Below is the list of popular video formats we support for translation.
See all formats ▸
How to translate Russian video to Italian?
1. Upload your video.
With our uploader, you can import your file from anywhere, whether it's on your laptop, Google Drive, Youtube, or Dropbox. The first 10 minutes are free and there's no file limit.
2. Select "Russian".
We currently support translating from Russian to English, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Japanese, and Polish.
3. Choose "Transcription" or "Subtitles".
To translate your video, we first need to transcribe it. Depending on the format that you want to export, choose "Subtitles" if you plan to add the subtitles to your video later. Choose "Transcription" if you want to have a transcript instead.
4. Choose "Machine generated" or "Human made".
Our automatic transcription software is lightning fast and 85% accurate. With our human service, your file will be transcribed and proofread by an expert and native speaker and delivered with 99% accuracy.
5. Receive your transcript/subtitles.
Our automatic software will convert your file to text in just a few minutes (depending on the length of your file). If you choose our human service, your transcript/subtitles will be ready within 24 hours.
6. Select "Translation" > "Italian".
Our video translator will generate the Italian translation of your transcript/subtitles within a minute.
7. Click on "Export" and choose your preferred file format.
It's that easy to get translate a video from Russian to Italian.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Russian to Italian video translation work?
Our automatic transcription software transcribes the Russian video and our video translator will translate it into Italian
How can I translate a video from Russian to Italian?
If you want to translate a video from Russian to Italian, you can use Happy Scribe's transcription and translation services. First, choose a transcription service to convert the Russian video to text. Once you have received the file, you can translate it to Italian from the editor.
Can I add the generated subtitles to the video?
Yes, absolutely! If you are editing the video, you can export the subtitles to SRT, VTT, or any format that the subtitle editor that you are using supports. Happy Scribe also has a subtitle tool that can burn/hardcode subtitles on the video.
Supported Languages
Below is the list of popular languages we support for translation.
See all languages ▸-
Great serviceI used their service quite a long time ago in 2017 and it has improved a lot in these years.Adi - Trustpilot
The solution to many transcription problems in a wide range of languages.Happy Scribe made me an almost word-perfect transcription of a long German conversation when the audio was not of the best quality. Impressive!Judith Webb - Trustpilot
Happy Scribe is a great productHappy Scribe is a great product. Saves me so much time and the subtitles are easier to read than what may automatically come with YT.Ira Smith - Trustpilot
Really accurate, easy to useReally accurate transcribing of not-so-high-quality audio, and editing of the transcripts in browser was super easy with automatic jumps to the section of the audio you are editing. Really impressed!ピアースダニエル - Trustpilot