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You are listening to the Darren Wilson Show, I'm Darren, I spent the last 20 years devoted to improving health, protecting the environment and finding ways to live a more sustainable life. In this podcast, I have honest conversations with people that inspire me. I hope that through their knowledge and unique perspectives, they'll inspire you to. We talk about all kinds of topics from amping up your diets and improving your well-being to the mind blowing stories behind the human experience and the people that are striving to save us and our incredible planet.


We've investigated some of the life's fatal conveniences. You know, those things that we are told might be good for us, but totally aren't. So here's to making better choices and the small tweaks in your life that amount to big changes for you and the people around you and the planet. Let's do this. This is my show, The Darren Olean Show.


Everybody, welcome to the show, you have no idea how excited I am, I have blasted their book out, Mastering Diabetes, because you know what? Based in science, based in the paradigm that has been wrong about fats, about animal based proteins, about cholesterol, about diabetes, about insulin, all of it has been wrong. We're just going to base this in science. Even the work of Dr. T. Colin Campbell backs up everything that Cyrus Khambatta and Robbie Barbaro are going to be talking about in this episode, as well as in their science based, peer reviewed research book called Mastering Diabetes.


If you're saying I don't have diabetes, this is for you because this is rewiring our position on fats, carbohydrates, proteins, animal foods, plant foods, all of that stuff. If you are open, which I know you are, just give it a listen. Give it a listen, because your life and your health demands it, because whether, unfortunately, the brain between our ears, our egos or whatever sometimes get in the way of receiving and listening to another point of view.


And these guys are heart centered, brilliant, loaded with education, master environmental science, nutrition science is a PhD from Stanford. You know, you've heard of Stanford. Right. And so these guys are essentially breaking down because they both have Type one diabetes. And they came together through their struggling journey of the science and the protocols of diabetes was not helping them and in fact, hurting them and even slowly killing them. So they went to study themselves and these guys dug into it, came together.


And they have changed everything, understanding of how powerful foods are as it relates to diabetes. And listen, I can't wait for you to hear these heart centered, brilliant researchers, scientists, these masters. And they they have this incredible mastering diabetes coaching program that anyone, whether you have Type one diabetes, type two, believe me, you should run sprint to their program immediately, immediately. And anyone who's suffering from this delusion that carbs are bad, sprint to their program.


Listen to this podcast, listen to their audio book or read their book because you will have your life changed. I promise. I get a little passionate about this because I'm passionate about the truth. I love these guys. These guys are awesome and they're my friends. So tune in and enjoy this incredible conversation.


You guys have single handedly. Literally performing everything is the opposite of what it appears to be. And and also demonstrating it not from a soapbox, not from a judgmental place, but from a scientific and dare I say, most important personal journey. So it's this combination. And then both of you, together with your backgrounds and your passion and your synergy and your your desire to help people reorient themselves to absolutely different paradigm. It's been unbelievably phenomenal. And it's it's been so great now to kind of get some time with you guys, because I literally cruised through your book and I'm sitting there, just had my hands in the air like someone's preaching at the front of the service, you know, and and I recommend that book, like probably more than any book.


And because it just you guys just methodically go down this whole world and scientific world of how it's completely flipped on its head. So I appreciate that.


I really do. I'm glad you can see it, actually, because, I mean, I remember back when I was in graduate school, I mean, I had already experienced it in my own body. I had seen the dramatic turnaround, improvement in glucose stability, reduced insulin, need more energy than I knew what to do with. So I went back to graduate school and I was like trying to learn the science. And like, literally every day my mind was getting blown.


I was like, oh, shit, we already knew this answer. We knew the answer. Back in nineteen fifty three we do this at the back in nineteen seventy one, you know. And so it's just, it's kind of been like this awakening to really understanding like the scientific world. I mean we've known the answer for like one hundred years. It's just like what the scientific world does knows and what the general public does is so out of sync at this point.


It's like it's embarrassing, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's it's astonishing that that even is existing like like what destroyed the bridge of information from the science world, the non compromised science world and the general population. I mean, yeah, we can make some throw some targets out. Some people have agendas, USDA, dairy industries, all of these other things. But it's it's just like I think then I want to get into some straight up questions so that the audience can really understand what this is about.


But what do you guys think? Created that divide that is in two thousand twenty one hundred years of wrong information about something that is killing a lot of people and it's perpetuated literally. But what? Ninety nine percent of the frickin doctors and health care providers, so how the hell did that happen, guys? What's going on? What do you think?


Well, the diabetes in particular, it is the one condition that is very confusing because people can self monitor and they see if they eat carbohydrates, they see high blood glucose reading. And that is what is perpetuated this and why that belief is so firm. But they're missing that bigger picture. But, you know, I appreciate your kind words about how we just kind of like pick it apart in the book of really understanding why they can't metabolize carbohydrates. And it's really, you know, the underlying fat that's the problem.


Boom. Although I would say money when when you throw money at the problem and when there is when there is money to be made by marketing products and services that may or may not necessarily agree with the scientific research, to a certain extent, it doesn't matter. Whatever makes money, whatever is sexy, whatever is popular, is likely to permeate society because ideas don't necessarily like people aren't fact checking ideas necessarily as stringently as they might want to. And even when they do, in the world of diabetes, it still gets confusing.


But if you have a leader or a collection of leaders that is introducing information which may not actually be factual, not just because they're bad people, they just believe that that's the truth and there's money involved, then all of a sudden, before you know it now you have hundreds of thousands or millions of people following that information, even though it was never right to begin with. Unfortunately, that dollar has dictated a lot of things that you just pointed.


Throw a dart at the at the world globe and you're going to see issues from social, economic, environmental, health, cetera, all of which is from that perspective. And the statistics of of people dying on a daily basis is so mind blowing from a death perspective. And the fact that we're looking at and talking about numbers in like. Coronavirus and covid and all of that stuff is just it's just like it pales in comparison to a magnitude that is 10, 20, 30 times more.


Just from our health perspective, so that's the perspective that is just so skewed in our reality. So so let's just back up so that people have a really good understanding. So why don't you guys give both of your backgrounds? And then I really want to break down what truly is the insulin resistance. And also, let's pick apart this demonization of macros and proteins and fats and carbs and all the craziness a little bit. But yeah. So just run through, have fun and maybe tell something that you haven't told other people on your interest.


But let me think of what I can come up with. That was funny in the process of writing the book.


I remember we sort of wrote our stories and we kind of submitted it and then we got some feedback and it's like no man, like we should write our full story. Like this is our book we're going to get we're going to get it right as much as we want, like just tell everything. So our story in the book is pretty detailed, but I was diagnosed with Type one diabetes when I was 12, just about to turn 13. And I actually basically self diagnose myself because my older brother was diagnosed with Type one diabetes nine years prior.


And I told my mom, I said, Mom, I think I have diabetes like Steve. I am thirsty all the time. I'm going to the bathroom all the time, like something is up. She said, No, no, don't be silly, you don't have diabetes. And said, OK, so she left town. We're living in Minnesota. At the time, my mom and dad were in Florida. So my parents are in Florida, they call it.


My mom calls to check in to hear what's going on at home. I said, Mom, I couldn't sleep last night. I was cramping. She said, OK, go upstairs, use your brother's blood glucose meter and test yourself. And I did. And I was well over four hundred. You're supposed to be somewhere between 70 and one 30. And right then and there, my brother said, yep, you have type one diabetes, pack your bag, you're going to be in the hospital for a few nights.


So we went to the general doctor first and they ran some tests and said, yep, you have type one diabetes. And I remember the doctor coming into the room with me and my brother there and my brother started to cry, was the first time I'd ever seen him cry. So I'm just so sorry you have to deal with this. And then we we drove to the hospital and my parents called and said, you know, we're going to come back.


And I remember when my dad saw me in the hospital, he just said, you know what, Robbie? This is just an inconvenience. You can still do whatever you want in life. And that was sort of the the messaging that we had growing up and just live your life. And I really appreciate that from my parents. So they wanted to make sure we had the best medical care possible. My brother and I both went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.


We had an entire team of of health care professionals. I have endocrinologists. I had a dietician, I had a psychiatrist that this whole team. But nobody ever said anything about the idea of insulin resistance, the fact that you can improve your health. It can be a blessing, like here's what you can do to really take charge, never not influence. This is that phrase that been coming to my mind for many, many years later. Like nobody's talking about the role of Type one.


And so the messaging was eat what you're still eating, try and be normal. We just want you to be normal. So people living with Type one diabetes are beta cells have been damaged. We do not secrete a sufficient quantity of insulin. Therefore, we have to inject insulin to manage our blood glucose levels. That's type one diabetes. And I was just I went gung ho. Like after that I will do anything and everything to reverse Type one diabetes, to get my blood cells to work again.


And that was the whole new journey of learning and trying new things. And eventually I tried the West and a prize foundation diet and I saw some improvements there. But nothing changed in regards to my diabetes, health and my bug because management. So I kept on going and kept on learning, ended up trying a raw food diet from Gabriel Cousins.


Is this Phase one program I got really inspired by? His movie was called Raw for 30 days. When I was doing this, I saw my total insulin use drop, but my energy also dropped and my weight dropped and I was not feeling good. So at this point I'm like, again, I'm in this mindset. What do I have to do to get my pancreas to work then and produce insulin? I want my beta cells to function again. So at the time I was confused about taking less insulin because I wasn't eating carbohydrates as that being somehow beneficial.


But in hindsight, you're not reversing Type one diabetes. You're not getting your business working again unless you are simultaneously starting to produce more of your own insulin. And that was not happening. And it ended up leaving me to learn about a different. Raw food diet, so this led me to Doug Graham and a book called The Eight, 10, 10 Diet, and Cyrus is one of the testimonials in that book. So I'm like getting inspired. You're like, wow, this guy's story, he's eating the opposite of what the plant based diet was.


This is a book recommending large quantities of fruits and vegetables, essentially unlimited amounts of total carbohydrate per day as much as you want to eat. And this is December of two thousand and six. That's when that book comes out. That's when I read it. And I sign up for private coaching with Doug and we email back and forth every single day for 90 days straight. And I learned this guy's program. What happened is my insulin sensitivity skyrocketed. So what that means is my glucose tolerance improved by nine hundred percent, meaning that I can eat upwards of seven hundred grams per day.


That's like my my consistent consumption and inject a physiologically normal amount of insulin. Technically, I'm in the non diabetic A one C range and my time in range, which we monitor now with continuous glucose monitors, is upwards of 90 percent, meaning that I have a great C, but that's not because I'm just going low all the time. I mean, to actually have excellent glucose management. So we have all this data to show that, yeah, our story is great, this works.


But then at this time I'm a student, the University of Florida, when all this is happening and I go back into the research and say, okay, wait a minute, like, why is nobody talking about this? Why no, nobody teach me this. And I literally find that this has been discussed in the nineteen twenties. As soon as insulin was discovered, there is research in nineteen twenty six from Dr. Sansom demonstrating that as he increased carbohydrate intake, insulin sensitivity improved and research.


This is in the leading journals decade after decade after decade. Researchers say literally those exact words and the conclusion of their papers increased carbohydrate content, improved insulin sensitivity. And so I just got really excited about it and over the years kept spreading this message. It worked. It forks over knives for six years, helped build that up and then the twenty seventeen thousand and I started mastering diabetes. And here we are helping thousands of people use the massive diabetes method and our books getting out to people.


And the testimonials that we see coming in day after day are just the best thing ever. This is not just us. This is not based on our own experience. And we wrote the book to tell people about it. Our experience is just the correlates with the research and human physiology. And now thousands of people get the same results.


Many of you who follow me know I've spent most of my life searching for the healthiest foods on the planet. If you look hard enough, there are a few unknown, extraordinary foods around the world that people still don't know about. And a few years ago, I came across my favorite superfood discovery of all time verrucas nuts. When I first tasted them, my eyes lit up. The taste alone just absolutely blew me away. But after sending them to the lab, which I do and getting all the tests, I realized they're the healthiest nuts on the planet like no other nut even compares.


They have like an unusually high amount of fiber and they're off the charts in super high antioxidants and have fewer calories than any other nut. Like it's jam packed with micronutrients. But they're not just good for you. They're really good for the planet. Most other nuts require millions of gallons of irrigated water, but verruca trees require no artificial irrigation. Brewskis are truly good for you, good for the planet. And good for the world community. It's a win all the way around, I really think you'll love them.


So I'm giving all of my listeners 15 percent off by going to Barracas Dotcom backslash, Daryn. That's B a r u k a s dot com backslash, Daryn. D a r i and I know you will enjoy. So Sirus, want to give a little background on your your little your little educational self.


Stanford, UC Berkeley, blah, blah, blah, a little mediocre universe.


Let's go backwards in time. I grew up as far as what my mom referred to as a hellcat. I would just like I was from the get go. I was a rambunctious little boy and I have two older sisters and by the time my parents had me, they were just tired is pretty common. And so I had a lot of energy from a very young age. And my mom basically was like, oh, OK, I'm going to tire this kid out as much as possible.


So I'm going to enroll him in baseball and swimming and soccer and ping pong and basketball. The very young age. I literally would like go to school and then I would be going to like one or maybe two sports a day. And by the time I got home, I was really tired and I would zonk out exactly what she wanted. So I grew up super active and that was just normal to me. I get to college, I'm twenty two years old and I'm still active.


I play soccer, I lift weights and I'm up early in the morning and I go to bed late at night. All of a sudden I started to get really thirsty. My thirst actually got so ridiculous that as I was trying to study for finals one one day, all of a sudden I was like, I would take a drink of water and I put it down, man, I'm thirsty, I'll take a drink of water, put it back down.


And I was like, I think I just got thirsty. And then I would take another drink of water, put it down. And I was like, yep, I'm still thirsty. And this just kept on going on for hours and hours and hours. And I got to a point where, like, I couldn't even concentrate. I was like falling asleep, sitting there trying to study. So I picked up the phone and I called my sister.


And she's a family practice doctor of osteopathy. She's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. So I explained her. I said, hey, here's my here's what I'm experiencing right now. And I told her about the fatigue and I told her about the thirst. She cut me off immediately. She started crying and she was like, drop everything you're doing right now, go straight to the health center. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


What are you talking about? She's like type one diabetes. You're explaining the symptoms of Type one diabetes. I don't have time to explain right now. Trust me. Go. So I show up at the health center half an hour later and they check my blood glucose and my blood glucose is supposed to be between seventy one hundred thirty. It was six hundred and eighty, OK. It was it was so far above and beyond what was considered normal that I mean it was alarming to say the least.


So the nurse literally walked back in the room after checking my blood glucose and I'm like almost passed out. I don't even know where I am. I don't know how I got there. And she looks at me, she goes, how did you get here? And I was like, I walked. And she's like, OK, great. We're taking you to the hospital right now. So take me to the hospital. They admit me to the E.R. and then within another hour, I have an IV of insulin on one arm and I.V. of sailing going to the other on.


And they're monitoring me over the course of the next twenty four hours to try and bring my blood glucose down. You leave the hospital twenty four hours later and you have a blood glucose meter, test strips, syringes, a prescription for two different types of insulin, a carbohydrate counting guide and a bracelet. That's a life alert bracelet that says, hey, if you find me passed out on the sidewalk, please call nine one one. So in a very short time, my life changed fundamentally.


And I was like, oh, my God, what did I do to myself that I do this? Did I do something wrong? So for the first year of my life with diabetes, like most people with type one, I was trying to reverse it. I was like, oh, reverse that. I can I can be that guy. I'll be that guy that can can figure out exactly what I have to eat or what I have to not eat in order to get rid of this.


But after learning more about Type one diabetes and realizing that reversal is not the right word, it's not the right strategy, that managing Type one diabetes with precision such that you can control your glucose today and thirty years into the future and minimize your risk for chronic disease, that's that's the trick. So after having followed the doctor's advice for a year of this low carbohydrate methodology, I felt abominable. I mean, it was like I wake up in the morning and the first thought was like, oh, my God, I wish I was still asleep.


Being awake is so painful. It is so challenging. Where is my energy going? And then finally, one day I woke up and I was like, you know what I don't think is working. This isn't working, but glucose is a disaster. My insulin use is going up. I feel like crap. I'm pretty anxious and I don't really like the food that I'm eating anymore. I mean, I used to like eating meat, but I got to a point where I was like, I can't do this anymore.


So long story short, I ended up meeting Doug Graham online, communicating with him, hey, can you help me out? He was the first person that I had spoken with over the course of the year who was very, very confident in helping somebody with type one, because type one is kind of like the redheaded stepchild of the chronic disease world. And most people don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole because they're not they're not well versed in it.


And if you do something wrong, you could die simple. So he was like, Cyrus, just come come to my sports camp. Trust me, I got you under control. So while I was there within seven days, my glucose fell like a rock. I mean, I used to be eating predominantly an animal based diet with a little bit of carbohydrate energy. I started eating just like Rovi plates of bananas, mangoes, papayas, dates, oranges, you name it.


I mean, it was it was absurd how many fruits this guy was stuffing onto my plate. And I was I was nervous that my glucose is going to go through the roof. But he didn't like glucose came down. My insulin use came down, my energy levels went up. And all of a sudden I was like, oh, my God, it feels like I've been turbo charged with energy. So I came back from that sports camp. I was so excited by what was happening inside of my body because I felt so good and my glucose was so controllable for the first time in a year that I decided to start studying to learn the science.


And that's when I got the idea of going to get a graduate degree. So that's when I studied for a couple of years to go to UC Berkeley to get a PhD in nutritional biochemistry, because I was like I was just thirsty. I just wanted more information, thirsty in the right way for information, not water. And then while I was there at UC Berkeley, I really I got to uncover just like. An insane amount of literature that that demonstrated to me that I am not a freak of nature like what happened inside of my body or what is happening inside of my body is a biological phenomenon that has been very well described, very well studied, properly characterized, and is not applicable to just me as a human being.


It's applicable to all humans. It's applicable to people with type one. It's applicable to people with other forms of diabetes, and it's applicable to people that don't even have diabetes. Right. So once I learn that information, I ended up meeting Robbie halfway through graduate school. And then when we finally met each other, we were like, hey, how do you feel about being best friends? And he was like, cool, I'm into it. And I was like, cool.


How do you feel about taking over the diabetes world? Because, like, cool, I'm into it. Let's do it. Let's go. And then we decided that we wanted to really try and teach people living with all forms of diabetes how they could follow a similar path so that they could get no one credible science based information. No to. Have the tools and the resources to be able to start changing their diet and lifestyle in a step by step manner, and therefore we built the coaching program and we've sort of created that's the bread and butter of what we do.


And I got to say, I mean, five years into it, we're going strong. I love what I do. Pretty sure Robby loves what he does. And we've changed the lives of countless people at this point. And as far as I'm concerned, we're only getting started.


Let's just break down this a little bit for people like define defined in stone insulin resistance. And so people have that sense because they're because they're still coming. They're absolutely let's break apart this whole fear of carbs thing and talk about the biochemistry and how it's actually working and why everything that people are doing now is wrong. OK, just just those little things. No big deal.


No big deal. One hundred years of research is incorrect. Go, go. OK, so here's a simple way to think about I want to be very clear when I say that, Robin, I do not have a vendetta against anybody in the low carbohydrate world. We don't necessarily believe that people in the low carbohydrate world are wrong. We don't point a finger at them. We don't criticize them. We don't name calls. None of that, because we are we like to sort of educate and inspire with information and we try not to be negative about anything we do.


So what we have discovered over the course of time is that the low carbohydrate methodology, the entire premise of the low carbohydrate methodology, whether it's from Dr. Atkins back in the 70s and 90s, or whether it's the paleo diet or whether it's the ketogenic diet or whether it's the general low carbohydrate diet, this entire premise is founded upon the idea that carbohydrates cause disease. And the reason for that is because. If you eat carbohydrate, anything, whether it's a banana or whether it's a cracker, you can monitor your blood glucose going up.


So it's a simple cause and effect relationship and says, OK, if you eat carbohydrate, your blood glucose goes up, your blood glucose will eventually come down. But because when you do that and when you eat protein and fat in substitution for carbohydrate, your blood glucose does not rise. That right there says the entire state and it says, OK, carbohydrates make your blood because rise. If you eat that in excess, bad things will happen to you.


Correct? OK. But here's the problem, there's many problems with this methodology when you take food. Food is complex, whether you're talking about animal based foods or whether you're talking about plant based foods. Foods contain multiple macro and micronutrients, carbohydrate, protein, fat. Those are the macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, antioxidants and phytochemicals in plants. We're talking about nine classes of molecules. And within those nine classes of molecules, there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of different varieties of different actual components that fall into each of these nine classes.


So to be able to take the idea that of all the food you're eating and of all the macaron micronutrients, the only thing that matters is carbohydrate is overly simplistic. It is fundamentally incorrect and it is just biologically inaccurate. It's just that simple. OK, so the second thing that I will say is that the low carbohydrate world, what they what they don't do a very good job of, in my opinion, is they don't do a good job differentiating between the types of carbohydrate that exist in the supermarket.


OK, there's a clear distinction between foods that are refined, refined carbohydrate rich foods. And then there are whole carbohydrate rich foods is a very sharp distinction between the two of those. And if you fail to make that distinction or if you choose not to talk about them as completely different chemical species, then you're also missing. The bigger picture of the refined carbohydrates are things like cookies, crackers, chips, pastas, sodas, sugar sweetened beverages, waffles, brownies, you name it.


Those things have undergone a manufacturing process. They are often they're so refined that in the process of refining, you removed a lot of the vitamins, the minerals, the fiber, the water, antioxidants, you name it. And you end up with a collection of macronutrients that have been altered from the original state. When you eat a whole food, the whole food comes prepackaged with both the macros and the microbes and all nine classes, every single one of those nine classes, exactly the way nature intended.


And when you either eat it without it being processed or minimally processed, you can preserve exactly the way that the food was designed by nature. OK, so you have to make the distinction between those two classic carbohydrates, because if you don't, then what you will do is you will lump all carbohydrate into one category and you will say, oh, carbs are bad for me. When people tell me they're on a low carb diet. I know what they're trying to say.


They're trying to say, I'm trying to eat less bread. I'm trying to eat less packaged carbohydrates. That's what they're trying to say. But in reality, they just say, oh, I'm eating a low carb diet. Right. I like to counter with people. And they say I'm eating a low carb diet. And I'm like, yeah, so am I. I don't eat paper. I don't eat wood. Right. Both of those are technically carbohydrate rich.


Right. But it doesn't make any sense if you don't differentiate between what type of carbohydrate you're actually talking about. Right. The question really becomes, well, what causes insulin resistance? Right. Insulin resistance is a condition that is predominantly influenced not by the amount and type of carbohydrate that you eat. It is influenced by the amount and type of fat that you eat. And we know this, again, from over one hundred years worth of evidence based research that clearly demonstrates that in both animal experiments as well as human experiments, if you want to create diabetes in either an animal or a human, you do it by overfeeding them with fat.


I mean, it was a huge, huge epiphany for me when I first went to graduate school and I learned that I was like, oh man, how come everybody talks about sugar? But yet the research world knows that if you want to make diabetes, you want to make insulin resistance, you overfeed on fat.


Yeah. So that so so let's make that distinction then. So if they're the regular person on the glucose glucose monitoring. Right. So they've eaten, they've eaten a banana, they're freaked out about it already. They see their monitor goes up. So they're like, oh boy, I got to not eat that anymore. I'm going to shift to the next guru saying eat a bunch of fat. So now I'm on that journey. So so now what protects insulin sensitivity with the carbohydrates and then what destroys the insulin receptivity with the fat?


OK, so when you consume fat in food, the fat is locked up in a molecule called triglyceride. That's what most of the fat exists, as in food, whether it comes from animal products or whether it comes from plants. The animals are red meat, white meat, fish, chicken, dairy products, eggs. The plant based foods are going to be avocados, nuts, seeds, olives, coconut and vegetable oils. OK, so you eat fat and food comes in this triglyceride.


The triglyceride goes in your mouth. It travels down your esophagus, it gets inside of your stomach, and then it starts to get unfolded and sort of partially digested inside of your stomach and then it ends up in your small intestine. So when it comes specifically to fat, you've got this triglyceride molecule. The term triglyceride refers to three fatty acids. OK, that's the term try and then glycerin basically means glycerol. So you take three fatty acids and you bind it to glycerol and you end up with what's called a triglyceride molecule.


The triglyceride is ripped apart and the fatty acids and the glycerol are separated. And then the fatty acids are then absorbed through the wall of the small intestine and they end up inside of your blood. So if this fatty acid molecules ended up going to the border of your adipose tissue, again, your fat, which is sort of it's everywhere. It's in your neck, it's in your chest, your triceps, your butt, your abdomen. You know, if those fatty acids went inside of your adipose tissue and only there, then great.


That's that's actually a safe place to store them. It's it's mechanically and enzyme medically designed to take those fatty acids and hold onto them for a long time. But what happens is that the fatty acids go to your adipose tissue and they also spill over into your liver and into your muscle. And as long as the amount of fat in your diet is pretty low to begin with, like less than 15 percent of all your calories, then your muscles and liver are happy.


They're getting small amounts of fatty acids from your blood and everything is great.


So for years, maybe all, most of my life, people have been asking me what kind of foods you eat, what kind of exercises do do, what kind of water should I drink, all of these things and so much more we put into a 21 day program. So that can take you through a theme every day of knowledge, action, and then eating this delicious meals, working out, getting support, anchoring in these new habits. So you can do what?


So that you can kick ass. So you have the energy, the vitality to live the kind of life that you really want. That's what it's all about. So all in this app, we have grocery lists, we have education about real hydration and what greater oxygenation and the balance of organization. All of these things we are diving into as you're heading down this hero's journey of implementation into a new life to give you the kind of life that you actually want.


So join my tribe. All you have to do is go to one to one tribe, dotcom, sign up and you get three free days. Join me on this hero's journey. Join the tribe. So if you're eating a high fat diet, what you're doing is you're you're eating predominantly fat and protein and you're having only small amounts of carbohydrate energy. So you eat a fat, rich meal for breakfast and then lunch and then dinner. Then you repeat that tomorrow and the next day and so on.


So for now, the spillover outside of your adipose tissue into your liver and muscle is happening every single meal. So it's happening for multiple hours after every single meal. And at certain point, your liver muscles are being forced to over accumulate fatty acids. And that's not what they were designed to do. You also have a glycogen granule in the glycogen granule is the stored form of carbohydrate or glucose. OK, so these tissues are designed to predominantly use glucose as their fuel source and they have an ability to store glycogen and to burn glucose all the time and to use small amounts of fatty acids.


But when you're constantly pouring more and more and more fatty acids, then the lipid droplet begins to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow to a point where it's abnormally large. So when that lipid droplet grows inside of you, living inside of your muscle in trillions of cells simultaneously, what those cells try and do is initiate a self defense mechanism. And the self defense mechanism is designed to try and block more stuff, more energy from coming in because the tissues are now getting overloaded with actually, which is straight up energy.


So what they want to do is try and block more stuff from coming in. They want less fat, they want less glucose, they want less amino acids. They want less of everything. So the easiest way to block more energy from coming into any tissue period, end of story is to just block insulin because insulin is your master anabolic hormone. In other words, it's the hormone that promotes more fuel storage and more growth than any other hormone in your body.


So if you can basically just tell insulin to go away and not pay attention to it, then you're doing a really good job of blocking stuff from coming inside. So that's what they do as a self-defense mechanism. But what that means is that the next time, if you've already developed this problem of over accumulating fatty acids in your liver muscle, then two days later you decide that you're going to eat a banana because not you feel like you want to eat a banana for you have a bowl of quinoa or you have some black beans.


Right. What ends up happening is that the glucose that's present inside of those foods tries to get inside of your liver and muscle as well. So in order for that to happen, insulin has to be caught. So insulin goes, knock, knock. There's glucose in the blood. Do you want to take it up? And the liver and muscle respond by saying, no, no, no, no, no, I cannot take this stuff up right now.


Remember, I'm not even paying attention to you right now. So they close the door to insulin and they just literally leave insulin inside of the blood and they don't respond as well. So as a result of that, it leaves insulin inside of the blood and doesn't respond to it, which means that glucose is also trapped inside of your blood because glucose requires insulin to be able to get inside of these tissues. So now insulin and glucose are trapped inside of your blood.


And what does that do? Well, it raises your glucose level and it raises your insulin level the same time. So classic insulin resistance, absolute classic insulin resistance is you show up at the doctor and the doctor checks your blood and goes, oh, hey, by the way, you're fasting. Glucose is elevated, your average blood glucose is elevated and you're fasting. Insulin is elevated. Well, that's weird, right? Why do you have too much insulin?


Why do you have too much glucose in your blood? And the answer is because there's a metabolic traffic jam inside of your liver and muscle that's stopping the show. Again, this is what people in the world of diabetes are experiencing every single day. They're already eating a low carbohydrate diet. They're already eating a low carbohydrate diet. And then they try it on top of that to add a banana or something carbohydrate rich. And they experience a high blood glucose and they get frustrated and they say, oh, I told you, bananas are bad for me.


I told you potatoes are bad for me. I guess I'm not going to eat carbs. But what they don't realize is that it's not it's not the banana's fault, it's not the carbohydrates, the mangoes fault. It's everything that came before that food that caused the traffic jam that blocked insulin from doing its job properly.


So I have a couple of questions. So one is, what's the long term consequence of this over saturated over lipid filled metabolic system? If these people are just cutting off the carbs and not having this full spectrum diet and they're living in this kind of sounds like hell. What's the overall consequence to that?


Yeah, the consequences are actually relatively disastrous. And I'm not trying to paint a grim picture here, but the truth is that if you look at the evidence based research, you'll find that insulin resistance is associated with practically every chronic disease that we can name. The number one most telling indicator of whether or not someone is going to develop a heart attack into the future or have a what's called sudden cardiac event into the future is the amount of insulin that's in their blood today.


So if you are living in a hyper insulin state, meaning that you have excess insulin in your blood to day, that is a strong indicator that into the future in the next five to 10 years, you're putting yourself at risk for a cardiovascular event. Most people have no idea that that's actually true. Right. So in addition to that, when you develop more insulin resistance, not only can you increase your risk for future cardiac event, but you actually it's very common for people to develop high cholesterol.


It's very common for them to become hypertensive or have high blood pressure. There's a whole body of research that now shows that when you develop insulin resistance in your liver and muscle, that you can also develop insulin resistance inside of your brain and you can predispose yourself to dementia and Alzheimer's into the future. And that's scary because dementia and Alzheimer's are very challenging conditions. People also end up struggling with weight. They end up over, they become overweight, they become they gain weight and they have a very difficult time losing it over the course of time.


People end up losing a lot of energy and their digestive system starts to go haywire in a short period of time. And when I say digestive system, I mean they end up with frequent gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain. And there's this term referred to as biosphere's, which is basically the when your microbiome has a completely altered physiological function. And all of these can be traced back to the development of insulin resistance and the consumption of a diet that has simply too much fat, especially if that fat comes from saturated sources.


So in the long term, it paints a pretty grim picture.


Now the other side is how does this work? If people go, listen, everything is the opposite of what appears to be. Ladies and gentlemen, you're hearing it right here, right now. So now talk us through and liberate us from this from this carbohydrate fear. This is the fun part, Daryn.


So we've created a very simple system to follow, to maximize your insulin sensitivity. We're talking about eating Whole Foods and meeting your essential fatty acid requirements through sensible, logical, evidence based nutrition. So we have three categories. We have a green light category, yellow light category and a red light category. So green light foods are foods that we recommend you eat when you're hungry and you're satisfied. These are foods you don't need to limit or be scared of, because that's the basic philosophy out there, is you could have a little bit of carbohydrate, but just don't eat too much.


You have to really count that and be careful. And we are literally there and we're saying the exact opposite if you want if it's the right foods. What Cyrus was saying, the distinction between processed carbohydrates and whole carbohydrates. So at the top of the green light category, US fruits, because we're just like you, we love fruits. I've read your book and you're a big fan of fruits. And the research is also very clear that eating whole fruits in a low fat environment is a brilliant decision.


So we're talking bananas, mangoes, pears, peaches, nectarines, cherries. I mean, in our book, this is the fun part, we went and we listed every single green light fruit and all these different categories. And it's the fruit category that's the longest there's the most variety that we have available to us in our regular grocery stores when it comes to fruit, which is really fun. So all of it is on the green, that list.


Then the second category we have. Starchy vegetables, that's potatoes, yams, butternut squash, go to town on those foods, then we list beans, peas and lentils. So you're going to find your black beans and then you're going to find green lentils. Red lentils. Right. And as you know, the longest lived people, Dan Buettner, is blue zones that he studies that the one commonality amongst all of them was beans. OK, so it's a big part of the massive Abbe's method.


Then we have intact whole grains intact being the key phrase there. So we're talking fero millet. We put quinoa in this category. You're going to find whole wheat in that category. So the first four categories are foods that literally people with diabetes been told avoid or limit. And we're putting those first saying, you know what, no, actually, we want you to emphasize those foods, because when you switch to a plant based diet, if you don't eat enough of the calorie providing foods, the calorie dense plant based foods, you are going to be hungry and you're going to be craving that cheeseburger.


You're going to be craving that steak because you didn't eat enough calories if you started eating like a rabbit and just eat lettuce and carrots and a bunch of salads all day. It's not going to work. And so we got to break through that fear of whole carbohydrates and focus on those categories first. And then you also include plenty of we have non starchy vegetables. So that's going to be bell peppers that we're going to put carrots in there. So foods like that, then you get into leafy greens, arugula, spinach, collard greens, Swiss chard, all that stuff.


Then we have mushrooms and then we have urban spaces. Those are all the green light food categories that we say go to town. And when you learn how to prepare meals and combine those foods, you you get away from that that crap. So it's really fun. And then the other category, this is where we get into making sure we're not consuming excess processed foods in excess fat. So yellow light foods include avocado nuts and seeds, coconut meat, soy products and olives.


Those are the higher fat foods. They're all great. They're nutrient dense. Eat them. Just be cognizant of how much you're consuming. So the whole form of soy is at Amama, and that's a great snack food. I mean, people you just get a bag from Whole Foods and you heat it up and like, boom, you just snacking on it. It's great. So that's 40 percent of calories coming from fat. So you just got to be careful when you are a person who's already struggling with insulin resistance like that of this program is about this is a program teaching you how to maximize your instant sensitivity.


And the results come in very quickly. When you're following the protocol, then we also have in the category processed foods. So brown rice, pasta or Ezekial bread, great foods like they're good, they're high quality. It's just they're a little bit more processed. The nutrients are going to be damaged, is not as nutrient dense. Then the red category, these are foods we suggest you minimize or completely avoid all together, and that's going to be animal products.


So that's going to be red meat, white meat. We're going to have chicken and they're going to have fish. All right. That's stuff you minimize, you avoid. Then we also have oils in this category and processed junk food. OK, it's just to be clear, I mean, nobody is advocating that Twinkies are healthy or that Pop Tarts are good. But we want to be clear. We're going to put that in the red category. And oils are there because they are refined, highly, highly refined foods, the most calorie dense in the planet.


Four thousand calories per pound. Whereas when you're eating something like fruits, it's going to be three hundred and fifty calories per pound. Just you can understand the dramatic difference. I'm talking about a magnitude of excess calories per bite. That's the thing about calorie density. It's a it's a constant. So it doesn't matter how much oil you have, it's still 40 times more calorie dense. And eating grains doesn't matter the quantity. So big problem for people trying to lose weight and for people who are trying to maximize their sensitivity as people living with Type one diabetes, sirus myself and the hundreds, thousands of type ones that we work with.


And we can see the impact that oil has on our management and our insulin requirements immediately. And if anybody wants to argue, it has to go to town about whether or not somebody living with diabetes should be using oil. But come on over, let's have a party. We'll do a little test and just watch the numbers on bulb hidden oils of one of the biggest problems when it comes to why America has an obesity crisis. It's the. Everywhere, they're everywhere, and you can easily learn how to cook without oil, you can easily learn how to make delicious meals, it doesn't even have that much flavor.


It's not necessary for maximum mental sensitivity. Definitely reduce or eliminate oil. That's the categories. It's very simple. It's very clear. Can you touch on this emphasis of high protein as it relates? I kind of imagine it's a very similar thing because you can't really, unless you're taking in a protein powder of three hundred grams a day with no fat in it, that's really the only way you're going to separate the two of saturated fat and protein. But could you just touch on that high protein side of things and the detriment potentially of of focusing on protein as a as a overly increased amount to consume?


Yeah, that's a great question, because we've been talking predominately about fat and saturated fat in and impairing the insulin signalling pathway and liver and muscle. But it turns out that there's actually there's a there's a direct effect that protein has on insulin signalling as well. It's just less pronounced as the saturated fat mechanism. So there are some papers that are actually conducted in people with Type one diabetes because, like was saying, were incredible test subjects. And what they do is they take people and they feed them a dinner meal.


They take people, they split them into two different groups and they feed them the same amount of carbohydrate in both groups. But to one group, they feed them a low protein meal. And the second group, they feed them a high protein meal. So same amount of carbohydrate. The only variable is how much protein is going in that meal. And what they and their question is, well, does the amount of protein actually affect carbohydrate absorption and insulin needs over the course of the next two to 12 hours?


And what they find is that when the amount of protein increases beyond 30 grams in one meal. Then blood glucose starts to rise in what they refer to as the late postprandial stage, which basically means starting at three hours after the meal is over. That's when glucose begins to rise and continue rising, starting at three hours after the meal. That's when insulin needs start to rise and continue to rise. And so they've done some pretty sophisticated math to try and figure out, well, how much more insulin would you have to inject or how much more insulin would Darren's pancreas have to secrete in order to handle that 30 grams of protein.


And some of the estimates are as high as sixty five percent. More insulin is required in that late postprandial state. One meal, 30 grams of protein leads to a sixty five percent increase in protein requirements over the course of the next six to 12 hours. Right. Does that mean that protein is bad for you? You should avoid all protein? No, definitely not. There's also one more distinction that's worth making. The type of protein that you consume matters in the same way that the type of carbohydrate you consume matters in the same way that the type of fat you consume matters.


Protein generally comes from one or two sources. You either have to have protein that comes from animal sources or protein that comes from plant sources. Now, the two of them have different metabolic effects. The plant, the protein that comes from animal sources tends to have more sulfur urinated amino acids, more amino acids that contain sulfur in them. And that can go on to create a number of different sort of chemical reactions that researchers believe could be responsible for things like the development of insulin resistance reduction and insulin signalling.


I've seen it even linked with osteoporosis as well, and I've seen it linked with alterations in the gut microbiome. OK. Whether or not that is true as a result of these amino acids or not, I don't know if that is a true statement, but the idea here is that animal proteins tend to be more problematic from the insulin signalling perspective, also from the cardiovascular perspective. And plant based proteins tend to be less problematic because they don't pose those same risks to various chronic diseases.


I really want people to dive deep into this stuff, certainly get get their book. But where the websites people can follow you guys and learn more about this incredible breakthrough information being rediscovered again. OK, so the best place to start is mastering diabetes drug. And you go there and there's actually a quiz. You can take a quiz and say, OK, wait a minute, am I insulin resistant? Because the experts are saying this, this impacts a lot of people.


So if you're struggling to lose weight, if you have brain fog, if you just have low energy, insulin resistance could be the culprit here. So take the quiz, see where you're at, and then decide what you want to do next. So that's on our website. And then we are pretty much everywhere else. You can find us on Instagram, on YouTube, on Facebook, all at mastering diabetes. And we have a podcast. So if you like listening to podcasts, check us out to type in masturbation to any of the platforms and you'll find us and the book you could find wherever books are sold.


So it's on Amazon, Barnes and Noble. We read our own audio book, which was really fun. So that's so good.


I'm glad you checked it out. Yeah.


So we got to add some extra information at the beginning of each chapter and a couple of things that we could say about research that came out before the book was like locked in. So we added the audio book, which is really fun. And if you're living internationally, you can get it on Book Depository. There's a website that will ship it anywhere in the world for free. I don't know how this company stays in business, but they discount the current price of the book and they will send it anywhere free shipping.


So that's always fun. And we have to encourage you guys to check it out, read the reviews on Amazon. That's always fun. And sometimes I like go to the Amazon and click the look inside. You can read a bunch of the book for free. Go ahead. We just you to apply this information, put it into action and live your best life. That's amazing. You guys rock. I really appreciate your time. And we'll do we'll do our full podcast here very soon and let it rip then to so appreciate you guys.


Thank you, Daryn. Thank you so much. Thanks, fellas.


What a fantastic episode. So tell me, what is one thing you got out of today's conversation? If this episode struck a chord with you and you want to dive a little deeper into my other conversations with incredible guests, you can head over to my website, Olean Dotcom, for more episodes and in-depth articles. Keep diving, my friends. Keep diving. This episode is produced by my team at Must Amplify, an audio marketing company that specializes in giving a voice to a brand and making sure the right people hear it.


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