The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Mar 24 2021
The Rush Limbaugh Show- 2,057 views
- 24 Mar 2021
Brett Winterble guides today's show. The Rush Limbaugh Show will continue. Ahmed Al Alawi Al Issa and the Colorado shooting. Blumenthal says all Republicans are complicit in shooting. Rush knew more gun laws will never stop a criminal or terrorist who wanted to shoot people. Rush on why Democrats so aggressively want to open the borders. Rush on AOC, Green New Deal socialists.
New York lawmakers take first step toward impeaching Andrew Cuomo. El Rushbo has been a thorn in the side of Mario the Pious and the Cuomo family for more than 30 years. Houston Caller loves what we're doing with the show, concerned about skyrocketing crime as result of illegal immigration. Caller wants to know what Rush would do. Rush on the Big Tech guys testifying on Capitol Hill. Rush nukes guaranteed basic income.
A 1992 clip from Rush's very first episode of the groundbreaking Rush Limbaugh, the Television Show. Kathryn explains the Rush Limbaugh Great American Business Award. Rush on the difference between dying with covid and dying of covid, the reach of Big Brother. Rush on just how radical Trump's America First foreign policy was for the elites. Biden puts Kamala in charge of the border crisis. Rush's cousin Stephen N. Limbaugh III writes a touching tribute to Rush.
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As you prepare to take to the skies again, travel looks a little different now at Dulles International and Reagan National Airport. We've implemented new health and safety measures like sanitizing. We're often encouraging social distancing, installing plastic barriers and requiring face coverings.
So while we may be standing farther apart, we're all working together to help keep you safe. Visit NWA dot com slash safety to see how we're helping you travel with confidence.
Hi, everyone. I am so excited to launch my very first podcast, The Truth, with Lisa Booth with I Heart Radio and Gingrich 360, The Truth with Lisa Booth is a podcast, rejects Jex fake news and will never bow down to the political correctness poisoning this country from.
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Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. Thank you, John Donvan. It is wonderful to be here with the greatest audience in all of talkradio guiding the the folks through, well, an amazing news cycle.
And let me start with a very, very important announcement. The Rush Limbaugh Show is continuing.
We'll be staying on top of current topics and keeping you informed while also revisiting Rush's wisdom and words as they apply to present day news.
Rush shared a lot of valuable insights with us, most of it very forward thinking, and will include that when it rings true. We'll be doing this for a long time to come. And you are welcome to join us every day. At the same time, you tuned in to hear Rush's thoughts and conversation. Rush lives on past wisdom, today's relevance. And he has got some amazing analysis that we're going to revisit with you here today on all of today's big events.
And certainly our hearts continue to ache and go out to the very, very sad and tragic situation out of out of Portland, I'm sorry, out of Boulder involving the Kings super market shooting that took place there just in the last 48 hours. This this has become such a horribly sad story when you have people who are innocent individuals going about the duties of their daily lives and they find themselves confronted by a very specific, very unique kind of evil one can one can only imagine the terror, the shock, the pain that the community of Boulder is now is now feeling and our hearts, our prayers.
And I know it's a political sort of turn of a phrase that gets dismissed far too often, but darn it, the country can use our prayers. The people of Boulder can use our prayers and our thoughts. And let's hope the right the appropriate action to ensure this does not happen again. But sadly, folks, this is the second time in about a week, first in Atlanta, now in Boulder, that hearts have been broken and the community is mourning.
And we have to understand what that really means. The thing that oftentimes happens when these stories first break is you start to try to figure out what it is that happened here. What was the motivation for this? Why did this occur? We know who the suspect is. We know who the the accused is. In this case, he was taken into custody after being wounded by the police.
And I am loathe to say his name, but it's important to understand who did this. Ahmed al Alawi, Allissa is the person that is responsible for what happened in Portland, and we're starting to get a clearer picture of who this person was, who this person is. And yet the run to gun control measures, the run to politicking, broke a land speed record yesterday and in the overnight hours. Rush spoke extensively about this, but let's set the table right out of the box.
Politics rules the day always and forever on CNN's OUTFRONT with Erin Burnett. Last night, she asked Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat from Connecticut, putting aside Republicans, if you don't have Senator Manchin, are these gun control bills a nonstarter? Here's what Richard Blumenthal said.
We shouldn't be putting aside Republicans. They bear a responsibility as well. That was the whole point of my exchange this morning with Senator Cruz, because they are the ones who are ducking that responsibility and become complicit in all of these shootings. So the Republicans, the Republicans in the Senate are complicit, we should not be putting aside Republicans, they bear responsibilities as well. That was the whole point of my exchange this morning with Senator Cruz, because they're the ones who are ducking that responsibility and becoming complicit in all these shootings.
Back in 2013, there was a conversation about reforming gun laws and background checks and all of that. And that all occurred, obviously, in the wake of the terrible tragedy that was that was what happened in in Dayton and happened in El Paso at the Wal-Mart. We were having a conversation about that. And it was the Democrats who decided that they were going to go and they were going to filibuster and prevent the reforms that were necessary to to take place.
That's that's a fact. But, you know, the reality is we've got a stack of gun laws already on the books.
Back on April 18th, 2013, Rush Limbaugh on all these gun laws that we have governing the ownership, the use of firearms.
So we've already got countless laws. That keep the guns out of the hands of criminals I'm sorry, folks, but every gun control law proposed by. Any Democrat is going to do nothing but take guns away from law abiding people. We already have countless gun laws, just like immigration laws that are not being enforced either properly or at all, what you need to know. We've already got so many gun laws.
There are already so many restrictions, in fact. The states with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest crime rates with guns, New York, Washington. Two of the hardest places in the world to get a gun, and they are ravaged by gun crime. We've got more gun law than you can imagine.
And we don't enforce existing law to make it look like we don't have enough laws that we can get more. Everything is political, everything with the Democrat Party, everything is political, disguised as compassion, and let's look at this now and again.
Let me let me apologize for saying for saying Portland. That was a slip of the tongue. It was Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, where this occurred, obviously.
I just want to restate that because I don't want to leave that hanging out there.
The fact of the matter is, if you go back to the horrible mass shooting incidents that we have seen. In our nation's history, even just in the last 20 years, there are a number of through lines that are a part of them, either they're motivated by terrorism. We saw that with, of course, the shooting at Fort Hood. We saw that at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. We saw that when it was targeting the Tree of Life synagogue, when we saw the targeting of of the temple there up in up in Wisconsin and in Southern California.
And a number of these instances, San Bernardino comes to mind. You have a through line that is terrorism. You have a through line that is madness. You have a through line that is evil. And you cannot budget. You cannot budget for those individuals that are going to do whatever it takes.
To go out and commit homicide by restricting legal, lawful gun ownership among the millions and millions and millions of people who do not commit these these heinous acts.
Famously, during the aftermath of the Sandy Hook murders that took place when it was the Obama Biden administration there at the White House in Washington. You famously heard the exchange referred to behind closed doors between then Vice President Joe Biden and members of the NRA who were talking about the need to enforce the laws that are already on the books. You need to enforce the laws that are on the books, and it was it was shared with people in the in the post period of that meeting that Joe Biden essentially said to the folks who were gathered together there to try to solve this problem, that we didn't have time to enforce the old laws.
We need new laws that are going to stop this sort of thing. No. No, just stacking laws on top of laws that don't then get enforced. It's absurd. And so what you have are a number of connections when you look at an incident like this and Rush said it. There are there are places in this country that suffer as a result of epidemics, of gun violence, and they are the most heavily regulated jurisdictions.
Conversely, there are places that do not have these epidemics of gun violence. Where you have people who are free. To practice their Second Amendment rights without undue restriction, there are differences between communities, but at the end of the of the day and at the end of that discussion, here's what it comes down to, whether you have a respect for life or not, whether you have a respect for your fellow man and woman or not, somebody who is willing to go into a supermarket or into a school or into any other public facility and decide that they are going to go and commit murder, are people that should not be out in polite company.
They should not be out walking freely. Nikolas Cruz. Had a ton of warning signals, and yet they kept mainstreaming him in mainstreaming and mainstreaming them in the at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School at Parkland, there were warnings and red flags going off. He went on social media and declared he wanted to be a school shooter, this individual. In Colorado. Was apparently, at a minimum, a young person, 21 years of age, who was beset with some sort of of of of a paranoid nature or somebody who may be suffering from a mental illness.
His family's been talking about it. His sister said that he had been walking around the house with a, quote, machine gun, talking about how there was around jammed in it. This is a person. And many times when people are interacting with folks like this, they are they are the first people to see the signs of mental illness or an inability to properly possess a firearm.
They are the people who ought to be reaching out. I'm not blaming the family, but these are the people who bear with them a responsibility, as we all do with the great narrative that we have heard from 9/11 onward. If you see something, say something. If you see something, say something. Get these people some help before innocent lives are lost. And sadly and tragically, once again in the beautiful state of Colorado, an amazingly beautiful place with amazingly fine people.
We see violence of this magnitude taking place against the innocent. It's not about disarming law abiding gun owners. This is about making sure those who should never be permitted to possess based on their behaviors.
Not because of who they are, but because of their behavior. They are the ones that need to be stopped. Not the overwhelming majority of law abiding American citizens, one 800 202 280 to an equitable your guide today as the Rush Limbaugh Show continues on the EIB.
And I am Brightwater Wytheville. Your guide today on The Rush Limbaugh Show as we take you across all the big stories that are out there moving in the world today and sharing with you Rush's amazing wisdom, thoughts.
And we'll be doing this every day, every day in every way, right here on the EIB Network. Let's turn our attention a little bit further south. And that is to the border crisis manifesting itself alongside the border with Mexico. Mexico's president has now come out. His name is is Obrador. They call him low. That's the shorthand for him. And Lo has come out and said, look, these Biden administration. Immigration policies. Are prompting the border surge that stands in stark contrast to Alejandro Mayorkas, who's the head of the Department of Homeland Security.
It stands in stark contrast to the narrative coming from Jen Psaki behind the podium there at the White House. It stands in stark contrast with what it is that President Biden is saying and Vice President Harris is saying, and that any number of individuals who are out there making the rounds are saying the president of Mexico is in a tough situation. Let's remember what happened. Once upon a time, President Trump got into a negotiation with Amla and said, listen, I want to remain in Mexico policy as these migrants are making their way northward.
We're not going to bring them into the United States because that is going to cause a crisis for both countries. You need to secure your southern border and you need to help us secure the northern border of Mexico to stem the flow of these migrant outflows from from Central America, Latin America and beyond. And that policy worked.
That policy worked.
The very first action taken, though, by President Biden when he got into office was to remove remove those restrictions and to allow the flow of migrants northward. And what we have now seen is, let's be honest, a crisis at best and potentially a catastrophe down the road. And now you have the U.S. and Mexico trying to figure out how to how to unmake the spaghetti or put the toothpaste back in the tube. Well, we know what this is all about.
Rush talked about this in June of 2013 on the pathway to citizenship.
They want 11 million new voters. They don't say that. They say they want citizenship for these poor people that have risked everything to come to America, the great America. They want their freedom from oppression. They want this.
They want who are we to deny these people their humanity? We must grant them a pathway to citizenship. They're here and they're in the shadows. And the Republicans say, you know what, since you guys want it, we better come up with a version of it or we're going to be hated. Why can't the Republicans said, no, no, I'll tell what we're going to do. We're going to shut down the border. Everything stays the same until we shut down the border.
The country and the sun are going to come up tomorrow. The sun's going to set. Everybody is going to go along. Nobody's in great danger. Nobody's threatened here right now. We're going to secure the border first and then we'll talk about what to do about the people who are here. But the first thing we got to do is stop the influx. Why can't we do that? We have Obamacare because they want nationalized health care. And we didn't say no.
We said, well, OK, we've got to have an answer to this. We've got to have our own version of this. We're going to have our own smarter way of doing this.
Pick the issue. The Democrats are always driving. They're always the ones wanting. They're always the ones wanting bigger government, more government. And we never say no. We always think we have to have an alternative to whatever they propose. Why don't we take the initiative? So you know what? We need to get rid of some government. We don't push back. So I guess we have a a mind set of permanent minority. We have a mindset, apparently, that says most people hate us.
The Democrats advanced something. People love Democrats. So the people must want this. We better look like we're in favor of some of it. Otherwise we're going to be hated. That's how I interpret what the Republicans react to things, how they react and what they do.
You cannot govern. You cannot govern. Even if you're in the minority. You cannot govern from a defensive position. You have got to offer bold alternatives and the bold alternative that was offered up by then President Trump and as a candidate and as a president, he he stuck with that messaging was that we have to secure the border with Mexico.
People told him at the time and people told me at the time I was I was talking to them on the air in San Diego and and certainly around around my time in Charlotte.
The fact is, you were talking to people and they were telling you this is going to cost you votes among among Hispanic voters. This is going to cost you votes if you if you call for a secure border, if you take the border seriously and guess what happened. If you go back and look at the performance of the voting for President Trump in the 2020 re-election, you saw Latino voters, Hispanic voters turning toward Trump. They liked the economy.
They like the economic growth, black voters, Asian voters, people liked the economy running up into obviously the pandemic and what happened there with the massive shutdowns. But on border policy, people were with. The former administration, they wanted the border secure and people if you go down to those counties in south Texas, those are counties that are overwhelmingly Hispanic, they are overwhelmingly in favor of border security. And I can tell you what they're absolutely hating right now.
They're hating the idea that there is just a massive inflow of people coming in and in. And to make matters worse, you now have an administration in pursuit of those those voters down the road getting naturalization and then getting to vote in Democratic caucuses and in general elections and in state elections and that sort of stuff.
What you now have happening is you have people suffering in border communities and in communities in the interior of the United States, lives in Arizona. It's a it's a it's a place that's got, you know, a pretty rough economy. You have the federal government dumping migrants in the middle of the night, just leaving them in the center of town and saying to the mayor there, you got to deal with this. You've now got the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, where they are going to house 3000 teenage migrants who have come across the border.
You can't go have a convention at the convention center in Dallas for the next 75 days because it's been booked by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security to house migrant teenagers between 15 and 17 years. And you can put 3000 there. It's an incredible thing. You look at this, you look at what you have going on at military bases that are going to be tasked with this, including, of course, Fort Bliss, right, in El Paso.
And you know what's going to happen? You're going to have until you secure that border, the continued outflow of of of migrants to to to come into the United States, looking for that opportunity, looking for that golden ticket that's being offered up by the by the Biden Harris administration.
That's what they're going by now, that the Biden Harris administration, they're offering that up. And when asked about this yesterday, Vice President Harris, when asked, are you going to go to the border, she laughed it off and said, not today, I'm not. She's in Jacksonville pushing the the covid-19 stimulus package. This is a mess. And most of all, it's a mess for the people on both sides of the border with Mexico.
Plenty more straight ahead on Brek. Whatever your guide today on the EIB Network.
Wonderful to be here with you and to be with this audience, the best audience in all of talk radio. And how did you like the two trillion dollar? Package, it just came out for for for the bailouts of of unions and cities and communities in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, if you liked the one point nine trillion dollar a package coming out, you're then going to positively love what's coming next.
We've got a three trillion dollar spending bill coming out, and it is the dream of one representative, Alexandrea, a Cassio Cortez Democrat from New York, who gave a tacit endorsement Tuesday to President Joe Biden's three trillion dollar infrastructure in big quotes infrastructure plan because of its adherence to the principles of her proposed Green New Deal.
She said one of the big goals we had when we introduced the Green New Deal was to show how people thought about climate change from being a billion dollar problem to a trillion dollar opportunity. It's a three trillion dollar opportunity, Representative AKCA Cortez, she said in an interview with The New York Times.
Well, Bloomberg News reporting that Biden's team is planning a three trillion dollar infrastructure plan that will include 400 billion in green spending. It'll also include big shifts in spending on carbon emission reductions, charging stations, electric cars, spending on wind and solar power as the people of Texas about that and the development of one million affordable and energy efficient housing units. Affordable and efficient, yeah. Likely not. Republicans routinely mocked Aoki's 2019 Green New Deal proposal after American Action Forum estimated it would actually end up costing probably closer to 93 trillion dollars.
Holy cow. Well, Rush had AOC exactly right. He understood what was being laid out there. He understood the the load of of nonsense that they're going to try to sell and get you to co-sign off of. Now, look, this isn't about saving the climate. This isn't about protecting the environment. This is about something else. And Russian noted, remember, once upon a time, way, way back in 2019, all those years ago, that was just 2019.
An AOC associate admitted that the Green New Deal isn't about climate. From The Daily Caller, dotcom Democrat New York Representative Alexander Cortez Green New Deal is more about drastically overhauling the American economy than it is about combating climate change. According to her top aide, Clinton's chief of staff, Kate Chakrabarty, made a revealing admission in a meeting with Democrat. Washington Governor Jay Inslee is climate director in May. Inslee is running for president, running for the nomination. He's a nut.
He's a leftist wacko. He's the governor of Washington, former governor of Washington. And he has his whole campaign is climate change. A Washington Post reporter accompanied or Cazzo Cortez chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarty to the meeting for a magazine profile. And this guy, her campaign coordinator, was quoted as saying, the interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing of all you guys think of it as a climate theme. We really think of it as a how do you change the entire economy thing?
They were overheard by a reporter who has made the mistake of repeating it. They were having a private conversation so that Insley understood they didn't want Insley incorporating this thing and running off and promoting it, not understanding what their objectives were. It's nothing more than a way to transform the U.S. economy, which means to transform the country. And they're using climate change as a phony, seductive technique, using everything else that they've already used about it. You can save the planet.
You can give your life meaning. You can help ward off the destruction of our climate by signing on to our issue. And all it is, as they have now admitted, is a plan to transfer the vast majority of control over the U.S. economy to the U.S. government. That's all it is now. I don't expect anywhere in the mainstream media this to be ballyhooed or reported or even talked about. But I wanted to pass it on to you because it is proof positive these people are just using all these issues, for one thing.
Ten economists are pushing for degrowth, that's that's an actual term degrowth stabilizing or even shrinking the economy, and that's done to avert environmental catastrophe. It's a terrible idea. Even Axios, the progressive outlet Axios, supposes that. Rush was way ahead of this concept just a couple of years ago, leftist intellectuals have a new economic model they're promoting. It's called the Degrowth Movement. And the people behind this are on a mission. They want to change the belief that economic growth is a good thing.
That's right. According to these people, economic growth is bad. It's bad for the earth, it's bad for society, bad for you. It'll make the world a cleaner, nicer, more fair place. If we did grow the economy to grow, we have to get rid of capitalism. We have to create a just participatory, ecologically sustainable society. Rich nations, meaning America must downsize, income and wealth must be redistributed. Now, this new economic model is exactly the same as every other leftist economic model.
Degrowth is just another name for socialism, and it's spreading. The BBC has a big puff piece on degrowth as a solution to global warming. They say we should work less, thus slowing down the global economy and curbing our appetite to consume more stuff because that's the primary source of emissions. A shorter workweek, they say, that could save the earth. The degrowth movement is now the don't work movement. Now you can laugh all you want, but these people are serious and their movement is gaining traction worldwide.
If you think the idea of degrowth is fringe, pay attention to what the Democrat candidates are saying. It's exactly what they're proposing. Ending America's growth is exactly what they want. We don't deserve economic growth. We have to pay for our sins, whatever they are.
So economic growth gets you prosperity. Degrowth gets you poverty.
That's abundantly clear, if you were to take a look at the least developed nations on the planet, the least developed nations, nations that are that are suffering with poverty, but they don't have infrastructure, they don't have a polluting coal fired plants or nuclear plants or or any of that sort of stuff.
You'd see some incredibly tragic places that Afghanistan's one of the least developed countries in the world. Once upon a time, it was a it was a sustainable society that had a vibrant middle class.
When you go to degrowth, you go to erode, you go to knock down the middle class. And as we've heard from Joe Biden on the campaign trail, progressives, conservatives are like the middle class is vital. If you want to see countries that don't have a middle class, you'll see something akin to a ruling elite, you know, Kim Jong un or the Castro brothers in Cuba. And then you've got a bunch of people who are poor at the bottom.
The middle class doesn't exist. It does not exist. And we've already seen what degrowth could look like on a on a on a local scale.
When you had the pandemic shutdowns, what did you see? You saw people not going into work or people working remotely from home. You saw restaurants and businesses going under because there weren't customers going out there. You saw all that impact. But if you want to see one that runs in real time, take a look at the state of California. I don't mean just the state of California, but look at the state of California and what you had take place over the last 25 years where you have championed increasingly radical climate solutions that didn't pay off except for the waste of 100 billion dollars on a high speed rail that wasn't going to go anywhere.
You see the deactivations and nuclear plants. So that energy's not available. You see rolling blackouts, horrible wildfires taking place. And the reality is that's degrowth. If you want to know what degrowth looks like, take a look at California and take a look at those nations around the world that have not been developed. It is a sad, sad state of affairs.
I'm Brett. What about your guide today on the EIB?
And I am Brent winnable. I am your guide today on The Rush Limbaugh Show. Wonderful to be here with you. Our phone number is always 800 to eight to two eight eight two. And I just want to revisit something here for a very, very quick second, if I may. You need to understand the Rush Limbaugh Show is continuing. We're going to be staying on top of current topics and keeping you informed while also revisiting Rush's wisdom and words as they apply to present day news.
Rush shared a lot of valuable insights with us, most of it forward thinking, and we'll include it when it rings true. We'll be doing this for a long time to come. And you're welcome to join us every single day at the same time that you tuned in to hear Russia's thoughts and conversation. And we are so happy to have you out there. We were talking about Russia's take on degrowth in that last segment. And there's a hand in glove sort of story that applies to this as well.
What if I told you Louisiana and Governor Edwards is looking to move away from oil and gas and shifting to renewable energy? This pretty wild, abruptly shutting down oil and gas production in the Gulf would leave over 100000 residents without a job, would destroy an industry that drives Louisiana's economy. Well, well, Governor Edwards says that can't happen, that can't that can't happen.
Well, so what do we what do we what are we going to do? We're going to create renewable energy.
We'll do all that sort of magical stuff.
It'll just happen. It'll just emerge. It'll just appear.
How many times has Rush called out these hypocrites when it comes to the left and green energy? This is from 2008.
This hypocrisy business, they're always saying that we Republicans, we conservatives are hypocrites.
You know, when some highfalutin, famous, well-known conservative has an affair or something, whatever it is. And I look around and I see all of the hypocrisy on the left, the two sets of rules they devise, one for all of their leaders to live by the other's for the rest of us to live by.
And it's striking, but I have I have a larger question. Because it stems from the premise that these people advance as to why we need to totally redo this magical alternative energy when there isn't any. There really isn't a solar is not enough wind and enough doesn't exist, the truly alternative energy is nuclear and they won't go there. The thing that gets me is that they present to us. A premise of utter destruction and almost apocalyptic circumstances, if we don't change what we're doing, if we don't change the way we eat, if we don't change the way we drive, if we don't change the way we use energy, the country is going to go to hell.
The world is going to be destroyed. Global warming is going to change the climate to the point that we're all going to die. The polar bears are already leading the way in all this. So they present this as something that is drastic. It is a crisis crisis, a super crisis. And yet all of them are going to be driving around in their Suburbans and their SUVs and flying around on their big airplanes. So the question has to be asked, how serious is this really?
So I think what this does is destroy their premise of how drastic an emergency we face in all this. And you know damn well that the people in power are not going to be subjecting themselves except for show purposes to the same lifestyle restrictions they hope to impose on everybody else. And so my reaction is they're making it all up. They're exaggerating how bad things are. They want you thinking this way so that you'll go out and willingly give up some of your freedom and buy things and do things that you really don't want to do because it's the new patriotism or it's the new new way to measure responsible global citizenship or some such thing.
But there's plenty of hypocrisy in all of this that I think just destroys their whole premise.
The thing that's interesting is to kind of go back across this hour and think about what it is we've talked about, especially with the border condition and especially with the surge of migrants coming to the United States. People don't tend to make a run for countries that are poor. They flee countries that are poor. They want to get out of countries that are poor and that don't provide an opportunity, and that's human nature. So what would be the allure of the United States going totally green, totally high tech?
Everything is just magical, right? We've got we've got charging stations as far as the eye can see. But where do we get the electricity for it? Well, it'll it'll just happen. We'll just cover everything in solar panels. We'll cover everything in windmills, will cover everything. And whatever the latest deal is going to be, we could do that. We could build nuclear plants around the country, tons of them, and have all the energy you want for for cars and trucks that could charge and get their electricity.
We could do that. But at every turn, the progressives will turn around and say, no, we can't do that.
We can't do that. The reality is. California's got those rolling blackouts. And yet, Speaker Pelosi, somebody who is very proud of her environmental ethos, very proud of her virtue signalling on the climate, she's got to, what is it, 15, 16, 17 thousand dollar subzero freezers and refrigerators in her big mansion where she keeps all that ice cream nice and cold on those hot days.
How much you want to bet she's got backup power when the rolling blackouts come through? It's an incredible it's an incredible bit of hypocrisy, no, no leave you sitting in a tent in a facility, leave you sitting sweltering in the heat, leave you not allowed to do your your laundry or any of that sort of stuff. The elites always have a plan B, C and D, and it always leaves you o u t out o no equitable.
Your guide today on The Rush Limbaugh Show.
It really is the fastest three hours in all of media, almost wrapping up this first hour. And again, let me remind you that that this show isn't going anywhere. Rush isn't going anywhere. It is continuing will be staying on top of the current topics, keeping you informed, while also revisiting Rush's wisdom and words as they apply to present day news. Rush, over the years shared a lot of valuable insights with us. Most of it is very, very forward thinking and we'll include that when it rings true.
We'll be doing this for a long time to come. You're welcome to join us every day here. At the same time that you tuned in to hear Rush's thoughts in conversation, remember, Rush lives on past wisdom, today's relevance.
And we've got something incredibly relevant coming up in this next hour. O Andrew Cuomo, the attempt at impeachment has gotten underway. We'll get you the ebbs and flows of that. We'll even take a little bit of a flashback to the other Governor Cuomo back once upon a time when it was Mario the Pious will. We'll get a look at that as well. Plus, we'll be taking your phone calls at 800 202, 282 82. There is a ton of great stuff still out there.
We're going to explain it to you. We're going to get you Russia's commentary and keep you 100 percent informed. We've got two hours to go and it is going to be dynamite. Also, don't forget to check out Rush Limbaugh dotcom. That is that is the place to go to keep yourself up to date with everything that we're talking about.
I'm Bret. We're in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network as you prepare to take to the skies again.
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Thank you, John Donovan, it is wonderful to be here with the greatest audience in all of talkradio guiding the the folks through, well, an amazing news cycle.
And let me start with a very, very important announcement. The Rush Limbaugh Show is continuing. We'll be staying on top of current topics and keeping you informed while also revisiting Rush's wisdom and words as they apply to present day news.
Rush shared a lot of valuable insights with us, most of it very forward thinking, and will include that when it rings true. We'll be doing this for a long time to come. And you are welcome to join us every day. At the same time, you tuned in to hear Rush's thoughts and conversation. Rush lives on past wisdom, today's relevance. And he has got some amazing analysis that we're going to revisit with you here today on all of today's big events.
And certainly our hearts continue to ache and go out to the very, very sad and tragic situation out of out of Portland, I'm sorry, out of Boulder involving the Kings super market shooting that took place there just in the last 48 hours. This this has become such a horribly sad story when you have people who are innocent individuals going about the duties of their daily lives and they find themselves confronted by a very specific, very unique kind of evil one can one can only imagine the terror, the shock, the pain that the community of Boulder is now is now feeling and our hearts, our prayers.
And I know it's a political sort of turn of a phrase that gets dismissed far too often, but darn it, the country can use our prayers. The people of Boulder can use our prayers and our thoughts. And let's hope the right the appropriate action to ensure this does not happen again. But sadly, folks, this is the second time in about a week, first in Atlanta, now in Boulder, that hearts have been broken and the community is mourning.
And we have to understand what that really means. The thing that oftentimes happens when these stories first break is you start to try to figure out what it is that happened here. What was the motivation for this? Why did this occur? We know who the suspect is. We know who they the accused is. In this case, he was taken into custody after being wounded by the police.
And I am loathe to say his name, but it's important to understand who did this. Ahmed Alaa Allawi, Allissa is the person that is responsible for what happened in Portland, and we're starting to get a clearer picture of who this person was, who this person is. And yet the run to gun control measures, the run to politicking, broke a land speed record yesterday and in the overnight hours. Rush spoke extensively about this, but let's set the table right out of the box.
Politics rules the day always and forever on CNN's OUTFRONT with Erin Burnett. Last night, she asked Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat from Connecticut, putting aside Republicans, if you don't have Senator Manchin, are these gun control bills a nonstarter? Here's what Richard Blumenthal said.
We shouldn't be putting aside Republicans. They bear a responsibility as well. That was the whole point of my exchange this morning with Senator Cruz, because they are the ones who are ducking that responsibility and become complicit in all of these shootings. So the Republicans, the Republicans in the Senate are complicit, we should not be putting aside Republicans, they bear responsibilities as well. That was the whole point of my exchange this morning with Senator Cruz, because they're the ones who are ducking that responsibility and becoming complicit in all these shootings.
Back in 2019, there was a conversation about reforming gun laws and background checks and all of that. And that all occurred, obviously, in the wake of the of the terrible tragedy that was that was what happened in in Dayton and happened in El Paso at the Wal-Mart. We were having a conversation about that. And it was the Democrats who decided that they were going to go and they were going to filibuster and prevent the reforms that were necessary to to take place.
That's that's a fact. But, you know, the reality is we've got a stack of gun laws already on the books.
Back on April 18th, 2013, Rush Limbaugh on all these gun laws that we have governing the ownership, the use of firearms.
So we've already got countless laws. That keep the guns out of the hands of criminals I'm sorry, folks, but every gun control law proposed by. Any Democrat is going to do nothing but take guns away from law abiding people. We already have countless gun laws, just like immigration laws that are not being enforced either properly or at all, what you need to know. We've already got so many gun laws.
There are already so many restrictions, in fact. The states with the most restrictive gun laws have the highest crime rates with guns, New York, Washington. Two of the hardest places in the world to get a gun, and they are ravaged by gun crime. We've got more gun law than you can imagine.
And we don't enforce existing law to make it look like we don't have enough laws that we can get more. Everything is political, everything with the Democrat Party, everything is political, disguised as compassion, and let's look at this now and again.
Let me apologize for saying for saying Portland. That was a slip of the tongue. It was Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, where this occurred, obviously. I just want to restate that because I don't want to leave that hanging out there.
The fact of the matter is, if you go back to the horrible mass shooting incidents that we have seen. In our nation's history, even just in the last 20 years, there are a number of through lines that are a part of them, either they're motivated by terrorism. We saw that with, of course, the shooting at Fort Hood. We saw that at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. We saw that when it was targeting the Tree of Life synagogue, when we saw the targeting of of the temple there up in up in Wisconsin and in Southern California.
And a number of these instances, San Bernardino comes to mind. You have a through line that is terrorism. You have a through line that is madness. You have a through line that is evil. And you cannot budget. You cannot budget for those individuals that are going to do whatever it takes.
To go out and commit homicide by restricting legal, lawful gun ownership among the millions and millions and millions of people who do not commit these these heinous acts.
Famously, during the aftermath of the Sandy Hook murders that took place when it was the Obama Biden administration there at the White House in Washington. You famously heard the exchange referred to behind closed doors between then Vice President Joe Biden and members of the NRA who were talking about the need to enforce the laws that are already on the books. You need to enforce the laws that are on the books, and it was it was shared with people in the in the post period of that meeting that Joe Biden essentially said to the folks who were gathered together there to try to solve this problem, that we didn't have time to enforce the old laws.
We need new laws that are going to stop this sort of thing. No. No, just stacking laws on top of laws that don't then get enforced, it's absurd. And so what you have are a number of connections when you look at an incident like this and Rush said it. There are there are places in this country that suffer as a result of epidemics, of gun violence, and they are the most heavily regulated jurisdictions.
Conversely, there are places that do not have these epidemics of gun violence. Where you have people who are free. To practice their Second Amendment rights without undue restriction, there are differences between communities, but at the end of the of the day and at the end of that discussion, here's what it comes down to, whether you have a respect for life or not, whether you have a respect for your fellow man and woman or not, somebody who is willing to go into a supermarket or into a school or into any other public facility and decide that they are going to go and commit murder, are people that should not be out in polite company.
They should not be out walking freely. Nikolas Cruz. Had a ton of warning signals, and yet they kept mainstreaming him and mainstreaming and mainstreaming them in the at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School at Parkland, there were warnings and red flags going off. He went on social media and declared he wanted to be a school shooter, this individual. In Colorado. Was apparently, at a minimum, a young person, 21 years of age, who was beset with some sort of of of of a paranoid nature or somebody who may be suffering from a mental illness.
His family's been talking about it. His sister said that he had been walking around the house with a, quote, machine gun, talking about how there was around jammed in it. This is a person. And many times when people are interacting with folks like this, they are they are the first people to see the signs of mental illness or an inability to properly possess a firearm. They are the people who ought to be reaching out. I'm not blaming the family, but these are the people who bear with them a responsibility, as we all do with the great narrative that we have heard from 9/11 onward.
If you see something, say something. If you see something, say something. Get these people some help before innocent lives are lost. And sadly and tragically, once again in the beautiful state of Colorado, an amazingly beautiful place with amazingly fine people. We see violence of this magnitude taking place against the innocent. It's not about disarming law abiding gun owners. This is about making sure those who should never be permitted to possess based on their behaviors.
Not because of who they are, but because of their behavior. They are the ones that need to be stopped. Not the overwhelming majority of law abiding American citizens, one 800 202 282 to equitable your guide today as the Rush Limbaugh Show continues on the EIB.
And I am Bret Wytheville. Your guide today on The Rush Limbaugh Show as we take you across all the big stories that are out there moving in the world today and sharing with you Rush's amazing wisdom, thoughts.
And we'll be doing this every day, every day in every way, right here on the EIB Network. Let's turn our attention a little bit further south. And that is to the border crisis manifesting itself alongside the border with Mexico. Mexico's president has now come out. His name is is Obrador. They call him mellow. That's the shorthand for him. And Lo has come out and said, look, these Biden administration. Immigration policies. Are prompting the border surge that stands in stark contrast to Alejandro Mayorkas, who's the head of the Department of Homeland Security.
It stands in stark contrast to the narrative coming from Jen Psaki behind the podium there at the White House. That stands in stark contrast with what it is that President Biden is saying and Vice President Harris is saying, and that any number of individuals who are out there making the rounds are saying the president of Mexico is in a tough situation. Let's remember what happened. Once upon a time, President Trump got into a negotiation with Amla and said, listen, I want to remain in Mexico policy as these migrants are making their way northward.
We're not going to bring them into the United States because that is going to cause a crisis for both countries. You need to secure your southern border and you need to help us secure the northern border of Mexico to stem the flow of these migrant outflows from from Central America, Latin America and beyond. And that policy worked.
That policy worked.
The very first action taken, though, by President Biden when he got into office was to remove remove those restrictions and to allow the flow of migrants northward. And what we have now seen is, let's be honest, a crisis at best and potentially a catastrophe down the road. And now you have the U.S. and Mexico trying to figure out how to how to unmake the spaghetti or put the toothpaste back in the tube. Well, we know what this is all about.
Rush talked about this in June of 2013 on the pathway to citizenship.
They want 11 million new voters. They don't say that. They say they want citizenship for these poor people that have risked everything to come to America, the great America. They want their freedom from oppression. They want this.
They want who are we to deny these people their humanity? We must grant them a pathway to citizenship. They're here and they're in the shadows. And the Republicans say, you know what, since you guys want it, we better come up with a version of it or we're going to be hated. Why can't the Republicans said, no, no, I'll tell what we're going to do. We're going to shut down the border. Everything stays the same until we shut down the border.
The country and the sun are going to come up tomorrow. The sun's going to set. Everybody is going to go along. Nobody's in great danger. Nobody's threatened here right now. We're going to secure the border first and then we'll talk about what to do about the people who are here. But the first thing we got to do is stop the influx. Why can't we do that? We have Obamacare because they want nationalized health care. And we didn't say no.
We said, well, OK, we've got to have an answer to this. We've got to have our own version of this. We're going to have our own smarter way of doing this.
Pick the issue. The Democrats are always driving. They're always the ones wanting. They're always the ones wanting bigger government, more government. And we never say no. We always think we have to have an alternative to whatever they propose. Why don't we take the initiative? So you know what? We need to get rid of some government. We don't push back. So I guess we have a a mind set of permanent minority. We have a mindset, apparently, that says most people hate us.
The Democrats advanced something. People love Democrats. So the people must want this. We better look like we're in favor of some of it. Otherwise we're going to be hated. That's how I interpret what the Republicans react to things, how they react and what they do.
You cannot govern. You cannot govern. Even if you're in the minority. You cannot govern from a defensive position. You have got to offer bold alternatives and the bold alternative that was offered up by then President Trump and as a candidate and as a president, he he stuck with that messaging was that we have to secure the border with Mexico.
People told him at the time and people told me at the time I was I was talking to them on the air in San Diego and and certainly around around my time in Charlotte.
The fact is, you were talking to people and they were telling you this is going to cost you votes among among Hispanic voters. This is going to cost you votes if you if you call for a secure border, if you take the border seriously and guess what happened. If you go back and look at the performance of the voting for President Trump in the 2012 re-election, you saw Latino voters, Hispanic voters turning towards Trump. They liked the economy.
They like the economic growth, black voters, Asian voters, people liked the economy running up into obviously the pandemic and what happened there with the massive shutdowns. But on border policy, people were with. The former administration, they wanted the border secure and people if you go down to those counties in south Texas, those are counties that are overwhelmingly Hispanic, they are overwhelmingly in favor of border security. And I can tell you what they're absolutely hating right now.
They're hating the idea that there is just a massive inflow of people coming in and in. And to make matters worse, you now have an administration in pursuit of those those voters down the road getting naturalization and then getting to vote in Democratic caucuses and in general elections and in state elections and that sort of stuff.
What you now have happening is you have people suffering in border communities and in communities in the interior of the United States. He'll have been in Arizona. It's a it's a it's a place that's got, you know, a pretty rough economy. You have the federal government dumping migrants in the middle of the night, just leaving them in the center of town and saying to the mayor there, you got to deal with this. You've now got the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, where they are going to house 3000 teenage migrants who have come across the border.
You can't go have a convention at the convention center in Dallas for the next 75 days because it's been booked by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security to house migrant teenagers between 15 and 17 years. And you can put 3000 there. It's an incredible thing. You look at this, you look at what you have going on at military bases that are going to be tasked with this, including, of course, Fort Bliss, right, in El Paso.
And you know what's going to happen? You're going to have until you secure that border, the continued outflow of of of migrants to to to to come into the United States, looking for that opportunity, looking for that golden ticket that's being offered up by the by the Biden Harris administration. That's what they're going by now. They're the Biden Harris administration. They're offering that up. And when asked about this yesterday, Vice President Harris, when asked, are you going to go to the border, she laughed it off and said, not today, I'm not.
She's in Jacksonville pushing the the covid-19 stimulus package. This is a mess. And most of all, it's a mess for the people on both sides of the border with Mexico.
Plenty more straight ahead on what about your guide today on the EIB Network.
Wonderful to be here with you and to be with this audience, the best audience in all of talk radio. And how did you like the two trillion dollar?
Package, it just came out for for for the bailouts of of unions and cities and communities in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, if you liked the one point nine trillion dollar package coming out, you're then going to positively love what's coming next.
We've got a three trillion dollar spending bill coming out, and it is the dream of one representative, Alexandrea, a Cassio Cortez Democrat from New York, who gave a tacit endorsement Tuesday to President Joe Biden's three trillion dollar infrastructure in big quotes, infrastructure plan because of its adherence to the principles of her proposed Green New Deal, she said.
One of the big goals we had when we introduced the Green New Deal was to show how people thought about climate change from being a billion dollar problem to a trillion dollar opportunity. It's a three trillion dollar opportunity, Representative Ocasio Cortez, she said in an interview with The New York Times.
Well, Bloomberg News reporting that Biden's team is planning a three trillion dollar infrastructure plan that will include 400 billion in green spending. It'll also include big shifts in spending on carbon emission reductions, charging stations, electric cars, spending on wind and solar power as the people of Texas about that and the development of one million affordable and energy efficient housing units.
Affordable and efficient, yeah. Likely not. Republicans routinely mocked Aoki's 2019 Green New Deal proposal after American Action Forum estimated it would actually end up costing probably closer to 93 trillion dollars. Holy cow. Well, Rush had AOC exactly right. He understood what was being laid out there. He understood the the load of of nonsense that they're going to try to sell and get you to co-sign off of. Now, look, this isn't about saving the climate. This isn't about protecting the environment.
This is about something else.
And Russian noted, remember, once upon a time, way, way back in 2019, all those years ago, that was just 2019. An AOC associate admitted that the Green New Deal isn't about climate. From The Daily Caller, dotcom Democrat New York Representative Alexander Cortez Green New Deal is more about drastically overhauling the American economy than it is about combating climate change. According to her top aide, Clinton's chief of staff, Kate Chakrabarty, made a revealing admission in a meeting with Democrat.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee is climate director in May. Inslee is running for president, running for the nomination. He's a nut. He's a leftist wacko. He's the governor of Washington, former governor of Washington. And he his whole campaign is climate change. A Washington Post reporter accompanied or Cazzo Cortez chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarty to the meeting for a magazine profile. And this guy, her campaign coordinator, was quoted as saying, the interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing, and all you guys think of it as a climate theme.
We really think of it as a how do you change the entire economy thing? Bingo.
They were overheard by a reporter who has made the mistake of repeating it. They were having a private conversation so that Insley understood they didn't want Insley incorporating the thing and running off and promoting it, not understanding what their objectives were. It's nothing more than a way to transform the U.S. economy, which means to transform the country. And they're using climate change as a phony, seductive technique, using everything else they've already used about it. You can save the planet.
You can give your life meaning. You can help ward off the destruction of our climate by signing on to our issue. And all it is, as they have now admitted, is a plan to transfer the vast majority of control over the U.S. economy to the U.S. government.
That's all it is now. I don't expect anywhere in the mainstream media this to be ballyhooed or reported or even talked about. But I wanted to pass it on to you because it is proof positive. These people are just using all these issues, for one thing.
Ten economists are pushing for degrowth, that's that's an actual term degrowth stabilizing or even shrinking the economy, and that's done to avert environmental catastrophe. It's a terrible idea. Even Axios, the progressive outlet Axios, supposes that. Rush was way ahead of this concept just a couple of years ago, leftist intellectuals have a new economic model they're promoting. It's called the Degrowth Movement. And the people behind this are on a mission. They want to change the belief that economic growth is a good thing.
That's right. According to these people, economic growth is bad. It's bad for the earth, it's bad for society, bad for you. It'll make the world a cleaner, nicer, more fair place. If we did grow the economy to grow, we have to get rid of capitalism. We have to create a just participatory, ecologically sustainable society. Rich nations, meaning America must downsize, income and wealth must be redistributed. Now, this new economic model is exactly the same as every other leftist economic model.
Degrowth is just another name for socialism, and it's spreading. The BBC has a big puff piece on degrowth as a solution to global warming. They say we should work less, thus slowing down the global economy and curbing our appetite to consume more stuff because that's the primary source of emissions. A shorter workweek, they say, that could save the earth. The degrowth movement is now the don't work movement. Now you can laugh all you want, but these people are serious and their movement is gaining traction worldwide.
If you think the idea of degrowth is fringe, pay attention to what the Democrat candidates are saying. It's exactly what they're proposing. Ending America's growth is exactly what they want. We don't deserve economic growth. We have to pay for our sins, whatever they are.
So economic growth gets you prosperity. Degrowth gets you poverty.
That's abundantly clear, if you were to take a look at the least developed nations on the planet, the least developed nations, nations that are that are suffering with poverty, but they don't have infrastructure, they don't have a polluting coal fired plants or nuclear plants or or any of that sort of stuff.
You'd see some incredibly tragic places that Afghanistan's one of the least developed countries in the world. Once upon a time, it was a it was a sustainable society that had a vibrant middle class.
When you go to degrowth, you go to erode, you go to knock down the middle class. And as we've heard from Joe Biden on the campaign trail, progressives, conservatives are like the middle class is vital. If you want to see countries that don't have a middle class, you'll see something akin to a ruling elite, you know, Kim Jong un or the Castro brothers in Cuba. And then you've got a bunch of people who are poor at the bottom.
The middle class doesn't exist. It does not exist. And we've already seen what degrowth could look like on a on a on a local scale.
When you had the pandemic shutdowns, what did you see? You saw people not going into work or people working remotely from home. You saw restaurants and businesses going under because there weren't customers going out there. You saw all that impact. But if you want to see one that runs in real time, take a look at the state of California. I don't mean just the state of California, but look at the state of California and what you had take place over the last 25 years where you have championed increasingly radical climate solutions that didn't pay off except for the waste of 100 billion dollars on a high speed rail that wasn't going to go anywhere.
You see the deactivations and nuclear plants. So that energy's not available. You see rolling blackouts, horrible wildfires taking place. And the reality is that's degrowth. If you want to know what degrowth looks like, take a look at California and take a look at those nations around the world that have not been developed. It is a sad, sad state of affairs.
I'm Brett. What about your guide today on the EIB?
And I am Brent winnable. I am your guide today on The Rush Limbaugh Show. Wonderful to be here with you. Our phone number is always 800 to eight two two eight eight two. And I just want to revisit something here for a very, very quick second, if I may. You need to understand the Rush Limbaugh Show is continuing. We're going to be staying on top of current topics and keeping you informed while also revisiting Rush's wisdom and words as they apply to present day news.
Rush shared a lot of valuable insights with us, most of it forward thinking, and we'll include it when it rings true. We'll be doing this for a long time to come. And you're welcome to join us every single day at the same time that you tuned in to hear Russia's thoughts and conversation. And we are so happy to have you out there. We were talking about Russia's take on degrowth in that last segment. And there's a hand in glove sort of story that applies to this as well.
What if I told you Louisiana and Governor Edwards is looking to move away from oil and gas and shifting to renewable energy? This pretty wild, abruptly shutting down oil and gas production in the Gulf would leave over 100000 residents without a job, would destroy an industry that drives Louisiana's economy. Well, well, Governor Edwards says that can't happen, that can't that can't happen.
Well, so what do we what do we what are we going to do? We're going to create renewable energy. We'll do all that sort of magical stuff. It'll just happen. It'll just emerge. It'll just appear. How many times has Rush called out these hypocrites when it comes to the left and green energy? This is from 2008.
This hypocrisy business, they're always saying that we Republicans, we conservatives are hypocrites.
You know, when some highfalutin, famous, well-known conservative has an affair or something, whatever it is.
And I look around and I see all of the hypocrisy on the left, the two sets of rules they devise, one for all of their leaders to live by the other's for the rest of us to live by.
And it's striking, but I have I have a larger question. Because it stems from the premise that these people advance as to why we need to totally redo this magical alternative energy when there isn't any. There really isn't a solar is not enough wind and enough doesn't exist, the truly alternative energy is nuclear and they won't go there. The thing that gets me is that they present to us. A premise of utter destruction and almost apocalyptic circumstances, if we don't change what we're doing, if we don't change the way we eat, if we don't change the way we drive, if we don't change the way we use energy, the country is going to go to hell.
The world is going to be destroyed. Global warming is going to change the climate to the point that we're all going to die. The polar bears are already leading the way in all this. So they present this as something that is drastic. It is a crisis crisis, a super crisis. And yet all of them are going to be driving around in their Suburbans and their SUVs and flying around in their big airplanes. So the question has to be asked, how serious is this really?
So I think what this does is destroy their premise of how drastic an emergency we face in all this. And you know damn well that the people in power are not going to be subjecting themselves except for show purposes to the same lifestyle restrictions they hope to impose on everybody else. And so my reaction is they're making it all up. They're exaggerating how bad things are. They want you thinking this way so that you'll go out and willingly give up some of your freedom and buy things and do things that you really don't want to do because it's the new patriotism or it's the new new way to measure responsible global citizenship or some such thing.
But there's plenty of hypocrisy in all of this that I think just destroys their whole premise.
The thing that's interesting is to kind of go back across this hour and think about what it is we've talked about, especially with the border condition and especially with the surge of migrants coming to the United States. People don't tend to make a run for countries that are poor. They flee countries that are poor. They want to get out of countries that are poor and that don't provide an opportunity, and that's human nature. So what would be the allure of the United States going totally green, totally high tech?
Everything is just magical, right? We've got we've got charging stations as far as the eye can see. But where do we get the electricity for it? Well, it'll it'll just happen. We'll just cover everything in solar panels. We'll cover everything in windmills, will cover everything. And whatever the latest deal is going to be, we could do that. We could build nuclear plants around the country, tons of them, and have all the energy you want for for cars and trucks that could charge and get their electricity.
We could do that. But at every turn, the progressives will turn around and say, no, we can't do that.
We can't do that. The reality is. California's got those rolling blackouts. And yet, Speaker Pelosi, somebody who is very proud of her environmental ethos, very proud of her virtue signalling on the climate. She's got to, what is it, 15, 16, 17 thousand dollar subzero freezers and refrigerators in her big mansion where she keeps all that ice cream nice and cold on those hot days.
How much you want to bet she's got backup power when the rolling blackouts come through?
It's an incredible it's an incredible bit of hypocrisy, no, no leave you sitting in a tent in a facility, leave you sitting sweltering in the heat, leave you not allowed to do your your laundry or any of that sort of stuff that the elites always have a plan B, C and D, and it always leaves you o u t out.
I'm whatever your guide today on The Rush Limbaugh Show. It really is the fastest three hours in all of media almost wrapping up this first hour. And again, let me remind you that that this show isn't going anywhere. Rush isn't going anywhere. It is continuing will be staying on top of the current topics, keeping you informed, while also revisiting Rush's wisdom and words as they apply to present day news. Rush, over the years shared a lot of valuable insights with us.
Most of it is very, very forward thinking and will include that when it rings true. We'll be doing this for a long time to come. You're welcome to join us every day here.
At the same time that you tuned in to hear Rush's thoughts in conversation, remember, Rush lives on past wisdom, today's relevance.
And we've got something incredibly relevant coming up in this next hour. O Andrew Cuomo, the attempted impeachment has gotten underway. We'll get you the ebbs and flows of that. We'll even take a little bit of a flashback to the other Governor Cuomo back once upon a time when it was Mario the Piesse Will. We'll get a look at that as well. Plus, we'll be taking your phone calls at 800 202 282. There is a ton of great stuff still out there.
We're going to explain it to you. We're going to get you Russia's commentary and keep you 100 percent informed. We've got two hours to go and it is going to be dynamite. Also, don't forget to check out Rush Limbaugh dotcom. That is that is the place to go to keep yourself up to date with everything that we're talking about.
I'm Bret. We're in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network.
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The Rush Limbaugh Show is continuing, will be staying on top of current topics, keeping you informed, while also revisiting Rush's wisdom and words as they apply to present day news. Rush shared a lot of valuable insights with us, most of it very forward thinking, and we'll include that when it rings true, will be doing this for a long time to come. And you're welcome to join us every day at the same time that you tuned in to hear Rush's thoughts and conversation.
Speaking of Rush, we have the very first episode, first segment of the moment that Rush took to the television airwaves. Rush did a very funny bit and he hid behind a blue dot for his safety since he was accused of being one of the most heinous Americans alive and then reveals himself to America.
The views expressed by the host on this show, who happens to be me, are not necessarily the views of the staff management nor sponsors of this station. But they ought to be and soon will be. My friends, I come to you tonight behind a blue dot because I demand anonymity for my own safety. Why? Because I stand accused of being one of the most heinous Americans alive today. Why? Because I believe in the power of the individual.
I believe in limited government. I believe in you keeping more of your money. What does that make me? It makes me a conservative.
And my friends, there are people who think that people like me shouldn't breathe. I am asked by reporters all the time, so what gives you the right to breathe? There are those who claim to be the guarantors of the First Amendment. They are the politically correct left. They say that they alone know who should and shouldn't speak. My friends, they don't know me and they don't know you.
Many people have said this show's not going to last very long. Well, you know how long this show's going to last. We're not going away until every American agrees with me. My friends, there's something else you should know, those of you who love me. And there are millions of you who already do and those of you who don't soon will. Those of you who love this show be prepared to say so, because those who don't, the liberal guarantors of First Amendment who police the speech clause of the First Amendment, who will try to deny me access, will call and say, I hate that show.
This is bad for America. It's threatens freedom. It threatens democracy. You've got to get it off the air. You must call and say, I love this show. I love this man.
My friends, my name is Rush Limbaugh. There are many who say that my show and I need to be balanced with equal time.
They are wrong. I don't need to be balanced with equal time. Show doesn't need to be balanced with equal time. Why? Because I am equal time.
Yes, you are. By the way, that clip is available for viewing over at Rush Limbaugh Dotcom. If you missed it earlier this week, Katherine Limbaugh is going to be joining us for a very special open line Friday with the announcement of the first recipient of the great American Business Award, which is something she and Rush had in the works before we sadly lost him. Here is Katherine from Monday with a little bit about that.
I'm very excited to tell you all about this. First of all, Rush plans on doing this in February of this year. So unfortunately, he was not able to. But we will continue what he plans, as many of you have heard throughout many, many years. Rush firmly, firmly believe that you are the people who make this country work. He would also say that you did build your small businesses and you do contribute to the American economy by providing goods and services and that you all do hire and employ Americans who are in need of jobs and careers.
I'm sure Rush would also say that you all put in the long hours and you all take the risks. And to remember that absolutely no one can take that from you, nor should anyone take that from you. And this, as we learned and many of you know, it's difficult. It's really challenging. The hours are very long and it is hard. But so many Americans are doing exceptional things, building small businesses from scratch on just a little gem of an idea.
And I think that's something that Rush always inspired in all of us, that we could reach for the heights, that we could create something out of nothing, and that we could work hard to pursue the American dream. And that just so that we all remember, the American dream is not over and it should never be over. So that is what kicked off this conversation that Rush and I had not too long ago. And again, he was going to start this in February, but unfortunately couldn't.
What we are doing continuing what Rush started is in honor of Rush. We are creating the Rush Limbaugh great American business award. And what this is, particularly now in this year of covid is we are taking stories from all of you who have been inspired by Rush in some way to create a business or go after a dream or hire other Americans or somehow contribute to what he says makes the country work. And we are asking you to nominate either yourselves or others.
If you go to Rush Limbaugh dot com, there's a nominee tab at the top of the Web page. And once we receive all of the nominations, I'm personally going to go through them on behalf of Rush with a small team. And we are going to pick the first recipients of the Rush Limbaugh great American business award to recognize all of you who should be recognized in a very high way. What a tremendous and terrific opportunity to celebrate that which is making America great.
It's an incredible opportunity to salute those people who worked so hard, and I'm so happy that Rush started this and that beloved Catherine is. Moving forward with this so that it can become real. How many times do you look at politicians on television and say, gosh, where do they where do they get this socialist orientation? How does this happen? What what's going on here?
For many people who are business owners, you're setting an example for your children or you're setting an example for children of your customers or clients, people who see you getting up and going to work every single day and balancing what it takes. There's a nobility, and I don't mean that in the in the royalty kind of category, I mean, there's a nobility in deciding you're going to undertake a mission to create a business, to create profit, to spin forward capital and to improve the lives and lot of people who come to you.
That is a noble enterprise. And it is the one thing, I believe, that is guaranteed to stop kids from aspiring to be young socialists of America or whatever they want to be when they see you putting in the hours and being rewarded.
There's a sublime message being sent and an overt message being sent. That the limits are only there by which you put upon yourself. That is so important. Lead by example. Lead by example, the great counter message to socialism in. Group think the great counter message. Is being an individual, pursuing your dream, risking failure and achieving. What it is you want to do. Look. Dollars and cents are incredibly important in families like my own, there were four of us could spend as much as 200 dollars or 300 dollars on a cell phone bill.
Unless you have pure talk, then it's just 120 dollars a month. That's just pure talk. Offers you unlimited talk text in six gigs of data for 30 dollars per phone number.
When Rush heard about your talk, he had to share the details of his discovery. Hey, folks, you know, you can spend all kinds of time deliberating what kind of cell phone you want to own, what kind of cell phone you want to use. But you might spend 10 percent of that time deciding on your cell phone carrier if that much and maybe you spend more than 10 percent. But really, there are options out there you may not know about.
Cell phone service has become expensive. You know, I remember back in the days of flip phones, this was before 2007 before the iPhone was invented. The theory was that your service was going to be given to you as long as you paid for the phone. That's the way the experts thought the trend line was that the service is going to be pretty much free, but you got to pay for the phone. Now, that's turned upside down. Now the phone costs a pretty penny, as does service.
Cell phone service has become expensive. The big brand name carriers charge a lot because, well, they can. So there's another company out there that we want to suggest you look into call pure talk because their focus is on providing you the best cell phone coverage and service for about half the price of the big brand names and cellular service. Pure talk gives you excellent coverage. It uses the same cell towers as one of the biggest brands. You get unlimited talk, unlimited text, six gigs of data for about thirty dollars a month.
It's on the same tower that you're probably using now, same towers. And if you go over on your daily usage, pure talk is not going to charge you for it. Switch to pure talk, keep your phone number just as it is. Pure talk will help you make that an easy switch from your cell phone. Just dial down to 250 and then say Paltalk pound 250 and say pure torque and you'll say 50 percent off your first month. That is pound 250 and say pure torque.
You'll have the option to receive a one time auto dial text message from pure torque. Something to look at to. Absolutely, it is wonderful to be here, our number three underway in moments I thought you were supposed to be happy when the covid deaths plummet. I'm Brett Winterville.
I'm your guide today on the Rush Limbaugh Show on the EIB.
What about your guide today on the EIB Network? So remember when we were all in lockdown mode, covid lockdown mode, how we were waiting and hoping and desirous of watching the economy reopen and the ability to get out there and live life as we would expect it in 21st century America?
Well, there's a funny thing that's gone on as you as you look at the headlines out there, the CDC director, I believe that's a director, Walensky, is warning of an avoidable surge of covid-19 amidst relaxing precautions that are out there. Well, Rush talked about this in July. No matter where you go, you can't be confident that you have found the truth when it comes to anything related to covid-19, and I think that is also symptomatic of what's happening to our country at large.
Morality is gone, the concept of right and wrong are gone, the whole notion of morality now is something that's up to individual choice. We've seen the steady degradation of standards, standards have been met with anger and opposition from a bunch of malcontents who claim you have no right to define morality for them or anybody else.
You have no right to define what's right and wrong.
So there is no universal anything near the universal truth, and so we're not getting any and it's tough to wade through all of this and the only you have to rely on is your own intelligence. Combined with whatever confidence your own intelligence gives you, like I have, I have plenty of intelligence I have is more than I need, and that gives me all kinds of confidence to know that I'm making the right judgment when I watch a news story or read a news story, when I see something and knowing it's B.S. or not, whether I trust it or not.
But a lot of people haven't had the time. I've had to study the news and media and presentations and all of that.
And so there is mass. Confusion. Out there, let me give you a couple of examples, I have a story about a Minnesota physician. He's a lawmaker doctor, he's a Republican, he's a state. Senator in Minnesota, name is Scott Jensen. Dr. Republican state senator, Minnesota, he is also now under investigation by the Board of Medical Practices. You know why? Because he once had the audacity to compare covid-19 to the flu. And because he accused the state of Minnesota of inflating the number of deaths from covid-19, I kid you not, he accused them of exaggerating a number of deaths.
You see, my friend, you will not speak against the revolution. You will not speak against the revolution's pet plagues. You will not question the Ministry of Health.
Or we will refer you to the Ministry of Truth. Who can remand you to the ministry of correction, where your mind will be made, right, you know what he did? He properly identified that a bunch of people who did not die from covid-19 were listed as having died because of it. They died with it, not of it. They something else killed them, but they also had the infection. So they were written up as having died. And covid-19, he pointed out the difference.
He is under investigation by the Ministry of Health. This is how revolutions work, folks. You do not speak out against the regime. The regime will get you every time the regime in this case, the Democrat controlled state of Minnesota. Let's jump back out on the phones, people have been patiently waiting, J.R., Columbus, Ohio, welcome to the EIB Network and The Rush Limbaugh Show.
Mega prayer did. But you're you're doing a wonderful job as a guest guide. Thank you. I'm so happy for you and your team to continue on Russian legacy. Thank you. So I'll try and keep this short. So the best memory I have of Russia, which there are thousands, but the best one is the last couple of years of my father father's life, he his mind was 100 percent. That was not the issue. Sure. So I would bring up lunch to him every chance I got.
I would get to his house at around noon and the radio was already on and we would sit there, eat lunch, listen to Rush. And it was some of the few times in the last couple of years where my dad would literally buckle over belly laughing. And I don't say it lightly. I mean, my dad was not a big laughter. He would walk over laughing and he would always say the same thing. Oh, God, Rush.
And and he it I could see the joy in his face. Yeah. And I'm looking at another life with wisdom, too. But Rush gave my father something that I couldn't do during those times.
That is awesome. That is awesome. And you gave your father the companionship he sought along with Russia. So it was really the three of you guys hanging out bonding. Correct. That's awesome. That's awesome. God bless you and your dad. I appreciate you you checking in today. That's just really awesome. Joe in Colorado Springs, Joe, welcome to the show. Thank you. My prayers and dittos to the Limbaugh family also, at least we had a chance to see this coming with Rush, my real perves of my broken heart right now for the people in Boulder.
Yeah, their folks went to the store yesterday and. I just can't imagine what they're going through. And I mean, I've lived in Colorado since Columbine. I've seen these shootings.
And it's frustrating because we have some of the toughest gun laws that people are talking about. We have universal background checks. We have 15 round limits. We have red flag laws. There are no loopholes in this state. And yet people are starting to get these folks as blood screaming for more gun control. Yeah, it's not dry yet on the ground. Yeah, we have a government in this state that is completely democratically controlled. All day, Democrat, governor, Democrats on both parts of our state House, right?
It's what more can we do? Well, what you can do is what you can do is speak out and defend your Second Amendment rights. We want people to understand that there's a reason the founders put it in the Bill of Rights. This wasn't about hunting.
Far from it, and we need to make sure that people who have access to firearms are not the sort of people that will go into a supermarket and murder a bunch of innocent people and a heroic police officer. That's what we have to remember. That's what we have to work toward. Very special moment coming up straight ahead. I'm Brett Mirrorball, your guide today on the EIB Network. Isn't it incredible to look at all the chaos that's being sown around the world kind of simultaneously?
Isn't it an incredible thing you have the border crisis or is it a circumstance? I forget you have a border crisis. You have situations involving us being challenged around the world by the bad guys in big, big ways. China's telling off Anthony Blinken and Jake Sullivan just last week in Alaska, telling us that we are not a democracy. We are terrible. We're we're we're dying. We're done. We're finished. It's over. Kaput. We are seeing jobs wiped out at a at an enormous pace by the Biden administration killing the Keystone XL pipeline.
Like you see all these challenges that are all kind of manifesting at the same time, the Russians, Vladimir Putin, the Iranians, you name it. And then we find out that little rocket man, Kim Jong un, conducted a missile test, the first missile test under the Biden administration. Holy cow. It makes me long for the days when we were exhibiting strength in foreign policy, resolve in foreign policy.
You know, like early mid-September, 2017, President Trump spoke at the United Nations.
Here's Rush commenting as president of the United States, I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries will always and should always put your country's first.
The United States will forever be a great friend to the world and especially to its allies, but we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return. As long as I hold this office, I will defend America's interests above all else.
Nobody at the U.N. has ever been spoken to this way by an American president. They've all heard Trump say it on the campaign trail. They've all heard Trump say it, strains of it, variations of it in the White House. But no president has ever dared go to the sacred ground of the United Nations General Assembly and basically tell them they don't matter when it comes to putting America first. That the world will not come first, this global movement, it will continue and will be a part of it with our allies, but we are never not going to put America first.
And Trump urged all of them to get serious, to band together and fight the bad guys, to fight the rogue regimes like the depraved Norks, no one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the well-being of their own people than their depraved regime in North Korea.
Now, North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. The United States is ready, willing and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary.
You don't go to the United Nations and threaten to destroy another nation on the planet.
It isn't. Well, I mean, in World War two, the League of Nations, there might have been some illusions at some point, but in the modern era, this just doesn't happen. I don't care how depraved the regime is, is in the modern world, depraved regimes are depraved because of the United States. We are responsible as far as these eggheads at that place think. We are responsible for the problems in the world because we have an unfair amount of the world's wealth, riches, treasure and resources.
And how do we get it? Why we went over there and we stole everything we wanted. We have dominated. We have territorial territorials and Trump even addressed that. He made the point that we have never conquered, that we have never made any military action for the purpose of seizing territory and holding it. And we have never sought to impose our way of thinking on anybody else because freedom is not an imposition. This stuff is not set in the it needs to be said.
And it needed to have been said years ago and it needed to be said consistently. I'm sure I am not alone when I tell you I have long ago gotten fed up with being blamed for everything in this country, blame for everything in the world as an American, that our wealth, that our prosperity, our superpower status is illegitimate because it's unfairly acquired, which is a crock. We have earned what we have produced. We feed the world. We technologically advanced the world.
We share medical discoveries and all kinds of other scientific discoveries with the rest of the world. We're first on the scene. Natural disasters all over the world.
And what do we get? We get jealousy, we get envy, and we get derision. Why, I said long ago my foreign aid policy would be very simple, you're not with us, you don't get a dime. You're with us, you thank us, you love us, your promotors, you got all the foreign aid you need, if in the process of getting foreign aid, you start criticizing us, you get put on the excrement list, you're on it automatically for five years.
It takes five years of good behavior, adulation, love and devotion to the U.S. to get off that list and back on the foreign aid list. Now, Trump didn't say that, but folks. He got he got pretty close to spelling out what the United States is, who we are, the goodness of our people, the greatness of our way of life, our decency, our philanthropy, our sharing. And he said it's time that the United States top stop being taken for granted and so forth.
And just like the rest of you in this crowd, put your places first I and we are going to put America first. You know the difference. Americans putting America first is how the rest of the world elevates at the same time no different than your family and you as a breadwinner or half of the breadwinning team and your family, when you engage in behavior to increase your family's standard of living, what happens? Even the people not working, your kids, their standard of living benefits, it increases same thing here just in a much larger scale because the United States is the greatest force for good the world has ever seen.
The United States is the greatest force for uplift, for positive reinforcement. That the world has ever seen. And that is why we are constantly rebuked, constantly derided, constantly criticized, we are looked at as the world's piggy bank. Every United Nations policy is in one way or another, a scheme to get the hands of the world's into our back pocket, climate change, make the U.S. pay for it. Whatever the issue, the reality and the purpose is always to fleece.
The Treasury of the United States of America and Trump said all of this in his own words today in a 40 minute speech at the U.N.. Absolutely spectacular analysis and right on and this developing story just moving, President Biden says he has asked Vice President Harris to lead the effort on the migration issue with the U.S. Mexico border. This is MarketWatch reporting this. President Biden said Wednesday he'd asked Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the administration's efforts to stem migration at the U.S. Mexican border.
The new surge we're dealing with now started in the past administration, but it's our responsibility to deal with it now, Biden said at a White House event. Harris will work with other nations to strengthen immigration enforcement at the borders. Biden said. Republicans have dubbed a surge of migrants at the southern border Abidin border crisis and of course, the president is likely to field multiple questions about the issue in his first news conference on Thursday. Talk about being the piggy bank for the World America.
Right. But think about this, because he's now appointed Vice President Harris to take over the migrant issue. Does that let him off the hook from the tough questions tomorrow? Is this a dodge? In moments, a beautiful tribute. Stick around. I'm Brett. Whatever the Rush Limbaugh Show on the EIB, I'm Brett Writable.
Your guide today on the Rush Limbaugh Show on the EIB Network. So there is a beautiful tribute to Rush that's been posted from his cousin, it's over at the ticker at Rush Limbaugh Dotcom The American Mind. Rush lives on a threnody for my mentor by Stephen A. Limbaugh, the third that is up over at Rush Limbaugh dot com. Just look in the ticker and you can you can see it. Well, remember when Rush celebrated Stephen Limbaugh's new album debuting at number 16 on the Billboard charts?
Oh, hey, folks, one more thing. A little family thing here. You've heard me talk about my cousin once removed, my cousin, Steve's son, Stephen Limbaugh. The third is a musician in Hollywood. And we put links to some of his piano performances on our website and steered you to them. And he performed during, I think with Golden Globes, Golden Globes a couple of Sunday nights ago. He's composed. He written and composed and performed a classical.
CD or album called Pants. Pants, and it has its debut at 16 on the Billboard classical chart. And he was so excited, he sent me the screenshot of it on the billboard number 16 there, and everybody's just so proud and thrilled. And I wanted to mention this because he sends me a note, says, I got to give you all a credit. Your example, your encouragement has been one of my greatest assets. And I wrote him back and said, look, pal, you did this.
I didn't even know that you had composed an album, much less recorded it. You did it on your own. You show up at 16 on a billboard chart to open. You did it.
He is the second member of our family not to go to college, a second member, I'm the first second member not to graduate from college, so he and I have a kindred relationship. And just like my parents were worried to death, what that might meant for me. I counseled his parents many a night saying, don't sweat, it is going to be fine. Just look at me that did not comfort them. Well, it did, but it did.
But I mean, this is this is a great story. Congratulations to Stephen, the third LP, his pants 16 on the Billboard classical chart.
You know, Rush was always such an inspirational person. He would inspire people that he would never meet just by his example, encouraging them to go pursue their their passion, their dream to go and take the shot. And many, many of them did it. You just heard that example, that perfect example talking about Stephen Lemba, the third, because here's somebody who, when pursued his passion, fraught with risk. But if you've got that fire, if you've got that drive inside of you, you certainly you can't quench it by doing anything but pursuing it.
And that's so hugely important.
And that really was was such a tremendously huge underlying theme in the in the show over all these years, because it's about chasing that dream. And when people tell you you can't do it, it should motivate you more to go ahead and do it. The reason why people say it can't be done is because it hasn't been done and it hasn't been done by them. And it's risky. But remember, risk manifests itself in a lot of ways and are are our business owners, people who started their own businesses, Rush inspired a lot of people to reach for their dreams and pursue that excellence.
That's why Catherine is going to be joining us on Friday with the announcement of the first recipient of the great American Business Award. You're not going to want to miss that. Because imagine being a recipient of that award, it's a recognition for all those nights, weekends, early mornings, maybe all nighters that you had to pull to to get the job done. We celebrate great success in our culture. We have a lot of people that really had great success, too.
There's an enormous amount of jealousy in pretty much every corner of of business, entertainment, sports, what have you. But we celebrate. We elevate people who do incredible things and we celebrate them. But what we never really pay that close of attention to is the journey they take anonymously at the kitchen table, in the dining room table or in the garage or in the workshop or in the warehouse.
We don't see all those investments. Those little investments, time and effort and energy and money. We see the result and we celebrate it, it's so phenomenal that we will be. Hearing about the first recipient of the great American business award, you're not going to want to miss it. That's coming up on Friday. Catherine comes by the program to make that big announcement.
Plenty more straight ahead on Brett Wytheville, your guide today.
And I am Brett Wytheville, your guide here on The Rush Limbaugh Show, the EIB Network. What a fast three hours that was. We we certainly covered a whole bunch of stuff. And you know what's coming tomorrow. That's right. You're going to have the Joe Biden press conference.
He's going to answer questions for the first time and what is it, 65 days or something? He's going to be answering questions from the from the press that loves him and celebrates him so much. And we'll certainly be watching all of this closely over the next coming days, weeks, months and years, I hope, because here's the thing we have to remember, and it's so vitally important. The playbook doesn't necessarily change when you're dealing with the progressives, Democrats were Democrats, progressives are the new iteration, but the solutions are always pretty much the same.
The playbook exists for a reason because in the past, sometimes it worked, though the results weren't very good. And that's why it's so important to understand that the EIB Network is here. And that Rush lives on in the programming. And is going to for a very long time, and that's why I want to invite you to be here with us every single day. To hear the current events broken down by we, the guides and of course, Russia's timeless analysis, thank you so much for having me here today.
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