or psychology, right, if people see that you don't care.


Why would you ask them to care right on a you know, so I, I truly care about what I do. And I know that all that stuff sounds basic, but it really is. I mean, it's just taking care of yourself, caring about what you do, caring about the people that love your music. You know, and I truly do, I look up to the audience and I see, you know, kids out there and ampitheater in the grass and I really remember me going to see shows and that's that's me.


Couldn't afford couldn't afford anything. But I could afford that ticket. And I didn't, you know, I wanted to go. And so I just felt that I was when I'm up on stage, I feel this connection and I feel this. This the idea that there are people out there that. There were like me when they were in high school or college or as a young adult, and they know, I believe they know and can feel that I'm really no different.


I'm just I'm just singing the song, you know, when I feel like they feel this common bond with us backstage, the same way we feel with the people in front of the stage. And I don't know, it's been it's just a blessing. I mean, to have that in your life. But you have to take care of it. You have to you just can't take it for granted. You have to take care of it. You have to push yourself.


You have to like I said, you have to care. Because there's a lot of options, you know, if they if they see you dial it in and you don't care if you're just there for the money. You know, they're going to they're going to go somewhere else, but that's not how we built it. You know, I love music, man. I love it. It's my music has been so much medicine for me in my life.


You know, when I go to shows and I would see people that didn't love me. I never went back, but when I went to see Springsteen or when I went to see whoever it is, I mean, when I was moved. I never left, right, and I think that's because they cared. And I think that's such a huge point, regardless of someone's job, and I hope they hear that because. Carrying. Is not. Money first.


It's it's that whole thing and as cliche as it is, and it's not it's not necessarily famous first, it's not money fame. Right. Any of it. It's yeah. Like you said, the inner. Fire. Yeah, that inner deal, that inner fire and caring about. What it is that you're doing and sharing which which, as you say that I I'm I'm sitting there hearing you going, well, of course that's what I saw at your concert.


That's why people, 60000 people can show up. All the time in every frickin city you go to, because there's something beyond the words, there's a delivery mechanism that you're stepping into the energy that you're cultivating from the place that you're cultivating it from. And that is massively different than we've all seen. That successful artist who is literally just regurgitating a song that they didn't participate in. They didn't write, not that you have to write every song, but that they didn't care about.


And you're like, I don't want to listen to them. They're talented, but you don't believe them, right? Yeah, that's the thing. I mean, like, I, I. I literally went to a show. I couldn't believe this artist did this not only to say who it is, but they went to a show and they had a sheer around in front of the stage. And I guess they did it for lighting reasons because he could do different things with the lights on, a white off white like gills, like a curtain.


But what it did, it kept it gave the audience and gave me the impression that you guys have to stay out there. We're going to stay up here and you guys can't cross the line from. And I've always had the. The mentality of. We're just going to come in here and open up our arms and tell you we love you. We're going to kick your little ass for two hours and you can come anywhere you want. We're just going to like we open up our arms and say, come on in.


Yeah. And that's that's that's that kind of thing is contagious, is contagious in front of the stage is contagious. It's contagious backstage with everybody that works in the production office through catering if it's a positive environment.


And not a suppressed one or a depressed one. You'd be amazed at how fun this can be.


Yeah, you know, because I've been to shows of my friends like they're my friends and I feel out of place walking backstage because they just don't, you know, it's what that's the kind of energy they push out to everybody. And I'm going, OK, well, shit, I do this for a living and I don't feel comfortable back here. Right. Yeah.


You know, and if you're the leader of that situation, you are. Setting the tone for that energy. That's right, and it is I've been around a few and that's contagious, too. Yeah, and it's magnetic.


It attracts the same kind of vermin that like that energy. And it's different than an open arms. We love you energy.


But if you have an artist. Right, if you have an artist. That is so within themselves and and they can be brilliant like and we see I see it every day, I see artists that are so within themselves and so brilliant. And they go up there on stage and and they're brilliant, they're great, yeah, but they forget to connect. I think something suffers when someone's in that spot. You know, something that's just obvious now and then I said, hey, it's got to be an inner deal.


And then you say, well, I struggle on these few things, but the reality is that you're living closer to your inner deal and connection because you're all about connection and energy, connection and energy. I've heard you say that way beyond this podcast where you said so many times and I see it in you, which is also why I feel connected to you, because we're open or just when I talk about superfoods, I've been around the world. I'm not making it up.


I give a shit about the stuff. I care to jump on the backs of water buffaloes and trains and planes and be in the middle of nowhere because I care. Yeah. And so when you see other people who are coming from. That willingness. It's attractive and like which is why I could probably say every one of our group is doing that in their own way. They're caring about what they're doing, they're showing up in their life, that other energy.


I mean, we've seen it spit out people. It just doesn't fit, doesn't work.


So I'm just want to put an exclamation point on this and reflect back to you that you have a very, very strong connection to your inner world.


You've cultivated it through the. Expression of it, and it looks like a concert. But in fact, it's probably just this balance were physically on this plane of existence, you're just tired as shit at the end. Right. So you're just but your soul. I would redefine that, but I bet your fucking soul is soaring. You're just physically fucking beat up, right? And so it's that wrestle between what does my body need, what is my of course, mentally, because that's still part of this reality.


Brain focus. Yeah.


So. I would venture to guess that you. You are a master of your reality. And that. It's just a matter of understanding the compartments to which you've come out of and the nurturing, redefining, the nurturing that you need. To. Put you back online again, not from a social perspective, not from an from beyond physical energy side of you, but from a physical side of you, from a mental side of you.


What do you need to come back online in the best, most efficient way possible without suffering the detriment of the good energy?


You told me because it's like that's that's what I see in your eyes. And it doesn't take long for you to pop out of it.


I would say, you know, you more than you let on. And then it's just a matter of you giving yourself permission to nurture yourself in the right way. And these other conveniences, these other subcategories of fatal conveniences, too much beer, too much of something. And then it starts to slide on the other side. But don't ever say I can't have it right. Just find the balance so it doesn't slip down the muddy slope on the other side.


Well, I've had I think that a few people in my life that, you know, can tell you that I am a creature of extremes.


So when I'm on the road, I'm I'm extreme about work and I'm extreme about my diet. I'm extreme about preparing.


And then again. When I'm off, I'm extreme about jumping in the ocean, I'm extreme about, you know, watching the sunset and having some cold beer.


Yeah, but I got to find the balance in that. You know where I can do all everything and still, like you mentioned, something in our conversation from a couple of weeks ago when I reached out, I said, I just need a reset.


I need, uh. You know, to talk about diet, I need to at least need to fill I feel like my body needs to change, my brain needs a change, and I don't know who I am because I feel like it's possible for me to have both.


Yeah. And I have, but I've never. You know, part of the I think it's what's so attractive and what led me so much to this place and these people and and our group, our workout group, because I it was something that I was craving but didn't know it until I was in the middle of it, you know, and and I, I don't know. I just I, uh. At a place in my life where I feel like my body really needs and my brain really needs.


Change, I believe, robotic, you know, and that's what I love about the breathing. It's what I love as much as I hate the ice, I hate it. Yeah, but it's such a life equalizer.


Can is talking about the ice, about the ice that we submerge ourselves in on a sort of a daily basis.


But I had one as much as I hate it, I had one made the take on the road with me because. When you're out there, the first month is great, after four months of riding on a bus, getting up and eating, catering and meeting people, and sometimes you don't even see them. No, you just you know, they're there. It's an object. They want to, you know, talk about meet and greets before the show.


Right. I mean, probably two or three hundred people a night.


You know, when you came to the show in San Francisco and I said, I'll be back 45 minutes, you know, and then I came back to the bus and we had a moment to chat before the show, and that's where I went.


And it's energy. It's just it's just all coming out. Nothing's coming in. Right. But when I'm on stage at all, it's all said. But I think that's what I'm looking for, like in my life now is to find the balance off stage, you know, because that's just. You know, I think when I. Come here and you can see that I'm tired in my eyes. It's the kind of the struggle that I go through in my life, because when I look when I'm on stage and you got 60000 people loving you.


Everything's perfect. Life is exactly the way it's supposed to be. You know, you're up there with your band, you're sharing all this, this, this, this moment, this life moment.


That's like a great show is like a great if you believe whatever you believe religiously, but it's like a great shared moment, like in church. You know, it's this spirit moment of its and there's all these people are there together and they. This is what I think is beautiful about it is. Everybody's there sharing this together now we'll go back and play that same market the next year maybe, but it's not going to be the exact same people. So that's what's beautiful about life.


Music is when they're there and you're there, it's everything is fine.


All now. It's all now. Nobody's nobody's thinking about tomorrow or yesterday.


It's right now. And that's what's beautiful about those two or three hours, OK, but that's two or three hours and then there is the rest of your life.


So and I spent the majority of the rest of my life preparing for those two or three hours.


Sure. And that's where when we talk about balance and what when I'm searching for is that yeah. And if I can find that they will just help those two or three hours even more.


But I have totally you know, I think I'm in a place now and I think everyone around me can see it that that. The brain and the soul and the, you know, heart, the just the all that needs to be fed a little more away from those two or three hours. And it's my own fault. Like it's all me 100 percent. I would say to you, number one, do you want to perform next year? Perform.


And it's all of those things we talked about the connection, you love doing it when you're performing, not talking about business you want to perform next year. That is a desire of yours. So then. When you're feeling heavy. In between the moments of you're just doing things that you need to do, connect. This is a practice I'm explaining something that is working a muscle. Practice going into the concert as if you're there and pull that energy.


To you now and keep filling yourself up from that which you will experience again and that you have before, but that's what I would say, and that's Dr. Dispenza could get into all of this a lot more than me. But but that that's what you can start to do. That is. Upon your your own ability to do it, rather than succumbing to the mayor of living within the negativity of it all. Yeah, yeah. And it's hard, you know, for me, I'll tell you, it's just that I was trying to explain all this to everybody that works with me and like management and and promoters and everybody that's involved in my life out there.


You know, they said, well, what's what's what I was thinking about. Whether I was going to talk about this particular year, we only did two months, we had April and May. And they went, well, why don't you want to do June and July, I said, because when I get into this funk out there. And I walked from the back of the bus to the front of the bus, from the front of the bus to the back of the bus, thinking, I want to see something different every time, but I keep doing it.


That's just you're like, I'm just still stuck in it, you know? And then I go. And you're right. When you said it, like, I know it's not not depressed. It's just like in the environment of the circus.


Is is what it is, you know, and it just. I don't know, like if I felt like if I had the tools to do what you're talking about, that it would really help the time in all that.


Well, I know that you can call. I know it. And my soul to your soul. I know that we can cultivate an energy. Beyond our circumstances. I know that we can do that because we started this conversation going, it's in NATO. Wouldn't you agree all of this shit, everything we're talking about, Senator? Yeah, you know, certain things that we do, we trip upon our inner deal and then have an experience.


So it's like you're talking about your concert from an inner experience. Yes, all of it.


Which is which is why you which is why you are what I described you earlier, saying you're this open, tender, caring person. So it's just a matter of those times where we go on conscious times, we allow an energy to disrupt our inner world. And then how can we? Build our inner world back again, and it's Juanma, yeah. Honestly, I mean, it all boils down to that because I don't think it's about it's not.


I mean, somebody asked me the other day if I was happy. And was anybody ever really happy, come on, like, what kind of question is that, which is my way of deflecting right away? Oh, come on. Is anyone really ever really happy?


What kind of questions are like?


But but I think that what I'm talking about with all this isn't about happiness. It's about like contentment. No. Yes. And pure joy, like I, I feel joy. Up there, I feel joy and and watching, I feel joy in the pool. I feel joy and the sunsets I see, I feel joy, honestly, with a really good glass of red wine from Italy. I love Italy. I know. I know. But I feel joy and it makes me happy.


But I think where I struggle is is finding contentment within my life away from all that stuff I was thinking about the other day. I was sitting I was sitting down at the house and and I was I was thinking about, you know, this journey that we've all been on out on the road and and how fortunate I feel. But my brain has been wired. My brain has been wired one way. It's just go, go, go. And it's just been constant.


You know, it's it's it's 20 something years of just moving and being somewhere different and going somewhere else, meeting someone new, which is great.


I if my life if my life wasn't like that, I would be really unhappy, I think.


And the the still moments of my life is where I really struggle. I mean, we're I'm content because I. And I've had a few people in my life that know that. That finding, that joy. In small things and but I'm learning I think that's what's missing and help filling up the other side, you know, and but I'm learning, you know, I've. I think that's why I love I love the breathing, yeah, because it is just such a spiritual, you get to a place and you just go, oh my God, this is.


I feel like another person. Yeah, it's the space of you, yeah, we enter the space of you and I feel joy.


I feel real joy. Yeah but I don't know. Without sounding, too. Contentment is a good word because I it's hard for me to be content. And live in that space when. I know when I leave here. I'm going to have four or five people that need something right now, and it's a really good reason for it for. So how can you stay content? Within making decisions and giving to people, I mean, that's the question, that's the question, and that's the practice for you.


Yeah, I mean, it's a thing that I that I really need to figure out, honestly, because it's the root of, look, I love the life I've built.


I love I love having my own Sirius XM radio station. I love, you know, the companies that I have and I love I love the the life we built out there on the road and the audience we built and the connection of it all. But I am I do, I do I am craving balance within it, yeah, yeah.


So and contentment. Yeah. Well, just the thought, which is a fact that a lot of relationships in my life I'm sure. I mean it really has.


Yeah, I'm sure. Well, you're on the you're on the road and you're willing, um. It's just a matter of we all have a monkey mind like that, you know, we all have that those same ruts that we want to fall into, just like you said, you just described one. You described not only a physical rut, but a neurological rut that your brain just will completely jump into at 100 percent. And it's just a matter of it's not that this experiences need to change.


It's our experience of the experiences that need to shift.


Right. Because your brain goes down the same pathway and he knows that way. And it's just then we're unconscious, where's the stimulation in that? Yeah, you know, and so that's what I struggle with a lot. Yeah. So for your fans. Yeah. What are you what are you up to now? What are you doing and what are you excited about? Well, I'm excited I've got a song out right now that I wrote with Ed Sheeran.


Oh, nice. It's out. It's out now. It's called to the tip of my tongue. And. It's part of a new collection of music that's going to come out sometime next year. Beautiful. But so it's going to be a really busy speaking of living in the moment and. I'm going to be really busy next year, you know, so that's why it's important to have this conversation, because within within the circus, within all of it, I do need to find a way to have balance.


And some of it, because I already know that next year that I'm going to have an album out, at some point I'm going to do probably 50 to 60 shows. We're going to play 20 football stadiums next summer. We open in the Dallas Cowboys football stadium in April when we close at the Patriots Stadium and at the end of August and we are gone all summer. So there's a lot, you know, and I'm really excited about it and I'm really excited about the new music.


And and, you know, when I was speaking earlier about finding new melodies and people to write with, I mean, Ed Sheeran is a great example. Like nobody would ever think that Ed and I would be in a room like this trying to create. But we wrote several songs together, you know, and it's and it works because he takes my brain somewhere else. It's just. Oh, wow. At. I never thought to do it that way in his melodic structure is just unbelievable, you know, just in his brain is where he goes.


It just blows my mind. So there's a lot of that music on the next record, you know? And so I I'm really excited about, you know, getting back out there, because this year was, for all intents and purposes, was a year off. We did twenty four shows and we did it on two months. So it's that we were we were really busy in April and May, but but next summer we're going to roll through the America and Canada and and, uh, and do what we love to do, you know?


So here's the thing. I mean, as we know, there's no magic bullet. It's a balance is a series of things. Right? So it's like sleeping well, drinking good water, eating good foods. Hell, in this day and age, getting good supplements and adapt to genic herbs and things to help your body deal with stress.


You know, fresh food, you know, calm.


Being calm while you're eating is now and now coming out more and more about how to shift into parasympathetic nervous system instead of shoving food in or stressed out or whatever. So all of these things affect all of these things.


No wonder I am the way I am, because what you just talked about I don't mean to interrupt you. Yeah, but ever since I was in high school. I would eat, I had geography class fourth period. I'm not proud to admit this, OK, but I had fourth period geography class, my lunch was right before fourth period in high school and I would eat my lunch as fast as I possibly could so I could copy this girl Melinda's homework so I'd have time to copy her homework.


Right, right. Not all the time, but I just got in the habit of eating really fast. Then you go on the road and you're constantly moving. I've never ate, like, in that kind of space that you're talking about.


I don't I don't believe ever as an adult, miss calm and calm even when I'm off the road like I eat so fast.


OK, well, we've got to practice, we've got to practice, and I, like you, like, ruined a relationship. One time I went out with this really this really beautiful girl from from Louisville. Years ago, but as fast as I say she ate that slow, right, it just they were just both of us were like, we didn't know what to do. Like like she was. I can't believe you eat that fast. I said, I can't believe you eat that slow.


We're done. We're done. It's never going to work anyway. So so maybe I should. So maybe we'll have to have a meal sitting right under that oak tree surrounded by nature and just. Eat one bite at a time. Oh, my God, I get anxiety thinking about this.


That's funny, but we'll we'll help sort out some of that food stuff and get to Dahlin, but. But this is great, man. Thanks for sure, appreciate your time and I love you. Open it up. I love you, too.


Now, we've reached a part of the show where we address society's fatal conveniences and how we can avoid falling into them and being a victim of them. I define fatal conveniences as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. And even though they may be serious time or tricking us into thinking they're good for us, the truth is they're not fact. They could be slowly harming us and even killing us. Everybody, hey, we got to that point of the episode where I get to liberate you from the toxic exposure of maybe things that you have no idea is hitting you, that is stressing you, that is disrupting your biological flow, that is cutting you off from living ultimately a vital, healthy, happy life.


These are the things that you get exposed to consistently all the time when added up over time, they absolutely, sadly, are affecting us exponentially. This one, we all use it. We're all using it every day. And we're probably loving the silky smooth, the feeling. On our hair after we use it, that is shampoo. Now, I'm only going to highlight three of the top. Chemicals in most of the cosmetics, and with that, I'm going to expose some of the problems, you don't even know where to begin with some of the complications of chemical exposures.


OK, so the danger list of shampoos, let me just actually instead of going down the list, I'm going to just get into this a little bit. So what you want to look out for is this ethanol el-amine compounds, this Emmi, a DEA, TEGA and others. These are present in most consumer products ranging from cosmetics, personal care, household cleaning products. These are found in soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, dyes, lotions, shaving creams, paraffin waxes, household cleaning products, pharmaceuticals.


It's crazy, pharmaceutical ointments, eyeliners, mascara, eye shadow, bloche, makeup, fragrances and sunscreens.


Think about that. I just started this thing with shampoos. And what if you're actually taking in these ethno amines? With all of these products, so you're getting this toxic exposure, kidney liver, tumor production capability goes up, I don't think I want to do that. Right. So. These. Ethanol means these try ethanol means all of these kind of key words. Are chemical groups comprised of amino acids, these are building blocks of protein, but when you combine them and start altering them out of their natural form and with alcohols.


Now they're producing a wide application for personal care and all of that stuff. And these create a whole slew, it creates a cancerous environment, specifically targeting organs, liver, kidney, brain, how to avoid if you are seeing these amines at the end of any of these words, stay away.


It's either a atiyeh, a MEPA, and that's a really, really bad. Toxic exposure. That's just one people, that's one on the danger list, the next one is parabens. Had to have heard of parabens, right. So parabens now. They have been used in the cosmic in the cosmetic shampoos and whatnot for a very, very long time. These are endocrine disrupting chemicals and they can be absorbed absolutely through the skin. And then from the skin goes into the blood and then from the blood, it goes into the digestive system.


It's found in almost the same things, parabens and everywhere, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, facial, if anything, going on the fashion lotions and shower cleansers and scrubs. All of these things are exposures. So what do you what do you need to look for? And I'm going to put a link in the show notes for some of this stuff to help get used to some of these words. So, Ethel parabens Butel Perriman. Beribboned Methyl Perriman.


Pro Bayville parabens, axonal by little Perre been I can't even pronounce these damn things.


This is not of nature, God sakes man.


I mean, I get so fired up the more I hear about this stuff. Right. And so a lot of fragrances that they use in this stuff. And we got also all of the detoxification or sanitation sprays, also parabens. Right. So we got to keep hitting some of these big, big companies. Obviously pregnant women, please stay away. And babies, this is a really, really bad idea to use this at all. OK, so the next one is formaldehyde.


Are you kidding me? We're putting formaldehyde in our products. These are preventing beneficial microbes in the body. So it's kind of acting as a bit of an antibiotic. So it's destroying some of the healthy microflora. This is a nail polish, nail glue, eyelashes, hair gels, obviously shampoos, baby shampoos, baby soap, body soap, body wash color cosmetics. All of this stuff is crazy. So it's it's colorless, but it smells and it's this gaseous stuff.


But and also one of the things it irritates eyes, nose, throat, and it's, as they call it, an occupational asthma. But we don't know.


We're getting exposed to a chemical and we're having asthmatic responses. We're having inflammation that's going on because it's a result of toxic exposure. The body's trying to create mucus to isolate and to coat the burning and the and the exposure to chemicals. The fact that they put this stuff in our shampoos is acceptable. That was a fantastic episode. What was the one thing that you got out of today's conversation? If today's episode struck a chord with you and you want to dive a little deeper on a variety of topics, check out my live deep dive on Derrinallum Dotcom Backslash Deep Dive.


More episodes are available on Derren only dotcom as well. Keep diving, my friends.


Keep diving.


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