The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Aug 28 2020
The Rush Limbaugh Show- 1,998 views
- 28 Aug 2020
Rush opens the show updating on his health, take on RNC week. Trump's RNC speech was inspiring, uplifting, our best days are ahead if we reelect Trump. Ivanka's great line: "Washington didn't change my father, my father changed Washington." Dems are nervous, internal polling must show a disaster. BLM support plummets in Wisconsin. Biden comes out of basement, goes up to first floor. Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate. NFL coach Bruce Arians tells players protesting doesn't do anything, urges them to take action. Biden can't debate Trump. Democrats want a race war, Trump is the only person who can save the American way of life. It's Trump's GOP now. Ken Matthews takes over for Rush. March on Washington on anniversary of MLK speech. Thoughts on RNC. Virginia makes assaulting a police officer a misdemeanor. U.S. Marshals rescue missing children in Georgia. Caller says he's abandoned Trump over border, lockdown and riots. Rand Paul attacked by mob after Trump speech.
Ken Matthews: Some of these RNC speakers brought me to tears, not just talking about the president, but how they escaped the situations in which they found themselves. Alice Johnson speaks about President Trump's compassion freeing her from prison and helping reform the system for others. Trump is what leadership looks like. Trump signs executive order to cut our reliance on China for medicine and health supplies, to bring manufacturing home. Aussie caller weighs in on the choice America faces.
Rush explains his absence and thanks you for your patience, followed by recapping news items including the diverse GOP convention and Trump's uplifting speech. Praise for Tampa Bay's Coach Arians for daring to say that protesting doesn't solve anything; action does. Pelosi tells Biden not to dare debate Trump. The left wants this nation pitted us-versus-them constantly. Former NFL player Jack Brewer, one of the most powerful speakers at the RNC -- who triggered Jake Tapper to go on a racist rant. Why do the Democrats hate the minorities at the GOP convention so much? Caller sees "old, weird, stale and loud" Joe Biden as a sacrificial candidate because Democrats see they have no chance.
Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast and greetings to you, music lovers, thrill seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain. Rush Limbaugh back with you via recorded message to kick off Open Line Friday. Folks, I have to tell you something, I. I had something happen this week that I have been striving to avoid. It has been at the top of the list of things that I have told myself just can't happen. And yet it did.
I came down with a severe infection and it's not good. A severe infection with the immune system that is suppressed because of chemotherapy and a white blood cell count that's less than normal is not a good circumstance. And it's where I found myself last weekend and I have had to devote every waking moment to dealing with it. And only just now I'm starting to feel, quote unquote, normal. I've missed you all so much. I can't tell you how frustrating it has been because we've been doing everything we can to avoid coming down with an infection.
I mean, I've put my doctorate in hermit and Recluse 101 into full action and it's still happened. But, you know, folks, as I always say, there's good in everything if you look for it. And I have a new appreciation for a whole lot of things because of what I've had to go through this week, I have a better appreciation for what others are going through, especially cancer patients, but just not limited to cancer patients, people who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic, people who have lost their livelihoods, lost their businesses.
It's it's it's a tough set of circumstances that we in America have been dealt with. But, you know, last night's speech by President Trump, I have to be very up front with you. It lifted me up, folks. It made me inspired. It lifted me up, inspired me to be assured that the future holds promise that the best is yet ahead if President Trump is re-elected. And whatever you're going through, whether it's an illness, small business in trouble, the event last night truly was inspiring it.
It assured me that our future does indeed hold promise that there's somebody in the White House who literally does care about the future of the country and your future and my future. And we can rest assured that this is the case. Having watched it last night, I see people complaining that Fox News people complaining that the speech was too long, 70 minutes. Let me tell you, if anybody has earned the right to take as much time as he wants to explain himself, it's Donald Trump.
The man has been slandered and labeled multiple times a day, every day for four years. He has been unfairly criticized. He's been lied about. He has been the subject of a search and destroy campaign. And this entire week, the Republican National Convention has been a focused period of time for Trump and his administration to tell their story. And if it took him 70 minutes last night to do it fine and dandy, they say, well, you know, it didn't seem to have a whole lot of energy out that he was not going to win no matter what he did.
If he had done Trump at a rally, they would have said he wasn't presidential. If he would have come out and been really tough and started calling Biden a bunch of names, they would have said he's not president, really not taking it seriously.
So last night I thought he was actually really good. I was the only thing that upset me about it going long was people were falling asleep in the Eastern Time zone and missing some of it. And I thought it was exactly what was called for. It was calm, it was assuring. And you know something else. Remember the pre publicity and all this, the free publicity was that Trump was going to come out, he was going to fire on all cylinders and he was going to be ripping Biden and Kamala Harris a new one.
And that's not what we got last night. We've got a guy who was self-assured, who was confident. We I couldn't tell when he was on the prompter and when he wasn't. He was funny in a deadpan, slow stated or. Downplayed kind of way, and he was unthreatening, you know, in the pre publicity on this was what this guy is going to come out firing both barrels. You better be prepared. He's going to launch everything is it wasn't that way at all.
It was calm. It was reasoned. And for those watching Trump to learn a little bit about him, there wasn't anything about it that was threatening. Look, folks, I also have some other observations about things that have happened while I've been away. I want to take the opportunity here of this occasion just to get some of those thoughts in in preparation for my return to the Golden EIB microphone on Monday. I loved it. Vodka's speech last night, one line particularly stood out.
Washington didn't change my father. My father changed Washington. Boy, is that true. It is right on the money. True. And it continues to be the case. And it explains why they continue in the establishment, deep state, whatever, to be so outraged and indignant and irrational.
They're just they're incapable of being rational when Trump is around precisely because he is changing where they live.
He's changing where they work. Now, can I remind you something and I quote a lot talk a lot of heat for this. I said last week that the Democrat challenge will be find a way to renege on the debates and everybody, blogosphere, pundits and people and on cable news said Limbaugh is off his rocker, doesn't know what he's talking about. Of course, there's going to be debates. There's going to be three debates. Biden is assuring everybody is going to be debates.
And what happened? Nancy Pelosi, stop and think of his folks. Nancy Pelosi comes out and says, I would not legitimize a conversation with him.
Now she's clearly laying the groundwork for Biden not to have to debate, and she wouldn't have done that without the Biden's camp Biden campaign's knowledge of it. The idea she's out there shooting from the hip, I guess it's possible because it's Pelosi, she may be trying to manipulate things because I'll tell you something else going on out there, folks. You know, internal polls for politicians don't line the polls that they do, that they report to you and me, like take your pick.
Any poll. Those polls, as you well know, are made to shape public opinion, not reflect it. But internal polls like the Trump campaign, internal polls or the Biden internal polls, they're not they're not lying to themselves in those polls.
And those polls must be bad. I saw a poll and I can't remember the name of it right now.
It was going to find it real quick. It's Black Lives Matter in Wisconsin. Its popularity has gone from plus 25 to zero in two months. Oh, yeah. It was a tweet here from noted hate expert Jonathan Chait. Democrats need to be extremely concerned about what's happening in Wisconsin. Support for Black Lives Matter has gone from plus 25 to zero in two months in Wisconsin.
It's happening all over the place. And by now, I'm sure you've all heard CNN anchors are warned, well, we've got to get serious. We got to we got to talk about the rioting. The focus group data looks bad. The polling data looked also. Now, it's not about saving lives, not about saving property. Now that all this is starting to hurt Democrats, now they've got to start talking about it. But these internal polls must be bad.
They don't. Why in these internal polls, Biden not you know, this yesterday he didn't he just leave the basement.
He went up a floor. He went to the living room. He went up to where there's a fireplace. In August, Kamala Harris emerged from whatever Hubbell's she was living in the come out and tell a bunch of whoppers about about Trump. And I think the the fact that these polls, the internal polls and the Biden campaign are bad can be seen in the Biden campaign's activity. Here's a New York Times story. How chaos in Kenosha is already swaying some voters in Wisconsin away from Democrats.
Here's a quote from somebody here. Ellan for Werdum owns an antique furniture store downtown just blocks from the worst of the destruction. And it's now closed.
I just think local Democrat leaders, they're hesitant to condemn the mayhem, they don't know what to say, if you know what to say about rioters, if you don't know what to say about people that are destroying your town, then it's obvious you don't know what to do about it either.
Bruce Arians, the head coach, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. You know, a lot of these players, NFL, NBA, NHL, decided to not practice or to cancel a bunch of games because of the shooting in Kenosha.
And Bruce Arians, the coach, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, said, I don't know that protest is an action. I think each guy has a personal thing. I would beg the players to take action, find to cause either supported financially or do something to change the situation because protesting doesn't do crap, in my opinion.
I've been seeing it since 1968. He's talking there about the Democratic convention in Chicago. But this is a heck of a courageous thing to say. Protesting doesn't do crap already. People in the sports media world are outraged. And he would say this, that the Boston Tea Party was protest. No, it was action. It was much more than just marching up and down the street or carrying a bunch of signs or looting and destroying other people's property. There is a big difference between action and protest.
And what he was really saying was canceling practice, not practicing football one day is not going to change anything you claim to be in favor of. It's not going to matter a whit. And so he didn't say it. I like they're getting away with engaging in a bunch of symbolism while not having to engage in any genuine substance. Folks, a couple of things here that I want to delve into.
I actually believe I saw a little note from Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, the actions of major things happening this week that I haven't heard anybody say. Now, that doesn't mean nobody has Kazama label listen to everything. They look at the Republican convention.
It's been the most diverse political convention I've ever seen, including Democrat conventions.
And as I've watched it, it has occurred to me Trump isn't just running for re-election. The story that is being told that the Republican National Convention is about saving America. It's about saving America from a race war, that the Democrats are out there actively trying to promote the plan to foment it.
They want this country to be black versus white, immigrant versus native, male versus female. That's what they want. They want that chaos. They want this constant us vs. them aspect of daily life. And Trump is making it clear that he's interested in people who are constructive, productive, generally happy. He's not interested in parasites, the generally miserable.
He wants everybody to join in this project of making America great again, to restoring America's greatness, where we had contentment, contentment and happiness and people sought happiness.
The fact that all of that is controversial still amazes me. But I think it's and if you look at the Republican convention, it is astounding. The understory that or some of the themes underneath the surface that are, I think, extremely powerful is another thing, folks, that is undeniable. And that is the Republican Party is no longer the party of the McCains or the Bushes or the Romneys or take your pick.
I mean, all of them, the Koch brothers, all the big donors and so forth. This is clearly Republican Party now. That is Donald Trump's and he's got ninety two to ninety five percent Republican loyalty. It's one of the most amazing transformations of a political party, and it's taken place in less than three years. At this convention, George W. Bush was nowhere to be found. None of the old Republican elders. Romney was nowhere to be found.
Not that they wanted to be there, but that's the point.
So I just I think that there is. A lot folks to be optimistic about, particularly if President Trump wins. Look, there's my timer telling me that my time is up, but it's not up, I gave myself a couple extra seconds here. It is an opportunity for upbeat, positive nature among all of us. This week has been very eye opening for me. It's been a very bad week, and yet it has ended for me, feeling inspired and upbeat and really confident about the future of our country.
If President Trump is re-elected, I believe the opposite is true if he's not. But we'll delve into that more as I get back next week. Again, thank you, folks, for your patience and understanding. I'm sorry I have missed this week. That was it was really it is a bad infection. I have to get it under control. And that's what the next few days and what this all week have all been about. I've missed you.
I always miss you. And I'm looking real forward to getting back to you next week. Thanks. Ken Matthews, all our guest hosts who are doing yeoman work here in my absence. I love everybody.
Love you all. Can't wait to see you next on my. Well, hello again, and I am thrilled that you made it to Friday, and I am thrilled that l rush Bo to the first segment of the show today that was cut. Wasn't that a nice treat? And we got the scoop and the update because I know a lot of people were concerned. I heard Todd discussing it yesterday, a lot of concern. And you got the whole scoop from Rush.
He's coming back next week. We're all very excited about that. And what a week it has been for the Republican National Convention.
We have so much to cover today. Yes. Between you and me, it is open line Friday. So make sure you're paying attention there.
But there's a big thing in Washington today. And this is the fifty seventh year anniversary of the March on Washington, 1963, MLK, Jr.. And it's such a stark contrast because if you go back then and looked at what was happening in America and you look at now and you go back then and look at the caliber of people that were involved in this. And it was so not and I only know this from studying history. Because I was teeny tiny at the time.
But it was not driven by hate and resentment and fear and shame and anger, and that has become the cornerstone of the left. It's the cornerstone of many news organizations. It's it's all that comes out of the mouths of people like Joy Reid and Jamal Hill. And it's sad. The difference is so stark when you have these people trying to be like MLK, but then they realize. Historically, it's difficult to be like Martin Luther King Jr. It's difficult.
To carry yourself in that manner, the way you present yourself peacefully and articulately. Now, what has happened so much of this has devolved into thuggery and it's sad to see. It is sad to see well, we can hope for the best today, there's about seven or eight thousand people in Washington now. I've been following the news during the commercial breaks. They're expecting about 50. It's a very hot, sticky day in Washington. So we'll see how that goes.
We can only hope that it's peaceful. You know, the sad thing, I wonder how many people that are at that march today in Washington took the time to listen to some of the wonderful speakers this week at the RNC.
Well, Mike, I think it's town. It's time to hit the button, isn't it, for the. There it is right there. Yup.
LA from New York City. It's open line Friday, by the way. If you've never seen the button, it it has several codes. It has a retina scan. Mike has to put, like, three fingers of his right hand on it because, yeah, it is still key unlocking. And then when you lock it at night, it goes flip it. Eight hundred two eight two twenty eight eighty to the Rush Limbaugh shows open line Friday. My name Ken Matthews sitting in for Rush.
Hold on. I have to sneeze. See that.
I didn't get I didn't get any covid on anybody. That was a joke for Jake Tapper. So what a wonderful day to call in, so much has happened this week, and it really has been a it's so bittersweet because there's so much to talk about, but there is tragedy, but there is also hope and there are some very entertaining events that happened this week.
I think one of the biggest stories for me personally, because I was following it closely, probably like you were, especially if you're in that neck of the woods, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi. The damage, unfortunately, is there and there were surges, but. People thought and prepared for much worse, and thank God it wasn't as bad as predicted, which means the cleanup and the recovery will not be as lengthy as predicted. And that's good news.
Then we wrapped up the Republican convention this week. Full disclosure, I'm a big Trump fan. I'm very impressed by the job he's done. And I do think that this is exactly what Rush said when he opened the show, which is so amazing because so many people have been saying to me what Rush was saying. And it's interesting how Rush Limbaugh is probably one of the few people in contemporary media that really resonates with his audience. I've never heard so many people more out of touch than punching around cable news.
I don't know why I did it. Last night, I watched the whole thing live, and then I foolishly I was psyched, I was stoked, ready to go to bed. I knew I was guest hosting today. I was energized.
And then I made the mistake of punching around a cable news and I went to bed.
You know what that upset stomach, that upset stomach you get from. Liars in the news media. Here's one of the best tweets I saw, and Beau shared this with me. This is. A voter shared this on Twitter. This is one of the best comments about the whole thing. A tweet last night on the RNC, this is the GOP I always voted for but never got. Did that not nail it, and of course, it was from a listener.
As we say, on a regular basis, you're not going to get that level of intellect or analysis from people on CNN or MSNBC because. First of all, they don't have the chops. Second of all, they're too biased and angry. Now, I want to give you an example, Mike, if you could just have cut one. The Tapper cut on standby. This is an example. Of how off the rails the news media is now, you may not hear this because I don't know how closely people in this audience follow some of these nitwits.
I don't know if you follow Joy Reid or Jake Tapper or Stelter or Helter-Skelter, whatever the hell his name is. Or joyless bay'ah, et cetera, but this is the perfect example, and I want to thank Jake Tapper for providing a wonderful example of a white woak liberal man child so bitter, so angry that after five years of pounding President Trump's reputation, the libel, the slander, the narratives, the falsehoods, the ignoring, the positives. After five years.
President Trump managed to lead along with a great team, a really impressive. Republican convention. Go ahead, Mike. I don't know that we've ever been fed a staple of propaganda like this. And what's so interesting about the last four days is that they are asking the American people to not believe what they already think. According to polls, they're saying they have they had individual after individual say, I wish you could see what he's really like behind the scenes.
I wish you could see it as if that would change the perceptions that the American people have a majority disapproving of the president.
So many Americans think he's racist. Oh, no, he's not. You need to believe he likes black people. So many Americans think he is a sexist or massages. He's not. He's done so many things for women. So many people think that he's xenophobic and he hates immigrants. Oh, no, he's not here. He is a naturalization ceremony and so many Americans and this is why he is so vulnerable, even if the race does tighten a little.
So many Americans disapprove of the job he has done with the coronavirus because they see the evidence before their eyes as to how the administration response has not been adequate. They see it and the message has been, oh, no, he did a really good job. They are asking you to disbelieve what you already think.
I love the American music at the very beginning. Wasn't that the best?
So you had an angry white woak liberal man child, Jake Tapper, who was so frustrated that no one takes him seriously anymore.
You want to know liberal men why we mock you? Two words, Jake Tapper. You talk about a guy who takes himself so seriously now, I just want to pull out a few things, being an objective observer of this, whatever whatever he just did, it was a rant.
I don't know if it was a tantrum. Who knows? Not one time did he share evidence in that entire rant. Did you notice that he said this for the last four days, the Republicans are asking the American people to not believe what they already think.
OK, so it's constantly about listen to this, he's trying I wish he could see it, said Jake Tapper, like he could change the perceptions that the American people have.
A majority disapprove. Many think he's racist. Many think he's sexist or misogynistic. Now it's all thinking and perception, is it not? This is where Mr. Tapper shows his hand. Do you realize how angry people are in the mainstream media from the day President Donald Trump, then Donald Trump came down the escalator with our future first lady? Their assignment was to bury this man. It was actually in emails between the Podesta's and the Hillary campaign.
I don't have it in front of me, but I have it and it goes something like this in the fall of 2015, Trump seems to be testing well with women and minorities and blue collar. We need to make sure we damage him. We need to convince people this is wrong, that he doesn't like black people, that he's sexist and off to the races they went. Off to the races they went and they failed.
Jake Tapper has failed and what's so sad about Jake Tapper and and Rachel Maddow and Christine Cuomo and the rest of them, what is so sad is if they would have just taken 30 percent, even 30 percent of the time that they spent trying to convince you and me that our president is Hitler or Mussolini or George Wallace or Stalin, they could have actually delivered some content and some news and had some ratings.
Now it's blown up in their face. And basically what Jake Tapper did last night is he called every person of color, every woman on that stage, every disabled American. That took that stage to speak every legal immigrant, Jake Tapper, called them a liar. He basically said, look at those people, come out and live for Trump, how can this be? Well, here's how it is. What happens in the NEWSROOM? I was going to say what happens in the NEWSROOM stays in the NEWSROOM, a lot of it does.
That's why people are still working in major news. If you only knew anyway, I can't see anymore. Hobby Lobby and legal battles for decades.
What happens in the newsroom is not what happens throughout the rest of the world. And that's where CNN missed it. That's where they missed it. Now think about the power of Jake Tapper instead of being an angry manchild, if he would have just said, well, I have to say, President Trump has assembled a wonderful, diverse group of people that really have some great messages. Do you think it's going to resonate with voters on the fence now? See, that's what I would have went with, Jake.
I didn't go to journalism school and I don't have your ties, however. Calling everybody on the stage a liar and trying to convince what's left of your audience that the American people believe this is the American people believe that. That's really bad, the damage you did, Jake. You might not be invited to the Clinton party next week, the damage you did to Joe Biden last night. And then this was my favorite part, so many Americans disapprove of the job he has done with the coronavirus because they see the evidence with their own eyes.
So in typical fashion, we don't get evidence. We get how dare you? My friends think this. My friends believe that. So sad. So sad, and it gets back to one thing, the news media failed, you dropped the ball, you were on Team Clinton, you couldn't pull it off, you were on team impeachment, you failed. You were on team Ukraine. You failed. During that time, you decided to devote all your effort to taking out our president.
You failed. Sooner or later, you're going to have to report some news. This is the Rush Limbaugh Show on Ken Matthews, your calls coming up. Open line Friday, the Rush Limbaugh Show. My name is Ken Matthews. Thrilled that you're tuning in. You can follow or troll me on Facebook, Paula, or Twitter.
Twitter is the preferred trolling suer platform, and I'm on there at all locations at Ken Matthews. Very quickly, I don't know if you saw this. Earlier this week, the Virginia Senate passed the bill to reduce the sentences for assaulting police. Once again, Virginia on the wrong side of history.
What what is happening to you?
What happened? I mean, it's more than just a black face. Governor, what happened to Virginia? The Democrat Senate passed legislation this week excuse me, legislation reducing penalties for assaulting police by allowing judges discretion to diminish the charges from a felony to a misdemeanor. So what that is, is a wink and a nod. To assault police. That's the Democrat Senate saying, yeah, I know you assaulted them. Come on, I wouldn't want to wink, nod.
There is a six month mandatory minimum prison sentence for convictions that was eliminated, so there's no mandatory minimum any at all. And then the judges are now empowered by the law to distinguish between minor and serious assaults. Translation Oh, come on, that was only a brick, wasn't like slavery or anything.
You should have been hit in the head with three bricks so that we'll have it. You know, I know I just sounded like a freshman Democrat. Representative, but so that's happening, that's just that's mind blowing, think about what's happened for the last six months. And then this week, instead of politicians in a blue state saying, hey, you know what, we need to tighten this up to protect law enforcement and preserve law and order, they go to the next step.
We've been watching so much of this stuff on TV in the blue cities, and it seems to be going so well, let's make it a misdemeanor. And very quickly, I just want to say thank you and commend again the U.S. Marshals who just rest, they just rescued 39 missing children in Georgia. Operation not forgotten. This is the U.S. Marshals again, you don't hear and see a lot about them, nor does the media want to share a lot of what this administration is doing to rescue the vulnerable.
Across not only state lines, but international lines as well, but the marshals are doing a tremendous job and this was another great successful mission operation not forgotten. So hats off to the U.S. Marshals.
Let's hit the phones 800 to a 228 82, its open line Friday. Frank in San Jose, California.
Welcome to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Yes, sir. Thank you for taking my call. Yeah, I think Biden's going to win. It's going to be close and he's going to win because guys like me are staying home. I was on Team Trump and now I'm not. And the reasons for that are the lockout and the riots.
OK, explain the border. What's what's going on at the border that it's still porous. We don't have a wall. He should have sealed that border as soon as he took off.
Frank, Frank, we do have a wall. We have 303 miles, Frank, Frank. We have 303 miles of wall and we're averaging 10 miles a week. And we just got funding for another 700 miles.
So what is what is the problem? And the problem is it's still porous and we still have not only people, but drugs coming over here that should have been sealed with the army right away.
So so you're going to stay at home for that. I don't think Trump I think Trump's dropped the ball, we have the out he knows. See, I don't I don't I don't I don't think that's what you think at all. I don't even think you're a Trumper.
I don't think you ever were a Trumper because I think anybody would any any anybody with common sense, Frank, would look at the last 47, 47 years of Joe Biden, and he's been full of crap and on the wrong side of history with every issue. And you would have looked at all the bonehead Republicans and said, we need to build a wall, we need to secure the border. And you would have looked at all the Democrats have said the same thing and then you would have said, I know it's been it only three years, a rough three years.
But even in three years, President Donald Trump was able to throw down 300 miles of wall and approve another 700. So I would think the last thing you'd want to do is stay at home and risk a guy that said he's going to tear down the wall getting elected.
You do know that Joe Biden already said that. He said we shouldn't have that wall there.
I told you I was staying home and trying. Trump should have never locked up the economy either. Hillary Clinton would not have locked up the economy. Now, see, thanks for calling right now. Now I know you're now I know you're on the I don't know what team. I don't know if you're on Team Trump. Hillary Clinton wouldn't have locked down the economy.
That the governors of the states locked down the economy. President Trump wanted to keep the economy open, so either you are. What do they call those seminar callers? You're either a seminar caller or you're you haven't been informed. So what I would do is go to C-SPAN dog and watch the entire week of this convention and you'll be brought up to speed.
And then I'll see you at the voting booth. We'll be right back.
Open line Friday. My name is Ken Matthews, in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network to 228 82. Coming up, we'll talk about the more than 100 people that pretty much attacked Rand Paul on his wife last night in Washington, D.C. And of course, they can count on the news media, calling them peaceful because the news media has your back as long as they agree with you. 800, 282, 28, 82 to the phones. Hello there, you know what day it is, Laura from New York City.
It's open line Friday. Yeah. Very exciting. An opportunity to vent, if you will, even if you're from California. Good luck with that. 800 to a 228 82. So much more to cover. I thought again and I know a lot of people in this audience agree with Rush's analysis at the opening of the show, which will repeat later.
By the way, if you missed it, Rush open the first segment of the show. He did a little pre-recorded segment for us this morning.
Very energizing. Much like the convention. It's such a it's such a challenge talking to people who have been I even hate the term brainwashed, but understand for years the news media has attempted to build up its own credibility white while tearing down others, just like academia does that.
That's how that's why if you want to if you want to sell a faulty health plan, OK, everybody put on a lab coat, OK, put on a lab coat. Get Bill Nye the science guy in. Yeah. Billi Bill Nye, can you tell a lie. Yeah. OK, what are we going to do about global warming. Get a professor and give him some cool you know, device to use. Yeah. Cool hat. And this is kind of what we've all been programmed to believe that Al Gore is an expert on global warming.
And we'll tune in. We'll watch Michael Moore's movie to find out about health care in Cuba.
And we've all been programmed to believe that if well, if we watch CNN because they say this is CNN, it must be big.
No, it's not.
Sadly, sadly, it's not so, so determined and so angry that the mainstream news media, along with Hollywood and academia, lost the election because they were part of Hillary's team in 2016. Now they're angry because despite all odds, just like I was telling the gentleman that called a moment ago on the phone from California and said, I'm not going to vote, I'm not going to vote because the wall isn't done. Dude, most people would not even show up to work on day two if they got dumped on like they dumped on President Donald Trump on day one.
Instead, this guy shows up every day swinging and despite spineless Republicans.
And the standard gutless Democrat in Washington, he still gets 300 plus miles done and gets approved for another 700 more. So, again, it's one of those things where if you're one of those people, if you're a genuine, doubting Thomas. Or to make it fair, ThomasA, if you're a genuine, doubting Thomas here. And you think, I don't know, man, I don't know if President Trump has delivered. I do encourage you to watch the convention because it is chock full of fact and statistics, whether it's Jerusalem in Israel, whether it's the new trade agreement, getting rid of NAFTA, whether it's building up the military, whether it's the approval ratings of the VA, all this stuff gets, you know, skipped over by the news media and in their effort.
To tar and feather Donald Trump, they missed an opportunity. To help their own viewers, this is what's so heartbreaking, you see these men and women who speak on behalf of Trump that don't look like typical speakers from conventions gone by. We have that wonderful woman who was in prison for over 20 years on a nonviolent drug crime turned her life around. President Trump heard about it. Released her and then partnered with her on a program that she was doing to get other people that were unfairly either sentenced or incarcerated.
This is a wonderful program the woman had every time that woman speaks, she has me in tears. She had me in tears the day she got out of prison.
And of course, she thanked President Trump, but they edited that out. They edited out. I just want to thank President Trump, God bless President Trump, I never thought a president would take my call or care about me that got edited out.
And this is what President Trump is up against. But despite that. He keeps putting score on the board for Americans, whether it's reopening factories, etc., the fact that the mainstream ignores this, again, it's borderline criminal. Now, we were talking earlier about Jacob Blake. The man who was shot in the back. In Kenosha, that ignited the second round of rioting and intensity. Julia Jackson is the mother of Jacob Blake. Here is a direct quote from her.
My family and I are very hurt and quite frankly, disgusted, and as his mother, please do not burn property. Or cause havoc. Or tear down your own homes. In my son's name, you should not do it, said Jacob, Blake's mother. She also went on to say this.
Again, this is the part the news media leaves out. For our president Trump. First, I would like to say, a, I would like to say a family member. And I don't know if it was heard or not said something that was not kind. She is hurting. And I do apologize for that our outburst do not reflect our behavior, you talk about a woman with grace.
Think about that. There are people in newsrooms across America that could only dream of having that level of character and grace to say, and for our president, first, I want to say that a family member, and I don't know if you heard it or not, said something that was not kind about you. Please understand, she is hurting and I apologize for that.
Then she goes on to say, this is Jacob Blake's mother for President Trump. I'm sorry I missed your call. A lot of people don't know that he called her because that would make him look genuine, because he's genuine and you can't allow him to look genuine because the guy in the basement, Biden, has to win. So she says for President Trump, I'm sorry I missed your call. Because I had not missed your call, maybe the comments that were made would have been different.
And I'm not mad at you at all, sir. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country. Now, think about how things would be different. If someone on a mainstream news outlet shared with you the mother's entire quote, and I'm going to go a step further and say some of these parents in the middle of hell. Are more gracious than I can't I can't even imagine where you summon that strength, and I'll tell you where a lot of them, some of it, some in it from God.
And that's something else that has upset the left all week, it's been God, it's been the almighty, it's been blessings, it's been gratefulness. It's been thank you to these people. Thank you to that people. I don't know where I'd be without God or I don't know where I'd be without this program that a president finally signed off on and just didn't run his mouth about for decades. Joe Biden, prison reform is a great example. This is what's driving the left crazy.
Listen very carefully, this is Anderson Cooper. And he's one of the promo people for the Democrat Party. You may have heard of him before, and he has Joe Biden. Biden, as Rush mentioned earlier in the show today, he came out of his basement, went all the way up to a room with a fireplace. Now they're interviewing him.
They're talking about Jacob Blake. Listen to this.
The president has not talked about the shooting of Mr. Blake. He's talked about violence at protesters protests in the wake of it. I'm wondering why you think that is, that he hasn't actually addressed it.
There's obviously a lot we do not know about the circumstances around it, but the video obviously has been out there.
Well, I don't know enough to know whether that 17 year old kid exactly what he did, but allegedly he's part of a militia coming out of the state of Illinois.
OK, so the guy that wants to lead the free world and walk around with the nuclear codes in his man bag.
Confuses Jacob Blake, who was shot in the back seven times by the Kenosha police with Kyle Rittenhouse, 17 year old kid who was defending property. In Kenosha during the riots, and he had the AR 15, he's been charged with murder. So that's the guy. Democrats, that's the guy. That's the guy you want and think about this. Biden comes out of his basement, what, once every six weeks? I mean, the groundhog in Pennsylvania comes out more often than Biden does Punxsutawney.
No, I've seen it with my own eyes.
So Biden comes out, he comes out for his 11 minute appearance, where six minutes is packaged and he confuses the most recent black man shot by police with a white man that was. On another part of the country, well, not another part of the country excuse me, another part of the entire dynamic. Come on, can I quote Joe Biden, come on, man. Come on, are you black enough to vote for Joe Biden? Well, he'd ask.
800 to 228, 82 open line Friday. I'm Ken Matthews. Your calls next.
This is the EIB Network. My name is Ken Matthews, in for Rush today on Open Line Friday. We like you safe and secure. And that's why Rush speaks so adamantly about the home security company.
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My name is Ken Matthews. I was reading and I was actually getting ready. I'm going to share this with you later in the show on The Rush Limbaugh Show. But I was reading some more of Alice Johnson's full speech and it brought me to tears. Every time this woman talk, she brings me to tears because she's so real and I can't even imagine the hell she went through and the fact that Alice Johnson. Was sentenced to life for drug charges.
Not under President Trump is under a different president. And this issue was taken to President Trump because if you remember, one of the promises made and promises kept from President Donald J. Trump and this is something that the the news media has to keep beating down, because the more people hear about this and you see it when you go online and you see some of these guys out there with the hot mikes, like Louder with Crowder, and there's so many other ones and I'm just drawing a blank Dyce Maqdisi is great and they're out there and they're asking questions and they're saying things to people.
And and some of the people are very gracious and they're all they're getting along. There's an actual dialogue that the news media doesn't want that. So they go out there with their microphone and they say, do you know that so far President Trump has done this and that with prison reform and 83 percent of the people that have been released early because of prison reform are people of color.
No, I didn't know that. And of course, you're not going to know that because the news media is on a mission.
They've got to get Biden in office. So they're not going to tell you what Alice Johnson said through tears about God and President Trump and how it felt that she heard President Trump talking about this, just like the gentleman who became a pastor and was released early. They heard this and they said, could this be true because all presidents talk trash? Could this be true? I'm going to have somebody reach out. And it's interesting because that was during the time, if you recall, Kanye West and and what what's his wife's name again, Mike.
Kanye West wife, yeah, right, but aren't they getting a divorce or. I don't know, I don't want to start a rumor, but I saw something at a tabloid at the supermarket when I was when I was prepping for the Kanye West segment.
But Kanye West was there, Van Jones and a variety of other very interesting cast of characters, Van Jones from CNN. And it was a big meeting. Evancho was there. And I'm getting this from someone that was at the meeting. And they said when the president found out about Alice Johnson's situation, he was like, well, wait a minute, wait a minute. A nonviolent drug charge, life in prison.
And then they started telling her, telling him about what she accomplished. And he was like, get this, get it on the phone, get somebody on the phone. We're going to we're going to start doing this right now. We're going to start fixing this right now. That is the part of President Trump the news media does not want you to see.
And a little bit later in the show, I'm going to play a segment from Alice Johnson and what what had me so angry and I still am because I think Jake Tapper was so ignorant with his comments, but to to attack people like Alice Johnson and Ben Carson and the rest of the men and women, real men and women that have crossed paths with President Trump's administration or actually met President Trump. And because they don't fit the narrative that we've been sold by CNN.
There's a lot of pushback, but think about it every time. Somebody that doesn't look like they should to the Democrat Party. Vernon Vernon Johnson is at Vernon Johnson, a Vernon Jones, I'm having trouble with names today from the state rep from South Carolina, I believe are Georgia.
Or Tim Scott from South Carolina, the senator, every time an individual like that speaks out. The Democrats, they get enraged and then the insults start and they they start insulting the people they claim to care about.
The disabled young man on the stage in the wheelchair who stood up, the 25 year old running for Congress, did you see the comments from the news media on that? Who does that? Who does that in in a newsroom?
We understand that Twitter's Twitter is a dump and it's a sewer, but you would think that the newsrooms and the news editors would have enough sense to report on it objectively and not to attack the woman in tears who was let out of prison, the disabled man, the man that came over from Cuba.
The comments that were made about these people were disgusting. And the fact is they all like President Trump and this drives the left crazy. 800 202 2082, it is open line Friday, by the way, this was just confirmed, speaking of covid, we have to throw in a little covid, Dr. Fauci.
Well, I'll tell you something that just broke with Dr. Fauci coming up. Thank you again for tuning in. Thanks for your great comments. There are some calls, Open Line, Friday, 800 202, 2082, and right before the break, I was talking about Dr. Fauci. Now, imagine you're a boss and I know there's so many small and large business people listening. I'm not talking about the size of your person. I'm talking about the size of your business, even though that was grammatically incorrect.
Not saying you're a large person at all. Anyway. Imagine you're a boss and you have your your game plan, your guidance, whatever, and people just keep doing what they want behind your back. Doesn't that drive you crazy? What do they call it in the military? Insubordination or whatever?
But don't you that's got to be one of the most frustrating things. And I've never really been a inofficial boss. I've never had to deal with a payroll or something like that personally. But that would drive me crazy, the constant breaking of the chain of command. Now, you may remember just a few weeks ago, President Trump signed a sweeping executive. Orders to reduce the United States reliance on China in a variety of sectors, and this was in response to the supply disruptions caused by the pandemic.
This is what leadership sounds and looks like. There were disruptions. So President Trump said, all right, that's it. I'm signing the executive orders.
In fact, I think he did it in Ohio, if I'm not mistaken, anyway, that will ensure essential medicines, medical supplies and equipment that we need here in the United States that Americans need in the U.S. are made in the U.S.. Peter Navarro at the White House on the same day said, if we've learned anything from China and the China virus pandemic, it is simply that we're dangerously over dependent on foreign nations, for nations, in particular China.
I think that's a fair statement. Meanwhile, yesterday it's confirmed by Joe Hoft over at Gateway Pundit that Dr. Fauci. Released more money to the non-profit. Chinese coronavirus connected firm Eco Health, seven and a half million bucks. From the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, now that goes against what President Trump said in his orders. This is by Joe Hoft and Gateway Pundit. But this is a standard thing in the Trump administration and people are quick to blame Trump.
But you have to understand, this audience does. Some people don't get it that there are so many. Deep staters and bureaucrat. Self lovers and opportunist and leftist and socialist and whatever left over.
They may not even be Trump haters, they may just have their own agenda, that's what Washington, D.C. has become. So many people have their own agenda. I'm going to get elected to Congress and then I can charge this and then I could do that with consulting and then I could do this at this company and gosh, it's going to look great on my resume. Trump comes along and says, look, if you're not here for the American people, get out.
Pretty much that's his approach. But this happens once a week. The president makes a crisp, clear eyed decision that puts Americans first and then someone in the cabinet or a doctor foushee, some administrative whatever says.
Yeah, I know he said that, but we're still going to do this. How would you like to deal with that? Every I don't know how the guy deals with it. And then you turn on the news and they go, look, President Trump is Satan.
No, he's not. 800 202 2082 Randy Salem, Oregon. Welcome to The Rush Limbaugh Show, Randy. Yes, hello. Yes, they can. What I was wondering was I've never voted before I was 60 years old now. I never voted until 2016, and that was because nobody ever was exciting enough to vote for. I thought that Romney and McCain were embarrassment. I think that Don Jr. for 2024 would be an excellent pick with someone like Candice Owens as his V.P..
I wondered what you thought about his or other potential out there.
Randy, I like the way you think. I think that the Republican Party I never thought I'd say this with a straight face, but true. It is true. Now, the Republican Party has probably the greatest bench it's ever had.
I think of people like Governor Nikki Haley, former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and of course, Don Jr.. I would like to see Candice Owens get into the Senate. Or the house first, because I think because of her age and her energy, some of these younger conservatives can really shake things up at that level first.
But think about the powerful lineup. And I'm glad you called Randy, because we this is something else that I've actually had discussions with people before. And they say, OK, let's say President Trump gets re-elected, which I believe he will. Now, what happens in 2024?
And, you know, when when you see a guy that is so different than the last three presidents and what Randi said about McCain and and Mitt Romney nailed it. And and in the case of Romney, what makes him the worst is you don't know what he's doing or thinking. And that's that is a risk. You guys in the military, you men and women know that you do not want someone like that even in your proximity, because you don't know what the heck they're going to do.
You don't know how they think.
You don't know what they're going to do. You know what the the polls are going to say that day. Is your policy going to get thrown under the bus? Look at how Mitt Romney and McCain went after President Trump. And President Trump got the party back in a position of, I would say. Organization respect. And in a clear eyed policy, it's so clear, it's so simple, I think that's something else that. Kind of disrupts Washington and upsets them that it doesn't have to be hard and most successful people know that every successful mentor that I know has said.
You know, you show them something. What do you think of this and they cross out like nine lines, you don't have to make it so difficult, make America great, make America safe, make America strong.
It doesn't have to be all it doesn't have to be nine thousand pages. But I look at someone like Nikki Haley and I would I'd like to see Nikki Haley in the mix. I'd like to see Kristi Noem in the mix, at least in in, you know, this decade.
And certainly I want to see the the Candice Owens and these young, really savvy conservatives, the millennials and and the Gen Xers that have now outed themselves as conservatives and Trump fans. We need to get them in the Senate, in the House, though, because that that is I mean, look, this is such a great example. We have such a great president and then we have an idiot, that speaker of the House, and look at how difficult it is for things to get done.
I mean, the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is out there saying that the Republicans are enemies of the state and that people elected are sworn to defend and protect the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
And she says that in the same sentence that she calls our president an enemy of America along with the Republican Congress.
Again, this is what was so sad about the content that was either covered up or trashed or ignored all week. At at the Republican convention, it was truly an educational opportunity. You walked away saying even if you were a huge fan of Trump. I know I did.
Oh, my gosh. I didn't know he did that. When did he do that on there, looking it up like, oh, my gosh, he did do that.
Something else the media didn't tell me about some other program. The minute the media didn't tell me about some other economic indicator that went through the ceiling that the news media covered up.
It's a shame, it's a shame, 822, 2082 Let's squeeze in Jason from Kensington, Maryland. Oh, blue state, a blue state. There you go. Hey, Alan. Good. What's up much my. Yeah, just a bit of a wolf about myself. I migrated here 28 years ago and it took me about one term of the Clintons to figure out what was pretty bad. I was pretty young, poisoned by politics in America, but it didn't take long to figure that didn't take long to figure out who the crooks were.
And I mean, finally, when Trump comes along, you get a guy who talks a bit like a tradesman and sort of gives politics a good ol kick in the gut. And these these people are screaming. I mean, I came from a country that was great. I'm a great place to live in, don't get me wrong. But it's very socialist and even small amounts of socialism, socialism, such I mean, it's it's it's very disheartening.
Now, what do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking, I'm actually a professional artist, which is sort of feeds into doesn't feed into the identity of what people think. Think I'm conservative. They obviously assume that I'm a Democrat because I'm an artist. But, yeah, that's another thing that sort of annoys me is this identity politics that the Democrats seem to want to corral you into a group. And that's sort of what they assume with me.
But they sort of get a bit of a rude shock when they find it. I'm a Republican artist.
Good. Good for you, Jason. And I love the fact that you brought that up, because that in itself is a form of discrimination. When someone says, well, wait, you're an artist, why would you support a conservative? Because of artists. Artists work hard to artists, work hard and are entrepreneurial.
And they want to make money and pay taxes and raise families. Why wouldn't they?
Well, also to being an artist, I get the sort of I'm sort of a litmus test of the economy. And I can tell you right now without any light is I've been busier in the last two years than I have in the past 25 years combined. Wow, that's so that's what it tells me, that someone someone's doing something wrong, the economy, you can't take away the debt. I mean, if you give more people power and more than money back, they're going to create industry and they're going to put more money back into the system.
It's pretty common sense. Well, that is that's an excellent report, and just for people who don't know exactly where your accent is from, like me, where did you come from?
I came from Brisbane, Australia. Oh, Queensland. Yeah, OK. But I've been here since 92. OK, but actually my first job was I was a bartender at Clinton's inauguration, so yes, I figure that one out.
Oh is that a great story to tell you.
Well, thank you for calling Jason and have a super weekend and we'll be right back on the Rush Limbaugh Show. Still to come on the EIB Network on The Rush Limbaugh Show, we're going to hear from Rush again, who opened the show today to the first segment of the show. Checking in from Southern Command and bringing you up to speed on his assessment of this week and what's happening with his health.
It's all good. He'll share it with you right after the next top of the next hour.
In the meantime, my name is Ken Matthews, and I was sharing the fact that I found it fascinating that people that make I'll speak for myself.
Alice Johnson. Gosh, Jiron Smith, the White House adviser, former NFL player Jack Brewer. These are some of the and Dawn and Dawn. Some of these speakers brought me to tears. When they talked about their family, not just talking about the president or the country, when they talked about the situations they were in.
And how they overcame it. And sometimes it would be tears of joy and for some reason, those are the speakers that upset the mainstream news media.
And this is where I think there's a disconnect with America because I think Americans love. Stories where people overcome adversity, they love it and their heart aches for those people. That's why America donates more money to charity than any other country. That's why American churches donate more. Than any other charities and on a whole, our country is truly the most gracious and generous. Regardless of what Joy Baker screams about on The View. So I'm going to play a little bit of Alice Johnson, you may or may not recognize her, but the fact that Jake Tapper just went off on all these different speakers.
Well, it made me proud because I do believe that President Trump has officially drove what's left of the left insane.
Here's Alice Johnson. Good evening. I'm Alice Marie Johnson. I was once told that the only way I would ever be reunited with my family would be as a corpse. But by the grace of God and the compassion of President Donald John Trump, I stand before you tonight and I assure you I'm not a ghost. I am alive. I am well. And most importantly, I am free. In 1996, I began serving time in prison life plus 25 years.
I had never been in trouble. I was a first time nonviolent offender. What I did was wrong. I made decisions that I regret. Some say you do the crime, you do the time. However, that time should be fair and just we've all made mistakes. None of us want to be defined forever based on our worst decision. While in prison, I became a playwright, a mentor, a certified hospice volunteer and ordained minister and received the Special Olympics Event Coordinator of the Year award for my work with disabled women.
Because the only thing worse than unjustly imprisoning my body is trying to imprison my mind. My transformation was described as extraordinary. Truth is, there are thousands of people just like me who deserve the opportunity to come home. I never stop fighting for my freedom. My Christian faith and the prayers of so many kept hope alive. When President Trump heard about me, about the injustice of my story, he saw me as a person. He had compassion and he acted free and body thanks to President Trump.
But free in man thanks to the Almighty God.
Now, I don't know how anybody can see that speech. And not want to share it on their newscast, on their show. The woman is an incredible woman. She is a beautiful human being. And she just outlined what true prison reform is.
And I think a lot of people had not seen it through that lens because so many people on the left want to burn police stations and firebomb police cars, that they haven't seen it through that lens. And President Trump has and he signed prison reform. And it's it it's heartbreaking that more people in this country, especially more young people, will not see or hear that woman's message because the news media is bent on taking down our president. And that's only part of it.
Make sure you check it out, I'll put it on my Facebook page. In the meantime, Open Line Friday continues on The Rush Limbaugh Show. Next.
Coming up. On the Rush Limbaugh show, of course, Rush just after the top of the hour, he's just just minutes away. He opened the first segment of the show today. And I'll bring you up to speed on what's happening and next week and everything else. In the meantime, we have more of your great calls coming.
And I think we're going to play a couple more really powerful moments from what many think is. The best RNC convention in history, I'm Ken Matthews, see at the top and greetings to you.
Music lovers, thrill seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain. Rush Limbaugh back with you via recorded message to kick off Open Line Friday. Folks, I have to tell you something, I. I had something happen this week that I have been striving to avoid. It has been at the top of the list of things that I have told myself just can't happen. And yet it did. I came down with a severe infection and it's not good a severe infection with the immune system that is suppressed because of chemotherapy.
And a white blood cell count that's less than normal is not a good circumstance. And it's where I found myself last weekend and I have had to devote every waking moment to dealing with it. And only just now I'm starting to feel, quote unquote, normal. I've missed you all so much. I can't tell you how frustrating it has been because we've been doing everything we can to avoid coming down with an infection. I mean, I've put my doctorate in hermit and Recluse 101 into full action and it's still happened.
But, you know, folks, as I always say, there's good in everything if you look for it. And I have a new appreciation for a whole lot of things because of what I've had to go through this week, I have a better appreciation for what others are going through, especially cancer patients, but just not limited to cancer patients, people who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic, people who have lost their livelihoods, lost their businesses.
It's it's it's a tough set of circumstances that we in America have been dealt with. But, you know, last night's speech by President Trump, I have to be very up front with you. It lifted me up, folks. It made me inspired. It lifted me up, inspired me to be assured that the future holds promise that the best is yet ahead if President Trump is re-elected, whatever you're going through, whether it's an illness, small business in trouble, the event last night truly was inspiring.
It even assured me that our future does indeed hold promise that there's somebody in the White House who literally does care about the future of the country and your future and my future. And we can rest assured that this is the case. Having watched it last night, I see people complaining, the Fox News people complaining that the speech was too long, 70 minutes. Let me tell you, if anybody has earned the right to take as much time as he wants to explain himself, it's Donald Trump.
The man has been slandered and labeled multiple times a day, every day for four years. He has been unfairly criticized. He's been lied about. He has been the subject of a search and destroy campaign. And this entire week, the Republican National Convention has been a focused period of time for Trump and his administration to tell their story. And if it took him 70 minutes last night to do it, fine. And then you say, well, you didn't seem to have a whole lot of energy out that he was not going to win no matter what he did.
If he had done Trump at a rally and able to say he wasn't presidential, if he would have come out and been really tough and started calling Biden a bunch of names, they would have said he's not president, really not taking it seriously. So last night I thought he was actually really good. I think the only thing that upset me about it going long was people were falling asleep in the Eastern Time zone and missing some of it. And I thought it was exactly what was called for.
It was calm, it was assuring. And you know something else. Remember the pre publicity and all this, the free publicity was it Trump was going to come out, he was going to fire on all cylinders and he was going to be ripping Biden and Kamala Harris a new one. And that's not what we got last night. We got a guy who was self-assured, who was confident. We I couldn't tell when he was on the prompter and when he wasn't.
He was funny in a. Deadpan, slow stated or downplayed kind of way, and he was unthreatening, you know, in the pre publicity on this was what this guy is going to come out firing both barrels. You better be prepared. He's going to launch everything. If it wasn't that way at all, it was calm. It was reasoned. And for those watching Trump to learn a little bit about him, there wasn't anything about it that was threatening.
Look, folks, I also have some other observations about things that have happened while I've been away. I want to take the opportunity here of this occasion just to get some of those thoughts in in preparation for my return to the Golden EIB microphone on Monday. I loved it. Vodka's speech last night, one line particularly stood out. Washington didn't change my father. My father changed Washington. Boy, is that true. It is right on the money.
True. And it continues to be the case. And it explains why they continue in the establishment, deep state, whatever, to be so outraged and indignant and irrational.
They're just they're incapable of being rational when Trump is around precisely because he is changing where they live.
He's changing where they work. Now, can I remind you of something? And I could talk a lot of heat for this. I said last week that the Democrat challenge will be to find a way to renege on the debates and everybody, blogosphere, pundits and people and on cable news said Limbaugh is off his rocker, doesn't know what he's talking about. Of course, there's going to be debates. There's going to be three debates. Biden is assuring everybody is going to be debates.
And what happen, Nancy Pelosi, stop and think of this, folks. Nancy Pelosi comes out and says, I would not legitimize a conversation with him.
Now she's clearly laying the groundwork for Biden not to have to debate. And she wouldn't have done that without the Biden's camp Biden campaign's knowledge of it. The idea she's out there shooting from the hip. I guess it's possible because it's Pelosi, she may be trying to manipulate things because I'll tell you something else going on out there, folks. You know, internal polls for politicians don't lie.
The polls that they do, that they report to you and me, like take your pick. Any poll, those polls, as you well know, are made to shape public opinion, not reflect it. But internal polls like the Trump campaign, internal polls or the Biden internal polls, they're not they're not lying to themselves in those polls.
And those polls must be bad.
I saw a poll and I can't remember the name of it right now, whether it was going to find it real quick. It's Black Lives Matter. And Wisconsin's popularity has gone from plus 25 to zero in two months. Oh, yeah. It was a tweet here from noted hate expert Jonathan Chait. Democrats need to be extremely concerned about what's happening in Wisconsin. Support for Black Lives Matter has gone from plus 25 to zero in two months in Wisconsin.
It's happening all over the place. And by now, I'm sure you've all heard CNN anchors are warned, well, we've got to get serious. We got to we got to talk about the rioting. The focus group data looks bad. The polling data look also now, it's not about saving lives, not about saving property. Now that all this is starting to hurt the Democrats, now they've got to start talking about it. But these internal polls must be bad.
They don't lie in these internal polls. And Biden not did you know yesterday he didn't.
He just leave the basement? He went up a floor. He went to the living room. He went up to where there's a fireplace. In August, Kamala Harris emerged from whatever Hubbell's she was living in to come out and tell a bunch of whoppers about about Trump. And I think maybe the fact that these polls, the internal polls and the Biden campaign are bad can be seen in the Biden campaign's activity. Here's a New York Times story. How chaos in Kenosha is already swaying some voters in Wisconsin away from Democrats.
And is a quote from somebody here. Ellan for Werdum owns an antique furniture store downtown. Just blocks from the worst of the destruction, and it's now closed, I just think local Democrat leaders, they're hesitant to condemn the mayhem. They don't know what to say.
If you don't know what to say about rioters, if you don't know what to say about people that are destroying your town, then it's obvious you don't know what to do about it either.
Bruce Arians, the head coach, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
You know, a lot of these players, NFL, NBA, NHL, decided to not practice or to cancel a bunch of games because of the shooting in Kenosha.
And Bruce Arians, the coach, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, said, I don't know that protest is an action. I think each guy has a personal thing. I would beg the players to take action, find a cause either supported financially or do something to change the situation because protesting doesn't do crap, in my opinion.
I've been seeing it since 1968. He's talking there about the Democratic convention in Chicago. But this is a heck of a courageous thing to say. Protesting doesn't do crap already. People in the sports media world are outraged. And he would say this, but the Boston Tea Party was protest. No, it was action. It was much more than just marching up and down the street or carrying a bunch of signs or looting and destroying other people's property. There is a big difference between action and protest.
And what he was really saying was canceling practice, not practicing football one day is not going to change anything you claim to be in favor of. It's not going to matter a whit. And so he didn't say it. I will. They're getting away with engaging in a bunch of symbolism while not having to engage in any genuine substance. Folks, a couple other things here that I want to delve into.
I actually believe I saw a little note from Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, the actions of major things happening this week that I haven't heard anybody say. Now, that doesn't mean nobody has because they they will listen to everything. They look at the Republican convention.
It's been the most diverse political convention I've ever seen, including Democrat conventions.
And as I've watched it, it has occurred to me Trump isn't just running for reelection. The story that is being told that the Republican National Convention is about saving America. It's about saving America from a race war, that the Democrats are out there actively trying to promote the trying to foment it.
They want this country to be black versus white, immigrant versus native, male versus female. That's what they want. They want that chaos. They want this constant us vs. them aspect of daily life. And Trump is making it clear that he's interested in people who are constructive, productive, generally happy. He's not interested in parasites, the generally miserable. He wants everybody to join in this project of making America great again, to restoring America's greatness, where we had contentment, contentment and happiness and people sought happiness.
The fact that all of that is controversial still amazes me. But I think it's and if you look at the Republican convention, it is astounding. The understory that or some of the themes underneath the surface that are, I think, extremely powerful is another thing, folks, that is undeniable. And that is the Republican Party is no longer the party of the McCains or the Bushes or the Romneys or take your pick.
I mean, all of the Koch brothers, all the big donors and so forth. This is clearly Republican Party now. That is Donald Trump's and he's got ninety two to ninety five percent Republican loyalty. It's one of the most amazing transformations of a political party, and it's taken place in less than three years. At this convention, George W. Bush was nowhere to be found. None of the old Republican elders. Romney was nowhere to be found. Not that they wanted to be there.
But that's the point.
So I just I think that there is a lot of folks to be optimistic about, particularly if President Trump wins. Look, there's my timer telling me that my time is up, but it's not up.
I gave myself a couple extra seconds here. It is an opportunity for upbeat, positive nature among all of us. This week has been very eye opening for me. It's been a very bad week, and yet it has ended for me, feeling inspired and upbeat and really confident about the future of our country. If President Trump is reelected, I believe the opposite is true if he's not. But we'll delve into that more as I get back next week.
Again, thank you, folks, for your patience and understanding. I'm sorry I have missed this week. That was it was really it is a bad infection. I have to get it under control. And that's what the next few days and what this all week have all been about. I've missed you. I always miss you. And I'm looking real forward to getting back to you next week. Thanks. Ken Matthews, all the guest hosts who are doing yeoman work here in my absence.
I love everybody. Love you all. Can't wait to see you.
Next on Monday, here's another another one of the great speakers from this week at the convention. This is Jack Brewer. I'm Jack Brewer, a former three time NFL team captain, a college professor, coach, husband, son and father. I'm also a lifelong Democrat, but I support Donald Trump. Let me be clear. I didn't come here for the popularity or the praise, the likes or the retweeting. I'm here as a servant to God, a servant to the people of our nation and a servant to our president.
I grew up in Grapevine, Texas, a town that my great grandfather was the first black man to settle as a sharecropper in 1896. My early high school experience included fighting with skinheads and being a witness in an attempted murder trial after my friend shot a skinhead in self-defense. I remember my dad's bravery when he personally stood up against a KKK rally in my town. In my house. My father taught me to back down from no one. I know what racism looks like.
I've seen it firsthand in America. It has no resemblance to President Trump. And I'm fed up with the way he's portrayed in the media who refuse to acknowledge what he's actually done for the black community. It's confusing the minds of our innocent children. Before I left to come deliver this message, my energetic eight year old son Jackson stopped me and said, Dad, can you please just tell everyone that all lives need to matter and that God loves everyone?
In that moment, I realized that my eight year old had figured out with so many adults have seemed to forget Jack Brewer, one of the most powerful speakers at the RNC and just one of many that triggered the white woak angry liberal, bitter man child known as Jake Tapper.
Could you go ahead and play Jake Rizzotto that we've ever been fed a staple of propaganda like this? And what's so interesting about the last four days is that they are asking the American people to not believe what they already think. According to polls, they're saying they have they had individual after individual say, I wish you could see what he's really like behind the scenes. I wish you could see it as if that would change the perceptions that the American people have a majority disapproving of the president.
So many Americans think he's racist. Oh, no, he's not. You need to believe he likes black people. So many Americans think he is a sexist or massages. He's not. He's done so many things for women. So many people think that he's xenophobic and he hates immigrants. Oh, no, he's not here. He is a naturalization ceremony and so many Americans and this is why he is so vulnerable, even if the race does tighten a little.
So many Americans disapprove of the job he has done with the coronavirus because they see the evidence before their eyes as to how the administration response has not been adequate. They see it and the message has been, oh, no, he did a really good job.
They are asking you to disbelieve what you already think.
That's why so many people make fun of people like Jake Tapper or Don Lemon or Chris Matthews or the rest of them. Notice how many times he said what people believe, what they think, what their perception is. This can't be right. La, la, la, la, la.
No evidence at all. None. None.
And in the process, Jake Tapper was able to not only attack Trump, but insult all the speakers, people of color.
You know, one college is determined to make you an already informed member of this audience that much more aware of the continuing assaults on our freedoms and how to defend them.
You know, colleges that are known for great learning aren't satisfied with containing their teaching just within the campus boundaries. Hillsdale is a perfect example. Hillsdale College in video and publication for they carry the teaching forward. Everybody can't get everybody on campus, but they love what they do. They believe in what they do. They want as many people to benefit from what they do. They teach people. They want as many people learning what they teach as possible. Hillsdale has been defending and explaining American freedoms for years.
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They're generous supporters make that possible. They believe in Hillsdale commitment to education. Find out everything Hillsdale is doing and what they make available to you for no charge at Rush for Hillsdale Dotcom, that's Rush for Hillsdale Dotcom. And back to the phones we go on open line Friday. The Rush Limbaugh Show, 800 202 2082.
Let's go to Donna in Millville, Pennsylvania. Hi, Donna. Welcome to the show. Hello.
Ken Matthews, fellow Pennsylvanian. Yes. Yes. I called because you mentioned Jake Tapper and I just hearing him makes my blood boil. I decided that the word journalist has been prostituted and they sold their profession to the John A. propaganda. How do we get journalism back to the truth?
You know, it it is such a heartbreaking moment for journalism. I remember Hannity said back years ago, and I think he he coined the term in 2015 or even 2016. Journalism is dead. And it is because there is no place you can go for an objective assessment of an event or something that's taking place. There is no observation. What you heard from Jake Tapper was a vicious, racist, angry, bitter rampage when he could have and should have been just reviewing the content of the speakers.
But think about think about the Democrats position, Donna.
It's all about what the downtrodden and and this person and this minority in this group, in this gender.
And then the first time they see a group of those people in an environment that they're not supposed to be in, according to the left.
So they see a black CEO come out and support Donald Trump or or a woman of color released from prison by Donald Trump. And it's it's got to be cognitive dissonance. It's got to be a level of anger because they've tried so hard for five years to convince America. And he went through the entire list. But not one time did he have any evidence.
Absolutely. They just can't handle the truth. I don't think they're looking for it. I think they're looking to keep their position and I think that when in in the news media and, you know, it's in all media for the most part, not just news media, there's a line that you can't cross.
And it's interesting because the Rush Limbaugh Show has become the beacon of, you know, let me go there and check this out. Let me see what Rush's take is. Let me see what they said on it, you know, on the rush show about it. And when you think about that, all the credibility has drained from the major outlets because of their emotion, because of their anger, their disappointment. This is why this is happening. You would think CNN of all networks would have celebrated.
The people of color and their powerful, beautiful moving testimonials and their opinion of America talk about powerful.
They couldn't even deal with it. Instead, they do it, a lot of hardcore leftists do, and I find it disgusting. They call them out, they insult them, they become. The racist they accuse us of being, whether it's Joy Reid or Jemele Hill or any number, Don Lemon, any number of people, Joe Scarborough.
The minute you say, well, what do you say about this here, here's a person that is thrilled that President Trump came to his prison and spoke at the commencement when the prisoners got their high school diplomas and then started a program with an FBI agent to do more of it. Well, that's just what is it? Jake Tapper can't wrap his head around that. It is so foreign to them. Look, the marching orders came out from the Hillary Clinton campaign.
It was all leaked. It's all in WikiLeaks. I'll say it again. I've said it several times on the show. To me, it's the most fascinating thing that the news media has overlooked. And they overlook tons of stuff. The whole Eppstein flight list. There's a reason that's not coming out now. They overlook everything if it doesn't fit their game.
But when I read the WikiLeaks and I saw the communication between Podesta and Hillary and other players and I saw that in the fall of 2015. President Trump, at the time, Donald Trump was polling well and focus grouping well with. And this isn't hard to believe for this audience, women and people of color and small business people and working people. He was polling well with that group. So what was the response? I'm reading this in WikiLeaks. The talk among the strategist for the Democrats.
And the response wasn't, you know, we have to be more aggressive with this group or we need to get to Detroit and talk to this group or this union.
No, the plan was and they wrote it down.
We've got to portray Donald Trump as a sexist and a racist because he's polling well with women and people of color.
Do you see their strategy? They're just their strategy is exactly what a Marxist or socialist strategy would be. It's what the left has always done. They don't say he's doing pretty good, how do we do better? Oh, they say he's doing pretty good. We better cut him off at the knees.
And that's a problem when you have a party that believes that. When you have a party that says your company is doing so well, you had such a good year, you had three great quarters in a row, you bought four new trucks, you hired ten new employees, time for you to get knocked down a peg. Welcome to the Democrat Party of 2020. That's what it is. This is the 20.
This is Jimmy Carter's Democrat Party, which I grew up under, watching my father start his small business and my mother with her small business in the 70s.
And I saw the penalties and the red tape that were dumped on anyone. And I remember saying to my dad as he was getting more successful with his painting company and you know what it's like we have millions of small business people tuning into the show. You know what it's like? You've got two trucks.
Should I buy another truck and should I hire another person? Do I need to get another person on the phone?
Should I train a person to do what I do or should I train them to do with that text? So we have to text. That's what leadership is. It's what small businesses. And the better you get at it, the more the Democrats have a chip on their shoulder about you.
And this is a real problem, but the fact that the news media has the same WikiLeaks, they have the same documents as I have. It was all leaked from the Democrat Party. Now, I don't know about you, but I guess I'm a part of the media, not the news media. I couldn't wait to read it. The thousands of pages. I couldn't wait. It was like being able to see inside the Democrat Party. And it was some of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
These people are not thinking how they portray themselves. Mike, do you remember I'm talking to our I'm talking to the sound guy because he might remember this. Do you remember when Podesta said that Hillary smelled like old cabbage in the emails?
I don't know if you. You don't remember it? Yeah, I remember remember when that broke, that actually broke, that actually made it into the news. That was from about a 300 page document dump. And the news media went through all this stuff, the same stuff perhaps you went through or what I went through, and instead of extrapolating, oh my God, they've been targeting Donald Trump since the escalator ride to hurt his women and African-American voting numbers.
Instead of extrapolating that, they said, oh, my God, Podesta thinks it smells like cabbage. Now, I thought that was funny. But that took the attention away from the real thing we should have been concerned about, just like the information that came out about Barack Obama signing off on the surveillance of an American citizen who was chosen to be president of the United States, who was elected legally. This is all scary stuff. So the fact that Jake Tapper can spend well over a minute.
Making up things about you and me and Donald Trump again, when he had four powerful days of men and women who shared their love, their beliefs of America, they they bore their souls.
And Jake couldn't talk about them. He couldn't talk about the disabled mom or the or the he couldn't talk about any of it.
He just did what they've done since twenty fifteen. We got to beat up Trump. My God, we're never going to get the White House back. We got to beat up Trump and now it's just become a punch line. I mean, that's what CNN has become. Have you seen the in the mean shirts you can buy CNN shirts that are hysterical?
I have two of them because I'm a geek and I buy those goofy T-shirts, drives my wife crazy.
This is The Rush Limbaugh Show. My name is Ken Matthews. We'll be right back.
And back to the phones on the Rush Limbaugh Show Open Line Friday, by the way, before I forget. Don't forget Rush Limbaugh Dotcom. And you could leave a special note to Rush. You just click on the tab that says special note to rush. See how easy the EIB Network makes it click. There it is. Rush Limbaugh, Dotcom Sam in Chattanooga. Hi, Sam. Welcome to The Rush Limbaugh Show.
Well, thanks so much for taking the call. And, you know, I know you feel the same way. I feel it was great to hear Rush's voice, but you did mention that the Republican Party has a great deep bench. Well, honestly, I think Rush Limbaugh has a great deep bench. I think you and so many others that are stepping up in his absence, clearly under his limits, have just done a great job. So thank you for doing that.
Very nice of you to say. I appreciate that.
But it's true. I feel that way and so many do. So here's the scoop, or at least the way I see it, I don't think Biden has a chance. Now, I know that sounds like an awful blanket statement, very hasty generalization, but here's my here's my proof of it. Rush said a minute ago in his monologue that the internal numbers for the Democrats must look bad. Well, so think about Dukakis in 86. Think about Dole.
And then he was a Republican. But think about Dole in 96, I'm sorry, 84 for Dukakis, 96 for Dole, 04 for Kerry and then 12 for Romney. These were guys that really didn't have a chance. They were up against a popular president. But here's the thing. They had paid their dues and there may have been better options for the nominee, but there was not a there wasn't really an option they wanted to waste. You don't put a good candidate.
And listen, I'm not against Joe Biden is a personal guy. Seems like a nice guy. Seems kind of old and weird, but he's nice, I'm sure. But the thing is, man, he didn't have a chance and they knew it, but he paid his dues, been around for 40 some people. That's who you put that's who you put at the top of the ticket during this kind of election. I think Rush is 100 percent right.
I don't think. I don't think Biden has a chance. And I think the Democrats know it. I think you're going to start to see funding and money shift majorly to the House and Senate races, the ones they think are vulnerable after the debates. I'm just that's just my opinion.
Interesting analysis. You know what's so crazy about it, though, Sam, coming off of Hillary, which I kind of felt that way about Hillary.
I thought that, you know, Hillary paid her dues and, you know, and they keep putting these. So basically, they've they've put up two duds in a row that couldn't pull it off.
So let me ask you this, Sam. If you're still there, do you think they have anybody for anybody for 2024? You think there's anybody in the wings? I don't know that, but to your point about the Republican's deep bench, I think that bench has arrived in the last three or four years because we have had a great leader and you start to energize the youth. I don't know if the Democrats have that person to bring up the next generation.
I mean, it's just an old and tired and loud right now. So I don't know. I'm really optimistic about the future. I'm an American guy anyway from America. I believe no matter what, we're going to be OK. But I just I don't see the Democrats really pulling it together in the next little while. Again, that's just my opinion.
Wow. Well, thank you for calling, Sam. You're also a better analyst than most. The news, the news, talk shows. That makes total sense. When he what did he say, Mike?
Old, old, loud and stale, old, stale and loud. That old, weird, stale and loud. Yeah, that could be a bumper sticker for Joe Biden.
I just want to point out that as we learned in that in-depth interview with Joe Biden last week, he likes ice cream and he calls his granddaughters back.
So there you go. We'll be right back. And another district attorney, Diane, objected. Now making it more difficult for law enforcement officers, she is requiring police officers to consider whether a looter actually needed the stolen goods. Before charging them, well, I I wanted a big screen TV and 13, not 13 pairs, 13 Air Jordans. Because my my cousin just has one leg, so but I didn't need them. All kidding aside, Diana Beckton is another district attorney.
She's in Contra Costa County in Cali, but she's one of several that George Soros backed, including the district attorney of Philadelphia, you know, St. Louis district attorney and, of course, Chicago's Kim Fox.
This should concern a lot of people that we have, in essence, a billionaire foreigner. Who's getting involved in large cities, predominantly Democrat in the law enforcement cycle?
That's the scary thing. Have a great weekend. God bless you. And thanks for listening.