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You are listening to the Darren Wilson Show, I'm Darren, I spent the last 20 years devoted to improving health, protecting the environment and finding ways to live a more sustainable life. In this podcast, I have honest conversations with people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they'll inspire you to. We talk about all kinds of topics from amping up your diets and improving your well-being to the mind blowing stories behind the human experience and the people that are striving to save us and our incredible planet.


We've investigated some of the life's fatal conveniences. You know, those things that we are told might be good for us, but totally aren't. So here's to making better choices and the small tweaks in your life that amount to big changes for you and the people around you and the planet. Let's do this. This is my show, The Darren Olean Show.


Welcome, everybody, to the Derrinallum Show. I'm Daryn, I'm stoked you're here, excited to bring you this next episode of this incredible guy, Naveen John, an entrepreneur. You will hear it in his voice, his levity, his ability to deliver on something that's complicated, but hearing his passion, his reasons for doing things, this guy goes after some of the biggest problems that we face. He has started seven companies, including Moon Express, InfoSpace, Intellisense, Blue Dot, talent wise.


And this next adventure. I'm really excited about it's called Vilem. It's a biological way for you to test what's going on in your body, what foods you're reacting to, maybe what foods you need. It's testing your microbiological system, your microbes sends out these little kits. You put the sample in, it comes back. It's all electronic. It gives you so much information and then it drives you to what kind of foods work for you right now, what kind of foods don't work for you right now.


And it's specific to you because sometimes there is food that's technically good, but your body can't break it down. You can utilize it. And it's reacting to something. And because of our toxins in our atmosphere and in our environment and in our water and in our food, our permeability of our gut lining has been compromised. Certainly the work of Dr. Zack Bush and the microbiome as it relates to glyphosate and the digestibility, how easy it is to disrupt that.


So this is an incredible step towards your health and your future specific to you. We're going to dive into it. And Naveen is so fun to talk to. We just get right to it. We get into what this is all about, why he's doing it, and the power that it puts back in your hands and your choices is immense. They were very kind. So just use the discount code. Olean Twenty. That's all caps. Oh, l i e n twenty.


And they'll give you that discount for your first purchase. And getting those tests show up to your house, put the sample in there, send it off and they'll give you this breakdown. It's all on your phone, all on your computer. And it is just a powerful step towards your own homeostasis, your own balance. And then when your body is out of inflammation and out of challenges, then you can feel better, sleep better, weight falls off, inflammation goes down.


You know the drill when you get what your body needs, when you understand what your body requires, it just works. OK, so have fun listening to this incredible guest and this incredible driven entrepreneur, a person I love this guy. I was touched by him and he is up to some great things. Here is Naveen John. All right, well, hey, thanks for coming, man, talk to me about your incredible, incredible entrepreneurial career and the genesis of that.


And I'd also like, you know, we'll start there. But also I'd love to just unpack that the deeper motivation that is for you, because there has to be a deeper motivation for someone like you with the kinds of things that you're you're you're into. So so how did how how did your journey start in this career? And where was that motivation from so far?


Other than I want to thank you for hosting me here. Been looking forward to talking with you. And the last time you and I chatted, it was a love of love at first sight so that you are go back again together of, you know, an entrepreneurial journey to be is it is about having a true obsession to solve a problem. And entrepreneurial really is a problem solver. And it's not anyone who really starts something to make money is really not an entrepreneur.


To me that to me, those are not the people who ever succeed in life. Right. And if I may say so, I think it's probably OK between us. You know, making money is always a byproduct. It's a byproduct of doing things that you love doing and byproduct of doing things that fundamentally improve people's lives. And it's never about the goal. Right.


So it's like, you know, I see making money is like having an orgasm. If you focus on it, you never going to get it. But if you enjoy the process, you're going to get it. So you have to make money. Just enjoy what you're doing. Do it because you love it. Right. And I have this framework that in that I have now having done this and this is my seventh venture, and I go through this framework every time I start any company.


And I would love to go through with you because anyone who is listening to it probably can apply that and that. To me, my goal really is to give people everything I have done in my life and see how other people can apply for the benefit of you about it. So when I start a company, it doesn't matter what industry it is. So first thing is, I never start two companies in the same industry because my belief is once you become good at something, you become incrementalists.


You become mostly useless because the best you can do is to be 10 percent better than someone else. But you can never be ten times better than someone else if you are expert in the field because you dig the foundation for granted. When someone comes from outside the industry, the challenge, the foundation, and that's how you become ten times better or a hundred times better. That's what a disruption happens. So I have this framework I was telling about why this?


Why now, why me? Why this is really simple. God forbid you are actually successful in solving the problem you set out to do. Would it help a billion people live a better life? And it tells you that is this a problem? What solving. So when I started on my question, the problem we were trying to solve was can we actually create a world? Can we imagine a world where being sick is truly a choice? Can we actually prevent and intercept chronic diseases?


And there was nothing in my mind. I say, look, God forbid is actually we are successful in solving that. Would it help a billion people? Answer was seven point four billion people. Check that. The next thing is why now? Why now really means to me is what has changed in the last couple of years or what you expect will be changing in the next few years that allows you to solve this problem today then it was possible a decade ago, because if you are still using the same technology, same thing that was available a decade ago, you have to assume you're not the smartest guy in the world.


Somebody would have done it. So you have to really believe that something had changed now or something that's coming will change that will allow you to solve this problem. And then I'm going to not apply that to while. So in our case, we say, you know, to prevent and reverse chronic diseases, you have to be able to understand the human biology at a molecular level. To do that, you have to be able to digitize the human body, to digitize the human body.


The cost of sequencing, what everything that's happening in your body has to come down. And the cost was several thousand dollars. And I thought, you know, the sequencing costs are coming down in two years. That cost should be under one hundred dollars. Unpack that a little bit. What does that mean in terms of sequencing the human body in that way? And so is it.


What it really means is today we think of the human body as analogue, right? So we have blood in our body, the stool, and we have urine and then we have lung. And yet all these organs, these are all what I call analog. Physical body, at the end of the day, these things perform a function just like computer code, right? So our everything that is in our body is basically back in a DNA and they are literally a code like computer code of zero one.


And these things are like ACG and there's literally a computer code and this computer code gets decoded, which we call Ottone, and it tells you what genes are going to be expressed. So your DNA are like your genes, Ottone, is what is actually being expressed so that not everything is expressed all the time. And here's why. So think about it. Every part of our body data is identical, being identical, not similar, identical. That same cell block that from Act Together Zygon that makes everything in our body that you hear is identical DNA that you take.


Then why is it you don't have the teeth growing on your head and the hair growing on your mouth? Same DNA because not all the genes that express all the time when the certain genes are expressed, they become here, other genes are spread, they become something else to spread, they become Eskin and on and on and on. And so that expression is constantly changing. And even as we live, one of the interesting things that I realize is so I'm going to continue down the show that is sequence sequencing is understanding the code of the human body by understanding what is there, what could be expressed and what is being expressed.


The second part of that was how do you decode it? Once you get all this massive data, you need a supercomputer to unpack that data. And we realized four years ago the cost of processing this data is going to be so expensive we will never be able to keep this business unless that cost comes down significantly. So I remember when we launched a company, the cost we knew the AWB, the Amazon Web Services that you can process massive, very expensive.


And at that time we were spending goes to about forty five dollars or forty to forty five dollars per person just to analyze the data and realize that costs will come down to ten bucks. And I thought this looks like a good time now. And the third part was now you decoded all the data. What do you do after that? You have to have artificial intelligence that's powerful enough to be able to actually make sense of it. That's called deciphering.


So digitizing, decoding and deciphering. And the deciphered part was can be powerful. And we realize not just that, but the whole idea of neural networks and how you can run thousands of algorithms on the data that is actually becoming good enough now that we can launch a company. And that's why we see the time is not the last part is the most interesting part, which I always do when I start a company, which is why me let means what question am I asking that is different from what everyone else is asking?


Because as an entrepreneur, most people think it's about having the right answers, actually about asking the right question, because the question you ask is the problem you solve. You as a host know that the question you ask is how the interview goes. So it's really all about asking the right question, not having the right answers. Like in our case, we said, you know, people are so focused. Everybody in the industry is focused on wanting to understand your genes and your DNA, everything people know about reality.


And everyone was focused on the genes. Everybody in the microbiome that you mentioned that we talk about these organisms that are thirty nine trillion, that you've got to be about that a lot and the as we go along. But they are all there. And guess what they were focused on. They were wanting to find out every organism that they thought it wants to find out your DNA and these organisms are named Lactobacillus this and but they said they thought, wow, that we can solve the problem.


I came from outside the industry and I kept thinking that can't possibly be the problem that need to be solved. And here's why I thought that your DNA doesn't change your life. You can gain two hundred pounds and you can do a DNA before you get into and after your DNA is the same, you get depression, your DNA hasn't changed. You get autoimmune disease, you get heart disease. You can go on and on diabetes, nothing. You DNA never changes.


So how can you blame your DNA for that? So I thought, you know, it's got to be the expression of those things that really matters. And if we can imagine what is being expressed, we will know why you are having a disease, because two identical twins, identical to any one gets a disease and one doesn't. So it can be a and it has to be something else. And there's something else we knew was expression. Same thing with microbiome.


I thought knowing the names of who is there will never solve the problem because these organisms probably are like human beings. They could do different things at different point of time in different environment. So I am at work entrepreneur. You are a host, you go home, you are a dishwasher watching. And that's literally what happens to these organism, people have this idea of a good bacteria and bad bacteria. It is about good behavior or bad behavior. So it gives the dead and is kind of a good person.


But when he does a bad thing, I think he's a good person. He's doing the bad thing is still a bad night. The point is what matters is what they are doing. Is it good or bad for your body? Not all the good people are bad. Good people do bad things. And that's literally what happens after dementia is a great example. Everyone thinks Eckermann is a good bacteria. Guess what? At least in several diseases, including mouth, it actually is the one that causes the disease.


It becomes pathogenic. It really changes the behavior. When things around it become toxic, it becomes. So my point is, when you associate yourself with a bad people, your behavior is generally not very good.


And that's really my point was so we realized in the early days the why me was I'm going to ask a different question. I'm going to focus on what bacteria are producing. I'm going to focus on gene expression, and that's how we're going to solve the problem. And that's literally why this why now? Why me? And that's what got us in the journey of seeing if we can find the gene expression, we can solve the problem. Now, that's where we started.


And we started this company four years ago and everyone told us that gene expression is not cannot be done. Ottone is so unstable, you will never be able to sequence it, never be able to measure it. And I said, maybe you're right. Guess what? I went around looking for a technology that could do that. I went to every nazo center. I'm not getting I was in Houston thinking these guys are finding the damn organism in must.


They should know how the hell to do this shit.


Nothing ended up at Los Alamos National Lab, which is known for atomic bomb. And guess what? I was talking to the scientist there and one of the scientists said for the ten years they have been trying to work on solving this problem and this was a biodefense problem. If a bad actor were to get hold of something biological, how would we know what made us sick? They can't forget out organism of the earth because they didn't matter. They need to know what the antidote to give them.


They need to figure out what they are actually producing. And this is the reason we can do this is because we do this on a sequencing.


And I shook my head. I thought this can be done. He said that's what we actually figured out how to do for the last ten years. And so we managed to get the exclusive license with the technology and started a while. And that just literally is the fundamental things.


What makes us so unique? So for years, maybe all, most of my life, people have been asking me what kind of foods you eat, what kind of exercises do do, what kind of water should I drink, all of these things and so much more we put into a 21 day program. So that can take you through a theme every day of knowledge, action, and then eating this delicious meals, working out, getting support, anchoring in these new habits.


So you can do what? So that you can kick ass. So you have the energy, the vitality to live the kind of life that you really want. That's what it's all about. So all in this app, we have grocery lists, we have education about real hydration and what greater oxygenation and the balance of organization. All of these things we are diving into as you're heading down this hero's journey of implementation into a new life to give you the kind of life that you actually want.


So join my tribe. All you have to do is go to one to one tribe, dotcom, sign up and you get three free days. Join me on this hero's journey. Join the tribe. So as RNA is essentially given its orders as to how to express the DNA, what was it for you that made that jump between the microbiome being the influence on the on the RNA? Like, how did you make that jump? So it's very interesting.


So this is my second part of when I start any company in an industry, I become an information junkie. So I am that guy who just reads a lot at that point. I know nothing about it and does. One thing good is I never read one book because when you read one book, what happens is author's view becomes your view. When you read 20 books, what happens is now 20 different points of view and then you create a point of view which connects to all of these dots and your view becomes a unique view in this case.


And the second thing I always do is if you want to know what is going to happen ten years from now, you actually read the research papers that are coming out in the lab now. So when I was four years ago, I was reading these nature and cell and everything. I was looking at chronic diseases. What causes the people to gain weight? Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression and get thinking. Every research paper saying something called gut microbiome is responsible for this.


You get depression, you get dementia, you get Alzheimer's. What the hell is this microbiome they keep talking about? This gut microbiome is responsible for this. And I don't understand the thing that but there's something about this gut microbiome I got to go look at. And the interesting thing was that's literally when we see when there's so much research that we start to see there, people and people say, oh, so when I started the company, I said, we're going to analyze this gut microbiome.


I honest to God, remember my kids were much older. They almost had a revolt at home. So they said, Dad, we need to have a conversation with you. What what's what happened here is a dad. You've done great stuff. You you build a company to go to the moon. Now, what is this microbiome? And you're going to analyze people. This, too. You have gone nuts. Health care. You don't know anything about it.


You're going to get bloody time to write into some sunset. Just go do your thing now. Go retire. This is we don't understand this microbiome thing. Why do you want to waste the families without doing something? And I said, sit down. I'm going to explain it to you. This gut microbiome is the one that's going to solve the problem of the human diseases. And this can never be done. And that means I have not quite taught you all the lessons of life.


Let me show you how it's done. And my point was that the reason I was now today, you know, you look at glamour and we talk about gut microbiome.


So my point was, it's not like I had a crystal ball. I saw the crystal ball, I saw the research papers. And I mean, you see the four years from now, everybody's going to be talking about that.


So you you read a lot of research and what kept coming up as people were hinting at and didn't quite have the full picture, but they realized that every time a degeneration of degeneration of something was happening, that the microbiome was somehow involved. And so by by reading all of this stuff, you then came to your conclusion saying, listen, I have to look into this because it keeps popping up everywhere. And so then what happened? What was the final light bulb that went off going?


What kind of information did you gather to just finally go, yep, this is it. And then then I'm going to put this into action.


So that's basically so once we see this gut microbiome and the next thing you said, oh, that is really true. There are so many companies were trying to do this gut microbiome test and this problem is not solved. Am I a moron that I'm just not reading this thing right or something is actually the question that these companies are asking of very, very different. Right. And that turned out so when I start to think about it and read more, it turns out every gut microbiome company was not only just focused on what organisms are there, they were using a decade old technology that was simply about at highest level what type of genisis you have.


Do you have better priorities or for me and I'm thinking, really, why does your body kids want you to care about what they are producing? And all these thousands of organisms under from me to every one of them is performing a different function. So by looking at thing, I think there are men and a woman. And he said, well, I think men are generally bad people. No wonder bad things that happen that are really good men out, really bad men out there.


You can just add that. The point was once we started to look at the thing, the fundamental problem we found was that no one as. Looking at what these big groups are producing, and I thought, if we can understand that, then we know these microbes they produced, we call them technically metabolites, but in my world, we call them micro micro poop, basically some microbiome poop. They did this stuff that. So when we eat food, they take our food, they digest it and they poop this stuff out that goes into our body.


And that's actually what happens. These micro poop or metabolites get absorbed in our body and they actually change our gene expression. So when they release something called butyrate, nutrient is one of the things that gets produced when you eat fiber or fibrous products and you gut bacteria actually ferment it. And the really short chain fatty acid is one of them is built that actually reduces your inflammation. In other cases, these bacteria produce something called LPF. So lipo polysaccharide, guess what happened?


That causes a massive amount of information. Then when you eat a lot of the especially your audience that a fitness guy, that they eat a lot of protein that think, oh, I'm just going to build up my muscle, somebody lot of protein. Unfortunate part of that is if you put into them get digested, it goes into your gut with these bacteria ferment when the fermented. What do you think they release ammonia? And guess what? Not only that causes gas, it causes inflammation.


The other thing that's interesting that we learn about it. So we have analyzed over two hundred thousand. Right. And we have every kind of knowledge. So, for example, for me, I did the test and I thought, I'm just like, I'm a healthy eater. What are you going to tell me? It's a healthy eater. Everything that you think is healthy is actually unhealthy for you is to stop eating broccoli and brussel sprouts, the green stuff.




You said those things contain so much salt food and you have very high sulphide production. And sulphide is highly influential. Not only it smells bad, it's also good for your body and cut down the spinach because your spinach has acid or Oxlade that is not being digested, you're going to end up with a kidney stone. And unfortunately, two years ago I had a kidney stone thinking how dumb of me to be eating spinach and not realizing what was going on.


And the point was, now you can actually see what's happening in your body. So when you do a wild best, we tell you everything about. So we tell you your immune health. We tell you your cellular health. We tell you you've got health, we tell you your mitochondrial health, and then we give you your biological age and then we tell you what to do about it. Then we see here are the foods you should avoid and why.


Here are the foods you should eat and why. And here are all the ingredients that your body is lacking in these. So we say you need twenty two mg of lycopene, you need thirteen mg of lipids, you need 17 mg of calcium, you need 11 mg of elderberries. And then we say, you know what you get we will make that capsule in that doses just for you and we ship it to you. That has never been done that no one has ever figured out how to do.


A tailor made made to order in a precise dosage for what you need is different from what your wife needs. And that is something we call preseason supplement, preseason health. And the idea is our body is unique, not just at the DNA. There is no such thing as universal healthy food. But you and I have been taught in the early days. These eat healthy and eat healthy. Manuels eat green. Now we know not that all green is good for you.


In fact, what is good for you today may not be good for you six months from now. And what is bad for you today may not be bad for you six months from now. So not only it varies people to people even within you, your body is constantly changing. So that is the trick is personalize it precisely for each person based on what's happening right now, not what could happen.


Yeah, well, that's the that's the massive shift, right, that that you guys are opening up this window that's never been really seen before. And really looking at I have a couple of thoughts on that, because it's it's you're really going back to that terrain theory again. It's like our environment is influencing us. What? And then and the micro environment is also expressing itself based on all of our past, based on what we're putting in our mouth, based on the stress that we have, based on many different factors.


And you are taking the snapshot of what my environment is currently doing. And I took the test and I'm seeing many of the foods that I love are supported, and so I keep eating those and keep eating this. And there's a couple of things and that says, you know, stay away from this. And that's the thing. It's like what I love about it is it's just a current snapshot of information, expression, degeneration, and then it's giving you food selections and food choices that you can easily adapt and see changes right away.


And that's the that's the beautiful thing. It's like it's individualized. And like like you said, maybe the spinach and the oxalate aren't good for you right now, but they're absolutely great for me. And so so we can't make this universal kind of approach to to our health care. And the difference is to like when we talk about the probiotics, prebiotics, all of that stuff, and most companies are going after the microbiome from from just take this magical.


Now, there's obviously applications to take probiotics and probiotics like. But but most of the companies are coming at it. Just take these. And, you know, that's going to help your, like you said, like the good bacteria and then all your problems are solved and it's way too simplified and it doesn't really address the terrain or the food that you're taking in, because that's that's what's creating your environment.


Interesting thing is that even the probiotics in our preseason supplement, we include the probiotics in pre bioacoustics. You need to remember what happened to that. It's not the one single strain that is good for you. And I think in the whole marketplace and supplement is completely backward. They think more and more things are better. So you've got seven students. I got 10 and you got two thousand. Kefu I got twenty thousand. I'm just like, wait a sec.


What makes you think it's better, not worse. From so to me to us it is about we saying no, no, no, no, no, you don't need seven, you'd only need three of them. And by the way, other four, I want to harm you. So we're going to put those three strains. And by the way, you need two thousand of this. Five thousand and one thousand of this. You don't need twenty thousand there.


So we literally see what is the you need and we only give you that. So the idea is anything that your body doesn't need, you are harming your body. So just what you need and nothing that you don't because and that is not like, oh, I take multivitamins because the more things I take, the better I go. And every time I read a magazine, it's like, honey, I think I should buy this one too. I think they said and every time, oh, this is now I can I can't even believe I bought all these.


I'm going to get green coffee extract to have me lose it all. But honey, do you buy that from South Africa? That has to take everything. You have no idea what is working. The only thing you know is on a free or what you read now is very interesting when I think you might have chatted about that. A lot of people who are into antiaging and heard of something called need, I think is really good for you, is good for your longevity.


And people are buying this thing LSM and all the shit that people are buying and precursor to anything.


What's really interesting what we saw was when you take NZD and in fact if you have high cellular senescence, that means the cells that are no longer dividing or you have high oxidative stress, it actually harms you, it causes more inflammation. So it's not like anything that is good for some people is bad for some people, just like any food. So my point is this idea of people saying I'm going to just take these adead because I'm going to live longer and you might be shortening your life.


Wow, that's bouffe. Yeah, because because this is the this is the the danger of marketing. Some of these things that are there are promising everything. And again, it's a biochemical individualities situation. What do you think from two hundred thousand peoples and data. You've got this, this a I've got these algorithms. You're you're cruising through all of the massive amount of data to be able to send out information specifically to me based on all of the data that you've gained.


And the more that you're gaining, what's the most surprising thing today that that you see? Maybe it's a list of things, but I've got a list of things.


I'm going to tell you some of the things that have surprised me in the beginning when we started the company, I never, ever thought that. The lot of the hormones are actually produced by the gut microbiome, so estrogen, estrogen, recycled testosterone, I thought that would be something the microbes don't do. That was surprising to me. But you can literally start to see these hormones being produced. The second thing that was really interesting was we saw people who were vegetarian.


The gut microbes were taking the complex carbs and converting them into amino acid as a precursor to protein.


And I just like to me what who would have ever cung that you literally you're going to be microbes who are people who are vegetarian, actually evolved to convert them into amino acid, the precursor to protein. I mean, just like no food science gets you there, right?


Wow, that's amazing. That's amazing. So basically, the microbes are helping to transmute and change the the building blocks of carbohydrates, transmute them amino acids.


The other thing that we found was the people who like detoxification. So we see people who are growing up in China. They had the microbes that were detoxifying MSG. So these people can take MSG and they have no interest because they just completely metabolize it. And other people like us, we get a headache when you get MSG because our microbes are not able to digest energy. So it was really interesting right now with the two hundred thousand people, data is unbelievable.


So what we're seeing is we have now 30 different besieges. We have biomarkers for obesity and diabetes and depression and anxiety and IBS and on and on, including all the different types of cancer. So not only we can tell you when you do multiple deaths, you're moving towards that disease. Now you're moving towards people who are depressed. Don't go it up either. You're moving away from a disease.


So we cannot tell you what your plan looks like. We're you're to is the predictive biomarker that mean, hey, you're going to get IBD? If you keep going down this path right now, you better start moving back. Yet another thing we saw was the actually the impact it is having on people. So we literally take people in time. One, we give them the food and supplements and then we don't have time to see what happens. What we stop by that.


This is just brand new data. Just two weeks old. We saw thirty seven percent reduction in people who had IBS. And this is a clinical school of thought Ibbs Clinical School. But people who have IBS, the actually the clinically, their school went down by thirty seven percent. Depression to nine school for depression went down by thirty two percent. Wow. Good. So how long of a time. Four months. Four months. Wow. Four months and eighty seven for anxiety.


Just a general anxiety disorder that came down by twenty nine point eight percent right. Now what I'm trying to tell these new drug that is as effective as your food is.


So when people talk about you are a big believer in food as a medicine and these are the doctors who are prescribing you drug and can I I'm going to go on to this is here for a 30 second. The every doctor out there, they take Hippocratic Oath, do no harm. They are not talk about nutrition. They talk about FDA ill. There is a prescribed God and you become a salesperson for a pharmaceutical company. They forget what Hippocrates actually said.


You and I both know what hypocrisy. All diseases begin in the good. Let food be thy medicine. Let the medicine be the food. And there is not a doctor who takes the Hippocratic Oath ever says, oh, food is a medicine.


Many of you who follow me know I've spent most of my life searching for the healthiest foods on the planet. If you look hard enough, there are a few unknown, extraordinary foods around the world that people still don't know about. And a few years ago, I came across my favorite superfood discovery of all time verrucas nuts. When I first tasted them, my eyes lit up. The taste alone just absolutely blew me away. But after sending them to a lab, which I do and getting all the tests, I realized they're the healthiest nuts on the planet like no other nut even compares.


They have like an unusually high amount of fiber and they're off the charts in super high antioxidants and have fewer calories than any other nut. Like it's jam packed with micronutrients. But they're not just good for you. They're really good for the planet. Most other nuts require millions of gallons of irrigated water. But Maruca trees require no artificial irrigation. Bazookas are truly good for you, good for the planet. And good for the world community. It's a win all the way around, I really think you'll love them.


So I'm giving all of my listeners 15 percent off by going to Barracas Dotcom backslash, Daryn. That's B a r u k a s dot com backslash, Daryn. D a r i and I know you will enjoy. They're very founder statement, and the statement is based on that person's work and and it's completely in left field. It's not even close to being exercised. And we wonder why. You know, the medical field is one of the leading causes of death by by this misuse of drugs.


And we're not talking about it.


I mean, honestly, it is you and I can do it until the cows come home. But the problem is the medical industrial complex is miss incentive. Everyone in the medical industrial complex makes money when we are sick and not no one makes money when we are healthy. Now, they're not bad people, but the incentives are really misaligned. Now, imagine if we created a medical system that says and in some of the villages in India, they have this really interesting system, which I, I never understood why I thought it was some like kindness.


The village doctor, all the villagers be the village doctor every month. And when someone gets sick, they stop paying the doctor. Right, so incentive was to keep the people healthy, not to keep them sick, because as soon as they get sick, they stop getting the money. Imagine our health care system where doctors get paid to keep you healthy.


And the minute you get sick, they stop getting paid and they have to pay for your drugs so that they know while it's completely the opposite, because I think, like, we pay insurance, right? We pay them insurance. But what if we flip the model and we paid a doctor that is versed in medicine and versed in nutrition and all of that stuff, and we're glad to pay because that he's he or she is now in service to to and and has an incentive to keep us healthy.


I would be happy to pay forward to that doctor if that was the I mean, that could revolutionize the whole game and undercut the conflicts of interest of the pharmaceutical industry.


So then we started getting this new service called Preseason Health Service that we don't charge is basically you pay a monthly fee to us. We give you the test, we give you all the things you need, every diet, every supplement that is the enzyme provided to everything. And six months later, we test it and we show you how your body had changed and improved and we readjust everything and we just keep doing it. So our goal is once you go on a preseason health plan, this is how you prevent from getting sick.


And this is literally bringing that model back that, hey, our job is to keep showing you how your body's constantly changing. And every time you do a test, you can see my inflammation was here. Now see it? Amazing.


I love that. So you've kind of created a bit of a system just like what we're talking about within that. So. So with that and the work that you're doing now, the microbiome, talk a little bit about I haven't taken the mitochondrial test yet, but talk about what that is and where the future of where you're going and what you see for the company moving forward.


So we basically, Daryn, started out looking at the gut microbiome because at thirty nine trillion of these organisms, they produce ninety nine percent of all the genes that are expressing the human body. So if you look at our mom and dad that gave us all this thing, we call a site that actually produces about twenty two thousand protein coding genes, that's at twenty two thousand. And a microbes are producing somewhere between two million to 20 million of these genes.


So think about what we should look at from a gene expression perspective. We are less than one percent human, right? So less than one percent human. And so trying to make is that if you look at our cells, even within our cells that we get from the mom and dad, even they are not just us inside the cell. There's something called mitochondria, which is a separate organism inside ourselves and organelle. It has its own DNA. That's used to be an ancient bacteria, just in case you're wondering that all that so is even inside our cells, these guys have invaded to be inside ourselves.


So when you talk about what influence they have, our gut, in fact, is not only connected to our cells, it also connects to our brain, to a Vegas. And that's the reason most people don't realize most of the mental diseases are actually gut diseases. And it's a bidirectional back. So when you have a stressed you microbiome changes and when your microbiome changes you to stress up there, you get depression, you get anxiety. And that's the reason you feel when you're anxious, you get butterflies in your stomach, you don't get butterflies in your head.


And my point is the same type of things happen, some migraines and stuff, a lot of the stuff other neurotransmitters mean sending a signal to the vagus nerve to the pink. And now we are realizing even diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's actually start in the gut 10, 15 years before you actually get the disease. So coming back to mitochondria microbiome and mitochondria communicate and mitochondria actually produces all the energy in our cell. So the desk that you're talking about is called Health Intelligence Desk.


It does a couple of drops of blood. We look at all the genes that are expressed in your human body. So that human gene expression and then we do that is to that gives us all the microbial gene expression. So we look at what microbes are producing and then we see what microRNAs are producing. How are they changing what the human genes are producing? And then based on that, we say, oh, this is your mitochondrial help because we can look at the mitochondrial Biogenesis, we can look at the oxidative stress, we can look at all the things that are going on.


And then we give you these insights. Your cellular how do mitochondrial health. Immune health in all of these things actually come from that health intelligence test and then and based on that, we can tell you here is what you need to do. So, for example, it tells me my digestive efficiencies. What do these five things experience? Here is my cellular health. It needs help here, here and here. And here are the ingredients that you need.


And here are the foods you should take. So it's literally not just tells you what's happening, it tells you what to do about it.


And so the more and more you go, the more data you get, the more individuals do this, the more precise this gets.


I would imagine that that's exactly what happens. So two hundred and thousand customer who comes in is benefiting from all the people that came before them. And it helps that every person who comes after them. And that's the beauty of this, what I would call us humanity coming together to solve our own problem if we rely on pharma companies will always be sick. And if we all can come together, millions of us, we will understand what is causing a disease and then we will solve it, not what interests the pharma company have.


To actually not give you the antacid drugs and it's really interesting, by the way, I was just talking to you on this particular topic on colorectal cancer. We noticing that younger and younger people are getting colorectal cancer and a lot of people now have IBD, IBS, and we actually were just analyzing our data. It turns out and all the people who have colorectal cancer, this bacteria called fusel bacterium nuclei who get some fat, whose activity is five hundred fold higher when people have colorectal cancer in the gut.


And we kept thinking what is going on here? So we looked at IBD and we look at IBM like, wow, this bacteria shouldn't even be in the gut. It turns out this becta actually is our microbiome. It should be in your saliva, should never be in the gut. So what is causing suddenly that why more and more people are having them in the gut? And then we looked at these were all the people who were taking untested drug like PCP, Nexium.


So what's happening is these bacteria that comes from our food and our auto microbiome normally would get killed in the acid, in the stomach. And now when you take these Nexium and other antacid kampai drugs, they are actually now not killing them and they're going into the gut. And now you have all kinds of pathogens. So you get all these pathogens, you've got all these bacteria that are causing havoc in our body. Wow, that's incredible.


So this this this acid that we have, we take this this acid buffering alkaline tablet. It changes the acidity zone in our digestive system, which is absolutely there as a barrier for not beneficial bacteria, et cetera. But yet it's opening the door for all of this other bacteria to go in and causing a second wave of invading us. But but it's it's just what we've done is we've killed off that barrier of protection through thinking we're just taking this innocent anti acid tablet.


That's incredible. Leading colorectal cancer. That's crazy. And by the same thing happening in the region, which is another thing that we saw, it was people who are aging poorly. That means whose biological age is higher than their chronological age. And I hope you don't get upset at your audience because one of the biggest culprit of that was the ketogenic diet. Some people, yeah, people who want an acquittal, they are so restricted, they are actually may look 10, but they completely fuck up their body.


That's a technical word, right?


Well, you're not going to get an argument from the whole food plant based guy over here.


And and by the way, that's the best one. So we saw the Ketel Diet is worst value. Diet is second, and the best diet is actually a plant based diet was the best in terms of the chronological age being higher than that. Biologically, you are much younger than your chronological age. Look, I'm a plant based guy. I'm sixty one and my biological age is forty nine and I can still kick ass of twenty nine year olds because I'm just full of energy and that is because I eat the right food.


And so when I'm trying to make is that these aging other things that aging that causes is the gut permeability, leaky gut. When you have that you're eating food that makes the inflammation higher, your gut lining actually, which protects the gut microbes staying inside and not allowing the barrier is broken. So now they go in your blood and your inflammation is constantly high. And now when you have high inflammation, not only you get obesity, diabetes, heart disease, all that, but you get infection like flu or covid.


Now your immune system is already bogged down by all that shit. It doesn't have time to deal with this new thing and you get into ICU. Other big thing, which I did not realize early on, was gumps. So imagine tons of bacteria in our oral microbiome. When you have the guns that are inflamed and like what's happening, the blood you have or microbe now going into the bloodstream, things are happening. And that's why people are realizing a lot of the inflammation gets into blood brain barrier it inflames that makes them open and not the bacteria that are going into the brain.


You get Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, all these new degenerative diseases, the same thing.


So leaky gum, leaky gut and and keeping those very nice and tight. And I would have never honestly tell you something really poor habits about me. I always thought, why the hell do I have to worry about flossing and the shit I lose the tooth, I can get the damn implant then why?


It's not a big deal until I started to learn. Holy shit, when that gum is inflamed, those bacteria are growing in my blood and my inflammation is high. I am now actually ripe for all kinds of this. Suddenly I'm doing water pick every day. It's like screw that, I don't lose my memory.


That's the whole thing of like all of this stuff is connected. You know, we try to reduce everything down. And like you said in the beginning, we've kind of created segments of this is my brain and these are my arms and this is my gut and this is my digestion. And my microbes are over here. And I'm going to take this protein over there. And we've all created this whole thing, but literally some of the most ancient medical systems.


I've always been saying that Viravaidya, of course, run for ten, twenty thousand years traditional Chinese medicine. You touch a point over here and it's affecting a point over here where electrical charge of beings with this chemical electrical charge, that's electric reliability and biochemical dissolve.


Yeah, exactly. So where this voltage regulator and with this complex expression of most of which. Ninety nine percent of it is not even us, but we need it. And when it's off we're off. And that's that's the beautiful thing about what you're doing. I mean I feel like I could talk to you forever. And I think it's potentially part one of many conversations. But I just I just love what you're doing and the way that you have gone about it.


And I'm so thankful and so thankful to you for hosting me. And we should do something for your audience. Is there anything we could do to make sure that your audience get to experience the same thing for that you experience a hundred percent?


I'll put it in the show notes, but we have a discount code for vinyl to get a kit and we'll definitely get them that kit to get empowered to to have them be able to see what's going on as a snapshot so that they can see what foods are good, what foods are not good, and take your power back, because ultimately that's that's what this is about. So that we can live the kind of life that you certainly expressed that I love to express in terms of living the purpose, living on purpose and and leaving this world a better place as a result of of those things that you are a shining example of.


And please never retire, only continue and all the ways that you are, because you're you're you're young, you're only technically now you're only forty nine years old. So that's right.


But then again, I want to thank you a lot. Thank you so much for hosting me here. And I hope I get to see you again and we'll do this by sometime in the near future. That sounds good. Thank you very much.


What a fantastic episode. So tell me, what is one thing you got out of today's conversation? If this episode struck a chord with you and you want to dive a little deeper into my other conversations with incredible guests, you can head over to my website, Olean Dotcom, for more episodes and in-depth articles. Keep diving, my friends. Keep diving. This episode is produced by my team at Must Amplify, an audio marketing company that specializes in giving a voice to a brand and making sure the right people hear it.


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