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It's that time of the week for another fatal convenience. This is a bite sized segment that addresses some of society's fatal conveniences and the steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of them. I define fatal conveniences as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to tap water, shampoo, sunglasses, food. I dive into the hidden truths behind some of our everyday choices that could not only be harming us, but even killing us.


So let's dive in.


Everybody, welcome to the show.


Thanks for tuning in. This is another installment of the infamous The Powerful Fatal Conveniences. It's so funny that I have to do these things because big industry, big profit does not look out for you, your children, your family and us as a society. So we have to share with ourselves. We have to police ourselves in the understanding that not everything that we buy on the shelves, in the boxes and the cans and the bottles. And in this case, our next photo, convenience petroleum jelly is not great to put on or certainly not in your body.


So this next fatal convenience was inspired by a female friend that was using Vaseline on her face to take off makeup. And I remember throughout my childhood, my mom would slather Vaseline on her face.


So I'm assuming that many of you are not using Vaseline anymore. But I realized that Vaseline has been around for a very long time. It's still being sold. It's still being marketed to. So I had to do it. This Fadhel conveniences petroleum jelly. So petroleum jelly is a mixture of hydrocarbons that comes from highly refined processes from the oil industry. I could probably stop there in the fatal convenience for you guys to go. Yeah. To put it on your skin, which now, you know, goes right in your body.


Whatever you're putting on goes in. So I could just one sentence. Things that are from refining, high refining, chemical refining in the oil industry is not something you want to use on your face. The chemical composition makes it odorless semi-solid, which has been adopted by the cosmetic industry and labeled to be healing for the skin. Now, before you turn off this fateful convenience, this is not just Vaseline. This is in other products that you may be using.


So keep that in mind. We need to uncover to rediscover our power and take back this exposure that we're getting from all of these things so it can have other names. It can have white petroleum, which somehow makes it sound better. It can have soft or liquid paraffin. Mineral oil. That sounds so natural, doesn't it? And then, of course, the registered trademark Vaseline and American brand of petroleum jelly based products owned by the British Dutch company Unilever.


And so you will find that Unilever does a lot of things that are not so great.


This toxic crude oil byproduct is often used in personal care products like lotions, moisturizers, conditioners, ointments, lip balm and many cosmetics. Nowadays, it's common cabinets, staple and almost everyone's household in some form or fashion.


Now, the great work, the Environmental Working Group says that there is petroleum and one out of every 14 cosmetic products in the market today, including 15 percent of lipsticks and 40 percent of the baby lotions and oils.


Now, let me say that again, this is a scary one. Out of every 14 cosmetic products and in 40 percent of baby lotions and oils. Now, go back to that list that I just said, mineral oils, white petroleum, do your research, look at the back of these baby products. Do not put the stuff on your children. Now, they claim that this is for healing cuts and burns. And that's been the. The marketing scam this entire time, so history and why is commonly found in the society and that in 1860 a man called Robert Keysborough began researching for new opportunities when his job became obsolete, clarifying kerosene from the oil of sperm whales.


Of course, that's where they got the oil back in the day. Why? Because the oil was discovered in Pennsylvania and he traveled to the fields to join the hype. And when he found the oil workers were using a substance that was a residue of the oil rig pumps called Rod Wax to heal their cuts and burn. So these guys were using back in the day. Well, these are these are hard working people. They're using this rod wax, which is a byproduct of the oil, and they're putting it all over their skin.


And there is potentially some healing. Now, maybe it just created a barrier of bacteria. That is my theory. And I think that's probably would hold up creating a barrier to bacteria so that the healing could potentially happen. This researcher began fooling around with this stuff and he eventually invented petroleum jelly to quote unquote, heal cuts and wounds and all of that stuff. Now, this wasn't scientifically based. This was just anecdotal and that some guy came up with originally, it was viewed as a medicine.


And Robert, the inventor, swore by eating a spoonful every day was actually good. What the hell? So this is just insanity. Robert patented the product by the name Vaseline. This was, again, an 18 60s, and he made a fortune from the multitude of uses and substances. And then eventually it was bought by Unilever. So the big, big question obviously is, is this stuff safe? Should be refined petroleum, oil slathered all over our bodies.


And in this case, this guy said inside the body. Now, before we get into some of that stuff, some interesting facts about petroleum jelly over the years is that people used it as chewing gum. So you're putting chewing gum that's refined oil in your mouth. And they people were using it and moisturize the dog's paws. And also goes back to my theory, it stopped fungal growth on turtle shells. So, again, it creates a barrier and it starves out the oxygen, starves out the skin.


There's no breathing anymore. So so it's used as lube and other objects, Dore's inches and stuff like that. So, listen, if you have Vaseline, a good ideas, put it on your hinges and use it in machinery, things like that. Other than that, don't put it on your biological system and certainly don't put it in your face. What makes it convenient? Well, this is something that grandma has been using for a very long time, very versatile.


You can throw it on your face, your lips. It creates a coat. It's shiny, it's supposed to heal wounds, cures diaper rash again, stars out teens a different environment for the bacteria, for the children.


But but you're also seeping in petroleum jelly and hydrocarbons and gives you this immediate kind of appearance of hydration, which hydration can't happen when you have oil all over your skin.


So it's this instant gratification, again, of using this petroleum jelly. It's cheap. It's readily available. That's the fatal convenience. So why should we care? Well, it's one hundred percent. Here we go. Drum roll a carcinogenic compound. So according to a board certified dermatologist, Dr. Alan Derfner, these carcinogens can be found in some of the petroleum jelly sold in the market as Vaseline, supposedly the Vaseline. People are taking out these carcinogenic compounds, but again, it's still oil and it's still being put on your face.


So I have a problem with it. I don't know how you could not have a problem with it. Customers, they don't know the level of purity or not. So therefore they're just buying the stuff. Again, we need to peel back and take the rose colored glasses off that things are on the shelves are not always and many times not in your best interest. So what happens is when you put this stuff on, it, suffocates your pores, clogs them up.


It has the appearance of hydration, but it actually does not. So it actually does the opposite. And with that, blocking of pores creates a cascade of effects. It's not water soluble. It doesn't break down. It doesn't go in eventually. Any carcinogenic or. Any chemical that's put in there in the refining process is going and seeping into your skin, so any person with acne or Rosia or any skin conditions, they should avoid this at all costs.


This is only going to exacerbate your problem and probably potentially set you up for a problem if you don't have it. This product is used externally, but some people also use it inside their nostrils. Right. So in the winter, people would slather this inside the nostrils so that the nostrils won't dry out.


But this is very dangerous. And even putting on your face, your you're breathing this in this gets into your lungs. And I have these this PubMed article in the show notes. So it's a very dangerous thing. So petroleum is breathed in and since the body can't metabolize it or break down the petroleum, then it creates a serious inflammation in the lungs that requires treatment and antibiotics. So especially now the respiratory issue with the viruses and things like that, petroleum jelly is a really bad idea because you potentially are going to breathe that in and suppress and create further inflammation.


And certainly men and women do not use this as a vaginal lubricant. And men, please don't use this for masturbation. Putting all this over your sensitive areas is a really, really bad idea. And so much so. The research shows Dr. Joel Brown women using petroleum jelly interview originally were two point two times more likely to test positive for bacterial vaginosis. Do you want bacterial vaginosis? No, you do not know. The research by rooters study of one hundred and forty one women found that 17 percent used petroleum jelly internally and 40 percent of them tested positive for, again, bacterial vaginosis.


So it's creating a horrible environment. So you're starting to get these are very toxic chemicals. Trillium is not fully refined in the US, which means it can it can be contaminated with other toxic chemicals, which, you know, now that very little toxic chemicals are being tested. And one of these is polycystic aromatic hydrocarbons or h.s. This is a very dangerous chemical health concerns. This one is directly connected to cancer. Again, these are chemicals that they're using in the refining process.


And if they're not testing, which they don't very, very little, five percent, nine percent, 10 percent of these eighty thousand chemicals every year being tested, then they're experimenting on you and your body. So the study linking h.s to breast cancer was completed by Columbia University. The study indicated that breast tissue of women and breast cancer were two point six times more likely to have increased amounts of h.s attached to their DNA than the breast tissue of women without breast cancer.


That's scary. So if you're using Vaseline as a moisturizer and certainly around your lymphatic system or geez, there's just no good place to put this and there's an attraction to breast tissue with this patches, and that's a very bad idea. So there was some regulation around that. One of the scariest and most possible contaminants that we're finding that shows up in some of these petroleum jelly is what's called one common for dioxane and impurity found in twenty two percent of all petroleum based cosmetics.


That is a possible human carcinogenic and is a known animal carcinogen. It is in 82 percent of hair dyes here. Me, it is an eighty two percent of hair dyes, forty five percent of self tanners and 36 percent of face moisturizers. This is one comma for dioxane. OK, you need to to not put this stuff on your body. It's a carcinogen because it actually prevents our skin from healing and aging correctly. This is creates, again, of impermeable barrier to the skin and locks things in and changes the environment.


This could ultimately cause wrinkles. Again, another research article by forming what is titled SEAL over the Skin. Vaseline not only blocks off air, water and anything. Else from getting in, but it also blocks your body's natural elimination of things you want to get out of your skin like toxins and bacteria. And there was another important study. Study was by pediatrics in 2000 found the extremely low birth weight infants treated with petroleum jelly were more likely to develop systemic candida.


It created a warm, moist place for fungal growth. Eliminate this stuff from your children and be on the lookout for the stuff it's in. A lot of products still start weaning yourself off of this stuff. And there's a lot of great new products out there. I'll list some main ingredients that you can look to, but the names you want to stay away from is petroleum. Again, mineral oil, petroleum, liquid paraffin and paraffin oil.


OK, so here's some alternatives that do the thing. Now, listen, my ex-wife, Alysa, she was using coconut oil to remove makeup used very well and wasn't and very biologically receptive by the skin. Then you can just wash it off. So removes the makeup and then you can wash off without any toxic chemicals at all. So coconut oil is a great one for removing mascara and removing lipstick. Removing some other alternatives is the product called Wax Alene Hypoallergenic, USDA certified or multipurpose ointment that moisturizer protects.


This is a leader in petroleum jelly substitutes. I haven't looked at this stuff in all aspects. It doesn't block the pores. So look at this. I don't know if they're adding anything else. You need to be on the lookout again. Unrefined organic virgin coconut oil. Cocoa butter is fantastic. Shea butter is fantastic. Hobel oil is amazing. Aloe vera is great. Extra virgin organic olive oil and dark or black glass bottles is great. And then again for the skin caldera labs face serum's are ridiculously amazing.


I use incredible product called the Good. These are incredible. Again, I have a bunch of the stuff in the show notes. There's some short documentary he can check out even the story of cosmetics by the Story of Stuff Project. So again, stay away from the paraffin. Stay away from the mineral oil. Stay away from petroleum. Stay away from the stuff that slides into your cosmetics and moisturizers and kids products, please. OK, so there's always a solution.


There's always a possibility. I just want to expose that which you're being affected by so you can change your habits, empower yourself, not get contaminated by this chemical soup that we throw that they've thrown out in the marketplace. OK, so this is all about empowering. Develop a new habit and there you won't have to deal with it anymore because you'll be in a habit. It's easy. Change it. Boom. Done. No more toxic exposure. OK, I love you.


Thanks for telling everyone. I hope you're feeling inspired to take a closer look at the everyday choices you're making and how they could be impacting your health and the planet. If you want to learn more about life's fatal conveniences, head over to fatal conveniences dot com. You can sign up for the exclusive access to basic conveniences, episodes, news, insights and more. And all of this great stuff gets sent each week straight to your inbox, making it really easy.


Now, that's a convenience without the negative side effects. It only takes a few seconds to join in, just fill in the form and take that amazing step towards making better choices. Remember, small changes can have a big impact. So we keep driving. My friends keep driving.


Oh, and if you haven't had a chance to check out the interview I released earlier in the week, here's what you missed.


What truly in this moment right now matters to you. And I'm thinking about something that's related to yourself. I'm not talking about the Naxal concerns that anyone has in the outer world and really talking about in a world. And if there's something that's troubling you, that's bothering you, paying attention when it comes to food or nutrients or anything, you're consuming or drinking, paying attention to body intelligence is one of the most powerful things we can do. Because when you eat something or drink something and you don't feel good, why are you ignoring it?


Your body's is telling you something. Pay attention to it because it's a message. You there you're experiencing that emotion and that feeling with feeling foggy, whether it's been exhausted after a meal, bloated, gassy, uncomfortable, a headache, a dry mouth, whatever those sensations are.


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