Dellmus “Heavy” Colvin - “The Interstate Strangler”
Where the Bodies Are Buried- 3,944 views
- 26 Aug 2020
Dellmus “Heavy” Colvin terrorized America’s highways from coast to coast as a lady-killing long-haul trucker, drug dealer, and truck-stop pimp. Most of Colvin’s victims were drug-addicted prostitutes that he first strangled in the cab of his big-rig truck, then transported and dumped their bodies in rural, wooded areas between destinations. The cold-blooded killer strangled one victim at an Arkansas truck stop because she knocked on the door of the truck while he was sleeping. He immediately grabbed her by the neck, strangled her, stowed her away in his truck, then later dumped her clothing in Idaho and her body in Nebraska. He was arrested in 2005 after a friend witnessed Colvin wrapping a body in a sheet and notified police. Colvin claims he murdered between 47 and 52 women between 1983 and 2005. He is serving several life sentences in Ohio for the murder of seven women, with several other cases pending.
In this episode, Colvin will be telling the actual location of a body buried in the woods outside a truck stop. He has also contracted Covid-19 and desperately begs for Phil's help.
Hi there, My name's John Paul Kermy. I am a breathwork teacher, I'm really excited to be doing this new podcast with my good friend ----- called Hangups. That's right, I'm John Feldmen, I'm in a band called Goldfinger. John Paul taught me breathwork, it changed my life. We're talking about solutions to problems today. Listen to Hangups on the IHeart radio app
Listen on the I heart radio app, Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.UP Where the bodies are buried contains graphic depictions of violence that some listeners may find disturbing discretion is advised. Forget what you've heard about serial killers. Forget the movies, podcasts and stories in the media of infamous psychopaths like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy.
I'm going to show you what exists beyond all of that. And you will hear from the source, the killers themselves. This is where the bodies are buried and.
My name is Phil Charmeuse, for over 35 years, I've dedicated my life to communicating with and studying hundreds of serial killers, teen killers, school shooters and mass murderers. I help solve cold cases, locate bodies and bring closure to hurting families of the victim. Joining me is my wife, Wendy, and my producers, Adam and Samantha.
Samantha, you ready? Yep. All right. We're rolling. One, two. All right.
Let's jump in to this call then. This call is originating from an Ohio correctional facility and may be recorded and monitored. On this episode of Where the Bodies are buried, esteemed serial killer profiler Phil Chalmers speaks with Delmar's Coleman, who is serving two life sentences for the murder of seven people. He casually discusses his murder spree, killing roughly 50 people over two decades as a long haul trucker, what he describes as a perfect profession for a serial killer. You'll witness how Phil gains dummies, his trust.
And we're going to get an inside look at covid-19 within the prison system. Hey, how are you doing?
Hey, I'm actually I'm ready for you, though, OK?
Because the phone was empty, so we got to get on in here where you have a big nobody knows the motherfuckers in here and ain't in the mood there. Ain't slept nobody. And we don't want you to beat anybody up. You know, we're talking to Delmar's in Delmar's.
Coleman is a long haul trucker. Some people might call him the Interstate Strangler Delmar's. Calvin, why are you in prison?
I'm in prison on two aggravated murders. I'm Jackie Simpson and Russell. Wherever it was a capital case, I was on my way to death row and I made a deal with them at the last minute because the trail wasn't going right. I've seen the writing on the wall and I tell them I can give them clothes and cold cases. So I gave them to you. And after that, to take the death penalty off the table. And that's something which is the fact of life.
This is.
Tell us about your upbringing. Did you kill animals, wet the bed, start fires like a lot of serial killers do?
What was your what was your upbringing like where the city was and what to do with criminal minds? And I do this afternoon at a no. I was approve of group kids here. I and my family, even when I learned about him, that if I killed a rabbit when I was never of fell of musical, certainly no, I didn't come from abusive family. I was just where, you know, I mean, he was suspended from school.
All the profiling managed to the that none of that.
You know, I think what's so interesting about Delmar's is the way you guys speak. If he wasn't talking about killing people, he would just sound like a normal dude that I would talk to hanging out.
Well, this is probably the guy I'm closest to. At first, it was very rocky. We exchanged some pretty nasty letters. So why is he talking to me? They're psychopaths, so they don't talk to anybody for no reason. He's been approached by 48 hours, Dateline, all kinds of TV shows. He's turned them all down. John Douglas from mine. Hunter, you know, the big Netflix mine hunter. He came to interview Delmar's Cauvin.
And within five minutes, Delmar's called and told me, get on the table and suck my blank. He went running with this papers and his cameras. You've got to gain their respect. You can't let them have the upper hand. So once they trust you and you do what you say you're going to do, they start to talk to you. They expect something from me and return. So it just depends on what they want. You help me, I help you.
OK, so we start out by saying, I want to understand you understand your crimes, help figure out why you did this. But eventually I want to get into talking about some unsolved cases. So you didn't have a bad upbringing, what was life like for Delmas Colvin?
It was boring. I mean, we lived out in the world of work, but I had an interest in my work on a farm. I got to fly a small aircraft as a teenager when I was 16. When not much enough. I don't know if I'm working on a farm almost once since I was 12 years old. Always earns a living by myself. I went to virtually all white high school wrestler play two years of football, mostly rich white kids.
Thomas didn't grow up with that killer instinct. Maybe he had some thoughts. But again, it's not what we know about serial killers. We think they kill animals. They're weird. They're outcasts. Thomas wasn't that guy.
That's what scares me the most, were you have no sign and no let up.
If we're trying to jam them into the Jeffrey Dahmer, Bundy and BTK and Charles Manson, whatever, like jam everybody into this box.
Well, they don't fit in that box. I'd say for every guy that kills animals and sets fires and does crazy stuff like that, there's another guy like Delmar's who lives in a normal home, play sports and does everything that all the other kids do. For all intents and purposes, he said, I lived a very normal life. Serial killers are all different. Once we realize that we can start to understand them. There's more guys like this than you would believe that live normal lives.
You were raised in Ohio.
Yes, I was Akron, Ohio. And then your dad got remarried. Tell us about how much you loved your stepmother.
A father remarried to my stepmother. She went to work so I couldn't stand it there. She never woke me to. When he would try to improve it, I would have beat the shit out of the first person in front of our children. What? We have done it in front of everybody. I couldn't get there on the trailer and give it to the wolves. I had it all planned out. Yeah, I was going to see.
How old were you when you first thought about killing your stepmother? I thought to have a gun. I had a volunteer and a compound full. It was huge back then. And one day I saw my brother how to shoot and he accidentally missed it. It came through the window and stuck in the cabin where she was cooking and she swore up and down. I was trying to kill it. And I believe that to everyone she was scared for me.
How old were you when you committed your first murder? I'm from I'm 23, 24. I'm driving a truck. I was from across the street from the pickup truck. The voluntarily gave her a ride I where I was going and she want me to make a detour. And I thought I could and she gave me some lift and I just thank them. She ended up in for moment in the words.
What was your thought after you committed your first murder? Were you like that was pretty easy. That was harder than I thought. The hard part was that the choking dispose of the body of my car, it was flying from hamlets in New Jersey. I mean, nothing but Woods just dumping poor tourguide there looking at you.
Right. Is that why you chose strangulation? Yes, because I'm going to have to agree that I used to read, you know, when you kill a person that would look directly in the eyes, you always haunt you forever. That's a damn myth. I know that for a fact. I slept great at night, you know.
But why strangulation? Why is that your signature as personal as personal? If they find the body before the more so than cause of death could be undetermined. Anybody fact famously said and I want to say at night 12 and if you actually think I was the only one doing this, you are sadly mistaken.
So Delmar's was a long haul truck driver, and it seems like it's the perfect job for a serial killer, is that so like is this a common job that serial killers have any kind of a job that gets you out of your home town on the road is a perfect job for a serial killer.
When you have someone killed in a house, there's your crime scene. Lots of evidence. This is a portable crime scene with no evidence. He strangles them exclusively because it's not messy. He doesn't get blood in his truck, doesn't make any noise. But when they find the body after it kind of decomposes, usually they say that cause of death is unknown, but it does make sense.
You're talking about the perfect cover up. All the serial killers I talked to who are truck drivers saying there are tons of serial killer truck drivers. There are many still active. Oh, God, yeah. There's like a truck driver club, a semi truck, long haul truck driver club. They all know each other and they call women packages. So I would say, hey, Samantha, breaker one nine. Samantha, I got a package for you here in Toledo, Ohio.
So you want filling? Every time I talk to a serial killer truck driver, they all say the same thing. There are many of us out here.
So Delmar's, did you have sex with these truckstop lot lizards? Oh, no.
Hell no, no, no, no. I'm not there for that. I'm doing all the things I'm going to marijuana from Texas to Toledo. The last thing I can afford to get bored of is that I'm not there to make money until my 4th, the day I come across them. They want to fuck me. They want to interfere with my business.
Did you ever have sex with her corpse? Oh, no. Never, never.
How disgusting. I a whole new meaning of dead fuck.
We had a guy that we just interviewed today that liked to chop off their sexual genitalia and eat it.
What do you think of that?
Oh, some serial killers are motivated by sex. They're lust killers. This is not why you did it.
My pleasure to find from your lives. And I'm fighting for my flesh. These are the same people for someone to cut you off in traffic that would keep your finger like me. I'd like to strangle this son of a bitch. Never do what you did. Oh, yeah. Believe me. So they try to fight. But the truth is, there's no fucking lies from either side to get them golf balls like a slowly going out. Plus are consumers switch off the light when you turn it real slow, slow, slow, slow, chokin slow, slow, and all of a sudden the light just goes out.
You're in prison for seven. How many murders have you done? I've never counted 700 since I was 24. I just one or two together. My first year at these three calculate that to account for between 47 to 52.
That's a lie. It's terrifying. How many is he convicted of? He sits in prison, convicted of seven murders and he claims he's killed upwards of 50 more.
It's like Dallas is bragging about his kills here. It's really tough to listen to.
He did enjoy strangling people. A lot of the guys will tell you they love the feeling, the thrill, the power of actually controlling life or death. A lot of people think serial murder is about sex or about robbery, about this or but that most of the time it's about power. I remember my mama called me this is no, not a normal call from a cell when I was finished and went off, so I had to finish off with one hand while talking on cell phone to my mom because our phones have been there my six year.
I got held up. I already started.
I'm just putting the final touches on when you were strangling a victim. Delmar's, did they ever wake up? Never. This is a thing I have called a plastic bag with duct tape. Manase, the last thing you want someone popping up while you go down the interstate, about 70, 80 miles an hour. It could be all day because when they wake up, they're going to be delirious.
You transport them until you dump them. Right. Is that how it goes? Feels the right time for this? A lot of time that's happened during the day in disposal's only in the wee hours of the morning meeting after midnight.
When it gets dark, when you can isolate a place, you're driving down the freeway at 80 miles an hour and you got a naked corpse behind you.
Yes. They don't complain about the music. They don't say a word. You're going to share your goodies with Wendy's baby. Still emotional. Neimann, are you remorseful for your crimes? Hell, oh, no.
Remorse is for suckers. Suckers in television show No. One remorse. I mean, guys. Oh, man. No, no, no, no, no. I always slept well at night. For the most part. I didn't understand. What would you do something so heinous and be remorseful for? No, no.
You have one minute remaining.
You and I are friends. Yes, we are. Yes, we are. Yes. Thank you. My only friend. Oh, I have. With two friends in the world. One passed away. I was counting Pop and you know, the listeners will go.
What do you mean? You're friends with an absolute monster?
I'm friends of monsters for a reason because I'm trying to get information from them. So you have to know how to play the game with them. I'm the only family Delmar's Coleman has.
Well, you could hear it in his voice. Like when you guys get on the phone, I'm sure it's something he looks forward to.
He really does. He can't wait for us to come visit. He's not remorseful for his crimes. He doesn't care about any of his victims. But he knows that I'm concerned and he knows that I want to help bring some closure. All these people have families and parents and siblings. And so he knows what I'm doing and he knows why I'm doing it. And he's game. You call me tomorrow around five thirty five to six, we'll be ready for you, OK?
All right. Take care. Buckle up for an unfiltered dose of comedy from MGM and audio up media.
Full disclosure, I've had a lot of sex, but honestly, having sex with me is like buying a Prius much quieter than you'd expect.
I know for a fact that I could not name my kids. God is great in Arabic that won't fly like that and literally won't fly anywhere. I used to have a head.
I started growing a beard and everybody said, Zainab, why are you going your hair back? I was like, listen, I'm just trying not to be mistaken for an unarmed black man. OK? Oh, yeah. If that's hard for y'all, it's going to get way worse. Effects presents unprotected sex. Listen on the radio broadcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Who is Delmar's call then tell us a little bit about him. Delmar's Colden was not only a truck driver but a drug dealer.
His nickname was heavy. He became a serial killer who grew up with the normal childhood. He hunted, played sports in Ohio, worked on a farm. But for some reason he became a serial killer. His father cheated on his mother. They divorced and took the kids and moved to Ohio. Almost never saw his mother again. Dad remarried when I asked Delmar's when's the first time he thought about killing someone, he said, I was 14.
I want to kill my stepmother. I just didn't know where to bury her fat ass body. He sits in prison right now, convicted of seven murders over the course of 24 years. He claims he's killed between 47 and 52.
Before we return, Delmar's Colvin, I spoke with former FBI agent and profiler Mike Harrigan about long haul trucker serial killers. We're on the phone with Michael Harrigan. Mike, what is your title right now?
Right now, I'm retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but I provide consulting and police use of force cases, liability matters.
Mike, we've been dealing with some long haul truckers, serial killers. Why is it hard to catch a long haul trucker serial killer? And also, why are the prostitutes that work those truck stops so vulnerable?
I think all prostitution is inherently dangerous just because serial killers traditionally go after prostitutes, because that's the only victim that will willingly get into a stranger's car and go to a secluded area generally. So that makes them a perfect victim. The fact that they come to the offender, one of the characteristic of these cases that makes it so hard is just the nature of the interstate highway system and I suspect may pick up a truck stop prostitute, drive into another state, commit a sexual assault or kill her.
And then he moves on and either the victim or the offender may be from the state where the body or the offense is reported. So that makes it very hard for them enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the homicide scene to work those cases extremely hard.
It also seems, Mike, when I talk to these truck drivers, serial killers, they've killed a lot more victims and the police are aware of.
Correct? Correct. First of all, there's no way the traditional homicide investigative process of looking at the victim and then trying to figure out who they interacted with works very well for those who didn't have a relationship with the offender. So it's extremely difficult to have certitude that an offender, once he's caught, is actually confessed to all of them.
Delmar's Colvin, long haul truck driver, he would strangle them in the truck. The nude body would be dumped in the woods and the clothes would end up in a dumpster in another state. Yeah, and there's rarely a witness to these offenses.
So it's going to be a confession or it's going to be some type of physical evidence linking the victim to the offender.
Anything you'd like to say to law enforcement that would be listening to this podcast? The biggest thing is when these cases go cold, investigators look at the Vikash the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program. It's a database of all these offenders and victims from across the country going back 50, 60 years more and get access to that database. If that offender does pop up somewhere else, killing someone in the same way, then there's a chance to be linked to a detective five states away and he may be able to tie it back to your case.
This call is originating from an Ohio correctional facility and may be recorded and monitored.
How's it going today at the Lebanon Correctional Facility institution?
Same as usual. You know, nothing has changed. Just a lot of locks on lockdown because of that kind of stuff. Remember the last 15 minutes yesterday? Yeah. When I was talking to you, I it was calling for that is when I look forward to commenting on it. So, you know, motherfucker, that's the last guy I've known to my business. They heard from him since. Wow.
Delmar's, I want to ask you about victims, and I just want you to say yes or no.
There was a killer that they've labeled Dr. No in Ohio that no Dr. No. These victims are in 1981. Marsha King and Marsha Matthews, your victim.
Do you want you to know? Because everyone I was in New Jersey. No, those are not young ladies. I was in New Jersey.
OK, then how about this 87 New Jersey Donnally White.
Yeah, that was the one that hit me back for.
And her body was found in a parking lot in Atlantic City, New Jersey. It was ruled a drug overdose, but you claimed he strangled her, put a plastic bag over her head and others strangled it.
And I came back to my apartment. I see she had already put the bag over here and later down over there. And I sit there and watch football because when I came back, I was in the middle of my life. So I just stripped it down and I rolled her up in the carpet is fully rolled up in the carpet. The landlord held the door open while I took a run off in the lobby. It was a rooming house. I ran out the front door.
Where did you take the carpet to? Stuffed rags on both of you. Now put it in the back of my cab. I took it to Prescott in Garden City, took it out in the carpet, put it there. And that was my first one and I wasn't very good. Then I actually got arrested for that because the Carnival Triumph, we had to figure numbers before I went home, when I stopped the Sunoco street to get some gas and and they came and got me to question me.
I was charged with abuse, of course, right after marriage and the case was dropped.
This is an example of how lucky Delmar's was, the case was dropped because they couldn't prove he was the one who killed the victim.
OK, I feel sick listening to this. Thomas just said that this was funny, where he had a victim rolled up in a carpet and just walked out of his building in front of his landlord.
I think the landlord even offered to help him carry the carpet to his vehicle.
Did he really? Yes. Here it is in real life. This is why I say it's different than horror movies, because here's a guy that has friends and he's got a good business and he's carrying a body out of his building. Delmas Colvin has been stabbed with dead bodies in a semi truck by law enforcement. He's so normal that they didn't even bother to look into the vehicle. You stop a psychopathic SIRIKIT with the body. They're not even nervous.
So law enforcement cannot detect that they're hiding anything.
In 1998, you killed Catherine Hill in Ohio.
I don't remember the name. It a real name, Susie. They call me Karen Sunshine.
Did you kill Debra Dickerson in 2000? She was 44. No, I didn't know her name was say she was one of the good ones. She's actually made me a lot of money. She knew A to play people. She actually lived with me for a while.
You ever have sex with them when they're dead? Never.
Years ago I was because she was trying to sell, but she looked like Skeletor and she was even 100 pounds at the time.
He was killing there almost a million missing person cases and guys like DOMAs made it so those people could never be found. So what are you doing? Just trying to get him to confess.
I go through as much media reports as I can and I try to find out the victims that he's killed, he's convicted of and the victims that they suspect him of killing. And I mix them together to see what his response is to each one. You kill this one, you kill this one.
And yes, I don't remember. No. Oh, they tried to pin that on me. I didn't do that. I'm just playing with him to get a response out of these names. When you kill people, you know their names.
Delmas, the last guy I interviewed after he killed the victims, he had sex with their corpses. He cut off their vaginas and ate them.
What do you think of his water? What are you going to put him in your pocket?
Guess you can call it a possibility if you kill Valerie Jones, Dorothea Whetsel and all of a sudden September 2nd, Jackie, all this was in Toledo.
Yeah, Jackie Thomas. Jackie Thomas. She was Olexiy. I gave her a ride. It was snowing like a motherfucker. She I don't want to go home. So not one thing, but I always want more and more and more and more and more energy. What you got coming back here? Yes, there's a reason for everybody here. If she went in there first, I know we go a nice one, but let's you remove a fur coat of arms around her neck.
Serious. Thelma chocker right there right in the front seat. And I drove on wheels rolled along the truck, opened the door and kicked out and she rolled down the embankment. When I found her, it was skeletal remains. I'm I'm reading about it. I looked in her purse. It was a knife.
There were some times that you had a business delmar's where you were almost like a pimp and you provided women, prostitutes and drugs. Right.
Right. There was my there's like at one time, Jackie, Lilly, Melissa, there's quite a few. And they know how to play ball. And they still walking around in the briefing.
When you're working with prostitutes and they're meeting strangers, is there some real sick fuckers out there? The things that they ask these women to do only wonder, what is it harmless?
The one I saw Catalina to ask when I got the five hundred dollars, the one truck driver, he was a collector, but he didn't give her nothing. Tell us that whole story. We have been talking about the thieves for almost a year and a half, but we've never met. And his one day was in Davenport, Iowa. So I went over to his truck and I looked at it back. Yeah, sure. He made the trucks that come when I'm talking to strangers at the bar as well as on each side.
Would it be any of us? Okay. We looked at each other and nodded like annual presentation I gave my car. So we are going to deliver need anything? I suspect I said anything and I nodded my head. You call me. So one day he ended up in Paris for awhile and so he called me. So when I say I picked him up right around, that's what you need to tell him. I said what you want to for just for play time for keeps or it's not somebody that won't be missed, won't be missed, has to work on cost you 500 develops.
He gave me five hundred dollars subject of travelling to restlessness. I never see them again.
He's never going to go up to 2003. Jackie Simpson.
Yes. Oh my God. She's there. She's crying about her mama. Her creepy uncle was shit. I don't care nothing about that. I just got tired of her fucking whining, just trying to strangle her. Right. There's a bunch of multiple one mistake. I made an arrest for the seat doctor, but I forgot to take the seat. I wonder why. I feel that this all came through. So where did her body end up, Ed Helms?
He let me say Mindell the son in Toledo. It's been four months and a court date. I went to court, parked the car with the body, stealing the profits of Islamic radicalism from a police court. And I remember sitting in court, these men arguing over a burglary charge was something I didn't do. I broke up with my ex and she said, I'm broke. And I took all my money with my mom and I cleaned out the bank account, but it was all my money.
They can't give me up to 18 months when I got a body in the trunk of a car, chances of getting this move.
Let's talk about the last one and how you got arrested, 2005, Melissa Weber. That's the one I did in my backyard. That's the one that she worked for me also. And she got greedy, astronomical, cause I think the most of them until now, talking about she cheating, get everything she got promised me. And this one, that's when we came up missing. And that's why it's a motel of issued him.
You strangled her, but you didn't shoot him.
I couldn't because he has called me up or have I made him dispose of the body not knowing he didn't have sex in his DNA was Whitter. As soon as they questioned him, he folded like a bad poker game and couldn't wait to tell him.
And that's how you got arrested, right? So that was another Melissa, too. That's the one I did in my backyard, and that's the one they never found.
When you call tomorrow Dellmus we'll finish up and we're going to talk about unsolved cases. Gotcha my man. Thanks bro. Later.
All right. Hey, Dennis Quaid here, and I want to tell you about the orange tree now, I have recently started a podcast network called Audio Up. And much as I prepare for movie roles, I've been researching the podcast landscape and listening to hundreds of podcasts. One in particular stopped me in my tracks, The Orange Tree. It's a true crime podcast series filled with such authenticity and care by Haley Butler and Tina Thomas, two journalists who were University of Texas students when they started reporting on the story.
It's about the 2005 murder of a young woman named Jennifer Cave near the University of Texas at Austin campus. What struck me most was the thorough examination of the case and the exclusive access granted to these two young reporters. What makes this true crime story so unique is their perspective. There are two young women who are the same age as Jennifer Cave, and it very similar points in their lives. The orange tree is engaging, thoughtful and really, really powerful.
Take a listen to the Orange Tree or an Apple podcast, Spotify Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcast today. This call is originating from an Ohio correctional facility and may be recorded and monitored, a WhatsApp Delmar's I'm fine today in this shithole of establishment, Horvat running wild in the area, got three blocks on to lock down and bring them meals and everything.
So let me ask you a question. Were the people in your life shocked when they found out you were a serial killer? Oh, my.
I have so much freedom. She had no clue. None of them had a clue. I love the life. I went to work. I came home. I feel like we've had a few friends I hung out with, but rather knew about my business like losers because I used to help me with the sheets to help clean the holes of axis, which she never knew about. The one in the backyard. She didn't know no there to speak for.
Told her, Delmas, you've killed a lot of women.
Do you think about any of that?
No, I think about the ones that are sure to strangle ex-girlfriends and actually try to do me wrong.
The whole story that you're haunted by the victims. That's not true.
Oh, I'm not I'm not real. I don't I'm not concerned at all. I mean, I sleep well at night. I always have. I lived in the moment. I don't worry about. Yes, yes.
Of course, most serial killers are not remorseful. It's actually very rare to find a serial killer who is remorseful. Even if they try to say they are, you can tell they're really not so psychopathic. Serial killers have no remorse, no empathy for human beings. I interview school shooters as well. These guys are all remorseful when I ask them if they're remorseful, not only they say they are, but they break down like I feel terrible what I did.
I live with it every day. A lot of them will name all their victims.
But the serial killers, there is no remorse.
And a lot of people talk about the death penalty. The death penalty works against me when I'm trying to get confessions, because as you just said, I'm not talking about cases in death penalty states.
You are absolutely right. That's why I don't talk about the Texas. The Michigan. I got a list of there all the states that has that.
So if it's a non death penalty state, you will talk about these crimes because you got nothing to lose. You already got life, right?
Right. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Let's talk about some unsolved cases. So you're convicted, you're connected to like seven murders, but you're claiming there's a lot more, possibly fifty to fifty seven. How many of you fifty states do you think you've killed in?
And you've dumped bodies in quite a few. Quite a few. Some of these things are death penalty states, and I really don't talk about them like the one in Texas. It's in Paris, Texas. New Mexico is in the middle of nowhere. I'd never find an item like that because I'd always walk them into the woods. And I never knew exactly. I mean, didn't care. Tell me the story. I was just a pilot in Oklahoma City, actually, which was, of course, a somewhat south Texas City.
So they'll do so quickly after four and have done it in the way we go. Right. So for doing anything illegal, they're very gruesome. No, no, no, no. I stop somewhere to give something back. And our first attempt over this has got a gun. I saw something. I have nothing illegal in here. She's got to give me some lift, so I'll give her the gun back and I'll put her at ease. And she put the gun back to the first.
And that's when I grabbed her neck and back to sleep.
And I listen all the D did you know you were going to kill her when you gave her the gun back? Yes, but I had to put it, but I didn't know the safety was off. I don't even know what she was thinking back of a person. So but that's when I grabbed it by the neck and just drove into the back of sleeper slippery slope and from behind on the bed. And I'm sitting on her chest with both hands.
She goes under. So I take the bag, but only with the duct tape and I just take her ankles again.
She was out when you dropped her body. Was she naked?
Of course. Of course. Get rid of the dog. Take it back. Get rid of it.
Do you think you could lead me to that body if we had a map and you need more than a map.
So I want to try to find one of your victim's bodies. If you were going to locate one of your victims, what would be the easiest one you think I have to think of a sale.
LaSalle, Illinois, right.
Oh, so are we getting a confession?
This is our first step. And now we press them for names. And there's two locations we're looking for. We're looking for the location of the murder and the location of the body.
OK, so you are in Illinois. Tell us that story.
I was at the Flying J and we were always I was doing paperwork. She knocked on the door and I forgot she came back. I said, do I just want you to wait right here? And by some law books for about four of them came back up in the Trunk Strangler.
She's laying on your bed. What do you do? Do you take off her? Close before you take off from the truck, get it all that I'm all down on the bed like me in a chair and I'll finish the job.
So then you pull out of that Lascelles flying J.
And you had Westco e never got around to go west because the place I want to is behind me. It was just starting to rain and it got foggy and that's when I remembered that abandoned truck wash from the desert. No one comes down here, it's dark and it's scary. I pull all the way in the back and weeds are so high and I just remember picking it up on my shoulders and into the woods. I go, I got the hell out of this.
You dump the body, then you take the clothes and they go somewhere else. Right. Take your clothes. And I put the clothes in the trash bag. I dump them close to a place called Council Bluffs, Iowa. What does she look like?
I remember dirty sweat pants, t shirts and the issues that I remember. T shirt had picture on it. I want to see Tweety Bird. I feel it was OK.
Was she a white female? Certainly. What color was her hair was dishwater blonde.
I remember that she had a cold. All right. I had come to find out the reason she had a cold like that because of the rain. I was black, so I went out to dinner. Oh, it would be so delicious.
You're going to leave me to the body. So I'm coming off the freeway. Whereabouts from the truck washes. Walk me in.
If you stand in front of the truck, wash you OK? It's on the other side of the road on the side of the road. That's a ditch between the truck wash and the road on the other side of the road. There's no question. OK, OK. That's a straight world where you could walk in.
How many feet you took her into the weeds.
Oh man. I'm thirty, thirty, forty I it's hard because it was fall. It was raining. He was, it was doing a weekday when traffic was probably leaving but I remember the fog and that nasty rain.
So you're walking in and then when you get to the spot you say this is the right spot, you just drop her there. I just get to a certain photograph. Do you wear gloves? Of course.
Oh, yes, yes, yes. I'm part of my group that day.
You didn't have a very long, but some days you're driving along all day and they might be in the back of your truck or in the sleeper with you, right?
Most likely the sleep I got left because I don't want to smell it. Let's work on more city. You can smell it. I just got wet tonight. I got away tonight because during the day. Yes, that's not cool.
So if I go there, will I find that body? Your final body will find some remains. Please let me know what remains.
Now, this is a detailed confession. No name, but you just got the location of a body. Yeah.
Close enough to where the cadaver dog might be able to find the body.
So Dollman says, you know, I stay through a body here. What do you do next?
That's incredible. This might lead us to solve another cold case. You trust him, right? Like he's giving you real information here.
I've always had a great relationship with Delmar's Coleman. I'm probably closer to him than any other serial killer. He has always been straight up with me, but our work is not done. We will continue to work with Delmar's Coleman over the next few weeks and months to try to close as many of his fifty cases as possible.
This call is originating from an Ohio correctional facility and may be recorded and monitored. Who am I talking to?
I need your help there. I need you to call up and raise. Holy hell. I mean, somebody please help me.
We were taking legal steps to dig up this victim's body. When I get a call from Delmas, you're not going to believe this shit.
I'm really tired and I have a fucking box last night. What little box they put me, they got them sweatbox. So I've been up all night. I couldn't sleep so very still fucking wear. Wow. No sheets, no nothing. Wow. We don't know yet. The captain got me sitting down with the I'm he will see the dark. I need someone to call medical and just race pure hell because man killed me last night.
The medical. Oh my. Holy shit. What happened.
I had to call in nineteen. I can't talk and breathe in the fucking run around.
The guy didn't even say hello when he called me. Thank God I got the confession already. Wow.
I've been up all night. No sheets, no nothing, no water, no food, no nothing. And so wait for that. Get them done. Yes.
I've been in there sweatbox ever since. I can't fucking believe they don't give a fuck. You can't believe I'm for the millionth time I can't fucking breathe. I got numbness in my gut. Feel pretty good. My hands will start to stop shaking. Wow. I need treatment, I need someone I need someone to pay me, someone gave them to me. I've been sitting up there. I've been there. I've been through it last night, all last night.
I am a diabetic. I ran out of water at two o'clock. Wow. And I sit in that cell just sweat, sweat, and no one pays me. Look at them.
Please, you've got to raise. Holy hell. This is crazy. I've been sitting out here when they opened this looking for other than to pass the fuck out. Couldn't breathe.
I'll make the call but you got to give me more information.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Man, I really hope Delmas doesn't die.
We have so many more cases to solve and so many more bodies to locate.
I have never felt less sorry for a person. I know this sounds terrible, but to hear him complain about not breathing, I mean, seriously, I just I don't have any sympathy.
It is pretty ironic, Samantha, that this guy killed 50 people, strangling them so they couldn't breathe. And yet he's complaining about not breathing. That is very interesting.
It's like karma.
And, you know, Phil, when he's telling you this, he's complaining like a child, like he's crying like a baby. And it's just so hard to tap into that empathetic side, which I would feel for anybody else.
I've never heard him act like this. He's always the big, bad strangler. And today he sounds like he's afraid for his life.
Obviously, covid is an issue right now everywhere, but it's a major issue in prisons and facilities.
They don't have masks, but they cannot social distance. Usually there's twice as many inmates that are supposed to be in a prison. So with no way to social distance, there's no way they can prevent it.
You hope Thomas doesn't die, obviously, because you want to get more information.
But I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that really do not care if he lives or dies.
As someone like me who's on a mission to close cases, find bodies, bring closure, bring people's loved ones home. We want these people to live as long as possible to at least allow us to close some of his unsolved cases.
So that was Delmas Colvin, the long haul trucker serial killer, this man has killed more people than Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy. We found the location of one body, but I think there's plenty more to come from Delmas Colvin. We will keep you updated with any new information. Don't miss another episode of Where the Bodies Are Buried.
This podcast is produced by Grinning Dog and Audio. If you want an up close and personal experience with serial killers that you can't get anywhere else, visit my friends are Monsters Fan Club Dotcom and join my fan club.
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