fake Butts, Cheap Lipo & Anti Semitism w/ Dr. Nazarian
Too Tired To Be Crazy with Violet Benson- 1,461 views
- 16 Oct 2020
Joining me today is award-winning plastic surgeon and star of Skin Decision on Netflix. Dr. Sheila Nazarian! We discuss it all from who’s getting work done and lying to you about it, one procedure you shouldn’t get done, self esteem all the way to escaping Iran and anti semitism in the US.
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She's here to tell us all about plastic surgery including procedures she recommends, what people are getting the most done right now, she confirms celebs are lying about being natural and calls them out, the current unrealistic beauty standards, what a vagina is supposed to look like, getting lipo done, types of butt surgeries, the most current most trending procedure that you should STAY AWAY FROM, the importance of loving yourself before going under the knife, and why you should NEVER get cheap plastic surgery!
39:28 - 1:14:00 -
We then have an in depth conversation about our shared faith and religion. Sheila tells the story of her family being smuggled into Pakistan from Iran and later moving to the US to escape anti-Semitism. How she met the man who saved her family’s life, the holocaust, the reason I legally changed my jewish last name, how anti-Semitism is still very much an issue all over the world even within the US, including personal stories.
I know that that person has had liposuction with a fat transfer to their body and they're like, these are the way I do my squats and like, oh my God. Like, it's so obvious to me that you have had your butt done.
Hi, guys, I'm Bob Benson. Welcome to another episode of to try to be crazy with me on every Thursday. Today, I have a returning guest. She's been on here before.
And we talked about is my vagina normal, doctor? Traumatized. Don't remind me. Dr. Sheila Nazarian, Azarian.
Perfect. You can call me whatever you want by Sheila.
Well, doctors there and she is right now one of the most popular sat out surgeons, plastic surgeons out there right now. And you recently just came out with the Netflix show called Skin Decision Before and after, which, by the way, if you guys have not seen it, you totally should check it out. It will make you cry. The first episode has made everyone cry, she told me is going to make me cry. And I was like, nah, I'm good.
And then I cried.
It's pretty. It's not your typical plastic surgery show. It's basically showing what we actually do as plastic surgeons and how we affect people's lives in such a huge, dramatic way, rather than kind of like making a spectacle of the patients.
I mean, most shows do. Yeah, I mean, the first episode and I'll just say really quickly was just basically this one girl. She was shot by her boyfriend or her husband. Yeah. Yeah. And she had all this scarring on her body and also.
Yeah, he shot her kids too and himself. And basically she's the only one in the family that survived.
So then she basically not only was she so traumatized from the whole experience, every day is when she will look at her body. She was reminded of the gun wounds, wounds of like what happened in her life. And Dr. Nazarian was kind enough to completely reconstruct her body and to take care of those wounds and scarring.
And she had like a scar straight down her abdomen, had basically had to open her up to control the bleeding.
Yeah. So I would say it's really tasteful. It's not, like, scary to watch. And also it's very heartfelt because you get to see cases of people that actually need this work because they went through something in their life or it's for their self-esteem. But it's not just your typical plastic surgery show where just like I just like when my lips to be bigger, like a gener no.
We actually like, nixed all those people during casting. But it's funny you say that because in Brazil and South America, the show is actually called self-esteem surgery.
Oh, my gosh. So, yeah, they translate. It's in 190 countries. Your show. Yeah, that's amazing regulations. Thanks. So have you been really busy after that show? We've been getting anywhere between 250 and 500 inquiries a day, so we're actually completely overwhelmed, thankful. Good problem to have.
But we're definitely looking to like other like recruiting other types of businesses, like a call center or something like that, just to help with the inquiries.
How long did you guys shoot for? It was like August through, I want to say October. November.
I just think to OK, last year, so it's kind of good to because we got it done before all this crazy covid happened, so we OK, so would you say then with plastic surgery enquiry's aside from having an Affleck show, which obviously brought in more inquiries, would you say the work has slowed down or actually it got busier because I feel like people think it would slow down. I like us living in L.A. More people are like, oh, great, no one's going to have to no one's going to see me.
So I can actually get some work done on D.L..
Yeah, we have been getting a huge amount of especially lower face inquiries, like neck liposuction chins like buckle fat powder removal because people are zooming and their computers are on their desks.
So the camera's looking up at them. Oh, my gosh. So they're seeing what their neck looks like and that and also right now, like, you can get a total lower facelift and wear a mask and go outside and nobody would know you had anything done. That's so true.
The other thing, too, is I do so many awake procedures, including like the life of the neck and chin.
I would totally just do that half an hour awake in my office. So a lot of people are afraid of going to sleep.
It's like a control issue. So I actually do any procedure that I can possibly do.
Awake, awake. It's a lower risk. B, it's a money savings because you're not paying for the operating room and anesthesia costs and then C, you literally like walk in, get it done and walk out. So, yeah.
And it's like permanently done and you're over it like and I always tell people if there's something that you think about more than four times a week and it's safe to get it done, just get it done.
Dude, life's too short. What are your thoughts on the current beauty standards?
I mean I mean, I think they're it's very interesting because I think all over the world, beauty standards are very different.
I just think my whole thing is to sort of look at your proportions, your natural God given proportions and stay true to those and, you know, try to just make yourself optimized for you, but not try to make yourself look like a whole different body or a whole different person.
Because the truth is, trends change. Like look at what we're just talking about.
In the 90s, it was like small but big boobs like now. And they're so small. But like, I literally out like I literally have patients in my practice that 20 years ago got lipo of their butt and now they're coming in to put fat in there.
But and I'm like, dude, you shouldn't be like going under the knife every like five to ten years as the trends change, our bodies aren't clothing. Like, you can't just, like, donate it and go buy more. Yeah.
So I just try to like not pay too much attention to trends and just make people look optimized for their own proportions and their own body type.
That's good. Do you feel like this? The beauty standards are almost unrealistic to the point that because of Photoshop and the filters, even the girls who get on this work, then they sell Photoshop and they sell filters. So even they don't believe their own like beauty and that's why they constantly need more.
So that's like one hundred percent rampant.
And what pisses me off the most, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about this, are especially like the fitness accounts where I know that that person has had liposuction with the fat transfer to their body.
And they're like, these are the way I do my squats. And like, I'm like, oh, my God.
Like, it's so obvious to me that you have had your butt done.
But, you know, your millions of followers are just like slaving away feeling like crap because they are doing two thousand squats a day and their butts are never going to look like that because that's not real.
OK, that was actually going to be my question. If you can just look at a lot of these people on social media, I know right away what kind of work they have done.
Yeah, they all have work. I know it. Yeah, I know it. I know like not just that, like celebrities too.
There was an article that came out, I think it was a New York Times.
I think it was like five years ago or something where it actually looked at how much these A-list celebrities spend on plastic surgery, things on plastic surgery every month, just how much like the A-list people spend on like beauty, facials, injectables every month, every month, five thousand, thirty thousand every month, every month.
So it's like but that's their job, right?
Their job is to look flawless and beautiful. So whether they're getting like hot springs or whether they're getting surgery or whether they're getting injectables or tightening procedures or collagen inducing procedures. So the other thing is like even before there was this whole social media thing, we would look at celebrities and be like, oh, my God, our hair is so great, your skin is so flawless.
But how do we like it's not our job to look good, like we actually have job jobs.
So we're not we don't have the time or the money to go spend that much money optimizing ourselves every single day.
But the problem is that before when you look at celebrities, you knew it was unattainable because celebrities were so far away. And now it's social media. It's Instagram influencers of celebrities and social media in general. It feels more unattainable, like, oh, I can actually look like that because they seem like regular people now. So would you say then it made our beauty standards a little bit worse?
I think it brings it closer to home and plastic surgery doesn't seem so unattainable anymore. I feel like everybody can sort of get financing or, you know, get their butt Don, or get a tummy tuck these days. So it's not plastic surgery. And like, those procedures are not something that's so far away and only for the Alastair's are only for celebrities or the super rich.
I feel like everyone can get that done now and then seeing these girls with their bodies posing and just like workout clothes are like on the sidewalk with their, you know, their legs sticking out.
They look like a girl next door. And so I think that. Beauty standard isn't so isn't so far away, like you said, it's like a she looks like me or I could have been on Melrose on that sidewalk.
But I think as long as people are honest, though, about getting work done or at least some stuff, at least people can be honest about, like a little bit like even a little bit, I think, to make them feel better. Because because. Yeah, like if I'm looking at the fitness models and they all have their butts done and getting lightpost places, I'm just like, OK, then I apparently if I do 100 squats today, I'm not going to have a big ass tomorrow.
I was like to like it would be good to know. Obviously it's their job so they're not going to tell you. But I'll tell you guys right now, I mean, every model you've ever liked, most models have gone lipo like their thighs between their legs. They have lower back like, you know, love handles. Yeah, it's actually very common.
Like every scene, like every single Victoria's Secret model of every life has had life on all over our body. It's very normal. I'm not going to say yeah, obviously, but it's the truth.
I know for a fact because I'm all of my friends are models and stuff like that. So I'm like a lot of my friends also got the vaginas done with Dr. Nazaryan, which is so funny. Like, I feel like one day I definitely want to get mine done. Even though she says mine's perfect. I one of mine still I don't know if around self-esteem.
So, yeah, I just I didn't know I would go to like plastic surgery, residency and become an O.B..
So what does beauty look like in the eye of a plastic surgeon?
I mean, I think like, it's very different, right? So one of the reasons why I've been super, you know, different and sort of successful even in Beverly Hills, which is like they're thirty one plastic surgeons in my building.
So I and it's it's a prestigious building.
And I think I'm probably like one of the only women and the youngest person there. But I think the reason why I've sort of gotten to that point is I decided very early on that I'm not everyone's doctor. I'm only the doctor for people who want natural results, who nobody's going to know you had anything done.
And not only am I going to do that to other people, but I'm going to do that to myself so I will never be overfilled, even though I have five syringes of filler in my face and I haven't moved my forehead in 12 years.
Like, I just I just knew, like, I don't want to be everyone's doctor. I want to be the doctor of the people that have, like, you know, are normal.
No, but it's really cool if you literally do it on yourself, to which I think makes him more of a relief because I feel like a lot doctors, they pull these syringes off people's faces, but then they don't touch themselves. So like you literally sometimes before an appointment or you've talked about before where you just like, oh, I just put like a new videotape, but sometimes a three Instagram, too, where you put fillers in your own face by yourself in front of the mirror.
The reason why I started doing that is because, like, you know, I'm Persian and a Persian Jew and like the Persian Jewish community is first generation. Like I escaped from Iran when I was six years old to come to this country on the back of a pickup truck through the desert.
So the Persian community is very much first generation, very conservative. And I remember when I first started practice, they'd be like, oh, my God, I heard one one woman got Botox and then she ended up in the ICU and our whole body was paralyzed. And you laugh, but I'm not joking.
So I actually started injecting myself on Instagram just to show the Persians who were following me that you're not going to die. And it's you're not like there's stuff going around, like it's snake poison.
Like no Botox is actually from honey.
That's why you can't give babies, honey. Yeah, they get botulism. So it's not snake poison. It's literally in honey.
So they have all these, like, rumors and craziness that like some grandma told all the Persians or something, I don't know. But I literally just started injecting my own face. So people see that I'm not dead yet.
Also, you don't have to look fake and it's actually safe because if it wasn't what I shoot myself up with it, which is really cool, because to be honest, I sell because I'm more new to the stuff I still have a hard time understanding, even like what is once orange or all those different terms. So then when you say, like, I have five syringes in my face, it's hard for me to understand. But when I think five, it just sounds like it sounds like it would be a lot.
But then I look at your face and you're so naturally looking like syringes is five Amelle, which is actually a teaspoon.
OK, so you see, that's interesting to know. So a teaspoon smeared all over my face is not going to make you look unnatural unless I just shoved it all in your cheeks or something like that.
You know, right now you look super. And I mean, I won't even guess you had anything in here. And that's the other thing, too, is people are so scared looking unnatural, because when you're walking down the street, especially in L.A., you only notice the people that look crazy. You don't notice the people that look normal.
And you think, oh, how lucky they are that they just look that way. But really, it's just good upkeep.
Yeah, maintenance. I think it's really important to have a surgeon that you can trust like this because I do know other girls in L.A. or have friends where they go to some of these popular famous surgeons and they allow them to continuously put all these fillers in their face and not on social media. I may look good. A lot of these girls, when you see them in real life, it's actually a little alarming or scary because their lip doesn't look right.
You can see the fear in their live or there's too much cheek filler, whatever it is like. It looks really crazy and scary and weird in real life. And I think that's what's important to have somebody that can be like. Hey, thank you so much, like, I would love to see more of your money, but like, let's also slow down your faces looking like they had, like, super famous influencers come into my office with, like, massive lips that somebody else did.
And they came to me for, like the teardrop filler that I just posted about. And I will actually say, I can't touch you until we dissolve what's in your lip. Because if I do that and you post that on your social media and I do some other area, they're going to think I did your lips, too.
And that's actually going to backfire on what I've known for so long. And actually, I've said that to one.
And she was working with L'Oreal. And actually after that rumor got out that I actually told this influencer, like, I can inject here because this looks so crazy.
Like all of like the people from L'Oreal started coming because they're like, oh, my God, that's amazing.
No, I love when it's. Yeah. When it's more honest. So then what are your thoughts on people since now it's social media, everything seems so much easier to go get down like, oh, everyone, it's normalized. So then what are your thoughts on people who then can't afford the expensive stuff but they want to look like Kylie Jenner. So then they go and they try to get it like a deal like, oh, I saw on Google, like it's 50 percent off right now.
If I go get it, they are like maybe I go to a different country. Yeah. So I just it's funny.
My social media person who helps me, she's twenty two years old and she's she's been with me now for like a year and she's like, Dr. Nazarian, if I've learned anything working with you is that you don't want to ship out on your body and your health.
And it's so true. And I'll tell you, you get what you pay for and you'll end up actually spending more money getting stuff fixed. I mean, you might get lucky, but it's kind of like playing Russian roulette with your health and your.
Yes. And your body.
So I just feel like, OK, you want to get a discount on clothes? Yeah. Discount on food. Sure. Discount on plastic surgery, I feel like. No, no. Like you save up for that. Like if someone was like if someone told me I can spend either three thousand dollars on getting a small procedure done or fillers or whatever or I can get it for five hundred, I will probably go. I would save up for three thousand.
This reminds me of a good example. One time when I tripped out on my transmission on my car, I could have paid either a thousand dollars for my transmission or from this like Armenia mechanic did it to me for five hundred and I was like, Oh, I'm Russian. He speaks Russian like, you know, he gets me I fix my transmission. The car for five hundred say five hundred dollars in the luckily that one day I was always driving on the freeway and for whatever reason I had this weird voice in my head and it was like to get off the freeway, take, take, take Laurel Canyon, take a hill.
And I've never taken Laurel Canyon before and for whatever reason I got off the freeway and that moment for the first time ever and I started driving up the hill to Lauren Canyon. My transmission broke down and started going backwards. So I started going backwards in the hill and I had to, like, try to park into somebody's home really quick while the ass of my car was still out because it was going backwards, because my transmission was broken. Oh, my God.
So scary. Had I stayed on the freeway, I would one hundred percent died, which is one of the reasons I believe in God and so crazy like shit like that happens to me all the freaking time.
I'll give you like a couple examples.
One time there was a tree kind of on my way to my house, like literally like a thousand feet away from my house. And I was driving up to and I just had a premonition the tree was going to fall.
I literally slowed down and the tree went boom. And I braked and my son was with me. We both held hands. That's one to one time I was going over Benedict Canyon and there was so much traffic you knew like a car accident.
Yeah, because it's like one way. This way, one way, that way. And I just in my head, I saw a total red Porche and then twenty minutes later on, the tow truck was a total cherry red Porche.
That's crazy. One last one, which is totally like crazy. And I know you'll appreciate this. When I met my husband, it's kind of crazy because literally we met I met his parents a week later. He met my dad a week after that. We were engaged in three months. And when I first moved into, like, his condo, you know how like you have a pin code for everything and it's always the same thing. Yes.
Like it maybe it's like twenty five forty to his parking spot was forty to twenty five.
Like in the building, it was a four digit code that was that was the flip exactly like instead of it being like 20 to 45, 45, 22, like he was my ying to my yang, like, shit like that happens to me.
What does that mean? It was 40 like like the parking spot number could have been anything.
Yeah. It was basically my pin code.
I was your pin code which is like the thing. That's how you were like he's the one.
Well I knew he was the one, but like it's almost like these things in life that you say, like you're going you're doing the right thing. You're going the wrong way. Yes, yes.
Yes, I know. I agree with you. Like I've had one time. I've never met my grandfather. I never had a grandfather. So, like, one of them was still alive. And then I never met him. But I had a weird dream that he died. And then I woke up that and I was a child. Then I woke up that morning and I suddenly I saw my parents being sad and I was like, Mom, what's wrong?
And she goes, I just my my father just passed away.
And I was like, well, the chills.
Is that so crazy when you just, like, dream about or you have a premonition that it actually happened?
Yeah, like when my mom passed away to my son when he was two years old, he was he was in the back of my car. He just like started talking. And he told me he dreamt that my mom came and was congratulating my cousin for getting married and my cousin just got engaged, OK?
It was like my son was two years old and he'd never met my mom, obviously. Yeah.
So when I was sixteen, but he basically, like my mom was very close with this cousin, passed away when he was young.
So my mom was like a surrogate mom, just like crazy stuff that I'm just like, there's got to be something greater. Than this. Yeah, no, I think so, too, are they sometimes they say that sometimes we have weird memories as kids. Look, I have some weird memory as a child that never happened to me and I can't figure out where it's from. And I was like that. I imagine it was something they say is from like a different past lifetime, that a different life that you suddenly somehow remember.
Crazy, I know. Anyway, moving back to plastic surgery and I share very similar, I think like spiritual.
Yeah, God. Which we'll get into, by the way. I will because we're both Jewish, are both immigrants. So I feel like we do and we both believe in God, which I think is really beautiful. I know not everyone does. And that's OK too. But I think it's nice to believe in something so.
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Anyway, moving on, I want to ask you just like some quick medical questions, I feel like a lot of my followers had questions about so we can just like, you know, bang them out. OK, go for it. What is the one procedure people come to you the most?
I would say it's a tie between labiaplasty, buckel fat powder removal and small breast augmentation.
OK, but at one point you were known for the vagina doctor because a lot of my friends went to you, so it's pretty crazy. I just I do a lot of judges do a lot of it.
And one thing about vaginas I fuck fucking will just get into is that the girls are awake and it's like in and out.
And then the healing process is just a couple of weeks to just not to have sex.
But I won't let you have sex for four weeks and no tampons. I basically say nothing goes in and nothing goes out. And I tell them, pretend your vagina is mine for a month on loan and then I'll give it back to you. So take good care of it.
Yeah, you just said one of my friends and she told me she didn't have sex for four weeks, but like, the pain wasn't there wasn't like pain rent.
Yeah, it's actually not bad. I always tell people you probably skinned your knee worse than this because the insurgents are like super small and you don't know anything during the whole thing. Even though you're awake. I'm like the queen of no pain.
OK, so if somebody has fat removed through lipo, does it reappear again?
OK, so this question drives me bonkers. OK, so this is how I want you to think about your fat cells. Think you know those storage units that you purchase or you rent out to store your furniture.
OK, imagine if that cell is one of those storage units and you are born with a certain number of storage units on your body. You don't gain anymore and you don't lose any.
They just expand and they shrink as you put more furniture in them. So eat a lot of cake. You're going to expand your storage units. Diet and exercise are going to shrink your storage units, but you have the same available storage unit.
So let's say for women, for example, OK, we're born with more storage units in our thighs than men. Men are born with more storage units in their stomachs.
So let's say a guy comes in and I lipo his stomach. I've removed those rental storage units permanently. So if he goes and gains fifty pounds, he's going to stuff that furniture into the different and the other place, other storage units that remain.
So it's not like fat has legs and it's going to walk around and go to a different place on your body. No, we're born with a certain number of storage units in our body. Some areas might have more storage units and others when I permanently remove those storage units through lipo.
If you continue to gain weight and not lead like a healthy lifestyle, they'll be in the other storage unit.
You're going to go to your arm, in the storage units, in your arms. It's going to go in the storage units in your whatever.
So that's why they say that's why I like if you ever Google buy litho. They say like make sure make sure this is not for weight loss. This is just for an air you can't get rid of and then make sure you have a healthy diet after you get life because it's not like a fat preventative or whatever.
It's not if you're just going to, you know. So a lot of these people I'll give you an example, some of these people who shall go unnamed, who have moved all of their fat into their but sometimes about looks crazy, huge, and sometimes it looks really nice and normal.
It's because they moved all the storage units to their but and so if they gained 20 pounds, they're just going to look insane.
And if they lose thirty pounds, it's going to look nice and cute and round and shapely.
Got it. So basically, if you get life on your stomach doesn't you may not get fat there again, but you probably defy the fat is slowly going to start coming to your arms or your legs or your side was already there.
Those stories storage as you were born with them there. But they're going to expand. You're going to stop. You don't eat healthy and start gaining too much weight. Got a. OK, so speaking of but how do girls get their butts done? So there's three different ways. I actually went on the reel for this and I had like props and stuff.
But you can do about implants, which I think are gross, and I can always tell them from a mile away, literally, it's like really sad.
I don't like them at all. So I don't do them because I just don't think that looks good.
The other way is to actually do lipo and then take those live fat cells and inject them into your body, which is a surgery I do all the time sometimes is referred to as Brazilian butt lift or fat transfer to the butt. But it's kind of nice because you're getting a twofer. So it's like you're sucking it out of the areas you don't want it and you can put in your breasts, which is actually safe. And I do that a lot, too, or you put it in your butt.
Those are the two most common places. And actually in men, I can stick it in their neck muscle, you know, make them look like they have a bigger pack or make them look like they have bigger biceps or even calf muscles.
So that's a fat transfer, which I think is fantastic.
And then the other way, which is a lot more expensive than surgery, believe it or not, is to actually take off the shelf products that build your own collagen and fat and inject it into your body or your breasts.
So usually that's done more in the butt, but it's expensive because I have to purchase the product from a third party, which charges us a crap ton of money.
And it's not just your own fat that I'm using also.
It's injections, but it's injectable. It's it's not your own fat.
So what happens is when it's injected, it builds your own collagen and fat. So it's actually long lasting.
So it's really good for for example, let's say it's someone who exercises a lot.
They have no fat and they also have no but oh, so they don't have fat to donate from one area to their body.
They literally had like six pack but flat booty.
Oh, so I have a friend that's really skinny and then she got her, you know, it's friends and she got her butt done the first time and it was fat chanceries. She actually gained some weight in order to be able to put it in her butt. And now she redid it. But she did it with butt implants, I think. Yeah, because obviously her fat is burning.
This is the other thing that I want to put out there. You can't get you can gain weight for a fat transfer.
So let's say you put on ten pounds. Now you all of a sudden have all this fat that I can liposuction put in your butt.
I always tell people fat, stupid. It doesn't know if it's in your stomach or in your butt. So then if you're like, oh, crap, I feel like I'm heavy and you go lose the weight.
Those storage units you just moved here are going to shrink. Yeah. So there's no point in gaining weight for a fat transfer because then she say at that gained weight because you're right because then she could do you see the way she does or she doesn't eat or whatever she does. Then again she's going to end up losing the the fat she had in her butt. Right. And if she wants to, you know, then she'd have to gain the weight back in order to rub her booty.
So she's the type of candidate that would be perfect then for your third option. Right. And not injectables, because she Triva and plans and like it was really scary. Like we have to take it to the E.R. and it was like it kept it kept her.
But her butthole was like literally ripping apart.
It was like but we don't know what it incisions made near, like it's near the crease of the butt and it is my entire kind of average infection rate.
And again, like I said, I'm not starving, I'm not hungry. I'm very well fed. I don't need to be doing every single surgery. And I like to sleep well at night. So I'm not going to offer a surgery that I don't think a looks good or natural.
And B has a high risk compared to all my all the other things that I did. Yeah.
And like me and my friends are close friends. We have we were taking care of her, so we would need to like clean that area down there. And I was like the first time I was like near vagina so many times because I was like cleaning her the blood that was even better than she it was it was actually scary. I was like, I was released. Guys, go get you some friends that will take care of your.
But yeah, I'm such a good friend. I'm like, I have no good friends. I was so fascinated with the stuff that I was like, yeah, I'll do it. I just want to see what it looks like. It was really interesting.
What would you say a good candidate is for a vagina? We can vaginoplasty plastic.
So labiaplasty.
I would say usually, you know, it's either with pain or no pain.
Some people say when they're riding a bike it hurts or when they have tight jeans on. It's not comfortable.
A lot of other people are just like, I don't like the stuff that hangs out. And I just want things to be like Marie Kondo, like tidied up down there.
Tuck and I just do like a very simple aesthetic procedure awake under local anesthesia.
And a lot of times I have to, like, talk girls down to because I feel like whether they've had it done by somebody else and they don't like the way it looks or some boyfriend at some point said something, I'm never going to do something that's like.
You know, so crazy that, like, I'm going to restore sensation or now a penis can't fit or like I've taken away the functional aspect of that area.
I always tell people you're not papier mâché or cardboard, that I can cut it up and, like, make it look like, you know, whatever. I have to respect blood supply and I have to make sure a penis fits. And I have to make sure that you have sensation and that you have a very long, glorious vagina life that you can enjoy.
Right? Yeah, because I feel like you've had people that come to you and they want, like, a lot removed from their lives. And you're just like, no, I can't know because it's like going to the supermarket hungry. Like you end up buying more food. Yeah. You know, same with breast reduction. People are like, make them an A and I'm like, then you're going to look like a pair because you actually have hips.
So it's up to me to be like, I hear you, but I'm actually going to give you what you like.
Need not know you're being great because even I'm when I showed you my 22 pictures of my vagina and I was like wanting to get it done, and then you're just like, you don't need it. And I thought that was really nice of you to say that. I mean, I still maybe in the future will consider getting that out.
But I'm definitely done, you know, like a few Playboy models and stuff who, you know, that's are like I've done a couple of pornography on the street people. And it's so funny because they're actually coming to me because they want natural results and they don't want anybody while they're filming to know that they've had anything done, which is kind of cool.
And for them, it is like it's their job and it's their career and it has to be, you know, better than perfect.
But for the normal person, you know, coming in, whether it's Violet or a soccer mom or something like that, like I will be the guy and be like, OK, you're not actually like paying your bills by how this area looks. And it's going to you know, it's like 90 percent.
They're not 10 percent.
My, you know, matter for somebody who's showing off their vagina all the time.
Right. But not for like the average. Know, my friend, I just got it done with you. She's engaged just like it was literally she got it done for her, like for me. It doesn't bother me, my vagina, how it looks when I stand because it's not really there. It bothers me. The thought of like when I opened my legs open, just the thought of was just opening up. So like, what is. That's normal though.
I know I. Farinelli, it's Nahlah. What is a normal vagina look look like.
That's so funny. I mean I think very it's, it's like saying what does a normal breast look like.
Like what is a normal kid. That's a perfectly normal nose look like, you know, that's why I like everybody's different and for me is just to make it look within the realm of normal, within normal limits, we call it.
Yeah. And not listen to you and be like, OK, cut here. And I'm like, no, actually your nerves are there. Yeah. How would the person know that they wouldn't? So they're coming to me as an expert to guide them through the whole thing.
Right. So for me I think it's more of a self-esteem issue that I should work on.
So I'll figure that out anyway. OK, what's one trendy procedure you believe is actually a big waste of money and time? Big, trendy procedure, that's a waste of money.
Oh, oh, my God, kervella know the frickin thing they're doing right now. Oh yeah. That's the way I lift the eyebrow and make you look like a Star Trek character.
OK, so for the if you're not seeing the video from this is she's basically talking about how a lot of models lift their eyebrows, but then also do their eyes slanted. Yeah.
That I'm going to have no part to do with that because, again, I think that's a trend. But I'm actually like there's another trend that people are putting threads.
So like a regular female eyebrows should go up and then, like, you know, kind of like straight out, they're actually making it like a line like this, like, you know, how you have been seeing that I told you draw a circle face and make it angry, like you would draw the eyebrows like this facing up, right?
Yeah, like that's how they're making their eyebrows look. And then the places that are doing it are actually posting that on Instagram, like picture after picture after picture.
I have friends where I'm so proud of this result. I have friends that got threads threading threads in their eyebrows who also went I mean, in their in their face like on the sides, which is like it's like a tiny little facelift or something. And they're like early 20s. And they also went to other countries to get it done.
Yeah. I'm not a big fan of the barb threads. I don't mind the smooth threads that just build collagen.
But what does that mean to get a thread there?
So Gunderson's are imagine a suture that we would use in surgery and they've laser cut it to have little barb. So what they do is they do this, they put it in and then they like pull your skin up over it and sort of holds it up in that location.
So there's actually something like that underneath the skin, like a thread inside the skin and it just pulls up. And then how long does that last? So they say it lasts a year.
It doesn't last year, like is like maximum three to six months. And then the patients come back angry about how it didn't last a whole year, asking for more threads.
So someone who obviously has this done a good example is going to be baldheaded, well, I don't know, like what she's done or what these people do.
But I'll tell you, it's higher risk. There's much better technology out there. And that's another problem I feel like with social media and beauty procedures is everybody is going to tout the thing that every like the practitioners themselves can afford.
So not ever like I have twenty five lasers, probably have over three million dollars in lasers in my practice. Not every practitioner is going to be able to afford every single frickin laser or technology that comes out so they can afford is micro needling pens.
They can afford threading, they can afford Botox and they can afford filler.
So every single mother practitioner and their mother, whether they're a nurse or in institution or, you know, a family doctor, that all of a sudden now is doing Botox or dentist.
They're all going to say everyone needs microdata, like everyone needs thread's, everyone needs Botox and filler because they can get their hands on it very easily. The costs for them to acquire is really low.
So that's why I always say, like you should go to if you're really serious about this, you should go to a doctor that does it all.
You have surgery on the table. You have super expensive lasers on the table. You have the threads, you have them toddlers and you have the both.
They're not offering. And just because it's the only thing they currently can not get their hands on you exactly like a lot of doctors only have one laser. So guess what you're getting when you go there.
No matter if you're white, dark skinned, you're all getting the same thing because all they have is a hammer.
So, you know, everyone's a nail got that makes a lot of sense. OK, so that's what that's one that you think it's trendy and is a waste of money. So that's good to know.
So you're seeing all these. But I feel like I, I am starting to feel like that trend was super popular with making your eyes super slanted, which I guess in some ways a little racist, but whatever.
And I feel like I've been noticing that trend slowly has been going away. I do still see the eyebrow lift and the angry eyebrow lift and still the threading. But I feel like it's becoming less and less popular work because I'm noticing people are photoshopping their eyes less slanted than they used to.
Oh, interesting. I still get people like calling in for that. And I'm like, sorry, we don't do that. So last question.
Surgery stuff is my question is. Being a plastic surgeon and then understanding all the beauty standards, constantly fixing all these other people, does that ever make you feel insecure about yourself because you seem really confident?
Know, there's I mean, I'm super confident, but I think there's definitely some stuff that I'd want to do. And if I could honestly reach, I would have done it already.
So like my love handles on Middle Easterners is like a thing. So it doesn't matter how much skinnier I get. I'm never going to lose these love handles.
So if I could have them myself, like reached, I would have done it already.
But you won't go to the doctors. I mean, I would, but it's like a finding the time. Like sometimes I'll go six months without even Botox myself, and I'm never more than four feet away from it. But it's like literally just don't have the time because I'm taking care of everybody else.
So how do you not get too hard on yourself if you're constantly fixing everyone else's faces or making them like the beauty standard of right now, like I'll go home and like, look in the mirror and feel so beautiful because my jewelry is my education.
Like, my beauty to me is my education and how hard I've worked and what I've accomplished in my life. I feel like a lot of times, which is sad to say, a lot of people, all the things that they've gotten in their life is because of the way they looked. I was completely opposite. I was super like anorexic, looking skinny.
I was hairy. I was brown and dark skinned in a school full of lighter skinned people.
So I was never popular. I didn't even date till medical school. So it was like I was just a nerd.
And my self-confidence came from grades, what I was studying and the schools I got into and getting awards. So I never associated my self-worth with how you loved and how I looked at it.
That makes so much sense. And that's really good, though, I feel like, yeah, it's really I think it's much healthier. And I tried to instill that in my kids too.
Exactly. So then when you if you ever do get any work done, it's more like just for yourself or you just think it's time even like for me when I finally decide to even she said basically, Dr. Azarian, if you don't listen to one of my old episodes, is that she put like Botox over my lip and then a little bit of filler on the top of my lip in order to help with my gummy smile. So it's like for me, it just bothered me when I smiled, but it wouldn't take away whether or not I was beautiful or not know.
And also a lot of the times, like, if you if you take away someone's insecurity of smiling. Yeah, I've had people tell me I don't even want to smile because it shows my entire teeth and all my gums and you give them that gift of allowing them to smile without a thought.
Like, that's a beautiful thing. Well, I've always if you guys listen to one of my other episodes, I was born with a birth defect. I literally talked about my whole life. I struggled with being born with really bad teeth, like having no normal side. I've had venire since I was five. So I think subconsciously my mouth is probably the one area that I need to perfect it. So then when I finally got perfect teeth and then I still, when I smile, is a little Loganlea, I'm just like, are you kidding me?
So I think, like, for me it was necessary. But yeah, like I agree with you, I think that's a good way to look at as long as you love yourself. So when you get work done is because you're like, oh, I just need to fix this versus being like, I will be happy if I don't. Yeah. Like, I will not be happy and no one's going to love me unless I fix my gummy smile like that was on my thought process.
It was more like, oh, I just I just want to have a nicer smile for me. Yeah. So I think that's a good way to look at it and then. OK, so speaking of being brown, I don't know, that's like a secret being not white.
So one thing that we can relate to is that we're both Jewish, we're both immigrants. You're Persian. I'm Israeli, I'm Russian, Israeli. So obviously a little different. But I always love hearing stories because I feel like people do understand how immigrant stories are always so different from anyone that was even born in the states, even first generation. So, like, I feel like people sometimes don't realize about how crazy immigrant stories are. And like so you can't you're from originally from Iran and like, basically what did you what did you guys need to do in order to even get to the U.S.?
So this is the craziest thing, like I'm going to jump. It's like forward and then I'll jump back and tell you the whole story. But like a couple of years ago, I was asked to donate to some event that was happening at UCLA. Some guy was going to come speak and one of the Jewish organizations had, you know, arranged for him to come speak.
So I go I go to this thing. I had no idea who this guy was. I just donated it was like, you know, they give you food and some wine. I was like, okay, cool, let's go.
So I take my husband with me.
We're sitting there and this guy had written a book of this information had just become declassified.
And he actually I don't know if you guys know, but Roosevelt actually turned away ships full of Jews during World War Two and said basically, you can't come to the United States. And when they went back, they were all killed.
So this guy that was speaking, he was older and he had actually been he'd heard of this. And he said, you know what? If there's ever a time in my life where I could save people, I'm going to take that chance. So he actually worked in the Carter administration.
And Carter, this was during the whole hostage situation. So Carter basically gave an executive order to get all Persians out of the US and not allow any Persians to come in.
So this guy who was speaking basically.
He was like, OK, I know that if we send these Persians back, they're all going to get killed because they either worked for their kids of the Shah, people worked for the Shah or they were Jews or there were behi.
Yeah. And so one reason the reason because this is the reason if you send the Persians back to Iran, they get killed, is because back then, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm not fully educated about this, was because if and if any Persians were Christian or Jewish and they didn't convert to the Muslim religion, they would get killed for that.
It was actually like that's that's one thing. But this was during the whole like a coup around in 1979 where the shah was overthrown and Khomeini came and took over. A lot of people who worked for the Shah were killed, whether they were Muslim or not, like if they were in the Shah's army or if they were general in the army, they would get killed.
OK, so so basically this guy who worked for Carter was like, I know these people. If they get sent back, they were all like sons of people who work for the Shah or they were Mehi or whatever.
So it was like high risk to their lives. So he basically told them to file asylum applications and then hit the asylum applications in a closet so that nobody would review the asylum applications.
Because once you apply for something, unless a declaration has been made on the on the application, they can't deport you.
So he basically hid the applications and he didn't just do that.
He worked with a company, a nonprofit called HIJOS, who actually helped get more Persian Jews and, you know, people that were persecuted in Iran into the U.S. So there's an executive order to get rid of all the Persians in the U.S. And this guy actually not only kept people from being deported, but actually got more people out of Iran into the West.
And that's how my family got out through the work of chaos.
So I'm literally sitting this conference like staring at this guy who was responsible for saving my family, never knowing that that actually happened. So basically what happened is, you know, my dad worked at the Shah's Heart Hospital.
He was actually the head of the Shah's Heart Hospital, and he had saved the eyesight of one of the techs that worked in his lab.
My dad's a pathologist. He looks under microscopes and the tech he had diagnosed him with some parasite and saved his eyesight. And the tech actually worked for Khomeini like he was one of the like undercover people.
What is homey?
How many women is the person who took power after the Shah basically did the coup?
So he comes to my dad and he basically says, you saved my life basically because you saved my eyesight. I'm going to save your life. You're on the list. They're going to kill you.
Get out. So two days later, my dad leaves Iran, goes to Vienna, but leaves my mom, my sister and my passport with the government saying I'm going to a medical conference. But, you know, my family's here and they can't leave because you have their passports.
So they let him, my dad, go after a couple months.
I would say like six to eight weeks. We hired smugglers to put us in the back of a truck. We went to the bazaar, like where you would buy food, like outdoor, you know, supermarket.
And they put us in the back of a truck through corn on top of us and smuggled us across the border of Pakistan to Iran and Pakistan. And I remember that right when we got across the border, we had like a pit stop to go to go pee. It was like it was like hot. It was like a clay hot with a hole in the ground. How old were you? I was six and a half. My sister was thirteen.
And it was basically my mom doing this with her two daughters and smugglers. And so it was like this hole in the ground.
My I was too small to, like, straddle the hole to pee. So my mom was like holding me above the big fat hole in the ground. She dropped me, I'd like fall into a pile of poo and pee.
And she told me we're going to America. She didn't tell me that before because, you know, I was young and I'd probably tell someone. Yeah, yeah. So she tells me that they are. And I was like, the first thing I thought we used to we used to get like bootleg Michael Jackson videos. And I was like, I'm going to be Michael Jackson.
I was like the one. That's what I said when she told me. So, you know, actually when I first went to a Michael Jackson concert, I was like, oh, my God, this is so crazy.
But anyway, so we spend a night in the desert and then we went to Pakistan. We stayed there from I think it was like three months waiting for visas. And then we finally reunited with my dad in Vienna.
And then we flew to New York and then we came to L.A. where we settle down, which is so common actually with a lot of my Persian friends who all have asylum. What are they called? Yeah, asylum. Oh, OK. I have asylum. A lot of them, like I have two of my best friends, they so they like they lived in Italy for three years before they got to America. Because you weren't allowed to go from Iran straight to the U.S., you had to stop do a pit stop for a couple of months, a year, whatever.
A lot of people did turkey my husband's family to Turkey, some people did. Israel, a lot of the people who were Muslim and worked for the Shah did Germany.
OK, yeah. So it's really interesting. So that's why a lot of them, their stories are they lived in like two other countries before they finally got to be in the U.S. And that's a cool story. I mean, she was telling me the story when I was doing my life. So like I was like almost in tears. Well, I couldn't move my face. But it's a really I mean, that's a crazy story. Like, I can't imagine going to this conference and watching this person speaking.
You're like, oh, my God, you saved my life, saved my my entire family.
Did you tell him? Yeah. We went up to. Afterwards, I told we took pictures with him, and that's amazing, yeah. I want to introduce your next sponsor, which is better help online counseling there. One of my favorite sponsor and I really hope that every single one of my listeners reaches out and uses them because they're actually amazing. So if you think they may be depressed or you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, Better Help offers license online counselors who are trained to listen and help you.
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That's why it's like a lot of these families, including my own family, like you, have gone through so much racism growing up and then you're like, OK, I'm going to integrate, cry.
It's just like it's so true. But and then you're like your parents, they bring you to the U.S. know like, OK, this is where the racism ends and you finally can be left safe. And then you come to the U.S. and suddenly, even with recently, when you start to understand again, like, oh, shit, racism is not over just because I'm in America. And and that's one thing they want to talk about, because I've noticed that, you know, with everything that's been happening with Black Lives Matter and I feel like there's been some amazing movements and a lot of things have been I've been changing and I feel like recently what I've started to notice and I feel like you were kind of part of it, too, which, again, I don't want to take away from any other movements because, of course, like Black Lives Matter, no lives are going to matter until Black Lives Matter and completely agree with that.
But unfortunately, it seems that whenever these movements happen, there is a weird scapegoat when it comes against Jewish people. And it seems that people care so much about anti-racism, anti hate, but not about anti-Semitism, because it doesn't count me because they think we're white, even though look at you and I right now, my dad's brown. You're brown, I'm white looking, my mom's white looking.
So there's black Jews, there's Mexican Jews, there's there's Jewish people all over the world. And we're only two percent.
It's not even to its point two percent. I'm sorry, we're point two percent of the world population is Jewish.
So what are your thoughts right now when you because my my mom was like when I started to notice a lot of anti-Semitism recently, my mom was just like really sick. She was like, wow. I literally we had to we had to run we had to escape Russia during communism because they were literally threats that they wanted to kill my family and they wanted to kill her daughters who were so young. And I was like, why would anyone want to kill my children just because they're Jewish?
So they're babies like they didn't they haven't done anything. And it's like and then we moved to Russia and Russia. There was always weird things between the Israelis and Russia. And we moved to Israel. I mean, in Israel sometimes as much as they accepted us, sometimes it was like a whole jokes between Russians and Israelis, like they look down the Russians or whatever back then. I mean, things have changed since. And then and so then finally, we're going to give our daughters a better future.
We're going to move to America because we want the green card lottery move to the US. And it's I mean, of course, I've come across like racism with being Jewish. It's not a first. But recently I felt I almost felt overwhelmed with everything that was happening. And my mom was so sad.
She was just like, wow, like everything to come here. Yeah. It's following us here, too. And now it's happening here.
The Persian Jewish community is very frustrated as well because we literally like when we were escaping through the desert, we were shot at.
I've been spit on as a child for being Jewish.
And I felt like we left that country and my parents left the country or they don't even speak good English, came here, started a whole new life, left their comfortable life. And now it's like rearing its ugly head.
I just don't understand. Is that how could you say don't be racist, but then be anti-Semitic? Like you don't get to choose your bigotry. You're either not a bigot or you are a bigot.
So that's that's the part that frustrates me the most. How could you claim that you have been oppressed and you have been this and you have been. But then go ahead and oppress other.
Yeah, I agree, I mean, you can't you can't solve racism with more racism, that's what doesn't make sense. And I think the problem is that a lot of people view being Jewish is either a religion or they're not educated enough or sometimes they, like, get over the Holocaust already. But it's like, first of all, we do our best to not bring up the Holocaust because we know anois people Holocaust was also only 60, 70 years ago.
Exactly. But people don't understand.
So a lot of people's families were wiped out.
So how could you say don't bring up the Holocaust, where people literally you guys are still so traumatized like my my entire family, even in Iran, we had to hide the fact that we were Jewish because it was like it was so bad for Jews and now like we're in America.
Right. And it was Hanukkah. And I wanted to put a menorah on our gate. And my husband's like, don't do that. Like, they're going to do something to us.
Yeah. Her husband, who is so traumatized from that. And just like my father, I wanted to have when I lived in the apartment in West Hollywood, I wanted to put a mazouz outside my door. My father was so scared because of my father, who's brown looking and Jewish. He had a very tough upbringing in Russia and during communism, way more tough than my mother, who looks like me, who's blonde, white with blue eyes. And he's so traumatized.
He was like, Do not put a mazouz I like, you don't want. And I was like, Dad, look, this a gay community. Like, what do you think they're going to, like, beat me up or something so nice here. And he's like, no, they hate the Jews. Do not put any so traumatized. When I became when I started daddy issues, I had to legally change my last name, those Jewish out of my dad's request because he's so traumatized.
He thought people come after me for being a Jew.
And that's just like that's why people don't get it follows simple things like wearing a star of David or wearing a cape and you can get beat up on the street for that. It's happening like look at all the shootings in synagogues and stuff.
And, you know, I just don't understand how point two percent of the population is is getting so much hate. And I guess it's easier to scapegoat point two percent. The other thing to is thinking about this as we've sort of been traumatized and silent on social media about being Jewish. And so we don't like defend ourselves because we're just like if I hide, nobody's going to hurt me. They'll leave us alone. They'll leave us alone. But I think, like, that's kind of backfired in the sense that we didn't stand up for us.
And now recently have people have started to stand up and say for sure, it's like every Friday I do a Shabbat Shalom post. I want people to know that I'm Jewish. Because what I realized on social media is a lot of people have never met a Jew.
I actually had somebody send me an article that said that Jews put human meat in their hamburgers. Like people say, that's not how you eat your burger. Like, literally, I was like I literally responded. I was like, please tell me you don't actually believe that. But people do believe that because we've been so scared to be vocal about our Judaism on social media that they're going to believe what is out there.
People have told me I actually come across that somebody said in a holiday, I forget which holiday we celebrate Passover or whatever it was that we sacrifice a human. And I was like, oh, my God, yeah. That's why I'm inviting you to my house. But like I used to do when I was younger, whenever I met people who just were unaware, ignorant in a way, I would always invite them to stay in my house whenever they were in town.
My fans would be so annoyed because they're like, why bring a stranger to my our house every time to educate them? It's not your job. And I was like, why not? We can see it's very normal. I've even had a girl from Spain and Spain is one of the most anti-Semitic countries and she just didn't know any better. I was like, what are your thoughts on Jews? And she was just like, well, one time this guy from Dubai, like, practically tried to rape me.
And after that I was like, oh, I fucking hate Jews. And I was like, well, first of all, in Islam of the Middle East, because I think you understand what somebody from Dubai is verses from a different country. Like she doesn't even know the Middle East, you know.
But I think I think that a little bit of the blame falls on us for being scared, leaving a vacuum on social media to be filled by ignorance and hateful speech. Yeah. And all of that stuff.
I think we it's our responsibility as people who do have a large voice and a large influence on social media to be more vocal about our Judaism and show people like I'm Jewish and I'm helping people. I am Jewish and I'm doing good.
But I think the problem is that people also understand the difference between people get confused about is being Jewish a religion because then you're just white.
So then why? It's like it's just me being hating on Christians or is being Jewish a race like so personally? To me, being Jewish to me is a race. And when I and I'm also Ashkenazi Jew, which is different Jewish than she is, which is Sephardic Jew.
But there's also Ethiopian Jews. Yeah, completely black. Yeah.
And it's been interesting to actually hear their voices a little bit about the anti-Semitism.
I mean. Yeah, I mean, I can't even imagine when you're a black Jew. Not only do you already go through so much pain and hardship for being black, then it's like, oh, you're also Jewish, like WME. Like it's you know, I can't even imagine. So I feel like I feel so again.
I feel like for me, being Jewish is a raise. And normally I never used to say anything. But then when I start to see anti-Semitism happening, when we're already so trying to be so outspoken about anti hate and anti-racism, that's when I was the first time I actually spoke up. And some people were like, well, you're Jewish. And I'm like, they're like half. And I'm like, no, I'm like full, full, full on Jew.
I took I recently took a DNA test. Twenty three of me, which is just your spit, and it came back and it just shows you how much being Jewish is actually in your blood. It came back and usually the test would be different for me and for her because of the type of Jewish we are.
But for me, it came back as ninety nine point six percent Jewish as Jew and then zero point four percent other. And I didn't get I didn't give white. I didn't get Russian. I didn't get American, Israeli. None of that. It didn't count because of how much Jewish is in my blood, which also means Ashkenazi Jews. It means that. My ancestors were probably cousins and they were fucking and that's how I'm able to have so much Jewish in my blood, but it just shows you the difference between how some people confuse or because.
So that's like to me, it's a race because it's literally my blood and I'm also a Cohen. And they say that if you're a Cohen, that's another specific thing in your blood. So that's another way you can test my blood to see if I'm like an extra Jew, which is a Cohen. Yeah. And Ashkenazi Jews, because we I think our ancestors were fucking each other. We also have more. That's a you know, it's a race and it's not a religion because there's actual diseases that only Ashkenazi Jews carry that if I marry another Ashkenazi Jew, we both have to get tested for that specific those specific diseases in order for our kids to not have those.
Right. So how can you say it's a religion?
Well, I think people can also convert to Judaism, in which case it is a religion. So I kind of think it's both.
But what's really interesting is there was there was this was like 10, 12 years ago.
I'll never forget it was on NPR every day I would drive in when I was in residency to USC, it was like a 20 minute drive. I'd listen to NPR and there was two KKK members that actually got married, had children and their child had socks, which is an Ashkenazi Jewish disease.
And they found out that their ancestors were from Germany. Jewish came here like many people that were victims of the Holocaust, denied their Judaism because it was dangerous to be Jewish and they didn't want to die.
And they actually raise their kids without ever telling them that they were Jewish because and this is very, very common, by the way.
So these two kids, you know, grow up, joined the KKK, get married, have a kid with Tasaki, do the genetic testing, find out they're both Ashkenazi Jews, and then they totally turn their lives around and dedicated the rest of their lives to helping other people in the KKK.
Get out. Oh, get out.
OK, that's so funny. So they ended up finding out they actually hated themselves this whole time. Isn't that business is crazy? So I. I'll never forget it, I was like it was one of those ones that you, like, sit in your car, even though you're right, you've arrived at your destination because you just want to hear the rest of it.
I mean, my stories of racism against being Jewish are completely different than my parents stories. I mean, well, first of all, I don't know if I've talked about this before, but like, for example, my father, not only was he constantly teased about it and by the teachers because basically in Russia back then, they hated Jews and blacks the most. And don't even get me started being gay like there was. No, you're not gay if you're not the one you're Russian, like it doesn't exist.
So you say wrong. Actually, yeah. They made a statement like that. Exactly.
It just doesn't exist. So, so but like in the books in Russia back then, it used to be where there was there were slurs for black people and for Jews and they didn't take them out.
So it just stays there. So then one time there was my my father used to have a different name, which he legally changed because it was too Jewish. So I won't say the name to respect them, but like, it was a very Jewish name. And for whatever reason, the book, the name was there. And then it said, like the scum Jew or like a relic, a worse word for a Jew. And then they're like, OK, why don't you read it to my dad?
And my dad was like, I'm not going to read it, but that's what teachers would do. Or like the fact that if you were and they they used the N-word for black people in the books, too, and they would have the black people then read it. And it got to the point also, if you were a Jew in Russia, you had to pay extra money to order to get into college. And when you graduate, you also have to pay extra if you're a Jew.
And when my dad was doing applications to go to university, first of all, most of them would accept them because he was Jewish by other people. Then if you are really forward, they were just like, OK, people like your Jew, like, why would we accept you? Like, I don't get it. And luckily, my dad still overcame all that. And not to mention his father not only was an alcoholic and was, you know, cheating on his mother the whole time and spend all their money on alcohol as his dad still serving in the army before that.
And even though he served his country, the way they treated a Jew was so terrible that not only did you lose his business because of that, he had to go to jail before he had to go to jail for being a Jew there on the business because you weren't allowed to own a business as a Jewish person. Then in jail on his last day, when when my dad's father was supposed to be released, my dad was like 17, 18.
His dad got beat up to death by the guards for being a Jew. And they they turn him into a vegetable and then he died. So and that was like my father's upbringing. And by the way, my dad's dad was white with blue eyes, blonde hair. So just shows you something that doesn't matter. And my father was so used to this. I mean I mean, that's why he's so traumatized. My father is in my father's my mom stories is more like she dated a guy for a long time.
And then one day he found out she was Jewish and he came up to her and he was like, OK, Allah, you're not a kike, right? And she was like, excuse me. And he goes, I mean, I would never did a cake. Like to be honest with me, you're like you. Why wouldn't you tell me that you're fucking kike, like, be honest. And she was like, I didn't realize that me being Jewish would upset you so much.
And he goes, I never did one. And I was like, that's the kind of things that my mom had to get used to. But my mom also passed as Russian lady. So my dad's stories are unless of like the the fear. And that's why until this day, my dad always swore to never go back to Russia, because that's I can't even explain how terrible the treatment for him was. My mom's obviously more lenient, but I forgave him.
The point of this was that I was getting into these stories. I'm just trying to show an example of really what it is for some people to go through being Jewish, regardless of, yeah, I'm white skinned in the U.S. and maybe my stories of some guys not wanting to date me because I'm a Jew or something people hate on me, on social media and they call me a kike.
Simon comparable to my family stories, but I wish people would have the same care and treatment and love that they do with other cultures for us as well.
Yeah, I don't even honestly know, like how it started. I literally, you know, as a culture, like we just said, we want to be left alone and like we're generally very quiet about our Judaism. We don't try to, like, get people to be Jewish. We don't try to push it into people's faces.
So I just don't understand where all the hate kind of originated from.
I think it's because they say the Jewish people on the media or they control everything. And guys, if that was true, wouldn't I be more famous and richer right now? Like, come on, why do I have to keep working for Jews?
Also, like what I was talking about before a little bit is that education is like so paramount. It's like there's there's this joke that like, you know, there's these two moms sitting in the audience and one of their kids is being sworn in as the president of United States. And the other mom will be like, yeah, but my son's a doctor.
I mean, like, you know, so I just think education's so paramount and it's like the one thing that you're expected to do. Yeah. You're going to achieve when it's that ingrained in your head from childhood. Yeah.
So I think that's how people sometimes think that they have more were like, who cares about them because.
We tend to be pretty educated or we just have issues like, you know, it's like family values and education are like the two things that are driven in your head because no one can take that away from you, because they have taken everything out like in Iran.
We had you know, my dad was a physician. He worked very hard. He came from nothing, literally.
His mom had to sell their forks and knives in order for him to be able to afford bus fare to get to school.
So he literally came from nothing, built himself a life in Iran. And then one day these soldiers knocked on our door and said, your house is ours.
Move. You have 24 hours to get out.
So I feel like when so much is able to be taken away from you, family and education are two things that no one can ever take away from you. Kind of, I think. Yeah, that's sort of why it's so ingrained in our culture.
And I don't know how much of this fully is going to stay in the box, but this is one thing I want to clarify for people. The only reason you've learn about the Holocaust is because it's part of the world world, too, and because America wants to look like a savior. America did actually save us the first because we had ships coming to America with a lot of Jews and there and America, the U.S. turned down all the ships for the Jews coming.
And those those Jewish people died on the ships or died when they went back. So the U.S. finally in the end intervened because they had no choice. And that's the only reason in your history books do you learn about the Holocaust? You don't actually know the full on stories. You you guys don't even are not even educated about the fact that Hitler not only killed my family during the Holocaust, Hitler also attacked St. Petersburg and he killed my family who lived in St.
Petersburg before the Holocaust. My grandma survived. My grandma survived when he attacked St. Petersburg, only to then go through the Holocaust like it's so crazy.
Oh, my God.
I have to actually, like, educate myself more on the Holocaust, too, because I was a Sephardic Jew. I mean, we were in Iran. It didn't make it to that area. I mean, I'll tell you, like, I can't even almost read about the Holocaust and I can't watch movies about the Holocaust because it's that disturbing to me. Yeah. So I actually I'm probably not as educated as you are.
Right, because that's another thing. People don't realize the different type of Jewish stuff, but people don't realize it wasn't we didn't only go through the Holocaust and then Hitler also coming to Saint Petersburg. We also had formed like what was it was a forty years in Egypt as slaves. We the Jewish people, it's it's but, you know, again, it's not just Jewish people. If I we we need to educate ourselves on the Armenian genocide, apartheid in Africa that was happening in the nineties.
There's it's it's hard, though, because we literally are not able to educate ourselves on every single thing that happens all over the world. I get that. But it's important to just be a little more open minded and sensitive to other people's trauma. And it's not about it's not this isn't an oppression Olympic Olympic athletes.
That's the other thing that drives me nuts. Yeah, exactly. Just be understanding and be open.
And and I do like that. So I think A people sometimes did not care as much about the Jewish stuff because we didn't speak up and also because they weren't sure, like, oh, well, they're white. So but now we maybe can see that ayna all of us are white and B our families have gone through stuff because also during the Holocaust with Hitler, the reason we were prosecuted is because we weren't considered white. Being Jewish to them was a Jew.
And it's in your blood and it's a waste and you need to die. If we were considered white, we would have just then fit in with the Germans.
We didn't like my I have two grandparents that were blond hair, blue eyes, let's face it, cousins.
Oh, of course they're Ashkenazi Jews. Oh, I hope I don't end up with the Nazi Jew. I hope you do have I want to end up with a Sephardic Jew or like actually I don't matter. So you'd have kids. Yeah. I mean, for me doesn't fully matter. As long as someone just it doesn't matter to me if I end up with a Jewish person or not, just as long as they respect my religion and my culture and what it means to me.
But I feel like I'm happy the like people like you. People like me. We've spoken up a little more. Of course, again, I don't want to take away from everything else that's happening in the world, but I think it is sometimes important to show that this I mean, I lost some friends when I started to tweet about anti-Semitism and I spoke up. I didn't expect any of my friends to care or to like even retweeted like I understood it's not their fight, but like I had some friends who made jokes about it.
And like, for me, I was just like, this is when it's not funny.
And actually, if you're anti-Semitic and you follow me, please, please, and follow me if you're anti-Semitic.
This is my thought process of some of my friends who were made jokes about anti-Semitism or made fun of me because I'm white. So how can I know any oppression? My family know any oppression.
Was that if you walked for BLM for Black Lives Matter and you're so pro that movement, you completely missed the message of it. If you are still going to be racist against other cultures, because the whole point was that that you should see color and you should start to see that there are differences between us. So if you're aware of the color when there's a black person in front of you, so they're not getting as much as, you know, police brutality and all that, then it's OK.
If you also see color and you're like, oh, my friend isn't like his family.
I was going through the ice stuff. Oh, yeah, I see color because he's they're from Mexico. It's just the same way. Then you should see color and you should see race when it comes with someone Jewish. So if you completely ignore that, then you also ignore the whole message behind the album, which is anti-racism anti hate.
Yeah, exactly. If you're going to be anti hate, you can't hate a certain group of people.
Yeah, you can be like Amanda hate, but it's not like it doesn't count against Jews. They don't care. Yeah. They don't get out because it's a religion, it's not a religion to everyone. And we literally got killed a million times for that. So if it was a religion, I doubt then hopefully people would have left us alone. I don't know it is that. So do you have anything else to add?
I just want to thank Vialet for using her platform to talk about Judaism. I'm trying to use my platform also to just, you know, say that I'm Jewish. I'm not, like, pushing it down people's throats, but I just want to be an example of a Jew doing good in the world so that people, even if I'm the only Jew they've ever met, they see that it's actually like a good example and a role model. Yeah.
And we're so inclusive to like in general, I just I love believing in God. And I know you love to believe in God, too. We just we had a spiritual conversation long before we started the podcast. And and I mean, I literally listen to I listen to videos and podcasts of pastors, Christian pastors when they preach about God and about Jesus, even though we don't have Jesus, no religion, they preach about Jesus and they just talk about how to, like, believe in something.
And sometimes it brings me to tears because it's just the thought of, like just believing in something and being pure and good person.
I just I love I love all that. So for me, very humbling.
I think when you have a greater God and you believe in a greater purpose, I think with all of the stuff that we think is so significant and sometimes we think we're so significant, I think it's just it's kind of like my meditation. Yeah. It's the like when I go to temple, it's the only time I can shut my brain off. I'm always thinking like a million miles per hour about achieving this and doing that at that goal.
But when I go there, it just makes me feel a little less significant. That's good and humbles me.
I mean, like even last night I randomly felt like praying and I just prayed to God and my God is everyone's God, by the way, it's I like to Jewish God. It's just everyone's gone. And I just prayed to God and I thanked him for everything that's happening in my life, including all the hardships I went through because I was just like, I have a feeling that you have to go through a lot of tough things this year because I'm meant for something greater and I want to I see it now like I'm so thankful.
So I think it's important in general, regardless what you believe in, to just think there's something else out there to say a good prayer, to be nice to people. Now, don't be racist.
If you are racist, that's OK. Just educate yourself. You know, you don't have to be ignorant. It's there's there's no reason for you to carry so much hate in your heart. For one culture, for one specific person, it's so heavy. And if you just release that heaviness, you will feel so much lighter and better things will come into your life. Trust me. Couldn't have said it better than OK anyway, where can people find you?
Well, I'm like everywhere on the street, mainly on Instagram, Dr. Sheila Nazarian and on my link to, you know, the bio link and bio, you could see all the other places you could find me.
So you guys can Google Dr. Sheila Azarian. But then also your website is is Nazarian plastic surgery dot com. And then you can also don't forget to check our Netflix Netflix shows.
Indecision is awesome. Just have a box of tissues. I told while at the same thing.
No, she was right. And then don't forget to if you have any questions for her, make sure DM her. I'm sure she'll answer. Check out all the videos as everything is pretty honest and open there. Whether you want to talk to her about Judaism or you want to talk to her about what kind of work you want to get done, if you're scared, it's like literally all there and it's really out there.
So check our Instagram. Yeah. So thank you so much for coming on today, having me and having these tough conversations. Yeah. I mean, obviously, I'm scared to talk about some of these things, like I don't want to get hate, I don't want people to get upset with me. It's always scary to talk about religion in general and religion. Politics is a topic I try to steer clear from. Right. But I hope in some ways that I'm able to educate.
The listeners are listening and I hope that, you know, you can accept me just the way I would want to accept you. Yeah.
And maybe, you know, you heard some things that are just new to you and maybe it'll prompt them to research a little bit more. Yeah, a little bit more. And to just be a little bit more accepting and.
Yeah. Anyway, guys, thank you guys so much for listening and I'll see you again next Thursday. I'm too tired to be crazy. I love you guys. Bye.